Bio Factor Affecting Mental Health
Bio Factor Affecting Mental Health
Bio Factor Affecting Mental Health
This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply 2023
Late-life depression occurring in older adults is common, recurrent, and malignant. It is characterized by affective symptoms, but
also cognitive decline, medical comorbidity, and physical disability. This behavioral and cognitive presentation results from altered
function of discrete functional brain networks and circuits. A wide range of factors across the lifespan contributes to fragility and
vulnerability of those networks to dysfunction. In many cases, these factors occur earlier in life and contribute to adolescent or
earlier adulthood depressive episodes, where the onset was related to adverse childhood events, maladaptive personality traits,
reproductive events, or other factors. Other individuals exhibit a later-life onset characterized by medical comorbidity, pro-
inflammatory processes, cerebrovascular disease, or developing neurodegenerative processes. These later-life processes may not
only lead to vulnerability to the affective symptoms, but also contribute to the comorbid cognitive and physical symptoms.
Importantly, repeated depressive episodes themselves may accelerate the aging process by shifting allostatic processes to
dysfunctional states and increasing allostatic load through the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and inflammatory processes.
Over time, this may accelerate the path of biological aging, leading to greater brain atrophy, cognitive decline, and the
development of physical decline and frailty. It is unclear whether successful treatment of depression and avoidance of recurrent
episodes would shift biological aging processes back towards a more normative trajectory. However, current antidepressant
treatments exhibit good efficacy for older adults, including pharmacotherapy, neuromodulation, and psychotherapy, with recent
work in these areas providing new guidance on optimal treatment approaches. Moreover, there is a host of nonpharmacological
treatment approaches being examined that take advantage of resiliency factors and decrease vulnerability to depression. Thus,
while late-life depression is a recurrent yet highly heterogeneous disorder, better phenotypic characterization provides
opportunities to better utilize a range of nonspecific and targeted interventions that can promote recovery, resilience, and
maintenance of remission.
INTRODUCTION typically persist, and older depressed adults have an increased risk of
Late-life depression (LLD) is major depressive disorder (MDD) dementia [14].
occurring in adults age 60 years or older [1]. It is common, with Such adverse outcomes may be related to LLD’s recurrent nature
~5% of community-dwelling elders meeting DSM5 diagnostic [15]. LLD is often a recurrent or chronic illness [16], although
criteria [2] and 10–16% of older adults exhibiting clinically significant continuing antidepressant medication during remission reduces
depressive symptoms that may not meet full criteria [2, 3]. LLD is a recurrence risk [17, 18]. However, even with maintenance treatment,
malignant illness that increases disability [4], contributes to poorer ~35–40% of depressed elders experience recurrence in 2 years, with
medical outcomes [5], and is associated with increased suicide risk over 50% experiencing recurrence over four years [16, 18, 19].
and mortality [6, 7]. Recurrence is particularly relevant for individuals with an initial
LLD is further characterized by poor or impaired cognitive onset of depression in early- or midlife. These individuals often
performance. Reduced executive functioning is common, affecting experience multiple prior depressive episodes and are now in the
verbal fluency, response inhibition, set-shifting, working memory, geriatric age range. Individuals with early-onset LLD, typically
and problem-solving [8]. Individuals with LLD also exhibit poor defined as occurring before age 50–60 years, exhibit greater
performance in other cognitive domains, including episodic residual depression severity over time, more frequent suicidal
memory, visuospatial skills, and processing speed [9–11]. Slower thoughts, and a greater risk of recurrence following remission
processing speed is particularly important, partly mediating [16, 20]. Early-onset depression is characterized by stronger familial
impaired performance in other cognitive domains [11–13]. Although history and genetic loading, greater anxiety and reactions to
cognitive performance improves with successful treatment, deficits stressful life events, maladaptive personality traits, and hormonal
Center for Cognitive Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA. 2Department of Psychiatry, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 3Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 4Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Veterans Affairs
Tennessee Valley Health System, Nashville, TN, USA. 5These authors contributed equally: Sarah M. Szymkowicz, Andrew R. Gerlach. ✉email: [email protected]
Fig. 1 Lifespan model of late-life depression. Symptoms of depression are the behavioral manifestation of increasingly disrupted brain
networks. Multiple influences contribute to network fragility and dysfunction across the lifespan, with some being linked to clear
developmental periods. These may be additive and cumulative over time, although other risk and resiliency factors may be modifiable and
targeted by specific treatments. Unchecked, repeated depressive episodes and their associated physiological responses may have deleterious
effects contributing to accelerated aging.
