GENERAL CHEMISTRY - Q1 - Mod7 - Calculating Formula Mass, Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula

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Chemistry 1

Quarter 1 - Module 7
Calculating Formula
Mass, Empirical
Formula and
Molecular Formula


What I Need to Know?

This module was prepared to guide you on how to write the formula mass,
molecular mass and empirical formula of a given compound properly and correctly.
Knowing the process of writing the said formulas of various compounds will help us
to determine the actual mass and proportion of the elements that make up the
compound. In addition, familiarization on the process on measuring the formula
mass, molecular mass or empirical formula could help people who are involved in
chemical-related industries to double check if the amount of the elements in a
compound as indicated in their product labels are true and valid. The scope of this
module covers many different learning situations where students could relate their
personal experiences on different compounds. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. calculate molecular formula given the molar mass, (STEM_GC11PClf-33).
2. calculate the empirical formula from the percent composition of a
compound, (STEM_GC11PCif-32).

What I Know?
(Critical Thinking)

To check your prior knowledge about the topic, and to solicit the questions
that you want to know about it, fill in the Know and Want to know components of
the Know-Want to know- Learned (KWL) chart properly and correctly. For the Know
component, you may write word/s or sentence. For the want to know component,
state your responses in interrogative or question form. You may list as many
responses as you want for each component. Write your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

KWL Chart
Topic Know Want to know Learned
Formula Mass and
Molecular Mass

Guide Questions
1. Based from what you have written on the Know component of the chart, what do
you know about formula mass and molecular mass?

2. If you were to think of a question that you want to ask about formula mass and
molecular mass, what question would that be?

DIRECTION: After you have filled-in the K and W components of the
chart and answered the guide questions, answer now the diagnostic
assessment below within 10 minutes.


Sentence Completion. Complete each statement with a word/ concept in the

blank of the item.

1. _____ refers to the total number of protons and neutrons in the

nucleus of an atom.
2. How many carbon atoms in chemical formula CH 4 ?
3. ______ gives the lowest whole-number ratio of the elements in a
4. Cl is the chemical symbol for ______
5. Formula mass is used for compounds that are made up of ions and
have primarily _____ bonding.

DIRECTION: Rest for 1 minute then you may start reading the lesson
1 below about the chemical formula and chemical name of

Formula Mass and Molecular Mass

Chemistry is a subject that involves a lot of concepts and formulas. Some

concepts are confusing for some people because of their similarities in terms of the
wordings. Three concepts which may confuse us are formula mass, molecular mass
and molar mass. For a beginner student, these concepts are quite confusing to

them. But how is formula mass different from molecular mass and molar mass? Is
there any difference among those concepts?

This module will discuss the method of writing the formula mass or
molecular of a given compound considering the type of chemical bond exist in the
said compound properly and correctly.

What’s In?


Formula Analysis. Analyze the figures below then answer the corresponding
guide questions.

NaCl NO2
Figure A Figure B

Guide Questions
1. Which figure show compound whose atoms are bonded by covalent bond?
2. What do we call to the formula represented by figures A and B?
3. What type of compound is in figure A?

DIRECTION: After you analyze the given picture and answered the
guide questions, let us proceed to what’s new. Read the direction


What’s New?


Read the description of important terms that you will encounter in this

1. Mas number It means characteristics, traits or qualities.

2. Molecular formula A formula that gives number of atoms of

each element present in a molecule.

DIRECTION: After finding out the meaning of important terms that you
will encounter as you read the next part, make time to read the
formula mass and molecular mass below thoroughly.

What is Formula Mass and Molecular


Formula Mass and Molecular Mass

Formula mass is used for compounds that are made up of ions and have
primarily ionic bonding. While Molecular mass or known as molar mass is used
for compounds that are composed of molecules and have primarily covalent
bonding. The term formula mass is suitable to use as it can be used for both ionic
and covalent compounds. Molecular mass will only be used for covalent

How to Write the Formula Mass of a Compound?

