Serrapeptase EBook 3rd Edition-1
Serrapeptase EBook 3rd Edition-1
Serrapeptase EBook 3rd Edition-1
ABOUT THIS BOOK “I took two courses of Serrapeptase two years ago.
Recently, I visited the heart specialist for my The ‘Miracle’ Naturally Healthy Publications
Enzyme® Is
three-yearly (cycle machine) test. He was astounded
Robert Redfern – Your Personal Health Coach at the improvement. My heart pressure was 111/68
(down from over 130). I am 30% fitter than three
years ago and 20% fitter than men of my age (70 years).”
- John M.
- Jon B.
Visit today to find out
more about the many health conditions
in this book, including:
• Heart disease
The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme® Is Serrapeptase
By Robert Redfern
And much more! ©2002-2014 Naturally Healthy Publications
With studies and literature extracts
ISBN 978-1-910521-00-7 9 781910 521007 for health professionals.
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The ‘Miracle’
Enzyme® Is
The 2nd Gift from Silkworms
By Robert Redfern
With studies and literature extracts
for health professionals.
© 2014 All
© 2014 Naturally Healthy Publications Naturally Healthy Publications All rights reserved.
rights reserved. 1 I
The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme® Is Serrapeptase The 2nd Gift from Silkworms
ISBN 978-1-910521-00-7
USA 1 714-881-3109
UK 0 208-133-0915
E-mail: [email protected]
I 2
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Enzymes are proteins that are the catalyst for life. Without them • Fact: Drugs only ever provide
life (and therefore health) would not exist as we know it. Even
Oxygen needs enzymes to be released into the atmosphere. Disease Management.
Their importance to health cannot be overestimated and you
are going to learn that they are the prime tools in regaining
health from the majority of health problems. Without proper The problem comes when enzymes are put forward for therapy
and appropriate enzyme activity, there can be no return to and to replace patented drugs. Enzymes as a primary treatment
health. This is recognised by every medical doctor and is well are only ignored because they negate the need for the majority
known to those that use them as the front line in health care. of expensive patented drugs and this is against the interests of
the medical/pharmaceutical business (more about this later).
The medical/pharmaceutical business controls what treatments
doctors are allowed to prescribe, using powerful marketing and,
sometimes, downright intimidation. This is not a book to ‘knock
doctors’; they are caught between the devil and the deep blue
sea. I personally know of many doctors who prescribe enzymes
and nutrients for health recovery, but they only do it quietly
to avoid trouble from the medical/pharmaceutical business.
The rest may succumb to the expensive marketing and also
pressure from patients who are impressed by the press release
promising the next ‘Wonder Drug’.
About the Author Enzymes have been a major part of their life for nearly ten years
after reading a book by Dr. Edward Howell, Enzyme Nutrition,
The Food Enzyme Concept. This filled in some of the gaps as to
why just taking nutrition did not give the full benefit for everyone.
Robert Redfern (born January 1946)
has helped hundreds of thousands of Over the past 20 years, tens of thousands of people have followed
people in over 24 countries through the plans and the majority that stayed with the program have
online health support websites, reaped tremendous benefit.
books, radio/TV interviews, and his This book shows you how to resolve most of the common
nutritional discoveries. His new series diseases using enzymes and other lifestyle changes. To the
of books brings this work together in extent that you follow them, you will be amazed how healthy
an easy-to-read format that everyone you can become.
can follow to help resolve their
Take good care of yourselves.
chronic health problem – once and
for all.
Robert’s interest in health started when he and his wife Anne
Robert Redfern
decided to take charge of their family’s health in the late 1980s.
Up until 1986, Robert had not taken much notice of his health – in
spite of Anne’s loving persuasion. It took the premature death
of his parents, Alfred and Marjorie, who died in their sixties, to
shock Robert into evaluating his priorities.
Robert and Anne researched the benefits of acupuncture and books/
together developed the HealthPoint™, the world’s foremost
electronic acupressure device. This was based upon the
electronic waveform research of Dr. Julian Kenyon MD. This has
become the Gold Standard Electro-Acupressure device and is
now successfully used by tens of thousands of users throughout
the world and in many UK hospitals by Physiotherapists.
Robert and Anne looked at the whole field of health, available Personal Email To: [email protected]
treatments and the causes of health problems. They found, from Help Line phone: USA 1 714-881-3109 UK 0 208-133-0915
doctors researching the causes of disease, that lifestyle and
diet were the most important contributions to health. Robert
and Anne changed their lifestyle and diet and, together with
the use of HealthPoint™ acupressure, the improvement to Other books and publications are
their health was remarkable. available for free download at
As well as good health, they feel and look category/books/free-books/, including:
younger and more energetic than all those
• Nature’s Miracle Herb – Curcumin
years ago – before they started their plan.
• Focus On Saving Eyesight
At the time of printing, Robert, aged 68, and • Healthier Lungs in 30 Days
Anne have every intention of continuing to • Solving Diabetes Type 2 in 30 Days
be well and looking younger, using their • Improving Heart Disease in 30 Days
• Improving High Blood Pressure in 30 Days
unique understanding of Natural Health. • Improving Arthritis in 30 Days
• Alzheimer’s Disease Rehabilitation in 30 Days
The New Wonder
This ‘rising star’ enzyme is relatively new on the scene (only
forty years of studies and use by doctors in Europe and Asia),
but Serrapeptase is set to become the biggest star of all time, as
you will soon find out.
I 6
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Table of Contents
Foreword 3
About the Author 4
Serrapeptase: The New Wonder Enzyme? 6
2. Serrapeptase - A Powerful Proteolytic Enzyme 14
Author’s Testimonials - Robert Redfern 24
Serrapeptase News 30
3. Serrapeptase, Its Uses & Action Plans 34
Health Plans - Pain and Inflammation Problems, Section A 35
Autoimmune Disease 36
Candida 38
Crohn’s Disease 40
Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue 42
Juvenile Arthritis 44
Multiple Sclerosis 46
Rheumatoid Arthritis 48
Sarcoidosis 50
Health Plans - Brain & Mind Problems, Section B 52
Alzheimer’s Disease 54
Autism 56
Depression 58
Epilepsy 60
Headache and Migraine 62
Memory 64
Parkinson’s Disease 66
Senility 68
Sleep and Relaxation 70
Stress/Anxiety 72
Vertigo 74
Health Plans – Cancer, Section CP and Inflammation Problems Section A 76
Cancer 76
Health Plans - Cardiovascular Problems Section D 78
Aortic Aneurysm 78
Cardiac Disease 80
Carotid Arteries/Arterial Vascular Disease 82
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) 84
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 86
Table of Contents
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 86
Peripheral Arterial Disease 88
Stroke Health 90
Thrombosis 92
Vascular Diseases of the Brain and Kidney 94
Health Plans - Digestive And Organ Problems Section E 96
Colitis 96
Diabetes 98
Digestive Health 100
Diverticulitis 102
Gallbladder Stones 104
IBS 106
Kidney Disease 108
Liver Cysts 110
Liver Disease 112
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) 114
Thyroid Health 116
Health Plans - Ear, Nose, And Throat Problems, Section F 118
Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis 118
Chronic Ear Infections 120
Hay Fever 122
Laryngitis 124
Ménière’s Disease 126
Runny Nose – Rhinitis 128
Sinusitis Problems 130
Sore Throats 132
Swollen Glands 134
Health Plans - Eye Health, Section G 136
Age Related Macular Degeneration (Wet or Dry) 136
Cataracts 138
Diabetic Retinopathy 140
Dry Eyes – Blepharitis 142
Floaters 144
Fuchs’ Dystrophy 146
Glaucoma 148
Photophobia Light Sensitivity 150
Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusion 152
Retinitis Pigmentosa 154
Health Plans - Heart Health, Section H 156
Angina 156
I 8
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Table of Contents
Atrial Fibrillation and Palpitations 158
Blood Pressure 160
Coronary Heart Disease 162
Diseased Heart Valves 164
Heart Disease 166
Heart Failure 168
Health Plans - Lung Health, Section I 170
Asbestosis 170
Bronchial Asthma 172
Bronchiectasis 174
Bronchitis 176
Chronic Cough 178
COPD 180
Cystic Fibrosis 182
Emphysema 184
Pulmonary Fibrosis 186
Pneumoconiosis 188
Pulmonary Embolism 190
Pulmonary Tuberculosis 192
Health Plans - Men’s Health, Section J 194
Erectile Dysfunction - Impotence 194
Male Fertility 196
Peyronie’s Disease 198
Prostate Health 200
Testicular Cancer 202
Health Plans - Pain Problems, Section K 204
Back Pain 205
Bursitis 206
Cervical Dystonia 208
Joint Pain 210
Morton’s Neuroma 212
Neck Pain 214
Osteoarthritis 216
Osteoporosis 218
Periodontal Disease (Gum Health) 220
Peripheral Neuropathy 222
Trauma 224
Health Plans - Pet Animal Treatments, Section L 226
Dogs and Small Animals Health Plan 226
Health Plans – Skin Health, Section M 228
Table of Contents
Acne, Rosacea and Vulgaris 228
Anti-Aging 230
Eczema 232
Fungal Toe Nails 234
Leg Ulcers 236
Post-Operative Scars and Lesions 238
Post-Operative Pain and Swelling 240
Psoriasis 242
Ringworm 244
Shingles 246
Health Plans – Women’s Health, Section N 248
Blocked Fallopian Tubes 248
Breast Engorgement Nodular Mastitis 250
Capsular Contraction After Breast Augmentation 252
Crystallized Breast Milk Ducts 254
Endometriosis 256
Fibrocystic Breast Disease 258
Healthy Pregnancy 260
Female Fertility 262
Menopausal Symptoms 264
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 266
Post-Partum Period 268
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome PMS 270
Uterine Fibroids 272
Questions from the Help Line, Section O 274
The Science, Section P 278
I 10
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 12
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Enzymes are the workers in your body - they carry out every e. Are they safe?
chemical reaction. To have a healthy body, you need both
workers (enzymes) and building materials. The building In studies equivalent to a human taking thousands of tablets,
materials are proteins (amino acids), minerals, and vitamins. no side effects were shown. Only Haemophilia patients would
All of these are necessary to build a healthy body. Trying to need to take enzymes under supervision.
function without all the necessary enzymes is the reason for
most body malfunctions.
f. Why do doctors not prescribe them?
There are seven categories Many do. There are many doctors who have changed completely
of food enzymes: and now practise health care (Lifestyle and Nutrition) as
opposed to disease management (drugs and surgery). They
1. Lipase to break down fat. are unfortunately a tiny minority; the majority of doctors will
2. Protease to break down protein. only practise ‘health care’ when the system is taken out from
3. Cellulase to break down fibres. the control of the medical/pharmaceutical business that only
4. Amylase to break down starch. can see profit in disease management.
5. Lactase to break down dairy foods.
6. Sucrase to break down sugars.
7. Maltase to break down grains.
A Powerful Proteolytic
This can be quite tedious for the average reader, who just
really wants to know what it can do for their health problem.
We have relegated this section to the appendix on page 356.
Enzyme d. The Reports from Users and
a. Overview Practitioners
Dennis Gore, Pharmacist and Broadcaster.
“Serrapeptase may become the most
widely used nutritional supplement Dennis is a regular broadcaster on BBC GMR, Radio Merseyside,
and Radio Lancashire. He has a very busy pharmacy practice
of all time because of its effectiveness in Prestwich and is in great demand throughout the UK and
with such a wide range of conditions.” Ireland as a speaker on health issues.
- Robert Redfern
When did you first come across
The 2nd Gift from Silkworms – Serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase. “I basically met Serrapeptase in about March 2002 as a result of
the publicity surrounding the good results people were getting
Serrapeptase has had wide clinical use, spanning over forty years
and the fact that it was available on prescription from Doctors
throughout Europe and Asia, as a viable alternative to aspirin
in Germany and other European countries.
(salicylates), Ibuprofen, and the more potent NSAIDs. Unlike
these drugs, Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring protease
I researched it and found out that it was an enzyme made by
enzyme agent with no inhibitory effects on prostaglandins
a bacterium and was originally found in the Silkworm.
and is devoid of gastrointestinal side effects.
The Silkworm uses the enzymes to help digest the tough
What type of enzyme is it? Mulberry leaves it lives on, and spectacularly, it uses it to
instantly dissolve a large hole in the super hard wall of the
Serrapeptase is a natural, anti-inflammatory enzyme that is cocoon it lives in. The silkworm moth then emerges quickly
produced commercially by growing the microorganism Serriata E15 and escapes before predators can devour it. I found out that
on plant material. This enzyme is special because it has widespread scientists in about 1970 started to culture this enzyme in the
clinical use, spanning more than 25 years throughout Europe and laboratory by feeding it a protein. The results were a dry white,
Asia. Many reputable physicians consider Serrapeptase to be a tasteless powder that contains the Serrapeptase Enzymes. They
viable alternative to harsher salicylates, ibuprofen, and NSAIDs. then did some exploration research by giving it to animals and
eventually humans. They found it was perfectly safe, with no
This enzyme is produced commercially today through fermentation side effects and so they set up properly conducted double blind
but was originally found in the silkworm intestine. The Silkworm studies. These showed that as well as getting rid of chronic
uses it for instantly dissolving the hard cocoon to allow the moth inflammation, they would also dissolve non-vital protein material.
to escape and fly away. It also uses it to help digest the tough I read about Dr. Hans Napier’s results with cleared blocked
mulberry leaves that it feeds on. This truly is the second gift from arteries and preventing the need for by-pass operations. I read
the Silkworm. studies from around the world where mucus and catarrh could
be cleared very easily, swelling and trauma recovery and even
b. The Uses non-cancerous breast cysts. In fact, after mentioning this on
my radio program, a lady telephoned me from Southport and
Serrapeptase dissolves non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial reported that after using this for breast cysts, her doctors had
plaque, and inflammation as part of a lifestyle plan. The uses are given her the all clear.”
wide-ranging and cover just about every condition that is affected
by inflammation and or non-living tissue. Every few months or so,
another story is related by a doctor/practitioner/user of another
condition it has helped.
I 14
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
“The first dramatic effect that I experienced was with a man shop and praises Serrapeptase if he hears them ask about it.
in his 60’s who had been a heavy smoker for many years. His He is still so thrilled after two years of feeling good.
wife wheeled him from a special van and into my pharmacy. He
was very breathless in his voice and was difficult to understand This story related on the radio has given many people
because he has emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary encouragement, who have gone onto the programme
disease (COPD). themselves and been given a much better quality of life than
they thought possible. Many of these who are smokers, and
These are considered to be irreversible damage to the linings at that point have only a chesty cough, do not realise how it
of the lungs usually caused by smoking or toxic environments. can easily develop into COPD and by taking the Serrapeptase
Whereas, asthma may be considered reversible, COPD is an are keeping it at bay. There are many chemicals and toxins in
irreversible disease. Normally with this, the only thing we can do the smoke. Their quality of life, and possibly their life, is in the
is to relieve or help, with say an oxygen tank or sprays to open balance (40% of all deaths are from lung diseases). Support
the airways, or steroid sprays that help to stop inflammation. This from your pharmacist with nicotine patches and Serrapeptase
man said he had heard me on the BBC Radio Program talking may change those outcomes.
about the studies, saying that it had helped to maintain the
airways of people with breathing problems by helping to break I mentioned before the world famous heart surgeon, Dr. Hans
down the damaged tissue that had built up over their lifetime, Napier from Germany who died in 1998. He presented to a press
whether due to smoking or things like working with chemicals. conference in Germany the results of his work treating people
He told me he was on sprays, on oxygen, and on antibiotics every who had blocked arteries using the enzyme Serrapeptase.
two weeks as he was always getting bad infections; breathlessly, He reported that he was able to cancel the operations for
he told me he wanted to try Serrapeptase. To begin with, he took double, triple, and even quadruple bypasses. He presented
two tablets on an empty stomach, four times per day. Later, he two former gymnasts who in their 70s were scheduled for
reduced to four capsules per day, and finally, as maintenance, bypass operations, suffering from cardiovascular disease, as
he reduced to a couple per day. they could ‘hardly walk across the room’.
antibiotics, no longer on oxygen I have no doubt this was a success because of combining
cylinders and he was no longer Serrapeptase with lifestyle changes.”
Three weeks later the door opened, and this man, who I had
only met once sitting in a wheelchair (just one of the daily faces
in my practice), walked in and said in a completely clear voice,
with no breathlessness, “Do you remember me? I was in three
weeks ago with my wife.” I had to apologise that I see so many
people and could he remind me. He then reminded me that he
was the person with emphysema, and this six foot tall person
who had been in a wheelchair previously, had marched out of
his van, no wife with him, no wheelchair with him, and spoke to
me in a clear voice. He told me that in the early days so much
rubbish was coming up that he thought his lungs might be
disintegrating, but he soon realised that it was a big clearout
underway. He started to feel so much better, and he was no
longer on antibiotics, no longer on oxygen cylinders, and he
was no longer using his sprays. He was still smoking, and he
had booked a holiday to go to Benidorm, in Spain in March
2002. He is still a regular visitor to the shop to get supplies; he
brings other people along, he buttonholes other people in the
I 16
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Adhesions This enzyme was found being used by the Silkworm to dissolve
its way out of the rock hard cocoon in seconds. Scientists took
The saying ‘physician heal thyself’ couldn’t be truer in Dr. Norton’s this enzyme, and after growing it in vegetable matter, have
case. He has used the enzyme for himself and members of his family found it to be the perfect anti-inflammatory and to get rid of
with excellent results. “My son had to undergo major surgery for leg dead tissue in the body. The colleague who recommended it
lengthening that resulted in painful adhesions. I used chiropractic had great success and, although Linda was initially sceptical,
techniques to work on his legs for eight years, but the condition she has now tried it both on herself and on a great number
remained. Then we tried Serrapeptase. I was amazed when, after a
of patients. She and they find the results are quite astounding.
few months, these adhesions vanished.”
“It is so good. Everyone should be taking Serrapeptase,” says
“It has greatly improved the quality Linda. “I prescribe it for a number of health problems, and the
results I see speak for themselves. One woman had suffered all
of many of my patients’ lives. her life from lumpy breasts. After taking Serrapeptase for three
I’ve prescribed Serrapeptase for months, her latest mammogram revealed the cystic lumps had
reduced from nine to one.”
those with varicose veins on their
Linda, a qualified hospital nurse, wishes consultants would be
legs which looked like a bunch of less non-committal. “Its not all in the mind,” agreed a young
grapes. After a few months, they’ve woman solicitor who stopped practising because of chronic
fatigue syndrome.
returned with scarcely any sign of
disfigurement.” “I feel a different woman,” she told Linda, after 10 weeks on the
enzyme. “I’m taking it on honeymoon with me,” another client
- Dr. Simon Norton who suffered from candida announced. “I can’t live without it
Tennis Elbow
“After taking Serrapeptase for three
Chiropractics is a physically demanding profession; practitioners
often develop ‘tennis elbow’. It is a very painful condition, as months, her latest mammogram
Dr. Norton knows, but, again, Serrapeptase came to the rescue. revealed the cystic lumps had
Rheumatoid arthritis also responds to this therapy, keeping pain
under control. Dr. Norton is also surprised by the speed with reduced from nine to one.”
which the enzyme appears to work. “Chelation therapy time
- Nurse Linda Tranter
has been reduced from three years to one, and I’ve had patients
who were huffing and puffing, playing bowls in a remarkably
short time.” The clinic’s approach is a holistic one. It aims to An advocate of a clean, healthy colon, Linda believes many of our
encourage people to build their health by making life style ills are due to clogging our systems with sticky carbohydrates.
changes and using appropriate supplements. The silkworm’s Serrapeptase acts as a detoxing agent and reduces pain. “Clients
secret has yielded a very useful one. with IBS suddenly realize they haven’t grumbled for weeks,”
Linda confirms. “It’s uphill work convincing people,” says the
bubbly therapist. She regrets clients are developing health
problems at a younger age, often due to diet. “People find talk
“I used it for 20 days, and I have no back pain left from about enzymes difficult to accept. They’re used to the instant fix
arthritis and am very impressed.” of antibiotics. I tell them they’ll need two tubs of Serrapeptase
- Christine, 2009 before they see results.” And Linda has great news for men
who are concerned with developing prostate trouble. “I had
one client who was distressed because it took him ages to
Nurse Tranter Practice pass the smallest amount of urine,” she said. “I suggested he
took Serrapeptase, and he agreed to give the enzyme a try. He
Since Nurse Linda Tranter opened her own Natural Health called me recently, delighted with the results. ‘I’ve only taken
Practice in Gateshead, she has never looked back. Helping two tubs and... well…. its working!’”
people back to health is what she always felt was her calling. At
a recent conference, a colleague recommended an enzyme that
has been getting much publicity recently, called Serrapeptase.
David Snow - Acupuncturist “I just wanted to let you know that I have my results from
my ultrasound on my Carotid arteries. The left is now
“Of course, we’ve known it for years,” says practitioner David completely clear from 48% blocked, and the right has a small
Snow. “Good nutrition and a healthy life style are the foundations visible amount about 5% to 10% from 50% blocked. From
of health. ‘Detox’ may have become a buzzword, but it has been something that cannot be reversed, good old Serrapeptase
part of naturopath philosophy for a long, long time.” has done the trick.”
- Harold I., Australia, 2007
“I am an acupuncturist and not formally trained in nutrition,
but I can and do make suggestions of supplements, dietary
and lifestyle changes where they seem appropriate. I’m always
interested to hear of therapies and supplements my clients
have used to good effect.” Janet Spence - Naturopath, Solihull
“I’m interested to hear that Germany
Naturopath Janet Spence is yet another practitioner whose
is taking Serrapeptase very seriously satisfaction with Serrapeptase has prompted her to take it
as a supplement in the treatment of herself. “This is a wide spectrum nutrient,” she says. “Rather like
vitamin C therapy or aspirin, it is multi functional.” Her treatment
heart and regenerative disease.” method usually begins with a cleansing and detox-programme.
- Practitioner David Snow To this she will add amino acids and liver support. She then
prescribes supplements and nutrients indicated for particular
Yoga teacher does headstands again - thanks to health problems.
“I use Serrapeptase for pain control as it is a powerful anti-
“Serrapeptase came to my notice recently while I was treating a inflammatory, thus reducing or even eliminating the use of
68-year-old yoga teacher. She is a very active woman, but suffers steroids. Currently, I am monitoring its use in controlling high
from neck and back pain that adversely affects her life.” David levels of the ‘wrong’ kind of cholesterol. As a nutrient, it seems
uses Acupuncture or Electronic Acupressure (HealthPoint™) well accepted; none of my patients appear to have suffered
to keep everything moving. He was interested, however, when any side effects even when on very high doses.”
she told him she took Serrapeptase, finding it a powerful anti-
inflammatory that really helped control the pain. “‘The pain
returns the moment I stop using it,’ she told me.”
I 18
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
SERRAPEPTASE USERS’ the presence of MS has gone, as have the constant pins and
needles in my fingers. My balance has improved, and what is
perhaps best of all, the old confident pre-MS me has returned. Of
CASE STUDIES course, I get tired, but this is because I stretch myself, relying on
my newfound energy. I know I am not cured, but the condition
is hardly noticeable, so much so that I consider I have not got
The following users of Serrapeptase are MS at present. I no longer need the hyperbaric treatments
very happy to share their success with and have given up my slot in favour of someone who needs it.
Recently, I went out for a social evening, and where normally I
others. would have to leave within 30-60 minutes, this time my son had
Interviewed by Jenny Pulling. to drag me away hours later as I was enjoying myself so much.
MS Multiple Sclerosis - Maureen Rooney My faith is the backbone of my recovery, and I thank God for
the little silkworm.”
Not so long ago, Mrs. Maureen Rooney threaded a needle and
sewed on a button. ”So what?” I hear you say. In fact, this was
a huge achievement in her 16-year battle against MS. It has
involved years of dedication to a health regime. Every week, “I have to say thanks for giving me some advice with the
Mrs. Rooney undergoes hyperbaric oxygen treatment; she uses Serrapeptase [for multiple sclerosis]. I do want to say love
a Chi machine daily. But it was her discovery of Serrapeptase the changes we have been noticing since we have been
that has made a dramatic difference to her life. taking it. Anyhow, thank you again.”
- Raechel, 2012
“I now feel brilliant. Everything has
improved. Since last June, I have had
no relapses. The tightness in my spine Arthritis and Cholesterol - Mrs. Eileen
that indicates the presence Malon
of MS has gone, as have the constant
Walking was agony for Mrs. Malone. The arthritis in her knee
pins and needles in my fingers. My was so severe, and none of the many prescribed medicines she
balance has improved and, what is tried had any lasting benefit. By chance, she tuned into Dennis
the Chemist on her local radio station and heard the name
perhaps best of all, the old confident Serrapeptase for the first time. “Worth a try,” she told herself.
pre-MS me has returned.”
“I’m so glad I heard that programme. I bought myself a tub, and
- Maureen Rooney after two weeks, the pain lessened. Then I ran out of it, and
the pain returned. I’ve been on it ever since. I take two in the
Says Mrs. Rooney: “My MS follows a pattern of relapses and morning and two in the evening, and it has definitely helped me.
remissions. During the relapses, I suffered double vision, stiffness,
numbness, loss of balance, loss of bladder control, impaired Recently, I went for blood tests because I am anaemic, and it
use of my arms and legs, fatigue, poor concentration, loss of appears that both my blood count and cholesterol levels have
memory, and depression. During one of the relapses, in June improved, so maybe Serrapeptase has given me other benefits. I
2003, I started to take Serrapeptase. tell everyone about it, and I just know I’ll go on taking it forever.”
I 20
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
“I said to my husband, I’m going to send off for those; I’d rather
have £60 less holiday money if you can be pain free. He started “I am a previous smoker and also diabetic. Serrapeptase
is wonderful stuff! My chest no longer feels tight, and my
taking them 3 weeks before our holiday, and the happy ending
lungs feel better.”
is that the pain went away and never came back. Now he can
swing his arms above his head!” - Mr. Turnbull, 2009
I 22
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Author’s Testimonials - she was taking Serrapeptase, she was very comfortable, but if
she ran out, she would be on the phone like a shot for more
supplies. Still smoking (she said to relieve stress), she had chest
Robert Redfern problems in the winter, that is, until Serrapeptase came along
to keep her mostly clear. Her life remained unchanged prior to
her death, but Serrapeptase made it much more comfortable.
“My sister-in-law has suffered untold
misery with Polycystic Ovaries
(PCOS) and aching joints for many The Mike Tawse Story
years. The cysts, as well as the
“I was so impressed, I renamed
pains, are kept away as long as she
my book The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme is
takes Serrapeptase.”
- Robert Redfern
- Robert Redfern
Practically everyone in my family and extended family is taking In early 2006, I was to change my whole understanding of
Serrapeptase, including me. On two occasions, I have had a sore Serrapeptase. Up until meeting Mike Tawse, I had always
throat first thing in the morning. I have chewed a Serrapeptase said there were limitations as to what could be helped with
tablet, and within 30 minutes, the sore throat has completely Serrapeptase. Mike Tawse, born with cerebral palsy, was to
cleared. change all of that. In December 2005, Mike, who was then 36
years of age, sat in his apartment with very little quality of life;
Anne Redfern – My wife was at her wits end with very painful unbeknown to him, his friends were planning his funeral. Mike
varicose veins. She even considered surgery much against was on a multitude of medications from his doctors and was
her own better judgment. Serrapeptase has left her pain-free, slowly slipping away. Luckily, he and his friends came across
and the veins have shrunk to a point where she is no longer Serrapeptase.
bothered with them. She does, however, have to keep taking
a couple to prevent any return. Within weeks, he started to recover. Within months, his doctors
took him off all of his drugs. Now, at 45 years of age, his life
Lucy Redfern – My daughter Lucy sufferers IBS occasionally; continues to get better. I was so impressed, I renamed my book
now with Serrapeptase, she can stop the attack within 24 The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme is Serrapeptase.
hours. She suffered mastitis (breast engorgement) twice while
breastfeeding her daughter. Within one hour of taking two
tablets, she was completely clear and able to carry on feeding.
She was completely clear within two hours on two separate
From Wheelchair to
Sara McLauglin – My sister-in-law has suffered untold misery Wings
with Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) and aching joints for many
years. She had just about tried everything and felt as bad as a
woman can with this problem. The cysts, as well as the pains,
“...Everything has changed, and I am
are kept away as long as she takes Serrapeptase. seeing the world with fresh eyes.”
Jasmine McLaughlin – My niece and budding athlete uses - Mike Tawse
Serrapeptase after events or training, whenever she gets any
muscle pulls or aches. Her brother Zak suffers from mucus “ Ripples on water, the texture and detail of the natural world,
and sore throats that are both immediately dealt with by a the myriad shapes of leaves and plants: because of my poor
Serrapeptase tablet. eyesight I never expected to see these beauties. They were
hidden to me, or limited to my imagination based on friends’
Nora McLaughlin – My late mother-in-law, 79 years of age descriptions. Now everything has changed, and I am seeing
and looking after her wheelchair-bound husband, had more the world with fresh eyes. ”
than her fair share of backaches and other pains. As long as
I 24
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This poetic description of Mike Tawse’s regained sight marked “Friends used to shout at me because I
a significant chapter and perhaps the most astonishing in his
Serrapeptase Adventure. He describes a visit to the Lake District wouldn’t make a will. Did I know something
as a day ‘full of visual surprises.’ they didn’t? I’m not sure. Perhaps I was just
“The idea of texture being visible, as well as tactile, has never
made much sense to me before. Not only was I seeing the
bloody-minded or scared.”
beauty of England, but everyday objects, which I used to know - Mike Tawse
only by touch, in completely new ways. It was the first time I
have been able to use my fresh new eyesight for pure pleasure.”
