The Effects of Different Hormones and Their Doses On Rooting of Stem Cuttings in Anatolian Sage (Salvia Fruticosa Mill.)
The Effects of Different Hormones and Their Doses On Rooting of Stem Cuttings in Anatolian Sage (Salvia Fruticosa Mill.)
The Effects of Different Hormones and Their Doses On Rooting of Stem Cuttings in Anatolian Sage (Salvia Fruticosa Mill.)
APCBEE Procedia 8 (2014) 348 – 353
2013 4th International Conference on Agriculture and Animal Science (CAAS 2013)
2013 3rd International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal (ICAAA 2013)
In this research, three different hormones and five different hormone dosages were applied on cuttings were taken from
Anatolian sage plants (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) before flowering period. NAA, IBA (0, 60, 120, 180, 240 ppm) and IAA
hormones (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 ppm) were prepared by dissolving in distilled water. Stem cuttings were kept in hormone
solution for 24 hours and they were planted in perlit medium under greenhouse conditions. After a month, the number of
rooted stem cutting, the number of root per stem cuttings, root length and root weight were determined on stem cuttings.
Rooting was observed in all of the cuttings for both samples to which hormone was applied and to which hormone was not
applied. According to the result of the variance analysis, the effects of the hormones and hormone doses on the examined
characters were found significant as statistically. According to the results obtained, IAA application increased root number
considerably. While high hormone dose applications caused the notable increase in root weight and root number in all of
three hormones, low hormone applications did not affect root length.
© 2014
2013A.Canan Sağlam.
Published Published B.V.
by Elsevier by Elsevier B.V. This
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and/or openreview
access article
underunder the CC BY-NC-ND
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of Asia-Pacific
Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society
1. Introduction
Anatolia is the main centre of Salvia species in Asia, and its 89 species, half of which are endemic, were
determined in Anatolia’s natural vegetation. Salvia fruticosa Mill., being one of the commercial species with
2212-6708 © 2014 A.Canan Sağlam. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society
A. Canan Sağlam et al. / APCBEE Procedia 8 (2014) 348 – 353 349
its essential oil that is over %1, spreads in Mediterranean mainly in Turkey and Greece [1]-[4].
In Turkey, the leaves of Anatolian sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) are used instead of medical sage (Salvia
officinals L.). Its leaves resemble medical sage’s leaves in terms of chemical structure and treatment effects.
Its essential oil has gastric, gastral, diuretic and saccharic effects. Externally, it can be used as wound healer
and antiseptic [5] and [6]. In addition to these features, it is informed that it is among the plants of sage having
the best antioxidant activity [7]. Along with internal consumption, sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) is gathered
from natural vegetation from the west of Turkey and is exported being dry [8]. Related to the increasing
export, efforts for the plant’s production have increased in recent years.
Sage production can be made by the separation of secondary stems growing from seed, cutting and roots.
Being an effective method in producing many plants, vegetative production with cuttings is seen as an
attractive method for plant production industry [9]. Cuttings to which hormone is applied generally root much
more rapidly than those to which hormones is not applied and construct a stronger root system, thus moulding
in the lower parts of cuttings diminishes with accelerating of rooting. In their study they conducted with
different species of Lamiaceae family, [10] detected the highest root height and root number values in Salvia
fruticosa species in 3000 ppm IBA application for a period of 5 minutes.
In this study, it was aimed at determining the effects of different hormones and hormone doses in S.
fruticosa cuttings upon the growth of seedling root.
In the research, Anatolian sage (S. fruticosa Mill.) grown in the previous years in the experiment fields of
Namık Kemal University Agricultural Faculty Field Crops was used as material. In the premergence phase,
for three different hormones and five different doses, totally 1875 cuttings including 125 cuttings peculiar to
each dose were obtained by observing the plant growth. Cuttings were obtained in the form of 3-5 internodes
in 12-15 cm length in the morning hours. In the doses in which NAA and IBA are 1. 0 , 2. 60, 3. 120, 4. 180,
5. 240 ppm, whereas IAA is 1. 0, 2. 100, 3. 200, 4. 300, 5. 400 ppm, they were prepared in pure water by
dissolving in the laboratory. The obtained cuttings were planted in the greenhouse after being waited in the
hormone solutions for 24 hours. The experiment was organised according to split parcels experimental design.
In the greenhouses, pearlite was used as rooting environment. By unravelling cuttings after 30 days, number
of rooted cutting, root number per cutting, root length and their weight were determined. In the assessment of
the collected data, JMP statistical programme was used.
In the study where NAA, IAA and IBA hormones and these hormones’ five different levels were applied,
at the level of 0.01 in terms of root weight and root number, hormone doses, hormone x hormone interactions,
at the level of 0.01 among the hormones and hormone x hormone interactions in terms of root length and at
the level of 0.05 among the hormone doses, significant differences were determined.