fluctuations associated with early-life reproductive events [21–26]. additional contributors [35, 36], although this has received less
Individuals with late-onset depression are more often widowed, attention in LLD [37]. These networks likely influence depressive
present with more apathy and somatic symptoms, poorer cognitive behavior across the lifespan, although the etiological factors
performance, greater cognitive decline and medical morbidity, and contributing to network dysfunction change with aging. Although
more severe atrophic and vascular changes on neuroimaging heterogeneity in LLD prevents sweeping generalizations [38],
[26–32]. Although useful for clinical characterization, this age of there is support for this network-centric model [34, 39].
onset dichotomization obfuscates potentially important differences The DMN is implicated in self-referential processes [40]
in causal factors that influence the onset or recurrence of including rumination [41], making it a target of investigation
depression across the lifespan. Moreover, it does not address a in depression [33, 42]. However, there is little consensus on how
parallel hypothesis that depression itself is toxic, with recurrent the DMN is altered in depression [43]. Early studies reported
episodes increasing the allostatic load or “wear and tear” on the hyperconnectivity within the DMN relative to healthy controls
body, contributing to accelerated brain aging and vulnerability to [42], though recent meta-analyses reported no difference in
poor longitudinal clinical, cognitive, and medical outcomes [15]. DMN connectivity [44] or even hypoconnectivity between DMN
Based on past work [15], we present a model (Fig. 1) where regions [45]. DMN functional connectivity appears to be altered
disruption of functional brain network homeostasis contributes in LLD [46, 47] and such differences may persist into
first to subclinical depressive symptoms and decreased stress remission [46].
tolerance. If unchecked, this progresses to discrete depressive The CCN is primarily involved in top-down executive functions
episodes and reduced cognitive performance. Various biological [48]. Substantial evidence suggests CCN integrity differentiates
and environmental factors across the lifespan increase the healthy controls from depressed individuals [42] and influences
vulnerability of key networks to disequilibrium, with potentially treatment response [49]. The CCN may be especially relevant in
modifiable behavioral and social factors contributing either to LLD characterized by executive dysfunction [50, 51], where
vulnerability or resilience. In turn, depressive episodes alter aberrant functional connectivity of the CCN (particularly the
physiological systems that accelerate aging processes and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex [DLPFC] hub), is associated with
contribute to adverse longer-term outcomes. executive deficits [52].
Building on this model, we first present a network-based model The ASN is implicated in switching and control of attentional
of depression. We then focus on etiological influences across the processes [53], and ASN dysfunction in depression biases
lifespan that increase depression risk, primarily focusing on those individuals towards negative stimuli and processing [54, 55].
salient to later life. Next, we consider depression as a contributor Unlike the DMN, the ASN has proven relatively reliable in
to accelerated aging. Finally, we review treatment for LLD and distinguishing between healthy controls and depressed indivi-
how interventions may support resilience to future episodes. duals [42, 44, 56]. Both structural and functional connectivity of
the ASN are reduced in LLD [57].
Alterations in the positive valence system are additive.
NEURAL NETWORKS IMPLICATED IN DEPRESSION Conceptually, much work focuses on the dopaminergic mesolim-
Altered neural network function is thought to result in the bic pathway, projecting from the ventral tegmental area to the
behavioral manifestations of depression [33]. The triple network ventral striatum, nucleus accumbens, and medial temporal
model (Fig. 2) [33, 34] posits that depression is related to the structures [37]. Dysfunction in this system influences a range of
aberrant function of the default mode network (DMN), cognitive reward functions including valuation, decision-making, effort, and
control network (CCN), and anterior salience network (ASN). learning [37, 58]. Behaviorally, this contributes to anhedonia,
Positive valence system circuits involved in reward function are motivational disturbances, and willingness to expend effort [37].
