Abstract: This research work is completed to embrace the project work on rehabilitation and retrofitting of fireside
damaged concrete buildings. This study explains the rehab process of fireside damaged concrete buildings in
three basic categories; condition evaluation, higher cognitive process, rehabilitation & retrofitting. Evaluation
method of damaged building has been based upon understanding of fabric properties at elevated temperatures,
condition survey and condition assessment. Condition survey includes visual inspection, hammering and
chiselling techniques whereas condition assessment includes both non-destructive and destructive tests that are
selected upon the premise of efficiency, economy, and performance. Feasibility study is required to form right
decisions for the rehab of fireside damaged building. Such a feasibility study should include all important aspects
which will have a control within the future, therefore must be considered in higher cognitive process. The method
and testing procedures can be used to evaluate the level of damage and feasibility of repair needed. The
evaluation can be used to whether to repair or to demolish the structure .
elements, safe access to the hazard location, will explain the (a.2) Chemical Decomposition
methods and tools used in the investigation the level of The raise in temperature during fire will lead to
hazard or loss of strength of structure members.[7] water evaporation and dehydration in cement paste.
We will also evaluate the condition of structure member This will cause decomposition of calcium hydroxide
whether it is need strengthening and repair or to replace the and calcium aluminates in concrete.
member. Jacketing of weekend members need to be done Decomposition occurs after evaporation of free
with the application of additional strengthening material like water and capillary water and will be initiated by
reinforcement etc. the loss of physically bound water.
The color of concrete will turn into pink as a result
of this mechanism[5]
2. Fire Damage on Concrete
Table-1, Fire Damage - Damage Mechanisms
Mechanisms Effect on
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[3] CPWD, India: Handbook of repair and
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[4] Concrete Society: Assessment, Design and Repair
of Fire-damaged Concrete Structures. Technical
Report No. 68. 2008
[5] http://www.engineeringcivil.com/visual-inspection-
[6] Introduction to the fire safety engineering of
[7] Reinforced concrete jacketing of existing structures.