PINNACLE Biology 2000mcq (Hindi English)

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20,000 MCQ Series (a) Eosinophils/ इयो ोिफ influential in over 300 separate
General Studies (b) White blood cells/ सफ़ेद र processes in various vertebrates,
For all exams कोिशकाएं including humans.
(c) Red blood cells/ लाल र Oxytocin: is normally produced in
Biology Section कोिशकाएं the hypothalamus and released by the
(d) Basophils/बसोिफ posterior pituitary. It plays a role in
social bonding, sexual reproduction,
Ans. (b) White blood cells childbirth, and the period after
Q1. Name the gland that controls the
Explanation: childbirth.
functioning of other endocrine
White blood cells: provide immunity Estrogens: are hormones that are
glands./उस ंिथ का नाम बताएं जो अ
to our body. They help in fighting important for sexual and
अंतः ावी ंिथयों के काय को िनयंि त
against diseases, infections, allergies reproductive development, mainly in
करती है |
and foreign particles. These cells women. They are also referred to as
(a) Pancreas/ अ ाशय
keep our body safe and healthy, female sex hormones.
(b) Pituitary gland/ पीयुिषका ंिथ
much like the Ansdiers of a nation. Progesterone: is an endogenous
(c) Pineal gland/ पीिनयल ंिथ
Eosinophils: are a type of steroid and progestogen sex hormone
(d) Adrenal gland/ एडे नल ंिथ
disease-fighting white blood cells. involved in the menstrual cycle,
This condition most often indicates a pregnancy, and embryogenesis of
Ans. (b) Pituitary gland
parasitic infection, an allergic humans and other species.
Explanation: The hormones of the
reaction or cancer.
pituitary gland help regulate the
Red blood cells: at work Hemoglobin Q4. Which of the following is a
functions of other endocrine glands.
is the protein inside red blood cells. communicable disease?
The pituitary gland has two
It carries oxygen. Red blood cells िन म से कौन सा एक सं ामक रोग है
parts—the anterior lobe and posterior
also remove carbon dioxide from ?
lobe -that have two very separate
your body, transporting it to the (a) Measles/ खसरा
functions. The hypothalamus sends
lungs for you to exhale. Red blood (b) Scurvy/ व
signals to the pituitary to release or
cells are made in the bone marrow. (c) Asthma/ दमा
inhibit pituitary hormone production.
They typically live for about 120 (d) Diabetes/ मधुमेह
Pancreas - It produces insulin and
days, and then they die.
other important enzymes and
Basophils: are a type of white blood Ans. (a) Measles
hormones that help break down
cell. Although they're produced in Explanation:
foods. The pancreas has an endocrine
the bone marrow, they're found in Measles: is a communicable
function because it releases juices
many tissues throughout your body. disease.Measles is a childhood
directly into the bloodstream, and it
They're part of your immune system infection caused by a virus. Once
has an exocrine function because it
and play a role in its proper function. quite common, measles can now
releases juices into ducts.
If your basophil level is low, it may almost always be prevented with a
Pineal gland - The pineal gland is a
be due to a severe allergic reaction. vaccine. Also called rubeola, measles
small, pea-shaped gland in the brain.
can be serious and even fatal for
Researchers do know that it produces
Q3. Which hormone leads to the small children.
and regulates some hormones,
expulsion of milk from the breast Scurvy: a disease resulting from a
including melatonin. Melatonin is
during suckling? lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
best known for the role it plays in
कौन सा हॉम न ब े को दू ध िपलाने के Asthma: is a condition in which your
regulating sleep patterns.
दौरान न से दू ध िनकलने की वजह airways narrow and swell and
Adrenal gland - The adrenal glands
बनता है ? produce extra mucus. This can make
produce hormones that help the body
(a) Estrogen/ ए ोजन breathing difficult and trigger
control blood sugar, burn protein and
(b) Oxytocin/ ऑ ीटोिसन coughing, wheezing and shortness of
fat, react to stressors like a major
(c) Prolactin/ ोटे िसन
illness or injury, and regulate blood
(d) Progesterone/ ोजे े रोन Q5. Which of the following has the
pressure. Two of the most important
highest protein content per gram?
adrenal hormones are cortiAns and
Ans. (c) Prolactin िन म से िकस म ित ाम ोटीन की
Explanation: मा ा सबसे अिधक होती है ?
Prolactin (PRL): also known as (a) Apple/ सेब
Q2. Which cells in our body are
luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is (b) Soyabean/ सोयाबीन
popularly called "Ansdiers of the
a protein that is best known for its (c) Wheat/ गे ं
human body"?/ हमारे शरीर म िकन
role in enabling mammals, usually (d) Groundnut/ मूंगफली
कोिशकाओं को लोकि य ढं ग म “मानव
females, to produce milk. It is
शरीर के सैिनक” कहा जाता है ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 1

Ans. (b) Soyabean _____ जंतु िव ान की एक शाखा है Paleontology is the study of fossils to
Explanation: िजसका संबंध उभयचरों के अ यन से है determine organisms' evolution and
Soybeans: derive about 35 to 38 | interactions with each other and their
percent of their calories from protein (a) Herpetology/ हे पटोलॉजी environments.
compared to approximately 20 to 30 (b) Ethology/ इथोलॉजी Ichthyology, also known as fish
percent in other legumes. (c) Mammalogy/ मैमलॉजी science, is the branch of zoology
Apples: are extremely rich in (d) Morphology/ मॉफ़ लॉजी devoted to the study of fish. This
important antioxidants, flavonoids, includes bony fish, cartilaginous fish,
and dietary fiber. Ans. (a) Herpetology and jawless fish.
Wheat: is rich in carbohydrates. Explanation : Herpetology is the Entomology is the study of insects
Groundnut:are abundant in the branch of zoology concerned with and their relationship to humans, the
vitamins niacin, folate, pantothenic the study of amphibians and reptiles. environment, and other organisms.
acid, thiamin, riboflavin, choline, Ethology the science of animal
Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E and rich behaviour. It is the study of human Q9. During photosynthesis, green
in minerals like magnesium, behaviour and social organization plants use energy from sunlight to
phosphorous, potassium, zinc, iron, from a biological perspective. synthesize ____________ with
copper, manganese and selenium. Mammalogy is the study of carbon dioxide and water.
Disease control. mammals – a class of vertebrates काश सं ेषण के दौरान, हरे पौधे सूय
with characteristics such as के काश से ऊजा का उपयोग काबन
Q6. _____ is a scientific discipline homeothermic metabolism, fur, डाइऑ ाइड और पानी से
concerned with the study of plant four-chambered hearts, and complex ____________ को सं ेिषत करने के
pollen, sopres, and certain nervous systems. िलए करते ह|
microscopic planktonic organisms, in Morphology is a branch of biology (a) Sucrose / सु ोज
both living and fossil form. dealing with the study of the form (b) Glucose / ूकोस
______ एक वै ािनक िवषय है िजसका and structure of organisms and their (c) galactose / गैले ोज
संबंध सजीव एवं जीवा दोनों पों म specific structural features. It is a (d) fructose / ु ोज
पौधों के पराग, बीजाणुओं तथा कुछ branch of life science dealing with
िनि त सू जीवीय वक जीवों के the study of gross structure of an Ans. (b) Glucose
अ यन से है | organism or taxon and its component Explanation:
(a) Paleobotany/ पैिलयोबॉटनी parts. Plants use energy from sunlight to
(b) Ethnobotany/ एथनोबॉटनी turn water and carbon dioxide into an
(c) Dendrology/डडोलॉजी Q8. _____is the study of the energy rich sugar called glucose.
(d) Palynology/ पैिलनोलॉजी microanatomy of cells, tissues and This process is called photosynthesis,
organs as seen through a microscope. which means “making things with
Ans. (d) Palynology _______ कोिशकाओं, उ कों और light”. Photosynthesis takes place
Explanation : Palynology is the study सू दश से दे खे जाने वाले अंगों की inside capsules in the leaf cells,
of pollen grains and other spores, सू शारी रक संरचना का अ यन है | called CHLOROPLASTS.
especially as found in archaeological (a) Paleontology/ पैिलयोंटोलॉजी
or geological deposits. Pollen (b) Histology/ िह ोलॉजी Q10. Which of the following is NOT
extracted from such deposits may be (c) Ichthyology/ इकथाईलॉजी a symptom of Wilson's disease?
used for radiocarbon dating and for (d) Entomology/ एं टोमोलॉजी िन म से कौन िव न रोग का एक
studying past climates and ल ण नहीं है ?
environments by identifying plants Ans. (b) Histology Explanation : (a) Problems with speech,
then growing. Histology, also known as swallowing or physical coordination/
Paleobotany is the study of fossil microscopic anatomy or बोलने, िनगलने या शारी रक सम य म
plants. microanatomy, is the branch of परे शानी
Ethnobotany is the scientific study of biology which studies the (b) Uncontrolled movements or
the traditional knowledge and microscopic anatomy of biological muscle stiffness/ मां सपेिशयों की
customs of a people concerning tissues. Histology is the microscopic अकड़ का अिनयंि त गित
plants and their medical, religious, counterpart to gross anatomy which (c) Fluid build-up in the legs or
and other uses. looks at larger structures visible abdomen/ पैरों अथवा पेट म िनिमत
Dendrology is the study of trees. without a microscope. तरल
(d) Night blindness/ रतौंधी
Q7. ____is the branch of zoology
concerned with the study of Ans. (d) Night blindness
amphibians. Explanation: [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 2

Night blindness (nyctalopia) is the (a) Vitamin C / िवटािमन C (d) Nitrous oxide/ नाइटस ऑ ाइड
inability to see well at night or in (b) Vitamin A / िवटािमन A
poor light. Its causes include (c) Vitamin B / िवटािमन B Ans. (c) Carbon Monoxide
glaucoma medications and cataracts. (d) Vitamin D / िवटािमन D Explanation:
The gas that reduces the capacity of
Q11. Which of the following acid Ans. (d) Vitamin D the blood to carry oxygen is
found in Apple? Explanation: CARBON MONOXIDE. It gets
सेब म िन म से कौन सा अ पाया Rickets is a skeletal disorder that's deposited in the haemoglobin of Red
जाता है ? caused by a lack of vitamin D, Blood Cells (RBCs) and prevent
(a) Malic Acid/ मैिलक अ calcium, or phosphate. These proper oxygen carrying capacity.
(b) Nitric Acid/ नाइिटक अ nutrients are important for the
(c) Formic Acid/ फॉिमक अ development of strong, healthy Q16. Pollination by birds is called
(d) Sulphuric Acid/ स ू रक अ bones. People with rickets may have पि यों के ारा परागण को ा कहा
weak and soft bones, stunted growth, जाता है ?
Ans. (a) Malic Acid and, in severe cases, skeletal (a) anemophily/ एनीमोिफली
Explanation: deformities. (b) entomophily/ एं टोमोिफली
Malic acid is a naturally occurring (c) autogamy/ ऑटोगैमी
substance found in many fruits and Q14. What is Marble Cancer? (d) ornithophily/ ओिनथोिफली
vegetables, and is largely responsible माबल कसर ा है ?
for the sour taste found in apples and (a) Disease in animals due to marble Ans. (d) ornithophily
pears. It is also used as a food mines/ संगमरमर खदानों के कारण Explanation:
additive and a supplement, and has पशुओं म होने वाला रोग Ornithophily or bird pollination is
many health benefits (b) Soil degradation due to marble the pollination of flowering plants by
mines/ संगमरमर खदानों के कारण मृदा birds.
Q12. Bariatric surgery brings को होने वाला य
changes in a person's __________. (c) Cancer in humans due to working Q17. Who won the Nobel Prize in
बे रएिटक सजरी िकसी के in mines/ खदानों म काय करने के 1906 for his neuron doctrine?
__________ म प रवतन लाती है | कारण मनु ों को होने वाला कसर 1906 म िकस को उसके ूरॉन
(a) Heart/ दय (d) Corrosion of marble due to acid िस ां त के िलए नोबेल पुर ार िदया
(b) nasal passage/ नाक की नली rain/ अ वषा के कारण संगमरमर का गया था ?
(c) Lungs/ फेफड़े य (a) Pierre Curie/ िपयरी ूरी
(d) Digestive System/ पाचन तं (b) Santiago Ramón y Cajal/
Ans. (d) Corrosion of marble due to सिटआगो रे मन वाई कैजल
Ans. (d) Digestive System acid rain (c) Henry Moseley/ हे नरी मोसेले
Explanation: Explanation: (d) Luis Alvarez/ लुइ अ ारे ज
Bariatric surgical procedures cause The marble cancer refers to the
weight loss by restricting the amount corrosion of buildings and statues Ans. (b) Santiago Ramón y Cajal
of food the stomach can hold, made up of marbles by action of Explanation : The neuron doctrine is
causing malabsorption of nutrients, sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The SO the concept that the nervous system
or by a combination of both gastric 2 and NOx present in pollution get is made up of discrete individual
restriction and malabsorption. deposited on these buildings. These cells, a discovery due to decisive
Bariatric procedures also often cause oxides absorb moisture from the air neuro-anatomical work of Santiago
hormonal changes. Most weight loss and get converted into respective Ramón y Cajal. The term neuron was
surgeries today are performed using acids and cause corrosion. coined by Waldeyer as a way of
minimally invasive techniques identifying the cells in question. The
(laparoscopic surgery). Q15. Which of the following gases neuron doctrine, as it became known,
The most common bariatric surgery reduces the oxygen carrying capacity served to position neurons as special
procedures are gastric bypass, sleeve of the blood? cases under the broader cell theory
gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band, िन म से कौन सी गैस र की evolved some decades earlier. He
and biliopancreatic diversion with ऑ ीजन ले जाने की मता को कम appropriated the concept not from his
duodenal switch. कर दे ती है ? own research but from the disparate
(a) Nitric oxide/ नाइिटक ऑ ाइड observation of the histological work
Q13. A deficiency of ____________ (b) Carbon dioxide/ काबन of Albert von Kölliker, Camillo
is a disease of rickets. डाइऑ ाइड Golgi, Franz Nissl, Santiago Ramón
_____________ की कमी से रकेट् स (c) Carbon Monoxide/ काबन y Cajal, Auguste Forel and others.
का रोग होता है | मोनोऑ ाइड [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 3

Q18. The deficiency of which (a) A state of hyperactivity in spring (c) Amaryllis / एमे रिलस
nutrient causes night blindness? time among birds./ पि यों म बसंत के (d) Hyacinth/ जलकु ी
कौन से पोषक त की कमी रतौंधी का समय अित सि यता की अव था |
कारण बनती है ? (b) Building of habitat (nests) by Ans. (b) Venus Flytrap
(a) Vitamin K/ िवटािमन K birds to save themselves during the Explanation : The Venus flytrap is a
(b) Vitamin C/ िवटािमन C rainy season./ बरसात के मौसम म खुद carnivorous plant native to
(c) Proteins/ ोटीन को बचाने के िलए पि यों ारा आवास ( subtropical wetlands on the East
(d) Vitamin A/ िवटािमन A घोंसला ) का िनमाण | Coast of the United States in North
(c) A state of reduced metabolic Carolina and South Carolina.
Ans. (c) activity during winter season among
some animals./ कुछ पशुओं म शीत Q24. How many ‘canine teeth’ does
Q19. What is the popular name of “ ऋतु के दौरान कम चयापचयी an adult human have?
Ascorbic Acid”? गितिविधयों की अव था | एक वय मनु म िकतने भेदक (
ए ॉिबक अ का लोकि य नाम ा (d) A habit of food conservation कैनाइन ) दां त होते ह ?
है ? during summer season for winters (a) 8
(a) Vitamin A/ िवटािमन A among animals./ पशुओं म सद के (b) 4
(b) Vitamin B12/ िवटािमन B 12 मौसम के िलए गिमयों म भोजन संर ण (c) 3
(c) Vitamin K/ िवटािमन K की एक आदत | (d) 2
(d) Vitamin C/ िवटािमन C
Ans. (c) A state of reduced metabolic Ans. (b) 4
Ans. (d) Vitamin C activity during winter season among Explanation : A normal adult mouth
Explanation : Vitamin C, also known some animals. has 32 teeth, which (except for
as ascorbic acid is a vitamin found in Explanation : Hibernation is a deep wisdom teeth) have erupted by about
various foods and Ansd as a dietary sleep that helps them to save energy age 13: Incisors (8 total): The
supplement.It is used to prevent and and survive the winter without eating middlemost four teeth on the upper
treat scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential much. During hibernation the and lower jaws. Canines (4 total):
nutrient involved in the repair of animal's body temperature drops, and The pointed teeth just outside the
tissue. It is required for the its heartbeat and its breathing slow incisors. Premolars (8 total): Teeth
functioning of several enzymes and down so that it does not use much between the canines and molars.
is important for immune system energy. Animals that hibernate
function. It also functions as an include polar bear, bats , rodents etc.. Q25. Which scientist discovered the
antioxidant. ‘Penicillin’?
Q22. Which of the following is the पेिनिसिलन की खोज िकस वै ािनक ने
Q20. Which of the following is a third stage in the metamorphosis of a की थी ?
vestigial organ? butterfly? (a) Louis Pasteur/ लुइ पा र (b)
िन म से कौन एक अवशेषी अंग है ? एक िततली के पां तरण का तीसरा Alexander Fleming/ एले डर
(a) Heart/ दय चरण िन म से कौन है ? ेिमंग
(b) Kidney/ गुदा (a) Egg/ अंडा (c) Robert Koch/ रॉबट कोच
(c) Lungs/ फेफड़े (b) Pupa/ ूपा (d) Emst Chain/ ए चेन
(d) Appendix/ अपिड (c) Adult/ वय
(d) Larva/ लावा Ans.(b) Alexander Fleming
Ans. (d) Appendix Explanation : Antibiotics are
Explanation : Vestigial organs are Ans. (b) Pupa compounds produced by bacteria and
organs of the body which are smaller Explanation : All butterflies have fungi which are capable of killing, or
and simpler than those in related "complete metamorphosis." To grow inhibiting, competing microbial
species. They have lost, or almost into an adult they go through 4 species. It was an accidental
lost their original function. The stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. discovery by Alexander Fleming in
appendix is probably the most widely Each stage has a different goal - for 1928.
known vestigial human organ. instance, caterpillars need to eat a lot,
and adults need to reproduce. Q26. Which of the creatures is
Q21. What is the definition for the oviparous?
term ‘ Hibernation’? Q23. Which of the following plant is िन म से कौन सा जीव अंडो है ?
हाइबरनेशन या शीत िन ा श की Carnivorous? (a) Frog/ मढक
प रभाषा ा है ? िन म से कौन सा पौधा माँ साहारी है ? (b) Rabbit/ खरगोश
(a) Cyprus Vine/ साय स बेल (c) Mouse/ चूहा
(b) Venus Flytrap/ वीनस ाई टै प (d) Squirrel/ िगलहरी [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 4

Explanation : Geothermal energy is Explanation : Herbert Spencer first
Ans. (a) Frog heat derived within the sub-surface used the phrase, after reading Charles
Explanation : Frogs are oviparous. of the earth. Water and/or steam Darwin's On the Origin of Species, in
They lay eggs, which then develop carry the geothermal energy to the his Principles of Biology (1864), in
outside of the mother. Ovoviviparous Earth's surface. which he drew parallels between his
animals develop from eggs, but the own economic theories and Darwin's
mother does not lay eggs, the eggs Q30. Who discovered the first biological ones.
remain inside the mother's body and vaccine for smallpox?
hatch while still inside the mother, चेचक के टीके की खोज िकसने की थी ? Q33. Night blindness is caused by
the young are then born sometime (a) Louis Pasteur/ लुइ पा र the deficiency of vitamin _____.
after the eggs hatch. (b) Edward Jenner/ एडवड जेनर रतौंधी का कारण िवटािमन ______ की
(c) Alexander Fleming/ एले डर कमी है |
Q27. Which of the following acids is ेिमंग (a) K
present in ant bites? (d) John Hunter/ जॉन हं टर (b) A
चींटी के काटने म कौन सा अ मौजूद (c) C
होता है ? Ans. (b) Edward Jenner (d) B12
(a) Formic Acid/ फॉिमक अ Explanation : Smallpox vaccine, the
(b) Malic Acid / मैिलक अ first successful vaccine to be Ans. (b) A
(c) Perchloric Acid/ पर ो रक अ developed, was introduced by Explanation : Night blindness
(d) Nitric Acid/ नाइिटक अ Edward Jenner in 1796. (nyctalopia) is the inability to see
well at night or in poor light. Its
Ans. (a) Formic Acid Q31. In which part of the female causes include glaucoma medications
Explanation : The acid produced by flower does fertilisation take place? and cataracts.
ants is called formic acid. The name मादा पु के िकस भाग म िनषेचन होता
comes from the Latin word for ant, है ? Q34. About 70% of the Sun is made
which is “formica.” (a) Ovary/ अंडाशय up of ____.
(b) Stigma/ योिन-छ सूय का लगभग 70% भाग _____ से बना
Q28. Which of the following is the (c) Filament/ तंतु है |
smallest bird in the world? (d) Style/ वितका (a) Hydrogen/ हाइडोजन
िन म से कौन दु िनया का सबसे छोटा (b) Oxygen/ ऑ ीजन
प ी है ? Ans. (a) Ovary (c) Carbon/ काबन
(a) Finch/िफंच Explanation : Fertilization takes (d) Helium/ हीिलयम
(b) Diamond Firetail/ डायमंड places in the ovary of the female
फायरटे ल flower.When a carrying agent like Ans. (a) Hydrogen
(c) Bee Hummingbird/ बी हिमंगबड wind/water/animals carry pollen Explanation : The Sun is a huge,
(d) Robin/ रॉिबन grains from male anthers to the glowing sphere of hot gas. Most of
female flower part i.e. stigma, a this gas is hydrogen (about 70%) and
Ans. (c) Bee Hummingbird pollen tube forms and the pollen helium (about 28%). Carbon,
Explanation : The bee hummingbird grain travels down the style and nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5%
is a species of hummingbird which is finally reaches the ovary where it and the other 0.5% is made up of
the world's smallest bird. It is fertilizes an ovule. small amounts of many other
endemic to Cuba. elements such as neon, iron, silicon,
Q32. The phrase ‘Survival of the magnesium and sulfur.
Q29. The energy derived from the fittest’ as a way of describing the
heat of the earth is called _______ mechanism of natural selection was Q35. DNA is stored majorly in ___
पृ ी की ऊ ा से ा ऊजा को ा coined by __________. of the cell.
कहा जाता है ? ाकृितक चयन की प ित को प रभािषत डीएनए मु प से कोिशका के
(a) Geothermal Energy/ भूतापीय ऊजा करने के एक तरीके के प म वा ______ म संगृिहत होता है |
(b) Ansar Energy/ सौर ऊजा ‘सवािधक उपयु की उ रजीिवता’ (a) golgi body/ गौ ी काय
(c) Biogas/ बायो गैस ______ के ारा िदया गया था | (b) cytoplasm/ कोिशका
(d) Tidal Energy/ ारीय ऊजा (a) Louis Pasteur/ लुइ पा र (c) plasma membrane/ ा ा िझ ी
(b) Charles Babbage/ चा बैबेज (d) nucleus/ क क
Ans. (a) Geothermal Energy (c) Herbert Spencer/ हबट सर
(d) Marie Curie/ मैरी ूरी Ans. (d) nucleus

Ans. (c) Herbert Spencer [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 5

Explanation : Nearly every cell in a Explanation : All extant marsupials वा ीकरण और संघनन की संयु
person's body has the same DNA. are endemic to Australasia and the ि या को ा कहा जाता है ?
Most DNA is located in the cell Americas. A distinctive characteristic (a) Sublimation/ / उ पातन
nucleus (where it is called nuclear common to these species is that most (b) Chromatography/ वण लेखन
DNA), but a small amount of DNA of the young are carried in a pouch. (c) Distillation/आसवन
can also be found in the Well-known marsupials include (d) Crystallisation/ ि लीकरण
mitochondria (where it is called kangaroos, wallabies, koalas,
mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA). possums, opossums, wombats, and Ans. (c)
Tasmanian devils. Explanation:
Q36. Blue litmus paper turns ___ on Distillation is the process of
contact with an acidic Ansution. Q39. ________ is that branch of separating the components or
नीला िलटमस प अ ीय िवलयन के Botany which is related to structure substances from a liquid mixture by
संपक म आने पर ______ हो जाता है | and study of Biology. using selective boiling and
(a) red/ लाल _____ वन ित िव ान की वह शाखा है condensation. Distillation may result
(b) brown/ भूरा िजसका संबंध जीव िव ान के अ यन in essentially complete separation, or
(c) green/ हरा एवं संरचना से है | it may be a partial separation that
(d) yellow/ पीला (a) Ecology / पा र थितकी िव ान increases the concentration of
(b) Anatomy / शरीर रचना िव ान selected components in the mixture.
Ans. (a) red (c) Chronobiology/ ोनोबायोलॉजी
Explanation : Blue litmus paper turns (d) Mycology / कवक िव ान Q42. The National Institute of
red when in contact with acidic Nutrition is located in :
Ansution. Ans. (b) रा ीय पोषण सं थान कहाँ थत है ?
Explanation: (a) Shillong/ िशलौंग
Q37. Name the tissue that transport Anatomy (Greek anatomē, (b) Indore/ इं दौर
food to various parts of a plant. "dissection") is the branch of biology (c) Mumbai/ मुंबई
उस उ क का नाम बताएं जो एक पौधे concerned with the study of the (d) Hyderabad/ है दराबाद
के िविभ भागों म भोजन प ं चाता है ? structure of organisms and their
(a) Parenchyma/पैरे ाइमा parts. Anatomy is a branch of natural Ans. (d)
(b) Xylem/ जाइलम science which deals with the Explanation:
(c) Phloem/ ोएम structural organization of living The National Institute of Nutrition is
(d) Sclerenchyma/ ेरेनकाइमा things. an Indian Public health, Nutrition
and Translational research center
Ans. (c) Phloem Q40. The enzyme, Lipase is located in Hyderabad, India. The
Explanation : The xylem tissue produced by which organ of the institute is one of the oldest research
transports water and minerals from body? centers in India, and the largest
the roots to the leaves whereas the लाइपेज एं जाइम का उ ादन शरीर के center, under the Indian Council of
phloem tissue transports food from िकस अंग ारा िकया जाता है ? Medical Research, located in the
the leaves to the other parts of the (a) Lung/ फेफड़ा vicinity of Osmania University
plant. (b) Salivary Gland/लार ंिथ
(c) Liver / यकृत Q43. The ‘World Blood Donor Day’
Q38. Which is the distinctive (d) Pancreas/ अ ाशय was celebrated around the world on
characteristic of ‘marsupials’? __________ 2019 with the theme
धानी ािणयों की एक िविश िवशेषता Ans. (d) ‘Safe Blood For All’.
ा है ? Explanation: ‘िव डोनर िदवस’ को पूरी दु िनया म
(a) They lay eggs/ वे अंडे दे ते ह | It hydrolyzes (breaks down) dietary ______ 2019 को मनाया गया था
(b) They hibernate in winter/ वे ठ fat molecules in the human digestive िजसका िवषय ‘सभी के िलए सुरि त
म शीत िन ा म चले जाते ह | system, it is one of the main र ’ था |
(c) They carry young ones in digestive enzymes, converting (a) 16th March/ 16 माच
pouches/ वे अपने ब ों को थैली म triglyceride substrates like 1 found in (b) 29th April/ 29 अ ैल
रखते ह | ingested oils to monoglycerides 3 (c) 14th June/ 14 जून
(d) They migrate from one place to and free fatty acids 2a and 2b. (d) 25th May/ 25 मई
another/ वे एक थान से दू सरे थान पर
चले जाते ह | Q41. The joint process of Ans. (c)
vapourisation and condensation is Explanation:
Ans. (c) They carry young ones in called:
pouches [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 6

The slogan for the campaign is "Safe (a) Iron/ आयरन contaminated food and drinking
blood for all" to raise awareness (b) Vitamin C/ िवटािमन सी water, and it is more prevalent in
about the universal need for safe (c) Calcium/कै शयम places where handwashing is less
blood in the delivery of health care. (d) Iodine/ आयोडीन frequent.
The host country for World Blood Mumps is a viral disease caused by
Donor day 2019 is Rwanda. the Ans. (d) the mumps virus.
global event will be held in Kigali, Explanation: Hepatitis A and E viruses, while
Rwanda on 14 June, 2019. A goitre, or goiter, is a swelling in unrelated to one another, are both
the neck resulting from an enlarged transmitted via the faecal-oral route,
Q44. Where is Rhodopsin , also thyroid gland. A goitre can be most often through contaminated
called visual purple , located in the associated with a thyroid that is not water and from person to person.
human body? functioning properly. Worldwide, A bacterial (Vibrio cholerae) disease
रोडो न, िजसे ि नील-लोिहत भी over 90% of goitre cases are caused causing severe diarrhoea and
कहा जाता है , हमारे शरीर म कहाँ पाया by iodine deficiency. dehydration, usually spread in water.
जाता है ?
(a) Hair/बाल Q47. Which day has been Q49. Which of the following are
(b) Hand / हाथ proclaimed as The International Day flowerless plants that produce cones
(c) Nail/ नाख़ून for Biological Diversity (IDB) to and seeds in which seeds are not
(d) Eye/ आँ ख increase understanding and encased within an ovary?
awareness of biodiversity issues by िन म से कौन वे पु हीन पौधे ह जो
Ans. (d) The United Nations? शंकुफल और बीज उ ािदत करते ह
Explanation: जैव िविवधता से संबंिधत सम ाओं के िजनम बीज अंडाशय के भीतर नहीं होते
Rhodopsin is a biological pigment ित जाग कता और समझ म वृ ह?
found in the rods of the retina and is करने के िलए संयु रा ारा िकस िदन (a)Gymnosperms/अनावृ बीजी
a G-protein-coupled receptor को अंतरा ीय जैव िविवधता िदवस के (b)Angiosperms/आवृ बीजी
(GPCR). It belongs to opsins. प म घोिषत िकया गया है ? (c) Bryophytes/ ायोफाइटा
Rhodopsin is extremely sensitive to (a) 18 October/ 18 अ ू बर (d) Hydrophytes/ हाइडोफाइटा
light, and thus enables vision in (b) 10 November/ 10 नव र
low-light conditions. When (c) 24 April/ 24 अ ैल Ans. (a)
rhodopsin is exposed to light, it (d) 22 May/ 22 मई Explanation:
immediately photobleaches. Gymnosperms are flowerless plants
Ans. (d) that produce cones and seeds. The
Q45. The term ‘Mitochondria’ was Explanation: term gymnosperm literally means
coined by: The International Day for Biological "naked seed," as gymnosperm seeds
माइटोकां िडया श िकसके ारा िदया Diversity is a United are not encased within an ovary.
गया था ? Nations–sanctioned international day Rather, they sit exposed on the
(a) J E Salk/ जे ई सा for the promotion of biodiversity surface of leaf-like structures called
(b) Carl Benda/ काल बडा issues. It is currently held on May bracts
(c) Charles Laveran/ चा लैवेरण 22.
(d) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek/ एं टोनी Q50. Somatotropin' is another name
वैन ूवे ॉक Q48. Which of the following is NOT for_____.
a water borne disease? सोमैटोटॉिपन _____ का एक अ नाम
Ans. (b) िन म से कौन एक जलजिनत रोग नहीं है |
Explanation: है ? (a)Digestive juice/ पाचन रस
Richard Altmann, in 1890, (a) Typhoid/ टाइफाइड (b)Laughing gas/हं साने वाली गैस
established them as cell organelles (b) Mumps/ कंठमाला (c)Tear gas/ आं सू गैस
and called them "bioblasts". The (c) Hepatitis/ हे पेटाइिटस (d)Growth hormone/ वृ हॉम न
term "mitochondria" was coined by (d) Cholera/ है जा
Carl Benda in 1898. Ans. (d)
Ans. (b) Explanation:
Q46. Deficiency of which of the Explanation: Growth Hormone (GH) or
following nutrients is the most Typhoid is a bacterial infection that somatotropin, also known as Human
common cause of goiters? can lead to a high fever, diarrhea, and Growth Hormone (HGH) in its
िन म से िकस पोषक त की कमी vomiting. It can be fatal. It is caused human form, is a peptide hormone
ग माला का सवािधक सामा कारण by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. The that stimulates growth, cell
है ? infection is often passed on through [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 7

reproduction, and cell regeneration in Explanation: DPT is a class of Q56. The organ which stores
humans and other animals. combination vaccines against three carbohydrates as glycogen in the
infectious diseases in humans: human body is
Q51. A person having blood type B diphtheria, pertussis (whooping वह अंग जो मानव शरीर म काब हाइडे ट
could safely donate blood to persons cough), and tetanus. The vaccine को ाइकोज के प म सं हीत करता
with blood types components include diphtheria and है ?
र समूह B वाला िकस tetanus toxoids and killed whole cells (a) Intestine/आं
को सुरि त प से र दान कर सकता of the bacterium that causes (b) Stomach/आमाशय
है ? pertussis. (c) Pancreas/अ ाशय
(a) A and 0 (d) Liver/यकृत
(b) B and O Q54. Hemophilia is
(c) A and AB हीमोिफिलया ा है ? Ans. (d)
(d) B and AB (a) an organic disorder/ एक जैिवक Explanation:
िवकार Functions of liver:
Ans. (d) (b) a metabolic disorder/एक Bile production and excretion.
Explanation: AB blood group उपापचयी िवकार Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol,
persons are considered universal (c) a genetic disorder/एक आनुवंिशक hormones, and drugs.
recipients therefore they can accept िवकार Metabolism of fats, proteins, and
blood from any blood group persons. (d) a hormonal disorder/एक हाम नल carbohydrates.
And blood can be easily transferred िवकार Enzyme activation.
to same blood group individuals as Ans. (c) Explanation: Hemophilia is Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and
there will be no complications later usually an inherited bleeding minerals.
on. disorder in which the blood does not Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as
clot properly. This can lead to albumin, and clotting factors.
Q52. Blood does not clot in the spontaneous bleeding as well as
blood vessels due to the presence of bleeding following injuries or Q57. Hemoglobin is an important
र वािहकाओं म र का थ ा surgery. Blood contains many constituent of
िकसकी उप थित के कारण नहीं बनता proteins called clotting factors that हीमो ोिबन िकसका एक मह पूण
है ? can help to stop bleeding. People घटक है ?
(a) Thrombin/ ो न with hemophilia have low levels of (a) Red blood cells/ लाल र
(b) Fibrinogen/फाइि नोजेन either factor VIII (8) or factor IX (9). कोिशका
(c) Heparin/हे प रन Hemophilia is caused by a mutation (b) White blood cells/ ेत र
(d) Prothrombin/ ो ो न or change, in one of the genes, that कोिशकाएं
provides instructions for making the (c) Platelets/ ेटलेट्स
Ans. (c) clotting factor proteins needed to (d) Plasma/ ा ा
Explanation: Heparin is an form a blood clot.
anticoagulant which does not allow Ans. (a)
the blood to clot in the blood vessels Q55. The blood vessel supplying Explanation: Hemoglobin is a
blood to the kidney is molecule inside the red blood cells of
Q53. The DPT vaccine is given to िकडनी को र की आपूित करने वाली human blood. It has two parts: the
young babies to protect them from र वािहका कौन सी है ? heme and the globin. The heme
नवजात ब ों को DPT का टीका (a) the renal artery/गुद की धमनी contains iron and transports oxygen
उ ________ से बचाने के िलए िदया (b) the hepatic artery/यकृत धमनी from the lungs to the tissues as well
जाता है । (c) the pulmonary artery/फु ु सीय as takes carbon dioxide from the
(a) Diphtheria, polio and धमनी tissues to the lungs.
tetanus/िड थी रया, पोिलयो और टे टनस (d) the carotid artery/म ा धमनी
(b) diphtheria, pneumonia and Q58. Blood pressure is the pressure
tuberculosis/िड थी रया, िनमोिनया और Ans. (a) exerted by blood on the walls of
तपेिदक Explanation: र चाप_______की दीवारों पर र
(c) Diphtheria, smallpox and Renal artery - Kidney ारा दबाव डाला जाता है ।
tetanus/िड थी रया, चेचक और टे टनस Hepatic artery - liver (a) Heart/ दय
(d) diphtheria, whooping cough and Pulmonary Artery - Lungs (b) Veins/िशरा
tetanus/ िड थी रया, काली खां सी और Carotid artery - brain (c) Arteries/धमनी
टे टनस (d) Capillaries/केिशका

Ans. (d) Ans. (c) [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 8

Explanation: (c) Cerebellum/प म िपंड bleeding spontaneously when there is
Blood pressure is the force of blood (d) Medulla Oblongata/मे -म ा no obvious cause for the bleeding.
against the walls of the arteries. Hemophilia affects mostly males.
Blood pressure is recorded as Ans. (d)
systolic pressure over diastolic Explanation: The medulla oblongata Q64. Housefly spreads
pressure. Systolic pressure is created helps regulate breathing, heart and घरे लू म ी ______ फैलाती है ।
during the contraction of the heart, blood vessel function, digestion, (a) Common cold/जुकाम
while diastolic pressure is created sneezing, and swallowing. This part (b) Malaria/मले रया
during relaxation. of the brain is a center for respiration (c) Flu/ लू
and circulation. Sensory and motor (d) Typhoid/टाइफाइड
Q59. Which one of the Endocrine neurons (nerve cells) from the
glands is known as master gland? forebrain and midbrain travel Ans. (d)
अंतः ावी ंिथयों म से िकसे मा र ंिथ through the medulla Explanation: House flies are known
के प म जाना जाता है ? to carry and spread these diseases:
(a) Pituitary/िपयूष ंिथ Q62. In the human body, fats are Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Dysentery,
(b) Adrenal/अिधवृ stored in the Gastroenteritis, Salmonellosis,
(c) Thyroid/अवटु ंिथ मानव शरीर म, वसा कहाँ जमा होती ह? Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever.
(d) Parathyroid/पैराथायरायड (a) Epidermis/अिधचम
(b) Adipose tissue/वसा ऊतक Q65. 'Lockjaw' is the last phase of
Ans. (a) (c) Liver/यकृत which of the following diseases?
Explanation: (d) Epithelium/उपकला 'जलबंधक' िन म से िकस बीमारी का
Pituitary gland: The main endocrine अंितम चरण है ?
gland. It is a small structure in the Ans. (b) (a) Diptheria/िड थी रया
head. It is called the master gland Explanation: (b) Pneumonia/िनमोिनया
because it produces hormones that Adipose tissue or fatty tissue is a (c) Syphilis/उपदं श
control other glands and many body connective tissue consisting mainly (d) Tetanus/टे टनस
functions including growth. The of fat cells (adipose cells, or
pituitary consists of the anterior and adipocytes), specialized to synthesize Ans. (d)
posterior pituitary. and contain large globules of fat, Explanation: House flies are known
within a structural network of fibers. to carry and spread these diseases:
Q60. Bile is produced by the It is found mainly under the skin but Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Dysentery,
िप िकसके ारा िनिमत होता है ? also in deposits between the muscles, Gastroenteritis, Salmonellosis,
(a) Liver/यकृत in the intestines and in their Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever.
(b) Stomach/आमाशय membrane folds, around the heart,
(c) Pancreas/अ ाशय and elsewhere. The fat stored in Q66. Reflex actions are controlled by
(d) Duodenum/ल वां ा adipose tissue comes from dietary ितवत ि या िकसके ारा िनयंि त
fats or is produced in the body. Fats होती है ?
Ans. (a) are not stored in areolar tissue, (a) the Brain/म
Explanation: Bile, or gall, is a cartilage or bone marrow. (b) the Spinal Chord/मे दं ड
dark-green-to-yellowish-brown fluid (c) the Nerves/त का
produced by the liver of most Q63. Which one of the following is a (d) the Cells/कोिशका
vertebrates that aids the digestion of condition of delayed blood clotting?
lipids in the small intestine. In िन म से कौन सा िवल से र के Ans. (b)
humans, bile is produced थ े जमने की थित है ? Explanation: A reflex arc is a neural
continuously by the liver (liver bile) (a) Haemorrhage/र ाव pathway that controls a reflex. In
and stored and concentrated in the (b) Hematuria/र मेह vertebrates, most sensory neurons do
gallbladder. (c)Haemophilia/हीमोफीिलया not pass directly into the brain, but
(d) Anaemia/र ा ता synapse in the spinal cord. This
Q61. Which part of the nervous allows for faster reflex actions to
system controls the activities of Ans. (c) occur by activating spinal motor
internal organs? Explanation: neurons without the delay of routing
तंि का तं का कौन सा िह ा आं त रक Hemophilia delays the clotting of the signals through the brain.
अंगों की गितिविधयों को िनयंि त करता blood, causing difficulty in
है ? controlling bleeding due to lack of Q67. The floral part that receives
(a) Spinal cord/मे द clotting factor protein in the blood. ... pollen-grains during pollination is
(b) Cerebrum/ म क Severe hemophilia can lead to [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 9

परागण के दौरान पराग-कणों को ा वह पौधा जो बीजाणुओं के मा म से Ans. (b)
करने वाला पु भाग है ? जनन करता है Explanation: Plants absorb water
(a) ovary/अंडाशय (a) Mustard/सरसों from their root hairs on the root via
(b) style/वितका (b) Coriander/धिनया osmosis. It is then transported to
(c) stigma/वितका (c) Ferns/पणाग other parts of the plant (through the
(d) ovules/बीजां ड (d) Petunia/ िपटू िनया network of xylem vessels) through a
combination of capillary action and
Ans. (c) Ans. (c) "transpirational pull." Water moves
Explanation: Explanation: There are some through the plant by means of
A stigma is a part of a flower that non-flowering plants that don't capillary action.
gets pollen from pollinators such as produce seeds. Instead, they use
bees. The stigma is part of the female spores to reproduce. Spore producing Q73. The central control of
reproductive part of a flower, the plants include plants such as mosses respiratory activity in human body is
pistil. The stigma is on top of the and ferns. Spores are tiny organisms exercised by
style. The stigma can be either hairy that usually contain only a single मानव शरीर म सन ि या का मु
or sticky, or both to trap pollen. cell. िनयं ण िकसके ारा होता है ?
(a) cerebrum/ म क
Q68. Which of these is a Q71. An edible underground stem is (b) cerebellum//प म िपंड
micronutrient for plants? िन म से खा भूिमगत तना कौन सा है ? (c) medulla oblongata/मे -म ा
िन म से कौन सा पौधों म सू पोषक (a) Ginger/अदरक (d) hypothalamus/अध ेतक
है ? (b) Sweet-potato/शकरकंद
(a) Carbon/काबन (c) Sugarcane/ग ा Ans. (c)
(b) Oxygen/ऑ ीजन (d) Radish/मूली Explanation: The medulla oblongata
(c) Nitrogen/नाइटोजन is a portion of the hindbrain that
(d) Boron/बोरान Ans. (a) controls autonomic functions such as
Explanation: Many plants have breathing, digestion, heart and blood
Ans. (d) underground modified stems that vessel function, swallowing and
Explanation: may be mistaken for roots. Examples sneezing.
Macronutrients: N, K, Ca, Mg, P, and of underground stems include corms,
S, and such as taro (left); rhizomes, such as
Micronutrients: Cl, Fe, B, Mn, Zn, ginger (center); and tubers, such as Q74. Potassium meta-bisulphite is
Cu, Mo, and Ni potatoes (right). used as a food preservative for
Sweet potato (Ipomoeae batatas) is a पोटे िशयम मेटा-बाईस े ट का
Q69. The following sugar gives root vegetable. It's a dicot plant, and उपयोग_______ के िलए खा संर क
energy most readily the “sweet potato” we eat is a के प म िकया जाता है ।
िन िल खत म से कौन सी शकरा सबसे modified, enlarged root (or lateral (a) Squash/ ाश
अिधक ऊजा दान करती है ? root) called a root-tuber, for the (b) Tomato Ketchup/टमाटर केचप
(a) Lactose /लै ोज purpose of storing starch to support (c) Fruit Juices/फलों का र
(b) Cellulose/से ूलोज the plant's new growth in the spring (d) Pickles/अचार
(c) Maltose/मा ोज The modified roots may be
(d) Glucose/ ूकोज underground or aerial. (i) Fusiform: Ans. (d)
It is a modified tap root. The primary Explanation: Potassium metabisulfite
Ans. (d) root is swollen in the middle while is a common wine or must additive,
Explanation: Glucose is called as both the ends gradually taper in which it forms sulfur dioxide
source of instant energy because it forming a spindle shaped structure, (SO2). Sulfur dioxide is a
gets rapidly absorbed by our body. e.g., Radish disinfectant. It also acts as a potent
Glucose is simple sugar which is antioxidant, protecting both the color
formed when carbohydrate get Q72. Plants get water through the and delicate flavors of wine.
broken. Also, the carbohydrates get roots because' of—
digested into glucose. Since, glucose पौधों को िकस कारण से जड़ों के मा म It is used in some pickles as a
does not have to be digested, it acts से जल ा होता है ? preservative.
as an instant source of energy. (a) elasticity/ ा थता
(b) capillarity/केिशका Q75. Which of these joints is a
Q70. A plant which reproduces by (c) viscosity/ ानता Hinge joint?
means of spores (d) photosynthesis/ काश सं ेषण िन संिधयों म से कौन सी एक क
संिध है ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 10

(a) Hip/िनतंब Q78. Which of the following weeds Explanation: Water vapour transpires
(b) Elbow/कोहनी has been found useful to check water constantly through pores (stomata) in
(c) Shoulder/ pollution caused by industrial the surface of plant’s leaves.
(d) Wrist/कलाई effluents? Transpiration is the process of water
औ ोिगक अपिश ों के कारण होने वाले movement through a plant and its
Ans. (b) जल दू षण की जां च के िलए िन िल खत evaporation from aerial parts, such as
Explanation: A hinge joint is a म से कौन सा खरपतवार उपयोगी पाया leaves, stems and flowers. Water is
common class of synovial joint that गया है ? necessary for plants but only a small
includes the ankle, elbow, and knee (a) Parthenium/पाथिनयम amount of water taken up by the
joints. Hinge joints are formed (b) Elephant grass/गुं roots is used for growth and
between two or more bones where (c) Water hyacinth/जल कुंभी metabolism.
the bones can only move along one (d) Both (a) and (b)/दोनों (a) और (b)
axis to flex or extend. Q81. What is a sponge?
Ans. (c) ंज ा है ?
Q76. Bile is stored in the Explanation: Water hyacinth as (a) a fossil/एक जीवा
िप का सं हण कहाँ होता है ? indicator of heavy metal pollution in (b) a plant/एक पौधा
(a) Gall-bladder/िप ाशय the tropics. The water hyacinth (c) an animal/एक जानवर
(b) Duodenum/ल वां ा (Eichhornia crassipes) is a common (d) a fungus/एक कवक
(c) Liver /यकृत aquatic plant in many tropical
(d) Spleen/ ीहा countries. Its ability absorb nutrients Ans. (c)
and other elements from the water Explanation: Sponges, the members
Ans. (a) has made it possible to use it for of the phylum Porifera Kingdom-
Explanation: Bile, or gall, is a water purification purposes. Animalia
dark-green-to-yellowish-brown fluid
produced by the liver of most Q79. Which of the following does Q82. Types of vertebrate animals
vertebrates that aids the digestion of not cause pollution ? which creep and crawl are called :
lipids in the small intestine. In िन िल खत म से कौन दू षण का कारण कशे क जानवरों के कार जो रगते है
humans, bile is produced नहीं है ? और िघसटते है , ा कहलाते है ?
continuously by the liver (liver bile) (a) Burning of petrol/पेटोल का जलना (a) mammalians / नधारी
and stored and concentrated in the (b) Use of Ansar energy/सौर ऊजा का (b) amphibians/उभयचर
gallbladder. उपयोग (c) mollusks/घोंघा
(c) Burning of rubber/ रबर का जलना (d) reptilians/सरीसृप
Q77. The saliva secreted in the (d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी
mouth digests Ans. (d)
मुंह म ािवत लार िकसका पाचन करती Ans. (b) Explanation: The class name refers
है ? Explanation: Ansar power is to their creeping or crawling mode of
(a) Proteins/ ोटीन pollution free and causes no locomotion. They are mostly
(b) Starch/ ाच greenhouse gases to be emitted after terrestrial animals and their body is
(c) Fats/वसा installation. Reduced dependence on covered by dry and cornified skin,
(d) Vitamins/िवटािमन foreign oil and fossil fuels. epidermal scales or scutes. Heart is
Renewable clean power that is usually three-chambered, but
Ans. (b) available every day of the year, even four-chambered in crocodiles.
Explanation The digestive functions cloudy days produce some power. Snakes and lizards shed their scales
of saliva include moistening food, as skin cast. They are oviparous and
and helping to create a food bolus, so Q80. Excess amount of absorbed development is direct.
it can be swallowed easily. Saliva water by plants is liberated out by : Examples: Chelone (Turtle), Testudo
contains the enzyme amylase that पौधों ारा अवशोिषत पानी की अित र (Tortoise), Chameleon (Tree lizard),
breaks some starches down into मा ा से ा मु िकया जाता है ? Calotes (Garden lizard), Crocodilus
maltose and dextrin. Thus, digestion (a) Evaporation/वा ीकरण (Crocodile), Alligator (Alligator).
of food occurs within the mouth, (b) Osmosis/परासरण Hemidactylus (Wall lizard),
even before food reaches the (c) Diffusion/ सरण Poisonous snakes – Naja (Cobra),
stomach. (d) Transpiration/वा ो जन Bangarus (Krait), Vipera (Viper).

Ans. (d) Q83. Which of the following

enzymes aids in coagulation of
blood? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 11

िन म से कौन सा एं जाइम र के Explanation: Most of our body cells
कंदन म सहायक है ? Ans. (c) are replaced regularly. Skin follicles,
(a) Tryptase/िट ेस Explanation: An antipyretic (from hair, nails are examples. But the
(b) Pepsin/पे न anti- 'against' and pyretic 'feverish') organ with maximum regeneration
(c) Rennin/रे िनन is a substance that reduces fever. capacity is liver.
(d) Amylase/एमाइलेज Antipyretics cause the hypothalamus
to override a prostaglandin-induced Q90. Which one of the following
Ans. (b) increase in temperature. The body pairs is correctly matched ?
Explanation: Pepsin enzymes aids in then works to lower the temperature, िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु सुमेिलत
coagulation of blood. which results in a reduction in fever. है ?
(a) Tetanus- BCG /टे टनस- BCG
Q84. Bio - diesel is mostly produced Q87. Birds usually have a single (b) Tuberculosis –ATS/तपेिदक-ATS
by: पि यों म आमतौर पर _______एक ही (c) Malaria –
बायो - डीजल अिधकां शत: िकसके ारा होता है । Chloroquine/मले रया- ोरो ीन
उ ािदत िकया जाता है ? (a) Kidney/वृ (d) Scurvy -Thiamine/ व -थाइमीन
(a) Myrtaceae/ ारटे सी (b) Lung/फु ु स
(b) Malvaceae/मालवेसी (c) Testis/वृषण Ans. (c)
(c) Liliaceae/िलिलयेसी (d) Ovary/अंडाशय Explanation: Tuberculosis- BCG
(d) Euphorbiaceae/यूफॉिबया vaccine It is the live attenuated form
Ans. (d) of Mycobacterium bovis related to
Ans. (d) Explanation: Male birds have two Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the
Explanation: Bio-diesel is mostly testes that produce sperm, and most bacterium which causes tuberculosis
produced by Jatropha which is a female birds usually have only one in humans.
genus of flowering plants in the ovary that produces eggs. A bird's Tetanus- Anti Tetanus Serum (ATS)
spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. testes or ovary greatly increase in It is a medication made up of
size during the breeding season. antibodies against the tetanus toxin.
Q85. Flowerless plants are termed It is used to prevent tetanus in those
as: Q88. Alfalfa is the name of a kind of who have a wound that is at high risk
िबना फूलों वाले पौधों को ा कहा जाता अ ा ा िकसको िदया गया नाम है ? and have not been fully vaccinated
है ? (a) Forest/जंगल with tetanus toxoid.
(a) Phanerogams/पु ो िद् (b) Crop/फ़सल Chloroquine is a medication
(b) Bryophytes/ ायोफाइट (c) Grass/घास primarily used to prevent and treat
(c) Thallophytes/थैलोफाइट (d) None of these/इनम से कोई नहीं malaria in areas where malaria
(d) Cryptogams/ि ोगैम remains sensitive to its effects.
Ans. (d) Ans. (b) Scurvy is a disease resulting from a
Explanation: Explanation: Alfalfa also called lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
Phanerogams: Any plant that lucerne and called Medicago sativa Early symptoms of deficiency
produces seeds in binomial nomenclature, is a include weakness, feeling tired and
Cryptogams: A cryptogam is a plant perennial flowering plant in the sore arms and legs. Without
that reproduces by spores, without legume family Fabaceae. It is treatment, decreased red blood cells,
flowers or seeds. "Cryptogamae" cultivated as an important forage gum disease, changes to hair, and
means hidden reproduction, referring crop in many countries around the bleeding from the skin may occur.
to the fact that no seed is produced, world. It is used for grazing, hay, and
thus cryptogams represent the silage, as well as a green manure and Q91. The carbon dioxide content in
non-seed bearing plants. cover crop. the air that we exhale is about
वायु म काबन डाइऑ ाइड की मा ा
Q86. Substances which are used to Q89. Which cells in our body have िजसे हम बाहर छोड़ते है ?
bring down the temperature in high the least regenerative power? (a) 4%
fever condition are called : हमारे शरीर की कौन सी कोिशकाओं म (b) 8%
उ बुखार की थित म तापमान को पुन दभवन की श है ? (c) 12%
नीचे लाने के िलए उपयोग िकए जाने वाले (a) Brain cells/म कोिशका (d) 16%
पदाथ को ा कहा जाता है ? (b) Muscle cells/ ायु कोिशका
(a) Antiseptics/रोगाणुरोधक (c) Bone cells/अ थ कोिशका Ans. (a)
(b) Pyretics/ रनाशक (d) Liver cells/यकृत कोिशका Explanation
(c) Antipyretics/ रनाशी
(d) Antibiotics/ ितजीवी Ans. (d) [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 12

The amount of inhaled air contains Q97. Halophytes are plants that can
21% of oxygen and 0.04% of carbon Ans. (b) grow in soil having a high content
dioxide, while the air we breathe out Explanation: Infant mortality rate of______
contains 16.4% of oxygen and 4.4% (IMR) is the number of deaths per हे लोफाइट् स ऐसे पौधे ह जो िम ी
of carbon dioxide. This is because 1,000 live births of children under म________ की उ मा ा से भी वृ
our cells use oxygen from the inhaled one year of age. The rate for a given कर सकते है
air to release energy and give out region is the number of children (a) Salt/लवण
carbon dioxide as a byproduct. dying under one year of age, divided (b) Humus/ह्यूमस
by the number of live births during (c) water/जल
Q92. Blood pressure is controlled by the year, multiplied by 1,000. (d) All of the above/उपरो सभी
र चाप िकसके ारा िनयंि त िकया Ans. (a) Explanation: A halophyte is
जाता है ? Q95. Bakeries use yeast in bread a salt-tolerant plant that grows in soil
(a) Adrenal gland/ अिधवृ ंिथ making because it or waters of high salinity, coming
(b) Thyroid gland/थायरॉइड ंिथ बेक रयां ेड बनाने म खमीर का उपयोग into contact with saline water
(c) Thymus/थाइमस करती ह ोंिक यह through its roots or by salt spray,
(d) Corpus luteum/कॉपस ूिटयम (a) makes the bread hard/ ेड को such as in saline semi-deserts,
स बनाता है mangrove swamps, marshes and
Ans. (a) Explanation The kidneys (b) makes the bread soft and sloughs and seashores.
provide a hormonal mechanism for spongy/ ेड को नरम और खंखरा बनाता
the regulation of blood pressure by है Q98. The largest flightless bird
managing blood volume. The (c) enhances the food values/भोजन which can run at a great speed is
renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system के महव को बढ़ाता है सबसे बड़ा उड़ानहीन प ी जो अ िधक
of the kidneys regulates blood (d) keeps the bread fresh/ ेड को ताजा गित से चल सकता है ?
volume. In response to rising blood रखता है (a) Penguin/पगुइन
pressure, the juxtaglomerular cells in (b) Kiwi/कीवी
the kidneys secrete renin into the Ans. (b) (c) Ostrich/शुतुरमुग
blood. Explanation (d) Emu/एमु
Baker's yeast is the common name
Q93. The total number of ear bones for the strains of yeast commonly Ans. (c)
is used in baking bread and bakery Explanation The Ostrich is the
कान की हि यों की कुल सं ा िकतनी products, serving as a leavening largest living species of bird. They
है ? agent which causes the bread to rise usually weigh from 63 to 145
(a) 2 (expand and become lighter and kilograms. Although it cannot fly, the
(b) 4 softer) by converting the fermentable ostrich is also the fastest-running
(c) 3 sugars present in the dough into bird today; it can run up to about 70
(d) 8 carbon dioxide and ethanol. kilometres in an hour.

Ans. (c) Q96. “Pace-maker" is associated Q99. Human beings have two ears
Explanation Ear bone, also called with because two ears help/ इं सान के दो
Auditory Ossicle, any of the three "पेस-मेकर" का संबंध िकस से है ? कान होते ह ोंिक दो कान ______ म
tiny bones in the middle ear of all (a) Kidney/वृ मदद करते ह।
mammals. These are the malleus, or (b) Brain/म (a) to judge the direction of
hammer, the incus, or anvil, and the (c) Heart/ दय sound/ िन की िदशा का पता करने
stapes, or stirrup. (d) Lung/फु ु स (b) to hear even a feeble sound/ ीण
िन सुनने
Q94. Which one of the following is Ans. (c) (c) to enjoy music better/बेहतर संगीत
the most sensitive Indicator of the Explanation: The SA node is the का आनंद लेने
health of a community? heart's natural pacemaker. The SA (d) to distinguish between two kinds
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक समुदाय node consists of a cluster of cells that of sounds arriving at the ears in
के ा का सबसे संवेदनशील are situated in the upper part of the opposite directions/िवपरीत िदशाओं म
संकेतक है ? wall of the right atrium (the right कानों तक प ँ चने वाली दो कार की
(a) Birth rate/ ज दर upper chamber of the heart). The िनयों के बीच अंतर करना
(b) Infant mortality rate/िशशु मृ ु दर electrical impulses are generated
(c) Death rate/मृ ु दर there. The SA node is also called the Ans. (d)
(d) Maternal mortality rate/मातृ मृ ु sinus node.
दर [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 13

Explanation We have two ears Human bacterial diseases: Cholera, Ans. (c)
basically to widen the scope of Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Plague, Explanation: Each flower in the
hearing so that we can find out where Syphilis, Anthrax. inflorescence produces a fruit, but
sounds are coming from, and from these mature into a single mass in
what distance; i.e., sound Q103. Scurvy is a disease of which each flower has produced a
localization. The brain utilizes subtle व िकस से संबंिधत दोष है ? true fruit. After flowering the mass is
differences in intensity, spectral, and (a) hair/बाल called an infructescence. Examples
timing cues to allow us to localize (b) skin/ चा are the fig, pineapple, mulberry,
sound sources (c) liver/यकृत osage-orange, and breadfruit.
(d) eyes/आँ ख
Q100. The vitamin which cannot be Q107. Ascent of sap in plants takes
had from any vegetables is Ans. (b) place through
वह िवटािमन जो िकसी भी स यों से Explanation: Scurvy is a disease पौधों म अक का आरोहण िकसके ारा
ा नहीं िकया जा सकता है ? resulting from a lack of vitamin C होता है ?
(a) Vitamin B/ िवटािमन B (ascorbic acid). Early symptoms of (a) Pith/म ा
(b) Vitamin C/िवटािमन C deficiency include weakness, feeling (b) Phloem/पोषवाह
(c) Vitamin D /िवटािमन D tired and sore arms and legs. Without (c) Cambium/एधा
(d) Vitamin E/िवटािमन E treatment, decreased red blood cells, (d) Xylem/दा
gum disease, changes to hair, and
Ans. (c) bleeding from the skin may occur. Ans. (d)
Explanation: A human body Explanation: The upward transport of
produces vitamin D as a response to Q104. The population of which of water along with disAnsved minerals
sun exposure. A person can also the following is maximum on the from roots to the aerial parts of the
boost their vitamin D intake through earth? plant is called ascent of sap. It takes
certain foods or supplements. िन िल खत म से िकसकी जनसं ा place through the xylem. In
पृ ी पर अिधकतम है ? herbaceous plants, the lumen of
Q101. The method used to obtain (a) Fishes/मछिलयाँ tracheary elements of xylem
alcohol from molasses is called (b) Beetles/झींगुर participate in the ascent of sap. So
राब से शराब ा करने के िलए (c) Reptiles/सरीसृप the correct answer is 'Lumen of
इ ेमाल की जाने वाली िविध को कहा (d) Birds/प ी tracheary elements'.
जाता है ?
(a) distillation/आसवन Ans. (a) Q108. A plant with fibrous root
(b) hydrolysis /जल-अपघटन system is:
(c) fermentation/िक न Q105. The floral part that produces तंतुयु जड़ णाली वाला पौधा कौन सा
(d) oxidation/ऑ ीकरण pollen grains is है ?
परागकणों का िनमाण करने वाला पु (a)Wheat/गे ं
Q102. Bacterial diseases are found in भाग कौन सा है ? (b) Pea/मटर
जीवाणु रोग िकनम पाए जाते ह? (a) Sepal/बा दल (c) Mustard/सरसों
(a) plants/पौधों म (b) Petal/दल (d) Bean/सेम
(b) animals/जानवरों म (c) Anther/पराग िपटक
(c) humans/मनु ों म (d) Ovary/अंडाशय Q109. The strongest bone of the
(d) All of the above/उपरो सभी body is present in the
Ans. (c) शरीर की सबसे मजबूत ह ी कहाँ
Ans. (d) Explanation: the part of a stamen that उप थत है ?
Explanation: produces and contains pollen and is (a) Thigh/जां घ
Plant pathogenic bacteria cause many usually borne on a stalk (b) Jaw/जबड़ा
different kinds of symptoms that (c) Arm/बां ह
include galls and overgrowths, wilts, Q106. Which of these fruits develop (d) Neck/ ीवा
leaf spots, specks and blights, soft from an inflorescence?
rots, as well as scabs and cankers. पु वृ से इनम से कौन सा फल Ans. (a)
Animal Bacterial diseases: िवकिसत होता है ? Explanation: The head of the femur
Actinobacillosis, Actinomycosis, (a) Apple/सेब articulates with the acetabulum in the
Anthrax, Bacillary White Diarrhoea, (b) Guava/अम द pelvic bone forming the hip joint,
Braxy, Botulism, Botryomycosis, (c) Pineapple/अनानास while the distal part of the femur
Bumble Foot, Contagious Abortion (d) Grape/अंगूर articulates with the tibia and kneecap
of Cattle, Pasteurellosis. forming the knee joint. By most [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 14

measures the femur is the strongest can bind or release molecular
bone in the body. The femur is also Q113. The function of Hemoglobin oxygen. Both the hemoglobin protein
the longest bone in the human body. is to: and the heme group undergo
हीमो ोिबन का काय ा है ? conformational changes upon
Q110. The red blood cells are (a) provide amino acids/एिमनो अ oxygenation and deoxygenation.
produced by the दान करता है
लाल र किणका िकसके ारा िनिमत (b) carry oxygen/ऑ ीजन का वहन Q116. In human body, cartilage is
होती ह? करना found in
(a) Liver/यकृत (c) provide enzymes/एं जाइम दान मानव शरीर म, उपा थ कहाँ पाई जाती
(b) Hormones/हाम न करता है है ?
(c) Bone-marrow/ अ थ-म ा (d) help in excretion/मल ाग म (a) tongue/िज ा
(d) Heart/ दय सहायता करता है (b) nose/नािसका
(c) chin/ठु ी
Ans. (c) Ans. (b) (d) nail/नाखून
Explanation: Through this process Explanation: Hemoglobin in blood
red blood cells are continuously carries oxygen from the lungs or gills Ans. (b)
produced in the red bone marrow of to the rest of the body (i.e. the Explanation: Elastic cartilage is
large bones. (In the embryo, the liver tissues). There it releases the oxygen found in the external ear flaps and in
is the main site of red blood cell to permit aerobic respiration to parts of the larynx. ... Hyaline
production.) The production can be provide energy to power the cartilage is found in the nose, ears,
stimulated by the hormone functions of the organism in the trachea, parts of the larynx, and
erythropoietin (EPO), synthesised by process called metabolism. smaller respiratory tubes.
the kidney.
Q114. When nitrogenous waste Q117. In digestion, proteins are
Q111. Of the total number of genes accumulates in the blood which converted into
inherited by a child organ is not functioning? पाचन ि या म, ोटीन िकस प रवितत
एक ब े अपने माता िपता से िकतने जीन जब र म नाइटोजन अपिश का होते ह?
ा होते है ? जमाव होता है तो कौन सा अंग काय नहीं (a) Fatty acids/वसा अ
(a) more are from the father/िपता से करता है ? (b) Glucose/ ूकोज
अिधक (a) Liver /यकृत (c) Amino acids/अमीनो अ
(b) more are from the mother/माता से (b) Lungs/फु ु स (d) Maltose/मा ोज
अिधक (c) Kidneys/वृ
(c) there are an equal number from (d) Heart/ दय Ans. (c)
each parent/ ेक माता-िपता से एक Explanation: Digestion. Most
समान सं ा म Ans. (c) proteins are decomposed to single
(d) there is never a constant number Explanation: The end products of amino acids by digestion in the
from the parents/माता-िपता से कोई protein metabolism accumulate in the gastro-intestinal tract. Digestion
िनयत सं ा नहीं है blood but are normally filtered out typically begins in the stomach when
when the blood passes through the pepsinogen is converted to pepsin by
Ans. (c) kidneys. Uremia can result from any the action of hydrochloric acid, and
Explanation: A child inherits one set disorder that impairs the functioning continued by trypsin and
of chromosome from each parent of the kidneys or that hinders the chymotrypsin in the small intestine.
therefore equal number of genes are excretion of urine from the body.
inherited. Q118. Butter is
Q115. Metal present in blood is म न ा है ?
Q112. Normal blood pressure of man र म कौन सी धातु उप थत है ? (a) fat dispersed in milk/दू ध म िछतरी
is (a) Calcium/कै शयम वसा
मनु का सामा र चाप िकतना है ? (b) Zinc/िजंक (b)water dispersed in fat/वसा म
(a) 80/120 mm Hg (c) Sodium/सोिडयम िछतरा जल
(b) 90/140 mm Hg (d) Iron/आयरन (c)water dispersed in oil/पानी म
(c) 120/80 mm Hg िछतरा तेल
(d) 85/150 mm Hg Ans (d) (d) fat dispersed in water/जल म
Explanation: The heme group (a िछतरी वसा
Ans. (c) component of the hemoglobin
Explanation: 120/80 mm Hg - 120- protein) is a metal complex, with Ans. (a)
systolic BP, 80- diastolic BP iron as the central metal atom, that [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 15

Q119. The part of the flower that can Sewage treatment is the process of frequently as he has to eliminate
carry out photosynthesis is removing contaminants from from the blood extra glucose.
फूल का वह भाग जो काश सं ेषण municipal wastewater, containing
करता है ? mainly household sewage plus some Q123. Jaws are absent in:
(a) Androecium/पुंकेसर industrial wastewater. Physical, िन िल खत म जबड़े अनुप थत होते ह।
(b) Gynoecium/जायां ग chemical, and biological processes (a) Birds/प ी
(c) Calyx/पु कोश are used to remove contaminants and (b) Fishes/मछिलयाँ
(d) Corolla/दलपुंज produce treated wastewater that is (c) Protochordates/ ोटोचॉडट् स
safe enough for release into the (d) Reptiles/सरीसृप
Ans. (c) environment.
Explanation: A flower has calyx, Ans. (c)
corolla, androecium and gynoecium. Q121. The only plant cells without Explanation:
Calyx and corolla are accessory nuclei among the following are : Protochordates are an informal
organs, while androecium and िन िल खत म से नािभक के िबना category of animals (i.e.: not a proper
gynoecium are reproductive organs. एकमा पादप कोिशका कौन सी ह? taxonomic group), named mainly for
Photosynthetic activity is found in (a)Cambium cells/कै यम कोिशकाएँ convenience to describe invertebrate
the calyx, green shoulder, pericarp, (b) Root hairs/मूल रोम animals that are closely related to
and locular parenchyma. It suggests (c) Companion cells/सहचरी कोिशका vertebrates. This group is composed
that all of these tissues have (d) Tracheid cells/वािहिनका कोिशका of the Phylum Hemichordata and the
significant roles in CO2 scavenging Subphyla Urochordata and
and the provision of carbon Ans. (a) Cephalochordata.
assimilates. Explanation: In plants, sieve tube
cells, tracheid and vessels do not Q124. Which among the following
Q120. Environmental pollution can have nucleus suspension in water is often called
be controlled by: The most distinctive xylem cells are milk of magnesia because of its
पयावरण दू षण को िन ारा िनयंि त the long tracheary elements that milk-like appearance?
िकया जा सकता है transport water. Tracheids and vessel (a) Magnesium Carbonate
(a) Checking atomic blasts/परमाणु elements are distinguished by their (b) Magnesium Hydroxide
िव ोटों को िनयं ण करना shape; vessel elements are shorter, (c) Magnesium lactate
(b) Manufacturing electric vehicles and are connected together into long (d) Magnesium Oxide
/इले क वाहन का िविनमाण tubes that are called vessels. Xylem
(c) Sewage treatment/मलजल शोधन also contains two other cell types: Ans. (b)
(d) All of the above/उपरो सभी parenchyma and fibers. Explanation: Magnesium hydroxide
is the inorganic compound with the
Ans. (d) Q122. A man suffering from diabetes chemical formula Mg(OH)₂. It occurs
Explanation: A detonated nuclear mellitus drinks water more in nature as the mineral brucite. It is
bomb produces a fireball, frequently as he has to eliminate a white Ansid with low Ansubility in
shockwaves and intense radiation. A from the blood extra: water. Magnesium hydroxide is a
mushroom cloud forms from मधुमेह से पीिड़त एक बार बार common component of antacids,
vaporized debris and disperses पानी पीता है ोंिक उसे र से such as milk of magnesia, as well as
radioactive particles that fall to earth _________अित र को कम करना laxatives
contaminating air, soil, water and the होता है ।
food supply. When carried by wind (a) glucose/ ूकोज Q125. Which of the following
currents, fallout can cause (b) insulin/इं सुिलन process does not increase the amount
far-reaching environmental damage. (d) glucagon/ ूकागन of carbon dioxide in the air/ 125. िन
Electric cars have several benefits (d) salt/लवण म से कौन सी ि या हवा म काबन
over conventional internal combust डाइऑ ाइड की मा ा म वृ नहीं
engine automobiles, reduction of Ans. (a) करती है
local air pollution, especially in Explanation: When you have (a) Breathing/सां स लेना
cities, as they do not emit harmful diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) (b) Burning of petrol/पेटोल जलाना
tailpipe pollutants such as builds up in your blood. If your (c) Photosynthesis/ काश सं ेषण
particulates (soot), volatile organic kidneys can't keep up, the excess (d)Aerobic decay of vegetation/
compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon sugar is excreted into your urine, वन ित का एरोिबक य
monoxide, ozone, lead dragging along fluids from your
tissues. Hence, A man suffering from Ans. (c)
diabetes mellitus drinks water more [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 16

Explanation: The reactants for रोगजनक बै ी रया का ाव िकसके Q130. Who amongst the following
photosynthesis are light energy, ारा होता है ? was awarded Nobel Prize for path
water, carbon dioxide and (a) Antigens/ ितजन breaking contributions to develop
chlorophyll, while the products are (b) Antibodies/ ितर ी treatment against Parkinson's
glucose (sugar), oxygen and water (c) Hormones/हाम न disease?
(d) Interferons/इं टरफेरॉन पािकसन रोग के खलाफ उपचार
Q126. Which of the following is िवकिसत करने के िलए अ णी योगदान
known as Vitamin B1? Ans. (a) के िलए िन िल खत म से िकसे नोबेल
िन िल खत म से िकसे िवटािमन B1 के Explanation: Pathogenic bacteria पुर ार िदया गया था?
प म जाना जाता है ? secrete various virulence factors, (a) Arvid Carlsson/अरिवद कालसन
(a) Retinol/रे िटनॉल including toxins, lipases and (b) Walter Kohn/ वा र कोहन
(b) Thiamin/थाईमीन proteases that allow them to infect, (c) Robert B. Laughlin/ रॉबट
(c) Riboflavin/ राइबो ेिवन breakdown and colonize host tissue. बी.लाफिलन
(d) Ascorbic Acid/ए ॉिबक अ Among various modes of action that (d) Ferid Murad/फरीद मुराद
the pathogenic bacteria use to
Ans. (b) damage the host, pore formation (by Ans. (a)
Explanation: Thiamine, also known pore forming toxins (PFTs)) and lipid Explanation: Arvid Carlsson was a
as thiamine or vitamin B₁, is a hydrolysis (by phospholipases) Swedish neuropharmacologist who is
vitamin found in food, and modes are common in damaging the best known for his work with the
manufactured as a dietary eukaryotic cell membrane. PFTs in neurotransmitter dopamine and its
supplement and medication. Food their monomeric form are effects in Parkinson's disease. For his
sources of thiamine include whole extracellular diffusible and able to work on dopamine, Carlsson was
grains, legumes, and some meats and form hydrophilic pores in cell awarded the Nobel Prize in
fish membrane while phospholipases Physiology or Medicine in 2000,
cleaves and hydrolyzes the ester together with Eric Kandel and Paul
Q127. Which of the following is bonds of most phospholipids in cell Greengard
true? membrane.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा स है ? Q131. Xerophytes are found in
(a) DNA is the genetic material in Q129. Where is the which regions?
most of the organism/ अिधकां श जीवों Botanical-Survey of India ज़ेरोफाइट् स िकन े ों म पाए जाते ह?
म DNA आनुवंिशक साम ी है headquartered? (a)Deserts/रे िग ान
(b) RNA is the genetic material in ‘बॉटिनकल-सव ऑफ़ इं िडया’ का (b)Oceans/महासागरों
most viruses and bacteria/RNA मु ालय कहाँ है ? (c)Mountains/पहाड़ों
अिधकां श वायरस और बै ी रया म (a) Lucknow/लखनऊ (d)Swampy areas/ दलदली े
आनुवंिशक साम ी है (b) Darjeeling /दािजिलंग
(c) DNA is the genetic material in all (c) Kolkata/कोलकाता Ans. (a)
the viruses/ DNA सभी िवषाणुओं म (d) Oottaccamund/ ऊटाकैमकुंड Explanation: A xerophyte (from
आनुवंिशक पदाथ है Greek ξηρός xeros dry, φυτόν phuton
(d) RNA is the genetic material in all Ans. (c) plant) is a species of plant that has
the viruses/RNA सभी िवषाणुओं म Explanation: Botanical Survey of adaptations to survive in an
आनुवंिशक पदाथ है India (BSI), founded 13 February environment with little liquid water,
1890, is Government of India such as a desert or an ice- or
Ans. (a) Ministry of Environment, Forest and snow-covered region in the Alps or
Explanation: With the exception of Climate Change's organization for the Arctic. Popular examples of
certain viruses, DNA rather than survey, research and conservation of xerophytes are cacti, pineapple and
RNA carries the hereditary genetic plant resources, flora and endangered some Gymnosperm plants.
code in all biological life on Earth. species of India, including by
DNA is both more resilient and more collecting and maintaining Q132. Who discovered Cholera
easily repaired than RNA. As a germplasm and gene bank of germs?/ है जा रोगाणु की खोज िकसने
result, DNA serves as a more stable endangered, patent and vulnerable की?
carrier of the genetic information that plant species. (a) Robert Koch/रॉबट को
is essential to survival and Headquarters: Kolkata (b) Rene Laennec/रे ने लेनेक
reproduction. (c) Dreser/डै सर
(d) Hansen/है नसेन
Q128. Pathogenic bacteria secrete
Ans. (a) [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 17

Explanation: Heinrich Hermann (d) Atmosphere/वायुमंडल Explanation: Fermentation in food
Robert Koch was a German processing typically is the conversion
physician and microbiologist. As one Ans. (b) of carbohydrates to alcohols and
of the main founders of modern Explanation: The oxygen during carbon dioxide or organic acids using
bacteriology, he identified the photosynthesis comes from split yeasts, bacteria, or a combination
specific causative agents of water molecules. During there of, under anaerobic conditions.
tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax photosynthesis, the plant absorbs Fermentation in simple terms is the
and also gave experimental support water and carbon dioxide. After the chemical conversion of sugars into
for the concept of infectious disease absorption, the water molecules are ethanol. Both alcoholic fermentation
disassembled and converted into and glycolysis are anaerobic
Q133. Sweetex used by the diabetic sugar and oxygen. fermentation processes that begin
patients has energy content of: with the sugar glucose. Glycolysis
मधुमेह के रोिगयों ारा उपयोग िकए Q136. Saffron’ is obtained from requires 11 enzymes which degrade
जाने वाले ीटनर म ऊजा की मा ा which among the following parts of glucose to lactic acid. Alcoholic
िकतनी है ? the plant? fermentation follows the same
(a) Five calories /पां च कैलोरी केसर ’पौधे के िन िल खत भागों म से enzymatic pathway for the first 10
(b) Ten calories/ दस कैलोरी िकससे ा होता है ? steps. The last enzyme of glycolysis,
(c) Hundred calories /सौ कैलोरी (a) Stigma /वितका lactate dehydrogenase, is replaced by
(d) Zero calories/शू कैलोरी (b) Shoota/शूटा two enzymes in alcoholic
(c) Roots /जड़ fermentation. These two enzymes,
Ans. (d) (d) Stamen/पुमंग pyruvate decarboxylase and
Explanation: The main ingredient of alcoholic dehydrogenase, convert
Sweetex is sodium sacchari, the Ans. (a) pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and
Ansid form of the non-nutritive Explanation: Saffron is a spice ethanol in alcoholic fermentation.
sweetener saccharin. Saccharin is derived from the flower of Crocus Q139. What are the basic units from
several hundred times sweeter than sativus, commonly known as the which human spare parts can be
table sugar but unlike the latter, it has "saffron crocus". The vivid crimson created?
no calories stigma and styles, called threads, are वे कौन सी बुिनयादी इकाइयाँ ह िजनसे
collected and dried for use mainly as मानव के पुज बनाए जा सकते ह?
Q134. The element which is the most a seasoning and colouring agent in (a) Nerve cells/तंि का कोिशका
abundant in the human body is: food. (b) Stem cells/तना कोिशका
वह त जो मानव शरीर म सबसे चुर (c) Heart cells / दय कोिशका
मा ा म है - Q137. Who discovered sex (d) Kidney cells/वृ कोिशका
(a) Oxygen/ऑ ीजन hormones?
(b) Carbon/काबन से हाम न की खोज िकसने की थी? Ans. (b)
(c) Iron/आयरन (a) Dreser/ डै सर Explanation: Stem cells are special
(d) Nitrogen/नाइटोजन (b) Eugen Steinach/यूजीन ीनैच human cells that have the ability to
(c) Edward Calvin/एडवड के न develop into many different cell
Ans. (a) (d) Samuel Cohen/सैमुअल कोहे न types, from muscle cells to brain
Explanation: Oxygen. By mass, cells. In some cases, they also have
oxygen is the most abundant element Ans. (b) the ability to repair damaged tissues.
in the human body. If you think Explanation: Eugen Steinach
about it, this makes sense, since most discovered the sex hormones in Q140. Which of the following
of the body consists of water or H2O. 1921. diseases is caused by a virus?140.
Oxygen accounts for 61-65% of the िन म से कौन सा रोग वायरस से होता
mass of the human body Q138. Fermentation is a process of है ?
decomposition of an organic (a) Poliomyelitis/पोिलयो
Q135. Oxygen liberated during compound by: (b) Malaria/मले रया
photosynthesis is coming from: िक न _______ के ारा काबिनक (c) Whooping cough/काली खां सी
काश सं ेषण के दौरान मु होने यौिगक के अपघटन की एक ि या है । (d) Ring worm/दाद
वाले ऑ ीजन कहाँ से आती है ? (a) catalysts /उ ेरक
(a)Carbon dioxide/ काबन (b) enzymes/एं जाइम Ans. (a)
डाइऑ ाइड (c) carbanions/काबन Explanation: Polio, short for
(b) Water/जल (d) free radicals/मु मूलक poliomyelitis, or infantile paralysis,
(c)Break down of chlorophyll/ is an infectious disease caused by the
ोरोिफल का खंडन Ans. (b) poliovirus. In about 0.5 percent of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 18

cases, there is muscle weakness well as for sex determination. In this envelope of fat and protein
resulting in an inability to move. procedure, a small amount of molecules. In its infective form,
This can occur over a few hours to a amniotic fluid, which contains fetal outside the cell, a virus particle is
few days. tissues, is sampled from the amniotic called a virion.
Malaria is a life-threatening disease. sac surrounding a developing fetus.
It’s typically transmitted through the Q146. By which the sex of a child is
bite of an infected Anopheles Q143. Which among the following is determined before birth?
mosquito. Infected mosquitoes carry not a ‘hereditary’ disease? ज से पहले ब े का िलंग िकसके ारा
the Plasmodium parasite. When this िन िल खत म से कौन 'वंशानुगत' बीमारी िनधा रत िकया जाता है ?
mosquito bites you, the parasite is नहीं है ? (a) Sperms of father /िपता के शु ाणु
released into your bloodstream. (a)Leukemia/ ूकेिमया (b) Foetus of mother/ माँ का ूण
Pertussis, also known as whooping (b)Haemophilia/हीमोफीिलया (c) Both (a) and (b)/दोनों (a) और (b)
cough, is a highly contagious (c)Colour-Blindness/वणाधता (d) Nutrition of mother/माँ का पोषण
respiratory disease. It is caused by (d)Thalassemia/थेलेसीिमया
the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Ans. (b)
“Ringworm” is a misnomer, since a Ans. (a) Explanation: The gender of the baby
fungus, not a worm, causes the Explanation: Leukemia is a cancer of can be ascertained accurately after
infection. The lesion caused by this the blood or bone marrow. Bone more or less than seven weeks of
infection resembles a worm in the marrow produces blood cells. pregnancy. During this period of
shape of a ring — hence the name Leukemia can develop due to a pregnancy, the fetal DNA is
problem with blood cell production. sufficiently found in the mother’s
Q141. The area of the human tongue It usually affects the leukocytes, or blood. Thus, identifying the fetus
sensitive to bitterness is restricted to: white blood cells. gender through prenatal gender
कड़वाहट के ित संवेदनशील मानव testing is easier.
जीभ का े कहाँ तक सीिमत है ? Q144. Which was the first antibiotic?
(a) tip /नोंक पहला ितजीवी कौन सा था? Q147. How many feet has a crab
(b) edges/िकनारों (a) Terramycin/टे रामाइिसन got?
(c) middle part /म भाग (b) Neomycin/िनयोमाइिसन केकड़ा िकतने फीट का होता है ?
(d) posterior part/ प भाग (c) Penicillin /पेिनिसिलन (a) 12
(d) Streptomycin/ े ोमाइिसन (b) 9
Ans. (d) (c) 8
Explanation: The bitterness can be Ans. (c) (d) 6
tasted at the posterior part of the Explanation: But it was not until
tongue. Bitter taste is one of four 1928 that penicillin, the first true Ans. (c)
taste receptors of the tongue. It used antibiotic, was discovered by Explanation: Crabs are crustaceans
to be thought that they were located Alexander Fleming, Professor of with eight walking legs and two legs
toward the back of the tongue. Bacteriology at St. Mary's Hospital that are sometimes used for walking
in London. but usually used for eating. These are
Q142. Amniocentesis is a method its pincers and they are called chela.
for: Q145. Virus contains The front two legs are called
उ वेधन िकसकी िविध है ? वायरस ा होता है ? chelipeds.
(a) determination of foetal health (a) Protein and lipid/ ोटीन और
conditions/ ूण के ा की थित िलिपड Q148. Which one of the following is
का िनधारण (b) Nucleic acid and protein/ ू क found only in women?/ िन िल खत म
(b) determination of-the amino acids अ और ोटीन से कौन सा केवल मिहलाओं म पाया
sequence/अमीनो अ ेणी का (c) Lipid and carbohydrate/िलिपड जाता है ?
िनधारण और काब हाइडे ट (a) Thyroid/थायराइड
(c) inducing abortion/गभपात करवाना (d) Carbohydrate and nucleic add/ (b) Pituitary/पीयूिषका ंिथ
(d) artificial insemination/कृि म काब हाइडे ट और ू क जोड़ (c) Ovary /अंडाशय
गभाधान (d) Adenoid/क शालक
Ans. (b)
Ans. (a) Explanation: All viruses contain Ans. (c)
Explanation: Amniocentesis is a nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA Explanation: The ovary is an organ
medical procedure used primarily in (but not both), and a protein coat, found in the female reproductive
prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal which encases the nucleic acid. Some system that produces an ovum. When
abnormalities and fetal infections as viruses are also enclosed by an released, this travels down the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 19

fallopian tube into the uterus, where बीच के जैिवक संबंध को ा कहा जाता (c) 300 days
it may become fertilized by a sperm. है (d) 365 days
There is an ovary (from Latin (a) Saprophytism/मृतोपजीवी
ovarium, meaning 'egg, nut') found (b) Parasitism/परजीिवता Ans. (b) 280 days
on each side of the body. (c) Mutualism/सहजीिवता Explanation: The average length of
(d) Commensalism/ सहभोिजता human gestation is 280 days, or 40
Q149. Which one of the following is weeks, from the first day of the
NOT a function of kidney? Ans. (c) Mutualism woman's last menstrual period. The
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वृ का काय Explanation: A preeminent medical term for the due date is
नहीं है ? association between flowering plants estimated date of confinement
(a) Regulation of blood pH/र pH and insects is pollination. Pollination (EDC). However, only about four per
का िविनयमन is a mutualism in which two cent of women actually give birth on
(b) Removal of metabolic wastes interactors reciprocally benefit: a their EDC.
from the body/शरीर से उपापचयी host plant receives the service of
अपिश ों को हटाना insect pollination in return for a Q155. Hormones are normally
(c) Production of antibodies/ ितर ी reward provided for its insect absent in/ हाम न सामा प से
का उ ादन pollinator. अनुप थत ह
(d) Regulation of osmotic pressures (a) Rat/चूहा
of the blood/र के परासरणी दबावों Q152. Wood is the common name (b) Monkey/बंदर
का िविनयमन for/ लकड़ी िकसका सामा नाम है (c) Bacteria/जीवाणु
(a) Vascular bundle/ संवहनी बंडल (d) Cat/िब ी
Ans. (c) (b) Cambium/किबयम
Explanation: The kidneys perform (c)Secondary Xylem/मा िमक Ans. (c) Bacteria
many crucial functions, including: जाइलम Explanation: A prokaryote is a
maintaining overall fluid balance. (d) Secondary phloem/मा िमक simple, mostly single-celled
regulating and filtering minerals ोएम (unicellular) organism that lacks a
from blood. nucleus, or any other
filtering waste materials from food, Ans. (c) Secondary xylem membrane-bound organelle.
medications, and toxic substances. Explanation: Secondary xylem is the Hormones are special messengers
creating hormones that help produce type of xylem formed from that control many body functions,
red blood cells, promote bone health, secondary growth. In comparison, including hunger, body temperature,
and regulate blood pressure. the primary xylem forms during mood, growth and development,
primary growth. The primary xylem metabolism, reproductive processes
Q150. Where are the Eucalyptus comes from the procambium whereas etc. The endocrine glands are
trees found in abundance? the secondary xylem grows from the ductless and hence are also called
नीलिगरी के वृ ब तायत म कहाँ पाए vascular cambium. Secondary xylem ductless glands.
जाते ह? is absent in non-woody plants but is
(a) Mizo Hills/िमज़ो पहािड़यां present in trees and shrubs. Q156. The mammal which lays eggs
(b) Naga Hills /नागा पहािड़यां is/ वह नधारीजो अंडे दे ता है
(c) Manipur Hills/मिणपुर पहािड़यां Q153. Taenia solium (Tapeworm) (a)Bat/चमगादड़
(d) Nilgiri Hills/नीलिग र पहािड़याँ lives as a parasite in/ टे िनया सोिलयम (b)Squirrel/िगलहरी
(टे पवम) परजीवी के प म रहता है (c)Kangaroo/ कंगा
Ans. (d) Nilgiri Hills (a)Pig/सूअर (d)Duck billed Platypus
Explanation: The Nilgiri Mountains (b)Abdomen of man/ मानव के पेट
form part of the Western Ghats in (c)Intestine of man/मानव की आं त Ans. (d) Duck billed platypus
western Tamil Nadu of Southern (d)Liver of man/यकृत Explanation: Egg-laying Mammals
India. At least 24 of the Nilgiri There are only five living monotreme
Mountains' peaks are above 2,000 Ans. (c) Intestine of a man species: the duck-billed platypus and
metres (6,600 ft), the highest peak Explanation: Taenia solium infection four species of echidna (also known
being Doddabetta, at 2,637 metres (taeniasis) is an intestinal infection as spiny anteaters). In some ways,
with adult tapeworms that follows monotremes are very primitive for
Q151. The biotic relationship ingestion of contaminated pork. mammals because, like reptiles and
between insects and plants with Q154. The gestation period of birds, they lay eggs rather than
reference to pollination is termed as/ humans is/ मनु ों का गभकाल होता है having live birth.
परागण के संदभ म कीड़े और पौधों के (a) 150 days
(b) 280 days [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 20