Fig. 2 Network model of late-life depression. The model details findings within each intrinsic functional network and between functional
networks, specifically the default mode network (DMN), the cognitive control network (CCN), and the anterior salience network (ASN).
Disruption in network connectivity influences the cognitive processes, giving risk to the behavioral manifestations of depression. Impaired
function of the positive valence system involving the mesolimbic system likely also contributes to depressive behavior [37], although how this
system interacts with interacts with intrinsic functional networks in LLD is not entirely clear. The model and figure [34] used with permission.
Reprinted from Gunning et al. [34], Copyright 2021, with permission from Elsevier.
Neural networks and aging In order to influence depression risk, such genetic factors would
The connectivity and function of these networks change with age. need to directly or indirectly alter brain network function or
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies demonstrate that frontal stability [76]. However, concerns persist about translating these
regions comprising the associative networks described above (plus findings to the individual level, both due to the contributions of
the dorsal attention network) exhibit reduced intra-network small-effect polymorphisms that may be missed on GWAS, and
connectivity and increased inter-network connectivity with aging due to diagnostic heterogeneity within MDD [77]. What risk
[59–69]. These changes may reflect a decline in network efficiency genes contribute to depression vulnerability may change across
and/or serve as a compensatory mechanism that maintains normal the lifespan, particularly if they affect brain aging. For example,
brain function in context of gray matter loss or white matter some work supports that vascular risk genes may be germane in
degradation [70, 71]. Supporting this latter hypothesis are studies LLD [78].
showing increased activation in frontal regions in older adults Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as abuse, parental
compared to younger adults that are associated with better loss, and bullying, are associated with a host of health disorders,
cognitive performance with aging [72]. Increased prefrontal including depression [79]. They are also associated with differences
activation is further associated with reduced white matter integrity, on neuroimaging and cognitive testing [80]. ACEs may contribute to
again supporting compensation [73, 74]. These age-related network depression vulnerability through hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
changes have been replicated using both structural and functional (HPA) axis responses leading to increased activity of corticotropic
network measures, further associating aging with lower strength releasing factor neurons [81]. ACEs can further result in epigenetic
and density of structural connections and decoupling of structural changes [24] that may increase depression vulnerability by
and functional connectivity, particularly in network hubs [63]. This influencing glucocorticoid signaling, serotonergic function, and
may represent a rerouting of information flow in the brain intended neurotrophic factors [24]. The relationship between ACEs and
to circumnavigate degraded white matter pathways or avoid depression vulnerability persists into later life [82, 83], where the
regions that have suffered neuronal loss. The ability of the brain to relationship between ACEs and depression may be mediated by
successfully “rewire” during aging may be crucial for maintaining inflammation [82]. Stressful events occurring in adulthood or later
cognitive performance and reflect cognitive reserve [70]. Moreover, life also increase the risk for new depressive episodes and
age-related changes may contribute to network fragility, increasing depression persistence [84, 85].
risk for LLD. While there is some evidence that network organization Personality traits are similarly associated with depression. Traits
properties may differ according to age of onset [57], clear that influence how individuals interact with and respond to their
differences in neural network configuration between early- and environments originate from variability in functional brain networks
late-onset LLD have not been identified. [22]. They arise from a complex interplay between brain develop-
ment, genetic predisposition, and early environmental exposures.
Neuroticism, a predisposition to experience psychological distress
FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO DEPRESSION VULNERABILITY and negative mood states, is well-studied and shares some
Early- and midlife risk factors conceptual overlap with LLD [86]. Higher levels of neuroticism in
Older depressed adults carry the same vulnerabilities that LLD are associated with poorer antidepressant response and greater
increased risk for depression earlier in life. As the list of potential risk of cognitive decline [86–88].
