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Sports events management involves several functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Each function plays a crucial role in ensuring the successful execution of a (1)e

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Publicity committee – main responsibility of committees does

Meaning of Planning
to advertisement events. Pre-tournament responsibilities.
Planning is a process of organizing every thought
Transportation committee – responsible for managing To prepare budget, schedule and program for
together according to the desired goals.
transportation of athletes and officials. tournament, various committees of for various
In the field of physical education, there are various
Boarding and lodging committee – responsible for arranging task, to send entire form timely.
types of planning. Planning is used in organizing various
accommodation and meals. During tournament.
sports tournaments and in sports training.
Grounds and equipment Ke committee – responsible for Maintain discipline, impart first state to injured,
preparing and maintaining the playing surface and equipments. provide proper score card, update information Organizing: :- The organizing function involves
Decoration and ceremony committee – responsible for on media channels. coordinating all the activities required to execute
decoration of sports area, our stadium. Post tournament. the sports event successfully. This function
Committee for refreshments and entertainment – supplying Provide detailed result, give prizes to winners involves identifying the required resources, such
food and beverage is to everyone. common, make a report on expense, make all as the venue, equipment, staff, and volunteers.
Reception committee – responsible for welcoming athletes and payments to Official. The organizing function also involves developing
officials. schedules, timelines, and action plans for the
Committee on entries and programmes – responsible for – A tournament is a competition involving event.
managing the registration process. relatively large number of competitors, all Staffing: ------The staffing function involves
Committee for officials – to select various officials like participating in a sports or game. It is a series identifying the required human resources and
represent as a Sectra. of contests with several rounds in which many recruiting, training, and managing the staff and
First state committee – responsible for providing medical contestants compete, individually or as a volunteers. This function also involves ensuring
support to participants. team to decide the winner. that the staff and volunteers are adequately
Finance committee – responsible for managing budget of the equipped and motivated to perform their roles
event. Knock-out Tournament effectively.
Announcement committee to make various announcements In this type of tournament, a team that is Directing: ------The directing function involves
during sports. once defeated automatically gets leading and guiding the staff and volunteers
eliminated from the tournament. Only the towards achieving the event's goals and
winning continues in the tournament. It objectives. This function involves communicating
Total No. of matches in knock out tournament= N-1 ///// Total means that the defeated team does not get effectively, providing feedback and coaching, and
no. of Rounds- If the total number of teams is in the power of a second opportunity. //// League or resolving conflicts. The directing function also
2, eg.- 16, then the total no. of rounds will be 2×2×2×2= 4 /// Round Robin Tournament involves ensuring that the event's activities are
Staircase Method Each team plays with every other team executed as per the plan and the schedule.
Fixtures are made like a staircase in this method. It is arranged once if it is a single league tournament and Controlling: ------The controlling function involves
in sequential form, there is no bye, no problem of odd or even twice if it is a double league monitoring and evaluating the progress of the
and therefore it is easiest to arrange. // tournament.///// Combination sports event and taking corrective actions as
Tournaments are Conducted when the required. This function involves reviewing the
Total No. of matches in knock out tournament= N-1 ///// Total
match is played on a group or zonal basis. event's performance against the set objectives,
no. of Rounds- If the total number of teams is in the power of
These Tournaments depend on the identifying areas for improvement, and making
2, eg.- 16, then the total no. of rounds will be 2×2×2×2= 4 ///
suitability of the activity. necessary adjustments. The controlling function
Staircase Method
Fixtures are made like a staircase in this method. It is arranged also involves managing risks and ensuring
in sequential form, there is no bye, no problem of odd or even compliance with the regulations and guidelines.
and therefore it is easiest to arrange. //

Knock Knees, also known as Genu valgum, is a knee misalignment that turns the knees inward. As a Women’s participation in sports has dramatically
result, both knees touch or knock against each other in a normal standing posture but there is a gap increased, there is still a significant gap between women
of 3-4 inches between the ankles.///// The finest exercises include riding a horse, keeping a pillow and men’s participation rates. Sports equality is still
between your legs, and staying still for a while. Yoga and exercise can help straighten and stabilise hampered by these inequalities. Many organisations and
the knees for the majority of persons with Genu valgum. programmes continue to be conservative and do not
Flat Foot support gender equality in sports.
Pes planus and falling arches are additional names for the flat foot. One or both of the feet may According to the study, up to 64% of Indian people did not
have little to no arch, which is known as flatfoot. The bottom of your feet press into the ground engage in any sport or physical activity. When the data was
when you stand. A foot’s arch is usually hidden, but occasionally it can be seen when you lift the broken down by gender, the results were even worse:
foot. Flat feet are a common congenital defect./////// Exercises that involve walking, standing or nearly 1.5 times as many men (42%) as women (29%)
jumping on all four feet in all directions, as well as skipping rope, help to build strong foot muscles. reported playing sports. Constraints for Women’s
Round Shoulders Participation in Sports in India
A narrow curve in the upper back is caused by round shoulders, a postural malformation in which Physical Constraints,Physiological Constraint,Religious
the shoulders are bent forward from their optimal position. It results in abnormal postural Constraints ,Social Constraints , Economic Constraints
alignments such hyperkyphosis, often known as hunchback and anterior head carriage or front head ////////////// Menarche is the term used to
position ./////The most crucial steps in treating rounded shoulders are muscle strengthening, describe a female adolescent’s first menstrual cycle. The
stretching, and attempting to balance out the muscles by performing planks, pull-ups, reverse average age of menarche’s onset is 12.4 years, and it
shoulder stretches, chest stretches, T stretches, wall stretches, Handclasp stretches, etc. normally happens between the ages of 10 and 16. Pre-
Kyphosis menstrual Syndrome – There are many different signs and
Kyphosis is a more pronounced front-to-back bend of the spine. Abnormal forward rounding of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), including
upper back is known as kyphosis. Other names for kyphosis include Hunch Back and Round Upper mood swings, sensitive breasts, food cravings, exhaustion,
Back. The Greek word kyph, which meaning bent or bowed, is the root of the English word kyphosis. irritability, and sadness. Premenstrual syndrome is thought
It is a spinal ailment where the curvature of the upper back becomes more pronounced or to have affected up to 3 out of every 4 women who are
pronounced.///// To get the best results, you should practise yoga asanas like Dhanurasana, menstruation.
Chakrasana, and Bhujangasana in addition to physical therapy, swimming, exercising with a gym Amenorrhea – When a person turns 15 without having had a
ball, band exercises, and physical activity. Lordosis period, they are said to have primary amenorrhea, which is
Lordosis is derived from the Greek word lordos, which means to bend backward. The neck, upper the lack of menstruation. Although anatomical issues can
back, and lower back of the spine all have slight curvature. The upper back’s kyphotic (S shape) and also induce amenorrhea, hormone levels are the most
lordotic (S shape) curves are what give the spine its S shape (neck and lower back). /////// Exercises frequent cause of primary amenorrhea.
that strengthen the pelvic area, such as sit-ups, leaning against a wall and pulling your spine Dysmenorrhea – Dysmenorrhea is the term used to
backward, and lying on your back and rising your arms and legs at the same time, will be very describe a condition in which menstruation is accompanied
beneficial. Yoga asanas like Halasana and Dhanurasana will be beneficial. by excruciating pain or frequent cramping. Dysmenorrheal
Scoliosis symptoms can include cramping in the lower abdomen, low
The Greek word skolios, which meaning bent, is where the name scoliosis originates. When the spine back pain, leg discomfort, nausea, exhaustion, weakness,
is twisted to one or both sides of the body, it is said to have scoliosis. It is a posture of the body’s etc.
sideways curvature or extreme lateral curvature. In this disease, the spine rotates, twists, or bends Menorrhagia – Menorrhagia is characterized by heavy and
into a C- or S-shaped configuration. Scoliosis affects girls more often than boys, It can happen at long term or continuous menstrual bleeding.
any age./////It is not essential to treat mild cases of scoliosis. In order to prevent the curvature from Polymenorrhea – Polymenorrhea is a term used to describe
getting worse, some kids might need to wear a brace. Others could require surgery to straighten a menstrual cycle that is shorter than 21 days.
their spines and prevent the condition from getting worse. Exercises like swinging and hanging from Oligomenorrhea – Oligomenorrhea is infrequent
horizontal bars ought to be performed on the other side of the C-shaped curve. menstruation. More strictly, it is menstrual periods
Bow Legs occurring at intervals of greater than 35 days.
Bow Legs, often referred to as Genu varum, is a kneeling position in which the legs appear to be Metrorrhagia – Metrorrhagia refers to missed, delayed or
curled into a bow while the feet and ankles are in contact. Bow legs are common in babies and erratic periods or abnormal bleeding patterns.
young children. It may be brought on by a deficiency in calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D and is Postmenopausal bleeding – Postmenopausal bleeding is
easily treatable when caught early./////In addition to a proper consumption of a balanced diet, the bleeding that occurs after one year of menopause or after a
use of braces and adapted shoes may prove to be beneficial. It could also be beneficial to walk on woman has stopped having menstrual cycles due to
the inside of your feet. menopause.
Sport should inspire disabled people to seek out or regain contact with their surroundings so that they can be recognized as equal and respected citizens. The phrase
“disability sport” describes sports that are specifically created for or played by those with disabilities. Adaptive sports are promoted by organizations like Special Olympics
Bharat, Paralympics, and Deaflympics. Special Olympics Bharat
The Special Olympics Bharat movement seeks to improve the lives of youngsters and adults with intellectual impairments and other mental health issues by using athletics as
a catalyst. It was established in 1987 as Special Olympics India, and in 2001 its name was changed to Special Olympics Bharat. ///////Paralympic Games
The Paralympic Games are an international multi-sport competition for athletes with various types of disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, amputation, blindness, and mobility
issues. Following the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games are held every four years. The International Paralympic Committee is in charge of planning these competitions. In
Sweden, the inaugural Winter Paralympics were held in 1976. The Winter Paralympic Games are held every four years.
dvantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs
Physical actiity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle and can help kids at all developmental stages greatly. Children with special needs have less opportunity to
engage in physical activity, which puts them at greater risk for problems related to inactivity. Children with special needs can benefit physically, emotionally, and socially
from participating in regular physical activity. CWSN show improvements in their cardiovascular fitness, bone health, and strength as a result of frequent exercise. They also
exhibit higher flexibility and better bone health.
Physical benefits – Scientific research on handicap groups has shown that engaging in sport and physical activity increases levels of wellbeing and physical health. Their
participation in physical education and sports on a regular basis can aid in the development of their gross motor and fine motor skills, which may enhance their performance
in general.

Mode of Recreation and Fun – CWSN frequently miss out on social activities, recreation and fun. Participation in extracurricular and sports activities can help them
overcome this obstacle, providing them with the ability to engage in social
interactions, make friends and initiate social skills.
Improved Emotional Health – It has been shown that a healthy lifestyle should include physical activity to reduce depression rates. CWSN frequently exhibit higher rates of
emotional issues like depression. By enhancing mental health and wellness, regular exercise can be a life-changing benefit.
Channelizing the Surplus Energy – Children with problems like ADHD exhibit hyperactivity, which, if controlled, can have good effects on cognition and positive behavior.
Psychological benefits – Regular exercise and involvement in sports are good for the body, but they are also good for the mind. By raising CWSN’s self-esteem, social
awareness, and self-confidence—all of which are crucial for empowering their lives—physical activity enhances their overall mood and wellness.
Healthy lifestyle – Due to the associated higher chance of being inactive, CWSN are roughly twice as likely as other kids to be overweight or obese. Due to their condition, they
engage in far less physical exercise and sports than their peers.
Behavioural Benefits – Physical education’s dynamic nature helps CWSN’s cognition and enables them to learn things that they might not learn in a regular classroom.
Increased Independence – Due to better daily living skills, participation in physical education and sports is a way to move towards more independence. An increase in physical
exercise can give a person with a handicap more freedom and independence. Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs
Children of all abilities, including those with disabilities, benefit from physical activity participation. In fact, include children with disabilities in sports and recreational
activities fosters inclusion, reduces deconditioning, improves physical performance, and improves general wellbeing.
Communication – Clear communication about the activity, the space, the resource person, or any changes to the activity should be made in advance. For doing various forms
of physical activities, a number of different instructional methods, such as verbal, visual, and peer teaching, should be employed to give children the chance to engage in
physical activity.
Space – People with physical disabilities should be able to access space at CWSN. The physical activity’s space should be restricted. Noise, heat, cold, floor texture, audience,
etc. should all be avoided in the area where activities take place.
Equipment – Participation is discouraged by a lack of proper equipment and personnel trained to facilitate physical activity among children and teens with various degrees of
competence. Graded Activities – Activities should be straightforward and centered on a single action in the early
stages. From non-locomotor to locomotor to managed activities, there should be a progressive transition. The level of help for these tasks should be independent, verbal, and
Social strategies – Let the youngster select a sport that they are interested in. When they enjoy the activity, children are more likely to be motivated. Encourage the special
needs child to observe others at first. Let the kid observe people playing and enjoying themselves.
Psychological strategies – Children with disabilities need a lot of encouragement to engage in physical activity due to prior exclusion or restricted access. It all comes down to
the cycle of conditioning: kids who keep active as they get older become physically more adept and stronger. The deconditioning cycle operates in a similar manner: for kids
who don’t participate, the less they do, the less they can do.

Balanced Diet & Nutrition

A diet that consists of all essential food constituents, i.e. protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and water in correct proportion is called a balanced diet.
The diet differs from person to person not everyone has required the same type of diet. It differs according to their requirement and their body type. A balanced diet must
contain all the essential constituents and inadequate requirements.
Cooking of food is necessary cal ITE sterilizers foodstuff.
Food should be easily digestible.
A balanced diet should also be nutritionally adequate, meaning it provides all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts to support good health. In addition, a balanced die
should be individualized, taking into account factors such as age, gender, physical activity level, and any medical conditions or dietary restrictions.
Macro Nutrients
1. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for our body.
There are two main types of carbohydrates that are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. 2.Proteins: Proteins are very large molecules, so
they cannot be directly absorbed into our blood. So Protein is turned into amino acids by our digestive system. There are 23 Amino Acids out of which 9 Amino Acids are requir
to be taken from our diet as they are not produced in our body. 3. Fats: Fats are necessa
for many body functions. It keeps us warm and protects our internal organs. There are three different types of fats in our diet, that is, Saturated fats, Polyunsaturated fats and
Mono-unsaturated fats 4. Water: Water helps in the transportation of Nutrition to the cells of the body. It is also imp. for the excretion of was
products in our bodies. Micro Nutrients

Food & Nutrition has a very vital role in the growth and development of our body. They are helpful for maintaining our good health. Nutrition is required for everyone but it is
indispensable for the individual who actively participates in games and sports. With the appropriate Nutrition, sportspersons can enhance their performance in their games.

Balanced Diet & Nutrition

A diet that consists of all essential food constituents, i.e. protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and water in correct proportion is called a balanced diet.
The diet differs from person to person not everyone has required the same type of diet. It differs according to their requirement and their body type.
A balanced diet must contain all the essential constituents and inadequate requirements./////////Cooking of food is necessary cal ITE sterilizers foodstuff.
Food should be easily digestible.
A balanced diet should also be nutritionally adequate, meaning it provides all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts to support good health. In addition, a balanced die
should be individualized, taking into account factors such as age, gender, physical activity level, and any medical conditions or dietary restrictions.
Overall, a balanced diet and good nutrition are essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases. By following a balanced diet and incorporating a variety
foods from all major food groups, individuals can achieve optimal health and well-being.,
1. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for our body.
There are two main types of carbohydrates that are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
Glucose, fructose, sucrose, Galactose etc. are simple are called simple carbohydrates. They are sweet in taste and are called sugar. Starch, Glycogen and Cellulose are Comple
carbohydrates. They are not sweet in taste.
2. Proteins: Proteins are very large molecules, so they cannot be directly absorbed into our blood. So Protein is turned into amino acids by our digestive system. There are 23
Amino Acids out of which 9 Amino Acids are required to be taken from our diet as they are not produced in our body. These Amino Acids are used by our body for making tissue
and repairing broken tissues, muscles, nails, hair, skin and tissues in the internal organ.
3. Fats: Fats are necessary for many body functions. It keeps us warm and protects our internal organs. There are three different types of fats in our diet, that is, Saturated fats
Polyunsaturated fats and Mono-unsaturated fats. The intake of saturated fat increases our chances of heart disease due to the increase in cholesterol levels in our blood.
Polyunsaturated fats and Monounsaturated fats help in lowering blood cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fat is slightly better than monounsaturated fats.

4. Water: Water helps in the transportation of Nutrition to the cells of the body. It is also imp. for the excretion of waste products in our bodies. It also regulates body
temperature. It is vital for various chemical reactions to take place in our bodies.

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