PINNACLE Biology 2000mcq (Hindi English)
PINNACLE Biology 2000mcq (Hindi English)
PINNACLE Biology 2000mcq (Hindi English)
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20,000 MCQ Series (a) Eosinophils/ इयो ोिफ influential in over 300 separate
General Studies (b) White blood cells/ सफ़ेद र processes in various vertebrates,
For all exams कोिशकाएं including humans.
(c) Red blood cells/ लाल र Oxytocin: is normally produced in
Biology Section कोिशकाएं the hypothalamus and released by the
(d) Basophils/बसोिफ posterior pituitary. It plays a role in
social bonding, sexual reproduction,
Ans. (b) White blood cells childbirth, and the period after
Q1. Name the gland that controls the
Explanation: childbirth.
functioning of other endocrine
White blood cells: provide immunity Estrogens: are hormones that are
glands./उस ंिथ का नाम बताएं जो अ
to our body. They help in fighting important for sexual and
अंतः ावी ंिथयों के काय को िनयंि त
against diseases, infections, allergies reproductive development, mainly in
करती है |
and foreign particles. These cells women. They are also referred to as
(a) Pancreas/ अ ाशय
keep our body safe and healthy, female sex hormones.
(b) Pituitary gland/ पीयुिषका ंिथ
much like the Ansdiers of a nation. Progesterone: is an endogenous
(c) Pineal gland/ पीिनयल ंिथ
Eosinophils: are a type of steroid and progestogen sex hormone
(d) Adrenal gland/ एडे नल ंिथ
disease-fighting white blood cells. involved in the menstrual cycle,
This condition most often indicates a pregnancy, and embryogenesis of
Ans. (b) Pituitary gland
parasitic infection, an allergic humans and other species.
Explanation: The hormones of the
reaction or cancer.
pituitary gland help regulate the
Red blood cells: at work Hemoglobin Q4. Which of the following is a
functions of other endocrine glands.
is the protein inside red blood cells. communicable disease?
The pituitary gland has two
It carries oxygen. Red blood cells िन म से कौन सा एक सं ामक रोग है
parts—the anterior lobe and posterior
also remove carbon dioxide from ?
lobe -that have two very separate
your body, transporting it to the (a) Measles/ खसरा
functions. The hypothalamus sends
lungs for you to exhale. Red blood (b) Scurvy/ व
signals to the pituitary to release or
cells are made in the bone marrow. (c) Asthma/ दमा
inhibit pituitary hormone production.
They typically live for about 120 (d) Diabetes/ मधुमेह
Pancreas - It produces insulin and
days, and then they die.
other important enzymes and
Basophils: are a type of white blood Ans. (a) Measles
hormones that help break down
cell. Although they're produced in Explanation:
foods. The pancreas has an endocrine
the bone marrow, they're found in Measles: is a communicable
function because it releases juices
many tissues throughout your body. disease.Measles is a childhood
directly into the bloodstream, and it
They're part of your immune system infection caused by a virus. Once
has an exocrine function because it
and play a role in its proper function. quite common, measles can now
releases juices into ducts.
If your basophil level is low, it may almost always be prevented with a
Pineal gland - The pineal gland is a
be due to a severe allergic reaction. vaccine. Also called rubeola, measles
small, pea-shaped gland in the brain.
can be serious and even fatal for
Researchers do know that it produces
Q3. Which hormone leads to the small children.
and regulates some hormones,
expulsion of milk from the breast Scurvy: a disease resulting from a
including melatonin. Melatonin is
during suckling? lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
best known for the role it plays in
कौन सा हॉम न ब े को दू ध िपलाने के Asthma: is a condition in which your
regulating sleep patterns.
दौरान न से दू ध िनकलने की वजह airways narrow and swell and
Adrenal gland - The adrenal glands
बनता है ? produce extra mucus. This can make
produce hormones that help the body
(a) Estrogen/ ए ोजन breathing difficult and trigger
control blood sugar, burn protein and
(b) Oxytocin/ ऑ ीटोिसन coughing, wheezing and shortness of
fat, react to stressors like a major
(c) Prolactin/ ोटे िसन
illness or injury, and regulate blood
(d) Progesterone/ ोजे े रोन Q5. Which of the following has the
pressure. Two of the most important
highest protein content per gram?
adrenal hormones are cortiAns and
Ans. (c) Prolactin िन म से िकस म ित ाम ोटीन की
Explanation: मा ा सबसे अिधक होती है ?
