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1. Introduction to Music: (a) Definition of Music (b)Sound (c) Sources of
music (d) Uses of
Music/ The Impact of music on human life.
2. Elements of Music
3. Kinds and Classification of Music: (a) Folk Music, Classical Music, Sacred
Popular Music, Martial Music and Arts Music. (b) Classification- Description
of groups or
classes of Music – Vocal Music, Instrument Music and Dance.
4. Musical Alphabets and Introduction of Musical staff: (a) Musical Alphabets_
(b) Staff: Definition of Staff, Letter names of Lines and spaces [Treble Staff]
and [ Bass Staff].
5. Recorder Music: Description 0f the Recorder, The Recorder family,
Holding the Recorder.
6. Clefs/ letter-names of lines and spaces (Treble and Bass staff): Definition of
Clef, kinds of
Clef. G clef or Treble Clef, F clef or Bass clef.
8. Great Staff: Description of Great staff or stave. Letter names of lines and
spaces. Great stave and the key board.
9. History of Music: Life and Works of G.F Handel
10. Singing
11: Revision of CAT1 AND CAT2.
12. Examination.
NOTE: Educator, ensure all students learn this practical pieces before the end of
the term. Questions will be drawn from the pieces for all levels of assessment.
(CAT1, CAT2 and examination)
Practical piece for voice: From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise (10mks)
Practical piece for Recorder or any other instrument: Amazing Grace
NOTE: Educator, ensure all students learn this practical pieces before the end of
the term. Questions will be drawn from the pieces for all levels of assessment.
(CAT1, CAT2 and examination)
Practical piece for voice: Oh, Holy Night (10mks)
Practical piece for Recorder or any other instrument: National Anthem or
Spidaworks Anthem (10mks)

TOPIC: Introduction to Music


(a) Definition of Music

(b) Uses of music/ Impart of Music on Human Life


Sub – Topic 1: i. Definition of music and sound

Definition of Music

Music is regarded as the combination of an organized sound. The most

important thing in the definition of music is that it must be an organized sound.
Sound is the main source of music. However for sound to be regarded as music
it must be organized, regular and definite. Noise is the opposite of musical
sound. It is produced by irregular and indefinite sound. Another name for noise
is raw sound.


Sound is a vibration of air which is heard when it is produced. It is also a

sensation produced by objects through striking, plucking, bowing and blowing.
Human being can produce sound by singing, clapping and of course by playing
musical instruments. Sound also vibrates the air like a slinky .e.g.

The source of sound include wind, stream or river, birds, other animals and
musical instruments.
Sub-Topic 2

Uses of Music/ The Impact of music on human life.

Music can be used for any of the following functions:
1. Music is used for Religious Purpose
2. It is used for Social Functions .e.g. Wedding Ceremony, Chieftaincy title etc.
3. It is used as a medium Of Communication
4. It is used for advertisement of a product.
5. It is used for therapeutic cure .i.e. to heal the sick.
6. It is used as ringing tones.
7. It is used as an Encouragement Tool in Sporting activities.
8. It serves as a source of income to human life.
9. It serves as an entertainment tool.
10. Lullabies make babies to sleep etc.
Symbol Term Effect

P Piano soft m: d.d.s:-:

PP Pianissimo very soft m: r.m,f,m,m,m.m.r:

MP Mezzo Piano Moderately soft r.t.t, t, t, t,t.t.s:

F Forte Loud s:f.r.d:-//

1. Define music.
2. State the uses and impact of music you know.
3. State any three qualities of music.
1. Describe any four impact of music on human lives.
2. Name four sources of sound.
3. What is sound? Give examples
Reference Text: Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper
Basic Education 1, DR.H.C.Nwafor.


Sub -Topic 1: Elements of Music

The term elements refer to those factors or component which makes up a

music, without those factors, music has no meaning and effect.

The Element of Music includes;

1. Pitch: This refers to height or depth of sound. This means the highest or
lowness of sound.
2. Rhythm: This refers to the movement of music. The movement of music
depends on the time arrangement of notes, beats, accents, and so on. Thus,
music can move in 2 (duple) 3 (triple) 4 (quadruple) time. Similarly, the
movement of music can be fast, slow or moderate.
3. Melody: This means the main tune of a piece of music. It is a succession of
musical notes arranged to produce a tune.
4. Harmony: This means combination of musical notes to form chords. It is
the clothing of melody.
5. Timbre: This is the sound quality that helps to differentiate between one
instrument and another.
6. Texture: It refers to the number of instruments or voices performing
7. Form or structure: It refers to the shape and arrangement of music.
8. Dynamics: The degree of loudness and softness of musical sound.


