Powering Maritime
Challenges and prospects in ship electrification.
HE EXPONENTIAL INCREASE IN GLOBAL operate around. Power electronics is one of the key enabling
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the technologies in tackling these challenges and thereby creat-
rapid depletion of fossil fuels over the past ing safe, reliable, and emission-free maritime transport.
few decades have swayed the transportation
sector toward becoming more electric. In the Background
last decade, with continuous improvements in battery tech- Marine transport is the backbone of the international trad-
nology and interfacing power electronics, there has been ing community. Globally, ships are responsible for the move-
immense progress in the electrification of land-based trans- ment of 80% of goods by volume. Compared to other forms
port. As their electrification gains pace, the focus is shifting of transport, like airborne and overland, ships are the most
toward greening other forms of transport, such as maritime economical and environment-friendly means for transport-
and aviation sectors, since they contribute substantially to ing goods over large distances. However, with the rapid
the total carbon footprint. The marine sector has witnessed growth of Asian markets, the volume of shipped goods is
huge growth in recent years because of the development of increasing at a tremendous rate and there is a rising con-
international trade, wherein it plays an essential role in the cern over ship emissions, especially around ports. When at
transportation of goods across the globe. The variation in berth, ships are known to emit various pollutants, like SOX,
ship sizes, types, and routes—along with their grid-distant NOX, particulates, and GHGs, which are hazardous to the
nature and water-borne operation—distinguishes them from environment and the population living in the port cities.
terrestrial electric vehicles. This gives rise to a multitude of According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO),
unique challenges on board as well as at the ports that they CO2 emissions from international shipping could increase
by 250% by 2050. At present, the transportation sector con-
tributes to about 26% of total GHG emissions, while mari-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2023.3264926
Date of current version: 2 June 2023 time systems account for 4% of the total share (Figure 1).
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Nearly 940 million tons of CO2 are
emitted annually by ships and with
Others (2%) Electricity (30%)
these numbers projected to go only
Agriculture (9%)
upward, the maritime industry must Industry (21%)
navigate toward greener shipping
and electrification plays a primary
role in achieving that.
Spectrum of Electrification
Identification of target sectors for
vessel electrification involves a
study of their sizes, frequency/
Commercial and Residential (12%)
duration of shore stoppages, suit-
Passenger Cars/Vans (12%)
ability of battery-based power in
Trucks/Buses (5%)
their normal operations, and avail- Transportation (26%) Marine Navigation (4%)
ability of adequate grid power at Aviation (4%)
ports. Mechanical dynamics, Scooters, Rail, etc. (1%)
which can be influenced by (a)
redistribution of weight and even
the positioning of this weight, 6
becomes an important parameter
4 Expected
for a ship designer in the potential
Change From Previous Year
electrification of a vessel. A sum- (2022–2026)
mary of power electronics applica-
tions across the spectrum of 0
maritime transport is presented in
Figure 2. The use ranges from com- –2
Impact of
plete onboard generation in ves- COVID-19
sels like small solar boats (which –4
do not require onshore charging),
to marginal use in ocean-going –6
2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021
vessels, such as tankers. Still,
power electronics is only slowly
being pushed to the larger ship
market. The Norwegian fully elec- Figure 1. (a) Breakdown of the contribution by various sectors toward global GHG emissions,
based on data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (b) Annual change in the interna-
tric and autonomous cargo ship tional maritime trade since 2011 and its anticipated growth for 2022–2026, based on data from
Yara Birkeland, which powers from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Annual Review of Maritime Transport.
Silent 55 Yacht
(210 kWh) - 2019 Fully Electric Cargo Ships
(Onshore Charging) ~10 MWh
Batteries play a supporting role
Boats, Ferries, for peak shaving and their size
Onboard Generation Superyachts
and Charging may vary over a wide range.
~1,000 kWh
(Use of PV Cells)
Solar Vessels,
Pleasure Yachts Optional Onboard Generation With PV Arrays and Wind Assistance Systems
~50 kWh
Ship Size
Figure 2. Spectrum of electrification for marine transport with some recently built electric ships; the applicability range varies from solar boats that
do not require a grid charging infrastructure to large cruise ships, where batteries will play only a marginal role for the near future. PV, photovoltaic.