Even at this low peak, Mike refuses to go along with this. He is
not one to settle for bad news. “Friends used to shout at me
Mike’s Serrapeptase Adventure has now entered its eighth because I wouldn’t make a will? Did I know something they
year, relating his incredible journey, one that has taken him from didn’t? I’m not sure. Perhaps I was just bloody minded or scared.”
a purgatory of illness to the joy of health. “I feel like two different Mike was born with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and although he had
people,” he says. “I can now talk about that person who was ill battled to live a normal life, went to school, and went to college,
from the point of view of the person who is positively not ill.” the problems that accompany this condition had overtaken
This is an inspiring story of one man’s determination to beat his will. The medical professionals had gradually increased his
the odds and of those who helped him achieve what once medication in a last-ditch attempt to keep him alive, and all
seemed impossible goals. Mike Tawse’s victory over his life- were failing. It appeared that he would have only a few years
limiting health condition even persuaded Robert Redfern to before his body gave way under the strain.
rename his book The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme is Serrapeptase. The turning point came on January 3, 2006, when Mike was
Robert at Naturally Healthy Publications is responsible for the persuaded by one of his friends to start taking two Serrapeptase
Serrapeptase formulations marketed by Good Health Naturally. tablets twice a day. This friend met a local pharmacist, Dennis
In the 2006 summer edition of Serrapeptase News, he wrote: Gore (‘Dennis the Chemist’), who described the dramatic
results his clients were getting with an amazing product called
“I have renamed my book The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme is Serrapeptase.
Serrapeptase from Good Health Naturally (GHN). He told how
I did not do this lightly, as I think the word ‘miracle’ is generally
an enzyme called Serrapeptase was achieving a reputation
misused and too easily thrown around, especially in the
for its power as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, and for
nutritional field. If you have read my book and followed my
clearing inflamed tissue in the body. What really impressed
newsletters, you may realise why I am so enthusiastic about this
Mike’s friend was the passionate way ‘Dennis the Chemist’
enzyme. I was finally convinced not only to change the name of
spoke of Serrapeptase, pointing out there were no side effects.
the book, but also to create the website www. themiracleenzyme.
info to go with it, when the story of the then 36-year-old Mike Moved by the pain Mike was suffering, his friend suggested he
Tawse first surfaced. give it a try. They had no proof, but after much research decided
there was nothing to lose. What happened next shook Mike.
Mike, a cerebral palsy sufferer since birth, revealed that life was
In just a few days, the pain diminished, his breathing became
so bad at the end of 2005 he felt he could not endure another
easier, and his lung capacity measurably improved by 300%.
year on a multitude of prescription drugs that hardly made a
difference. I thought I had heard it all, but his story impressed He started a blog, which was to become an ongoing message
me so much I knew that Serrapeptase was deserving of the of inspiration. As he says: “The reason for putting my story out
name, The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme.’’ there was not so much for myself, but it was worth it if just one
person read it and was persuaded to try this route.”
Mike was now daring to believe something special was spoke of introducing Mike to HealthPoint™. He said: “If I can
happening. He decided to contact Good Health Naturally and add just a little bit more to his adventure, then I’m privileged.”
spoke initially to Health Coach David Meyer, who gave him an
overview as to why Serrapeptase could have helped such a April 22, 2006, Mike happily reports that his condition is
difficult condition. When Robert heard of this success, he could stable:
hardly believe his ears. Yes, he had heard so many stories, from
cases of asbestosis to Multiple Sclerosis, asthma, internal scar “Those of you who have asthma will be used to measuring
tissue, blocked arteries, and many more. What was so different your peak flow regularly. I have continued to do this, three
about this situation was that although Mike had these problems times a day, despite being free of symptoms for several months
since birth and sunk so low, taking a formidable cocktail of now and free of medication for almost as long. I have found it
drugs, his response had been so swift. helpful and encouraging to remind myself that the impact of
Serrapeptase on my improving health is actually measurable.
March 19, 2006, Mike takes up his story: If you listened to my Power Hour interview on April 12th, you
will have heard me say that my peak flow that day was at 580.
“After the dramatic developments in my improving health during The remarkable thing, for me, is that it has remained stable ever
the first few weeks of ‘MY SERRAPEPTASE ADVENTURE’, things since. Now, it is still 580 never having gone below 560 in the
appear to have settled down a little. Although the drama was intervening 10 days!”
exciting, I am enjoying being able to assume that I will feel well
and healthy rather than having to hope that I will be able to make
it through the day. My lung function continues to be excellent. May 25, 2006. This is a celebratory blog as Mike describes
My heart rate remains stable and my energy levels are good. his ‘first twenty steps’:
“For several weeks, I have been experimenting with standing,
“I am enjoying being able to with crutches, but not had the confidence to walk. After
recovering from a stomach bug I got back on my feet on 24th
assume that I will feel well and May thinking I would stand for a few minutes, and that would
healthy rather than having to be that. After about five minutes, my phone rang so, without
conscious thought, I found I had taken the 20 steps to answer it.
hope that I will be able to make it This might not seem much, but for me it might as well have
through the day.” been miles. It was yet another sign I was regaining control over
my condition instead of it having control over me.
- Mike Tawse
Surgery in my teens had made it hard to walk, especially as
I grew heavier. For many years, I’d been unable to walk at all.
The only major new development I have noticed is not dramatic, Physiotherapists and a multitude of medics had told me it was
or quick, but it is very exciting, at least to me. Since having surgery too dangerous for my heart and lungs to continue with any form
in 1984, I have had red keloid - raised, irregular - scarring, which of mobilisation beyond a wheelchair, even the sort of exercise
simply refused to reduce. Now, nearly twenty-two years later, that many wheelchair users are capable of.”
these scars appeared to be fading in colour and to smooth out
a little. I have no way of knowing how effective Serrapeptase
will eventually be, but I am amazed to see any improvement Tuesday, July 04, 2006:
at all, after such a long time.” “Yesterday marked exactly six months since I first took
Life was opening up to Mike in ways he had never dreamed. Serrapeptase so, I visited my family doctor for a regular check-
On April 12, 2006, his blog describes how he appeared on an up. In spite of the amazing improvements in my health, I did not
American talk show called ‘The Power Hour’. Says Mike: “Joyce expect the dramatic news that I was about to receive.
Riley, the show’s host, has a strong spiritual faith. One of the Remember I stopped taking my prescription medication in
questions she asked me was, ‘Do you believe in miracles?’ I February and had had no ill effects from doing so. However,
replied: ‘If I didn’t in the past, I do now.’” repeat prescriptions were left in place, which meant, should
In an earlier show, a caller had enquired about helping my health deteriorate or my condition change in any negative
someone with cerebral palsy. Joyce interviewed Robert way, I could reorder them without the need for a face-to-face
Redfern, who described Mike’s experience with Serrapeptase. meeting with the doctor.
She subsequently invited them both onto the show in June This was intended to give me a safety net. Now, five months later,
2006. After Mike’s contribution was completed, Robert Redfern and after careful, detailed checks of my heart function, blood
I 26
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
pressure and lung function, which have ALL been confirmed July 23, 2006:
as NORMAL, it has been agreed that I am very unlikely to need “I have known for some time about the new website www.
them ever again and even less to want them. Finally, it seems, known as The Serrapeptase Forum,
the medics have accepted that, at best, my health may continue but I had no idea that I had played such a significant role in
to improve and, at worst, it can be expected to remain stable. inspiring Robert to set it up or to make changes to his book.”
The significance of this is hard to overestimate. Although the Writes Robert: “Mike is not quite up to doing cartwheels, but
content has changed many times, I have had some form of this IS a WONDERFUL metaphor for the giant strides he has
repeat prescription for as long as I can remember. Although I made and, no matter how much he tries to give the credit to
have been enjoying the benefits of Serrapeptase since January, others, there is no doubt the main credit belongs to him with
I still continue to be amazed by the speed and stability of my his quiet determination and readiness to try.”
That same evening, Mike records how he was able to go out for
a meal with one of his friends who, a year earlier, had wondered
“Although I have been enjoying if he would actually survive until then.
“It was hard for me to tell which one of us was more excited.”
the benefits of Serrapeptase,
since January, I still continue to be
amazed by the speed and stability “My local pharmacy finally
of my progress.” collected all my old, unused
- Mike Tawse
medication. So now I suppose it is
official. It is a small step, but a great
Thursday, July 13, 2006. Mike received a phone call confirming psychological boost.”
he would start a formal program of physiotherapy at the
- Mike Tawse
beginning of August:
“It will involve both supervised and independent exercise, aimed
first at general fitness, then specifically at ‘functional walking’. Monday, July 24, the following day:
Although this is a somewhat unusual phrase, I was thrilled to “My local pharmacy finally collected all my old, unused
hear it. This is the first time I have been thought well enough medication. So now I suppose it is official: a small step, but a
for functional walking for many years! It is true that I have had great psychological boost.”
physiotherapy more recently than 1987, but on these previous
In October 2006, Robert and David visited Mike and
occasions, the treatment was intended to be short term and to
recommended MaxiFocus™ for his failing eyesight, Curcumin98™
assist with recovery from specific medical incidents.
(now CurcuminX4000™ ) for his whole system, D-Ribose™, and
At these times, the aim was not to improve my general level a new nutrient, Glyco8+™, to help regenerate his body. They
of mobility. In fact, the last time I received physiotherapy, in spent most of the time talking about the amazing impact that
2002, the treatment was stopped almost as soon as I tried to Serrapeptase continued to have on Mike.
walk, because my heart could not cope with the effort needed.
I am confident that now my heart and lungs are stable, without
Wednesday, November 1, 2006:
medication, I will have much more success and that any
improvements will be much better maintained than they were “Although the changes in my health are less dramatic now,
the last time I tried physiotherapy.” the improvement continues to build steadily. My muscles are
stronger and more reliable, so I can get from sitting to standing
Many people would have been bitter that life had handed
without using my hands; this is something, which I have not
them such a difficult condition to bear. In Mike’s case, he is
been able to do since I was a young child, but I DO still have to
disarmingly modest in his expectations. “When I first began
hold on once standing. The thing to remember is that this has
to be well my attitude was, ‘If this fixes my lungs and gets me
all happened without physiotherapy, which I am still waiting for.
off my nebulizer, I’ll be happy.’”
My lung capacity is still good and my heart rate is stable. I was
He might be constricted in comparison with many people,
even able to visit one of my friends a couple of weeks ago,
but he is full of appreciation and gratitude and goes to great
which meant having to handle a flight of stairs, on my hands
lengths to give hope to others facing health challenges. Reading
and knees. Of course, this raised my heart and breathing rate,
Robert’s article, he was ‘amazed to receive such an incredible
but they recovered in minutes with no adverse effect. In the
past my friend had to visit me in order that I might avoid using “I have recently discovered that
the stairs. I was pleased to be able to share all this with Robert
and David, and to get even more tips from them, including more many of the symptoms were known,
information about Curcumin98™, which I now take every day. and even expected, side effects of all
My introduction to HealthPoint™ was brief, but fascinating. I’m
looking forward to learning more and I am convinced I will gain
the prescription medications, which
a lot from it, although I have to get someone to help me with it I took before Serrapeptase rescued
because my coordination is not quite good enough for it, yet.”
As Mike points out, there is a lot of confusion surrounding
- Mike Tawse
cerebral palsy. There are people who believe it is an illness that
can be cured, whereas it is a condition, which, as he has proved,
can be ameliorated. However, the dramatic improvement in On February 18, 2008, Mike celebrated the anniversary of
his eyesight and visual perception remains a mystery factor. when he stopped his prescription medication and began ‘a
As he says: “I have been writing about the improvement in my life free of toxins… a life to be lived and not just survived:’
eyesight for almost a year now, but so far I have concentrated “This anniversary reminds me that the search for good health
on how well I can read, how well I can see over a measured has much more to offer than freedom from illness. It is as much
distance under test conditions. I have even discussed the test about new insight as new hope.
results, which proved to me that prevailing medical opinion,
Every day, Joyce and Dave of ‘The Power Hour’ remind me that
which argues that such improvements should not be possible,
Knowledge is Power. I believe that knowledge, freely and honestly
is clearly wrong.”
shared, is a gift, and it can be an inspiration. Imagine what we
could ALL achieve if each one of us accepted the gift and
The second year of Mike’s Serrapeptase Adventure opportunity to inspire just one other person. My Serrapeptase
has undoubtedly been dominated by this remarkable Adventure and the kindness of those who enable and inspire
development. He feels that is the most exciting and it continue to provide proof of what can be achieved when
unexpected of all.: knowledge is shared as a gift.”
“Why do I describe it as ‘the puzzle of depth perception?’” He Mike’s story is a blend of personal determination and the
queries. “To explain, I’ll highlight the changes in my health during support of others. It is one that begins in despair and illness
My Serrapeptase Adventure in contrast to the acquisition of and progresses to hope and health through the fortuitous
a completely new skill. It is obvious to me that the problems discovery of Serrapeptase and collaboration with Naturally
with my heart, lung function, and digestive system were most Healthy Publications’ Robert Redfern. The journey which began
likely caused or exacerbated by the medication I was given to in 2005 has now reached the point where the unexpected
manage symptoms. Serrapeptase gave me a way of managing becomes the accepted.
my condition without them and the chance to recover from
their effects.
Throughout the past year, Mike has continued his blog,
The development of depth perception is very different. The recording his thoughts on disability and charting further
reason why I have never experienced it before is a direct result positive developments:
of the underlying brain damage of cerebral palsy. Thus, my new-
“My own experiences have taught me that living with a disability,
found ability to perceive depth, and to make sense of it, cannot
whilst not being dominated by it, requires a delicate blend of
be described as a recovery. To the best of my knowledge, it is
personal determination and the support of others,” he says.
not possible to recover a skill that was not previously available.
January 3, 2008, marked the second anniversary of the day
This is one bit of the whole story nobody understands. Robert
when Mike first took Serrapeptase, ‘The first day of my third
Redfern described Serrapeptase as ‘the miracle enzyme’. It is
year of adventure. This was a day which, just a few short years
a description I believe is well deserved.”
ago, I could not reasonably have expected to see.”
On February 18th, another anniversary: The first full day of his
third year without prescription medication! “For me, this second
anniversary of freedom from prescription medication is, in
some ways, even more significant.” He adds: “I have recently
discovered that many of the symptoms were known, and even
expected, side effects of all the prescription medications, which
I took before Serrapeptase rescued me.”
I 28
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This was quite a momentous day for Mike because he also day. As Mike writes: “It reminded me of how My Serrapeptase
discovered he could harness the power of HealthPoint™, alone. Adventure started. It was Joyce’s interview with Robert Redfern
“I am able to do this by means of the ear clips, which come that gave me the information I needed and the confidence to try
with the machine, allowing me to overcome the limitations of Serrapeptase for the first time. This was long before my eyesight
normal dexterity, which are signatures of cerebral palsy.” became good enough to read the information for myself.”
Mike notes the ‘amazing level of relaxation’ comparable with They say life begins at forty. However, when you have been
that experienced earlier in the expert hands of the Good Health born with a condition that has involved a multitude of drugs
Naturally team. “If it continues to work as well, despite my lack in an attempt to treat its symptoms, attaining that age seems
of expertise, then I will be thrilled.” tenuous. When Mike woke up to his birthday in 2009, he realised
On March 5th, Mike is musing on what has led to the remarkable he had made it. He was reminded once again that the truest
improvement in his eyesight, developed since November 2006. measure of good and improving health is not expressed in
“I will be fascinated if a definitive medical opinion ever emerges. moments of personal drama. Perhaps it is the ability to enjoy
I believe that the improvements in my eyesight and visual those pleasures of life, which many people take for granted.
perception are perhaps among the most remarkable elements This is the beginning of another bright new decade in his life
of My Serrapeptase Adventure. “ and marks yet another milestone in his inspiring journey. The
Mike did a photo shoot in April, something which can present next stage is when he ‘takes wing’ and flies back to his country
difficulties for many people with spastic forms of cerebral of birth, the USA, and to Canada where he was lovingly fostered.
palsy, he tells us. Because of sufferers’ tendency to flinch and It is a trip he never thought would be possible in the poorly
blink in response to the camera flash, it is hard to obtain good condition he suffered until 2006.
quality photographs. Mike thanks his photographer, Matt, for Mike concludes, “I would like to thank Robert Redfern for his
his persistence and ingenuity. The results speak for themselves. inspiring work with Serrapeptase, and I am sure that he will
continue to bring hope to people around the world!”
Interview by Jenny Pulling
“I would like to thank Robert
Redfern for his inspiring work with
Serrapeptase, and I am sure that he
will continue to bring hope to people
around the world!”
- Mike Tawse
It was ‘Keep Fit’ time in June 2008 when Mike renewed his
gym membership. A month later, there is a happy blog when,
on 24 July, he is allowed to use the abdominal toning machine
without supervision. This proves his core muscle strength had
improved immensely.
In August 2008, when the Great Britain Olympic team emerged
with flying colours, Mike blogged of his own triumph. As he
watches the BBC’s coverage of the sporting events, he notices
something very exciting. For the first time, he can recognise
individual athletes and follow them as they move. Mike had
been commenting on his improved eyesight since November
2006, noting how it had moved to ‘within normal range’ since
2007. But even he was surprised by this alteration. As he says:
“It is a real pleasure to be able to understand what everyone
around me is talking about when they try to convince me how
exciting their chosen sport can be.”
In late autumn, Mike was looking forward to the exciting
challenges he felt certain 2009 would hold. Then in November,
Joyce Riley of the Power Hour recorded her personal view of his
Serrapeptase Adventure, spanning the early days to the present
Serrapeptase News
Naturally Healthy Publications
In The News!
You will never hear about this in the media because it developed a 250,000iu capsule, which is 3x stronger
threatens the billions Pharma make from drugs that than the 80,000iu capsules. The reason? In some
never cure anything in a meaningful way. This study situations it appears that the more serrapeptase taken,
now adds to the list of studies I used when I made my the bigger the results (the Australian testimonial wasn’t
Alzheimer’s recovery plan. the only time there had been success with a higher
The media is full of bad news about the epidemic of Regards, good health...
Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Unlike their I had never suggested for the Australian customer
flu scare stories and bird flu horror stories, this time to take x21 tablets, he had decided to, after the
it is very relevant and very true. The number of people Robert Redfern consultation with his naturopath. He just told me the
who will succumb to dementia in the next 10 years Nutritionalist, Author & Broadcaster story afterwards.
is horrendous; for those people, for their family and Note – how serious a condition is normally determines
society as a whole.
how much serrapeptase I recommend. Serrapeptase is
What you are hearing in the news about Alzheimer’s is 100% safe and can be taken in higher dosages when
Pharma companies who are asking governments and required, hence why I have developed the new ‘super
charities to dig deep and give them billions so they can strength’ capsule.
find a drug that you will need to take for the rest of
your life, that will make the Pharma cabal even more New SUPER STRENGTH Sometimes a condition will not be getting enough
serrapeptase to help clear it, that is when more
wealthy than they already are now. You have read my Serrapeptase would be needed. The worst case scenario is that the
newsletters’ claims that they have never researched a condition didn’t need as much serrapeptase as was
cure for major disease. They would be out of business. taken, but it will still have been cleared!
Previously, I told you about an Australian customer
What do I say? Better for the serrapeptase to do its
who under the supervision of his naturopath and a
job than not! The worst case scenario is actually pretty
Not In The News! really healthy Vitamin K2 diet, took 21 x 80,000iu
good because you could then drop down a dose to a
serrapeptase tablets a day, to try and clear his blocked
Serrapeptase and Nattokinase intervention maintenance level (once the inflammation has been
for relieving Alzheimer’s disease cleared).
And they cleared up in around three weeks.
What you will not hear in the news is a new study
published last year that showed that serrapeptase and Do you remember this story? At the time I received
Nattokinase administered daily for 45 days resulted in hundreds of questions asking how this was possible.
a significant decrease in the chemical activity in the The main point I made was that, in this example, the
brain that causes Alzheimer’s. Treatment with these Vitamin K2 diet was as critical as the serrapeptase.
enzymes also produced a significant increase in the Why? K2 also helps to clear the calcium content of the
chemical activity in the brain that helps to protect blockages. (I have since formulated the Vitamin D3/
against Alzheimer’s. K2 Spray).
Remember, inflammation comes in two forms. I am really excited about SerraEnzyme 250,000iu and Occipital (Neck) Headaches/
Firstly, normal, acute inflammation - this supports the
hope that you share my enthusiasm! Migraine
immune system to clear damaged tissue and remove Take good care or yourselves and your family, - This is a headache occurring over the back of the
infected cells, as this is part of the daily maintenance head. Many of those with occipital headaches suffer
system. Once its ‘job’ is complete, it reduces, accompanying neck problems and both need to be
whilst waiting for its ‘next job’. To have none of this Robert Redfern
inflammation would be a health problem in itself. An Nutritionalist, Author & Broadcaster
example of this is if you get a knock, or hit your thumb
with a hammer.
Sinusitis Headaches/Migraines
- Frontal headaches/migraines caused by inflamed
sinuses usually caused by infection, allergy or viral
autoimmune diseases.
Serrapeptase, Its
Uses & Action Plans
The amounts shown here are for adults.
Please email or contact the Help Line to get the dosage for children.
3. Serrapeptase, Its
Uses & Action Plans
Serrapeptase has been admitted as a standard treatment in
Germany and other European countries for the treatment
of inflammatory and traumatic swellings.
In one double-blind study of Serrapeptase, the group receiving
Serrapeptase had swelling decreased by 50% on the third post-
operative day, while in the other two control groups (elevation
of the leg, bed rest, with or without the application of ice), no
reduction in swelling had occurred at that time. Decreasing pain
correlated for the most part with the reduction in swelling. The
patients receiving Serrapeptase became pain-free more rapidly
than the control groups. By the tenth day, all patients were free
of pain in the Serrapeptase-treated group. The therapeutic daily
dose was 1-2 tablets (10,000IU), 3 times daily.
I 34
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Autoimmune Disease
What Is Autoimmune Disease?
An autoimmune disorder is a condition where the immune Relief for Bilateral Pneumonia, Lyme Disease,
system mistakenly attacks and then destroys healthy body and Bartonellosis
tissue. There are a large group of autoimmune diseases, and
they manifest in different ways. “Dear Robert,
What Causes Autoimmune Disease? After having taken your recommended supplements
for 1 month, I had another X-ray and consultation, re:
They come from a virus or bacteria, but in the end, autoimmune the bi-lateral pneumonia. While last time there were
disease is basically caused by a low level infection residing in still shadows on my right lung, both lungs are now
the body. completely normal and the pneumonia is now regarded
as resolved…
What Types of Autoimmune Disease Are Generally speaking (my chronic lyme and morgellons
There? in the background), even my husband has noticed an
improvement in my general health, strength and mood.
Although much improved, I still have a little mucus –
There are a wide number of autoimmune diseases, and I have a feeling it comes from the sinuses.”
they include Crohn’s Disease, Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue,
Human Papillomavirus (HPVO), Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Lupus, – Tina
Lyme Disease, ME, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Myasthenia Gravis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Psoriatic Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis,
and more.
I 36
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection- Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day with food, for up to 1 month. This is 8x more effective than CoQ10 at
restoring cell energy.
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
What Is Candida?
Candida FAQ
Q: I have Candida, and it’s causing me numerous health
problems. Can you recommend any products in particular
to help relieve my problems?
A: Relief for Candida can be found by following my Candida “Hi Robert, I want to thank you for this website. Thank
Health Plan. Protease is a product I highly recommend as it you for exposing me to Serrapeptase. I now use it every
can help to relieve the infection, while SerraEnzyme 250,000IU day, and it is making a difference! I will probably use it for
can boost its effectiveness by reducing and finally dissolving the rest of my life just to ensure my good health. Thanks
any inflammation in the body. GlycoBoost can also support again, Robert. I consider you a wonderful pioneer in the
the growth of healthy gut bacteria, promoting healing from area of health and anti-aging.”
within the digestive tract.
- Mark
I 38
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This health plan provides relief for Candida and other yeast and fungal infections when the supplements below are taken in
order of priority and combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• SerraEnzyme 250,000IU - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day with the Protease capsules. Serrapeptase SerraEnzyme clears the biofilm
that protects the germ.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
Crohn’s Disease
What Is Crohn’s Disease, and What Causes It?
“Dear Robert,
Crohn’s Disease is a condition caused by inflammation in the
gut, caused by an infection. Symptoms vary depending on I thought I would give you an update on my progress
the part of the gut affected, but common symptoms include with my Crohn’s Disease. I have been taking the
diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and feeling unwell. SerraEnzyme, Curcuminx4000, D.I.P., MaxiVision &
Gastro Enzyme Therapy for about a month now.
Other parts of the body can be affected; inflammation and pain
can be felt in the joints (arthritis), skin rashes, and inflammation I think all the above are definitely making a positive
of the eye (uveitis), as well as liver inflammation. impact on my body because the gastritis has nearly all
disappeared. I feel so much better and healthier. I am
afraid to reduce my Serraenzyme enzyme, Curcumin
and Gastro Enzyme because I have cut down on my
anti-inflammatory drugs to only four tablets and I have
thrown away the proton inhibitor drug for gastritis!!
• 6 SerraEnzyme
• 6 Curcuminx4000
• 6 Gastro Enzymes
• 4 MaxiVision
• 1 D.I.P.
I 40
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• MaxiVision - Contains 34 super nutrients. Provides healthy antioxidant function and relief from aging. Take 4 capsules daily.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day with food, for up to 1 month. This is 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
What Is Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) and/or
Chronic Fatigue? “Hello Robert, Thank you for your ongoing information.
I have been taking Serrapeptase 80,000IU for about
Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is an autoimmune syndrome 6 months now and find it helps immensely with
characterized by sleeplessness and pain in the muscles, tendons, fibromyalgia symptoms…
and ligaments.
We started on it to help my son who suffers with asthma
and had inhaled a lot of paint/lacquer fumes when he
What Causes Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue? was spraying one of his guitars (he’s a guitar repairer/
luthier) and the Serrapeptase I’m sure was a lifesaver. I
am able to purchase this product from our local health
It is thought of as a rheumatic disease, meaning inflammatory
food store, which is good, as I can really only afford to
proteins called cytokines may be initiating and/or perpetuating
buy one bottle at a time, which lasts a while as I’m down
inflammation. Chronic fatigue has many of the symptoms of
to 1, sometimes 2 a day.
fibromyalgia and responds to the same health plan.
Thank you again for your wonderful product, I have told
quite a few people about it, as I think it’s just great.”
- Mary
I 42
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
F I B R O M YA L G I A ( F M o r F M S ) A N D C H R O N I C
The health plan below is designed to improve your fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms to heal your autoimmune
condition and boost your long-term health.
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day with food, for up to 1 month. This is 8x more effective than CoQ10 at
restoring cell energy.
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
Juvenile Arthritis
What Is Juvenile Arthritis?
Juvenile arthritis is caused by the body attacking a resident - Eliza, United States
infection and thus its own healthy cells, which causes the joints
to become inflamed and stiff.
I 44
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection- Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• MaxiVision - Contains 34 super nutrients. Provides healthy antioxidant function and relief from anti-aging. Take 4 capsules daily.
• D-Ribose Plus - Take 5 teaspoons x 3 drops per day in water. This is essential to restore energy in those completely lacking in energy.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day with food, for up to 1 month. This is 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
Multiple Sclerosis
What Is Multiple Sclerosis?
I 46
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Read the Multiple Sclerosis health plan below to find out how to recover your condition and how following a naturally
healthy lifestyle and the supplement regime below can help you to find relief for MS.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• B4 Health Spray - Supports healthy homocysteine levels and the immune system. Take 4 sprays x 4 times a day.
• Vitamin D3/K2 Spray - Supports a healthy immune system. Take 4 sprays x 4 times daily.
• Hemp Oil - Needed to regenerate the myelin sheath and supports the proper functioning of the nervous system. Take 1-2 tablespoons
• The Krill Miracle - This combines a unique formulation of antioxidants in the form of Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils. Offers protection for cell
membranes and boosts the immune system, amongst its other health benefits. Take 1-2 capsules daily with food.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons per day.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infections and maintains a balanced immune
• Essential Digestive Plus - Ensures the proper digestion of food. Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily before food.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - 8x more effective at restoring cell energy than CoQ10. Take 2 capsules x 2 times a day with food for 1 month.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
- Josie
I 48
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• MaxiVision - Contains 34 super nutrients for healthy antioxidant function and relief from anti-aging. Take 4 capsules daily.
• D-Ribose Plus - Take 5 teaspoons x 3 drops per day in water. This is essential to restore energy in those completely lacking in energy.
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
What Is Sarcoidosis?
Sarcoidosis FAQ
Q: I had Sarcoidosis for years that left scarring in my lungs,
and I lost flexibility in my lower lungs. Since then, it went
into remission, but they say I have asthma and COPD now,
and I’m on oxygen 24/7. I need to know if Serrapeptase
will help me get back to work and back to life. Thank you.
I 50
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Find relief for sarcoidosis by following the health plan below, which includes both a supplement regime and a naturally
healthy lifestyle for best results.
• SerraEnzyme 250,000IU - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, clears any inflammation, mucus and scarring. Take 2 capsules x 4 times a
day, 30 minutes before eating a meal with water and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating a meal with water and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• GlycoBoost - Contains Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Supports the growth of beneficial healthy gut bacteria and promotes healing
in the digestive tract. Take 2 teaspoons daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• MaxiVision - Contains 34 super nutrients for healthy antioxidant function and relief from anti-aging. Take 4 capsules daily.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day with food, for up to 1 month. This is 8x more effective than CoQ10 at
restoring cell energy.
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
What Is ADHD?
Q: Could you tell me please what foods (diet plan) a child of
7 should be eating who has Attention Hyperactivity Disorder
Syndrome? I have recommended no fizzy drinks or drinks
containing tartrazine and to keep to water. Any recipes/
ideas would be most welcome. Thank you.
I 52
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to help provide relief for ADHD and its associated symptoms.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. - Take 2 x 2
times per day for 2 weeks and then drop to 1 per day. Supports the gut and the immune system.
• Active Life - Take 15ml x 2 times per day. Contains 90 sublingual vitamins and minerals, including Selenium and Chromium which
are designed to support the immune system.