Prolactin (PRL): also known as (a) Apple/ सेब
Q2. Which cells in our body are
luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is (b) Soyabean/ सोयाबीन
popularly called "Ansdiers of the
a protein that is best known for its (c) Wheat/ गे ं
human body"?/ हमारे शरीर म िकन
role in enabling mammals, usually (d) Groundnut/ मूंगफली
कोिशकाओं को लोकि य ढं ग म “मानव
females, to produce milk. It is
शरीर के सैिनक” कहा जाता है ?
Ans. (c) Q96. “Pace-maker" is associated Q99. Human beings have two ears
Explanation Ear bone, also called with because two ears help/ इं सान के दो
Auditory Ossicle, any of the three "पेस-मेकर" का संबंध िकस से है ? कान होते ह ोंिक दो कान ______ म
tiny bones in the middle ear of all (a) Kidney/वृ मदद करते ह।
mammals. These are the malleus, or (b) Brain/म (a) to judge the direction of
hammer, the incus, or anvil, and the (c) Heart/ दय sound/ िन की िदशा का पता करने
stapes, or stirrup. (d) Lung/फु ु स (b) to hear even a feeble sound/ ीण
िन सुनने
Q94. Which one of the following is Ans. (c) (c) to enjoy music better/बेहतर संगीत
the most sensitive Indicator of the Explanation: The SA node is the का आनंद लेने
health of a community? heart's natural pacemaker. The SA (d) to distinguish between two kinds
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक समुदाय node consists of a cluster of cells that of sounds arriving at the ears in
के ा का सबसे संवेदनशील are situated in the upper part of the opposite directions/िवपरीत िदशाओं म
संकेतक है ? wall of the right atrium (the right कानों तक प ँ चने वाली दो कार की
(a) Birth rate/ ज दर upper chamber of the heart). The िनयों के बीच अंतर करना
(b) Infant mortality rate/िशशु मृ ु दर electrical impulses are generated
(c) Death rate/मृ ु दर there. The SA node is also called the Ans. (d)
(d) Maternal mortality rate/मातृ मृ ु sinus node.
Ans. (d) Antheridium and Ans. (b) Western blotting Ans. (b) Iron dust
Ascogonium Explanation: Northern blotting – Explanation: Siderosis is the
Explanation: Sexual reproduction in Isolated mRNA. deposition of excess iron in body
Aspergillus is rare and takes place in Southern blotting – separated DNA tissue. When used without
favourable conditions. Sex organs are fragments to a filter membrane. qualification, it usually refers to an
produced on the same mycelium Cloning – To produce a genetically environmental disease of the lung,
which has produced conidia. Male identical organism. also known more specifically as
organs are called Antheridium or pulmonary siderosis or Welder's
Pollinoduim and female are called Q1207. Polyploidy arises due to disease, which is a form of
archicarp or Ascogonium. Female change in the/ पॉली ाइड िकसमे pneumoconiosis.
organs develop as a branch of hypha. प रवतन होने पर उ होती है ?
(a) Number of chromatids/ ोमैटेट्स Q1210. Which of the following
Q1204. Which lobe of human brain की सं ा bacterium causes crown gall diseases
is associated with hearing?/ मानव (b) Structure of genes/ जीन की in plants?
म की कौनसी पाली वण से संरचना पौधों म ाउन गॉल रोग िकस जीवाणु के
संबंिधत है है ? (c) Number of chromosomes/ कारण होता है ?