The effects of NAA, IAA and IBA hormones and these hormones’ five different doses on Anatolia sage’s
root weight are given in Fig. 1 and Table 1. while hormone x hormone doses interactions are given in Table 2.
The highest root weight values were obtained from NAA and IAA hormones, and the root weight of cuttings
which NAA and IAA were applied to was notable high than those to which IBA was applied. While root
weight in cuttings in which hormone was not applied was 1.824 g, significant increases in root weight were
350 A. Canan Sağlam et al. / APCBEE Procedia 8 (2014) 348 – 353
seen with hormone applications. While root weight in the lowest hormone application was 1.822 g, this value
was 3.051 in the highest hormone application.
Table 1. Average Results Concerning Root Weight and Root Number and Significance Groups
Fig. 1. Root weight average values in different hormone and hormone doses
While the highest root weight was obtained from the highest hormone level, significant differences
between cuttings to which hormone was applied and the low dose applications. When the effects of hormone
x hormone doses interactions on root weight was examined, it was seen that the highest root weight value was
obtained from 240 ppm dose of NAA applcation, which was followed by 300, 400 and 200 ppm doses of IAA.
The lowest root weights were obtained from those whcih hormone was not applied to and the low dose
applications of IBA and IAA.
The effects of three different hormones and these hormones’ five different doses on the root number of
sage cuttings are given Fig. 2 and Table 2. Hormone applications and root numbers changed between 44.000-
70.750, and considerable root numbers were obtaibed from IAA applications and NAA and IBA applications.
Between NAA and IBA applications, no difference was seen in terms of the quality examined. With the
increase of hormone doses, significant increases were seen in root numbers.
A. Canan Sağlam et al. / APCBEE Procedia 8 (2014) 348 – 353 351
Fig. 2. Root numbers average changes in different hormones and in hormone doses
While the highest root number values (77.397) were obtained from the highest hormone dose application,
the lowest root numbers were obtained from cuttings to which hormone was not applied and to which the
lowest hormone dose was applied (28.000 and 32.3889). As can be seen from Table 2, the highest root
numbers were obtained from 300, 400 and 200 ppm doses of IAA application, and this is followed by 240
ppm dose application of IAA and IBA.
Table 2. Hormone x hormone doses interaction concerning root weight and root number and significance groups
IAA Root weight (g) Root number NAA Root weight Root number IBA Root weight Root number
(ppm) (item) (ppm) (g) (item) (ppm) (g) (item)
0 2.010 b-e 34.385 ef 0 2.398 bcd 29.900 ef 0 1.065 e 24.183 f
100 1.485 de 29.900 ef 60 2.263 bcd 37.715 cde 60 1.717 cde 35.550 def
200 2.918 b 100.825 a 120 2.138 bcd 36.450 c-f 120 1.450 de 48.900 c
300 2.973 b 91.663 a 180 2.582 bc 38.450 cde 180 2.095 bcd 47.075 cd
400 2.925 b 102.988 a 240 3.992 a 65.100 b 240 2.235 bcd 64.100 b
LSD 0.984 12.693
The effects of different hormones and hormone doses on root length are given in Fig. 3. and while
hormone x hormone interactions are given in Table 4. The longest root was obtained from NAA and IAA
applications while the lowest root values were obtained from IBA application. Root lengths changed between
10.487-11.416 cm according to the applied hormone doses, and the highest hormone values were obtained
from the highest hormone doses.
As can be seen from Table 4, values concerning root length changed between 9.610-12.428. The longest
roots were obtained from 60 ppm dose of IAA while the shortest roots were obtained from 200 ppm of IAA.
With the dose increase in IBA, it was seen that root lengths increased.
352 A. Canan Sağlam et al. / APCBEE Procedia 8 (2014) 348 – 353
While in hormone x hormone interaction, 11.125 cm root length was measured in the plants to which IAA
hormone was not applied, root length in low hormone values diminished, and 240 ppm application gave the
same results with those not applied. In NAA application, increases occurred in 60, 120 and 240 ppm
Fig. 3. Average changes in root length in different hormone and hormone doses
In IBA application, especially in 300 and 400 ppm application, notable increases in root length was
supplied. The study of [11], [12] and [10] has similarities with our results.
Table 4.Hormone x hormone interaction concerning root length and significance level
IAA (ppm) Root lenght (cm) NAA (ppm) Root length (cm) IBA (ppm) Root length (cm)
0 11.125 b-e 0 11.490 abc 0 9.870 fg
100 10.140 efg 60 12.428 a 60 9.850 g
200 9.610 g 120 11.925 abc 120 9.925 fg
300 10.395 d-g 180 10.850 c-f 180 11.300 bcd
400 11.175 b-e 240 11.935 ab 240 11.325 bcd
LSD (0.05) 1.038
According to the results obtained, IAA application increased root number considerably. While high
hormone dose applications caused the notable increase in root weight and root number in all of three
hormones, low hormone applications did not affect root length.
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