• Rosavin - Take 1 capsule, 2-3 times daily. Provides therapeutic benefits for ADD and ADHD.
• Lithium Balance - Take 2 tablets, 2-3 times daily. Supports healthy mental responses and supports ADHD.
Alzheimer’s Disease
What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?
I 54
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
A L Z H E I M E R ’ S D I S E A S E H E A LT H P L A N
The following plan is designed to provide relief for Alzheimer’s symptoms when following the supplement regime below
and combining it with a naturally healthy lifestyle.
What Is Autism?
Autism FAQ
Q: Hi Robert, I have a son with autism. He is already doing
the diet without milk and gluten-free, but continues
his gut dysfunction (sometimes diarrhea, sometimes
constipation)—also did not sleep well and of course has
many other problems associated to ASD. He is only three
years old and about 20 kg…Any suggestions?
I 56
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for autism. By following the plan below which includes a supplement
regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve autism symptoms, so as to achieve overall good health in the
• Serranol - Serrapeptase/CurcuminX4000/Ecklona Cava/Vitamin D3 are awesome ingredients for digestive and brain health that
can be opened and mixed with apple puree if needed. Studies show the brain is affected positively by this. Take 2 capsules x 3 times
per day, 30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Relaxwell - Helps with the anxiety that change causes and provides a more relaxed sleep. Take 1-2 capsules per day. The last one
can be taken at bedtime. Open and mix with a little apple puree.
• Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - Use in your cooking daily. It has effective MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) renowned for their
immune benefits and energy enhancing effects. Mixing with avocado and cacao (chocolate) powder is best.
• Hemp Oil - Contains concentrated Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support brain memory and the learning process. Take 1 teaspoonful in
the mouth or in food, 2-3 times daily.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Lotion Ultra - Restores cellular magnesium levels and alleviates stress while improving mood.
Massage into head and main muscles daily or bathe in ULTRA Bath Crystals.
What Is Depression?
A: This is easy to fix, but you need to follow the plan carefully:
I 58
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for depression. By following the plan below which includes a supplement
regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve depression, so as to achieve overall good health in the long-term.
• HySorb Q10 - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Stimulates the immune system and provides energy.
• Rosavin - Take 1 capsule, 2-3 times daily. Relieves fatigue and stress.
• Sleep Well - Take 6 sprays daily. Contains Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and a proprietary blend of 5-HTP, Melatonin, Valerian Root, Passiflora,
Hops, MSM for reducing anxiety and insomnia.
• Relaxwell - Helps with the anxiety that change causes and provides a more relaxed sleep. Take 1-2 capsules per day. The last one
can be taken at bedtime. Open and mix with a little apple puree.
• Sam-E Plus+ - Take 2 vegetarian Delayed Release capsules, 2-3 times daily. Balances stress and emotional imbalance.
• NatraGest - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to skin every day. Regulates hormonal levels.
• Magnetic Clay Bath - Use 1 set for baths using 2 ½ cups of clay or more. The spices and herbs are known to help various symptoms
that are present with metal and chemical poisons, such as digestive problems, parasites in the body, depression, etc.
• Lithium Balance - Take 2 tablets, three times daily. Supports healthy mental and balanced chemical responses.
What Is Epilepsy?
A: Use Serranol 2 caps x 3 times per day. Stop all (yes, zero)
starchy carbs using the health food plan in this book.
I 60
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This Health Plan includes all of the steps required to provide relief for Epilepsy. The plan is all of the steps to accomplish
• Serranol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day, 30 minutes before eating a meal, with a glass of water and reduce to 1 x 3 after a
good relief. Serranol contains Serrapeptase, Curcumin, Ecklonia Cava and Vitamin D3 which will help to clear the inflammation.
• Taurine Spray - Take 5 sprays under the tongue x 3 times daily. Numerous studies show a lack of Taurine to be a key factor in
• Lithium Balance - Take 2 tablets, 2-3 times daily. Balances chemical responses and provides anti-aging nutrients for the brain.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• B4 Health Spray - Take 6 sprays daily. Contains B vitamins and supports healthy homocysteine levels and the immune system.
• The Krill Miracle - Take 2 capsules, 2-3 times daily. Provides Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that can boost concentration, memory and
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Naturally Better Vitamin E - Take 2 capsules, 2 -3 times daily. Studies show that it may help to reduce functional decline in patients
with mild to moderate problems.
I 62
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for migraines and headaches. By following the plan below which
includes a supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve migraines and headaches, so as to
achieve overall good health in the long-term.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily for best results. Treatment with HealthPoint™, an electro-acupressure device, has proved to be as highly
effective as acupuncture in treating migraine/headache problems. The HealthPoint™ unit simply stimulates the body’s own healing
system, and it is effective over a vast range of related problems (see
• Seek Professional Help - Obviously help by a health professional such as a chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist should be
sought immediately, to make any neck adjustments (1-3 treatments should be effective).
What Is Memory Loss?
I 64
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide a boost for your memory health.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 3 capsules, 3 times daily. Curcumin is an antioxidant with powerful benefits for brain health. This is because
curcumin can cross the blood brain barrier, meaning it has the potential to treat a range of neurological disorders.
• Relaxwell - Take 2 capsules, 30 minutes before sleep. Promotes relaxation and healthy cortisol levels.
• ReFocus Vinpocetone - Take 2 capsules, 2-3 times daily. Contains Vinpocetine that can boost brain health.
• Gingko Biloba - Take 2 capsules, 2 times daily. Helps with memory loss. Increases blood vessel elasticity and supports better blood
flow to the brain.
• Lithium Balance - Take 2 tablets, three times daily. Supports healthy mental and balanced chemical responses.
Parkinson’s Disease
What Is Parkinson’s Disease?
I 66
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for Parkinson’s Disease. By following the plan below, which includes
a supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve Parkinson’s Disease, so as to achieve overall
good health in the long-term.
• Serranol - For inflammation, healthy arteries and brain support, 2 x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating with water and then
reduce to 1 x 3 after definite improvement.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Coenzyme Q10 but 8x stronger than standard Q10. Take 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner (you may be aware
of the studies on COQ10).
• Brain Power - Contains Coconut Oil/Curcuminx4000 and DHA to support healthy brain cells. Take 1-2 tablespoons daily.
• Vitamin D3-K2 Spray - For healthy brain circulation. Take 4 sprays, 2-3 times daily.
• Lithium Balance - Take 3 tablets, 2 times per day. Supports healthy mental responses and is an anti-aging nutrient for the brain.
• Astaxanthin - Take 2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch and 2 with dinner. This is a powerful antioxidant which can enhance energy and
metabolism, while supporting brain health.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Liver Balance Plus - You likely need to rescue the liver and kidneys in the next month after recovery has taken place. The liver and
kidneys are essential parts of ongoing good health. Take 3 tablets daily.
Senile Dementia
What Is Senile Dementia?
I 68
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for symptoms when following the supplement regime below and combining
it with a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• Nattokinase - Take 1 capsule, 3 times a day with the Serranol. Clears inflammation and dead cells. Studies show it can help in the
relief of Alzheimer’s Disease.
• B4 Health Spray - Supports healthy homocysteine levels, gives a healthy boost to the immune system and improves the absorption
of B12. Take 6 sprays daily.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• The Krill Miracle - Contains concentrated Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support brain memory and the learning process. Take 2
capsules, 2-3 times daily. If vegetarian, see the Hemp Seed Oil in the Other Recommended Items section.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Take 2 capsules per day (200x better absorbed than Alpha Lipoic Acid). Provides antioxidants and supports
blood sugar balance.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Naturally Better Vitamin E - Studies show that it may help to reduce functional decline in patients with mild to moderate
Alzheimer’s Disease. Take 2 x 3 capsules a day.
Sleep apnea can usually be treated with weight loss and the
use of mandibular advancement devices or nasal continuous
air pressure (CPAP). Some people have also highlighted that
Serrapeptase has helped them to find relief for their sleep
apnea due to its inflammatory properties. Serrapeptase can
break down any obstructions in the nasal passage, making it
easier for oxygen to be delivered around the body.
I 70
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to help you relax and induce a good night’s sleep. By following the plan below which
includes a supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve sleep and relaxation.
• Relaxwell - Take 2 capsules, 30 minutes before sleep. Promotes relaxation and healthy cortisol levels, and helps you stay asleep.
• SAM-e Plus+ - Contains SAMe Tosylate for relieving depression and providing a healthy response to stress and emotional imbalance.
Take 2 capsules, twice daily.
• Ancient Minerals Professional Strength Magnesium Oil Spray - Apply to skin daily. Magnesium chloride increases ATP cellular
energy and ‘de-stresses’ and soothes the nervous system.
• Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium Plus™ - Reduces the symptoms of depression and insomnia. Take 3 capsules, twice daily.
What Are Stress and Anxiety, and What Is the
Stress is caused by anxiety and how the mind and then the
body reacts to the thought processes associated with it. Feelings
“Yesterday evening, I saw my eldest daughter. I was
of stress occur when we feel overwhelmed or afraid and can’t
impressed with how happy she sounded. My daughter
cope with the pressure associated with it.
is a nurse who works ten hour days, often well into the
This is a normal fight-or-flight response that has been hardwired evening, so is usually feeling tired. I mentioned to her
into our brains to ward off any perceived threats to our survival. how glad I was to see that her consistent fatigue had
We can reduce our stress and anxiety levels by diaphragmatic gone.
breathing and learning how to change our perception of events.
Taking time out during the day to practice 10 minutes of ‘Dad I owe it all to you,’ she said. ‘Ever since last week
relaxation points and regain appropriate focus on the tasks when I came to visit with you, my life has changed. ’
ahead, while getting a good night’s sleep, can also be beneficial. Thank you, Robert Redfern, for giving my daughter back
her life and freeing her of stress and fatigue.”
A: Yes, it’s vital that you learn deep breathing exercises so that
you are getting oxygen into your system; this can help to relax
your nervous system and control stressful thoughts and feelings
better. My Stress and Anxiety Health Plan can also help you
to manage stress and relax. Relaxwell is the main product I
recommend for this as it contains L-Tryptophan and L-Theanine,
which can support effective relaxation and help you to manage
your stress levels to feel more rested and prepared for whatever
life throws at you as a result.
I 72
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
S T R E S S / A N X I E T Y R E L I E F H E A LT H P L A N
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for stress and anxiety by clearing damaging cortisol. By following the
plan below, which includes a supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to control stress and anxiety,
so as to achieve overall good health in the long-term.
• The Krill Miracle - Supports the immune system and improves mood. Take 2 capsules, 2-3 times daily.
• Lithium Balance - A safe mood stabilizer, balances chemical responses. Take 2 tablets, 2-3 times daily.
• SAM-e Plus+ - Provides powerful support for stress relief. Take 2 capsules, 2-3 times daily.
• MaxiFocus Sublingual Spray - Take 12 sprays daily. Supports healthy cells and body.
• GlycoBoost - Supports cognitive senses and positive moods. Take 1 scoop daily.
What Is Vertigo ?
I 74
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for vertigo. By following the plan below, which includes a supplement
regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve vertigo, so as to achieve overall good health in the long-
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 minutes before eating a meal with water and then reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• MSM+ Silver™ Drops - Clears any ear infection that may be the cause of the problem. Take 4 drops in each ear, 2 times per day.
What Is Cancer?
Cancer includes a large number of diseases marked by Cancer caused 13% of all deaths around the world in 2007,
unregulated cell growth, referred to in the medical community estimated at 7.9 million. However, cancer was responsible for
as malignant neoplasm. Cancer occurs when cells divide and close to 30% of deaths in Western countries that consumed
grow out of control to form malignant tumors; these cells spread an unnatural diet. Cancer rates are rising as people live longer
and invade other parts of the body. While not all tumors are and the mass junk food diet becomes more common in the
cancerous, benign tumors do not spread and invade nearby developed world.
The exact cause of cancer is not known or fully understood. Q: My 56-year-old brother has cancer of the liver, bowel,
There are a number of factors that increase the risk of cancer, and lymph involvement. Do you feel he would benefit
including diet, smoking, certain infections, radiation exposure, from taking Serrapeptase as chemo was unsuccessful,
lack of exercise, obesity, and environmental pollutants. These sadly? If, not, would you recommend something else
factors may damage genes or exacerbate existing genetic that might slow the cancer?
issues to result in cancerous mutations. 5 to 10% of all cancers
can be traced back to genetic defects; genetics may increase A: If he has 3 months to live, then this plan is likely to be
risk but do not directly cause cancer. successful if it is strictly adhered to. The cure is in the detail.
I 76
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to aid the cancer recovery process. When the below supplements are taken along with a
naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for the healing to begin, from the inside out.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times
per day, 30 mins before eating a meal with water.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 4 capsules x 3 times per day with the Serranol. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that can relieve
inflammation and help in the healing process.
• Essential Digestive Plus - Take 3 capsules x 4 times per day, 15 minutes before eating. Aids digestion and improves the absorption
of essential vitamins and minerals.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 2
capsules x 2 times per day until clear and then drop to 1 every few days. Supports the gut, immune system, and assimilation of
nutrients into the gut.
• Graviola - Take 3 x 3 times per day, but lower to 1 capsule x 3 if the person feels too sick with the rapid clearing of the cancer cells.
This clears unhealthy cells.
• MaxiVision - Contains 34 super nutrients. This is the ultimate multivitamin/mineral designed to support overall health. Take 2
capsules x 2 times per day with food.
Alternative To MaxiVision…
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
Aortic Aneurysm
What Is Aortic Aneurysm?
An aortic aneurysm refers to a dilated aorta at more than 1.5 “I have been taking BlockBuster AllClear for a good while
times normal size. There are a number of causes of an aneurysm, now and I’ve been amazed by the results. It has been
but the condition ultimately results in underlying weakness in a few months now since my aortic aneurysm and my
the aortic wall. heart and cardiovascular health is vastly improved since
An aortic aneurysm can cause pain at times, which is a sign of following the supplement regime and implementing a
potential rupture. When aneurysm rupture occurs, it will cause a naturally healthy lifestyle.”
massive internal hemorrhage. Unless this is treated immediately,
shock and death will take place within minutes to hours. - Barbara, Yorks
I 78
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief after an aortic aneurysm. For best results, combine the supplement plan
below with a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• Altrient C - Take 1 pouch x 4 times a day. Vitamin C is a powerful immune booster that can support healthy tissues and arteries.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
Cardiac Disease
What Is Cardiac Disease?
- Diane
I 80
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
C a r d i a c D i s e a s e H e a lt h P l a n
The following plan is designed to provide relief for Cardiac Disease by taking the following supplements and implementing
a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 1 capsule x 3 times
per day with the Blockbuster.
• OxySorb (Optional) - Take 4 single sprays under the tongue over the day or before exerting yourself. (This is only needed if you have
angina/breathing problems.)
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1x2 for ever). This is 8x more effective than CoQ10 at
restoring cell energy. This supports the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 x 2 times per day. Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support the reduction of heart damaging
Carotid Arteries/Arterial
Vascular Disease
What Is Carotid Artery Disease, and What
Causes It?
Carotid artery disease occurs when plaque builds up inside of
carotid arteries. The two main carotid arteries are located on
“Dear Robert, I just wanted to let you know that I have my
either side of the neck, each dividing into internal and external
results from my ultrasound on my Carotid arteries. The
carotid arteries. Internal carotid arteries are responsible for
left is now completely clear from 48% blocked and the
supplying oxygen-rich blood to the brain. External carotid
right has a small visible amount about 5% to 10% from
arteries supply oxygen through the blood to the scalp, neck,
50% blocked. From something that cannot be reversed,
and face.
good old Serrapeptase has done the trick. Many thanks
Carotid artery disease is a serious cause for concern because for all your advice and encouragement.”
it can result in a stroke, otherwise known as a “brain attack.” A
stroke will occur if blood to the brain is cut off. If blood flow is Best regards,
cut off for more than a few minutes, brain cells will begin to die.
This will result in damage to other parts of the body controlled - Harold I., AUSTRALIA
by brain cells. A stroke can result in long-lasting brain damage,
long-term disability that includes paralysis and speech and
vision problems, or even death.
- Fran Smith
I 82
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 1 capsule x 3 times
per day with the Blockbuster.
• Vitamin D3-K2 Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. This helps to clear calcium build-up.
• B4Health Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Supports a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol (8x more effective than CoQ10) - Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1 x 2 for ever) as this
supports the heart muscle and heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day. Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that improves heart damaging inflammation
and damaging cholesterol levels.
Cardiovascular Disease
What Is CVD?
What Causes Aortic CVD? In the second week of March, I started taking two
400 mg capsules of Serrapeptase twice a day. By the
There are a number of causes of cardiovascular disease, second week of April–without changing my diet–my
although atherosclerosis and/or hypertension are the most bad cholesterol went from 212 to 181, my triglycerides
prevalent. With age, there are a number of physiological and dropped from 476 to 356, and my blood sugar level
morphological changes that can affect heart function and dropped from 124 to 112.”
increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in healthy adults.
- Bobby Leopard, Windsor, SC
Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death
around the world, although mortality rates have declined in a
number of developed countries since the 1970s. Cardiovascular
disease and deaths continue to climb in low- to middle-income
I 84
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
C a r d i o va s c u l a r D i s e a s e ( C V D ) H E A LT H P L A N
The following cardiovascular disease health plan is designed to provide relief for cardiovascular disease and, when followed
together with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it can help you to achieve long-term good health.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• The Krill Miracle - Take 2 capsules, 2-3 times daily. Provides antioxidants and support for healthy cholesterol.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• HartGard Drops - Take 5 drops, 3-4 times daily. Improves overall cardiovascular health.
• B4 Health Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Supports a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
I 86
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
D V T D e e p V e i n T h r o m b o s i s H e a lt h P l a n
The first two below are the very minimum I recommend, but the rest are also important if finances are OK. The food and
exercise changes are the real cure.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Ultra - After a few days on BlockBuster, get someone to massage this into your feet and legs 2
times per day, working upwards towards the heart. Make sure you are lying down when you have this done. Relieves aches and
pains, restores cellular magnesium levels.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3 designed to provide relief
and reduce inflammation. Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day with the Blockbuster.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood flow and arteries.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day. Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support the reduction of heart damaging
Peripheral Arterial
What Is Peripheral Arterial Disease?
• Take BlockBuster 2 x 3 times per day, 30 minutes before eating
a meal, with a glass of water. This will dissolve any clots that
break away. Take 1 Serrapeptase with them.
• Follow the diet and drink plan attached.
• Lie on your back and cycle your legs in the air and get someone
to hold them if too hard.
• Rebound on one of the 3 rebounder mini-trampolines.
• Do these 3 times per day.
• Eat the Really Healthy Foods plan found in this book.
I 88
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
P e r i p h e r a l A r t e r i a l D i s e a s e H e a lt h P l a n
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for peripheral arterial disease. By following the plan below, which
includes a supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve peripheral arterial disease, so as to
achieve overall good health in the long-term.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 1 capsule x 3 times
per day with the Blockbuster.
• Vitamin D3-K2 Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. This helps to clear calcium build-up.
• B4 Health Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Supports the heart and cardiovascular system.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - (8x times more effective than CoQ10) - Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1x2 for ever). This
supports the heart muscle and heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day. Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support the reduction of heart damaging
Stroke Health
What Is Stroke?
What Causes Stroke? “Because she had heard of my recovery, I was approached
by a neighbor (a diabetic), who had a stroke in 1997 and
A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery, known as an was still unable to walk unaided and suffered constant
ischemic stroke, or a burst or leaking blood vessel, called a pain in her right leg. Only 7 days after having put her onto
hemorrhagic stroke. A temporary disruption of blood supply Serrapeptase, she told me overjoyed that for the first
to the brain is called a transient ischemic attack, or TIA. time she was able to walk on her own for quite a long
distance and also that her big toe, which had crossed
Stroke FAQS over, had straightened out. She is continuing to make
good progress (she is now on her second bottle) and is
Q: My wife had a stroke recently which was a terrifying very satisfied.
experience for us all. Since then she has been unable
to get dressed in the mornings and eating and walking P.S. She has also just told me that her sugar level has
have also become much more difficult. Is there anything improved considerably since she has been taking
you can suggest which might help to put her on the path Serrapeptase. Regards.”
back to good health?
- Rosemary
A: You must follow the Stroke Health Plan immediately. I suggest
taking Serranol which contains the SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase,
Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava, and Vitamin D3, which will
help to get the blood flowing again, along with HealthyFlow.
The ReFocus will also reduce any abnormal coagulation of
the blood and aid in relieving stroke symptoms, improving the
blood supply to the brain. I also recommend the HealthPoint™ “Thank you and thank you for the help with my father
as it can help to ease any pain. who had a stroke - remember the doctor did the surgery
and said something of a slimy stuff was left in the vein?
4 tablets Serrapeptase, 2 times a day, plus 3 tablets, 2
times a day, of BlockBuster AllClear, and he is fine.
Thank you and happy New Year - may it be the best year
you have ever had!”
- Russ
I 90
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
S t r o k e H e a lt h P l a n
The following health plan is designed to provide relief after suffering from a stroke:
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• ReFocus - Take 1 x 3 times per day. Reduces abnormal coagulation of the blood, aids stroke recovery and improves blood supply to
the brain and other parts of the body.
• MaxiFocus - Take 12 oral sprays per day (eg, 6 x 2 or 3 x 4). Contains nutrients that support healthy blood flow around the body.
• Naturally Better Vitamin E - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day. Supports stroke induced injuries and provides cholesterol reduction
and cardio protection.
• Prescript-Assist- 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1 x 2
times per day (see
• HealthPoint™ - VERY IMPORTANT - Use daily to stimulate acupressure points. HealthPoint™ microcurrent stimulator is designed to
work with all acupuncture points. Please refer to pages 8.4 and 8.5 in my Mastering Acupuncture book for help.
Generally, there are two forms of thrombosis: venous and “I have been suffering for a while with severe thrombosis
arterial. These can be presented in several different subtypes, and didn’t know what to do. I stumbled upon your site
including Venous Thrombosis, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Portal Vein while searching for a solution and I was amazed by what I
Thrombosis, Renal Vein Thrombosis, Jugular Vein Thrombosis, discovered. Since taking your advice and following your
Budd-Chiari Syndrome, Paget-Schroetter Disease and also health plan that you sent to me I have seen a significant
Cerebral Venuous Sinus Thrombosis. improvement in my condition. I have been taking the
BlockBuster AllClear and the B4 Health Spray religiously
There are other types of conditions that can arise in accordance and, along with the healthy eating plan, I have really seen
with thrombus location, which can affect the organs. A an improvement in my overall health and wellbeing.
thromboembolism is a combination of thrombosis and an Thank you!”
- Jill, East Sussex
I 92
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
T h r o m b o s i s H e a lt h P l a n
The first two below are the very minimum I recommend but the rest are also important if finances are OK. The food and
exercise in the Recovery Food Plan are the real cure.
• B4 Health Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Supports the heart and cardiovascular system.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3 designed to provide relief
and reduce inflammation. Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day with the Blockbuster AllClear.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood flow and arteries.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
I 94
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 1 capsule x 3 times
per day with the Blockbuster.
• Vitamin D3-K2 Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Helps to clear calcium build-up.
• B4 Health Spray -Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Supports the heart and cardiovascular system.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - (8x more effective than CoQ10) - Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1x2 for ever). This
supports cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 x 2 times per day. Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support the reduction of heart damaging
What Is Colitis?
- Jodie, Birmingham
I 96
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan below is designed to provide relief for colitis sufferers. When it is followed consistently and combined with a
naturally healthy lifestyle, the symptoms of colitis can be improved and the result is long-term good health in just a few
short weeks.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times a day before each meal. Relieves inflammation and reduces pain.
Do not start these further supplements until after the above, and the diet, have both started.
• Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• SerraEnzyme 80,000IU - Supports a healthy digestive system. Take 2 tablets, 3 times daily.
What Is Diabetes?
The three main types of diabetes include Type 1 where the body - Florence S., Trinidad and Tobago
fails to produce enough insulin, also known as insulin-dependent
diabetes or juvenile diabetes; Type 2 caused by insulin resistance,
also called adult-onset diabetes; and gestational diabetes, which
occurs when pregnant women develop high blood glucose
Diabetes FAQ
Q: My 9-year-old son has Type 1 diabetes. Will it be beneficial
for him to take Serrapeptase?
A: No, it won’t, but these things below will help his future
health while you are waiting for the islet replacement therapy
to become available (since the medical business is dragging
their feet over it).
Only give him really healthy foods (which applies to all of you,
in these circumstances) as seen in the plan below.
I 98
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
D I A B E T E S ( PA N C R E A S H E A LT H ) P L A N
The plan below is designed to provide relief for diabetes sufferers. When it is followed consistently and combined with a
naturally healthy lifestyle, the symptoms of diabetes can be improved and the result is long-term good health in just a few
short weeks.
• Cinnamon 27™ - To support healthy blood sugar and maintain normal blood glucose levels. 1 capsule per 50 pounds body weight
(e.g. for a 150 pound person, take 3 capsules, 3 times per day, before meals). Take for 27 days, stop for at least 3 days, then resume.
• GlycoSpray™ - A complete formula to help support pancreas function and assist in regeneration of pancreas B cells. As a dietary
supplement, take 6 sprays (in the mouth) once a day. For greater benefit, take 3 sprays, twice a day, or as directed by your
healthcare professional.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Improves glucose metabolism in those with type 2 diabetes. Take 2 capsules per day on an empty stomach or
as directed by your healthcare professional.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray Ultra - Restores cellular magnesium levels, protects cells, relieves aches and pains. Apply to
legs, arms, chest and back muscles daily after a shower.
• Prescript-Assist- 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1 x 2
times per day (see
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Naturally Better Vitamin E - Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day. Protects healthy fats from oxidising and causing free radical damage.
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day. Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that improve heart damaging inflammation and
damaging cholesterol levels.
Digestive Health
What Are Digestive Diseases?
I 100
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan below is designed to improve digestive health and to ease the symptoms of any digestive system disorder. When
combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for the body to naturally begin to heal itself and over a few short
weeks, the results will be long-term good health, when committed to the plan below.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times daily before each meal. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that can provide support for
digestive problems and reduce pain and inflammation.
Do not take the next two items until you have completed 30 days on the plan above:
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus- For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you
start your meals, 3 times per day.
• SerraEnzyme 80,000IU - Take 2-3 tablets daily. SerraEnzyme contains Serrapeptase, a proteolytic enzyme that can provide powerful
support for a healthy digestive system.
What Is Diverticulitis?
Diverticulitis FAQ
Q: My uncle just had surgery for it and now my Mom is in
the hospital with the same thing. I am young, but I have
the same symptoms. Can it be hereditary and should I go
to the doctor, or do you think I’m over reacting?
I 102
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for diverticulitis. When combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle,
it’s possible to improve diverticulitis and its symptoms to the point where the digestive system is eased. In just a few short
weeks, it’s possible for diverticulitis symptoms to improve and for long-term good health to be attained.
• Gastro Enzyme Therapy - Relieves all digestive tract problems. Take 1-3 after each meal, a total of 3 to 9 a day.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you
start your meals, 3 times per day.
Gallbladder Stones
What Is a Gallstone?
Gallstones may be caused by several factors, including weight, Well, when my relative suggested Serrapeptase I
decreased gallbladder motility, poor diet, and genetics. Gallstones researched this product and was so impressed with the
will form when bile components are imbalanced; as an example, testimonials, I decided to order some and give it a go, as
cholesterol gallstones can develop when too much cholesterol we were really desperate now and my husband was in
is found in bile. Gallstones may also form if the gallbladder does so much pain. Although it is early days, only three days
not empty effectively. into taking the Serrapeptase he has had 2 completely
pain-free days and is feeling so much better, and no
Pigment gallstones are most often associated with existing
longer scared to eat. We are excited and hopeful, but
medical issues, including liver cirrhosis and blood diseases
like I said it is early days and I will keep you informed.”
like sickle cell anemia.
- Lynette
I 104
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for gallbladder stones and to improve the overall health of the digestive
system. When the supplement regime below is combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for the symptoms of
gallbladder stones to improve and in the long-term, for good health to be achieved.
• Quebra Pedra - Take 3 capsules per day as per the container. Helps to dissolve gall stones.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of liquid, highly absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Relaxwell - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Gives powerful relaxation support for those suffering from anxiety and depression.
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed based on a number of
symptoms, like chronic abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort,
and altered bowel movements. IBS has no known cause and is “I suffered from stomach and bowel problems. I tried
considered a functional gastrointestinal disorder. The condition tons of other stuff to get relief. Once I started taking
may cause either constipation or diarrhea, or the two may Serrapeptase, I felt relief in the first couple of weeks.
alternate. I’m happy to report that I’m much more “regular” now.”
- C.H. USA
What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
IBS can now be diagnosed based on symptoms alone. Irritable
bowel syndrome does not have a determined cause, but it is
more likely to occur following a stressful or traumatic life event,
infection, or with age.
I 106
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I R R I TA B L E B O W E L S Y N D R O M E ( I B S ) H E A LT H P L A N
The following plan is designed to provide relief for the symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). When combined with a
naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for digestive symptoms to improve and for good health to be achieved in the long-
• Relaxwell (optional) - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day. Improves digestion, relaxes the body and makes stress more managable.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
Kidney Disease
What Is Kidney Disease?
I 108
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The below plan is designed to provide relief for any kidney problems and to boost kidney health. When this is combined
with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for symptoms to improve and for good health to return, if the plan is followed
• BlockBuster AllClear - Take 2 x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating with water. Reduce to 1x3 after a month. BlockBuster AllClear
contains Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Protease and Lipase. Serrapeptase gives powerful support to the digestive system and lowers
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day with the Blockbuster. Curcumin provides powerful support and pain relief for
digestive problems, the liver, and the gallbladder.
• Prescript Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• B4 Health Spray - Supports healthy homocysteine levels, gives a healthy boost to the immune system and improves the absorption
of B12. Take 6 sprays daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Kidney Rescue - Take 2-5 tablets, 5 times per day, 6 days a week. Kidney Rescue cleanses the liver, while providing adrenal support.