(a) Frontal lobe/ अ ललाट पािल ोमोसोम की सं ा (a) Bacillus thuringiensis/ बैिसलस
(b) Parietal lobe/ िभ ीय पािल (d) Structure of chromosomes/ थु रं िजिनिसस
(c) Temporal lobe/ शंख पािल ोमोसोम की संरचना (b) Agrobacterium
(d) Occipital lobe/ अनुकपाल पािल tumefaciens/ए ोबै ी रयम
Ans. (c) Number of chromosomes टू मफेिशय
Ans. (c) Temporal lobe Explanation: Polyploidy is the state (c) Pseudomonas fluorescens/
Explanation: Frontal lobe – main of a cell or organism having more ूडोमोनास ोरे सस
function is motor function (memory, than two paired (homologous) sets of (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
language, social & sexual behaviour) chromosomes. Most species whose
Parietal lobe – Responsible for cells have nuclei (eukaryotes) are Ans. (b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
sensory information (like knowledge diploid, meaning they have two sets Explanation: Crown gall is a
of numbers, sense of touch). of chromosomes—one set inherited common plant disease caused by the
Occipital lobe – Responsible for from each parent. soil-borne bacterium Agrobacterium
visual area. tumefaciens. It is found throughout
Q1208. Who among the following is the world and occurs on woody
Q1205. Root cap is derived from?/ credited with starting the work on shrubs and herbaceous plants
जड़ आवरण िकस से ा होता है ? plant tissue culture?/ िनंिल खत म से including grapes, raspberries,
(a) Dermatogen/ डमाटोजेन िकसने ‘पादक उ क संवधन’ पाठक का blackberries and roses.
(b) Calyptrogen/ कै ोजन काय आरं भ िकया िकया ?
(c) Protoderm/ ोटोडम (a) F.C. Steward/ एफ. सी. ीवड Q1211. A pair of contrasting
(d) Histogen/ िह ोजेन (b) P. Maheshwari/ पी. माहे शवरी characters controlling the same trait
(c) P.R. White/ पी. आर. ाइट is called/
Ans. (b) Calyptrogen (d) Haberlandt/ है बरलडट समान ल ण को िनयंि त करने वाले
Q1249. Colchicines bring about: Q1252. Use of disposable syringes is Ans. (b) 3000 calories per day
को चिसन _____ का काय करते ह | usually advised to prevent –
(a) Polyploidy/ ि गुिणत ______ से बचने के िलए आमतौर पर Q1255. To which one of the
(b) Cell division/ कोिशका िवभाजन िड ोजेबल ( न करने यो ) सी रं ज following types of organisms do
(c) Cell elongation/ कोिशका वृ का योग करने की सलाह दी जाती है | mushrooms belong?
(d) Cell differentiation/ कोिशका (a) Rabies/ रे बीज मश म िन म से िकस कार के जीव
िवभेदन (b) Mumps/गलसुआ से संबंिधत है ?
(c) AIDS/ एड् स (a) Algae / शैवाल
Ans. (a) Polyploidy (d) Cancer / कसर (b) Ferns/ फन
Explanation: Colchicine disrupts the (c) Fungi / कवक
normal sequence of a nuclear Ans. (c) AIDS (d) Lichens / लाइकेन
division and induces somatic Explanation: Unsterile needles and
doubling by inhibiting microtubule syringes may transmit blood-borne Ans. (c) Fungi
formation which in turn prevents the infectious agents such as HIV and Explanation: Mushroom is a fleshy
spindle formation and thereby, hepatitis B virus. So, the correct fruiting body of some fungi arising
prevents the chromosomes from answer is 'AIDS'. from a group of mycelium buried in
moving apart during cell division substratum. Most of the mushrooms
(either mitosis or meiosis). Q1253. In certain amino acids, belong to the Sub- Division:
which one of the following elements Basidiomycotina and a few belong to
Q1250. Ribozyme is: is found in addition to carbon , Ascomycotina of Kingdom-Fungi
राइबोजाइम है : hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen?
(a) enzyme/ एं जाइम कुछ िनि त एिमनो अ म, काबन, Q1256. The combination of foods
(b) RNA with enzymatic activity/ हाइडोजन, नाइटोजन तथा ऑ ीजन के providing protein quality nearest to
एं जाइम की ि या वाला आरएनए अित र िन िल खत म से कौन सा त that of meat is
(c) Hormone/ हॉम न पाया जाता है ? खा पदाथ का वह संयोजन कौन सा है
(d) Protein/ ोटीन (a) Phosphorus / फॉ ोरस जो मीट के बराबर मा ा म ोटीन दान
(b) Zinc/ ज ा करता है ?
