Afterword and Acknowledgements: Appendix

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Afterword and Acknowledgements

Many readers may have noticed that most, if not all, of the material appearing in this
text has been treated elsewhere, probably in dozens of publications. It is inevitable
that bits here and there are lifted out of some previous textbooks, whether I like it
or no. Therefore I wish to list here the four textbooks that, over more than half a
century, have been the ones I have principally turned to when I have needed to check
up on some detail of fundamental analysis. No recommendation is implied in this
list and it is certain that each has its virtues and faults, neither of which do I wish
to elaborate on here. However, it is also certain that some acknowledgement is due.
The dates are those of first publication.

(a) G. H. Hardy. A Course of Pure Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, 1908.

(b) E. G. Phillips. A Course of Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 1930.
(c) J. C. Burkill. A First Course in Mathematical Analysis. Cambridge University
Press, 1962.
(d) M. Spivak. Calculus. Publish or Perish, 1967.

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive 427
license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
R. Magnus, Fundamental Mathematical Analysis, Springer Undergraduate
Mathematics Series,

A Bernstein’s theorem, 379

Abel, 2 Bessel function, 258, 261
Abelian theorems, 361, 421 Big O notation, 387
Abel’s lemma, 350 Bijective function (definition of), 119
Abel’s theorem on power series, 352 Binomial coefficients, 18
Abel summation, 361 Binomial rule, 19
Absolute value, 15 Binomial series, 346
Absolutely convergent integral, 411 Bohr and Mollerup (theorem of), 426
Absolutely convergent series, 307 Bolzano, 2
Algebraic function, 237 Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem, 60, 115, 116
Algebraic number, 160 Bonnet’s theorem, 234
Alternating series, 309 Bound variable, 43
Antiderivative, 195, 217, 253, 265 Bounded function, 103
Approximation in the mean, 235 Boundedness theorem, 113
Archimedean property, 29 Bounded sequence, 47
Archimedes, 1 Bounded set, 25, 26
Archimedes’ theorem
for the inscribed sphere, 230
for the parabolic segment, 196, 230 C
Arc length integral, 226 Cantor, 2
Area, 195 Cantor’s reals, 78
Arithmetic axioms, 7 Cauchy, 2
Arithmetic geometric mean, 57, 192, 335 Cauchy principal value, 403
Arithmetic mean and geometric mean Cauchy product of series, 316
(inequality of), 56, 185 Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, 20
Asymptotic expansion, 389, 403, 417, 425 Cauchy’s condensation test, 73
Axiom of choice, 107, 122 Cauchy’s convergence principle, 63, 121,
Axioms for the real numbers, 7–14 306, 328, 330, 410
Cauchy’s remainder, see Taylor’s theorem
Cauchy’s root test, 308
B Cesaro summation, 360
Babylonian method, 189 Chain rule, 136, 143
Basel problem, 71 Chebyshev polynomials, 304
Berkeley, 2 Circular functions, 132
Bernoulli numbers, 381, 415–417 addition rules for, 243

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive 429
license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
R. Magnus, Fundamental Mathematical Analysis, Springer Undergraduate
Mathematics Series,
430 Index