Also Take
• 6-8 Glasses of water per day with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda in each glass. (this is very important see attached)
Liver Cysts
What Are Liver Cysts?
A: The simple liver cysts are not too much of a concern; however,
they can rupture or become infected. Inflammation can be a
primary cause of infection and Serrapeptase can help. This
is because Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that digests
and dissolves dead tissue in the body. It can help to ease the
inflammation and improve any painful symptoms associated
with it.
I 110
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for liver cysts and to ultimately improve the digestive system for
better overall health. When the liver cyst supplement regime is combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, results can be
seen in a few short weeks.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Take 2 capsules x 2 times daily. Take for protection while healing.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection- Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
Liver Disease
What Is Liver Disease?
I 112
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan below is designed to provide relief and start the healing process for liver disease. When the supplement regimen
is combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, then it’s possible for the symptoms of liver disease to ease. The results of
sticking to this plan are that it’s possible to achieve good health in the long-term, when it is followed consistently.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme, Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Clears inflammation and
provides strength support for healthy joints, cells, heart, blood flow, circulation and cholesterol. Daily Dose: Take 1 capsule x 3 times
per day. Take 30 minutes before or 2 hours after food.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Take 2 x 2 capsules per day while healing. Supports healthy liver function.
• B4 Health Spray - Take 3 sprays x 3 times a day in the mouth. Provides a healthy boost to the immune system, improves B12
absorption and supports healthy homocysteine levels.
• Sam-e Plus+ - Take 2 capsules, 2-3 times daily. Support for your liver regeneration.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
Polycystic Kidney
Disease (PKD)
What Is Polycystic Kidney Disease?
- Emily B, Bristol
What Causes Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Polycystic Kidney Disease is marked by multiple cysts, often in
both kidneys. The disease can occur in humans and in some
animals. Numerous fluid-filled cysts can cause massive kidney
enlargement. As the disease progresses, it can damage the liver
and pancreas, as well as the heart and brain in rare cases. PKD
is one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases
that affects 12.5 million people around the world. Medical
professionals believe polycystic kidney disease is caused by
genetic defects.
I 114
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The below health plan is designed to provide relief for polycystic kidney disease. By following the supplement regimen
below and choosing a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for your digestive and general health to improve in the long-
• Curcuminx4000 -Take 2 x 3 times per day with the Serrapeptase. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that can provide support for
pain relief and inflammation.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon to skin daily. Regulates and controls hormone balance.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
I 116
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This supplement regime is designed to relieve any thyroid problems you may have and is especially effective when
combined with a naturally healthy diet and lifestyle.
• Serranol - Take 2 x 3 times a day, 30 mins before eating with water. This helps to clear inflammation and aids in the healing process.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Hydrosol Silver Spray - Take 2 sprays x 3 times a day in the mouth. Hydrosol silver has antibiotic properties that aid in the healing
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis
What Is Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis?
I 118
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for catarrhal rhinopharyngitis so as to give relief for this condition.
• Hydrosol Silver™ - Taking two sprays of Colloidal Silver every few hours will kill any infection.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times per day.
I 120
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan can aid in helping to heal any chronic ear infections when followed as part of a supplement regime and
combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle for long-term relief.
• MSM+ Silver™ Drops. -Take 4 drops in each ear every hour until clear. Repairs damaged membranes, equalises pressure and softens
tough leathery tissue.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily on appropriate acupressure points. Treatment with an electro-acupressure device has proved to be highly
effective in relieving ear infections. The unit will also instantly relieve any associated pain.
What Is Hay Fever? Q: My hay fever has been really bad this summer, and I’m
wondering if there’s anything you can recommend to help?
My 6-year-old daughter suffers with it too. Thanks…
Hay fever is triggered by an allergy to pollen or sometimes mold
spores. It happens because the body’s immune system reacts A: SerraEnzyme 80,000IU is what I would suggest to help to
inappropriately to the presence of external substances, as if they clear the inflammation and ease the symptoms.
were something toxic. The result is irritation and inflammation.
The symptoms of hay fever usually run in families, and it is related
to eczema and asthma. It’s usually common to find members in a
family who have asthma, hay fever, or sometimes even eczema.
It’s also possible to have some people who have hay fever and “Every year I would dread the summer as my hay fever
others with eczema, or even more than one of these conditions. flared up causing my eyes to become really itchy, sting
and start crying. Constant sneezing and itchy eyes made
Symptoms vary but usually include a runny/blocked nose;
me feel miserable so I knew I had to do some research
sneezing; and red, itchy, or even watery eyes, along with an itchy
in advance and look into my options…
throat. This is usually accompanied by a wheezy chest, which
could refer to a degree of asthma. The peak time for pollen is
I don’t always trust what my doctor gives me so I decided
during the early summer as school and university exams take
to look for a more natural solution which is when I
place. This can make it difficult for sufferers to revise and to do
came across your Serrapeptase. I have been taking it
well on their examinations
daily and the results have been fantastic – symptoms
are drastically reduced this year, with barely a sniffle!
Thank you!”
What Causes Hay Fever?
- Hayley, South Berkshire
The cause is erroneously said by so-called experts to be pollen. Of
course, they mean to say it is caused by a dysfunctional immune
system and triggered by the different pollens that are present at
different times of year. This means the time that you are affected
depends on the pollen to which you are allergic. Other factors
which can aggravate the situation are weather and air quality.
I 122
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan can help in relieving the symptoms of hay fever and provide relief for the condition in the long-term,
especially when the supplement regime is followed alongside a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• HealthPoint™ - Treatment with an electro-acupressure device has proved to be highly effective in relieving hay fever. The
HealthPoint™ unit also clears the mucus and stimulates the body’s own immune system. It will also relieve any associated pain. See for more information.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement (can be
opened and mixed with food). Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day.
What Is Laryngitis?
Laryngitis FAQ
Q: My laryngitis has gone from bad to worse. I’m worried
that I will never get my voice back at this rate! What can
you suggest to help?
Follow my Laryngitis Health Plan for the diet and lifestyle plan
to heal your condition.
I 124
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan can help you to find relief for laryngitis when following a naturally healthy lifestyle and a supplement
• Hydrosol Silver™ - Taking four sprays of colloidal silver every few hours will kill any infection.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
Ménière’s Disease
What Is Ménière’s Disease?
I 126
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
M E N I E R E ’ S D I S E A S E H E A LT H P L A N
Your 4-8 Week Plan, From My eBook, by Robert Redfern
Supplements for ear, nose and throat health - in order of priority:
• 1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune Support Kit - This clears any infection remaining in the cells. Take 1 kit daily for 3 days (total of 3).
1st Line should always be taken at least 90 minutes before and after food, approximately. 3 kits are the minimum, and in serious
conditions, 10 kits over 10 days are better if finances allow.
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme, Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal. Take with water and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief. Clears any inflammation, mucus and scarring.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• HealthPoint™ - Treatment with an electro-acupressure device has proved to be highly effective in relieving Meniere’s. The unit will
also instantly relieve any associated symptoms.
• GlycoBoost - Glyconutrients and L-Glutamine. Take 2 teaspoons per day for 30-60 days. GlycoBoost can restore the digestive tract.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic -Take 1 capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food), and then for
maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days. This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement which solves
major problems plaguing other probiotics. It helps to maintain a healthy GI tract, provides intestinal support for IBS and IBDs, as
well as intestinal support for antibiotic induced and travellers’ diarrhea. It can also assist in regulating bowel mobility and fortifying
the gut’s immune system.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Rhinitis FAQ
Q: I have had a persistent runny nose for weeks, and I am
getting fed up of it. I find it so embarrassing and inconvenient
to have to keep blowing my nose all the time. Are there any
suggestions that you can recommend to me so that I can
begin to feel better?
I 128
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
R U N N Y N O S E - R H I N I T I S H E A LT H P L A N
The following is a health plan designed to provide relief for runny nose or rhinitis, especially when combined with a
naturally healthy lifestyle.
• Prescript-Assist -29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily on acupressure points to further reduce the inflammation and pain. Treatment with an electro-acupressure
device has proved to be highly effective in relieving ENT infections. The unit will also instantly relieve any associated pain.
Sinusitis Problems
What Is Sinusitis?
- Matt
I 130
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan can aid in helping to relieve sinusitis and its symptoms, especially when followed with a naturally
healthy lifestyle
• HealthPoint™ - Treatment with an electro-acupressure device has proved to be highly effective in relieving ENT infections. The unit
will also instantly relieve any associated pain.
Sore Throats
What Are Sore Throats?
- Fleure
I 132
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan can help you to find relief for a sore throat, especially when followed with a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• HydroSol Silver Spray - Take 4 sprays under the tongue every few hours until clear. Contains Colloidal Silver that will kill any
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
Swollen Glands
What Are Swollen Glands?
I 134
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan can aid you in helping to find relief for swollen glands, especially when combined with a naturally
healthy lifestyle.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - Open 1 capsule onto a spoon and chew slowly until dissolved. This is the next-
generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement.
Degeneration (Wet or Q: I’m a big fan of Serrapeptase (great for my knee)! My aunt
has just been diagnosed with Wet AMRD. I’m putting her on
a good A/O (with Lutein, etc.) and wondered if Serrapeptase
Dry) would be a good addition?
I 136
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol -Contains Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava and Vitamin D3. These ingredients support eye health by providing
better eye circulation, due to the Serrapeptase clearing inflammation. Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory properties that
stimulate glutathione to protect the cells and the tissue from inflammation, while modulating the immune system. Take 2 x 3 times
a day before eating, with water. Reduce to 1 x 3 after 1-2 months.
• Taurine Spray - Reduces oxidative damage to the eyes and delivers nutrients to the retina cells, along with assisting in the clean-up
of removal products. Take 5 sprays under the tongue daily.
• HealthPoint™ - Microcurrent Stimulation - Stimulates the appropriate microcurrent stimulation points. Stimulates ATP and cellular
regeneration and has been shown in studies to improve the overall improvement of eye health. Treatments per day for the first 2-4
weeks and once per day thereafter.
• The Krill Miracle - Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that support protection of cell membranes, stabilization of blood sugar levels and
protection for cell membranes. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• AstaXanthin - Powerful biological antioxidant that supports and maintains healthy eyes. Take 2 capsules, 2 times a day (optional but
strongly recommended)
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• MSM + Silver™ Drops - Softens tough leathery tissue, equalises pressure and repairs damaged membranes. Take 2 drops, 3 times a day.
What Is a Cataract?
Cataract FAQ
Q: Is Serrapeptase safe to use with alcohol? Is Serrapeptase
safe to use after cataract surgery? Will it affect lens implants?
I 138
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The health plan below is designed to improve cataracts and overall eye health. When combined with a naturally healthy
lifestyle and if the supplement regime is followed consistently, it’s possible to see significant improvements to cataracts
and overall health, in just a few short weeks.
• Advanced Cellular Glutathione Spray - Take 4 sprays in the mouth, 4 times a day. Increases cellular components while preventing
damage to important cellular components.
• MaxiFocus™ 24 Nutrient Sublingual Spray - Take 6-8 sprays under the tongue per day for the first 2 months, then 3 sprays per day,
1-4 times a day. Contains 24 super nutrients and antioxidants that support healthy eyes.
• HealthPoint™ - Stimulates the appropriate microcurrent stimulation points. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and once per
day thereafter.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Altrient C - Take 1 pouch x 4 times per day (one with each meal). Powerful support for increasing energy and maintaining the protein
collagen of tissues, helping them to heal.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule, 3 times a day. Powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that provides support for eye health,
including cataracts.
Diabetic Retinopathy
What Is Diabetic Retinopathy?
I 140
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for diabetic retinopathy and its symptoms. By following the plan below and
implementing a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to find relief for this condition and improve your overall eye health.
• Pancreas+ Support Spray - Take 6 sprays in the mouth over the course of the day. Reduces oxidative damage and delivers nutrients
into the retina cells. Also supports the cleaning of waste products in the retina. Protects against glucose damage, especially in
• MaxiFocus™ 24 Nutrient Sublingual Spray - Take 4 sprays, 3 times a day for the first three bottles then reduce to 2 sprays, 3 times
a day. Contains 24 super nutrients and antioxidants that support healthy eyes.
• HealthPoint™ - Stimulate the appropriate microcurrent points. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and once per day
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule per day, 2 times per day with
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Take 1 capsule, 3 times a day with food. Supports eye health and repairs oxidative damage, regenerating other
• AstaXanthin - Take 2 capsules, 2 times a day with food. Provides powerful support for healthy eyes.
• MSM+ Silver™ Drops. - Take 2 drops, 3 times a day. Contains MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) which softens membranes, allowing fluid
to pass through to optical tissues. L-Carnosine acts as a natural antioxidant, protecting structural lens proteins from the free radical
induced oxidation process.
I 142
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
B L E P H A R I T I S ( D RY E Y E S ) H E A LT H P L A N
The plan below is designed to provide relief for dry eyes (blepharitis). When combined with a naturally healthy diet and if
followed correctly, results will become apparent in a matter of weeks.
• Saline Drops - Visit your local pharmacy and buy saline drops to help with dry eyes. Take a drop of saline in each eye before the
MSM+ Silver™ Drops.
• HealthPoint™ - Microcurrent Stimulation - Stimulates the appropriate microcurrent points. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration
and has been shown in studies to improve the overall improvement of eye health. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks, and
once per day thereafter.
• Hemp Seed Oil - Essential fatty acids in liquid form which help with protecting the retina’s photoreceptor cells. The recommended
dose is to take 2 teaspoons a day.
• VisionTone - A combination of Western and Chinese herbs to strengthen the eyes. Recommended dose is half a dropper full, two
times a day on an empty stomach. Do not take as eye drops. Take under the tongue.
• Thera Tears - For severe conditions, very effective for post-LASIK surgery patients suffering with dry eyes. Recommended dose is 1-3
drops per day as needed.
• MSM+ Silver™ Drops. - Recommended for all eye conditions. Equalises pressure and repairs damaged membranes. Take 2 drops, 3
times per day.
What Are Floaters?
Floaters are small, dark shapes that float through the field of
vision. They can be dots, strands, squiggles, or countless other
shapes. Though they may seem annoying, they are harmless
“I tried Serrapeptase, and it has cured floaters in my
and can be prevented by eating a proper diet.
eyes that I have had for 30 plus years, arthritis in one
If the small spots that appear in your vision appear suddenly, it’s finger, and my fingernails have also started growing
recommended that you visit your eye doctor immediately so again… I have a lot more energy... and just one bottle
as to rule out any serious issues with your eyesight. A sudden did the trick.”
rise in floaters can indicate a vitreous or retinal detachment.
People who are nearsighted or diabetic are especially prone - Elaine N., Canada
to retinal tears and floaters.
Floaters FAQ
Q: I started taking Serrapeptase two weeks ago to clear
up eye floaters. It hasn’t yet shown any results, and I was
wondering how long should I expect it to take before seeing
a difference in these floaters? I’m taking two pills a day.
Thank you.
I 144
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The floaters health plan below is designed to provide relief for your eye condition. By following the health plan and
implementing a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve floaters in a few short weeks, along with your overall eye
• Re-Vision Formula - Take 1-2 droppers full, three times a day for the treatment and then 2 times a day for prevention. Powerful
support for healing floaters.
• Serranol -SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief. These ingredients support eye health by providing
better eye circulation, due to the Serrapeptase clearing inflammation. Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory properties that
stimulate glutathione to protect the cells and the tissue from inflammation, while modulating the immune system.
• HealthPoint™ - Stimulates the appropriate microcurrent points. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration and has been shown in
studies to help the overall improvement of eye health. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and once per day thereafter.
• MSM+ Silver™ Drops. - Take 2 drops, 3 times a day. Contains MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) which softens membranes, allowing fluid
to pass through to optical tissues. L-Carnosine acts as a natural antioxidant, protecting structural lens proteins from the free radical
induced oxidation process.
Fuchs’ Dystrophy
What Is Fuchs’ Dystrophy? Fuchs’ Dystrophy FAQ
Q: My Fuchs’ Dystrophy is getting worse, and I’m facing
Fuchs’ Dystrophy or Fuchs’ Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy surgery soon if it doesn’t get any better according to my
(FECD) is an eye disease where the cells that line the inner eye doctor. Please can you offer any advice?
surface of the cornea begin to slowly start dying off. It usually
affects both of the eyes, and symptoms can include eye pain,
A: You need to follow my Fuchs’ Dystrophy Health Plan. The
sensitivity to light and glare, foggy or blurred vision, colored halos
MSM+ Silver™ Drops will soften tough leathery tissue, helping in
around lights, and vision that gradually worsens throughout
the removal of floaters. They contain a combination proprietary
the day.
blend: OptiMSM®, Hydrosol Silver, L-Carnosine, and Colloidal
Zinc. Curcumin contains antioxidant properties that can provide
What Causes Fuchs’ Dystrophy? powerful support for eye health, and the Glutathione Spray is
important to stop free radical damage.
Fuchs’ can be inherited; if one of your parents had the disease, Krill Oil can help to protect cell membranes, and MaxiVision
the chances of developing Fuchs’ Dystrophy are 50%. The (which is a blend of essential nutrients) can prevent vision loss
condition can also occur in people who have a family history and maintain healthy blood vessels, essential for improving
of the disease. vision. Other recommendations include CAN C NAC Drops,
Altrient C, and HealthPoint™. Try the supplement plan and stick
Primarily, the condition is more commonly found in women to a healthy diet… Let me know the results.
than men. It affects people over the age of 50 more frequently,
although doctors won’t be able to see any sign of the disease
until a person reaches their 30s or 40s.
The thin layer of cells around the back of the cornea is affected “My Fuchs’ dystrophy has improved greatly since taking
the most by Fuchs’ dystrophy, as these cells help to pump out your Serrapeptase. I had the condition in one of my eyes,
any excess fluid from the cornea. When more of the cells are but since taking your supplement, I am beginning to
lost, fluid starts to build up in the cornea, resulting in swelling see clearly again… The clouding is nearly gone, and the
and clouding of the cornea. This fluid may build up only during pain is gradually beginning to reside after months of
sleep at first, or when the eyes are closed, but as the disease discomfort…Many thanks for all that you do.”
becomes worse, small blisters can start to form. When these
blisters become bigger, they can start to break off—the cause - Ann, Manchester, UK
of which is eye pain. Fuchs’ dystrophy can also change the
cornea’s shape, resulting in more vision problems.
I 146
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for Fuchs’ dystrophy sufferers. When combined with a naturally
healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve Fuchs’ dystrophy symptoms and achieve improved overall eye health.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Curcumin contains antioxidant properties which can provide powerful support for eyes.
• Glutathione Spray - Take 4 sprays under the tongue, 4 times a day. Stimulates glutathione, which is crucial in stopping free radical
• MaxiVision - Take 2 capsules x 2 times per day for the first 2 months, then 1 x 2 times a day. This is the best product for the delivery
of these specific nutrients to the eye. Studies have shown that these nutrients improve and prevent vision loss, while maintaining
healthy blood vessels and improving blood flow.
• Altrient C - Take 1 pouch x 4 times a day. Altrient C is specifically designed to help cell health. Researchers report that a ‘significant
interaction’ was observed between age, Vitamin C intake and the prevalence of eye degeneration.
• HealthPoint™ - Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and once per day thereafter. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration and
has been shown in studies to improve the overall success of recovery.
• Intraocular pressure (IOP) greater than 21, or where there is a “Three years ago I was diagnosed with glaucoma. After
reading your website about how Serrapeptase works,
large discrepancy in IOPs between the two eyes.
I intuitively theorized that it will help my glaucoma by
dissolving the debris in my eyes’ sewage system over time.
• Optic cup asymmetry I stopped taking the medication from the hospital and focused
on SerraEnzyme, Serranol and Blockbuster Allclear (mixing
and interchanging them) up to 12 capsules daily…
I 148 - Chris
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for glaucoma and its symptoms. When combined with a naturally
healthy lifestyle, the symptoms of glaucoma will improve, and it’s possible to achieve better eye health in the long-term.
• Re-Vision Formula - Contains Bilberry, Bupleureum, Dandelion root, Eyebright, Gardenia, Gingko biloba and Milk thistle in a
tincture formula. It helps improve health conditions relating to glaucoma, macular degeneration and floaters by improving blood
circulation and stagnation of energy to the eyes. Take 1-2 droppers full, three times a day for the treatment and then 2 times a day
for prevention.
• Serranol - Contains SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times
per day, 30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief. These ingredients support eye health by
providing better eye circulation, due to the Serrapeptase clearing inflammation. Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory properties
that stimulate glutathione to protect the cells and the tissue from inflammation, while modulating the immune system.
• HealthPoint™ - Stimulates the appropriate microcurrent stimulation points. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration and has been
shown in studies to improve overall eye health. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and once per day thereafter.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - A network antioxidant that supports eye health, repairs oxidative damage, regenerates other antioxidants and
chelate excess metals. Take 1 capsule, two times a day.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule per day, 2 times per day with food.
• AstaXanthin - Powerful biological antioxidant that supports and maintains healthy eyes. Take 2 capsules, 2 times a day.
Photophobia Light
What Is Photophobia Light Sensitivity?
I 150
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The Photophobia Light Sensitivity plan is designed to improve your eye condition and overall eye health. When combined
with the naturally healthy lifestyle and eating plan, it’s possible to see results in just a few short weeks.
• AstaXanthin - A powerful antioxidant that can help to maintain eye health. Take 3 capsules daily.
• HealthPoint™ - Microcurrent Stimulation - Stimulate the appropriate microcurrent points. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration
and has been shown in studies to improve the overall improvement of eye health. Treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and
once per day thereafter.
• MSM+ Silver™ Drops - Recommended for all eye conditions. Equalises pressure and repairs damaged membranes. Take two drops,
three times a day.
Retinal Artery and Vein The symptoms of Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusion can include
a sudden blurring or even loss of vision in one eye, or part of
Occlusion the eye. This can be temporary, i.e. just few seconds or minutes,
or it could be semi-permanent. If a blood clot develops in the
eye, then it could be an indicator of a blood clot elsewhere that
What Is Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusion ? may result in a stroke.
• Diabetes
• Temporal arteritis
I 152
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Taurine Spray - Take 5 sprays under the tongue per day. Reduces oxidative damage to the eyes and delivers nutrients to the retina
cells, along with assisting in the clean-up of removal products.
• BlockBuster AllClear - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating with water. Reduce to 1 x 3 after 1-2 months.
Powerful Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Protease and enzyme formula to clear inflammation and support healthy eyes.
• The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
• MaxiFocus™ Sublingual Spray - Take 12 sprays per day under the tongue (e.g. 6 x 2 or 3 x 4). Contains high levels of key carotenoids
Lutein and Zeaxanthin, together with 22 vitamin and minerals identified in a major study as being essential for eye health.
• ReFocus - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day with breakfast and evening meals. Improves the blood supply to the brain and increases
oxygen and glucose use by the brain, improving circulation around the organs, particularly the eyes.
Retinitis Pigmentosa
What Is Retinitis Pigmentosa?
I 154
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for Retinitis Pigmentosa. The eye condition can be vastly improved by
following the supplement regimen below and combining this with a naturally healthy lifestyle for best results.
• Taurine Spray - Reduces oxidative damage to the eyes and delivers nutrients to the retina cells, along with assisting in the clean-up
of removal products. Take 5 sprays under the tongue per day.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around
the mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st
dose on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate
it, such as Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray. A study published in JAMA Ophthalmology showed
Retinitis Pigmentosa swelling due to CME to be inversely related to Iodine intake. The study was conducted by researchers from
Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School, and Boston University School of Medicine.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times a day with food.
• HealthPoint™ - Microcurrent Stimulation - Stimulates the appropriate microcurrent stimulation points. Stimulates ATP and cellular
regeneration and has been shown in studies to improve the overall improvement of eye health. Treatments per day for the first 2-4
weeks and once per day thereafter.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid-R - Take 1 capsule, twice a day. Supports eye health and repairs oxidative damage, regenerating other
• MSM + Silver™ Drops - Softens tough leathery tissue, equalises pressure and repairs damaged membranes, allowing fluid to flow
through to the optical tissues. Take two drops, three times a day.
Angina (Cardiomyopathy)
What Is Angina?
- Gus Patist
I 156
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for angina (cardiomyopathy) and to support a healthy heart. By
following the plan below which includes a supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve
heart health and to achieve overall good health in the long-term.
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• HealthyFlow - Arginine L-Lysine, L-Citrulline, Grapeseed Extract 95% AstraGin™ (contains Astraglaus membrenaceus and Panax
notoginseng). This formula supports healthy blood vessels throughout the body. Take 4 teaspoons over the day in a little water or juice.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell energy. Take 2 capsules x 2 times per day with food for 1 month
(then 1 x 2 forever) as this supports the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule per day, 2 times per day with food.
- Mark, Windsor
I 158
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Taurine Spray - Take 6 sprays x 2 times daily. Taurine makes up 50% of the free amino acid in the heart and is thought to
strengthen it, according to Robert Abel Jr., MD.
• BlockBuster AllClear - Take 1 capsule x 4 times per day, 30 mins before each meal and last one at bedtime. Provides powerful
support for healthy blood pressure and a circulatory system.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Blood Pressure
What Is Blood Pressure?
A: It is safe, but you must start with a low dose and build up
slowly. Stop carbs completely.
I 160
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to improve blood pressure and to ease its signs and symptoms. When the supplement
regime below is followed along with a naturally healthy diet, it’s possible for the condition to be improved, and good health
will be the result in the long-term.
• BlockBuster AllClear - To support healthy blood flow and circulation. SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and 13 other
circulation supporting nutrients. Take 2 x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating and drop to 1 x 3 after 1 month (plan on 1-2
• HealthyFlow - Arginine L-Lysine, L-Citrulline, Grapeseed Extract, 95% AstraGin (contains Astraglaus membrenaceus and Panax
notoginseng). A complete formula to help healthy veins and arteries. Take 4 teaspoons over the day in a little water or juice.
• Vitamin D3/K2 Spray - Take 3 sprays, 2 times per day. Essential to support normal blood pressure. Vitamin D3/K2 spray boosts a
protein called MGP which protects blood vessels against calcification.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide range of absorption.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols (especially for cystic fibrosis) - Suggested Formulation - ‘Naturally Better Vitamin E’ - Protects healthy
fats from oxidising and causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you
start your meals, 3 times per day.
Coronary or Ischemic
Heart Disease
What Is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD),
Atherosclerotic Heart Disease, or Ischemic
Heart Disease (IHD)?
I 162
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day,
with the Blockbuster.
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• HealthyFlow - Arginine L-Lysine, L-Citrulline, Grapeseed Extract 95% AstraGin™ (contains Astraglaus membrenaceus and Panax
notoginseng). This formula supports healthy blood vessels throughout the body. Take 4 teaspoons over the day in a little water or juice.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell energy. Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1 x
2 forever) as this supports the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule per day, 2 times per day with food.
Diseased heart valves can affect the flow of blood through the
heart. The heart consists of four valves, with two large blood
vessels leaving the heart to ensure that blood doesn’t go back “I was beginning to lose hope when I came across your
into the heart after it has been pumped out. product. Since then, I have begun to recover greatly
from my diseased heart valves, and I am now starting
Diseased or damaged heart valves can affect this flow by to feel much better.”
restricting or obstructing the blood—this is known as valve
stenosis or narrowing. This puts extra strain on the heart so - Linda, Wales
that it has to pump much harder to get the blood through the
narrowing. If the valve doesn’t close properly, then it’s known
as a leaky valve, valve incompetence, or regurgitation.
I 164
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for diseased heart valves and to promote long-term good health.
Follow the Diseased Heart Valves Health Plan below, which includes a supplement regimen and recommendations of how
to live a naturally healthy lifestyle, to achieve best results.
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day,
with the Blockbuster.
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• HealthyFlow - Arginine L-Lysine, L-Citrulline, Grapeseed Extract 95% AstraGin™ (contains Astraglaus membrenaceus and Panax
notoginseng). This formula supports healthy blood vessels throughout the body. Take 4 teaspoons over the day in a little water or juice.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell energy. Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1 x
2 forever) as this supports the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
Heart Disease
What Is Heart Disease?
What Causes Heart Disease? I also discovered (thanks to your good advice) that by
changing my eating habits, losing excess weight and
Heart and cardiovascular diseases remain the biggest cause doing regular exercise, I would be able to progressively
of death worldwide, though over the last two decades, distance myself from taking this particular drug. I have
cardiovascular mortality rates have declined in many high- now been off Lipitor completely for seven months and
income countries as healthier lifestyle choices are adopted. just recently received the results of a full comprehensive
At the same time, cardiovascular deaths and disease have blood test.
increased at an astonishing rate in low- and middle-income
countries as they take on the junk food and smoking habits These results ‘stunned’ my doctor and of course gave
of the Western countries. me a great feeling of personal satisfaction and relief.
I would like you to know that SerraEnzyme 80,000 iu
Chronic inflammation (caused in the main by diet, missing Serrapeptase is top among other supplements that I have
nutrients in modern foods, stress, sugary drinks, and smoking) is been taking for some time. (6-8 capsules SerraEnzyme
clearly the cause of such diseases. The correct form of exercise 80,000iu per day). I have also found that by cutting out
can help in some cases but can make matters worse in others. grains and processed foods and by reducing my sugar
Short, high-intensity exercise sets (e.g. 200 meter sprints) with intake to basically only around 15-20g of fruit fructose
recovery rests in between each set (also called interval training) per day, this has greatly assisted me in maintaining my
are shown in studies to be far healthier than long-distance health. My wife who is suffering from Fibromyalgia, has
jogging exercise. Weight training is also recommended. now commenced sharing my SerraEnzyme 80,000iu
Serrapeptase capsules every day.”
Since up to 50% of all deaths between the ages of 45 and 70
are caused by heart/cardiovascular diseases, “thinking” people - Paul, Australia
should start to think about their health plan so they can remain
in the other 50%.