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(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Damen RSD-E 2513: the electric tug powers from a 2.78-MWh battery, which is fully charged in 2 hours. (b) Damen ferry 2306 E3:
the city ferry uses a 184-kWh battery, which is fully charged in 7 min through two 5-kA CCS2 connectors (Images: Damen Shipyards Group, used
with permission).
a 7-MWh battery, is set to be the first ship of its kind to ratios, such as tugboats, there has been considerable
start operating in 2022 across the Scandinavian fjords. progress. In August 2022, Damen Shipyards launched
Although the ship leads to zero emissions, its estimated the world’s first full-sized electric tug: the Damen
production cost is three times that of a normal ship of its RSD-E 2513, Sparky (Figure 3). The tug has 80 battery
size, indicating the need for optimization at several levels racks employing a total of 2,240 batteries, resulting in a
before large-ship owners see this as a feasible alterna- 2.78-MWh storage. Even though the initial costs are
tive. Even for ships that have extreme power-to-tonnage high, the operating costs are less than one-third of a
similar diesel-operated tug.
As of 2022, there are about 600
battery-powered ships, of which
Peak Demand Average Demand about 25% are fully electric, nearly
25% are plug-in hybrid, and the rest
8 do not require shore charging. The
Power (MW)
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superior drive performance, reduction in emissions, and Due to the time-invariant nature of dc quantities in
electromagnetic compatibility with other equipment on steady state, there are no problems associated with
board has been increasingly explored. time-varying magnetic fields, such as skin and prox-
Nowadays, with the size of vessels going up to hun- imity effects. This leads to conductors having a larger
dreds of meters, the power requirements on board have skin depth, which saves volume and increases the
risen to tens of megawatts (Figures 4 and 5). Therefore, power density onboard. In a space- and weight-con-
modern ships are essentially isolated power systems, strained environment like a ship, this advantage of a
with all the aspects of generation, protection, distribution, reduced conductor volume is significant.
capability of energy storage, power conversion, etc. For With improvements being made in solid-state circuit
reliability, there is often redundancy in the power system breaker technology, fast protection circuits have become
architecture in the form of multiple symmetrical units for more affordable for ship owners, making hybrid and dc-
generation/distribution. Traditionally, the primary electric based systems more popular, especially for smaller ves-
distribution of these vessels has been based on an ac sys- sels. Figure 6 shows the electrical architecture of the MV
tem. This is because it allows for simpler protection, Wolfe Islander IV, a zero-emission ferry to be brought into
which is inherent to all ac systems because of the pres- service in 2022. The onboard system is primarily powered
ence of an instantaneous zero current in every half cycle by a 930-V dc bus, which facilitates driving the main pro-
of operation. However, recently the change to dc-based pulsion system. A smaller ac bus is also present to feed
and hybrid architectures is gaining more popularity the ac consumers on board. The different interfacing
because of the following factors:
xx For ships with multiple speed
drives, a dc distribution elimi-
nates redundant ac/dc stages
and enables easy integration of
dc power sources, such as bat-
teries, fuel cells, etc.
xx With only voltage magnitude to
cater for, control of a dc-based
system is simple, while in ac,
aspects of grid/ship frequen-
cies, reactive power, and syn-
chronization make the control
more complex.
xx A dc grid system enables the 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz
operation of an onboard gener-
ator set at optimum specific oil (a)
consumption irrespective of
the load by varying engine 100
speed. This is not possible in 50 Hz 60 Hz
ac distribution as the varia-
tion in speed would change
Percentage of Ships
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power converters enable energy transfer within the vari- However, with the advent of power electronics capable of
ous systems onboard. The symmetrical and redundant handling large voltages and currents, noise-free static shore
structure ensures reliability and allows isolating a part of converters have become more popular. These converters can
the system in case of a fault. The diesel generators serve feature high-frequency isolation (as in Marpower SPC-II for
as backups in case of battery failure. 25 to 740 kVA) in the form of a dual active bridge connected
More recently, the use of bipolar dc-grids has been to voltage source inverters or multilevel converters on either
proposed for ships, which offers more flexibility in distri- side to match the respective frequencies of the shore and the
bution and a higher power density. However, power bal- ship (Figure 7). In recent years, manufacturers such as ABB,
ancing, voltage stability, protection, and lack of standards Marpower, and Asea Power Systems have been supplying
in bipolar dc grids are some key challenges that have so shore converters to various ports across the globe, allowing
far limited their implementation. ship owners to reduce the emissions arising in harbor areas.