A substance which is made up of two or more atoms joined together by a
chemical bond. Compounds may be classified into two based from the nature of the
atoms that make up them, and the type of intramolecular bond that exist between
atoms. The two classification of compounds are ionic compound and covalent
compound. The ionic compound is formed between a metal atom and a nonmetal
atom, and the type of intramolecular bond exist between atoms is ionic bond due to

the presence of ionic charges. Example of this is sodium chloride which is made up
of metal sodium and nonmetal chlorine.

Na+1 + Cl-1 Na 1 Cl 1 or NaCl

Sodium Chlorine Sodium chloride

The covalent compound is formed between two or more nonmetal atoms, and
the type of intramolecular bond that exist between atoms is covalent bond.
Example of this is Carbon tetrachloride.


C + Cl Cl C Cl

Carbon Chlorine Carbon tetrachloride
So, in using the term formula mass or molecular mass, you must determine
first the intramolecular bond that exists between atoms of compounds.

How is Mass Number different from Formula Mass?

If mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
of an atom, the formula mass is the sum of all mass numbers of the atoms that
make up the compound. The mass number is very important in determining the
formula mass of a certain compound.

The mass number of each element can be seen in the periodic table. Below
shows the mass number of element nitrogen in the periodic table which is 14.007
or 14.0 u. The mass number is always rounded off to the nearest tenths that is why
the value of the mass number of nitrogen is 14.0 instead of 14.007. The symbol u
means unified mass number unit or unified atomic mass unit that is used in all
formula mass units.



Can you determine the mass number of the following elements in the
periodic table?

1. Ca - __________________________ 3. Cu - ___________________________

2. Si - ___________________________ 4. P - ____________________________

If your answer to the mass number of Phosphorous is 31.0 u then you are
correct. As seen in the periodic table, the mass number of phosphorous is 30.974
and has to be rounded off to 31.0 u.

Important Steps in Solving the Formula Mass of a Compound

In writing the formula mass of a compound, do the following steps below. We

will use Al(OH) 3 as an example.

Step 1. List down the atoms involved in the formula which are represented by
chemical symbol. Write this in downward manner in the first column.



Step 2. Determine the number of atoms in the formula. Write this in the second
column. Consider the subscript which is written outside the parenthesis.

Atom Number of Atoms

Al 1

O 3

H 3

Note that the number of oxygen atom and hydrogen atom have increased by
3 because of the subscript located outside the parenthesis. The subscript will only
affect the atoms inside the parenthesis which can be seen in (OH) 3 of Al(OH) 3.

Step 3. Write the mass number of each element in the third column.

Atom Number of Atoms Mass number

Al 1 27.0 u

O 3 16.0 u

H 3 1.0 u

Step 4. Multiply the number of each atom to its mass number to determine the
total mass number of each atom. Write this in the fourth column.
Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number
of each atom
Al 1 27.0 u 27.0 u

O 3 16.0 u 48.0 u

H 3 1.0 u 3.0 u

Step 5. Get the sum of all total masses to determine the formula mass of Al(OH) 3 .
Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number
of each atom
Al 1 27.0 u 27.0 u

O 3 16.0 u 48.0 u

H 3 1.0 u 3.0 u___

78.0 u

Therefore, the formula mass of Al(OH) 3 is 78.0 u.


Calculate the formula mass of Copper sulfate, CuSO 4

Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number

of each atom
Cu 1 ___________ _______________

S 1 ___________ _______________

O 4 ____________ _______________


Did you understand what you have read about formula mass of a
compound? If yes, let us proceed to the mini-performance task. You
are about to perform the procedure as instructed in the Mini-
performance task. Read and follow the procedure carefully. Good luck!