Q157. Which of the following has digestive power of pepsin is greatest upward direction.
the smallest egg?/ िन िल खत म से at the acidity of normal gastric juice
िकसका पास सबसे छोटा अंडा है ? (pH 1.5–2.5). In the intestine the Q162. Which of the following is not
(a) Ostrich/शुतुरमुग gastric acids are neutralized (pH 7), a bone in the legs of human body?/
(b) Hummingbird/हिमंगबड and pepsin is no longer effective. िन िल खत म से कौन मानव शरीर के
(c) Pigeon/कबूतर पैरों की ह ी नहीं है ?
(d) Homo Sapiens/होमो सेिपय Q160. Lichens are formed due to the (a) Radius
symbiotic association of/ लाइकेन का (b) Tibia
Ans. (d) Homo Sapiens गठन िकसके सहजीवी संघ के कारण (c) Femur
Explanation: The human egg is a होता है (d) Fibula
giant compared to other cells in the (a) Moss and Fungi/ मॉस और कवक
body. It has a diameter of about 100 (b) Bacteria and Fungi/ बै ी रया और Ans. (a) Radius
microns (millionths of a meter), or कवक Explanation: The major bones of the
roughly the thickness of a strand of (c) Algae and Fungi/ शैवाल और leg are the femur (thigh bone), tibia
hair. कवक (shin bone), and adjacent fibula, and
The Guinness Book of World (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं these are all long bones. The patella
Records indicates that the smallest (kneecap) is the sesamoid bone in
egg laid by any bird belongs to the Ans. (c) Algae and Fungi front of the knee.
bee hummingbird. Usually, the bee Explanation: A lichen is a composite
hummingbird lays eggs that weigh organism that arises from algae or Q163. The heart is covered by a
only 0.0009 ounces and measure cyanobacteria living among membrane called/िदल को एक िझ ी
0.275 inches long (6.985mm) filaments of multiple fungi species in ारा कवर िकया जाता है िजसे कहा
a mutualistic relationship. Lichens जाता है
Q158. The smallest cells in the have different properties from those (a) Epidermis/अिधचम
human body are/ मानव शरीर म सबसे of its component organisms. (b) Dermis/ चा
छोटी कोिशकाएँ होती ह Lichens are excellent indicators of (c) Epicardium/एिपकािडयम
(a) Muscle cells/मां सपेिशयों की pollution. According to the Forest (d) Pericardium/पेरीकािडयम
कोिशकाएं Service lichens can absorb pollutants
(b) Nerve cells/तंि का कोिशकाएं such as heavy metals, carbon and Ans. (d) Pericardium
(c) Blood Cells/ र कोिशकाएं sulfur into their thalli. Extracting Explanation: The pericardium is a
(d) Epithelial Cells/उपकला these pollutants gives an indication thin sac that surrounds your heart. It
कोिशकाएं of the levels present in the protects and lubricates your heart and
atmosphere. This process is known keeps it in place within your chest.
Ans. (c) Blood cells as lichen biomonitoring. The pericardium has two layers. In
Explanation: The smallest cell in the between these two layers is the
human body is the sperm cell. These Q161. Veins differ from arteries in fluid-filled pericardial cavity. It
cells are small in volume. Head of having/िशराएँ िकस तरह धमिनयों से lubricates the heart and protects it
the sperm cell measures about 4 िभ होती ह from injury.
micrometres in length, just a little bit (a) Thinner walls/पतली दीवार
smaller than a red blood cell (RBCs). (b) Strong walls/मजबूत दीवार Q164. Rennin and lactase, the
The largest cell in the human body is (c) Narrower lumen/संकीण लुमेन enzymes required to digest milk,
Egg cells (ovum). (d) Valves to control direction of disappear in the human body by the
flow/ वाह की िदशा को िनयंि त करने age of/रे नीन और लै े ज, दू ध को पचाने
Q159. An enzyme that works in an के िलए वा के िलए आव क एं जाइम, मानव शरीर
acidic medium is/ एक एं जाइम जो एक म िकस उ तक गायब हो जाते ह
अ ीय मा म म काम करता है Ans. (d) Valves to control direction (a) 2
(a) Pepsin/पे न of flow (b) 3
(b) Trypsin/िट न Explanation: Walls: The walls of (c) 5
(c) Ptyalin/ ािलन arteries are rigid, thicker and highly (d) 8
(d) Maltose/मा ोस muscular. The walls of veins are thin
and collapsible. Ans. (a) 2 years
Ans. (a) Pepsin Lumen: Lumen is narrow in arteries. Explanation: Both Rennin and
Explanation: Pepsin, the powerful Lumen is wide in veins. lactase enzymes are involved in the
enzyme in gastric juice that digests Valves: There are no valves in the 'digestion of milk' in the early age of
proteins such as those in meat, eggs, artery vessels. There are valves in the human beings. But they start
seeds, or dairy products.The veins allowing blood to flow in the disappear in the human body by the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 21

age of two years and completely पासर डोमे कस को आम भाषा म Q171. Apiculture is the technique of
disappear at the age of eight years of ______ के नाम से जाना जाता है | scientific rearing of_____in a
human being (a) Parrot / तोता specially designed wooden box.
(b) Lark/ लवा मधुम ी पालन िवशेष प से बनाए गए
Q165. How many teeth are known (c) Sparrow/ गौरै या लकड़ी के िड े म ______ के पालन की
as milk teeth in human beings? (d) Pigeon / कबूतर एक वै ािनक तकनीक है |
मानव म िकतने दां त दू ध के दां त के प (a) Honey bees/ मधुम ी
म जाने जाते ह? Ans. (c) Sparrow (b) Silkworms/ रे शम के कीड़े
(a) 4 Explanation: (c) Moths/ कीट
(b) 12 Parrot- Psittaciformes (d) Termites/ दीमक
(c) 20 Lark- Alaudidae
(d) 28 Sparrow- Passer domesticus Ans. (a) Honey bees
Pigeon- Columba livia domestica Explanation: Apiculture is the
Ans. (c) 20 scientific method of rearing
Explanation: Humans usually have Q169. DNA was first isolated, honeybees. The word ‘apiculture’
20 primary (deciduous, "baby" or analysed and recognised as a unique comes from the Latin word ‘apis’
"milk") teeth and 32 permanent macromolecule by _________ in meaning bee. So, apiculture or
(adult) teeth. 1869 beekeeping is the care and
डीएनए का पहली बार पृथ रण, management of honey bees for the
Q166. Which of the following िवशलेषण तथा एक अि तीय वृहत अणु production of honey and the wax. In
structures (glands) is concerned with के प म पहचान ______ के ारा this method of apiculture, bees are
the production of cortisone hormone िकया गया था | bred commercially in apiaries, an
in man?/ (a) Friedrich Miescher/ े ड रक area where a lot of beehives can be
िन म से कौन सी संरचना ( ंिथयां ) िमशर placed.
मनु म कोिटसोन हाम न के उ ादन से (b) William Astbury/ िविलयम
संबंिधत है ? अ बरी Q172. _____is the study of viruses.
(a) Thyroid/थाइरोइड (c) Oswald Avery / ओसवा अवेरी ______ िवषाणुओं का अ यन है |
(b) Testis/वृषण (d) Alfred Hershey / अ े ड हश (a) Mycology/ मायकोलॉजी
(c) Adrenal/अिधवृ (b) Virology/ वायरोलॉजी
(d) Pancreas/अ ाशय Ans. (a) Friedrich Miescher (c)Protozoology/ ोटोजोलॉजी
Explanation: In 1869, Friedrich (d) Parasitology/ पैरासाइटोलॉजी
Ans. (c) Adrenal Miescher isolated "nuclein," DNA
Explanation: The adrenal glands with associated proteins, from cell Ans. (b) Virology
(also known as suprarenal glands) nuclei. He was the first to identify Explanation: Virology is the study of
are endocrine glands that produce a DNA as a distinct molecule. viral – submicroscopic, parasitic
variety of hormones including particles of genetic material
adrenaline and the steroids Q170. Olfactory receptors are contained in a protein coat – and
aldosterone and cortisol. They are located in our: virus-like agents.
found above the kidneys. ाण संबंधी ापक हमारे ______ म
मौजूद होते ह | Q173. The five kingdom concept of
Q167. The noble gas used for the (a) Nose/ नाक classification of organisms was given
treatment of cancer is (b) Tongue/ जीभ by:
कसर के उपचार के िलए उपयोग की (c)Ears/ कान जीवों को पां च वग म वग कृत करने की
जाने वाली कुलीन गैस है (d) Eyes/ ने अवधारणा िकसके ारा दी गयी थी ?
(a) Radon/राडोण (a) William Paley/ िविलयम पेले
(b) Krypton/ ी ोण Ans. (a) Nose (b) Charles Darwin/ चा डािवन
(c) Argon/आगन Explanation: Olfactory receptor, also (c)Carl Woese/ काल वोएसे
(d) Helium/हीिलयम called smell receptor, protein capable (d) Robert Whittaker/ रोबट टाकर
of binding odour molecules that
Ans. (a) Radon plays a central role in the sense of Ans. (d) Robert Whittaker
Explanation: Radon due to its smell (olfaction).The cilia are Explanation: Whittaker proposed an
radioactive nature is used in covered by the mucus of the nasal elaborate five kingdom classification
treatment of cancer (Radiotherapy). cavity, facilitating the detection of – Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae
and response to odour molecules by and Animalia.
Q168. Passer Domesticus is olfactory receptors.
commonly known as ___________ [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 22

Q174. There are three types of only one allele is passed on to the The dengue virus is carried and
heterotrophs. Which of the following offspring. spread by mosquitoes in the genus
is NOT one of them? Aedes, which includes a number of
तीन कार के परपोषी होते ह | िन म से Q177. Persea Americana is mosquito species
कौन उनम से एक नहीं है ? commonly known as_____.
(a) Consumers/ उपभो ा पिशया अमे रकाना को आमतौर पर Q180. Poor vision in humans can be
(b) Carnivores/ माँ साहारी ______ के नाम से जाना जाता है | due to the deficiency of ______
(c)Omnivores/सवाहारी (a) Avocado/ एवोकैडो मनु ों म खराब ि की सम ा _____
(d) Herbivores/ शाकाहारी (b) Watermelon/ तरबूज की कमी की वजह से हो सकती है |
(c)Orange/ संतरा (a) Iron/ लौह
Ans. (d) Herbivores (d) Grapes/ अंगूर (b) Vitamin A/ िवटािमन ए
Explanation: There are three types of (c)Iodine/ आयोडीन
heterotrophs: are herbivores, Ans. (a) Avocado (d) Vitamin D/ िवटािमन डी
carnivores and omnivores. Explanation:
Avocado- Persea americana Ans. (b) Vitamin A
Q175. _____ is the study of fungi. Watermelon- Citrullus lanatus Explanation: Vitamin A is a group of
______ कवक का अ यन है | Orange- Citrus X sinensis unsaturated nutritional organic
(a) Geobiology/ िजयोबायोलॉजी Grapes- Vitis vinifera compounds that includes retinol,
(b) Mycology/ मायकोलॉजी retinal, retinoic acid, and several
(c) Chronobiology/ ोनोबायोलॉजी Q178. Identify the largest muscle in provitamin A carotenoids
(d) Gerontology/ गेरोंटोलॉजी the human body. (most notably beta-carotene).
मानव शरीर म सबसे बड़ी मां सपेशी की Vitamin A has multiple functions: it
Ans. (b) Mycology पहचान कर | is important for growth and
Explanation: Mycology is the branch (a) Sartorius/ दीघतमा development, for the maintenance of
of biology concerned with the study (b) Iliopsoas/ ोिणफलक किटल का the immune system, and for good
of fungi, including their genetic and (c) Gluteus Maximus/ बृहत् िनतंिबका vision.
biochemical properties, (d)Latissimus Dorsi/ लािट मुस
their taxonomy and their use to डोरसी Q181. Which vitamin is prepared by
humans as a source for our body in the presence of sunlight?
tinder, traditional medicine, food, Ans. (c) Gluteus maximus सूय काश की उप थित म हमारे शरीर
and entheogens, as well as their Explanation: The gluteus maximus is के ारा िकस िवटािमन का िनमाण िकया
dangers, such as toxicity or infection. the largest muscle in the human जाता है ?
body. It is large and powerful (a) Vitamin A/ िवटािमन ए
Q176. Which of the following is because it has the job of keeping the (b) Vitamin C/ िवटािमन सी
NOT one of the great paradigms of trunk of the body in an erect posture. (c) Vitamin D/ िवटािमन डी
biology? It is the chief antigravity muscle that (d) Vitamin B/ िवटािमन बी
िन म से कौन जीविव ान का एक महान aids in walking up stairs. The hardest
ितमान नहीं है ? working muscle is the heart. Ans. (c) Vitamin D
(a) Mendel's laws of inheritance/ Explanation: Vitamin D obtained
मंडल का आनुवंिशकता िनयम Q179. Which of the following is the from sun exposure, food, and
(b) Archimedes’ principle/ vector of Malaria? supplements is biologically inert and
आकिमडीज का िस ां त िन म से कौन मले रया का वाहक है ? must undergo two hydroxylations in
(c)Establishment of comparative (a) Aedes Mosquito/ एडीज म र the body for activation. The first
biochemistry/ तुलना क जैवरसायन (b) Anopheles Mosquito/ एनोफेलीज occurs in the liver and converts
की थापना म र vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D
(d) Darwin’s theory of evolution/ (c) Sand Fly/ बड़म ी [25(OH)D], also known as calcidiol.
डािवन का म िवकास िस ां त (d) Fleas/ िप ू
Q182. Which of the following
Ans. (b) Archimedes principle Ans. (b) Anopheles mosquito flowers is botanically known as
Explanation: The Mendel's laws of Explanation: Dianthus?
inheritance include law of Malaria is transmitted through the िन म से िकस फूल का वान ितक नाम
dominance, law of segregation and bites of infective female Anopheles डायनथस है ?
law of independent assortment. The mosquitoes. (a) Rose/ गुलाब
law of segregation states that every (b) Daffodil/ डै फोिडल
individual possesses two alleles and (c)Lily/ िलली
(d) Carnation/ गुलनार [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 23

Ans. (b) Apple
Ans. (d) Carnation Explanation: Banana- Musa Ans. (c) Paracetamol
Explanation: Dianthus is a genus of acuminata Explanation: Paracetamol
about 300 species of flowering plants (acetaminophen) is a pain reliever
in the family Caryophyllaceae, native Q186. Which of the below and a fever reducer. The exact
mainly to Europe and Asia, with a mentioned human organs can regrow mechanism of action is not known.
few species extending south to north after damage in adults? Paracetamol is used to treat many
Africa, and one species (D. repens) िन म से कौन सा मानव अंग वय ों म conditions such as headache, muscle
in arctic North America. Common ित होने के बाद िफर से िवकिसत aches, arthritis, backache,
names include carnation हो सकता है ? toothaches, colds, and fevers.
(a) Kidney/ गुदा
Q183. Excessive amount of ____in (b) Liver/ यकृत Q190. The process of blood clotting
the body causes gout. (c) Gallbladder/ िप ाशय is called_____.
शरीर म ______ की अ िधक मा ा (d) Lung/ फेफड़ा र के थ ा जमने की ि या को
गिठया की वजह बनती है | _____ कहते ह |
(a) uric acid/ यू रक अ Ans. (b) Liver (a) coagulation/ ं दन
(b) lactic acid/ लै क अ Explanation: Liver regeneration is (b)thrombocytopenia/
(c) nitric acid/ नाइिटक अ the process by which the liver is able ो ोसाइटोपेिनया
(d) acetic acid/ एिसिटक अ to replace lost liver tissue from (c) haemophilia/ हीमोिफिलया
growth from the remaining tissue. (d) homophobia/ होमोफोिबया
Ans. (a) Uric acid
Explanation: A form of arthritis Q187. Citrullus lanatus is the Ans. (a) Coagulation
characterised by severe pain, redness botanical name for______. Explanation: Coagulation, also
and tenderness in joints. Pain and िसटलस लैनेटस ______ का known as clotting, is the process by
inflammation occur when too much वान ितक नाम है | which blood changes from a liquid to
uric acid crystallises and deposits in (a) Apple/ सेब a gel, forming a blood clot. It
the joints. (b) Watermelon/ तरबूज potentially results in hemostasis, the
(c) Orange/ संतरा cessation of blood loss from a
Q184. Which of the following (d) Banana/ केला damaged vessel, followed by repair.
flowers is botanically known as
Narcissus? Ans. (b) Watermelon Q191. Diabetes is a condition in
िन म से िकस फूल का वान ितक नाम which the level of _____in an
नॉरिशसस है ? Q188. Bos mutus is the scientific individual’s blood becomes too high.
(a) Rose/ गुलाब name for: मधुमेह एक थित है िजसम िकसी
(b) Carnation/ गुलनार बोस ूटस िकसका वै ािनक नाम है ? के र म ______ का र बेहद
(c)Lily/ िलली (a) Wild Yak/ जंगली याक ऊँचा हो जाता है |
(d) Daffodil/ डै फोिडल (b) Horse/ घोड़ा (a) sucrose/ सु ोज
(c) Ox/ बैल (b) glucose/ ूकोज
Ans. (d) Daffodil (d) Buffalo/ भस (c) galactose/ गैले ोज
Explanation: Narcissus is a genus of (d) maltose/ मा ोज
predominantly spring perennial Ans. (a) Wild Yak
plants of the amaryllis family, Explanation: Horse- Equus caballus, Ans. (b) Glucose
Amaryllidaceae. Various common Ox- Bos taurus, Buffalo- Bubalus Explanation: Diabetes is a group of
names including daffodil, narcissus bubalis diseases that result in too much sugar
and jonquil are used to describe all or in the blood (high blood glucose).
some members of the genus Q189. _______is a commonly used
medicine that can help treat pain and Q192. In humans, each cell normally
Q185. Malus pumila is the botanical reduce high body temperature. contains_____pairs of chromosomes.
name of the _____tree. _______ आमतौर पर योग म आने मनु ों म, ेक कोिशका म आमतौर
मेलस ूिमला ______ के वृ का वाली दवा है जो दद का उपचार तथा पर गुणसू ों के ______ यु होते ह |
वान ितक नाम है | उ शारी रक तापमान को कम करने म (a) 22
(a) Banana/ केला सहायक हो सकती है | (b) 24
(b) Apple/ सेब (a) Dextromethorphan/ डे ोिमथोपन (c) 23
(c) Orange/ संतरा (b) Bismuth / िब ुथ (d) 21
(d) Watermelon/ तरबूज (c) Paracetamol/ पेरािसटामोल
(d) Guaifenesin/ गुईफिसन Ans. (c) 23 [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 24

Explanation: In humans, each cell Explanation: The amphibian Explanation: Enamel is the hardest
normally contains 23 pairs of metamorphosis is under substance in the human body and
chromosomes, for a total of 46. neuroendocrine control, involving contains the
Twenty-two of these pairs, called neurosecretory cells in the brain (the highest percentage of minerals (at
autosomes, look the same in both hypothalamus) and two 96%), with water and organic
males and females. The 23rd pair, the endocrine glands, the pituitary material composing the rest. The
sex chromosomes, differ between (anterior pituitary) and the primary mineral is hydroxyapatite,
males and females. thyroid.The thyroid gland secretes which is a crystalline calcium
thyroxine (TH), a hormone essential phosphate. Enamel is formed on the
Q193. ____is the stigma of Crocus for the growth and development of tooth while the tooth develops within
Sativus L. all vertebrates including humans. the jaw bone before it erupts into the
ोकस सैिटवस एल का योिन-छ mouth. Once fully formed, enamel
_____ होता है | Q196. _________is The Most does not contain blood vessels or
(a) Saffron/ केस रया Abundant Molecule In Cells, nerves. Remineralisation of teeth can
(b) Turmeric/ह ी Accounting For 70% Or More Of repair damage to the tooth to a
(c) Artichoke/अ आिटचोक Total Cell Mass. certain degree but damage beyond
(d) Ginger/ अदरक _______ कोिशकाओं म सबसे चुर that cannot be repaired by the body.
मा ा म अणु होते है ,जो कोिशका The maintenance and repair of
Ans. (a) Saffron मान का 70% या उससे अिधक human tooth enamel is one of the
Explanation: Saffron is the dried होती है । primary concerns of dentistry
stigma of the flowers of saffron (a) Nucleic Acid/ ू कअ
(Crocus sativus L., Iridaceae). In (b) Lipid/िलिपड Q198. Which Of The Following
addition to being a widely used food (c)Protein/ ोटीन Factor Does Not Affect the Level Of
additive, saffron is used in traditional (d) Water/पानी Glycated Hemoglobin.
medicine for vomiting, spasms, (a) Blood Deficiency/र की कमी
asthma, bronchitis, fever, colds, Ans. (d) Water (b) Iron Deficiency/आयरन की कमी
cardiovascular disorders, and also Explanation: Cells are composed of (c) Memory Loss/ याददा जाना
cancer. water, inorganic ions, and (d) Pregnancy/गभाव था
carbon-containing (organic)
Q194. Oxalic Acid Is Found In- molecules. Water is the most Ans. (c) Memory loss
ओ ेिलक अ िकसमे पाया जाता है ? abundant molecule in cells,
(a) Myrobalan/आं वला accounting for 70% or more of total Q199. Snuff Indicators Indicate
(b) Tamarind/इमली cell mass. Consequently, the Changes in The Following
(c) Lemon/नी ू interactions between water and the सूंघने वाले संकेतक िन िल खत म
(d) Spinach/पालक other constituents of cells are of प रवतन दशाते है ?
central importance in biological (a) Chemical State /रसायन अव था
Ans. (d) Spinach chemistry. The critical property of (b) Physical State /भौितक अव था
Explanation: Raw spinach contains water in this respect is that it is a (c) Colour /रं ग
oxalic acid, an organic substance that polar molecule, in which the (d) Smell /गंध
can interfere with the absorption of hydrogen atoms have a slight
essential nutrients like calcium and positive charge and the oxygen has a Ans. (d) Smell
iron? Oxalic acid binds with calcium, slight negative charge
making it unavailable for use by our Q200. ___________ Is The Result
bodies. Q197. Tooth Enamel Is Made Up Of Of The Covalent Bonding Of A
दं त इनेमल िकस से बनता है - Sugar Molecule, Such As Glucose Or
Q195. Metamorphosis in Frog is (a) Calcium Sulfate/कै शयम स े ट Fructose To A Protein Or Lipid
controlled by: (b)Calcium Silicate/ कै शयम Molecule, Without The Controlling
मढ़को म पा रण िकसे ारा िनयंि त िसिलकेट Action Of An Enzyme.
होता है (c)Calcium Carbonate/कै शयम __________ ूकोज और
(a) Adrenal /एडे निलन काब नेट ोटीन,िलिपड् स या ू क एिसडों
(b) Melatonin/मेलोटोिनन (d) Calcium Phosphate/कै शयम जैसी घुलने वाली शकराओं के बीच
(c) Insulin/इ ुिलन फॉ े ट गैर-एं जायमी अिभि या होती है
(d)Thyroxine/थायरो न (a) Glycation / ाइकेशन
Ans. (d) Calcium phosphate (b) Cellular Respiration/सेलुलर सन
Ans. (d) Thyroxine (c)Phosphorylation/फ़ॉ फ़ो रलीकरण [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 25

(d)Pyruvate Oxidation/पाइ वेट Q203. Which one of the following is gets affected by the illness
ऑ ीकरण a degenerative disorder of the brain osteoporosis?
and one of several conditions that अ थ सुिषरता ( ऑ योपोरोिसस)
Ans. (a) Glycation cause dementia, a progressive बीमारी से मानव शरीर का कौन सा भाग
Explanation: Glycation (sometimes decline of mental functions resulting भािवत होता है ?
called non-enzymatic glycosylation) in memory loss and confusion? (a)Bones/ हि याँ
is the covalent attachment of a sugar िन म से कौन म का एक (b)Lungs/ फेफड़े
to a protein or lipid. Typical sugars अप यी िवकार तथा एक गंभीर थित है (c)Brain/ म
that participate in glycation are जो पागलपन का कारण बनती है अथात (d)Kidney/ गुद
glucose, fructose, or their मानिसक काय म लगातार य िजसका
derivatives. Glycation is a biomarker प रणाम ृित लोप और असमंजस के Ans. (a) Bones
for diabetes and is implicated in प म होता है ? Explanation: Osteoporosis, or porous
some diseases and in aging. (a)Schizophrenia/ िसज़ो े िनया bone, is a disease characterized by
(b)Alzheimer’s disease/ अ ाइमर low bone mass and structural
Q201. Which of the following रोग deterioration of bone tissue, leading
instruments is used for visual (c)Amnesia/ ृित लोप to bone fragility and an increased
examination of eardrum? (d)Concussion/ आघात risk of fractures of the hip, spine, and
कणपटह ( कान का पदा ) के जां च wrist. Men as well as women are
के िलए िन म से िकस उपकरण का Ans. (b)Alzheimer’s disease affected by osteoporosis, a disease
योग िकया जाता है ? Explanation:A progressive disease that can be prevented and treated.
(a)Phonograph/ फोनो ाफ that destroys memory and other
(b)Polygraph/ पॉली ाफ important mental functions. Brain Q206. Which one of the following is
(c)Otoscope/ ओटो ोप cell connections and the cells an X-linked, recessive disorder
(d)Optometer/ ऑ ोमीटर themselves degenerate and die, caused by the deficiency of
eventually destroying memory and functional plasma clotting factor
Ans. (c) Otoscope other important mental functions. VIII(FVIII), which may be inherited
Explanation: An otoscope or Memory loss and confusion are the or arise from spontaneous mutation?
auriscope is a medical device which main symptoms. िन म से कौन X संबंधी एक ितसारी
is used to look into the ears. Health No cure exists, but medication and िवकार है जो काया क ा ा थ ा
care providers use otoscopes to management strategies may कारक VIII (FVIII) की कमी के कारण
screen for illness during regular temporarily improve symptoms. होता है , जो वंशानुगत या ाभािवक
check-ups and also to investigate ear उ रवतन से उ हो सकता है ?
symptoms. An otoscope potentially Q204. The Bacille Calmette-Guerin (a)Multiple Myeloma/ एकािधक
gives a view of the ear canal and vaccine(popularly called BCG मायलोमा
tympanic membrane or eardrum. vaccine) is a vaccine to prevent (b)Leukemia/ ूकेिमया
which of these diseases? (c)Venous Thrombosis/वेनस
Q202. Which is the largest bone in बैिसिल कैलमेट गुए रन टीका ( लोकि य ो ोिसस
the human body? नाम बीसीजी टीका ) िन म से िकस (d)Haemophilia A/ हीमोफीिलया A
मानव शरीर की सबसे बड़ी ह ी इनम से बीमारी से बचाव का एक टीका है ?
कौन है ? (a)Jaundice/ जौंिडस Ans. (d) Haemophilia A
(a)Femur/ फीमर (b)Typhoid/ टाइफाइड Explanation: Haemophilia is a
(b)Incus/ इ स (c)Tuberculosis/ य ा mostly inherited genetic disorder that
(c)Malleus/ मैिलयस (d)Polio/ पोिलयो impairs the body's ability to make
(d)Stapes/ े पीज blood clots, a process needed to stop
Ans.(c)Tuberculosis bleeding.This results in people
Ans. (a)Femur Explanation: BCG, or bacille bleeding for a longer time after an
Explanation: The strongest, longest, Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for injury, easy bruising, and an
and largest bone in the human body tuberculosis (TB) disease. Many increased risk of bleeding inside
is the femur, or thigh bone, which is foreign-born persons have been joints or the brain.Those with a mild
a bone in the leg that runs from the BCG-vaccinated. BCG is used in case of the disease may have
knee to the hip. All weight from the many countries with a high symptoms only after an accident or
upper part of the human body rests prevalence of TB to prevent during surgery.
on the leg bones when walking or childhood tuberculous meningitis
standing, and therefore these bones and military disease. Q207. The_____ is the stem-like part
must be long and strong. of the leaf that joins the blade to the
Q205. Which part of the human body stem. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 26

_______ प ी का तने जैसा भाग होता है have more melanin in their skin than कोिशकाओं की पतली परत _____
जो प ी को तने से जोड़ता है | light-skinned people have. Melanin कहलाती है |
(a)Stipules/ िनप is produced by cells called (a)Pith/ म ा
(b)Petiole/ डं ठल melanocytes. (b)Crawn/ ॉन
(c)Midrib/ म िशरा (c)Xylem/ जाइलम
(d)Vein/ नस Q210. The total number of living (d)Cambium/ किबयम
organisms, both plants and animals,
Ans. (b) Petiole in a given area is called: Ans. (d) Cambium
Explanation: It is the stalk-like िकसी िदए गये े म सजीवों अथात Explanation: The thin layer of living
structure which connects the leaf पौधों तथा पशुओं दोनों की कुल सं ा cells just inside the bark is called
blade to the stem. The petiole has ा कहलाती है ? cambium. It is the part of the tree
tiny tubes that connect the veins on (a)buffers/ उभयरोधी that makes new cells allowing the
the leaf blade to the stem. Few of (b)biomass/ जैव भार tree to grow wider each year.
these enable water transport to the (c)batholith/ अधः शैल
leaf while the other carry food away (d)barrage/ बाँ ध Q213. Tears in the eyes are produced
from the leaf to other parts of the by which of the following glands?
plant. Ans. (b) Biomass आँ खों म आं सुओं का िनमाण िन म से
Explanation: The biomass is the िकस ंिथ के ारा िकया जाता है ?
Q208. Flower colours of red, pink, mass of living biological organisms (a)Lacrimal gland/ अ ु ंिथ
blue and purple come mainly from in a given area or ecosystem at a (b)Thyroid gland/थाइरोइड ंिथ
pigments called ______. given time. Biomass can refer to (c)Pituitary gland/ पीयूिषका ंिथ
फूल के लाल, गुलाबी, नीले और बगनी species biomass, which is the mass (d)Hypothalamus gland/ अधः ेतक
रं ग मु प से _____ नामक रं जकों से of one or more species, or to ंिथ
ा होते ह | community biomass, which is the
(a)Carotenoids/ कैरोटे नोइड mass of all species in the community. Ans. (a) Lacrimal Gland
(b)Lycopene/ लाइकोपेन Explanation: In human physiology,
(c)Chlorophyll/ ोरोिफल the lacrimal glands are paired,
(d)Anthocyanins/ एं थोिसयािनन Q211. Which of the following is a almond-shaped exocrine glands, one
fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role for each eye, that secrete the aqueous
Ans. (d)Anthocyanins in blood clotting, bone metabolism layer of the tear film. They are
Explanation: Anthocyanins are and regulating blood calcium levels. situated in the upper lateral region of
colored water-soluble pigments िन म से कौन एक वसा िवलेय िवटािमन each orbit, in the lacrimal fossa of
belonging to the phenolic group. The है जो र का थ ा जमाने, ह ी the orbit formed by the frontal bone.
pigments are in glycosylated forms. चयापचय एवं र म कै शयम र को
Anthocyanins responsible for the िनयंि त करने म एक भूिमका िनभाता है Q214. In the context of agriculture,
colors, red, purple, and blue, are in ? the term ‘barani’ refers to______.
fruits and vegetables. Berries, (a)Vitamin C/ िवटािमन C कृिष के संदभ म ‘बरानी’ श _____
currants, grapes, and some tropical (b)Vitamin B/ िवटािमन B को संदिभत करता है |
fruits have high anthocyanins (c)Vitamin K/ िवटािमन K (a)dry farming/ शु कृिष
content. (d)Vitamin A/ िवटािमन A (b)rainfed farming/ वषापोिषत कृिष
(c)mixed farming/ िमि त कृिष
Q209. The pigment that gives human Ans. (c) Vitamin K (d)irrigated farming/ िसंिचत कृिष
skin, hair and eyes their colour is Explanation: Vitamin K refers to a
called: group of fat-soluble vitamins that Ans. (b)rainfed farming
वह रं जक ा कहलाता है जो मनु ों की play a role in blood clotting, bone Explanation: Rainfed agriculture is a
चा, बाल और आँ खों को उनके रं ग metabolism, and regulating blood type of farming that relies on rainfall
दान करता है ? calcium levels. The body needs for water. It provides much of the
(a)phthalocyanine/ थैलोसायिनन vitamin K to produce prothrombin, a food consumed by poor communities
(b)melanin/ मेलेिनन protein and clotting factor that is in developing countries.
(c)quinacridone/ ने ाइडोन important in blood clotting and bone
(d)alizarin/ एिलज रन metabolism. Q215. Which of the following is
NOT a valve of the Heart?
Ans. (b) melanin Q212. The thin layer of living cells िन म से कौन दय का एक कपाट नहीं
Explanation: Melanin: The pigment just inside the bark of a tree is है ?
that gives human skin, hair, and eyes called_______. (a)Mitral/ माइटल
their color. Dark-skinned people एक वृ की छाल के भीतर सजीव (b)Aortic/ महाधमनी [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 27

(c)Tricuspid/ि कपद hormones is known to be helpful in है जो सजीवों म पाया जाता है |
(d)Septum/ पट coping with stress? (d)hydrogen-based compound found
िन म से कौन सा हॉम न तनाव का in living things/ हाइडोजन आधा रत
Ans. (d) Septum सामना करने म सहायक माना जाता है ? यौिगक है जो सजीवों म पाया जाता है |
Explanation: The septum is the (a)Serotonin/ सेरोटोिनन
cartilage in the nose that separates (b)Testosterone/ टे ो े रोन Ans. (c) carbon-based compound
the nostrils. Typically, it sits at the (c)Calcitonin/ कै टोिनन found in living things
center and divides the nostrils evenly. (d)Melatonin/ मेलाटोिनन Explanation: A biochemical
However, in some people, this isn't compound is any compound that
the case. Many people have an Ans.(a) Serotonin contains carbon and is found in
uneven septum, which makes one Explanation: Serotonin impacts living things. They're involved in
nostril larger than the other. Severe every part of your body, from your every process of life, including
unevenness is known as a deviated emotions to your motor skills. growth, digestion, respiration, you
septum. Serotonin is considered a natural name it. There are four classes of
mood stabilizer. It’s the chemical that biochemical compounds:
Q216. Hypokalaemia is caused by helps with sleeping, eating, and carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats),
the deficiency of ________. digesting. Serotonin also helps: and nucleic acids.
हाइपोकैलेिमया ______ की कमी के ● reduce depression
कारण होता है | ● regulate anxiety Q221. The right pulmonary artery
(a)Iodine/ आयोडीन ● heal wounds is_____.
(b)Potassium/ पोटै िशयम ● stimulate nausea दािहनी फु ु सीय धमनी होती है
(c)Iron/ आयरन ● maintain bone health _______
(d)Calcium/ कै शयम (a)longer than the left/ बायीं की तुलना
Q219. Who among the following म लंबी
Ans. (b)Potassium discovered the circulation of blood? (b)wider than the left/ बायीं की तुलना
Explanation: In hypokalemia, the िन म से िकसने र के प रसंचरण की म चौड़ी
level of potassium in blood is too खोज की थी ? (c)shorter than the left/ बायीं की तुलना
low. A low potassium level has many (a)William Harvey/ िविलयम हाव म छोटी
causes but usually results from (b)Florence Rena Sabin/ ोरस रे ना (d)of the same size as the left/ बायीं
vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal gland सिबन की तुलना म समान आकार की
disorders, or use of diuretics. A low (c)Ernest Heinrich Weber/ अन
potassium level can make muscles हे न रच वेबर Ans. (a) longer than the left
feel weak, cramp, twitch, or even (d)Van Leeuwenhock/ वैन ूवेनहॉक Explanation: A pulmonary artery is
become paralyzed, and abnormal an artery in the pulmonary
heart rhythms may develop. Ans. .(a) William Harvey circulation that carries deoxygenated
Explanation: William Harvey (1 blood from the right side of the heart
Q217. Which of the following is an April 1578 – 3 June 1657) was an to the lungs. The largest pulmonary
example of terrestrial habitat? English physician who made seminal artery is the main pulmonary artery
िन म से कौन थलीय वास थल का contributions in anatomy and or pulmonary trunk from the heart,
एक उदाहरण है ? physiology. He was the first known and the smallest ones are the
(a)Grassland/ तृणभूिम physician to describe completely, and arterioles, which lead to the
(b)Lagoon/ लैगून in detail, the systemic circulation and capillaries that surround the
(c)Rocks/ च ान properties of blood being pumped to pulmonary alveoli.
(d)Swamp/ दलदल the brain and body by the heart. The main pulmonary artery splits
into the right and the left main
Ans. (a) Grassland Q220. A biochemical compound is pulmonary artery.The left main
Explanation: Terrestrial habitats are any/एक जैव-रासायिनक यौिगक कोई pulmonary artery is shorter and
ones that are found on land, like भी somewhat smaller than the right,
forests, grasslands, deserts, (a)mineral-based compound found in passes horizontally in front of the
shorelines, and wetlands. Terrestrial living things/ खिनज आधा रत यौिगक descending aorta and left bronchus to
habitats also include man made है जो सजीवों म पाया जाता है | the root of the left lung.
habitats, like farms, towns, and (b)sulfur-based compound found in
cities, and habitats that are under the living things/ स र आधा रत यौिगक Q222. Canis lupus’ is commonly
earth, like caves and mines. है जो सजीवों म पाया जाता है | known as___.
(c)carbon-based compound found in ‘कैिनस लुपस’ आमतौर पर िकस नाम से
Q218. Which of the following living things/ काबन आधा रत यौिगक जाना जाता है ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 28

(a)Cow/ गाय sheep. There are over 300 distinct Q227. ____is known as the ‘Father
(b)Goat/ बकरी breeds of goat. Goats are one of the of Indian Ornithology’
(c)Gray wolf/ धूसर भेिड़या oldest domesticated species of ______ को भारतीय प ी िव ान का
(d)Hen/ मुग animals, and have been used for जनक कहा जाता है |
milk, meat, fur, and skins across (a)Salim Ali/ सािलम अली
Ans. (c) Gray wolf much of the world.Milk from goats is (b)John James Audubon/ जॉन जे
Explanation: The wolf (Canis lupus), often turned into goat cheese. औडु बन
also known as the gray/grey wolf, (c)Konrad Lorenz/ कोनाड लोरज
timber wolf, or tundra wolf, is a Q225. Name the long-haired (d)Allan Octavian Hume/ एलन
canine native to the wilderness and mammals found throughout the ओ ािवयन ह्यूम
remote areas of Eurasia and North Himalayan region.
America. It is the largest extant ल े बालों वाले नधारी का नाम बताएं Ans.(d) Allan Octavian Hume
member of its family, with males जो िहमालयी े म पाए जाते ह | Explanation: Allan Octavian Hume -
averaging 43–45 kg 95–99 lb) and (a) Ox/ बैल Indian Ornithology - Ornithologist -
females 36–38.5 kg (b) Bison/ बायसन A O Hume - Birding in India. Allan
(c) Yak/ याक Octavian Hume (June 6, 1829 - July
Q223. Which of the following (d) Heifer/ बिछया 31, 1912), was a Scottish civil
creatures use ultrasonic sound to servant, political reformer and the
catch their prey? Ans. (c) Yak founder of the Indian National
िन म से कौन सा जीव अपने िशकार को Explanation: The domestic yak (Bos Congress. He was described by Dr
पकड़ने के िलए अ ासोिनक िन का grunniens) is a long-haired Salim Ali as 'Father' of Indian
योग करता है ? domesticated bovid found throughout Ornithology.
(a)Bats/ चमगादड़ the Himalayan region of the Indian
(b)Cats/ िब ी subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau and Q228. ._____are called suicidal bags
(c)Hawks/ बाज as far north as Mongolia and Russia. of the cell.
(d)Dogs/ कु े It is descended from the wild yak . _______ कोिशका के आ घाती बैग
कहलाते ह।
Ans. (a) Bats Q226. ‘Megaptera novaeangliae’ is (a)Golgi Apparatus/गो ीकाय
Explanation: Bats catch insects commonly known as_____. (b)Lysosomes/लाइसोसोम
continuously using echolocation, an ‘मेगापटे रा नॉवेएंगली’ का सामा नाम (c)Ribosomes/राइबोसोम
advanced navigation system. The bat ____ है | (d)Mitochondria/माइटोकॉ या
emits ultrasonic waves with very (a)African wild cat/ अ ीकी जंगली
high frequencies. Its calls are pitched िब ी Ans. (b) Lysosomes
at 20-100 kilohertz, a frequency that (b)Bumblebee/ भंवरा Explanation: Lysosomes are
is too high-pitched for humans to (c)Tree frog/ वृ मढक membrane-enclosed organelles that
hear naturally. (d)Humpback whale/ कूबड़ वाली े ल contain an array of enzymes capable
of breaking down all types of
Q224. ’Capra aegagrus hircus’ is Ans. (d) Humpback whale biological polymers—proteins,
commonly known as_____. Explanation: The humpback whale nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and
‘कै ा एगा स िहरकस’ को सामा प (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a lipids.
से _____ के नाम से जाना जाता है | species of baleen whale. One of the
(a)Cow/ गाय larger rorqual species, adults range in Q229. Identify the disease caused by
(b)Goat/ बकरी length from 12–16 m (39–52 ft) and the deficiency of Vitamin B1.
(c)Hen/ मुग weigh around 25–30 metric tons िवटािमन B1 की कमी से होने वाले रोग
(d)Dog/ कु ा (28–33 short tons). The humpback की पहचान कर |
has a distinctive body shape, with (a)Ariboflavinosis/ राइबो ोिवन
Ans.(b) Goat long pectoral fins and a knobbly हीनता
Explanation: The domestic goat or head. It is known for breaching and (b)Beriberi/ बेरीबेरी
simply goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) other distinctive surface behaviors, (c)Rickets/ सूखा रोग
is a subspecies of C. aegagrus making it popular with whale (d)Glossitis/ िज ा की सूजन
domesticated from the wild goat of watchers. Males produce a complex
Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. song lasting 10 to 20 minutes, which Ans. (b) Beriberi
The goat is a member of the animal they repeat for hours at a time. Its Explanation: Beriberi is a disease
family Bovidae and the purpose is not clear, though it may caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency,
goat—antelope subfamily Caprinae, have a role in mating. also known as thiamine deficiency.
meaning it is closely related to the There are two types of the disease: [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 29

wet beriberi and dry beriberi. Wet िनभाता है |
beriberi affects the heart and Q233. The_____in the human body (a)Stomach / पेट
circulatory system. In extreme cases, controls every activity that you (b)Liver/ यकृत
wet beriberi can cause heart failure. perform. (c)Kidney / गुदा
मानव शरीर म _________ आपके ारा (d)Brain / म
Q230. Enzymes are____that act as िकये जाने वाले हर काय को िनयंि त
catalysts within the living cells. करता है | Ans.(d) brain
एं जाइम ______ होते ह जो जीिवत (a)respiratory system/ सन तं Explanation: The hypothalamus is a
कोिशकाओं के भीतर उ ेरक का काय (b)nervous system/ तंि का तं small region of the brain. It's located
करते ह | (c)digestive system/ पाचन तं at the base of the brain, near the
(a)calcium/ कै शयम (d)reproductive system/ जनन तं pituitary gland. While it's very small,
(b)carbohydrates/ काब हाइडे ट the hypothalamus plays a crucial role
(c)vitamins/ िवटािमन Ans. (b) nervous system in many important functions,
(d)proteins/ ोटीन Explanation: The nervous system is including: releasing hormones.
the part of an animal that coordinates regulating body temperature.
Ans. (d) proteins its actions by transmitting signals to
Explanation: Enzymes are proteins and from different parts of its body. Q236. Which is the smallest bone in
that act as catalysts within living The nervous system detects the human body?
cells. Catalysts increase the rate at environmental changes that impact मानव शरीर की सबसे छोटी ह ी कौन
which chemical reactions occur the body, then works in tandem with सी है ?
without being consumed or the endocrine system to respond to (a)Incus/ थूणक
permanently altered themselves. As a such events. (b)Stapes/ े पीज
catalyst, an enzyme can facilitate the (c)Malleus/मैलेउस
same chemical reaction over and Q234. __________ is an inherited (d)Metatarsal/ पिदकीय
over again. blood disorder due to which people
suffering from this condition are Ans. (b) Stapes
Q231. In humans, fertilisation unable to make haemoglobin. Explanation: The stapes is the
usually takes place in the ______. _______ एक आनुवंिशक र िवकार है smallest bone in the body. It is one of
मनु ों म, िनषेचन आमतौर पर _____ म िजसकी वजह से लोग ऐसी अव था से three tiny bones in the middle ear
होता है | पीिड़त हो जाते ह िजसम वे हीमो ोिबन that send sound from the outer ear to
(a)Ovary/ अंडाशय का िनमाण करने म स म नहीं होते | the inner ear. Together they are
(b)Vagina/ योिन (a)Bone Marrow failure/ अ थ म ा known as the ossicles, these bones
(c)Fallopian tube/ िड वाही निलका म िवकार are individually referred to as the
(d)Uterus/ गभाशय (b)Thalassemia / थैलीिसिमया malleus,incus, and stapes.
(c)Stroke/ आघात
Ans.(c) Fallopian tube (d)Thrombosis / ो ोिसस Q237. Mucosa, Submucosa,
Explanation: A pregnancy starts with Muscularis and Adventitia are the
fertilization, when a woman's egg Ans. (b) Thalassemia four layers of the ____wall.
joins with a man's sperm. Explanation:Thalassemias are ूकोसा, सब ूकोसा, म ुल रस और
Fertilization usually takes place in a inherited blood disorders एडविटिटया ____की दीवार की चार
fallopian tube that links an ovary to characterized by abnormal परत ह।
the uterus. If the fertilized egg hemoglobin production. Symptoms (a) Stomach/अमाशय
successfully travels down the depend on the type and can vary (b)Gastrointestinal/गै ोइं टे ाइल
fallopian tube and implants in the from none to severe. Often there is (c)Throat/गला
uterus, an embryo starts growing. mild to severe anemia (low red blood (d) Nasal/नाक
cells).Thalassemias are genetic
Q232. Which of the following is the disorders inherited from a person's Ans.(b) Gastrointestinal
universal recipient blood group? parents. Explanation: The gastrointestinal
िन म से कौन सा र समूह wall surrounding the lumen of the
सावभौिमक ापक होता है ? Q235. The hypothalamus, a small gastrointestinal tract is made up of
(a)O region of the _______ plays a crucial four layers of specialised tissue –
(b)B role in many important functions of from the lumen outwards:
(c)A the human body. Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscular layer,
(d)AB हायपोथेलेमस (अध ेतक )_______ का Serosa (if the tissue is
एक छोटा े होता है जो मानव शरीर के intraperitoneal) / Adventitia (if the
Ans. (d) AB कई मह पूण काय म ज़ री भूिमका tissue is retroperitoneal) -- these last [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 30

two tissue types differ slightly in bryology, and the scientists who much more than a commercially
form and function according to the study them are called bryologists available tablet.
part of the gastrointestinal tract they
belong to (see the section below for Q240. Which symbiotic bacteria are Q243. Which of the following cell
more detail) responsible for determining organelle contains DNA apart from
nitrogen?/नाइटोजन के िनधारण के िलए nucleus?
Q238. The upper part of the कौन सा सहजीवी जीवाणु िज ेदार है ? क क के अलावा िन म से िकस
respiratory tract is provided with (a)Rhizobium/राइज़ोिबयम कोिशका अंगक म डीएनए पाया जाता है
small hair-like structures called (b)Pseudomonas/ ूडोमोनास ?
______. (c)Lactobacillus/ले ोबेिसलस (a)Cytoplasm/ कोिशका
सन तं के ऊपरी भाग म छोटी केश (d)Azotobacter/ऐजोबै र (b)Golgi Apparatus/ गौ ी उपकरण
जैसी संरचनाएँ होती ह िज _____ कहा (c)Mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडया
जाता है | Ans. (a) Rhizobium (d)Ribosome/ राइबोसोम
(a)Bronchi/ वायुनली Explanation: Rhizobia are
(b)Cilia/ पपिनयाँ nitrogen-fixing bacteria which Ans. (c)Mitochondria
(c)Villi/ िव ी invade root hairs of leguminous Explanation: Nuclear DNA and
(d)Alveoli/ वायुकोि का plants and induce, in a specific mitochondrial DNA differ in many
manner, the formation of root ways, starting with location and
Ans.(b) Cilia nodules in which they fix nitrogen. structure. Nuclear DNA is located
Explanation: The respiratory system within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
is lined with a mucous membrane Q241. Which of the following and usually has two copies per cell
that secretes mucus. The mucus traps disease is caused by a virus? while mitochondrial DNA is located
smaller particles like pollen or िन म से कौन सा रोग िवषाणु के कारण in the mitochondria and contains
smoke. Hairlike structures called होता है ? 100-1,000 copies per cell.
cilia line the mucous membrane and (a)Tetanus/ िटटनेस
move the particles trapped in the (b)Leprosy/ कु Q244. Which of the following
mucus out of the nose. (c)Rubella/ बेला diseases is caused by severe
(d)Malaria/ मले रया deficiency of proteins?
Q239. _______ is the study of िन म से कौन सा रोग ोटीन की भारी
ancient plants, like mosses, that grow Ans. (c)Rubella कमी के कारण होता है ?
in moist, humid environments. Explanation: The disease is caused (a)Kwashiorkor/ प रगािभक
______ ाचीन पौधों जैसे काई का by the rubella virus, a togavirus that (b)Anaemia/ एनीिमया
अ यन है जो नम, आ वातावरण म is enveloped and has a (c)Osteoporosis/ अ थ-सुिषरता
उगते ह | single-stranded RNA genome. The (d)Goiter/गंडमाला
(a)Ethnobotany/ एथनोबॉटनी virus is transmitted by the respiratory
(b)Bryology/ ायोलॉजी route and replicates in the Ans.(a)Kwashiorkor
(c)Palynology/ पैलीनोलॉजी nasopharynx and lymph nodes. The Explanation: Kwashiorkor is a severe
(d)Dendrology/ डडोलॉजी virus is found in the blood 5 to 7 form of malnutrition associated with
days after infection and spreads a deficiency in dietary protein. The
Ans.(b) Bryology throughout the body. extreme lack of protein causes an
Explanation: Although plants have osmotic imbalance in the
changed a lot in the past 450 million Q242. Which of the following is gastro-intestinal system causing
years, growing today in an enormous richest in Vitamin C? swelling of the gut diagnosed as an
variety of shapes and sizes, they can िन म से कौन िवटािमन C से सवािधक edema or retention of water.
all be classified into two orders, चुर है ?
called tracheophytes and bryophytes. (a)Soya Milk/ सोया दू ध Q245. For the autotrophic form of
Tracheophytes are plants, like trees, (b)Apple/ सेब nutrition, _____ is necessary.
flowering plants, and grasses, that (c)Amla/ आमला पोषण के सवपोषी प के िलए ______
have a well-developed vascular (d)Carrot/ गाजर आव क होता है |
system. In contrast, bryophytes are (a)Chlorophyll and oxygen
small plants that grow close together Ans. (c) Amla ोरोिफल और ऑ ीजन
and do not have a vascular system, Explanation: The richness of amla (b)Methane / मीथेन
which makes them very similar to can be gauged from the fact that an (c)Carbon monoxide and water /
those first plants that grew on Earth average quality piece of the fruit, काब न मोनो ऑ ाइड और पानी
millions of years ago. The study of weighing about 100 grams, may (d)Carbon dioxide, water,
these ancient plants is called contain up to 800 mg of vitamin C, chlorophyll and sunlight/ काब न [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 31

डाइऑ ाइड , पानी, ोरोिफल और peacock ? your bones are dense and strong.
सूय का काश मयूर का वै ािनक नाम ा है ?
(a)Psittacula Eupartia Q251.Which combination of paternal
Ans.(d) Carbon dioxide, water, (b)Pavo Cristatus chromosome results in a female?
chlorophyll and sunlight (c)Eudynamys scolopaceus पैतृक गुणसू ों के िकस संयोजन का
Explanation: Autotrophic nutrition is (d)Molpastes Cafer प रणाम मादा के प म होता है ?
a process in which the organism (a)ZX
produces their food from simple Ans. (b)Pavo Cristatus (b)XX
inorganic materials such as water, Explanation: The Indian peafowl, (c)YZ
carbon dioxide and mineral salts in also known as the common peafowl, (d)XY
the presence of sunlight. ... They and blue peafowl, is a large and
make their own food with the help of brightly coloured bird, is a species of Ans. (b) XX
water, solar energy, and carbon peafowl native to the Indian Explanation: Men determine the sex
dioxide by the method of subcontinent, but introduced in many of a baby depending on whether their
photosynthesis. other parts of the world. sperm is carrying an X or Y
chromosome. An X chromosome
Q246. Which of the following plants Q249. The branch of medical science combines with the mother’s X
is Bryophyta ? that deals with the kidneys is known chromosome to make a baby girl
िन िल खत म से कौन सा पौधा as: (XX) and the Y chromosome will
योफाइट है ? िचिक ा िव ान की उस शाखा को ा combine with the mother’s to make a
(a)Moss / मॉस कहते है िजसका संबंध गुद से है ? boy (XY).
(b)Algae / एलगी (a)Ophthalmology/ आ थैलमोलॉजी
(c)Fern / फ़न (b)Cardiology/ कािडयोलॉजी Q252. Amoeba’ belongs to which of
(d)Cycus / साइकस (c)Otorhinolaryngology the following kingdom?
(d)Nephrology/ ने ोलॉजी अमीबा का संबंध िन म से िकस समूह
Ans.(a) Moss से है ?
Explanation: Mosses were formerly Ans.(d) Nephrology (a)Monera/ मोनेरा
grouped with the hornworts and Explanation: Nephrology – branch of (b)Fungi/ कवक
liverworts as "non-vascular" plants in medicine which deals with the (c)Protista/ ॉिट ा
the division "bryophytes", all of them kidneys. (d)Animalia/ एिनमेिलया
having the haploid gametophyte
generation as the dominant phase of Q250. Which of the following Ans. (c) Protista
the life cycle. Mosses are now vitamin is related to Osteoporosis? Explanation: An amoeba belongs to
classified on their own as the िन म से िकस िवटािमन का संबंध the kingdom called Protista.
division Bryophyta. There are अ थ-सुिषरता से है ? Amoebas are unicellular organisms
approximately 12,000 species. (a)Vitamin B/ िवटािमन बी found mainly at the bottom of water
(b)Vitamin A/ िवटािमन ए bodies and near decaying vegetation.
Q247. Hepatitis is caused by _____ (c)Vitamin C/ िवटािमन सी
हे पेटाइिटस िकसके कारण होता है ? (d)Vitamin D/ िवटािमन डी Q253. Rotavirus vaccine is used to
(a)Parasite / परजीवी prevent which disease?
(b)Bacteria / बे े रया Ans. (d)Vitamin D रोटावायरस टीके का योग िकस रोग से
(c)Virus / वायरस Explanation: Osteoporosis causes बचने के िलए िकया जाता है ?
(d)Fungi / फगी bones to become weak and brittle — (a)Polio/ पोिलयो
so brittle that a fall or even mild (b)Diarrhoea/ डाय रया
Ans. (c)Virus stresses such as bending over or (c)AIDS/ एड् स
Explanation: Hepatitis refers to an coughing can cause a fracture. (d)Hepatitis/ हे पेटाइिटस
inflammatory condition of the liver. Osteoporosis-related fractures most
It's commonly caused by a viral commonly occur in the hip, wrist or Ans.(b) Diarrhoea
infection, but there are other possible spine. Explanation: Rotavirus vaccine is a
causes of hepatitis. These include Vitamin D is just as important for vaccine used to protect against
autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis keeping bones strong and preventing rotavirus infections, which are the
that occurs as a secondary result of the bone disease osteoporosis. leading cause of severe diarrhea
medications, drugs, toxins, and Vitamin D helps your intestines among young children. The vaccines
alcohol. absorb calcium from the food you prevent 15–34% of severe diarrhea in
eat. Getting enough of both nutrients the developing world and 37–96% of
Q248. What is the scientific name of is an important part of making sure severe diarrhea in the developed [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 32

world. produces hormones that stimulate the (d)Plants having uncovered seeds/
release of pancreatic lipase from the अनावृ बीज वाले पौधे
Q254. Which part of brain maintains pancreas and bile from the liver
posture and balance of the human which helps in the emulsification of Ans. (c) Non-flowering plant
body? fats for absorption of fatty acids. Explanation: A cryptogam (scientific
म का कौन सा भाग मानव शरीर name Cryptogamae) is a plant (in the
के अंग-िव ास और संतुलन को बनाए Q257. Who is known as father of wide sense of the word) that
रखता है ? Surgery? reproduces by spores, without
(a)Cerebrum/ म श िचिक ा का जनक िकसे कहा flowers or seeds.
(b)Pons/ पोंस जाता है ?
(c)Cerebellum/ प म (a)Charak/ चरक Q260.Which of the following is
(d)Medulla/अंत था (b)Patanjali/ पतंजिल NOT a feature of Eukaryotic cell?
(c)Hippocrates/ िहपो े िटस िन म से कौन सुकि क कोिशका की
Ans. (c) Cerebellum (d)Sushruta/ सु ुत एक िवशेषता नहीं है ?
Explanation: The cerebellum (back (a)Nucleus well organized/ अ ी
of brain) is located at the back of the Ans. (d) Sushruta तरह से गिठत क क
head. Its function is to coordinate Explanation: Sushruta (c. 7th or 6th (b)Mitochondria present/
voluntary muscle movements and to century BCE) was a physician in माइटोकां िडया की मौजूदगी
maintain posture, balance, and ancient India known today as the (c)Chloroplast absent in plant cells /
equilibrium. “Father of Indian Medicine” and पादप कोिशकाओं म ह रतलवक की
“Father of Plastic Surgery” for अनुप थित
Q255. Which type of reproduction inventing and developing surgical (d)Nuclear membrane present/ क क
occurs in hydra? procedures. िझ ी मौजूद
हाइडा म िकस कार का जनन होता है
? Q258. In which of the following type Ans. (c) Chloroplast absent in plant
(a)Fragmentation/ िवखंडन of organism autotrophic nutrition is cells
(b)Budding/मुकलन found? Explanation: Like mitochondria,
(c)Binary Fission/ ि यंगी िवखंडन िन म से िकस कार के जीव म पोषी chloroplasts also have their own
(d)Spore Formation/ बीजाणु िनमाण पोषण पाया जाता है ? DNA and ribosomes. Chloroplasts
(a)Fungi/ कवक function in photosynthesis and can
Ans. (b) Budding (b)Virus/ िवषाणु be found in eukaryotic cells such as
Explanation: Organisms such as (c)Protozoa/ ोटोजोआ plants and algae.
hydra use regenerative cells for (d)Bacteria/ जीवाणु
reproduction in the process of
budding. In hydra, a bud develops as Ans. (d) Bacteria Q261. Which micronutrient is
an outgrowth due to repeated cell Explanation: Some bacteria obtain supplied by soil to plant?
division at one specific site. These energy by consuming organic िम ी पौधे को िकस सू पोषक त की
buds develop into tiny individuals molecules. These organisms are आपूित करती है ?
and, when fully mature, detach from heterotrophs, like animals and fungi (a)Phosphorous/ फॉ ोरस
the parent body and become new that eat other organisms. Other types (b)Calcium/ कै शयम
independent individuals. of bacteria make their own food by (c)Zinc/ ज ा
converting light energy, chemical (d)Nitrogen/ नाइटोजन
Q256.In which part of the alimentary energy or inorganic substances into
canal, the complete digestion of fat usable energy that these single-celled Ans. (c) Zinc
takes place? organisms need to live. These Explanation: In relatively large
आहार नली के िकस भाग म, वसा का do-it-yourself bacteria are amounts, the soil supplies nitrogen,
संपूण पाचन होता है ? autotrophs, like plants and algae. phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
(a)Large intestine/ बड़ी आं त magnesium, and sulfur; these are
(b)Small intestine/ छोटी आं त often called the macronutrients. In
(c)Stomach/ पेट Q259. What is Cryptogamae? relatively small amounts, the soil
(d)Mouth/ मुंह ि ोगैम ा है ? supplies iron, manganese, boron,
(a)Plants having covered seeds/ molybdenum, copper, zinc, chlorine,
Ans. (b) Small intestine आवृ बीज वाले पौधे and cobalt, the so-called
Explanation: Fats are mainly (b)Flowering plants/ पु ीय पौधे micronutrients.
digested in the small intestine. The (c)Non-flowering plants/ गैर-पु ीय
presence of fat in the small intestine पौधे Q262. Who among the following [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 33

suggested that life must have Explanation: Hypothyroidism is the gas exchange. The alveoli pick up
developed from simple inorganic result of an underactive thyroid the incoming energy (oxygen) you
molecules? gland, and this causes goiter. breathe in and release the outgoing
िन म से िकसने सुझाया था िक जीवन Because the gland produces too little waste product (carbon dioxide) you
अव ही सरल अकाबिनक अणुओं से thyroid hormone, it is stimulated to exhale.
िवकिसत आ है ? produce more, leading to the
(a)Gregor Mendel/ ेगर मडल swelling. Q268. Anthrax is caused by :
(b)J.B.S. Haldane/ जे बी एस हा े न िग ी रोग िकसके कारण होता है ?
(c)Charles Darwin/ चा डािवन Q265. The Lion Tailed Macaque is (a)Virus/ िवषाणु
(d)Stanley L. Miller/ े नले एल िमलर also called _______. (b)Bacteria/ जीवाणु
शेर की पूंछ जैसे ( Lion Tailed) मैकाक (c)Fungus/ कवक
Ans. (b) J.B.S. Haldane को _________ भी कहा जाता है | (d)Protozoa/ ोटोजोआ
Explanation: The Oparin-Haldane (a)Silver Baboon / िस र लंगूर
hypothesis suggests that life arose (b)Beard Baboon / िबयड लंगूर Ans. (b) Bacteria
gradually from inorganic molecules, (c)Black Baboon / ैक लंगूर Explanation: Anthrax is a rare but
with “building blocks” like amino (d)Houler Baboon / होउलेर लंगूर serious illness caused by a
acids forming first and then spore-forming bacterium, Bacillus
combining to make complex Ans. (b) Beard Baboon anthracis. Anthrax mainly affects
polymers. ... Others favor the Explanation: The lion-tailed livestock and wild game. Usually,
metabolism-first hypothesis, placing macaque (Macaca silenus), or the anthrax bacteria enter the body
metabolic networks before DNA or wanderoo, is an Old World monkey through a wound in the skin. You can
RNA. endemic to the Western Ghats of also become infected by eating
South India. contaminated meat or inhaling the
Q263. Which component of blood spores.
fights against the germs entering into Q266. Which of the following is not
human body ? a communicable disease ?
मानव शरीर म वेश करने वाले िन िल खत म से कौन एक सं ामक रोग Q269. Kala Azar is caused by which
कीटाणुओं के खलाफ र का कौन सा नहीं है ? organism ?
घटक लड़ता है ? (a)Diabetes / मधुमेह िकस जीव के कारण कालाजार होता है ?
(a)Haemoglobin / हीमो ोिबन (b)TB/ य ा ( टी. बी. ) (a)Escherichia coli/ ऐशा रकीया कोली
(b)Red Blood Cells / लाल र (c)Chicken Pox / चेचक (b)Azobacter / एज़ोबै र
कोिशकाएं (d)Cholera / है जा (c)Clostridium / ो िडयम
(c)Platelets / िब ाणु ( ेटलेट्स ) (d)Leishmania / िलशमैिनया
(d)White Blood Cells / सफेद र Ans. (a)Diabetes
कोिशकाएं Explanation: Diabetes is called a Ans. (d)Leishmania
non-communicable disease–that is, Explanation: There are 3 main forms
Ans. (d) White blood cells one that can not be spread from one of leishmaniasis – visceral (also
Explanation: White blood cells (also person to another. It is a disease that known as kala-azar and the most
called leukocytes; pronounced: takes many years to develop. serious form of the disease),
LOO-kuh-sites) are a key part of the Diabetes is a defect in the way that cutaneous (the most common), and
immune system. The immune system our bodies process sugar, impairing mucocutaneous. Leishmaniasis is
helps the body defend itself against the removal of sugar from the caused by the protozoan Leishmania
infection. Different types of white bloodstream. parasites which are transmitted by
blood cells (WBCs) fight germs, the bite of infected female
such as bacteria and viruses . Q267. Which part of the human phlebotomine sandflies.
respiratory system exchanges gases ?
Q264. Goitre is caused due to lack of मानव सन तं का कौन - सा िह ा Q270. Which enzyme is found in the
which hormone in the body ? गैसों के आदान - दान करता है ? pancreatic juice responsible for the
शरीर म िकस हाम न की कमी के कारण (a)Bronchi/ सनी digestion of proteins ?
घघा ( गोइटर ) होता है ? (b)Trachea/ ासनली ोटीन के पाचन के िलए िज ेदार
(a)Thyroxine / थाइरॉ न (c)Bronchioles/ ासनिलका अ ाशयी रस म कौन सा एं जाइम मौजूद
(b)Adrenaline / एिडनेिलन (d)Alveoli/कुिपका होता है ?
(c)Testosterone / टे ो े रोन (a)Trypsin / िट न
(d)Estrogen / ए ोजेन Ans. (d)Alveoli (b)Pepsin / पे न
Explanation: The alveoli are the (c)Amylase / एमाइलेस
Ans. (a) Thyroxine center of your respiratory system's (d)Yupase / उपेस [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 34

रे शम की ा िकस कार के जीव से amino acid metabolism.
Ans. (a) Trypsin की जाती है ?
Explanation: Trypsin is an enzyme (a)Moth/ कीट Q276. Which of the following pairs
that helps us digest protein. In the (b)Goat/ बकरी represents a parasitic relationship?
small intestine, trypsin breaks down (c)Sheep/ भेड़ िन म से कौन सा यु परजीवी संबंध
proteins, continuing the process of (d)Butterfly/ िततली का ितिनिध करता है ?
digestion that began in the stomach. (a)Algae-Coral reefs/ शैवाल- वाल
It may also be referred to as a Ans. (a) Moth िभि
proteolytic enzyme, or proteinase. Explanation: The best-known silk is (b)Ticks on Dog/ कु े पर िकलनी
Trypsin is produced by the pancreas obtained from the cocoons of the (c)Remora Fish-Sharks/ रे मोरा
in an inactive form called larvae of the mulberry silkworm मछली-शाक
trypsinogen. Bombyx mori reared in captivity (d)Cattle Egrets - Livestock/गाय
(sericulture). Silk is produced by बगुला - मवेशी
Q271. Glomerulus and Bowman’s several insects; but, generally, only
capsule are parts of which organ of the silk of moth caterpillars has been Ans. (b)Ticks on Dog
the body ? used for textile manufacturing. Explanation: Tick and dog share a
कोिशकगु (Glomerulus) और बोमे symbiotic relationship that can be
के ूल(Bowman’s capsule) शरीर के Q274. Reproduction in Humans described as parasitic. Symbiosis is
िकस अंग के भाग ह ? occurs through which type of the relationship between two
fertilisation ? organisms, where either one or both
(a)Heart / िदल मनु ों म जनन िकस कार के िनषेचन the organisms get the benefit.
(b)Kidneys / गुदा के ारा होता है ?
(c)Lungs / फेफड़े (a)Internal Fertilisation/ आतं रक Q277. Typhoid and T.B are which
(d)Liver / िजगर िनषेचन kind of diseases ?
(b)In Vitro Fertilisation/ कृि म टाइफाइड और टी बी िकस कार के
Ans. (b) Kidneys प रवेशीय िनषेचन रोग ह ?
Explanation: Bowman's capsule (or (c)External Fertilization/ बा िनषेचन
the Bowman capsule, capsula (d)Ex Vitro Fertilization/ बा िवटो (a)Bacterial / जीवा क
glomeruli, or glomerular capsule) is a िनषेचन (b)Virus caused / िवषाणुजिनत
cup-like sack at the beginning of the (c)Protozoa / ोटोजोआ
tubular component of a nephron in Ans. (a) Internal Fertilisation (d)Fungal / कवकीय
the mammalian kidney that performs Explanation: Reproduction in human
the first step in the filtration of blood beings is by sexual reproduction Ans. (a) Bacterial
to form urine. A glomerulus is where both the male and female Explanation: Bacterial diseases
enclosed in the sac. gametes fertilize to give rise to an include any type of illness caused by
embryo. The fertilization of human bacteria. Bacteria are a type of
Q272. Skin is which of the following embryo occurs inside the body of the microorganism, which are tiny forms
types of membrane ? female. Thus, it is called Internal of life that can only be seen with a
चा िन िल खत म से िकस कार की Fertilization. microscope. Other types of
िझ ी है ? microorganisms include viruses,
(a)Serous membrane /िसरोंज िझ ी Q275. Cobalamin is the scientific some fungi, and some parasites.
(b)Cutaneous membrane / ूटेिनयस name of Vitamin _____. Millions of bacteria normally live on
िझ ी कोबालािमन िवटािमन ______ का the skin, in the intestines, and on the
(c)Synovial membrane / सयनोिवयल वै ािनक नाम है | genitalia. The vast majority of
िझ ी (a)B1 bacteria do not cause disease, and
(d)Mucous membrane / ूकस िझ ी (b)C many bacteria are actually helpful
(c)B12 and even necessary for good health.
Ans. (b) Cutaneous membrane (d)E These bacteria are sometimes
Explanation: The skin is an epithelial referred to as “good bacteria” or
membrane also called the cutaneous Ans. (c) B12 “healthy bacteria.”
membrane. It is a stratified squamous Explanation: Vitamin B12, also Harmful bacteria that cause bacterial
epithelial membrane resting on top of known as cobalamin, is a infections and disease are called
connective tissue. water-soluble vitamin involved in the pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial
metabolism of every cell of the diseases occur when pathogenic
Q273. Silk is obtained from which human body: it is a cofactor in DNA bacteria get into the body and begin
type of organism? synthesis, and in both fatty acid and to reproduce and crowd out healthy [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 35

bacteria, or to grow in tissues that cerebellum receives information wraps around the cell in a lateral
abnormally sterile. Harmful bacteria from the sensory systems, the spinal groove helping to keep the organism
may also emit toxins that damage the cord, and other parts of the brain and afloat by rotational motility.
body. then regulates motor movements.
Q283. The commonly used Vitamin
Q278. Which cell organelle helps in Q280. Which part of Human ear B Complex is constituted of how
keeping the cell clean by digesting collects sound from its surrounding? many vitamins ?
any external matter and bad cell मनु के कान का कौन सा भाग अपने आमतौर पर योग िकये जाने वाले
organelles? आसपास से िन को संगृिहत करता है ? िवटािमन B स ण म िकतने िवटािमन
कौन सा कोिशकां ग िकसी भी बाहरी (a)Pinna/ कणपाली स िलत होते ह ?
पदाथ तथा खराब कोिशकां ग को पचाकर (b)Anvil/ िनहाई (a)8
कोिशका को साफ़ रखने म मदद करता (c)Cochlea/ कणावत (b)12
है ? (d)Hammer/है मर (c)10
(a)Golgi Apparatus / गोलगी ए ेटस (d)6
(b)Mitochondria / माइटोकॉ आ Ans. (a) Pinna
(c)Plastits / ा ीटस Explanation: The auricle (pinna) is Ans. (a) 8
(d)Lysosome / लाइसोसोम the visible portion of the outer ear. It Explanation: Vitamin B complex is
collects sound waves and channels composed of eight B vitamins:
Ans. (d) Lysosome them into the ear canal (external B-1 (thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3
Explanation: Lysosomes are a kind auditory meatus), where the sound is (niacin), B-5 (pantothenic acid), B-6
of waste disposal system of the cell. amplified. (pyridoxine), B-7 (biotin), B-9 (folic
Lysosomes help to keep the cell acid), B-12 (cobalamin)
clean by digesting any foreign Q281. Which cell organelle is also
material as well as worn-out cell known as ‘powerhouse of Cell’? Q284. Exchange of gases occurs
organelles. Foreign materials िकस कोिशकां ग को कोिशका के through which part of the plant
entering the cell, such as bacteria or िबजलीघर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है ? tissue?
food, as well as old organelles end up (a)Lysosome/ लाइसोसोम गैसों का आदान- दान पादप उ क के
in the lysosomes, which break them (b)Mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडया िकस भाग के ारा होता है ?
up into small pieces. (c)Golgi Apparatus/ गौ ी उपकरण (a)Phloem/ ोएम
(d)Plastids/ ा ड् स (b)Stomata/ रं
Q279. Which organ is responsible (c)Xylem/ जाइलम
for activity and the hand-eye Ans. (b) Mitochondria (d)Midrid/ िमिडड
coordination in the human body ? Explanation: Mitochondria are
मानव शरीर म गितिविध और हाथ-आँ ख known as the powerhouses of the Ans. (b) Stomata
सम य के िलए कौन सा अंग िज ेदार cell. They are organelles that act like Explanation: The leaves of plants
है ? a digestive system which takes in have tiny pores on their surface
(a)Liver / कलेजा nutrients, breaks them down, and which are called stomata. The
(b)Kidneys / गुदा create energy rich molecules for the exchange of gases in the leaves
(c)Brain / म cell. The biochemical processes of during respiration takes place
(d)Heart / दय the cell are known as cellular through stomata. This happens as
respiration. follows: Oxygen from the air enters
Ans. (c) Brain into a leaf through stomata and
Explanation: The cerebellum is Q282. Which of the following is reaches all the cells by the process of
responsible for maintaining NOT a type of Fungi? diffusion.
equilibrium, transfer of information, िन म से कौन एक कार का कवक
fine adjustments to motor actions, नहीं है ? Q285. Which of the following is
coordinating eye movements etc. (a)Agarics/ एगै र known as the energy currency of the
Coordination and body balance, (b)Penicillium/ पेिनिसलम cell?
posture during walking, riding, (c)Gonyaulax/ गोनीओले िन म से िकसे कोिशका की ऊजा मु ा
standing, swimming, running, are all (d)Aspergillus/ ए िजलस के प म जाना जाता है ?
maintained by the cerebellum. (a)Adenosine Diphosphate/ एडे नोिसन
Cerebellum. The cerebellum is Ans. (c) Gonyaulax डीफॉ े ट
located behind the top part of the Explanation: Gonyaulax is a genus of (b)Adenosine Triphosphate/
brain stem (where the spinal cord dinoflagellates that are aquatic एडे नोिसन टाइफॉ े ट
meets the brain) and is made of two organisms with two separate flagella: (c)Glycine Triphosphate/ ाइसीन
hemispheres (halves). The one extends backward and the other टाइफॉ े ट [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 36

(d)Adenosine Phosphate/ एडे नोिसन मौजूदगी म होती है |
फॉ े ट (a)Sulphur/ स र Q291. Dendrites and Axon are parts
(b)Chlorophyll and Sunlight/ of which cell ?
Ans. (b)Adenosine Triphosphate ोरोिफल और सूय की रौशनी डडाइट और अ तंतु िकस कोिशका के
Explanation: Adenosine (c)Nitrogen/ नाइटोजन भाग होते ह ?
5'-triphosphate, or ATP, is the (d)Cadmium/ कैडिमयम (a)Neuron/ तंि का
principal molecule for storing and (b)Nephron/ ने ॉन
transferring energy in cells. It is often Ans. (b) Chlorophyll and Sunlight (c)White blood cells/ सफ़ेद र
referred to as the energy currency of Explanation: The process of making कोिशकाएँ
the cell and can be compared to food by green plants in the presence (d)Red blood cells/ लाल र
storing money in a bank. of sunlight and chlorophyll is known कोिशकाएँ
as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is
Q286. Plants having no isolated the combination of two words- Photo Ans. (a) Neuron
structural form are called _______. + Synthesis. 'Photo' means light and Explanation: Structure of a neuron.
िजन पौधों के पृथक बनावट प नहीं 'Synthesis' means to make. At one end of the cell body (and
होते , उ _____ कहा जाता है | indeed, around most of its periphery)
(a)Gymnosperms / अनावृतबीजी Q289. Which reptile have are many small, branching
(b)Bryophyta / ायोफाइटा four-chambered heart? protrusions called dendrites.
(c)Thallophyta / थैलोफाइटा िकस सरीसृप का दय चार-को ीय होता Extending from the other end of the
(d)Fungus / कवक है ? cell body at a location called the
(a)Tortoise/ कछु आ axon hillock is the axon, a long, thin,
Ans. (c)Thallophyta (b)King Cobra/ िकंग कोबरा tube-like protrusion.
Explanation: Thallophyta is a (c)Chameleon/ िगरिगट
division of the plant kingdom (d)Crocodile/ मगरम Q292. What percent of energy is
including primitive forms of plant transmitted from one trophic level to
life showing a simple plant body. Ans. (d) Crocodile another in a food chain?
Including unicellular to large algae, Explanation: Crocodiles have been िकसी खा ृंखला म एक पौि कता र
fungi, lichens. They are simple plants classified as reptiles in spite of से दू सरे पौि कता र तक िकतने
without roots stems or leaves. They having four chambered heart because ितशत ऊजा का ह ां तरण होता है ?
are non-embryophyta. they have dry, non glandular skin, (a)0.2
epidermal scales are also present. (b)0.1
Q287. Which cell organelle has its They are cold blooded,oviparous, (c)0.15
own DNA and Ribosomes ? etc. All these features are specific for (d)0.05
िकस कोिशकां ग के यं के डीएनए और reptiles, so crocodiles are reptiles.
राइबोसोम होते ह ? Ans. (b) 0.1
(a)Leukoplast / अवण लवक Q290.Which of the following Explanation: The amount of energy
( ूको ा ) organism has a 2-chambered heart ? at each trophic level decreases as it
(b)Chromoplast / वण लवक िन म से िकस जीव का दय ि -को ीय moves through an ecosystem. As
( ोमो ा ) होता है ? little as 10 percent of the energy at
(c)Cell Vacuole / कोिशका धानी any trophic level is transferred to the
(वक़उओलस) (a)Human beings/ मनु next level; the rest is lost largely
(d)Mitochondria / सू किणका (b)Sparrows/ गौरै या through metabolic processes as heat.
(माइटोकां िडया ) (c)Monkey/ बंदर
(d)Fishes/ मछली
Ans.(d) Mitochondria Q293. In plants, Phloem is
Explanation: The eukaryotic cell Ans. (d) Fishes responsible for the transportation of
organelles that possess their own Explanation: Fish have a single ______.
DNA and ribosomes are only circuit for blood flow and a ोएम पौधों म िकस के प रवहन के
chloroplast and mitochondria. They two-chambered heart that has only a िलए िज ेदार है ?
have 70S ribosomes and single single atrium and a single ventricle. (a)Food / खा पदाथ
circular chromosome just like The atrium collects blood that has (b)Carbon Dioxide / काबन
prokaryotes. returned from the body and the डाइऑ ाइड
ventricle pumps the blood to the gills (c)Water / पानी
Q288. Photosynthesis process occurs where gas exchange occurs and the (d)Minerals / खिनज पदाथ
in the presence of _____. blood is re-oxygenated; this is called
काश सं ेषण की ि या ______ की gill circulation. Ans.(a) Food [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 37

Explanation: Phloem is the vascular larvae are present. चीड़ ______ का उदहारण है |
tissue responsible for the transport of (a)Pteridophyta / टे रीडोफाइटा
sugars from source tissues (ex. Q296. The mouth of Mollusca (b)Monocot/ एकबीजप ी
photosynthetic leaf cells) to sink contains a file-like rasping organ for (c)Gymnosperm / अनावृतबीजी
tissues (ex. non-photosynthetic root feeding which is called_______. (d)Angiosperm / आवृतबीजी
cells or developing flowers). Other मोल ा के मुख म भोजन करने के िलए
molecules such as proteins and फाइल जैसा एक छीलन अंग होता है Ans. (c) Gymnosperm
mRNAs are also transported िजसे _____ कहा जाता है | Explanation: Gymnosperms are a
throughout the plant via phloem. (a)chitinous/ शाइिटनस taxonomic class that includes plants
(b)radula/ रे डु ला whose seeds are not enclosed in an
Q294. Dialysis is advised to the (c)parapodia/ पारापोिडया ovule (like a pine cone).
patient in case of which human organ (d)coelomate/ िसलोमेट Gymnosperm means as "naked seed".
is damaged or not functioning Examples are pines, cedars, spruces
properly? Ans. (b) Radula and firs. Some gymnosperms do drop
कौन से मानव अंग के ित हो जाने Explanation: All molluscs also have their leaves - ginkgo, dawn redwood,
या ठीक से काम न करने की थित म gills, a mouth and an anus. A feature and bald cypress, to name a few.
रोगी को डायिलिसस की सलाह दी जाती unique to molluscs is a file-like
है ? rasping tool called a radula. This Q299. _______ is often referred to as
(a)Kidneys / गुदा structure allows them to scrape algae the amphibians of the animal
(b)Liver / कलेजा and other food off rocks and even to world./_______ को अ र ाणी जगत
(c)Stomach / पेट drill through the shell of prey or के उभयचरों के प म जाना जाता है |
(d)Heart / दय catch fish. (a)Thallophyta / थैलोफाइटा
(b)Phanerogam / फनारोगमाये
Ans. (a) Kidneys Q297. Octopus is an example of (c)Bryophyta / ायोफाइटा
Explanation: When your kidneys Phylum_______. (d)Pteridophyta / टे रडोफाइटा
can't perform these functions due to ऑ ोपस _____ समुदाय का एक
disease or injury, dialysis can help उदाहरण है | Ans. (c) Bryophyta
keep the body running as normally as (a)Echinodermata/एकीनोडरमाटा Explanation: Bryophytes are also
possible. Without dialysis, salts and (b)Hemichordata/ हे िमकोडाटा called amphibians of the plant
other waste products will accumulate (c)Arthrpoda/ आ पोडा kingdom because these plants can
in the blood, poison the body, and (d)Mollusca/ मोल live in soil but are dependent on
damage other organs. water for sexual reproduction.
Q300. Which of the following is not
Q295. Which of the following is not Ans. (d) Mollusca a characteristic of Chordate ?
an example of Bryophyta ? Explanation: Molluscans are very िन िल खत म से कौन र ुकी की
िन िल खत म से कौन योफाइटा का diverse animals and form an िवशेषता नहीं है ?
उदाहरण नहीं है ? important part of the ecosystem in (a)The central nervous system is
(a)Funaria / ुने रया the world. Some animals that you are dorsal, hollow and single./ क ीय
(b)Martia /माि या familiar with like snails, octopuses, तंि का तं पृ ीय, खोखला और एकल है
(c)Chara/चरा squids, oysters, clams etc. all belong (b)A posterior anal portion (tail) is
(d)Rechesia/ रकेिशया to Phylum Mollusca. present / एक प -गुदा भाग (पूंछ )
An Octopus is sometimes known as मौजूद है
Ans. (c) Chara the Devilfish. It belongs to the class (c)Notochord is absent / नोटकोड
Explanation: Chara is a genus of Cephalopoda. It is a soft-bodied अनुप थत होता है
charophyte green algae in the family mollusc with eight arms. Octopuses (d)The heart is abdominal / दय
Characeae. They are multicellular can camouflage very well in their उदर थ होता है
and superficially resemble land surroundings. They have ink glands
plants because of stem-like and that they use to defend themselves or Ans. (c) Notochord is absent
leaf-like structures. They are found escape from predators. They show Explanation: Notochord. The
in fresh water, particularly in all the characteristic features of chordates are named for the
limestone areas throughout the Phylum Mollusca and are notochord: a flexible, rod-shaped
northern temperate zone, where they triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, structure that is found in the
grow submerged, attached to the and found in various regions of the embryonic stage of all chordates and
muddy bottom. They prefer less ocean. also in the adult stage of some
oxygenated and hard water and are chordate species. It is located
not found in waters where mosquito Q298. Pine is an example of ______. between the digestive tube and the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 38

nerve cord, providing skeletal pump blood into a hemocoel with the by /
support through the length of the blood diffusing back to the ‘जीन’ श का पहली बार योग िकसके
body. circulatory system between cells. ारा िकया गया था ?
Blood is pumped by a heart into the (a) Johannsen / जोहा ेन
Q301. Plants which flower only once body cavities, where tissues are (b) Mendel / मडे ल
in their lifetime are called surrounded by the blood. The (c) Lemark / लैमाक
पौधे जो अपने जीवनकाल म केवल एक resulting blood flow is sluggish. (d) Cuvier / ुिवयर
बार फूल दे ते ह उ कहा जाता है
(a) polycarpic/पॉिलकॉिपक Q304. The main function of insulin Ans. (a) Johannsen
(b) monocarpic/ मॉनकॉिपक is to/ इं सुिलन का मु काय है Explanation: Danish botanist
(c) monogamous/मनॉगमस (a) maintain blood pressure/ र चाप Wilhelm Johannsen coined the word
(d) monogeneric/एकवंशीय को बनाए रखता है "gene" ("gen" in Danish and
(b) helps in digestion/ पाचन म मदद German) in 1909 to describe these
Ans. (b) Monocarpic करता है fundamental physical and functional
Explanation: Monocarpic plants are (c) control sugar level in body/ शरीर units of heredity. William Bateson in
those that flower, set seeds and then म शकरा के र को िनयंि त करता है 1905 coined the term genetics from
die. The term was first used by (d) control iodine level in body/शरीर the word gene.
Alphonse de Candolle. Other terms म आयोडीन के र को िनयंि त करता
with the same meaning are है Q307. The chromosomes except
hapaxanth and semelparous. The those relating to sex are known as: /
antonym is polycarpic, a plant that Ans. (c) Control sugar level in body िलंग से संबंिधत गुणसू ों को छोड़कर
flowers and sets seeds many times Explanation: Insulin helps control अ गुणसू ों को िकस नाम से जाना
during its lifetime; blood glucose levels by signaling the जाता है ?
liver and muscle and fat cells to take (a) Heterosomes/ हीटरसोम
Q302. The larvae of cockroach is in glucose from the blood. Insulin (b) Autosomes / ऑटोसोम
called therefore helps cells to take in (c) Allosomes / एलोसोम
कॉकरोच के लावा को कहा जाता है glucose to be used for energy. If the (d) Cytosomes / साइटोसोम
(a) caterpillar body has sufficient energy, insulin
(b) nymph signals the liver to take up glucose Ans. (b) Autosomes
(c) maggot and store it as glycogen. Explanation: Autosome: Any
(d) grub chromosome other than the X and Y
Q305. This hormone is not a growth sex chromosomes. People normally
Ans. (b) Nymph inhibitor/ यह हाम न वृ अवरोधक have 22 pairs of autosomes (44
Explanation: Cockroach eggs hatch नहीं है autosomes) in each cell.
because of the combined pressure of (a) Dormin/डॉिमन
the hatchlings within. Upon (b) Abscisic acid/ ए िसिसक एिसड Q308. Acquired Immuno-Deficiency
emerging from the egg case, or (c) Ethylene/एिथलीन Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by
ootheca, this immature form of (d) IAA ए ायड इ ूनो-िडिफिशएं सी िसंडोम
cockroach is known as a nymph or (AIDS) िकस के कारण होता है ?
baby cockroach. Nymphs are bright Ans. (d) IAA (a) protozoa / ोटोजोआ
white in color initially. Explanation: Plant Growth (b) virus/िवषाणु
Promoters – They promote cell (c) fungus/कवक
Q303. In which of the following division, cell enlargement, flowering, (d) bacteria/जीवाणु
animals is open circulatory system fruiting and seed formation.
found Examples are auxins, gibberellins Ans. (b) Virus
िन म से िकस जानवर म खुला and cytokinins. Explanation: HIV causes AIDS and
प रसंचरण तं पाया जाता है Plant Growth Inhibitors – These interferes with the body's ability to
(a) Prawn/झींगा chemicals inhibit growth and fight infections. The virus can be
(b) Earthworm/कचुआ promote dormancy and abscission in transmitted through contact with
(c) Toad/टॉड plants. An example is an abscisic infected blood, semen or vaginal
(d) Man/मानव acid. fluids.
Ethylene can be a promoter or an
Ans.(a) Prawn inhibitor, but is largely a Plant Q309. Chromosome set in zygote is /
Explanation: The open circulatory Growth Inhibitor. यु नज म गुणसू समूह होता है -
system is common to molluscs and (a) 2n
arthropods. Open circulatory systems Q306. The term ‘gene’ was first used (b) 1n [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 39

(c) 3n competitive advantage due to greater कवक की कोिशका िभि म मु तः
(d) 4n stamina. However, this has yet to be स िलत होते ह :
Ans. (a) 2n proven due to the multifaceted (a) Cellulose / से ूलोज
complications associated with this (b) Chitin / काईिटन
Q310. Blood is carried towards the condition (c) Amino acid, sugar and chitin /
heart by / एिमनो अ , शकरा तथा काईिटन
दय म र लाया जाता है - Q312. The average adult has a blood (d) All of the above / उपरो सभी
(a) Arteries / धमिनयों के ारा volume of about ________ liters./
(b) Capillaries/ केिशकाओं के ारा एक औसत वय म र की मा ा Ans. (b) Chitin
(c) Veins / िशराओं के ारा लगभग _____ लीटर होती है | Explanation: The major constituents
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं (a) 5 of the fungal cell wall are chitin,
(b) 5.5 glucans, and glycoproteins. Chitin is
Ans. (c) Veins (c) 6 a structurally important component
Explanation: Veins are blood vessels (d) 6.5 of the fungal cell wall located closest
that carry blood towards the heart. to the plasma membrane. The
Most veins carry deoxygenated blood Ans. (a) 5 composition of the outer layer varies,
from the tissues back to the heart; Explanation: A typical adult has a depending on the fungal species,
exceptions are the pulmonary and blood volume of approximately 5 morphotype, and growth stage.
umbilical veins, both of which carry liters. Blood volume is regulated by
oxygenated blood to the heart. In the kidneys Q315. The plant tissue made up of
contrast to veins, arteries carry blood actively dividing cells is/
away from the heart. Q313. Cell and nucleus were कोिशकाओं को सि य प से िवभािजत
discovered by ____ and ____ करके िकस पादप उ क का िनमाण
Q311. People living in high altitudes respectively. / होता है ?
(like mountains) usually have a/ कोिशका तथा क क की खोज मशः (a) Parenchyma / पैरे ाइमा
अिधक ऊंचाई ( जैसे - पवत ) पर रहने _____ और _____ के ारा की गयी थी | (b) Collenchyma / कॉलेनकाइमा
वाले लोगों म - (a) Schwann, Schlieden/ ान, ेडेन (c) Meristematic / िवभ ोतक
(a) smaller number of Red Blood (b) Robert Hook, Galileo / रॉबट क, (d) Epidermal / अिधचिमक
Cells / लाल र कोिशकाओं की सं ा गैिलिलयो Ans. (c) Meristematic
कम होती है | (c) Robert Brown, Robert Hook / Explanation: A meristem is a tissue
(b) larger number of Red Blood Cells रॉबट ाउन, रॉबट क in plants that consists of
/ लाल र कोिशकाओं की सं ा (d) R. Virchow, Robert Hook / आर. undifferentiated cells (meristematic
अिधक होती है | िफख , रॉबट क cells) capable of cell division.
(c) smaller number of White Blood Meristems give rise to various tissues
Cells/ ेत र कोिशकाओं की सं ा Ans. (c) Robert Brown and Robert and organs of a plant and are
कम होती है | Hook responsible for growth.
(d) larger number of White Blood Explanation: The cell was first Differentiated plant cells generally
Cells / ेत र कोिशकाओं की सं ा discovered by Robert Hooke in cannot divide or produce cells of a
अिधक होती है | 1665, which can be found to be different type.
described in his book Micrographia.
Ans. (b) Larger number of red blood In this book, he gave 60 Q316. Pick up correct taxonomic
cells 'observations' in detail of various hierarchy in zoological systematics. /
Explanation: Polycythemia (also objects under a coarse, compound जंतुिव ान णाली म वग करण के सही
known as polycythaemia or microscope. One observation was अनु म का चयन कर |
polyglobulia) is a disease state in from very thin slices of bottle cork. (a)
which the hematocrit (the volume Unlike mammalian red blood cells, Phylum-species-order-family-genus /
percentage of red blood cells in the those of other vertebrates still संघ-वग- म-प रवार-वंश
blood) is elevated. contain nuclei. The nucleus was also (b)
This physiologic polycythemia is a described by Franz Bauer in 1804 Class-phylum-order-family-genus/
normal adaptation to living at high and in more detail in 1831 by वग-संघ- म-प रवार-वंश
altitudes (see altitude sickness). Scottish botanist Robert Brown in a (c) Phylum-class-family-order-genus/
Many athletes train at high altitude to talk at the Linnean Society of संघ-वग-प रवार- म-वंश
take advantage of this effect — a London. (d)
legal form of blood doping. Some Phylum-class-order-genus-species /
individuals believe athletes with Q314. Fungal cell wall mainly संघ-वग- म-वंश- जाित
primary polycythemia may have a consists of / [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 40

Ans.(d) that allow fish to breathe underwater. distal tubule), which conducts the
Phylum-class-order-genus-species Most fish exchange gases like filtrate to a collecting duct. Thus,
Explanation: oxygen and carbon dioxide using filtrate passes through the following
Species-genus- family- order- class- gills that are protected under gill structures- Bowmans capsule then
phylum- Kingdom- domain covers on both sides of the pharynx proximal convoluted tubule then a
(throat). Gills are tissues that are like loop of Henle to distal convoluted
Q317. In stomach, the mucus which short threads, protein structures tubule to collecting duct. Urine, the
protects the epithelial lining of called filaments. watery discharge of the urinary
stomach is secreted by: system, is produced by a
पेट म, बलगम, जो उपकला अ र की Q320. Root cap is absent in combination of three processes -
सुर ा करता है , िकसके ारा ािवत मूल गोप अनुप थत होता है - filtration, followed by reabsorption,
होता है ? (a) Xerophytes/म दों म and then tubular secretion.
(a) Goblet cell / चषक कोिशका (b) Hydrophytes/ जलो दों म So, the correct answer is option A.
(b) Parietal cell / पाि का कोिशका (c) Hydromorphs/ हाइडोमॉफ़ म
(c) Microvilli /माइ ोिवली (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं Q322. The total number of vertebrae
(d) Acinar cells/ को की कोिशका in a human being is
Ans. (b) Hydrophytes मनु म कशे काओं की कुल सं ा
Ans. (a) Goblet cells Explanation: The root cap is a type िकतनी है ?
Explanation: The main role of goblet of tissue at the tip of a plant root. It is (a) 26
cells is to secrete mucus in order to also called calyptra. Root caps (b) 30
protect the mucous membranes contain statocytes which are involved (c) 29
where they are found. Goblet cells in gravity perception in plants.The (d) 33
accomplish this by secreting mucins, root cap is absent in some parasitic
large glycoproteins formed mostly by plants and some aquatic plants, in
carbohydrates. which a sac-like structure called the Ans. (d) 33
root pocket may form instead. Explanation: Vertebral column in
Q318. Organisms tolerating wide general. The vertebral column
range of salinity / Q321. Correct sequence of urine usually consists of 33 vertebrae: 24
वे जीव जो िविभ कार की लवणता के formation is / presacral vertebrae (7 cervical, 12
ित सिह ु होते ह - पेशाब के बनने का सही म है - thoracic, and 5 lumbar) followed by
(a) Euryhaline / पृथुलवणी (a) Filtration, reabsorption, secretion the sacrum (5 fused sacral vertebrae)
(b) Stenohaline / तनुलवणी / िन ंदन, पुनअवशोषण, ाव and the coccyx (4 frequently fused
(c) both a and b / a और b दोनों (b) Secretion, reabsorption, filtration coccygeal vertebrae)
(d) none / कोई नहीं / ाव, पुनअवशोषण, िन ंदन
Ans. (a) Euryhaline (c) Reabsorption, secretion, filtration Q323. Penicillin’ which is used as an
Explanation: Euryhaline organisms / पुनअवशोषण, ाव, िन ंदन antibiotic is obtained
are able to adapt to a wide range of (d) Reabsorption, filtration, secretion from_________
salinities. An example of a / पुनअवशोषण, िन ंदन, ाव पेिनिसिलन जो एक ितजीवी के पम
euryhaline fish is the molly which योग की जाती है , _________ से ा
can live in fresh water, brackish Ans. (a) Filtration, reabsorption, होती है ।
water, or salt water. The green crab is secretion (a)Fungi/कवक
an example of a euryhaline Explanation: Each kidney has more (b)Lichens/लाइकेन
invertebrate that can live in salt and than 1 million functional units called (c)Algae/शैवाल
brackish water. nephrons. A nephron consists of a (d)Bacteria/जीवाणु
cuplike Bowmans capsule connected
Q319. Respiratory organs of fishes to a long, partially coiled renal Ans. (a) Fungi
are called: tubule. Positioned within Bowman's Explanation: Some of the fungi most
मछिलयों के सन अंगों को ा कहा capsule is a cluster of capillaries frequently isolated from fermented
जाता है : called a glomerulus. Three main and cured meat products such as
(a) Mouth/मुँह regions of the renal tubule are the Penicillium chrysogenum and
(b) Nose/नाक proximal convoluted tubule (or Penicillium nalgiovense are known
(c) Lungs/फेफड़े simply, proximal tubule), which penicillin producers; the latter has
(d) Gills/गलफड़े conducts the filtrate from Bowman's been shown to be able to produce
capsule; the loop of Henle, an penicillin when growing on the
Ans. (d) Gills elongated, hairpin-shaped portion, surface of meat products and secrete
Explanation: Fish gills are organs and the distal convoluted tubule (or it to the medium. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 41