contributors to MDD risk is beyond this review, we focus on Reproductive events including puberty, menstrual cycling,
mechanisms of relevance to LLD. pregnancy, and menopause are associated with both new-onset
Genetic factors that influence MDD vulnerability likely persist and recurrent depression [23]. These events contribute to a higher
with aging. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified risk of depression for women than men [89], particularly during
several hundred potential genetic risk variants, including genes reproductive years [90]. These relationships are due to fluctuations
involved in synaptic structure and neurotransmission [75]. of ovarian hormones that influence neurotransmitter function,
neuroendocrine processes, and inflammation [91]. Menopause is associated with depression severity, suicide risk, and poor treatment
particularly relevant to aging, with decreased estrogen production response in adult and geriatric samples [105–107]. Pro-inflammatory
potentially reducing its neuroprotective effects [92]. A longer cytokines are associated with worse function in executive processes,
exposure to endogenous estrogens, operationalized as an older memory, and processing and motor speed [108].
age at menopause, is associated with a lower risk of subsequent Aging is itself associated with chronic, low-grade inflammation,
depression [93], while earlier menopause, including surgically- dubbed “inflammaging” [109]. This process has multiple contribu-
induced menopause, is associated with cognitive decline and tors, including immune system aging, mitochondrial changes, and
dementia [94]. gut microbiota [110, 111]. These changes may be secondary to
Other exposures influence MDD, including comorbid mental common pro-inflammatory medical conditions that increase depres-
health disorders, substance misuse, and traumatic brain injury sion risk, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune
[95]. Medical comorbidity also contributes, including a bidirec- disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis, and kidney disease
tional relationship between depression and obesity [96] that [112–115]. These comorbidities may explain the observed relation-
may be mediated through immune system activation and ship between depression and inflammation, as evidenced by a study
inflammation [96]. Obesity increases the risk for other morbid- that did not associate LLD with higher levels of central or peripheral
ities associated with LLD, including pain syndromes, vascular risk inflammatory cytokines. However, this study employed rigorous
factors, and disability [97, 98]. entry criteria for medical comorbidities that excluded almost 95% of
potentially eligible participants [116]. This raises issues about its
Later-life risk factors generalizability and highlights the extent of comorbidity between
Despite LLD being associated with a range of medical comorbid- LLD and medical illnesses.
ities, few may directly contribute to depression pathogenesis. Age- Although most work examines peripheral inflammatory markers,
related morbidities that are a focus of mechanistic models include it remains relevant to brain function. The CNS was long considered
inflammation, vascular disease, and neurodegeneration (Table 1). to be immunoprotected due to the blood-brain barrier. However,
immune responses via peripheral immune cell secretion of pro-
Inflammation. The inflammation hypothesis proposes that inflammatory cytokines can convey the inflammatory response to
immune dysregulation influences vulnerability to and the develop- brain microglia via humoral and neural pathways [117, 118].
ment of LLD [99]. Neurovegetative depressive symptoms are akin to Microglia can thus become activated by peripheral cytokines
immune responses to infectious diseases including lethargy, inducing a neuroinflammatory response [119]. Both aging and
cognitive slowing, and reduced appetite [100, 101]. In younger psychological stress further prime microglia toward an activated
adults, elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines levels in response to state, tilting the CNS toward a pro-inflammatory state [120, 121]. In
psychological stress are associated with depressive symptoms [101] the aged brain, activated microglia exhibit an exaggerated response
and induction of peripheral inflammation results in fatigue and to pro-inflammatory cytokines, inducing oxidative stress and
worsening of mood [102, 103]. Depressed patients across the adult delayed clearance of neurotoxic molecules, resulting in disrupted
lifespan can exhibit elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines neuronal function, impaired neurogenesis, and neural degeneration
including c-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor [119, 120]. Central inflammation further affects multiple neurotrans-
necrosis factor (TNF) alpha and lower anti-inflammatory cytokine mitter systems, contributing to reduced serotonin synthesis via
levels [104, 105]. Higher pro-inflammatory cytokine levels are induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [100], glutamate system
Fig. 3 Accelerated aging hypothesis of late-life depression. Aging processes such as inflammation, vascular disease, or pathological
neurodegeneration impair neurotrophic function and contribute to both gray matter atrophy and impairment of white matter microstructure.
These changes in turn alter function of key intrinsic networks, leading to the clinical manifestations of late-life depression. In turn, repeated
depressive episodes result in altered or sustained physiological responses increasing allostatic load. These effects may then further accelerate
biological aging processes, shifting an individual further away from normative aging.