Mini-Performance Task

Activity 1 – FREEDOM WALL

1. Prepare manila paper, pentel pen, coloring materials and ruler
2. Given set of chemical formula, choose 1 that you want to present before your
teacher. You need to follow the steps below to solve the problem. Write your
complete answers in a manila paper. You may add design that you want or remark
as your expression of your feelings or experiences towards the solving process.
3. Post your output on the wall and explain it before your classmates.

Output Presentation


Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number

of each atom


C6H12O6 (NH4)2SO4 C7H5NO3S

1. What is the formula mass of your chosen chemical formula?
2. Are there atoms where mass numbers are identical?


What I Have Learned?

(Critical Thinking)

You have to fill in the L component of the KWL chart to generalize the things
they have learned about the topic.
KWL Chart
Topic Know Want to know Learned
Formula Mass and I have learned that
Molecular Mass ….

After you have filled-in the L component of the chart, proceed now to
the what I can do.

What I Can Do?

(Character and Creativity)


Added task to you.

Look for a product found at your home. Identify 1 chemical formula as
written on its label then determine its formula mass as well as the uses.

Congratulations Mi Amigo! You are almost done in this lesson. Let us do
the last part which is the assessment.


(Critical Thinking)


Problem Solving (10 pts.)

Calculate the formula mass of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2

Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number

of each atom
Ca _________________ 40.0 u _____________

P _________________ 31.0 u _____________

O _________________ 16.0 u _____________


Congratulations Mi Amigo!!! We are done in this lesson. You may now
proceed to the lesson 2 below.

Calculating the Empirical Formula

Lesson from Percent Composition, and
2 Molecular Formula from Molecular

Chemistry is a subject that involves a lot of calculations and formulas. Some

formulas and calculations in Chemistry are quite difficult for some people because
of their unfamiliarity of the said formulas and calculations. However, these
calculations and formulas are very important in making accurate and precise
measurements of chemical materials needed in the preparation or making of
solutions of certain product. For a beginner student, studying these formulas and
performing the correct procedure of calculations need a strict focus and patience.
You make encounter confusion and mistake as you use the formula in actual
calculation process but do not give up. It is ok to read again the concept and
recalculate your actual computation to derive a correct answer to a given problem
on empirical formula and molecular formula.

This module will discuss the process of calculating the empirical formula of
a compound based from its percent composition as well as the molecular formula
based from its molecular mass.

What’s In?


Problem Solving Analysis. Analyze the sample problem below then answer
the corresponding guide questions.

Determine the empirical formula of a compound whose

percentage composition is 50.05% S and 49.95% O by mass.

Guide Questions
1. What are the elements involved in the sample problem?
2. What will be solved in this problem?
3. What is empirical formula?

DIRECTION: After you analyze the given problem and answered the
guide questions, let us proceed to what’s new. Read the direction

What’s New?


Read the description of important terms that you will encounter in this
1. Ratio It is the quantitative relation between two
amounts showing the number of times one value
contain or is contained with the other.

2. Atomic Mass The number of the protons and neutrons inside

the nucleus of the atom.

DIRECTION: After finding out the meaning of important terms that
you will encounter as you read the next part, make time to read the
formula mass and molecular mass below thoroughly.

What is Empirical Formula and

Molecular Formula?

Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula

Empirical Formula is the lowest whole-numbered ratio of the elements in a
compound. While Molecular Formula is the actual composition of a compound
indicating the number of atoms per element; number of moles of each kind of atom
per mole of compound.

How to Calculate the Empirical Formula?

In calculating the empirical formula of a compound, do the following steps
below. We will refer to the sample problem below.

SAMPLE PROBLEM: Determine the empirical formula of a compound

whose percentage composition is 50.05% S and 49.95% O by mass.

Step 1. Use 100 g of the compound as basis of calculation. Meaning there will be
50.05 g would be atoms of Sulfur and 49.95 g would be atoms of Oxygen.

Step 2. Convert the given mass of each atom into their equivalent mole. To do this,
convert the given mass of atom in the compound by using the mole of the atom as
the conversion factor.