Q327. The chemical used for was a template for the other.
Q324. BCG vaccination is to be destroying Fungi in water tanks is
given to a new-born child पानी की टं िकयों म कवक को न करने Q330. Yawning occurs-
नवजात ब े को BCG का टीका कब के िलए यु रसायन कौन सा है ? ज ाई ों आती है ?
िदया जाता है ? (a) Copper sulphate/कॉपर स े ट (a) due to excess concentration of
(a) immediately after birth /ज के (b) Magnesium sulphate /मै ीिशयम CO2 in blood/र म की CO2 अिधक
तुरंत बाद स ेट सां ता के कारण
(b) within 48 hours/ 48 घंटे के भीतर (c) Zinc sulphate/िजंक स े ट (b) due to excess concentration of
(c) within seven days/ सात िदनों के (d) Nitric acid/ नाइिटक अ CO2 in lungs/फेफड़ों म CO2 की
भीतर अिधक सां ता के कारण
(d) within six months/ छह महीने के Ans. (a) Copper Sulphate (c) due to excess concentration of O2
भीतर Explanation: Copper Sulphate is a in lungs/फेफड़ों म O2 की अिधक
fungicide used to control bacterial सां ता के कारण
Ans. (a) immediately after birth and fungal diseases of fruit, (d) None of these/इनम से कोई नहीं
Explanation: Dose: 0.1 ml vegetable, nut and field crops. It is
route-intradermal Site-left upper arm chemical used for destroying fungi in Ans. (a) due to excess concentration
water tanks. of CO2 in blood
Q325. The hybrid between horse and Explanation: yawning occurs when
donkey is called Q328. Dehydration in human body is one's blood contains increased
घोड़े और गधे के बीच संकर को ा caused due to the deficiency of- amounts of carbon dioxide and
कहा जाता है ? मानव शरीर म िनजलीकरण िकसकी therefore becomes in need of the
(a) Pony /टट् टू कमी के कारण होता है ? influx of oxygen (or expulsion of
(b) Colt/बछे ड़ा (a) Vitamin/िवटािमन carbon dioxide) that a yawn can
(c) Mule/ख र (b) Salt/लवण provide
(d) Zebra/ज़ेबरा (c) Hormone/हाम न
(d) Water/जल Q331. Which among the following
Ans. (c) living being has respiratory organ but
Explanation: A mule is the offspring Ans. (d) Water does not have brain?
of a male donkey and a female horse. Explanation: Dehydration is a िन िल खत जीवों म से िकसके पास
Horses and donkeys are different condition that can occur when the सन अंग है लेिकन म नहीं है ?
species, with different numbers of loss of body fluids, mostly water, (a) crab/केकड़ा
chromosomes. Of the two first exceeds the amount that is taken in. (b) starfish/ ारिफश
generation hybrids between these With dehydration, more water is (c) silverfish/रजतमीन
two species, a mule is easier to moving out of individual cells and (d) None of the Above/उपरो म से
obtain than a hinny, which is the then out of the body than the amount कोई नहीं
offspring of a female donkey and a of water that is taken in through
male horse drinking. Ans. (b) Starfish
Explanation: Respiration or gas
Q326. Glaucoma is a disease of the Q329. Who among the following exchange occurs in two locations on
ूकोमा िकस से संबंिधत बीमारी है ? analyzed DNA for the first time ? a starfish. The first location is
(a) Skin/ चा िन म से िकसने पहली बार DNA का through the thin skin on the ends of
(b) Lungs/फेफड़े िव ेषण िकया? the tube feet. Gas exchange also
(c) Liver /यकृत (a) Arthur Comberg/आथर कोमबग occurs in the dermal gills or papulae.
(d) Eyes/ने ों (b) Hargobind Khurana/हरगोिवंद These gills are lined with cilia that
खुराना move to produce a current.
Ans. (d) Eyes. (c) M. W. Nirenberg/एम. ड ू.
Explanation: Glaucoma is a group of िनरे नबग Q332. Which animal produces the
eye conditions that damage the optic (d) Watson and crick/वॉटसन और biggest baby?
nerve, the health of which is vital for ि क सबसे बड़ा ब ा कौन सा जानवर पैदा
good vision. This damage is often करता है ?
caused by an abnormally high Ans. (d) Watson and crick (a) Camel /ऊंट
pressure in your eye. Glaucoma is Explanation: James D Watson and (b) Lion/शेर
one of the leading causes of Francis Crick, the two scientists who (c) Elephant /हाथी
blindness for people over the age of discovered the structure of DNA in (d) Blue Whales/ ू े ल
60 1953. Watson and Crick showed that
each strand of the DNA molecule [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 42

Ans. (d) Blue whale Aedes aegyptii (yellow fever
Explanation: The blue whale is the Q335. Which of the following mosquito) and Aedes albopticus
animal that produces the biggest elements is obtained from the sea (Asian tiger mosquito) genus and is
offspring. The baby blue whale is algae? transmitted by bite.
call as calves. The calves emerged िन िल खत म से कौन सा त समु ी
from their mother's wombs weighs शैवाल से ा होता है ? Q338. Which of the following is
around 3 tons and a length of about (a) Argon /आगन considered to be the best cholesterol?
25 feet. (b) Sulphur/स र िन िल खत म से िकसे सव े
(c) Vanadium/वैनेिडयम कोले ॉल माना जाता है ?
Q333. Heart attack occurs due to: (d) Iodine/आयोडीन (a) VLDL
िदल का दौरा िकसके कारण आता है ? (b) LDL
(a) Bacterial attack on the heart/िदल Ans. (d) Iodine (c) HDL
पर बै ी रया का आ मण Explanation: Ribbon seaweeds (sp. (d) Triglycerids/टाइ सराइड् स
(b) Stopping of heart beat/िदल की laminaria) contain iodine compounds
धड़कन कना which they obtain by extracting Ans. (c) HDL
(c) Lack of blood supply to the heart iodide ions from seawater. This Explanation: For HDL cholesterol, or
itself / दय को र की आपूित म कमी iodine can be extracted from the "good" cholesterol, higher levels are
(d) Impairment of heart's working seaweed by heating it in air to an ash, better. High-density lipoprotein
due to unknown reasons/अ ात in which the iodine is present as (HDL) cholesterol is known as the
कारणों से िदल के काम करने म iodide. "good" cholesterol because it helps
तकलीफ remove other forms of cholesterol
Q336. Which of the following is not from your bloodstream. Higher
Ans. (c) Lack of blood supply to the a component of chlorophyll? levels of HDL cholesterol are
heart itself. िन िल खत म से कौन सा ोरोिफल associated with a lower risk of heart
Explanation: A heart attack occurs का घटक नहीं है ? disease
when the flow of blood to the heart is (a) Hydrogen/हाइडोजन
blocked. The blockage is most often (b) Magnesium/मै ीिशयम Q339. Which of the following
a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other (c) Carbon/काबन represents a food chain involving a
substances, which form a plaque in (d) Calcium/कै शयम producer, a vegetarian and a non
the arteries that feed the heart vegetarian
(coronary arteries). The plaque Ans. (d) Calcium िन िल खत म से कौन एक खा ृंखला
eventually breaks away and forms a Explanation: In chelates a central का ितिनिध करता है िजसम एक
clot metal ion is bonded to a large organic उ ादक, एक शाकाहारी और एक
molecule, a molecule composed of मां साहारी शािमल है ?
Q334. A person will have brown carbon, hydrogen, and other elements (a) Grass - Insect – Elephant/घास -
eyes, blue eyes or black eyes such as oxygen and nitrogen. One कीट - हाथी
depending on the particular pigment such chelate is chlorophyll, the green (b) Plant -Rabbit
present in the: pigment of plants. In chlorophyll the –Tiger/पौधा-खरगोश-बाघ
एक के पास िकस िवशेष वणक central ion is magnesium, and the (c) Fish -Insect
के आधार पर भूरी आँ ख, नीली आँ ख या large organic molecule is a –Whale/मछली-कीट- े ल
काली आँ ख होंगी? porphyrin. (d) Tiger - Rabbit- Owl /बाघ -
(a) Pupil /कनीिनका खरगोश- उ ू
(b) Cornea/ने पटल Q337. The causative organism of
(c) Iris /प रता रका dengue fever is Ans. (b) Plants-Rabbit-Tiger
डगू बुखार का कारक जीव कौन सा है ?
(d) Choroid/र क (a) Fungus /कवक Q340. Which of the following makes
(b) Bacteria/जीवाणु the skin layer impervious to water?
Ans. (c)Iris (c) Protozoa/ ोटोजोआ िन िल खत म से कौन चा की परत को
Explanation: Despite the wide range (d) Virus/िवषाणु पानी के िलए अभे बनाता है ?
of colors, the only pigment that (a) Collagen/म ा
contributes substantially to normal Ans. (d) Virus (b) Melanin/मेलेिनन
human iris color is the dark pigment Explanation: Causative agent of the (c) Keratin /केरे िटन
melanin. The quantity of melanin disease is the Dengue virus, of which (d) Chitin/काइिटन
pigment in the iris is one factor in four different types are known. The
determining the phenotypic eye color virus multiplies within the organism Ans. (c) Keratin
of a person. of the female mosquitoes of the Explanation: Cells in the epidermis [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 43

contain a structural matrix of keratin, Ans. (b) Ligaments consumption of milk. The organisms
which makes this outermost layer of Explanation: A ligament is a fibrous of most of these diseases may be
the skin almost waterproof, and connective tissue which attaches transmitted to milk either directly
along with collagen and elastin, gives bone to bone, and usually serves to from the udder or indirectly through
skin its strength. hold structures together and keep the infected body discharges, which
them stable. may drop, splash or be blown into
Q341. Analogous organs are similar milk.The diseased persons may
in Q344. Which of the following transmit disease like typhoid fever,
सम प अंग ______ म एक जैसे होते ह structures present in mammalian skin scarlet fever, diphtheria, septic sore
- directly helps in keeping the body throat, and infantile diarrhea
(a) Functions/ काय warm?
नधारी चा म मौजूद िन संरचनाओं Q346. Which are the largest fixator
(b) Structure/ संरचना म से कौन सा शरीर को गम रखने म सीधे of solar energy?
(c) Location of the body/ शरीर म मदद करता है ? सौर ऊजा का सबसे बड़ा िनधारणकता
थान (a) Pigmented cells/रं िजत कोिशका कौन ह?
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से (b) Sweat glands/ ेद- (a) Bacteria /जीवाणु
कोई नहीं (c) Lymph vessels/लसीका वािहकाएँ (b) Protozoa/ जीवगण
(d) Blood capillaries/र केिशकाएं (c) Fungi/कवक
Ans. (a) Function (d) Green plants/हरे पादप
Explanation: Analogous organs are Ans. (c) Lymph vessels
defined as the organs of different Explanation: The lymphatic system Ans. (d) Green plants
animals that are having different consists of a network of specialized Explanation: Green plants fix solar
structure but perform the same lymphatic vessels and various tissues energy through photosynthesis.
functions. ... The structure of wings and organs throughout the body that
of the bird has bones covered by contain lymphocytes (White Blood Q347. Which of the following is the
flesh, skin, and feathers. Whereas the Cells) and other cells that help the causative agent of gonorrhoea ?
wings of insect is an extension of body fight infection and disease. The िन िल खत म से कौन सा कारक सूजाक
integument lymphatic vessels are similar to veins का है ?
but have thinner walls. Some of these (a) Treponema/टे पोिनमा
Q342. What is the average life of vessels are very close to the skin (b) Neisseria/नेइसे रया
the Red Blood corpuscles? surface and can be found near veins; (c) Trichomonas/टायकॉमोनास
लाल र किणकाओं का औसत जीवन others are just under the skin and in (d)Mycobacterium/माइकोबै ी रयम
ा है ? the deeper fatty tissues near the
(a) 20 to 30 days/20 से 30 िदन muscles and can be found near Ans. (b) Neisseria
(b) 140 to 160 days/140 से 160 िदन arteries. Explanation: Gonorrhea is an
(c) 80 to 90 days/80 से 90 िदन infection caused by a sexually
(d) 100 to 120 days/100 से 120 िदन Q345. Which from the following transmitted bacterium that infects
diseases usually spreads through both males and females. Gonorrhea
Ans. (d) 100 to 120 days milk? most often affects the urethra, rectum
Explanation: Human red blood cells िन िल खत म से कौन सी बीमारी or throat. In females, gonorrhea can
are formed mainly in the bone आमतौर पर दू ध से फैलती है ? also infect the cervix. Gonorrhea is
marrow and are believed to have an (a) Tuberculosis/ य रोग most commonly spread during
average life span of approximately (b) Jaundice/पीिलया vaginal, oral or anal sex. Gonorrhea
120 days. (c) Diphtheria/िड थी रया is caused by the bacterium Neisseria
(d) Cholera/है जा gonorrhoeae.
Q343. In context with the connective
tissues, which among the following Ans. (c) Diphtheria Q348. Which of the following is a
connect join Bones to Bones? Explanation: The health of dairy correct description of ‘tissue
संयोजी ऊतकों के संदभ म, िन िल खत animals is a very important culture’?
म से कौन सी ह ी से हि यों को जोड़ती consideration because a number of िन िल खत म से कौन सा ऊतक संवधन
है ? diseases of cattle including का सही िववरण है ?
(a) Marrow/ म ा Brucellosis, Q fever, (a) Conservation of forests and
(b) Ligaments/ ायुबंधन Salmonellosis,Staphylococcal and plantation/ वनों और वृ ारोपण का
(c) Tendon/क रा Streptococcal infections and Foot संर ण
(d) Cartilage/उपा थ and Mouth Disease (FMD) virus may (b) Growth and propagation of
be transmitted to man through the horticultural crops/बागवानी फसलों का [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 44

िवकास और सार than others. Beta-carotene is the Ans. (b) Left atrium
(c) Science of cultivating animal main pigment and is mainly absorbs Explanation: Oxygen-rich blood
tissue in artificial medium /कृि म in the 400-500 nm region of the flows from the lungs back into the
मा म म पशु ऊतक की खेती का visible spectrum with a peak left atrium (LA), or the left upper
िव ान absorption at about 450nm.They chamber of the heart, through four
(d) Protection of wild animals/जंगली cause the yellow/orange colours of pulmonary veins. Oxygen-rich blood
जानवरों का संर ण many fruit and vegetables then flows through the mitral valve
(MV) into the left ventricle (LV), or
Ans. (b) Science of cultivating Q351. The deficiency of which of the left lower chamber.
animal tissue in artificial medium the following leads to the Pellagra
Explanation: Tissue culture is the disease ? Q354. Before Urination, In which
growth of tissues or cells separate िन िल खत म से िकसकी कमी के part of the excretory system in the
from the organism. This is typically कारण पेला ा रोग होता है ? human body does the urine gets
facilitated via use of a liquid, (a)Vitamin B5/ िवटािमन B5 stored ?
semi-solid, or solid growth medium, (b)Vitamin B2/ िवटािमन B2 मू ाग करने से पहले वह मानव शरीर
such as broth or agar. Tissue culture (c)Riboflavin / राइबो ेिवन के उतसजन तं के िकस भाग म संगृहीत
commonly refers to the culture of (d)Niacin / िनयािसन होता है ?
animal cells and tissues, with the (a)Ureter / मू वािहनी
more specific term plant tissue Ans. (d) Niacin (b)Bowman's Capsule / बोमे के ूल
culture being used for plants. In Explanation: Pellagra is a disease (c)Urethra / मू माग
modern usage, tissue culture caused by low levels of niacin, also (d)Urinary Bladder / मू ाशय
generally refers to the growth of cells known as vitamin B-3. It's marked by
from a tissue from a multicellular dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis, Ans. (d) Urinary Bladder
organism in vitro. also known as “the three Ds”. If left Explanation: From the calyxes, pee
untreated, pellagra can be fatal. travels out of the kidneys through the
Q349. Study of field crops is called ureters to be stored in the bladder (a
खेत की फसलों का अ यन ा Q352. The narrow area of contact muscular sac in the lower belly).
कहलाता है ? between land, air and water is called When a person urinates, the pee exits
(a) Pomology/फलकृिष िव ान ______. the bladder and goes out of the body
(b) Agronomy/कृिषिव ान भूिम, वायु और जल के बीच स क का through the urethra, another tube-like
(c) Olericulture/शाक-कृिष संकीण े _______ कहलाता है | structure.
(d) Floriculture/पु कृिष (a)Lithosphere/ थलमंडल
(b)Biosphere/जीवमंडल Q355. Which process helps in the
Ans. (c) OlericultureExplanation: (c)Atmosphere/वायुमंडल absorption and upward movement of
Olericulture is the science of (d)Hydrosphere/जलमंडल water and minerals from the roots to
vegetable growing, dealing with the the leaves?
culture of non-woody plants for food. Ans. (b) Biosphere कौन सी ि या जड़ों से पि यों तक
Olericulture is the production of Explanation: The biosphere is a zone पानी और खिनजों के अवशोषण और
plants for use of the edible parts. of contact between air, water as well उप रमुखी गित म मदद करती है ?
as land. It is in this zone that life, that (a)Sedimentation / अवसादन
Q350. Carrot is orange in colour is unique to Earth exists and (b)Condensation संघनन
because flourishes. The biosphere is divided (c)Accumulation / संचय
गाजर का रं ग नारं गी होता है ोंिक into two kingdoms, Plant kingdom, (d)Transpiration / वा ोसजन
(a) It grows in the soil/यह िम ी म and the Animal kingdom.
पैदा होती है Ans. (d) Transpiration
(b) It is not exposed to sunlight/यह Q353. Which chamber of human Explanation: Transpiration, helps in
सूय के काश के संपक म नहीं है heart gets oxygen rich blood from the the absorption and upward
(c) It contains carotene/ इसम कैरोटीन lungs ? movement of water and minerals
होता है मानव दय के िकस को को फेफड़ो से dissolved in it from roots to the
(d) The entire plant is orange in चुर-ऑ ीजन यु र ा होता है leaves. Transpiration also helps in the
colour/पूरे पादप का रं ग नारं गी होता है ? temperature regulation (in plants).
(a)Left Ventricle / बां या िनलय
Ans. (c) It contains carotene (b)Left Atrium / बां या अिलंद Q356. In human muscle cells, which
Explanation: Carrots are orange (c)Right Ventricle / दां या िनलय chemical compound is formed by the
because they absorb certain (d)Right Atrium / दां या अिलंद fragmentation of glucose in the
wavelengths of light more efficiently absence of oxygen? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 45

मानव पेशी कोिशकाओं म, ऑ ीजन and Ulothrix. photosynthesis. Between 98 and 99
के अभाव म ूकोज़ के िवखंडन से िकस percent of solar energy reaching the
रासायिनक यौिगक का िनमाण होता है ? Q359. _______ are commonly Earth is reflected from leaves and
known as comb jellies./ other surfaces and absorbed by other
(a)Lactic acid/ लै क अ ______ को आमतौर पर कोंब जेली के molecules, which convert it to heat.
(b)Methanol/ मेथनॉल नाम से जाना जाता है ? Thus, only 1 to 2 percent is available
(c)Carbon dioxide/ काबन (a)Platyhelminthes/ पृथुकृिम to be captured by plants.
डाइऑ ाइड (b)Arthropoda/ अ पोडा
(d)Ethanol/ एथेनॉल (c)Ctenophora/ िटनोफोरा Q362. What is the mode of
(d)Mollusca/ मोल ा transmission of disease ‘Yellow vein
Ans. (a) Lactic acid mosaic of bhindi (okra)’?/
Explanation: Lactic acid is produced Ans. (c) Ctenophora िभंडी म होने वाले पीत िशरा मोजैक रोग
in muscle cells when NADH + H+ Explanation: Ctenophores, variously के सार का मा म ा होता है ?
formed in glycolysis is oxidized to known as comb jellies, sea (a)Insect/ कीट
NAD+ by a transfer of the hydrogen gooseberries, sea walnuts, or Venus's (b)Seeds/ बीज
ions to pyruvic acid (C3H4O3), which, girdles, are voracious predators. (c)Water/ जल
in turn, is reduced to lactic acid Unlike cnidarians, with which they (d)Air/ वायु
(C3H6O3). share several superficial similarities,
they lack stinging cells. Instead, in Ans. (a) Insects
Q357. Which is the longest part in order to capture prey, ctenophores Explanation: The virus is transmitted
the digestive system of the human possess sticky cells called by the whitely (Bemisia tabaci,.
body ? colloblasts. Parbhani Kranti, Janardhan, Haritha,
मानव शरीर म पाचन तं का सबसे ल ा Arka Anamika and Arka Abhay can
िह ा कौन सा है ? Q360. Digestion of food begins in tolerate yellow vein mosaic. For
(a)Pancreatic duct / अ ाशयी वािहनी which part of alimentary canal in sowing during the summer season,
(b)Small intestine / छोटी आं त human beings? when the whitefly activity is high,
(c)Large intestine / बड़ी आं त मनु ों म भोजन का पाचन आहार नली the susceptible varieties should be
(d)Oesophagus / िसका के िकस िह े म शु होता है ? avoided.
(a)Stomach/ पेट
Ans. (b) Small intestine (b)Small intestine/ छोटी आं त Q363. Which of the following
Explanation: Most of the digestion of (c)Large intestine/ बड़ी आं त organisms reproduce by Spore
food takes place in the small intestine (d)Mouth/ मुख Formation?
which is the longest part of the GI िन म से कौन से जीव बीजाणु गठन के
tract. A major digestive organ is the Ans. (d) Mouth ारा जनन करते ह ?
stomach. Explanation: Digestion begins in the (a)Bryophyllum/ ायोफाइलम
mouth, well before food reaches the (b)Planara/ ैनेरा
Q358. Which among the following is stomach. A digestive enzyme in (c)Rhizopus/ राइजोपस
the lowermost plants of the plant saliva called amylase (pronounced: (d)Plasmodium/ ाजमोिडयम
kingdom? AH-meh-lace) starts to break down
पादप जगत म सबसे िनचले थान पर some of the carbohydrates (starches Ans.(c) Rhizopus
िन म से कौन सा पौधा होता है ? and sugars) in the food even before it Explanation: Rhizopus species grow
(a)Thallophyta / थैलोफाइटा leaves the mouth. as filamentous, branching hyphae
(b)Pteridophyta/ टे रडोफाइटा that generally lack cross-walls (i.e.,
(c)Phanerogamae/ फैनरोगम Q361. What percent of solar energy they are coenocytic). They reproduce
(d)Bryophyta/ ायोफाइटा is absorbed by terrestrial ecosystem ? by forming asexual and sexual
थलीय पा रतं के ारा सौर ऊजा के spores. In asexual reproduction,
Ans. (a) Thallophyta िकतने ितशत का अवशोषण िकया sporangiospores are produced inside
Explanation: Division Thallophyta: जाता है ? a spherical structure, the sporangium.
These are the lowermost plants of the (a)2%
plant kingdom, without a (b)0.1% Q364. .______ carries oxygenated
well-differentiated body design. This (c)0.5% blood from the lungs to the heart.
means that the plant body is not (d)1% फेफड़ों से ऑ ीजन यु र को
differentiated as roots, stem, and दय तक _______ ले जाती है |
leaves. They are commonly called Ans. (d)1% (a)Aorta/ महाधमनी
algae, are permanently aquatic. Explanation: Most solar energy (b)Renal artery/ गुद की धमनी
Examples include Spirogyra, Chara, occurs at wavelengths unsuitable for (c)Pulmonary vein/ फेफड़ा-िशरा [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 46

(d)Vena Cava/ महािशरा है ? the lumen of stomach/इसके अमाशय
(a) Syndrome Associated with म लुमेन की दीवारों म पानी की थैली
Ans. (c) Pulmonary vein Respiratory Symptoms/ सन संबंधी होती है
Explanation: The pulmonary artery ल णों से संबंिधत िसंडोम (d) All of the above/उपरो सभी
carries deoxygenated blood from the (b) Severe Acute Respiratory
right ventricle into the lungs for Syndrome/अित ती सन प रल ण Ans. Water is formed in the body due
oxygenation. The pulmonary veins (c) Severe Asthmatic Respiratory to oxidation of fat
carry oxygenated blood from the Syndrome/गंभीर अ थमा सन िसंडोम Explanation: The hump stores up to
lungs into the left atrium where it is (d) Syndrome Alarm on Respiratory 80 pounds of fat, which a camel can
returned to systemic circulation. The System/ सन णाली पर िसंडोम अलाम break down into water and energy
aorta is the largest artery in the body. when sustenance is not available.
Ans. (b) Severe acute respiratory These humps give camels their
Q365. Select the bio fertilizer in the syndrome legendary ability to travel up to 100
following: Explanation: SARS appeared in 2002 desert miles without water.
िन िल खत म जैव उवरक का चयन in China. It spread worldwide within
कीिजये ? a few months, although it was Q369. Which of the following is
(a) Compost/खाद quickly contained. SARS is a virus effective against tuberculosis?
(b) Ammonium sulphate/अमोिनयम transmitted through droplets that िन िल खत म से कौन तपेिदक के िव
स ेट enter the air when someone with the भावी है ?
(c) Cattle dung/गाय का गोबर disease coughs, sneezes or talks. No (a) Penicillin/पेिनिसिलन
(d) Algae and blue-green algae/शैवाल known transmission has occurred (b) Chloromycetin/ ोरोमाइसेिटन
और नीला-हरा शैवाल since 2004. (c) Terramycin/टे रामाइिसन
(d) Streptomycin/ े ोमाइिसन
Ans. (d) Algae and blue green algae Q367. Insects responsible for
Explanation: A biofertilizer is a transmitting diseases are called Ans. (d) Streptomycin
substance which contains living सं मण रोगों के िलए िज ेदार कीट ा Explanation: The Advisory Council
microorganisms which, when applied कहलाते ह? for the Elimination of Tuberculosis,
to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, (a) Vector /रोगवाहक the American Thoracic Society, and
colonizes the rhizosphere or the (b) Transmitter/ ेषी the Center for Disease Control
interior of the plant and promotes (c) Drones/नर मधुम याँ recommend that either streptomycin
growth by increasing the supply or (d) Conductor/संवाहक or ethambutol be added as a fourth
availability of primary nutrients to drug in a regimen containing
the host plant. Bio-fertilizers add Ans. (a) Vector isoniazid (INH), rifampin and
nutrients through the natural Explanation: A disease vector is pyrazinamide for initial treatment
processes of nitrogen fixation, any agent which carries and
solubilizing phosphorus, and transmits an infectious pathogen into Q370. Which among the following
stimulating plant growth through the another living organism; most agents live tissues of the Human Eye does
synthesis of growth-promoting regarded as vectors are organisms, not have blood vessels?
substances. Bio-fertilizers eco such as intermediate parasites or मानव ने के िन िल खत जीिवत ऊतकों
friendly organic agroinput and more microbes, but it could be an म से िकसम र वािहकाएँ नहीं होती ह?
cost-effective than chemical inanimate medium of infection such (a)Sclera/ ेतपटल
fertilizers. Bio-fertilizers such as as dust particles. (b)Cornea/ने पटल
Rhizobium, Azotobacter, (c)Iris/प रता रका
Azospirillum and blue green algae Q368. Camel is a desert animal, that (d)Pupil/कनीिनका
(BGA) have been in use a long time. can live without water for many
Blue green algae belonging to a days, because Ans. (b) Cornea
general cyanobacteria genus, Nostoc ऊंट एक रे िग ानी जानवर है , जो कई Explanation: Because transparency is
or Anabaena or Tolypothrix or िदनों तक पानी के िबना रह सकता है , of prime importance the cornea does
Aulosira, fix atmospheric nitrogen ोंिक not have blood vessels; it receives
and are used as inoculations for (a) it does not need water/इसे पानी की nutrients via diffusion from the tear
paddy crop grown both under upland आव कता नहीं होती है fluid at the outside and the aqueous
and low-land conditions. (b) water is formed in the body due humour at the inside and also from
to oxidation of fat/ वसा के neurotrophins supplied by nerve
Q366. Full form of the infectious ऑ ीकरण के कारण शरीर म पानी fibres that innervate it.
disease SARS is बनता है
सं ामक रोग SARS का पूण प ा (c) it has the water sac in the walls of Q371. Founder of Homeopathy is [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 47

हो ोपैथी के सं थापक कौन ह? and a dialysate, or special dialysis सकती है ।
(a) Samuel Hahnemann/ सैमुअल fluid, flows by the opposite side. A (a) Cobalt/कोबा
है नीमैन semipermeable membrane is a thin (b) Nickel/िनकेल
(b) Hippocrates/िह ो े ट् स layer of material that contains holes (c) Zinc/िजंक
(c) Charaka/चरक of various sizes, or pores. Smaller (d) Lead/सीसा
(d) Sushrutha/सु ुत solutes and fluid pass through the
membrane, but the membrane blocks Ans. (d) Lead
Ans. (a) Samuel Hahnemann the passage of larger substances (for Explanation: Chocolate absorbs lead
Explanation: Samuel Hahnemann. example, red blood cells, large from the environment during
Christian Friedrich Samuel proteins). This replicates the filtering production. Recently there has been
Hahnemann; 10 April 1755 – 2 July process that takes place in the concern of mild lead poisoning for
1843) was a German physician, best kidneys when the blood enters the some types of chocolate.
known for creating the kidneys and the larger substances are
pseudoscientific system of separated from the smaller ones in Q377. Which carbohydrate is used in
alternative medicine called the glomerulus silvering of mirrors?
homeopathy. दपणों को चां दी चढ़ाने म िकस
Q374. What is the normal blood काब हाइडे ट का उपयोग िकया जाता है ?
Q372. Development of an egg sugar level of a human being? (a) Fructose/ ोज
without fertilization is called मनु का सामा र शकरा र (b) Sucrose/सु ोज
िबना िनषेचन के एक अंडे के िवकास को िकतना है ? (c) Glucose/ ूकोज
ा कहा जाता है ? (a) Close to 10 mg/ml (d) Starch/ ाच
(a) Game to genesis/उ ि ीड़ा (b) 120- 150 mg/dl
(b) Parthenogenesis/अिनषेकजनन (c) 80 -90 mg/dl Ans. (c) Glucose
(c) Oogenesis /अंडजनन (d) 150 -200 mg/dl Explanation: Silvering is the
(d) Metamorphosis/कायां तरण chemical process of coating glass
Ans. (c) 80-90 mg/dl with a reflective substance. In this
Ans. (b) Parthenogenesis Explanation: Normal blood sugar process glucose is used.
Explanation: Parthenogenesis is a varies from person to person, but a
natural form of asexual reproduction normal range for fasting blood sugar Q378. When a child is born, what
in which growth and development of (the amount of glucose in your blood happens to its blood circulation?
embryos occur without fertilization six to eight hours after a meal) is जब कोई ब ा पैदा होता है , तो उसके
by sperm. In animals, between 70 and 100 milligrams per र प रसंचरण पर ा भाव पड़ता है ?
parthenogenesis means development deciliter. For most individuals, the (a) Its blood flows for the first
of an embryo from an unfertilized level of glucose in the blood rises time/उसका र पहली बार वािहत
egg cell. after meals होता है
(b) Its blood reverses its flow
Q373. In the process of dialysis, used Q375. Literal meaning of the term through the heart/इसका र दय के
on patients with affected kidneys, the “Homo Sapiens” is मा म से इसके वाह को उलट दे ता है
phenomenon involved is "होमो सेिपय " श का शा क अथ (c) Its blood ceases to pass from one
भािवत वृ वाले रोिगयों म अपोहन ा है ? atrium to the other /इसका
की ि या म कौन सी घटना शािमल है ? (a) Man -The Wise/ मनु - र एक अिलंद से गुजरना बंद कर दे ता
(a) Diffusion/ सरण (b) Man -The Supreme /मनु -सव है
(b) Absorption/अवशोषण (c) Man -The (d) Its blood carries wastes for the
(c) Osmosis/परासरण Omnivore/मनु -सवाहारी first time/इसका र पहली बार
(d) Electrophoresis/वैद्युतकणसंचलन (d) Man -The Fool/मनु -मूख अपिश का वहन करता है
Ans. (c) Osmosis
Explanation: Dialysis works on the Ans. (a) Man- The wise Ans. (c) Its blood ceases to pass from
principles of the diffusion of solutes Explanation: Homo sapiens is the one atrium to the other
and ultrafiltration of fluid across a only extant human species. The name Explanation: At birth, the umbilical
semi-permeable membrane. is Latin for 'wise man' and was cord is clamped and the baby no
Diffusion is a property of substances introduced in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus longer receives oxygen and nutrients
in water; substances in water tend to from the mother. With the first
move from an area of high Q376. Chocolates can be bad for breaths of life, the lungs begin to
concentration to an area of low health because of a high content of expand. The closure of the ductus
concentration.[7] Blood flows by one _______ की उ साम ी की वजह से arteriosus and foramen ovale
side of a semi-permeable membrane, चॉकलेट सेहत के िलए हािनकारक हो completes the transition of fetal [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 48

circulation to newborn circulation. tissues/ऊतकों को ऑ ीजन की and multiple other biological effects.
आपूित करना In humans, the most important
Q379. Which virus from the (b) carry carbon dioxide from the compounds in this group are vitamin
following combinations is contagious tissues/काबन डाइऑ ाइड को D3 (also known as cholecalciferol)
for human beings ऊतकों से ले जाना and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).
िन िल खत से कौन सा वायरस मानव के (c) throw away waste
िलए सं ामक है materials/अपिश पदाथ का बिहगमन Q384. In which of the following
(a) H1N1 (d) pump blood to different parts of insects, a pigment called luciferin is
(b) H2N3 the body/शरीर के िविभ भागों म र found?
(c) H4N1 भेजना िन िल खत म से िकस कीट म
(d) H4N2 ूिसफ रन नामक वणक पाया जाता है ?
Ans. (d) Pump blood to different (a)Firefly/जुगनू
Ans. (a) H1N1 parts of the body (b)Sandfly/बड़म ी
Explanation: Influenza A virus Explanation: The heart is a muscular (c)Housefly/साधारण म ी
subtype H1N1 (A/H1N1) is the organ roughly the size of a closed (d)Bats/चमगादड़
subtype of influenza A virus that was fist. It sits in the chest, slightly to the
the most common cause of human left of center. Ans. (a) Fireflies
influenza (flu) in 2009, and is As the heart contracts, it pumps Explanation: Firefly luciferin is the
associated with the 1918 outbreak blood around the body. It carries luciferin found in many Lampyridae
known as the Spanish flu. deoxygenated blood to the lungs species. It is the substrate of beetle
H2N3 is a subtype of the influenza A where it loads up with oxygen and luciferases (EC 1.13. 12.7)
virus. Its name derives from the unloads carbon dioxide, a waste responsible for the characteristic
forms of the two kinds of proteins on product of metabolism. yellow light emission from fireflies,
the surface of its coat, hemagglutinin though can cross-react to produce
and neuraminidase. H2N3 viruses Q382. The age of trees is determined light with related enzymes from
can infect birds and mammals by its: non-luminous species.
H4N1 influenza virus पेड़ों की आयु िकसके ारा िनधा रत की
[A/Swine/HuBei/06/2009(H4N1)] जाती है ? Q385. A potato tuber has been cut
was isolated in 2009 from a pig (a) girth/क ा into two halves. A few drops of
exhibiting severe respiratory (b) height/ऊंचाई iodine solution are placed on the cut
syndrome. (c) growth rings/संवृ वलय surface of one of the halves. What
H4N2 virus remained lowly colour change will be noticed?
pathogenic in chickens (d) general appearance/सामा प एक आलू कंद को दो िह ों म काट
िदया गया है । आयोडीन के घोल की कुछ
Q380. Cuscuta is a Ans. (c) Growth rings बूंदों को कटे ए एक भाग की सतह पर
अमरबेल ा है ? Explanation: If you know when the रखा जाता है । रं ग म िकस कार का
(a) partial stem parasite/आं िशक तना tree was planted, you can easily and प रवतन आएगा?
परजीवी accurately determine its age. The (a) From brown to blue-black/भूरे से
(b) complete stem parasite/पूण तना second most accurate way to नीले-काले रं ग का प रवतन
परजीवी estimate tree age is to count the (b) From brown to orange-red/भूरे से
(c) partial root parasite/आं िशक जड़ annual rings of wood growth. नारं गी-लाल का प रवतन
परजीवी (c) From blue to pink/नीले से गुलाबी
(d) complete root parasite/पूण जड़ Q383. The vitamin that is most का प रवतन
परजीवी readily manufactured in our bodies is (d) From pink to blue-green/गुलाबी से
हमारे शरीर म________ िवटािमन सबसे नीला-हरा प रवतन
Ans. (b) Complete stem parasite आसानी से िनिमत होता है ।
Explanation: The parasite is an (a) vitamin A/िवटािमन A Ans. (a) From brown to blue-black
organism that lives in constant (b) vitamin B/िवटािमन B Explanation: The iodine test is used
association with the host and gets its (c) vitamin C /िवटािमन C to test for the presence of starch.
food directly or indirectly without (d) vitamin D/िवटािमन D Starch turns into an intense
killing the host. Total stem parasite, "blue-black" colour upon addition of
e.g., Cuscuta. Ans. (d) Vitamin D aqueous solutions of the triiodide
Explanation: Vitamin D is a group of anion, due to the formation of an
Q381. The function of the heart is to fat-soluble secosteroids responsible intermolecular charge-transfer
दय का काय ा है ? for increasing intestinal absorption of complex.
(a) Supply oxygen to the calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 49

Q386. How many valves does a of a woman is counted in the Explanation: Spleen is known as the
human heart have? Maternal Mortality? graveyard of red blood cells as it acts
मानव दय म िकतने वा होते ह? WHO की प रभाषा के अनुसार, as a filter for blood by removing
(a) Four गभाव था की समा के िकतने िदनों के microbes and damaged or worn out
(b) Three भीतर, मिहला की मृ ु को मातृ मृ ु दर RBCs. It is a part of immune system
(c) Two म िगना जाता है ? and helps the body fight infections
(d) One (a)90 Days by producing white blood cells.
(b)40 Days
Ans. (a) Four (c)36 Days Q392. Flower is a modified
Explanation: There are four valves (d)42 Days पु एक प रवितत _____ होता है |
within your heart. They are the (a) Leaf / प ी
mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonic Ans. (d) 42 days (b) Stem/ तना
valves. The valves make sure blood Explanation: Maternal death or (c) Root / जड़
flows in only one direction through maternal mortality is defined by the (d) Shoot/ शाखा
the heart World Health Organization (WHO)
as "the death of a woman while Ans. (d) Shoot
Q387. The source of the enzyme, pregnant or within 42 days of Explanation: A flower is a modified
diastase is termination of pregnancy, shoot. A flower is a modified shoot.
एं जाइम, डाय े स का ोत ा है ? irrespective of the duration and site The meristem of the flower stem is
(a) salivary gland /लार ंिथ of the pregnancy, from any cause determinate, meaning that once the
(b) stomach/अमाशय related to or aggravated by the flower parts are produced, no further
(c) liver/यकृत pregnancy or its management but not cell division occurs. Flower parts,
(d) pancreas/अ ाशय from accidental or incidental causes which are modified leaves, are
arranged in whorls on the expanded
Ans. (a) Salivary gland Q390. The natural Pacemaker in the apex of the flower stalk or pedicel
Explanation: Diastase was the very Human Heart is located in the SA
first enzyme discovered. This node which is present in which Q393. Which of the following organ
enzyme helps break down among the following chambers? in human body produces albumin,
carbohydrates and turn them into मानव दय म ाकृितक पेसमेकर SA one of the major components of
sugar, which makes them easier to नोड म थत है जो िन िल खत क ों म blood serum?
digest. It is found in such sources as से िकसके बीच मौजूद है ? मानव शरीर म िन म से कौन सा अंग
milk, saliva and other plants. (a) Right Auricle/दायां अिलंद र के सीरम के मुख घटकों म से एक
Q388. Mycoplasma is associated (b) Left Auricle/बायां अिलंद ए ुिमन का उ ादन करता है ?
with a disease that affects the organs (c)Right Ventricle/दायां िनलय (a) Bone Marrow/अ थ म ा
of (d)Left Ventricle/बायां िनलय (b) Liver/यकृत
माइको ा ा का संबंध एक रोग से है , (c) Pancreas/अ ाशय
यह रोग िकन अंगो को भािवत करता Ans. (a) Right auricle (d) Spleen/ ीहा
है ? Explanation: The SA node is the
(a) respiration/ सन heart's natural pacemaker. The SA Ans. (b) Liver
(b) excretion/उ जन node consists of a cluster of cells that Explanation: Albumin is synthesized
(c) reproduction/ जनन are situated in the upper part of the in the liver as preproalbumin, which
(d) digestion/पाचन wall of the right atrium (the right has an N-terminal peptide that is
upper chamber of the heart). The removed before the nascent protein is
Ans. (a) Respiratory electrical impulses are generated released from the rough endoplasmic
Explanation: Mycoplasmas have there. reticulum. The product, proalbumin,
been implicated in infections of the is in turn cleaved in the Golgi
respiratory, ocular, urogenital, and Q391. Which of the following is vesicles to produce the secreted
nervous systems known as the graveyard of RBC? albumin.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a type of िन िल खत म से िकसे RBC के
“atypical” bacteria that commonly कि ान के प म जाना जाता है ? Q394. Which one of the following is
causes mild infections of the (a) Liver /यकृत true regarding plant cells and animal
respiratory system (b) Spleen/ ीहा cells?/ िन िल खत म से कौन पादप
(c) Brain/म कोिशकाओं और पशु कोिशकाओं के
Q389. As per the WHO definition, (d) Heart / दय बारे म सही है ?
within how many days of the (a) Plant cells contain chloroplast
termination of pregnancy, the death Ans. (b) Spleen while animal cells do not. /पादप [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 50

कोिशकाओं म ोरो ा होता है Explanation: Our internal body which is an important factor in sugar
जबिक पशु कोिशका म नहीं temperature is regulated by a part of production. Cane quality in terms of
(b) Plant cells are small while animal our brain called the hypothalamus. sucrose content is also affected by
cells are large in size/पादप कोिशका The hypothalamus checks our current climatic factors like rainfall. So, the
छोटी होती ह जबिक पशु कोिशकाएँ temperature and compares it with the correct answer is 'If high rainfall
आकार म बड़ी होती ह normal temperature of about 37°C. If occurs during the period of growth of
(c) Plant cells contain nucleus while our temperature is too low, the the plant'
animal cells do not/ पादप कोिशका म hypothalamus makes sure that the
के क होता है जबिक पशु कोिशका body generates and maintains heat Q399. Which of the following
नहीं awards is instituted by UNESCO?
(d) Plant cells and animal cells are Q397. The seeds of certain plants fail िन िल खत म से कौन सा पुर ार
similar in all respects/पादप कोिशका to germinate if they do not pass यूने ो ारा सं थािपत है ?
और जंतु कोिशका सभी कार से समान through the digestive tract of (a) Nehru Award for International
ह fruit-eating birds. This is due to Understanding/अंतरा ीय के िलए
कुछ पौधों के बीज अंकु रत होने म नेह पुर ार
Ans. (a) Plant cells contain िवफल हो जाते ह यिद वे फल खाने वाले (b) Kalinga Prize/किलंग पुर ार
chloroplast while animal cells do not. पि यों के पाचन तं से नहीं गुजरते ह। (c) Arjuna Award/अजुन पुर ार
इसका कारण ा है ? (d) Nobel Prize/नोबेल पुर ार
Q395. The blood cholesterol level in (a) hibernation/शीतिन ा
100 ml of blood in a normal person (b) seed coat Ans. (b) Kalinga prize
varies between— impermeability/बीजावरण अभे ता Explanation: The Kalinga Prize for
एक सामा म 100 ml र म (c) infertility/अनुवरता the Popularization of Science is an
र कोले ॉल का र िकतना होता है ? (d) vegetative award given by UNESCO for
(a) 150 and 200 mg reproduction/वान ितक जनन exceptional skill in presenting
(b) 120 and 200 mg scientific ideas to lay people. It was
(c) 100 and 180 mg Ans. (b) Seed coat impermeability created in 1952, following a donation
(d) 80 and 160 mg Explanation: It is due to the hard from Biju Patnaik, Founder President
covering on seeds the seeds which of the Kalinga Foundation Trust in
Ans. (a) 150-200 mg have hard seed coat can't germinate India.
Explanation: Cholesterol is defined for their germination they have to
as a waxy alcohol, fat-like substance pass through the digestive tract of Q400. Respiration is
that occurs naturally in all areas of fruit eating birds due to acid present सन ा है ?
the human body. Cholesterol is in digestive tract the seed coat breaks (a) oxidation /उपचयन
measured in milligrams per 100 leads to germination of seeds. (b) reduction /अपचयन
millilitres of blood. The normal level (c) hydrolysis /जल-अपघटन
of cholesterol varies between Q398. Sucrose content in sugarcane (d) Osmosis/परासरण
150-200 mg per 100 ml. Any decreases
increase in cholesterol level leads to ग े म सु ोज साम ी कम होती है - Ans. (a) Oxidation
hypercholesterolemia or high (a) if high rainfall occurs during the Explanation: During aerobic
cholesterol. Normal cholesterol is period of growth of the plant/यिद पौधे respiration, the oxygen taken in by a
180 mg/dl or 180 mg/100ml. < 200 के िवकास की अविध के दौरान उ वषा cell combines with glucose to
mg/dL is considered to be normal होती है produce energy in the form of
blood cholesterol; 200-239 mg/dL (b) if frost occurs during the period Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and
borderline-high; and > 240 mg/dL of ripening/यिद प रप ता अविध के the cell expels carbon dioxide and
high cholesterol. दौरान तुषार होती है water. This is an oxidation reaction
(c) if there is fluctuation in in which glucose is oxidized and
Q396. The body temperature is temperature during the period of oxygen is reduced.
regulated by— growth of the plant/तुषार
शरीर का तापमान िकसके ारा िनयंि त (d) if there is high temperature Q401. Tamiflu is frontline drug
होता है ? during the time of ripening/यिद against
(a) Pituitary gland/पीयूिषका- ंिथ प रप ता के समय तापमान उ हो टे मी ू िकसके िलए एक मु दवा है ?
(b) Hypothalamus/हाइपोथैलेमस (a) Bird flu/प ी इ ूएंजा
(c) Pineal gland/शीष ंिथ Ans. (a) if high rainfall occurs during (b) Cancer/कसर
(d) Thyroid gland/थायरॉइड ंिथ the period of growth of the plant (c) AIDS/एड् स
Explanation: Quality of sugarcane (d) Polio/पोिलयो
Ans. (b) Hypothalamus means the sucrose content in cane [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 51

Ans. (a) Bird flu sheep was (b) an insect/कीट
Explanation: Oseltamivir marketed पहली ोन भेड़ का नाम ा था? (c) an cat/िब ी
under the trade name Tamiflu, is an (a) Molly/मौली (d) a muskrat/म ट
antiviral drug, which may slow the (b) Dolly/डॉली
spread of influenza (flu) virus (c) Jolly/जॉली Ans. (b) An insect
between cells in the body by (d) Roly/रोली Explanation: Lac is a natural resin of
stopping the virus from chemically animal origin. It is secreted by an
cutting ties with its host cell. It has Ans. (b) Dolly insect, known as lac-insect In order
been used to treat & prevent Explanation: Dolly the Sheep. Dolly to obtain lac, these insects are
influenza A virus & influenza B (July 5, 1996 - February 14, 2003), a cultured and the technique is called
virus infection in over 50 million ewe, was the first mammal to have lac-culture. It involves proper care of
people since 1999. The drug is taken been successfully cloned from an host plants, regular pruning of host
orally in capsules or as a suspension. adult cell. She was cloned at the plants, propagation, collection and
Roslin Institute in Midlothian, processing of lac.
Q402. ‘Why excessive heating and Scotland, and lived there until her
repeated use of cooking oil are most death when she was six years old. Q406. Quarantine regulation is
undesirable?/ खाना पकाने के तेल का concerned with
अ िधक तापन और बार-बार उपयोग Q404. Which among the given संगरोध िनयमन का संबंध िकस है ?
ों सबसे अवां छनीय है ? correctly explains the phenomenon (a) growing of better varieties of
(a) The oil vapour can cause indoor of 'Test Tube Baby' plant/बेहतर िक के पौधे उगाना
pollution/तेल वा आ ंत रक दू षण िदए गए म से कौन 'टे ूब बेबी' की (b) prevention of entry of diseased
का कारण बन सकता है घटना की सही ा ा करता है - organism/ रोग जीव के वेश को
(b) Carcinogenic substances like (a) When the fertilisation is internal रोकना
benzpyrene are produced/कसर पैदा & development is external./जब (c) spraying of insecticide over
करने वाले बज़ोपयरे ने जैसे पदाथ उ िनषेचन आं त रक होता है और िवकास diseased plants/रोग पौधों पर
होते है बाहरी होता है कीटनाशक का िछड़काव
(c) Nutrient value of food is (b) When the fertilisation is external (d) identification of diseased
lost/भोजन की पौि कता समा हो & development is internal./जब organism/रोग जीव की पहचान
जाती है िनषेचन बाहरी होता है और िवकास
(d) Loss and wastage of oil/तेल का आं त रक होता है । Ans. (b) prevention of entry of
नुकसान और अप य (c) When every process of embryo diseased organism
formation is in the test tube./जब ूण Explanation: Quarantine is
Ans. (b) Carcinogenic substances के िनमाण की हर ि या परखनली म compulsory isolation, typically to
like benzpyrene are produced होती है । contain the spread of something
Explanation: Heating an oil changes (d) When the embryo develops in a considered dangerous, often but not
its characteristics and this means that test tube./जब ूण एक परखनली म always disease. Quarantine
oils regarded as being healthy at िवकिसत होता है legislation is in place in countries
room temperature can become Ans. (b) When the fertilisation is worldwide restricting the import of
unhealthy when heated above certain external & development is internal. non-indigenous plant and animal
temperatures. The smoking point is Explanation: When the fertilisation is pathogens. Those who wish to import
the temperature at which a particular external & development is internal.. such organisms must hold the
fat or oil starts to smoke and break In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a relevant import permit, which can be
down creating acreolein, an process by which an egg is fertilized obtained, from the relevant country
obnoxious-smelling compound. A by sperm outside the body: in vitro. Authority.
2001 review found that Test tube baby is born from in vitro
polyunsaturated oils like soya, fertilization. When a woman's natural Q407. Toxicology is related to the
canola, sunflower, and corn oil cycle is monitored to collect a study of
degrade quickly to yield toxic naturally selected ovum (egg) for िवष िव ान िकसके अ यन से संबंिधत
compounds when heated and that fertilization, it is known as natural है ?
prolonged consumption of these cycle IVF. The fertilized egg (a) viruses/िवषाणु
degraded polyunsaturated oils was (zygote) is then transferred to the (b) bacteria/जीवाणु
linked to atherosclerosis, patient's uterus with the intention of (c) diseases/रोग
inflammatory joint disease and the establishing a successful pregnancy. (d) poisons/िवष
development of birth defects. Q405. Lac is produced from
ला ा िकसके ारा उ िकया जाता है ? Ans. (d) Poisons
Q403. The name of the first cloned (a) a tree/वृ [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 52

Explanation: Toxicology is a (b) Hepatic vein
scientific discipline, overlapping Ans. (c) Honeybee (c) Dorsal aorta
with biology, chemistry, Explanation: The western honey bee (d) Renal vein
pharmacology, and medicine, that or European honey bee is the most
involves the study of the adverse common of the 7–12 species of Ans. (b) Hepatic vein
effects of chemical substances on honey bees worldwide. The genus Explanation: Hepatic vein.The liver
living organisms and the practice of name Apis is Latin for "bee", and produces urea & other waste
diagnosing and treating exposures to mellifera is the Latin for materials & then it pours it all in the
toxins and toxicants. "honey-bearing", referring to the right ventricle of the heart for
species' production of honey oxygenation. So the impure blood
Q408. Contraceptive pills in the brought by the Hepatic Vein & other
market contain Q411. Which part of human body is blood vessels gets distributed
बाजार म गभिनरोधक गोिलयां ह first highly affected by nuclear through the aorta. The heart then
(a) Steroid-hormones/ े रॉयड-हाम न radiation? distributes the blood to various parts
(b) Antibiotics/एं टीबायोिटक दवाओं परमाणु िविकरण से मानव शरीर का of the body. This clearly signals that
(c) Inorganic compounds/ अकाबिनक कौन सा िह ा सबसे पहले भािवत hepatic vein carries the largest
यौिगक होता है ? amount of urea, while the renal vein
(d) Herbicides (a) Eyes/आं ख carries the least.
(b) Lungs/फेफड़े
Ans. (a) Steroid hormones (c) Skin/ चा Q414. Jonas Salk invented the
Explanation: Contraceptive pills in (d) Bone Marrow/ अ थ म ा vaccine for
the market contain steroid hormones जोनास सा ने िकसकी वै ीन का
like levonorgestrel, progesterone, Ans. (c) Skin आिव ार िकया था?
estrogen etc. Explanation: Radiation can penetrate (a) Polio /पोिलयो
deep inside the human body, and into (b) Hepatitis/ हे पेटाइिटस
Q409. Which one of the following is the cells. Certain body parts are more (c) Typhoid/टाइफाइड
a non-poisonous snake? specifically affected by exposure to (d) Cholera/है जा
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक different types of radiation sources.
गैर-जहरीला सां प है ? The areas of skin exposed to Ans. (a) Polio
(a) Cobra /कोबरा radiation will appear like severe Explanation: Polio Vaccine. In 1947,
(b) Dryophis/डायोिफस sunburn, then sores may form, and Salk took a position at University of
(c) Elapes /एलापेस skin infection may develop. Pittsburgh, where he began
(d) Python/अजगर conducting research on polio, also
Q412. Olive Ridley is a famous known as infantile paralysis. By
Ans. (d) Python जैतून की लाली एक िस ______है । 1951, Salk had determined that there
Explanation: The name Python was (a) cricketer/झींगुर were three distinct types of polio
proposed by François Marie Daudin (b) turtle species/कछु ए की जाित viruses and was able to develop a
in 1803 for non-venomous flecked (c) grass type vegetation/घास कार "killed virus" vaccine for the disease
snakes.Poisonous snakes: Naja की वन ित
(Cobra), Bangarus coeruleus (Krait), (d) Another name for olive tree/जैतून Q415. Cancer is a disease where we
Vipera (Viper), Hydrophis (Sea के पेड़ का दू सरा नाम find uncontrolled
snake) Najahaunaha: King Cobra. कसर एक ऐसी बीमारी है जहाँ
King Cobra is only snake which Ans. (b) Turtle species ________अिनयंि त हो जाता है ।
builds its nest. Nest forming snake is Explanation:The olive ridley sea
terrestrial and poisonous turtle, also known commonly as the (a) cell division/कोिशका िवभाजन
Pacific ridley sea turtle, is a species
Q410. The insect “Apis mellifera” is of turtle in the family Cheloniidae. (b) cell swelling/कोिशका की सूजन
commonly known as which among The species is the second smallest
the following? and most abundant of all sea turtles (c) cell inflammation /कोिशका
कीट "एिपस मेिलफेरा" को आमतौर पर found in the world दाह
िन िल खत म से िकसके प म जाना (d) cell deformity/कोिशका िवकृित
जाता है ? Q413. The highest concentration of
(a) House Fly/घरे लू म ी urea is found in Ans. (a) Cell division
(b) Fire Fly/जुगनू यू रया म सबसे अिधक सां ता पाई जाती Explanation: Cancer is unchecked
(c) Honey Bee/मधुम ी है cell growth. Mutations in genes can
(d) Spider/मकड़ी (a) Hepatic portal vein cause cancer by accelerating cell [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 53

division rates or inhibiting normal micro-organisms/एक सू जीव ारा plasma contains antibodies and other
controls on the system, such as cell दू सरे सू जीवों के ित सं ेिषत proteins. It is taken from donors and
cycle arrest or programmed cell रसायन made into medications for a variety
death. As a mass of cancerous cells (c) a substance produced by blood of blood-related conditions.
grows, it can develop into a tumor. cells against bacteria/बै ी रया के
ित र कोिशकाओं ारा िनिमत पदाथ Q421. Heart murmur indicates a
Q416. Jamnapari is a breed of which दय के कुड़कुड़ाने की िन ा इं िगत
of the following? (d) a substance produced by blood करती है ?
जमना परी िन िल खत म से िकसकी cells against infection./सं मण के (a) defective valve/दोषपूण वा
एक न है ? ित र कोिशकाओं ारा िनिमत पदाथ (b)poor oxygenation/ ऑ ीजन
(a)Goat /बकरी ीणता
(b)Cow/गाय Ans. (a) a chemical synthesized by a (c) dislocation of the heart/ दय की
(c)Buffalo/ भस human cell against a microorganism अ व था
(d)Hen/ मुग Explanation: An antibiotic is a type (d) improper development of
of antimicrobial substance active muscles/मां सपेिशयों का अनुिचत
Ans. (a) Goat against bacteria and is the most िवकास
Explanation: Jamnapari (or important type of antibacterial agent
Jamunapari) is a breed of goat for fighting bacterial infections. Ans. (a) defective valve
originating from Indian subcontinent. Antibiotic medications are widely Explanation: Heart murmurs are
Since 1953 they have been exported used in the treatment and prevention most often related to defective heart
to Indonesia (popular as Etawa goat, of such infections. They may either valves
and its mixture with a local goat kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.
called "PE", peranakan Etawa or Q422. The language used in writing
Etawa mix) where they have been a Q419. Which one of the following the scientific name of animals is
great success. It is bred for both milk can be synthesized by Liver? पशुओं के वै ािनक नाम को िलखने म
and meat. यकृत ारा िन िल खत म से िकसका यु भाषा कौन सी है ?
सं ेषण िकया जा सकता है ? (a) French/ च
Q417. Growth of the baby in the (a) Vitamin –A (b) Latin/लैिटन
uterus is found using (b) Vitamin –E (c) German/जमन
गभाशय म ब े की वृ का उपयोग (c) Vitamin-D (d) Dutch/डच
करते ए पाया जाता है (d) Vitamin -K
(a) Gamma rays/ गामा िकरण Ans. (b) Latin
(b) X-rays/ए -रे Ans. (d) Vitamin K Explanation: Binomial nomenclature
(c) Ultra sound/अ ा साउं ड Explanation: The liver synthesizes ("two-term naming system"), also
(d) Ultraviolet rays/ पराबगनी िकरण bile acids and secretes them into the called binominal nomenclature
small intestine where they play a ("two-name naming system") or
Ans. (c) Ultra sound critical role in absorption of lipids. binary nomenclature, is a formal
Explanation: Ultrasound is a Vitamin K, as a fat-soluble vitamin, system of naming species of living
technique that uses sound waves to requires proper lipid absorption for things by giving each a name
show a picture of a baby (fetus) in its own absorption. composed of two parts, both of
the uterus. Echoes from the waves which use Latin grammatical forms
are analyzed by computer to produce Q420. Fluid part of blood devoid of
a moving or still picture, called a corpuscles is called Q423. Ripe grapes contain
sonogram, on a screen. It works by र वािहकाओं के तरल भाग को ा पके अंगूर म ा होता है ?
bouncing sound waves off the कहा जाता है ? (a) Fructose/ ोज
developing fetus. The technique is (a) Tissue fluid/ऊतक व (b) Sucrose/सु ोज
also called sonography. (b) Plasma/ ा ा (c) Galactose/गैले ोज
(c) Serum/सीरम (d) Glucose/ ूकोज
Q418. An antibiotic is (d) Lymph/लसीका
एक ितजीवी ा है ? Ans. (a) Fructose
(a) a chemical synthesized by a Ans. (b) Plasma Explanation: Fully mature or ripe
human cell against a microorganism/ Explanation: The liquid part of the grapes contain about an equal
एक सू जीव के ित मानव कोिशका blood and lymphatic fluid, which concentration of glucose and
ारा सं ेिषत रसायन makes up about half of the volume of fructose, which are the simple sugars
(b) a chemical synthesized by a blood. Plasma is devoid of cells and, yeast ferment to form alcohol and
micro-organism against another unlike serum, has not clotted. Blood carbon dioxide. Ripe grapes contain [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 54

~ 20% of glucose. During ripening दां तों के अ यन से संबंिधत िव ान है -
the sucrose molecules are hydrolyzed (a) Odontology/ओडो ोलॉजी Q429. The branch of biology dealing
(inverted) by the enzyme invertase (b) Ornithology/ऑिनथोलॉजी with the study of cells is known as
into glucose and fructose. (c) Phenology /फेनोलॉजी कोिशकाओं के अ यन से संबंिधत जीव
(d) Cosmology/कॉ ोलॉजी िव ान की शाखा कौन सी है ?
Q424. M.R.I. stands for (a) Cytology/कोिशकािव ान
M.R.I. का अथ ा है ? Ans. (a) Odontology (b) Histology/ऊतक िव ान
(a)Metered Resonance Explanation: The study of the (c) Psychology /मनोिव ान
Imaging/मापकृत अनुनाद ितिब न structure, development, and (d) Physiology/शरीर ि या िव ान
(b) Magnetic Resonance abnormalities of the teeth
Imaging/चु कीय अनुनाद ितिब न Ans. (a) Cytology
(c) Magnetic Reaction Q427. The enzyme in whose Explanation: Cell biology is a branch
Imaging/चु कीय अिभि या presence glucose and fructose are of biology studying the structure and
ितिब न converted into alcohol is function of the cell, also known as
(d) Metered Reaction वह एं जाइम िजसकी उप थित म the basic unit of life
Imaging/मापकृत अिभि या ितिब न ूकोज और ोज को अ ोहल म
प रवितत िकया जाता है ? Q430. The study of extinct animals
Ans.(b) Magnetic Resonance (a) Diastase/डाय टे ज is called
Imaging (b) Maltase/मा े ज िवलु जानवरों के अ यन को ा
Explanation: Magnetic resonance (c) invertase/इ ेटज़ कहा जाता है ?
imaging is a medical imaging (d) Zymase/ज़ाइमेज़ (a) Herpetology /सरीसृप िव ान
technique used in radiology to form (b) Ornithology/प ीिव ान
pictures of the anatomy and the Ans. (c) Zymase (c) Geology/भूगभशा
physiological processes of the body. Explanation: Zymase is an enzyme (d) Palaeontology/जीवा की
MRI scanners use strong magnetic complex that catalyzes the
fields, magnetic field gradients, and fermentation of sugar into ethanol Ans. (d) Palaeontology
radio waves to generate images of and carbon dioxide. Explanation: Paleontology is the
the organs in the body. study of fossils to determine the
Q428. The study of visceral organs is structure and evolution of extinct
Q425. Bubo bubo is the scientific आं त के अंगों का अ यन ा कहलाता animals and plants and the age and
name of which of the following है ? conditions of deposition of the rock
species? (a) Angiology/एं जोलॉजी strata in which they are found.
बुबो बुबो िन िल खत म से िकस जाित (b) Arthrology/आथ लॉजी
का वै ािनक नाम है ? (c) Anthropology/ए ोलॉजी Q431. The medical term used for the
(a) Cock /मुगा (d) Splanchnology/ ां चनोलॉजी sleeplessness is
(b) Peahen/मोरनी अिन ा के िलए यु िचिक कीय
(c) Falcon/बाज़ Ans. (d) Splanchnology श ा है ?
(d) Owl/उ ू Explanation: Splanchnology is the (a) Somnambulism/सोमनमबूिल
study of the visceral organs, i.e. (िन ा मण)
Ans. (d) Owl digestive, urinary, reproductive and (b) Insomnia /इं सोि या (अिन ा
Explanation: The Eurasian eagle-owl respiratory systems. The term derives रोग)
(Bubo bubo) is a species of from the Neo-Latin splanchno-, from (c) Hallucination/हे लोिजनेशन
eagle-owl that resides in much of the Greek, meaning "viscera". (मित म)
Eurasia. It is also called the Angiology is the medical specialty (d) Nocturia/नॉ ू रया (राि ब मू ी )
European eagle-owl and in Europe, it which studies the diseases of the
is occasionally abbreviated to just circulatory system and of the Ans. (b) Insomnia
eagle-owl. lymphatic system, i.e., arteries, veins Explanation: Insomnia is a sleep
A rooster is a male gallinaceous bird and lymphatic vessels, and its disorder in which you have trouble
which is also known as a cockerel or diseases. falling and/or staying asleep. The
cock, with cockerel being younger Arthrology is the science concerned condition can be short-term (acute)
and rooster being an adult male with the study of anatomy, function, or can last a long time (chronic). It
chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). dysfunction and treatment of joints may also come and go. Acute
Falcon- Faco and articulations. insomnia lasts from 1 night to a few
Anthropology is the scientific study weeks. Insomnia is chronic when it
Q426. The science dealing with the of humans, human behavior and happens at least 3 nights a week for 3
study of teeth is societies in the past and present. months or more. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 55

plasma volume increases by up to 50 Ans. (a) Glass snake
Q432. Lactobacillus is commonly percent but the red blood cells mass Explanation: Glass snake is the
found in increases by only 15 percent to 20 common name for the snake-like
लै ोबेिसलस आमतौर पर पाया जाता percent, the risk of developing legless lizards of the genus
है - iron-deficiency anemia increases Ophisaurus. The shiny, scaled body
(a) Cake / केक during pregnancy. Calcium needs is gray or greenish brown, sometimes
(b) Curd/ दही increase during pregnancy to support striped above and whitish below.
(c) Bread / ेड the growth and development of the
(d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी baby’s bones and teeth. Failing to Q436. Which one of the following
consume the recommended 1,200 mg set belongs to the class Mammalia?
Ans. (b) Curd of calcium per day can cause body to िन िल खत म से कौन सा समूह
Explanation: Lactobacillus belongs pull calcium from the pregnant नपायी है ?
to the group of bacteria which woman’s bones to use for the baby. (a) Lion, Hippopotamus, Penguin,
perform fermentation and convert the This increases the risk of developing Bat./शेर, द रयाई घोड़ा, पगुइन,
sugars into lactic acid in the absence osteoporosis, a disease characterized चमगादड़
of oxygen. This bacterium is present by porous, brittle bones (b) Lion, Bat, Whale, Ostrich/शेर,
in the raw milk. This bacterium can चमगादड़, े ल, शुतुरमुग
also be added to the milk in the form Q434. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a (c) Hippopotamus, Penguin, Whale,
of already synthesized curd where therapy used Kangaroo/द रयाई घोड़ा, पगुइन, े ल,
they multiplies and lactose sugar into रे िडयो ुनोसे (R1A) ________ के िलए कंगा
lactic acid. The lactic acid which is योग की गई िचिक ा है ? (d) Whale, Bat, Kangaroo,
produced gives a sour taste and the (a) to cure lung cancer/फेफड़ों के Hippopotamus/ े ल, चमगादड़,
milk is converted to curd. These कसर का इलाज करने के िलए कंगा , द रयाई घोड़ा
organisms are present in very high (b) to cure AIDS/एड् स को ठीक करने
number in curd. के िलए Ans. (d) Whale, Bat, Kangaroo,
(c) to cure fractures in bones/हि यों Hippopotamus
Q433. Pregnant women usually म ै र को ठीक करने के िलए Explanation:
become deficient in (d) to detect antigen and hormones Lion, Hippopotamus, Bat, Whale,
गभवती मिहलाओं म आमतौर पर present in the blood samples/र के Kangaroo- Mammals
िकसकी कमी हो जाती है ? नमूनों म मौजूद ितजनऔर हाम न का Penguin, Ostrich - Birds
(a) Sodium and Calcium/सोिडयम पता लगाने के िलए
और कै शयम Q437. Rhizobium (a Bacteria) which
(b) Iron and Sodium/आयरन और Ans. (d) to detect antigen and fixes atmospheric nitrogen are found
सोिडयम hormones present in the blood in nodules growing in
(c) Calcium and Iron/कै शयम और samples राइजोिबयम ( एक जीवाणु ) जो
आयरन Explanation: A radioimmunoassay वायुमंडलीय नाइटोजन को थर करता
(d) Magnesium and Iron/मै ीिशयम (RIA) is an immunoassay that uses है , पाया जाता है -
और आयरन radiolabeled molecules in a stepwise (a) Roots of leguminous plants/
formation of immune complexes. A फलीदार पौधों की जड़ों म
Ans. (c) Calcium and iron RIA is a very sensitive in vitro assay (b) Leaves of leguminous
Explanation: When a woman technique used to measure plants/फलीदार पौधों की पि यों म
becomes pregnant her body concentrations of substances, usually (c) Stem of Leguminous plants
undergoes many physiological measuring antigen concentrations /फलीदार पौधों के तने म |
changes. Her hormone levels change (for example, hormone levels in (d) All of the above./ उपरो सभी
not only to support the pregnancy but blood) by use of antibodies.
also to help redirect nutrients to Ans. (a) Roots of leguminous plants
support the nutritional demands of Q435. Which one of the following is Explanation: Rhizobia is "the group
the developing baby. During not a true snake? of soil bacteria that infect the roots of
pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक वा िवक legumes to form root nodules".
increases 35 percent to 40 percent. साँ प का कार नहीं है ? Rhizobia are found in the soil and
Red blood cells contain the protein (a) Glass snake/िबना पैर वाली after infection, produce nodules in
hemoglobin, which requires the िछपकली the legume where they fix nitrogen
mineral iron. Hemoglobin carries the (b) Sea snake/ समु ी सां प gas (N2) from the atmosphere turning
oxygen to the cells throughout the (c) Tree snake/वृ सां प it into a more readily useful form of
mother and baby, making iron an (d) Blind snake/िबल ा णी nitrogen.
important nutrient. Because the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 56

Q438. Which one of the following िन िल खत म से िकसे शरीर वधक भी
pairs belongs to cartilaginous fish? Q441. Which among the following कहा जाता है ?
िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु diseases is very rare in women (a) Protein/ ोटीन
उपा थयु मछली का है ? compared to the men affected with (b) Carbohydrates/काब हाइडे ट
(a) Shark and Tuna/शाक और टू ना the same disorder? (c) Vitamins/िवटािमन
(b) Shark and Ray/शाक और रे समान िवकार से भािवत पु षों की (d) Fats/वसा
(c) Skates and Hilsa/ े ट् स और तुलना म मिहलाओं म िन म से कौन सी
िह ा बीमारी ब त कम होती है ? Ans. (a) Protein
(d) Ray and Eel/ रे और ईल (a) Osteoporosis/अ थसुिषरता Explanation: Foods that contain a lot
(b) Color blindness /वणाधता of protein are called body-building
Ans. (b) Shark and Ray (c) Down Syndrome/ डाउन िस डोम foods or growing foods. Foods that
Explanation: Chondrichthyes: These (d) Nyctalopia/िनशां धता contain a lot of fat or carbohydrates
are the fishes with soft cartilaginous and perhaps only a little protein are
skeletons. Examples are sharks, rays, Ans. (b) Color blindness called energy-giving foods. Foods in
dog-fish, skates, sturgeon Explanation: Thanks to chromosomal which the most important nutrients
Q439. Which one of the following is differences between men and are vitamins or minerals are called
not a true fish? women, color blind women are much protective foods.
िन िल खत म से कौन एक वा िवक fewer and farther between than color
मछली नहीं है ? blind men. Men are much more Q444. Which among the following
(a) Silver fish/रजतमीन likely to be colorblind than women elements increases the absorption of
(b) Sawfish/सॉ िफश because the genes responsible for the water and calcium in plants?
(c) Hammer fish/है मर िफश most common, inherited color िन िल खत म से कौन सा त पौधों म
(d) Suckerfish/सकरिफश blindness are on the X chromosome पानी और कै शयम के अवशोषण को
बढ़ाता है ?
Ans. (a) Silver fish Q442. Which is the effect of antigen (a) Manganese/मगनीज
Explanation: A silver fish is actually in an ill person? (b) Boron/बोरान
not a fish it is a wingless insect. It बीमार म ितजन का भाव ा (c) Copper/कॉपर
belongs to the order Zygentoma. होता है ? (d) Molybdenum/मोिल डे नम
They belong to the phylum (a) It increases the production of
arthropods and is an insect. W.B.C./यह W.B.C का उ ादन बढ़ाता Ans. (b) Boron
Sawfishes, also known as carpenter है । Explanation: At least 17 elements are
sharks (b) It increases the production of known to be essential nutrients for
antibiotics/यह ितजीिवयों का उ ादन plants.In relatively large amounts,the
Q440. Johann Gregor Mendel is बढ़ाता है soil supplies
famous for propounding (c) It increases the production of nitrogen,phosphorus,calcium,magnes
जोहान ेगोर मडल िकस िलए िस है ? anti-serum against bacteria/यह ium and sulfur. These are often
(a) Theory of mutation/उ रवतन का जीवाणुओं के ित सीरमरोधी का called as macro nutrients. But boron
िस ां त उ ादन बढ़ा दे ता है is the main element that increases the
(b) Laws of heredity/आनुवंिशकता के (d) It prevents the growth of absorption of water and calcium in
िनयम bacteria/यह बै ी रया के िवकास को plants.
(c) Cell theory/ कोिशका िस ां त रोकता है
(d) Theory of acquired Q445. Which wood will become
characters/अिध िहत वण का िस ां त Ans. (a) It increases the production useless soon after exposing in the
of W.B.C. open air?
Ans. (b) Laws of heredity Explanation: The immune system बाहरी वातावरण की वायु के स क म
Explanation: Gregor Mendel was an prepares to destroy real and stronger आने से कौन सी लकड़ी थ हो जाती
Austrian monk who discovered the viruses in the future. When new है ?
basic principles of heredity through antigens enter the body, white blood (a) Soft wood/मृदुका
experiments in his garden. Mendel's cells called macrophages engulf (b) Fibrous wood/तंतुयु लकड़ी
observations became the foundation them; process the information (c) Wet wood/आ लकड़ी
of modern genetics and the study of contained in the antigens, and send it (d) Hard wood/कठोर लकड़ी
heredity, and he is widely considered to the T cells so that an immune
a pioneer in the field of genetics. The system response can be mobilized. Ans. (c) wet wood
Mendel's laws of inheritance include Explanation: Wet wood is
law of dominance, law of segregation Q443. Which of the following is characterised by having a high
and law of independent assortment. known an body builder? moisture content, which can be [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 57

anywhere from 40% up to 60% अंगोरा ऊन िकस से ा िकया जाता है ? part of the eye is transplanted from
depending on if the tree has been (a) rabbit /खरगोश the donor?/ ने दान म, ने का कौन सा
recently felled, In comparison to this, (b) sheep/ भेड़ भाग डोनर से लेकर ारोिपत िकया
seasoned wood is around 30%, with (c) fox /लोमड़ी जाता है ?
Ready to Burn Kiln Dried Wood (d) goat/ बकरी (a) Lens / लस
under 20%. (b) The whole eye / संपूण ने
Ans. (a) Rabbit (c) Cornea /कॉिनया
Q446. Which among the following is Explanation: Angora wool is (d) Retina / रे िटना
a large spectrum Antibiotic? extracted in the form of fibres from
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक बड़े Angora rabbit. And please don't be Ans. Cornea
वण म वाला ितजीवी है ? confused with Angora goat, as Explanation: Cornea is only part of
(a) Paracetamol/पैरािसटामोल angora goat's hairs are used to extract eye that can be transplanted. cornea
(b) Penicillin/पेिनिसिलन fibres too but that fibres are known transplant (keratoplasty) is a surgical
(c) Ampicillin/ए ीिसलीन as mohair, not angora. procedure to replace part of your
(d) Chloramphenicol/ ोरै मफेिनकॉल cornea with corneal tissue from a
Q449. Name the gas which is used donor. Your cornea is the transparent,
Ans. (d) Chloramphenicol by white blood cells to kill the dome-shaped surface of your eye that
Explanation: A broad-spectrum invading bacteria. accounts for a large part of your eye's
antibiotic is an antibiotic that acts on अित मणकारी जीवाणुओं को मारने के focusing power.
the two major bacterial groups, िलए सफ़ेद र कोिशकाओं ारा योग Q452. Locomotory organ of a
gram-positive and gram-negative, or की जाने वाली गैस का नाम है - starfish is/ ारिफश का चलन अंग है :
any antibiotic that acts against a wide (a) Oxygen /ऑ ीजन (a) Flipper / पंख
range of disease-causing bacteria. (b) Carbon dioxide /काबन (b) Muscular foot /पेशीय पाद
Example includes chloramphenicol डाइऑ ाइड (c) Paddle / पैदल
that can be used for the treatment of (c) Nitrogen / नाइटोजन (d) Tube feet / ूब फीट
typhoid, dysentery, acute fever, (d) Chlorine / ोरीन
pneumonia etc. Other examples Ans. (d) Tube feet
includes vancomycin, ofloxacin, Ans. (a) Oxygen Explanation :
ampicillin and amoxicillin Explanation: The gas that is taken in Tube feet.Starfish carry out
usage by white blood cells for killing movements with the help of tube feet
Q447. Our bones and teeth are bacteria is none other than oxygen. that are part of the water vascular
generally made of — We intake oxygen and give out system. The water vascular system
हमारी हि यां और दां त आमतौर पर carbon dioxide serves to transport oxygen from, &
िकसके बने होते ह? carbon dioxide to, the tube feet &
(a) Tricalcium Q450. “Pratham” the first animal also nutrients from the gut to the
phosphate/टाईके यम फॉ े ट born in 1990 by the IVF (In vitro muscles involved in locomotion.
(b) Fluorapatite/ ोरापैटाइट Fertilization) at the National Dairy Apart from their function in
(c) Chlorapatite / ोरापाटाइट Research Institute, Karnal was a locomotion, the tube feet act as
(d) Hydrolith/हाइडॉिलथ ________ ? accessory gills.
" थम" 1990 म IVF (इन िवटो
Ans. (a) Tricalcium phosphate फिटलाइजेशन) ारा रा ीय डे यरी Q453. Plants absorb most of the
Explanation: Our bones and teeth are अनुसंधान सं थान, करनाल म ज ा water needed by them through their/
generally made up of Tricalcium पहला जानवर था? पौधे अपने िलए आव क अिधकाँ श
Phosphate. Tricalcium phosphate is a (a)Cow/गाय जल का अवशोषण अपने _____ के ारा
calcium salt of phosphoric acid with (b)Buffalo/भस करते ह |
the chemical formula Ca3(PO4)2. It (c)sheep/ भेड़ (a) Embryonic zone / ूणीय े
is also known as tribasic calcium (d)goat/बकरी (b) Zone of elongation / वृ का े
phosphate and bone phosphate of (c) Root hairs / मूल रोम
lime, BPL. Calcium phosphate is one Ans. (b) Buffalo (d) Growing point/ िवकास िबंदु
of the main combustion products of Explanation: Pratham was the
bone. The skeletons and teeth of World's First IVF Buffalo Calf. It Ans. (c) Root hairs
vertebrate animals are composed of was born through embryo transfer Explanation: The function of root
calcium phosphate. technology at National Dairy hairs is to collect water and mineral
Research Institute, Karnal in 1990. nutrients that are present in the soil
Q448. Angora wool is extracted and take this solution up through the
from— Q451. In the eye donation, which roots to the rest of the plant. As root [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 58

hair cells do not carry out (d) Sodium acetate / सोिडयम एसीटे ट हमारे शरीर म एं टीबॉडी जिटल कार के
photosynthesis they do not contain _____ है |
chloroplasts. Ans. (a) Calcium oxalate (a) steroids/ े रॉयड
Explanation: The most common (b) prostaglandins/ ो ा डीन
Q454. From which part of Opium crystalline materials found in kidney (c) glycoproteins/ ाइको ोटीन
plant we get morphine -/ stones are calcium oxalate, calcium (d) lipoproteins/िलपो ोटीन
अफीम के पौधे के िकस भाग से हम phosphate, uric acid, and struvite. It
मॉिफन की ा होती है ? is not uncommon for a stone to Ans. (c) Glycoproteins
(a) Fruit coat/ फल आवरण contain more than one crystalline Explanation: Antibodies are the
(b) Bark/ छाल component. Noncrystalline materials proteins (glycoproteins) called
(c) Stem / तना found in stones include proteins and immunoglobulins. These are
(d) Leaves / प े blood. produced by the lymphocytes in
Q457. Movements due to light are response to entry of a foreign
Ans. (a) Fruit coat shown by/ substance or antigen into the body
Explanation : काश के कारण गित दे खने को िमलती Antibodies are of five types, e.g. lgG,
Morphine is the predominant है - lgM, IgA, lgD, lgE. Lipoproteins are
alkaloid found in the varieties of (a) Flowering plants / कुसुिमत पौधों म the micellar complex of protein and
opium poppy plant. It is obtained in (b) All the plants / सभी पौधों म lipids.
form of liquid from the fruit capsule (c) All land plants / सभी थलीय पौधों
of the poppy. The latex which oozes म Q460. Eyes of potato are useful for
from the incisions is collected, & (d) Lower plants / िनचले पौधों म आलू की आं ख िकस िलए उपयोगी ह?
dried to produce 'raw opium' (about (a) Nutrition/पोषण
8-14% morphine by dry weight). Ans. (a) Flowering plants (b) Respiration/ सन
Explanation: Phototropism is the (c) Reproduction/ जनन
Q455. An eardrum is absent in:/ growth of an organism in response to (d) Vegetative propagation/काियक
कान का पदा अनुप थत होता है - a light stimulus. Phototropism is वधन
(a) Snakes / साँ पों म most often observed in plants, but
(b) Turtles / कछु ओं म can also occur in other organisms Ans. (d) Vegetative propagation
(c) a and b both / a और b दोनों such as fungi. The cells on the plant Explanation: Any potato variety can
(d) Toads / भेक म that are farthest from the light have a be propagated vegetatively by
chemical called auxin that reacts planting tubers, pieces of tubers, cut
Ans. (a) Snakes when phototropism occurs to include at least one or two eyes, or
Explanation : also by cuttings, a practice used in
snakes.The ear has three main parts: Q458. The process by which greenhouses for the production of
the outer, middle & inner ear. The organisms take in food is called/ वह healthy seed tubers. Some
middle ear is filled with air & ि या िजसके मा म से जीव भोजन commercial potato varieties do not
contains three tiny bones called हण करते ह, कहलाती है - produce seeds at all (they bear
ossicles - the anvil, hammer & (a) Ingestion/ अंत हण imperfect flowers) and are
stirrup. The outer ear consists of the (b) Assimilation/आ सा रण propagated only from tuber pieces.
pinna & the auditory canal. The inner (c) Digestion./ पाचन
ear contains the semicircular canals (d) Egestion/ बिहकरण Q461. In the eye, colour vision is
& the cochlea. Eardrum is the affected by the presence of:
membrane of middle ear. Snakes Ans. (a) Ingestion आं ख म, रं ग ि िकसकी उप थित से
have fully developed inner ear Explanation: Ingestion is the भािवत होती है ?
structures but no eardrum. consumption of a substance by an (a) Choroid coat/कोरॉयड कोट
organism. In animals it normally is (b) Sclerotic coat/ ेरोिटक कोट
Q456. The 'stones' formed in human accomplished by taking in a (c) Rods /छड़
kidney consist mostly of substance through the mouth into the (d) Cones/शंकु
मनु के गुद म िनिमत पथरी मु प gastrointestinal tract; such as through
से िकससे बनी होती है ? eating or drinking. In single-celled Ans. (d) Cones
(a) Calcium oxalate/ कै शयम organisms ingestion takes place by Explanation: Color vision in the eye
ऑ ालेट absorbing a substance through the is affected due to the presence of
(b) Magnesium sulphate / मै ीिशयम cell membrane Cones. These are less sensitive to
स ेट light than rod cells in the retina, but
(c) Calcium health and diseases / Q459. Antibodies in our body are allow the perception and
कै शयम ा तथा रोग complex understanding of color in bright [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 59

lights or adequate lights. They are infected rice plants and caused them by-product of zinc production, is one
also able to perceive finer detail and to grow too tall and fall over. The of the most toxic elements to which
more rapid changes in images. infectious fungus produced a man can be exposed at work or in the
chemical that stimulated the growth environment. Once absorbed, Cd is
Q462. Which of the following is in rice plants. The chemical was efficiently retained in the human
NOT one of the important steps in isolated and named Gibberellin after body, in which it accumulates
processing tea leaves? the fungus. throughout life. Cd is primarily toxic
िन िल खत म से कौन चाय प ी के to the kidney, especially to the
सं रण के मह पूण चरणों म से एक Q464. In which of the following, the proximal tubular cells, the main site
नहीं है ? cellular power plants – Mitochondria of accumulation. Cadmium
(a) Rolling /रोिलंग are absent ? accumulates in the kidneys and may
(b) Drying/शु न िन िल खत म से िकसम कोिशकीय sometimes cause kidney failure when
(c) Fermenting ऊजा संयं -माइटोकॉ या अनुप थत it is in excess.
(d) Withering/अप य ह?
(a) Red algae/लाल शैवाल Q466. Fruits of this plant are found
Ans. (c) Fermentation (b) Green Algae/ह रत शैवाल underground:
Explanation: Generally, there are (c) Bacteria/जीवाणु िकस पादप के फल भूिमगत होते है ?
four different tea categories that (d) Brown Algae/भूरा शैवाल (a) Potato/आलू
differ in processing methods. By (b) Carrot/गाजर
withering, new picked leaves are Ans. (c) Bacteria (c) Groundnut/मूंगफली
thinly spread to dry during this Explanation: Mitochondria are (d) Onion/ ाज
process. Heated air is forced over the rod-shaped organelles that can be
leaves if the climate is not suitable. considered the power generators of Ans. (c) Groundnut
The main goal of this process is to the cell, converting oxygen and Explanation: The peanuts, or
reduce the water content. By the end nutrients into adenosine triphosphate groundnut, is a species in the legume
of withering, the leaves should be (ATP). ATP is the chemical energy “bean” family (Fabaceae). The
pliable enough to be rolled. From the "currency" of the cell that powers the cultivated peanut was probably first
withering racks, the leaves are now cell's metabolic activities. This domesticated in the valleys of Peru.
twisted and rolled so that the leaf process is called aerobic respiration It is an annual herbaceous plant
cells are broken up. Oxidation is a and is the reason animals breathe growing tall.
bio-chemical process where oxygen oxygen. Without mitochondria
is absorbed. It begins once the leaf (singular, mitochondrion), higher Q467. A rare and endangered animal
membranes are broken during the animals would likely not exist in Silent Valley is:
rolling process. Oxidation causes the because their cells would only be साइलट वैली म एक दु लभ और लु ाय
leaves to turn bright copper in colour. able to obtain energy from anaerobic जानवर कौन सा है ?
During the stage of drying or firing, respiration (in the absence of (a) Musk deer/क ूरी मृग
the leaves are dried evenly and oxygen), a process much less (b) Tiger/बाघ
thoroughly without being burnt. efficient than aerobic respiration. In (c) Lion-tailed macaque/िसंहमुख बंदर
Firing the leaves stops the oxidation fact, mitochondria enable cells to (d) Rhinoceros/गडा
process. produce 15 times more ATP than
they could otherwise, and complex Ans. (c) Lion-tailed macaque
Q463. Which of the following plant animals, like humans, need large Explanation: The Silent Valley forest
growth hormone was recognized by amounts of energy in order to remains one of the most undisturbed
Japanese scientists? survive. viable habitats left for the endemic
जापानी वै ािनकों ने िन िल खत म से and endangered primates lion-tailed
िकस पौधे के िवकास हाम न को मा ता Q465. Kidney disease in man is macaque and Nilgiri langur.
दी थी? caused by the pollutant:
(a) Auxin/औ न मनु म गुद की बीमारी िकस दू षक के Q468. Quantity of fresh air required
(b) Gibberellins/िगबरे िल कारण होती है ? for a man is
(c) Abscisic acid/ए िसिसक एिसड (a) Cadmium/कैडिमयम एक के िलए आव क शु वायु
(d) Cytokinin/साइटोिकिनन (b) Iron/आयरन की मा ा िकतनी है ?
(c) Cobalt/कोबा (a) 1000 cubic feet of air for every 20
Ans.(b) Gibberellins (d) Carbon/काबन minutes/हर 20 िमनट के िलए 1000
Explanation: Gibberellins were ूिबक फीट वायु
discovered originally in Japan. A Ans. (a) Cadmium (b) 1000 cubic feet of air for every
fungus called Gibberella fujikuroi Explanation: Cadmium (Cd), a 20 seconds/ ेक 20 सेकंड के िलए [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 60

1000 ूिबक फीट वायु more slowly and improves blood police to check drunken driving uses:
(c) 1000 cubic feet of air for every 10 flow. Reserpine is used to treat टै िफक पुिलस ारा नशे म डाइिवंग सां स
minutes/ ेक 10 िमनट के िलए 1000 hypertension (high blood pressure). परी ण के िलए िकसका उपयोग िकया
घन फीट वायु जाता है ?
(d) 1000 cubic feet of air for every Q470. Clove, the commonly used (a) potassium dichromate-sulphuric
10 seconds/ ेक 10 सेकंड के िलए spice, is obtained from the: acid /पोटे िशयम डाइ ोमेट-स ू रक
1000 ूिबक फीट वायु लौंग,जो आमतौर पर इ ेमाल िकया एिसड
जाने वाला एक मसाला है ,यह ______ से (b) potassium permanganate -
Ans. 1000 cubic feet of air for every ा होता है । sulphuric acid/पोटे िशयम परमगनेट -
20 minutes (a) root/जड़ स ू रक एिसड
Explanation: Breathing sixteen times (b) stem/तना (c) turmeric on filter paper/ह ी
every minute an average volume of (c) flower bud/फूल की कली िफ र पेपर
air amounting to 30 cubic inches, we (d) fruit/फल (d) silica gel coated with silver
find that the expired air amounts to nitrate/िसिलका जेल जो िस र नाइटे ट
no less than 17 cubic feet per hour. Ans. (c)Flower bud से लेिपत होता है
This contaminated air contains only Explanation: Clove the commonly
16 percent of oxygen, and 4.5 used spice which is obtained from Ans. (a) Potassium
percent of carbonic acid gas, and is the flower buds of a tree in the dichromate-sulphuric acid
sufficient to vitiate no less than 3,000 family Myrtaceae, Syzygium Explanation: A 'breath test' used by
cubic feet of fresh air. Pure fresh air aromaticum. traffic police to check drunken
contains from 0.03 to 0.04 percent of driving uses Potassium
carbonic acid gas, or at the most, .4 Q471. Labourers who do hard dichromatic-sulphuric acid.
volumes per thousand volumes of air. manual labour develop thick skin on
Careful investigation shows that their palms and soles due to: Q474. Anglo-Nubian is a breed of:
when further carbonic acid gas has किठन म करने वाले मजदू रों की एं ो- ुिबयन िकसकी न है ?
been added raising the amount to हथेिलयों और तलवों पर मोटी चा आने (a) sheep/भेड़
more than .6 volumes per 1000 of का कारण ा है ? (b) goat/बकरी
fresh air that an unpleasant odour (a) thick epidermis/मोटी अिधचम (c) poultry/मुग
rapidly becomes perceptible and the (b) thick dermis/मोटी अंतर वक (d) cattle/मवेशी
air gets to be “close,” musty, or foul.
According to these figures a person (c) thick subcutaneous tissue/मोटा Ans. (b) Goat
in a room ten feet square by ten feet अध वचीय ऊतक Explanation: The Anglo-Nubian is a
high containing a 1000 cubic feet of (d) All of these/उपरो सभी British breed of domestic goat. It
air requires to have this air originated in the nineteenth century
completely replaced twice during the Ans. (d) All of these from cross-breeding between native
hour so as to furnish 3,000 cubic feet Which of the following groups of British goats and a mixed population
of fresh air hourly in order to prevent plants is known as Magnoliophyta? of large lop-eared goats imported
the carbonic acid gas exceeding .06 पौधों के िन िल खत म से िकस समूह को from India, the Middle East and
per cent. मै ोलीफाइटा के नाम से जाना जाता है ? North Africa. It is characterised by
(a) Gymnosperms/िज ो म large, pendulous ears and a convex
Q469. Reserpine is used to: (b) Angiosperms/एं िजयो म profile.
रसप न का उपयोग- (c) Algae/शैवाल
(a) reduce high blood pressure/उ (d) Bryophyte/ ायोफाइट Q475. What kind of soil is treated
र चाप को कम करता है with gypsum to make it suitable for
(b) increase blood pressure when it is Ans. (b) Angiosperms cropping?
low/कम ए र चाप को बढ़ाता है Explanation: The flowering plants, िज म को फसल के िलए उपयु
(c) alleviate pain/ दद कम करता है also known as angiosperms, बनाने के िलए िम ी के साथ ा िकया
(d) cure arthritis/गिठया रोग को ठीक Angiospermae, or Magnoliophyta, जाता है ?
करता है are the most diverse group of land (a) Alkaline/ ारीय
plants, with 64 orders, 416 families, (b) Acidic/अ ीय
Ans. (a) Reduce high blood pressure approximately 13,000 known genera (c) Water-logged/जला ां त
Explanation: Reserpine lowers blood and 300,000 known species. Like (d) Soil with excessive day
pressure by slowing down your gymnosperms, angiosperms are content/अिधक िदन की साम ी के साथ
nervous system. This allows your seed-producing plants. िम ी
blood vessels to relax and dilate
(widen), which helps your heart beat Q473. A ‘breath test’ used by traffic Ans. (a) Alkaline [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 61