I 166
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan below is recommended to heal heart disease and to start you on the path to good health. When followed with
a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for the heart condition to improve and for inner healing to begin. If followed
consistently, the symptoms of heart disease will ease and eventually, good health will follow.
• Serranol - Serranol offers professional strength support for healthy joints, cells, heart, blood flow, circulation and cholesterol.
SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the
• Vitamin D3/K2 Spray - Protect your heart against cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D3/K2 boosts a protein called MGP which protects
blood vessels against calcification. Take 3 sprays, 2 times a day.
• HartGard Drops - Protects against the beginning stages of heart disease for mild heart muscle weakness, pressure and tightness of the
chest, along with mild arrhythmia. It’s also used as a tonic for an aging heart. HartGard drops contain sublingual nutrients for healthy
heart function, cardiovascular health, healthy blood pressure and protection against strokes. Take 6 single sprays under the tongue
over the day.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide range of absorption.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell energy. Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1 x
2 forever). This supports the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• The Krill Miracle - Powerful antioxidant that bolsters immunity and reduces heart damaging inflammation. Take 1 softgel, 2 times
per day with food.
• 1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune Support Kit - This clears any infection remaining in the cells. Take 1 kit daily for 3 days (total of 3).
1st Line should always be taken at least 90 minutes before and after food, approximately. 3 kits are the minimum, and in serious
conditions, 10 kits over 10 days are better if finances allow.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols (especially for cystic fibrosis) - Suggested Formulation - ‘Naturally Better Vitamin E’ - Protects healthy
fats from oxidising and causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
Heart Failure
What Is Heart Failure?
I 168
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The health plan below is designed to relieve the symptoms associated with heart failure. By choosing to live a naturally
healthy lifestyle and following the supplement regimen below, it’s possible to recover from heart failure and to attain long-
term good health.
• Serranol - Serranol offers professional strength support for healthy joints, cells, heart, blood flow, circulation and cholesterol. Contains
SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• HealthyFlow - Arginine L-Lysine, L-Citrulline, Grapeseed Extract 95% AstraGin™ (contains Astraglaus membrenaceus and Panax
notoginseng). This formula supports healthy blood vessels throughout the body. Take 4 teaspoons over the day in a little water or juice.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - 8x more effective than CoQ10 at restoring cell energy. Take 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1 x
2 forever). This supports the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle -This powerful antioxidant bolsters immunity and reduces damaging heart
inflammation.Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
What Is Asbestosis, and What Causes It?
He took 3 per day for the rest of the cruise, and even I
could hardly believe the improvement in his health. By
the end of the cruise, his lips were pink and he was able
to do the full excursions. I have spoken to him since, and
he has bought some himself and is now able to drive for
the first time in a long time.”
- Mrs. Hardman
I 170
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan intends to help your lungs in resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and dead
tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Spray OIL ULTRA with OptiMSM®-Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Spray liberally onto skin such
as chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Provides greater oxygen
absorption and supports the entire respiratory system. Take around 20 drops in the mouth for at least 30 seconds and then swallow.
Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day, with food.
Bronchial Asthma
What Is Bronchial Asthma? Bronchial Asthma FAQ
Asthma is a range of several related diseases with a number Q: How can Serrapeptase help with Asthma, and how many
of causes. It is possible for asthma to be life-threatening if it is
should I take?
only medicated, and the condition should be taken seriously.
A: Serrapeptase helps immensely as it clears out all of the
If you have asthma, it’s critical to:
inflammation, mucus, and dead scar tissue. By clearing away
1. Take asthma seriously. this problem tissue, it enables the body’s own healing system
2. Start taking asthma medications. to replace it with healthy tissue, with better bronchial/lung
function as a result. Start with 2 tablets of Serrapeptase x 3
3. Get help if asthma symptoms don’t clear up.
times per day on an empty stomach and increase to 4 x 3 if
4. Pay attention to asthma symptoms. no relief within 7 days. Then gradually reduce to 1 x 1.
5. Come up with a plan to wean yourself off asthma medication
and control the condition without the use of drugs; drugs have
short and long-term side effects that can shorten your life.
“I took Serrapeptase 1 capsule (80,000 iu) x 3 times per
day for asthma which I have recently developed, but it
What Causes Bronchial Asthma? didn’t seem to make a great deal of difference. I have
now doubled that dose and find it makes an enormous
difference. I can breathe reasonably freely again though
The pharmaceutical industry would love for you to believe
at my age (86), I am not playing soccer. I look forward
that asthma is triggered by dust mites, pollution, genetics, and
to even better results shortly. Best wishes.”
more. This leaves you without any answers, forced to continue
using asthma medication. The alternative viewpoint is that
- Reg W.
panic attacks and diet can trigger allergies; anxiety and the
absence of friendly bacteria are contributing factors. Some
people may be genetically predisposed to asthma, but this is
not a life sentence. Proper rehabilitation can help to clear up
asthma, even in these cases.
I 172
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan intends to help your lungs in resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and dead
tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with Opti MSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• ResSpray - Take 3 sprays x 3 times per day. Provides relief for asthma and bronchial discomfort.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Hemp Seed Oil - Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids from cold-pressed organic hemp. It can boost the immune system and
support a positive mental state. Take 1 teaspoon x 2 times per day.
What Is Bronchiectasis? Bronchiectasis FAQ
Bronchiectasis (brong-kee-ECK-tah-sis) is a rare lung condition Q: Our 2-year-old son has bronchiectasis, as a result of post-
that can occur in infants and older children; adults can get infection damage from pneumonia. This happened a year
bronchiectasis in some cases. Without any related complications, ago, and he has been treated with antibiotics (azithromycin)
bronchiectasis isn’t considered serious, but it can become prophylactically last winter and for 2 weeks whenever he
a lifestyle issue when other health problems are present. has cough (ongoing). We would like to start giving him
Bronchiectasis does not have a cure and can inhibit a normal Serrapeptase and have bought Good Health Naturally
lifestyle without the proper treatment. 80,000 IU strength tablets. However, these might be difficult
In bronchiectasis, bronchial tubes will become distended and for him to take. Please can you advise me on the dosage
enlarged to form pockets of infection. When the walls become we should give him?
damaged, it will impair the lungs’ cleaning system. Tiny hairs Also, can we give him a day’s dosage in one go, rather than
(cilia) that line the bronchial tubes and filter germs, dust, and 3 times a day? We could give it to him in the morning, on an
excess mucus are affected. When the cleaning system of the empty stomach. Also, might capsules be easier? And can
lungs is compromised, bacteria, mucus, and dust will build up. you recommend a brand?
This breeds infection that is difficult to treat.
A: I feel you are jumping the gun as to what is needed to
What Causes Bronchiectasis? completely clear up his problems. A relief for Bronchiectasis
based upon my book Bronchiectasis Rehabilitation in 30 Days is
Bronchiectasis is the result of a number of infections that cause
all in here. Please have a good read through the Bronchiectasis
damage to the bronchial walls and cilia. Some people may
Health Plan.
be predisposed to the health condition due to a number of
inherited or congenital deficiencies, including cystic fibrosis
and immunological deficiency.
In rare cases, a genetic abnormality of the cilia may make a
“Dear Robert, Thank you for your Serrapeptase. It’s the
person more susceptible to bronchiectasis. Pneumonias caused
best route to take in helping the prevention of Pleurisy
by whooping cough and childhood measles may also trigger
and Bronchiectasis. I have just ordered the SerraEzyme
a predisposition to the condition by breaking down the walls
80,000 as you advised in your email. Thank you for the
of the bronchial tubes to allow pockets of infection to form.
time and help you have already afforded to me, and I
If an obstruction presses on the inner bronchial tubes or shall most certainly heed the advice you have already
blocks the outside of the bronchial tubes, it can also trigger given me. With many thanks again.”
bronchiectasis. In children, choking on a small object like a nut
that gets lodged in the windpipe may block off an air tube. If - Sue W.
this occurs, it will injure the wall of the tube and prevent air
from passing. The bronchial tube below the obstruction will
balloon out and collect infection and pus.
I 174
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your bronchiectasis includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring,
and dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine -Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with Opti MSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and legs to cover a wide range of absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
What Is Bronchitis?
Bronchitis FAQ
I 176
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan intends to help your lungs in resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and dead
tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide range of absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule per day, 2 times per day with food.
Chronic Cough
What Is Chronic Cough?
If you have a cough that has lasted for over three weeks, it
could be chronic. A health condition that is chronic means
that it lasts for quite some time. “Orthodox drugs often have unwanted side effects.
That’s why I was interested when someone told me
Ask yourself: about Serrapeptase. To be honest I am delighted with
it. If I have a cold or a chesty cough, I find it’s completely
gone in a couple of days.”
• Am I coughing up thick green or yellow phlegm?
• Am I wheezing or whistling when I breathe in? - S.T., Doncaster
Answering yes to either of those questions could mean that
you need to see your doctor right away.
I 178
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your chronic cough includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and
dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area of absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection- Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
What Is COPD?
I 180
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your COPD includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and dead
tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and absorption. Take 1 capsule as you
start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule per day, 2 times per day with food.
What Is Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? Q: How is Cystic Fibrosis treated, and how can Serrapeptase
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that occurs in cells lining
the pancreas, sweat glands, small intestine, and lungs. Mucus A: Since CF is a genetic disease, it cannot be cured at present. A
houses infection and leads to the destruction of lung tissue; careful nutrition plan is essential. The current nutrition treatment
it also interferes with gas exchange in the lungs. Mucus will for CF depends on the stage of the disease. Optimal nutrition
prevent nutrient absorption in the small intestine by blocking management, however, is essential to optimize growth, quality
pancreatic ducts that normally release digestive enzymes. of life, and survival
Cystic fibrosis is the most prevalent life-threatening genetic Serrapeptase is the most effective enzyme for clearing
disease among Caucasians, though it can occur in all races inflammation and mucus. By keeping mucus down in the
and ethnicities. Cystic fibrosis will lead to malnutrition, weight intestines and lungs, bacteria cannot multiply so easily, keeping
loss, growth failure, and eventually, premature death. infections down (the cause of the damage).
With this condition, it’s critical to improve
nutrition and prevent chronic malnutrition
symptoms like: “My daughter Holly is now 13 and was diagnosed at birth
• Being underweight with cystic fibrosis. She has been on Serrapeptase for
over a year now (Blockbuster All Clear and SerraPlus+
• Fat malabsorption with trace minerals 4x per day), and I would continue
• Insufficient pancreatic function this as I do believe that it contributes to her wellbeing
and quality of life.
• Abdominal pain
• Rectal prolapse Three years ago, she was very poorly with pneumonia,
• Gut obstruction and the subsequent annual x-rays revealed a damaged
area on her top right lung that was unlikely to ever fully
• Heartburn recover. Last July, her latest x-ray revealed that the area
• Respiratory infection had cleared up completely. Also, her weight and height
• Pancreatitis levels for her age are higher, and people have remarked
how well she looks since being on the Serrapeptase.
• Peptic ulcers Family members have also stated that her skin colour is
• Crohn’s disease now a much healthier pink colour. She is often mistaken
for a 15-year-old.
• Liver disease
• Excessive mucus Holly has physiotherapy treatment every day to help
clear mucus from her airways. This is very important
as the mucus is a target breeding area for bacteria to
What Causes Cystic Fibrosis? grow. Serrapeptase reduces inflammation that can
cause further mucus production, especially in the
lungs. Although Holly still produces a small amount of
Cystic fibrosis is considered the most common hereditary mucus from physiotherapy, it is not every day, and most
genetic disease, possibly caused by a mineral deficiency. Cystic importantly, she has been well since taking Serrapeptase
fibrosis worsens with a poor diet. which has kept her lungs clear.”
- James T.
I 182
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your cystic fibrosis includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and
dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Oil Spray ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Apply liberally onto skin such
as the chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide range of absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection- Take 1 capsule twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Take about 20 drops in the
mouth, swish around for at least 30 seconds and then swallow. Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols (especially for cystic fibrosis) - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy
fats from oxidising and causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule, 2 times per day with food.
What Is Emphysema? Q: Hi Robert, I recently read your book, The Miracle Enzyme,
and have since bought Serrapeptase 80,000iu for my illness
emphysema. I have been taking MSM and seemed to be
Emphysema occurs when the alveoli, or air sacs, in the lungs
getting on okay. Is it ok to take both?
are destroyed; this is where oxygen in the air is replaced with
carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. The walls of these air sacs
are delicate and thin. When they are damaged, permanent holes A: Yes, take both together by all means. I have a new action
are created in lower lung tissue. As air sacs are damaged, the plan to clear Emphysema below.
lungs lose their ability to transfer as much oxygen to the blood,
resulting in shortness of breath. The lungs will also have less
elasticity. This may cause difficulty breathing, especially when
exhaling, triggering even more breathing problems.
“In January, I lost my oldest brother to cancer. My
other brother was upset that he couldn’t help him, so
What Causes Emphysema? this became my mission. For several years, I have had
asthma and emphysema, along with chronic fatigue and
fibromyalgia, as well as nerve damage in the top part of
Emphysema isn’t a condition that develops suddenly; it will occur my right leg for 27 years. My brother sent me the book
gradually after long-term exposure to inflammation. The first about the SerraEnzyme plus 4 bottles. I started taking
indication comes with shortness of breath in physical activity. 4 capsules, three times a day.
As the condition progresses, even a short walk can cause a
bout of breathing issues. Chronic bronchitis may develop before My first experience: Two weeks later, I was out with my
emphysema occurs. husband when all of a sudden I started holding onto my
husband. It was like huge electrodes going off in my
leg; I was holding on to him because the pain was so
The main cause of emphysema is chronic intense, and I was scared. My husband wanted to call
the emergency crew. The pain lasted for 10 minutes
inflammation related to: or so, and then it was gone. I put my hand on the ‘dead’
portion of my leg, and I could feel my leg. It hurt to touch,
• Eating too many starchy foods but I didn’t care. I just started tapping my fingers on my
leg. That was an awesome experience. I can now go for
• Dairy foods walks without limping, but I do get a bit tired sometimes.
• Weak immune system
• Air pollution My second experience: One and a half months later, at
3am, I woke up in bed, and I realized I could actually
• Smoking breathe. I was taking deep breaths, so I woke my husband
up and asked him if he wanted to hear me breathe. He
patted my head. At 5am, I woke him up again and asked
A diet that is deficient in vegetables and enzymes will also
him if he wanted to hear me breathe through my nose.
contribute to emphysema and increase the likelihood of
Again, he patted my head, but I was so excited. I have
infection. Remember, the first sign of emphysema is shortness
now put my nebulizer in the closet and have since only
of breath in physical activity.
used each of my inhalers once.”
- Lore L.
I 184
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The Emphysema plan intends to help your lungs in resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring,
and dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Spray OIL ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Spray liberally onto skin such
as chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Provides greater oxygen
absorption and supports the entire respiratory system. Take around 20 drops in the mouth for at least 30 seconds and then swallow.
Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day, with food.
What Is Pulmonary Fibrosis?
I 186
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your pulmonary fibrosis includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring,
and dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Spray OIL ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Spray liberally onto skin such
as chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Provides greater oxygen
absorption and supports the entire respiratory system. Take around 20 drops in the mouth for at least 30 seconds and then swallow.
Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day, with food.
What Is Pneumoconiosis (Miner’s Lung)?
Pneumoconiosis FAQ
I 188
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your pneumoconiosis includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring,
and dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Spray OIL ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Spray liberally onto skin such
as chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Provides greater oxygen
absorption and supports the entire respiratory system. Take around 20 drops in the mouth for at least 30 seconds and then swallow.
Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day, with food.
Pulmonary Embolism
What Is Pulmonary Embolism?
A: The Lung Health Plan is the full plan she needs to follow to
get healthy. You can start with very simple things such as really
healthy food and drinking water. If you want my help coaching
you to help her, then please come back to me.
I 190
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This pulmonary embolism health plan is designed to provide relieve for the signs and symptoms of this lung condition.
When combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for improved results to appear in just a few short weeks.
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day
with the Blockbuster.
• HealthyFlow - Take 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Contains L-arginine, L-lystine and L-citrulline that support healthy
blood and arteries.
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - (8x more effective than CoQ10) - 2 x 2 times per day with food for 1 month (then 1x2 for ever) as this supports
the heart muscle, supports heart valves and is essential for all cell energy).
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• The Krill Miracle - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day. Replaces missing essential nutrients.
What Is Pulmonary Tuberculosis?
I 192
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your pulmonary tuberculosis includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation,
scarring, and dead tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Magnesium Spray OIL ULTRA with OptiMSM® - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Spray liberally onto skin such
as chest, arms and leg muscles to cover a wide area for absorption.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food. Protects against infection and maintains a balanced immune system.
• OxySorb - Promotes oxygen absorption. Take OxySorb formulation if you have breathing problems. Provides greater oxygen
absorption and supports the entire respiratory system. Take around 20 drops in the mouth for at least 30 seconds and then swallow.
Use as needed.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Digestive Enzymes - Suggested Formulation - Essential Digestive Plus - For healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Take 1
capsule as you start your meals, 3 times per day.
• Vitamin E Mixed Tocotrienols - Suggested Formulation - Naturally Better Vitamin E - Protects healthy fats from oxidising and
causing free radical damage. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• Krill Oil - Suggested Formulation - The Krill Miracle - Replaces missing essential nutrients. Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day, with food.
Erectile Dysfunction
What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
I 194
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• HealthyFlow - Takes 2 teaspoons, 2 times a day in water or food. Provides healthy blood flow to enhance sexual function and may
also contribute to healthier arteries.
• Rosavin - Take 1 capsule, 2-3 times daily. Relieves fatigue and stress. A 3 month study showed substantial improvement in erectile
• Nascent Iodine -Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• MacaPro - Take 1 scoop, twice daily. Balances the endocrine and hormonal system.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Male Fertility
What Is Male Fertility Health, and What Causes
I 196
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
M a l e F e r t i l i t y H E A LT H P L A N
The health plan below is designed to improve sperm count and male fertility. By following the supplement regimen and
choosing a naturally healthy lifestyle in the long-term, it’s possible to boost your fertility and overall health. For female
fertility help, please see the Female Fertility Health Plan on page 263.
• Prostate Plus+™ - Essential for a strong and healthy ejaculation. Take 2-4 capsules per day.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Astaxanthin - A powerful antioxidant that boosts and enhances the reproductive system. Take 2 x 2 times per day.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• B4 Health Spray - Contributes to hormonal balance. Take 4 sprays, 1-2 times per day.
Peyronie’s Disease
What Is Peyronie’s Disease?
Scar tissue forms in the tunica albuginea, which is the thick - Stuart G.
tissue sheath that surrounds the corpora cavernosa. This causes
pain, erectile dysfunction, abnormal curvature, loss of girth,
indentation, and shortening. There are a variety of treatments
that can be used, but Serrapeptase is the most effective. Fibrosis
has many causes, but it is thought that eating a high-starch diet
and a lack of iodine are two big factors that should be addressed.
I 198
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
P E Y R O N I E ’ S D I S E A S E H E A LT H P L A N
By following the plan below along with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for Peyronie’s Disease symptoms to ease
and the body to eventually begin to heal itself.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• B4 HealthSpray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times per day. Contributes to hormonal balance and clears any pain and inflammation.
• HealthyFlow - Contains L-Arginine, L-Lysine, L-Citrulline, Grapeseed Extract and 95% AstraGin (contains Astragalus membrenaceus
and Panax notoginseng). This formula supports healthy blood flow throughout the body and especially into the penis. Take 1 scoop,
twice daily.
• Pain Genie - The ultimate solution for powerful pain relief support. It has been tested on enough people to give a 100% guarantee
of success. It can be purchased with a money back guarantee or rented for 1 month.
Prostate Health
What Is the Prostate?
The prostate is the male sex gland, and it can be found beneath
the bladder. Around the size of a walnut, the prostate fits
around the urethra, carrying urine away from the bladder. It “My prostate used to be in so much pain especially when
also produces a thick fluid that is part of the semen. I went to urinate. I used to dread the experience. The
prostatitis was caused by an infection, but I really began
to worry when I found blood in my urine and the pain
What Problems Can Develop with the Prostate? in my back was excruciating. I took your advice and
followed the prostate health plan. I can now say that I
am feeling much better.”
• Prostatitis occurs when the prostate grows swollen and
- Andrew, Solihull
enlarged, resulting in deep pelvic pain or pain during urination
or ejaculation. Prostatitis may be caused by an infection.
• Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or Enlargement (BHE)
occurs in men over the age of 50. If the prostate grows enlarged
to squeeze the urethra, it can cause difficulties in urination.
• Prostatodynia is a long-term, chronic prostate disease. Though
the disease does not have signs of inflammation or infection,
it can cause pain and discomfort in the pelvis.
• Prostate Cancer is one of four life-threatening prostate
disorders. Prostate cancer can often develop without noticeable
symptoms; one in 11 men may have prostate cancer in their
I 200
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan below is designed to improve and support the health of the prostate. When combined with a naturally healthy
lifestyle, it’s possible for prostate symptoms to improve and over a few short weeks, prostate and general health will get
better as a result.
• Serranol - Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day. Take 30 mins before eating a meal with water. Reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
Contains SerraEnzyme, Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Testicular Cancer
What Is Testicular Cancer?
- John
I 202
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan below is designed to start the healing process for testicular cancer and to aid in its recovery. By following the
supplement regime below and implementing a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for the body to begin its recovery process.
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal. Take with water and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief. Clears any inflammation, may improve health
of CELLS. It may also contribute to healthier arteries.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 4 capsules x 3 times per day with the Serranol. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that can relieve
inflammation and help in the healing process.
• Essential Digestive Plus - Take 3 capsules x 4 times per day, 15 minutes before eating. Aids digestion and improves the absorption
of essential vitamins and minerals.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
• Graviola - Take 3 x 3 times per day but lower to 1 capsule x 3 if the person feels too sick with the rapid clearing of the cancer cells.
This clears unhealthy cells.
• MaxiVision - This is the ultimate multivitamin/mineral designed to support overall health. Take 2 capsules x 2 times per day with food.
Alternative to MaxiVision...
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Back Pain
What Is Back Pain? Back Pain FAQ
Back pain can be felt down the muscles, nerves, bones, and the Q: I have had a lower back injury that I have been battling for
joints, as well as down the spine itself. The pain can be onset about a year and half... It still hurts quite a bit. Do you think
or chronic and can be intermittent or constant. It can feel like a there was some scar tissue that has built up around that
dull ache, or even a piercing sharp or burning sensation. It can area, and if so, what is still causing my further discomfort
travel all the way along the hands, arms, legs, and feet, making and inflammation?
you feel weak or numb. I heard about Serrapeptase and thought I should give it
Back pain is a frequent complaint, and in the US, acute lower a try. I have been taking it pretty religiously for about a
back pain (otherwise known as lumbago) is the fifth common week now. But I was wondering how long do you think
reason to visit a physician. It’s estimated that nine out of 10 until I can see some pretty good results from it? I know
adults will experience some form of back pain at one point in you don’t know me that well or how long my condition has
their life, while five out of 10 working adults will have back pain been this way. But in your experience, when do people who
every year. Lower back pain causes around 40% of missed work have been suffering from chronic pain usually start seeing
days in the US; worldwide, it is the leading cause of disability. positive results?
The spine is a complex network of joints, nerves, muscles,
ligaments, and tendons that are all capable of producing pain. A: It is too soon to expect results yet. Follow my Back Pain Plan
The larger nerves that start in the spine and move into the arms consistently for best results and be persistent.
and legs may also radiate pain to the extremities.
- Kelly P.
I 204
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The back pain health plan is designed to provide relief for this condition when Serrapeptase is combined with the right nutrients
and a naturally healthy lifestyle is followed. Results can be seen in just a few short weeks when you commit to the plan.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily on acupressure points to further reduce the inflammation and pain. Treatment with an electro-acupressure
device has been proven to be highly effective in treating degeneration. The HealthPoint™ unit simply stimulates the body’s own
healing system, and it is effective over a vast range of joint-related problems.
• Joint & Skin Matrix - Treatment with a Collagen Complex will help to regenerate the cartilage if degeneration takes place. Take 2
capsules daily.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - Restores cellular magnesium levels, protects cells, and relieves muscle aches and pains.
Apply to neck, shoulders, arms, and chest muscles daily after a shower.
• Hemp Seed Oil - Contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids from cold-pressed organic hemp. It can boost the immune system and
support a positive mental state. Take 1 teaspoon x 2 times per day.
• The Krill Miracle - Treatment with Krill Oil or Hemp Oil will help in the healing process by supporting the immune system,
decreasing pain in symptoms such as arthritis and providing protection for cell membranes. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
What Is Bursitis? Bursitis FAQ
Bursitis occurs when one or more small sacs of synovial fluid Q: Hi, I’ve only been taking these (Natures Aid, high potency
(bursae) become inflamed. The bursae are found at the internal 80.000iu) for 3 days now after they were recommended by
functionaries like muscles and tendons and rest at the points a friend who told me her osteopath recommended them to
where these slide across the bone. Healthy bursae will create her. We are both fitness instructors. My doctor diagnosed
a smooth and frictionless, as well as functional, gliding surface, me with ‘bursitis’ a few weeks ago and prescribed anti-
making normal movement painless. inflammatories and rest. My friend had exactly the same
symptoms in the same places as me, e.g. painful swollen
Bursitis makes movement painful as the inflamed bursa make
knees, pains in the feet, Achilles tendons, backs of heels,
it difficult to move the tendons and muscles. The result is
bottom of heels, across the width of feet, etc., due to over
inflammation, and this perpetuates the problem and stiffens
use (many, many exercise classes over many, many years!).
I’m not sure what dosage to take. The label says 1-2 each
day. Is that enough? Should I increase?
I 206
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The plan to help your lungs includes: Resolving the immune problems and clearing the inflammation, scarring, and dead
tissue. By adding important nutrients such as Vitamin D3, the recovery should be apparent within 30 days.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - Supports muscle, joint and ligament health. Massage to the muscles next to the bursitis
as well as the leg, neck and shoulder muscles daily after a shower.
• HealthPoint™ - Essential to use a couple of times daily on acupressure points shown for the bursitis area for effective results.
Stimulates acupressure points, heals problem and restores muscle function.
• SAM-e Plus+ - Take 2 vegetarian Delayed Release capsules daily. Supports joint and ligament health.
Cervical Dystonia
What Is Cervical Dystonia?
- Julie
I 208
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for cervical dystonia and the symptoms associated with this condition.
When the supplement regimen below is followed consistently with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for significant
improvements to cervical dystonia to happen and improved overall health will result.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - Massage to the neck and shoulder muscles daily after a shower. Supports muscle, joint
and ligament health.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily on acupressure points shown for the neck for effective results. Stimulates acupressure points and restores
muscle function.
Joint Pain
What Is Joint Pain?
- Amanda
- Heather
I 210
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Cartilage can regenerate with stimulation, supplying the correct nutrients, and consuming a really healthy diet.
This is the fastest and most successful plan for joints available. HealthPoint™ will last you a lifetime, and I still have users coming
back for a HealthPoint™ service 21 years after I first launched it. Supplements will help to speed up the healing, and these are the
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Joint & Skin Matrix - Take 2 capsules x 2 times per day. Contains collagen, the main structural protein of various connective tissues.
Supports skin and joint collagen, strengthening blood vessels and giving skin its elasticity and strength.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Ultra - Massage into the joints, leg muscles and arms daily. Restores cellular magnesium levels
and can relieve aches and pains.
Morton’s Neuroma
What Is Morton’s Neuroma?
- Janet
It is thought to develop through chronic stress and inflammation
of a nerve. Inflammation in the joints is also thought to irritate
the nerve and lead to Morton’s neuroma symptoms.
A: Great news on the Morton’s. The plan is the same for your
knee surgery recovery. Start 24 hours after the operation, taking
SerraPlus+ 1 cap x 3 times per day, 30 minutes before eating a
meal, with a glass of water.
“Hi Robert, your plan for Morton’s Neuroma has helped
a lot. I have been following it for a month. I plan to keep
up until I am sure all pain is gone. Right now, I would
say 75% of it is gone. I am passionate about correctly
getting my foot in good shape again.”
- Mary D’Andrea
I 212
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
M O R T O N ’ S N E U R O M A H E A LT H P L A N
The Morton’s Neuroma Health Plan below is designed to provide relief for this condition. For best results, it’s recommended
that you implement the health plan along with a naturally healthy lifestyle. When committed to the plan, it’s possible for
improvements to happen in just a few short weeks.
• B4 Health Spray - A high dose B vitamin complex. Take 4 spray x 2 times daily with a meal. Take for nerve repair.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - Massage into the foot and calf once daily. This improves magnesium and oxygen levels,
vital for repair. This is also good for runners as well.
• Curcuminx4000 - Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant derived from the turmeric spice. Take 2 capsules x 3 times a day with the
SerraPlus+ to aid nerve repair.
• Pain Genie - Use daily on the appropriate acupunture points to provide pain relief. The ultimate solution for powerful pain relief
support. It has been tested on enough people to give a 100% guarantee of success. It can be purchased with a money back
guarantee or rented for 1 month.
Neck Pain
What Is Neck Pain?
I 214
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for neck pain. By following the plan consistently and combining it
with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to find relief for this condition, and in the long-term, good health will result.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily on acupressure points to further reduce the inflammation and pain. Treatment with an electro-acupressure
device has been proven to be highly effective in treating degeneration. The HealthPoint™ unit simply stimulates the body’s own
healing system, and it is effective over a vast range of joint-related problems.
• Joint & Skin Matrix - Treatment with a Collagen Complex will help to regenerate the cartilage if degeneration takes place. Take 2
capsules daily.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - Restores cellular magnesium levels, protects cells, relieves muscle aches and pains. Apply
to neck, shoulders, arms, chest muscles daily after a shower.