definition of, 238–243, 356 of function sequences, 332

derivatives of, 243 of function series, 332
exact values of, 302 of power series, 342
power series for, 346 under the integral sign, 404
Codomain of function (definition of), 91 Differentiation rules, 134–140
Comparison test, 66 Dirichlet series, 359
for integrals, 400 Dirichlet’s test, 351, 358, 413
Complete induction, 7 Discontinuities of monotonic functions, 105
Completeness axiom, 13, 25, 111 Divergent sequence, 40, 47
Complex numbers, 291 Divergent series, 64
argument of, 297 Domain of function (definition of), 91
conjugate of, 294 Dyadic fraction, 182
logarithm of, 299
modulus of, 294
nth root of, 297 E
real and imaginary parts of, 292 e (Euler’s constant)
square root of, 293 calculation of, 255, 341
Complex powers (differentiation of), 349 definition of, 249
Complex-valued integrals, 409 irrationality of, 363
Composition of functions, 106 Elementary transcendental function, 237
Conditionally convergent series, 309 Element (of a set), 3
Continued fractions, 85–89 Elliptic function, 228, 259
Continuity rules, 99 Elliptic integral, 269, 334
Continuous function (definition of), 94 Empty set, 3, 12
Convergent sequence, 39, 47 Error estimate
Convergent series, 64 for (1 + x)a , 372, 374
Convex function, 176, 182, 185 for cos x, 370
for ln(1 + x), 371, 374
Critical point, 151
for sin x, 370
Cubic equation
for e x , 370
Cardano’s solution of, 303
Error function, 377, 403
trigonometric solution of, 303
Euclid, 1
Euclidean algorithm, 89, 173
Eudoxus, 1
D Euler, 2
D’Alembert’s test, see Ratio test Euler–Maclaurin summation formula, 269,
Decimals, 20–24, 73–77 385, 415–417
algorithm for, 22 Euler–Mascheroni constant, 407, 425, 426
Decreasing function, 104 Euler’s formula, 346
Decreasing sequence, 49 Even function, 148
Dedekind, 2 Exponential function, 132, 148, 169
Dedekind section, 12, 13, 25, 27 definition of, 249
Dedekind’s reals, 78 laws of, 249, 250, 256
Definite integral, 217 with complex argument, 341
De Moivre’s theorem, 297 Exponential series, 339
Derivative (definition of), 130 Extreme value theorem, 115
Descartes’ rule of signs, 173, 175
Determinant, 149
Difference quotient (definition of), 130 F
Differentiable (definition of), 130 Factorial, 19
Differential equation, 195, 217, 249, 253, Favourite identity, 48
257–260 Fermat numbers, 7
Differential quotient, 142 Fibonacci numbers, 18, 51, 191
Differentiation Finite set, 58
Index 431

Fourier, 2 of step functions, 208

Fourier transform, 418, 419 Integrable function (definition of), 199
Free variable, 43 Integral test (for series), 405
Function (definition of), 91 Integral with limits, 208
Function sequence Integration by parts (rule of), 263, 270, 271
pointwise convergence of, 327 Integration by substitution (rule of), 264
uniform convergence of, 327 Integration of function sequences, 331
Function series, 325 Integration of function series, 331
pointwise convergence of, 329 Integration rules
uniform convergence of, 329 join of intervals, 207
Fundamental theorem multiplication by scalars, 206
of algebra, 271 sum, 205
of calculus, 216–218, 224 Intermediate value property, 112, 117, 118,
Intermediate value theorem, 111, 172
G Intersection, 3
Gamma function, 422–425 Interval, 24
Gauss’ lemma, 12, 19 Inverse function
Gauss’ test, 320, 322 definition of, 119
Geometric series, 23, 67 differentiation of, 138
Golden Ratio, 51 Irrational numbers, 12
Graph (of a function), 93 Iteration, 50, 108, 125–127, 186, 187
Greatest lower bound, see Infimum

H Jensen’s inequality, 184
Half-angle substitution, 278 Jump discontinuity, 100
Harmonic series, 71, 254
Heine–Borel theorem, 234
Hermite polynomial, 260 K
Higher derivatives, 147–149 Kepler, 2
Hölder’s inequality, 186, 212, 413 Kummer’s tests, 321
Hyperbolic function, 252
Hypergeometric function, 259
Lagrange’s remainder, see Taylor’s theorem
I Laplace transform, 420
Implicit differentiation, 145 Laws of exponents, 18, 20
Improper integral, 397 Least upper bound, see Supremum
Increasing function, 104 Lebesgue integral, 200
Increasing sequence, 49 Legendre
Indefinite integral, 217 function, 258
Indeterminate form, 167 polynomial, 261
Induction principle, 5 Legendre transform, 183, 270
Infimum, 26–28 Leibniz, 1
Infinite limit, 47, 101 Leibniz’s formula, 148
Infinite series, 38 Leibniz’s notation
Infinite set, 58 for derivatives, 141, 143, 147
Inflection point, 180 for integrals, 209, 217
Injective function (definition of), 119 Leibniz’s rule, 134
Integers, 11 Leibniz’s test, 309
Integrability L’Hopital’s rule, 161–167
of continuous functions, 202 Limit
of monotonic functions, 203 of a complex sequence, 305
432 Index