Explanation: Alkaline soils are pedicellate लैि मल बोन, _________________
treated with gypsum to make it के भाग ह
suitable for cropping. Q479. The animal which has become (a) Ear/कान
extinct recently in India happens to (b) Eye/आं ख
Q476. Which among the following is be (c) Nose/नाक
true to Polar bear? वह जानवर जो हाल ही म भारत म (d) Mouth/मुँह
िन िल खत म से कौन सा ुवीय भालू के िवलु हो गया है ?
िलए उिचत है ? (a) Golden cat/गो न कैट Ans. (b) Eye
(a) Herbivore/हिबवोर (b) Cheetah/चीता Explanation: The lacrimal apparatus
(b) Omnivore/ओमिनवोर (c) Wooly wolf /ऊनी भेिड़या is the physiological system
(c) Carnivore/कािनवोर (d) Rhinoceros/ गडा containing the orbital structures for
(d) Marsupial/मासुिपयल tear production and drainage. It
Ans. (b) Cheetah consists of: The lacrimal gland,
Ans. (c) Carnivore Explanation: Indian Cheetah: Indian which secretes the tears, and its
Explanation: Polar bears are Cheetah also known as Asiatic excretory ducts, which convey the
classified as carnivores, both Cheetah have been known to exist in fluid to the surface of the human eye;
taxonomically (they are in the order India for a very long time. Due to it is a serous gland located in
Carnivora), and behaviorally (they access hunting, Deforestation and lacrimal fossa.
subsist on a largely carnivorous diet). habitat loss,the fastest land animal on
Depending on the species of bear, earth become extinct in India. Q483. ___________is the swollen
there is generally a preference for base of a flower.
one class of food, as plants and Q480. Salmonella is related with... ___________ िकसी पु का सूजा आ
animals are digested differently. सा ोनेला का संबंध है - आधार होता है ?
(a) Typhoid /टाइफाइड (a) Gynoecium/ जयां ग
Q477. ________ are accessory (b) Polio / पोिलयो
whorls. (c) TB / टीबी (b) Ovary / अंडाशय
_____ अनाव क छ े ह | (d) Tetanus/ टे टनस (c) Thalamus/ थैलमस
(a) Corolla/ दलपुंज (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
(b) Calyx/ पु कोष Ans. (a) Typhoid कोई नहीं
(c) Both the above/ उपरो दोनों
(d) Androecium/ पुमंग Q481. All the progeny obtained from Ans. (b) Ovary
a single plant by vegetative Explanation: Pistil, the female
Ans. (c) Both the above propagation are called reproductive part of a flower. The
Explanation: Parts of a flower can be वान ितक सार ारा एकल पौधे से pistil, centrally located, typically
grouped into two categories namely, ा सभी पूवजों को ा कहा जाता है ? consists of a swollen base, the ovary,
accessory whorls and essential (a) Clones/ ोन which contains the potential seeds, or
whorls. Accessory whorls are also (b) Pure line/शु रे खा ovules; a stalk, or style, arising from
called as vegetative whorls which (c) Indred line/इं डेड रे खा the ovary; and a pollen-receptive tip,
include sepals and petals. Essential (d) Pedigree line/पेिड ी रे खा the stigma, variously shaped and
whorls are also called as often sticky.
reproductive whorls which include Ans. (a) Clones
stamens and pistil. Explanation: A clone is obtained by Q484. Which of the following has no
vegetative propagation of a single skeleton at all?
Q478. Whorls of flower are borne on plant and it propagates vegetatively िन िल खत म से िकसम कोई कंकाल
पु के छ ों का ज होता है - in successive generation. It offers नहीं है ?
(a) Receptacle/ पा धानी excitation for exploiting desirable (a) Starfish/ ारिफश
(b) Raphe / रै फी mutations. It maintains purity of race (b) Sponge/ ंज
(c) Peduncle / डं ठल in heterozygous state. The clones (c) Jellyfish/जेिलिफ़श
(d) Ricinus/ रिसनस retains their original characteristics (d) Silver fish/रजतमीन
after many years of vegetative
Ans. (c) Peduncle propagation i.e. they are stable Ans. (c) Silverfish
Explanation: A peduncle is a stem Explanation: Silverfish are always
supporting an inflorescence Q482. Lacrimal apparatus, Lacrimal wingless and are silvery to brown in
A pedicel is a stem that attaches a artery, Lacrimal bone,are parts of the color because their bodies are
single flower to the inflorescence. _________________. covered with fine scales. They are
Such inflorescences are described as लैि मल उपकरण, लैि मल आटरी, generally soft bodied. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 62

Q487. Of all micro-organisms, the (c) Jaundice
Q485. What is an endoscope?/ most adaptable and versatile are (d) Malaria/मले रया
एं डो ोप ा है ? सभी सू जीवों म, सबसे अनुकूलनीय
(a) It is an optical instrument used to और ब मुखी ह Ans. (c) Sleeping sickness
see inside the alimentary canal/यह (a) Viruses/वायरस Explanation: African
एक काशीय उपकरण है िजसका (b) Bacteria/जीवाणु Trypanosomiasis, also known as
उपयोग आहार नली के अंदर दे खने के (c) Algae/शैवाल “sleeping sickness,” is caused by
िलए िकया जाता है (d) Fungi/कवक microscopic parasites of the species
(b) It is a device which is fitted on Trypanosoma brucei. It is transmitted
the chest of the patient to regularize Ans. (a) Viruses by the tsetse fly (Glossina species),
the irregular heartbeats/यह एक Explanation: The viruses are which is found only in rural Africa.
उपकरण है िजसे अिनयिमत िदल की adaptable and versatile with many Lymphatic filariasis is a vector-borne
धड़कन को िनयिमत करने के िलए रोगी variations worldwide and they disease, being transmitted by
की छाती पर लगाया जाता है reproduce within the cells of the mosquitoes (e.g. Culex, Anopheles
(c) it is an instrument used for immune system of infected people. and Aedes mosquitoes)
measuring temperature changes./यह Therefore virus collections are
तापमान प रवतन को मापने के िलए indispensable instruments in the Q490. How many pollen sacs does
योग िकया जाने वाला उपकरण है । development of a vaccine. Versatility each anther have
(d) It is an instrument for recording is distinctive abilities and skills in ेक परागपिटका म िकतनी पराग
electrical signals produced by human productively managing a variety of थैिलयां होती ह ?
muscles/ यह मानव मां सपेिशयों ारा situations. Adaptability is the amount (a) 1
िनिमत िवद् युत संकेतों को रकॉड करने of flexibility and versatility an (b) 2
का एक उपकरण है individual has developed to respond (c) 3
to changing interpersonal situations (d) 4
Ans. (a) It is an optical instrument and environmental requirements.
used to see inside the alimentary Ans. (d) 4
canal Q488. The disease in which the Explanation: The upper
Explanation: During an endoscopy, sugar level of blood increases is spore-producing part of the stamen is
the doctor inserts a tool called an known as called Anther. It consists of either
endoscope into a person’s body. Most वह रोग िजसम र का शकरा र बढ़ two lobes or one lobe. Each lobe
endoscopes are thin tubes with a जाता है ,_______के प म जाना जाता contains two pollen sacs or
powerful light and tiny camera at the है microsporangia. Each anther contains
end. (a) Diabetes mellitus/मधुमेह मेलेटस either two lobes or one lobe.
The endoscope's length and (b) Diabetes insipidus/डायिबटीज
flexibility depend on the part of the इ िपडस Q491. Which one of the following
body the doctor needs to see. (c) Diabetes imperfectus/मधुमेह रोग animals is called farmer’s friend?
For example, a straight endoscope (d) Diabetes sugarensis/मधुमेह शुगर िन िल खत म से िकस जानवर को
helps a doctor look at joints. िकसान िम कहा जाता है ?
Meanwhile, a flexible one helps a Ans. (a) Diabetes mellitus (a) Ant/चींटी
doctor view the inside of the colon. Explanation: Diabetes mellitus (b) Earthworm/कचुआ
occurs due to insulin resistance or (c) Bee/मधुम ी
insulin deficiency and subsequent (d) Butterfly/िततली
Q486. Rafflesia is the plant with high blood glucose levels. Diabetes
largest flowers. It is a ______. Insipidus on the other hand develops Ans. (b) Earthworms
रे ीिसया सबसे बड़े फूलों वाला पादप as a result of the stilted production of Explanation: Earthworms are known
है । यह एक ______है a hormone in the brain, which is as farmers' best friends because of
(a) Tidal Plant/ ारीय पादप released to stop the kidneys the multitude of services they
(b) Ornamental Plant /पु ािदत पादप producing so much urine in order to provide that improve soil health and
(c) Parasitic Plant/परजीवी पादप retain water consequently plant health
(d) Carnivorous Plant/नरभ ी पादप
Q489. Which one of the following is Q492. Which one of the following
Ans. (c) Parasitic plants not a mosquito borne disease? creatures has maximum number of
Explanation: Rafflesia is a genus of िन िल खत म से कौन सा म र जिनत ribs?
parasitic flowering plants in the रोग नहीं है ? िन िल खत म से िकस ाणी म पसिलयों
family Rafflesiaceae. (a) Dengue fever/डगू बुखार की अिधकतम सं ा होती है ?
(b) Filariasis/फाइले रया (a) Crocodile/मगरम [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 63

(b) Snake/साँ प hyperplasia or birth asphyxias. GMOs for short.
(c) Ray fish/रे मछली
(d) Flying mammal/उड़ने वाले Q495. Which one of the following Q498. Which of the following
नपायी does not secrete any digestive diseases is due to an allergic
enzyme? reaction?
Ans. (b) Snakes िन िल खत म से कौन िकसी भी पाचक िन म से कौन सी बीमारी एलज ारा
Explanation: Snakes have the एं जाइम का ाव नहीं करता है ? होती है ?
maximum number of ribs. On an (a) Liver/यकृत (a) Goitre/घघा रोग
average they have 200 to 400 bones (b) Salivary gland/लार ंिथ (b) Skin cancer/ चा कसर
(Vertebrae ) and each have a pair of (c) Glands of small intestine (c) Hay fever/परागज- र
ribs on either side /छोटी आं त की ंिथयाँ (d) Enteric fever/आं र
(d) Pancreas/अ ाशय
Q493. Which one of the following is Ans. (c) Hay fever
most important for the growth of Ans. (a) Liver
children up to the age of 14? Q499. Which one of the following is
14 वष की आयु तक के ब ों के िवकास Q496. William Bateson is called the not transmitted via blood
के िलए िन िल खत म से कौन सा सबसे father of________________. transfusion?
मह पूण है ? िविलयम बेटसन को िन म से कौन सा र सं मण के
(a) Protein/ ोटीन ________________ का िपता कहा मा म से ेिषत नहीं होता है ?
(b) Vitamin/िवटािमन जाता है (a) Hepatitis/हे पेटाइिटस
(c) Fat/वसा (a) Medicine/औषिध (b) Typhoid/टाइफाइड
(d) Milk/दू ध (b) Surgery/श िचिक ा (c) HIV
(c) Microbiology/सू जैिवकी (d) Malaria/मले रया
Ans. (a) Proteins (d) Modern Genetics/आधुिनक
Explanation: Protein are important आनुवंिशकी Ans. (b) Typhoid
for the growth of children upto the Explanation: Viral agents that are
age of 14. This is because proteins Ans. (d) Modern genetics capable of being transmitted through
helps to build, maintains and repair Explanation: Gregor Johann Mendel blood transfusion include the
body tissue during the growth is the father of modern genetics. following:
process of the adolescents. Father of modern genetics : Bateson; Human immunodeficiency virus
Father of experimental genetics: (HIV)
Q494. Study of newly born up to the Thomas Morgan Hepatitis viruses.
age of 3 months is called West Nile virus (WNV)
3 महीने की उ तक नवजात िशशु के Q497. The term ‘GM food’ refers to Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
अ यन को ा कहा जाता है ? the food Human T-cell lymphotrophic
(a) Chorology /जीव-भूिव ार 'GM Food’ श का ता य िकस कार viruses (HTLVs)
(b) Conchology/शंखिव ान के भोजन से है ? Parvovirus B19.
(c) Nematology/सू कृिमिव ान (a) that grows under genetic
(d) Neonatology/ ूनैटॉलॉजी measures/आनुवंिशक मापों के अनुसार Q500. Flat footed camels can walk
बढ़ता है easily in sandy deserts because/
Ans. (d) Neonatology (b) that is genetically modified/जो सपाट पैरों वाले ऊंट रे तीले रे िग ान म
Explanation: Neonatology is a आनुवंिशक प से संशोिधत है आसानी से चल सकते ह ोंिक
subspecialty of pediatrics that (c) that grows under geographical (a) pressure on the sand is decreased
consists of the medical care of modification/जो भौगोिलक संशोधन के by increasing the area of the surface
newborn infants, especially the ill or तहत बढ़ता है in contact/संपक म सतह के े को
premature newborn infant. It is a (d) with greater glucose बढ़ाकर रे त पर दबाव को कम िकया जा
hospital-based specialty, and is metabolism/अिधक ूकोज चयापचय सकता है
usually practiced in neonatal के साथ (b) pressure on the sand is increased
intensive care units (NICUs). The by increasing the area of the surface
principal patients of neonatologists Ans.(b) That is genetically modified in contact/संपक म सतह के े फल
are newborn infants who are ill or Explanation: Genetically modified को बढ़ाकर रे त पर दबाव बढ़ाया जा
requiring special medical care due to food (or GM food) is food produced सकता है
prematurity, low birth weight, from plants or animals whose DNA (c) pressure on the sand is decreased
intrauterine growth retardation, has been altered through genetic by decreasing the area of the surface
congenital malformations (birth engineering. These genetically in contact/संपक म सतह के े फल
defects), sepsis, pulmonary modified organisms are often called को कम करके रे त पर दबाव कम िकया [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 64

जा सकता है Explanation: Antibodies are Ans. (c)Systemic
(d) pressure on the sand is increased produced by specialized white blood Explanation: Systemic means
by decreasing the area of the surface cells called B lymphocytes (or B affecting the entire body, rather than
in contact/संपक म सतह के े फल cells). When an antigen binds to the a single organ or body part. For
को घटाकर रे त पर दबाव बढ़ाया जा B-cell surface, it stimulates the B cell example, systemic disorders, such as
सकता है to divide and mature into a group of high blood pressure, or systemic
identical cells called a clone. diseases, such as the flu, affect the
Ans. (a) pressure on the sand is entire body. An infection that is in
decreased by increasing the area of Q503. Which one of the following is the bloodstream is called a systemic
the surface in contactExplanation: an abnormal constituent of urine? infection.
Camels have broad, flat, leathery िन िल खत म से कौन सा मू का
pads with two toes on each foot. असामा घटक है ? Q506. Opposite the micropylar end,
When the camel places its foot on the (a) Creatinine/ि एिटिनन is the __________, representing the
ground the pads spread, preventing (b) Urea/यू रया basal part of the ovule.
the foot from sinking into the sand. (c) Uric acid /यू रक एिसड बीजा ारी िसरे के िब ु ल
When walking, the camel moves (d) Ketone bodies/केटोन बॉडीज िवपरीत_______होता है ,जो बीजा के
both feet on one side of its body, then आधारी भाग का ितिनध करता है
both feet on the other. This gait Ans. (d) Ketone bodies (a) Hilum/नािभका
suggests the rolling motion of a boat, Explanation: Abnormal constituents (b) funicle/बीजां ड-वृंत
explaining the camel’s ‘ship of the most commonly found in urine are (c) chalaza/िनभाग
desert’ nickname. The pad supports protein (proteinuria) glucose (d) nucellus/बीजा काय
the animal on loose sand in much the (glycosuria) and acetone (ketonuria),
same way that a snowshoe helps a and all may have a significance that Ans. (c) Chalaza
person walk on snow. must not be ignored. Explanation: Opposite the
micropylar end, is the chalaza,
Q501. A human embryo after how Q504. Which one of the following representing the basal part of the
many weeks of development is elements is associated with teeth ovule.
referred to as foetus? disorder?
एक मानव ूण को िकतने स ाह के िन िल खत म से कौन सा त दां तों की Q507. ‘Darwin finches’ refer to a
िवकास के बाद ूण कहा जाता है ? बीमारी से जुड़ा है ? group of:
(a)12 (a) Chlorine/ ोरीन डािवन िफंच िकसके एक समूह का
(b) 9 (b) Fluorine/ ोरीन उ ेख करता है ?
(c) 4 (c) Bromine/ ोमीन (a) Fishes/मछिलयाँ
(d) 8 (d) Iodine/आयोडीन (b) Lizards/िछपकली
(c) Birds/प ी
Ans. (b) 9 Ans. (b) Fluorine (d) Amphibians/उभयचर
Explanation: The distinction between Explanation: Fluoride or fluorine
embryo and fetus is made based on deficiency is a disorder which may Ans. (c) Birds
gestational age. An embryo is the cause increased dental caries (or Explanation: Darwin’s finches
early stage of human development in tooth decay, is the breakdown of represent one of the best examples of
which organs are critical body dental tissues by the acidic products adaptive radiation. From the original
structures are formed. An embryo is released by the "bacterial seed-eating features, many other
termed a fetus beginning in the 11th fermentation of dietary forms with altered beaks arouse,
week of pregnancy, which is the 9th carbohydrates.") and possibly enabling them to become
week of development after osteoporosis (a bone disorder which insectivorous and vegetarian finches.
fertilization of the egg. leads to a decrease in bone mass.
Q502. Which one of the following Q508. Pineal gland, pituitary gland,
cells produces antibodies? Q505. If the entire body is infected, pancreas, ovaries are a part
िन िल खत म से कौन सी कोिशका then the infection is of__________
एं टीबॉडी का उ ादन करती है ? यिद पूरा शरीर सं िमत है , तो यह िकस शीष ंिथ, पीयूिषका ंिथ, अ ाशय,
(a) Eosinophil/ईोिसनोिफल कार सं मण है ? अंडाशय __________ का एक िह ा ह
(b) Monocyte/मोनोसाइट (a) Localised/ थानीयकृत (a)Digestive system/पाचन तं
(c) Basophil/बेसोिफल (b) Chronic/िचरकािलक (b)Endocrine system/अंतः ावी
(d) Lymphocytes/िल फोसाइट् स (c) Systemic / णालीगत णाली
(d) Resisted/ काव (c)Nervous system/ तंि का तं
Ans. (d) Lymphocytes (d)Respiratory system/ सन णाली [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 65

not prevent the mixing of oxygenated Ans. (b) Millardet
Ans. (b) Endocrine system and deoxygenated blood. Humans Explanation: Bordeaux mixture was
Explanation: The endocrine system is have a 4 chambered heart. Our heart discovered by Pierre Marie Alexis
a chemical messenger system follows the process of double Millardet in 1882. Its a mixture of
comprising feedback loops of the circulation. copper sulphate and slaked lime. It’s
hormones released by internal glands the most successful fungicide.
of an organism directly into the Q511. Mineral constituent of
circulatory system, regulating distant chlorophyll is Q514. Tetanus is caused by
target organs. In humans, the major ोरोिफल का खिनज घटक कौन सा है ? टे टनस िकसके ारा होता है ?
endocrine glands are the thyroid (a) Iron/आयरन (a) Clostridium/ ो ीिडयम
gland and the adrenal glands (b) Magnesium/मै ीिशयम (b) Virus/वायरस
(c) Calcium/कै शयम (c) Bacteriophage/जीवाणुभ ी
Q509. Which one of the following (d) Potassium/पोटै िशयम (d) Salmonella/सा ोनेला
has an open circulatory system?
िन िल खत म से िकसकी एक खुली Ans. (b) Magnesium Ans. (a) Clostridium
संचार णाली है ? Explanation: Chlorophyll molecule Explanation: Tetanus is caused by an
(a) Insect/कीट contains a magnesium ion. Green infection with the bacterium
(b) Lobster/लॉब र plants are dependent on chlorophyll Clostridium tetani, which is
(c) Crabs/केकड़ा for photosynthesis, and magnesium commonly found in soil, saliva, dust,
(d) All of these/उपरो सभी is required for chlorophyll and manure. The bacteria generally
production. enter through a break in the skin such
Ans. (d) All of these as a cut or puncture wound by a
Explanation: Insects, like all other Q512. Maximum harm to a tree is contaminated object.
arthropods, have an open circulatory caused by
system which differs in both एक पेड़ से अिधकतम नुकसान िकसके Q515. The H5N1 virus which causes
structure and function from the ारा होता है ? bird flu was first discovered in
closed circulatory system found in (a) Loss of half of its leaves/इसकी H5N1 वायरस जो बड ू फैलाता
humans and other vertebrates. आधी पि यों का नुकसान है ,सबसे पहले कब खोजा गया था ?
Whereas our blood is confined (b) loss of all leaves/सभी पि यों का (a) 1991
within blood vessels, insect blood, नुकसान (b) 1995
called hemolymph, flows freely (c) loss of half of its branches/इसकी (c) 1997
throughout the body. Because आधी शाखाओं का नुकसान (d) 2001
hemolymph flows freely in the body, (d) loss of its bark/इसकी छाल का
this single fluid brings oxygen and नुकसान Ans. (c) 1997
nutrients to the organs and removes Explanation: HPAI Asian H5N1 is
waste products. Many insects have a Ans. (b) Loss of all the leaves especially deadly for poultry. Asian
tracheal system that brings oxygen Explanation: Loss of all leaves lead H5N1 was first detected in humans
into their bodies through a series of to maximum harm as the tree loses in 1997 during a poultry outbreak in
tubes. its ability to perform photosynthesis Hong Kong and has since been
so necessary for food manufacturing. detected in poultry and wild birds in
Q510. In which vertebrate Besides, loss of its bark will also be more than 50 countries in Africa,
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood dangerous as it is the only part of a Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
gets mixed? tree that is really alive. There is thin
िकस कशे क म ऑ ीजन यु और layer of cells right under the bark. If Q516. Which of the following is the
ऑ ीजन रिहत र िमलाया जाता है ? the bark is gone that layer dries out sweetest sugar?
(a) Fish/मछली and dies. िन िल खत म से सबसे मीठी चीनी कौन
(b) Amphibian/उभयचर सी है ?
(c) Bird/प ी Q513. ________ discovered (a) Sucrose/सु ोज
(d) Mammal/ नपायी Bordeaux . (b) Glucose/ ूकोज
______ ने बोड की खोज की ? (c) Fructose/ ोज
Ans. (b) Amphibians (a) Muller/ मुलर (d) Maltose/मा ोज
Explanations: The mixing of (b) Millardet / िमलाडट
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood (c) Miller/ िमलर Ans. (c) Fructose
takes place in amphibians and most (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से Explanation: All sugars are usually
of the reptiles because their heart is कोई नहीं compared to sucrose at the level of
generally 2 or 3 chambered and do sweetness, sucrose being rated 1, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 66

fructose is about 1.7 times sweeter family of biosynthetic and gene around age 21. The human skeleton
than sucrose. It’s the sweetest sugar regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C can be divided into the axial skeleton
you can get. contributes to immune defense by and the appendicular skeleton.
supporting various cellular functions
Q517. The normal RBC count in of both the innate and adaptive Q522. Hay fever is a sign of
adult male is immune system. Vitamin C परागज- र का संकेत ा है ?
एक वय पु ष म सामा RBC की deficiency results in impaired (a) malnutrition/कुपोषण
सं ा िकतनी होती है ? immunity and higher susceptibility to (b) allergy/एलज
(a) 3.5 million/ 3.5 िमिलयन infections. (c) old age/बुढ़ापा
(b) 5.0 million/5.0 िमिलयन (d) over work/अित म
(c) 2.5 million/ 2.5 िमिलयन Q520. Dinosaurs were
(d) 1.0 million/ 1.0 िमिलयन डायनासोर ा थे ? Ans. (b) Allergy
(a) mammals that became Explanation: Allergic rhinitis is
Ans. (b) 5.0 million extinct/ नधारी जो िवलु हो गए commonly known as hay fever. But
Explanation: A healthy adult man (b) large herbivorous creatures which you don’t have to be exposed to hay
has, on an average, 5 millions to 5.5 gave rise to hippopotamus species/ to have symptoms. And contrary to
millions of RBCs mm3 of blood. बड़े शाकाहारी जीव िज ोंने what the name suggests, you don’t
िह ोपोटामस जाित को ज िदया have to have a fever to have hay
Q518. The vitamin that helps to (c) egg-laying mammals/अंडे दे ने fever. Allergic rhinitis develops when
prevent infections in the human body वाली नधारी the body’s immune system becomes
is (d) reptiles that became sensitized and overreacts to
मानव शरीर म सं मण को रोकने म extinct/सरीसृप जो िवलु हो गए something in the environment that
मदद करने वाला िवटािमन कौन सा है ? typically causes no problems in most
(a) vitamin A/िवटािमन A Ans. (d) Reptiles that became extinct people.
(b) vitamin B/िवटािमन B Explanation: Dinosaurs are a diverse
(c) vitamin C/िवटािमन C group of reptiles[note 1] of the clade Q523. Kazimierz Funk or Casimir
(d) vitamin D/िवटािमन D Dinosauria. They first appeared Funk, was a Polish biochemist.He is
during the Triassic period, between associated to_________
Ans. (c) Vitamin C 243 and 233.23 million years ago, कािज़मीज़ फंक या कािसिमर फ़ंक, एक
Explanation: It is a potent although the exact origin and timing पोिलश जैव रसायनिवद था। इनका संबंध
antioxidant and a cofactor for a of the evolution of dinosaurs is the िकस से है ?
family of biosynthetic and gene subject of active research. They (a)Carbohydrates/काब हाइडे ट
regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C became the dominant terrestrial (b)Vitamins/िवटािमन
contributes to immune defense by vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic (c)Cell/कोिशका
supporting various cellular functions extinction event 201.3 million years (d)proteins/ ोटीन
of both the innate and adaptive ago; their dominance continued
immune system. Vitamin C through the Jurassic and Cretaceous Ans. (b) Vitamins
deficiency results in impaired periods. The fossil record Explanation: Kazimierz Funk ;
immunity and higher susceptibility to demonstrates that birds are modern February 23, 1884 – November 19,
infections. feathered dinosaurs, 1967), commonly anglicized as
Casimir Funk, was a Polish
Q519. Sweat glands in mammals are Q521 How many bones are there in biochemist, generally credited with
primarily concerned with the human body? being among the first to formulate (in
नधा रयों म पसीना ंिथयां मु प मानव शरीर म िकतनी हि याँ होती ह? 1912) the concept of vitamins, which
से िकस से संबंिधत ह? (a) 187 he called "vital amines" or
(a) removal of excess acids/अित र (b) 287 "vitamines".
एिसड को हटाने से (c) 206
(b) excretion of nitrogenous (d) 306 Q524. Which among the following is
wastes/नाइटोजन वाले कचरे के उ जन an Enzyme?
से Ans. (c) 206 िन िल खत म से कौन एक एं जाइम है ?
(c) thermoregulation/ताप-िनयमन Explanation: It is composed of (a) Rennin/रे िनन
(d) sex-attraction/से -आकषण around 270 bones at birth – this total (b) Ptyalin/िप लीन
decreases to around 206 bones by (c) Pepsin/पे न
Ans. (c) Thermoregulation adulthood after some bones get fused (d) all of those/उपरो सभी
Explanation: It is a potent together. The bone mass in the
antioxidant and a cofactor for a skeleton reaches maximum density Ans. (d) All of these [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 67

Explanation: Rennin is a proteolytic Q527. Rennin acts on milk proteins िलए
enzyme found in gastric juice of and convert (c) Attract insects / कीटों को आकिषत
infants. This enzyme causes रे िनन दू ध के ोटीन पर काय करता है करने के िलए
coagulation of milk and is important बदलता है - (d) Perform all the above / उपरो
in the digestive processes of infants (a) caseinogen into casein/ सभी काय के िलए
because it prevents the rapid passage कैिसनोजेन को कैिसन म Ans. (c) Attract insects
of milk from the stomach. (b) casein into paracasein/ कैिसन को Explanation: Flowers emit fragrance
पैराकेिसन म to attract pollinators which are
Q525. The scientist who explained (c) caesinogen into paracasein/ mainly insects. The fragrance plays a
about blood circulation for the first कैिसनोजेन को पैराकेिसन म main role in the localization &
time was (d) Paracesein itto carcinogen/ selection of flowers by insects,
िकस वै ािनक ने पहली बार र पैराकेिसन को कैिसनोजेन म especially moth-pollinated flowers,
प रसंचरण के बारे म बताया था? which are detected & visited at night.
(a) Anton van Ans. (b) casein into paracasein
Leeuwenhoek/एं टोनीवन लेवेन हॉक Explanation: Rennin is a proteolytic Q530. _________ is excessive cell
(b) William Harvey/िविलयम हाव enzyme found in gastric juice of division.
(c) Gregor Mendel/ ेगर मडल infants. ________ अ िधक कोिशका
(d) Ronald Ross/रोना रॉस This enzyme causes coagulation of िवभाजन है |
milk and is important in the digestive (a) Hyperplasia / अितवधन
Ans. (b) William Harvey processes of infants because it (b) Hypertrophic/ अितवृ
Explanation: William Harvey was the prevents the rapid passage of milk (c) Physiology/ शरीर िव ान
first person to correctly describe from the stomach. (d) Hypoplasia/ अ वृ
blood's circulation in the body. He In the presence of calcium, rennin
showed that arteries and veins form a changes irreversibly the casein of Ans. (a) Hyperplasia
complete circuit. The circuit starts at milk to a paracasein which is then Explanation: Hyperplasia:
the heart and leads back to the heart. acted upon by pepsin. Hence, Rennin Hyperplasia, or hypergenesis, is an
The heart's regular contractions drive acts on milk proteins and converts increase in the amount of organic
the flow of blood around the whole Casein into paracasein. tissue that results from cell
body. So, the correct answer is 'Casein into proliferation.
paracasein'. Hypertrophy: Hypertrophy is an
Q526. A plant with compound leaves increase and growth of muscle cells.
is Q528. Which of the following is not Hypertrophy refers to an increase in
िमि त पि यों वाला पादप कौन सा है ? required for seed germination? muscular size achieved through
(a) Papaya/पपीता बीज अंकुरण के िलए िन िल खत म से exercise. When you work out, if you
(b) Coconut /ना रयल िकसकी आव कता नहीं है ? want to tone or improve muscle
(c) Peepal/पीपल (a) Water/जल definition, lifting weights is the most
(d) Hibiscus/गुड़हल (b) Air/वायु common way to increase
(c) Sunlight /सूय का काश hypertrophy.
Ans. (b) Coconut (d) Suitable temperature/उपयु Hypoplasia is underdevelopment or
Explanation: A compound leaf has a तापमान incomplete development of a tissue
fully subdivided blade, each leaflet or organ
of the blade separated along a main Ans. (c) Sunlight
or secondary vein. Because each Explanation: All seeds need water, Q531. The Saliva of a Healthy
leaflet can appear to be a simple leaf, oxygen, and proper temperature in Human is____________
it is important to recognize where the order to germinate. Some seeds थ मानव की लार की कृित कैसी है ?
petiole occurs to identify a require proper light also. Some (a) slightly acidic/साधारणत: अ ीय
compound leaf. germinate better in full light while (b) slightly saline/साधारणत: लवणीय
Rose, Neem, Baobab, Desert cotton others require darkness to germinate. (c) slightly alkaline/साधारणत: ारीय
are the some of the examples of When a seed is exposed to the proper (d) neutral/उदासीन
compound leaves. Compound leaf conditions, water and oxygen are
along with the main leaf, it has many taken in through the seed coat. Ans. (c) Slightly alkaline
leaflets joint to the stem through Q529. Flowers emit fragrance to/ Explanation: In humans, saliva is
petiole and shows the complete फूल सुगंध दे ते ह - 99.5% water plus electrolytes,
division of the lamina or leaf blade (a) Drive away flies /म यों को दू र mucus, white blood cells, epithelial
along the midvein. भगाने के िलए cells (from which DNA can be
(b) Purify air / हवा को शु करने के extracted), enzymes (such as amylase [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 68

and lipase), antimicrobial agents categories of perceived risk. It changes in accordance with the
such as secretory IgA, and documents rare & endangered atmosphere
lysozymes. species of animals, plants & fungi, in Explanation: Cold-blooded animals,
The ideal urine and saliva pH pattern addition other living organisms in an like reptiles, amphibians, and fish,
is 7.2 on awakening, 6.8 to 7.2 area, region or country. become hotter and colder, depending
before eating and 7.2 to 8.5 on the the temperature outside. For
following any alkaline meal or drink. Q535. Seed coat is formed from/ बीज example, when the sun sets at night,
Your saliva should be slightly आवरण का िनमाण िकससे होता है ? their bodies are cooler because it is
alkaline to begin the pre-digestive (a) Integuments/ िझ ी less warm outside. When the sun is
process. (b) Chalaza/ कैलाज़ा out, however, their bodies soak up
Q532. Which organ of the body (c) Micropyle/ बीजां ड ार the heat and become warmer.
never rests? (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
शरीर का कौन सा अंग कभी भी िव ाम Q538. Plants living within another
नहीं करता है ? Ans. (a) Integuments plant are called
(a) Eyes /आं ख Explanation: The seed coat develops दू सरे पौधे के भीतर रहने वाले पौधों को
(b) Pancreas/अ ाशय from the maternal tissue, the ा कहा जाता है ?
(c) Liver/यकृत integuments, originally surrounding (a) Parasites/परजीवी
(d) Heart/ दय the ovule. Bitegmic seeds form a (b) Endophytes/अ : पादपी
testa from the outer integument and a (c) Saprophytes/मृतजीवी
Ans. (d) Heart tegmen from the inner integument (d) Epiphytes/अिधपादप
Explanation: An example of while unitegmic seeds have only one
involuntary muscle movement is the integument. Ans. (d) Epiphytes
pumping action of the Heart. My Explanation: Epiphyte, also called air
answer will be heart is the organ that Q536. Restricted infection of a plant, any plant that grows upon
never rest. disease is said to be another plant or object merely for
िकसी बीमारी का ितबंिधत सं मण ा physical support. Epiphytes have no
Q533. Peritonitis is a disease of the कहलाता है ? attachment to the ground or other
____________ (a) Chronic/िचरकािलक obvious nutrient source and are not
पे रटोिनिटस ____________ की (b) Localised / थानीयकृत parasitic on the supporting plants.
बीमारी है (c) Systemic / णालीगत An endophyte is an endosymbiont,
(a) Abdomen/उदर (d) Resisted/ रज़ ड often a bacterium or fungus, that
(b) thighs/जां घों lives within a plant for at least part of
(c) brain/म Ans. (a) Localised its life cycle without causing
(d) skin/ चा Explanation: A localized disease is apparent disease.
an infectious or neoplastic process
Ans. (a) Abdomen that originates in and is confined to Q539. Ipomea batata is a
Explanation: Inflammation of the one organ system or general area in शकरकंद है -
membrane lining the abdominal wall the body, such as a sprained ankle, a (a) Stem/ तना
and covering the abdominal organs. boil on the hand, an abscess of (b) Leaf / प ी
finger. (c) Fruit/ फल
Q534. The 'Red Data Book' is the Q537. Which of the following is (d) Vegetable/ स ी
documentation of endangered rare correct about cold blooded animals?
species of: असमतापी जानवरों के बारे म Ans. (d) Vegetable
'रे ड डे टा बुक' लु ाय दु लभ जाितयों िन िल खत म से कौन सा सही है ? Explanation: The sweet potato
का द ावेज है : (a) Their blood remains cold all the (Ipomoea batatas) is a
(a) All of these are true/ये सभी स ह time/उनका र हर समय ठं डा रहता dicotyledonous plant that belongs to
(b) Other living organisms/अ जीिवत (b) Their body temperature changes the bindweed or morning glory
जीव in accordance with the family, Convolvulaceae. Its large,
(c) Flora/ ोरा atmosphere/उनके शरीर का तापमान starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots
(d) Fauna/फौना वातावरण के अनुसार बदलता रहता है are a root vegetable. The young
(c) Their body temperature remains leaves and shoots are sometimes
Ans. (a) All of these are true constant all the time/उनके शरीर का eaten as greens.
Explanation: A Red Data Book तापमान हर समय थर रहता है A fruit develops from the flower of a
contains lists of species whose (d) All of the above/उपरो सभी plant, while the other parts of the
continued existence is threatened. plant are categorized as vegetables.
Species are classified into different Ans. (b) Their body temperature Fruits contain seeds, while [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 69

vegetables can consist of roots, stems खारे पानी म डाल िदया जाए, तो संभािवत सा िवटािमन िनकल जाता है ?
and leaves. प रणाम कौन से होंगे ? (a) A
(a) The fish becomes bloated & dies / (b) C
Q540. Germ theory was confirmed मछली फूल जाएगी तथा मर जाएगी (c) D
by / (b) There is no observable effect on (d) E
रोगाणु िस ां त की पुि की गयी थी - the fish provided there is sufficient
(a) Prevost/ ि वो ारा food / पया भोजन होने के कारण Ans. (b) C
(b) Needham / नीधम ारा मछली पर कोई भी भाव नहीं Explanation: B-complex vitamins
(c) Pasteur / पा र ारा पड़े गा and vitamin C are water soluble
(d) Kolega/ कोलेगा ारा (c) The fish suffers from fungal or vitamins that are not stored in the
Ans. (c) Pasteur bacterial disease & dies / मछली body and must be replaced each day.
Explanation: Proving the germ कवकीय या जीवाणु जिनत रोग से पीिड़त These vitamins are easily destroyed
theory of disease was the crowning हो जाएगी तथा मर जाएगी or washed out during food storage
achievement of the French scientist (d) The fish becomes dehydrated & and preparation. Fat-soluble vitamins
Louis Pasteur. He was not the first to dies / मछली िनजिलत हो जाएगी तथा — vitamins A, D, E and K —
propose that diseases were caused by मर जाएगी dissolve in fat before they are
microscopic organisms, but the view absorbed in the bloodstream to carry
was controversial in the 19th century, Ans. (d) The fish becomes out their functions. Excesses of these
and opposed the accepted theory of dehydrated & dies vitamins are stored in the liver.
“spontaneous generation” Explanation: The fish becomes
dehydrated & dies.When freshwater Q545. Yellow Fever is transmitted by
Q541. According to WHO, the Bird fish is placed in salt water, the water पीला बुखार िकसके ारा फैलता है ?
flu virus cannot be transmitted molecules contained in the fish's (a) Aedes/एडीज
through food cooked beyond body would pass through the cell (b) Anopheles/एनोिफिलज
WHO के अनुसार, यिद भोजन को membranes of the fish, causing the (c) House-fly/साधारण म ी
______ तापमान से ऊपर पकाया गया fish to lose water by diffusion. This (d) Culex/ ूले
है ,तो बड ू वायरस ेिषत नहीं हो sudden change in the molecular
सकता है ? makeup of the fish would cause the Ans. (a) Aedes
(a) 60 degrees Celsius/60 िड ी fish to die. Explanation: The yellow fever virus
से यस is transmitted by infected
(b) 70 degrees Celsius/70 िड ी Q543. Match List-1with List-2 and mosquitoes, most commonly from
से यस give the correct answer from the the Aedes species – the same
(c) 90 degrees Celsius/90 िड ी code given below:/ सूची-1 के साथ mosquito that spreads the Zika,
से यस सूची -2 का िमलान कर और नीचे िदए Chikungunya and Dengue virus.
(d) 100 degrees Celsius/100 िड ी गए कोड से सही उ र द: Haemogogus mosquitoes also spread
से यस List-I (Discoverer)/सूची- I (खोजकता) yellow fever and are mostly found in
List-II (Discoveries)/सूची- II (खोज) the jungle. Mosquitoes become
Ans. (b) 70 degree celsius p. Jenner/जेनर infected with the virus when they
Explanation: Outbreaks by the highly 1. Blood grouping/र समूहन bite an infected human or monkey.
pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza q. Watson/ वाटसन The disease cannot be spread by
(bird flu) virus in poultry have raised 2. Penicillin/पेिनिसिलन contact from one person to another.
concerns about the source of r. Landsteiner/लड ीनर
infection and the risk to humans from 3. Vaccination/टीकाकरण Q546. Which of the following
various exposures. The H5N1 virus s. Flemming/ ेिमंग diseases have been completely
is sensitive to heat. Normal 4. Double helix/डबल हे िल eradicated by WHO?
temperatures used for cooking (70°C (a) p - 3, q - 1, r - 2, s - 4. WHO ने िन िल खत म से िकस बीमारी
in all parts of the food) will kill the (b) p - 3, q- 4, r - 2, s - 1 को पूरी तरह से ख कर िदया है ?
virus. Consumers need to be sure that (c) p - 3, q - 4, r - l, s - 2 (a)Smallpox/चेचक
all parts of the poultry are fully (d) p - 3, q - 2, r - 4, s - 1 (b)Rinderpest/पशुमहामारी
cooked (no pink parts) and that eggs, (c)Both/दोनों
too, are properly cooked (d)Neither/इनमे से कोई नहीं
Ans. (c) p-3, q - 4, r - l, s - 2
Q542. If a healthy freshwater fish is Ans. (c) Both
placed in salt water, what will be the Q544. Washing of peeled vegetables Explanation:
expected consequence - / यिद मीठे removes the vitamin Smallpox - Declared eradicated in
पानी म रहने वाली एक थ मछली को िछलके वाली स यों को धोने से कौन 1980 - Variola virus [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 70

Rinderpest - Declared eradicated in coconut fruit. Generally fiber is of endocrine gland is found in chest
2011 - Rinderpest virus golden color when cleaned after cavity -
removing from coconut husk and िन िल खत म से कौन सी अंतः ावी ंिथ
Q547. Jaundice is a symptom of hence, the name the Golden Fiber. छाती गुहा म पाई जाती है -
disease of Coir is a natural fiber extracted from (a) Pineal gland/ पीिनयल ंिथ
पीिलया िकसका का एक ल ण रोग है ? the husk of coconut and used in (b) Thymus gland/ थाइमस ंिथ
(a) Kidney/वृ products such as floor mats, (c) Thyroid gland/ थाइरॉयड ंिथ
(b) Liver/यकृत doormats, brushes, mattresses, etc. (d) Adrenal gland/ अिधवृ ंिथ
(c) Pancreas/अ ाशय Coir is the fibrous material found
(d) Thyroid/थायराइड between the hard, internal shell and Ans. (b) Thymus gland
the outer coat of a coconut. Coir Explanation: The endocrine glands
Ans. (b) Liver fibers are found between the hard, are widely distributed throughout the
Explanation: Jaundice is caused by a internal shell (endocarp) and the body. The thyroid & parathyroid
buildup of bilirubin, a waste outer coat of a coconut (epicarp). glands are in the neck, & the thymus
material, in the blood. An inflamed gland is in the thoracic (chest) cavity.
liver or obstructed bile duct can lead Q550. Which one of the following is The pituitary gland, pineal gland &
to jaundice, as well as other not a plant product? hypothalamus are situated in the
underlying conditions. Symptoms िन िल खत म से कौन एक पादप उ ाद skull. The thymus gland is only
include a yellow tinge to the skin and नहीं है ? active until puberty. It helps the body
whites of the eyes, dark urine, and (a) Caffeine/कैफीन protect itself against autoimmunity.
itchiness. (b) Resin/रे िसन
(c) Nicotine/िनकोटीन Q553. Insufficient blood supply in
Q548. The yellow colour of urine is (d) Saccharin/साकारीन human body is referred as
due to presence of मानव शरीर म अपया र की आपूित
मू का पीला रं ग उप थित के कारण Ans. (d) Saccharin को ा कहा जाता है ?
होता है Explanation: Saccharin is a (a) Ischemia/ थािनक अर तता
(a) Bile/िप non-nutritive or artificial sweetener. (b) Hyperemia/अितर तता
(b) Urochrome/ यूरो ोम It's made in a laboratory by oxidizing (c) Hemostasia/हे मो े िसया
(c) Cholesterol/कोले ॉल the chemicals o-toluene sulfonamide (d) Hemorrhage/र ाव
(d) Lymph/लसीका or phthalic anhydride. It looks like
white, crystalline powder. Saccharin Ans. (a) Ischemia
Ans. (b) Urochrome is commonly used as a sugar Explanation: Ischemia or ischaemia
Explanation: The color of normal substitute because it doesn't contain is a restriction in blood supply to
urine is usually light yellow to calories or carbs. tissues, causing a shortage of oxygen
amber. Generally, the greater the that is needed for cellular
solute volume the deeper the color. Q551. Stem is usually/ तना आमतौर metabolism (to keep tissue alive).
The yellow color of urine is due to पर है Ischemia is generally caused by
the presence of a yellow pigment, (a) Positively Phototropic/ सकारा क problems with blood vessels, with
urochrome. Deviations from normal फोटोटोिपक resultant damage to or dysfunction of
color can be caused by certain drugs (b) Positively acrotropic/ सकारा क tissue.
& various vegetables such as carrots, प से ए ोटोिपक
beets, & rhubarb. (c) Negatively geotropic/ नकारा क Q554. When the bark of a tree is
प से िजयोटोिपक removed in a circular fashion all
Q549. Coconut coir is obtained (d) Negatively Phototropic/ around near its base, it gradually
from_____________ नकारा क प से फोटोटोिपक dries up and dies because /
ना रयल-जटा _____________ से ा जब पेड़ की छाल को इसके आधार के
की जाती है । Ans. (a) Positively Phototropic समीप चारो तरफ से वृ ाकार तरीके से
(a) Mesocarp/म फल-िभ त Explanation: Tropism is a growth हटा िदया जाता है , तो यह धीरे -धीरे सूख
(b) Endocarp/अ ः फलिभि movement whose direction is जाता है तथा मर जाता है ोंिक -
(c) Seed/बीज determined by the direction from (a) roots do not receive oxygen for
(d) epicarp/बा तम परत which the stimulus strikes the plant. respiration/ जड़ों को सन के िलए
Most stems are positively ऑ ीजन नहीं िमलता
Ans. (a) Mesocarp phototropic, while most roots are (b) water from soil cannot rise to
Explanation: Coir is a versatile said to be negatively phototropic. aerial parts/ िम ी से िमलने वाला जल
natural fiber extracted from हवाई अंगों तक नहीं प ँ च सकता
mesocarp tissue or husk of the Q552. Which of the following (c) tree is infected by the soil [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 71

microbes/ पेड़ िम ी के सू जीवों से (b) Growing plants in water/ जल म Q560. __________ is the science
सं िमत हो जाता है | पौधे उगाना | that classifies diseases
(d) roots are starved of energy/ जड़ (c) Reducing water pollution/ जल ______ वह िव ान है जो रोगों को
िबना ऊजा के मर जाती ह | दू षण को कम करना | वग कृत करता है |
(d) Study of marine life/ समु ी जीवन (a) Ornithology / प ीिव ान
Ans. (d) Roots are starved of energy का अ यन (b) Nosology/ रोगवग करण िव ान
Explanation: Phloem is the innermost (c) Eschatology / परलोक िव ा
layer of the bark and it’s job is to do Ans. (b) Growing plants in water (d) Osteology/ अ थ िव ान
the transport of soluble organic Explanation: Hydroponics is a subset
material made during photosynthesis, of hydroculture, which is a method Ans. (b) Nosology
the process is called translocation. of growing plants without soil, by Explanation: Nosology is the branch
So, whatever that is produced in the instead using mineral nutrient of medical science that deals with the
leaves, if not sent to the part such as solutions in a water solvent. classification of diseases.
roots they will be starved of energy Terrestrial plants may be grown with
and water will keep rising till we only their roots exposed to the Q561. Which of the following one
don’t cut the trees xylem part. nutritious liquid, or the roots may be of the following events in a botanical
physically supported by an inert garden is never directly influenced
Q555. Of the following which one is medium such as perlite, gravel, or by light -
not a pathogen ? other substrates वन ित उ ान म िन म से कौन सी
िन म से कौन एक रोगजनक नहीं है ? घटना पर काश का सीधा भाव कभी
(a) Bacteria/ जीवाणु Q558. Which of the following sets of नहीं पड़ता है ?
(b) Toxins/ िवष diseases spread through (a) Fertilization /िनषेचन
(c) Viruses/ िवषाणु contaminated water ? (b) Photosynthesis/ काश सं ेषण
(d) Fungi/ कवक रोगों का िन म से कौन सा समूह (c) Transpiration/ ेद
संदूिषत जल से फैलता है ? (d) Flowering/ फूल आना या पु ण
Ans. (b) Toxins (a) Malaria and smallpox/ मले रया
Explanation: A toxin is a poisonous और चेचक Ans. (a) Fertilization
substance produced within living (b) Cholera and typhoid / है जा और Explanation: Fertilization in plants is
cells or organisms; synthetic टाइफाइड not directly influenced by sunlight. It
toxicants created by artificial (c) Measles and malaria / खसरा और occurs when pollen grains are
processes are thus excluded. The मले रया transported from anthers to stigma.
term was first used by organic (d) Cholera and plague/ है जा और ेग When ripe pollen from an anther
chemist Ludwig Brieger, derived catches on the stigma of the same
from the word toxic. Ans. (b) Cholera and typhoid kind of flower, each pollen grain
Explanation: Dysentery, Arsenicosis, sends out a small threadlike tube.
Q556. Nutrients are recycled in the Polio (Infantile Paralysis), Trachoma Fertilization occurs after pollination,
atmosphere with the help of certain (Eye Infection), Typhoid fever, when pollen grains land on the
microorganisms referred to as/ Schistosomiasis, Cholera, Diarrhoea. stigma of a flower of the same
वातावरण म पोषक त ों का पुनच ण species. During this time, a series of
कुछ िनि त सू जीवों की सहायता से Q559. Which one of the following is events take place leading to the
होता है , िज कहा जाता है - concerned with fertilization of formation of seeds.
(a) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं flowers ?
(b) Consumers / उपभो ा िन म से कौन फूलों के िनषेचन से Q562. Golgi body is also known as
(c) Producers/ उ ादक संबंिधत है ? गॉ ी बॉडी को यह भी कहा जाता है
(d) Decomposers/ अपघटक (a) Carolla / कैरोला (a) Ribochondria/ राइबोकां िडया
(b) Sepals/ बा दल (b) Misochondria/ िमसोकां िडया
Ans. (d) Decomposers (c) Stamen / पुमंग (c) Mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडया
Explanation: Decomposers recycle (d) Calyx/ पु कोश (d) Lipochondria/ िलपोकां िडया
nutrients in the atmosphere.
Ans. (c) Stamen Ans. (d) Lipochondria
Q557. Hydroponics is a science Explanation: The stamen is a male Explanation: Golgi body is an
devoted to reproductive organ of a flower. It organelle in the cell. Golgi bodies
जलकृिष एक िव ान है जो ______ को produces the pollen. The stamen has can also be called as idiosomes and
समिपत है | two parts: anther and stalk. The stalk lipochondria. In lipochondria lipo
(a) Desalinating water/ जल का is also called a filament. means lipids and in idiosomes idiot
अलवणीकरण means iodine. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 72

become a virus factory. Because they required for a heart-beat?
Q563. Quinine, the cure for malaria can't reproduce by themselves िदल की धड़कन के िलए अनुमािनत
is obtained from the bark of (without a host), viruses are not आव क समय िकतना है ?
मले रया की दवा कुनैन को िकस वृ के considered living. (a) 0.5 second
छाल से ा िकया जाता है ? (b) 0.8 second
(a) Datura/ धतूरा Q566. Which of the following is not (c) 0.5 minute
(b) Geranium/ जेरेिनयम a waste material excreted by plants: (d) 1.0 minute
(c) Citriodora/ िसटीओडोरा िन म से कौन पौधों से िनकलने वाला
(d) Cinchona/ िसनकोना एक अपिश पदाथ नहीं है ? Ans. (b) 0.8 seconds
(a) Gum./ गोंद Explanation: Take 60 and divide it by
Ans. (d) Cinchona (b) Resin./ राल the number of beats counted per
Explanation: Quinine, drug obtained (c) Urine./ मू minute. If your heart beats 60 times
from cinchona bark that is used (d) Latex./ वन ित दू ध per minute that is 1 second. If your
chiefly in the treatment of malaria, heart beats 75 times per minute then
an infection caused by the protozoan Ans. (c) Urine that is 60/75 which is 0.8 seconds for
parasite Plasmodium, which is each beat and so on
transmitted to humans by the bite of Q567. Breathing is controlled by/
various species of mosquitoes. सन की ि या िनयंि त की जाती है - Q570. An ant can see the objects all
(a) Larynx/ कंठनली ारा around it due to the presence of
Q564. DOTS is a treatment given to (b) Trachae/ वायुनली ारा चींटी िकसकी उप थित के कारण उसके
patients suffering form (c) Epiglottis./कंठ द ारा चारों ओर की व ुओं को दे ख सकती ह?
DOTS एक उपचार है जो ………. रोग (d) Diaphragm/ म पट ारा (a) Simple Eyes/साधारण आं ख
से पीिड़त रोिगयों को िदया जाता है | (b) Eyes over the head/शीष के ऊपर
(a) Polio/ पोिलयो Ans. (d) Diaphragm की आं ख
(b) AIDS./ एड् स Explanation: When the diaphragm (c) Well-developed eyes/सुिवकिसत
(c) Hepatitis./ हे पेटाइिटस contracts and moves lower, the chest आँ ख
(d) Tuberculosis/ य ा cavity enlarges, reducing the pressure (d) Compound eyes/जुडी ई आँ ख
inside the lungs. To equalize the
Ans. (d) Tuberculosis pressure, air enters the lungs. When Ans. (d) Compound eyes
Explanation: Directly observed the diaphragm relaxes and moves Explanation: A compound eye is a
treatment, short-course is the name back up, the elasticity of the lungs visual organ found in arthropods
given to the tuberculosis control and chest wall pushes air out of the such as insects and crustaceans. It
strategy recommended by the World lungs. may consist of thousands of
Health Organization. According to ommatidia,[1] which are tiny
WHO, "The most cost-effective way Q568. There are numerous independent photoreception units
to stop the spread of TB in finger-like projections on the wall of that consist of a cornea, lens, and
communities with a high incidence is the small intestine. These projections photoreceptor cells which distinguish
by curing it. The best curative are called /छोटी आं त की िभि पर brightness and color. The image
method for TB is known as DOTS." अँगुिलयों के आकार वाले कई उभार perceived by the arthropod is a
रहते ह | ये उभार कहलाते ह - combination of inputs from the
Q565. Which of the following (a) Matrix./ आ ूह numerous ommatidia, which are
reproduces only inside a host cell? (b) Villi/िव ी oriented to point in slightly different
िन म से कौन केवल पोिषता कोिशका (c) Cristae./ ि ा directions. Compared with
के भीतर जनन करता है ? (d) None of these./ इनम से कोई नहीं single-aperture eyes, compound eyes
(a) Bacteria/ जीवाणु have poor image resolution;
(b) Virus./ िवषाणु Ans. (b) Villi however, they possess a very large
(c) Amoeba./ अमीबा Explanation: Villi (singular is villus) view angle and the ability to detect
(d) Fungus./कवक are small, finger-like structures in the fast movement and, in some cases,
small intestine. They help to absorb the polarization of light.
Ans. (b) Virus digested food. Each villus has
Explanation: A virus is a tiny, microvilli which increase the surface Q571. Enterokinase enzyme is
infectious particle that can reproduce area of the intestinal walls. A larger present in
only by infecting a host cell. Viruses surface area allows nutrients to be इं टरोकाइनेज एं जाइम पाया जाता है -
"commandeer" the host cell and use taken in more quickly. (a) Saliva/ लार
its resources to make more viruses, (b) Gastric juice./ अमाशय रस
basically reprogramming it to Q569. What is the approximate time (c) Intestinal juice./ आं रस [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 73

(d) Pancreatic juice./ अ ाशय रस (a) smooth and dry/ िचकना और सूखा common way of storing energy, in
(b) rough and sticky/खुरदरा और vertebrates such as humans the fatty
Ans. (c) Intestinal juice िचपिचपा acids in these stores cannot be
Explanation: Enteropeptidase (also (c) rough and dry/ खुरदरा और सूखा converted to glucose through
called enterokinase) is an enzyme (d) large and showy/बड़ा और gluconeogenesis as these organisms
produced by cells of the duodenum िदखावटी cannot convert acetyl-CoA into
and is involved in digestion in pyruvate; plants do, but animals do
humans and other animals. Ans. (b) Rough and sticky not, have the necessary enzymatic
Enteropeptidase converts trypsinogen Explanation: Pollen grains of machinery. As a result, after
(a zymogen) into its active form insect-pollinated flowers become long-term starvation, vertebrates
trypsin, resulting in the subsequent sticky or they may develop spines need to produce ketone bodies from
activation of pancreatic digestive around their body. These features fatty acids to replace glucose in
enzymes. help in the attachment of pollen tissues such as the brain that cannot
grains to the body of pollinators i.e., metabolize fatty acids. In other
Q572. The disease caused by insects. Therefore, pollen grains of organisms such as plants and
Asbestos is: insect-pollinated flowers are rough bacteria, this metabolic problem is
अज़बे ो के कारण होने वाली बीमारी है : and sticky solved using the glyoxylate cycle,
(a) Emphysema/वात ीित which bypasses the decarboxylation
(b) Paralysis/लकवा Q575. A clone is a colony of: step in the citric acid cycle and
(c) Diarrhoea/द ोन िकसका आवास है ? allows the transformation of
(d) Dysentery/पेिचश (a) cells having different acetyl-CoA to oxaloacetate, where it
shapes/िविभ आकार वाली कोिशकाओं can be used for the production of
Ans. (a) Emphysema का glucose.
Explanation: Emphysema was more (b) cells having similar shape/समान
common when workers had आकार वाली कोिशकाओं का Q577. Exobiology deals with the
asbestosis or were heavily exposed to (c) cells having similar genetic study of:
asbestos (insulators), but due to constitution/समान आनुवंिशक संघटन खगोलीय जीविव ान के अ यन से ा
confounding factors the causative वाली कोिशकाओं का पता चलता है ?
role of asbestos in emphysema needs (d) cells having different genetic (a) external characters of living
further study. constitutions/िविभ आनुवंिशक गठन organisms/जीिवत जीवों के बाहरी
वाली कोिशकाओं का प के बारे म
Q573. Which one of the following (b) life on the surface of the
substances is used for preservation of Ans. (c) Cells having similar genetic earth/पृ ी की सतह पर जीवन
food grains? constitution (c) life in the outer layers of
खा ा के संर ण के िलए िन िल खत म Explanation: A clone is a colony of atmosphere/वायुमंडल की बाहरी परतों
से िकस पदाथ का उपयोग िकया जाता cells having similar genetic म जीवन
है ? constitutions. A clonal colony would (d) life in other planets and
(a) Sodium benzoate/सोिडयम बजोए be well exemplified by a bacterial space/अ हों और अंत र म जीवन
(b) Vinegar/िसरका culture colony, or the bacterial films
(c) Sodium chloride/सोिडयम that are more likely to be found in Ans. (d) life in other planets and
ोराइड vivo (e.g., in infected multicellular space
(d) Potassium hosts). Explanation: Astrobiology, formerly
permanganate/पोटे िशयम परमगनेट known as exobiology, is an
Q576. Animals do not have enzyme interdisciplinary scientific field
Ans. (a) Sodium benzoate systems which enable them to make concerned with the origins, early
Explanation: There are three classes use of the energy from: evolution, distribution, and future of
of chemical preservatives commonly जानवरों के पास िकस कार एं जाइम तं life in the universe. Astrobiology
used in foods: Benzoates (such as नहीं है जो उ ऊजा का उपयोग करने considers the question of whether
sodium benzoate) Nitrites (such as म स म बनाता है ? extraterrestrial life exists, and if it
sodium nitrite) Sulphites (such as (a) fat /वसा does, how humans can detect it.
sulphur dioxide) (b) water/जल
(c) protein/ ोटीन Q578. Why radiologists do not take
Q574. The pollen grains of flowers (d) carbohydrate/काब हाइडे ट direct X-ray photographs of
pollinated by insects are: intestine?
कीटों ारा परािगत फूलों के पराग कण Ans. (a) Fat रे िडयोलॉिज आं त के सीधे ए -रे की
कैसे होते है ? Explanation: Although fat is a त ीर ों नहीं लेते ह? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 74

(a) Intestines are affected by direct leaves and it is underground. Explanation: Seasickness is a result
exposure to X-rays/आं त ए -रे के Nutrients for the plant are stored of a conflict in the inner ear, where
सीधे संपक से भािवत होती ह within the bulb. the human balance mechanism
(b) X-rays cannot cross resides, and is caused by a vessel’s
intestine/ए -रे आं त को पार नहीं कर Q581. The cross-section of a stem of erratic motion on the water. Inside
सकते tree has fifty rings, what is the age of the cabin of a rocking boat, for
(c) X-rays are not able to capture the tree? example, the inner ear detects
clear picture/ए -रे िच कै चर वृ के तने के अनु थ काट म पचास changes in both up-and-down and
करने म स म नहीं ह छ े होते ह, वृ की आयु िकतनी है ? side-to-side acceleration as one’s
(d) Even short exposure of X-rays (a) 50 months/50 महीने body bobs along with the boat. But,
causes cancer in intestine/ए -रे के (b) 5 years/5 वष since the cabin moves with the
कम संपक म भी आं त म कसर होता है (c) 25 years /25 वष passenger, one’s eyes register a
(d) 50 years/ 50 वष relatively stable scene. Agitated by
Ans. (c) X-rays are not able to this perceptual incongruity, the brain
capture clear picture Ans. (d) 50 years responds with a cascade of
Explanation: Blood, muscle, brain, Explanation: In stems of stress-related hormones that can
nerves, heart etc are all of the same dicotyledons growing temperate ultimately lead to nausea, vomiting,
intrinsic radiographic density. For regions, due to maximum seasonal and vertigo.
some structure to be visible on a variations, vascular cambial ring
plain x-ray film it must be adjacent produces two types secondary Q584. Milk is not considered a
to a region of different radiographic xylems spring or early wood or balanced diet because of the absence
density. The stomach is mostly autumn wood or late wood. Both of:
smooth muscle (meat), surrounded spring wood and autumn wood िकस की अनुप थित के कारण दू ध को
by peritoneum (meat), so it will not associate together and forms into a संतुिलत आहार नहीं माना जाता है ?
be visible. ring of secondary xylem called (a) Magnesium and Vitamin D/
Annular ring. In every year one मै ीिशयम और िवटािमन D
Q579. The pollination of maize takes annual ring is formed. Number of (b) Iron and Vitamin C/आयरन और
place by annual rings gives the age of the िवटािमन C
म ा का परागण िकसके ारा होता है trees. It is called Dendrochronology. (c) Calcium and Vitamin C/कै शयम
(a) self-pollination/ -परागण और िवटािमन C
(b) pollination by insects/कीट-परागण Q582. How many legs does a (d) Iron and Vitamin A/आयरन और
butterfly have? िवटािमन A
(c) pollination by air/वायु-परागण िततली के िकतने पैर होते ह?
(d) pollination by rain/वषा -परागण (a) four/चार Ans. (b) Iron and Vitamin C
(b) eight/आठ Explanation: A balanced diet means
Ans. (c) pollination by air (c) ten/दस getting the right types and amounts
Explanation: Maize (called corn in (d) six/छह of foods and drinks to supply
some parts of the world) is pollinated nutrition and energy for maintaining
by wind. The male anthers let go of Ans. (d) Six body cells, tissues, and organs, and
their pollen and it blows over to a Explanation: Like all other insects, for supporting normal growth and
nearby female flower on another butterflies have six legs and three development. Milk is not considered
corn plant. main body parts: head, thorax (chest a balanced diet as it lacks iron and
or mid section) and abdomen (tail some vitamins like Vitamin C.
Q580. Onion is a modified form of end). They also have two antennae Calcium, phosphate, magnesium,
ाज िकसका एक संशोिधत प है ? and an exoskeleton. sodium, potassium, citrate, and
(a) leaf /प ा chlorine are all included as minerals
(b) stem/तना Q583. Sea sickness is due to the and they typically occur at
(c) root/जड़ effect of the motion of ship, on concentration of 5–40 mM.
(d) None of these/इनम से कोई नहीं समु ी बीमारी जहाज की गित के
_______पर भाव के कारण होती है । Q585. Ripening of fruits can be
Ans. (b) Stem (a) internal ear/आं त रक कान accelerated by /
Explanation: An onion has a (b) heart/ दय फलों के पकने की गित को तेज़ िकया जा
modified form of stem called a bulb, (c) stomach/आमाशय सकता है -
or more specifically a tunicate bulb. (d) eyes/आँ खों (a) Increasing the supply of nitrogen
In this type of modified stems, the to the atmosphere surrounding them/
stem is enclosed by a covering of Ans. (a) Internal ear उनके आसपास के वातावरण म [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 75

नाइटोजन की आपूित म वृ करके (c) Lipids/ िलिपड ommatidia, which are tiny
(b) Reducing the supply of water to (d) Alkaloids/ ाराभ independent photoreception units
the plant when the fruits are maturing/ that consist of a cornea, lens, and
जब फल पक रहे हों, तो वृ को िमलने Ans. (a) Protein photoreceptor cells which distinguish
वाले पानी म कमी करके Explanation: Proteins.Amino acids brightness and color.
(c) Artificially adding ethylene gas to are required for the synthesis of body
the atmosphere surrounding them / protein & other important Q590. EEG is used to detect the
उनके आसपास के वातावरण म कृि म nitrogen-containing compounds. functioning of
तरीके से ईथीलीन गैस िमला कर Adult humans are unable to EEG का उपयोग िकसके कामकाज का
(d) Warming up the surroundings synthesize all twenty amino acids पता लगाने के िलए िकया जाता है ?
artificially/ आसपास के वातावरण को needed for protein synthesis; those (a) Legs/ पैर
कृि म प से गम करके which cannot be synthesized & (b) Lung/फेफड़े
which must then be acquired via the (c) Kidney/वृ
Ans. (c) Artificially adding ethylene diet are referred to as essential. (d) Brain/ म
gas to the atmosphere surrounding Amino acids are constituents of
them protein & act as precursors for many Ans. (d) Brain
Explanation: Ethylene serves as a coenzymes, hormones, nucleic acid, Explanation: An
hormone in plants. It acts at trace etc. electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test
levels throughout the life of the plant used to evaluate the electrical
by stimulating or regulating the Q588. Excretory products of activity in the brain. Brain cells
ripening of fruit, the opening of mammalian embryo are eliminated communicate with each other
flowers, and the abscission (or out by through electrical impulses. An EEG
shedding) of leaves. नधारी ूण का मलो ग िकसके ारा can be used to help detect potential
िनकलता है ? problems associated with this
Q586. What part of the eye gets (a) Placenta/गभनाल activity.
inflamed and becomes pink when (b) Amniotic fluid/गभ दक
dust gets into? (c) Allantois/अपरापोिषका Q591. Which is the organ that
आँ ख का कौन सा िह ा है जो फूल (d) Ureter/मू वािहनी excretes water, fat and various
जाता है और इसम धूल जाने पर गुलाबी catabolic wastes?
हो जाता है ? Ans. (a) Placenta वह कौन सा अंग है जो पानी, वसा और
(a) Cornea/कनीिनका Explanation: The placenta is an िविभ अपचयी कचरे को बाहर
(b) Choroid/र क organ that connects the developing िनकालता है ?
(c) Conjunctiva/ने े ला fetus to the uterine wall to allow (a) Kidney/वृ
(d) Sclerotic/ ेतपटली nutrient uptake, waste elimination, (b) Skin/ चा
and gas exchange via the mother’s (c) Spleen/ ीहा
Ans. (c) Conjunctiva blood supply. “True” placentas are a (d) Salivary glands/लार ंिथयां
Explanation: The conjunctiva is a defining characteristic of eutherian or
tissue that lines the inside of the “placental” mammals, but are also Ans. (a) Kidney
eyelids and covers the sclera (the found in some snakes and lizards Explanation: The kidneys are organs
white of the eye). It is composed of with varying levels of development that serve several essential regulatory
non keratinized, stratified squamous up to mammalian levels. roles in most animals, including
epithelium with goblet cells, and vertebrates and some invertebrates.
stratified columnar epithelium. Q589. Which of the following They are essential in the urinary
Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an generally have compound eyes? system and also serve homeostatic
irritation or inflammation of the आम तौर पर िन िल खत म से िकसकी functions such as the regulation of
conjunctiva, which covers the white आँ खे संयु ह? electrolytes, maintenance of
part of the eyeball. It can be caused (a) Insects/कीट acid–base balance, and regulation of
by allergies or a bacterial or viral (b) Crustaceans/ सटे िशयन blood pressure (via maintaining salt
infection. (c) Both/दोनों and water balance). They serve the
(d) Neither/इनमे से कोई नही body as a natural filter of the blood,
Q587. Amino acids are required for and remove wastes which are
the synthesis of: Ans. (c) Both diverted to the urinary bladder. In
अमीनो एिसड िकसके सं ेषण के िलए Explanation: A compound eye is a producing urine, the kidneys excrete
आव क ह: visual organ found in arthropods wastes such as urea and ammonium,
(a) Proteins/ ोटीन such as insects and crustaceans. It and they are also responsible for the
(b) Carbohydrates/ काब हाइडे ट may consist of thousands of reabsorption of water, glucose, and [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 76

amino acids. ह:
(a) A population & its non living Q598. Round worm is a human
Q592. Process of digestion is helped elements/ एक आबादी और उसके parasite found in the
by गैर-जीिवत त गोलकृिम जो एक मानव परजीवी है ,यह
पाचन की ि या म कौन सहायक है ? (b) A biotic community/ एक जैिवक िकसमे पाया जाता है ?
(a) Enzyme /एं जाइम समुदाय (a) Small intestine/छोटी आं त
(b) Hormone/हाम न (c) A biotic community & its non (b) Liver/यकृत
(c) Mineral /खिनज living elements/ एक जैिवक समुदाय (c) Stomach/आमाशय
(d) Vitamin/िवटािमन और इसके गैर-जीिवत त (d) Large intestine/बड़ी आँ त
(d) Population/ आबादी
Ans. (a) Enzymes Ans. (a) Small Intestine
Ans. (c) A biotic community & its Explanation: Roundworms can infest
Q593. Rinderpest which has been non living elements the human gut, where they live, feed
eradicated by WHO was an Explanation: A biotic community & and reproduce. They do not often
infectious disease associated its non living elements.An ecosystem cause any symptoms, but are more
to_________ is defined as any community of likely to in large numbers. A
पशुमहामारी िजसे WHO ारा िमटा living & non-living things that work roundworm infection – also
िदया गया, यह एक सं ामक बीमारी थी together. All non-living components sometimes known as ascariasis or
जो _________ से संबंिधत थी of an ecosystem is called abiotic ascaris – is usually easy to treat.
(a) Ruminants/जुगाली करने वाले पशु components such as temperature, Roundworms are parasites. They use
(b) Fleas/िप ू light, moisture, air currents, etc. the human body to stay alive, feed
(c) lice/जूँ Biotic components are the living and reproduce.
(d) reptiles/सरीसृप things that shape an ecosystem.
Q599. The metal present in insulin is
Ans. (a) Ruminants Q596. Ichthyology is also known इं सुिलन म मौजूद धातु है
Explanation: Rinderpest, also called as_____________ (a) Copper/कॉपर
steppe murrain, cattle plague, or इहतीओलोगी को _____________ के (b) Iron/आयरन
contagious bovine typhus, an acute, प म भी जाना जाता है (c) Zinc/िजंक
highly contagious viral disease of (a) crab science/केकड़ा िव ान (d) Magnesium/मै ीिशयम
ruminant animals, primarily cattle, (b) Sea weed science/समु ी
that was once common in Africa, the खरपतवार िव ान Ans. (c) Zinc
Indian subcontinent, and the Middle (c) Fish science/म िव ान Explanation: Trace elements play an
East. (d) None/कोई नहीं important role in Insulin metabolism.
The relationship between diabetes,
Q594. Keratin, a protein, is the Ans. (c) Fish science insulin and zinc (Zn) is complex with
major constituent of Explanation: Ichthyology is the no clear cause and effect
केरािटन, एक ोटीन, का मुख घटक है branch of zoology devoted to the relationships. Several of the
(a) Hair and skin/ बाल और चा study of fish, including bony fish, complications of diabetes may be
(b) Nails and horns/ नाखून और सींग cartilaginous fish, and jawless fish. related to increased intracellular
(c) Feathers and wool/ पंख और ऊन oxidants and free radicals associated
(d) All the above/ उपयु सभी Q597. Which of the following is a with decreases in intracellular Zn and
rich source of Vitamin B-12? in Zn dependent antioxidant
Ans. (d) All the above िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवटािमन B enzymes.
Explanation: Alpha-keratin, or -12 से चुर है ?
α-keratin, is a type of keratin found (a) Cashew nut/काजू Q600. Which of the following is true
in vertebrates. This protein is the (b) Milk/दू ध of hermaphrodite ?
primary component in hairs, horns, (c) Apple/सेब िन िल खत म से कौन सा ि िलंगी के
mammalian claws, nails and the (d) Watermelon/तरबूज िवषय म स है ?
epidermis layer of the skin. α-keratin (a) A sexually reproducing organism
is a fibrous structural protein, Ans. (b) Milk with male reproductive organs
meaning it is made up of amino acids Explanation: Vitamin B12 is only/केवल पु ष जनन अंगों के साथ
that form a repeating secondary naturally found in animal products, एक यौन जनन जीव
structure. including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, (b) A sexually reproducing organism
milk, and milk products. Vitamin with both male and female
Q595. Ecosystem consists of: B12 is generally not present in plant reproductive organs/ पु ष और मिहला
पा र थितकी तं म िन िल खत शािमल foods. दोनों जनन अंगों के साथ एक यौन [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 77

जनन जीव कर लेती ह | (b) The flow of blood is obstructed /
(c) A sexually reproducing organism (c) They absorb nitrogen from the र वाह म बाधा उ होती है |
with female reproductive organs atmosphere and convert it to nitrates (c) Air combines with blood forming
only/केवल मिहला जनन अंगों के साथ to store in their roots/ वे वायुमंडल से a complex/ हवा र म िमल जाती है
एक यौन जनन जीव नाइटोजन का अवशोषण करते ह तथा िजससे यह जिटल हो जाता है |
(d) An organism with no इसे अपनी जड़ों म सं िहत करने के िलए (d) The flow of blood increases
reproductive organs/िबना जनन अंगों नाइटे ट म प रवितत कर दे ते ह | manifold/ र वाह कई गुना बढ़ जाता
वाला जीव (d) They need a lot of nitrogen to है |
make their food/ उ अपने भोजन के
Ans. (b) A sexually reproducing िनमाण के िलए काफी ऑ ीजन की Ans. (b) The flow of blood is
organism with both male and female आव कता होती है | obstructed
reproductive organs Explanation: The flow of blood is
Explanation: A hermaphrodite is an Ans. (a) They have in their roots obstructed.The presence of air
organism that has complete or partial nitrogen fixing bacteria bubble in blood, known as air
reproductive organs and produces Explanation: Legumes — beans, embolism, occludes blood vessels.
gametes normally associated with peas and non-edible relatives such as An arterial air embolism is far more
both male and female sexes. Many clovers — give back to your garden dangerous than a venous embolism
taxonomic groups of animals (mostly because they have a symbiotic since it prevents oxygenated blood
invertebrates) do not have separate relationship with a soil bacteria. This from reaching the target organ &
sexes. In these groups, special relationship allows them to cause ischemia. The flow of blood is
hermaphroditism is a normal convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) obstructed causing strokes, heart
condition, enabling a form of sexual into ammonium nitrogen (NH4), attacks, pulmonary complications. It
reproduction in which either partner which they release into the soil. can lead to heart attack & death.
can act as the "female" or "male"
Q603. Which of the following Ans. (b) The flow of blood is
Q601. Sargasso, a kind of seaweed, statements is not true ? obstructed
is seen in which ocean ? िन म से कौन से कथन सही नहीं ह ? Explanation: The flow of blood is
सारगैसो, जो समु ी शैवाल का एक (a) There are varieties of leucocytes/ obstructed.The presence of air
कार है , इसे िकस महासागर म दे खा ूकोसाईट के कई कार होते ह | bubble in blood, known as air
जाता है ? (b) Leukocytes are more in number embolism, occludes blood vessels.
(a) Antarctic/ अंटाकिटक than erythrocytes/ ूकोसाईट की An arterial air embolism is far more
(b) Atlantic/ अटलां िटक सं ा लाल र कणों से अिधक होती है dangerous than a venous embolism
(c) Indian/ िह (c) Leukocytes provide the body’s since it prevents oxygenated blood
(d) Pacific/ शां त defence mechanism/ ूकोसाईट शरीर from reaching the target organ &
को र ा तं दान करते ह | cause ischemia. The flow of blood is
Ans. (b) Atlantic (d) Leukocytes have a well defined obstructed causing strokes, heart
Explanation: The Sargasso Sea, nucleus/ ूकोसाईट म के क attacks, pulmonary complications. It
located entirely within the Atlantic होता है | can lead to heart attack & death.
Ocean, is the only sea without a land
boundary. Mats of free-floating Ans. (b) Leukocytes are more in Q605. A medicine which promotes
sargassum, a common seaweed found number than erythrocytes the secretion of urine is called
in the Sargasso Sea, provide shelter Explanation: White blood cells वह दवा जो मू के ाव म वृ करती
and habitat to many animals (WBCs), also called leukocytes or है ?
leucocytes, are the cells of the (a) Adrenaline/एडे नालाईन
Q602. Plants like beans and peas immune system that are involved in (b) Monouretic/ मोनोयूरेिटक
help fix nitrogen because/ फली और protecting the body against both (c) Diuretic/ ूरेिटक
मटर जैसे पौधे नाइटोजन को थर करने infectious disease and foreign (d) Triuretic/टाइयुरेिटक
म सहायक होते ह ोंिक - invaders.
(a) They have in their roots nitrogen Ans. (c) Diuretic
fixing bacteria/ उनकी जड़ों म Q604. The presence of air bubble in Explanation: A diuretic is any
नाइटोजन को थर करने वाले जीवाणु blood stream is dangerous to life as / substance that promotes diuresis, the
पाए जाते ह | र वाह म हवा के बुलबुलों का दबाव increased production of urine. This
(b) Their roots selectively absorb जीवन के िलए खतरनाक हो सकता है includes forced diuresis. There are
nitrogen with the root hairs/ उनकी ोंिक - several categories of diuretics. All
जड़ चयना क प से मूल रोम की (a) The pressure of blood increases diuretics increase the excretion of
सहायता से नाइटोजन का अवशोषण manifold/ र चाप कई गुना बढ़ जाता है water from bodies, although each [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 78

class does so in a distinct way. (c) Rodents, fungi, weed and mites/
Q607. Which among the given is not कृ क, कवक, खरपतवार तथा घुन को
Ans. (c) Diuretic a part of the Darwin's theory of (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
Explanation: A diuretic is any evolution िन म से कौन डािवन के म कोई नहीं
substance that promotes diuresis, the िवकास िस ां त का एक िह ा नहीं है ?
increased production of urine. This (a) Survival of the fittest/ सबसे यो Ans. (c) Rodents, fungi, weed and
includes forced diuresis. There are की उ रजीिवता mites
several categories of diuretics. All (b) Struggle for existence/ अ के Explanation: Pesticides are used to
diuretics increase the excretion of िलए संघष control various pests and disease
water from bodies, although each (c) Natural selection/ ाकृितक चयन carriers, such as mosquitoes, ticks,
class does so in a distinct way. (d) Inheritance of acquired characters/ rats and mice. Pesticides are used in
ा गुणों की आनुवंिशकता agriculture to control weeds, insect
Q605. A medicine which promotes infestation and diseases. Herbicides
the secretion of urine is called Ans. (d) Inheritance of acquired to kill or inhibit the growth of
वह दवा जो मू के ाव म वृ करती characters unwanted plants, also known as
है ? Explanation: The four key points of weeds. Insecticides to control insects.
(a) Adrenaline/एडे नालाईन Darwin's Theory of Evolution are:
(b) Monouretic/ मोनोयूरेिटक individuals of a species are not Q610. The theory of________ was
(c) Diuretic/ ूरेिटक identical; traits are passed from advocated by Louis Pasteur.
(d) Triuretic/टाइयुरेिटक generation to generation; more लुईस पा चर ने _______ के िस ां त की
offspring are born than can survive; वकालत की थी |
Ans. (c) Diuretic and only the survivors of the (a) Abiogenesis/ आजीवात् जनन
Explanation: A diuretic is any competition for resources will (b) Biogenesis/ जीवात् जनन
substance that promotes diuresis, the reproduce. (c) Special creation/ िवशेष िनमाण
increased production of urine. This Lamarck is best known for his (d) Catastrophe/आपदा
includes forced diuresis. There are Theory of Inheritance of Acquired
several categories of diuretics. All Characteristics, first presented in Ans. (b) Biogenesis
diuretics increase the excretion of 1801. If an organism changes during Explanation: Biogenesis is the theory
water from bodies, although each life in order to adapt to its that living things can only come from
class does so in a distinct way. environment, those changes are other living things. It was developed
passed on to its offspring. in 1858 by Rudolf Virchow as a
Q606. The chemicals released by counter-hypothesis to spontaneous
one\ species of animals in order to Q608. Of the following pick out the generation. In 1861, Pasteur
attract the other members of the same one that is not a fruit conducted experiments to support the
species are िन म से उस िवक का चयन कर जो biogenesis theory.
एक ही जाित के अ सद ों को एक फल नहीं है ?
आकिषत करने के िलए जानवरों की एक (a) Cucumber/ खीरा Q611. Which of the following
जाित ारा िनमु रसायन कौन से है ? (b) Tomato / टमाटर diseases usually spreads through air?
(a) Hormones/हाम न (c) Radish/ मूली िन िल खत म से कौन सी बीमारी
(b) Nucleic acids/ ू क एिसड (d) Apple/ सेब आमतौर पर वायु से फैलती है ?
(c) Pheromones/फेरोमोन (a) Plague/ ेग
(d) Steroids/ े रॉयड Ans. (c) Radish (b) Typhoid/टाइफाइड
Explanation: The radish (Raphanus (c) Tuberculosis/ य रोग
Ans. (c) Pheromones raphanistrum subsp. sativus or (d) Cholera/है जा
Explanation: A pheromone is a Raphanus sativus) is an edible root
secreted or excreted chemical factor vegetable of the family Brassicaceae Ans. (c) Tuberculosis
that triggers a social response in that was domesticated in Asia in Explanation: Many types of
members of the same species. pre-Roman times. Radishes are infections that can be a result of
Pheromones are chemicals capable of grown and consumed throughout the airborne transmission include:
acting like hormones outside the world, being mostly eaten raw as a anthrax, chickenpox, influenza,
body of the secreting individual, to crunchy salad vegetable with bite. measles, smallpox, pneumonia and
impact the behavior of the receiving tuberculosis. Airborne diseases are
individuals. There are alarm Q609. Pesticides control caused by exposure to a source such
pheromones, food trail pheromones, कीटनाशक िनयंि त करते ह - as an infected individual or animal.
sex pheromones, and many others (a) Bacteria/ जीवाणुओं को
that affect behavior or physiology. (b) Viruses/ िवषाणुओं को Ans. (c) Tuberculosis [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 79

Explanation: Many types of clavicle, the collarbone links the can also occur in other organisms
infections that can be a result of breastbone (sternum) with the such as fungi. The cells on the plant
airborne transmission include: scapula, a triangular bone in the back that are farthest from the light have a
anthrax, chickenpox, influenza, of the shoulder. One end of the chemical called auxin that reacts
measles, smallpox, pneumonia and collarbone connects to the sternum, when phototropism occurs.
tuberculosis. Airborne diseases are forming one side of the
caused by exposure to a source such sternoclavicular joint. Q617. What is the chemical name of
as an infected individual or animal. vinegar?
Q615. Scratching eases itching िसरका का रासायिनक नाम ा है ?
Q612. Which part of the plant gives because / (a) Citric acid/साइिटक एिसड
us turmeric ? खुजली म खरोंचने से राहत िमलती है (b) Acetic acid/एिसिटक एिसड
पौधे के िकस भाग से हम ह ी ा ोंिक - (c) Pyruvic acid/ पाइ िवक अ
होती है ? (a) It removes the outer dust in the (d) Malic acid/मैिलक एिसड
(a) Leaf/ प ी skin/ यह चा म बाहरी धूल को हटा दे ता
(b) Flower/ पु है | Ans. (b) Acetic acid
(c) Stem/ तना (b) It kills the germs / यह रोगाणुओं को Explanation: Acetic acid,
(d) Root/ जड़ मार दे ता है | systematically named ethanoic acid,
(c) It stimulates certain nerves, which is a colourless liquid organic
Ans. (c) Stem direct the brain to increase the compound with the chemical formula
Explanation: Turmeric is obtained production of antihistaminic CH₃COOH. When undiluted, it is
from the plant Curcuma longa which chemicals / यह कुछ नसों को उ ेिजत sometimes called glacial acetic acid.
is a perennial herbaceous plant. करता है , जो म को िह ािमन-रोधी Vinegar is no less than 4% acetic
Turmeric powder is obtained from रसायनों के िनमाण म वृ करने का acid by volume, making acetic acid
the underground stem called the िनदश दे ती ह | the main component of vinegar apart
dried rhizome of the plant. Turmeric (d) It suppresses the production of from water
is used in Asian dishes and it also has enzymes that cause itching / यह उन
medicinal value. एं जाइमों के उ ादन को कम कर दे ता है Q618. Soilless agriculture refers to /
िजनके कारण खुजली होती है | मृदाहीन कृिष का अथ है -
Q613. Earthworms have (a) Inter cropping / अंतर स न
कचुओं म - Ans. (c) It stimulates certain nerves, (b) Hydroponics/ जल कृिष
(a) No eyes/ आँ ख नहीं होतीं | which direct the brain to increase the (c) Sericulture/ रे शम कीट पालन
(b) Two eyes/ दो आँ ख होती ह | production of antihistaminic (d) none/ कोई नहीं
(c) One eye / एक आँ ख होती है | chemicals
(d) Infinite number of eyes/ असं Explanation: Scratching helps to Ans. (b) Hydroponics
आँ ख होती ह | relieve an itch because it reduces the
sensations of pain sent to the brain Q619. Before being tinned, fruits are
Ans. (a) No eyes dehydrated because/ िड ाबंद करने से
Explanation: Earthworms have no Q616. Phototropism is the property पहले, फलों को िनजिलत िकया जाता है
eyes, but they do have light receptors of the plant and means ोंिक -
and can tell when they are in the काशानुवतन पौधों का एक गुण है (a) This will add to the taste of the
dark, or in the light. Why is being िजसका अथ है - fruits tinned/ इससे िड ाबंद फलों के
able to detect light so important to a (a) Movement of plants towards ाद म वृ होगी |
worm? Hearing: Earthworms have no light/ काश की ओर पौधों का बढ़ना | (b) This will add to the nutritive
ears, but their bodies can sense the (b) Movement of plants towards value of the fruits tinned/ इससे
vibrations of animals moving nearby. water and moisture/ जल एवं नमी की िड ाबंद िकये गए फलों को पोषक त ों
ओर पौधों का बढ़ना | म वृ होगी |
Q614. Clavicle is commonly known (c) Movement of plants towards (c) This will retain the essence of the
as gases/ गैसों की तरफ पौधों का बढ़ना | fruits in their natural strength/ इससे
कंठा थ को आमतौर पर कहा जाता है - (d) None/ कोई नहीं फलों का सार उनकी ाकृितक श म
(a) Elbow/ कोहनी बना रहे गा |
(b) Femur/ जाँ घ की ह ी Ans. (a) Movement of plants towards (d) This will eliminate the possibility
(c) Ribs/ पसिलयाँ light of microbial growth/ इससे सू जीवों
(d) Collarbone/ हं सली Explanation: Phototropism is the के वृ की संभावना समा हो जायेगी |
growth of an organism in response to
Ans. (d) Collarbones a light stimulus. Phototropism is Ans. (d) This will eliminate the
Explanation: Also known as the most often observed in plants, but possibility of microbial growth [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 80

िकतना होता है ? under the schedule II of Wildlife
(a) 1200- 1300 gm Protection Act. Russell’s Vipers,
Q620. Ringworm is a....... disease. (b) 1600 - 2000 gm although belong to the class reptilia
दाद एक ....... बीमारी है । (c) 500 - 800 gm of vertebrates, give birth to young
(a) Bacterial/बै ी रयल (d) 100- 200 gm ones instead of laying eggs.
(b) Protozoan/ ोटोजो जिनत Primarily nocturnal in nature, the
(c) Viral/वायरल Ans. (a) 1200- 1300 gm snake is often responsible for the
(d) Fungal/फफूंदीय Explanation: In terms of weight, the majority of snakebite incidents.
average adult human brain weighs in
Ans. (d) Fungal at 1300 to 1400 grams or around 3 Q626. Which of the following has
Explanation: Ringworm is a common pounds. In terms of length, the prokaryotic cell ?
fungal skin infection otherwise average brain is around 15 िन म से िकस म ोकै रयोिटक
known as tinea. Ringworm most centimeters long. For comparison, a कोिशका पायी जाती है ?
commonly affects the skin on the newborn human baby's brain weighs (a) Bacteria / जीवाणु
body (tinea corporis), the scalp (tinea approximately 350 to 400 grams or (b) Cyanophyceae/ सायनोफाइसी
capitis), the feet (tinea pedis, or three-quarters of a pound. (c) Cocci / गोलाणु
athlete's foot), or the groin (tinea (d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी
cruris, or jock itch). Q624. Among cattle mouth and foot
diseases are caused by Ans. (d) All of the above
Q621. After hatching by the hen, the मवेिशयों म, मुँह एवं पैर के रोग िकसकी Explanation: Examples of
young chicks come out of eggs वजह से होते ह ? prokaryotes are blue-green algae,
within (a) Fungi / कवक bacteria and mycoplasma. Among
मुग ारा अंडों को सेने के बाद चूजे (b) Bacteria/ जीवाणु prokaryotes, bacteria are the most
अंडों से ______ के भीतर बाहर आ जाते (c) Virus/ िवषाणु common and multiply very fast.
ह| (d) Pests/ कीट Bacteria are classified into 5 groups
(a) One week/ एक स ाह according to their basic shapes:
(b) Two weeks/ दो स ाह spherical (cocci), rod (bacilli), spiral
(c) Three weeks/ तीन स ाह Ans. (c) Virus (spirilla), comma (vibrios) or
(d) Four weeks/ चार स ाह Explanation: Foot-and-mouth disease corkscrew (spirochaetes). They can
(FMD) is a severe, highly contagious exist as single cells, in pairs, chains
Ans. (c) Three weeks viral disease. The FMD virus causes or clusters.
Explanation: Chicks take 21 days to illness in cows, pigs, sheep, goats,
hatch, and a clutch of eggs can take a deer, and other animals with divided Q627. The 1st protocol to ban the
few days to completely hatch. hooves. It does not affect horses, emissions of choloroflurocarbons in
dogs, or cats. FMD is a worldwide the atmosphere was made in /
Q622. Chewing gum is made from concern, as it can spread quickly and वातावरण म ोरो ोरोकाबन के
ूइंग गम िकससे बनाया जाता है cause significant economic losses. उ जन को ितबंिधत करने के िलए
(a) Resin/राल पहली संिध की गयी थी -
(b) Tannin/टै िनन Q625. Which of the following snakes (a) Montreal / मोंिटयल म
(c) Latex/लेटे killed for its beautiful skin has been (b) Geneva/ िजनेवा म
(d) Gum/गम declared an endangered species? (c) Osaka/ ओसाका म
अपनी सुंदर चा के िलए मारे जाने वाले (d) Florida/ ो रडा म
Ans. (c) Latex िन म से िकस सां प को लु ाय जाित
Explanation: chewing gum was made घोिषत िकया गया है ? Ans. (a) Montreal
of a substance called chicle mixed (a) Python/पायथन Explanation: The 1st protocol to ban
with flavorings. Chicle is a latex sap (b) King Cobra/िकंग कोबरा the emissions of chlorofluorocarbons
that comes from the sapodilla tree in the atmosphere was signed in
(native to Central America). In other (c) Russell’s Viper/रसेल का वाइपर Montreal, Canada in 1987. Known as
words, chicle is a form of rubber. (d) Krait/ े ट Montreal Protocol on Substances that
Just like rubber bands don't dissolve Deplete the Ozone Layer, it is an
when you chew them, neither does Ans. (c) Russell’s Viper international treaty designed to
chicle. Explanation: Russell’s Vipers are protect the ozone layer by phasing
highly venomous terrestrial snakes out the production of numerous
Q623. The brain of human adult found in India which are known for substances that are responsible for
weighs about their dark brown spots and lustrous ozone depletion.
मानव वय के म का भार skin. Russell’s Vipers are protected [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 81

Q628. The vitamin most readily one species gain benefits while those (c) Virus/ िवषाणु
destroyed by heat is of the other species neither benefit (d) Fungi/ कवक
ऊ ा के ारा______ िवटािमन सबसे nor are harmed.
आसानी से न हो जाता है Ans. (b) Lichen
(a) Riboflavin/राइबो ेिवन Q631. The Locomotory organ of Explanation: Lichens Contribute to
(b) Ascorbic acid/ए ॉिबक एिसड 'Amoeba' is Soil Formation
(c) Tocopherol/टोकोफेरॉल अमीबा का चलन अंग कौन सा है ? They enrich the soil by trapping
(d) Thiamine/थायिमन (a) Pseudopodia/कूटपाद water, dust and silt. When lichens die
(b) Parapodia /पा पाद they contribute organic matter to the
Ans. (b) Ascorbic acid (c) Flagella/कशाभ soil, improving the soil so that other
Explanation: Vitamin C (Ascorbic (d) Cilia/प ाभ plants can grow there.
Acid) is the most easily destroyed
vitamin. It is destroyed by oxygen, Ans. (a) Pseudopodia Q634. Small Pox is caused by
heat (above 70 degrees) and it leaks Explanation: Pseudopods or चेचक के कारण होता है
out into the cooking water because it pseudopodia (singular: (a) Rubeola Virus/ बेला वायरस
is a water soluble vitamin. pseudopodium) are temporary (b) Variola Virus/ वै रयोला वायरस
projections of eukaryotic cells. Cells (c) Myxovirus/ माय ोवायरस
Q629. In relations if both the that possess this faculty are generally (d) Varicella/ वै रकाला
individuals are benefitted they are referred to as amoeboids.
वह स िजसम दोनों जीवों को लाभ Pseudopodia extend and contract by Ans. (b) Variola virus
होता है , कहलाता है - the reversible assembly of actin Explanation: Variola Virus.Smallpox
(a) Mutualism/ अ ो ा यवाद subunits into microfilaments. was an infectious disease unique to
(b) Parasitism/ परजीिवता Filaments near the cell’s end interact humans, caused by either of two
(c) Commensalism/ सहभोिजता with myosin which causes virus variants, Variola major &
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से contraction. The pseudopodium Variola minor. After vaccination
कोई नहीं extends itself until the actin campaigns throughout the 19th &
reassembles itself into a network. 20th centuries, the WHO certified the
Ans. (a) Mutualism This is how amoebas move, as well eradication of smallpox in 1979. The
Explanation: Mutualism describes as some cells found in animals, such disease is also known by the Latin
the ecological interaction between as white blood cells. They are most names Variola or Variola vera, which
two or more species where each commonly found on eubacteria. is a derivative of the Latin varius,
species has a net benefit.[1] meaning 'spotted', or varus, meaning
Mutualism is a common type of Q632. The largest flower in the 'pimple'. Smallpox is one of two
ecological interaction. Prominent world is infectious diseases to have been
examples include most vascular िव का सबसे बड़ा पु है - eradicated, the other being
plants engaged in mutualistic (a) Wolffia/ वो या rinderpest, which was declared,
interactions with mycorrhizae, (b) Raffia/ ताड़-वृ eradicated in 2011.
flowering plants being pollinated by (c) Kaffia/ कािफया
animals, vascular plants being (d) Rafflesia/ रै ेिशया Q635. What is Rhizobium?
dispersed by animals, and corals with राइजोिबयम ा है ?
zooxanthellae, among many others. Ans. (d) Rafflesia (a) Symbiotic/ सहजीवी
Explanation: The flower with the (b) Saprophyte/ मृतजीवी
Q630. Relations in which there is world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia (c) Parasitic/ परजीवी
neither benefit nor harm are known arnoldii. This rare flower is found in (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
as the rainforests of Indonesia. It can
वह स िजसम ना तो लाभ और ना grow to be 3 feet across and weigh Ans. (a) Symbiotic
ही हािन होती है , कहलाता है - up to 15 pounds! It is a parasitic Explanation: Rhizobia are unique in
(a) Commensalism/ सहभोिजता plant, with no visible leaves, roots, or that they are the only nitrogen-fixing
(b) Competition/ ित धा stem. bacteria living in a symbiotic
(c) Parasitism/ परजीिवता relationship with legumes.
(d) Predation/ िशकार Q633. ________ helps soil
formation. Q636. The place where two
Ans. (a) Commensalism ______ मृदा िनमाण म सहायक होता है communities meet is
Explanation: Commensalism is a | वह थान जहाँ दो समुदाय िमलते ह,
long-term biological interaction (a) Bacterium/ जीवाणु कहलाता है ?
(symbiosis) in which members of (b) Lichen/ लाइकेन (a) Community centre/ सामुदाियक [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 82

