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H14YS-5A-2301-Reminder - 111923

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‭(Dặ n dò )‬
‭Sun, Nov 19 - 2023‬ ‭Classcode‬‭(Mã lớp)‬‭:‬ ‭H14YS-5A-2301‬
‭ eacher(s)‬‭(Giáo viên):‬
T ‭ eaching Assistant(s)‬‭(Trợ giảng):‬
‭Mr.‬‭David‬ ‭Ms. Bảo Nhi (0353712037)‬
‭Listening‬ ‭Grammar/Vocabulary/Reading/Writing‬
‭Sunday 19/11‬ ‭Saturday 25/11‬


‭ olleague‬
C ‭(n)‬ ‭ ne of a group of people who work‬
o ‭Đồ ng nghiệ p‬
‭/ˈkɑːliːɡ/‬ ‭together‬

‭Peer‬‭/pɪr/‬ ‭(n)‬ a‭ person who is the same age or has the‬ ‭ gườ i cù ng địa‬
‭same social position or the same abilities‬ ‭vị, ngườ i ngang‬
‭as other people in a group‬ ‭hà ng‬

‭ ineral‬
M ‭(n)‬ a‭ substance that is naturally present in the‬ ‭Khoá ng chấ t‬
‭/ˈmɪnərəl/‬ ‭earth and is not formed from animal or‬
‭vegetable matter, for example gold and‬
‭salt. Some minerals are also present in‬
‭food and drink and in the human body‬
‭and are essential for good health.‬

I‭ nfection‬ ‭(n)‬ a‭ n illness that is caused by bacteria or a‬ ‭Sự nhiễ m trù ng‬
‭/ɪnˈfekʃn/‬ ‭virus and that affects one part of the body‬

‭Treat‬‭/triːt/‬ ‭(v)‬ t‭ o behave in a particular way towards‬ ‭Điề u trị‬


‭Tomb‬‭/tuːm/‬ ‭(n)‬ ‭a large grave, especially one built of stone‬ ‭Mộ , lă ng mộ ‬

‭above or below the ground‬

‭ agician‬
M ‭(n)‬ ‭a person who can do magic tricks‬ ‭Nhà ả o thuậ t‬

‭Trick‬‭/trɪk/‬ ‭(n)‬ s‭ omething that you do to make somebody‬ ‭Cú lừ a‬

‭believe something which is not true, or to‬
‭annoy somebody as a joke‬

‭ erobics‬
A ‭(n)‬ ‭ hysical exercises intended to make the‬
p ‭ hể dụ c nhịp‬
‭/eˈroʊbɪks/‬ ‭heart and lungs stronger, often done in‬ ‭điệ u‬
‭classes, with music‬

‭Invent‬‭/ɪnˈvent/‬ ‭(v)‬ i‭nvent something to produce or design‬ ‭Phá t minh‬

‭something that has not existed before‬

‭Headset‬‭/ˈhedset/‬ ‭(n)‬ a‭ pair of headphones, especially one with‬ ‭Bộ tai nghe‬
‭a microphone attached to it‬

‭ epression‬
D ‭(n)‬ ‭ eelings of severe despondency and‬
F S‭ ự suy nhượ c,‬
‭/dɪˈpreʃn/‬ ‭dejection‬ ‭suy yế u‬

‭ ommentary‬
C ‭(n)‬ a‭ spoken description of an event that is‬ ‭ ờ i bình luậ n,‬
‭/ˈkɑːmənteri/‬ ‭given while it is happening, especially on‬ ‭chú giả i‬
‭the radio or television‬

‭Legend‬‭/ˈledʒənd/‬ ‭(n)‬ a‭ story from ancient times about people‬ ‭ ổ tích, truyề n‬
‭and events, that may or may not be true;‬ ‭thuyế t‬
‭this type of story‬


‭Shout at‬ t‭ o say something in a loud voice; to speak‬ ‭La hé t và o ai đó ‬

‭loudly/angrily to somebody‬

‭Blast off‬ ‭to leave the ground‬ ‭Phó ng tê n lử a‬

‭Come up with‬ ‭find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc.‬ ‭Tìm ra đá p á n‬

‭Make out‬ ‭ sed to ask if somebody managed well or was‬

u ‭ oà n thà nh, đạ t‬
‭successful in a particular situation‬ ‭đượ c‬
‭Leave on‬ t‭ o go away from a place without taking‬ ‭Để lạ i‬
‭something/somebody with you‬

‭Set up‬ ‭to build something or put something somewhere‬ ‭Thà nh lậ p‬


‭Under the weather‬ ‭a little bit sick‬ ‭ hô ng đượ c‬

‭khỏ e‬

‭Pick your brain‬ ‭ask for advices‬ ‭Xin lờ i khuyê n‬

‭Recharge your batteries‬ t‭ o rest and relax for a period of time to be‬ ‭Nghỉ lấy sứ c‬
‭energetic again‬

‭As fresh as a daisy‬ ‭full of energy and enthusiasm‬ ‭ rà n trề nă ng‬

‭lượ ng‬



‭Explode‬‭(v):‬‭nổ ‬ ‭Explosion‬ ‭Explosive‬

‭Consider‬‭(v): xem xé t‬ ‭Consideration‬ ‭Considerable‬

‭Starve‬‭(v):‬‭đó i‬ ‭Starvation‬ ‭Starving‬

‭ ituate‬‭(v):‬‭đặ t và o hoà n‬
S ‭Situation‬ ‭Situated‬
‭cả nh‬

‭Explain‬‭(v): giả i thích‬ ‭Explanation‬ ‭Explainable‬

‭Imagine‬‭(v): tưở ng tượ ng‬ ‭Imagination‬ ‭Imaginative‬

‭ omework (Bài tập về nhà)‬
‭Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with these prepositions. You can only use‬
‭each preposition once.‬

‭against‬ ‭at‬ ‭of‬ ‭on‬ ‭up‬ ‭with‬ ‭out‬ ‭off‬

‭1.‬ ‭Is she a member …………………. an English club?‬

‭2.‬ ‭The doctor was …………………. providing any more medication to the patient.‬
‭3.‬ ‭You have to be a little creative if you want to come up …………………. new ideas.‬
‭4.‬ ‭The students learn how to set …………………. an experiment in chemistry class.‬
‭5.‬ ‭Peter had put an apple …………………. everybody’s table.‬
‭6.‬ ‭We watched the rocket blast ………………… on television.‬
‭7.‬ ‭The‬‭numbers‬‭are too‬‭small‬‭- I can't make them………………‬‭at all.‬
‭8.‬ ‭Dad really shouted …………… me when I‬‭broke‬‭the‬‭window‬‭.‬
‭Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.‬
‭1.There was a loud ……………………… and then the building burst‬ ‭(explode)‬
‭into flames.‬

‭2. There are various ways to solve the problem. Have you‬ ‭(consider)‬
‭……………………… all of the options?‬
‭3. She is often ……………………… in filling out the details of the‬ ‭(imagination‬
‭writer's life.‬
‭4. Isn't‬‭lunch‬‭ready‬‭yet‬‭? I'm ……………………‬ ‭(starve)‬
‭5 It's difficult ………………… and I don't‬‭know‬‭what the‬‭answer‬‭is.‬ ‭(situate)‬
‭6. If there's anything you don't‬‭understand‬‭, I'll‬‭be‬‭happy‬‭to‬ ‭(explanation)‬
‭7. Their………………… were‬‭passed‬‭from‬‭generation‬‭to‬‭generation‬‭.‬ ‭(legendary)‬

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