Given Mass of Atom Mole of Atom Equivalent Mole of Atom

50.05 g S 1 mol of S atoms = 1.56 mol of S atoms

32.1 g S

49.95 g O 1 mol of O atoms = 3.12 mol of O atoms

16.0 g O
Let us use Sulfur to determine the calculation process. First the given mass
of sulfur is 50.05 g was multiply to 1 mol of S atoms. You may refer to the red
straight arrow. The answer is 50.05 g S . mol of S atoms. Then the 50.05 g S . mol
of S atoms was divided by 32.1 g S. You may refer to the red curved arrow. The
answer is 1.56 mol of S atoms. The mole of atom is based on the mass number of
the atom as indicated in the periodic table. The mass number of sulfur in the
periodic table is 32.1 or 32.

Given Mass of Atom Mole of Atom Equivalent Mole of Atom

50.05 g S 1 mol of S atoms = 1.56 mol of S atoms

32.1 g S

Step 3. The equivalent value of mole of each atom will be used as the subscript.
Therefore, the formula maybe written as S 1.56 O 3.12 , but this formula does not have
whole-number subscripts. One way to get a formula with whole-number subscript
is to divide all the subscripts by the smallest subscript.

S :1.56 = 1 and O : 3.12 = 2

1.56 1.56
Therefore, the empirical formula is S 1 O 2 or SO 2 because it has the lowest
possible ratio of whole-numbered subscript. The chemical name of the compound is
Sulfur dioxide.

How to Calculate the Molecular Formula?

In calculating the molecular formula of a compound, do the following steps
below. We will refer to the sample problem below.

SAMPLE PROBLEM: A sample is found to have 40.0% C, 6.6% H and 53.4%

O by mass. The molecular mass of the compound is 180. What its
empirical and molecular formulas?

Step 1. Use 100 g of the compound as basis of calculation. Meaning there will be
40.0 g would be atoms of Carbon, 6.6 g would be atoms of Hydrogen and 53.4 g
would be atoms of Oxygen.

Step 2. Convert the given mass of each atom into their equivalent mole. To do this,
convert the given mass of atom in the compound by using the mole of the atom as
the conversion factor.

Given Mass of Atom Mole of Atom Equivalent Mole of Atom

40.0 g C 1 mol of C atoms = 3.33 mol of C atoms

12.0 g C

6.6 g H 1 mol of H atoms = 6.6 mol of H atoms

1.0 g H

53.4 g O 1 mol of O atoms = 3.33 mol of O atoms

16.0 g O

Step 3. The equivalent value of mole of each atom will be used as the subscript.
Therefore, the formula maybe written as C 3.33 H 6.6 O 3.33. , but this formula does not

have whole-number subscripts. One way to get a formula with whole-number
subscript is to divide all the subscripts by the smallest subscript.

C :3.33 = 1 H : 6.6 = 2 O : 3.33 = 1

3.33 3.33 3.33
Therefore, the empirical formula is C 1 H 2 O 1 or CH 2 O because it has the
lowest possible ratio of whole-numbered subscript. But what is the molecular

Step 4. Divide the molecular mass of the compound which is 180 by its molecular
mass by empirical formula which is CH 2 O. The molecular mass of CH 2 O is 30

Molecular Mass of compound divided by Molecular Mass of CH 2 O

80 / 30 =6

Step 5. Multiply the empirical formula (CH 2 O) by 6 would produce a molecular

formula of C 6 H 12 O 6

Did you understand what you have read about empirical formula and
molecular formula? If yes, let us proceed to the mini-performance task.
You are about to perform the procedure as instructed in the Mini-
performance task. Read and follow the procedure carefully. Good luck!

