Printable Grammar
Printable Grammar
Printable Grammar
Subject-Verb Agreement
A verb that tells about an action that is happening now is in the present
tense. Verbs in the present tense have two forms. The correct form to use
depends on the subject of the sentence.
Except for I, add –s to the verb when the noun in the subject is singular.
Do not add –s to the verb when the noun in the subject is plural.
The dogs next door bark when they see Pepper coming.
> Underline the correct present-tense verb in parentheses. Then write each
sentence correctly.
> Revisit your piece of writing. Edit the draft to make sure all subject-verb
agreement is used correctly.
Some verbs end with –es instead of –s. Add –es to verbs that end with s,
sh, ch, or x when they are used with a singular noun in the subject. Do not
add –es when the noun in the subject is plural.
Some verbs end with a consonant and y. Change the y to i, and add –es
when you use this kind of verb with a singular noun.
The verb reach adds –es. The verb hurry changes the y to i and adds –es.
> Underline the correct present-tense verb in parentheses. Then write each
sentence correctly.
1. Helena (asks, askes) her sister for help with her math homework.
> Revisit your piece of writing. Edit the draft to make sure all verbs are
written correctly.
> Revisit your piece of writing. Edit the draft to make sure all singular and
plural subjects are used correctly.
> What is an animal that you would like to learn more about? Write two or three
sentences about what you would like to learn.