क (d) Hydrophytes/ जलो दम (d) Draco/डे को
(b) Ecotone/ सं िमका
(c) Ecosom/ इकोसोम Ans. (d) Hydrophytes Ans. (a) Whales
(d) Ecad/ इकैड Explanation: Pneumatophores are Explanation: Whales are a widely
specialized root structures that grow distributed and diverse group of fully
Ans. (b) Ecotone out from the water surface and aquatic placental marine mammals
Explanation: An ecotone is a facilitate the aeration necessary for Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are
transition area between two biomes. root respiration in hydrophytic trees the largest shark, and indeed largest
It is where two communities meet such as many mangrove species (e.g., of any fishes alive today
and integrate. It may be narrow or Avicennia germinans and Alytes - Midwife toad
wide, and it may be local (the zone Laguncularia raecemosa), bald Draco is a genus of agamid lizards
between a field and forest) or cypresses, and cotton (tupelo) gum that are also known as flying lizards,
regional (the transition between (Nyssa aquatica). flying dragons or gliding lizards
forest and grassland ecosystems).
Q640. Cyanophage are Q643. Heavily grazed plants die
Q637. Bark of this tree is used as a साइनोफेज है - because
condiment- (a) Fungi/ कवक अितचा रत पौधे सूख जाते ह, ोंिक -
िकस पेड़ की छाल का उपयोग एक (b) Viruses / िवषाणु (a) Their roots are long/ उनकी जड़
मसाले के प म िकया जाता है ? (c) Bacteria/ जीवाणु लंबी होती ह |
(a) Cinnamon/िसनेमोन (d) Cyanophyceae/ साइनोफाईसी (b) Their roots are elongated/ उनकी
(b) Clove/लौंग जड़ दीघ भूत होती ह |
(c) Neem/नीम Ans. (b) Virus (c) Their roots are starved/ उनकी जड़
(d) Palm/पाम Explanation: Cyanophages are ुधातुर हो जाती ह |
viruses that infect cyanobacteria, also (d) Their roots are trampled/ उनकी
Ans. (a) Cinnamon known as Cyanophyta or blue-green जड़ रौंद दी जाती ह |
Explanation: Cinnamon is a spice algae. Cyanobacteria are a phylum of
obtained from the inner bark of bacteria that obtain their energy Ans. (c) Their roots are starved
several trees from the genus through the process of
Cinnamomum that is used in both photosynthesis. Although Q644. Syrinx is the voice box in
sweet and savoury foods. cyanobacteria metabolize िस रं िन बॉ िकसमे होता है ?
photoautotrophically like eukaryotic (a) Amphibians /उभयचर
Q638. ________ is not present in plants, they have prokaryotic cell (b) Reptiles/सरीसृप
prokaryotic cells. structure (c) Birds/प ी
ोकाय िटक कोिशकाओं म _______ (d) Mammals/ नधारी
नहीं पाया जाता | Q641. Chloroplasts are important in
(a) Pigment / रं जक ह रतलवक मह पूण होते ह - Ans. (c) Birds
(b) Cytoplasm/ कोिशका (a) Waste excretion/ अपिश Explanation: The syrinx is the vocal
(c) True nucleus / वा िवक के क मलो जन म organ of birds. Located at the base of
(d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी (b) Respiration/ सन म a bird's trachea, it produces sounds
(c) Food synthesis/ भोजन सं ेषण म without the vocal folds of mammals.
Ans. (c) True Nucleus (d) All the above/ उपरो सभी
Explanation: A great diversity of Q645. In coriander, the useful parts
pigments is produced by different Ans. (c) Food synthesis are
groups of prokaryotes. Phototrophic Explanation: Chloroplasts play an धिनया म, उपयोगी भाग कौन सा ह?
prokaryotes generally also contain important part in the process of (a) roots & leaves/जड़ और पि यां
accessory pigments involved in light photosynthesis in some organisms. (b) leaves & flowers/पि यां और फूल
harvesting: the phycobiliproteins of The chloroplast absorbs the energy in (c) leaves & dried fruits/पि यां और
the cyanobacteria, carotenoid sunlight and uses it to produce सूखे मेवे
pigments in all oxygenic and sugars. (d) flowers & dried fruits/फूल और
anoxygenic phototrophs सूखे फल
Q642. Which of the following are
Q639. Pneumatophores are found in warm-blooded animals ? Ans. (c) leaves & dried fruits
सन सूल पाए जाते ह - िन म से कौन सा िनयततापी ाणी है ? Explanation: All parts of the plant
(a) Halophytes/ लवणमृदो द म (a) Whales/ े ल are edible, but the fresh leaves and
(b) Xerophytes/ म दम| (b) Whale Sharks/ े ल शाक the dried seeds are the parts most
(c) Hygrophytes/ आ तो द म | (c) Alytes/एिलट् स traditionally used in cooking. ... The [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 83

word “coriander” in food preparation (b) Leaves/ पि याँ (a) Saprophytism/ मृतोपजीिवता
may refer solely to these seeds (as a (c) Stems/ तने (b) Parasitism/ परजीिवता
spice), rather than to the plant. (d) Roots/ जड़ (c) Commensalism/ सहभोिजता
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
Q646. Which plant is called ‘Herbal Ans. (d) Roots
Indian Doctor'? Explanation: Pneumatophores are Ans. (c) Commensalism
िकस पौधे को हबल भारतीय िचिक क modified tap roots and not Explanation: The interaction between
कहा जाता है ? adventitious roots. The roots of sea anemone and hermit crab is an
(a) Amla/आं वला plants existing in saline, marshy, example of commensalism. Sea
(b) Mango/आम water logged soil suffer scarcity of anemone has stinging tentacles and
(c) Neem/नीम oxygen for gaseous exchange the clown fish lives among them.
(d) Tulsi/तुलसी between soil and water; which makes The fish gets protection from
them unable to respire efficiently. predators which stay away from the
Ans. (a) Amla stinging tentacles. The anemone does
Explanation: The Indian gooseberry, Q649. The term ecosystem was not appear to derive any benefit by
or aamla from Sanskrit amalika, is a introduced by hosting the clown fish.
deciduous tree of the family पा र थितकी तं श का योग
Phyllanthaceae. It is known for its सव थम िकसने िकया ? Q652. Venus fly trap plant is also
edible fruit of the same name. (a) Banting/ बे ं ग called
Although these fruits are reputed to (b) Best/ बे वीनस ाई टै प पौधे को यह भी कहा
contain high amounts of ascorbic (c) Reiter/ रटर जाता है -
acid (vitamin C), 445 mg/100g, the (d) Tansley/ टसले (a) Drosera/ डोसेरा
specific contents are disputed, and (b) Aldrovanda/ ए ोवां डा
the overall antioxidant strength of Ans. (d) Tansley (c) Butterwort/ बटरवोट
amla may derive instead from its Explanation: The term ecosystem (d) Dionaea/ डायोिनया
high density of ellagitannins such as was first used in 1935 in a
emblicanin A (37%), emblicanin B publication by British ecologist Ans. (d) Dionaea
(33%), punigluconin (12%) and Arthur Tansley. Tansley devised the Explanation: The Latin name for the
pedunculagin (14%). It also contains concept to draw attention to the Venus flytrap is Dionaea muscipula.
punicafolin and phyllanemblinin A, importance of transfers of materials "Dionaea" translates to Venus, a
B, C, D, E and F. There is between organisms and their reference to the ancient goddess of
preliminary evidence in vitro that its environment. love, while "muscipula" is Latin for
extracts induce apoptosis and modify mousetrap, a nod to the plant's
gene expression in osteoclasts Q650. Which part becomes modified carnivorous trapping mechanism.
involved in rheumatoid arthritis and as the tusk of elephant?
osteoporosis. It may prove to have िकस भाग को हाथी की सूंड के संशोिधत Q653. Which of the following one of
potential activity against some प म जाना जाता है ? the following is known as the
cancers. (a) Canine/रदनक 'immovable property' in the cell/
(b) Premolar/अ चवणक िन िल खत म से िकसे कोिशका की
Q647. The pH of human blood is (c) Second incisor/ि तीयक कृतक 'अचल संपि ' के नाम से जाना जाता है ?
मानव र का pH िकतना है ? (d) Molar/चवणक (a) Protein/ ोटीन
(a) 7.2 (b) Fat/ वसा
(b) 7.8 Ans. (a) Canine (c) Nucleic acid/ ू क अमल
(c) 6.6 Explanation: Usually in mammals (d) Carbohydrate/काब हाइडे ट
(d) 7.4 tusks are enlarged canine teeth, but in
elephants they are actually elongated
Ans. (d) 7.4 incisors and are essentially no Ans. (c) Nucleic acid
Explanation: Blood is normally different from other teeth. This part Explanation: Nucleic acids are big
slightly basic, with a normal pH of the tusk is a pulp cavity made up biological molecules essential for all
range of about 7.35 to 7.45. Usually of tissue, blood and nerves. The known forms of life. They include
the body maintains the pH of blood visible, ivory part of the tusk is made DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) &
close to 7.40. of dentine with an outer layer of RNA (ribonucleic acid).
Q648. Pneumatophores are modified Q654. If, in a biological relation, the
सन सूल, प रवितत _____ होते ह | Q651. Hermit crab exhibits partners are harmed, then the relation
(a) Flowers/ पु एकां तवासी केकड़ा दिशत करता है - is [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 84

यिद िकसी जैिवक स म, साझेदारों prediabetes. If it's 126 mg/dL (7
को हािन होती है , तो यह स है - mmol/L) or higher on two separate Q660. A large number of identical
(a) Mutualism / अ ो ा यवाद tests, you have diabetes. plants can be obtained in a short span
(b) Symbiosis/ सहजीवी of time through
(c) Antagonism / श ुता Q657. The vector of disease sleeping कम समय म बड़ी सं ा म समान पौधे
(d) Commensalism/ सहभोजीिजता sickness is िकस कार ा िकए जा सकते ह?
नींद की बीमारी का वाहक कौन सा है ? (a) large number of seeds of a single
Ans. (c) Antagonism (a) sand-fly/बड़म ी plant/एकल पौधे के बड़ी सं ा म बीज
Explanation: A symbiosis is a form (b) house-fly/म ी
of living of two organisms when they (c) fruit-fly /फल मि का (b) stem cuttings/तना कटाई
both benefit from each other. Recall (d) tse-tse fly/सीसी म ी (c) tissue culture technique/पादप
lichens (most known example): algae ऊतक संवधन
and fungus. Moreover, in symbiosis Ans. (d) Tsetse fly (d) hydroponics
two organisms live together, live as Explanation: Human African method/हाइडोपोिन िविध
one. trypanosomiasis, also known as
Antagonism, in ecology, an sleeping sickness, is a vector-borne Ans. (c) Tissue culture technique
association between organisms in parasitic disease. They are Explanation: Plant tissue culture is a
which one benefits at the expense of transmitted to humans by tsetse fly collection of techniques used to
the other. Although antagonism is (Glossina genus) bites which have maintain or grow plant cells, tissues
commonly thought of as an acquired their infection from human or organs under sterile conditions on
association between different beings or from animals harbouring a nutrient culture medium of known
species, it may also occur between human pathogenic parasites composition. Plant tissue culture is
members of the same species through widely used to produce clones of a
competition and cannibalism. Q658. For how many years have the plant in a method known as
dinosaurs been extinct? micropropagation. Plant tissue
Q655. Albatross is a large डायनासोर िकतने वष से िवलु ह? culture relies on the fact that many
अ ाटोस एक िवशालकाय ____ है | (a) About 25 million years/ लगभग 25 plant cells have the ability to
(a) Mammal/ नपायी िमिलयन वष regenerate a whole plant
(b) Rat/ चूहा (b) About 65 million years/लगभग 65 (totipotency). The culture medium
(c) Bird/ प ी िमिलयन वष contains a gel (agar) with the proper
(d) Reptile/ सरीसृप (c) About 45 million years/लगभग 45 mixture of nutrients, sugars, vitamins
िमिलयन वष and hormones, which causes the
(d) About 35 million years/लगभग 35 plant part to grow at very rapid rates
Ans. (c) Bird िमिलयन वष to produce new plantlets. It has been
Explanation: Albatrosses are among estimated that one chrysanthemum
the largest of flying birds, and Ans. (b) About 65 million years apex placed in tissue culture could
species of the genus Diomedea (great Explanation: Dinosaurs went extinct produce up to 1,000,000 new
albatrosses) have the longest about 65 million years ago (at the plantlets in one year. Thus, tissue
wingspans of any extant birds, end of the Cretaceous Period), after culture is used for rapid
reaching up to 3.7 m. living on Earth for about 165 million multiplication of plants.
Q656. Normal fasting blood sugar Q661. What is the name of the vessel
level per 100 ml. of blood in man is Q659. Yolk serves as that delivers the nutrient rich blood
म सामा उपवास र शकरा अंडम ______ का काय करता है from the stomach and small intestine
का र ित 100 िमलीलीटर िकतना है ? (a) Hormone/हाम न to the liver? /
(a) 30 -50 mg (b) Nutrient/पोषक त उस र वािहका का नाम बताएं जो पेट
(b) 50 - 70 mg (c) Enzyme/एं जाइम तथा छोटी आं त से यकृत म पोषक त ों
(c) 80 -100 mg (d) All the above/उपरो सभी से चुर र प ँ चाती है |
(d) 120 -140 mg (a) Hepatic vein / यकृत िशरा
Ans. (b) Nutrient (b) Left hepatic artery/ वाम यकृत
Ans. (c) 80-100 mg Explanation: Among animals which धमनी
Explanation: A fasting blood sugar produce eggs, the yolk (also known (c) Hepatic portal vein/ यकृत
level less than 100 mg/dL (5.6 as the vitellus) is the nutrient-bearing िनवािहका िशरा
mmol/L) is normal. A fasting blood portion of the egg whose primary (d) a and b both / a और b दोनों
sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL function is to supply food for the
(5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L) is considered development of the embryo. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 85

Ans. (c) Hepatic portal vein have an effect on blood clotting and brasiliensis, widely known as the
Explanation: The hepatic portal vein blood clots. rubber tree
is a vessel that moves blood from the
spleen and gastrointestinal tract to Q665. Birds which swim in water Q668. Veins seen in the leaves, serve
the liver. It is approximately three to have- the function of
four inches in length and is usually पानी म तैरने वाले पि यों के _______ पि यों म पाई जाने वाली िशराय ा
formed by the merging of the होते है । काय करती है ?
superior mesenteric and splenic veins (a) webbed feet/जालीदार पैर (a) Photosynthesis / काश
behind the upper edge of the head of (b) broad wings/चौड़े पंख सं ेषण
the pancreas. (c) long beaks/लंबी चोंच (b) Transpiration/वा ो जन
(d) toes with daws/सपाट पैर (c) Storage/सं हण
Q662. Susceptible plant becomes (d) Conduction/संवहन
सू तम पौधा बनता है - Ans. (a) Webbed feet
(a) Vector/वाहक Explanation: Well-known diving Ans. (d) Conduction
(b) Host/पोिषता birds include ducks, geese, swans, Explanation: The veins are the
(c) Bryophyte/ ायोफाइट pelicans, and penguins. These highly vascular tissue of the leaf and are
(d) Parasite/परजीवी aquatic birds have evolved special located in the spongy layer of the
adaptations to their habitat, such as mesophyll. They conduct substances
Ans. (b) Host webbed feet for swimming and within the leaf, rather like the veins
Explanation: In general, a plant waterproof feathers. in our own bodies conduct blood. So
becomes diseased when it is their primary function is the
continuously disturbed by some Q666. The tallest and thickest type conduction or transportation of
causal agent that results in an of grass is nutrients.
abnormal physiological process that सबसे लंबी और सबसे मोटी कार की
disrupts the plant’s normal structure, घास है Q669. The edible part of Cabbage is
growth, function, or other activities. (a) Alfalfa/अ ा ा गोभी का खाने यो भाग है
This interference with one or more of (b) Fodder/चारा (a) fruit/फल
a plant’s essential physiological or (c) Bamboo/बां स (b) condensed flower/संघिनत फूल
biochemical systems elicits (d) Lichens/लाइकेन (c) vegetative bud/ वान ितक कली
characteristic pathological conditions (d) inflorescence/पु म
or symptoms. Ans. (c) Bamboo
Explanation: Bamboo is a perennial Ans. (c) Vegetable bud
Q663. When a pathogen cannot grass with woody stems that are Explanation: In cabbage, the edible
infect a plant, the plant is divided into sections by joints called part is vegetative bud. Vegetative
जब एक रोगज़नक़ एक पौधे को nodes. One of the fastest-growing buds are buds from which vegetative
सं िमत नहीं कर सकता है , तो पौधे है ? plants on the planet, bamboo comes parts like leaves and stems arise,
(a) Immune / ितरि त in over 1,000 varieties. Plants rather than flowers. Enlarged buds or
(b) Commune/क ून classified as giant bamboo are the parts of buds form the edible portion
(c) Susceptible/ हण म thickest and tallest of the species. of some horticultural crops. Cabbage
(d) All the above/उपरो सभी and head lettuce are examples of
Q667. Rubber is obtained from unusually large terminal buds.
Ans. (a) Immune रबड़ िकससे ा होता है
(a) Hevea indica/हे िवया इं िडका Q670. Which of the following
Q664. The poison of honey bee is: (b) Hevea brasiliensis/हे िवया processes are associated with plants
मधुम ी के जहर की कृित कैसी होती ािसिलए स during dark period?
है ? (c) Brasil indica/ ािसल इं िडका िन म से कौन सी ि या पौधों से अंधेरे
(a) Acidic/अ ीय (d) None of the above/उपरो म से की अविध म जुड़ी होती है ?
(b) Alkaline/ ारीय कोई नहीं (a) Photosynthesis and
(c) Saltish/लवणीय respiration/ काश सं ेषण और सन
(d) Protein/ ोटीन Ans. (b) Hevea brasiliensis (b) Respiration and
Explanation: Although there are transpiration/ सन और वा ो जन
Ans. (d) Proteins something like 200 plants in the (c) Transpiration and
Explanation: Bee venom (BV) is a world that produce latex, over 99 conduction/वा ो जन और संवाहन
complex mixture of proteins and percent of the world's natural rubber (d) Conduction and respiration/
contains proteins such as is made from the latex that comes संवाहन और सन
phospholipase and melittin, which from a tree species called Hevea [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 86

Ans. (d) Conduction and respiration called genes." common name for members of the
Fabaceae (Leguminosae), a big plant
Q671. The source of three important Q674. A neuron receive impulses family. Besides, they play a key role
narcotic drugs-bhang, ganja and through in crop rotation due to their ability to
hashish (charas) -is one and the same एक ूरॉन ______के मा म से आवेग fix nitrogen. Pulses, high in protein,
plant. Which among the given is this ा करते ह are used as food for humans & other
plant? / (a) Axon /ए ॉन animals.
तीन मह पूण मादक पदाथ - भां ग, (b) Dendrites/डडाइट् स
गां जा तथा चरस का ोत एक ही पौधा है (c) Cyton/साइटन Q677. The method not used as a
| यह पौधा िदए गए िवक ों म से कौन (d) Axon endings/ए ॉन एं िडं Biological control is:
सा है ? जैिवक िनयं ण के प म योग नहीं की
(a) poppy / पो ा Ans. (b) Dendrites जाने वाली िविध है :
(b) None/ कोई नहीं Explanation: Dendrites, also (a) Use of predators of a pest /कीट के
(c) Indian hemp / भां ग dendrons, are branched protoplasmic िशका रयों का उपयोग
(d) henbane /हे नबैन extensions of a nerve cell that (b) Pheromone traps/फेरोमोन टै
propagate the electrochemical (c) Use of pesticides/ कीटनाशकों का
Ans. (c) Indian hemp stimulation received from other उपयोग
neural cells to the cell body, or soma, (d) Use of neem extracts/नीम के अक
Q672. The kidney shaped guard cells of the neuron from which the का उपयोग
are present in / dendrites project.
गुद के आकार की र ी कोिशकाएँ िकस Ans. (c) Use of pesticides
म मौजूद होती ह ? Q675. Chromosome designation of Explanation: Pesticides are
(a) Algae / शैवाल Turner syndrome is: substances or mixture of substances
(b) Monocot plants / एकबीजप ी पौधे टनर िसंडोम का गुणसू पदनाम है : intended for preventing, destroying,
(c) Both the above / उपरो दोनों (a) 44A+XXY repelling or mitigating any pest.
(d) Dicot plants / ि बीजप ी पौधे (b) 44A+XYY Pesticides are a special kind of
Ans. (d) Dicot plants (c) 44A+XXX products for crop protection. Crop
Explanation: The guard cells in dicot (d) 44A+XO protection products in general protect
plants are kidney shaped & dumbbell plants from damaging influences
shaped in monocots. When guard Ans. (d) 44A+XO such as weeds, diseases or insects. A
cells expand on the outer edges of Explanation: 44A+XO.Turner pesticide is generally a chemical or
the stoma, but not on the inner side, syndrome is a rare chromosomal biological agent (such as a virus,
they result in kidney-shaped cells, disorder characterized by partial or bacterium, antimicrobial or
leading to an opening or pore complete loss (monosomy) of one of disinfectant) that through its effect
between the two guard cells for gas the X chromosomes that affects deters, incapacitates, kills or
exchange. females. This monosomic has a otherwise discourages pests. Target
Ans. (c) Indian hemp chromosome complement of 44 pests can include insects, plant
autosomes & one X chromosome pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds,
Q673. The coding segment of DNA (44+XO). Individuals with Turner mammals, fish, nematodes
is called in / syndrome have only 45 (roundworms), and microbes that
डीएनए का कोिडं ग खंड कहलाता है - chromosomes, including just a single destroy property, cause nuisance,
(a) Intron/ इं टोन X chromosome. The abnormal spread disease or are vectors for
(b) Muton/ ूटॉन condition probably originates from disease.
(c) Codon / कोडॉन exceptional egg or sperm with no X
(d) Exon / ए ॉन chromosome. Q678. Wisdom teeth is the:
Q676. Pulses are obtained from the अ दाढ़ ा है ?
family:/ (a) 1st molar teeth/पहला चवण द
Ans. (c) Codon दालों को िकस कुल से ा िकया जाता (b) 2nd molar teeth/दू सरा चवण द
Explanation: The genetic code by है ? (c) 3rd molar teeth /तीसरा
which DNA stores the genetic (a) Fungi / कवक चवण द
information consists of codons of (b) Liliaceae/ िललीएसी (d) 4th molar teeth/चौथा चवण द
three nucleotides. A codon is defined (c) Leguminosae/ ले ूिमनोसी
by the initial nucleotide from which (d) None/ कोई नहीं Ans. (c) 3rd molar teeth
translation starts. The functional Explanation: Wisdom teeth are the
segments of DNA which code for the Ans. (c) Leguminosae third and final set of molars that most
transfer of genetic information are Explanation: Pulse, in botany, is a people get in their late teens or early [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 87

twenties. Wisdom teeth also can be mosquitoes live just about one week (b) Heartbeat/िदल की धड़कन
impacted -- they are enclosed within in the wild as well as in laboratory (c) Nerve impulse/तंि का आवेग
the soft tissue and/or the jawbone or conditions. Unlike females, males do (d) None of the above/उपरो म से
only partially break through or erupt not feed on mammalian blood. They कोई नहीं
through the gum. use their proboscis or feeding tube to
drink nectar from flowers. Ans. (c) Nerve impulse
Q679. Curl in the peach leaf is Explanation: Na+/K+-ATPase (also
caused by Q682. Besides ear ossicles, the known as sodium-potassium pump)
आड़ू के प े म कल होता है cavity of the middle ear in humans is an enzyme located in the plasma
(a) Taphrina/तहरीर contains membrane of virtually every human
(b) Phytophthora/फाइटो थोरा ईयर ओ के अलावा, मनु ों म cell and is common to all cellular
(c) Puccinia/पु िनया म कान की गुहा होती है life. In nerve and muscle cells the
(d) Thalictrum/थैिल म (a) air/वायु membranes are electrically excitable,
(b) endolymph/एं डोिल फ which means that they can change
Ans. (a) Taphrina (c) perilymph /पे र फ their membrane potential, and this is
Explanation: Peach leaf curl is a (d) otoconia/ओटोसोिनया the basis of the nerve impulse. The
plant disease characterized by sodium and potassium channels in
distortion and coloration of leaves Ans. (a) Air these cells are voltage-gated, which
and is caused by the fungus Taphrina Explanation: It is an irregular, means that they can open and close
deformans, which infects peach, laterally compressed space within the depending on the voltage across the
nectarine, and almond trees. Peach temporal bone. It is filled with air, membrane.
leaf curl reduces the amount of which is conveyed to it from the
leaves and fruit produced by peach nasal part of the pharynx through the Q685. The element which is rich in
and nectarine trees. auditory tube. The middle ear most leafy vegetables is
contains three tiny bones known as सबसे अिधक प ेदार स यों म समृ
Q680. The sensation of fatigue in the the ossicles: malleus, incus, and त है
muscles after prolonged strenuous stapes. (a) Phosphorous/फॉ ोरस
physical work, is caused by / (b) Zinc/िजंक
लंबे समय तक मसा शारी रक काय Q683. The percentage of water (c) Iron/आयरन
करने के बाद मां सपेिशयों म थकान की content in the human blood plasma (d) Calcium/कै शयम
अनुभूित िकस कारण से होती है ? normally varies from
(a) a decrease in the supply of oxygen मानव र ा ा म पानी की मा ा का Ans. (c) Iron
/ ऑ ीजन की आपूित म कमी ितशत सामा प से िकतना होता है ? Explanation: Green leafy vegetables
(b) minor wear and tear of muscle (a) 60-64 are rich in iron as well as calcium.
fibres / मां सपेिशय रे शों म छोटी टू ट-फूट (b) 70-75 For example, Spinach is a dark, leafy
(c) the depletion of glucose/ ूकोज म (c) 80-82 green vegetable which is high in
कमी (d) 91-92 iron. One cup of cooked spinach
(d) the accumulation of lactic acid provides one with 6.5 mg of iron
/लै क अ का संचय Ans. (d) 91-92 which is an essential mineral needed
Explanation: Blood plasma is the by the human body and is a
Ans. (d) The accumulation of lactic straw-colored/pale-yellow liquid component of many proteins,
acid component of blood that normally including hemoglobin, which helps
Explanation: Lactic acid is formed holds the blood cells in whole blood red blood cells deliver oxygen to all
due to anaerobic respiration. in suspension. It makes up about areas of the body
55% of total blood volume. It is
Q681. Male (Anopheles) mosquito mostly water (93% by volume), and Q686. Clitellum is found in/
feeds on: contains dissolved proteins, glucose, ाइटे लम िकस म पाया जाता है ?
नर (एनोिफ ) म र िकस का पोषण clotting factors, electrolytes, (a) Snail / घोंघा
करता है ? hormones and carbon dioxide (b) Earthworm / कचुआ
(a) Blood of man/मनु का खून (plasma being the main medium for (c) a and b both / a और b दोनों
(b) Nectar of flower/फूलों का रस excretory product transportation). (d) none / कोई नहीं
(c) Blood of Culex/ ूले का र
(d) Blood of Leech/जोंक का खून Q684. “Sodium Pump" operates in Ans. (b) Earthworm
"सोिडयम पंप" संचािलत होता है Explanation: The clitellum is a thick,
Ans. (b) Nectar of flower (a) Muscle contraction/मां सपेशी saddle-like ring found in the
Explanation: Male anopheles संकुचन epidermis (skin) of the worm, usually [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 88

with a light-colored pigment. To living along estuaries & the coast.
form a cocoon for its eggs, the Q692. Peanut is a
clitellum secretes a viscous fluid. Q689. In ‘Scorpion’, poison is मूंगफली एक ______है
This organ is used in sexual present in the (a) Nut /अखरोट
reproduction of some annelids. 'िब ू ' म जहर मौजूद होता है (b) Mega nut/बड़ा अखरोट
(a) leg/ पैर (c) Legume /फलन
Q687. The functions of pacemaker is (b) hand /हाथ (d) cereal/अनाज
पेसमेकर का काय है (c) mouth/मुंह
(a) Regulation of urine formation/ (d) sting/डं क Ans. (c) Legume
मू िनमाण का िविनयमन Explanation: Peanut is an annual
(b) Regulation of digestion Ans. (d) Sting herbaceous plant growing 30 to 50
/पाचन का िविनयमन Explanation: In scorpion poison is cm (1.0 to 1.6 ft) tall. As a legume, it
(c) Initiation of heart beat/िदल की present in the sting like tail.Scorpion belongs to the botanical family
धड़कन की शु आत venom is a neurotoxin, a chemical Fabaceae (also known as
(d) Initiation of respiration/ सन का that affects the nervous system, Leguminosae, and commonly known
आर ultimately killing or paralyzing their as the bean or pea family). Like most
prey. Among the most dangerous other legumes, peanuts harbor
Ans. (c) Initiation of heartbeat scorpion species is Leiurus symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in
Explanation: The heart's natural quinquestriatus, also known as death their root nodules.
pacemaker – the SA node – sends out stalker scorpion. This type of
regular electrical impulses from the scorpion carries the some of the most Q693. Clove oil is obtained from
top chamber (the atrium) causing it potent venom in the group. लौंग का तेल ा होता है
to contract and pump blood into the (a) Syzygium aromaticum/
bottom chamber (the ventricle). The Q690. Examples of temperate fruits सीजीिजयम अरोमॅिटकम
electrical impulse is then conducted are (b) Mentha piperita/मथा पाइपरीटा
to the ventricles through a form of शीतो फलों के उदाहरण ह (c) Ricinus communis / रिकनस
'junction box' called the AV node. (a) Apple/सेब क ुिनस
(b) Pear /नाशपाती (d) Glycine max/ ाइिसन मे
Q688. The most productive (c) Plum/बेर
ecosystem in the biosphere is/ (d) All of these/ये सभी Ans. (a) Syzygium aromaticum
जैवमंडल म सवािधक उ ादक पा रतं Explanation: Oil of clove, also
है - Ans. (d) All of these known as clove oil, is an essential oil
(a) Tundra/टुं डा Explanation: Temperate Fruit. Many extracted from the clove plant,
(b) Estuary/ ारनदमुख of the world's best-known and Syzygium aromaticum
(c) Open Ocean/ खुला महासागर favorite fruits (such as apple, pear,
(d) Desert/रे िग ान peach, plum, grape, and strawberry) Q694. The process of copying
are adapted to climates in the middle genetic information from one strand
Ans. (b) Estuary latitudes and are known as temperate of DNA into RNA is termed as/
Explanation: Ecotone regions fruits डीएनए के एक छोर से आरएनए म
(transitional zones) like mangroves, आनुवंिशक जानका रयों के
wetlands, estuaries, grasslands etc. Q691. Cereals are rich in ितिलिपकरण की ि या ा कहलाती
This is as of the wide-ranging species अनाज________ म समृ ह है ?
from the adjacent ecosystems being (a) Vitamins/िवटािमन (a) mutation/ उ रवतन
present in the ecotone. have far (b) Fats /वसा (b) replication/ ितकृित िनमाण
greater productivity compared to (c) Proteins / ोटीन (c) translation/अंतरण
natural ecosystems like forest (d) Carbohydrates/काब हाइडे ट (d) transcription/ ितलेखन
ecosystem, ocean ecosystem, pond
ecosystem, riverine ecosystem, Ans. (d) Carbohydrate Ans. (d) Transcription
desert ecosystem etc. Also, an Explanation: In their natural,
estuary has very little wave action, so unprocessed, whole grain form, Q695. Some viruses have RNA but
it provides a calm refuge from the cereals are a rich source of vitamins, no DNA. This would indicate that-
open sea & so becomes ideal for the minerals, carbohydrates, fats, oils, कुछ वायरस म RNA होता है लेिकन
survival of numerous aquatic species. and protein. When processed by the कोई DNA नहीं होता है । यह इं िगत
Estuaries are most heavily populated removal of the bran, and germ, the करे गा िक-
areas throughout the world, with remaining endosperm is mostly (a) These viruses cannot replicate/ ये
about 60% of the world's population carbohydrate वायरस दोहरा नहीं सकते ह [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 89

(b) These viruses have no heritable (d) Headache and cold/िसरदद और Explanation: They range from
information/इन वायरसों की कोई सद cotton, which dominates world fibre
िवधम जानकारी नहीं है production, to other, specialty fibres
(c) RNA transmits the hereditary Ans. (a) Dysentery such as cashmere which, though
information in these viruses/RNA इन Explanation: Amoebic dysentery is produced in far smaller quantities,
िवषाणुओं म वंशानुगत सूचना सा रत caused by the protozoan parasite have particular properties that place
करता है Entamoeba histolytica. Invasive them in the luxury textiles market.
(d) Their nucleic acids can be intestinal parasitic infection can Plant fibres include seed hairs, such
crystallised/उनके ू क एिसड को result in symptoms of fulminant as cotton; stem (or bast) fibres, such
ि लीकृत िकया जा सकता है dysentery, such as fever, chills, as flax and hemp;leaf fibres, such as
bloody or mucous diarrhoea, and sisal; and husk fibres, such as
Q695. Some viruses have RNA but abdominal discomfort. coconut.
no DNA. This would indicate that- Animal fibres include wool, hair and
कुछ वायरस म RNA होता है लेिकन Q698. The nitrogen in the ecosystem secretions, such as silk.
कोई DNA नहीं होता है । यह इं िगत is circulated by—
करे गा िक- पा र थितकी तं म नाइटोजन िकसके Q701. Which one of the following
(a) These viruses cannot replicate/ ये ारा प रचािलत होती है ? will not directly affect transpiration?/
वायरस दोहरा नहीं सकते ह (a) Earthworms/कचुआ िन म से िकसका वा ो जन पर सीधा
(b) These viruses have no heritable (b) Bacteria/जीवाणु भाव नहीं पड़े गा ?
information/इन वायरसों की कोई (c) Fungi/कवक (a) Temperature / तापमान
िवधम जानकारी नहीं है (d) Protozoa/ ोटोजोआ (b) Light/ काश
(c) RNA transmits the hereditary (c) Wind / हवा
information in these viruses/RNA इन Ans. (b) Bacteria (d) Chlorophyll content of leaves /
िवषाणुओं म वंशानुगत सूचना सा रत Explanation: Bacteria play a great पि यों की ोरोिफल साम ी
करता है role in nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen
(d) Their nucleic acids can be fixing bacteria inhabit legume root Ans. (d) Chlorophyll content of
crystallised/उनके ू क एिसड को nodules. Nitrogenase is the enzyme leaves
ि लीकृत िकया जा सकता है in nitrogen-fixing bacteria that Explanation: Light: Plants transpire
catalyzes the conversion of more rapidly in the light than in the
Ans. (c) RNA transmits the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. dark
hereditary information in these Temperature: Plants transpire more
viruses Q699. Spot the cereal rapidly at higher temperatures
Explanation: A virus can have both अनाज को पहचािनये- because water evaporates more
RNA as well as DNA as a genetic (a) Wheat/गे ं rapidly as the temperature rises.
material or either of one genetic (b) Maize/म ा Humidity, wind and soil water also
material. This property helps the (c) Barley/ जौ affects the rate of transpiration.
RNA virus to jump from one species (d) All of them/उपरो सभी
to another for causing infection. Thus Q702. The form of sugar transported
this can be said that the RNA is Ans. (d) All of them through phloem /
transferred as a hereditary material in Explanation: A cereal is any grass ोएम शकरा के िकस प का
the progeny viruses cultivated (grown) for the edible प रवहन करता है ?
components of its grain (botanically, (a) Glucose/ ूकोज
Q696. The presence of air cavities is a type of fruit called a caryopsis), (b) Fructose/ ु ोज
an adaptation of composed of the endosperm, germ, (c) Sucrose/ सू ोज
वायु गुहाओं की उप थित का एक and bran.The major cereals are (d) Ribose/ राइबोज
अनुकूलन है wheat, corn, rice, barley, sorghum,
(a) Desert plants/रे िग ानी पौधे millet, oats, and rye. Ans. (c) Sucrose
(b) Trees/पेड़ Explanation: Food, primarily
(c) Water plants/जलीय पादप Q700. Fibres provide sucrose, is transported by the
(d) Mesophytes/मेसोफाइट् स फाइबर दान करते ह vascular tissue phloem from a source
(a) Fabric/त ु to a sink.
Q697. Amoebiasis causes (b) Cloth/व
अमीिबयािसस से ा होता है ? (c) Ropes/र ी Q703. In plants, water supply is due
(a) Dysentery/पेिचश (d) All the above/उपरो सभी to /
(b) Fever/ बुखार पौधों म, जल की आपूित का कारण है -
(c) Severe cold/गंभीर ठं ड Ans. (d) All the above (a) Osmosis / परासरण [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 90

(b) Imbibition/ अंतः शोषण (c) Prophase / पूवाव था म and tools, which among the given
(c) guttation / िबंदु ाव (d) Metaphase/ म ाव था म still remains a challenge? / वै ािनक
(d) adhesion force / आसंजन बल प ित के योग तथा हजारों िति त
Ans. (d) Metaphase वै ािनकों के यासों एवं सव े उपल
Ans. (a) Osmosis Explanation: Metaphase.The तकनीकों तथा उपकरणों के योग के
Explanation: In plants water supply morphology of the chromosomes can बाद भी िन म से कौन सा रोग अभी भी
occurs through a process called as be distinctly studied at metaphase चुनौती बना आ है ?
Osmosis. Explanation: Movement of stage of cell division as at this stage (a) Tuberculosis / य ा
solute from lower concentration to chromosomes are in highly (b) Polio / पोिलयो
higher concentration through a condensed state & become thicker & (c) Cancer /कसर
semipermeable membrane is called well arranged. The following (d) Goitre / ग माला
osmosis. Root cell cytoplasm is in structures are observed in a typical
higher concentration than that of chromosome: Chromatid, Ans. (c) Cancer
available water in the surroundings Chromonemata, Primary constriction Explanation: Cancer is a group of
(centromere), 2nd ary constriction diseases involving abnormal cell
Q704. A cell, when kept in sugar (nucleolar organizer), satellite, growth with the potential to invade
solution, gets dehydrated. Then the telomere, & chromosmere. or spread to other parts of the body.
solution is / These contrast with benign tumors,
एक कोिशका को जब शकरा के िवलयन Q707. Which statement is true of which do not spread.
म रखा जाता है , तो वह सूख जाती है | rRNA?/ rRNA के बारे म कौन सा
इसके बाद िवलयन बन जाता है - कथन सही है ? Q709. Outer covering of virus made
(a) Hypotonic/ अ -परासारी (a) The smallest molecule of RNA / up of protein is / ोटीन से िनिमत
(b) Hypertonic / अितपरासारी RNA का सबसे छोटा अणु िवषाणु की बाहरी परत होती है -
(c) Isotonic / समपरासारी (b) Called soluble RNA / घुलनशील (a) Coat / आवरण
(d) None / कोई नहीं RNA कहलाता है | (b) Capsid / कै ड
Ans. (b) Hypertonic (c) Named by Jacob and Monod / (c) Virion / िव रयोन
Explanation: If you place an animal जैकोब तथा मोनोड के ारा नाम रखा (d) Viroid/ िवरोइड
or a plant cell in a hypertonic गया |
solution, the cell shrinks, because it (d) They form 80% of the total RNA / Ans. (b) Capsid
loses water ( water moves from a वे RNA के 80% भाग का िनमाण करते ह Explanation: A capsid is the protein
higher concentration inside the cell shell of a virus, enclosing genetic
to a lower concentration outside ). So Ans. (d) They form 80% of the total material. It consists of several
if you get thirsty at the beach RNA oligomeric structural subunits made
drinking seawater makes you even Explanation: tRNA is the smallest of of protein called protomers. ... Some
more dehydrated. the 3 types of RNA having about viruses are enveloped, meaning that
75-95 nucleotides the capsid is coated with a lipid
Q705. The phenomenon of A transfer RNA is also referred to as membrane known as the viral
plasmolysis is evident when cells are soluble RNA or sRNA envelope.
kept in / The model proposed by Jacob and
जीव कुंचन की घटना तब िदखाई Monod predicted that a specific Q710. Which among the given is
दे ती है जब कोिशकाओं को रखा जाता है DNA sequence near the transcription used for wrapping of fractured bones
(a) Hypotonic solution/ अ -परासारी start site of the lac operon is a - / टू टी ई ह ी को ढकने के िलए िन
िवलयन म binding site for lac repressor. ... But a म से िकसका योग िकया जाता है ?
(b) Hypertonic/ अितपरासारी िवलयन rare class of mutations map to a (a) White cement / सफ़ेद सीमट
म region between lacI and the operator, (b) Plaster of Paris / ा र ऑफ़
(c) Isotonic / समपरासारी in a region termed the promoter (P). पे रस
(d) None / कोई नहीं Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the most (c) Zinc oxide /िजंक ऑ ाइड
abundant form and constitutes 70 to (d) White lead / सफ़ेद सीसा
Ans. (b) Hypertonic 80 percent of total RNA of the cell.
Other forms of RNA are mRNA and Ans. (b) Plaster of Paris
Q706. Morphology of Chromosomes tRNA Explanation: used to make classic
can be best studied at / plaster orthopedic casts to protect
गुणसू ों के आकृित िव ान का सव े Q708. Despite the application of limbs with broken bones.
अ यन िकया जा सकता है - scientific method, and equal efforts
(a) All of them / ये सभी by thousands of eminent scientists, Q711. When a bottle of scent is kept
(b) Interphase/ अंतरा ाव था म with the best available techniques open in a corner of a room its odour [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 91

is felt in all parts of the room. This is Q716. Wings of a bird & an insect
due to the phenomenon of: / जब इ Ans. (a) Cholesterol are / प ी तथा कीट के पंख होते ह -
की बोतल को कमरे के एक कोने म खुला Explanation: Steroid hormone, any (a) Vestigial organs/ अवशेषी अंग
छोड़ िदया जाता है , तब इसकी खूशबू को of a group of hormones that belong (b) Analogous organs / सम प अंग
कमरे के सभी िह ों म महसूस िकया जा to the class of chemical compounds (c) Rudimentary organs / मूल अंग
सकता है | इसकी वजह कौन सी घटना है known as steroids; they are secreted (d) Homologous organs / सजातीय अंग
? by three “steroid glands”—the
(a) diffusion/ िवसरण adrenal cortex, testes, and Ans. (b) Analogous organs
(b) Vaporisation / वा ीकरण ovaries—and during pregnancy by Explanation: Analogous
(c) Sublimation / उ पातन the placenta. All steroid hormones organs.Insect & bird wings are
(d) none/ कोई नहीं are derived from cholesterol. analogous structures but not
homologous structures.e. They are
Ans. (a) Diffusion Q714. In a rainforest, the vegetation externally similar in appearance &
Explanation: Diffusion is one of that grows under the shade of a function (i. for flying), but have
several transport phenomena that canopy is known as / वषावन म, वे dissimilar developmental plan.
occur in nature. Thus, diffusion वन ितयाँ जो एक िवतानावरण ( या
should not be confused with कैनोपी ) के छाये म उगती ह, ा Q717. Ultra violet radiations of the
convection or advection, which are कहलाती ह ? Sun do not reach the earth because,
other transport mechanisms that use (a) Understorey / वन-िवतान earth's atmosphere is surrounded by /
bulk motion to move particles from (b) Crown / शीष सूय का पाराबगनी िविकरण पृ ी तक
one place to another. A (c) Canopy / िवतानावरण नहीं प ँ च पाता ोंिक पृ ी का
distinguishing feature of diffusion is (d) Forest floor/ वन- थल वायुमंडल _____ से िघरा आ है |
that it results in mixing or mass (a) Chlorine / ो रन
transport without requiring bulk Ans. (a) Understorey (b) Carbon dioxide / काबन
motion. From the atomistic point of Explanation: Understorey.In ecology, डाइऑ ाइड
view, diffusion is considered as a understorey refers to a layer of (c) Ammonia / अमोिनया
result of the random walk of the vegetation beneath the main canopy (d) Ozone / ओजोन
diffusing particles. In molecular of a forest. Only a small percentage
diffusion, the moving molecules are of light penetrates the canopy so Ans. (d) Ozone
self-propelled by thermal energy. understory vegetation is generally Explanation: Ozone layer
shade tolerant. It comprises plant life (stratospheric ozone) is a high
Q712. An example of protein which growing beneath the forest canopy concentration of ozone molecules
acts as a hormone is: / ोटीन का वह without penetrating it to any great about 30 to 50 km altitude
उदाहरण कौन सा है जो हॉम न के प extent, but above the forest floor. (stratosphere). The main function of
म काय करता है ? the ozone layer is to absorb the Sun's
(a) Oxytocin / ऑ ीटोिसन Q715. Acute lead poisoning is also ultraviolet radiation, hence protecting
(b) Casein/ कैिसन known as / ती सीसा िवषा ता को the Earth from its harmful effects.
(c) Trypsin / िट न इस नाम से भी जाना जाता है -
(d) Keratin / केरािटन (a) Plumbism / ंिब Q718. Our major foods, fibres,
(b) Byssinosis/ बाइिसनोिसस spices, fruits and beverage crops are /
Ans. (a) Oxytocin (c) Itai-itai /इताई-इताई हमारे मुख खा ा , रे शे, मसाले, फल
Explanation: Oxytocin.Hormonal (d) None/ कोई नहीं तथा पेय पदाथ की फसल होती ह -
Proteins are messenger proteins (a) Bryophytes/ ायोफाइट
which help to coordinate certain Ans. (a) Plumbism (b) Gymnospermous plants/
bodily activities. Oxytocin stimulates Explanation: Lead poisoning (also अनावृतबीजी पौधे
contractions in females during known as plumbism or painter's (c) Pteridophytes / टे रडोफाइट
childbirth. Examples include Insulin, colic) is caused by increased levels (d) Flowering plants / कुसुिमत पौधे
Oxytocin, & Somatotropin. of the heavy metal lead in the body.
It interferes with the development of Ans. (d) Flowering Plants
Q713. Steroid hormone is derived the nervous system. Lead interferes Explanation: Angiosperms serve as
from / े रॉयड हॉम न िकस से ा with a variety of body processes & is the major source of food—either
होता है ? toxic to many organs & tissues directly or indirectly through
(a) Cholesterol / कोले ॉल including the heart, bones, intestines, consumption by herbivores—and, as
(b) Protein / ोटीन kidneys, & reproductive & nervous mentioned above, they are a primary
(c) ADH /एडीएच systems. source of consumer goods, such as
(d) Corticoid/ कॉिटसोइड building materials, textile fibres, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 92

spices and herbs, and (a) Gymnosperms / अनावृतबीजी periods of 66 to 105 days
pharmaceuticals. The flowering (b) Monocotyledons / एकबीजप ी
plants have a number of uses as food, (c) dicotyledons / ि -बीजप ी Q723. When we touch leaves of
specifically as grains, sugars, (d) Angiosperms / आवृ बीजी 'Touch me not plant', they close,
vegetables, fruits, oils, nuts, and these movements are called . / जब
spices. In addition, plants and their Ans. (a) Gymnosperms हम छु ईमुई पौधे की पि यों को छूते ह
products serve a number of other Explanation: Following are some of तब वे मुरझा जाती ह | इस हरकत को
needs, such as dyes, fibres, timber, the examples of gymnosperms: ा कहा जाता है ?
fuel, medicines, and ornamentals Cycas, Pinus, Araucaria, Thuja, (a) Seismonastic movements/
Cedrus, Picea, Abies, Juniperus, कंपानुकुंचनी हरकत
Q719. Which of the following one of Larix (b) None / कोई नहीं
the following animals belongs to (c) Nyctinastic movements /
mollusca - / िन म से िकस जीव का Q722. King Cobra is the only snake िनशानुकुंची हरकत
संबंध मोल समुदाय से है ? that makes its own nest. Why does it (d) Photonastic movements/
(a) Hare / खरगोश make its nest? / नागराज ( या िकंग काशानुकुंचनी हरकत
(b) Hydra / हाइडा कोबरा ) एकमा ऐसा साँ प है जो अपना
(c) Hyla / हाईला घोंसला यं बनाता है | यह अपना Ans. (a) Seismonastic movements
(d) None/ कोई नहीं घोंसला ों बनाता है ? Explanation: seismonastic
(a) It is a large, cold blooded animal movements.These types and
Ans. (a) Hare and needs a nest to hibernate in the categories of movements have been
Explanation: cold season / यह एक बड़ा, शां तिच termed seismonastic movements. The
Hare. Sea hares are molluscs. पशु होता है तथा सद के मौसम म movement occurs when specific
Hydra :- Phylum: Cnidaria शीतिन ा म जाने के िलए इसे घोंसले की regions of cells lose turgor pressure,
Hyla:- Class: Amphibia आव कता होती है | which is the force that is applied onto
(b) It is a snake eater and the nest the cell wall by water within the cell
Q720. A married couple adopted a helps attract other snakes / यह साँ पों vacuoles & other cell contents.
male child. A few years later, twin को खाता है तथा घोंसले से अ साँ पों को
boys were born to them. The blood आकिषत करने म सहायता िमलती है | Q724. Tachycardia is a condition
group of the couple is AB positive (c) It is a viviparous snake and needs characterized by / दि पता एक
and Negative. The blood group of the a nest to give birth to its offspring / ये प र थित है िजसके ल ण ह :
three sons is A positive, B positive साँ प स ाण ब ों को ज दे ते ह तथा (a) heart-beat stops / धड़कनों का क
and O positive. The blood group of ब ों को ज दे ने के िलए घोंसला की जाना
the adopted son is/ एक िववािहत यु आव कता होती है | (b) heart-rate decreases from the
ने एक बालक को गोद िलया | कुछ वष (d) It is an oviparous snake and lays normal / दय गित का सामा से कम
बाद, उनके यहाँ जुड़वाँ बालकों का ज its eggs in the nest and guards the nest हो जाना
आ | पित-प ी का र समूह AB until they are hatched/ यह अंडे दे ने (c) heart fails to pump / दय का
पॉिजिटव तथा नेगेिटव है | तीनों बेटों का वाला साँ प है तथा अपने अंडे घोंसले म ंदन करने म असफल रहना
र समूह A पॉिजिटव, B पॉिजिटव तथा दे ता है तथा जब तक वे ब े अंडे से बाहर (d) heart- rate increases from the
O पॉिजिटव है | गोद िलए गए बेटे का नहीं आ जाते, तब तक घोंसले की र ा normal/ दय गित का सामा से बढ़
र -समूह है - करता है | जाना
(a) Cannot be determined on the basis
of the given data / दी गयी जानकारी के Ans. (d) It is an oviparous snake and Ans. (d) heart- rate increases from
आधार पर िनधा रत नहीं िकया जा सकता lays its eggs in the nest and guards the normal
(b) B positive / B पॉिजिटव the nest until they are hatched Explanation: Tachycardia is a
(c) A positive / A पॉिजिटव Explanation: The king cobra is the condition that makes your heart beat
(d) O positive / O पॉिजिटव only snake that builds a nest using more than 100 times per minute.
dry leave litter, starting from late
Q721. Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch March to late May. Most nests are Q725. The basic structure of cell
and cypress are famous timber located at the base of trees, are up to membranes / कोिशका िझ ी की मूल
yielding plants, of which several also 55 cm (22 in) high in the center and संरचना
occur widely in the hilly regions of 140 cm (55 in) wide at the base. (a) Is a lipid bilayer that serves as a
India. All these belong to / दे वदार, They consist of several layers and barrier to water-soluble molecules/
फर, सरल, स , लाच तथा साइ ेस have mostly one chamber, into which िलिपड की दोहरी परत होती है जो जल
लकड़ी दे ने वाले िस वृ ह तथा इनम the female lays eggs. Clutch size म घुलनशील अणुओं के िलए अवरोध का
से कई भारत के पहाड़ी े ों म भी पाए ranges from 7 to 43 eggs, with 6 to काय करती है |
जाते ह | ये सभी िकस से संबंिधत ह ? 38 eggs hatching after incubation (b) Differs ultra structurally for [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 93

internal and external membranes of Seahorse is the name given to 45 (a) Nose/ नाक
cell/ कोिशका की आतं रक और बाहरी species of small marine fish in the (b) Throat/ गला
िझ यों के िलए संरचना क प से genus Hippocampus (c) Ear/ कान
बेहद अलग होती है | (d) Eyes/ ने
(c) A and b both / a और b दोनों Q728. The presence of pollutants in
(d) Is best described as lipids the environment is usually expressed Ans. (c) Ear
dispersed within a protein bilayer / का in ppm, where ppm stands for / Explanation: The Eustachian Tube is
सव े वणन ोटीन की दोहरी परत के वातावरण म दू षकों की मौजूदगी को a tube that links the nasopharynx to
भीतर फैले िलिपड के प म िकया जाता आमतौर पर पीपीएम म बताया जाता है | the middle ear. The Eustachian tube
है | ppm का पूरा नाम ा है ? : connects from the chamber of the
(a) Parts per million middle ear to the back of the
Ans. (a) Is a lipid bilayer that serves (b) Particles per mole nasopharynx. It is a part of the
as a barrier to water-soluble (c) Purity per microgram middle ear.It is named after the 16th
molecules (d) Pollutant prevent measures century anatomist Bartolomeo
Explanation: Phospholipids form the Eustachi.
basic structure of a cell membrane, Ans. (a) Parts per million
called the lipid bilayer. Scattered in Explanation: PPM is an abbreviation Q731.The contractile proteins in a
the lipid bilayer are cholesterol of Parts Per Million. It is commonly muscle are / मां सपेिशयों म पाए जाने
molecules, which help to keep the used as a measure of small levels of वाले संकुचनशील ोटीन ह -
membrane fluid consistent. pollutants in air, water, body fluids, (a) Actin & Tropomyosin / एिसिटकन
Membrane proteins are important for etc. Parts per million is the mass ratio तथा टोपोमाइिसन
transporting substances across the between the pollutant component & (b) Troponin & Tropomyosin/
cell membrane the solution. टोपोिनन तथा टोपोमाइिसन
(c) Myosin & Troponin/ माइिसन तथा
Q726. Which statement is false? Q729. The heat treatment applied to टोपोिनन
Bacteria are involved in / milk before distribution to stabilize (d) Actin & Myosin/ एिसिटन तथा
कौन सा कथन गलत है ? जीवाणु शािमल & to remove disease causing bacteria माइिसन
होते ह - is called as:/ दू ध के िवतरण से पहले
(a) animal diseases / पशु रोगों म रोगों का कारण बनने वाले जीवाणुओं को Ans. (d) Actin and myosin
(b) nitrogen processing in the soil / हटाने तथा दू ध को ढ़ बनाने के िलए इस Explanation: Muscle fibers or
िम ी म नाइटोजन के सं रण म पर ऊ ा उपचार िकया जाता है | इस myofibrils are formed of three types
(c) decomposing dead organic matter ि या को ा कहते ह ? and categories of proteins which are
/ मृत काबिनक पदाथ के अपघटन म (a) Pasteurisation / पा ु रकरण (a ) contractile, (b ) regulatory, & (c )
(d) alcohol production in beer / िबयर (b) None/ कोई नहीं structural. The two contractile
म अ ोहल िनमाण म (c) Coagulation / ं दन proteins in myofibrils are Actin
(d) Fermentation / िक न which is part of thin filament &
Ans. (d) alcohol production in beer Myosin, which is part of the thick
Ans. (a) Pasteurisation filament. Contractile proteins are the
Q727. Consider the following Explanation: Pasteurisation is a force generators of muscle
animals 1. Sea cow 2. Sea horse 3. process of heating milk for 30 contraction.
Sea lion Which of the above is/are minutes at 62° C & cooling rapidly
mammal/ mammals? / to kill harmful bacteria. Q732. A serious viral infection is
िन िल खत पशुओं पर िवचार कर | 1. transmitted from many wild and
समु ी गाय 2. समु ी घोड़ा 3. जल िसंह ; Q730. Eustachian Tube is situated in domesticated animals, including
इनम से कौन से पशु नधारी ह ? which part of human body -/ dogs, to man. The disease is known
(a) 1 and 3 कंबुकण नली मानव शरीर के िकस अंग as /
(b) All of these म पायी जाती है ? एक गंभीर िवषाणुजिनत सं मण कई
(c) 2 and 3 (a) Nose/ नाक जंगली तथा घरे लू पशुओं से मनु ों म
(d) Only 1 (b) Throat/ गला फैलता है , िजनम कु े भी शािमल ह | इस
(c) Ear/ कान रोग को िकस नाम से जाना जाता है ?
Ans. (a) 1 and 3 (d) Eyes/ ने (a) Smallpox/ चेचक
Explanation: The manatee is a large (b) Hydrophobia/ जल-सं ास
marine mammal with an egg-shaped Q730. Eustachian Tube is situated in (c) Plague/ ेग
head, flippers and a flat tail. which part of human body -/ (d) Influenza / े क र
Manatees are also known as sea कंबुकण नली मानव शरीर के िकस अंग
cows. म पायी जाती है ? Ans. (b) Hydrophobia [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 94

Explanation: A deadly virus spread (a) Haemoglobin/ हीमो ोिबन
to people from the saliva of infected (b) Pneumatophore/ सन सूल Q738. Hypoglycemia refers to /
animals. Rabies is usually (c) Chlorophyll / ोरोिफल हाइपो ाईसीिमया से आशय है -
transmitted through an animal bite, (d) Chromatophore / वणयु कोिशका (a) low sugar level in blood / र म
for example, from stray dogs. शकरा का कम र
Symptoms include fever, headache, Ans. (d) Chromatophore (b) high salt concentration in blood /
excess salivation, muscle spasms, Explanation: र म नमक की अिधक मा ा
paralysis and mental confusion. Chromatophore.Chameleons have (c) high blood pressure / उ र चाप
Hydrophobia ("fear of water") is the specialized cells, chromatophores, (d) high blood sugar level / र म
historic name for rabies. It refers to a which contain pigments in their शकरा का उ र
set of symptoms in the later stages of cytoplasm, in three layers below their
an infection in which the person has transparent outer skin. When the Ans. (d) High blood sugar level
difficulty swallowing, shows panic pigment is equally distributed in a Explanation: Hypoglycemia is a
when presented with liquids to drink, chromatophore, the whole cell is condition in which your blood sugar
and cannot quench their thirst. intensively colored. Dispersion of the (glucose) level is lower than normal.
pigment granules in the Glucose is your body's main energy
Q733. Foramen Magnum is an chromatophores sets the intensity of source. Hypoglycemia is often
aperture found in the / each color. When the pigment is related to diabetes treatment. But
फोरामेन मै म एक िछ है जो पाया situated only in the core of the cell, other drugs and a variety of
जाता है - the cell seems mainly transparent. conditions — many rare — can cause
(a) Girdle/ करधनी म low blood sugar in people who don't
(b) Skull/ खोपड़ी म Q736.Which among the given have diabetes.
(c) Lung/ फेफड़े म produces the most ATP per gram?
(d) Ear/ कान म िन म से कौन ित ाम सवािधक एटीपी Q739. Cell or tissue death within a
का उ ादन करता है ? living body is called as/
Ans. (b) Skull (a) proteins / ोटीन एक सजीव शरीर म कोिशका या उ क
Explanation: The foramen magnum (b) glycogen or starch/ ाइकोजेन या की मृ ु को ा कहा जाता है ?
('great hole') is a big opening in the ाच (a) Nephrosis/ ने ॉिसस
occipital bone of the cranium. It is (c) fats/ वसा (b) Necrosis/ ने ोिसस
one of the circular apertures in the (d) glucose / ूकोज (c) Neoplasia/ िनयो ािजया
base of the skull (the foramina), (d) Neutrophilia / ूटॉिफिलया
through which the spinal cord (an Ans. (c) Fats
extension of the medulla oblongata) Explanation: Each gram of fat Ans. (b) Necrosis
enters & exits the skull vault. supplies the body with about 9 Explanation: Necrosis.Necrosis is
calories, more than twice that death of body tissue. Necrosis is not
Q734. The bond present between two supplied by proteins or reversible. It occurs when there is not
carbohydrate molecules is / carbohydrates. Because fats are such enough blood flowing to the tissue,
दो काब हाइडे ट अणुओं के बीच कौन सा an efficient form of energy, the body whether from injury, radiation, or
बंध पाया जाता है ? stores any excess energy as fat. chemicals. When substantial areas of
(a) Glycosidic / ाइकोिसिडक tissue die due to a lack of blood
(b) Amide/ एमाइड Q737. Which among the given supply, the condition is called
(c) Hydrogen bond/हाइडोजन बंध medicines is administered to patients gangrene. Necrosis is caused by
(d)None/ कोई नहीं suffering from diabetes?/ factors external to the cell or tissue,
मधुमेह से पीिड़त मरीज़ों को िन म से such as infection, toxins, or trauma
Ans. (a) Glycosidic कौन सी दवा दी जाती है ? that result unregulated digestion of
Explanation: A glycosidic bond or (a) Sulpha drugs/ स ा दवाएँ cell components.
glycosidic linkage is a type of (b) Insulin / इं सुिलन
covalent bond that joins a (c) Streptomycin/ े ोमाइिसन Q740. Phototropic movement is
carbohydrate (sugar) molecule to (d) Penicillin/ पेिनिसिलन controlled by/ काशानुवतन की ि या
another group, which may or may को िकसके ारा िनयंि त िकया जाता है
not be another carbohydrate. Ans. (b) Insulin ?
Explanation: Controlling blood sugar (a) Auxin/ ऑ न
Q735. The colour change in the through diet, oral medication or (b) Gibberellin/ िजबरे िलन
Chameleon is due to the presence of/ insulin is the main treatment. Regular (c) Cytokinin/ साइटोिकिनन
िगरिगट म रं ग-प रवतन का कारण screening for complications is also (d) Ethylene/ एिथलीन
______ की मौजूदगी है | required. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 95

Ans. (a) Auxin (b) No effective vaccine has yet been mediastinum
Explanation: Auxin.Phototropism is developed for them/उनके िलए अभी
the growth of organisms in response तक कोई भावी टीका िवकिसत नहीं Q746. Cricket bats are of
to light. In plants, phototropism is a िकया गया है ि केट के ब े िकसके होते ह?
response to blue wavelengths of light (c) These are caused by viruses/ये (a) Salix/सैिल
& is caused by a redistribution of वायरस के कारण होते ह (b) Sissoo/िससो
auxin from the illuminated side to the (d) Their germs can be transmitted (c) Neem/नीम
darker side of the shoot, resulting in through blood transfusions/र (d) Walnut/अखरोट
quicker growth on the darker side & सं मण के मा म से उनके कीटाणुओं
bending of the shoot toward the का सं मण हो सकता है Ans. (a) Salix
source of light. Explanation: The bat is traditionally
Ans. (c) These are caused by viruses made from willow wood, specifically
Q741. Which of the following does from a variety of white willow called
not provide any energy? Q744. Protein which renders a cell cricket bat willow (Salix alba var.
िन िल खत म से कौन कोई ऊजा दान less susceptible to attack by viruses caerulea), treated with raw
नहीं करता है ? is called— (unboiled) linseed oil, which has a
(a) Fats/वसा ोटीन जो वायरस ारा हमला करने के protective function.
(b) Proteins/ ोटीन िलए हण म कम सेल का ितपादन
(c) Vitamins/िवटािमन करता है , उसे कहा जाता है - Q747. Metabolism is referred to as
(d) Carbohydrates/काब हाइडे ट (a) Actomyosin/ए ोमीिसन उपापचय को कहा जाता है
(b) Chloromycetin/ ोरोमाइसेिटन (a) synthesis of biomolecules/जैिवक
Ans. (c) Vitamins (c) Hybridoma/हाइि डोमा अणुओं का सं ेषण
Explanation: Contrary to popular (d) interferon/इं टरफेरॉन (b) breaking-down of
belief, vitamins do not directly biomoiecules/जैिवक अणुओं का टू ट
provide energy. As catalysts, Ans. (d) Interferon कर िगरना
vitamins are required for the release Explanation: Interferons are proteins (c) synthesis and breaking down of
of energy from protein, fat and which render the cells less biomolecules/सं ेषण और जैिवक
carbohydrates. susceptible to attack by viruses. अणुओं का टू टना
Interferons are proteins made and (d) recycling of biomolecules/जैिवक
Q742. Identify the fibre yielding released by host cells in response to अणुओं का पुनच ण
families the presence of pathogens such as
फाइबर उपज दे ने वाले समूह की पहचान viruses, bacteria, parasites or tumor Ans. (c) synthesis and breaking
कीिजये? cells. down of biomolecules
(a) Malvaceae/मालवेसी Explanation: Metabolism: The whole
(b) Tilliaceae /िटिलयासी Q745. The membrane covering the range of biochemical processes that
(c) Palmae/पामी lungs is a occur within a living organism.
(d) All the above/ उपरो सभ फु ु स को ढकने वाली िझ ी एक Metabolism consists of anabolism
______ है (the buildup of substances) and
Ans. (d) All of the above (a) pleura/प रफु ु स catabolism (the breakdown of
Explanation: Fibre yielding plants: (b) pericardium/प र द substances). The term metabolism is
Among dicotyledons, the family (c) peritoneum/पे रटोिनयम commonly used to refer specifically
Malvaceae is dominant with 25 (d) mesothelium/म कला to the breakdown of food and its
species followed by Fabaceae (19 transformation into energy.
species), Tiliaceae (10 species), Ans. (a) Pleura
Sterculiaceae (8 species), Explanation: The pulmonary pleurae Q748. Black pepper is
Caesalpiniaceae, Poaceae and are the two layers of the invaginated काली िमच ा है ?
Asclepiadaceae (7 species each) and sac surrounding each lung and (a) Piper nigrum/म रचिप ली
Urticaceae (4 species). attaching to the thoracic cavity. The (b) Piper alba /पाइपर अ ा
visceral pleura is the delicate (c) Piper acidic/पाइपर अ ीय
Q743. What is the common in AIDS, membrane that covers the surface of (d) All of them/उपरो सभी
mumps and poliomyelitis? each lung, and dips into the fissures
एड् स, क माला और between the lobes of the lung. The Ans. (a) Piper nigrum
पोिलयोमाइलाइिटस म ा सां झा है ? parietal pleura is the outer membrane Explanation: Black pepper (Piper
(a) Young children get affected most which is attached to the inner surface nigrum) is a flowering vine in the
readily/छोटे ब े सबसे अिधक भािवत of the thoracic cavity. It also family Piperaceae, cultivated for its
होते ह separates the pleural cavity from the fruit, known as a peppercorn, which [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 96

is usually dried and used as a spice organelles found in plant cells and
and seasoning. Q752. The most abundant enzyme in eukaryotic algae that conduct
the living world is / photosynthesis. Chloroplasts absorb
Q749. Honey contains mainly सजीव िव म सवािधक चुर एं जाइम sunlight and use it in conjunction
शहद म मु प से ा शािमल है ? कौन सा है ? with water and carbon dioxide gas to
(a) Proteins/ ोटीन (a) Zymase/ जाइमेज produce food for the plant.
(b) Carbohydrates/काब हाइडे ट (b) Rubisco/ िबसको
(c) Fat/वसा (c) Invertase/ इ टज Q755. Crossing-over occurs during/
(d) Vitamin/िवटािमन (d) DNAse/डीएनएज ॉिसंग ओवर _____ के दौरान होता है |
(a) Leptotene/ िल ोटीन
Ans. (b) Carbohydrates Ans. (b) Rubisco (b) Diplotene/ िड ोटीन
Explanation: honey is mainly Explanation: Rubisco.The abundant (c) Zygotene/ जाइगोटीन
fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose enzyme in the living world is (d) Pachytene/ पैकीटीन
(about 31.0%), making it similar to Rubisco. It is a key regulator of
the synthetically produced inverted non-steady state of photosynthesis. Ans. (d) Pachytene
sugar syrup, which is approximately Explanation:
48% fructose, 47% glucose, and 5% Q753. Genes control/ जीन िनयंि त Pachytene.Chromosomal crossover
sucrose. As with all nutritive करते ह - (or crossing over) is the exchange of
sweeteners, honey is mostly sugars (a) Heredity but not protein synthesis/ genetic material between
and contains only trace amounts of आनुवंिशकता को लेिकन ोटीन सं ेषण homologous chromosomes that
vitamins and minerals. को नहीं results in recombinant chromosomes.
(b) Protein synthesis but not heredity/ It is one of the final phases of genetic
Q750. Cotton fibres are made of / ोटीन सं ेषण को लेिकन आनुवंिशकता recombination, which occurs during
कपास के रे शे िकस से बने होते ह ? को नहीं prophase I of meiosis (pachytene)
(a) Fats / वसा (c) Biochemical reaction of some during a process called synapsis.
(b) Protein / ोटीन enzymes/ कुछ एं जाइमों के
(c) Cellulose / से ूलोज जैव-रासायिनक अिभि या को Q756. Which hormone is responsible
(d) Lipids / िलिपड (d) Protein synthesis and heredity / for apical growth?/
ोटीन सं ेषण तथा आनुवंिशकता को शीष के िवकास के िलए कौन सा हॉम न
Ans. (c) Cellulose िज़ ेदार होता है ?
Explanation: Cotton is made from Ans. (d) Protein synthesis and (a) All of the above/ उपरो सभी
the natural fibers of cotton plants, heredity (b) ABA
which are from the genus Explanation: Gene regulation is the (c) GA
Gossypium. Cotton is primarily highly controlled turning on and off (d) IAA
composed of cellulose, an insoluble of gene expression. In single celled
organic compound crucial to plant organisms it directs the efficient use Ans. (d) IAA
structure, and is a soft and fluffy of cellular resources in response to Explanation: IAA is the main auxin
material. the cell's environment. In in plants, regulating growth and
multicellular organisms gene developmental processes such as cell
Q751. Proteins are digested by/ regulation defines the cell, its division and elongation, tissue
ोटीन का पाचन िकया जाता है - structure and function, and ultimately differentiation, apical dominance,
(a) Lipases/ लाइपेज के ारा the whole organism. and responses to light, gravity, and
(b) Nucleases/ ु एज के ारा pathogens. Roots are most sensitive
(c) Proteases/ ोटीज के ारा Q754. The presence of what to fluctuations in IAA level.
(d) Amylases/ एिमलेज के ारा distinguishes a plant cell from an
animal cell -/ Q757. A herbarium is/ हब रयम है -
Ans. (c) Proteases िकसकी उप थित के कारण पादप (a) A collection of herbs in the dried
Explanation: A protease (also called कोिशका जंतु कोिशका से अलग होती है form/ सूखी औषिधयों का एक सं ह
a peptidase or proteinase) is an ? (b) A centre for the preservation of
enzyme that catalyzes (increases the (a) Cell membrane/ कोिशका िझ ी dried specimens of plants/ पौधों के
rate of) proteolysis, the breakdown of (b) Chloroplasts / ह रतलवक शु ित पों के संर ण का क
proteins into smaller polypeptides or (c) Mitochondria (c) A garden with a varied collection
single amino acids. They do this by (d) Nucleus / नािभक of herbs/ एक उ ान िजसम िविवध
cleaving the peptide bonds within औषिधयों का सं ह होता है |
proteins by hydrolysis, a reaction Ans. (b) Chloroplast (d)None/ कोई नहीं
where water breaks bonds. Explanation: Chloroplasts are [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 97

Ans. (b) A centre for the नाम ह - (d) Tongue/ जीभ के ारा
preservation of dried specimens of (a) No such process / ऐसी कोई ि या
plants नहीं है Ans. (c) Salivary gland
Explanation: A herbarium (plural: (b) Photosynthesis and transpiration/ Explanation: When we see delicious
herbaria) is a collection of preserved काश सं ेषण तथा वा ो जन food, the saliva is secreted as a reflex
plant specimens and associated data (c) Photosynthesis and respiration/ action by the body, in anticipation of
used for scientific study. काश सं ेषण तथा सन us eating the food and the body
(d) Transpiration and respiration/ preparing itself to digest the said
Q758. The most highly intelligent वा ो जन तथा सन food. As soon as nerves transfer the
mammals are/ message, in response, the salivary
सवािधक बु मान नपायी जीव कौन Ans. (c) Photosynthesis and glands produce the saliva thus your
होते ह ? respiration mouth water as you see the spicy
(a) Kangaroos/ कंगा Explanation: The cycle of food
(b) Dolphins/ डॉलिफन photosynthesis and respiration
(c) Elephants/ हाथी maintains the balance of carbon Q763. Which one of the following
(d) Whales / े ल dioxide and oxygen on earth. While pairs is not correctly matched?/
water is broken down to form oxygen िन म से कौन सा यु सुमेिलत नहीं है ?
Ans. (b) Dolphins during photosynthesis, in cellular (a) Loop of Henle-Kidney/ हे नले का
Explanation: Dolphins are among the respiration oxygen is combined with लूप - गुदा
smartest of the animal kingdom, hydrogen to form water. (b) Fallopian tube-Female
partly because they live such social reproductive system/ िड वाही निलका
lives Q761. Which among the given is the - मादा जनन तं
longest vein in the human body -/ (c) Epididymis-Male reproductive
Q759. How are mature human sperm िन म से कौन सी मानव शरीर की सबसे system/ अिधवृषण - नर जनन तं
and ova similar? / लंबी नस है ? (d) Cowper’s gland-Intestine/ काउपर
प रप मानव शु ाणु तथा अंडाणु िकस (a) Trigeminal/ ि पृ ी की ंिथ - आं त
कार एक जैसे होते ह ? (b) Saphenous vein/ सेफीनस नस
(a) They both have the same number (c) Inferior vena cava/ अवर राग कावा Ans. (d) Cowper’s gland-Intestine
of chromosomes/ उन दोनों म गुणसू ों (d) None / कोई नहीं Explanation: Cowper's glands are
की सं ा समान होती है | pea sized glands present inferior to
(b) They are formed before birth / Ans. (b) Saphenous vein the prostate gland in the male
उनका िनमाण ज से पहले होता है | Explanation: Saphenous vein.The reproductive system. They produce
(c) They are approximately the same great saphenous vein, the major thick clear mucus prior to ejaculation
size/ वे लगभग समान आकार के होते ह | superficial vein of the medial leg & that drains into the spongy urethra
(d) They each have a flagellum that thigh, is the longest vein in the
provides motility/ उनम से ेक म human body. It plays an important Q764. Insuline was discovered by/
कशािभका होती है जो गितशीलता दान role in returning blood from the इं सुिलन की खोज िकसके ारा की गयी
करती है | superficial tissues of the leg to the थी ?
heart. It extends from the top of the (a) F.Banting/ एफ. बिटं ग
Ans. (a) They both have the same foot to the upper thigh & groin, (b) Edward Jenner/ एडवड जेनर
number of chromosomes running along the length of the lower (c) Ronald Ross/ रोना रॉस
Explanation: Both sperm cells and limb. (d) Frederick Sanger/ े ड रक सगर
egg cells contain a haploid nucleus,
this means that they contain half the Q762. When we eat something we Ans. (d) Frederick Sanger
number of chromosomes of a normal like, our mouth waters, This is Explanation: The discovery of
diploid cell. This is so that when the actually not water but fluid secreted insulin occurred in 1921 following
egg is fertilised by the sperm there from / the ideas of a Canadian orthopedic
are 46 chromosomes and it becomes जब हम हमारी पसंद की कोई चीज़ खाते surgeon named Frederick G.
a diploid nucleus. ह, तो हमारे मुँह म पानी आ जाता है | यह Banting, the chemistry skills of his
वा व म पानी नहीं होता ब एक assistant Charles Best, and John
Q760. In nature, carbon dioxide and तरल होता है िजसे ािवत िकया जाता है MacLeod of the University of
oxygen are balanced by two life - Toronto in Canada
processes called / (a) Nasal gland नाक की ंिथ के ारा
कृित म, काबन डाइऑ ाइड तथा (b) Oval epithelium/ अंडाकार उपकला Q765. A surge of which hormone
ऑ ीजन का संतुलन दो जीवन के ारा stimulates ovulation in human
ि याओं के ारा बना रहता ह, िजनके (c) Salivary gland / लार ंिथ के ारा females [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 98

िकस हॉम न की लहर मनु की मादाओं Q768. Number of spinal nerve in radiation as of the presence of certain
म िड ो जन को उ ेिजत कर दे ती है ? human is/ मनु म मे तंि का की gases, causing the heating of the
(a) Luteinizing hormone/ ूिटनकारी सं ा होती है - earth. These greenhouse gases
हाम न (a) 10 pair/ जोड़ी include water vapor, CO2, methane,
(b) Estrogen/ ए ोजन (b) 12 pair/ जोड़ी nitrous oxide (N2O) & other gases,
(c) stimulating hormone/ उ ेजक (c) 15 pair/ जोड़ी As per the Environmental Protection
हॉम न (d) 31 pair / जोड़ी Agency (EPA).
(d) Progesterone/ ोजे े रोन
Ans. (d) 31 pair Q771. Estrogen is secreted by /
Ans. (a) Luteinizing hormone Explanation: A spinal nerve is a ए ोजन िकसके ारा ािवत िकया
Explanation: Luteinizing hormone is mixed nerve, which carries motor, जाता है ?
a hormone produced by gonadotropic sensory, and autonomic signals (a) Corpus luteum/ पीत िपंड
cells in the anterior pituitary gland. between the spinal cord and the body. (b) Corpus callosum/ महासंयोजन िपंड
In females, an acute rise of LH In the human body there are 31 pairs (c) Leydig cells/ लेिडग कोिशकाएँ
triggers ovulation and development of spinal nerves, one on each side of (d) Graafian follicle/ िड कूप
of the corpus luteum. the vertebral column.
Ans. (a) Corpus luteum
Q766. The Short upper part of Q769. Tear of man have a enzyme, Explanation: The corpus luteum
human intestine next to the stomach which kill the bacteria/ (Latin for "yellow body"; plural
is called मनु के आं सुओं म एक एं जाइम होता है corpora lutea) is a temporary
पेट के बगल म मनु की आं त का छोटा जो जीवाणुओं को मार दे ता है - endocrine structure in female ovaries
ऊपरी भाग ा कहलाता है ? (a) Amylase/ एमीलेज and is involved in the production of
(a) Caecum/ अंधनाल (b) Urease/ यू रएज relatively high levels of progesterone
(b) Duodenum / हणी (c) Lysozyme/ लाइसोजाईम and moderate levels of estradiol and
(c) Ileum/ शेषां (d) Ptyalin/ ािलन inhibin A.
(d) Jejunum / म ां
Ans. (c) Lysozyme Q772. Man in the life cycle of
Ans. (b) Duodenum Explanation: Lysozyme is abundant Plasmodium is/ ा ोिडयम के जीवन
Explanation: The duodenum is the in secretions including tears, saliva, च म मनु -
first part of the small intestine. It is human milk, and mucus. It is also (a) Intermediate host/ म वत पोिषता
located between the stomach and the present in cytoplasmic granules of होता है
middle part of the small intestine, or the macrophages and the (b) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
jejunum. After foods mix with polymorphonuclear neutrophils (c) Primary host/ ाथिमक पोिषता होता
stomach acid, they move into the (PMNs) है
duodenum, where they mix with bile (d) Secondary host/ ि तीयक पोिषता
from the gallbladder and digestive Q770. Green House Effect' means/ होता है
juices from the pancreas. ह रतगृह भाव का अथ है -
(a) Damage to green painted Ans. (d) Secondary host
Q767. Main function of skeleton is/ buildings/ हरे रं ग के भवनों को होने Explanation: Plasmodium parasites'
अ थपंजर का मु काय है - वाला नुकसान primary hosts and transmission
(a) To cover the skull/ खोपड़ी को (b) Prevention of ultraviolet radiation vectors are femalae Anopheles
ढं कना by the ozone layer/ओजोन परत के ारा mosquitoes. Humans and other
(b) To provide the shape of body/ पाराबगनी िकरणों को रोकना vertebrates are secondary hosts.
शरीर को आकार दान करना (c) Trapping of solar energy due to Secondary or intermediate host - an
(c) Formation of RBC/ आरबीसी का atmospheric gases / वायुमंडलीय गैसों organism that harbors the sexually
िनमाण के कारण सौर ऊजा का फंस जाना immature parasite and is required by
(d) All of these / ये सभी (d) Pollution in houses in tropical the parasite to undergo development
region/ उ किटबंधीय े ों के घरों म and complete its life cycle. It often
Ans. (b) To provide the shape of दू षण acts as a vector of the parasite to
body reach its definitive host.
Explanation: The major functions of Ans. (c) Trapping of solar energy
the bones are body support, due to atmospheric gases Q773. Most fish do not sink in water
facilitation of movement, protection Explanation: Trapping of solar as of the presence of/ अिधकाँ श
of internal organs, storage of energy due to atmospheric gases.The मछिलयाँ _____ की मौजूदगी के कारण
minerals and fat, and hematopoiesis greenhouse effect occurs when पानी म नहीं डूबती ह |
Earth's atmosphere traps solar (a) buoyant scales on the body/ शरीर [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 99

पर उ ावक धा रयाँ hormone?/िन म से िकस हॉम न को progesterone is produced by the
(b) air sinuses/ वायु िशरानाल आपातकालीन हॉम न कहा जाता है ? ovaries. Progesterone also stimulates
(c) swim bladder / वायुशय (a) Insulin / इं सुिलन the glands in the uterus to secrete
(d) None / कोई नहीं (b) Adrenalin/ एडे नैिलन substances that maintain the
(c) Estrogen/ ए ोजन endometrium and keep it from
Ans. (c) swim bladder (d) Oxytocin/ ऑ ीटोिसन breaking down. For this reason, this
Explanation: swim bladder.Most fish phase of the menstrual cycle is called
are able to control their bouyancy Ans. (b) Adrenaline the secretory phase.
with a swim bladder (an internal sac Explanation: Adrenaline is called an
they can fill with gas or water) or by emergency hormone because it Q779. What type of lens is used to
other means, so that they have a initiates quick action which makes true vision of a person suffering from
specific gravity exactly the same as the individual to think and respond Myopia - / मायोिपया से पीिड़त
the water they swim in. By small quickly to the stress. Adrenaline की ि को सही करने के िलए िकस
adjustments to their buoyancy, they hormone increases metabolic rate कार के लस का योग िकया जाता है ?
can float to a higher level or sink and causes dilation of blood vessels (a) Any lens/ कोई भी लस
lower with a very small expenditure going to the heart and the brain. (b) Cylindrical lens/ बेलनाकार लस
of energy. Hence Adrenaline is also called the (c) Convex lens/ उ ल लस
emergency hormone. (d) Concave lens/ अवतल लस
Q774.Vascular plants without seeds
are grouped under/ Q777. Transpiration increases in/ Ans. (d) Concave lens
बीजरिहत संवहनी पौधे िकस समूह म वा ो जन बढ़ जाता है : Explanation: Concave lens.
आते ह ? (a) Hot, damp & windy condition/ Near-sightedness, also known as
(a) gymnosperm/ अनावृ बीजी गम, नम तथा हवादार प र थितयों म short-sightedness & myopia, is a
(b) angiosperms/ आवृ बीजी (b) Hot, dry & windy condition/ गम, condition of the eye where light
(c) Bryophytes/ ायोफाइट शु तथा हवादार प र थितयों म focuses in front of, instead of on, the
(d) Ferns/ फन (c) Cool, dry & windy condition/ retina. This defect can be corrected
ठं डी, शु तथा हवादार प र थितयों म by wearing a concave (diverging)
Ans. (d) Ferns (d) Cool, damp & windy condition/ spectacle lens. This causes distant
Explanation: Pteridophytes ठं डी, नम तथा हवादार प र थितयों म objects to be blurry while close
objects appear normal. The rays of
Q775. The process of formation of Ans. (b) Hot, dry and windy light from a near object are diverged
blood corpuscles is called/ condition before entering the eye so that the
र किणकाओं के िनमाण की ि या cornea & eye lens can direct the
ा कहलाती है ? Q778. The secretory phase of the focal point onto the retina.
(a) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं menstrual cycle/ मािसक धम का ावी
(b) Haemopoiesis/ र ो ादक चरण - Q780. Seed Which disperse through
(c) Haemolysis / र लयन (a) corresponds with the follicular air are generally
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से phase of the ovarian cycle/ िड ंिथ हवा के ारा फैलने वाले बीज आमतौर
कोई नहीं च के पुटकीय चरण के अनु प होता है पर होते ह -
(b) is when the endometrium begins (a) Dark in colour/ गहरे रं ग के
Ans. (b) Haemopoiesis to degenerate and menstrual flow (b) Lighter in Weight/ कम वज़न के
Explanation: Hematopoiesis is the occurs/ तब आता है जब अंतः गभाशय (c) Heavy in weight/ भारी वज़न के
production of all of the cellular टू टने लगता है तथा मािसक वाह शु हो (d) Round in shape/ गोलाकार
components of blood and blood जाता है |
plasma. It occurs within the (c) is associated with dropping levels Ans. (b) Lighter in weight
hematopoietic system, which to estrogen and progesterone/ ए ोजन Explanation: Seeds from plants like
includes organs and tissues such as तथा ोजे े रोन म कमी के र से dandelions, swan plants and
the bone marrow, liver, and spleen. संबंिधत होता है | cottonwood trees are light and have
Simply, hematopoiesis is the process (d) corresponds with the luteal phase feathery bristles and can be carried
through which the body of the ovarian cycle/ िड ंिथ च के long distances by the wind. Some
manufactures blood cells. पीतिपंड चरण के अनु प होता है | plants, like kauri and maple trees,
Production of new blood cells is have 'winged' seeds. They don't float
called haemopoiesis Ans. (d) corresponds with the luteal away but flutter to the ground.
phase of the ovarian cycle
Q776. Which of the following Explanation: During the secretory Q781. Which one of the following
hormone is called emergency phase of the uterus, the hormone plant is preferred for mixed cropping [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 100

in order to enhance the liquid. The traps of what are छोड़ दे ने से म रों को िनयंि त करने म
bioavailability of nitrogen ? considered to be "true" pitcher plants सहायता िमलती है ?
नाइटोजन की जैव-उपल ता म वृ are formed by specialized leaves (a) Gambusia fish/ग ूिजया मछली
करने के उ े से िमि त खेती करने के (b) Snail/ घोंघा
िलए िन म से िकस पौधे को तरजीह Q784. Animals living in the tree (c) Crab/ ककड़ा
िदया जाता है ? trunks are known as/ (d) None / कोई नहीं
(a) Wheat/ गे ँ वृ ों की शाखाओं म रहने वाले जीव
(b) Gram/ चना कहलाते ह - Ans. (a) Gambusia fish
(c) Maize/ म ा (a) Aquatic/ जलीय Explanation: Three species of
(d) Barley/ जौ (b) Amphibious/ उभयचर larvivorous fish were identified as
(c) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं follows: Gambusia holbrooki,
Ans. (b) Gram (d) Arboreal / वृ वासी Aphanius dispar dispar and Aphanius
Explanation: Mixed cropping is the sp
practice of growing two or more Ans. (d) Arboreal
crops together on the same piece of Explanation: Arboreal.Arboreal Q787. One day, you wake up with a
land in one crop season. For means living in trees. Some animals sore throat and a runny nose. Your
example, wheat, gram and mustard may only scale trees occasionally, doctor takes a swab from your throat,
are grown as mixed rabi crops in dry while others are exclusively arboreal. sends it to a laboratory, and
regions of Northern India. In every habitat in which trees are telephones you the next day to say
present, animals have evolved to that an antibiotic will not help you
Q782. Bacteria and fungi developing move in them. These habitats pose get better. Which among the given is
on dead decaying organisms are/ numerous mechanical challenges to the most likely reason for the doctor's
मृत सड़े ए जीवों पर िवकिसत होने वाले animals moving through them, statement? / एक िदन आप गले म
जीवाणु और कवक होते ह - leading to a variety of anatomical, खराश तथा बहती नाक के साथ उठते ह |
(a) Symbionts / सहजीवी behavioral & ecological आपका िचिक क आपके गले से ाब
(b) Commensals/ सहभोजी consequences. Arboreal species have लेता है तथा इसे योगशाला म भेज दे ता
(c) Saprophytes/ मृतजीवी behaviors specialized for moving in है और िफर अगले िदन आपको फ़ोन
(d) Parasites/ परजीवी their habitats, most prominently in करके कहता है िक आप एं टीबायोिटक
terms of posture & gait. Specifically, से ठीक नहीं हो पाएं गे | िचिक क के
Ans. (c) Saprophytes arboreal mammals take longer steps, इस कथन का संभािवत कारण ा हो
Explanation: Saprotrophic nutrition extend their limbs further forwards & सकता है ?
or lysotrophic nutrition is a process backwards during a step, adopt a (a) Having waited a day, it is too late
of chemoheterotrophic extracellular more 'crouched' posture to lower to take an antibiotic/ एक िदन बीत
digestion involved in the processing their center of mass, & use a जाने से एं टीबायोिटक लेने के िलए काफी
of decayed organic matter. It occurs diagonal sequence gait. दे र हो गयी है |
in saprotrophs, and is most often (b) You need to be vaccinated instead
associated with fungi and soil Q785. Wings of birds are/ पि यों के of taking an antibiotic/ एं टीबायोिटक
bacteria पंख होते ह : लेने के बजाय आपको टीका लगाने की
(a) Modified hind limbs / प रवितत प आव कता है |
Q783. Which one of the following पाद (c) You need an antiseptic, not an
parts of the pitcher plant becomes (b) Special outgrowth/ िवशेष उद् वृ antibiotic/ आपको एं टीसेि क की
modified into a pitcher ?/ (c) Modified forelimbs/ प रवितत आव कता है ना िक एं टीबायोिटक की |
घटपण पौधे का कौन सा भाग प रवितत अ पाद (d) You are infected by a virus/ आप
होकर घट (pitcher ) बन जाता है ? (d) New structure/ नयी संरचना िकसी िवषाणु से सं िमत हो गए ह |
(a) Stem/ तना
(b) Leaf/ प ी Ans. (c) Modified forelimbs Ans. (d) You are infected by a virus
(c) Stipule/ िनप Explanation: The wings are modified Explanation: Viruses insert their
(d) Petioles/ डं ठल forelimbs of birds which are the key genetic material into a human cell's
to bird flight. Each wing composed DNA in order to reproduce.
Ans. (b) Leaf of three limb bones, the humerus, Antibiotics cannot kill viruses
Explanation: Pitcher plants are ulna & radius. because bacteria and viruses have
basically a type of carnivorous plants different mechanisms and machinery
which have modified leaves known Q786. The release of Which among to survive and replicate. The
as pitfall traps. It have a the given into ponds & wells helps in antibiotic has no “target” to attack in
prey-trapping mechanism featuring a controlling mosquitoes - a virus.
deep cavity filled with digestive तालाबों तथा कुँओं म िन म से िकसे [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 101