Adagio slow, leisurely

Andante Moderately slow (at a walking pace)

Moderato At a moderate pace

Allegretto Moderately quick (slightly slower than Allegro)


1. Define pitch.
2. List some elements of music.
3. Describe rhythm as an element of music.


Reference Text: Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper

Basic Education 1, Dr.H.C. Nwafor.


Topic: Kinds and Classification of music


Content development

We have several of music and they include the following;

1. Folk Music: This is refers to the traditional music of a people, which is

performed in the people`s community according to the culture of the people.
Usually, folk music is not written, rather it is transmitted orally from generation
to generation.
2. Classical Music: This is refers to real standard music which develops as a
result of education. It originated from Germany, France, England, Austria and
other western countries. This class of music was composed by great masters
like Bach, Handel, Schubert, Beethoven, Haydn etc. some examples of classical
music are operas, symphonies, oratorios, sonatas, suites, chorales and so on.
3. Sacred Music: This is also called Religious music. It is mainly used for
worship. Examples include hymns, anthems, canticles, masses, cantatas, organ
music, and also traditional worship songs used for rituals.
4. Popular Music: This refers to the current music of the present time. It is
designed for entertainment and commercial purposes. Some of them are reggae,
disco, highlife, etc.
5. Martial Music: This is military music, usually played by the Army, Navy, Air
force, and Police. It is played during official functions and in time of war.
6. Art Music: this is a musical composition of a trained composer whose work
is accepted as having reached a reasonable standard.


1. State different categories of music

2. Distinguish between folk music and classical

Classification of music

Music can be classified into three principal groups, namely Vocal music,
Instrumental music and Dance music pointing that:

1. Vocal Music refers to music for the voice. It involves singing of songs e.g.
hymns, anthems, and so on. Vocal music can be performed with or without
2. Instrumental music means music for instruments only. It does not involve
singing and dancing. It is purely instrumental work, often played for listening
pleasures and appreciation.
3. Dance Music It is designed for body expression. In most cases, dance music
involves vocal music(singing), instrumental work (instrumentation) and

MF Mezzo forte moderately loud

FF Fortissimo Very loud.

< or cres Crescendo Gradually becoming


 Or Decres Decrescendo/Dimuendo Gradually becoming softer


4. How many groups can we classify music.

5. State the three major groups of music.
6. Describe each of the groups of music.

Reference Text: Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper

Basic Education 1, Dr.H.C. Nwafor.
(a) Musical Alphabets.
(b) Staff
(c) Musical Terms
Sub-Topic 1:
Musical Alphabets.

There are seven English alphabets used in music, they are, A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

These seven alphabets are called musical alphabets; they are used to write

The teacher drills the students in singing musical alphabets song.


1 Name the musical alphabets.

2 Sing the musical alphabets song.

Sub-Topic2: STAFF / Musical Terms


The staff is the basis of written music. It is what the notes are presented on.
Musical staff consists of five horizontal lines and four spaces.

Example of musical staff.

Lines Spaces


PP Pianissimo very soft
ff Fortissimo very loud
lento very slow
largo slow and broad
1 Define of musical staff.

2 State and explain three musical terms.


1 Name the musical alphabets.

2 Sing the musical alphabets song.

3. Draw the music staff

Topic: Recorder Music


- Description of recorder.

-Family of recorder

-Holding the recorder.

Content development

Description of the recorder.

The recorder is an ancient instrument. Its history dates back to the medieval
period of music history. Actually the recorder belongs to the flute family, but
then it is regarded as the member of the wood wind family and really operates
on the same mechanism as other wood wind instruments. However, whereas
the other instruments of woodwind family are used in the orchestra the but the
recorder does not appear in the orchestra.

Nowadays, the recorder is very popular in schools as used to be in

England between 16th and 17th centuries. Its popularity rises from the fact that it
is quite cheap to buy the mass produced type and also portable, thus it is easy
for students to carry about.

The family consists of Descant (Soprano), Alto, Tenor, Bass. The descant
recorder is the smallest in size and produces very high pitch. The bass recorder,
on the other hand is the largest member of the family and produces a more
mellow tone. Below are pictures of the family;
Holding the recorder

Normally, the left hand is used to hold the recorder. The thumb of the left
hand is placed behind the instrument and is used to cover the only hole at the
back. Then, the next three fingers of the left hand are so adjusted as to cover the
first three holes in front, nearest to the mouthpiece. These four fingers, first to
fourth, keep the instrument in position as below. (Left hand).

