Siemens Gas Turbine Package SGT5-PAC 4000F: Answers For Energy
Siemens Gas Turbine Package SGT5-PAC 4000F: Answers For Energy
Siemens Gas Turbine Package SGT5-PAC 4000F: Answers For Energy
SGT5-PAC 4000F
Application Overview
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A Siemens Gas Turbine Package is: generator as well as all the systems The SGT5-PAC 4000F is used for
A cost-effective power generating required for the safe and reliable oper- Generation of electrical power
system with pre-engineered and stan- ation of these components: air intake Combined heat and power
dardized design and base scope of system, exhaust gas system, electrical Simple cycle gas turbine power plants
supply, with interconnecting piping systems, instrumentation and control, Multi-shaft combined cycle power
and wiring pre-assembled to a large generator excitation system, start-up plants
degree. system, and such major auxiliaries
Flexible in design and scope thanks as the fuel system and lube oil system. operated in
to pre-engineered options to meet
project- and site-specific conditions, The development of this package stems Base load service
capable of increasing the operating from the requirements of the utility Intermediate load service
flexibility and performance of an industry for low initial cost and a rapid Peak load service
existing power generating system. and reliable on-line generation system.
These options can replace or add It is equally well-suited to meet the
systems to the base scope. requirements of industrial users. Heat
Focused on the core equipment of a recovery applications include combined
self-contained power generating system cycle, repowering, and cogeneration
for power plants with gas turbines, it in a wide range of environments and
consists of gas turbine and electrical requirements.
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SGT5-PAC 4000F design
with the filter-house in
top position
The design of the Siemens Gas Turbine The SGT5-PAC 4000F scope of supply To minimize field assembly and the need
Package represents over 50 years of represents the core equipment for a for piping fabrication during construction,
experience in gas turbine technology power plant equipped with gas turbines: Siemens utilizes a packaging and piping
and power plant design, resulting in a Gas turbine concept whenever possible. Moreover,
reliable self-contained electric power Electrical generator subsystems have been grouped and in-
generating system. Air intake system stalled in auxiliary packages.
Exhaust gas system
Start-up system
Major auxiliary system
Instrumentation and control
Electrical systems
Power control center
Fire protection
Generator systems
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Performance Data
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Customer Benefits
due to Extended Fleet Experience
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1 Gas Turbine
Typical plant layout for single-unit gas turbine package 2a Auxiliary Systems Module for Fuel Gas,
Hydraulic Oil, Instrument Air, Lube Oil
2b Auxiliary Systems Module for Fuel Oil,
87 m Purge Water, NOX Water
60 m 2c Compressor Cleaning Skid
43 m 2d Compressor Dehumidifier Skid
3a Air Intake Filter House
3a 2c 8 (envelope is shown schematically)
2d 3b Air Intake Duct
4a Exhaust Gas Diffuser
7 1 4a 4b 4b Stack or Bypass Stack with Diverter Damper
30 m
5 Power Control Center with Electrical
6a and I&C Equipment
5 2a 2b 6a Low Voltage Transformer for
Static Excitation Equipment
6b 9a 9b 9b 6b Low Voltage Transformer for
Starting Frequency Converter
7 Electrical Generator
= options 8 CO2 Fire Protection
9a Lube Oil Fin-Fan Cooler
(Gas turbine package layout for a typical 2x1 multi-shaft arrangement)
9b Generator Fin-Fan Cooler
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SGT5-4000F Gas Turbine SGen5-1000A Generator
Compressor Generator rating @ 40°C air inlet temperature, TEWAC
Type Disk-type hollow shaft kVA 334,000
Number of Stages 15 kW 283,900
Rotor Speed 3,000 rpm P.F. 0.85
Pressure Ratio 18:1 Voltage (Volts) 20,000
Inlet Guide Vanes One row variable line-to-line
Calculated short circuit 0.49
Combustion System ratio
Combustors Speed (rpm) 3,000
Type 1 ring combustor system Frequency (Hz) 50
Configuration Annular Line current (Amps) 9,641
Fuel Gaseous and liquid Altitude (meters) Sea level
Number 24 Insulation
Fuel Pressure Range Class of insulation Stator-class –
Natural Gas 27 bar–33 bar; Nominal @ gas turbine; F with class B temperature rise
Filter inlet flange Field-class –
F with class B temperature rise
Number of Stages 4
Number of Cooled Stages 3
Journal Bearing
Type Tilting pad
Quantity 1
Thrust Bearing Drive end
Number 1
Generator coupled to cold end of
turbine via intermediate shaft
Technical Data
In the following table data are provided
for planning purposes.