Ans. (b) RNA with enzymatic (c) Calcium /कै शयम (a) Wheat, dal and groundnuts/ गे ं ,
activity (d) Sulphur / स र दाल तथा मूंगफली
Explanation:A ribozyme is a (b) Bread and butter/ रोटी और म न
ribonucleic acid (RNA) enzyme that Ans. (d) Sulphur (c) Sprouted gram and groundnuts /
catalyzes a chemical reaction. The Explanation: Methionine, cysteine, अंकु रत चना तथा मूंगफली
ribozyme catalyses specific reactions homocysteine, and taurine are the 4 (d) Groundnuts and jaggery / मूंगफली
in a similar way to that of protein common sulfur-containing amino तथा गुड़
Ans. (c) Sprouted gram and Ans. (b) Sigmoid Q1262. Deficiency symptoms of
groundnuts Explanation: The growth curve is a nitrogen and potassium are first
S-shaped curve obtained when we visible in /
Q1257. Which of the following plot growth against time. It is also नाइटोजन तथा पोटै िशयम की कमी के
developed first time in annelids called sigmoid curve. ल ण पहले ______ म िदखाई दे ते ह |
िन म से कौन सा पहली बार एनेिलड म (a) Senescent leaves/ वृ पि यों म
िवकिसत आ था ? Q1260. Effect of low temperature (b) Young leaves / नयी पि यों म
(a) Cephalization/ िशर ाधा which shortens the vegetative period (c) Roots / जड़ों म
(b) Development of the coelom/ and hastens flowering is (d) Buds / किलयों म
शारी रक गुहा का िवकास कम तापमान का भाव जो वान ितक
(c) Metameric segmentation/ काल को छोटा कर दे ता है तथा पु ण Ans. (a) Senescent leaves
मेटामे रक िवखंडन को तेज़ कर दे ता है - Explanation: The characteristic
(d) Both 2 and 3 / 2 और 3 दोनों (a) Photoperiodism/ दी कािलता deficiency symptom of nitrogen is
(b) Quiescence / िन यता the appearance of uniform yellowing
Ans. (d) Both 2 and 3 (c) Vernalisation / बसंतीकरण of leaves including the veins, this
Explanation: A true coelom may be (d) Abscission / िवगलन being more pronounced on older
defined as a secondary body cavity, leaves. The leaves become stiff and
formed by the splitting of mesoderm Ans. (c) Vernalisation erect. In dicotyledonous crops the
during embryonic development and Explanation: Vernalization is the leaves detach easily under extreme
bounded on all sides by a definite induction of a plant's flowering deficiency condition.
coelomic epithelium or peritoneum. process by exposure to the prolonged
A true coelom probably appeared for cold of winter, or by an artificial Q1263. The first stable product of
the first time in annelids. equivalent. After vernalization, fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in
plants have acquired the ability to leguminous plants is/ फलीदार पौधों म
Q1258. Which of the following is flower, but they may require वायुमंडलीय नाइटोजन के िनधारण का
not a physiological effect of auxins additional seasonal cues or weeks of पहला थर उ ाद है
िन िल खत म से कौन सा ऑ न का growth before they will actually (a) Ammonia/ अमोिनया
एक ि या क भाव नहीं है ? flower. (b) NO3-
(a) Cell elongation/ कोिशका वृ (c) Glutamate/ ूटामेट
(b) Development of parthenocarpic Q1261. Who among the following (d) NO2-
fruits/ अिनषेिचत फल का िवकास stated that sunlight is essential to
(c) Prevention of abscission of leaves restore the pure air that has been Ans. (a) Ammonia
and fruit/ प ों और फलों के िवगलन के made impure by animal respiration
बचाव and burning of candle Q1264. Which one among the
(d) Reversal of genetic dwarfism / िन िल खत म से िकसने कहा था िक following will be absorbed fastest
आनुवंिशक बौनापन का उ मण जीवों के सन तथा मोमब ी के जलने के through the wall of digestive system?