• Hemp Seed Oil - Treatment with hemp oil will help with the healing process. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
• The Krill Miracle - This also has the same affect and aids in the healing process. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
What Is Osteoarthritis (OA)? Osteoarthritis FAQ
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative form of joint disease and is Q: Is Serrapeptase successful for very painful osteoarthritis
also referred to as degenerative arthritis. It occurs when a of both shoulders?
group of mechanical abnormalities develop that include the A: Yes, usually. Try SerraPlus+ 2 x 3 times for the first few days and
degradation of joints, articular cartilage, and also subchondral then reduce to 2 x 2. If it has not made a substantial improvement
bone. Symptoms can include joint pain, tenderness, stiffness, in 30 days, then the fail-safe solution is HealthPoint™.
locking, and even effusion.
- Sooze Hodgin
I 216
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This condition has lots of opinions as to what causes it and just as many snake oils that claim they give relief. Most people
want more than relief - they want to get their joints healed up to avoid joint replacements at all costs. These are the craziest
treatments around since they only last a short time and can leave you worse off.
In lay terms, osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear of the joint. The plan below has been developed over the past 20 years and
as they say, “It works!”
• Sam-e Plus+ - Supports joint and ligament health. Take 2 vegetarian Delayed Release capsules daily to aid in recovery.
• HealthPoint™ - Stimulates acupressure points and gives the fastest relief in the shortest possible amount of time. Use the
acupressure points shown on the manual.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• The Krill Miracle - Krill Oil capsules are better than fish oils in studies at supporting joint and ligament health and relieving pain.
Take 1 capsule x 2 times daily.
What Is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis FAQ
Osteoporosis is a disease where calcium is leeched from Q: How can Serrapeptase help with Osteoporosis or
the bones, making them become fragile and more likely to Osteopenia?
break. It can be prevented and treated, but if nothing is done,
osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks. These A: Serrapeptase helps immensely as it reduces the chronic
broken bones, also known as fractures, occur typically in the inflammation in the bloodstream. By clearing away this problem
hip, spine, and wrist. Risk increases when a person has had a tissue, it enables the body’s own healing system to replace it
large amount of muscle loss caused by a lack of protein-building with healthy tissue.
foods and weight-bearing exercise.
Of special concern are fractures of the hip and spine. A hip
fracture almost always requires hospitalization and major “Took a bone density test, and my bones were found to
surgery. It can impair a person’s ability to walk unassisted and be degrading too rapidly. I was at-risk for Osteoporosis.
may cause prolonged or permanent disability or even death. I didn’t exercise much nor took care of my diet. With a
Spinal or vertebral fractures also have serious consequences, change in perspective, I tried Serrapeptase and altered
including loss of height, severe back pain, and deformity. my diet and lifestyle. I have been better and stronger
I 218
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
These conditions are caused in the main by a shortage of nutrients and the consumption of unnatural foods, such as cow’s
milk products, high-sugar foods, and calcium tablets.
Following the natural health plan will show a reversal in a matter of months. Drugs are not recommended and will likely
cause harm. The following plans are designed to heal your Osteoporosis and Osteopenia.
• Vitamin D3/K2 Spray - Supports a healthy hormonal balance. Take 3 sprays x 3 times daily.
• Altrient C - Mineralizes bones and stimulates bone forming cells to grow. Take 1 pouch x 4 times a day.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - Restores cellular magnesium levels, protects cells, relieves aches and pains. Apply to legs,
arms, chest and back muscles daily after a shower.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Regulates the hormonal system. Apply daily to the skin.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• The Krill Miracle - Supports the immune system, cholesterol and other blood lipid levels. Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily.
Periodontal Disease
(Gum Health)
What Is Periodontal Disease?
- Jenny Pulling
I 220
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
P E R I O D O N TA L D I S E A S E ( G U M H E A LT H )
The Periodontal Disease plan is designed to provide relief for periodontal disease and to improve gum health when followed
with a naturally health lifestyle.
• SerraEnzyme 250,000 IU - Take 1 capsule x 3 times a day, 30 mins before each meal. Clears any pain and inflammation. Open
capsule onto a spoon and allow to melt in melt for a few mins. Wash down with a glass of water.
• Vitamin D3/K2 Spray - Take 4 sprays x 2 times daily. Swish around mouth for 1 minute before swallowing.
• Probiotic14 - A probiotic mixed into your foods to populate the mouth with protective friendly bacteria to keep the gums healthy.
Take 1 capsule x 2 times a day (must be opened and mixed with food) and then a capsule taken for maintenance at the rate of 1
every 3 days
• UB8Q10 Ubiquinol - Contains CoQ10. Studies have shown that CoQ10 will help heal gum disease on its own but it’s strongly
recommended to take with the probiotic and SerraEnzyme supplements. Take 3 capsules x 3 times a day with food.
• Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - This has properties that kill the bacteria causing the gum disease. Use this in your cooking daily,
especially if frying at high temperatures as it’s much better than other oils. This can also be rubbed into your gums to aid in the
healing process.
• 1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune Support Kit - This clears any infection remaining in the cells. Take 1 kit daily for 3 days (total of 3).
1st Line should always be taken at least 90 minutes before and after food, approximately. 3 kits are the minimum, and in serious
conditions, 10 kits over 10 days are better if finances allow.
Peripheral Neuropathy
What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?
I 222
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for Peripheral Neuropathy. When followed with a healthy lifestyle plan,
symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy can ease, and in time, good health will be the result in the long-term.
• Benfotiamine - Take 1 capsule x 3 times a day with food. Normalizes cellular processes fueled by glucose metabolites.
• Alpha-Lipoic Acid-R - Take 1 capsule x 2 times per day. This is a ‘network’ antioxidant that provides support for peripheral nerves.
• B4 Health Spray - Take 4 sprays x 3 times per day. Improves the absorption of B12 which can boost energy and enhance the
• Magnesium Oil Ultra with OptiMSM® - Apply to feet and leg muscles daily. This improves magnesium and oxygen levels, vital for repair.
What Is Trauma?
Trauma FAQ
I 224
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for trauma. When combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s
possible for symptoms to improve significantly and for good health to follow.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ULTRA - This supports muscle, joint and ligament health. Massage into the leg, neck, back and
shoulder areas of trauma muscles on a daily basis after a shower.
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily on acupressure points in areas of trauma for effective results. This stimulates acupressure points and relieves pain.
Administering Tablets
to Dogs and Small
Giving Tablets to Dogs
“Hi Robert, Just thought I’d share this happy customer’s
story with you… Just wanted to let you know the
1. Open the muzzle.
success we have had with our dog taking Serrapeptase.
2. Place the tablet at the back of the throat. Approximately 9 weeks ago he was diagnosed with a
3. Close the muzzle. sizeable blood clot that was affecting the blood supply
to his rear legs, so much so that he went on to 3 legs as
4. Keep it closed and stroke the throat until the dog swallows. his left leg was very painful and eventually did not want
That’s how the vets do it. to walk. The scan that we had confirmed the position
and size of the clot and that he did not have a pulse in
either leg. He was given about a week to live.
Animal Treatment FAQ
I started him on Serrapeptase double strength 3 times
a day and each day he has slowly got better and better.
Q: Had an ultrasound this week – Our dog has either a About 1 month ago he went for his check up, and the vet
large lung abscess, cyst, or even cancer; he also has kidney informed me that his pulse had returned in his right
inflammation. He’s 90 lbs. I want to try Serrapeptase leg and just two weeks later we returned to the vet to
– how much can I give him? I need this to start working be told that he now has a pulse in both legs. He is now
immediately. almost back to his old self and walking a full perimeter
of our park and enjoys chasing his ball again which for
us is fantastic news. All of this I am sure is down to the
A: This may seem a lot to do, but it is designed to completely
Serrapeptase that we have given him…. even the vet
restore your dog (or you) to good health. Follow the Health
has said he is a walking miracle!”
Plan as recommended.
- Clare
- Bev
I 226
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This small animal health plan is designed for dogs and other small animals. When the supplements are taken alongside the
healthy animal foods plan, it’s possible for recovery to happen faster and for dogs and other small animals to find better
pain relief for their condition.
Your 4-8 Week Animal Health Plan, From My eBook, by Robert Redfern
Supplements to support healthy pets - in order of priority:
• SerraPet - Serrapeptase tablets 80,000IU. Give 2-4 per day to your pet/animal, depending on its size.
• Curcuminx4000 - Give 2-4 capsules per day to your pet/animal, depending on its size. Open and mix with food.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Give 1
capsule opened and mixed with food (double or triple in serious cases).
• Spatone - Iron liquid supplement. 100% natural liquid iron supplement that has been scientifically shown to be a highly absorbable
source of iron that is extra gentle on the stomach whilst helping to prevent iron deficiency.
• B4Health Spray - B Vitamin Complex spray - Take about 1/2 of the human dose.
• Protease Enzymes - Give 3 capsules daily. Break open and mix with a form of protein, e.g. honey or veggies on an empty stomach
about 30 minutes before food.
• Essential Digestive Plus - Give 3 capsules daily, as protease enzymes can be mixed at the same time.
• BetaFactor - Contains Ultra BETA (Beta 1.3d Glucan) to support the immune system. Give 2 capsules daily. Break open and take just
before food, mixed with honey or veggies.
• Hemp Seed Oil - Give 2 teaspoons daily, mixed with the food below.
What Is Acne? Acne FAQ
Acne is a common human skin disease that can be characterized Q: I have acne (not too severe) and blackheads that I would
by areas of scaly, red skin; blackheads and whiteheads; pinheads; love to clear away. Is Serrapeptase effective in treating
papules; pimples; and even scarring. Acne affects the skin that it? What is the recommended dose? Will it get rid of it
has the densest areas of sebaceous follicles including the face, completely and then I can stop taking it, or is it an ongoing
upper part of the chest, and the back. treatment?
Severe acne is inflammatory, and acne can manifest in many
non-inflammatory ways. Lesions can be caused by changes
A: Acne is caused by eating starchy carbs and other high sugar
within the pilosebaceous units, i.e. the skin structures that consist
foods and drinks, which are upsetting your hormones and
of a hair follicle and the associated sebaceous gland. These are
blood sugar. Take Serranol, as well as stopping these foods
changes that require androgen stimulation.
and drinks, and your skin will clear over 30 days. Your choice
is then to use a food plan so that you can keep clear. Taking
Serranol is only needed to fix the problems, and if you do not
What Causes Acne? have them, then you do not need Serranol.
I 228
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Ozone Oil - Take to clear the scarring. Apply daily and use until the skin is clear.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 2 x 2
times per day for a month or so and then drop to 1 per day.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Take as per instructions attached, use for a month or so until the skin is clear.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
What Is Aging?
- Dianne
What Causes Aging?
- Clare
I 230
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for aging, especially when followed with a naturally healthy lifestyle for long-
term results.
• Essential Digestive Plus - Supports healthy digestion. Take 1 capsule before cooked meals.
• MaxiFocus Sublingual Spray - Contains 24 supernutrients and antioxidants. Take 12 sprays under the tongue daily.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Prevents fungus
and parasites, maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Take 1 capsule, twice daily.
• Organic Colloidal Minerals - Over 70 trace minerals for health. Take 1-3 caps (1-3 fl oz) per day. Just before breakfast and/or your evening meal.
• Olive Leaf Extract - Provides support against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections. Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily.
• Healthy Flow Powder - Provides support for healthy blood flow and a cardio system. Take 1 teaspoon mixed in water daily.
What Is Eczema?
- Michele D.
People with atopic eczema can appear to have it for no apparent
reason, but the condition is made considerably worse by irritants.
The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it may be related
to family history, allergies, or asthma.
Eczema FAQ
I 232
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for eczema. By following the plan below which includes a supplement
regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve eczema and to achieve overall good health in the long-term.
• SerraEnzyme 80,000IU - Reduces any pain or inflammation. Take 1 tablet, 3 times daily.
• Derma-Q Gel® - Provides healthy nutrients to energise the skin. Apply to skin during the day.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1 capsule
x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
A fungal toe nail is an infection that affects the keratin, i.e. the
hard material of the nail. The infection can develop slowly and
cause the nail to become thick and discolored. The nail can “I have been massaging the Ancient Minerals Magnesium
turn a number of colors, including yellow, white, black, or green. Oil onto my fungal toe nail on a daily basis, and I’m
The nail can look unsightly but shouldn’t cause any further already amazed by the difference. The pain has eased,
complications. The main problem with fungal toe nails is that and my toe nail is now looking back to its normal colour
they look unattractive and can cause pain. again.”
- Bev, Cheshire
What Causes Fungal Toe Nails?
I 234
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan can provide relief for the symptoms associated with fungal toe nails, especially when it’s
combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle for long-term good health and healing.
• BlockBuster AllClear - Take 1 capsule x 4 times a day. This improves circulation and clears biofilm.
Leg Ulcers
What Are Leg Ulcers?
Leg Ulcers are chronic sores that appear on the legs and feet,
causing itching, pain, and swelling in the affected areas.
“Whenever situations present themselves, we point
people in the direction of Serrapeptase as we both
believe it to be a valuable help. A friend of ours has a
What Causes Leg Ulcers? friend who had a leg ulcer which would not heal. This
person started taking Serrapeptase – it cleared the
Leg ulcers can be long-lasting, and symptoms can include
discolored or even hardened skin around the ulcer or the
- Robert Garrood
sore itself, which can produce a foul discharge. When there is
constant high pressure within the leg veins, a venous leg ulcer
can develop following a minor injury.
I 236
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan can provide relief for leg ulcers and the symptoms associated with it, especially when combined
with a long-term healthy lifestyle as recommended for good health and healing
• HydroSol Silver Spray - HydroSol Silver boosts the immune system and is known for its antibiotic properties in treating wounds and
infections. Spray HydroSol Silver Spray 10x a day onto the affected areas.
• HemaGel - HemaGel has been clinically tested and proven to heal chronic wounds such as varicose ulcers and other skin damage.
Cleanse the wound and apply a small amount of the gel onto the wound’s surface. The gel will adhere to the wound and gradually
absorb. The wound can then be covered with a sterile bandage or a plaster.
and Lesions Q: I have had to have a number of surgeries over the past few
months. I have been left with some pretty yucky scars that
What Are Scars? are raised and hard. There seems to be a large amount of
scar tissue both internal and external. I have been told that
Serrapeptase and/or Neprinol work really well to eliminate
Scars are fibrous tissue designed to replace areas of normal this problem. Do you sell either of these products, and can
skin following an injury. you please tell me if they do help with this and also what
you know about them? Thank you, I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
What Causes Scars?
A: I was the first to publicize Serrapeptase 10 years ago, and my
Scars are the result of the wound repair process in the skin and website is the most visited site in the world
other tissues in the body. Scar tissue is made up of collagen, and provides a huge amount of feedback about scars and the
and this is the tissue that replaces the skin. Scarring is natural many other conditions helped.
in the healing process, and every wound, except for minor Two things will help:
lesions, will result in scarring to a degree. Exceptions to this are
animals with complete regeneration, as they don’t form scars 1. Serrapeptase 80,000iu - 2 x 3, 30minutes before eating
and their tissue grows back just as it did before. 2. Penzim Gel - Applied 2 times per day
- Fleure
- Cat Geuer
I 238
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Rio Rosa Mosqueta Oil - For external scars, Rosa Mosqueta can be rubbed into scars daily to help the healing process.
• Hemp Oil or The Krill Miracle - Treatment with Hemp Oil or Fish Oil Complex will help in the healing process. For the hemp oil take
1-2 tablespoons daily. For The Krill Miracle take 2 capsules daily.
Post-Operative Pain
and Swelling
What Is Post-Operative Pain and Swelling?
I 240
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• HealthPoint™ - Use daily onto the appropriate electro-acupressure points. An electro-acupressure device, use to treat the
appropriate points as it’s highly effective in treating post-operative swelling.
What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis FAQ
I 242
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for psoriasis. By following the plan below which includes a
supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve psoriasis and to achieve overall good health in
the long-term.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium OIL ULTRA - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Massage into psoriasis, tummy and
chest muscles daily.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 2 capsules, twice daily. Protects against infection and balances the immune system.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Strain Super Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 2 times a day (can be opened and mixed with food) and then for maintenance at the rate of 1 every 3 days.
What Is Ringworm?
Ringworm FAQ
I 244
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Ringworm is a fungal problem in the same way we get athlete’s foot, which is another fungal problem. Fungus can only live
on bodies full of sugars.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Ultra - Massage onto all of the muscles and areas of ringworm 2x per day.
• Coconut Oil - Take 4 teaspoons of coconut oil per day. Try massaging a little coconut oil and magnesium in the areas of outbreaks to
see if it speeds up the recovery.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Strain Super Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule, 2 times per day and drop to 3 per week when clear.
What Is Shingles?
- Sheila Wright
Shingles FAQ
A: This is a virus, and they are the most difficult to deal with. Diet
and stress are the things that you must keep under control all
of your life to keep them out of your system. The true secret to
a strong immune system is to steer clear of carbs, high-sugar
foods/drinks, and processed foods and to start consuming
really healthy foods. Adequately feeding your immune system
boosts its self-defense ability. You can go out and purchase a
high dose supplement such as OptiZinc (for better absorption).
The better way is to eat six oysters (fresh or canned) as this
delivers a super dose in the healthiest form.
Your body doesn’t need a large amount of zinc as a supplement
if you are consuming a really healthy diet. The recommended
daily minimum from food for adults is 10mg, which you can
get in the D.I.P. supplement. Six oysters per day for two days
will give you a boost. The long-term health plan is below, but
order some Releev to have on hand. You can get Zovirex at
the pharmacy, and try that topically as well.
I 246
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for shingles. By following the plan below which includes a
supplement regime and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to improve shingles and to achieve overall good health in
the long-term
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - Take 1 capsule x 4 times a day and then drop to 1 x 2 times with meals.
• 1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune Support Kit - This clears any infection remaining in the cells. Take 1 kit daily for 3 days (total of 3).
1st Line should always be taken at least 90 minutes before and after food, approximately. 3 kits are the minimum, and in serious
conditions, 10 kits over 10 days are better if finances allow.
Blocked Fallopian
What Is a Blocked Fallopian Tube?
I 248
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
This Health Plan includes all of the steps required to improve blocked fallopian tubes.
There are three things, which when combined with the right supplements, will show results. These are diet, nutrients,
and exercise. The exercise can be simply walking 5 miles or more each day at a fast pace and sitting down for as little as
possible over the day. It can involve standing, walking, or lying down. Sitting is bad for the circulation.
There is no downside with following this; if both partners follow the plan correctly, you will end up stronger and healthier. If it
produces a healthy baby, then you both need to be healthy and strong to cope with running around after a fast growing child.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the SerraPlus+ 80,000IU. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that supports
the healing process.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Astaxanthin - Enhances the immune system and supports fertility. Take 2 x 2 times per day.
• MacaPro - Balances the endocrine and the hormonal system. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
• Vitamin D3 - Contributes to hormonal balance. Take 5000IU, 1-2 times per day.
Breast Engorgement
Nodular Mastitis
What Is Breast Engorgement (Nodular Breast Engorgement FAQ
Q: I am a new mom. My daughter is 5 days old, and I am
Breast engorgement, or nodular mastitis, is caused by expansion breastfeeding her. This is my second child, and I never had
and pressure in the mammary glands while producing and any pain breastfeeding my first baby. Now my breasts are
storing breast milk. Symptoms include breast swelling and very hard and hot. I know that I have engorged breast, but
throbbing, which can cause mild to extreme pain. It can what can I do to fix it? My baby does not eat very much,
eventually lead to mastitis or inflammation of the breast, and and I keep offering him to breastfeed, but he only eats for
any untreated engorgement can put pressure on the milk a few minutes. I got a nipple shield to help him latch, and it
ducts, causing a plugged milk duct. A lump in a part of the does help, but I’d like to feel better and get rid of the pain.
breast may be felt, and the skin may appear red and/or warm. I tried to pump, but I only get a 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce max. I
If it carries on unchecked, it can cause a breast infection, with take warm showers, and nothing is helping. I cannot sleep
a fever or flu-like symptoms. because it is very painful when I try to lie down. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
I 250
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• HealthPoint™ - Treatment with an electro-acupressure device has proved to be highly effective in treating breast engorgement and
has been used by nursing mothers with great success.
Capsular contraction of breast implants is the hardening of the Q: I had a breast augmentation 14 years ago. The “hardening”
scar capsule that surrounds the implant. in one of my breasts has deformed that breast in time, and I
was told years ago that it was called “capsular contracture.”
Regardless of what it is called, the hardening of that breast
What Causes Capsular Contraction? is now more obvious. The other breast is fine though. I am 51
years old and in very good shape. I am not afraid of surgery,
although I was told there is always a chance of infection,
Capsular contraction occurs when there are complications which is what scares me. I am trying to make the decision
of breast implant surgery, and after the procedure, the body of whether or not to have the surgery, but I’m trying to find
creates a fibrous scar tissue capsule around the implant. This other alternatives. Can Serrapeptase help? Thanks!
reaction occurs when a foreign object becomes surgically
implanted within the body during the healing process. The
scar tissue gradually begins to shrink, and this is referred to A: Yes, Serrapeptase can definitely help with the hardened fibrous
as capsular contraction. scar tissue and clear the inflammation. Take 2 SerraPlus+ 3 times
a day, 30 minutes before a meal with water. For the complete
health plan, see below. Follow the plan for a few weeks and
The degree of shrinkage will be different from one individual come back to me with the results.
to another; in some women, the capsule can become tight,
and the implant is squeezed, causing the breast to feel hard
and resulting in pain and discomfort. As the capsule becomes
tighter, the breast starts to feel firmer, and the pain is greater as
a result. Capsular contracture is an unavoidable complication of “Serrapeptase has really helped me ease the pain of
breast implant surgery, and every woman who has had breast capsular contracture from my breast implants. Before
augmentation will experience it to some degree. taking it, my breast was too firm and painful, and I was
thinking about another surgery. Good thing I tried
this first. It has improved how my breast feels, and
Serrapeptase has been very helpful. Thank you so much!’
I 252
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with
meals. Active Life contains Selenium, which can activate the Nascent Iodine.
• D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection - This also contains Selenium. D.I.P. supports a healthy and balanced immune system. D.I.P. also
protects against infection and can help to support strong, healthy cells. Take 2 capsules daily with the SerraPlus+.
I 254
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Serranol - SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, Ecklonia Cava (Seanol) and Vitamin D3. Take 2 capsules x 3 times per day,
30 mins before eating a meal with water, and reduce to 1 x 3 after a good relief.
• Ancient Minerals Magnesium OIL ULTRA - Increases absorption of magnesium and reduces pain. Massage into tummy and chest
muscles daily.
What Is Endometriosis?
What Is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis does not have a known cause but may be related “Thank you - just to say I’ve had great success using
to retrograde menstruation, embryonic cell growth, endometrial the SerraEnzyme for clients with endometriosis. Great
cell transport, surgical scar implantation, or immune system products.”
Some of the symptoms of endometriosis are pain and also - Sally
infertility; this can be made worse during the menstrual
cycle, the most common cause of secondary dysmenorrhea.
Endometriosis is estimated to occur in around 6-10% of women
and most commonly in women who are experiencing infertility.
Endometriosis FAQ
I 256
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The endometriosis health plan is designed to provide relief from symptoms within a few short weeks, when the plan and
the healthy lifestyle are followed correctly. For best results, commit to the plan and a healthy lifestyle in the long-term as
good health will result.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the BlockBuster AllClear. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that supports
the healing process.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to skin daily. This regulates and supports hormonal balance.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Fibrocystic Breast
What Is Fibrocystic Breast Disease?
A: Yes, it is safe to take it all the way through and even when
breastfeeding to stop engorgement.
I 258
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for fibrocystic breast disease and to ease the symptoms associated with it.
For best results, follow a naturally healthy lifestyle and long-term good health can then be achieved.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• NatraGest - Natural progesterone cream. Apply 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon to skin per day. This regulates the hormonal system.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - Take 3 capsules per day. Break them open and mix with a small amount of vegetables
or with yoghurt. Contains 29 probiotic microflora. This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Supports
the immune system.
• Hemp Seed Oil - Take 2 servings of 30ml daily. Promotes cell growth and organ function.
Healthy Pregnancy
What Is Healthy Pregnancy?
I 260
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to support a healthy pregnancy. When the plan is followed consistently along with a
naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to see noticeable results within a few short weeks. The key is to be consistent and to
follow the plan and lifestyle accordingly.
• AstaXanthin - Enhances the immune system and supports fertility. Take 2 x 2 times per day.
• MacaPro - Balances the endocrine and the hormonal system. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily.
• Active Life -This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Vitamin D3 - Contributes to hormonal balance. Take 5000IU, 1-2 times per day.
Female Fertility
What Is Female Fertility Health, and What
Causes Infertility?
A: I have had very good feedback for the last ten years, and
some women became pregnant in as little as two months. Take
SerraPlus+ 1 capsule x 3 times per day, 30 minutes before a
meal, with a glass of water.
I 262
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
F e m a l e F E R T I L I T Y H E A LT H P L A N
The fertility health plan below is designed to improve your fertility and make it easier to conceive. By following the Women’s
Fertility Health Plan and a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to see improvements in fertility in a matter of weeks. The
key is to be consistent and to stick with the plan. For male fertility help, please see the Male Fertility, Stronger Sperm and
Ejaculation Health Plan on page 197.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the BlockBuster AllClear. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that supports
the healing process.
• Nascent Iodine - Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such
as Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray. Iodine is essential for healthy pregnancies and is recommended by
WHO for all women of childbearing age.
• Astaxanthin - Enhances the immune system and supports fertility. Take 2 x 2 times per day.
• MacaPro - Balances the endocrine and the hormonal system. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
• Vitamin D3 - Contributes to hormonal balance. Take 5000IU, 1-2 times per day.
Menopausal Symptoms
What Are Menopausal Symptoms, and What
Causes Menopause?
Menopause refers to the time of cessation of a woman’s
reproductive ability. It is a natural biological process, which
ends a woman’s menstruation and fertility permanently. It occurs “Been getting hot flushes, having bad moods, trouble
about 12 months after her last menstrual period. sleeping, and focusing due to menopause. Since I’ve
taken Serranol and Nascent Iodine and cut down on
Periods can stop for some time and then start again, so a woman
starchy carbs, I’ve been managing it much better. Thanks
is considered to have been through menopause only after
so much.’
going for one year without periods. Menopause can happen in a
woman’s 40s or 50s (the average age is 51 in the United States).
- Linda C., United States
Some symptoms of menopause include:
• Irregular periods
• Hot flashes
• Mood changes
• Osteoporosis
• Changing feelings about sex
• Trouble sleeping
• Vaginal and urinary problems
• Trouble focusing or forgetfulness
I 264
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for menopause symptoms and to improve overall health. When this
plan is combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle, it’s possible for improvements to be seen in just a few short weeks.
• Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic - This is the next-generation, clinically-proven vegan probiotic supplement. Take 1
capsule x 3 times per day. An effective supplement for supporting the gut immune system and maintaining a healthy GI tract.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon daily to skin. This regulates and balances hormone levels.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome (PCOS)
What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
I 266
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
P O LY C Y S T I C O VA R Y S Y N D R O M E ( P C O S )
The following plan is designed to provide relief for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOs) and to improve the condition, when
combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day with the SerraPlus+. This clears any inflammation and scarring.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon daily to skin. This regulates and balances hormone levels.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Post-Partum Period
What Is Post-Partum Period?
I 268
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following health plan is designed to provide relief for the Post-Partum Period, especially when combined with a
naturally healthy lifestyle.
• Rio Rosa Oil - Use on the scars a few times a day to reduce their appearance and improve skin texture.
• Use Relaxed Breathing - Make sure you are relaxed and breathe from the tummy. Breathing from the tummy is a power source for
you and your baby, who will pick up on this and also become more relaxed.
Syndrome (PMS)
What Is Pre-Menstrual Syndrome? PMS FAQ
Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) consists of a highly emotional Q: I never like the time of the month when I’m nearing my
phase, with or without physical symptoms, related to a woman’s period and getting PMS. It’s like I can’t control my emotions,
menstrual cycle. The emotional symptoms must always be and I’m getting headaches and cramps on my abdomen. I
present to diagnose PMS. These may vary from woman to don’t want to take any mood-elevating pills. I know it has
woman, but every woman’s pattern of both emotional and to do with my hormones changing. Can Serrapeptase or
physical symptoms is predictable. It happens consistently during any of your products help with PMS?
the ten days before menstruation and is usually gone either
shortly before or shortly after it starts.
A: For PMS, you can try:
• BlockBuster AllClear
What Are Symptoms of PMS? • Curcuminx4000
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream
Pre-Menstrual syndrome (PMS) has numerous different
symptoms, which include:
• Mood swings
• Tender breasts
“The PMS abdominal cramps have always been
• Food cravings uncomfortable. And my mood swings drove everyone
• Fatigue crazy, including myself. Taking Serrapeptase and
Natragest Cream has helped me manage those. The
• Irritability
cramps and mood swings have become less and less.”
• Depression
About three out of four women will experience some type - Amor K., United Kingdom
of Pre-Menstrual syndrome, especially those in their late 20s
and early 30s.
I 270
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
P R E - M e n s T R U A L S Y N D R O M E ( P M S ) H E A LT H P L A N
The following health plan is designed to provide relief and improvement for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, when combined with
a naturally healthy lifestyle for long-term good health.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the BlockBuster AllClear. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that supports
the healing process.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to skin daily. This regulates and supports hormonal balance.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
Uterine Fibroids
What Are Uterine Fibroids?
I 272
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following plan is designed to provide relief for Uterine Fibroids, especially when combined with a naturally healthy
lifestyle for long-term good health.
• Curcuminx4000 - Take 1 capsule x 3 times per day, with the BlockBuster AllClear. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that supports
the healing process.
• NatraGest Progesterone Cream - Apply 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to skin daily. This regulates and supports hormonal balance.