Similarly, the thumb of the right Hand is placed underneath the instrument, just
midway between the third and fourth holes. The rest of the fingers of the Right
Hand are kept in the position as to take charge of the of the remaining holes in
the front of the recorder.

1. Describe the recorder.
2. State the recorder family.


Fundamentals of Music, for junior secondary schools, Upper Basic Education 1,

Dr.H.C. Nwafor.


TOPIC: Clefs/ letter-names of lines and spaces (Treble and Bass staff)



i. Definition of clefs

ii. Kinds of clef, G clef, or Treble clef, F clef or Bass clef.

Clef is a French word, meaning Key.

Clef is defined as a symbol placed at the commencement [beginning] of a stave

[staff] which indicates

the pitch of a musical note and also fixes the letter names of the lines and

Functions of Clef

i. To indicate the pitch of a musical note.

ii. To fix the letter names of the lines and spaces.

Kinds of clef
At this level, we shall consider the two major clefs which are also in common

1. Treble or G clef.

2. Bass or F clef.

The letter names lines and spaces are taken from the seven letters of the
alphabets; A B C D E F G called musical alphabets.

Treble or G clef; this clef starts from the second line of the stave which is called
G, and curls round it.

When G clef is placed on a stave or staff, the stave automatically becomes a

Treble Stave. Treble stave consist of five parallel lines and four spaces as
shown below.

Treble Lines E G B D F Every good boy deserves favour.

Treble Spaces F A C E Fanta and cake every day. To remember the spaces, just
remember that they spell FACE starting from the bottom.

Treble Staff or Stave:


1. Define the word clef

2. Identify the main kinds of clef.

3. Write two functions of a clef on the stave [staff].Third term

4. What are the letter names of the treble clef?


Bass or F clef (pronounced 'base' ) ;Bass clef starts on the fourth line of the
Bass stave . When this symbol is placed on a stave, it becomes Bass staff or

Bass stave consist of five horizontal [parallel] lines and four spaces. The lines
on the bass clef, from bottom to top are: G, B, D, F, A (Good boy deserves fanta

and the spaces are A, C ,E, G( All cows eat grass)

Bass Staff or Stave:


Vivace Lively and animate.

Presto Very quick.

Rall Rallentando becoming gradually slower

Rit Ritardando becoming gradually slower


What are the letter names of the bass clef?


1. Draw the music staff

2. Draw the treble clef with the names of lines and spaces.

3. What are the letter names of the bass clef?

WEEK 7: MID TERM BREAK ASSIGNMENT: Practice the piece below with
any musical instrument.

NOTE: Marks will be awarded.

WEEK : 8


The Grand Staff/Great Staff

The great stave consists of 11 lines and 10 spaces. When the bass and treble clef
are combined and connected by a brace (left) and lines, they become the grand
staff. This greatly increases the range of pitches that can be noted, and is often
used in piano music due to the piano's wide range.

A brace or bracket is a line connecting two or more staves, found to the left of
the staves.

Ledger Lines

Ledger lines are the lines extended below or above the staff, allowing for higher
or lower notes to be shown than would otherwise fit on the staff. These lines
follow the same musical alphabet pattern as the staff does. They are often
referring to as extra lines and spaces on the end of the staff. The stems of notes
on ledger lines extend either up or down towards the middle line.

The piano and the great staff:


1. What is ledger line?

2. Draw a great staff.
3. What are the letter names of the great stave?
4. What joined the treble & bass clef together?
5. Great stave consist of how many lines and spaces?



CONTENT : 1. Musical periods and some major composers.

2. Life and works of G.F Handel.

SUB-TOPIC 1 : Musical periods and some major composers

The historical development of western music is divided into stages, popularly
referred to as “musical periods”. Apart from the early musical periods from B.C.
to 1400 A.D. there are such periods as:

1. Renaissance period (1400- 1600AD)

2. Baroque period (1600-1750AD)
3. Classical period (1750 – 1820 AD)
4. Romantic period (1820-1900AD)
5. Modern period (1900 to date)

SUB-TOPIC2: Life and works of G.F Handel.