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1 Casing 5 Combustion
Horizontally split Annular chamber with ceramic
and metallic heat shields
2 Supports 24 hybrid burners
Fixed at compressor end Dry low-NOX technology
Flexible at turbine end Operation with gaseous
and liquid fuels
3 Rotor
Disk-type hollow shaft 6 Turbine
Combined thrust and journal 4-Stage
bearing at compressor end Thermal barrier blade coatings
Journal bearing at turbine end Convection and impingement
Compressor and turbine disks cooling of blade interior
interlocked via Hirth serrations Film cooling of blade airfoil surface
Compressor and turbine disks
axially fixed via one central tie bolt 7 Exhaust
Axial flow
4 Compressor
15-Stage axial 8 Generator coupling
Variable-pitch inlet guide vanes At cold end drive
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Auxiliary Systems
Fuel Hydraulic Clearance Optimization Valve actuation
Gas fuel system supplies gaseous fuel The HCO (Hydraulic Clearance A hydraulic oil system provides high-
with adequate mass flow to the gas Optimization) power unit, supplies pressure hydraulic oil to operate the
turbine. hydraulic oil for shifting the gas control and emergency stop valves
Fuel oil system as an option supplies turbine rotor into the best-perfor- of the fuel systems and NOX water
liquid fuel with adequate mass flow mance position with minimized system.
to the gas turbine. clearances on the turbine side. Instrument air system for the supply
Optionally, a dual-fuel system provides of compressed air to operate the
highest fuel flexibility. Cleaning pneumatic actuators (e.g., blow-off
A mobile compressor cleaning system valves).
Rotor turning supplies water for the compressor
Turning device – the gas turbine rotor wash procedure to maintain high Lubrication
is rotated at low speed, for start-up, compressor efficiency. Lube oil system – supplies lubrication
shutdown, and extended standstills. oil to the gas turbine, the generator,
Start-up and the HCO power unit and supplies
Starting frequency converter (SFC) lifting oil to the gas turbine, the
for static start-up. generator, and the hydraulic-type
rotor turning device.
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Air filter Exhaust M
Air Air filter Exhaust
intake Air stack
intake Air Filter house
Gas turbine Compressor
Gas turbine
Gas turbine
Compressor * option
Cleaning spray
Nozzle system
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Exhaust Gas System Enclosures
Functions – Exhaust system Functions
The system guides exhaust gas Indoor enclosures:
from the gas turbine via the diffuser Optimum noise protection
to the stack of a gas turbine plant, at indoor installation
or to the heat recovery steam generator in the turbine building
of a combined cycle plant. Gas turbine Delineation of
availability can be increased with a hazardous areas
diverter and bypass stack for com- Containment of fire
bined-cycle power plants. suppression agent
At the same time, the system
reduces noise from the gas turbine Weather enclosures
to permissible levels. are available on request:
Noise and weather
System scope protection for
Exhaust diffuser outdoor installation
Exhaust stack for simple cycle
plants as an option for simple cycle System scope
applications Enclosures when applicable with:
Diverter damper with bypass stack Ventilation system
for combined cycle plants as an option Fire detection system
for combined cycle applications Fire fighting system
Gas detection system
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SPPA-T3000 Control System
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Power Control Center
Features of the Power Control Center
The features of the Power Control Center
(PCC) modules make them equivalent
to a conventional housing/building:
The degree of protection of the
switchgear rooms is IP 54.