• Nascent Iodine – Iodine is essential for a completely healthy body. Take 5 drops x 3 times per day in 20ml of water, swish around the
mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Build over 2 weeks to 15 x 3 until well and then slowly reduce back to 5 x 4. Take 1st dose
on waking, 2nd midmorning and 3rd midafternoon. Note that Iodine needs a supplement containing Selenium to activate it, such as
Active Life, D.I.P. Daily Immune Protection or B4 Health Spray.
• Active Life - This delivers a full spectrum of 90 liquid, highly-absorbable multivitamins and minerals. Take 15ml x 2 times daily with meals.
What happens to the residue? Can it be taken with other medication, and do I need to inform
This is mainly converted to basic amino acids and is usefully my doctor?
recycled into the body. Any other residue is excreted in the Yes, it can be taken with any medication and may mean that
usual manner. you will be able to stop taking them, but you should check with
your doctor before doing so.
I 274
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Where can I purchase Serrapeptase? Can it be purchased in The benefits with Serrapeptase will come for the high blood
Australia? If not, can it be imported into Australia? pressure. With the diet changes you are planning, she should
It cannot be purchased directly in Australia but can be bought see a steady improvement. If she wishes to keep to a low dose
on-line and imported for private use. for the future, it is highly recommended. The HRT is a different
story; natural progesterone and natural estrogens may be needed
to replace the HRT.
Will this help Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Serrapeptase will remove dead tissue and inflammation from What is the clinical usage of Serrapeptase in children, with
the digestive tract, thereby relieving the symptoms. There are, dosage precautions and other relevant clinical information?
however, a number of causes of IBS; for example, some people
benefit from hypnotherapy. Follow the plan in this book for the Serrapeptase can be safely used with children. I recommend 1-3
best results. tablets per day for children. If they cannot swallow the tablets,
they can chew the tablet as it does not have any taste. (Also,
capsules can be broken open and mixed with honey.) In fact, a
Where can I get Serrapeptase by mail order that doesn’t have sore throat can be cleared in about 30 minutes by chewing 1-2
additives? I don’t want all the non-essential ingredients like: tablets. Our grandchildren use it when they get mucus problems
maltodextrin, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, titanium from colds, with fast results.
SerraEnzyme 80,000IU from Has Serrapeptase ever been used for Peyronie’s Disease
contains only Serrapeptase and brown rice powder. (curvature of penis)?
Yes, I have had good feedback - see the plan in this book.
My research indicates that Serrapeptase is destroyed by
stomach acid and therefore needs to be enterically coated.
Do you have research that shows otherwise? Please can you tell me if I give Serrapeptase to my Dalmatian
dog, how many tablets can I give him? Also, can it help for
No, I recommend enteric-coated tablets and enteric-coated inflamed skin which occurs because of a small infection
granules in capsules that do not contain any of the phthalates in the hair follicle (makes skin swell into a lump that looks
for the best and safest delivery. inflamed)?
It is well worth trying; 1-3 per day should be sufficient.
I have osteoarthritis. I am taking Vioxx, 25mg, daily for
inflammation. I am also taking 1500mg Glucosamine, 1200mg
Chondroitin, and 3gm MSM. Will Serrapeptase help? Does Serrapeptase help with lung problems from fungus?
Serrapeptase is extremely effective in removing inflammation, No, just the inflammation that may result from the fungal infection.
without the side effects associated with drugs. Once the Try colloidal silver in a nebuliser, mixed 50:50 with 3% hydrogen
inflammation has gone, then the body’s own recovery system peroxide.
can start to rebuild, with the help of Glucosamine, Chondroitin,
MSM, and collagen. I am on Warfarin; is it safe to take Serrapeptase?
Yes, it is perfectly safe, and if you follow my cardiovascular plan,
I have a client in Portugal who takes medication for high you may not need the Warfarin. Healthy people do not need
blood pressure and also a prescription HRT; she would like drugs.
to come off both and is interested in taking Serrapeptase.
At present, we are still discussing her options, and I have
expressed my opinion, which is that she should not stop Can I take Serrapeptase whilst I am pregnant?
taking her prescription drugs. Am I correct in thinking that Yes, you can take it pre- and post-natal.
with diet improvement and vitamin and mineral supplements
her health may improve, perhaps to the point where she
may not need to take the prescribed drugs? I do not intend Why do doctors not prescribe Serrapeptase if it is so good?
to make any promises but feel the improvements would They do, in the better medical systems such as Germany and
improve her overall health anyway. other countries, with superior results compared to the UK and
the USA. They have prescribed it since 1975.
Can it get rid of my varicose veins completely? caused by chronic inflammation; anything that reduces this
It can get rid of the discomfort and the swollen veins (ask my inflammation will help clear the arteries. Even simply stopping
grateful wife). It cannot repair damaged valves. eating starchy carbohydrates and overcooked, microwaved, and
processed foods will start the process of recovery (presuming
you replaced those with vegetables and fruits).
How long has Serrapeptase been in use? The benefit with Serrapeptase, as well as being an anti-
Around 25-30 years. inflammatory, is that it is also a very strong protease. This
dissolves the dead proteins that bind the plaque blocking
the arteries. The reports come in daily of the many different
My son has Crohn’s Disease; he is 10 years old. Can he take successes. I take it myself just as an anti-ageing product (it
these tablets and how many? is thought that premature ageing is the result of this same
He can take any amount as they are quite safe. I would try 3 chronic inflammation).
per day to begin. He also needs to follow the recovery plan to
resolve it (found in this book).
My granddad is diabetic but would like to try this product for
a number of things listed. Can he take this medication as a
I will be having ACL surgery and would like to use this diabetic? What ingredients are used to make Serrapeptase,
enzyme in my recovery. I am somewhat familiar with please?
enzymes from the book “Enzymes for Autism,” which I am Yes, he can take it as a diabetic and with the drugs he is taking.
utilizing successfully for my son diagnosed with PDD-NOS. The contents are just Serrapeptase enzymes. Reports for
Serrapeptase will certainly help in your post-op recovery. diabetes users tell of balanced blood sugars, but I cannot tell
if it is the Serrapeptase or the fact they are cutting back on
starchy carbohydrates.
I have a stomach ulcer and gallstones. Would Serrapeptase
aid in recovery?
Not for the stomach ulcer, as it may cause discomfort. You
need to use a special formula to heal the ulcer first before you
deal with the gallstone. If you want a plan, please contact me
at [email protected].
I 276
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
of the Most Potent Most physicians rotate among the ten most widely prescribed
NSAIDs, as soon as one causes side effects or stops working.
I 278
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Researchers in Germany have used Serrapeptase for atherosclerosis of pain in the Serrapeptase-treated group. The therapeutic daily
to digest atherosclerotic plaque without harming the healthy cells dose was 1-2 tablets (5 mg), 3 times daily.
lining the arterial wall.
I 280
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Effect of the proteolytic enzyme serrapeptase in patients with Mucus – Serrapeptase used to reduce nasal mucus viscoelasticity.
chronic airway disease. Respirology. 2003 Sep;8(3):316-20. Majima. Y. et al. Effects of orally administered drugs on dynamic
viscoelasticity of human nasal mucus. Am. Rev. Respit. Dis. 141:79-
Chronic Bronchitis - Serrapeptase-treated patients exhibited
excellent results compared to treatment placebo group in reduced Majima Y, lnagaki M, Hirata K. Takeuchi K, M orishita A, Sakakura
cough frequency and expectoration, as well as loosened sputum. Y. The effect of an orally administered proteolytic enzyme on the
Kase, Y. et al.A new method for evaluating mucolytic expectorant elasticity and viscosity of nasal mucus. Arch Otorhinolaryngol.
1988; 244(6):355-9.
activity andits application. II. Application to two proteolytic
enzymes, Serrapeptase and seaprose. Arzneimittelforschung Marriott, C. Modification of the rheoloaical properties of mucus
32:374-378,1982. by drugs. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 144^75-84, 1982.
Braga, P.C . et al. Effects of Serrapeptase on muco-ciliary clearance
in patients with chronic bronchitis. Curr.Ther. Res. 29(5): 738-
Postoperative Swelling - Postoperative cheek swelling and
744,1981. pain intensity reduction after third molar surgery was noted in
Serrapeptase group; other anti-inflammatory Serrapeptase benefits
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) - Serrapeptase were observed following surgery.
use for chronic obstructive broncho-pneumopathy. Effect of the proteolytic enzyme serrapeptase on swelling, pain
Carratu, L. et al. Physio-chemical and rheological research and trismus after surgical extraction of mandibular third molars.
on mucolytic activity of serrapeptase in chronic broncho- Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Mar;37(3):264-8. doi: 10.1016/j.
pneumopathies.Curr.Ther. Res. 28(6):937-951. 1980. ijom.2007.11.011. Epub 2008 Feb 12.
Esch PM, Gemgross H. Fabian A. Reduction of postoperative
swelling. Objective measurement of swelling of the upper
Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders - Research proves Serratia peptidase ankle joints in treatment with Serrapeptase a prospective study
offers fibrinolytic, anti-oedemic, and anti-inflammatory activity to rapidly (German).FortschrMed. 1989; 107(4): 67-8, 71-2.
localize inflammation in patients with acute or chronic ear, nose, or
Matsudo, A. et at. Effect of Serrapeptase on inflammatory
throat disorders.
oedema following operation for thyroid disease. Med. Consult.
Evaluation of Serratia peptidase in acute or chronic inflammation New Remedy 18:171-175, 1981.
of otorhinolaryngology pathology: a multicentre, double-blind,
randomized trial versus placebo. J Int Med Res. 1990 Sep-
Oct;18(5):379-88. Sinusitis - Patients suffering from laryngitis, catarrhal
rhinopharyngitis, and sinusitis noted rapid improvement after
Serrapeptase treatment.
Infection - Proteolytic enzymes considered as new treatment strategy
A technique for quantitative cytology of nasal secretions. Eur
for prosthetic infections.
Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1991;248(7):406-8.
Selan L, Berlutti F, Passariello C. Comodi-Ballanti MR, Thaller MC.
Harad, Y. Clinical efficacy of Serrapeptase on buccal swelling
Proteolytic enzymes: a new treatment strategy for prosthetic
after radical operation for chronic sinusitis. IgakuAyumi 123:768-
infections? Antimicrob Agents Cheroother. 1993; 37(12): 2618-21.
Mizukoshi, D. et al. A double blind clinical study of Serrapeptase in
Inflammation - Clinical uses for the anti-inflammatory the treatment of chronic sinusitis. IgakuAyrni 109:50-62.1979.
Serrapeptase enzyme.
Odagiri, J. et al. Clinical applications of Serrapeptase in sinusitis.
Effect of some clinically used proteolytic enzymes on Med. Consult. New Remedy 6:201-209, 1979.
inflammation in rats. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2008 Jan;70(1):114-7. doi:
Fujitani, T. et al. Effect of anti-inflammatory agent on transfer of
antibiotics to the maxillary sinus mucosa in chronic sinusitis.
Koyama A, Mori J, Tokuda H, Waku M, Anno H, Katayama T, Otorhinolaryngol. Clin. North Am. 66:557-565. 1976.
Murakami K, Komatsu H, Hirata M, Arai T, et al. Augmentation
by Serrapeptase of tissue permeation by cefotiam (Japanese).
JpnJAntibiot. 1986; 39(3): 761-71. Wound Healing - Research supports improved wound healing with
serratiopeptidase and metronidazole therapy.
Marly, M. Enzymotherapie anti-inflammatoire a l’aide de la
serrapeptase: resultatscliniques en traumatologieet en ORL. C Development of serratiopeptidase and metronidazole
RTherapeut. 3:9-19,1985. based alginate microspheres for wound healing. Artif Cells
Yamazaki, J. et al. Anti-inflammatory activity of Serrapeptase, a Blood SubstitImmobilBiotechnol. 2011 Feb;39(1):44-50. doi:
protease produced by a strain of Serratia. Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 10.3109/10731199.2010.494580. Epub 2010 Jun 17.
Section 2
In this section
1. Food, Lifestyle, and Their Effect on Disease 283
2. Junk-the-Junk Foods 293
3. The 10 ‘Step Good Health for Life’ Plan 295
4. Action Plan for a Dysfunctional Digestive System 296
5. Sample Daily Action Sheet 297
6. Basic Tips for Healthier Eating 298
7. Glycaemic Index 300
8. Menu Ideas 310
9. Recipes 311
10. Product Index A-Z Used In The Health Plans 313
11. Serrapeptase 348
12. Research and References 356
I 282
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 284
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Studies show that the average 70-year-old has only 20% of the You need to Supplement with Enzymes
beneficial enzymes available compared to a 20-year-old. This is
mainly caused by overeating enzymatically dead foods. There for Good Health:
is an urgent need to increase enzyme intake, either by way of
the food we eat or supplements, to help make up for this poor Many types of enzymes are being offered, and there are two
absorption; for example a small glass of Apple Cider vinegar considerations:
just before each meal will stimulate stomach acid.
1. The amount of Enzymes.
3. Food intolerance to wheat or dairy products is the norm,
and serious problems are very common. These problems 2. The sources of Enzymes.
block the uptake of nutrients in the digestive tract. If you have
these problems, you will probably already be suffering from
digestive problems such as indigestion, acid reflux, and bowel
The Amount
diseases like Crohn’s, Piles, Colitis, IBS, etc. (This intolerance
can also have a genetic factor.) Only eat sprouted seed breads. This is confusing because manufacturers and suppliers use
4. Eating too many grains, cereals, and dairy products can unclear terms, such as weight in mg, on the bottle. As Enzymes
replace or block proper nutrition. Wheat, grains, and dairy are measured in activity (e.g. in the same way that electricity is
products are not appropriate nutrition for good health. I know measured in watts, not kilograms), then to see mg on the bottle
many experts disagree, but their error in thinking may have is meaningless. You will have no way of knowing what you are
helped to get you into this mess in the first place (more on getting, and it could be 50mg of dead powder.
this later). The negative aspect of these foods is amplified by Therefore: Enzymes are ONLY MEASURED IN ACTIVITY, AS
modern factory processing. The fact is that scientific studies THEY ONLY PERFORM ACTIVITY.
show them to be unhealthy for humans or animals. Eating
organic whole grains instead of processed grains does not All reputable sellers of Enzymes took standard measurements
make you healthy, just a little bit healthier. from the European committee that is now used on all enzyme
5. The bloodstream can suffer clogging (blood cells sticking
or clumping together) as a result of an inappropriate diet, All Protease products must be measured in HUT, which is a
as described in #4 (above). measure of activity and not of weight, such as mg.
Examples are:
Lack of Enzymes (Note: Recently, new terms have been introduced by individual
companies, such as U, SPU, and SU, which should all be the
same potency as IU.)
This does not need much more clarification as enzymes are well
covered in this book. The only thing to emphasise is that as we • IU stands for International Units and is used for Serrapeptase.
all get older, the available enzymes in our body are insufficient • HUT stands for Haemoglobin Unit Tyrosine base.
to digest overcooked and processed foods, metabolise that • DU stands for Alpha-amylase Dextrinizing units.
digested food into healthy tissue, and to lastly clean up the
mess afterwards. At the same time, they have to deal with the • LU stands for Lipase Units, and so on.
day to day emergencies that occur in everybody’s life: sprains, The authorities are putting pressure on all companies to comply
strains, infections, wear and tear, and the extra work of looking with unit activity.
after an older body. Try to eat at least one of your meals per day
raw, as in a salad or raw veggie. The rest should be only lightly
cooked (stir-fry, steamed, or gently heated, as in soups, etc.). The Sources
Examples of other sources of inferior Processed foods from a factory will certainly come in this
category. All of these are nearly useless to deliver nutrients.
enzymes are:
By stopping eating unhealthy foods we stop the damage and
we get a chance to eat real foods to replace them. The real
• Pancreatin is a protease product from ox or bovine. foods are discussed in the next section as well as the shopping
• Trypsin comes from bovine. list later.
• Papain is a weak form of amylase. Except carrots and beets, there are possibly no good starchy
• Bromelainis a weak Protease.
I 286
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
There are no good reasons to eat them, except to help the bank I know that not everyone likes vegetables. This is understandable,
balance of the food industry (that is why they call it a ‘balanced considering the quantity needed for good health, but with a little
diet’). But seriously, we may be addicted to them and need to creativity with the menus and recipes, they can always be tasty.
take care just how much we eat. Once you have regained your There is a shopping list later, showing all of the healthy foods,
health, a small amount of complex, starchy carbohydrates, such and you will notice that some of your old favourites such as
as brown rice, small jacket potatoes, etc. can be included but not potatoes, are OFF the menu. Potatoes are very high in glucose
mixed with proteins (meat/fish, etc.). and mycotoxins (fungus) and should be left off the menu.
Over 100 years ago, a GP named Dr. Hay noticed that when he
asked patients to stop eating starchy carbohydrates and proteins The skin filled with 3-bean salad or curried vegetables is acceptable
together at the same meal they became much healthier. This or a few new potatoes with your salad or veggies is okay. Just
is called the Hay Diet, or food combining, and has been used be sensible.
by many people in the last 100 years. Sir John Mills, the actor,
credited his 96 years of health to food combining.
Three ideas to get veggies in your foods:
eaten This example will give you your 16 portions daily - great! Get
creative to come up with at least 5 recipe choices for each meal
on your weekly menu. It is good to cycle the same meal every 3-5
How do you know I am not taking days (except soup). If fish or meat is eaten, then make sure it is
enough? naturally reared, not intensively farmed. Later, I have given some
ideas to get you started. Build on it with all of your cookbooks and
check out the magazines for great recipes. You must end up with
Because the majority of people believe the wrong information your own perfect recipe book/scrapbook to keep you on track.
given out by the food industry—that 3-5 portions of fruit and
vegetables a day is ideal. The truth has been established by many
studies that 10+ servings of vegetables and fruits considerably
increase the antioxidant capacity in humans. Antioxidants protect
Not enough beneficial
you against just about every problem, including arthritis and
premature ageing. bacteria being taken in
Therefore, we strongly recommend
these servings per day:
Supplements of at least 9 strains of beneficial bacteria
need to be taken daily.
• 10 to 14 portions of vegetables (not root, except carrots Why? Because your body cannot function healthily without
and beetroot) them. This is seen in bottle-fed babies and elderly people
• 2-4 low-sugar fruits (dark-skinned, such as cherry, when there is food poisoning going around. These are the
bilberries, etc.) at-risk groups, as they do not have the Probiotics to defend
them against food poisoning. Lack of them contributes to the
• 2-3 beans and pulses (lentils, etc.).
premature ageing process.
• 1-2 nuts
• 1-2 seeds
What do they do? from the United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture, some of the
major minerals are down to 25%, compared to the 1950’s. It is
obvious that as minerals are critical in good health, then only
• Attack and kill unfriendly yeast, fungi, bacteria, viruses, by supplementation can we achieve good health.
and parasites.
• Synthesize B vitamins and aid absorption. I will repeat the findings of the study quoted earlier, because
• Enable Taurine, an important amino acid, to be absorbed. the findings are so dramatic.
• Keep the intestines clean and healthy. Nutritionist Dr. David Thomas gave the following findings on
• Break down hydrocarbons, improving absorption through mineral depletion at a lecture (published in the Nutrition &
the digestive system. Health, the Journal of the McCarrison Society for Nutrition &
Health Vol 17:no 2, 2003):
• Stimulate the body to produce natural alpha-interferon, a
potent immune system enhancer.
• Provide critical Lactoferrin supplementation (as a byproduct
See the recommended Probiotic specification in the suffix. 46% of their calcium, 27% of their iron
Trace minerals are missing from the soil and even organically 24% of their magnesium, 16% of their potassium
grown food is seriously deficient in trace minerals. All minerals in
the spectrum are needed as they act as co-factors to each other. 2. Fruits were depleted of:
Minerals and trace minerals are either low or missing completely 19% of their copper, 29% of their sodium
from our soils and hence our foods. An example of this is
Selenium. Studies show that it is essential for many functions 16% of their calcium, 24% of their iron
in the body; many studies show that a deficiency leaves us open 15% of their magnesium, 22% of their potassium
to cancers and heart disease. Farmers know this and give their
breeding animals extra Selenium and other minerals in their feed
to ensure the animals stay healthy. The government of Finland
knows this and, in 1984, made a law that Selenium must be in
the food chain. Finland has had a drop in the cancer and heart
disease rates, compared to a steady rise in the UK and USA.
This is only one mineral out of more than 70 that were previously
found in the soil. In the past 50 years, according to the statistics
I 288
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
unable to get more oxygen any other way, or you need it How do I know what is a good Oxygen
for the other reasons mentioned previously, then it is an
essential and effective way to improve your health. Product to take?
• Exercise for Oxygen - As well as better oxygen, there are
other good reasons to exercise daily, including muscle See the recommended Oxygen Product specifications in the
maintenance and lymphatic drainage. The old saying ‘Use suffix.
it or Lose it’ gets truer as we get older, and something is
better than nothing. For able people, fast walking for 60
minutes daily or rebounding on a mini trampoline (some Not enough pure water being drunk
now have safety rails) are the best ways to get basic exercise. daily 6-8 500ml (16oz) glasses
Swimming does not compare, except maybe crawl or
butterfly strokes, though definitely not breaststroke.
• Improve Breathing - With our ‘sitting down’ lifestyle, the Water is one of the three essential components of maintaining
majority of people are breathing into their chest as opposed life and good health. This is born by the fact that you can only
to the diaphragm (tummy). To improve oxygen and carbon live a few days without water (or water-containing food).
dioxide exchange, exercising to regain correct breathing I guarantee you are not drinking enough. Many Natural Health
is essential. Practitioners have found that a major part of the epidemic
• Breathing Exercises - Correct breathing is rare (ask any of degenerative diseases is dehydration from not drinking
singing teacher) but is essential for good health. It takes a enough water. Water helps all the major organs to function
lot of practice to use the correct breathing cycle, usually more efficiently. The kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, arteries,
lost through too much stress and not enough walking (60 and veins all need adequate supplies of water to work at their
minutes per day). optimum.
One of the most notable side effects of drinking 8+ glasses
of water a day is your skin, which is about 70% water. You
A simple exercise to correct breathing will get complimented often on your skin when you increase
can be started while lying on our back. your intake of water. Watch the cells plump up, and wrinkles
disappear… really! Headaches will also be reduced dramatically.
According to Dr. Susan Shireffs, of the Biomedical Services
The breath should be taken into the diaphragm/tummy (not the Department at Aberdeen University, “By the time you are thirsty
chest). The tummy should inflate like a balloon when we take you are already dehydrated. Even small levels of dehydration
a breath in and deflate under our rib cage when we breathe can cause headaches, lethargy, an overall lack of alertness and
out. This will be difficult to begin with, as the internal tummy changes in mood”.
muscles will have become very weak from lack of use. You can
correct this, as with any muscle rebuilding, by repeating the
exercise every day. Choose a time and place that will be most So how can you tell if you are
convenient, e.g. just before rising in the morning and going to
bed at night. dehydrated?
The action is: One way is by checking your urine. If it’s bright yellow, then
you’re probably dehydrated. Once you are re-hydrated, it will
1. Take a breath in (let the tummy expand) to the count of 3. become very pale and clear. Results, however, depend on the
2. Hold the breath in to the count of 3. quality of the water you consume. I’d suggest staying away
from, or at least cutting down on, fizzy drinks. All those little
3. Breathe out to the count of 6 - deflating your tummy under
bubbles are carbon dioxide. We expel the carbon dioxide while
the rib cage.
breathing out, as it’s poison to the body. So why do we choose to
4. Repeat for as many cycles as you can manage. put it back in again in the form of carbonated drinks? Probably
5. Try to increase daily by 1 or 2 breaths. This should give you because we didn’t know any better… but we do now!
around 5-6 breaths per minute. Fizzy drinks like cola not only dehydrate you but may also
contain around eight cubes of sugar per can - even worse are
the diet colas with huge amounts of chemicals like aspartame…
I 290
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
UGH! Steer clear of these if you want good health. We are Reverse Osmosis filters range in price from around £200 for
walking around dehydrated… just think of a dried prune, and the counter-top version to about £350.00 for the plumbed-in
you’ve got the picture! unit. They can also be rented for approx. £5.00 per week.
Muscles store about 16% of our water, so no wonder they are Another good water filter is a water distiller. These come in two
not able to function when dehydrated. They become flabby forms: the counter top 1 gallon distiller and a plumbed-in unit
and soft and find it harder to hold the skeleton in its correct that fits in a cupboard. Both are only obtainable from specialist
position. Once we have re-hydrated our muscles, you may be suppliers. They can be difficult to plumb in; the counter-top
surprised to see your posture change, as they are now able to version, at about £150.00, is probably the best to start out with.
hold the skeleton in place much more easily. This is where you The next best filter is the carbon block filter or ceramic block
often find that backache and general aches and pains disappear. filter. Both of these are normally plumbed-in but can come as
The brain too is mostly water, and dehydration shows as poor ‘counter top’ units that you fill up.
memory, inability to think quickly, and a general sluggish The most common of the ‘counter top’ filters is the jug filter
thought process. All of these symptoms are much improved that can be bought at most health stores or chemists. These
by drinking lots more water - much more than you think you are the best (except for determined health participants) and
need. Remember, we have to re-hydrate first. cost between £20-£30 each. I really do recommend that you
It’s interesting to note that the hypothalamus, the master of start with one of these and move on to the other options when
the endocrine system, houses both the receptors for thirst you have established your action plan for good health. The
and hunger close together; often, these signals get confused. downside of it is that the filter needs changing every 2-4 weeks
When we think we are hungry, we may in fact be thirsty, and to remain effective. You can always keep this as a travel filter.
a glass of water will do the trick. The secret is not to wait until Unfortunately, most tap water in Britain does not meet EU
you feel thirsty, as by that point your body is telling you that regulations and, even after using a water filter, traces of poisons,
you are already dehydrated. such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, iron, arsenic, and nitrates, are
You need to drink more water. Tea, coffee, juices, and specifically still likely to be there. Anna Selby, the author of H2O: Healing
soft drinks cannot be classed as water. Only water is water (and Water for Mind and Body, states that about 800 chemicals
do not drink it regularly iced or chilled). The very best water have been found in British drinking water.
in a clean, natural environment is rainwater. If you have ever The best way to filter your water is by fitting a filtering system
washed your hair in rainwater, you will know what I mean. that purifies your tap water and removes impurities, including
minerals, fluoride, e-coli bacteria, and nitrates. A portable water
How Much to Drink? filter does filter out the worst of the bacterial contaminants
and is better than tap water - just remember to change the
filter regularly.
If you are not travelling and have regular access to the bathroom,
then the following is ideal: When you are out traveling, bottled ‘still’ water is acceptable
as a temporary substitute. Important note - If your tap water
• Drink 1 pint immediately on waking up in the morning. comes from underground wells (water company or private),
Do not eat or drink anything else for 30-60 minutes. If you then you should seriously look at a good filter as inorganic
are suffering from constipation (defined as less than 2 minerals can cause problems.
bowel movements per day), then drink 2 pints for a week
and then decrease to just 1 pint. If you are determined to go with the tap water, then fill a jug with
boiling water and leave it to stand for an hour before using it to
• Do not drink liquid with meals, as this will dilute your allow the chlorine to evaporate. Try not to drink from the tap.
digestive juices. Then, to help your digestion even more,
try to wait 30 minutes before you have a drink after your
meal. The rest of the day, drink 1 glass (1/2 pint) every
waking hour until 7pm. This should be 10-12 glasses per
day, as well as the first pint. If you have bladder or prostate
problems, this water is even more important, and you
should also call the Help Line for the action plan to solve
that problem urgently.
The best available water filter that can be plumbed in is the
Reverse Osmosis filter. This also comes as a counter-top unit
and is the least difficult to look after.
Lack of sunshine
on the skin
While you may be put off the sun by the scare stories of skin
cancer, the truth again is the opposite. We need sunshine on
our skin at least 3-4 times per week for about 30 minutes. Other
than obviously too hot mid-day sun, taking the sun will keep up
Vitamin D levels and promote an overall sense of well-being.
The facts are that people who live in sunny climates and eat
more vegetables and fish live longer and healthier than anyone
else. Of course, walking will give you this exposure. If you cannot
walk, then get out and sit in the sun.
I 292
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Junk-the-Junk Foods
Natural Fish
Olive, Fish,
Nuts/Seeds: 2-3
Hemp Oils
Choice Is
Junk-the-Junk Foods
Before we start on the basic 10 Step Plan, I want to make one last The list includes the following at least:
plea for getting the junk food out of your life. I know it is usually
tasty to say the least, but the fact is junk foods all have high
glucose, sugar, and salt, and all become addictive. Who wants • Breads
to be an addict all of their life and pay for it with poor health? • Grains
• Corn
What are Junk Foods? • Wheat
• Rice
• Breads, pastry, biscuits, breakfast cereals, polished (white)
rice, potatoes and potato products, parsnips, and pasta. • Dates
• Intensive farmed meats and fish (i.e. fed on grains and • Processed foods
cereals to fatten them quickly instead of the natural food • Potatoes
in nature), smoked meats, sausages, and practically any
• Breakfast cereals
processed fish and meats.
• Root vegetables
• Homogenised and pasteurised milk, cheeses, yoghurts, and
in fact any milk products. It is believed by many researchers • Pastry
that processed milk products can cause cancer and other • Biscuits
problems. If you want these in your life, then it is possible to
obtain what is known as organic, raw milk products. They • Sweets
are not perfect, but I believe they are much healthier than • Sugars
the processed types. • Ice cream
• ALL Fruit Juices from shops are pasteurised and should • Meats
be avoided. There is no such thing as fresh squeezed juice
from a shop. Gasp... you mean they tell lies? Yes, they at • Cakes
least mislead you. Small amounts of juice that you have • Soft drinks
made fresh from fruit are acceptable. It is much better to
• Fruit juices
eat the full fruit.
• Dairy products
• Do not eat food that has been microwaved or irradiated.
Studies show that these foods reduce the lifespan of any
animal (or human) eating them.