Q788. Some animals (e.g. lizard) muscle in human body is/ (d) None / कोई नहीं
hibernate for several months, during मानव शरीर की सबसे लंबी मां सपेशी का
unfavourable environmental नाम ा है ? Ans. (b) Gametogenesis
conditions. During these months they (a) Masatter muscle/ चवण मां सपेशी Explanation: Describe the major
suspend all their activities and (b) Gluteus Maximus muscle/ महा events in sexual reproduction.
maintain a very low metabolic rate. िनतंिबका मां सपेशी Formation of the special haploid
The energy for life processes during (c) a and b / a और b cell, the gametes, by meiosis.
these months is derived from/ कुछ (d) Sartorius muscle/ दीघतमा मां सपेशी Fusion of the gametes in pairs,
जीव ( जैसे-िछपकली ) ितकूल forming a diploid cell, the
पयावरणीय प र थितयों म कई महीनों Q790. The name of the longest zygote.
तक शीतिन ा म चले जाते ह | इन महीनों muscle in human body is/ Repeated mitotic divisions of the
के दौरान वे अपनी सभी गितिविधयों को मानव शरीर की सबसे लंबी मां सपेशी का zygote to form embryos.
बंद कर दे ते ह तथा बेहद कम चयापचयी नाम ा है ?
दर बनाए रखते ह | इन महीनों म जीवन (a) Masatter muscle/ चवण मां सपेशी Q793. Autopsy is connected with/
ि याओं के िलए ऊजा की ा कहाँ (b) Gluteus Maximus muscle/ महा ऑटो ी िकस से स ंिधत है ?
से होती है ? िनतंिबका मां सपेशी (a) Post-mortem / पो माटम
(a) stored fat/ संगृिहत वसा (c) a and b / a और b (b) Cancer/ कसर
(b) body proteins/ शारी रक ोटीन (d) Sartorius muscle/ दीघतमा मां सपेशी (c) Study of living cells/ जीिवत
(c) soil available in the crevices/दरारों कोिशकाओं का अ यन
म उपल िम ी Ans. (d) Sartorius (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
(d) small animals available in the Explanation: The Sartorius muscle is
crevices/ दरारों म मौजूद छोटे जीव the longest muscle in the human Ans. (a) Post-mortem
body. Its upper portion forms the Explanation: An autopsy
Ans. (a) Stored fat lateral border of the femoral triangle. (post-mortem examination,
Explanation: Animals prepare for It is a long, thin, superficial muscle obduction, necropsy, or autopsia
hibernation in the fall by storing that runs down the length of the thigh cadaverum) is a surgical procedure
enough food to last them until spring. in the anterior compartment. that consists of a thorough
Chipmunks accomplish this task by examination of a corpse by
filling their burrows with food, Q791. Which of the following part of dissection to determine the cause,
which they consume during periodic brain is also known as 'little brain' -/ mode, and manner of death or to
arousals from hibernation throughout म का िन म से कौन सा भाग लघु evaluate any disease or injury that
the winter. Most animals, however, म भी कहलाता है ? may be present for research or
store energy internally, as fat. (a) Cerebrum/ म educational purposes.
(b) Hypothalamus/ अध ेतक
Q789. Which among the given three (c) Thalamus/ चेतक Q794. Blubber is/ बर है -
R's are regarded as environment (d) Cerebellum/ प म (a) a layer of thick fat / मोटी वसा की
friendly / िन िल खत म से िकस तीन R एक परत
को पयावरण के अनुकूल माना जाता है ? Ans. (d) Cerebellum (b) a device to trap insects by some
(a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle./ कमी, Explanation: The cerebellum is aquatic/ कुछ जलीय पदाथ के ारा
पुनः योग, पुनच ण known as little brain. It may also be कीड़ों को पकड़ने वाला उपकरण
(b) Read, Register, Recall./ पढ़ाई, involved in some cognitive functions (c) fungal infection of rice plants/ धान
पंजीकरण, रण such as attention & language, & in के पौधों म कवकीय सं मण
(c) Reduce, Rebuild, Restrict./ कमी, regulating fear & pleasure responses, (d) a milky secretion of rubber plant/
पुनिनमाण, सीिमत करना but its movement-associated रबड़ के पौधे से दू िधया ाव
(d) Random, Reduce, functions are the most solidly
Recall./या क, कमी, रण established. It is a region of the brain Ans. (a) a layer of thick fat
that plays an important role in motor Explanation: a layer of thick
Ans. (a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. control. fat.Blubber is a thick layer of
Explanation: The 3 R's of vascularized adipose tissue found
eco-friendly living are: Reduce, Q792. The first phase in the sexual under the skin. It can comprise up to
Reuse & Recycle. They all help to reproduction of an organism is/ 50% of the body mass of some
cut down on the amount of waste we एक जीव के लिगक जनन का पहला marine mammals during some points
throw away. They conserve natural चरण है - in their lives. Lipid-rich, collagen
resources, landfill space & energy. (a) Spermatogenesis/ शु ाणुजनन fiberlaced blubber comprises the
(b) Gametogenesis/ यु क जनन hypodermis & covers the whole
Q790. The name of the longest (c) oogenesis/ अंडजनन body, except for parts of the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 102

appendages, strongly attached to the का सार egg cell
musculature & skeleton by highly Explanation: Fertilization occurs
organized, fan-shaped networks of Ans. (c) Germination of seed in fruit when one of the sperm cells fuses
tendons & ligaments. attached to parent plant with the egg inside of an ovule. After
Explanation: Vivipary is the fertilization occurs, each ovule
Q795. The cause of Heart attack is:/ condition whereby the embryo (the develops into a seed. Each seed
िदल का दौरा पड़ने का कारण है - young plant within the seed) grows contains a tiny, undeveloped plant
(a) lack of blood supply to the heart/ first to break through the seed coat called an embryo. The ovary
दय म र आपूित म कमी then out of the fruit wall while still surrounding the ovules develops into
(b) virus/ िवषाणु attached to the parent plant. This a fruit that contains one or more
(c) bacteria/ जीवाणु condition is found in Bruguiera, seeds.
(d) impairment of heart's working due Ceriops, Kandelia and Rhizophora
to unknown reason/ अ ात कारणों से species. Q800. A genetically engineered form
दय का ठीक से काम नहीं कर पाना of brinjal, known as the Bt brinjal
Q798. Protein part of enzyme is has been developed. The objective of
Ans. (a) lack of blood supply to the know as/ this is/
heart एं जाइम के ोटीन भाग को िकस नाम से बगन का एक आनुवंिशक अिभयां ि क
Explanation: A heart attack occurs जाना जाता है ? प िवकिसत िकया गया है िजसका नाम
when the flow of blood to the heart is (a) Holoenzyme/ होलोएं जाइम Bt बगन है | इसे िवकिसत करने का
blocked. The blockage is most often (b) Apoenzyme/ एपोएं जाइम उ े है -
a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other (c) All the above/ उपरो सभी (a) To make it pest resistant/ इसे कीट
substances, which form a plaque in (d) Isoenzyme/ आइसोएं जाइम ितरोधी बनाना
the arteries that feed the heart (b) To improve its taste and nutritive
(coronary arteries). The plaque Ans. (b) Apoenzyme qualities/ इसके ाद तथा पोषण गुणों म
eventually breaks away and forms a Explanation: Enzymes are proteins सुधार करना
clot which help to catalyze the (c) To make its shelf life longer/ इसके
biochemical reaction. The enzyme अचल जीवन को बड़ा करना
Q796. The sum of genes in a has a protein part which is not active (d) To make it drought resistant/ इसे
population is called/ is known as apoenzyme. It gets सूखा ितरोधी बनाना
िकसी आबादी म जीनों के जोड़ को कहा activated by the addition of an
जाता है - organic or inorganic cofactor. The Ans. (a) To make it pest resistant
(a) Phenotype/ फेनोटाइप holoenzyme is defined as apoenzyme Explanation: The genetically
(b) Genotype/ जीनोटाइप in combination with the cofactor. modified brinjal is a suite of
(c) Karyotype/ काय टाइप The cofactor is a non protein part of transgenic brinjals (also known as an
(d) Gene pool/ जीन कुंड the enzyme. It can be metal ions or eggplant or aubergine) created by
the organic chemical. The cofactors inserting a crystal protein gene
Ans. (d) Gene pool which are organic chemicals are (Cry1Ac) from the soil bacterium
Explanation: Phenotype refers to a known as the coenzyme. These are Bacillus thuringiensis into the
set of observable characteristics of an loosely attached to the apoenzyme. genome of various brinjal cultivars.
individual or group resulting from The tightly bound coenzymes are the The insertion of the gene, along with
the interaction of its genotype with prosthetic group. other genetic elements such as
its environment. Gene pool refers to So, the correct answer is option B. promoters, terminators and an
the stock of different genes in an antibiotic resistance marker gene into
interbreeding population. Q799. Fertilization is a process in the brinjal plant is accomplished
which/ िनषेचन एक ि या है िजसम - using Agrobacterium-mediated
Q797. Vivipary mean/ जरयुजता का (a) A male gamete fuse with egg cell/ genetic transformation. The Bt
अथ है - एक नर यु क अंड कोिशका म िमल brinjal has been developed to give
(a) Development of seed after जाता है resistance against lepidopteron
fertilization/ िनषेचन के बाद बीज का (b) Transfer of pollen grains nuclei/ insects, in particular the Brinjal Fruit
िवकास पराग कणों के क क का ह ां तरण and Shoot Borer (Leucinodes
(b) Germination of seed the stem/ तने (c) Fusion of male gamete with polar/ orbonalis)(FSB). Mahyco, an Indian
के प म बीज का अंकुरण नर यु क का पोलर के साथ संलयन seed company based in Jalna,
(c) Germination of seed in fruit (d) Formation of seed from ovule/ Maharashtra, has developed the Bt
attached to parent plant/ जनक पौधे से बीजाणु से बीज का िनमाण brinjal.
जुड़े फल म बीज का अंकुरण
(d) dispersal of many seeds/ कई बीजों Ans. (a) A male gamete fuse with Q801. Which among the given is not [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 103

a right combination? microscope uses a beam of electrons िस िचपको आं दोलन िकस से संबंिधत
िन म से कौन सा एक सही संयोजन to illuminate a specimen & produce a है ?
नहीं है ? magnified image. The electron (a) Saving the wetland/ आ ् भूिमयों की
(a) Diplonema, anaphase I, telophase microscope uses electrostatic & सुर ा
I, mitosis/ ि सू , प ाव था I, अं ाव था electromagnetic 'lenses' to control the (b) Saving the tigers/ बाघों की सुर ा
I, समसू ण electron beam & focus it to form an (c) Trees/ वृ
(b) Leptonema, zygotene, pachynema, image. (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
diplonema/ ले ोनीमा ,समसू ण, थूल
सू , ि सू Q803. If xylem & phloem are Ans. (c) Chipko movement
(c) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, arranged in the same radius, such a Explanation: The Chipko movement
telophase/ पूवाव था, म ाव था, vascular bundle is called: refers to an organized resistance to
प ाव था, अं ाव था यिद जाइलम तथा ोएम को समान the destruction of forests that arose in
(d) Prophase II, metaphase II, ि ा म व थत कर िदया जाए, तो India during the 1970s. The name of
anaphase II, telophase II/ पूवाव था II, इस संवहनी समूह को कहा जाएगा : the movement comes from the word
म ाव था II, प ाव था II, अं ाव था II (a) Concentric/ संक ी 'embrace', as the villagers hugged the
(b) Collateral/ संपाि क trees, & prevented the contractors'
Ans. (a) Diplonema, anaphase I, (c) Radial/ रे िडयल from felling them. In 1987, the
telophase I, mitosis (d) All of these / ये सभी Chipko Movement was.
Stages of mitosis - Prophase, Ans. (b) Collateral Q806. Bryophytes are often called as
Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase Explanation: collateral.In the amphibian plant as they:
Meiosis - Meiosis I - Prophase I, collateral type of vascular bundle, ायोफाइट को अ र उभयचर पादप
Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I xylem & phloem are arranged side कहा जाता है ोंिक वे :
Meiosis II - Prophase II, Metaphase by side on the same radius. Usually (a) Can eat insects/ कीट खा सकते ह |
II, Anaphase II, Telophase II xylem is seen in the direction of the (b) Are found both in water & on
In case of meiosis, Prophase is inner side & phloem in the direction land/ पानी तथा भूिम दोनों जगह पाए
further divided into Leptotene, of outer side. This may be either जाते ह |
Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene, open or closed. The collateral (c) Do not have habitat preference/
Diakinesis vascular bundle is also known as कोई तरजीही आवास नहीं होता
conjoint. (d) Appear like frog/ मढक की तरह
Q802. Electron microscope was िदखते ह |
invented by/ Q804. Which of the following one of
इले ॉन सू दश का आिव ार the following is the infective stage of Ans. (b) Are found both in water &
िकसके ारा िकया गया था ? the Malarial Parasite - on land
(a) Robert Koch/ रॉबट कोच िन म से कौन सा मले रया के परजीवी Explanation: are found both in water
(b) C.P. Swanson/ सी पी ां सन का सं ामक चरण होता है ? & on land.Bryophytes are simple low
(c) Knoll & Ruska/ नॉल और ा (a) Schigozoite/ िशगोजॉइट growing plants, anchored to the
(d) Leeuwenhoek/ ूवेनहॉक (b) Sporozoite/ ोरोजॉइट ground or to tree bark by tiny
(c) Trophozoite / टोफोजॉइट filamentous rhizoids.
Ans. (c) Knoll and Ruska (d) Sporoblast/ ोरो ा
Explanation: Knoll & Ruska.It is Q807. Who among the following is
widely accepted that the 1st Ans. (b) Sporozoite known as the 'Father of Green
prototype of an electron microscope Explanation: When a mosquito sucks Revolution' in India -
was built by Ernst Ruska & Max the blood of a person who has िन म से िक भारत म ह रत ां ित का
Knoll in 1931; it was not more malaria parasites in his or her blood, जनक माना जाता है ?
powerful than an optical microscope, the mosquito picks male & female (a) Van Neil/ वैन नील
but it demonstrated the principle that gametocytes where they undergo a (b) Norman Borlaug/ नॉमन बोरलॉग
is still used in today's sophisticated & series of changes to become (c) G. Paul/ जी पॉल
powerful instruments, & earned its sporozoites. The sporozoites are the (d) Dr. Mithchell/ डॉ िमशेल
builders a share of a Nobel Prize. An infective stages of malaria parasites
electron microscope (EM) has in the mosquito. This process takes Ans. (b) Norman Borlaug
greater resolving power than a about 10 -14 days depending on Explanation: Norman Borlaug, an
light-powered optical microscope as environmental temperature. American biologist & humanitarian,
electrons have wavelengths about is globally known as the Father of
100,000 times shorter than visible Q805. What is the famous 'Chipko' Green Revolution for introducing
light photons. An electron movement related with - techniques that contributed to the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 104

vast increases in agricultural countries to take steps for reducing being eaten as food by the other. A
production. M. He is credited with acid rain/ यह अ वषा को कम करने food chain consists of producers and
saving over a billion people के िलए कदम उठाने हे तु दे शों के बीच consumers. The animals eating plants
worldwide from starvation. S. िकया गया एक समझौता है | are called as primary consumers and
Swaminathan is known as 'Indian animals eating primary consumers
Father of Green Revolution' for his Ans. (a) It is an agreement among are called as secondary consumers.
leadership in introducing & further countries to take steps for reducing
developing high yielding varieties of global warming Q812. When a single gene controls
wheat in India. Explanation: The Kyoto Protocol is the expression of more than one
an international treaty, which extends character, it is said to be/
Q808. If water smells bad, then that the 1992 United Nations Framework जब एक ही जीन एक से अिधक गुणों की
odour can be removed by adding/ Convention on Climate Change अिभ को िनयंि त करता है , तो इसे
यिद पानी से बदबू आ रही है , तो इस (UNFCCC) that commits State कहा जाता है -
बदबू को ______ के ारा दू र िकया जा Parties to reduce greenhouse gases (a) Autotrophic/ पोषी
सकता है | emissions, based onthe premise that (b) Pleiotropic/ ब भावी
(a) Bleach/ िवरं जन (a ) global warming exists & (b ) (c) Allotropic/ ब पी
(b) Deactivated nitrogen/ िन य man-made CO2 emissions have (d) Heterotrophic/ परपोषी
नाइटोजन caused it. It aims to fight global
(c) Activated carbon/ सि य काबन warming by reducing greenhouse gas Ans. (b) Pleiotropic
(d) Alum/ िफटिकरी concentrations in the atmosphere. Explanation: When a single gene has
The treaty was negotiated in an effect on the expression of two or
Ans. (c) Activated carbon December 1997 at the city of Kyoto, more phenotypic traits, it is said to
Explanation: activated Japan & came into force on February have a pleiotropic effect on the traits.
carbon.Adding powdered activated 16, 2005. For example, testosterone controls
carbon to water or using of granular the development of what are referred
activated carbon (GAC) in the water Q810. Which is regarded as a link to as secondary sexual
filter can remove bad taste & foul between the living and the characteristics, but it also relates to
odour. Activated carbon works by a non-living? behavioral traits like aggression.
phenomenon called 'Adsorption', िकसे सजीव तथा िनज व के बीच की एक Thus, a gene that controls the levels
which is where the odour compound कड़ी माना जाता है ? of testosterone would have a
is trapped inside the activated carbon (a) Amoeba/ अमीबा pleiotropic effect on the expression
& retained, but the material doing the (b) Virus/ िवषाणु of many secondary sexual traits
adsorption does not change size. (c) Bacteria/ जीवाणु which are morphological, in addition
Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is (d) RNA/ आरएनए behavioral.
the preferred method when the taste
& odour is moderate & infrequent. Ans. (b) Virus Q813. The two strands of the DNA
Explanation: Viruses are the double helix are held together by
Q809. What is the Kyoto Protocol/ connecting link between the living डीएनए दोहरी कुंडली की दो िक ों को
ोटो ोटोकॉल ा है ? and the non-living. This is because एक साथ कैसे रखा जाता है ?
(a) It is an agreement among viruses are non-cellular organisms (a) C=C double bonds/ C = C दोहरा
countries to take steps for reducing that are characterised by having an बंध
global warming/ वैि क तापन को कम inert crystalline structure outside the (b) Hydrogen bonds/ हाइडोजन बंध
करने के िलए कदम उठाने हे तु यह दे शो living cell. (c) Peptide bonds/ पे ाइड बंध
के बीच िकया गया एक समझौता है | (d) None / कोई नहीं
(b) It is an agreement among Q811. A food chain consists of a/
countries to start using nuclear खा ृंखला म शािमल होते ह - Ans. (b) Hydrogen bonds
energy/ यह परमाणु ऊजा का योग (a) Decomposer only/ केवल अपघटक Explanation: The DNA double helix
शु करने के िलए दे शों के बीच िकया (b) Producer and a consumer/ is held together by hydrogen bonds
गया एक समझौता है | उ ादक तथा उपभो ा between the bases attached to the two
(c) It is an agreement among (c) Consumer only/ केवल उपभो ा strands. The DNA double helix. The
countries to take steps for planting (d) Producer only/ केवल उ ादक two sides are the sugar-phosphate
trees to control pollution/ यह दू षण backbones, composed of alternating
को िनयंि त करने के िलए कदम उठाने Ans. (b) Producer and a consumer phosphate groups and deoxyribose
हे तु दे शों के बीच िकया गया एक समझौता Explanation: A food chain is series sugars. The nitrogenous bases face
है | of plants/animals which are the center of the double helix.
(d) It is an agreement among interrelated in the form of organism [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 105

Q814. Which among the given gas के नीले तथा लाल े म जब हम िकसी व ु को दे खते ह, तो
leaked in the Bhopal Gas tragedy in रे िटना पर बनने वाला ितिबंब होता है -
December 1984 - Ans. (d) Blue & red region of light (a) Virtual & inverted/ आभासी तथा
िदसंबर 1984 म भोपाल गैस ासदी म Explanation: blue & red region of उ ा
िन म से कौन सी गैस का रसाव आ light.Wavelength of light between (b) Virtual & erect/ आभासी तथा सीधा
था ? 400 nm & 700 nm is most effective (c) Real & inverted/ वा िवक तथा
(a) Methyl isocyanate/ िमथाइल for photosynthesis. Comparatively उ ा
आइसोसाइनेट more photosynthesis occurs is red & (d) Real & erect/ वा िवक तथा सीधा
(b) Methyl phosphate/ िमथाइल blue regions though others have
फॉ े ट significant net photosynthesis. This Ans. (c) Real & inverted
(c) Methyl isopropate/ िमथाइल light is called photosynthetically Explanation: Real & inverted.The
आइसो ोपेट active radiation (PAR). Light has retina is the thin light-sensitive
(d) Methyl isochlorate/ िमथाइल max. efficiency in red & min. in blue membrane lining the inner eyeball-in
आइसो ोरे ट region. In both these regions light is the direction of the back of the eye.
absorbed by chlorophylls. Red light When the images formed are real &
Ans. (a) Methyl isocyanate favours more carbohydrate inverted, the message sent by the
Explanation: Methyl isocyanate.In accumulation while blue light optic nerve are chemical impulses
the gas tragedy that occurred at the which turn them into erect images
Union Carbide India Limited Q817. 'White Revolution' is that we see. As our eye lens are
pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya associated to convex in nature, they form mostly
Pradesh, on 2-3 December 1984, ेत ां ित िकस से संबंिधत है ? real & inverted images on the retina.
over 500,000 people were exposed to (a) Flood control/ बाढ़ िनयं ण
toxic methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas & (b) Fish production/ म उ ादन Q820. RBCs do not perform aerobic
other chemicals. An estimated (c) Milk production/ दू ध उ ादन respiration as these do not contain/
10,000 or more people died. (d) Wheat production/ गे ँ उ ादन आरबीसी वायवीय सन का काय नहीं
करते ह ोंिक इनम ____ नहीं होता |
Q815. What are the folds found in Ans. (c) Milk production (a) Endoplasmic Reticulum/ अ ः
the mucous lining of the empty Explanation: Milk production.White द यी जिलका
stomach - Revolution is associated to enhanced (b) Nucleus/ क क
खाली पेट की िचपिचपी परत म पायी milk production. Verghese Kurien, (c) Lysosomes/लाइसोसोम
जाने वाली िसकुड़न ा होती ह - father of the '' White Revolution'' & (d) Mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडया
(a) Rugae/ झु रयां founder of the cooperative dairy
(b) Areolae/ प रवेश movement in India passed away on Ans. (d) Mitochondria
(c)a and b both / a और b दोनों September 9, 2012. Explanation: Red Blood Corpuscles
(d) Villi/ िव ी (RBCs) do not contain Mitochondria.
Q818. Cadmium pollution is related
Ans. (a) Rugae with: Q821. Aflatoxins are produced by
Explanation: Rugae.The inner layer कैडिमयम दू षण िकस से संबंिधत है ? ए ाटॉ न का उ ादन कौन करता है
of the stomach is full of wrinkles (a) Minamata disease/ िमनीमाता रोग ?
known as rugae (or gastric folds). (b) Black foot disease/ काला पैर रोग (a) Fungi / कवक
Rugae both allow the stomach to (c) Dyslexia/ िड े या (b) Algae/ शैवाल
stretch in order to accommodate big (d) Itai-itai/ इताई-इताई (c) Bacteria/ जीवाणु
meals & help to grip & move food (d) Viruses/ िवषाणु
during digestion. Ans. (d) Itai-itai
Explanation: Itai-itai disease ( Ans. (a) Fungi
Q816. Max. photosynthetic activity itai-itai byō, "it hurts-it hurts Explanation: Aflatoxin are naturally
occurs in: disease") was the name given to the occurring mycotoxins that are
अिधकतम काश सं ेषी गितिविधयाँ mass cadmium poisoning of Toyama produced by Aspergillus flavus &
होती ह - Prefecture, Japan, starting around Aspergillus parasiticus, species of
(a) Green & yellow region of light/ 1912. The term "itai-itai disease" was fungi. They have been related with
काश के हरे और पीले े म coined by locals for the severe pains various diseases, such as
(b) Violet & orange region of light/ people with the condition felt in the aflatoxicosis, in livestock, domestic
काश के बगनी तथा नारं गी े म spine and joints. animals & humans throughout the
(c) Blue & orange region of light/ world.
काश के नीले तथा नारं गी े म Q819. When we see an object, the
(d) Blue & red region of light/ काश image formed on the retina is/ Q822. Mendel's work was [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 106

rediscovered in 1901 by/ like iron, zinc & Vitamin A. This rice
मडल के काय की 1901 म पुनः िकसके Q824. The conditions necessary for is rich in beta-carotene & provides
ारा खोज की गयी थी ? seed germination are/ vitamin A to the children.
(a) Correns, Tschermark and de Vries/ बीज अंकुरण के िलए आव क
कॉरस, शेरमाक और डी ाईस प र थितयाँ कौन सी ह ? Q826. Which among the given
(b) Darwin/ डािवन (a) Soil, moisture and temperature/ agricultural practices have been
(c) Bateson and Punnett/ बेट्सन और िम ी, नमी तथा तापमान primarily responsible for pollution of
पुनेट (b) Temperature, oxygen and our water resources - /
(d) T. H. Morgan/ टी एच मॉगन nitrogen/ तापमान, ऑ ीजन तथा िन म से कौन सी कृिष प ितयाँ हमारे
नाइटोजन जल संसाधनों म दू षण के िलए मु
Ans. (a) Correns, Tschermark and de (c) Moisture, oxygen and प से िज़ ेदार रही ह ?
Vries temperature/ नमी, ऑ ीजन तथा 1. Use of livestock manure/ पशु खाद
Explanation: Three botanists - Hugo तापमान का योग 2. Use of chemical
DeVries, Carl Correns and Erich von (d) Carbon dioxide, light and oxygen/ fertilisers/ रासायिनक उवरकों का
Tschermak - independently काबन डाइऑ ाइड, काश तथा योग 3. Excessive use of chemical
rediscovered Mendel's work in the ऑ ीजन pesticides/ रासायिनक कीटनाशकों का
same year, a generation after Mendel अ िधक योग 4.
published his papers. They helped Ans. (c) Moisture, oxygen and Deforestation/िनवनीकरण
expand awareness of the Mendelian temperature (a) 1 & 2
laws of inheritance in the scientific Explanation: All seeds need water, (b) 2 & 3
world. oxygen, and proper temperature in (c) 1, 3 & 4
order to germinate. Some seeds (d) 1, 2 & 4
Q823. What does the term 'Ebola' require proper light also. Some
stand for -/ germinate better in full light while Ans. (b) 2 & 3
‘इबोला’ श का अथ ा है ? others require darkness to germinate. Explanation: Use of chemical
(a) A city in Syria destroyed by ISIS./ When a seed is exposed to the proper fertilisers & excessive use of
सी रया का एक शहर िजसे ISIS ने तबाह conditions, water and oxygen are chemical pesticides are primarily
कर िदया | taken in through the seed coat. responsible for pollution of our water
(b) A viral disease outbreak in West resources.
Africa/ एक सं ामक रोग जो पि मी Q825. In bio fortification technique
अ ीका म फैला था | plant breeders use breeding to Q827. AIDS is caused by the Human
(c) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं overcome/ Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) The
(d) A viral disease outbreak in बायो फोट िफकेशन तकनीक म, पादप transmission of HIV infection
Bangladesh/ एक सं ामक रोग जो जनक जनन का योग _____ पर generally occurs through.
बां ादे श म फैला था | काबू पाने के िलए करते ह | एड् स ह्यूमन इ ूनोिडिफिशएं सी
(a) Loss due to plant diseases/ पादप वायरस ( एचआइवी ) के कारण होता है |
Ans. (b) A viral disease outbreak in रोगों के कारण होने वाली हािन एचआइवी सं मण का सार आमतौर
West Africa (b) Deficiencies of micronutrients & पर _____ के ारा होता है |
Explanation: A viral disease outbreak vitamins/ सू पोषक त ों तथा (a) Shaking hand with infected
in West Africa. Ebola is a viral िवटािमनों की कमी person/ सं िमत से हाथ िमलाना
hemorrhagic fever of humans & (c) Loss due to insect pests/ कीटों के (b) Eating contaminated food and
other primates caused by कारण होने वाली हािन water/ दू िषत भोजन तथा जल का सेवन
ebolaviruses. The largest outbreak to (d) Fall in food production/ खा ा करना
date of Ebola was the epidemic in उ ादन म कमी (c) Transfusion of contaminated blood
West Africa, which occurred from and blood products/ दू िषत र तथा
December 2013 to January 2016 with Ans. (b) Deficiencies of र उ ादों का संचारण
28,616 cases & 11,310 deaths. But micronutrients & vitamins (d) Inhaling polluted air/ दू िषत हवा
the history of the Ebola virus goes Explanation: Deficiencies of म अ र लेना ( सन )
back further. It was first identified in micronutrients &
Zaire (modern day Democratic vitamins.Biofortification refers to the Ans. (c) Transfusion of contaminated
Republic of the Congo) in 1976. The breeding of crops to increase their blood and blood products
first victim was a schoolmaster in the nutritional value. for example, Explanation: HIV is spread only in
village of Yambuku in the north of Golden rice was produced using the certain body fluids from a person
the country. The disease got its name method of biofortification. The crops who has HIV. These fluids are blood,
from the nearby Ebola River, a produced through biofortification semen, pre-seminal fluids, rectal
tributary of the Congo River. method are always rich in nutrients fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 107

milk. In the United States, HIV is Explanation: Ovulation is the release locomotion. Its thighs and hips were
spread mainly by having sex or of an egg from one of a woman's adapted for erect standing, walking
sharing injection drug equipment, ovaries. After the egg is released, it and running. This man lived from 4
such as needles, with someone who travels down the fallopian tube, to 1.5 million years ago in caves
has HIV where fertilization by a sperm cell during Pleistocene period.
may occur. Ovulation typically lasts
Q828. Algal bloom results from/ one day and occurs in the middle of a Q834. 'Pigeon milk' is produced by/
शैवाल ु टन _____ के woman's menstrual cycle, about two ‘कबूतर दू ध’ बनता है -
प रणाम प होता है | weeks before she expects to get her (a) Birds / पि यों म
(a) Global warming/ वैि क तापन period. (b) All of the above/ उपरो सभी म
(b) Salination/ लवणीकरण (c) Crop/ फसलों म
(c) Eutrophication/ सुपोषण Q831. Which of the following is (d) Mammals/ नधा रयों म
(d) Biomagnification/ जैव आवधन most primitive ancestor of man ?/
मनु का सबसे आिदम पूवज िन म से Ans. (a) Birds
Ans. (c) Eutrophication कौन सा है ? Explanation: Crop milk is a secretion
Explanation: Eutrophication.An algal (a) Homo habilis/ होमो है िबिलस from the lining of the crop of parent
bloom is a rapid increase or (b) Ramapithecus / िसवािपथेकस birds that is regurgitated to young
accumulation in the population of (c) Australopithecus/ आ े लोिपिथ birds. Crop milk is also produced by
algae in freshwater or marine water (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं flamingos & some penguins. They
systems, & are recognized by the are found In all pigeons & doves
discoloration in the water from their Ans. (b) Ramapithecus where they are referred to as pigeon
pigments. This is known as Explanation: Ramapithecus belongs milk. Crop milk bears little
eutrophication. Algal blooms are the to Pliocene epoch, so it is the most resemblance to mammalian milk,
consequence of the enrichment of a primitive ancestor of man. being a semi-solid substance
water body with nutrients, usually somewhat like pale yellow cottage
with an excess amount of nutrients. Q832. Earth originated in the past cheese.
period of about/
Q829. Man belongs to the phylum पृ ी की उ ि लगभग ______ पहले Q835. Rheumatic heart disease is
मनु का संबंध िकस समुदाय से है ? ई| treated with the help of:
(a) Amphibian/ उभयचर (a) 4.5 billion years/ 4.5 अरब वष मैिटक ( गिठया से संबंिधत ) दय रोग
(b) Porifera/ पो रफेरा (b) 8.0 billion years/ 8.0 अरब वष का उपचार िकसकी सहायता से िकया
(c) Chordata/ र ुकी (c) 3 billion years/ 3 अरब वष जाता है ?
(d) Mollusca/ मोल ा (d) 1 billion years/ 1 अरब वष (a) Aspirin/ ए रन
(b) Streptomycin/ े पटोमाइिसन
Ans. (c) Chordata Ans. (a) 4.5 billion years (c) Methyldopa/ िमथाइलडोपा
Explanation: Kingdom: Animalia Explanation: The pre geologic (d) Penicillin / पेिनिसिलन
Phylum: Chordata period. From the point at which the
Class: Mammalia planet first began to form, the history Ans. (a) Aspirin
Order: Primates of Earth spans approximately 4.6 Explanation: .Rheumatic heart
Suborder: Haplorhini billion years. It is widely accepted by disease is heart valve damage that
Infraorder: Simiiformes both geologists and astronomers that occurs after an episode of rheumatic
Family: Hominidae Earth is roughly 4.6 billion years old. fever. Aspirin in anti inflammatory
Subfamily: Homininae doses effectively reduces all
Tribe: Hominini Q833. Which ancestor of man for the manifestations of the disease except
Genus: Homo first time began the bipedal chorea, & the response is typically
locomotion ?/ मनु के िकस पूवज ने dramatic. To reduce inflammation,
Q830. The release of the egg/ovum पहली बार ि पाद िवचरण शु िकया था aspirin, steroids, or nonsteroidal
from the ovary is called/ ? medications may be given.
अंडाशय से अंड/अंडाणु के िनकलने की (a) Cro magnon man/ ोमै ान मानव
ि या को कहते ह - (b) Australopithecus/ आ े लोिपिथ Q836. The Drone in honey-bee are/
(a) Fertilisation / िनषेचन (c) Java-opeman/ जावा-ओपमैन मधुम यों म डोन होते/होती ह -
(b) Menstruation/ माहवारी (d) Peking man/ पीिकंग मानव (a) Fertile female/ जनन म मादा
(c) Secretion/ ाव (b) Fertile male/ जनन म नर
(d) Ovulation/ िड ो जन Ans. (b) Australopithecus (c) Sterile male/ बाँ झ मादा
Explanation: Australopithecus was (d) Sterile female / बाँ झ नर
Ans. (d) Ovulation the first ape man having fully bipedal [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 108

Ans. (b) Fertile male be responsible for the development चार मु र समूह ( A, B, AB तथा O
Explanation: Drones are male honey of gynecomastia. ) ह | AB र समूह की लाल कोिशकाएँ
bees. They develop from eggs that वहन करती ह -
have not been fertilized, & they Q839. The condition in which a clot (a) Neither A nor B antigens/ ना तो A
cannot sting, since the worker bee's is formed in the artery is/ और ना ही B ितजन
stinger is a modified ovipositor (an वह थित कौन सी है िजसम धमनी म (b) Both A and B antigens/ A और B
egg laying organ). थ ा बन जाता है ? दोनों ितजन
(a) No such situation / ऐसी थित नहीं (c) Sometimes A antigen and
Q837. The enzyme which catalyzes होती sometimes B antigen/ कभी-कभी A
the unwinding of DNA helix during (b) Haemophilia/ हीमोिफिलया ितजन तथा कभी-कभी B ितजन
replication is: (c) Arteriosclerosis / धमनीकािठ (d) A antigen only/ केवल A ितजन
व एं जाइम जो ितकृित के दौरान डीएनए (d) clotting/ थ ा जमना
कुंडली के खुलने की ि या को उ े रत Ans. (b) Both A and B antigens
करता है - Ans. (c) Arteriosclerosis
(a) Helicase/ हे िलकेज Explanation: A build up of Q842. The largest mixed gland of
(b) Topoisomerase/ टोपोआइसोमेरेज cholesterol plaque in the walls of human body is:
(c) Primase/ ाइमेज arteries, causing obstruction of blood मानव शरीर की सबसे बड़ी िमि त ंिथ
(d) DNA polymerase/ डीएनए flow. Plaques may rupture, causing है :
पॉलीमेरेज acute occlusion of the artery by clot. (a) Pancreas/ अ ाशय
(b) Liver/ यकृत
Ans. (a) Helicase Q840. Which among the given is (c) Spleen/ ीहा
Explanation: A type of helicase inrightly paired with its function?/ (d) Thymus/ थाइमस
enzyme called DNA helicase िन म से िकसका िमलान उसके काय के
catalyzes the unwinding of the DNA साथ नहीं िकया गया है ? Ans. (a) Pancreas
helix at the time of replication. The (a) Fallopian tube: catches ova and Explanation: Pancreas is a mixed
enzyme is needed to separate the two conducts them towards the uterus/ gland having both endocrine &
strands of DNA It uses the energy िड वाही निलका : अंडाणुओं को exocrine functions. The endocrine
released through hydrolysis of ATP पकड़ती है तथा उ गभाशय म ले जाती portion secretes two hormones,
(Adenosine triphosphate) to break है | insulin & glucagon, into the blood.
the hydrogen bonds between the two (b) Seminal vesicles: produce a The exocrine portion secretes
strands. sugar-containing fluid to nourish the digestive enzymes into the
sperm/ duodenum via the pancreatic duct.
Q838. 'Gynecomastia' is/ वीय पुिटका : वीय के पोषण के िलए
पुं नबृ है - शकरा यु तरल का िनमाण करती है Q843. In the event of a snake bite, a
(a) Development of an extra finger in (c) Epididymis: maturation and piece of cloth is tied tightly around
females / मिहलाओं म एक अित र storage of sperm / the wound to/
ऊँगली का िवकास अिधवृषण : वीय की प रप ता तथा सपदं श की दशा म, घाव के चारो तरफ
(b) Development of breasts in males/ भंडारण के िलए मजबूती से एक कपड़ा बां धा जाता है |
पु षों म न का िवकास (d) Prostate gland: secretes ों ?
(c) Increased height in females/ testosterone, a male sex hormone/ (a) Prevent the poison from
मिहलाओं की लंबाई म वृ ो े ट ंिथ : टे ो े रोन ािवत करती spreading/ िवष को फैलने से रोकने के
(d) Development of hair on ears in है , जो पु षों का से हॉम न है | िलए
males/ पु षों के कानों म बाल आना (b) Prevent the poison from
Ans. (d) Prostate gland: secretes circulating to the brain, causing
Ans. (b) Development of breasts in testosterone, a male sex hormone cerebral haemorrhage/िवष को म
males Explanation: The prostate gland is a तक प ँ चने से रोकने के िलए, जो
Explanation: Gynecomastia is male reproductive organ whose main म से र ाव का कारण बन
swelling of the breast tissue in boys function is to secrete prostate fluid, सकता है |
or men,caused by an imbalance of one of the components of semen. The (c) Prevent the poison from returning
the hormones estrogen & muscles of the prostate gland also to the heart/ िवष को दय तक लौटने से
testosterone.The development of help propel this seminal fluid into the रोकने के िलए
gynecomastia is usually related with urethra during ejaculation (d) Prevent the poison from mixing
benign pubertal change. Disturbances with the blood/ िवष को र म िमलने
in the endocrine system that lead to Q841. There are four main blood से रोकने के िलए
an rise in the ratio of groups (A, B, AB, O). The red cells
estrogens/androgens are thought to of the blood group AB carry/ Ans. (a) Prevent the poison from [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 109

spreading known as bioamplification or से आरएनए अणु-
biological magnification, is any (a) None of the above / उपरो म से
Q844. Which among the given is a concentration of a toxin, such as कोई नहीं
difference between active transport pesticides, in the tissues of tolerant (b) Adenine, guanine, cytosine and
(AT) and facilitated diffusion (FD)? / organisms at successively higher uracil/ एडीनाइन, ानीन, साइटोसीन
सि य प रवहन ( AT ) तथा सुगम सार levels in a food chain. तथा युरेिसल
(FD ) के बीच िन म से कौन सा अंतर (c) Adenine and guanine/ एडीनाइन
होता है ? Q846. For a healthy heart, one needs और ानीन
(a) FD requires energy from ATP and to take a balanced diet, adequate (d) Adenine, guanine and cytosine /
AT does not/ एफडी को एटीपी से ऊजा sleep & / एडीनाइन , ानीन तथा साइटोसीन
की आव कता होती है जबिक एटी को थ दय के िलए को संतुिलत
नहीं आहार तथा पया नींद लेनी चािहए और Ans. (b) Adenine, guanine, cytosine
(b) FD involves transport proteins and - and uracil
AT does not / एफडी म प रवहन ोटीन (a) do sedentary work/ गितहीन काय
शािमल होते ह जबिक एटी म नहीं | करना चािहए Q848. Consider the following
(c) AT involves transport proteins and (b) play games like carrom, chess & regions of India/
FD does not/ एटी म प रवहन ोटीन cards/ कैरम, शतरं ज तथा ताश जैसे खेल भारत के िन िल खत े ों पर िवचार
शािमल होते ह जबिक एफडी म नहीं | खेलने चािहए कर|
(d) AT requires energy from ATP and (c) do right amount of physical 1. Western Ghat / पि मी घाट
FD does not/ एटी को एटीपी से ऊजा की exercise/ सही मा ा म शारी रक ायाम 2. Aravali Hills/ अरावली पहािड़याँ
आव कता होती है जबिक एफडी को करना चािहए 3. Eastern Himalayas/ पूव िहमालय
नहीं (d) indulge in vigorous mental Which of the above is / are
activities/ जोरदार मानिसक गितिविधयों biodiversity hot spot / hot spots./
Ans. (d) AT requires energy from को शािमल होना चािहए इनम से कौन-कौन जैव िविवधता
ATP and FD does not हॉट ॉट ह ?
Explanation: Active transport is the Ans. (c) do right amount of physical (a) 1 only
movement of molecules across a exercise (b) 1 and 3 only
membrane from a region of lower Explanation: do right amount of (c) 2 and 3 only
concentration to a region of higher physical exercise.Physical activity is (d) 1, 2 and 3
concentration—against the any form of movement that works
concentration gradient. Active our muscles & uses more energy than Ans. (b) 1 and 3 only
transport requires cellular energy to we use when resting. Being Explanation: It hosts 4 biodiversity
achieve this movement. physically active, along with hotspots: the Himalayas, the Western
Facilitated diffusion (also known as following a healthy diet & not Ghats, the Indo-Burma region and
facilitated transport or smoking, is one of the most the Sundaland (Includes Nicobar
passive-mediated transport) is the important things one can do to keep group of Islands). These hotspots
process of spontaneous passive heart & lungs healthy. Walking, have numerous endemic species.
transport (as opposed to active running, dancing, swimming, yoga &
transport) of molecules or ions across gardening are examples of physical Q849. Just as the division of
a biological membrane via specific activity. Physical activity strengthens cytoplasm is called cytokinesis, the
transmembrane integral proteins. our heart & reduces coronary heart division of nucleus is called/
disease risk factors. It can also lower जैसे कोिशका के िवभाजन को
Q845. Biomagnification implies/ blood pressure; improve & manage कोिशका- िवभाजन कहा जाता है ,
जैव आवधन का ता य है : levels of cholesterol & other fats in वैसे ही क क के िवभाजन को ा कहा
(a) Light is magnified/ काश को the blood; improve our body's ability जाता है ?
आविधत िकया जाता है | to manage blood sugar & insulin (a) Meiosis/ अधसू ी िवभाजन
(b) Toxic matters are magnified/ levels, which lowers our risk for type (b) Karyokinesis/ सू ीिवभाजन
िवषा पदाथ को आविधत िकया जाता 2 diabetes; help us maintain a healthy (c) None/ कोई नहीं
है | weight; & reduce levels of C-reactive (d) Mitosis/ समसू ण
(c) Living beings are magnified/ protein (CRP) in our body, a sign of
सजीवों को आविधत िकया जाता है | inflammation. High levels of CRP Ans. (b) Karyokinesis
(d) Food is magnified/भोजन को may raise the risk for heart disease. Explanation: Cytokinesis is the
आविधत िकया जाता है | biological process involving the
Q847. The RNA molecules from a division of a cell's cytoplasm during
Ans. (b) Toxic matters are magnified single strand of ribonucleotides of mitosis or meiosis.
Explanation: Biomagnification, also राइबो ू योटाइड् स की एकल िक Karyokinesis is the biological [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 110

process involving the division of a progesterone. nerve that contains parasympathetic
cell's nucleus during mitosis or fibres.
meiosis Q852. Which of the following is the
hardest substance in the human Q855. Genes, the hereditary units,
Q850. Ginger is a stem & not a root body? are located in the
as/ मानव शरीर म सबसे कठोर पदाथ जीन, जो वंशानुगत इकाइयाँ है ,कहाँ
अदरक एक तना है ना िक जड़ ोंिक िन िल खत म से कौन सा है ? थत ह?
(a) It lacks chlorophyll/ इसम (a) Bone/ह ी (a) nuclear membrane/के क िझ ी
ोरोिफल नहीं होता (b) Enamel/दं तव (b) chromosomes /गुणसू
(b) It has nodes & internodes/ इसम (c) Dentine/दं तधातु (c) lysosomes/लाइसोसोम
गां ठ तथा पोर होती ह | (d) Nail/नाखून (d) cell membrane/ कोिशका िझ ी
(c) It grows horizontally in the soil/
यह िम ी म ैितज प से उगता है Ans. (b) Enamel Ans. (b) Chromosomes
(d) It stores food material/ यह खा Explanation: Enamel is the hardest Explanation: Genes are located in
पदाथ संगृही करता है | substance in the human body and Chromosomes. A chromosome is
contains the highest percentage of made of a very long strand of DNA
Ans. (b) It has nodes & internodes minerals, 96%, with water and and contains many genes. The genes
Explanation: It has nodes & organic material composing the rest. on each chromosome are arranged in
internodes.Ginger is a modified stem. The primary mineral is a particular sequence, and each gene
A rhizome is a thick horizontally hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline has a particular location on the
growing stem which usually stores calcium phosphate. chromosome (called its locus).
food material. A rhizome to be exact.
It has nodes & internodes, scale Q853. Length of alimentary canal in Q856. Phylloclade is a modified
leaves, axillary buds, adventitious the human system is पणाभ वृंत एक प रवितत _____ है |
roots & a terminal bud. Scale leaves मानव णाली म आहार नली की ल ाई (a) Stem/ तना
enclosing the axillary buds are seen िकतनी है ? (b) Root/ जड़
arising from the nodal points of the (a) 22 Feet/ 22 फीट (c) Leaf/ प ी
stem. Some of the axillary buds (b) 22 Metres/22 मीटर (d) Flower/ फूल
develop into branches which grow (c) 32 Feet /32 फीट
upwards into the air & then produce (d) 40 Feet/ 40 फीट Ans. (a) Stem
normal green foliage leaves. Usually Explanation: Phylloclades and
the growing points of the rhizome Ans. (c) 32 feet cladodes are flattened,
continue to remain underground Explanation: Alimentary canal is a photosynthetic shoots, which are
causing an elongation of the rhizome. long tube through which food is usually considered to be modified
Roots develop from the lower taken into the body and digested.In branches. The two terms are used
surface of the rhizome. Eg. Ginger, human beings, this passage is about either differently or interchangeably
Turmeric. 30 ft (9 m) long." The alimentary by different authors. Phyllocladus, a
canal, or the digestive tract as it is genus of conifer, is named after these
Q851. Estrogen and Progesterone most commonly known, is 9 meters structures.
control and stimulate the growth in: from the esophagus to the anus.
ए ोजेन और ोजे े रोन िकसके Q857. _______gave the theory of
िनयं ण और िवकास को ो ािहत करते Q854. Vagus cranial nerve is the pulsation.
ह? वेगस कपाल तंि का है - _______ ंदना के िस ां त का
(a) Pituitary Gland/पीयूिषका- ंिथ (a) Smallest/सबसे छोटी ितपादन िकसने िकया?
(b) Thyroid Gland/थायरॉइड ंिथ (b) Longest/सबसे लंबी (a) R.C. Bose/आर.सी. बोस
(c) Mammary Gland/ न ंिथ (c) Most sensitive/सवािधक
(d) Suprarenal Gland/अिधवृ ंिथ संवेदनशील (b) J.C. Bose/ जे.सी. बोस
(d) All the above/उपरो सभी (c) S.C. Bose /एस.सी. बोस
Ans. (c) Mammary gland (d) K.C. Bose/के.सी. बोस
Explanation: The female Ans. (b) Longest
reproductive hormones, estrogens, Explanation: Vagus nerve, also called Ans. (b) J.C. Bose
progesterone, and prolactin, have a X cranial nerve or 10th cranial nerve, Explanation: Sir J.C. Bose proposed
major impact on breast cancer and longest and most complex of the a theory of ascent of sap known as
control postnatal mammary gland cranial nerves. The vagus nerve runs pulsation theory. The pulsation
development. Optimal mammary from the brain through the face and theory states that water is absorbed
growth requires both estrogen and thorax to the abdomen. It is a mixed by the plants due to the metabolic [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 111

activity of living cells which are in Submerged leaves of aquatic plants cuticles, lost or finely divided leaves,
constant state of rythmic pulsation are astomatic. reduced stomata, and CAM
Q858. Biodegradable wastes can photosynthesis. Water storage
usually be converted into useful Q861. Which of the following adaptations include succulence and
substances with the help of: amphibians lacks tongue? protective coverings of color, wax,
जैविन ीकरण कचरे को आमतौर पर िन िल खत उभयचरों म से िकसकी जीभ hair, and/or spines.
िकसकी मदद से उपयोगी पदाथ म नहीं है ?
बदला जा सकता है ? (a) Sphenodon/ ीनोडॉन Q864. Minamata disease was caused
(a) nuclear proteins/नािभकीय ोटीन (b) Salamander/सालामडर due to
(b) radio-active substances/ (c) Ichthyophis/इ योिफस िमनमाता रोग िकसके कारण होता है ?
रे िडयोधम पदाथ (d) Necturus/ने ूरस (a) Lead/शीशा
(c) viruses/वायरस (b) Cyanide/साइनाइड
(d) bacteria/जीवाणु Ans. (c) Ichthyophis (c) Mercury /पारा
Explanation: Ichthyophis lacks (d) Methyl isocyanate/िमथाइल
Ans. (d) Bacteria tongue. It is sometimes called the आइसोसाइनेट
Explanation: Biodegradable waste Asian caecilians. It is limbless
includes any organic matter in waste amphibian. Ans. (c) Mercury
which can be broken down into Explanation: Minamata disease,
carbon dioxide, water, methane or Q862. Guard cells have sometimes referred to as
simple organic molecules by र क कोिशकाएँ ह- Chisso-Minamata disease, is a
microorganisms such as bacteria. (a) Chloroplasts/ ोरो ा neurological syndrome caused by
Biodegradable waste can be used for (b) High osmotic pressure/उ severe mercury poisoning.
composting or a resource for heat, परासरणी दबाव Symptoms include ataxia, numbness
electricity and fuel by means of (c) Cell sap/कोिशका - व in the hands and feet, general muscle
incineration or anaerobic digestion. (d) All the above/उपरो सभी weakness, narrowing of the field of
vision and damage to hearing and
Q859. Which of the following breaks Ans. (d) All the above speech.
the dormancy of potato tubers ? Explanation: The guard cells contain
िन िल खत म से कौन आलू के कंद की chloroplasts, so they can Q865. The number of stomata is
िन यता को समा करता है ? manufacture food by photosynthesis more
(a) IAA/इं डोल-3-एिसिटक अ (The epidermal cells do not contain रं ों की सं ा सबसे अिधक कहाँ है ?
(b) Gibberellin/िगबरे िलन chloroplasts) Guard cells are the only (a) On the lower surface of the
(c) ABA/ए िसक एिसड epidermal cells that can make sugar. leaf/प ी की िनचली सतह पर
(d) Zeatin/ ज़ेिटन This, together with the sugars (b) On the upper surface of the
formed, lowers the water potential in leaf/प ी की ऊपरी सतह पर
Ans. (b) Gibberellin the guard cells. (c) Or less the same in both
Explanation: Gibberellin is a plant The osmotic pressure of guard cell sides/दोनों प ों म समान है
hormone that is involved in various sap of open stomata is higher than (d) None of them/इनमे से कोई नहीं
physiological processes. It breaks that of sap in neighboring epidermal
dormancy of seeds and potato tuber cells. The increase in osmotic Ans. (a) On the lower surface of the
and induces germination of seeds. pressure is thought to be due, in large leaf
part, to the influx of potassium (see Explanation: All surfaces of the leaf
Q860. Hydrophytes lack Section VI). Anthocyanin is absent in have some amount of stomata for
हाइडोफाइट् स म िकसकी कमी होती है ? guard cells, but occurs in epidermal regulating gas exchange for
(a) Pigment/वणक cells. photosynthesis. However, the lower
(b) Cells/कोिशकाएं epidermis (the underside of the leaf)
(c) Stomata/रं Q863. Xerophytes are protected has more, because it is more often in
(d) Guardplast/गाड ा against the shade and so it is cooler, which
म द िकसके ारा सुरि त होते है ? means evaporation won't take place
Ans. (c) Stomata (a) Respiration/ सन as much.
Explanation: Hydrophytes (ex. water (b) Transpiration/वा ो जन
ferns) are submerge aquatic plants (c) Guttation/ग ाकरण Q866. Total root parasites is
that do not have stomata. Instead of (d) Photosynthesis/ काश सं ेषण मूल जड़ परजीवी है ?
stomata, the plants surface cells are (a) Sundew/सन- ू
capable of absorbing water, nutrients, Ans. (b) Transpiration (b) Butterwort/बटरवट
and dissolved gases in the water. Explanation: Xerophytes have thick (c) Orobanche/आरोबै ीया [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 112

(d) Cuscuta/अमरबेल Q869. Identical twins are born when है ?
समान जुड़वाँ ब े कब पैदा होते ह? (a) Sarpagandha/सपगंधा
Ans. (c) Orobanche (a) One sperm fertilises the ovum (b) Neem/नीम
Explanation: A total root parasite is a and the zygote gets divided into two (c) Babool/बबूल
parasitic plant that depends solely on separate cells developing (d) Tulsi/तुलसी
another plants by obtaining independently/एक शु ाणु िडं ब को
nourishment from them. Total root िनषेिचत करता है और यु नज दो Ans. (b) Neem
parasites have houstoria that use to अलग-अलग कोिशकाओं म िवभािजत Explanation: Azadirachta indica A.,
suck nutrients from the roots of other होकर तं प से िवकिसत होता है Juss, locally famous as “Neem”, is a
plants. Examples of total root (b) Two sperms fertilise one ovum/ popular herb for its medicinal value
parasites are: Aeginetia, Lathrea, दो शु ाणु एक िडं ब को िनषेिचत करते ह in a wide range of diseases including
Cistanche, Sapria etc. (c) Two sperms fertilise two ovums cardiovascular disorders, such as,
Total root parasites are common in simultaneously/दो शु ाणु एक साथ दो hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia
the families like Orobanchaceae, अ ों को िनषेिचत करते ह
Rafflesiaceae, Balanophoraceae, etc. (d) One sperm fertilises two ovums/ Q872. Aerobic respiration needs
Orobanche, Rafflesia and एक शु ाणु दो अंडाणुओं को िनषेिचत अवायवीय सन म िकसकी आव कता
Balanophora are some of the करता है है ?
common root parasites. Orobanche is (a) O2
commonly known as broom rape. Ans. (a) One sperm fertilises the (b) CO2
ovum and the zygote gets divided (c) N2
Q867. Saprophytes are the organisms into two separate cells developing (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
which depend for food on independently कोई नहीं
सै ोफाइट वे जीव ह जो भोजन के िलए Explanation: Identical Twins occur
__________पर िनभर ह। when a single egg is fertilized by a Ans. (a) O2
(a) living plants/जीिवत पादप single sperm to form one zygote Explanation: Aerobic respiration is
(b) living animals/जीिवत ाणी (monozygotic) but the zygote then the process of producing cellular
(c) dead and decaying material/मृत divides into two separate embryos. energy involving oxygen. Cells break
और य साम ी The biological mechanisms that down food in the mitochondria in a
(d) inorganic chemical prompt the single fertilized egg to long, multistep process that produces
compounds/अकाबिनक रासायिनक split in two remain a mystery. The roughly 36 ATP. The first step in is
यौिगक two embryos develop into foetuses glycolysis, the second is the citric
sharing the same womb. acid cycle and the third is the
Ans. (c) Dead and decaying material electron transport system.
Explanation: Saprophytes are the Q870. Who found that plants have
organisms which depend for food on life ? Q873. Less protein is formed in the
dead and decaying material. पौधों म जीवन की खोज िकसने की? absence of
(a) J.C. Bose/जे.सी. बोस िकस की अनुप थित म कम ोटीन
Q868. Father of plant physiology is (b) C.V. Raman/ सी.वी. रमन बनता है ?
पादप शरीर ि या िव ान के जनक कौन (c) Albert Einstein/अ ट आइं ीन (a) Ca
ह? (d) Roentgen/रोएं टगेन (b) P
(a) Kelvin/के न (c) K
(b) Stephen Hales/ ीफन हे Ans. (a) J.C. Bose (d) N
(c) Thales/थे Explanation: Jagadish Chandra Bose
(d) Archimedes/आिकिमडीज proved that plants are like any other Ans. (d) N
life form. He proved that plants have Explanation: Proteins are essential
Ans. (b) Stephen Hales a definite life cycle, a reproductive nutrients for the human body. They
Explanation: Stephen Hales is system and are aware of their are one of the building blocks of
considered the Father of Plant surroundings. Before the advent of body. Additionally, protein is needed
Physiology for the many experiments the 20th century, science did not to form blood cells. Protein source
in the 1727 book,Vegetable Staticks; acknowledge the vitality of trees and with lowest density of respective
though Julius von Sachs unified the plants. amino acid. The only major
pieces of plant physiology and put component of most food which
them together as a discipline. His Q871. Which one of the following contains nitrogen is protein.
Lehrbuch der Botanik was the plant plant is used to treat blood pressure?
physiology bible of its time. िन म से िकस पौधे का उपयोग Q874. Which of the following
र चाप के उपचार के िलए िकया जाता evolved first ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 113

िन म से िकसका िवकास पहले आ ? Erythrocytes (red blood cells), the and female sexes. For example, the
(a) Reptiles/ सरीसृप predominant cell type, are involved great majority of tunicates,
(b) Fishes/ मछली in the transport of oxygen and carbon pulmonate snails, opisthobranch
(c) Birds/ प ी dioxide. snails, earthworms, and slugs are
(d) Amphibians/ उभयचर hermaphrodites.
Q878. Food is digested mainly in the
Ans. (c) Fishes भोजन मु प से कहाँ पचता है ? Q881. Which are not included in the
(a) Mouth/मुँह milk-teeth in a child of 3-4 years ?
Q875. What is the meaning of (b) Small intestine / छोटी 3-4 साल के ब े म दू ध-दां त म ा
infertility ? आं त शािमल नहीं ह?
बां झपन का अथ ा है ? (c) Liver/यकृत (a) Incisors/कृ क
(a) Unable the produce (d) Large intestine/बड़ी आं त (b) Canines/रदनक
sperms./शु ाणुओं का उ ादन करने म (c) Molars/ चवणक
असमथ है । Ans. (b) Small intestine (d) Premolars/अ -चवणक
(b) Unable to produce ova./अंडाणु का Explanation: The maximum
उ ादन करने म असमथ। digestion of food takes place in the Ans. (c) Molars
(c) Unable the produce duodenum. While the digestion of Explanation: Molars are the posterior
children/संतान पैदा करने म असमथ food is completed in jejunum. The most and most complicated kind of
(d) Unable for coitus/सहवास के िलए maximum absorption of food takes tooth in most mammals. The third,
असमथ place in ileum rearmost molar in each group is
called a wisdom tooth. It is the last
Ans. (c) Unable the produce children Q879. Chromosomes are tooth to appear, breaking through the
Explanation: Infertility is defined as गुणसू ह- front of the gum at about the age of
not being able to get pregnant despite (a) Thread like bodies that occur in twenty.
having frequent, unprotected sex for the nuclei of living cells, the
at least a year for most couples. molecules of which carry the genetic Q882. The basic unit of mutation in a
Infertility may result from an issue code/जीिवत कोिशकाओं के नािभक म gene is called/ जीन म उ रवतन की
with either you or your partner, or a पाए जाने वाले िपंडों की तरह धागा, मूल इकाई को कहा जाता है
combination of factors that prevent िजसके अणु आनुवंिशक कोड को ले (a) Recon
pregnancy. जाते ह (b) Codon
(b) Parts of human brain/मानव (c) Cistron
Q876. Carbohydrates are made from म के भाग (d) Muton
काब हाइडे ट िकस से बने होते ह? (c) Carriers of oxygen in blood/र
(a) CO2 and H3O म ऑ ीजन के वाहक Ans. (d) Muton
(b) CO3 and H2O (d) Carriers of food in the body/शरीर Explanation: Cistron: It is the largest
(c) CO2 and H2O म भोजन के वाहक element in a gene which encodes a
(d) None of the above/उपरो म से polypeptide during protein synthesis.
कोई नहीं Ans. (a) Thread like bodies that Recon: They are locations within a
occur in the nuclei of living cells, the gene which participate in
Ans. (c) CO2 and H2O molecules of which carry the genetic recombination.
code Muton: They are elements within a
Q877. Which of the following is an gene that can undergo a mutation and
example of tissue? Q880. Which one of the following is lead to the production of mutant
िन िल खत म से कौन सा ऊतक का एक hermaphrodite ? phenotype.
उदाहरण है ? िन िल खत म से कौन एक ि िलंगी है ?
(a) Brain/म (a) Hookworm/ कवम Q883. Spices have no
(b) Blood/र (b) Earthworm/कचुआ मसाले म ा नही है ?
(c) Liver/यकृत (c) Mosquito/म र (a) Food value/खा मू
(d) Stomach/आमाशय (d) Bedbug /खटमल (b) Aroma/सुगंध
(c) Weight/भार
Ans. (c) Blood Ans. (b) Earthworm (d) Colour/वण
Explanation: Blood is considered a Explanation: In biology, a
connective tissue because it has a hermaphrodite is an organism that Ans.(a) Food value
matrix. Blood Tissue: Blood is a has complete or partial reproductive Explanation: spices have no food
connective tissue that has a fluid organs and produces gametes value but they are used to add taste to
matrix, called plasma, and no fibers. normally associated with both male our food .eg black [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 114

pepper,cardamom,etc.before the (a) 2-4 months/ 2-4 महीने Q890. First successful heart
invention of refrigerator spices (b) 6-10 months/6-10 महीने transplantation was done by
(c) 9-15 months/ 9-15 महीने पहला सफल दय ारोपण िकसके
Q884. Tobacco is a product of (d)18-24 months/18-24 महीने ारा िकया गया था
त ाकू िकसका एक उ ाद है ? (a) D.S. Paintal/डी. एस. पटल
(a) Solanam indica/सोलनम इं िडका Ans.(c) 9-15 months (b) C.N. Barnard/सी. एन. बनाड
(b) Nicotiana tabacum/िनकोिटयाना Explanation:CDC recommends all (c) D. Shetty/डी. शे ी
टै बैकम children get two doses of MMR (d) P. K. Sen/पी. के. सेन
(c) Both of the above/उपरो दोनों (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine,
(d) None of the above/उपरो म से starting with the first dose at 12 Ans. (b) C.N. Barnard
कोई नहीं through 15 months of age, and the Explanation: Dr Chris Barnard
second dose at 4 through 6 years of performs the world's first human
Ans. (b) Nicotiana tabacum age. Children can receive the second heart transplant. On 3 December
Explanation: Tobacco is the dose earlier as long as it is at least 28 1967, South African doctor, Dr
agricultural product of the leaves of days after the first dose. Christiaan (Chris) Barnard,
plants in the genus Nicotiana. These performed the world's first human to
are most often consumable; however, Q888. Cellulose is human heart transplant at Groote
tobacco and the nicotine derived कोशमय ा है ? Schuur Hospital, Cape Town.
from it are also used to create (a) Carbohydrate/काब हाइडे ट Q891. The importance of
pesticides. (b) Fat/वसा perspiration is to
(c) Protein/ ोटीन ेद का मह ा है ?
Q885. Western ghats of India have (d) Sugar/शकरा (a) Eliminate body odours/शरीर की
भारत के पि मी घाट म ________ है । गंध को ख करता है
(a) Tropical deciduous Ans. (a) Carbohydrate (b) Improve the general
forests/उ किटबंधीय पणपाती वन Explanation: Cellulose is an organic health/सामा ा म सुधार
(b) Taiga/टै गा compound with the formula ₙ, a (c) Open the pores in the skin/ चा के
(c) Tropical rain polysaccharide consisting of a linear रोमों को खोलता है
forests/उ किटबंधीय वषा वन chain of several hundred to many (d) Regulate body temperature/शरीर
(d) None/इनमे से कोई नहीं thousands of β linked D-glucose के तापमान को िनयंि त करता है
units. Cellulose is an important
Ans. (c) Tropical rain forests structural component of the primary Ans. (d) Regulate body temperature
cell wall of green plants, many forms Explanation: Perspiration, also
Q886. Which of the following is a of algae and the oomycetes known as sweating, is the production
biodegradable waste? of fluids secreted by the sweat glands
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक Q889. The reagent used to test the in the skin of mammals. The eccrine
जैविन ीकरण अपिश है ? presence of starch in leaves is sweat glands are distributed over
(a) Wool/ऊन पि यों म ाच की उप थित का much of the body. In humans,
(b) Polythene bags/पॉिलथीन बैग परी ण करने के िलए उपयोग िकया sweating is primarily a means of
(c) Plastics/ ा क जाने वाला अिभकमक है thermoregulation, which is achieved
(d) Nylon/नायलॉन (a) Fehling’s solution/फेहिलंग का by the water-rich secretion of the
िवलयन eccrine glands.
Ans. (a) wool (b) Iodine solution/ आयोडीन िवलयन
Explanation: Biodegradable waste is (c) Million's reagent/िमिलयन का Q892. Leguminous seeds have
a type of waste, typically originating अिभकमक फलीदार बीज है -
from plant or animal sources, which (d) Benedict's solution/बेनेिड का (a) Fat/वसा
may be degraded by other living िवलयन (b) Oil/तेल
organisms. Biodegradable waste can (c) Sugar/शकरा
be commonly found in municipal Ans. (b) Iodine solution (d) Protein/ ोटीन
solid waste as green waste, food Explanation: Iodine. More
waste, paper waste, and specifically, a solution of I2 in KI, Ans. (d) Proteins
biodegradable plastics. which contains the tri-iodide ion. Explanation: Legumes are linked to
This solution is used to detect starch, various health benefits. They have an
Q887. Measles vaccine is given at for example in food tests or to show impressive nutritional profile and are
the age of the presence of starch in a leaf from a one of the best plant-based sources of
खसरे का टीका िकस उ म िदया जाता plant. protein. While they harbor
है ? antinutrients, you can use methods [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 115

like soaking, sprouting, and boiling (b) Impure/अशु (a) kidney/वृ
to reduce their levels of these (c) Mixed/िमि त (b) heart/ दय
compounds (d) None of the above/उपरो म से (c) brain/म
कोई नहीं (d) lungs/फेफड़े
Q893. Which one of the following
bears unisexual flowers ? Ans. (a) Pure Ans. (c) Brain
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एकमुखी पु Explanation: The left atrium receives Explanation: Death is the biological
है ? the oxygenated blood from the left process which results in cessation of
(a) Pumpkin/लौकी and right pulmonary veins, which it all the life processes. The two types
(b) China rose/चीनी गुलाब pumps to the left ventricle (through of death are clinical and biological
(c) Mustard/सरसों the mitral valve) for pumping out death. In the case of biological death,
(d) Onion/ ाज through the aorta for systemic the tissues of the brain get damaged
circulation. and die. This results in cessation of
Ans. (a) Pumpkin all the processes controlled by the
Explanation: The flowers that have Q897. Right auricle receives_____ brain.
either male or female sex organs are blood.
known as unisexual flowers. दायां आिलंद िकस कार का र ा Q900. Cell division is synonymous
Examples for unisexual flowers are करता है ? with reproduction in/ कोिशका
Watermelon, Cucumber, Corn, (a) Pure/शु िवभाजन एवं जनन म समान ह
Pumpkin and Papaya. (b) Impure/अशु (a) Plant and fungi/ पौधे और कवक
(c) Mixed/िमि त (b) Animal and plant/ पशु और पौधे
Q894. Relaxation of the heart (d) None of the above/उपरो म से (c) Protista and monera/ ोिट ा और
muscles is कोई नहीं मोनेरा
दय की मां सपेिशयों की िव ां ित है - (d) Monera and algae / मोनेरा और
(a) Systole/ कुंचन Ans. (b) Impure शैवाल
(b) Diastole /अनुिशिथलन Explanation: Right atrium: The right
(c) Diapause/ उपरित upper chamber of the heart. The right Ans. (c) Protista and monera
(d) None of the above/उपरो म से atrium receives deoxygenated blood
कोई नही from the body through the vena cava Q901. Bones are pneumatic in
and pumps it into the right ventricle _______ की हि याँ वायवीय होती ह |
Ans. (b) Diastole which then sends it to the lungs to be (a) Fishes / मछली
Explanation: Diastole and systole are oxygenated. (b) Reptiles/ सरीसृप
two phases of the cardiac cycle. They (c) Birds / प ी
occur as the heart beats, pumping Q898. Mitral valve is found between (d) Amphibians/ उभयचर
blood through a system of blood left
vessels that carry blood to every part दय कपाट िकस के बाईं ओर पाया Ans. (c) Birds
of the body. Systole occurs when the जाता है ? Explanation: The pneumatic bones
heart contracts to pump blood out, (a) Auricle and ventricle/आिलंद और are important to birds for respiration.
and diastole occurs when the heart िनलय They are hollow bones which are
relaxes after contraction. (b) Aortae/महाधमनी connected to the bird's respiratory
(c) Auricles/आिलंद system and are important for birds to
Q895. Heart beat comprises (d) None of the above/उपरो म से be able to breath. Any bone, such as
दय ंदन म शािमल ह कोई नहीं the mastoid process or those of the
(a) Systole/ कुंचन birds, that contains many hollow
(b) Diastole /अनुिशिथलन Ans. (a) Auricle and ventricle cells full of air. Any bone, such as
(c) Both (a) and (b) /दोनों (a) Explanation: Mitral valve is also the mastoid process or those of the
और (b) called as bicuspid valve and it is birds, that contains many hollow
(d) None of these/इनम से कोई नहीं present in the left side of the heart. It cells full of air.
is located between the left atrium and Q902. Why does the Government of
Ans. (c) Both (a) and (b) the left ventricle. India promote the use of ‘Neem
coated Urea' in agriculture?/ भारत
Q896. Left auricle receives_______ Q899. The biological death of a सरकार कृिष म ‘नीम कोटे ड यू रया’ के
blood. patient means the death of tissues of योग को बढ़ावा ों दे ती है ?
बायां आिलंद िकस कार का र ा the (a) Neem coating slows down the rate
करता है ? िकसी रोगी की जैिवक मृ ु का अथ है , of dissolution of urea in the soil./ नीम
(a) Pure/शु उसके ________ऊतकों की मृ ु । का आवरण िम ी म यू रया के घुलने की [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 116

दर को धीमा कर दे ता है | ािवत करना है | an interventional cardiologist
(b) It is a combination of a weedicide (a) Hydrochloric acid/ हाइडो ो रक involving extraction of sample cells
and a fertilizer for particular crops./ अ or tissues for examination to
यह िवशेष फसलों के िलए घास-फूस (b) None/ कोई नहीं determine the presence or extent of a
नाशी तथा उवरक का संयोजन है | (c) Pepsin / पे न disease
(c) Nitrous oxide, which is a (d) Lactic acid / लै क अ
greenhouse gas, is not at all released Q907. Microbial degradation of
into atmosphere by crop fields. / Ans. (a) Hydrochloric acid nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen is
नाइटस ऑ ाइड, जो एक ह रतगृह गैस Explanation: Parietal cells (also known as:
है , खेतों से वायुमंडल म ज़रा भी मु नहीं known as oxyntic cells), are the नाइटे ट के वायुमंडलीय नाइटोजन म
होती है | epithelial cells that secrete सू जीिवय अपघटन को ा कहते ह ?
(d) Release of Neem oil in the soil hydrochloric acid (HCl) & intrinsic (a) Denitrification/ अनाइटीकरण
increases nitrogen fixation by the soil factor. They contain an vast secretory (b) Ammonification/ अमोिनयाकरण
microorganisms./ िम ी म नीम तेल के network from which the HCl is (c) Putrefaction/ सड़न
जाने से मृदा सू जीवों के ारा नाइटोजन secreted by active transport into the (d) Nitrification/ नाइटीकरण
थरीकरण म वृ होती है | stomach. These cells are situated in
the gastric glands found in the Ans. (a) Denitrification
Ans. (a) Neem coating slows down stomach. Explanation: The loss or removal of
the rate of dissolution of urea in the nitrogen or nitrogen compounds,
soil. Q905. Who among the following specifically, reduction of nitrates or
Explanation: Neem coating leads to proposed Binomial Nomenclature - nitrites by bacteria that usually
more gradual release of urea, helping िन म से िकसने ि पद नामप ित का results in the escape of nitrogen into
plants gain more nutrient and ाव िदया था ? the air, is known as 'Denitrification'
resulting in higher yields. Lower (a) Linnaeus/ लीिनयस
underground water contamination (b) John Ray/ जॉन रे Q908. What is the transplantation of
due to teaching of urea. Neem serves (c) Aristotle / अर ु graft between genetically identical
as a natural insecticide. Collection of (d) Huxley/ह ले individuals ?
Neem seeds is needed for आनुवंिशक प से समान यों के
manufacturing of Neem coated urea. Ans. (a) Linnaeus बीच िकसी ारोपण को ा कहते ह ?
This would generate employments in Explanation: Binomial nomenclature (a) Isograft/ आइसो ा
rural areas. Neem-coating will help is a formal system of naming species (b) Autograft/ ऑटो ा
check heavily subsidised urea's of living things by giving each a (c) Allograft / ऐलो ा
pilferage to chemical industry and name composed of two parts, both of (d) Xenograft/ जेनो ा
other uses such as making of which use Latin grammatical forms.
adulterated milk. The formal introduction of this Ans. (a) Isograft
system of naming species is credited Explanation: .An isogenic graft or
Q903. Glycolysis converts/ to Swedish natural scientist Carl isograft is a graft between genetically
ाइकोिलिसस बदलता है - Linnaeus, effectively starting with identical individuals (i. monozygotic
a) Glucose into pyruvate/ ूकोज को his work 'Species Plantarum' in 1753. twins).e. Typically, isografts are
पाइ वेट म either grafts between animals of a
b) Glucose into Q906. Biopsy is done on the/ single highly inbred strain, between
phosphoenolpyruvate/ ूकोज को बायो ी _____ पर िकया जाता है | the F1 hybrids produced by crossing
फॉ े नोलपाइ वेट म (a) Blood from the arteries/ धमिनयों से inbred strains, or between identical
c) Fructose into pyruvate/ ु ोज को िलए गए र पर twins.
पाइ वेट म (b) Tissues taken from a dead body/
d) Fructose into मृत शरीर से िलए गए उ कों पर Q909. Glycolysis was invented by
phosphoenolpyruvate / ु ोज को (c) Tissues taken from a living body/ ाइकोिलिसस का आिव ार िकसके
फॉ े नोलपाइ वेट सजीव शरीर से िलए गए उ कों पर ारा िकया गया था ?
Ans. a) Glucose into pyruvate (d) Blood from the veins/ िशराओं से (a) Calvin / के न
Explanation: Glycolysis is a िलए गए र पर (b) Kreb's/ े
metabolic pathway that converts (c) J.C. Bose / जे सी बोस
glucose into pyruvate. Ans. (c) Tissues taken from a living (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
body कोई नहीं
Q904. Oxyntic cell is meant for the Explanation: A biopsy is a medical
secretion of/ test commonly performed by a Ans. (a) None of the above
अ जन कोिशका का काय _____ को surgeon, interventional radiologist, or Explanation: In most organisms, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 117

glycolysis occurs in the cytosol. The (a) Pancreas/ अ ाशय Explanation: Smooth muscle is
most common type of glycolysis is (b) Thymus / थाइमस typically non-striated, uni-nucleated,
the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas (EMP (c) Thyroid / थाइरोइड and involuntary or reflexive. This
pathway), which was discovered by (d) Adrenal/ एडे नल muscle type is slow twitch and often
Gustav Embden, Otto Meyerhof, and rhythmic in contraction
Jakub Karol Parnas. Ans. (b) Thymus
Explanation: Thymus gland is a Q915. The joint present between
Q910. Islets of Langerhans prominent gland at birth but humerus bone and pectoral girdle is-
producing insulin are found in- gradually atrophies in the adult. It is ह्यूमरस ह ी तथा आं सपेशी घेरा के बीच
इं सुिलन का िनमाण करने वाली लगरहस a soft, pinkish, bilobed mass of कौन सा जोड़ मौजूद होता है ?
कोिशका गु पायी जाती है - lymphoid tissue. It secretes a (a) Pivot joint / धुरा जोड़
(a) Liver/ यकृत म hormone thymosin which is involved (b) Gliding joint/ संसप जोड़
(b) Spleen / ीहा म in producing immunity. (c) Ball and socket joint/ उलूखल
(c) Pancreas / अ ाशय म जोड़
(d) Pituitary / पीयुिषका म Q913. During pregnancy which of (d)None/ कोई नहीं
the following is secreted through
Ans. (c) Pancreas urine of pregnant woman- Ans. (c) Ball and socket joint
Explanation: The islets of गभाव था के दौरान, िन म से कौन Explanation: The type of joint
Langerhans are a cluster of cells गभवती मिहला के पेशाब के मा म से present between the humerus bone
within the pancreas that are ािवत होता है ? and the pectoral girdle is called the
responsible for the production and (a) Progesterone/ ोजे े रोन shoulder joint.
release of hormones that regulate (b) Luteinizing hormone/ ूिटनीकारी
glucose levels. हॉम न Q916. Which of the following joints
(c) FSH would allow no movement?
Q911. Which of the following (d) Chorionic gonadotropin/ िन म से कौन सा जोड़ गित या हरकत
hormone is not secreted from को रयोिनक गोनाडोटॉिपन की अनुमित नहीं दे गा ?
anterior pituitary gland? (a) Fibrous joint/ तंतु जोड़
अ गामी पीयूष ंिथ के ारा िन म से Ans. (d) Chorionic gonadotropin (b) Cartilaginous joint/ उपा थमय
कौन सा हॉम न ािवत नहीं िकया जाता Explanation: Human chorionic जोड़
है ? gonadotropin hormone (hCG). (c) Synovial joint/ ेष जोड़
(a) Vasopressin/ वैसो ेिसन This hormone is only made during (d) Ball and socket joint/ उलूखल
(b) Growth hormone/ वृ हॉम न pregnancy. It is made almost जोड़
(c) Adrenocorticotropic hormone/ exclusively in the placenta. HCG
अिधवृ ां त था ेरक हॉम न hormone levels found in the mother's Ans. (a) Fibrous joint
(d) Thyroid stimulating hormone/ blood and urine rise a lot during the Explanation: Fibrous joints are
थाइरोइड उ ेजक हॉम न first trimester. They may play a part connected by dense connective tissue
in the nausea and vomiting often consisting mainly of collagen. These
Ans. (a) Vasopressin linked to pregnancy. joints are also called fixed or
Explanation: Anterior pituitary immovable joints because they do
Adrenocorticotropic hormone Q914. Smooth muscles are- not move. Fibrous joints have no
(ACTH) िचकनी मां सपेिशयाँ होती ह - joint cavity and are connected via
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (a) Voluntary, Spindle-shaped, fibrous connective tissue. The skull
Luteinising hormone (LH) uninucleate/ ै क, धुरी के आकार bones are connected by fibrous joints
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) की, एक-के कीय called sutures.
Prolactin (PRL) (b) Involuntary, fusiform,
Growth hormone (GH) non-striated/ अ ै क, सू ाकार, Q917. An autoimmune disease is-
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone गैर-धारीदार एक - ितरि त रोग है -
(MSH) (c) Voluntary, multinucleate, (a) No such disease / ऐसा कोई रोग
Posterior pituitary cylindrical/ ै क, ब क कीय, नहीं है
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) बेलनाकार (b) Haemophilia/ हीमोफीिलया
Oxytocin (d) Involuntary, cylindrical, (c) Myasthenia gravis / िमयासथीिनया
striated/अ ै क, बेलनाकार, ेिवस
Q912. Which gland atrophies in धारीदार (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
adult? कोई नहीं
िकस ंिथ का वय ों म अप य हो Ans. (b) Involuntary, fusiform,
जाता है ? non-striated Ans. (c) Myasthenia gravis [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 118

Explanation: An autoimmune disease पसिलयाँ ______ से जुड़ी होती ह | ा कहा जाता है ?
is a condition in which your immune (a) Scapula/ ं धा थ (a) Sweat gland/ पसीना ंिथ
system mistakenly attacks your body. (b) Sternum/ उरा थ (d) Prostate gland/ ो े ट ंिथ
The immune system normally guards (c) Clavicle / कंठा थ (c) Cowper’s gland/ काउपर ंिथ
against germs like bacteria and (d) Ilium / िनतंब थ (d) Sebaceous/ceruminous gland/
viruses. When it senses these foreign वसामय ंिथ
invaders, it sends out an army of Ans. (b) Sternum
fighter cells to attack them. Explanation: Each rib is a curved, Ans. (d) Sebaceous/ceruminous
Examples of autoimmune diseases flattened bone that contributes to the glands
include systemic lupus wall of the thorax. The ribs articulate Explanation: The ceruminous glands
erythematosus, Sjogren syndrome, posteriorly with the T1–T12 thoracic in the skin of the human external
Hashimoto thyroiditis, rheumatoid vertebrae, and most attach anteriorly auditory canal are modified apocrine
arthritis, juvenile (type 1) diabetes, via their costal cartilages to the glands, which, together with
polymyositis, scleroderma, Addison sternum. There are 12 pairs of ribs. sebaceous glands, produce the
disease, vitiligo, pernicious anemia, cerumen, the ear wax. Cerumen
glomerulonephritis, and pulmonary Q921. Which of the following is not plays an important role in the
fibrosis. a disorder of bone- protection of the ear canal against
िन म से कौन सा अ थ िवकार नहीं है ? physical damage and microbial
Q918. How many ribs are present in (a) Arthritis/ गिठया invasion.
human beings- (b) Osteoporosis/ अ थ सुिषरता
मनु ों म िकतनी पसिलयाँ पायी जाती ह (c) Rickets/ सूखा रोग Q925. The part of internal ear
? (d) Atherosclerosis/ धमनीकला responsible for hearing is-
(a) 6 pairs कािठ आतं रक कान का वह िह ा िजसके
(b) 9 pairs कारण हम सुन पाते ह -
(c) 12 pairs Ans. (d) Atherosclerosis (a) Cochlea/ कणावत
(d) 15 pairs Explanation: Arthritis is an (b) Semicircular canal/ अधवृ ाकार
inflammation of the joints निलका
Ans. (c) 12 pairs Osteoporosis is a disease in which (c) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
Explanation: Ribs are classed as flat bone weakening increases the risk of (d) Sacculus/ गोिणका
bones which usually have a a broken bone
protective role in the body. Humans Ans. (a) Cochlea
have 24 ribs, in 12 pairs. At the front Q922. Nodes of Ranvier are found in Explanation: The cochlea (auditory
of the body most of the ribs are which of the following tissue? inner ear) transforms the sound in
joined by costal cartilages to the रै निवयर नोड िन म से िकस उ क म neural message. The function of the
sternum. The ribs connect to the पाया जाता है ? cochlea is to transform the vibrations
vertebrae with two joints, the (a) Nervous tissue / तंि का उ क of the cochlear liquids and associated
costovertebral joints. (b) Muscular tissue / मां सल उ क structures into a neural signal.
(c) Epithelial tissue / उपकला उ क
Q919. The movable skull bone is- (d) Cardiac tissue / दीय उ क Q926. In old age lens loses its ability
खोपड़ी की गितशील ह ी है - to focus because of loss of elasticity
(a) Maxilla/ ज का Ans. (a) Nervous tissue and ability to accomodate called as:
(b) Vomer/ सी रका बुढ़ापे म, लस समायोिजत होने के िलए
(c) Mandible/ अधोहनु Q923. Only rods are present in the लचीलापन तथा साम खोने के कारण
(d) All the above/ उपरो सभी eyes of one of the following animals- फोकस करने की अपनी मता खोने
िन म से िकस पशु की आँ खों म केवल लगता है | इस थित को कहते ह :
Ans. (c) Mandible शलाका कोिशकाएं पायी जाती ह ? (a) Astigmatism/ ि वैष
Explanation: The mandible, or jaw (a) Pigeon / कबूतर (b) Trachoma/ टै कोमा
bone, is the only movable bone of the (b) Squirrel / िगलहरी (c) Glaucoma / मोितयािबंद
skull, forming the (c) Fowl / मुरगी (d) Presbyopia/ जरादू र ि
temporomandibular joint with the (d) Owl / उ ू
temporal bone. The lower teeth are Ans. (d) Presbyopia
rooted into the mandible while the Ans. (d) Owl Explanation: Presbyopia is the
upper teeth are rooted in the two normal loss of near focusing ability
maxillae. Q924. Wax glands present in the ear that occurs with age. Most people
canal is called- begin to notice the effects of
Q920. Ribs are attached to- कण निलका म मौजूद मोम ंिथयों को presbyopia sometime after age 40, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 119

when they start having trouble seeing diversity. International union of covers the brain is /
small print clearly — including text conservation of nature म को ढकने वाली बाहरी िझ ी
messages on their phone. कौन सी है ?
Q930. Which one of the following is (a) Myelin sheath/ माइिलन आवरण
Q927. Which of the following not observed in biodiversity (b) Dura mater / ूरा मैटर
contributes to both global warming hotspots- (c) Arachnoid membrane/ रे शेदार
and ozone thinning? जैव िविवधता हॉट ॉट म िन म से ा िझ ी
वैि क तापन तथा ओजोन परत पतली दे खने को नहीं िमलता/िमलती है ? (d) Pia mater / मृदुतािनका
होने कारण िन म से कौन सा है ? (a) Species richness/ जाितयों की
(a) Carbon dioxide/ काबन चुरता Ans. (b) Dura mater
डाइऑ ाइड (b) Endemism/ थािनकता Explanation: The outer membrane,
(b) Nitrous oxide/ नाइटस ऑ ाइड (c) Accelerated species loss/ जाितयों called the dura mater (literally, hard
(c) Methane/ मीथेन की रत हािन mother), is tough and fibrous. The
(d) CFCs /सीएफसी (d) Lesser interspecific competition intermediate membrane, called the
/कम अंतजातीय ित धा arachnoid (cobweb), is a thin,
Ans. (d) CFCs weblike tissue. The inner covering,
Explanation: Ozone depleting Ans. (d) Lesser interspecific called the pia mater (tender mother),
substances include: competition is a delicate membrane that is
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Explanation: To qualify as a molded to the surface of the brain.
hydrochlorofluorocarbons biodiversity hotspot on Myers 2000
(HCFCs) edition of the hotspot-map, a region Q933. The rate of heartbeat is
hydrobromofluorocarbons must meet two strict criteria: it must accelerated by the hormone /
(HBFCs) contain at least 0.5% or 1,500 species िदल की धड़कन की दर िकस हॉम न के
halons. of vascular plants as endemics, and it ारा तेज़ की जाती है ?
has to have lost at least 70% of its (a) adrenaline/ एडे नालाईन
Q928. In a aquatic food chain primary vegetation (b)Insulin/ इ ुिलन
polluted by DDT, the tissue (c) thyroxine/ थायरो न
concentration of DDT would be Q931. Algal bloom in a lake -/ (d) None of these / इनम से कोई
highest in- िकसी झील म शैवाल ू टन- नहीं
डीडीटी के ारा दू िषत जलीय खा (a) Increases CO2 level / काबन
ृंखला म, डीडीटी की उ क सां ता डाइऑ ाइड के र को बढ़ा दे ता है Ans. (a) Adrenaline
अिधकतम होगी - (b) leads to oxygen depletion / Explanation: The hormone
(a) Aquatic weed/ जलीय खरपतवार म ऑ ीजन के य का कारण बनता है adrenaline also called epinephrine is
(b) Herbivorous fish/ शाकाहारी (c) Kills fishes / मछिलयों को मार दे ता known as a stress hormone.
मछिलयों म है
(c) Carnivorous fish/ मां साहारी (d) All of these / ये सभी Q934. Damage to hearing is caused
मछिलयों म by sounds which exceed/
(d) Bird feeding on fish/ मछली Ans. (d) All of these ______ से अिधक िन के कारण सुनने
खाकर रहने वाले प ी म Explanation: Algal blooms are the की मता को नुकसान प ँ चता है |
result of a nutrient, like nitrogen or (a) 70 decibels/ डे िसबल
Ans. (d) Bird feeding on fish phosphorus from fertilizer runoff, (b) 80 decibels/डे िसबल
entering the aquatic system and (c) 100 decibels/ डे िसबल
Q929. The organisation which causing excessive growth of algae. (d) 120 decibels/ डे िसबल
publishes the red List of species is- An algal bloom affects the whole
जाितयों की लाल सूची कािशत करने ecosystem. Ans. (d) 120 decibels
वाला संगठन कौन सा है ? Harmful algal blooms can:
(a) ICFRE Produce extremely dangerous Q935. The leaves used as wrappers
(b) IUCN toxins that can sicken or kill for bidis are obtained from which
(c) UNEP people and animals. one of the following ?
(d) WWF Create dead zones in the water. बीड़ी को लपेटने के िलए िजन प ों का
Raise treatment costs for drinking योग िकया जाता है , वे िन म से िकस
Ans. (b) IUCN water. से ा िकये जाते ह ?
Explanation: With its strong Hurt industries that depend on (a) Shikakai/ िशकाकाई
scientific base, the IUCN Red List is clean water. (b) Rudraksha/ ा
recognized as the most authoritative (c) Tendu/ तदू
guide to the status of biological Q932. The outer membrane that (d) Lemon grass/ नींबू घास [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 120

(b) Most of them are heterotrophs carry antigens and there are two
Ans. (c) Tendu but some are autotrophs/ उनम से types of antigens. The A group
Explanation: A beedi (also spelled अिधकतर परपोषी होते ह लेिकन कुछ persons have antigen A in their red
bidi or biri) is a thin cigarette or पोषी होते ह | corpuscles and the B group have
mini-cigar filled with tobacco flake (c) All bacteria heterotrophs/ सभी antigen A in their red corpuscles.The
and commonly wrapped in a Tendu जीवाणु परपोषी होते ह | AB group persons have both antigen
(Diospyros melanoxylon) or (d) All bacteria are photosynthetic/ A and antigen B in their
Piliostigma racemosum leaf tied with सभी जीवाणु काश सं ेषी होते ह | erythrocytes.The 'O' group persons
a string or adhesive at one end. It have no antigens in their red
originates from the Indian Ans. (b) Most of them are corpuscles.
subcontinent. heterotrophs but some are autotrophs
Explanation: Bacteria can obtain Q941. Which of the following is the
Q936. Shedding of leaves and fruits energy and nutrients by performing largest phylum in the animal
is due to the presence of hormone photosynthesis, decomposing dead kingdom in respect of number of
named/ organisms and wastes, or breaking species
प ों तथा फलों के झड़ने की घटना down chemical compounds. Bacteria जाितयों की सं ा के ि कोण से जंतु
_____ नामक हॉम न की उप थित के can obtain energy and nutrients by समुदाय म सबसे बड़ा संघ िन िल खत म
कारण होती है | establishing close relationships with से कौन सा है ?
(a) Indole - acetic acid/ other organisms, including (a) Annelida/ एनेिलडा
इं डोल-एिसिटक अ mutualistic and parasitic (b) Platyhelminthes/ पृथुकृिम
(b) Naphthalene acetic acid/ relationships (c) Mollusca/ मोल ा
नेफ़थलीन एिसिटक अ (d) Arthropoda /आ पोड़ा
(c) Gibberellins/ िजबरे िलन Q939. Blood pressure is measured
(d) Abscisic acid/ अ िसक अ with/ Ans. (d) Arthropoda
/ ए िसक अ र दाब को _____ से मापा जाता है | Explanation: Arthropod, any member
(a) Thermometer/ तापमापी of the phylum Arthropoda, the
Ans. (d) Abscisic acid (b) Barometer/ वायुदाबमापी largest phylum in the animal
Explanation: After maturity, the (c) Sphygmomanometer/ kingdom, which includes such
leaves and the fruits shed from the िधरदाबमापी familiar forms as lobsters, crabs,
stem. This is called abscission. (d) Lactometer/ दु मापी spiders, mites, insects, centipedes,
and millipedes. About 84 percent of
Q937. How many daughter cells are Ans. (c) Sphygmomanometer all known species of animals are
produced in mitosis? Explanation: A sphygmomanometer members of this phylum.
समसू ण म िकतनी अनुजात is used to establish a baseline at a
कोिशकाओं का िनमाण होता है ? healthcare encounter and on Q942. Cretinism is due to the
(a) 2 admission to a hospital. Checking disorder of the glands/
(b) 4 blood pressure is also performed to बौनापन ______ ंिथयों के िवकार के
(c) 8 monitor the effectiveness of कारण होता है |
(d) None/ एक भी नहीं medication and other methods to (a) Thymus/ थाइमस
control hypertension, and as a (b) Parathyroid / पाराथाइरोइड
Ans. (a) 2 diagnostic aid to detect various (c) Thyroid/ थाइरोइड
Explanation: Mitosis is used to diseases and abnormalities. (d) Adrenal/ एडे नल
produce daughter cells that are
genetically identical to the parent Q940. The grouping of blood is Ans. (c) Thyroid
cells. The cell copies - or 'replicates' based on substances called/ Explanation: Cretinism is a disease
- its chromosomes, and then splits र का समूहीकरण उन पदाथ पर caused by hypothyroidism (less
the copied chromosomes equally to आधा रत होता है िज ______ कहा thyroxine formation) . The symptoms
make sure that each daughter cell जाता है | of the disease are retardation of
has a full set. (a) antibodies/ ितर ी mental, physical and sexual
(b) antigens / ितजन developments. potbelly, protruding
Q938. Statement which is true about (c) antitoxin / ितिवष tongue, dry skin etc are also
bacteria ? (d) enzymes/ एं जाइम indicative of this disease.
जीवाणु के िवषय म कौन सा कथन सही
है ? Ans. (b) Antigens Q943. Unlike Mitosis, Meiosis
(a) All bacteria are autotrophs/ सभी Explanation: The red blood results in the formation of/
जीवाणु पोषी होते ह | corpuscles or Erythrocytes usually समसू ण के िवपरीत, अधसू ण का [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 121