Mini-Performance Task

Activity 2 – FREEDOM WALL

1. Prepare manila paper, pentel pen, coloring materials and ruler
2. Given a problem on molecular formula, solve the problem properly. You need to
follow the steps below to solve the problem. Write your complete answers in a
manila paper. You may add design that you want or remark as your expression of
your feelings or experiences towards the solving process.
3. Post your output on the wall and explain it before your classmates.

Output Presentation


Step 1. Convert the given mass of each atom into their equivalent mole.

Given Mass of Atom Mole of Atom Equivalent Mole of Atom

Step 2. The equivalent value of mole of each atom will be used as the subscript.

Step 3. Divide the molecular mass of the compound by its molecular mass by
empirical formula.

Step 4. Determine the molecular formula



A compound is found to contain 30.4% nitrogen and 69.6% oxygen. If it

has a molecular mass of 92.0, what is its molecular formula?

1. Is empirical formula related to molecular formula?
2. Did you find the problem difficult to solve? Why?

What I Have Learned?

(Critical Thinking)

You have to fill in the L component of the KWL chart to generalize the things
they have learned about the topic.
KWL Chart
Topic Know Want to know Learned
Formula Mass and I have learned that
Molecular Mass ….


Congratulations Mi Amigo! You are almost done in this lesson. Let us do
the last part which is the assessment.

(Critical Thinking)


Problem Solving (10 pts.)

Caffeine has 49.48 % C, 5.19% H, 16.48 % O and 28.85% N. Its molecular
mass is 194.19. What is its molecular formula?

Congratulations Mi Amigo!!! We are done in this module. You may now
proceed to the next module. See you next time.


Mendoza E. and Religioso T. (2008). Chemistry Laboratory Manual. Phoenix


Mendoza E. (2003). Chemistry Textbook. Phoenix Publication

Writer: Gary R. Ramos, MAT-GS
Editors: Ma. Teresa M. Chico- PSDS, Rosalina Aranzamendez- PSDS and Ma. Victoria
Santos- PSDS
Reviewers: Amalia C. Solis- EPS, Rebecca M. Roxas- EPS and Lucita A. Gener- EPS
Management Team: Maria Magdelema M. Lim- Schools Division Superintendent-
Manila, Aida H. Rondilla- Chief Education Supervisor, Lucky S. Carpio- EPS and Lady
Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II- LRMS

Module 7 - Calculating Formula Mass, Empirical Formula and Molecular

Name: ______________________________ Grade/ Sec. ____________________ Score: ___

Teacher: ____________________________ School: _________________________ Date: ____

General Direction: Write your answers here from Pre-Test to Post-Test including
the answers in the activities. Detach and submit this part to your teacher upon
his/her direction which usually given after you have completed this module.

Topic Know Want to know Learned
Formula Mass and
Molecular Mass

1. 4.
2. 5.

POST-TEST- Lesson 1

Problem Solving (10 pts.)

Calculate the formula mass of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2

Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number

of each atom
Ca _________________ 40.0 u _____________

P _________________ 31.0 u _____________

O _________________ 16.0 u _____________


POST-TEST – Lesson 2

Problem Solving (10 pts.)

Caffeine has 49.48 % C, 5.19% H, 16.48 % O and 28.85% N. Its molecular
mass is 194.19. What is its molecular formula?


Calculate the formula mass of Copper sulfate, CuSO 4

Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number

of each atom
Cu 1 ___________ _______________

S 1 ___________ _______________

O 4 ____________ _______________


Activity 1- FREEDOM WALL for Lesson 1

Output Presentation


Atom Number of Atoms Mass number Total mass number

of each atom

Answer to Questions

Activity 2 Output Presentation – Lesson 2


Step 1. Convert the given mass of each atom into their equivalent mole.

Given Mass of Atom Mole of Atom Equivalent Mole of Atom

Step 2. The equivalent value of mole of each atom will be used as the subscript.

Step 3. Divide the molecular mass of the compound by its molecular mass by
empirical formula.

Step 4. Determine the molecular formula


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