For low-voltage systems, insulated gate bipolar transistor
Shore-to-Ship Interface (IGBT)-based frequency converters are common (such as ABB
Besides the vessel itself, in recent years there has also been PCS-100 for up to 4 MVA) while IGCTs are used for medium
considerable interest in the design of smart harbor area voltage systems (such as ABB PCS-6000 for 3 to 6 MVA, ABB
grids. For the ships that are not battery operated, design ACS-6000 for 5 to 24 MVA). With ship electrification becom-
aspects of cold ironing are being actively explored. This ing a necessity for the future, the shore infrastructure need-
may be an ac/dc or ac/ac interface with isolation and/or ed to feed all the vessels should be set up strategically at the
frequency/voltage conversion, depending upon the shore ports. The use of high-frequency magnetics has a long-term
supply and the vessel’s power system. Most vessels that advantage over rotating converters and bulky transformers
employ an ac distribution grid have a 60-Hz main bus, because of its low volume in potentially space-constrained
while a majority of the countries make use of a 50-Hz grid port environments. However, cost and reliability consider-
(Figure 5). This necessitates the need for frequency conver- ations create a design compromise that needs to be catered
sion in addition to the voltage scaling that could otherwise to and accordingly a suitable technology can be implement-
be done by conventional transformers. The voltages on ed specifically to a location and the requirements thereof.
board can range from 400 V in small boats to 11 kV in large For battery-operated ships and ferries that need to follow
cruise vessels. Rotating converters employing a synchro- a preplanned schedule, the charging process is constrained
nous machine pair have been used for shore-to-ship fre- within a critical time, which can be down to a few minutes
quency conversion, wherein the two machines are coupled for short-distance ferries. Therefore, disturbances and faults
mechanically and the difference in pole pairs enables fre- in a weak grid that hinder/slow down the process of charg-
quency conversion. ing can result in inconvenience for passengers and loss of
930 V dc
ac 120 V/60 Hz
Loads ac Microgrid Ship
Figure 6. Single line diagram of an electric ferry, MV Wolfe Islander IV, showing several stages of power conversion. The ferry can be connected
to the shore from both the starboard and port sides and will serve between Kingston, ON, and Wolfe Island in Canada. BESS: battery energy
storage system; VFDs: variable frequency drives.
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revenue for ship owners. Battery container swapping has
stage 4 conversion is eliminated. (b) In high-power applications, it is more common to use multipulse transformers (zigzag or extended delta) on the grid side with line-frequency isolation and phase-shift-
been suggested as one solution to deal with this problem.
wiched between a pair of two-level voltage source converters. For higher voltages, a multilevel structure is more suitable. Furthermore, for shore converters aimed to power ships with a dc distribution,
Figure 7. Modular grid-connected shore converters. (a) Medium frequency isolation-based shore power converters: in the simplest topology (for low-voltage applications), a dual-active bridge is sand-
Cable to Ship
The method involves charging surplus batteries during base-
load hours through renewable energy sources at the harbor.
These batteries are then swapped with the exhausted ones
from the incoming vessel during peak-load hours. However,
ac Filter
several logistics need to be addressed in the replacement of
battery packs at the harbor, and the process may be more
ed secondaries. Other multilevel converters, such as modular multilevel and variants of neutral point clamped converter, can be used on the ship-side for a low-distortion voltage.
labor-intensive and costly than making charging cable con-
nections due to equipment, crane operations for transport
of batteries, etc. In addition, the lack of fixed standards or
types of batteries in ships makes it difficult to have replace-
ments ready for all varieties. Therefore, ensuring sufficient
renewable power and energy storage devices at the shore to
aid charging during peak-load duration is possibly a better
long-term solution. In charging the onboard battery, cable
connections with an onboard/offboard charger or wireless
methods may be employed. As ship charging power levels
can go up to tens of megawatts, having connections execut-
ed by crew members may not be practical in the future as
cable sizes increase with improvements in charging tech-
nology. The resulting time lost in connecting the heavy
Shore Connection
cables can in turn lead to reduction in the charging energy
Cable to Ship
delivered to the vessel.