of a function, 96 O
of a real sequence, 39 Odd function, 148
Limit at infinity, 101 One-sided limits, 99
Limit inferior, 80–85, 110, 118 Ordering axioms, 9
Limit point (of a set), 57–60, 95, 107 Oscillation (of a function), 123, 212
Limit rules Ostrogradski’s method, 281
for functions, 97–99
for sequences, 52–57
Limit superior, 80–85, 110, 118 P
Liouville’s theorem, 160 Partial fractions decomposition, 272–275
Lipschitz condition, 124, 213 Partial sum, 64
Local maximum point, 151 Partition (definition of), 197
Local minimum point, 151 Periodic function, 110, 220
Logarithms Period of pendulum, 333, 335
definition of, 247, 250 π (Archimedes’ constant)
laws of, 248, 250 calculation of, 357
natural, 248, 254 definition of, 239, 356
Lower integral (definition of), 198 estimate of, 280, 341
Lower sum (definition of), 197 irrationality of, 364
series for, 350, 353
Piece-wise continuous function, 218
M Postal charges, 92
Maclaurin–Cauchy theorem, 406 Power series, 336
Maclaurin series, 343 for arcsin x, 356
Maxima and minima, 151–153, 166 for arctan x, 350
Maxima and minima (problem of), 116
for cot x, 386
Maximum, 28
for ln(1 + x), 353
Maximum function, 15
for tan x, 379, 386
Mean (of periodic function), 220
Preservation of inequalities, 50
Mean value theorem, 113, 153, 154, 156,
Primitive function, 218–220, 270
158–160, 178, 187
Product of series, 314
Cauchy’s form of, 158
p-series, 70
Mean value theorem for integrals, 211
Mertens’ theorem, 317
Method of bisection, 112, 113
Method of proportional parts, 378 Q
Midpoint rule, 285 Quadratic convergence, 189, 192
Minimum, 28 Quadrature, 195
Minimum function, 15 Quantifier, 40
Model railway (join in track), 149
Monotonic function, 104
Monotonic sequence, 49 R
Most beautiful formula, 346 Raabe’s test, 322
Multiplicity (of a root), 171 Radius of convergence, 337
formula for, 344
Ramanujan (series for π ), 70
N Range (of function), 111
Natural numbers, 3–6, 10 Ratio test, 67, 309, 322
Newton, 1 Rational function (integration of), 271, 281
Newton’s method, 190, 191 Rational numbers, 11
Non-Archimedean field, 32 Rational powers, 17, 20, 121
nth root function, 17, 113, 120 differentiation of, 139
Numerical differentiation, 170, 378 Real powers (differentiation of), 251
Numerical integration, 224, 284 Rearrangement of series, 310, 311
Index 433

Reduction formula, 277, 278, 280 T

Removable discontinuity, 100 Tangent line, 141, 144, 179
Repeating decimals, 23 Tauber’s theorem, 361
Riemann–Darboux integral, 196 Tauberian theorems, 361
definition of, 199 Taylor polynomial, 156, 165, 166, 367
Riemann’s condition for integrability, 201 Taylor series, 366
Riemann’s rearrangement theorem, 318 Taylor’s theorem, 157, 166, 187
Riemann sum, 220, 223–227, 229, 255, 284 Peano’s form of, 157, 389
Riemann zeta function, 317, 359, 380, 408 with Cauchy’s remainder, 373
Ring of Power, 124 with integral remainder, 375
Rolle’s theorem, 153 with Lagrange’s remainder, 367
with Schlömilch’s remainder, 377, 380
Telescoping series, 71
Transcendental function, 237, 257–260
S Transcendental number, 161
Sandwich principle, 55 Transitivity, 10
Second mean value theorem for integrals, Trapezium rule, 284
232, 234, 270, 271, 412, 413 Trichotomy, 10
Semi-continuous function, 95, 110, 118 Trigonometric functions, 245
Sequence, 35, 107
Simpson’s rule, 286
Small oscillation theorem, 123 U
Specification, 4 Uniform approximation, 231
Square root of 2, 13 Uniform continuity, 124
Squeeze rule, 55 Union, 3
Stationary point, 151 Uniqueness of the real numbers, 79
Step function, 231 Upper integral (definition of), 198
Upper sum (definition of), 197
definition of, 200
Stirling’s approximation, 391, 415, 417
Strict local maximum point, 151
Strict local minimum point, 151
Volume of revolution integral, 226, 229
Strictly concave function, 180
Strictly convex function, 176–178, 180–184
Strictly decreasing sequence, 49 W
Strictly increasing sequence, 49 Wallis’ integrals, 279
Sturm’s theorem, 173, 174 Wallis’ product for π , 394, 415
Subsequence, 60–63 Weierstrass, 2
Subset, 3 Weierstrass M-test, 329
Summability theory, 360, 421 Weierstrass’ theorem, 59
Sum (of a series), 64, 307
Supremum, 26–28
Surface of revolution integral, 226, 229, 230 Y
Surjective function (definition of), 119 Young’s inequality, 183

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