George Frederick Handel, was born Halle,

Germany, near Berlin in 1685, the same year that Johann Sebastian Bach
was born. The same year that Johann Sebastian Bach was born. He was one
month older than Bach. His father was a prosperous Barber-Surgeon.
Unlike Bach, he was not from a musical family

His father wanted him to study law, but by age 9, his outstanding musical
ability had manifested that he was allowed to study with a local organist
and composer.

By 11, he could compose and was able to give musical lessons to some. At
18, he had finished reading law in the University, and he could speak
German, French and Italian and English.

At 21, he successfully produced his first Opera Almira.

He first visited England in 1710 and by 1712, he settled there for the rest of
his life. He became England’s most important composer and a favourite of
Queen Ann. He was the director of Royal Academy of Music (a commercial
Opera company)

The job afforded him the opportunity of composing a number of brilliant

operas for outstanding sopranos and castrati (male singings with soprano

In the later part of his life, Handel did not enjoy good health. His last twenty
two years were spent struggling against paralysis and blindness, yet it was
in the last twenty years that he wrote the Oratorios. He became partially
blind in 1751 and totally in 1753.

He died in London in 1759 and was buried in Wwestminster Abbey. Three

thousand mourners attended his funeral. He died full of fame and mush
love in England, his adopted country.


Handel wrote a great deal of instrumental music suites, organ concertos,

concerti grossi. The Messiah which lasts about 21/2 hours when performed
was composed in just 24 days.

The Hellalujah Chorus, which ends part II OF THE Messiah, is one of the
world’s most famous choral pieces.

The text is taken from the book of Revelation which celebrates God as the
Almighty ruler.

Handels Operas include Almira, Rinaldo, Guilo Cesare (Julius Caesar)

and Orlando.

His Orchestra music includes Water music and Music for the Royal Fire


1. Who are the two great musicians born the same year and whose eyes were
unsuccessfully operated upon by the same oculist?
2. State three works of the composer.


Write TWO prominent composers of Baroque period.


Topic: Singing


CONTENT 1: Singing

CONTENT 2: Nigeria’s National National Anthem –sing the national anthem


Singing is the use of voice to produce songs.


There are four main classifications of the singing voice, namely: Soprano,
Alto, tenor and Bass;

(1) Soprano : The soprano is usually sung by women, though

young castrated boys in the olden days also sing soprano.
(2) Alto : This Alto voice is common among the women. The only
difference between soprano and alto voices is that the range is lower
than the soprano.
(3) Tenor : This is the highest voice in the male category and it can
be light, heavy, robust, etc; Depending on the quality of the voice of
the singer.
(4) Bass: It is the deepest range, usually for men.


The new National Anthem was adopted in 1978, composed by Ben Odiase, a
police Officer. Before then, Nigeria was using one since 1960 which was
composed by the British. The new anthem consists of two stanzas which
are complementary to each other. It is composed on the belief of the nation.
The anthem is as follows:

The Wordings: And justice shall reign.

(a)Arise, o compatrriots,
Nigeria’s call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and
The labour of our heroes
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and
One nation bound in
Peace and unity.

(ii) O God of creation,

Direct our noble cause
Guide our leaders
Help our youth the
truth to know
In love and honesty to
And living just and
Great lofty heights
To build a nation
where peace
The tonic solfa of the Anthem of Federal Republic of Nigeria:


m f m r r d (2x)

f m r r d.


1. Who compose the Nigeria National anthem?

2. Recite the National anthem
3. Sing the solfa of the National anthem



Teacher should ask the students to write solfa notations of any 20 common
songs including Nigerian National Anthem and School Anthem. They
should sing the solfa notations and as well play it on any of their musical
instrument. This will help them to develop the ability to recognize musical

Cultural and Creative Arts for Junior Secondary Schools 2, page 61 and 62.


1. The new National Anthem was adopted in ____ (a) 1970 (b) 1978 (c) 1980
(d) 1988 (e) 1960.
2. ______is the use of voice to produce songs. (a)Singing (b)Crying (c) Rapping
3. The composer of the Nigeria National anthem is _____ (a)Fela Anikulapo-
kuti (b)Aina Onabolu (c)Ben Odiase (d) Deniran Simeon.
4. The National anthem is composed on the ____ of the nation. (a)Politice
(b)Religion (c)Election (d)Belief.
5. The National anthem has _____ stanzars. (a) 4 (b)3 (c)2 (d)1 (e)7
Complete the following.
Arise, o __6___,
___7___ call obey
To serve __8__
With __9__ and __10__ and __11__
The labour of our __12__ past
__13_ never be in vain
To serve with __14__ and __15__
One nation bound in ___16__
Peace and unity.