Inductive power transfer methods have been suggested
for wireless charging of ships at the port. However, challeng-
es of tracking receiver coils in tidal/wave movements and of
placement of transmitter coils at the shore to optimize
ac Filter
Level k
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a fault in the onshore batteries (short circuit, overheating, accidents. Moreover, passive cathodic protection (for boats
degradation, etc.), failure of power electronics semicon- or small ships) and impressed current cathodic protection
ductors, or a problem in other interfacing components, (for larger vessels) are used to protect against corrosion.
such as inductors, capacitors, transformers, cables, etc.
Each of these can result in hampering the charging Maritime Batteries and Onboard Storage
process and cause inconvenience to the passengers and The advent of energy storage technologies has enabled
the operating crew. In order to tackle this, shore converters the transportation sector to become more electric and bat-
often have redundancy- and modularity-based designs teries are at the forefront of this evolution. Other than
that improve the margin for safety in case of a malfunction, being the primary energy sources on electric ships,
by isolating/disconnecting only the faulty part of the system onboard batteries can have several other functions,
and allowing continued power delivery, be it at a reduced rat- depending upon the vessel requirements:
ing. The power management and control architecture should xx They provide an ever-present spinning reserve, which
be able to achieve such a bypassing condition. Therefore, the means fewer generators are required to remain online
interfacing connection can operate normally or under derat- in case of large ships.
ed conditions, or else be in a state of complete dysfunction. xx They facilitate in making the generators operate at an
An assessment of the overall reliability of this interface is optimum power point by functioning as energy con-
thus imperative. Markov chain analysis and Fides estimation sumers or producers, depending on the existing
have been used in the literature to assess the reliability of demand.
shore-to-ship charging systems. These methods aid in creat- xx They provide dynamic support and enhance system
ing indices for derated charging, loss of charging mechanism, stability when sources with low dynamic capabili-
and the mean time to first failure. IGBTs and battery packs ties are operated under severely varying loading
have been identified as the dominant components responsi- conditions.
ble for system failure. Figure 9 shows the several underlying xx They are able to store the harvested energy from
causes that can lead to a failure within these components. cranes, drilling equipment, etc., thereby increasing
An effective reliability assessment should insure the ship overall system efficiency.
owners against possible economic lapses. However, a safer As different ship types have varying power require-
design may not always be the most efficient and most eco- ments and cycles of operation, a variety of energy storage
nomical one. Therefore, using these guidelines, carrying out a systems have been considered for their use. Several non-
reliability analysis specific to each case can help narrow conventional storage systems, like flywheels, super-capac-
down a design compromise where the component place- itors, and superconducting magnetic energy storage have
ment, system ratings with safety margins, redundancy in the been proposed for additional support to onboard batteries
design, and historical failure data are all taken into account. because of their high power density. Integration of these
With vessels becoming more electric, their safety and sources can be carried out based on the load demand
protection mechanisms also need to be altered according- nuances, such as the potential presence of pulsed loads,
ly. Dangerous touch voltages that occur during line-to- switching dynamics, etc. Moreover, the choice of battery
ground faults, residual charges on the cables connecting chemistry itself is affected by several factors. Depending
the ship to the grid, and stray currents flowing through on its operational requirements, a vessel can have its time
undesirable parts can all create safety issues and lead to divided between just loitering, navigating, in combat,
corrosion or withering of the ship hull. Therefore, appro- docking at the port, etc. This leads to a vast difference in
priate protection mechanisms for overcurrent and over- the objectives set out for the onboard energy-supplying
voltage are employed to safeguard against any possible system in terms of target lifespans, power and energy
5.6 km
The Sognefjord
410 kWh 410 kWh
Figure 8. Operation of motor ferry Ampere sailing between Lavik and Oppedal in the Norwegian inlet, Sognefjord. Shore batteries are used to
alleviate the power burden on the ac grid when the ferry stops for recharging the onboard batteries at one of the stations.