• It is difficult to list every junk food, but basically anything
that is processed in a factory and then repackaged in boxes,
bottles, or cartons. Frozen fresh is second best to fresh.
Tinned is a poor third because of the high temperatures
they are subject to in preparation.
I 294
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
In the following pages, you will see the basic action plan for 5. Get more oxygen around your body.
general good health.
Oxygen is the prime source of health, energy, and regeneration
Any action plan for a particular condition will obviously get in your body. Sitting down and expecting oxygen to get around
better results when combined with this Basic Health Plan. your body is crazy. See Oxygen on page 289.
The following is my Basic Health Plan that has been used by
many thousands with great success. It needs to be used in
conjunction with the enzymes and is strongly advised as a 6. Cleanse/Detox.
continuing lifestyle choice for good health for the rest of your life. Consider an Herbal Cleanse to recover and heal your digestive
You may have been told that all you need is in a balanced system.
diet. The Ministry of Agriculture’s own figures show that some
minerals have reduced by 75% over the past 50 years.
7. Homeopathy.
If anyone tells you that the nutrients for health are contained
Emotional problems? Ask your Doctor to refer you to a
in a balanced diet, then you have my permission to call them
Homeopathic Doctor. It may work and should not need more
“an ignorant fool” from me.
than a couple of visits.
3. Probiotic 29 Strains
Ensures a healthy digestive tract by killing unfriendly bacteria,
keeping Candida in check, helping the digestion of food, and
ensuring critical nutrients such as Taurine are absorbed. They
are also responsible for the manufacture of certain important
B Vitamins in the digestive system.
5. CurcuminX4000™
In serious health and bowel problems (Crohn’s, etc.), this extract
from Turmeric has the following digestive benefits:
• Helps protect against or lessen the degree of kidney lesions.
• Increases the production of digestive fluids and reduces gas.
• Lowers cholesterol levels in kidney and liver tissue.
• Protects against free radical damage.
• Neutralizes free radicals.
• Possesses anti-inflammatory actions.
• Relieves pain and inflammation in mucosal tissue.
• Possesses anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-parasitic activity.
I 296
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Take 1 Essential Digestive Plus capsule. • Take 1 Essential Digestive Plus capsule.
• Take 1 Prescript-Assist capsule. • Take 1 Curcuminx4000 capsule.
• Take 1 Curcuminx4000 capsule. • Take 1 Prescript-Assist capsule.
• Take 1-3 Gastro Enzyme Therapy capsules. • Take 1-3 Gastro Enzyme Therapy capsules.
5. Lunch
Note 1. Take gastro 1-3 times a day, depending upon how severe
With Meal your digestive problem is.
• Take 1 Essential Digestive Plus capsule. Note 2. If SerraEnzyme causes discomfort to your existing
digestive problem, stop for 2 weeks before restarting.
• Take 1 Curcuminx4000 capsule.
• Take 1 Prescript-Assist capsule.
Note 3. The Really Healthy Foods diet is very important over
this recovery period.
After Meal
Basic tips 6.
Green Peas - 1,700 mcg
Brussels Sprouts - 1,300 mcg
An example is the nutrient Lutein that is critical for keeping our There are two Glycaemic indexes, based on:
eyesight, especially as we get older. The following list shows 1. White bread = 100
the amount of Lutein per serving. There is none in grains and
cereals. 2. Glucose = 100
1. Kale - 21,900 mcg The fact that there are two glycaemic indexes is confusing. I
have shown the Glucose Index.
2. Spinach, cooked - 12,600 mcg
3. Mustard Greens - 9,900 mcg
4. Red Pepper - 6,800 mcg
5. Endive - 4,000 mcg
I 298
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Glycaemic Index
Your shopping list in order of a Healthy GI
Extract foods from this and make up your own healthy shopping list.
= Good to eat ? = Only eat occasionally = Eat rarely NA= Not Advised
I 300
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 302
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 304
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Vegetables - Beets 64 - ?
Beans/Pulses/Grains - Couscous 65 - ?
Cereal - Couscous 65 - ?
Fruits - Melon (Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Galia) 65 - ?
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Steamed 65 - ?
Beans/Pulses/Grains - Barley, Rolled 66 -
Drinks - Cordial, Orange 66 -
Fruits - Pineapple 66 -
Soups - Green Pea Soup, Canned 66 -
Breads - Croissant 67 -
Breakfast Cereals - Grapenuts 67 -
Gnocchi 67 -
Breads - Crumpet 69 -
Breads - Ryvita 69 -
Breads - Wholemeal 69 -
Breakfast Cereals - Shredded Wheat 69 -
Beans/Pulses/Grains - Dried, P. Vulgaris 70 -
Breads - Melba Toast 70 - NA
Breads - White 70 - NA
Breads - White Bread (1 Slice) 70 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Weetabix (2) 70 -
Fruits - Banana, Unripe, Steamed 1 hr. 70 -
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Mashed 70 -
Biscuits - Water Biscuits (5) 71 -
Breads - Wheat Bread, White 71 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Sultana Bran 71 -
Cereals - Millet 71 -
Breads - Bagel, White 71 - NA
Fruits - Watermelon 72 -
Vegetables - Root Swede 72 -
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Boiled, Mashed 73 -
Breads - Bread Stuffing 74 - NA
Breads - Whole Wheat Bread 74 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Cheerios 74 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Puffed Wheat 74 - NA
Snacks - Corn Chips 74 - NA
Corn - Bran 75 - NA
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Chips (French Fries) 75 -
I 306
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Vegetables - Pumpkin 75 -
Breakfast Bars 76 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Waffles 76 - NA
Cakes - Donut 76 - NA
Biscuits - Vanilla Wafer Biscuits (6) 77 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Coco Pops 77 - NA
Jowar 77 - NA
Rice Cakes 77 -
Breads - Wheat Bread, Wonder White 78 - NA
Green Gram Dal + Paspalum Scorbic. 78 - NA
Biscuits - Morning Coffee Cookies 79 - NA
Sweets - Jelly Beans 80 - NA
Breads - Puffed Crispbread 81 - NA
Puddings - Tapioca, Boiled with Milk 81 - NA
Snacks - Pretzels 81 - NA
Breakfast Cereals - Rice Krispies 82 - NA
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Microwaved 82 -
Breakfast Cereals - Cornflakes 83 - NA
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Instant 83 -
Vegetables - Root Potatoes Baked 85 -
Breads - Gluten Free 90 - NA
Breads - Wheat Bread, Gluten Free 90 - NA
Rice - Bubbles 90 - NA
Rice - Instant, Boiled 6 Minutes 90 - NA
Spreads - Jams and Marmalades 91 - NA
Rice Pasta - Brown 92 - NA
Breads - French Baguette 95 - NA
Drinks - Lucozade 95 - NA
Drinks - Glucose 96 - NA
Vegetables - Root Parsnips 97 -
Glucose Tablets 102 -
Fruits - Dates 103 -
Maltodextrin 105 -
Maltose 105 -
Puddings - Tofu Frozen Dessert, Non-Dairy 115 - NA
Tofu Ice Cream 123 - NA
Important Note:
• Do not microwave your food nor overheat. This will kill the
enzymes that are vital for your good health.
I 308
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Organic Sprouted Wheat producing typically almost double the fibre content of everyday
bread. The resulting bread is highly nutritious, traditional, filling,
Bread and full of flavour.
I recommend this because it is the only UK bread made from Eat Right 4 Your Type:
Organic Wheat Grass.
Centuries ago, especially in biblical times, bread was made Research in the USA by Dr. D’Adamo has shown that to maintain
simply, purely, and naturally, using just sprouted wheat and perfect health, we should eat according to our Blood Type,
water. This is believed to be the healthiest of bread. Now such because the different lectins in food react differently in our
bread is available again, but this time with a number of varieties bodies. That is, your blood type determines which foods are
to choose from. right for you. This research has also shown that though wheat
ORGANIC SPROUTED BREAD is available in Original Plain, or is not suitable for all blood types, Sprouted Wheat on the other
with Raisins, Dates, and Fruit & Almond. hand is suitable for ALL blood types.
Menu Ideas
• Good Health Naturally Lutein Soup ™ (at least once per day). • Vegetable chili.
• Salads - Greek salad, avocado salad, salad nicoise (no • Fish and vegetable stew.
potatoes), fish salad (tuna, herring, salmon, pilchards, or
sardines), or 3 bean salad. (Note: Do not fill up on lettuce;
consider instead red/green/yellow peppers, onions,
Snack Ideas
tomatoes, garlic, etc.).
• Sugar free, organic baked beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes, • Eat 1 piece of low-sugar fruit between meals (mid-morning,
etc. mid-afternoon, and mid-evening).
• Raw veggie sticks with hummus or similar. • A delicious healthy snack or replacement for cake is fruit
sprouted wheat bread (see data sheet later).
• Leftover food from previous night.
• A bar of dark chocolate (or chocolate raisins/nuts) is a
reasonably healthy snack.
I 310
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Rock salt
• Garlic
• Tinned tomatoes
• Tomato puree
• Red onions
• Seasoning
• Sunflower oil
I 312
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
The following section covers the specification of the various nutrients mentioned in this
book. If you are unsure about any of the details, check with the Help Line for more details.
1st Line (Thiocyanate) Immune Support Active Life - A Daily Dose Of Liquid
Kit - Extra Powerful Immune Support Kit Vitamins And Minerals
• The Body’s Natural Immune Response • A Healthy Immune System And Normal Recovery Processes
• A Stronger Immunity At The First Sign Of Infection • As Part Of A Healthy Daily Nutritional Program
• Better Defence Against Colds & Flu • Includes Critical Minerals Selenium And Chromium
• Better Defence Against Bacteria, Viruses, Yeasts, And Fungi • Suitable For The Whole Family
• A Natural Defence System, Without Side-Effects
I 314
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 316
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Proprietary Complex
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, Ribose, ................63mg.....................................*
Taurine, Grapeseed extract,
Pine bark extract, Co-enzyme Q10
I 318
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) 1%
S u p p l eme nt Facts Glycerin (lubricant) 1%
Carboxymethylcellulose sodium (lubricant) 0.3%
Serving Size: 3 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30 * Daily Value not established
Ingredients Amount %Daily Other Ingredients: Boric acid and potassium bicarbonate (buffer),
Per Serving Value Sterile water (ophthalmic grade isotonic solution, pH 6.3 to 6.5), and
Purified benzyl alcohol (preservative) 0.3%
D-3 (Cholecalciferol)............................................800IU...............................40%
Calcium (as calcium citrate)..........................250 mg............................25%
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate)......................125 mg............................31%
Potassium (as potassium citrate)...........................99 mg..................................3%
Epicor (dried yeast fermentate)..................500 mg...................................*
Protease......................................................................6,300 HUT ..........................*
Amylase .....................................................................600 SKB ................................*
Lipase...........................................................................6.5 FIP ....................................*
Cellulase ....................................................................45 CU.......................................*
Malt Diastase ........................................................16 DP°......................................*
Invertase..........................................................40 Sumner......................*
Lactase..............................................................75 ALU...............................*
Pectinase..........................................................4 endoPGU.....................*
Alpha Galactosidase.................................23 GAL...............................*
I 320
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Energy Recovery From Sport, ME, CFS, Or Fibromyalgia • Immune System Response To Allergens
• Energy Reserves From Stress And Overwork • Strong Healthy Cell Growth
Amount %Daily
Serving Size: 1 scoop (5.3 g or 7.5 cc) or 1.5 teaspoons Ingredient Per Serving Value
Servings Per Container: 60
Vitamin C (from Ascorbic Acid).....................120 mg........................199%
Ingredients Amount %Daily Vitamin D3 (from Cholecalciferol).................1000 IU........................250%
Per Serving Value ExSelen (2% Selenium).......................................100 mcg.....................143%
Zinc Glycinate Chelate 20%.............................5 mg............................. 33%
Magnesium (from Magnesium Malate) ...............60 mg....................15% Epicor (dried yeast fermentate)....................500 mg.................................*
D-Ribose Powder........................................................5000 mg............................* Dimethylglycine HCL............................................250 mg.................................*
Malic Acid ...........................................................................240 mg............................* Elderberry Fruit Extract 4:1.............................200 mg.................................*
Larch Arabinogalactan Powder.....................200 mg.................................*
Immune Assist - Micron Powder...................80 mg....................................*
*Daily Value not established Beta Glucan 1,3 (Glucan 85%).......................60 mg...................................*
Contains No Other Ingredients.
*Daily Value not established
Caution: Silica bag enclosed to reduce moisture. Do not swallow.
I 322
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Memory
• Ulcers
• Elasticity Of Blood Vessels & Better Blood Flow
• Colitis
• Delivery Of Oxygen And Glucose To Nerve Cells
• Heartburn
• Use As Part Of A Daily Health Regime
• Gastritis
• Duodenal Ulcers
• Use As Part Of A Nutritional Treatment Plan Suppl emen t Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
*Daily Value not established
I 324
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
S u p p l e m e nt Fact s
Serving Size: 1ml (approx 6 Sprays)
Suppl emen t Fac ts
Servings Per Container: 30 (approx 180 sprays) Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon (15ml)
Servings Per Container: 33
Ingredients Amount Per Serving % DV
Ingredients Amount Per Serving % DV
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) ....................................... 5.0 mg..........................................*
Chromium ................................................... 1000 mcg..........................................* Coleus Forskohlii Extract ..........................6.25 mg........................................*
Gynema Sylvestre ...................................... 10.0 mg..........................................* Hawthorn Berry Extract ............................6.25 mg........................................*
Methylsulfonylmethane.............................. 3.0 mg..........................................* Gingko Biloba (24% Extract) ...........................3.75 mg........................................*
Boron Chelate ...................................................2.0 mg..........................................* Lutein .....................................................................1.25 mg........................................*
Vanadyl Sulfate ...............................................10 mcg..........................................* Zeaxanthin .........................................................0.02 mg........................................*
*Daily Value not established *Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: deionized water, vegetable glycerin, aloe vera, trace Other Ingredients: Purified water, glycerine, stevia, stearic acid,
minerals, natural flavors, stevia, grapefruit seed extract, potassium polysorbate, vitamin E, natural flavoring
I 326
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Health Point™ Kit - Enables You To Become Healthy Flow - New Powerful Blend
A Master Of Acupressure, Without Needles Of Essential Amino Acids: L-Arginine,
L-Citrulline and L-Lysine
• Locate Acupuncture Points Accurately
• Normal Healthy Blood Flow
• Stimulate Those Points Effectively
• Cardio System
• Help Over 160 Conditions
• Blood Pressure
• Including Most Eye Conditions
• Male Fertility
• Find Relief For Stress And Anxiety
• Kidneys
• Use As Part Of Your Daily Health Regime
L-Arginine....................................................................................5.000 mg..............................................................*
L-Lysine.........................................................................................1.500 mg..............................................................*
L-Citrulline......................................................................................200 mg..............................................................*
Grapessed Extract 95%...........................................................150 mg..............................................................*
AstraGin™ (contains Astraglaus membrenaceus and Panax notoginseng).............50mg..*
Grape Skin Extract 4:1 (Polyphenols).................................25 mg.............................................................*
Proprietary Blend
Citric Acid
Potassium Sorbate
Silica............................................................................................... 3840 mg..............................................................*
C o n t e n t s
Hemagel® 5gm Suppl emen t Fac ts
Hemagel is hydrophilic methacrylate gel on the base of Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon (15ml)
reticulated copolymer 2-hydroxyethylmethalcrylate containing Servings Per Container: 33
polymerly fixed and stericly shielded amino groups. It was
developed by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Ingredients Amount Per Serving % DV
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Calories ......................................................... 120 (500 kJ)....................................*
Calories from Fat ......................................120 (500kJ)....................................*
Total Fat .........................................................14g.................................................22%
Saturated ......................................................1.0 g.................................................5%
Trans ................................................................0.0 g.....................................................*
Omega-6.........................................................8.0 g.....................................................*
Omega-3.........................................................2.5 g......................................................*
Monosaturates............................................1.5 g.....................................................*
Cholesterol ..................................................0.0 g.....................................................*
Sodium ...........................................................0.0 g................................................0%
Potassium......................................................0.0 g................................................0%
Carbohydrate..............................................0.0 g.................................................0%
Dietary Fibre.................................................0.0 g................................................0%
Soluble Fibre................................................0.0 g.................................................0%
Insoluble Fibre............................................0.0 g.................................................0%
Sugar.................................................................0.0 g................................................0%
Protein..............................................................0.0 g.....................................................*
Vitamin A....................................................................................................................0%
Vitamin C....................................................................................................................0%
Calcium............................................................0.0 g...............................................0%
Vitamin E 1.4IU......................................................0.92 mg................................................4%
I 328
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Other Ingredients: Water and up to 34% Alcohol Ingredients Amount Per Serving % DV
Proprietary Blend: ..................................... 1455mg ................................25%
Cinnamon Bark
Cedar Leaves
Lycci Fructus
Wild Rose Root
Fenugreek Seed
Holy Basil Powder
Borage Leaves
Damiana Leaf
Red Raspberry Leaf
Cloves Powder
Pygeum Bark
I 330
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 332
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Each Kit contains 2.5kg of specially formulated 100% natural
raw healing clay and botanicals, enough for 8-10 baths. Suppl emen t Fac ts
This formula is free of all herbs and spices for more sensitive Serving Size: 2ml (approx 10 Sprays)
Servings Per Container: Approx. 30
Other Ingredients: purified water, natural flavors, citric acid, guar gum, xanthan
gum, stevia extract and potassium sorbate.
• Additional Nutritional Support For The Eyes • Soften Tough, Leathery Tissue
• Improved Eye Aging • Equalise Pressure
• Repair Damaged Membranes
• Healthy Antioxidant Function
• Includes Hydrosol Silver 10ppm
• Contains Full ARED’s Formula • Help Remove Floaters
• Protect Structural Lens Proteins From Free Radical
S u p p l e me nt Fact s • Use As Part Of A ‘Whole’ Nutritional Regime And Healthy
Serving Size: 4 Vegetarian Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
I 334
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
*Percentage Daily Value are based on a 2000 calorie diet Progesterone (1.6% by weight)......................20 - 40 mg...................................*
Other Ingredients: Nascent iodine in a base of Demeter certyfield Bio Dynamic Other Ingredients for Natural Herbal Base
grape alcohol.
Recommended: Take on an empty stomach 30 minutes before or 1 hour after Aloe Vera Extract in Distilled Water - with Catalyst Altered Normalizer
meals, medications and/or supplements. Octyl Palmitate
Warning: Taking Nascent Iodine in the afternoon could raise your energy levels and
Tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin E)
keep you awake at night. It is recommended to take your serving before breakfast, Glycerin
before lunch, and then again before 4 PM. It is not recommended to take your Stearic Acid
serving after 4 PM.
Glyceryl Stearate
PEG-100 Stearate
Natural Wild Yam Extract
Cetyl Alcohol
Oleic Acid
Hazel Nut Oil
Grape Seed Oil
Grape Seed Extract
Sodium Hyaluronate
Potassium Sorbate
I 336
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Su p p l e me nt Facts
Serving Size: 1ml (6 sprays)
Servings Per Container: 30 Suppl emen t Fac ts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Ingredients Amount Per Serving DV% Servings Per Container: 90
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) ......................30.0mg.........................................50% Ingredients Amount Per Serving DV%
Niacin (as niacinamide) ................................5.0 mg...........................................25%
Zinc (as zinc gluconate) .................................1.5mg............................................10% OlivFactor Olive Leaf Extract ...............500mg.........................................*
Proprietary Complax Blend ..............50.0mg...............................................* Standardized 20% Oleuropein
Lutein 5% with Zeaxanthin, MSM, L-Taurine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and water extracts of Naringin..............................................................25mg...........................................*
Coleus Forskohlii, Tylophora Asthmatica Extract, Quercertin, Rutin, Ginkgo Biloba
Extract and Bilberry Extract.
* Daily Value not established
* Daily Value not established Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose, rice flour, magnesium
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. stearate
Other Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Aloe vera extract,
Trace minerals, Stevia (leaf) extract, Grapefruit seed extract,
and Potassium sorbate (to preserve freshness).
• Better Absorption Of Nutrients From Supplements And Food • Made From Certified Organic Coconuts
• Improved Energy Levels • Rich In Lauric-Acid With Strong Anti-Microbial Properties
• More Sound And Restful Sleep • Abundant In Medium-Chain Fatty Acids
• The Relief Of Aches And Pains • May Support Healthy Thyroid Function & Proper Weight
S u p p l e me nt Fact s
Serving Size: 15 Drops
Servings Per Container: Approx. 60
I 338
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
• Allows The Body To Absorb More Oxygen With Each Breath • Age Spots, Wrinkles And Fine Lines
Su p p l e me nt Facts
Serving Size: 20 sprays (0.8 ml) Suppl emen t Facts
Servings Per Container: 75
PurO3 Ozonated Organic Olive Oil
Amount Per Container: 59ml (2fl oz)
Ingredients Amount Per Serving % DV
Proprietary blend ...................................16.6 mg................................................*
-- Tris Amino Olea europaea (olive) oil*
-- Norwegian Seaweed extract Activated oxygen (ozone)
-- Citric Acid
-- Natural Kiwi Flavor * Organic
* Organic
* Organic
I 340
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 342
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 344
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 346
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Su p p l e me nt Facts
Serving Size: 2 Vegetarian DR capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
plaque. Dr. Nieper also reported that Serrapeptase dissolves
blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. He
told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man
scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly
without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase.
Available as:
Quad Strength
90 tablets/capsules, enteric coated - giving 80,000IU
activity per tablet/capsule.
A Gift from Silkworms 90 capsules, delayed release - giving 250,000IU activity
per tablet/capsule.
Serrapeptase has had wide clinical use, spanning over forty 90 tablets/capsules, enteric coated - giving 80,000IU
years throughout Europe and Asia, as a viable alternative to activity, plus 350mg MSM, plus 50mg trace minerals.
aspirin(salicylates), Ibuprofen, and the more potent NSAIDs.
See page 360 for supplier details.
Unlike these drugs, Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring protease
enzyme agent with no inhibitory effects on prostaglandins and
is devoid of gastrointestinal side effects.
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme (protease) isolated from
the microorganism, Serratia E15. Studies reveal that Serrapeptase
has a specific, anti-inflammatory effect, superior to that of other • Cardiovascular Disease
proteolytic enzymes. This immunologically active enzyme is • Arthritis
completely bound to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in biological
fluids. Histologic studies reveal powerful anti-inflammatory • Lung problems
effects of this naturally occurring enzyme. • Rheumatoid Arthritis
Serrapeptase digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial • Eye problems
plaque, and inflammation in all forms.
• Runny nose and sinusitis problems
The late German physician Dr. Hans Nieper used Serrapeptase
• Sports injuries
to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase
protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and • Inflammation of any kind
quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial
I 348
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
If you have allergies to Soy please consult your healthcare professional before use.
The carrier which makes Meriva® a more bioavailable product is lecithin from Soy
(non GMO). There are no Soy proteins contained in this product.
I 350
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Su p p l e me nt Facts Other Ingredients: purified water, glycerin, aloe vera, trace minerals,
natural flavoring, potassium sorbate, grapefruit seed extract.
Serving Size 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container 60 Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans
L-Taurine.....................................50 mg...................500mg..................................*
I 352
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
Amount %Daily
Per Serving Value Suppl emen t Facts
Serving Size: 5 Sprays (approx 1ml)
Ubiquinol CoQH*........................................100mg..............................................*
Servings Per Container: 150 sprays (approx 30ml)
I 354
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
I 356
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
J Int Med Res. 1990 Sep-Oct;18(5):379-88. Esch PM, Gemgross H. Fabian A. Reduction of
postoperative swelling. Objective measurement of swelling
of the upper ankle joints in treatment with Serrapeptase
Infection - Proteolytic enzymes considered as new a prospective study (German).FortschrMed. 1989; 107(4):
treatment strategy for prosthetic infections. 67-8, 71-2.
Selan L, Berlutti F, Passariello C. Comodi-Ballanti MR, Matsudo, A. et at. Effect of Serrapeptase on inflammatory
Thaller MC. Proteolytic enzymes: a new treatment strategy oedema following operation for thyroid disease. Med.
for prosthetic infections? Antimicrob Agents Cheroother. Consult. New Remedy 18:171-175, 1981.
1993; 37(12): 2618-21.
Mazurov, V.I., eta 1. “Systemic enzyme therapy in combination Processed breads and cereals could be a significant factor behind
teenage acne, according to US scientists.
therapy for rheumatic disease.” Oral Enzyme Therapy.
Compendium of Results from Clinical Studies with Oral Enzyme A team of researchers, led by Professor Loren Cordain from Colorado
Therapy. Second Russian Symposium, St. Petersburg, Russia, State University in Fort Collins, believe that because highly refined breads
1996. and cereals are easily digested, the resulting sugar rush created in the
body results in high levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).
I 358
Giving the answer to Pain, Chronic Inflammation, and Clogged Arteries
High fat, no-starch diet doesn’t raise cholesterol. Fibre Lowers Prostate Cancer Risk.
Patients with atherosclerosis lose weight on a high fat, no-starch diet MILAN, Italy - New research published in the March 20 edition of
followed for 6 weeks, without increasing their blood fat (lipid) levels. the International Journal of Cancer (109, 2:278-280, 2004) shows
Those results come from a study involving 23 obese patients vegetable fibre may lower the incidence of prostate cancer.
with documented atherosclerotic heart disease. All of the patients Researchers noted this is the first study to look into fibre’s role
were being treated with cholesterol-lowering ‘statin’ drugs, but no in prostate cancer.
changes were made to their drugs or the dosing during the study. In an 11-year multi-center case-control study, researchers investigated
The participants were instructed to consume half of their calories 1,294 men with incident, histologically confirmed prostate cancer
as saturated fat for 6 weeks. Other food sources were permitted and 1,451 controls with acute non-malignant conditions. They found
with the exception of starches, according to a report in the Mayo the risk for prostate cancer was inversely related with soluble fibre,
Clinic Proceedings medical journal. The people on the test diet cellulose and vegetable fibre, with vegetable fibre seen as the most
dropped a significant 5.2 percent of their total body weight and protective. Men who consumed the highest amount of vegetables
reduced their body fat percentage by a similar amount, note were 18-percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than those
Dr. James H. Hays and colleagues, from Christiana Care Health who ate the least amount of vegetables. These relationships were
Services in Newark, Delaware. consistent across all ages, family histories of prostate cancer, body
mass indexes and education.
Study links starchy foods to birth defect risk.
Researchers reported that because vegetables were seen to
Women who eat lots of foods that tend to make blood sugar soar provide the most benefits of all the fibres investigated, it may be
may be more likely to have a baby with birth defects of the brain possible that some of their other nutrients could be the reason
or spine, a new study suggests. behind their prostate benefits.
These foods, known as high glycemic index foods, include white Study Links High Carbohydrate Intake with Breast Cancer.
bread and other high starchy grains, potatoes and soft drinks.
Researchers say the finding, seen predominantly among obese CUERNAVACA, Mexico - High carbohydrate diets were positively
women in the study, adds to evidence that a problem in blood- linked to increased incidence of breast cancer. The study conducted
sugar control might be involved in neural tube defects. by the Instito Nacional de Salud Publica was a population-based
case-controlled study involving 475 women aged 20 to 75 years
But they also caution that the research is only one step in with breast cancer (identified through six Mexico City hospitals)
understanding how the birth defects arise, and it’s unclear whether and a comparison group of 1,391 healthy women from the Mexico
the foods, per se, are the culprit. “These are new results that need City population.
to be repeated and pushed further,” study leader Dr. Gary M. Shaw,
of the California Birth Defects Monitoring Program in Berkeley. Study published in the August issue of Cancer Epidemiology
Biomarkers & Prevention (13, 8:1283-89, 2004) (www.cebp.
Oils Offer Hope for Troubled Children.
Dr. Alexandra Richardson, a senior research fellow in neurosciences Greek Diet Eases Rheumatoid Arthritis.
at Imperial College School of Medicine, London, has spent the last
15 years researching common developmental conditions such as The so-called ‘Mediterranean diet,’ already believed to help prevent
dyslexia and ADHD. heart disease and some forms of cancer, may also reduce the pain
and swelling of joints stricken with rheumatoid arthritis - although
Dr. Richardson says, “The first trial involving dyslexic children relief may not begin for at least six weeks, suggests a new study.
showed that supplementation with fish oil and evening primrose Still, significant improvement was reported by most of the 26
oil can reduce behavioural and learning problems in those with arthritic patients who followed the well-studied dietary regimen for
ADHD tendencies.” three months. The Mediterranean diet includes olive and canola
“Particular improvements were found in attention, concentration oils as the primary dietary sources of fat - along with plenty of
and working memory, but disruptive behaviour and hyperactivity fish, poultry, produce, and legumes, say Swedish researchers. By
in these children also responded to EFA (essential fatty acids) comparison, no relief was reported by another group of 25 patients
treatment and marked reductions were seen in anxiety and who followed a typical Western diet.
withdrawal.” Published in the March issue of Annals of Rheumatic Diseases.
If you have questions regarding the specifications
of the enzymes and nutrients mentioned in this
book, or where to obtain them, just e-mail or
telephone the Help Line - addresses as below.
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I 360
By Robert Redfern
Now Featuring the ‘Mike Tawse Story’
ABOUT THIS BOOK “I took two courses of Serrapeptase two years ago.
Recently, I visited the heart specialist for my The ‘Miracle’ Naturally Healthy Publications
Enzyme® Is
three-yearly (cycle machine) test. He was astounded
Robert Redfern – Your Personal Health Coach at the improvement. My heart pressure was 111/68
(down from over 130). I am 30% fitter than three
years ago and 20% fitter than men of my age (70 years).”
- John M.
- Jon B.
Visit today to find out
more about the many health conditions
in this book, including:
• Heart disease
The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme® Is Serrapeptase
By Robert Redfern
And much more! ©2002-2014 Naturally Healthy Publications
With studies and literature extracts
ISBN 978-1-910521-00-7 9 781910 521007 for health professionals.