प रणाम ______ के प म होता है | _________ synthesizers of the cell. They are like
(a) 2N daughter cells / 2N अनुजात मनु ों म डीएनए िफंगरि ंिटं ग की construction guys who connect one
कोिशकाएं तकनीक सबसे पहले ______ के ारा amino acid at a time and build long
(b) Haploid cells/ अगुिणत िवकिसत की गयी थी | chains. Ribosomes are special
कोिशकाएं (a) Lalji Singh / लालजी िसंह because they are found in both
(c) body cells / दे ह कोिशकाएं (b) Alec Jeffreys/ एलेक जे े स prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
(d) Diploid cells/ ि गुिणत (c) R. Ericson/ आर. ए र न
कोिशकाएं (d) J. Black / जे. ैक Q949.External fertilisation does not
take place in which of the following?
Q943. Unlike Mitosis, Meiosis Ans. (b) Alec Jeffreys बा िनषेचन िन म से िकस के नहीं
results in the formation of/ Explanation: DNA fingerprinting is a होता है
समसू ण के िवपरीत, अधसू ण का laboratory technique used to (a) corals/ कोरल
प रणाम ______ के प म होता है | establish a link between biological (b) mammals/ नपायी
(a) 2N daughter cells / 2N अनुजात evidence and a suspect in a criminal (c) fishes/ मछली
कोिशकाएं investigation. A DNA sample taken (d) frogs/ मढक
(b) Haploid cells/ अगुिणत from a crime scene is compared with
कोिशकाएं a DNA sample from a suspect. If the Ans. (b) Mammals
(c) body cells / दे ह कोिशकाएं two DNA profiles are a match, then
(d) Diploid cells/ ि गुिणत the evidence came from that suspect. Q950. Testis is located outside the
कोिशकाएं DNA fingerprinting was invented in body in a separate structure called
1984 by Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys ________
Ans. (b) Haploid cells वृषण शरीर के बाहर एक अलग संरचना
Q947. Cerebrospinal fluid protects / म थत है िजसे __________कहा जाता
Q944. Food wrapped in newspaper is म मे तरल ____ की र ा करता है
likely to get contaminated by/ है | (a) vas deferens/ शु वािहका
अखबार के प ों म लपेटे गए भोजन के (a) Heart / दय (b) Seminal Vesicles/ शु ाशय
______ से दू िषत होने की संभावना (b) Brain/ म (c) scrotum/ अंडकोश
रहती है | (c) Liver / यकृत (d) bulbo-urethral gland/
(a) Magnesium / मै ीिशयम (d) Kidney / गुदा ब ो-मू माग ंिथ
(b) Aluminium / ए ुमीिनयम
(c) Lead / सीसा Ans. (b) Brain Ans. (c) Scrotum
(d) Copper / तां बा Explanation: Cerebrospinal fluid is a
clear, colorless body fluid found in Explanation: The scrotum contains
Ans. (c) LeadQ945. A pulse can be the brain and spinal cord. It is the testicles. These are two
detected most easily in/ produced by specialised ependymal oval-shaped glands responsible for
नाड़ी- ु रण का पता सबसे आसानी से cells in the choroid plexuses of the producing and storing sperm. The
_____ म लगाया जा सकता है | ventricles of the brain, and absorbed scrotum hangs outside the body
(a) a vein/ नस in the arachnoid granulations. because it needs to maintain a
(b) a lacteal/ पायिसका slightly lower temperature than the
(c) an artery/ धमनी Q948. _______manufacture proteins rest of the body. This lower
(d) a capillary/ केिशका are then sent to various places in the temperature helps to maintain sperm
cell depending on need. production.
Q945. A pulse can be detected most िकस की सहायता से आव कता के
easily in/ अनुसार िनिमत ोटीन को कोिशका के Q951. Identify the correct pair
नाड़ी- ु रण का पता सबसे आसानी से िविभ तक भेजा जाता है | representing the causative agent of
_____ म लगाया जा सकता है | (a) Golgi Bodies/ गो ी स typhoid fever and the confirmatory
(a) a vein/ नस (b) Lysosomes/ लाइसोसोम test for typhoid.
(b) a lacteal/ पायिसका (c) Endoplasmic reticulum(ER)/ अंतः टाइफाइड बुखार के कारक तथा
(c) an artery/ धमनी ी जािलका टाइफाइड की पुि करने वाली जाँ च के
(d) a capillary/ केिशका (d) Ribosomes/ राइबोसोम सही संयोजन का चयन कर |
(a) Plasmodium vivax - UTI test /
Ans. (c) An artery Ans. (d) Ribosomes ाजमोिडयम िववै - यूटीआई जाँ च
Explanation: When a cell needs to (b) Streptococcus pneumoniae
Q946. The technique of DNA make proteins, it looks for -Widal test / ै पटोकोकस िनमोिनया -
fingerprinting in human was ribosomes. Ribosomes are the िवडाल जाँ च
developed for first time by protein builders or the protein (c) Salmonella typhi- Anthrone test / [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 122

सा ोनेला टाइफी - ए ोन जाँ च ितपािदत की गयी थी ? डीएनए तथा आरएनए दोनों म पाए जाने
(d) Salmonella typhi - Widal test / (a) Rudolf Virchow / डो िवच वाले ू रन होते ह -
सा ोनेला टाइफी- िवडाल जाँ च (b) Theodor Schwann / िथयोडोर ान (a) Adenine and thymine / एिडनाइन
Ans. (d) Salmonella typhi / Widal (c) Schleiden / ेडेन तथा थाइिमन
test (d) Aristotle/ अर ु (b) Adenine and guanine / एिडनाइन
Explanation: Salmonella typhi is the Ans. (a) Rudolf Virchow तथा गुआिनन
causative agent. Confirmatory test = Explanation: Concept of “Omnis (c) Guanine and cytosine / गुआिनन
Widal test, it’s based on antigen cellula-e cellula” regarding cell तथा साइटोिसन
antibody reaction. division was proposed by Rudolph (d) Cytosine and thymine/ साइटोिसन
Virchow तथा थाइिमन
Q952. Match the following
hormones with the respective disease Q954. Identify the cells whose Ans. (b) Adenine and guanine
नीचे िदए गए हॉम न का िमलान संबंिधत secretion protects the lining of Explanation: Purines found both in
रोग से कर | gastrointestinal tract from various DNA and RNA are Adenine and
(a) Insulin / इं सुिलन enzymes. guanine
(i) Addison's disease/ उस कोिशका की पहचान कर िजसका
अर ता ाव जठरां पथ की परत की िविभ Q957. Which of the following is the
(b) Thyroxin / थायरो न एं जाइमों से सुर ा करता है | most important cause for animals and
(ii) Diabetes insipidus / (a) Chief Cells / मु कोिशकाएं plants being driven to extinction?
मू मेह (b) Goblet Cells / चषक कोिशकाएं जंतुओं तथा पादपों के िवलु के कगार
(c) Corticoids/ कोट सोड (c) Oxyntic Cells / अ ावी पर प ँ चने का सबसे मह पूण कारण
(iii) Acromegaly / कोिशकाएं िन म से कौन सा है ?
अितकायता (d) None / कोई नहीं (1) Habitat loss and fragmentation /
(d) Growth Hormone / िवकास हॉम न Ans. (b) Goblet Cells वास थल की हािन तथा िवखंडन
(iv) Goitre/ ग माला Explanation: Goblet cells secrete (2) Drought and floods / सुखाड़ तथा
mucus and bicarbonates present in बाढ़
(v) Diabetes the gastric juice which plays an (3) Economic exploitation / आिथक
mellitus / मधुमेह important role in lubrication and शोषण
Select the correct option. protection of the mucosal epithelium (4) Alien species invasion/ बाहरी
सही िवक का चयन कर | (a) (b) (c) from excoriation by the highly जाितयों का अित मण
(d) concentrated HCl.
(1) (v) (i) (ii) Ans. (1) Habitat loss and
(iii) Q955. Which of the following fragmentation
(2) (ii) (iv) protocols did aim for reducing Explanation: Habitat loss and
(iii) (i) emission of chlorofluorocarbons into fragmentation is the most important
(3) (v) (iv) (i) the atmosphere? cause driving animals and plants to
(iii) िन म से िकस ोटोकॉल या संिध का extinction. eg: Loss of tropical
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) ल वायुमंडल म ोरो ोरोकाबन के rainforest reducing the forest cover
(iii) उ जन को कम करना था ? from 14 % to 6 %.
Ans. (3) (v) (iv) (i) (iii) (a) Montreal Protocol / मोंिटयल
Explanation: Insulin deficiency leads ोटोकॉल Q958. Grey matter consists of
to diabetes mellitus Hypersecretion (b) Kyoto Protocol / ोटो ोटोकॉल धूसर म होते ह
or hyposecretion of thyroxine can be (c) Gothenburg Protocol / गुटेनबग (a) A large number of neurons/ बड़ी
associated with enlargement of ोटोकॉल सं ा म ूरॉ
thyroid gland called goitre (d) Geneva Protocol/ िजनेवा ोटोकॉल (b) Neuroglia/ ूरो या
Deficiency of corticoids (c) A large number of nerve cell
(Glucocorticoid + mineralocorticoid) Ans. (a) Montreal Protocol bodies/बड़ी सं ा म तंि का कोिशका
leads to Addison's disease Growth Explanation: To control the िपंड
hormone hypersecretion in adults deleterious effect of the stratospheric (d) A large number of nerve fibres/
leads to Acromegaly ozone depletion an international बड़ी सं ा म तंि का तंतु
treaty was signed at Montreal,
Q953. The concept of “Omnis Canada in 1987. It is popularly Ans. A large number of nerve cell
cellula-e cellula” regarding cell known as Montreal protocol. bodies
division was first proposed by Explanation: Grey matter, which has
“ओमिनस से ूला-इ से ूला” की Q956. Purines found both in DNA a pinkish-grey color in the living
अवधारणा सबसे पहले िकसके ारा and RNA are brain, contains the cell bodies, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 123

dendrites and axon terminals of (d) Vitamin E/ िवटािमन E िलंग िनधारण उ वेधन ारा िकया जाता
neurons, so it is where all synapses है । यह ा दे खता है ?
are. White matter is made of axons Ans. (a) Vitamin B12 (a) barr bodies/बर शरीर
connecting different parts of grey Explanation: Curd is more (b) chiasmata/ ािसका
matter to each other. nourishing than milk. It has enriched (c) sex chromosome/िलंग गुणसू
presence of vitamins specially (d) kinetochore/गुणसू िबंदु
Q959. At what stage in test tube Vit-B12.
baby program, the zygote is Ans. (a) barr bodies
implanted in human uterus ? Q962. Which of the following terms Explanation: Women have the same
टे ूब बेबी ो ाम म िकस चरण म, describe human dentition? dosage for a different reason: they
यु नज को मानव गभाशय म िन म से कौन से श मनु की shut down one of their two X
ारोिपत िकया जाता है ? दं त-िव ास ( दाँ तों की संरचना ) के बारे chromosomes in a process called
(a) 32-celled stage/32-कोिशका चरण म बताते ह ? X-inactivation. In X-inactivation, an
(b) 16-celled stage/16-कोिशका चरण (a) Pleurodont, Monophyodont, X chromosome is compacted (or, as
(c) 64-celled stage/64-कोिशका चरण Homodont my intro bio professor liked to say,
(d) 100-celled stage/100-कोिशका (b) Thecodont, Diphyodont, "crumpled up into a ball"), to make a
चरण Heterodont small, dense structure called a Barr
(c) Thecodont, Diphyodont, body.
Ans. (d) 100-celled stage Homodont
Explanation: A blastocyst is an (d) Pleurodont, Diphyodont, Q965. True fungi store food in the
embryo which has been left to Heterodont form of
develop until day 5 or 6 and presents असली कवक भोजन को िकस प म
a complex cellular structure formed Ans. (b) Thecodont, Diphyodont, संगृिहत करते ह -
by approximately 200 cells. The Heterodont (a) Glycogen/ ाइकोजन
blastocyst phase is the development Explanation: In humans, dentition is (b) Glucose/ ूकोज
stage prior to implantation of the Thecodont : Teeth are present in the (c) Fats/ वसा
embryo in the mother's uterus. sockets of the jaw bone called (d) Chitin/ काइिटन
alveoli. Diphyodont : Teeth erupts
Q960. Plants living in acid soils are twice, temporary milk or deciduous Ans. (a) Glycogen
known as teeth are replaced by a set of Explanation: Fungi store their food
अ ीय मृदा म पाए जाने वाले पादपों को permanent or adult teeth. Heterodont as glycogen. Plants and green algae
कहा जाता है - dentition : Dentition consists of store their food as starch.
(a) Heliophytes/ हीिलयोफाइट different types of teeth namely
(b) Halophytes/ है लोफाइट incisors, canine, premolars and Q966. A temporary endocrine gland
(c) Oxalophytes/ अ ो molars in the human body is
(d) Acidophytes/ एिसडोफाइट मानव शरीर म एक अ थायी अंतः ावी
Q963. Which of the following is an ंिथ है
Ans. (c) Oxalophytes occupational respiratory disorder? (a) Pineal gland/शीष ंिथ
Explanation: Plants growing in soils िन म से कौन सा एक वृि क सन (b) Corpus cardiacum/र धर िपंड
which have acidic nature, rich िवकार है ? (c) Corpus luteum/पीत - िप
amount of humus and lack of Ca++ (a) Botulism / बाटु लीनता (d) Corpus allatum/अंडाभ िपंड
ions are known as oxalophytes or (b) Silicosis / िसिलकामयता
oxyphytes. Plants growing in sandy (c) Anthracis / ऐंथरै िसस
soils are known as psammophytes. (d) Emphysema / वात ीित Ans. (c) Corpus luteum
Plants growing on rocks are known Explanation: The human corpus
as lithophytes. Ans. (b) Silicosis luteum is a temporary endocrine
Explanation: Silicosis is due to gland because it secretes
Q961. Conversion of milk to curd excess inhalation of silica dust in the progesterone for maintenance of
improves its nutritional value by workers involved grinding or stone early pregnancy. It develops after
increasing the amount of breaking industries. Long exposure ovulation from the ruptured follicle
दू ध के दही म प रवितत हो जाने के बाद can give rise to inflammation leading during the luteal phase.
______ की मा ा बढ़ जाने के कारण to fibrosis and thus causing serious
इसके पोषण मू ों म वृ हो जाती है | lung damage. Q967. Which of the following
(a) Vitamin B12 / िवटािमन B12 diseases is due to an allergic
(b) Vitamin A / िवटािमन A Q964. Foetal sex determination is reaction?
(c) Vitamin D / िवटािमन D done by amniocentesis.It looks for िन म से कौन सी बीमारी एलज ारा [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 124

होती है ? (a) Intertidal/ अंत ा रय entered in response to high
(a) Goitre/घघा रोग (b) Tidal/ ारीय temperatures and arid conditions.
(b) Skin cancer/ चा कसर (c) Abyssal/ िवतलीय
(c) Hay fever/परागज- र (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से Q973. Which cancer affects lymph
(d) Enteric fever/आं र कोई नहीं gland and spleen ?
कौन सा कसर लसीका- ंिथ और ीहा
Ans. (c) Hay fever Ans. (c) Abyssal को भािवत करता है ?
Explanation: The intertidal zone is (a) Carcinoma/कािसनोमा
Q968. What do you mean induced the area of the marine shoreline that (b) Sarcoma/सरकोमा
abortion ? is exposed to air at low tide, and (c) Leukemia / ूकेिमया
कृि म गभपात का ा अथ है ? covered with seawater when the tide (d) Lymphoma/िलंफोमा
(a) Voluntary termination of is high
pregnancy after foetus become The abyssal zone is the layer of the Ans. (d) Lymphoma
viable/ ूण के वहाय होने के बाद ocean from 13,000 feet to the sea Explanation: Lymphoma is cancer
गभाव था की ै क समा floor at 20,000 feet. The abyssal zone that begins in infection-fighting cells
(b) Voluntary termination of has no sunlight and extreme of the immune system, called
pregnancy before foetus become temperatures near freezing. It also lymphocytes. These cells are in the
viable./ ूण के वहाय होने से पहले has incredible pressure, up to 600 lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone
गभाव था की ै क समा times that of the surface. Despite the marrow, and other parts of the body.
(c) Foetus removed at incomplete harsh conditions, organisms still When you have lymphoma,
gestation months./अधूरे गभ महीनों म inhabit the abyssal zone. lymphocytes change and grow out of
िगराया गया ूण control.
(d) Accidently foetus is lost./अचानक Q971. Phycology refers to the study
ूण िगर जाना of Q974. Of the following which
फाईकॉलोजी िकसके अ यन से contains respiratory enzymes ?
Ans. (b) Voluntary termination of स ंिधत है - िन म से िकसम सन एं जाइम होते ह ?
pregnancy before foetus become (a) Algae/ शैवाल (a) Cytoplasm/ कोिशका
viable (b) Fungi/ कवक (b) Mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडय
Explanation: Induced abortion is (c) Phytoplasma/ फाइटो ा ा (c) Golgi body/ गौ ी काय
defined by the FIGO Ethics (d) All the above/ उपरो सभी (d) Chains of ribosome/ राइबोसोम की
Committee as the termination of ृंखला
pregnancy using drugs or surgical Ans. (a) Algae
intervention after implantation and Explanation: Phycology is the Ans. (b) Mitochondria
before the embryo or fetus has scientific study of algae. Also known Explanation: Mitochondria function
become independently viable. as algology, phycology is a branch of during aerobic respiration to
life science and often is regarded as a produce ATP through oxidative
Q969. Which of the following fruits subdiscipline of botany. Algae are phosphorylation (def). The
is winged? important as primary producers in respiratory enzymes and electron
िन म से कौन से फल पंखयु होते ह aquatic ecosystems. carriers for the electron transport
? system are located within the inner
(a) Regma/ रे ा Q972. Summer sleep is mitochondria membrane. The
(b) Samara/ सामरा ी कालीन िन ा है - enzymes for the citric acid cycle
(c) Berry/ बेरी (a) Hibernation/ शीत-िन यता (Krebs cycle) are located in the
(d) Drupe/ गुठलीदार फल (b) Aestivation/ ी -िन यता matrix.
(c) Inactivation/ िन यता
Ans. (b) Samara (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से Q975. _______ is pollination by
Explanation: A samara is a winged कोई नहीं animals.
achene, a type of fruit in which a _____ , पशुओं ारा होने वाला परागण
flattened wing of fibrous, papery Ans. (b) Aestivation है |
tissue develops from the ovary wall. Explanation: Aestivation or (a) Cheiropteriphily/ चमगादड़ परागण
A samara is a simple dry fruit and æstivation is a state of animal (b) Zoophily / जूिफली
indehiscent (not opening along a dormancy, similar to hibernation, (c) Anemophily/ अनेमोिफली
seam). although taking place in the summer (d) Entomophily/ कीट परागण
rather than the winter. Aestivation is
Q970. No light zone is characterized by inactivity and a Ans. (b) Zoophily
अ काशीय े है - lowered metabolic rate, that is Explanation: Zoophily is a form of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 125

pollination whereby pollen is (a) Enzymes/ एं जाइम Explanation: The surface of the
transferred by animals, usually (b) Lipase/ लाइपेज ovary is covered by a single layer of
vertebrates but may include (c) Diastase/ डाय े ज cuboidal epithelium, also called
invertebrates, particularly by (d) Root nodules/ मूल ंिथका germinal epithelium. It is continuous
hummingbirds and other birds, and with the peritoneal mesothelium.
bats, but also by monkeys, Ans. (d) Root nodules Fibrous connective tissue forms a
marsupials, lemurs, bears, rabbits, thin capsule, the tunica albuginea,
deer, rodents, lizards, and other Q979. Which one of the following immediately beneath the epithelium
animals. glands governs the basal metabolic
rate ?/ िन म से कौन सी ंिथयां Q982. Freshly released human egg
Q976. Which viruses are parasites ?/ बुिनयादी चयापचय दर को िनयंि त has
कौन से िवषाणु परजीवी होते ह ? करती ह ? नव िनमु मानव अंडे म ______ होते
(a) Obligate/ अिवक ी (a) Thymus/बा ंिथ है |
(b) Facultative/ िवक ी (b) Spleen/ ीहा (a) one Y-chromosome/ एक Y-गुणसू
(c) Temporary/ अ थायी (c) Thyroid/ थायरॉयड (b) one X-chromosome/एक X-गुणसू
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं (d) Parathyroid/ पैराथाइरॉइड (c) two X-chromosomes/दो X-गुणसू
(d) one X-chromosome & one
Ans. (a) Obligate Ans. (c) Thyroid Y-chromosome/एक X-गुणसू और
Explanation: All viruses are obligate Explanation: The basal metabolic एक Y-गुणसू
parasites; that is, they lack metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories
machinery of their own to generate required by the body at rest, is
energy or to synthesize proteins, so determined by two hormones Ans. (b) one X-chromosome
they depend on host cells to carry out produced by the thyroid gland: Explanation: The egg released is
these vital functions. thyroxine, also known as haploid (has only one
tetraiodothyronine or T4, and X-chromosome and 22 autosomes) as
Q977. Contour ploughing and triiodothyronine, also known as T3. it is formed due to meiotic division
terracing are good practices in the of diploid primary oocyte having XX
sense that they/ समो कृिष तथा Q980. Water from the undigested chromosome and 44 autosomes.
सीढ़ीदार कृिष इस स भ म कृिष की food is absorbed mainly in the
अ ी प ितयाँ ह ोंिक इनम - अपिचत भोजन से पानी का अवशोषण Q983. Which of the following group
(a) Allow water to run and spread to मु प से कहाँ िकया जाता है ? of animals show regeneration ?
all places/ पानी को बहने एवं सभी (a) Stomach/ पेट म िन िल खत जीवों के समूह म से कौन सा
थानों तक फैलने का मौका िमलता है | (b) Food pipe/ भोजन नली म समूह पुनजनन दशाता है |
(b) Easily destroy weeds and allow (c) Small intestine/ छोटी आं त म (a) Planaria, Hydra, Starfish/ ेिनया,
no new weed to grow/ खरपतवार (d) Large intestine/ बड़ी आं त म हाइडा, ारिफ़श
आसानी से न हो जाते ह तथा नए Ans. (d) Large intestine (b) Starfish, Amoeba,
खरपतवार नहीं उग पाते | Explanation: Water from the Plasmodium/ ारिफश, अमीबा,
(c) Conserve soil/ मृदा संरि त होती है undigested food is absorbed mainly ॉ डयम
(d) Make the plants receive enough in the large intestine. Large intestine (c) Amoeba, Hydra,
sunlight/ पौधों को पया सूय काश is the place where undigested food is Paramoecium/अमीबा, हाइडा,
ा होता है stored पैरािमिसयम
(d) Amoeba, Planaria,
Ans. (c) Conserve soil Q981. Which tissue layer covers the Starfish/अमीबा, ेिनया, ारिफ़श
Explanation: Contour ploughing ovary ?
follows the “natural shape” of the कौन सी ऊतक परत अंडाशय को ढकती Ans. (a) Planaria, Hydra, Starfish
slope without altering it. Terrace है ? Explanation: Planarians and Hydra
farming alters the shape of the slope (a) Columnar epithelium / ी have the highest regenerative
to produce flat areas that provide a उपकला capacity to regenerate the whole
catchment for water. Both are used to (b) Squamous epithelium/श ी body. (c, d, and e) Lower or primitive
reduce soil erosion from tilled fields उपकला vertebrates, such as newt, Xenopus,
on slopes. (c) Cuboidal epithelium /घनाकार and zebrafish, can regrow lost parts,
उपकला such as the limb, tail, fin, or heart.
Q978. Which one of the following (d) Ciliary epithelium /प ाि का
has nothing to do with the process of उपकला Q984. Which tissue is required to be
digestion?/ िन म से िकसका पाचन present in between stock and scion
ि या से कोई लेना-दे ना नहीं है ? Ans. (c) Cuboidal epithelium during grafting? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 126

कलम रोपण के दौरान ॉक और नव होता है | भू ा रका
प व के म िकस उ क का होना (b) Meristem is absent/िवभ ोतक की (d) All of these/ उपरो सभी
अिनवाय है अनुप थित
(a) Xylem /ज़ाइलम (c) Collateral open vascular bundle Ans. (d) All of these
(b) Phloem / ोएम /संपाि क खुले संवहनी बंडल Explanation: Vegetative reproduction
(c) Meristem /मे र म (d) Radial vascular bundle/रे िडयल in plants is a type of asexual
(d) Parenchyma/पैरेकाइमा संवहनी बंडल reproduction in which new individual
appears from any vegetative part of
Ans. (b) Phloem Ans. (b) Meristem is absent parent plant. In plants, the units of
Explanation: Monocot plants cannot vegetative propagation such as
Q985. The croaking sound made by be grafted as they lack the cambium runner, rhizome, sucker, tuber, offset,
frog is tissue, which is present in dicot bulb are all capable of giving rise to
मढक ारा की जाने वाली ककक िन plants. Cambium tissue is a new offsprings.
का उ े होता है - meristematic tissue, which is present
(a) hunger cell/भूख in the vascular bundles of the dicot Q990. Increased asthmatic attacks in
(b) just a musical note/मा एक िन plants. ... The lack of cambium in certain seasons are related to
(c) signalling call of danger/खतरे के monocots makes it impossible to कुछ िविश कार के समय म दमा रोग
िलए की जाने वाली िन graft. के अिधक होने के कारण है ?
(d) sex call for female partner/मिहला (a) Eating fruits preserved in tin
साथी को स ोग के िलए की जाने वाली Q988. In all the methods of asexual containers/िटन कंटे नरों म संरि त फल
िन reproduction खाना
अलिगक जनन के सभी तरीकों म- (b) Hot and humid environment/गम
Ans. (d) sex call for female partner (a) offsprings produced are और आ वातावरण
Explanation: Some frogs use silence genetically identical to the parents/ (c) Low temperature/िन तापमान
to answer a male frog's croak, others ज ी ई संतान माता-िपता से (d) Inhalation of seasonal
stop because they have found a आनुवंिशक प से समान होती है | pollen/मौसमी पराग का अ ः सन
mate,. Frogs and toads only call (b) offsprings produced are
when they are breeding. So basically, genetically different from the Ans.(d) Inhalation of seasonal pollen
frogs use their calls to get mates and parents/ज ी ई संतान माता-िपता से Explanation: The increased asthmatic
then they shut up. आनुवंिशक प से अलग अलग होती है | attacks in certain seasons are due to
(c) offsprings produce may or may the inhalation of seasonal pollen.
Q986. Stem cuttings are commonly not be identical to the parents/ज ी Seasonal pollen is obtained by the
used for the propagation of ई संतान माता-िपता से आनुवंिशक प dehiscence of pollen grain in a
िन िल खत म से आमतौर पर िकसके से समान अथवा असमान हो सकती है | particular season to which a person
गमन के िलए तने को काट िदया जाता (d) None of the above/उपरो म से may be allergic. So, the correct
है ? कोई भी नहीं answer is 'Inhalation of seasonal
(a) banana/केला pollen'.
(b) rose/गुलाब Ans. (a) offsprings produced are
(c) mango/आम genetically identical to the parents Q991. An ovoviviparous parasite is
(d) cotton/कपास Explanation: Sexual reproduction __________________
produces offspring that are अ जरायुजत परजीवी है -
Ans. (b) Rose genetically distinct from other (a) Ascaris/ए े रस
Explanation: Stem cuttings are offspring and from their parents. (b) Taenia/ताएिनया
commonly used for the propagation Asexual reproduction produces (c) Wuchereria / वुके रया
of rose plant. It is a mode of offspring from just one parent. These (d) Plasmodium/ ॉसमोिडयम
vegetative propagation. The stem is offspring are genetically identical to
used to grow a whole new plant that one parent. Ans. (c) Wuchereria
similar to the parent plant. It is Explanation: Wuchereria bancrofti is
known as cloning. Q989. Which are the units of a human parasitic roundworm that is
vegetative propagation: the major cause of lymphatic.
Q987. Grafting is impossible in काियक वधन की इकाइयां कौन सी ह: Females are ovoviviparous and can
monocot-because (a) Runners and produce thousands of juveniles
एकबीजप ी म ा ं ग नहीं होती Rhizomes/उप रभू ारी एवं क known as microfilariae
ोंिक (b) Suckers and bulbs /अंत: भू ारी
(a) Vascular bundles are एवं कंद Q992. At which stage of does one
scattered./संवहनी बंडल का कीणन (c) Tuber and offset/ ूबर एवं usually show symptoms of AIDS? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 127

िकस चरण के चरण म आम तौर पर and increase alertness and activity./
एड् स के ल ण िदखते ह? तंि का तं को उ ेिजत करता है और Q996. Which of the following pairs
(a) When the infecting retrovirus सतकता और गितिविध को बढ़ाता है is not correctly matched?
enters host cells/जब सं िमत िन म से कौन सा यु सुमेिलत नहीं है ?
रे टोवायरस परजीवी कोिशकाओं म वेश Ans. (b) alters thoughts, perceptions (a) Cholera – Vibrio cholerae/है जा -
करता है and feelings िवि यो कोलेरे
(b) When viral DNA is produced by Explanation: Many hallucinogenic (b) German measles – Rubella
reverse transcriptase/जब वायरल products are obtained from Cannabis virus/जमन खसरा - बेला वायरस
डीएनए रवस टां ेज़ ारा िनिमत plant such as Bhang, Ganja, Charas (c) Whooping cough – Bordetella
होता है and Marijuana. These are obtained pertussis/कु ु र खाँ सी - बोडटेला
(c) When HIV replicates rapidly in from different parts of Cannabis पेटतुिसस
helper T-lymphocytes and damages plant. For example, bhang is (d) Tetanus – Pasteurella
large number of these cells/जब obtained from fresh and dried leaves pestis/टे टनस - पा ुरेला पे स
एचआईवी ती ता से सहायक and flowering shoots of both male
T-िल फोसाइट म ितकृित करता है और and female plants. Hallucinogenic Ans.(d) Tetanus – Pasteurella pestis
इन कोिशकाओं की बड़ी सं ा को drugs are also called psychedelic Explanation: Tetanus, also called
नुकसान प ं चाता है drugs. They change thoughts, mood, lockjaw, is a serious infection caused
(d) Within 15 days of sexual contact behaviour and perceptions. by Clostridium tetani. This bacterium
with an infected person/सं िमत produces a toxin that affects the brain
के साथ यौन संपक के 15 िदनों के Q994. Which one of the followings and nervous system, leading to
भीतर is not a STDs? stiffness in the muscles. If
िन िल खत म से कौन एक STDs नहीं Clostridium tetani spores are
Ans. When HIV replicates rapidly in है ? deposited in a wound, the neurotoxin
helper T-lymphocytes and damages (a) AIDS/एड् स interferes with nerves that control
large number of these cells (b) Syphilis/उपदं श muscle movement.
Explanation: During this period, the (c) Gonorrhoea/सूजाक
person suffers from bouts of fever, (d) Cancer/कसर Q997. The factor responsible for
diarrhoea and weight loss. Due to cirrhosis of liver is
decrease in the number of helper T Ans. (d) Cancer लीवर िसरोिसस के िलए िज ेदार
lymphocytes, the person starts Explanation: Cancer is a group of कारक है
suffering from infections that could diseases involving abnormal cell (a) sugar/चीनी
have been otherwise overcome such growth with the potential to invade (b) vitamins/िवटािमन
as those due to bacteria or spread to other parts of the body. (c) fats and oils/ वसा और तेल
especially Mycobacterium, viruses, These contrast with benign tumors, (d) alcoholism/शराब
fungi and even parasites like which do not spread.
Toxoplasma. The patient becomes so Ans. (d) alcoholism
immuno-deficient that he/she is Q995. Which one of the following is Explanation: Cirrhosis, also known
unable to protect himself/herself an Indian medicinal plant? as liver cirrhosis or hepatic cirrhosis,
against these infections. िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक भारतीय is a condition in which the liver does
औषधीय पादप है | not function properly due to
Q993. The use of cannabis product (a) Saccharum officinarum/सैकुरम long-term damage. This damage is
(bhang , ganja; charas, marijuana or ऑिफिसनारम characterized by the replacement of
hashish) causes (b) Rauwolfia serpentina/सपग ा normal liver tissue by scar tissue.
कैनिबस उ ाद (भां ग,गां जा, चरस, (c) Oryza sativa/धान Typically, the disease develops
मा रजुआना या हशीश) से _______ (d) Solanum melongena/बगन slowly over months or years.
होता है | Causes: Alcohol, hepatitis B,
(a) depression of brain activity and Ans. (b) Rauwolfia serpentina hepatitis C,
feeling of calmness/म कायिविध Explanation: Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia
का मंद पड़ जाना और शां ित का अनुभव serpentina), also spelled ravolphia, is Q998. Which of the following organs
(b) alters thoughts, perceptions and a medicinal plant in the milkweed has no known reproductive function?
feelings/िवचार, धारणा और भावनाओं family. The root of the plant is िन िल खत म से िकस अंग का कोई ात
को बदलना ground into a powder or sold in जनन काय नहीं है ?
(c) suppresses brain function and tablets or capsules. It is a compound (a) prostate gland / ो े ट ंिथ
relieves pain/म कायिविध को commonly used in Asian medicine, (b) clitoris/भगिशि का
रोकता है एवं दद से राहत दे ता है | which includes traditional Ayurvedic (c) uterus/गभाशय
(d) stimulates the nervous system medicine native to India. (d) epididymis/अिधवृषण [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 128

Q1001. Which among the following integrate motor, sensory, and
Ans. (b) clitoris hormone can be used as a drug to cognitive performances between the
Explanation: treat cardiac arrest and some other cerebral cortex on one side of the
The prostate gland is a male cardiac problems? brain to the same region on the other
reproductive organ whose main िन म से िकस हॉम न का योग side.
function is to secrete prostate fluid, पूण दरोध ( cardiac arrest ) तथा दय
one of the components of semen की कुछ अ सम ाओं के उपचार म Q1004. Amino acids join together to
It transports and stores sperm cells औषिध के प म िकया जाता है ? make polypeptides. What
that are produced in the testes. It also (a) Thyroxin/ थाईरॉ न polypeptides make by joining
is the job of the epididymis to bring (b) Epinephrine/ एिपने ीन together?
the sperm to maturity, since the (c) Calcitonin/ कै ीटोिनन एिमनो अ एक साथ िमलकर
sperm that emerge from the testes (d) Insulin/ इं सुिलन पॉलीपे ाइड का िनमाण करते ह |
are immature and incapable of पॉलीपे ाइड एक साथ िमलकर िकसका
fertilization. During sexual arousal, Ans. (b) Epinephrine िनमाण करते ह ?
contractions force the sperm into the Explanation: The study offers new (a) Carbohydrates / काब हाइडे ट
vas deferens. data in an ongoing debate over the (b) proteins / ोटीन
risks and benefits of using (c) vitamins / िवटािमन
Q999. The immunity obtained after epinephrine to treat cardiac arrest, an (d) All the above / उपरो सभी
the body has recovered from a often-fatal condition in which the
disease is heart stops beating. Epinephrine, also Ans. (b) proteins
शरीर का िकसी रोग से मु होने पर known as adrenaline, is a hormone Explanation: A peptide bond forms
ा की गई ितर ा को कहते है - that stimulates the heart and when the amino group of one amino
(a) active immunity/सि य ितर ा promotes the flow of blood acid bonds to the carboxyl group of
(b) passive immunity/िन य ितर ा another amino acid. A peptide is two
(c) both/दोनों Q1002. Which among the following or more amino acids joined together
(d) none of these/इनम से कोई नहीं blood protein regulates the amount of by peptide bonds, and a polypeptide
water in plasma? is a chain of many amino acids. A
Ans. (a) Active immunity िन म से कौन सा र - ोटीन ा ा म protein contains one or more
Explanation: Natural acquired active जल की मा ा को िनयंि त करता है ? polypeptides
immunity occurs when the person is (a) Globulin/ ो ुिलन
exposed to a live pathogen, develops (b) Albumin/ ए ूिमन Q1005. Meningitis is a disease which
the disease, and becomes immune (c) Fibrin/फाइि न is characterized by inflammation of
(d) Fibulin/ िफ ुिलन meninges , the covering that lie over
Q1000. T – cells are lymphocytes the brain and spinal cord is caused by
which produce the cellular immunity. Ans. (b) Albumin _______ ?
These are developed from Explanation: Albumin is an energy म ावरण शोथ एक रोग है
T- कोिशकाएं एक कार की storage protein and also an important (a) Bacteria
िल फोसाइट ह जो कोिशका की ितर ा osmoregulator of blood. (b) Virus
करती है | ये बनी है - (c) Protozoa
(a) thymus/थाइमस ंिथ Q1003. Corpus Callosum makes an (d) Fungi
(b) liver/यकृत important part of which among the
(c) spleen/ ीहा following organs in Human body? Ans. (a) Bacteria
(d) endothelium of blood vessels/र महासंयोिजका मानव शरीर के िन म से Explanation: Meningitis is an
वािहकाओं के अ ः र िकस अंग का एक मह पूण िह ा होती inflammation of the meninges. The
है ? meninges are the three membranes
Ans. (a) Thymus (a) Brain / म that cover the brain and spinal cord.
Explanation: Cellular immunity is (b) Liver / यकृत Meningitis can occur when fluid
mediated by T lymphocytes, also (c) Kidney/गुदा surrounding the meninges becomes
called T cells. Their name refers to (d) Spinal Cord / मे दं ड infected. The most common causes
the organ from which they're of meningitis are viral and bacterial
produced: the thymus. This type of Ans. (a) Brain infections.
immunity promotes the destruction Explanation: Corpus callosum/the
of microbes residing in phagocytes, corpus callosum consists of about Q1006. The birth of the first child
or the killing of infected cells to 200 million axons that interconnect will be a fatal situation in which of
eliminate reservoirs of infection. the two hemispheres. The primary the following conditions?
function of the corpus callosum is to िन म से िकस प र थित म पहले ब े [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 129

का ज एक जानलेवा प र थित का Ans. (d) Domestic Cat Schleiden and Theodor Schwann.
कारण बनेगा ? Explanation: However, many other scientists like
(a) Male Rh+ & Female Rh- / नर Lion : Panthera leo Rudolf Virchow contributed to the
Rh+ तथा मादा Rh- Leopard : Panthera pardus theory. The cell is the basic unit of
(b) Male Rh- & Female Rh+ / नर Rh- Tiger : Panthera tigris structure and organization in
तथा मादा Rh+ organisms.
(c) Male Rh- & Female Rh- / नर Rh- Q1009. In which year, Environment
तथा मादा Rh- (Protection) Act was enacted? Q1011. Cell theory states / कोिशका
(d) None of the above / उपरो म से पयावरण ( सुर ा ) अिधिनयम िकस वष िस ां त बताता है -
कोई नहीं पा रत िकया गया था ? (a) All cells are living / सभी
(a) 1985 कोिशकाएं सजीव होती ह |
Ans. (a) Male Rh+ & Female Rh- (b) 1986 (b) All cells have nucleus / सभी
Explanation: Erythroblastosis fetalis, (c) 1995 कोिशकाओं म क क होता है |
also called hemolytic disease of the (d) 1996 (c) Cells are fundamental and
newborn, type of anemia in which structural unit of living organisms/
the red blood cells (erythrocytes) of a Ans. (b) 1986 कोिशकाएं सजीवों की मूलभूत तथा
fetus are destroyed in a maternal Explanation: The Environment संरचना क इकाई ह |
immune reaction resulting from a (Protection) Act of India was enacted (d) Cells reproduce by mitosis and
blood group incompatibility between in 1986 with the objective of meiosis/ कोिशकाएं समसू ण तथा
the fetus and its mother. This providing for the protection and अधसू ण के ारा जनन करती ह |
incompatibility arises when the fetus improvement of the environment.
inherits a certain blood factor from The act was enacted by Parliament of Ans. (c) Cells are fundamental and
the father that is absent in the mother. India under Article 253 of the Indian structural unit of living organisms
Symptoms of erythroblastosis fetalis Constitution. The act empowers the Explanation: The three parts of cell
range from mild to severe; death of Central Government to establish theory are: All living organisms are
the fetus or newborn sometimes authorities with the mandate of made up of cells, Cells are the
results. preventing environmental pollution smallest unit ( or most basic building
in all its forms. blocks) of life and all cells come
Q1007. What would be the Article 253 deals with Legislation for from preexisting cells through the
percentage of Glucose in the Urine of giving effect to international process of cell division.
a healthy person? agreements
एक थ के पेशाब म ूकोज Q1012. Vacuole is covered by a
का ितशत िकतना होगा ? Q1010. ________proposed cell membrane called
(a) less than 1%/ 1% से कम theory. रसधानी के ऊपर एक िझ ी का
(b) More than 1% / 1% से अिधक _______ने कोिशका िस ां त का आवरण होता है िजसे कहते ह -
(c) More than 0.1% / 0.1% से अिधक ितपादन िकया | (a) Tonoplast/ टोनो ा
(d) 0% (a) Schleiden and schwann/ सलीडन (b) Plasmalemma/ ा ालेमा
तथा ान (c) Cell membrane/ कोिशका िझ ी
Ans. (d) 0% (b) Robert Hooke/ रॉबट की (d) Cell wall / कोिशका िभि
Explanation: The normal amount of (c) Robert Brown/ रॉबट ाउन
glucose in urine is 0 to 0.8 mmol/L (d) Virchow/ िवरचो Ans. (a) Tonoplast
(millimoles per liter). A higher Explanation: Also called the vacuolar
measurement could be a sign of a Q1010. ________proposed cell membrane, the tonoplast is the
health problem. Diabetes is the most theory. cytoplasmic membrane surrounding
common cause of elevated glucose _______ने कोिशका िस ां त का a vacuole, separating the vacuolar
levels. ितपादन िकया | contents from the cell's cytoplasm.
(a) Schleiden and schwann/ सलीडन As a membrane, it is mainly involved
Q1008. Which of the following does तथा ान in regulating the movements of ions
not come under Panthera genus? (b) Robert Hooke/ रॉबट की around the cell, and isolating
िन म से कौन पथेरा वंश के अंतगत नहीं (c) Robert Brown/ रॉबट ाउन materials that might be harmful or a
आता है ? (d) Virchow/ िवरचो threat to the cell.
(a) Lion/ शेर
(b) Leopard / तदु आ Ans. (a) Schleiden and schwann Q1013. Book Lungs are respiratory
(c) Tiger/ बाघ Explanation: Cell theory was organs in/
(d) Domestic Cat / घरे लू िब ी eventually formulated in 1839. This पु क फु ु स ______ के सन अंग
is usually credited to Matthias होते ह | [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 130

(a) Arachnida/ अ पाद alkaloid and stimulant of CNS.
(b) Mollusca/ मोल Q1016. Which protects the lungs? Cocaine is a anaesthetic and delays
(c) Mammals/ नपायी फेफड़ों की र ा कौन करता है ? fatigue but excess dosage can cause
(d) Earthworm/ कचुआ (a) Ribs / पसिलयाँ hallucinations. Amphetamines are
(b) Vertebral column/ मे दं ड commonly known as pep pills or
Ans. (a) Arachnida (c) Sternum / उरा थ anti-sleep pills. They stimulate
Explanation: Book lungs are the (d) All the above / उपरो सभी respiratory centre, reduce hunger and
main respiratory organ in most sleep.
arachnids (spiders and scorpions). Ans. (d) All the above
Book lungs are within small Explanation: Your lungs are Q1019. Phase of menstrual cycle in
openings in the abdomen of the protected by your rib cage, which is which ovulation occurs:
arachnid. The book lungs themselves made up of 12 sets of ribs. These ribs माहवारी च का वह चरण िजसम
consist of a series of haemolymph are connected to your spine in your िड ो जन होता है :
filled plate-like structures. back and go around your lungs to (a) Luteal/ लुिटयल
keep them safe. (b) Menstrual/ माहवारी
Q1014. Adam’s apple represents (c) Proliferative / जननशील
एडम का सेब दशाता है - Q1017. Immune system is made up (d) Secretory / ावी
(a) Arytenoid cartilage of larynx/ of
कंठनली की दव क उपा थ ितर ा णाली _____ से बनी होती है | Ans. (c) Proliferative
(b) Cricoid cartilage of larynx/ (a) Humoral system/ ि दोषण णाली Explanation: The follicular phase:
कंठनली की वलयाकार उपा थ (b) Humoral and fibrous system/ The time between the first day of the
(c) Thyroid cartilage of larynx/ ि दोषण तथा तंतुमय णाली period and ovulation. Estrogen rises
कंठनली की थाइरोइड उपा थ (c) Humoral and cell mediated as an egg prepares to be released.
(d) All the above / उपरो सभी system/ ि दोषण तथा कोिशका म थ The proliferative phase: After the
णाली period, the uterine lining builds back
Ans. (c) Thyroid cartilage of larynx (d) Antigen induced antibodies/ up again. Ovulation: The release of
Explanation: The Adam's apple is a ितजन े रत ितर ी the egg from the ovary, mid-cycle.
lump of cartilage that sticks out from
the throat. It is more prominent in Ans. (c) Humoral and cell mediated Q1020. Embryo at 16-celled stage is
males, and it serves no specific system called
function. A person can remove or Explanation: Humoral immunity is 16-कोिशकीय अव था म ूण को ा
change the size of their Adam's apple also called antibody-mediated कहा जाता है ?
with surgery. Adam's apples develop immunity. With assistance from (a) Morula/ मो ला
during puberty and are not present in helper T cells, B cells will (b) Blastula/ ै ुला
prepubescent children. The "Adam's differentiate into plasma B cells that (c) Blastomere/ ा ोमीयर
apple" is a nickname for part of the can produce antibodies against a (d) gastrula/ गेस ला
larynx formed by the thyroid specific antigen. Cellular immunity Ans. (a) Morula
cartilage. The thyroid cartilage is occurs inside infected cells and is Explanation: A morula (Latin,
composed of hyaline cartilage. mediated by T lymphocytes. morus: mulberry) is an early-stage
embryo consisting of 16 cells (called
Q1015. One reason for emphysema Q1018. Caffeine, amphetamine and blastomeres) in a solid ball contained
वात ीित का एक कारण है - cocaine are within the zona pellucida.
(a) Liquor consumption/ शराब का कैफीन, ए फ़ैटे िमन तथा कोकीन ह -
सेवन (a) Sedatives/ शामक औषिधयां Q1021. Membrane that gives
(b) Smoking/ धु पान (b) Tranquilizers/ शां तक दवाएं protection to embryo from external
(c) Drug addiction/ नशे की लत (c) a and b / a तथा b shocks is
(d) Heavy exercise / भारी ायाम (d) Stimulants / उ ेजक वह िझ ी जो ूण को बाहरी झटकों से
सुर ा दान करती है -
Ans. (b) Smoking Ans. (d) Stimulants (a) Amnion/ ूणावरण
Explanation: Cigarette smoking is Explanation: Caffeine and cocaine (b) Allantois/ अपरापोिषका
the primary cause of emphysema. are natural stimulants while (c) Chorion/ गभव
Emphysema is a long-term, amphetamine are synthetic (d) Placenta/ गभनाल
progressive disease of the lungs that stimulants. Stimulants are the drugs
primarily causes shortness of breath that stimulate nervous system and Ans. (a) Amnion
due to over-inflation of the alveoli make a person more alert and cause Explanation: The amnion is a
(air sacs in the lung). excitement. Caffeine is a bitter membrane that closely covers the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 131

embryo when first formed. It fills टां र (GIFT) नामक तकनीक की (b) Tears/आँ सू
with the amniotic fluid which causes सलाह कब दी जाती है ? (c) Monocytes/ एक क क
the amnion to expand and become (a) who cannot produce an ova/जो ेतकोिशका
the amniotic sac which serves to एक अंडाणु का उ ादन नहीं कर सकता (d) Skin/ चा
provide a protective environment for है
the developing embryo or fetus. (b) who cannot retain the foetus Ans. (b) Tears
inside uterus/जो गभाशय के अंदर ूण Explanation: Physiological barriers
Q1022. Short-lived immunity को नहीं रख सकता है to the entry of microorganisms in the
acquired from mother to foetus (c) whose cervical canal is too human body are tears in eyes, saliva
across placenta or through mother’s narrow to allow passage for the in mouth and HCl in the stomach.
milk to the infant is categorized as sperms/िजसकी ीवा नाल शु ाणुओं के The enzymes lysozymes are found in
माता से ूण म या गभवती माता के दू ध िलए माग की अनुमित दे ने के िलए ब त tears and saliva inhibits the synthesis
से िशशु को ा ई अ कािलक संकीण है of peptidoglycan present in the cell
ितर ा को कहा जाता है - (d) who cannot provide suitable wall of microorganisms especially
(a) active immunity/सि य ितर ा environment for fertilisation/जो eubacteria.
(b) passive immunity/िन य ितर ा िनषेचन के िलए उपयु वातावरण
(c) cellular immunity/कोिशकीय दान नहीं कर सकते ह Q1027. Vaccines are
ितर ा टीके ह-
(d) innate non-specific Ans. (a) who cannot produce an ova (a) Treated bacteria or viruses or one
immunity/ज जात अिनिद ितर ा Explanation: Gamete intrafallopian of their proteins/उपचार के िलए योग
transfer (GIFT) is a tool of assisted होने वाला जीवाणु या वायरस या ोटीन
Ans. (b) Passive immunity reproductive technology against (b) MHC (major histocompatibility
Explanation: Short - lived immunity infertility. Eggs are removed from a complex) proteins/ मुख
acquired from mother to foetus woman's ovaries, and placed in one िह ोकोपेटाबेिटिबिलटी कॉ े
across placenta or through mother's of the Fallopian tubes, along with the ोटीन
milk to the infant is categorised as man's sperm. Gamete intra fallopian (c) Curative medicines/रोगिनवारक
Passive immunity. Explanation: transfer method is used in females औषिध
Passive immunity is also called as who cannot produce ova but can (d) Monoclonal
active hormonal immunity. This provide suitable envoironment for antibodies/मोनो ोनल ितर ी
immunity has a nature of ready - fertilization and further development
made antibodies of embryo in the oviducts. In such Ans. (a) Treated bacteria or viruses
cases, ovum from the donor female is or one of their proteins
Q1023. Cancerous cells can easily be surgically removed and is then Explanation: Vaccines contain the
destroyed by radiations due to introduced into the fallopian tube of same germs that cause disease. (For
कसर कोिशकाओं को िविकरण ारा such females. example, measles vaccine contains
आसानी से न िकया जा सकता है measles virus, and Hib vaccine
िजसका कारण है - Q1025. Malarias parasite completes contains Hib bacteria.) But they have
(a) rapid cell divisions/ती कोिशका its life-cycle in been either killed or weakened to the
िवभाजन मले रया परजीवी अपना जीवन च पूरा point that they don’t make you sick.
(b) lack of nutrition/पोषण की अ ता करता है - Some vaccines contain only a part of
(c) fast mutation/ती उ रवतन (a) one host/एक पोिषता पर the disease germ
(d) lack of oxygen/ऑ ीजन की कमी (b) two host/ दो पोिषता पर
(c) three host / तीन पोिषता पर Q1028. Sperms produce an
Ans. (a) rapid cell divisions (d) reservoir host /जलाशय पोिषता पर enzymatic substance for dissolving
Explanation: Cancerous cells can egg coverings. It is called
easily be destroyed by radiation due Ans. (b) two host शु ाणु अंडे के आवरण को भंग करने के
to. Solution : The ability of िलए एक एं जाइम पदाथ का उ ादन
radiations to kill cells is highest in Q1026. Which one of the following करते ह। यह ा कहलाता है ?
the tissue with highest number of acts as a physiological barrier to the (a) Hyaluronic acid/हायलूरॉिनक अ
dividing cells. Tumour cells entry of micro-organism a in the (b) Hyaluronidase/हाय ूरोिनडे ज
proliferate rapidly. human body? (c) Androgamone/एं डोगामोन
िन म से मानव शरीर म सू जीव के (d) Diastase/डाय े स
Q1024. The technique called gamete वेश के िलए शारी रक अवरोधक के
intrafallopian transfer(GIFT) is प म कौन काय करता है ? Ans. (b) Hyaluronidase
recommended for females (a) Epithelium of urogenital tract/मू Explanation: Sperms produce an
मिहलाओं के िलए गैमीट इं टाफैलोिपयन णाली का अिध द enzymatic substance for dissolve egg [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 132

coverings. It is called Hyaluronidase Ans. (c) hysterectomy muscles/लैिटिसमस डोस मां सपेशी
Explanation: A hysterectomy is an
Ans. (b) Hyaluronidase operation to remove a woman's Ans. (b) Dartos muscles
Explanation: Sperms produce an uterus. A woman may have a Explanation: Cremaster muscle : All
enzymatic substance for dissolve egg hysterectomy for different reasons, of these structures are surrounded by
coverings. It is called Hyaluronidase including: Uterine fibroids that cause the scrotal wall. This wall is lined
pain, bleeding, or other problems. with smooth muscle called the dartos
Q1029. How many cranial bones are Uterine prolapse, which is a sliding fascia muscle. This muscle, along
found in human skull?/मानव म of the uterus from its normal position with the cremaster muscles, help to
कपाल म िकतनी हि यां पाई जाती ह into the vaginal canal. expand or tighten the skin of the
(a) 8 scrotum as it moves up and down
(b) 16 Q1032. Progesterone pill helps in
(c) 18 preventing pregnancy by not Q1035. A contraceptive pill
(d) 19 allowing contains-
ोजे े रोन गोली गभाव था को रोकती गभिनरोधक गोली म _______ पाए जाते
Ans. (a) 8 है ,िजसमे यह ______ की अनुमित नहीं है |
Explanation: The human skull is दे ता है | (a) Progesterone and estrogen /
generally considered to consist of (a) ova formation/िड िनमाण ोजे े रोन और ए ोजेन
twenty-two bones—eight cranial (c) implantation/रोपण (b) Oxytocin/ऑ ीटॉिसन
bones and fourteen facial skeleton (b) fertilization/िनषेचन (c) Relaxin / रलै न
bones. In the neurocranium these are (d) none of these/इनम से कोई भी नहीं (d) None of these/इनम से कोई नहीं
the occipital bone, two temporal
bones, two parietal bones, the Ans. (a) ova formation Ans. (a) Progesterone and estrogen
sphenoid, ethmoid and frontal bones. Explanation: Most birth control pills
Q1033. Medical termination of the are "combination pills" containing a
Q1030. In amniocentesis, the fluid is pregnancy (MTP)is considered safe mix of the hormones estrogen and
taken from up to how many weeks of pregnancy. progesterone to prevent ovulation
उ वेधन म, व पदाथ कहाँ से ा गभाव था की िचिक ा समा को (the release of an egg during the
होता है ? गभाव था के िकतने ह ों तक सुरि त monthly cycle).
(a) foetal blood/ ूण र माना जाता है ?
(b) mother's blood/माँ का र (a) Six weeks/छह स ाह Q1036. Sexual cannibalism is a
(c) body fluid of mother/माँ के शरीर (b) Eight weeks/आठ स ाह concept in which the female kills the
का व (c) Twelve weeks/बारह स ाह male after mating and is normally
(d) fluid surrounding the foetus/ ूण (d) Eighteen weeks/अठारह स ाह found in _________
के आसपास का तरल पदाथ यौन नरभ ण एक अवधारणा है िजसम
Ans. (c) Twelve weeks मादा नर को संभोग के बाद मार दे ती है
Ans. (d) fluid surrounding the foetus Explanation: Intentional or voluntary और आम तौर पर यह _________ म
Explanation: Amniocentesis is a termination of pregnancy before full पाया जाता है |
prenatal test in which a small amount term is called medical termination of (a) Dragonfly/ ाध-पतंग
of amniotic fluid is removed from the pregnancy (MTP) or induced (b) Spider/मकड़ी
sac surrounding the fetus for testing. abortion. MTPs are considered (c) Honey Bee /मधुम ी
The sample of amniotic fluid (less relatively safe during the first (d) None of the above/इनमे से कोई भी
than one ounce) is removed through trimester, i.e., upto 12 weeks of नहीं
a fine needle inserted into the uterus pregnancy. Second trimester
through the abdomen, under abortions are much more risky. So, Ans. (b) Spider
ultrasound guidance. the correct option is 'Twelve'
Q1037. Who among the following
Q1031. Surgical removal uterus is Q1034. Smooth muscles lining the coined the term Bacterium?
called wall of scrotum are called िन िल खत म से िकसने बै ी रया श
सजरी ारा गभाशय हटाने को कहा वृषणकोष की िभि पर िव मान को ितपािदत िकया ?
जाता है - मां सपेिशयों को __________ कहा जाता (a) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek /एं टोनी
(a) vasectomy/शु वािहको े दन है | वॉन ूवे ॉक
(b) tubectomy/ ूबे ोमी (a) Deltoid muscles/डे ाइ मां सपेशी (b) Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg/
(c) hysterectomy/गभाशयो े दन (b) Dartos muscles/डाट स मां सपेशी ि ि यन गॉट ीड एहरे नबग
(d) anatomy/एनाटॉमी (c) Gluteal muscles/ ूटल मां सपेशी (c) Louis Pasteur /लुई पा र
(d) Latissimus dorsi (d) Robert Koch/रॉबट कोच [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 133

Ans. (a) Urinary Bladder sebum; a by-product of this reaction
Ans. (b) Christian Gottfried Explanation: The urinary bladder is a is oleic acid.
Ehrenberg muscular sac in the pelvis, just above
Explanation: The term 'Bacteria' was and behind the pubic bone. When Q1043. What is baking soda?
coined by Christian Gottfried empty, the bladder is about the size खाने का सोडा ा है ?
Ehrenberg, the German Naturalist and shape of a pear. Urine is made in (a) Potassium chloride/पोटे िशयम
during 1838. In 1676, Anton Van the kidneys and travels down two ोराइड
Leeuwenhoek first observed bacteria tubes called ureters to the bladder. (b) Potassium carbonate/पोटे िशयम
through a microscope and called The bladder stores urine, allowing काब नेट
them “animalcules.” urination to be infrequent and (c) Potassium hydroxide/पोटे िशयम
controlled हाइडॉ ाइड
Q1038. Consider the following about (d) Sodium bicarbonate/सोिडयम
cell wall.Which of them is incorrect? Q1040. Which of the following is बाइकाब नेट
कोिशका िभि के बारे म िन िल खत पर not a pollinating agent?/ इनमे से कौन
िवचार कर। उनम से कौन गलत है ? परागण वाहक नहीं है Ans. (d) Sodium bicarbonate
(a) Present only in plants./ केवल (a) Bats/ चमगादड़ Explanation: Baking soda is sodium
पादपों म होती है | (b) Butterflies/ िततिलयों bicarbonate, which requires an acid
(b) It is a rigid covering inside the (c) Birds/ प ी and a liquid to become activated and
plasma membrane./ यह ा ा िझ ी (d) Flowers/फूल help baked goods rise. Conversely,
के भीतर एक कठोर आवरण है baking powder includes sodium
(c) Cell wall is a nonliving, rigid and Ans. (d) Flowers bicarbonate, as well as an acid. It
fully permeable./ कोिशका िभि एक only needs a liquid to become
िनज व,कठोर तथा पूणतः पारग है | Q1041. .In a new born baby there are activated.
(d) Cell wall is made up of cellulose. how many bones?
कोिशका िभि का िनमाण सेलूलोज़ के एक नए ज े ब े म िकतनी हि याँ Q1044. Pyorrhoea is a disease of the
ारा होता है | होती ह? पाइ रया िकस से संबंिधत एक रोग है ?
(a) 300 (a) nose/नाक
Ans. (b) It is a rigid covering inside (b) 550 (b) gums/मसूड़े
the plasma membrane (c) 630 (c) heart/ दय
Explanation: A cell wall is a (d) 206 (d) lungs/फु ु स
structural layer surrounding some
types of cells, just outside the cell Ans. (a) 300 Ans. (b) gums
membrane. It can be tough, flexible, Explanation: A baby's body has Explanation: Gum disease, and its
and sometimes rigid. It provides the about 300 bones at birth. These related conditions, is known by many
cell with both structural support and eventually fuse (grow together) to names: Gingivitis, Periodontal
protection, and also acts as a filtering form the 206 bones that adults have. Disease, Periodontitis (Pyorrhea).
mechanism. The cell wall is a Some of a baby's bones are made Simply put, gum disease manifests
non-living part of the cell. It is an entirely of a special material called itself when plaque and tartar are
outer, rigid, protective covering of cartilage. Other bones in a baby are allowed to build up at the gum line.
plant cells only. The cell wall lies partly made of cartilage. Plaque and tartar are full of bacteria,
outside the plasma membrane. The which can then cause an infection of
cell wall is mainly composed of Q1042. Dandruff is caused due the gums
cellulose. They are fully permeable to__________
to water, molecules, and proteins. सी का कारण है - Q1045. Normal adult human male
This allows water and nutrients to be (a) Fungi/कवक has
freely exchanged between the plant (b) Virus/वायरस सामा वय मानव नर म
cells. (c) Bacteria/जीवाणु ___________ होते है ।
(d) Protozoa/ ोटोजोआ (a) 10 gram of haemoglobin/100
Q1039. Which of the following is gram of blood/10 ाम हीमो ोिबन /
pear shaped?/ इनम से कौन सा Ans. (a) Fungus 100 ाम र
नाशपाती के आकार का होता है ? Explanation: Dandruff itself isn't a (b) 14 gram of haemoglobin/100
(a) Urinary Bladder/ मू ाशय fungus; however it is caused by the gram of blood / 14 ाम हीमो ोिबन /
(b) Nephron/ने ॉन presence of Malassezia globosa, a 100 ाम र
(c) Medulla/मेडुला naturally occurring fungus. This (c) 18 gram of haemoglobin/100
(d) Ureters/ मू वािहनी fungus is present on everyone's scalp gram of blood / 18 ाम हीमो ोिबन /
and breaks down oils known as 100 ाम र [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 134

(d) 24 gram of haemoglobin/100 of halophytes specially in plants like inflammation of the tongue. The
gram of blood/24 ाम हीमो ोिबन / mangroves. These lenticels allow the condition causes the tongue to swell
100 ाम र atmospheric air to diffuse into the in size, change in color, and develop
aerenchyma tissue of the plant a different appearance on the surface.
Ans. (b) 14 gram of
haemoglobin/100 gram of blood Q1048. Lepidopterology is a branch Q1051. An unfertilized egg is alive
Explanation: The normal range for of biology, which deals with the for _______after ovulation
hemoglobin is: For men, 13.5 to 17.5 following? एक अिनषेिचत अंडा _______के िलए
grams per deciliter. For women, 12.0 लेिपडॉ ोलॉजी जीव िव ान की एक जीिवत रहता है |
to 15.5 grams per deciliter शाखा है , जो िन िल खत से संबंिधत है ? (a) 3 days
(a) Ferns/पणाग (b) 48 hours/48 घंटो
Q1046. Which among the following (b) animals in stagnant (c) 36 hours/36 घंटो
is not correctly matched? waters/गितहीन जल म जानवर (d) 24 hours/24 घंटो
िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु सुमेिलत (c) Lipids and Fats/िलिपड और वसा
नहीं है ? (d) Moths & Butterflies/पतंगे और Ans. (d) 24 hours
(a) Malleus – Middle Ear िततिलयाँ Explanation: An egg lives for about
Bone/माललस - म कान की ह ी 12-24 hours after you ovulate, and
(b) Maxilla – Cranial Bone /मै ला - Ans. (d) Moths & Butterflies sperm can live for five to seven days
कपालीय ह ी Explanation: Lepidopterology is a
(c) Lunate- Carpal bone /लुनट- कलाई branch of entomology concerning the Q1052. A Rough Endoplasmic
की ह ी scientific study of moths and the Reticulum looks rough under a
(d) All are correct/सभी सही ह three superfamilies of butterflies. microscope because it has particles
Someone who studies in this field is called _______ attached to its
Ans.(b) Maxilla – Cranial Bone a lepidopterist or, archaically, an surface.
Explanation: There are eight cranial aurelian. RER माइ ो ोप ारा दे खने पर
bones, each with a unique shape: किणकीय िदखाई दे ती है इसम
Frontal bone. This is the flat bone Q1049. Phalanges are found in ______नामक कण होते है जो इसकी
that makes up your forehead. the__________. सतह पर िचपके होते है |
Parietal bones. This a pair of flat अंगुला ाँ कहाँ पाई जाती है ? (a) Fat cells/ वसा
bones located on either side of (a) Thigh/जां घ (b) Lipids/ िलिपड
your head, behind the frontal (b) Hips/ कू े (c) Ribosomes/ राइबोसोम
bone. (c) Toes/पैर की अंगुली (d) None/ कोई नहीं
Temporal bones (d) Skull/खोपड़ी
Occipital bone Ans. (c) Ribosomes
Sphenoid bone Ans. (c) Toes
Ethmoid bone Explanation: The phalanges are the Q1053. _________ controls all the
bones that make up the fingers of the functions of the cell.
Q1047. The pneumatophores are hand and the toes of the foot. There ________कोिशका के सभी काय को
negatively geotropic roots which are 56 phalanges in the human body, िनयंि त करता है ।
grow upward & meant for gaseous with fourteen on each hand and foot. (a) Nucleus/ नािभक
exchange. These are a characteristic Three phalanges are present on each (b) Chromosomes/ गुणसू
of _______? finger and toe, with the exception of (c) Cytoplasm/ के क
वसन-सूल ऋणा क भूवत जड़ होती the thumb and large toe, which (d) nucleoplasm/ के क
ह जो गैसीय िविनमय के िलए ऊपर की possess only two.
तरफ बढ़ती है । ये िकसकी िवशेषता है ? Ans. (a) Nucleus
(a) Halophyte/हे लोफाइट Q1050. Glossitis has an impact on Explanation: Each of your cells has a
(b) Heliophytes/हे िलयोफाइट which part of the body? boss, too: the nucleus. This control
(c) Sciophytes/िसयोफाइट िज ाशोथ का शरीर के िकस िह े पर center runs the show, instructing the
(d) Lithophytes/िलथोफाइट् स भाव पड़ता है ? cell to carry out basic functions, such
(a) Tongue/िज ा as growth, development and division.
Ans. (a) Halophyte (b) Skin/ चा Most of your body's genetic material
Explanation: Pneumatophores are (c) Liver/यकृत -- its deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA
characteristic features of Halophytes (d) Hair/लोम -- is located inside the nucleus.
specially in plants like mangroves.
Explanation: Pneumatophores are Ans. (a) Tongue Q1054. Which of the following
morphological characteristic features Explanation: Glossitis refers to acquires its food through [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 135

endocytosis? महीन,कोमल,कोिशका के बा आवरण फीटस कहा जाता है |
_______ अंतः गमन ि या ारा म िव मान है | (a) 2nd
अपना भोजन हण करते है (c) It ensures protection of cell./ (b) 3rd
(a) Algae/ शैवाल कोिशका की सुर ा को िनि त करता है | (c) 4th
(b) Hydra/ हीडा (d) It is an impermeable membrane./ (d) 1st
(c) Amoeba/ अमीबा यह एक पारग िझ ी नहीं है |
(d) None/ कोई नहीं Ans. (b) 3rd
Ans. (d) It is an impermeable Explanation: The distinction between
Ans. (c) Amoeba membrane embryo and fetus is made based on
Explanation: Amoeba acquires its Explanation: The primary function of gestational age. An embryo is the
food through the process of the plasma membrane is to protect early stage of human development in
endocytosis. Endocytosis is the the cell from its surroundings. which organs are critical body
process in which the plasma Composed of a phospholipid bilayer structures are formed. An embryo is
membrane captures small molecules, with embedded proteins, the plasma termed a fetus beginning in the 11th
macromolecules, and even small membrane is selectively permeable week of pregnancy, which is the 9th
cells in a pocket that turns into a to ions and organic molecules and week of development after
vesicle, and eventually the vesicle regulates the movement of fertilization of the egg.
separates from the membrane to substances in and out of cells.
carry its contents to the cell's interior. Q1060. Consider the following
Q1057. Which is the smallest cell? statements about the placenta.Which
Q1055. Which of the following is सबसे छोटी कोिशका कौन सी है ? of the following is incorrect? /
incorrect about lipids? (a) Cytoplasma/साइटो ा ा गभनाल के बारे म िन िल खत कथनों पर
िलिपड के बारे म िन िल खत म से कौन (b) Neoplasma/नेओ ा मा िवचार कर। िन िल खत म से ा गलत
गलत है ? (c) Mycoplasma/माइको ा ा है ?
(a) naturally occurring organic (d) Neoplasia/िनयो ािसया (a) Placenta is a tissue formed by the
substances/ ाकृितक प पाए जाने cells from the embryo and the
वाले जैिवक पदाथ है Ans. (c) Mycoplasma mother./ ेसटा एक उ क है जो ूण
(b) soluble in water/ जल म घुलनशील Explanation: The smallest cell is तथा मातृ कोिशका ारा बनता है |
ह Mycoplasma (PPLO-Pleuro (b) It is an important structure for the
(c) used for energy storage/ इनका pneumonia like organisms). It is nourishment of the embryo./ यह ूण
उपयोग ऊजा भंडारण about 10 micrometer in size. The के पोषण के िलए एक मह पूण संरचना
(d) Used for cell membrane largest cells is an egg cell of ostrich. है ।
construction / इनका उपयोग कोिशका (c) Embryo receives all the required
िझ ी िनमाण के िलए िकया जाता है Q1058. ________is connected to the nutrients and oxygen for its
placenta. metabolism from the mother through
Ans. (b) soluble in water _____ ेसटा से जुड़ा होता है । the blood vessels present in the
Explanation: Lipids are naturally (a) Fallopian tubes/ अ वाही नािलया placenta./ ूण को अपने उपापचय के
occurring organic compounds, (b) Umbilical cord/ गभनाल िलए आव क पोषक त ों और
commonly known as oils and fats. (c) Cervix/ ीवा ऑ ीजन की ा मातृ से ेसटा म
They are heterogenous group of (d) Ovaries/ अंडाशय उप थत र कोिशकाओं ारा होती है
compounds related to fatty acids. (d) Excretory products of embryo are
They include fats, oils, waxes, Ans. (b) Umbilical cord not eliminated out by Placenta./ ूण
phospholipids, etc. They make up Explanation: This structure provides के उ ग पदाथ को ेसटा ारा बहार
about 70% of the dry weight of the oxygen and nutrients to your नहीं िकया जाता है |
nervous system. growing baby and removes waste
products from your baby's blood. The Ans. Excretory products of embryo
Q1056. Which of the following placenta attaches to the wall of your are not eliminated out by Placenta
statement is incorrect about Plasma uterus, and your baby's umbilical Explanation: The placenta functions
Membrane? cord arises from it. The organ is as a fetomaternal organ with two
िन म से कौन सा कथन ा ा िझ ी usually attached to the top, side, front components: the fetal placenta
के बारे म सही नहीं है : or back of the uterus. (Chorion frondosum), which
(a) It is also called as cell develops from the same blastocyst
membrane./ इसे कोिशका िझ ी भी Q1059. In the _____ month of that forms the fetus, and the maternal
कहा जाता है । pregnancy the embryo is called placenta (Decidua basalis), which
(b) It is a thin, delicate, living foetus develops from the maternal uterine
outermost covering of cell./ यह एक ूण म गभधारण के ______माह को tissue. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 136

by the testis./ वृषण ारा लाखों शु ाणु decomposition of organic compounds
Q1061. Consider the following िनिमत होते है into simpler compounds, which
statements about female sex 3. Though sperms are very small in occurs when the right
hormones?Which of them is size, each has a head, a middle piece microorganisms are present along
correct/मिहला यौन-ि या हाम न के बारे and a tail./ शु ाणु आकार के ब त with the right conditions for their
म िन िल खत कथनों पर िवचार कर। छोटे ह, लेिकन ेक का एक िसर, एक growth. All living organisms produce
उनम से कौन सा सही है म भाग और एक पूंछ होती है । organic compounds.
(a) Estrogen , testrostrone and Which of the above are correct?/
progesterone are female sex उपरो म से कौन सा सही ह? Q1066. Cross between hybrid and
hormones/ ए ोजेन और ोजे े रोन (a) 1,2,3 recessive parent is/ हाइि ड और
नामक मिहला के यौन-ि या हाम न (b) 1,2 रसेिसव पैरट के बीच ॉस है
(b) Ovaries secrete the female sex (c) 2,3 (a) Back cross/ वापस पार
hormone/अंडाशय मिहला यौन-ि या (d) 3 only (b) Test cross/ परी ण पार
हाम न का ाव करते ह (c) Monohybrid cross/ मोनोहाइि ड
(c) Both a and b are correct/a और b Ans. (a) 1,2,3 ॉस
दोनों सही ह Explanation: Testosterone is the main (d) Dihybrid cross/ डायहाइि ड ॉस
(d) Neither is correct/कोई भी सही sex hormone found in men. It
नहीं है controls male physical features. The Ans. (b) Test cross
testes (testicles) make testosterone. Explanation: Test cross – cross
Ans. (b) Ovaries secrete the female Women have testosterone too but in between F1 hybrid and homozygous
sex hormone much smaller amounts than in men. recessive parent. Dihybrid cross – a
Explanation: The two main female cross between a homozygous
sex hormones are estrogen and Q1064. An invertebrate does not dominant parent and a homozygous
progesterone. Although testosterone have recessive parent on the basis of two
is considered a male hormone, एक अकशे की के पास नहीं है characters.
females also produce and need a (a) Notochord/पृ दं ड
small amount of this, too. In females, (b) Body cavity/शरीर गुहा Q1067. Normally animals can
the ovaries and adrenal glands are the (c) Haemocoel/र तगुहा change the place, but which one of
main producers of sex hormones. (d) Gills/गलफड़ा the following animals cannot change
Female sex hormones include the place?
estrogen, progesterone, and small Ans. (a) Notochord/ आम तौर पर जानवर थान बदल सकते
quantities of testosterone Explanation: Invertebrates are ह, लेिकन िन िल खत म से कौन सा
“animals without a backbone”. जानवर थान नहीं बदल सकता है ?
Q1062. Secretion form which of the chordates are animals that possess a (a) Starfish/रजतमीन
following make the seminal plasma? notochord. All vertebrates( (b) Sponge/ ंज
शु ाशय ा ा िकस से बनता है ? snakes,reptiles , amphibians etc), sea (c) Hydra/हाइडा
(a) Prostate gland/ ो े ट ंिथ squirts(tunicates), (d) Leech/जोंक
(b) Seminal Vesicles/ शु ाशय lancelets(cephalochordates) fall
(c) Cowpers gland/ काउपर की ंिथ under chordates. Non chordates are Ans. (b) Sponge
(d) All of these/ ये सभी animals that do not possess any Explanation: Because sponges are
notochord. sessile, meaning they cannot move,
Ans. (d) All of these they filter water to obtain their food.
Explanation: Seminal plasma is a Q1065. Production of alcohol from They are, therefore, known as filter
complex fluid comprised of organic compounds by feeders.
secretions from the seminal vesicles, microorganisms is known as
the prostate, bulbourethral glands सू जीवों ारा काबिनक यौिगकों से Q1068. A seed can germinate in the
and from the seminiferous tubule शराब के उ ादन को िकस प म जाना absence of
lumen / epididymides / vasa जाता है ? िकसकी अनुप थित म एक बीज
deferentia. (a) Combustion/दहन अंकु रत हो सकता है ?
Q1063. Consider the following (b) Fermentation/िक न (a) adequate light/पया काश
statement/ िन िल खत कथन पर िवचार (c) Anaerobic respiration/अवायवीय (b) oxygen/ऑ ीजन
कर- सन (c) suitable moisture/उपयु नमी
1. The male hormone is called (d) Aerobic respiration/वायवीय सन (d) suitable temperature/ उपयु
testosterone./ नर हारमोन टे ो े रॉन तापमान
कहा जाता है | Ans. (b) Fermentation
2. Millions of sperms are produced Explanation: Fermentation is the Ans. (a) adequate light [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 137

Explanation: A seed can germinate in the hydrochloric acid required for the
the absence of adequate light. Ans. (b) Cyanobacteria digestion of food
Explanation: Blue-green algae, also Explanation: Salt plays a primary
Q1069. ‘Comose' seeds are seeds called cyanobacteria, any of a large, role in the process of digestion and
with heterogeneous group of prokaryotic, absorption. Salt plays a role in
रोमगु ी बीज कैसे बीज है ? principally photosynthetic organisms. digestion by helping to break down
(a) Long hairs/लंबे लोम वाले Algae have since been reclassified as food. It creates hydrochloric acid
(b) Wings/पंख वाले protists, and the prokaryotic nature of which is very important digestive
(c) Bristles/कड़े बाल वाले the blue-green algae has caused them secretion lining the stomach walls.
(d) Hooks/कां टो वाले to be classified with bacteria in the Salt helps the body to digest food.
prokaryotic kingdom Monera.
Ans. (a) Long hairs Eubacteria are characterized by the Q1074. Which of the following Fixes
Explanation: The word 'comose' presence of a rigid cell wall, and if atmospheric nitrogen into the soil?
means 'hairy' in Latin. It refers to motile, a flagellum. _______________िम ी म
certain seeds (such as cotton) having वायुमंडलीय नाइटोजन का थरीकरण
a tuft or tufts of hair. The seeds of Q1072. Which of the following are करता है
plants like Calotropis, Gossypium, used for preservation? (a) Chlamydia/चालमीिडया
etc, possess a large number of hairs िन म से िकसका योग खा (b) Cyanobacteria/साइनोबै ी रया
which enable them to float in air. परीर ण के िलए िकया जाता है (c) Bordetella/बोडटे ला
Such seeds are described as comose. (a) oil/ तेल (d) Anaplasma/एना ा ा
(b) salt/ नमक
Q1070. Consider the following about (c) vinegar/ िसरका Ans. (b) Cyanobacteria
multiple fission? (d) All of these
ब िवखंडन के बारे म िन िल खत पर Q1075. Which of the following is
िवचार कर? Ans.(d) All of these not caused by a virus?
(a) It occurs in plasmodium and Explanation: Common salt has been िन िल खत म से ा एक वायरस के
many algae./ ाजमोिडयम और कई used to preserve meat and fish for कारण नहीं होता है ?
शैवाल म होता है ages Meat and fish are covered with (a) Cold/ सद
(b) Plasmodium is a malarial dry salt to check the growth of (b) Influenza/ इ ुएंजा
parasite./ ा ोिडयम एक मले रयाय bacteria. Salting is also used to (c) Chickenpox/ चेचक
परजीवी है । preserve amla, raw mangoes, (d) tuberculosis/ तपेिदक
(c) Both the above a and b are tamarind, etc.
correct/उपरो a और b दोनों सही ह Use of oil and vinegar prevents Ans. (d) tuberculosis
(d) Neither are correct/कोई भी सही spoilage of pickles because bacteria
नही है cannot live in such an environment. Q1076. Cockroach cannot survive in
Vegetables, fruits, fish and meat are the water because its respiratory
Ans. (c) Both the above a and b are often preserved by this method. organ is
correct कॉकरोच पानी म जीिवत नहीं रह सकता
Explanation: Multiple fission is the Q1073. The main use of salt in the ोंिक उसका सन अंग है
process of asexual reproduction diet is to (a) Gill/गलफड़ा
which takes place in lower organisms आहार म नमक का मु उपयोग ा (b) Trachea/ ास णाल
such as protozoa (Plasmodium, है ? (c) Book lung/पु फु ु स
malarial parasite), algae (a) increase the solubility of the food (d) Pulmonary Sac/फु ु स-कोश
(Chlamydomonas), It is the process particles in water/जल म खा कणों
where nuclei of the parent cell की घुलनशीलता बढ़ाता है Ans. (b) Trachea
divides several times to produce (b) produce in small amounts the Explanation: In tetrapod anatomy, the
several nuclei enclosed within a cyst hydrochloric acid required for the trachea or windpipe, is a tube that
like structure digestion of food/भोजन के पाचन के connects the pharynx and larynx to
िलए आव क हाइडो ो रक एिसड the lungs, allowing the passage of air.
Q1071. Blue-green algae are कम मा ा म उ होता है It is lined with pseudostratified
included in the group (c) ease the process of cooking/पकाने ciliated columnar epithelium cells
नीले-हरे शैवाल समूह म कौन शािमल ह? की ि या को आसान बनाता है with goblet cells that produce mucus.
(a) Eubacteria/इयुबै ी रया (d) make the taste of the food This mucus lines the cells of the
(b) Cyanobacteria/सायनोबै ी रया better/भोजन का ाद बेहतर बनाते ह trachea to trap inhaled foreign
(c) Protozoa/ ोटोजोआ particles that the cilia then waft
(d) Fungi/कवक Ans. (b) produce in small amounts upward toward the larynx and then [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 138

the pharynx where it can be either yellow colour to milk. Cow's milk is fertile women and other female
swallowed into the stomach or slightly yellowish in colour due to primates for the purposes of sexual
expelled as phlegm. the presence of Beta-carotene. And reproduction. It takes approximately
the beta-carotene pigment is present 28 days to complete although this
Q1077. Number of phenotypes in in the cow's milk which causes the does vary from person to person.
ABO blood grouping is / एबीओ ड pale yellowish colour of the cow Length variation between eight and
ुिपंग म फेनोटाइप की सं ा है milk. 20 days is considered as moderately
(a) 1 irregular cycles. Variation of 21 days
(b) 4 Q1081. Which of the following or more between a woman's shortest
(c) 6 reproduces through spores? and longest cycle lengths is
(d) 8 िन िल खत म से कौन बीजाणु के मा म considered very irregular
से जनन करता है ?
Ans. (d) 8 (a) Bread Mould/डबल रोटी की फंफूद Q1083. Which of the following does
(b) Fungus/कवक not produce seeds?
Q1078. ___are the seed leaves that (c) Both a and b/ a और b दोनों िन िल खत म से कौन सा बीज उ
provide nutrition to the seed. (d) Mint/ पुदीना नहीं करता है ?
____________बीज को पोषण दान (a) Sugarcane/ ग ा
करते ह। Ans. (c) Both a and b (b) Spirogyra/ ाइरोगाईरा
(a) Plumule/ ां कुर Explanation: Spore, a reproductive (c) Ferns/ फ़न
(b) Cotyledons/ बीजप cell capable of developing into a new (d) All of these/ ये सभी
(c) Radicle/ मूलां कुर individual without fusion with
(d) none of these/ कोई नहीं another reproductive cell. Spores are Ans. (c) Ferns
agents of asexual reproduction,
Ans. (b) Cotyledons whereas gametes are agents of sexual Q1084. Air bladder in fish acts as:
Explanation: For monocotyledons, reproduction. Spores are produced by मछली म मू ाशय िकस प म काय
also called monocots, seeds contain bacteria, fungi, algae, and plants. करता है ?
only one cotyledon. In contrast, (a) Accessory respiratory
dicotyledons or dicots hold two Q1082. The duration 19-21 days organ/सहायक सन अंग
cotyledons in their seeds. These refers to: (b) Hydrostatic organ/जल थैितक अंग
cotyledons are the first leaves of a 19-21 िदनों की अविध िन िल खत म से (c) Both accessory respiratory organ
seedling and serve to absorb िकस से स त है ? and hydrostatic organ/दोनों सहायक
nutrients in the endosperm, or food (a) incubation period of hen’s egg/ सन अंग और जल थैितक अंग
storage of the seed. मुग के अंडे की ऊ ायन अविध (d) Primary respiratory
(b) average life-span of a red blood organ/ ाथिमक सन अंग
Q1079. The fleshy edible part of the cell in humans/मनु ों म एक लाल र
fruit is______ कोिशका का औसत जीवन-काल Ans. (b) Hydrostatic organ
फल का रसीला खा भाग ______ है (c) the period of menstrual cycle Explanation: Swim bladder, also
(a) Endocarp/ एं डोकाप soon after menstruation during which called air bladder, buoyancy organ
(b) Mesocarp/ मेसोकाप fertilisation is most likely to occur possessed by most bony fish. It
(c) Pericarp/ प रकाप /मािसक धम के तुरंत बाद मािसक धम contains gas (usually oxygen) and
(d) Epicarp/ एिपकाप की अविध िजसके दौरान िनषेचन होने functions as a hydrostatic, or ballast,
की संभावना सबसे अिधक होती है organ, enabling the fish to maintain
Ans. (b) Mesocarp (d) period of completion of one its depth without floating upward or
schizogony cycle of malarial parasite sinking. It also serves as a resonating
Q1080. Cow’s milk is slightly inside a red blood cell/ लाल र chamber to produce or receive sound.
yellowish due to the presence कोिशका के अंदर मले रया परजीवी के
of____/िकस की की उप थित के एक िसज़ोगोनी च के पूरा होने की Q1085. What are fronds?
कारण गाय का दू ध थोड़ा पीला होता है अविध ोंड ा ह?
(a) Riboflavin/राइबो ेिवन (a) Roots/ जड़
(b) Ribulose/ रबुलोज Ans. (c) the period of menstrual (b) Bacteria/ बै ी रया
(c) Carotin/कैरोिटन cycle soon after menstruation during (c) Leaves/ पि यां
(d) Xanthophyll/ज़थोिफल which fertilisation is most likely to (d) Algae/ शैवाल
Ans. (c) Carotin Explanation: The menstrual cycle is Ans. (c) Leaves
Explanation: Cow milk contains the scientific term for the Explanation: A frond is a large,
beta-carotene pigment which imparts physiological changes that occur in divided leaf. In both common usage [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 139

and botanical nomenclature, the (a) Spleen/ ीहा
leaves of ferns are referred to as Ans. (b) Uricotelic (b) Bone Marrow/ अ थ म ा
fronds and some botanists restrict the Explanation: Birds are called (c) Liver/ यकृत
term to this group. uricotelic as they excrete nitrogenous (d) Lymph Nodes/ लसीका गां ठों
waste materials by turning it into uric
Q1086. Bryophyllum uses its _____ acid. Thus they are called as Ans. (b) Bone Marrow
for reproduction. uricotelic animals. Explanation: Explanation: Platelet Production.
ायोिफलम जनन के िलए अपने Birds and reptiles are capable of Platelets are produced in the bone
_____ का उपयोग करता है । turning the nitrogenous waste marrow, the same as the red cells and
(a) stem/ तना products into uric acid as nitrogen is most of the white blood cells.
(b) leaf buds/ प ी की किलयाँ produced by breaking down of Platelets are produced from very
(c) Shoot/ शूट protein rich food large bone marrow cells called
(d) root/ जड़ megakaryocytes.
Q1089. Fat present below the skin
Ans. (b) leaf buds surface in our body acts as a barrier Q1092. What is the lifespan of white
Explanation: Bryophyllum (sprout against blood cells?
leaf plant) has buds in the margins of हमारे शरीर म चा की सतह के नीचे सफेद र कोिशकाओं का जीवन काल
leaves . If a leaf of this plant falls on मौजूद वसा के ित एक अवरोध के प _____तक का होता है ।
a moist soil, each bud can give rise to म कौन काय करता है ? (a) 7 to 8 days/7-8 िदनों
a new plant. The roots of some plants (a) loss of heat from the body/शरीर (b) 5 to 6 days/5-6 िदनों
can also give rise to new plants. से ऊ ा का ास (c) 9 to 10 days/9-10 िदनों
(b) loss of essential body (d) 13 to 20 days/3-4 िदनों
Q1087. Mushroom cultivation is not fluids/आव क शरीर के तरल पदाथ
useful in की हािन Ans. (d) 13 to 20 days
मश म की खेती िकसम उपयोगी नहीं (c) loss of salt from the body/शरीर से Explanation: The lifespan of white
है ? लवण का ास blood cells ranges from 13 to 20
(a) Biogas production/ बायोगैस (d) entry of harmful micro-organisms days, after which time they are
उ ादन from the environment/पयावरण से destroyed in the lymphatic system.
(b) Biological control of crop हािनकारक सू जीवों का वेश When immature WBCs are first
diseases/ फसल रोगों का जैिवक released from the bone marrow into
िनयं ण Ans. (a) loss of heat from the body the peripheral blood, they are called
(c) Recycling of agricultural wastes/ Explanation: There is a fatty layer "bands" or "stabs." Leukocytes fight
कृिष अपिश ों का पुनच ण under the skin which is known as the infection through a process known as
(d) Preventing cancer/ कसर को रोकने subcutaneous tissue layer. It is made phagocytosis.
म up of adipose tissue and it acts as a
barrier that stops the heat from Q1093. Histamine is released by
Ans. (b) Biological control of crop escaping the body and that help in which of the following?/ िह ािमन
diseases keeping us warm. का ाव िन िल खत म से िकसके ारा
Explanation: Mushroom cultivation होता है ?
has been found to coincide with Q1090. Which one of the following (a) Eosinophil/ एओसीनोिफल
decrease of incidents of breast animals is sanguinivorous? (b) Basophiles/ बेसोिफल
cancer. Spent residues after िन िल खत म से कौन सा जानवर र (c) Lymphocytes/ िल फोसाइट
cultivation could be a better source पीकर जीता है ? (d) Neutrophile/ ुटोिफल
of biologically pretreated substrates (a) Fruit-fly /फल-म ी
for biogas production; and (b) Mosquito/म र Ans. (b) Basophiles
agricultural waste recycling can be (c) House-fly /साधारण म ी Explanation: As part of an immune
achieved through controlled response to foreign pathogens,
cultivation of mushrooms. (d) Snail/ जोंक histamine is produced by basophils
and by mast cells found in nearby
Q1088. Birds, insects and reptiles are Ans. (b) Mosquito connective tissues. Histamine
__________ Explanation: Subsisting on a diet of increases the permeability of the
प ी, कीड़े और सरीसृप ______ ह blood capillaries to white blood cells and
(a) Ureotelic/ यूरीकोटे िलक some proteins, to allow them to
(b) Uricotelic/ यूरीकोटे िलक Q1091. Blood platelets are produced engage pathogens in the infected
(c) Ammonotelic/ अ ोनोटे िलक in____ tissues.
(d) None of these ेटलेट्स का िनमाण ______म होता है [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 140

Q1094. Silk is produced by clotting. It may be defined as blood
रे शम िकसके ारा उ ािदत िकया जाता Q1097. In which one of the plasma without fibrinogens
है following is swim bladder absent?
(a) Egg of a silkworm/एक रे शम कीट िन िल खत म से िकसमे मू ाशय Q1101. Plague is caused by
के अंडे ारा अनुप थत है ? महामारी _____ के कारण होती है |
(b) Pupa of silkworm/रे शम कीट के (a) Cuttlefish/समु फेनी (a) Xanthomonas/ जै ोमोनस
कोष ारा (b) Bony fish/ह ीदार मछली (b) Pasteurella pestis/ पे ु रे ा
(c) Larva of silkworm/रे शम कीट के (c) Cartilaginous fish/उपा थ मछली पे स
लावा ारा (d) Silver fish/रजतमीन (c) Varicella virus/ वै रसेला वायरस
(d) Insect itself/ यं कीट ारा (d) Pseudomonas/ ूडोमोनास
Ans. (b) Bony fish
Ans. (c) Larva of silkworm Explanation: The swim bladder is Ans. (b) Pasteurella pestis
Explanation: The biological missing in some bottom-dwelling Explanation: Yersinia pestis
scientific name of the silkworm is and deep-sea bony fish (teleosts) and (formerly called Pasteurella pestis) is
Bombyx Mori (In Latin mulberry in all cartilaginous fish (sharks, a short gram-negative rod that causes
Silkmoth). Silk is produced by this skates, and rays). Teleost fish in plague. It is a disease of rodents
insect. Silk is a natural protein fiber cross section (squirrels, rabbits, rats) that is
produced by the larvae of certain transmitted to humans by flea bites
specific insects like caterpillars of Q1098. The ratio of RBC and WBC or by person-to-person contact
moths. It is mainly composed of is ____________ through aerosol inhalation.
fibroin. RBC और WBC का अनुपात
____________ है Q1102. Genetic material in
Q1095. Which of the following is (a) 1000:1 retroviruses is
not a granulocytes? (b) 600:1 रे टोवायरस म आनुवंिशक पदाथ _____
िन िल खत म से कौन ैनुलोसाइट नहीं (c) 800:1 होता है |
है ? (d) 1500:1 (a) DNA/ डीएनए
(a) Eosinophil/ एओसीनोिफल (b) RNA/ आरएनए
(b) Basophiles/ बेसोिफल Ans. (b) 600:1 (c) Both DNA and RNA / डीएनए तथा
(c) Lymphocytes/ िल फोसाइट Explanation: RBCs are about 5 आरएनए दोनों
(d) Neutrophile/ ुटोिफल million / mm3 of blood and WBCs (d) Nucleoprotein complexes /
are about 7000 / mm3 of blood. ु यो ोटीन यौिगक
Ans. (c) Lymphocytes Hence, the ratio of WBC : RBC
Explanation: Granulocytes are white would be approximately 1 : 600. Ans. (b) RNA
blood cells that help the immune Explanation: A retrovirus is a type of
system fight off infection. They have Q1099. A recessive trait in Garden RNA virus that inserts a copy of its
a characteristic morphology; having pea is/ गाडन मटर म एक आवत गुण है genome into the DNA of a host cell
large cytoplasmic granules, that can (a) Wrinkled seeds/ झुर दार बीज that it invades, thus changing the
be stained by basic dyes, and a (b) Tall stem/ लंबा तना genome of that cell.
bi-lobed nucleus. (c) Round seeds/ गोल बीज
(d) Coloured seed coat/ कलड सीड Q1103. The only bird that flies
Q1096. The chief raw material used कोट backward is
for manufacturing Rayon is: Ans. (a) Wrinkled seeds एकमा प ी जो पीछे की ओर उड़ता है ?
रे यॉन के िनमाण के िलए यु मु (a) Sparrow/गौरै या
क ा माल है : Q1100. Serum is blood plasma (b) Koel/कोयल
(a) Nylon/नायलॉन without which of the following? (c) Siberian Crane/साइबे रयन े न
(b) Cellulose/से ूलोज सीरम िन िल खत म से िकसके िबना (d) Hummingbird/हिमंगबड
(c) Silicon/ िसिलकॉन र ा ा है ?
(d) Radium and Argon/रे िडयम और (a) Albumin/ ए ूिमन Ans. (d) Hummingbird
आगन (b) Globulin/ ो ुिलन Explanation: The hummingbird is
(c) Fibrinogen/ िफि नोिगन said to be the only bird that can fly
Ans. (b) Cellulose (d) None/ कोई नहीं backwards. The majority of living
Explanation: Raw material used in things can move both forward and
rayon is wood pulp/wood cellulose. Ans. (c) Fibrinogen backwards including numerous
Raw materials used in nylon are Explanation: Blood Serum is the flightless birds like ostriches, but
petroleum,natural gas, limestone, fluid and solute component of blood most birds cannot fly backwards.
coal,water,acetylene etc. which does not play a role in Q1104. Spiracles and tracheae are [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 141

found in________. in patches; and as age advances, this शाकनाशी
ास णाल और वायु-माग िकस म पाए mottling assumes a black color. (c) A natural insecticide / एक
जाते ह The lungs are not equal in size. The ाकृितक कीटनाशक |
(a) Cockroaches/ ितलच ा right lung is shorter, because the liver (d) A natural herbicide/ एक ाकृितक
(b) Earthworms/ कचुआ sits high, tucked under the ribcase, शाकनाशी
(c) Fishes/ मछली but it is broader than the left. The left
(d) None of these/इनम से कोई नहीं lung is smaller because of the space Ans. (c) A natural insecticide
taken up by the heart Explanation: Rotenone is an
Ans. (a) Cockroaches odorless, colorless, crystalline
Explanation: Insects have a system Q1107. Which of the following is isoflavone used as a broad-spectrum
of tubes, called tracheae, instead of common to food and air? insecticide, piscicide, and pesticide.
lungs. These tracheae penetrate right भोजन और वायु के िलए साझा माग का It occurs naturally in the seeds and
through the insect's body. Air enters काय कौन करती है ? stems of several plants, such as the
the tracheae by pores called (a) Pharynx/ सनी jicama vine plant, and the roots of
spiracles. These spiracles are found (b) Larynx/कंठनाली several members of Fabaceae.
on each side of the insect's abdomen. (c) Epiglottis/एिप ॉिटस
(d) Diaphragm/डाया ाम Q1110. X-ray of chest reveals
Q1105. The radioactive Strontium-90 सीने के ए -रे से पता चलता है -
causes: Ans.(a) Pharynx (a) Typhoid/ टाइफाइड का
रे िडयोधम ोंिटयम -90 के कारण ा Explanation: Food and liquid pass (b) Jaundice /पीिलया का
होता है backward into the esophagus to go to (c) Tuberculosis / य ा का
(a) Brain cancer/म का कसर the stomach. Air passes forward (d) Tetanus / धनु ंभ का
(b) Skin cancer/ चा का कसर through the larynx and into the
(c) Lung cancer/फेफड़े का कसर trachea to go to lungs. Common Ans. (c) Tuberculosis
(d) Bone cancer/हि यों का कसर passage for food and air is the Explanation: In active pulmonary
oropharynx. Further the two passages TB, infiltrates or consolidations
Ans. (d) Bone cancer again gets separated i.e. food and and/or cavities are often seen in the
Explanation: Virtually all remaining water enters the esophagus and the upper lungs with or without
strontium-90 is deposited in bones air enters the trachea. mediastinal or hilar
and bone marrow, with the remaining lymphadenopathy.
1% remaining in blood and soft Q1108. Intercostal muscles control
tissues. Its presence in bones can the movement of which of the Q1111. Rabi cereals are infected by
cause bone cancer, cancer of nearby following? which of the following diseases?
tissues, and leukemia. Exposure to अंतरा पशुका पेशी िकसके संचलन को रबी फसल िन म से िकन रोगों से
Sr can be tested by a bioassay, most िनधा रत करती ह सं िमत हो जाती ह ?
commonly by urinalysis. (a) Ribcage/ रब केज (a) Rusts/ रतुआ
(b) Stomach/पेट (b) Smuts and bunts/ कािलख और बंट
Q1106. Which of the following is (c) Epiglottis/ एिप ॉिटस (c) Mildew and blight/ अंगमारी और
incorrect about lungs? (d) Diaphragm/ डाया ाम फफूंदी
िन िल खत म से ा फेफड़े के बारे म (d) All the above/ उपरो सभी
गलत है ? Ans. (a) Ribcage
(a) Spongy/ ंजी Explanation: Intercostal muscles are Ans. (d) All the above
(b) Elastic/ लचीला several groups of muscles that run Explanation: In Wheat Rust, a
(c) two equal sized/ दो समान आकार between the ribs, and help form and two-celled, thick-walled, spore that
(d) red in colour/लाल रं ग का move the chest wall. The intercostal over winters and germinates to give
muscles are mainly involved in the rise to basidia and basidiospores.
Ans. (c) two equal sized mechanical aspect of breathing. Tillet, Mathieu: Determined, in 1755,
Explanation: The lungs are soft and These muscles help expand and two types of smuts actually occurred
spongy because they are mostly air shrink the size of the chest cavity to on Wheat, Common Bunt, also
spaces surrounded by the alveolar facilitate breathing. known as Stinking Smut and Loose
cells and elastic connective tissue. Smut. ... Spore stage causing most
They are separated from each other Q1109. The rotenone is damage in host plant.
by the mediastinum, which contains रोटीनोन है -
the heart. At birth the lungs are (a) An insect hormone / एक कीट Q1112. Encephalitis is caused by the
pinkish white in color; in adult life हॉम न sting of
the color is a dark slaty gray, mottled (b) An bioherbicide/ एक जैिवक हाथीपां व िकसके काटने से होता है ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 142