The switchgear room temperature in
the PCC modules is controlled between
10 °C and 35 °C by air-conditioning
units. At least one redundant air-
conditioning aggregate is provided.
The air is cleaned by a filter. The
sealed construction prevents any
ingress of moisture or dust by leakage.
In addition, the heat exchangers
dehydrate the replacement air so
that condensation inside the modules
cannot occur.
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One generator assembly consisting of The SGen5-1000A air-cooled generator Overhung collector and brush
the following components is delivered features: holders bedplate
to the site: 165 – 350 MVA range The stator bedplate is a heavy steel
Bedplate (at 40 °C cold gas condition) fabrication, which supports the stator
Spring mounted stator World class efficiency with low core and windings, bearing pedestals,
Bearing pedestals maintenance design rotor assembly excitation casing, and
Rotor with shrunk-on collector Multi-zone, indirectly cooled the inner enclosure. The bedplate rests
Stator inner enclosure stator windings on leveling devices (fixators) affixed
Roebelled stator windings with to the foundation and is secured with
At the site, an outer enclosure is erected brazed solid end connections foundation bolts and axial and transverse
around the generator that includes Radially ventilated stator core anchors. Features for lifting and suitable
coolers, current transformers, and attached to bedplate jacking points for alignment to the turbine
neutral grounding equipment. Global Vacuum Pressure Impregnated are also provided.
(GVPI) stator core and stator winding
Core suspended on two axial springs
Radially ventilated and cooled rotor
Two low pressure “push” fans
mounted at each end of the rotor
Weather and sound proof outer
generator enclosure
Coolers mounted on foundation
beside bedplate and inside outer
enclosure for a TEWAC (Totally
Enclosed Water to Air-cooled)
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Power Diagnostics
Power Diagnostics® Services Benefits It also supports
Remote online monitoring of entire power During plant operation, online remote OEM’s engineering staff in develop-
plants or vital power plant components diagnostics provide the following ing their modernization and upgrade
via Siemens Power Diagnostics Services advantages: programs as well as Performance
is a key to mitigate risk for long-term Plants can be monitored effectively Enhancement Programs and optimi-
service contracts. Based on several Power by Power Diagnostics Centers and zation of Operational Reliability and
Diagnostics Centers worldwide Siemens OEM experts, e.g., of forced outages Availability Programs
provides the Service of daily Online Remote or emerging damages by detection
Diagnostics exclusively for Customers of possible engine failures before they Your benefits include:
with long-term service agreements. occur can be avoided Improved performance in terms of
Currently more than 300 advanced frame Risk mitigation through service support availability, reliability, efficiency and
gas turbines, as well as heat recovery for O&M and LTP during gas turbine flexibility
boilers, steam turbines and generators life cycle, e.g., condition based outage Reduced maintenance costs by extended
are monitored via those centers by planning by Siemens with the strong maintenance intervals, condition based
Siemens experts to ensure the most support of Siemens experts from all maintenance and shorter outages
trouble-free operation. disciplines
Detailed information on plant’s history,
The WIN_TS diagnostic system including long term trends, and optimization of
a broadband connection for unlimited operational reliability and availability
remote access has to be installed for
online remote diagnostic services. The
connection of a phone line exclusively
assigned for the use of WIN_TS or an
internet link is required as a contractual
obligation of the customer already before
commissioning starts.