O God of __17__,

Direct our noble __18__

Guide our __19__ right

Help our __20__ the __21__ to know

In love and honesty to __22__

And __23__ just and true

Great __24_ heights attain

To build a nation where peace

And _25__ shall reign.


a. Write out the solfa of your school anthem.

b. Sing the wordings of the National anthem alone and in group of two
four, boys and girls. This should be accompanied by the keyboard.




1. Music is defined as --------- (a) sound (b) organized sound (c) dance (d)
exercise (e) movement

2. Unorganized sound is ------------ (a) music (b) noise (c) dance (d) sleep (e) food

3. Some qualities of music include -------- (a) regular and definite (b) sleeping
and eating (c) dancing and fighting (d) games and sports (e) irregular and

4. The only source of music is --------- (a) play (b) walk (c) sound (d) noise (e) cry

5. Irregular and indefinite sounds produce -------(a) noise (b) song (c) dance (d)
music (e) melody

6. The factors that make up music are known as-------- (a) factors (b) music (c)
elements (d) sound (e) moon

7. ------ is an element of music (a) soap (b)cream (c) peace (d) melody (e) purity

8.The movement of music is --------- (a) rhythm (b) love (c) grace (d) sound (e)

9.The combination of musical notes to form chord is (a) harmony (b) rhythm (c)
chord (d) piano (e) violin

10.These are kinds of music EXCEPTS-------- (a)folk (b) classical (c) pop (d) art
(e) tu face

11.The music with body expression is known as ----------- (a) vocal Music (b)
dance music (c) instrumental music (d) class music (e) hostel music

12.These are occasions for music making EXCEPT ---------- (a) naming ceremony
(b) birthday(c) funeral service (d) new yam festival (e) siesta period
13.The musical term forte (P) means --------- (a) loud (b) soft (c) hard (d) fruit (e)

14.The height or depth of sound is -------- (a) access (b) duration (c) timbre (d)
pitch (e) heaven

15. FF (fortissimo ) means--------- (a)moderately loud (b)loud (c) very loud (d)
soft (e) very soft

16. There are ----------kinds of music. (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 2 (e) 6

17.The musical composition of trained musicians is ------- (a) marital music (b)
pop music (c) art music (d) folk music (e) church music

18.The music used for sports and games is ------- (a) art music (b) aerobic music
(c) lullaby (d) pop music (e) classical music

19.The vibration of the air which is detected by the ear is ------- (a) sports (b)
sound (c) light (d) dance (e) play

20.Sound can only be heard through ----- (a) eye (b) noise (c) finger (d) clever
board (e) ear

21.These are sources of sound EXCEPT one (a) singing (b) bowing (c)striking
(d)plucking (e)resting.

22. Mezzo Piano means ______________. (a) soft (b) loud (c) moderately soft (d) very

23.The musical term adagio means ……………..(a) fast (b)leisurely (c)very high
(d)very low

24.Lullaby music makes babies …………..(a) play (b)cry (c)run (d)write (e)sleep)

25.One example of popular music is ……………(a)Handle Messiah (b)p--square

(c)school choir (d)military music.

26.Traditional music of the people is known as…………..(a) church music

(b)martial music (c)sacred music (d)lullaby (e) folk music .
27…………………is a musical function of instrument (a) lulling babies to sleep (b)
providing rhythmic variations(c) movement of music (d) job creation

28. Which of the following refers to the height or depth of sound? (a) pitch (c)

(c) melody (d) harmony

29. The rhythm of a particular music depends on _________. (a) the pitch (b) time
and arrangement of notes (c) the melody (d) the height or depth of the sound

30. Vocal music refers to what kind of music? (a) music for the voice (b) music for
the instrument (c) music for body expression (d) music for the deaf

31. Music can be broadly classified into how many groups? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 3

32.____________ is an arrangement of sound that are pleasing to the hear. (a) noise
(b) music (c) musical instrument (d) dance

33. The qualities of a good music include the following except _____________. (a) it is
regular and definite (b) sounds are organized in an artistic manner (c) it is fine
and beautiful (d) enjoyable and pleasing to the audience

34. Music is not enjoyable during one of the following human activities. (a) sport
(b) naming ceremony (c) wedding ceremony (d) sleep