RESILIENCE FACTORS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERVENTION analyses in LLD support that psychotherapy is quite effective, with a
Although these treatments are effective, benefit depends on NNT of 3 [278]. More recently developed, “Engage” therapy targets
continued treatment. If pharmacotherapy or neuromodulation neurobiologically-informed processes in LLD using streamlined
stops, the risk of recurrence can be high [18, 250, 253]. This risk behavioral techniques that can be effectively applied in the
may be reduced through interventions that target vulnerability community [279, 280].
factors to depression and strengthen resiliency (Table 2).
Resilience is broadly defined as the capacity to maintain or regain Social factors: opportunities for engagement
psychological well-being despite challenges, or the adaptive Aging adults tend to maintain close social partners but have fewer
maintenance of homeostasis despite adversity [265–267]. Resilience peripheral social contacts [281]. In contrast, larger objective social
is a multidimensional, dynamic process influenced by both internal network size and greater perceived social support protects against
factors and external resources. Resilience factors may decrease the LLD and predicts a better response to depression interventions
risk of a depressive episode, reduce severity or duration of that [282–284]. Such benefits may occur through mechanisms includ-
episode, or increase likelihood of recovery [267, 268]. If depression ing emotional support, tangible assistance (instrumental support),
contributes to accelerated biological aging, then bolstering such or opportunities for pleasurable activities [285]. Recent work has
resilience factors and reducing the frequency or duration of focused on loneliness, or perceived social isolation that is distinct
depressive episodes could hypothetically shift the biological aging from having fewer objective social contacts. Loneliness is
process towards a more normal trajectory. We discuss resilience bidirectionally associated with a host of negative outcomes,
factors and their corresponding vulnerability factors (Table 2) in including depression, poor physical health, cognitive and func-
context of treatments. tional decline, and mortality [286–288]. Loneliness may be a
neuropsychiatric manifestation of preclinical AD, as it is associated
Psychological factors: role for brief psychotherapy with an elevated dementia risk and higher levels of amyloid and
While factors such as temperament and personality may be tau pathology [289–291].
challenging to target with brief therapy, progress can improve
negative beliefs and coping strategies. Individuals’ beliefs about Evidence for targeting social connectedness. Few intervention
themselves and their environment influence how they cope with studies directly target social factors in depression [292]. Group
stressors or challenges. Depression risk is associated with lower therapy benefits LLD [293] but does not typically focus on social
self-esteem, anxiety sensitivity, and an external locus of control connectedness. Recent novel work has examined remote, layperson-
(i.e., a feeling that one cannot influence outcomes in one’s life) delivered interventions intended to improve social connectedness
[269]. The converse of these beliefs contribute to resilience, as and reduce loneliness in younger and older adults. Although not
does a sense of purpose and grit, defined as perseverance in directly targeting individuals with a depression diagnosis, they
achieving goals despite setbacks [267, 270–272]. Greater self- reduced depressive and anxiety symptoms [294–297]. Modifying
efficacy enhances individuals’ ability to flexibly apply coping existing psychotherapies to target social disconnection may also
strategies, including active coping strategies that directly address reduce suicide risk [294].
the stressor, or accommodative strategies involving adaptation to
the stressor. Such a flexible approach improves mental health Cognitive factors: role for cognitive training
outcomes and reduces depression [273, 274]. As previously discussed, LLD is associated with cognitive changes in
executive functioning, processing speed, and episodic memory
Evidence for psychotherapy. Psychological factors addressing [8–11]. However, not all individuals with LLD have cognitive
vulnerability or promoting resilience may be particularly amenable difficulties. There appear to be separate cognitive phenotypes
to psychotherapy. Evidence-based treatments in LLD include within LLD: “High Normal”, “Reduced Normal” (with a relative
cognitive-behavioral, problem-solving, interpersonal, and life- weakness in episodic recall), and “Low Executive Functions” [298].
review therapies [275, 276]. Such therapies influence functional The “High Normal” phenotype maintained cognitive performance
network connectivity, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy increas- despite similar levels of depression severity as the other pheno-
ing connectivity between the amygdala and CCN [277]. Meta- types. They also had higher levels of education and less vascular risk