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densities, reasonable cost investments, etc. Based
on these factors, several battery technologies
Figure 9. (a) Common causes of failure in power electronic converters. (b) Various types of faults in batteries. With energy interfaces becoming more electric, condition monitoring of power converters
have been explored for use in the maritime
Thermal Runaway
sector (Table 1).
External Short Circuit
Because of their versatility, lithium-nickle (Ni)
manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co) (lithium-NMC) batter-
ies have emerged as the most widely used technol-
ogy in the maritime sector. Changing the relative
Failure of Battery
proportions of Ni, Mn, and Co enables altering the
properties of the battery considerably [Figure 10(a)].
These are often denoted by NMC xyz where x, y,
and z specify relative proportions of Ni, Mn, and Co,
Overcharge or
40% Ni, 30% Mn, and 30% Co) is a commonly used
battery chemistry. A higher proportion of Ni
and the development of battery management systems play a crucial role in the transition toward reliable emission-free transportation.
gy density make them a good candidate for use in
the transportation sector. The absence of a liquid
electrolyte leads to an inherently compact and
Latch Up
Cooling System
Cleaner Fuels
With fossil fuels depleting at a rate faster than
Connections Failure
Bond Wire
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any leakage in the tanks, cells, or feed systems are there- framework within a vessel and a substantial decrease in
fore required for preventing any accident. Moreover, GHG emissions. Since they are static and similar to batter-
although some of them are emission-free in operation, ies, as opposed to traditional fuel engines, it is possible to
their production can still lead to substantial emissions distribute them in smaller fragments over a larger space
(Figure 11). Therefore, cleaner methods to synthesize inside a ship rather than in a confined space, where all
them on a large scale still need to be implemented. power generation takes place. This is advantageous in a
The applicability of these fuels to different ship types ship because it enables multifunctionality and a battery
based on power and energy density, manufacturing cost, pack can independently supply energy to meet a particular
operational efficiency, long-term reliability, etc., is being part of the load on board, while also being part of the larger
intensively explored. With restrictions on emissions only system as a whole. It essentially means the entirety of the
becoming stricter, alternate energy sources have recently energy demand need not be met from the main distribu-
undergone rapid development. However, due to the long tion and small microgrids onboard may safely function as
lifespan of ships, the transition to alternative fuels is isolated systems. Unlike with traditional engines, this is
expected to be relatively slow because of the large costs of practically possible with batteries, as there are no moving
retrofitting the old vessels. Moreover, the mandatory regu- parts, sounds, or localized emissions that necessitate them
lations of the energy efficiency design index that were to be operated separately in a confined space. As modern
introduced by the IMO for restricting ship emissions only ships can be hundreds of meters long, the distribution net-
apply to newly built vessels, leaving ship owners unincen- work with all its ancillary and protection equipment can
tivized to switch to newer technologies. occupy a large amount of space on board. Therefore, a mul-
tifunctional setup can save a substantial amount of vol-
Distributed Architecture and ume inside the vessel as a distributed architecture can
Multifunctional Storage eliminate redundant parts of distribution and protection
Fuel cells have the potential to change the landscape of that take up space. For instance, in case of a fault, the pro-
maritime, aviation, and terrestrial transportation systems. tection system generally isolates a part of the distribution
Their use can enable a complete transition of the energy and makes use of alternate cables from the engine room to
TABLE 1. Commonly used battery types in the maritime industry and their features.
For comparison, energy densities represent the battery cells; in modules, the values are expected to decrease (based on data from European Maritime Safety Agency). SE: specific energy.