35. The musical term for very loud is _________________. (a) forte (b) fortissimo (c)
crescendo (d) Mezzo Forte

35. The Recorder produces sound by-----------(a) playing (b) blowing (c) bowing
(d) plucking

36. Which of the following is a type of Recorder? (a) Descant (b) Harmony (c)
Piccolo (d) Harmonica

37. The first beat of a bar is usually --------------(a) sweet (b) long (c) strong (d)

38.A Clef is a French word that means--------(a) Music (b) Key (c) Tune (d) Pitch
39. A Clef determines one of the following, (a) the movement in a stave (b)
musical phrases in a stave

(c) bars in a stave (d) letter names of a stave

40.--------------is a symbol drawn at the beginning of a stave (a) Accent (b) Bar (c)
Clef (d) Arrow

41. A Stave is made up of -------------(a) five lines and four spaces (b) five
horizontal lines and four spaces

(c )four lines and five spaces (d) five vertical lines and four spaces

42. --------is an example of a common clef (a) Violin clef (b) E clef (c) G clef (d)
Bassoon Clef

43. There are ------- music Alphabets (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 5

44. The Recorder has a total of ----------- holes (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 9

45. The treble lines are ------------(a) E B D G F (b) B D F A G (c) G B D F A (d) E G


46. The Pitch of a musical note is determined by a---------(a) Staff (b) Bar line (c)
Solfa (d) Clef

47. The Recorder belongs to the family of instruments classified as-------(a) Brass
(b) Percussion

(c) Aerophone (d)Woodwind

48. The Treble spaces are------------(a) F C A E (b) A C E G (c) F A C E (d) F A D E

49. The 3rd line on the treble stave is (a) B (b) E (c) D (d) C

50. ---------- is used to extend the stave above or below(a) Bar lines (b) Merger
lines (c) Ledger lines

(d) Horizontal line

51. The Bass clef is also called F clef because---------(a) it looks like F (b) it ends
on line F (c) it is drawn from space F (d) it is drawn from line F
52. The spaces on the great stave are----------(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 9 (d) 12

53. The 4th line on the Bass stave is ------------(a) G (b) D (c) F (d) E

54. Between the treble stave and bass stave lies a------------ (a) clef (b) beat (c)
bar line(d) leger line

55. ----------- connects two or more staves to the left (a) clef (b) brace (c) bar
line(d) middle line

56. In playing the Recorder, the right thumb is placed---------- (a) at the hole
beneath the recorder (b) in front of the recorder (c) by the recorder (d) beneath
the recorder

57. -------is the smallest among the family of Recorders (a) Piccolo (b) Flute (c)
Descant (d) Alto

58. The hole underneath the recorder is played by----------- (a) the index finger
(b) the middle finger (c) the left thumb (d) the right thumb

59. The ----------recorder has a low pitch (a) treble (b) descant (c) tenor (d) bass

60.Mf means……….(a) Moderately cool (b) Moderately soft (c) Moderately fast
(d) Moderately hot (e) Moderately loud

61. Musical activities involve the following except _______.(a) singing (b) dancing

(c) playing of musical instrument (d) running

62. Mezzo Piano means ______________. (a) soft (b) loud (c) moderately soft (d) very

63. Which of the following refers to the height or depth of sound? (a) pitch (c)

(c) melody (d) harmony

64. The rhythm of a particular music depends on _________. (a) the pitch (b) time
and arrangement of notes (c) the melody (d) the height or depth of the sound
65. Vocal music refers to what kind of music? (a) music for the voice (b) music
for the instrument (c) music for body expression (d) music for the deaf
66. Music can be broadly classified into how many groups? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d)
67. ____________ is an arrangement of sound that are pleasing to the hear. (a)
noise (b) music (c) musical instrument (d) dance
68. The qualities of a good music include the following except _____________. (a) it
is regular and definite (b) sounds are organized in an artistic manner (c) it is
fine and beautiful (d) enjoyable and pleasing to the audience
69. Music is not enjoyable during one of the following human activities. (a)
sport (b) naming ceremony (c) wedding ceremony (d) slee
70. The musical term for very loud is _________________. (a) forte (b) fortissimo
(c) crescendo (d) Mezzo Forte

(Essay Questions)

1. Write 4 musical elements.

2. High light three (3) QUALITIES of music.

3. State three (3) kinds of music.

4. Construct a bass staff and fix the letter-names.

5. State the three classifications of music.

6. What is musical staff?

7. Draw a treble staff and fix the letter-names.

8. Define the term sound.

9. List four sources of sound.

10 State five (5) uses of music.

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