कारण अशु ई हवा को पुनः शु पाचन तं की िभि से िन िल खत म से
Ans. (d) Reversal of genetic करने के िलए सूय का काश अिनवाय है िकसका अवशोषण सबसे ती होगा ?
dwarfism ? (a) Black coffee as a hot beverage /
Explanation: physiological effect of (a) Joseph priestley / जोसेफ ी ली गम पेय पदाथ के प म ैक कॉफ़ी
auxins- Cell enlargement, Inhibition (b) J.V. Sachs / जे वी सै स (b) DDT taken as a poison / िवष के
of lateral buds, Auxins are employed (c) Jan Ingenhousz / जैन इ गेनहाउ प म ली गयी डीडीटी
in agriculture to induce rooting, (d) Engelmann/ एं गलमैन (c) Raw alcohol taken as a drink / पेय
parthenocarpy, flowering and as पदाथ के प म िलया गया क ा
weedicides (2, 4-D). leaf abscission, Ans. (c) Jan Ingenhousz अ ोहल
cambial activity, root growth, Explanation: Jan Ingenhousz or (d) Ice cream as a desert / िमठाई के
Ingen-Housz FRS was a Dutch प म खाई गयी आइस ीम
Q1259. The typical curve in plants is physiologist, biologist and chemist.
पौधों म आमतौर पर कौन सा व पाया He is best known for discovering Ans.(b) DDT taken as a poison
जाता है ? photosynthesis by showing that light
(a) Parabolic / परवलियक is essential to the process by which Q1265. Cutting and peeling of onion
(b) Sigmoid / अव हाकार green plants absorb carbon dioxide bring tears to the eyes because of the
(c) Linear / रै खक and release oxygen. He also presence of
(d) Stair-step shaped / सीढ़ीनुमा discovered that plants, like animals, ______ की मौजूदगी के कारण ाज
आकार का have cellular respiration. को छीलने तथा काटने के दौरान आँ खों म
Q1540. Which of the above are Tiger Q1543. Megasporangium is Q1546. Acid rain is caused by the
Reserves? equivalent to pollution of environment by
िन िल खत म से कौन एक बाघ गु बीजाणुधानी ______ के समतु अ वषा पयावरण म _______ के ारा
अ ार है ? होती है | दू षण के कारण होती है |
(a) Bandipur / बां दीपुर (a) fruit / फल (a) carbon dioxide and nitrogen /
(b) Bhitarkanika /िभतरकिनका (b) nucellus / बीजां डकाय काबन डाइऑ ाइड और नाइटोजन
(c) Sundarbans / सुंदरवन (c) ovule / िड (b) carbon monoxide and carbon
(d) All of these / ये सभी (d) embryo sac / ूण कोष dioxide /काबन मोनोऑ ाइड तथा
काबन डाइऑ ाइड
Ans. (d) All of these Ans. (c) ovule (c) ozone and carbon dioxide /
Explanation: Corbett, Bandipur, Explanation: Megasporangium is ओजोन तथा काबन डाइऑ ाइड
Nagarahole, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, equivalent to ovule. Ovule is also (d) nitrous oxide and sulphur
Tadoba Andhari, Ranthambhore, called integumented dioxide/ नाइटस ऑ ाइड तथा स र
Kaziranga, Sundarbans, Rajaji, megasporangium. It is present inside डाइऑ ाइड
Bhitarkanika etc are some of the the ovary
Tiger Reserves in India. Ans. (d) nitrous oxide and sulphur
Q1544. Manganese and Chlorine is dioxide
Q1541. In which one among the required in /
following categories of protected मगनीज तथा ो रन की आव कता Q1547. Which one of the following
areas in India are local people not _____ म होती है | terms describes not only the physical
allowed to collect and use the (a) Nucleic acid synthesis / ू क space occupied by an organism, but
biomass? / भारत म संरि त े ों की अ सं ेषण also its functional role in the
िकस ेणी म थानीय लोगों को जैव (b) Plant cell wall formation / पादप community of organisms?
उ ाद एकि त करने और उपयोग करने कोिशका िभि िनमाण िन िल खत म से कौन सा श ना केवल
की अनुमित नहीं है ? (c) Photolysis of water during एक जीव के रहने के थान को ब
(a) Biosphere Reserves / संरि त photosynthesis / काश सं ेषण के जीवों के समुदाय म उसकी काया क
जैवमंडल दौरान जल का काशीय अपघटन भूिमका को भी दशाता है ?
(b) National Parks / रा ीय उ ान (d) Chlorophyll synthesis / ोरोिफल (a) Ecotone / सं िमका
(c) Wetlands declared under Ramsar सं ेषण (b) Ecological niche / पा र थितकी
Convention / रामसर स ेलन के िनकेत
अंतगत घोिषत आ भूिम Ans. (c) Photolysis of water during (c) Habitat /वास थल
(d) Wildlife Sanctuaries / व जीव photosynthesis (d) Home range / वास थल सीमा
अ ार
Q1545. Which of the following can Ans. (b) Ecological niche
Ans. (b) National Parks be found as pollutants in the drinking Explanation: Ecological niche is a
water in some parts of India? term for the position of a species
Q1542. Most of the hydrolytic भारत के कुछ िह ों म, पेयजल म पाए within an ecosystem, describing both
enzymes of lysosomes function at / जाने वाले एक दू षक के प म the range of conditions necessary for
लाइसोसोम के अिधकाँ श जल अपघ िन िल खत म से िकसे पाया जा सकता है persistence of the species, and its
एं जाइम _____ पर काय करते ह | ? ecological role in the ecosystem.
(a) neutral pH / उदासीन pH (a) Arsenic/ आसिनक A habitat is a place where an
(b) basic pH / ारीय pH (b) Fluoride/ ोराइड organism makes its home. A habitat
(c) acidic pH / अ ीय pH (c) Uranium/ यूरेिनयम meets all the environmental
(d) all of these / ये सभी (d) Both a and b conditions an organism needs to
survive. For an animal, that means
Q1649. Free-central placentation is Q1652. Dissolved oxygen in rivers is Ans. (a) Dominant phase is
found in/ close to __________ parts per gametophytes
तं क ीय गभनाल _____ म पाया million./ Explanation: In lower plants like
जाता है | निदयों म घुिलत ऑ ीजन लगभग Bryophytes, gametophyte phase is a
(a) Argemone/ आग मोन ______ पाट् स ित िमिलयन होता है | dominant phase.
(b) Brassica/ ैिसका (a) 125 • But in higher plants like
(c) Citrus/ साइटस (b) 25 pteridophytes, gymnosperms and
(d) Dianthus/ डायनथस (c) 5 angiosperms, the dominant and chief
(d) 0 phase is sporophyte phase.
Ans. (d) Dianthus
Explanation: Free central Ans. (c) 5 Q1655. Shigellosis is a type of
placentation is present in single Explanation: Dissolved oxygen in _______.
chambered ovary with ovules borne rivers is close to 5 parts per million. िशगेला ता _____ का एक कार है |
on the central axis. Brassica and And this dissolved oxygen refers to (a) Bacterial infection / जीवाणु जिनत
Argemone (parietal placentation), the level of oxygen present in water सं मण
Citrus (axile placentation), Dianthus or other liquids. This is an important (b) Otitis infection / कणशोथ सं मण
(free central) parameter in assessing water quality. (c) Urinary tract infection/ पेशाब नली
It is so because of utility of oxygen सं मण
Q1650. Pollination in water hyacinth for the existence of organisms within (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
and water lily is brought about by the a body of water. कोई नहीं
agency of / जलकुंभी तथा वाटर िलली
का परागण ______ की सहायता से होता Q1653. All of the following are Ans. (a) Bacterial infection
है | excretory (waste) products of Explanation: Shigellosis is a type of
(a) Insects or wind/ कीट या हवा animals, except/ diarrhea caused by a bacterial
(b) Birds/ प ी िन िल खत म से ये सभी पशुओं के infection with Shigella. It’s
(c) Bats/ चमगादड़ उ ग ( अपिश ) पदाथ ह, िसवाए- symptoms generally start one to two
(d) Water/ पानी (a) Uric Acid / यू रक अ days after exposure and include
(b) Ammonia / अमोिनया diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and
Ans. (a) Insects or wind (c) Carbohydrates / काब हाइडे ट pain with passing stool. Symptoms
Explanation : Since the water lily and (d) Urea / यू रया typically last five to seven days.
water hyacinth are in the water but Complications can include post
Ans. (a) Transfusion Ans. (b) Left ventricle Q1723. The P wave of the ECG
Explanation: Blood transfusion is the Explanation: The lower chambers represents _________
process of receiving blood or blood are the right and left ventricles, इसीजी की P तरं ग _____ को दशाती है |
products into ones circulation which receive blood from the atria (a) ventricular depolarization/ िनलय
intravenously. It is used in various above. Their muscular walls are का िव ुवण
medical conditions to replace the lost thicker than the atria because they (b) atrial depolarization/ प रको ीय
component of blood. have to pump blood out of the heart. िव ुवण
Although the left and right ventricle (c) ventricular repolarization / िनलय
Q1718. If the blood group of an are similar in structure, the walls of का पुनः ुवण
individual is A then the antibody the left ventricle are thicker and (d) atrial systole / प रको ीय कुंचन
present is / stronger.
यिद िकसी का र समूह A है , Ans. (b) atrial depolarization
तो कौन सा एं टीबॉडी मौजूद होगा ? Q1721. The volume of blood each Explanation:The P wave represents
(a) Anti B antibodies/ एं टी B एं टीबॉडी ventricle pumps out during a cardiac the depolarization of the left and
(b) Anti A antibodies/ एं टी A एं टीबॉडी cycle is about ___________ right atrium and also corresponds to
(c) Anti O antibodies/ एं टी O एं टीबॉडी दय च के दौरान ेक िनलय र atrial contraction. Strictly speaking,
Ans. (c) Yellow fever Q1808. Which of these joints is not Ans. (c) lionfish
Explanation: Plague is a serious found in the human body? Explanation: Lionfish are noted for
bacterial infection that's िन िल खत म से कौन सा जोड़ मानव their venomous fin spines, which are
transmitted primarily by fleas. The शरीर म नहीं पाया जाता है ? capable of producing painful, though
organism that causes plague is (a) gliding / ाइिडं ग rarely fatal, puncture wounds.
Yersinia pestis. (b) mortise and tenon / मोिटज और
Typhus fever is a rickettsial टे नन Q1811. In science, what is the name
disease caused by the organism (c) ball and socket / बॉल और सॉकेट for the classification of plants and
Rickettsia prowazekii, a Gram (d) None / कोई भी नहीं animals?/
negative, obligate intracellular िव ान म, पौधों तथा जंतुओं के वग करण
bacterium. Routes of Exposure: Ans. (b) mortise and tenon को ा नाम िदया गया है ?
Humans are exposed to epidemic Explanation: Examples include the (a) taxonomy / टै ोनॉमी
typhus through arthropod vectors, carpal joints of the wrist, the tarsal (b) taxidermy / टै ीडम
primarily the human body louse. joints of the ankle, and the facet (c) entropy / ए ापी
The Flavivirus causes yellow joints of the spine. (d) gentrification / ज ीिफकेशन
fever, and it's transmitted when an Mortise-and-tenon joints are among
infected mosquito bites you. the strongest joints in woodworking, Ans. (a) taxonomy
The causative agents of lymphatic and are used for projects that have
filariasis (LF) include the frame construction and need to be Q1812. Which of the following is
mosquito-borne filarial nematodes strong. Chairs and tables use them as not a member of the vitamin B
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia does most Arts and Crafts and complex?
malayi Mission style furniture. िन िल खत म से कौन िवटािमन बी समूह
Ball and socket- Hip joint, Shoulder का एक सद नहीं है ?
Q1806. A banana plant fits into joint (a) Thiamine / थायिमन
which of these groups?/ (b) Riboflavin / राइबो ेिवन
केले के पेड़ को िन िल खत म से िकस Q1809. The author of On the Origin (c) Folic acid / फोिलक अ