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power vital loads. With distributed battery energy storage comprises the climate-control system, refrigeration, light-
systems onboard, the need of such redundant networks ing, communications, entertainment, water treatment,
may be eliminated in some cases if the batteries can power and other utilities. Therefore, electrification of ships must
the vital loads (communication, navigation systems, etc.) simultaneously come with enhancement of distribution
for a suitable period of time. In particular, such structures grids at the port. Legislative and regulatory measures,
are attractive for naval vessels wherein for better surviv- such as pricing policies, play a crucial role in incentivizing
ability, a zonal electrical distribution is advantageous in that. Renewable energy integration at the port sites to sup-
case of damage to certain parts of the vessel. Figure 12 port weak grids will indirectly help in accelerating the rate
shows such a zonal distribution for dc system onboard. of electrification. Building solar or wind farms near large
ports will enable the port grids to withstand the imminent
Operational Issues, Management, and Control increase in the energy demand. Furthermore, in the case
of small ports in remote locations, it is not an economical
Enhancing Shore Grids solution to enhance a weak grid to a level such that it is
Modern vessels require up to tens of megawatts even capable of delivering megawatts of power for a few min-
when docked to feed nonpropulsion loads on board. This utes to charge a ferry and then not be using any of the
alt (
High Stability
Good Lifetime
Energy 40
Low Cost Density Increasing Co
Nickel (Ni)
NMC 433 NMC 622 NMC 811 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
NMC 415 NMC 424 NMC 514 Number of Cycles
(a) (b)
Load Load
– +
– +
Electrons Electrons
Electrolyte Electrolyte Electrolyte
Figure 10. (a) Composition of NMC batteries. (b) Effect of Co content on the lifespan of an NMC battery. (c) Comparison of the structure of a
liquid-electrolyte–based battery and a solid-state battery illustrating the compactness of the latter. LCO: lithium cobalt oxide; LNO: lithium nickel
oxide; LMO: lithium manganese oxide.
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available reserves for the rest of the day. Employing shore solutions for logistic and technical challenges faced in
storage for supporting the grid becomes essential in such developing such a system. The project has identified sev-
cases where the onshore storage can be charged all day eral performance indices, such as the footprint of shore
and subsequently be used to shave the shore power converter and transformer, connection/disconnection
demand peak on the arrival of a ferry. Since electric vehi- times, charging efficiency, operation and maintenance
cles have been in the main markets for a considerable costs, power availability, etc.
period, there is a growing number of batteries with sec-
ond-life options. A potential second-life application for Electromagnetic Compatibility Considerations
them would be in grid support at the ports, where a signif- Rapidly changing environments within and around the
icant load increase is imminent with large-scale ship elec- ships, wherein the electrical system is dominated by fast-
trification being on the horizon. In October 2022, the switching devices, require a closer inspection of the elec-
hyperpowered vessel battery charging system project tromagnetic compatibility of the different system
(HypoBatt) was announced with the aim of developing a components. Various international standards have been
multimegawatt charger for the ferries operating in the defined to serve as guidelines for a shore-to-ship interface,
northwest European regions and coming up with such as International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)/
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO)/IEEE 80005-1
200 189 (for high-voltage shore connec-
Well to Wake
Tank to Wake
tions: over 1 kV), IEC/ISO/IEEE
80005-2 (for the communication
150 Well to Tank
CO2 Emissions (g/MJ)
losses and making overall power
delivery more efficient. Within the
LNG ship itself IEC/publicly available
MTH(N) specification (PAS) 60092-510-2009
MTH(N) (for electrical installations in ships),
AMN(N) IEEE C6314, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC
AMN(N) 610004-6, and IEC 60092-101, for
LiB electromagnetic compatibility
H2(N) H2(N)
LiB within the integrated ship power
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 systems, are defined to restrict
Specific Energy (MJ/kg)
electromagnetic interaction
HFO: Heavy Fuel Oil MGO: Marine Gas Oil LNG: Liquified Natural Gas between the various networks on
LIB: Li-Ion Battery MTH: Methanol AMN: Ammonia board. As far as ship charging is
H2: Hydrogen (N) → From Natural Gas concerned, there is a considerable
(b) lack of standards compared to cold-
ironing, especially in dc-based
Figure 11. (a) CO2 emissions from the existing and prospective marine fuels showing the perfor- charging. Table 2 lists the relevant
mance of carbon-capture based e-fuels relative to conventional fuels. (b) Energy density and spe-
cific energy of the various fuels with volume and mass of the tank system included and excluded standards for different aspects of
(based on data from the Maritime Research Institute of Netherlands). the shore–ship interface.