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Service and Support
Corrective & preventive maintenance Service agreements Training & Consulting Siemens Power
Expecting a reliable high output from To plan well ahead a service agreement Academy (SPA)
your plant, we set the goal to help you for your plant can best support your long- Training courses and programs designed
cut downtimes to a minimum. With our term goals. We can help proactively boost to provide you essential knowledge of
diagnostic services we can even identify your plant’s performance through various equipment and systems ensure your safe,
faults before they become failures. From service options. From operating plant reliable operation and routine mainte-
installation and commissioning, sched- service agreements to full-scope operation, nance for your assets.
uled overhauls, on-site/factory repairs maintenance contracts and remote moni-
to spare parts, we are ready to serve you. toring – Siemens Energy’s service solu-
With our remote monitoring & diagnostics tions can be adapted to your exact needs:
capabilities we can help you instantly. scheduled inspections, preventive main-
Our global team of more than 3,000 highly tenance, remote monitoring, replace-
qualified Siemens service specialists is ment parts programs and incentives.
dedicated to providing sound, reliable In addition, we offer on-site operation &
and continuing support. Anywhere, any maintenance contracts for power plants.
Benefits include:
Optimized return on investment
Optimized performance
Optimized strategic planning
for operating assets
Reduced maintenance costs
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SGT5-4000F Steam Production
145 Saturated
204 °C
260 °C
316 °C
371 °C
115 427 °C
482 °C
538 °C
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Steam pressure [bar]
Cogeneration or
Combined Heat and Power
General description and steam turbine-generator, to use the The heat recovery system chosen has
Owners and operators of industrial and maximum amount of available energy. one pressure level, a 8.3 K pinch point,
commercial facilities are actively looking The steam turbine can be selected from 5.5 K approach temperature and no
for ways to use energy more efficiently. extraction, condensing or backpressure supplementary firing. Although steam
One option is cogeneration, also known styles to best match the customer’s pro- production varies depending on site
as combined heat and power (CHP). cess steam and electricity requirements. conditions and gas turbine loading,
Cogeneration/CHP consists of simulta- the figure provides an estimate of what
neous production of electricity and useful Steam production calculation can be achieved with a SGT5-PAC 4000F.
heat from the same fuel or energy. The figure above shows the typical
The owner of a SGT5-PAC 4000F cogen steam production capability of the
system can use it to produce their own SGT5-PAC 4000F for a range of steam
electricity, produce electricity for sale pressures and temperatures.
to others, or use the excess (waste) heat The referenced results are for
for process steam, hot water heating, Base load operation at sea level,
space heating and other thermal needs. 15 °C compressor inlet temperature,
60 % relative humidity of the air and
The excess heat also can be used to Natural gas fuel.
produce steam that can drive a steam
turbine-generator to produce additional
electricity. A SGT5-PAC 4000F-based cogen
system can be designed, with the addition
of the appropriate heat recovery boiler
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Hamm-Uentrop, Germany
Trianel Power Kraftwerk Hamm-Uentrop
GmbH & Co. KG operates the combined cycle
power plant with a total capacity of 850 MW.
Included in the scope are two gas turbine
packages SGT5-PAC 4000F.
Al Taweelah,
United Arab Emirates
Al Taweelah A2 is the first IPP project in the
Middle East. The project with an output of 780 MW
represents the first combination of a combined
cycle power plant with a desalination plant.
The scope included three gas turbine packages
SGT5-PAC 4000F and two steam turbines.
Panglima, Malaysia
Panglima Power Sdn Bhd operates the combined
cycle power plant with a multi-shaft 2 x 1 unit that
has a total capacity of 780 MW, including two gas
turbine packages SGT5-PAC 4000F.
Antalya, Turkey
The Ali Metin Kazanci Power Plant in Antalya,
Turkey consists of two gas turbine packages
SGT5-PAC 4000F. The power plant is built and
operated by the Turkish company AKSA and
covers a major part of the high energy demand
in Antalya – one of the major tourist areas in
Turkey. The 520 MW Open Cycle plant was built
by AKSA in world record time. In a second phase
this plant will be completed by AKSA to an
780 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant with
one Siemens Steam Turbine Package SST-5000.
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Published by and copyright © 2009:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany