Chapter I Nurulns
Chapter I Nurulns
Chapter I Nurulns
A. Background of Study
Recount texts recount past events, but narrative texts create fictional stories
to entertain readers and provide moral lessons. This study will concentrate on how
teachers and students perception the usage of the gist strategy in teaching recount
texts, as defined by Anderson & Anderson as cited in (Husna & Multazim, 2019),
A recount text is a text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they
happened. The social function of this text is to tell past experiences through retelling
of events order. Examples of stories include testimonials, diaries, personal letters,
and event reports.
In a recent years researched by a student from the undergraduate English language
education study program at the Bosowa University Makassar ”Gist Strategy in
Teaching Recoun Text for Students in Writing Skill at SMPN 8 Makassar”
(Sumalu, 2022) the researchers studied to find out if there is a significant difference
before and after being taught GIST strategy in recount text for students in writing skill
especially in summarization. The author feels that in the world of education, especially
English education program students in Indonesia, they rarely do this research. Based on
the description of gist strategy in accomplishing research project problem above, this is
necessary for the researcher could minimize and find the teachers and student' perceptions
what the difficulties use “gist strategy” and what the benefit of using the gist stratgey.
Therefore the author research with the title of “Teacher And Student’ Perception
About The Usage Gist Strategy In Teaching English Recount Text ”
B. Focus and Sub Focus of Study
1. Focus
This research focus on teacher and student’ perception about the usage gist strategy
in teaching recoun text.
2. Sub focus
The sub focus of this research are :
1. Teacher and student’ perception about the benefits usage gist strategy in teaching
recoun text.
2. Teacher and student’ perception about the barriers or difficulties usage gist strategy
in teaching recoun text.
C. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background of the study above, the problem questions can be
formulated as follows:
1. What are the perceptions of the teacher and student’ about the benefits of the usage
gist strategy in teaching recount text?
2. What are the Teacher and student’ perception about the barriers or difficulties usage
gist strategy in teaching recoun text?
1. To find out the perceptions of teacher and students about the benefits of the usage
gist strategy in teaching recount text
2. To find out the perceptions of teacher and student’ perception about the barriers or
difficulties usage gist strategy in teaching recoun text