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Energy Routing and Communication
Figure 12. (a) Zonal electrical distribution in a ship with dc grid. (b) Expanded form of a particular zone: dc–dc converters allow fault clearance, power flow management, dc voltage regulation, etc. In the
The electrical framework in ports is experiencing a transition. The
vessels are changing from being virtually nonexistent on the grid pre-
dc Side 2
viously to being large consumers and bulk storage providers, and this
certainly requires an inspection of the energy management plan. Tra-
ditionally, an increased load demand in a power system would be
met by increased generation on the source side, which was available
as part of the spinning reserve. Automatic load frequency control,
automatic voltage regulators, and on-load tap changers constitute the
primary control mechanism of this system, characterized by unidirec-
tional energy flow and a centralized generation. With the introduction
of renewable energy and the evolution of storage technologies, the
generation system is becoming more distributed and a number of
users can serve as both producers and consumers of energy, based on
the renewable power, storage capacity, and load demand. Modern
event that both incoming zones are faulty, the battery pack is used to deliver energy to vital loads and the diodes prevent conduction to the other parts.
ports also need to function in such a dual role where an energy
exchange is carried out between the grid and users based on the
Vital dc Load
demand at specific times (Figure 13). This system of energy exchange
in a smart grid, also called the energy internet due to similarities with
information exchange on the web, could be key in the energy distri-
bution around the ports. Since these large ports can house hundreds
dc Side 1
of vessels each day, among which a large number of the fleet are
docked for most of the time, the battery-based vessels can play an
important role in power system stability by serving as banks of spin-
ning reserve connected to the grid. For such a bidirectional energy
flow-based architecture to function properly, real-time communica-
tion between vessels and dynamic management of the energy flow
through power converters is paramount. Information about tracking
and forecasting the available renewable power, the movement of ves-
sels in real-time with positioning equipment (GPS), and accurate
measurements of the energy available in shore storage systems need-
ing to be transmitted using a reliable communication system with
low transmission latency and high information security, is required
Zone n
Energy Metering
Zone 2
Electrification of ships poses several challenges, which call for regula-
tory actions along with technological developments. The use of alter-
ac Grid
ac Grid
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of their inherent advantages over ac-based systems and complexity, etc. need to be factored in for choosing the suit-
advancements in solid-state breaker technology. These new able method. The development of energy storage systems
architectures would also enable the existence of distributed plays a vital role in the mass electrification of marine trans-
energy systems and multifunctionality of the onboard power port. Improvement in energy densities and battery manage-
system where localized microgrids could coexist indepen- ment system technology has enabled full electrification to be
dent of the larger power system on board. The vast range of pushed to the larger ship market. With the emergence of
ship types and sizes, along with their respective power sys- newer chemistries and solid-state batteries, the battery-based
tems, makes the design of shore-to-ship converters a multi- ship market will only experience an upward trend in the fore-
faceted problem. The converters on shore may need to be seeable future. However, with the increased dependence on
designed in different ways for charging onboard batteries batteries and power electronics, ensuring reliable and safe
and enabling cold ironing. This can be done by forecasting long-term operation of these vessels becomes a more com-
the ship routes and berthing-data around the port. plex problem. Reliability analysis and an appropriate compo-
The energy transfer to the ship can be done through con- nent-replacement strategy should be adopted to address that
tainer swapping, wirelessly or with conventional cables. Each and thereby minimize the probability of system malfunction
of these options comes with its advantages and disadvantag- without incurring overwhelming financial losses.
es and one may be more favorable in certain situations than The ship electrification itself comprises several levels
the other. Attributes, such as charging time, cost, movement wherein the vessel may require charging from the onshore
of the ship while at berth, energy efficiency, system grid or have onboard energy harvesting, or may have a
AFID: Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive; CCNR: Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine; CESNI: European Committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation.
Microgrid Router Microgrid Router
Intermicrogrid Router Meter
Ship 1
Renewable Energy
Ship 2 BESS
Figure 13. Energy routing in a port environment. By employing power electronics, communication networks, and feeding systems, the use of
available energy resources at the port can be maximized.
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