(a) Mosquitoes/ म र Explanation: Sacred groves are Q1117. The term synergistic action
(b) Tsetse fly/ े े म ी patches of primeval forest that some of hormones refers to/
(c) Culex/ ूले rural communities protect as abodes हॉम नों के सहि याशील काय से आशय
(d) House fly/ घरे लु म ी of deities. Such “ecosystem people” है -
draw their livelihoods from nearby (a) When two hormones act together
Ans. (a) Mosquitoes resources and value nature for the but bring about opposite effects / जब
Explanation: When an infected ecological services it provides दो हॉम न एक साथ काय करते ह लेिकन
mosquito bites an animal or a human िवपरीत भाव उ करते ह |
(host), the virus is passed into the Q1115. Which of the following is a (b) When two hormones act together
host's bloodstream, where it may defining characteristic of living and contribute to the same function/
cause serious illness. The viruses that organisms? जब दो हॉम न एक साथ काय करते ह
can cause encephalitis include: िन म से कौन सी सजीव ािणयों की तथा समान काय म योगदान दे ते ह |
Herpes simplex virus (HSV). एक िनणायक िवशेषता है ? (c) When one hormone affects more
(a) Growth / वृ than one function/ जब एक हॉम न एक
Q1113. Which of the following (b) Ability to make sound/ िन से अिधक काय को भािवत करता है |
practices has caused maximum उ करने की मता (d) When many hormones bring
damage to the diversity of Indian (c) Reproduction / जनन about any one function / जब कई
forests (d) Response to external stimuli / हॉम न एक काय को करते ह |
िन म से िकस था ने भारतीय वनों की बा उ ेजना के िलए ित या
िविवधता को सवािधक ित प ं चाई है ? Ans. (b) When two hormones act
(a) Selective harvesting/ चयना क Ans. (d) Response to external stimuli together and contribute to the same
कृिष Explanation: Response to external function
(b) None/ इनम से कोई नहीं stimuli or to the environment in Explanation: Synergism occurs when
(c) Jhum cultivation / झूम कृिष which an organism lives, is the most two or more hormones produce the
(d) None of the above / उपरो म से important characteristic of any living same effects in a target cell and their
कोई नहीं organism, besides growth and results are amplified. Antagonism
reproduction. While virus (which is occurs when a hormone opposes or
Ans. (c) Jhum cultivation not included under living organisms) reverses the effect of another
Explanation: Jhum cultivation, also also show growth and reproduction. hormone.
known as the slash and burn Hence, these options are not true.
agriculture, is the process of growing Q1118. ABA acts antagonistic to
crops by first clearing the land of Q1116. An amino acid under certain ABA _____ के िव काय करता है |
trees and vegetation and burning conditions has both positive and (a) Ethylene/ ईथीलीन
them thereafter. The burnt soil negative charges simultaneously in (b) Cytokinin/ साइटोिकिनन
contains potash which increases the the same molecule. Such a form of (c) Gibberellic acid/ िजबरे िलक अ
nutrient content of the soil. Shift amino acid is called (d) IAA / IAA
farming can cause deforestation of a एक एिमनो अ म एक ही अणु म एक
surrounding if farmers keep moving ही समय म धना क तथा ऋणा क Ans. (c) Gibberellic acid
around in a particular area clearing आवेश दोनों पाए जाते ह | एिमनो अ Explanation: The phytohormones
the vegetation for cultivation. के इस कार को ा कहा जाता है ? gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic
(a) Acidic form / अ ीय प acid (ABA) are widely recognized as
Q1114. Sacred groves are useful in/ (b) Basic form/ ारीय प essential endogenous regulators that
पिव उपवन _____ म उपयोगी होते ह | (c) Aromatic form/ सुग त प mostly play antagonistic roles in
(a) Conserving rare and threatened (d) Zwitterionic form/ टरआयन plant developmental processes and
species / दु लभ तथा लु ाय जाितयों प environmental responses.
के संर ण म
(b) Generating environmental Ans. (d) Zwitterionic form Q1119. The second heart sound
awareness / पयावरणीय जाग कता Explanation: An amino acid has both (dubb) is associated with the closure
फैलाने म a basic amine group and an acidic of
(c) Year round flow of water in rivers carboxylic acid group. There is an ि तीय दय िन ( डब ) िकसके बंद
/ निदयों म पूरे वष जल के वाह म internal transfer of a hydrogen ion होने से संबंिधत होती है ?
(d) Preventing soil erosion / मृदा from the -COOH group to the -NH2 (a) Tricuspid valve / ि कपद कपाट
अपरदन को रोकने म group to leave an ion with both a (b) Semilunar valves / अधचं ाकार
negative charge and a positive कपाट
Ans. (a) Conserving rare and charge. This is called a zwitterion. (c) Bicuspid valve / ि पद कपाट
threatened species (d) Tricuspid and bicuspid valves. / [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 143

ि कपद तथा ि पद कपाट Q1122. The rate and depth of
breathing is primarily controlled by Ans. (b) 40-45 Dec
Ans. (b) Semilunar valves medulla by Explanation: In industrial areas, the
Explanation: The lub sound is the सन की दर तथा गहराई को मु प permissible limit is 75 dB for
first sound of the heart. The dub से मेडुला के ारा _____ के मा म से daytime and 70 dB at night. In
sound is the second sound of the िनयंि त िकया जाता है | commercial areas, it is 65 dB and 55
heart that is produced by the closing (a) The oxygen content in the blood / dB while in residential areas it is 55
of the semilunar valves in the heart. र म ऑ ीजन साम ी dB and 45 dB during daytime and
Thus, the correct answer is (b) The nitrogen content in the blood night respectively
'Semilunar valves. / र म नाइटोजन की मा ा
(c) Receptors in the larynx / कंठनली Q1125. Haemoglobin that is bonded
Q1120. Potential difference across म मौजूद ापक to carbon monoxide and therefore
resting membrane is negatively (d) The carbon dioxide content of the cannot transport oxygen, is called
charged. This is due to differential blood / र म काबन डाइऑ ाइड हीमो ोिबन, जो काबन मोनोऑ ाइड
distribution of the following ions / साम ी के साथ बंध म होता है तथा इसिलए
िव ामी िझ ी म िवभावां तर ऋणा क ऑ ीजन का प रवहन नहीं कर पाता,
आवेिशत होता है | यह िन िल खत Ans. (d) The carbon dioxide content ा कहलाता है ?
आयनों के िवभेदी िवतरण के कारण होता of the blood (a) Carboxyhemoglobin /
है :- Explanation: The most important काब ीहीमो ोिबन
(a) Na+ and K+ ions function of breathing is the supplying (b) Methemoglobin/ मीथेमो ोिबन
(b) CO3++ and Cl- ions of oxygen to the body and the (c) Reduced hemoglobin/ अपचियत
(c) Ca++ and Mg++ ions removal of its waste product of हीमो ोिबन
(d) Ca4+ and Cl- ions carbon dioxide. Under most (d) Carbaminohemoglobin /
conditions, the partial pressure of काबािमनोहीमो लोिबन
Ans. (a) Na+ and K+ ions carbon dioxide (PCO2), or
Explanation: In a resting neuron, concentration of carbon dioxide, Ans. (a) Carboxyhemoglobin
there are concentration gradients controls the respiratory rate. Explanation: Carboxyhemoglobin or
across the membrane for Na+ and K+. carboxyhemoglobin (symbol COHb
Ions move down their concentration Q1123. The opening of the trachea in or HbCO) is a stable complex of
via channels leading to a separation the windpipe is called / carbon monoxide and hemoglobin
of charge that creates the resting ास- णाल म ास निलका के ारं भ को (Hb) that forms in red blood cells
potential. ा कहा जाता है ? upon contact with carbon monoxide
(a) larynx / कंठनली (CO).
Q1121. In the mechanism of action (b) epiglottis /उपकंठ
of a protein hormone, one of the (c) glottis / कंठ ार Q1126. Trachea divides into two
second messengers is (d) Bronchi / ासनािलयाँ right and left pulmonary bronchi at
िकसी ोटीन हॉम न के काय तं म, the level of
दू सरे दू तों म से एक होता है - Ans. (c) glottis ास निलका ______ के र पर दो
(a) Cyclic AMP / च ीय AMP Explanation: The glottis is defined as दायीं तथा बायीं फु ु सीय सनी म
(b) Insulin / इं सुिलन the opening between the vocal folds िवभािजत हो जाती है |
(c) T3 (the rima glottidis). Epiglottis. The (a) seventh cervical vertebra / सातवीं
(d) Gastrin /गै न epiglottis is a flap made of elastic ीवा पृ वंश
cartilage covered with a mucous (b) Third thoracic vertebra/ तीसरी
Ans. (a) Cyclic AMP membrane, attached to the entrance वैि क पृ वंश
Explanation: The molecules of of the larynx. It projects obliquely (c) Fifth thoracic vertebra / पाँ चवीं
hormones that are amino acid upwards behind the tongue and the वैि क पृ वंश
derivatives, peptides or proteins are hyoid bone, pointing dorsally. (d) seventh thoracic vertebra / सातवीं
large and insoluble in lipids and वैि क पृ वंश
cannot enter the target cell. Q1124. Acceptable noise pollution
Therefore, they act at the cell level in India is Ans. (c) Fifth thoracic vertebra
surface. They bind to specific भारत म िन दू षण का ीकाय र Explanation: The human trachea
receptor molecules located on the है - divides into two main bronchi (also
surface of the cell membrane and (a) 16-35 Dec called mainstem bronchi), that
generate second messengers, e.g., (b) 40-45 Dec extend laterally (but not
cyclic AMP, IP3, Ca++, etc. (c) 70-100 Dec symmetrically) into the left and right
(d) 10-15 Dec lung respectively, at the level of the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 144

sternum. The point where the trachea (b) 1.34 ml िक न
divides into the bronchi is called the (c) 40ml (c) Aerobic respiration in plants /
carina. (d) 13.4 ml पौधों म वायवीय सन
Q1127. Trachea and bronchi possess (d) Aerobic respiration in animals /
/ Ans. (b) 1.34 ml पशुओं म वायवीय सन
ास निलका तथा सनी म होते ह - Explanation: Haemoglobin has an
(a) Incomplete cartilaginous rings / oxygen-binding capacity of 1.34 mL Ans. (b) lactate fermentation
अपूण उपा थमय छ े O2per gram of haemoglobin,which Explanation: Lactic acid
(b) Complete cartilaginous rings / increases the total blood oxygen fermentation is a metabolic process
पूण उपा थमय छ े capacity seventy-fold compared to by which glucose and other
(c) Thick muscular wall /मोटी dissolved oxygen in blood. The six-carbon sugars (also,
मां सपेशीय िभि mammalian haemoglobin molecule disaccharides of six-carbon sugars,
(d) Thin muscular wall / पतली can bind (carry) up to four oxygen e.g. sucrose or lactose) are converted
मां सपेशीय िभि molecules. into cellular energy and the
metabolite lactate, which is lactic
Ans. (a) Incomplete cartilaginous Q1130. Animal protein is called first acid in solution.
rings class protein because it is /
Explanation: The 'c' shaped cartilage पशु ोटीन को थम ेणी की ोटीन Q1133. Which organism possess
rings are present in the trachea to कहा जाता है ोंिक यह होती है - characteristic of both plant and
prevent it from collapsing and they (a) easily digestible / आसानी से पा animals /
keep the trachea open for air to come (b) Delicious in taste / ािद िकस जीव म पौधों तथा पशुओं दोनों के
in and out. The cartilaginous rings (c) Cheaper in the market / बाज़ार म गुण पाए जाते ह ?
are incomplete because this allows स ी (a) Euglena/ यु ेना
the trachea to collapse slightly to (d) Rich in essential amino acids / (b) Paramoecium / पैरामीिसयम
allow food to pass down the आव क एिमनो अ से चुर (c) Mycoplasma/ माइको ा ा
esophagus (d) Chlorella / ोरे ला
Ans. (d) Rich in essential amino
Q1128. Volume of air left after acids Ans. (a) Euglena
maximum forceful expiration in Explanation: Proteins from animals Explanation: Euglena is a large genus
human is: are called 'first class' proteins – they of unicellular protists: they have both
अिधकतम बलपूवक िनः सन ( साँ स provide all the essential amino acids, plant and animal characteristics. All
छोड़ने की ि या ) के बाद भी मनु म including those that the body can't live in water, and move by means of
शेष बची वायु की मा ा को ा कहते ह make. Proteins from plants are a flagellum. This is an animal
? 'second class' proteins. characteristic. Most have
(a) Total lung capacity / कुल chloroplasts, which are characteristic
फु ु सीय मता Q1131. Allantois of embryo helps in of algae and plants.
(b) Residual volume / अविश ूण की अपरापोिषका ______ म
आयतन सहायक होती है | Q1134. High value of BOD indicates
(c) Vital capacity / मह पूण मता (a) Digestion / पाचन that / BOD की उ मा ा बताती है िक
(d) Tidal volume / ारीय आयतन (b) Respiration / सन -
(c) Excretion / उ जन (a)Consumption of organic matter in
Ans. (b) Residual volume (d) Protection / सुर ा water is higher by microbes /जल म
Explanation: Residual volume is the सू जीवों के ारा काबिनक पदाथ का
amount of air that remains in a Ans. (c) Excretion अपघटन उ है |
person's lungs after fully exhaling. Explanation: The function of the (b) Water is pure / जल शु है |
Doctors use tests to measure a allantois is to collect liquid waste (c) Water is highly polluted / जल
person's residual air volume to help from the embryo, as well as to बेहद दू िषत है |
check how well the lungs are exchange gases used by the embryo. (d) Water is less polluted / जल कम
functioning. दू िषत है |
Q1132. In which of the following
Q1129. How much amount of process CO2 is not released / Ans. (c) Water is highly polluted
oxygen is present in one gram of िन म से िकस ि या म काबन Explanation: BOD is the measure or
hemoglobin डाइऑ ाइड मु नहीं होती है ? oxygen required for chemical
एक ाम हीमो ोिबन म ऑ ीजन की (a) Alcoholic fermentation / breakdown of organic pollutants or
िकतनी मा ा मौजूद होती है ? अ ोहल यु िक न wastes. High value of BOD in a
(a) 20ml (b) lactate fermentation / दु ीय water source indicates, high level of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 145

pollutants. Highly polluted water when unprotected by paints and Q1091. Which of the following is a
bodies has increased demand of preservatives. symptom of haemophilia?
BOD. िनि िल खत म से िहमोफीिलया का
Q1088. Sea-Anemones belongs to ल ण कौन सा है ?
Q1085. Which of the following is the phylum (a) Night Blindness/ रतोंधी
not a raptor सी-एिनमोंस ——- जाित के अंतगत (b) No clotting of Blood/ र का
िन म से कौन एक रै र ( िशकारी प ी आते है थ ा न जमना
) नहीं है ? (a) Arthropoda/ अ ोपोड़ा (c) Rickets/ रकेट
(a) Kite/ चील (b) Cnidaria/ िनड़े रया (d) Loss of haemoglobin/ िहमो ोिबन
(b) Bat / चमगादड़ (c) Porifera/ पो रफेरा की अ ता
(c) Owl / उ ू (d) Mollusca/ मोल
(d) Hawk / बाज Ans. (b) No clotting of Blood
Ans. (b) Cnidaria Explanation: Haemophilia, also
Ans. (b) Bat Explanation: Sea anemones are a spelled hemophilia, is a mostly
Explanation: Birds of prey or raptors group of marine, predatory animals inherited genetic disorder that
include species of bird that primarily of the order Actiniaria. They are impairs the body’s ability to make
hunt and feed on vertebrates that are named after the anemone, a blood clots, a process needed to stop
large relative to the hunter. terrestrial flowering plant, because of bleeding. This results in people
the colourful appearance of many. bleeding longer after an injury, easy
Q1136. The guts of cows and buffalo Sea anemones are classified in the bruising, and an increased risk of
possess phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, bleeding inside joints or the brain.
गायों तथा भसों की आं त म पाया जाता है subclass Hexacorallia
- Q1092. Which of the following
(a) Cyanobacteria / साइनोबै ी रया Q1089. Which of the following is Indian chilly is considered one of the
(b) Fucus sp. / ूकस sp. also known as a Common Water hottest in the world?/ िनि िल खत
(c) Chlorella sp./ ोरे ला sp. Hyacinth?/ िनि िल खत म से िकसे भारतीय िमिचयो म से कौन सी सबसे
(d) Methanogens / मीथेनोजेन आम जलकु भी कहा जाता है ? कौन सी िव की सबसे तीखी िमिचयो म
(a) Pistia/ िप या से एक मानी जाती है ?
Ans. (d) Methanogens (b) Opuntia/ ओपंिशया (a) Bhut Jolokia/ भूत झोलिकया
Explanation: Methanogens are the (c) Aegilops/ एिजलो (b) Bhut Mahabora/ भूत महाबोरा
primitive bacteria belonging to (d) Echhornia/ एकोिनया (c) Lal Chitin/ लाल चीिटन
archaea which are able to produce (d) Lal Shamak/ लाल शामक
methane. These organisms can utilise Ans. (d) Echhornia
the carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas Explanation: Water hyacinth is a Ans. (a) Bhut Jolokia
to form methane. These organisms free-floating perennial aquatic plant Explanation: Bhut jolokia. In 2007,
are responsible for methane (or hydrophyte) native to tropical and Guinness World Records certified
production in the stomach of cattle subtropical South America. that the ghost pepper was the world's
like cows and buffaloes. hottest chili pepper, 400 times hotter
Q1090. Which is the largest organ in than Tabasco sauce. The ghost chili
Q1137. Tectona grandis Linn is the human beings?/ मानवो म सबसे बड़ा is rated at more than 1 million
scientific name of अंग कौन सा होता है ? Scoville Heat Units (SHUs).
टे ोना गै स िलन ——– का वै ािनक (a) Skin/ चा
नाम है (b) Large Intestine/ बड़ी आत Q1093. Mangroves are plants that
(a) Guavav/ अम द (c) Small Intestine/ छोटी आत have/ म ोव वे वृ है िजनमे होता है
(b) Teak/ सागौन (d) Liver/ यकृत (a) Modified Roots/ पां त रत जड़े
(c) Amla/ आवला (b) Modified Stems/ पां त रत तने
(d) Chiku/ िचकू Ans. (a) Skin (c) Respiratory Roots/ सन करने
Explanation:The skin is the largest वाली जड़े
Ans. (b) Teak organ of the body, with a total area of (d) Respiratory Stems/ सन करने
Explanation: Tectona grandis Linn. about 20 square feet. वाली तने
(T. grandis Linn.) (Family - The largest internal organ is the liver.
Verbenaceae) is one of the most The longest bone in the human body Ans. (c) Respiratory Roots
famous timber plant in the world and is the femur. The largest artery is the Explanation: A mangrove is a shrub
is renowned for its, extreme aorta and the largest vein is the or small tree that grows in coastal
durability, dimensional stability and inferior vena cava. saline or brackish water.
hard which also resists decay even [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 146

Q1094. Which of the following is heterogeneous mixture of Q1100. Farmers have reported 50%
induced by Oncogene?/ िनि िल खत decomposing vegetable or food higher yield of Rice by using
म से कौन ओकोजीन ारा े रत होता है waste, bedding materials, and biofertilizer / िकसानों ने ______ जैव
(a) Polio/ पोिलयो vermicast. उवरक का योग करके चावल की उपज
(b) Cancer/ कसर म 50% वृ दज की है |
(c) Diarrhoea/ द Q1097. Which one is used in the (a) Azolla pinnata / एजोला िपनाटा
(d) Dengue/ डगू production of alcohol/ethanol? / (b) Legume - Rhizobium symbiosis /
अ ोहल / एथेनॉल के उ ादन म िन फली- राइजोिबयम सहजीवी
Ans. (b) Cancer म से िकसका योग िकया जाता है ? (c) Cyanobacteria / साइनोबै ी रया
Explanation: An oncogene is a gene (a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae / (d) Mycorrhiza / सहजीवी संबंध
that has the potential to cause cancer. सैकरोमाइिसज से रवेसी
In tumor cells, they are often mutated (b) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं Ans. (a) Azolla pinnata
and/or expressed at high levels (c) Clostridium botulinum /
ो ीिडयम बोटु िलनम Q1151. Restriction enzyme is
Q1095. During biogas treatment, (d) Leuconostoc citrovorum / discovered by
biogases are produced which include ूकोनो ोक िसटोवोरम ितबंध एं जाइम की खोज िकसके ारा
बायोगैस उपचार के दौरान, बायोगैस का की गयी थी ?
उ ादन होता है िजनम शािमल होते ह - Ans. (a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a) Alexander fleming/ एले डर
(a) Methane, hydrogen sulphide, ेिमंग
carbon dioxide / मीथेन, हाइडोजन, Q1098. Aquatic fern which is an (b) Smith and Nathans/ थ तथा
स ाइड, काबन डाइऑ ाइड excellent biofertilizer / नाथंस
(b) Methane, oxygen, hydrogen जलीय फन जो एक उ ृ जैव उवरक (c) Berg/ बग
sulphide / मीथेन, ऑ ीजन, हाइडोजन होता है - (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
स ाइड (a) Salvinia/ स िनया कोई नहीं
(c) hydrogen sulphide, Methane, (b) Azolla / एजोला
sulphur dioxide / हाइडोजन स ाइड, (c) Marsilea / मिसिलया Ans. (b) Smith and Nathans
मीथेन, स र डाइऑ ाइड (d) Pteridium/ टे रिडयम Explanation: Type IV restriction
(d) hydrogen sulphide, Nitrogen, enzymes cleave only methylated
Methane / हाइडोजन स ाइड, Ans. (b) Azolla DNA and show weak sequence
नाइटोजन, मीथेन Explanation: Azolla pinnata is an specificity. Restriction enzymes were
aquatic plant, frond floating upon the discovered and characterized in the
Ans. (a) Methane, hydrogen surface of the water. It grows in quiet late 1960s and early 1970s by
sulphide, carbon dioxide and slow-moving water bodies molecular biologists Werner Arber,
Explanation: Biogas is the mixture of because swift currents and waves Hamilton O. Smith, and Daniel
gases produced by the breakdown of break up the plant. It is a good Nathans.
organic matter in the absence of biofertilizer
oxygen (anaerobically), primarily Q1152. Bacteria protect themselves
consisting of methane and carbon Q1099. Baker’s yeast is from viruses by fragmenting viral
dioxide. बेकस यी है - DNA with / जीवाणु िवषाणुओं से अपनी
(a)S. cerevisiae / एस. से रवेसी र ा _____ के साथ िवषाणुजिनत
Q1096. Which of the following is (b) S. ludwigii /एस. लड् िवगी डीएनए का िवखंडन करके करते ह |
responsible for Vermicomposting? (c) S. octosporus / एस. ओ ोसपोरस (a) Endonuclease/ एं डो ू ीज
िनि िल खत म से कौन कृिमखाद के िलए (d) Schizosaccharomyces/ (b) Exonuclease/ ए ो ू ीज
िज ेदार है ? िशजोसैकरोमाइिसज (c) None / कोई नहीं
(a) Fungus/ कवक (d) Ligase/ लाइगेज
(b) Worms/ कृिम Ans. (a) S. cerevisiae
(c) Bacteria/ बै ी रया Explanation: Baker's yeast is of the Ans. (a) Endonuclease
(d) Birds/ प ी species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Explanation: Restriction enzyme.
and is the same species (but a Restriction enzyme, also called
Ans. (b) Worms different strain) as the kind restriction endonuclease, a protein
Explanation: Vermicompost (or commonly used in alcoholic produced by bacteria that cleaves
vermicompost) is the product of the fermentation, which is called DNA at specific sites along the
composting process using various brewer's yeast. Baker's yeast is also a molecule. In the bacterial cell,
species of worms, usually red single-cell microorganism found on restriction enzymes cleave foreign
wigglers, white worms, and other and around the human body. DNA, thus eliminating infecting
earthworms, to create a organisms. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 147

Ans. (a) Self replication in bacterial the mRNA can be cloned. (In this
Q1153. Introduction of foreign gene cells regard, the term cDNA is short for
for improving genotype is/ Explanation: A plasmid is a small, "copy DNA".) This conversion is
जीन ा प म सुधार करने के िलए extrachromosomal DNA molecule accomplished by the action of
िवदे शी जीन का वेश करवाना ा within a cell that is physically reverse transcriptase and DNA
कहलाता है ? separated from chromosomal DNA polymerase. The reverse
(a) Tissue culture/ उ क संवधन and can replicate independently. transcriptase makes a single-stranded
(b) Gene Introduction / जीन वेश They are most commonly found as DNA copy of the mRNA.
(c) Biotechnology / जैव ौ ोिगकी small circular, double-stranded DNA
(d) Genetic engineering / आनुवंिशक molecules in bacteria; however, Q1158. PCR technique was invented
अिभयां ि की plasmids are sometimes present in by /
archaea and eukaryotic organisms. PCR तकनीक की खोज िकसके ारा की
Ans. (d) Genetic engineering गयी थी ?
Explanation: Genetic engineering Q1156. Vaccines prepared through (a) Boyer / बॉयर
refers to the direct manipulation of recombinant DNA technology are (b) Kary mullis / कैरी ुिलस
DNA to alter an organism's called / (c) Cohn / कोहन
characteristics (phenotype) in a पुनः संयोजक डीएनए तकनीक से बनाए (d) Sanger / सगर
particular way गए टीके ा कहलाते ह ?
(a) First generation vaccine / थम Ans. (b) Kary mullis
Q1154. Golden rice is a variety rich पीढ़ी का टीका Explanation: The Polymerase Chain
in/ (b) Second generation vaccine / दू सरी Reaction (PCR) technique, invented
सुनहला चावल _____ से चुर िक है | पीढ़ी का टीका in 1985 by Kary B. Mullis, allowed
(a) Beta carotene and ferritin / बीटा (c) Third generation vaccine / तीसरी scientists to make millions of copies
कैरोटीन तथा फेरीटीन पीढ़ी का टीका of a scarce sample of DNA.
(b) Lysine/ लाइिसन (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
(c) Vitamin C / िवटािमन सी कोई नहीं Q1159. Transgenic animals have
(d) Biotin / बायोिटन been used
Ans. (c) Third generation vaccine टां सजेिनक ( आनुवंिशक प से
Ans. (a) Beta carotene and ferritin Explanation: A recombinant vaccine प रवितत ) पशुओं का योग िकया गया
Explanation: Golden rice is a variety is a vaccine produced through है -
of rice (Oryza sativa) produced recombinant DNA technology. This (a) For testing safety of vaccines /
through genetic engineering to involves inserting the DNA encoding टीकों की सुर ा की जाँ च करने के िलए
biosynthesize beta-carotene, a an antigen (such as a bacterial (b) For testing toxicity of drugs /
precursor of vitamin A, in the edible surface protein) that stimulates an औषिधयों की िवषा ता की जाँ च करने
parts of rice. The parental strain can immune response into bacterial or के िलए
naturally produce beta-carotene in its mammalian cells, expressing the (c) To produce useful biological
leaves, where it is involved in antigen in these cells and then products / उपयोगी जैिवक उ ादों का
photosynthesis. purifying it from them. उ ादन करने के िलए
(d) All the above / उपरो सभी
Q1155. Plasmids are vectors for gene Q1157. In cloning experiments
cloning because they / cDNA molecules can be obtained Ans. (d) All the above
ा ड जीन ित पण के वाहक होते from an mRNA copy by / Explanation: Transgenic animals are
ह ोंिक वे - ित पण योगों म, cDNA अणुओं को animals (most commonly mice) that
(a) Self replication in bacterial cells / _____ के ारा mRNA के ित प से have had a foreign gene deliberately
जीवाणु कोिशकाओं म यं की ितकृित ा िकया जा सकता है | inserted into their genome. Such
बना लेते ह | (a) Polymerase chain animals are most commonly created
(b) Replicate freely outside bacterial reaction/पॉलीमरे ज ृंखला अिभि या by the microinjection of DNA into
cells / जीवाणु कोिशकाओं के बाहर (b) Reverse transcriptase / उ म the pronuclei of a fertilised egg
तं प से ितकृित बनाते ह | टां सकृ ेज which is subsequently implanted into
(c) Can be multiplied in culture / (c) Ribozyme/ राइबोजाइम the oviduct of a pseudopregnant
संवधन म गुिणत हो सकते ह | (d) DNA-RNA hybridisation / surrogate mother.
(d) Can be multiplied in laboratories डीएनए-आरएनए संकरण
using enzymes / एं जाइमों का योग Q1160. Which transgenic animal has
करके योगशालाओं म गुिणत िकये जा Ans. (b) Reverse transcriptase been given human genes for organ
सकते ह | Explanation: mRNA cannot be transplantation into humans without
cloned directly, but a DNA a copy of risk of rejection / [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 148

िकस टां सजेिनक पशु को अ ीकृित की कुछ जड़े िज ——— कहा जाता है , treating migraine headaches
जो खम के िबना मनु ों म अंग वह मूल के अलावा िकसी अ अंग से
ारोपण के िलए मानव जीन िदए गए ह उ होती है Q1166. Snake venom is highly
? (a) tap roots/ मु जड़ modified saliva containing ,
(a) Sheep/ भेड़ (b) stilt roots/ ल ा जड़ साप का जहर अ िधक संशोिधत लार
(b) Goat / बकरी (c) fibrous roots/ रे शेदार जड़ होता है िजसमे ——- होता है
(c) Pig / सूअर (d) adventitious roots/ आक क जड़ (a) Proto toxins/ ोटोटॉ ंस
(d) Cow / गाय (b) Neutro toxins/ ूटोंटॉ ंस
Ans. (c) Pig Ans. (d) adventitious roots (c) Zootoxins/ जूटॉ ंस
Explanation: Adventitious roots are (d) Electro toxins/ इले ोटॉ ंस
Q1161. Construction of first plant roots that form from any non
recombinant DNA was done by root tissue and are produced both Ans. (c) Zootoxins
using plasmid of / थम पुनः संयोजक during normal development (crown Explanation: Snake venom is a
डीएनए का िनमाण _____ के ा ड roots on cereals and nodal roots on highly modified saliva containing
का योग करके िकया गया था | strawberry [Fragaria spp.]) and in zootoxins that facilitate the
(a) Salmonella typhimurium / response to stress conditions, such as immobilization and digestion of prey,
सा ोनेला टाइिफ ू रयम flooding, nutrient deprivation, and and defense against threats. It is
(b) Escherichia coli / इशरीिकया कोली wounding. injected by unique fangs during a
(c) Bacillus thuringiensis / बैिसलस bite, and some species are also able
थु रं िजिनिसस Q1064. Organisms that generate to spit their venom.
(d) agrobacterium/ ए ोबै ी रयम energy using light are known as .
जो जीवाणु काश का उपयोग कर उजा Q1167. Which type of pathogen
Ans. (a) Salmonella typhimurium उ करते है , उ —— के प म causes the water-borne disease
Explanation: Cohen and H. Boyer जाना जाता है ? Schistosomiasis ?
constructed the first recombinant (a) Chemolithotrophs/ िकमोिलथोटो िकस कार का रोगज़नक जल जिनत
DNA using antibiotic resistance (b) Oligotrophs/ ओिलगोटो रोग िस ोसोिमयािसस का कारण बनता
genes present on the plasmid of drug (c) Bacteria/ बै ी रया है ?
resistance strains of E. coli. This (d) Photoautotrophs/ फोटोओंटोटो (a) Parasitic/ परजीवी
gene was linked to the native plasmid (b) Protozoan/ ोटोजुआ
of Salmonella typhimurium Ans. (d) Photoautotrophs (c) Bacterial/ बै ी रयल
Explanation: Chemolithotrophy is a (d) Viral/ वायरल
Q1162. Which of the following type of metabolism where energy is
organisms does not fit into the Cell obtained from the oxidation of Ans. (a) Parasitic
Theory? inorganic compounds. Most Explanation: Schistosomiasis, also
िनि िल खत म से कौन सा जीव कोिशका chemolithotrophic organisms are also known as snail fever and bilharzia, is
िस ां त अनु प नहीं है ? autotrophic. a disease caused by parasitic
(a) Bacteria/ बै ी रया An oligotroph is an organism that flatworms called schistosomes.
(b) Virus/ वायरस can live in an environment that offers
(c) Fungi/ कवक very low levels of nutrients. Q1168. For the aquatic organisms,
(d) Plants/ पौधे the source of food is
Q1165. Which drug is used as an जलीय जीवों के िलए खा ोत कौन सा
Ans. (b) Virus Antidepressant? है ?
Explanation: The bottom line is that िकस दवा का योग अवसादरोधी के (a) Phytoplankton/ फायटो े न
viruses are not alive and not related प म िकया जाता है ? (b) Seaweed/ समुं ी शैवाल
to cells in any way. The cell theory (a) Oxybutynin/ ओ ी ूटीिनन (c)Aqua plankton/ ए ा े न
states that all living things are made (b) Tramadol/ टे मेडोल (d) Zooplankton/ जू े न
of cells, cells are the basic units of (c) Sumatriptan/ सुमेटीपटे न
structure and function of living (d) Bupropion/ ू ोिपयोन Ans. (a) Phytoplankton
things, and that all cells come from Explanation: Phytoplankton are
other cells. Since viruses are not Ans. (d) Bupropion direct food sources for many
made of cells, and do not use cells in Explanation: Oxybutynin belongs to zooplankton and some fish, and are
any of their processes, they are not a class of drugs known as the base of the food web in deep
related to the cell theory. antispasmodics waters. Phytoplankton vary in their
Tramadol is in a class of medications requirements for nutrients, light, and
Q1163. Some roots, called , arise called opiate (narcotic) analgesics. other conditions.
from an organ other than the radicle. Sumatriptan is a drug that is used for [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 149

Q1169. As compared to anaerobic (b) Nephridia/ नेि िडया (b) Pyruvic acid/ पाइ िवक अ
respiration, the energy gained during (c) Coxal Gland/ को ल ंिथया (c) Glucose-1-phosphate /
aerobic respiration is (d) Green Gland/ ीन ंिथया ूकोज-I-फॉ े ट
अवायवीय सन की तुलना म वायवीय (d) Fructose-1-phosphate
सन म ा की गयी ऊजा _____ होती Ans. (a) Malpighian Tubules / ू ोज-I-फॉ े ट
है | Explanation: the Malpighian tubules
(a) 8 times are recognized as the primary Ans. (b) Pyruvic acid
(b) 12 times excretory organs of cockroach. The Explanation: The net end products of
(c) 19 times Malpighian tubules extract glycolysis are two Pyruvate, two
(d) 36 times nitrogenous wastes and water from NADH, and two ATP
the body fluid (hemolymph) and
Ans. (c) 19 times form urine (an excretory solution) Q1176. Glycolysis and TCA cycle
Explanation: Aerobic respiration is that passes through the rectum and operate respectively in /
far more efficient than anaerobic leaves the animal body. ाइकोलाइिसस तथा TCA च मशः
respiration. Aerobic processes _____ म संचािलत होते ह |
produce up to 38 ATP per glucose. Q1173. Citric acid cycle is _____ (a) Cytosol and matrix of
Anaerobic respiration processes yield step in carbohydrate metabolism / mitochondria / माइटोकां िडया का
only 2 ATP. िसिटक अ च काब हायडे ट साइटोसोल तथा आ ूह
चयापचय का _____ चरण है | (b) Cytosol and stroma of
Q1170. Oxidation of one molecule of (a) First / पहला chloroplast/ ह रतलवक का साइटोसोल
glucose in aerobic respiration (b) Second / दू सरा तथा ोमा
produces/ (c) Third / तीसरा (c) Cytosol and oxysomes of
वायवीय सन म ूकोज के एक अणु (d) Fourth / चौथा mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडया का
का उपचयन ____ का उ ादन करता है साइटोसोल तथा ऑ ीसोम
| Ans. (c) Third (d) Matrix of mitochondria and inner
(a) 2 ATP membrane of mitochondria /
(b) 30 ATP Q1074. Which of the following is माइटोकां िडया का आ ूह तथा
(c) 36 ATP also known as the Biochemical माइटोकां िडया की िझ ी
(d) 38 ATP Laboratory of the Human Body?
िनि िल खत म से िकसे मानव शरीर की Ans. (a) Cytosol and matrix of
Ans. (d) 38 ATP जैव-रसायन योगशाला भी कहा जाता है mitochondria
? Explanation: Glycolysis occurs in
Q1171. Krebs cycle forms an (a) Small Intestine/ छोटी आत cytosol, but the Krebs cycle and
important product / (b) Brain/ म electron transport chain occur inside
े च एक मह पूण उ ाद _____ (c) Pancreas/ अ ाशय the mitochondria
का िनमाण करता है | (d) Liver/ िजगर
(a) Acetyl CoA Q1177. Out of 36 ATPs produced per
(b) ADP Ans. (d) Liver glucose molecule during respiration /
(c) ATP Explanation: The liver makes bile सन के दौरान ित ूकोज अणु
(d) Water / जल that will help emulsify and digest the उ ािदत 36 ATP म से -
fats we eat. (a) 2 are produced outside glycolysis
Ans. (c) ATP The liver takes toxic substances and and 34 during respiratory chain / 2
Explanation: Each acetyl coenzyme convert them, using enzymes the का उ ादन ाइकोलाइिसस से बाहर
A proceeded once through the citric liver cells makes, into a non toxic तथा 34 का उ ादन सन ृंखला म
acid cycle. Therefore, in total, it form so the body can dispose of होता है |
created 6 NADH + H+ molecules, them. (b) 2 are produced outside
two FADH2 molecules, four carbon The liver also converts fats, protein, mitochondria and 34 inside
dioxide molecules, and two ATP and carbohydrates into glucose, mitochondria / 2 का उ ादन
molecules. That's a lot of products! which is the energy source for our माइटोकां िडया के बाहर तथा 34 का
cells to use. माइटोकां िडया के भीतर होता है |
Q1172. Which of the following is an The liver takes amino acids and (c) 2 during glycolysis and 34 during
excretory organ of cockroach? makes proteins, by combining them. Krebs cycle / 2 का ाइकोलाइिसस के
िनि िल खत म से कौन सा ितलच े का दौरान तथा 24 का े च म उ ादन
उ जन अंग है ? Q1175. End product of glycolysis is होता है |
(a) Malpighian Tubules/ म िजयन ाइकोलाइिसस का अंितम उ ाद है - (d) All are formed inside
ूबु (a) Acetyl CoA /एिसटल CoA mitochondria / सभी का उ ादन [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 150

माइटोकां िडया के भीतर होता है | available to living organisms.
Ans. (d) Catabolic process that uses
Ans. (b) 2 are produced outside oxygen, produces carbon dioxide and Q1182. Parallel venation is found in .
mitochondria and 34 inside converts released energy into ATP समां तर वेनेशन ———- म पाया जाता
mitochondria है
Q1180. Essential macronutrients are/ (a) plants which are monocots/ पौधे
Q1178. The arrangement of leaves बृहत् पोषक त - जो एकबीजप ी होते है
on an axis or stem is called (a) Manufactured during (b) plants which have a dicot stem/ वे
एक अ या तने पर पि यों की व था photosynthesis/ काश सं ेषण के पौधे िजनका तना ि दिलय होता है
को ा कहा जाता है दौरान िनिमत होते ह | (c) plants with leaves similar to
(a) Phyllotaxy/ फाइलोटै ी (b) Produced by growth hormones/ Tulsi/ वे पौधे िजनकी पि य तुलसी की
(b) Vernation/ वनशन उनका उ ादन वृ हॉम न के ारा पि यों के समान होते है
(c) Venation/ वेनेशन िकया जाता है | (d) plants with tap roots/ टे प ट वाले
(d) Phytotaxy/ फाइटोटै ी (c) Absorbed from soil/ िम ी से पौधे
अवशोिषत िकये जाते ह |
Ans. (a) Phyllotaxy (d) Produced by enzymes/ एं जाइमों के Ans. (a) plants which are monocots
Explanation: In botany, phyllotaxis ारा उ ािदत होते ह |
or phyllotaxy is the arrangement of Q1083. Which feature of a plant
leaves on a plant stem (from Ancient Ans. (c) Absorbed from soil helps to distinguish a monocot from
Greek phýllon “leaf” and táxis Explanation: At least 17 elements are a dicot?
“arrangement”). Phyllotactic spirals known to be essential nutrients for पौधे की वह कौन सी िवशेषता है जो एक
form a distinctive class of patterns in plants. In relatively large amounts, ि दिलये और एक एकदलीय पौधे से भेद
nature. the soil supplies nitrogen, करने म मदद करती है
Vernation is the formation of new phosphorus, potassium, calcium, (a) Pollination/ परागम
leaves or fronds magnesium, and sulfur; these are (b) Venation/ वेनेशन
Venation : an arrangement or system often called the macronutrients. (c) Vernation/ वनशन
of veins (as in the tissue of a leaf or Carbon and oxygen are absorbed (d) Aestivation/ ए ीवेशेन
the wing of an insect) from the air while other nutrients are
absorbed from the soil. Ans. (b) Venation
Q1179. Respiration is/ सन है : Explanation: Dicot plants show Tap
(a) Catabolic process that uses Q1081. The series of processes by root System whereas Monocot plants
carbon dioxide, produces oxygen and which nitrogen and its compounds show Fibrous Root System. The
converts released energy to ATP / are interconverted in the environment leaves of Dicot plants show reticulate
अपचयी ि या जो काबन and in living organisms is called / venation whereas leaves of Monocot
डाइऑ ाइड का योग करती है , ि याओं की वह ृंखला ा कहलाती plants show Parallel venation. Dicot
ऑ ीजन का िनमाण करती है एवं मु है िजसके ारा नाइटोजन और इसके plants include Pentamerous flowers
होने वाली ऊजा को ATP म बदलती है | यौिगक पयावरण तथा सजीव ािणयों म while Monocot plants include
(b) Anabolic process that uses अंतर- पां त रत हो जाते ह ? Trimerous flowers.
oxygen and carbon dioxide to form (a) Absorption of Nitrogen /
ATP/ उपचयी ि या जो ऑ ीजन नाइटोजन का अवशोषण Q1184. In a Punnett Square with the
तथा काबन डाइऑ ाइड का योग (b) Ammonification/अमोिनयाकरण cross AaBb x Aabb, how many
करके ATP का िनमाण करती है | (c) Nitrogen Fixation/ नाइटोजन AaBb genotypes would be created?
(c) Anabolic process that uses थरीकरण पुनेट वायर म ोस AaBb x Aabb
oxygen, produces carbon dioxide and (d) Nitrogen Cycle /नाइटोजन च के साथ िकतने AaBb जीनोटाइप बनगे
converts released energy into ATP/ (a) 4
उपचयी ि या जो ऑ ीजन का योग Ans. (d) Nitrogen Cycle (b) 1
करती है , काबन डाइऑ ाइड का Explanation: Ammonification or (c) 7
िनमाण करती है तथा मु होने वाली Mineralization is performed by (d) 6
ऊजा को ATP म बदलती है | bacteria to convert organic nitrogen
(d) Catabolic process that uses to ammonia. Nitrification can then Ans. (a) 4
oxygen, produces carbon dioxide and occur to convert the ammonium to
converts released energy into nitrite and nitrate. Q1185. Nitrifying bacteria convert /
ATP/अपचयी ि या जो ऑ ीजन का Nitrogen fixation is a process by नाइटरीकरण जीवाणु बदलते ह -
योग करती है , काबन डाइऑ ाइड which nitrogen in the Earth’s (a) Nitrate to nitrogen / नाइटे ट को
का िनमाण करती है एवं मु होने वाली atmosphere is converted into नाइटोजन म
ऊजा को ATP म बदलती है | ammonia (NH3) or other molecules (b) Ammonia to nitrogen/ अमोिनया [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 151

को नाइटोजन म are arranged along the middle vein.
(c) Nitrogen into soluble form/ —– एक प ी है िजसम प को की रचना Q1192. Linked genes separate due
नाइटोजन को घुलनशील प म म िशरा के आसपास होती है | to/
(d) Ammonia to nitrate/ अमोिनया को (a) Pinnately compound leaf/ िपनेटली जुड़े ए जीन ______ के कारण अलग
नाइटे ट म सयु प ी हो जाते ह |
(b Palmately compound leaf/ पामेटली (a) Recombination/ पुनः संयोजन
Ans. (d) Ammonia to nitrate सयु प ी (b) Mutation/ उ रवतन
Explanation: Nitrification is a (c) Compound leaf/ सयु प ी (c) Crossing over/ िविनमय
process of conversion of ammonium (d) Simple leaf/ साधारण प ी (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
salts to nitrites and nitrites to nitrates. कोई नहीं
The bacteria that carry out this Ans. (a) Pinnately compound leaf
process are called as nitrifying Explanation: In pinnately compound Ans. (c) Crossing over
bacteria. Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, leaves, a row of leaflets forms on Explanation: When genes are on the
Nitrosococcus convert ammonia into either side of an extension of the same chromosome but very far apart,
nitrites. petiole called the rachis. they assort independently due to
crossing over (homologous
Q1186. To which class does Q1190. Haustoria or sucking roots recombination). This is a process that
Oxyreductases, transferases, are found in which of the following? happens at the very beginning of
hydrolases belong? हो ो रया या चूसने वाली जड़े meiosis, in which homologous
ओ ी रडकटे स टां सफरे जेस , िनि िल खत म से िकस म पाई जाती है chromosomes randomly exchange
हाइडोलेसेस िकस वग म आते है (a) Wheat/ गे matching fragments. In this case, the
(a) Hormones/ हारमोंस (b) Mango/ आम genes are linked.
(b) Enzymes/ एं जाइ (c) Chestnut/ चे नट
(c) Proteins/ ोटी (d) Cuscuta/ कस ूटा Q1193. Albinism is due to hereditary
(d) Vitamins/ िवटािम deficiency of which enzyme/
Ans. (d) Cuscuta रं गहीनता या अवणता िकस एं जाइम की
Ans. (b) Enzymes Explanation: Haustorial roots or वंशानुगत कमी के कारण होती है ?
sucking roots are found in parasitic (a) Amylase/ एिमलेज
Q1187. Which drug is used as a plants that fix with the surface of (b) Carbonic anhydrase/ काब िनक
Blood Thinner? stems and absorb water and nutrients एनहाइडे ज
िधर को पतला करने के प म िकस from host plant e.g., Viscum album (c) a and b both / a और b दोनों
दवा का योग िकया जाता है ? and Cuscuta (d) Tyrosinase/ टायोसाइनेज
(a) Warfarin/ वा न
(b) Tramadol/ टे माडोल Q1191. A recessive mutation is/ एक Ans. (d) Tyrosinase
(c) Azithromycin/ एिज ोमायिसन अ भावी उ रवतन - Explanation: Albinism is a genetic
(d) Hydralazine/ हाइडोलेिजन (a) Not expressed/ अिभ नहीं condition. Primarily, albinism affects
होता the hair, eyes, skin, and vision. The
Ans. (a) Warfarin (b) Rarely expressed/ शायद ही most common cause of albinism is an
Explanation: Anticoagulants, अिभ होता है interruption in the functioning of the
commonly known as blood thinners, (c) Expressed only in homozygous enzyme tyrosinase. An estimated 1 in
are chemical substances that prevent and hemizygous state/ केवल 70 people carry the genes associated
or reduce coagulation of blood, समयु क तथा अधयु जी अव था म with albinism
prolonging the clotting time. अिभ होता है |
(d) Expressed only in heterozygous Q1194. Early blight is a common
Q1188. Muscles get tired when there state/ केवल िवषमयु जी अव था म disease seen in which of the
is shortfall of अिभ होता है | following? अगेती झुलसा िन िल खत म
जब —– की कमी होती है तब पेिशयाँ से िकसका एक सामा रोग है ?
थक जाती है | Ans. (c) Expressed only in (a) Potato / आलू
(a) Lactic acid/ लै क एिसड homozygous and hemizygous state (b) Ginger / अदरक
(b) Na+ ions/ Na+ आयन Explanation: A recessive mutation is (c) Cabbage/ बंदगोभी
(c) ATP/ एटीपी one in which both alleles must be (d) Cauliflower/ फूलगोभी
(d) Sulphates/ स े टस mutant in order for the mutant
phenotype to be observed; that is, the Ans. (a) Potato
Ans. (c) ATP individual must be homozygous for Explanation: Early blight of tomato,
the mutant allele to show the mutant caused by the fungus Alternaria
Q1189. is a leaf where the leaflets phenotype. solani, is perhaps the most common [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 152

foliar disease of tomatoes in the (a) Male diploid, female haploid / नर (a) It is controlled by dominant
Northeast and is also common on ि गुिणत, मादा अगुिणत genes/ यह भावी जीनों के ारा िनयंि त
potatoes. This disease causes direct (b) Male diploid, female diploid/ नर होता है
losses by the infection of fruits and ि गुिणत, मादा ि गुिणत (b) It is controlled by recessive
indirect losses by reducing plant (c) Male haploid, female haploid/ नर genes/ यह अ भावी जीनों के ारा
vigor. अगुिणत, मादा अगुिणत िनयंि त होता है |
(d) Male haploid, female diploid / नर (c) It is not a fatal disease / यह एक
Q1195. During hibernation state, अगुिणत, मादा ि गुिणत जानलेवा रोग नहीं है |
frog respires by which of the (d) It provides immunity against
following? Ans. (d) Male haploid, female malaria / यह मले रया के िव
शीत िनं ा के दौरान, मढ़क िन िल खत diploid ितरोध मता दान करता है |
म से िकससे सन करता है ?
(a) Only heart /केवल दय Q1198. Companion cells are unique Ans. (d) It provides immunity
(b) Only lungs /केवल फेफड़े to against malaria
(c) Only skin /केवल चा सहचर कोिशकाएं िन िल खत म से Explanation: It has not been
(d) Both lungs and skin / फेफोड़े तथा िसफ िकस म पायी जाती है ? eliminated from the african
चा दोनों से (a) Bryophytes/ ायोफाइट् स population because it provides
(b) Pteridophytes/ टे रडोफाइट् स immunity against malaria. People
Ans. (c) Only skin (c) Angiosperms/ आवृत बीजी who are heterozygous for sickle
Explanation: During hibernation, (d) Gymnosperms/ अनावृतबीजी allele are much less susceptible for
cutaneous respiration occurs in the falciparum malaria which is one of
frog, i.e. it respires through its moist Ans. (c) Angiosperms the main causes of illness and death
skin or integument. The skin is Explanation: Companion cells are a in them.
permeable to respiratory gases and part of the sieve tube elements found
carries oxygen to the body cells for in angiosperms. Companion cells are Q1201. Majority of the fungal bionts
respiration. the only nucleated cells in the sieve of lichens belong to/ िलचेन के
tube elements and are tasked with the अिधकां श पॉइं ट िकस से संबंिधत होते
Q1196. The male has a mutation in responsibility of controlling and ह?
his mitochondria. During coordinating the enucleated (a) Basidiomycetes/
segregation, the mutation is found in components through sieve pits. बा रडोयोमाइसेट्स
नर के माइटोकां िडया म उ रवतन (b) Ascomycetes/ एसकोमाइसेट्स
होता है | अलगाव के दौरान,यह Q1199. If father is normal while (c) Gomycetes/ गोमाइसेट्स
उ रवतन पाया जाता है - mother is carrier of haemophilia / (d) Deuteromycetes/ डयूटरोमाइसेट्स
(a) None of the progeny/ िकसी भी यिद िपता सामा है जबिक माता
संतान म नहीं हीमोफीिलया की वाहक है , तो Ans. (b) Ascomycetes
(b) One third of the progeny/ (a) All female offsprings will be Explanation - Lichen is symbiotic
एक-ितहाई संतान म carriers / सभी मादा संतान वाहक होंगी | association b/w a fungus & a green
(c) Half of progeny/ आधे संतान म (b) A male offspring has 50% alga.
(d) Whole of progeny / पूरे संतान म chance of active disease/ पु ष संतान A few lichen fungi are members-
म सि य रोग होने की 50% संभावना Basidiomycota
Ans. (a) None of the progeny रहे गी | The vast majority are members-
Explanation: The female gamete (c) A female offspring has 50% Ascomycota
contributes cytoplasm to the chance of active disease/मादा संतान
developing embryo. Therefore, the म सि य रोग होने की 50% संभावना Q1202. The human faeces is yellow
traits controlled by cytoplasmic रहे गी | in colour due to the presence of a
factors follow maternal inheritance. (d) All female offsprings will be pigment called?/ िकस रं ग की
Here, the male has a mutation in his normal/ सभी मादा संतान सामा होंगी उप थित के कारण मानव के मल का
mitochondria who does not रं ग पीला होता है ?
contribute cytoplasm to developing Ans. (b) A male offspring has 50% (a) Pepsin/ पे न
zygote; therefore the mutation does chance of active disease (b) Renin/ रे िनन
not appear in any progeny. (c) Amylase/ एिमलेस
Q1200. Sickle cell anemia has not (d) Urobilin/ यूरोबीिलन
Q1197. What is true in case of been eliminated from south africa as
honeybee िसकल सेल र ा ता को दि ण Ans. (d) Urobilin
मधुम ी के मामले म ा सही होता है अ ीका से समा नहीं िकया जा चुका है Explanation: Stercobilin is a
? ोंिक - tetrapyrrole bile pigment and is one [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 153

end-product of heme catabolism. It is Explanation: Calyptrogen is a layer
the chemical responsible for the of rapidly dividing cells at the tip of Ans. (d) Haberlandt
brown color of human feces a plant root. Explanation: Haberlandt, when he
While Dermatogen, protoderm & embarked upon his attempt to culture
Q1203. The sexual reproductive History is growing points of roots & plant cells was the first to consider
organs of aspergillus are?/ stems. culturing cells aseptically in a
एसिपजलस के लिगक जनन अंग कौन से nutrient solution
ह? Q1206. The blotting technique used
(a) Spermatium and Oogonium/ to identify the isolated protein is Q1209. Siderosis is a disease caused
मिटयम और अंडधानी ________? by the inhalation of/ लोहमयता एक
(b) Antheridium and Oogonium/ िवलिगत ोटीन की पहचान हे तु शोषक रोग है जो ास के साथ िन िल खत म से
एं िथ रिडयम और अंडधानी तकनीक ा है ? ा अंदर लेने से होता है ?
(c) Spermatium and Ascogonium/ (a) Northern blotting/ उ री शोषक (a) Silica dust/ िसिलका धूल
मिटयम और ऐ ोधानी (b) Western blotting/ पि मी शोषक (b) Iron dust/ लौह-धूल
(d) Antheridium and Ascogonium/ (c) Southern blotting/ दि णी शोषक (c) Zinc dust/ ज ा (िजंक) धूल
एं िथ रिडयम और ऐ ोधानी (d) Cloning/ ोिनंग (d) Coal dust/ कोयला-धूल

Ans. (d) Antheridium and Ans. (b) Western blotting Ans. (b) Iron dust
Ascogonium Explanation: Northern blotting – Explanation: Siderosis is the
Explanation: Sexual reproduction in Isolated mRNA. deposition of excess iron in body
Aspergillus is rare and takes place in Southern blotting – separated DNA tissue. When used without
favourable conditions. Sex organs are fragments to a filter membrane. qualification, it usually refers to an
produced on the same mycelium Cloning – To produce a genetically environmental disease of the lung,
which has produced conidia. Male identical organism. also known more specifically as
organs are called Antheridium or pulmonary siderosis or Welder's
Pollinoduim and female are called Q1207. Polyploidy arises due to disease, which is a form of
archicarp or Ascogonium. Female change in the/ पॉली ाइड िकसमे pneumoconiosis.
organs develop as a branch of hypha. प रवतन होने पर उ होती है ?
(a) Number of chromatids/ ोमैटेट्स Q1210. Which of the following
Q1204. Which lobe of human brain की सं ा bacterium causes crown gall diseases
is associated with hearing?/ मानव (b) Structure of genes/ जीन की in plants?
म की कौनसी पाली वण से संरचना पौधों म ाउन गॉल रोग िकस जीवाणु के
संबंिधत है है ? (c) Number of chromosomes/ कारण होता है ?
(a) Frontal lobe/ अ ललाट पािल ोमोसोम की सं ा (a) Bacillus thuringiensis/ बैिसलस
(b) Parietal lobe/ िभ ीय पािल (d) Structure of chromosomes/ थु रं िजिनिसस
(c) Temporal lobe/ शंख पािल ोमोसोम की संरचना (b) Agrobacterium
(d) Occipital lobe/ अनुकपाल पािल tumefaciens/ए ोबै ी रयम
Ans. (c) Number of chromosomes टू मफेिशय
Ans. (c) Temporal lobe Explanation: Polyploidy is the state (c) Pseudomonas fluorescens/
Explanation: Frontal lobe – main of a cell or organism having more ूडोमोनास ोरे सस
function is motor function (memory, than two paired (homologous) sets of (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
language, social & sexual behaviour) chromosomes. Most species whose
Parietal lobe – Responsible for cells have nuclei (eukaryotes) are Ans. (b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
sensory information (like knowledge diploid, meaning they have two sets Explanation: Crown gall is a
of numbers, sense of touch). of chromosomes—one set inherited common plant disease caused by the
Occipital lobe – Responsible for from each parent. soil-borne bacterium Agrobacterium
visual area. tumefaciens. It is found throughout
Q1208. Who among the following is the world and occurs on woody
Q1205. Root cap is derived from?/ credited with starting the work on shrubs and herbaceous plants
जड़ आवरण िकस से ा होता है ? plant tissue culture?/ िनंिल खत म से including grapes, raspberries,
(a) Dermatogen/ डमाटोजेन िकसने ‘पादक उ क संवधन’ पाठक का blackberries and roses.
(b) Calyptrogen/ कै ोजन काय आरं भ िकया िकया ?
(c) Protoderm/ ोटोडम (a) F.C. Steward/ एफ. सी. ीवड Q1211. A pair of contrasting
(d) Histogen/ िह ोजेन (b) P. Maheshwari/ पी. माहे शवरी characters controlling the same trait
(c) P.R. White/ पी. आर. ाइट is called/
Ans. (b) Calyptrogen (d) Haberlandt/ है बरलडट समान ल ण को िनयंि त करने वाले [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 154

िवषम गुणों का यु ा कहलाता है ? and are unable to have children Ans. (c) translocation
(a) Factors / कारक without reproductive technology. Explanation: Chromosomal
(b) Loci/ लोकी translocation occurs when a
(c) Allele/ एलील Q1214. Which of the following chromosomal segment is moved
(d) Lineage / वंशावली substance is normally found in urine from one position to another, either
पेशाब म आमतौर पर िन म से कौन सा within the same chromosome or to
Ans.(c) Allele पदाथ पाया जाता है ? another chromosome. So, the correct
Explanation: An allele is a variant (a) Blood proteins/ र ोटीन answer is 'Translocation'.
form of a gene. Some genes have a (b) Creatinine / ि एिटिनन
variety of different forms, which are (c) Red blood cells/ लाल र Q1217. More men suffer from color
located at the same position, or कोिशकाएं blindness than women because /
genetic locus, on a chromosome. (d) White blood cells/ सफ़ेद र मिहलाओं की तुलना म पु ष वणाधता से
Humans are called diploid organisms कोिशकाएं अिधक पीिड़त होते ह ोंिक
because they have two alleles at each (a) Women are more resistant to
genetic locus, with one allele Ans. (b) Creatinine disease / मिहलाएं रोगों के िलए ितरोधी
inherited from each parent. Explanation: Creatinine is a normal होती ह|
waste product that the body produces (b) Male sex hormone testosterone
Q1212. DPT vaccine is categorised every day during muscle movements causes the disease / पु ष से हॉम न
as which of the following / and when digesting meat. Healthy इस रोग का कारण बनता है |
DTP टीका को िन िल खत म से िकस म kidneys remove creatinine from the (c) Color blindness gene occur on
ेणीब िकया गया है ? blood, and it leaves the body in y-chromosome / वणाधता के जीन
(a) Antiviral vaccines/ िवषाणुरोधी urine. High levels of creatinine in the y-गुणसू म उ होते ह |
टीका urine can indicate diabetes, high (d) Men are hemizygous and are
(b) Anti protozoan vaccine ोटोजुआ muscle tone, or problems with the defective allele is enough to cause
रोधी टीका kidneys. the disease/ पु ष अधयु जी होते ह
(c) Anti fever vaccine/ र-रोधी टीका तथा दोषपूण एलील इस रोग के होने के
(d) A combined vaccine / एक संयु Q1215. Which vitamins are those, if िलए पया है |
टीका taken in excess can be dangerous as
they are stored in the body Ans. (d) Men are hemizygous and
Ans. (d) A combined vaccine वे कौन से िवटािमन ह जो अिधक मा ा म are defective allele is enough to
Explanation: A combined vaccine is लेने पर खतरनाक सािबत हो सकते ह cause the disease
a vaccine that is designed to protect ोंिक वे शरीर म संगृिहत हो जाते ह ? Explanation: Men are much more
against two or more diseases or (a) B complex/ बी का े likely to be colorblind than women
against one disease caused by (b) E and C because the genes responsible for the
different strains or serotypes of the (c) B and C most common, inherited color
same organism (d) A and D blindness are on the X chromosome.
Men are much more likely to be
Q1213. Webbed neck is a Ans. (d) A and D colorblind than women because the
characteristic of Explanation: A and D is fat soluble genes responsible for the most
िझ ीदार गदन ______ की िवशेषता है vitamin common, inherited color blindness
| A and D stored overtime they can are on the X chromosome.
(a) Down’s syndrome / डाउन िसंडोम lead to a condition called
(b) Turner’s syndrome/ टनर िसंडोम Hypervitaminosis means excess Q1218. The rhythmic contractions of
(c) Klinefelter’s amount of vitamin in the body the lining of the muscles of canal to
syndrome/ ाइनफे र िसंडोम push the food along the gut is called
(d) Cri-du-chat syndrome/ कृ-डू-चैट Q1216. Exchange of one part of भोजन को आं त म भेजने के िलए नली की
िसंडोम chromosome with a part of same or मां सपेिशयों की परत के लयब संकुचन
other chromosome is ा कहलाते ह ?
Ans. (b) Turner’s syndrome गुणसू के एक भाग का उसी गुणसू या (a) Peristalsis/ माकुंचन
Explanation: Often, a short and अ गुणसू के दू सरे भाग के साथ (b) Facilitation/ स िलयत
webbed neck, low-set ears, low आदान- दान ा कहलाता है ? (c) Guttation / िबंदु ाव
hairline at the back of the neck, short (a) Inversion / िवप रवतन (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
stature, and swollen hands and feet (b) Crossing over /िविनमय
are seen at birth. Typically, they (c) translocation / थानां तरण Ans. (a) Peristalsis
develop menstrual periods and (d) Linkage / कड़ी Explanation: Peristalsis, involuntary
breasts only with hormone treatment, movements of the longitudinal and [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 155

circular muscles, primarily in the throughout heart walls/ दय की Explanation: A pregnancy in which
digestive tract but occasionally in िभि यों म फैले पेशीय तंतुओं का the fertilised egg implants outside the
other hollow tubes of the body, that (b) Muscle fibre found only in uterus. The fertilised egg can't
occur in progressive wavelike ventricle wall / पेशीय तंतु का जो केवल survive outside the uterus. If left to
contractions. Peristaltic waves occur िनलय की िभि म पाए जाते ह | grow, it may damage nearby organs
in the esophagus, stomach, and (c) Nerve fibres distributed in and cause life-threatening loss of
intestines. ventricles/ िनलय म फैले तंि का तंतुओं blood.
Q1219. Organisms use biocatalyst to (d) Nerve fibres found throughout Q1224. Blood vessels of a
break down complex substances into the heart / पूरे दय म पाए जाने वाले diaphragm are called
simpler substances. These bio तंि का तंतुओं का म पट ( डाया ाम ) की र
catalysts are called वािहकाओं को कहा जाता है -
जीव जिटल पदाथ को सरल पदाथ म Ans. (b) Muscle fibre found only in (a) Physical / शारी रक
तोड़ने के िलए जैव उ ेरकों का योग ventricle wall (b) Cardiac / दयी
करते ह| इन जैव उ ेरकों को कहा जाता Explanation: The bundle of cardiac (c) Phrenic / ासपटलीय
है - muscle fibers that conducts the (d) Pulmonary / फु ु सीय
(a) Enzymes/ एं जाइम electrical impulses that regulate the
(b) Hormones/ हॉम न heartbeat, from the atrioventricular Ans. (c) Phrenic
(c) Vitamins / िवटािमन node in the right atrium to the Explanation: From above, the
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं septum between the ventricles and diaphragm receives blood from
then to the left and right ventricles. branches of the internal thoracic
Ans. (a) Enzymes Also called atrioventricular bundle. arteries, namely the
Explanation: Enzymes are proteins pericardiacophrenic artery and
that act as biological catalysts. Q1222. Abnormal rise in erythrocyte musculophrenic artery; from the
Catalysts accelerate chemical count is superior phrenic arteries, which arise
reactions. The molecules upon which ए र ोसाइट की सं ा म असामा वृ directly from the thoracic aorta; and
enzymes may act are called है - from the lower internal intercostal
substrates, and the enzyme converts (a) Leucopenia/ ूकोपीिनया arteries.
the substrates into different (b) Polycythemia / पॉलीसीथीिमया
molecules known as products. (c) Anaemia/ एनीिमया Q1225. Which one of the following
(d) Pneumonia/ िनमोिनया substances, if introduced in blood
Q1220. Purkinje fibers are present in stream would cause coagulation of
पुरिकंजे तंतु _____ म पाए जाते ह | Ans. (b) Polycythemia blood at the site of its introduction?
(a) Heart / दय Explanation: Polycythemia means िन म से िकस पदाथ के र - वाह म
(b) Cerebrum/ म increased red blood cell volume वेश करने से उस थान पर र का
(c) Semicircular canals/ अधवृ ाकार थ ा जम जाता है , जहाँ पर इस पदाथ
निलकाएं Q1223. Ectopic pregnancies are ने र म वेश िकया था |
(d) Voluntary muscles / ै क referred to as/ अ थािनक गभाव था का (a) Prothrombin / ो ो न
मां सपेिशयाँ अथ है - (b) Fibrinogen/ फाइि नोजेन
(a) Pregnancy with genetic (c) Thromboplastin/ ो ो ा न
Ans.(a) Heart abnormality / आनुवंिशक असामा ता (d) Heparin / हे प रन
Explanation: The Purkinje fibers are के साथ गभाव था
specialised conducting fibers (b) Implantation of embryo at site Ans. (c) Thromboplastin
composed of electrically excitable other than uterus / ूण का गभाशय के Explanation: Thromboplastin (TPL)
cells that are larger than अित र िकसी अ थान पर दा खल or thrombokinase is a mixture of
cardiomyocytes with fewer होना both phospholipids and tissue factor
myofibrils and many mitochondria (c) Implantation of defective embryo found in plasma aiding blood
and which (cells) conduct cardiac in uterus / गभाशय म दोषपूण ूण का coagulation through catalyzing the
action potentials more quickly and आ जाना conversion of prothrombin to
efficiently than any other cells in the (d) Pregnancies terminated due to thrombin.
heart. hormonal imbalance / हॉम न
असंतुलन के कारण समा होने वाली Q1226. Diapedesis is / कोिशकापारण
Q1221. Bundle of his is a network गभाव था है -
of/ बंडल ऑफ़ िहज ______ का एक (a) Bursting of WBC /WBC का
जाल है | Ans. (b) Implantation of embryo at फूटना
(a) Muscles fibres distributed site other than uterus (b) Production of pus / पीप या मवाद [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 156

का िनमाण (c) Systole of ventricles/ िनलय का back to the heart/ दय णाली का वह
(c) Production of WBC / WBC का कुंचन भाग जो ऑ ीजन रिहत र को दय
उ ादन (d) Diastole of auricles and/or से फेफड़ों म ले जाता है तथा दय म
(d) Passage of WBC out of blood repolarisation of ventricles / अिलंद वापस ऑ ीजन यु र लेकर आता
capillaries to the site of injury/ WBC का अनुिशिथलन तथा / या िनलय का है -
का र कोिशकाओं म से चोट के थान पुनः ुवीकरण (a) Pulmonary circulation/ फु ु सीय
पर जाना प रसंचरण
Ans. (d) Diastole of auricles and/or (b) Coronary circulation/ दय-धमनी
Ans. (d) Passage of WBC out of re-polarisation of ventricles प रसंचरण
blood capillaries to the site of injury Explanation: There are three main (c) Systemic circulation / णालीगत
Explanation: Leukocyte components to an ECG: the P wave, प रसंचरण
extravasation is the movement of which represents the depolarization (d) Single circulatory system/ एकल
leukocytes out of the circulatory of the atria; the QRS complex, which र वाही णाली
system and towards the site of tissue represents the depolarization of the
damage or infection. This process ventricles; and the T wave, which Ans. (a) Pulmonary circulation
forms part of the innate immune represents the repolarization of the Explanation: The pulmonary
response, involving the recruitment ventricles. circulation is the portion of the
of non-specific leukocytes circulatory system which carries
Q1229. The first sound of deoxygenated blood away from the
Q1227. What happens when the sphygmomanometer indicates/ right ventricle, to the lungs, and
pacemaker becomes non functional / र दाबमापी की पहली िन _____ का returns oxygenated blood to the left
जब पेसमेकर काय नहीं करता है , तब संकेत होती है | atrium and ventricle of the heart.
ा होता है ? (a) Systolic pressure / कुंचन
(a) Only auricles contract दाब Q1232. If due to some injury
rhythmically / केवल अिलंद लयब (b) Diastolic pressure / chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve
तरीके से िसकुड़ते ह | अनुिशिथलन दाब Of the heart, are partially non
(b) Only ventricles contract (c) Lubb / लब functional, what will be the
rhythmically / केवल िनलय लयब (d) Dup /डप immediate effect/ यिद िकसी चोट के
तरीके से िसकुड़ते ह | कारण दय के ि कपद कपाट का कॉड
(c) Cardiac muscles do not undergo Ans. (a) Systolic pressure टिडने अंशतः काय नहीं कर पाता है , तो
coordinated rhythmic movements / रत भाव ा होगा ?
दय की मां सपेिशयों म सम त लयब Q1230. Most probable cause of heart (a) The pacemaker will stop working
गित से हरकत नहीं होती | attack is / पेसमेकर काय करना बंद कर दे गा
(d) Cardiac muscles contract in िदल का दौरा पड़ने का सवािधक (b) Blood will tend to flow back in
coordinated manner rhythmically/ संभािवत कारण कौन सा होता है ? left atrium / र बाएं आिलंद म वापस
दय की मां सपेिशयों म सम त तरीके (a) Vasomotor/वािहका- ा रका वािहत होगा
से लयब संकुचन होता है | (b) Systolic pressure of 120 mm Hg / (c) Flow of blood into pulmonary
120 mm Hg का कुंचन दाब artery will be reduced/ फेफड़े की
Ans. (c) Cardiac muscles do not (c) Arteriosclerosis / धमनीकािठ धमिनयों म र का वाह कम हो
undergo coordinated rhythmic (d) High level of HDL/ HDL का उ जाएगा
movements र (d) Flow of blood into aorta will be
Explanation: If the pacemaker of the slowed down / महाधमनी म र का
heart is not functional, the cardiac Ans. (c) Arteriosclerosis वाह धीमा हो जाएगा |
muscles will not be able to contract Explanation: The build-up of fats,
rhythmically in a coordinated cholesterol and other substances in Ans. (c) Flow of blood into
manner. This would, in turn, affect and on the artery walls. pulmonary artery will be reduced
the pumping of blood and may even A build up of cholesterol plaque in Explanation: The chordae tendineae
lead to cardiac arrest the walls of arteries, causing are a group of tough, tendinous
obstruction of blood flow. Plaques strands in the heart. They are
Q1228. In ECG what does T wave may rupture, causing acute occlusion commonly referred to as the “heart
represent of the artery by clot. strings” since they resemble small
इसीजी म T तरं ग ा दशाती है ? pieces of string. Functionally, the
(a) Diastole of auricles/ अिलंद का Q1231. A portion of cardiovascular chordae tendineae play a vital role in
अनुिशिथलन system that transports oxygen holding the atrioventricular valves in
(b) Diastole of ventricles/ िनलय का depleted blood from the heart to the place while the heart is pumping
अनुिशिथलन lungs and brings oxygenated blood blood [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 157

contained within the cell membranes, (d) All phytoplanktons / सभी पादप
Q1233. Foramen ovale / अंडाकार रं the distilled water will diffuse into वक
(a) Connects the two atria in the the RBC and cause them to burst
foetal heart/ ूण के दय म दो Ans. (c) Primary consumers in the
प रको को जोड़ता है | Q1236. Valves which allows blood bottom of a pond
(b) Connects pulmonary trunk and flow from ventricles into arteries and Explanation: Phytoplankton are
aorta in foetus/ ूण म फेफड़े की मु not in opposite direction are microscopic marine algae.
नस तथा महाधमनी को जोड़ता है | वे कपाट, जो िनलय से धमिनयों म र Phytoplankton is the base of several
(c) Is condition in which heart valve वाह की अनुमित दे ते ह लेिकन िवपरीत aquatic food webs. In a balanced
do not completely close / एक थित है िदशा म अनुमित नहीं दे ते, ा कहलाते ecosystem, they provide food for a
िजसम दय कपाट पूरी तरह से बंद नहीं ह? wide range of sea creatures including
होता | (a) Aortic valve / महाधमनी कपाट whales, shrimp, snails, and jellyfish.
(d) None / कोई नहीं (b) AV valves and semilunar valve/ Zooplankton (pictured below) are a
AV कपाट तथा अधचं ाकार कपाट type of heterotrophic plankton that
Ans. (a) Connects the two atria in the (c) Bicuspid valve and tricuspid range from microscopic organisms to
foetal heart valve/ ि कपद तथा ि कपद कपाट large species, such as jellyfish.
Explanation: The foramen ovale is a (d) Semilunar valves/ अधचं ाकार Zooplankton are found within large
small hole located in the septum, कपाट bodies of water, including oceans and
which is the wall between the two freshwater systems
upper chambers of the heart (atria). Ans. (b) AV valves and semilunar
Before a baby is born, it does not use valve Q1239. The 10% energy transfer law
its lungs to get blood rich in oxygen. of food chain was given by
Q1237. A nucleoside is: खा ृंखला का 10% ऊजा ह ां तरण
Q1234. Which is incorrect / कौन सा ू योसाइड है - िनयम िकसके ारा िदया गया था ?
गलत है ? (a) purine/pyrimidine + phosphate/ (a) Lederberg/ लेडरबग
(a) Blood group ‘O’ RBCs have both ू रन/िपरीिमडीन + फॉ े ट (b) Lindemann/ िलंडमैन
A and B antigen /र समूह O के (b) purine/pyrimidine + sugar / (c) Weismann / िव ैन
आरबीसी म A तथा B दोनों ितजन होते ू रन/िपरीिमडीन + शकरा (d) Lindley/ िलंडले
ह| (c) Pyrimidine + purine + phosphate
(b) Eosinophils resists infections and / िपरीिमडीन+ ू रन + फॉ े ट Ans. (b) Lindemann
take part in allergic reactions/ (d) Purine + sugar + phosphate/ Explanation: The Ten percent law for
इयोिसनोिफली सं मण को रोकता है ू रन + शकरा + फॉ े ट the transfer of energy from one
तथा एलिजक अिभि याओं म भाग लेता trophic level to the next was
है | Ans. (b) Purine/ Pyrimidine + sugar introduced by Lindemann (1942).
(c) RBCs contain carbonic anhydrase Explanation: Nucleosides are According to this law, during the
/आरबीसी म काबिनक एनीहाइडे ज होता glycosylamines that can be thought transfer of energy from organic food
है | of as nucleotides without a phosphate from one trophic level to the next,
(d) All are wrong / सभी गलत ह group. A nucleoside consists simply only about ten percent of the of
of a nucleobase and a five-carbon energy from organic matter is stored
Ans. (a) Blood group ‘O’ RBCs have sugar ribose whereas a nucleotide is as flesh.
both A and B antigen composed of a nucleobase, a
five-carbon sugar, and one or more Q1240. If a dwarf pea plant was
Q1235. RBC placed in distilled phosphate groups treated with gibberellic acid, it
water will / became as tall, as tall pea plants. If
आसुत जल म रखी गयी लाल र Q1238. In a pond ecosystem, these pea plants are crossed with
कोिशकाएं - benthos means: pure tall pea plants, what will be the
(a) Burst/ फूट जायगी तालाब के पा र थितकी तं म, िनतल phenotypic ratio in F1 generation?
(b) Shrink / िसकुड़ जायगी जीवसमूह का अथ होता है : यिद एक बौने मटर के पौधे को
(c) Stick to one another / एक-दू सरे से (a) Zooplanktons on water surface/ िजबरे िलक अ से उपचा रत िकया
िचपक जायगी जल की सतह पर जंतु वक जाए,तो यह ल े मटर के पौधों िजतना
(d) Divide / िवभािजत हो जायगी (b) Large fishes eating small ones / लंबा हो जाता है | यिद इन मटर के पौधों
बड़ी मछिलयाँ जो छोटी मछिलयों को खा का वा िवक ल े मटर के पौधों से
Ans. (a) Burst जाती ह | संकर करवाया जाए, तो F1 पीढ़ी म
Explanation: When red blood cells (c) Primary consumers in the bottom समल णी अनुपात ा होगा ?
are placed in distilled water, which is of a pond/ तालाब के नीचे मौजूद (a) All dwarf plants / सभी पौधे बौने
hypotonic compared to the solution ाथिमक उपभो ा (b) 50% tall and 50% dwarf plants / [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 158

50% ल े तथा 50% पौधे बौने तापीय शैवाल रह सकते ह :
(c) 75% tall and 25% dwarf plants/ (a) Saline soil / लवणीय मृदा म Q1246. Operon model of gene
75% लंबे तथा 25% पौधे बौने (b) Hot water streams of 70°C / 70 regulation and organisation of
(d) 100% tall plants / 100% ल े पौधे िड ी से यस वाली गम जल धाराओं म prokaryotes was proposed by:
(C) Deserts / रे िग ानों म जीन िविनयमन तथा संगठन का ओपेरोन
Ans. (d) 100% tall plants (d) Snow balls / बफ के गोलों म मॉडल िकसके ारा ािवत िकया गया
था ?
Q1241. Moll’s experiment explains Ans. (b) Hot water streams of 70°C (a) Meselson and Stahl / मेसेलसन
that Explanation: Thermal algae and तथा ाल
मॉल का योग बताता है िक bacteria grow in nutrient-rich hot (b) Wilkins and Franklin/ िव ं स
(a) Carbon dioxide is essential for springs. Some algae are adapted to तथा किलन
photosynthesis / काबन डाइऑ ाइड grow in hot springs and thermal (c) Beadle and Tatum/ िबएडल तथा
काश सं ेषण के िलए अिनवाय है | waters. Different species have a very टै टम
(b) Chlorophyll and water are narrow range of temperature (d) Jacob and Monod / जैकब तथा
necessary for photosynthesis / tolerance. मोनोड
ोरोिफल तथा पानी काश सं ेषण
के िलए अिनवाय ह | Q1244. In a national park protection Ans. (d) Jacob and Monod
(c) Light and water are essential for is provided to: Explanation: The operon model of
photosynthesis / काश तथा जल एक रा ीय उ ान म संर ण दान िकया prokaryotic gene regulation was
काश सं ेषण के िलए अिनवाय ह | जाता है : proposed by Fancois Jacob and
(d) All of the above are correct / (a) Entire ecosystem / समूचे पा रतं Jacques Monod. Groups of genes
उपरो सभी सही ह | को coding for related proteins are
(b) Flora and fauna / पौधों और ािणयों arranged in units known as operons.
Ans. (a) Carbon dioxide is essential को An operon consists of an operator,
for photosynthesis (c) Fauna only / केवल पशुओं को promoter, regulator, and structural
Explanation: Moll's half-leaf (d) Flora only / केवल पौधों को genes. If the repressor protein is
experiment was done to show that removed, transcription may occur.
plants cannot photosynthesize unless Ans. (b) Flora and fauna
carbon dioxide is available. Plants Explanation: In a national park, Q1247. Transpiration differs from
use sunlight and carbon dioxide protection is given to both flora and evaporation in:/ वा ो जन,
present in air to produce food for fauna. The flora and fauna of a वा ीकरण से िकस कार अलग है ?
itself, in the absence of either national park maintains the balance (a) Rate of water loss / जल के कम
photosynthesis is affected adversely. of its ecosystem and can even be of होने की दर
great medicinal values (b) Transpiration is a physiological
Q1242. Pond ecosystem shows / process while evaporation is physical
तालाब का पा र थितकी तं दशाता है - Q1245. Cell organelle covered by process/ वा ो जन एक
(a) Inverted pyramid of number / single unit membrane is: शरीर-रचना क ि या है जबिक
सं ा का उ ा िपरािमड एकल इकाई िझ ी से ढका कोिशका वा ीकरण एक भौितक ि या है |
(b) Inverted pyramid of biomass / जैव अंगक होता है : (c) Transpiration is physical process
भार का उ ा िपरािमड (a) Glyoxysome/ ाइको सोम while evaporation is physiological
(c) Upright pyramid of biomass / जैव (b) Lysosome / लाइसोसोम process / वा ो जन एक भौितक
भार का सीधा िपरािमड (c) Peroxisomes/ पेरो ीसोम ि या है जबिक वा ीकरण एक
(d) Inverted pyramid of energy / (d) All of these. / ये सभी शरीर-रचना क ि या है |
ऊजा का उ ा िपरािमड (d) Frequency of water loss/ जल के
Ans. (d) All of these. कम होने की आवृि
Ans. (b) Inverted pyramid of Explanation: Single
biomass membrane-bound: Some organelles Ans. (b) Transpiration is a
Explanation: In aquatic ecosystem are bounded by a single membrane. physiological process while
the producers are small organisms For example, vacuole, lysosome, evaporation is physical process
with least biomass and the biomass Golgi Apparatus, Endoplasmic Explanation: Transpiration is the loss
gradually increase towards the apex Reticulum etc. They are present only of water from the plant cells.
of the pyramid. Thus the pyramid of in a eukaryotic cell. Double Evaporation is the loss of water from
biomass of aquatic ecosystems is membrane-bound: Cell organelles the free surface. Takes place in the
inverted in shape. like mitochondria and chloroplast living cell or the tissues. It occurs
are double membrane-bound from the entire surface of the water.
Q1243. Thermal algae can live in: organelles. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 159

Q1248. The process through which enzymes. Also called catalytic RNA, acids, but only the first 2 are
the amount of DNA, RNA and ribozymes are found in the ribosome incorporated into proteins. Sulfur
protein can be known at a time is where they join amino acids together belongs to the same group in the
called to form protein chains. periodic table as oxygen but is much
वह ि या िजसके ारा िकसी समय less electronegative.
डीएनए, आरएनए तथा ोटीन की मा ा Q1251. Which one among the
का पता लगाया जा सकता है , ा following is a major source of sugar? Q1254. A woman who weighs 45 kg
कहलाती है ? िन िल खत म से कौन शकरा का एक and whose work involves a lot of
(a) Autoradiography/ ऑटोरे िडयो ाफी मुख ोत है ? physical exertion needs
(b) Tissue culture / उ क संवधन (a) Watermelon / तरबूज एक मिहला िजसका वज़न 45 िकलो ाम
(c) Cellular fractionation/ से ूलर (b) Beetroot / चुकंदर है तथा िजसके काय म ब त अिधक
ै नेशन (c) Sugarcane/ ग ा शारी रक प र म शािमल है , उसे
(d) Phase contrast microscopy/ फेज (d) Date/ खजूर ज़ रत होगी -
कॉ ा माइ ो ोपी (a) 2800 calories per day / ितिदन
Ans. (c) Sugarcane 2800 कैलोरी की
Ans. (c) Cellular fractionation Explanation: Sucrose is found in the (b) 3000 calories per day / ितिदन
Explanation: Cell fractionation is the stems of sugarcane and roots of sugar 3000 कैलोरी की
process used to separate cellular beet. It also occurs naturally (c) 25000 calories per day / ितिदन
components while preserving alongside fructose and glucose in 25000 कैलोरी की
individual functions of each other plants, in particular fruits and (d) 3700 calories per day / ितिदन
component. some roots such as carrots. 3700 कैलोरी की

Q1249. Colchicines bring about: Q1252. Use of disposable syringes is Ans. (b) 3000 calories per day
को चिसन _____ का काय करते ह | usually advised to prevent –
(a) Polyploidy/ ि गुिणत ______ से बचने के िलए आमतौर पर Q1255. To which one of the
(b) Cell division/ कोिशका िवभाजन िड ोजेबल ( न करने यो ) सी रं ज following types of organisms do
(c) Cell elongation/ कोिशका वृ का योग करने की सलाह दी जाती है | mushrooms belong?
(d) Cell differentiation/ कोिशका (a) Rabies/ रे बीज मश म िन म से िकस कार के जीव
िवभेदन (b) Mumps/गलसुआ से संबंिधत है ?
(c) AIDS/ एड् स (a) Algae / शैवाल
Ans. (a) Polyploidy (d) Cancer / कसर (b) Ferns/ फन
Explanation: Colchicine disrupts the (c) Fungi / कवक
normal sequence of a nuclear Ans. (c) AIDS (d) Lichens / लाइकेन
division and induces somatic Explanation: Unsterile needles and
doubling by inhibiting microtubule syringes may transmit blood-borne Ans. (c) Fungi
formation which in turn prevents the infectious agents such as HIV and Explanation: Mushroom is a fleshy
spindle formation and thereby, hepatitis B virus. So, the correct fruiting body of some fungi arising
prevents the chromosomes from answer is 'AIDS'. from a group of mycelium buried in
moving apart during cell division substratum. Most of the mushrooms
(either mitosis or meiosis). Q1253. In certain amino acids, belong to the Sub- Division:
which one of the following elements Basidiomycotina and a few belong to
Q1250. Ribozyme is: is found in addition to carbon , Ascomycotina of Kingdom-Fungi
राइबोजाइम है : hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen?
(a) enzyme/ एं जाइम कुछ िनि त एिमनो अ म, काबन, Q1256. The combination of foods
(b) RNA with enzymatic activity/ हाइडोजन, नाइटोजन तथा ऑ ीजन के providing protein quality nearest to
एं जाइम की ि या वाला आरएनए अित र िन िल खत म से कौन सा त that of meat is
(c) Hormone/ हॉम न पाया जाता है ? खा पदाथ का वह संयोजन कौन सा है
(d) Protein/ ोटीन (a) Phosphorus / फॉ ोरस जो मीट के बराबर मा ा म ोटीन दान
(b) Zinc/ ज ा करता है ?
Ans. (b) RNA with enzymatic (c) Calcium /कै शयम (a) Wheat, dal and groundnuts/ गे ं ,
activity (d) Sulphur / स र दाल तथा मूंगफली
Explanation:A ribozyme is a (b) Bread and butter/ रोटी और म न
ribonucleic acid (RNA) enzyme that Ans. (d) Sulphur (c) Sprouted gram and groundnuts /
catalyzes a chemical reaction. The Explanation: Methionine, cysteine, अंकु रत चना तथा मूंगफली
ribozyme catalyses specific reactions homocysteine, and taurine are the 4 (d) Groundnuts and jaggery / मूंगफली
in a similar way to that of protein common sulfur-containing amino तथा गुड़ [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 160


Ans. (c) Sprouted gram and Ans. (b) Sigmoid Q1262. Deficiency symptoms of
groundnuts Explanation: The growth curve is a nitrogen and potassium are first
S-shaped curve obtained when we visible in /
Q1257. Which of the following plot growth against time. It is also नाइटोजन तथा पोटै िशयम की कमी के
developed first time in annelids called sigmoid curve. ल ण पहले ______ म िदखाई दे ते ह |
िन म से कौन सा पहली बार एनेिलड म (a) Senescent leaves/ वृ पि यों म
िवकिसत आ था ? Q1260. Effect of low temperature (b) Young leaves / नयी पि यों म
(a) Cephalization/ िशर ाधा which shortens the vegetative period (c) Roots / जड़ों म
(b) Development of the coelom/ and hastens flowering is (d) Buds / किलयों म
शारी रक गुहा का िवकास कम तापमान का भाव जो वान ितक
(c) Metameric segmentation/ काल को छोटा कर दे ता है तथा पु ण Ans. (a) Senescent leaves
मेटामे रक िवखंडन को तेज़ कर दे ता है - Explanation: The characteristic
(d) Both 2 and 3 / 2 और 3 दोनों (a) Photoperiodism/ दी कािलता deficiency symptom of nitrogen is
(b) Quiescence / िन यता the appearance of uniform yellowing
Ans. (d) Both 2 and 3 (c) Vernalisation / बसंतीकरण of leaves including the veins, this
Explanation: A true coelom may be (d) Abscission / िवगलन being more pronounced on older
defined as a secondary body cavity, leaves. The leaves become stiff and
formed by the splitting of mesoderm Ans. (c) Vernalisation erect. In dicotyledonous crops the
during embryonic development and Explanation: Vernalization is the leaves detach easily under extreme
bounded on all sides by a definite induction of a plant's flowering deficiency condition.
coelomic epithelium or peritoneum. process by exposure to the prolonged
A true coelom probably appeared for cold of winter, or by an artificial Q1263. The first stable product of
the first time in annelids. equivalent. After vernalization, fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in
plants have acquired the ability to leguminous plants is/ फलीदार पौधों म
Q1258. Which of the following is flower, but they may require वायुमंडलीय नाइटोजन के िनधारण का
not a physiological effect of auxins additional seasonal cues or weeks of पहला थर उ ाद है
िन िल खत म से कौन सा ऑ न का growth before they will actually (a) Ammonia/ अमोिनया
एक ि या क भाव नहीं है ? flower. (b) NO3-
(a) Cell elongation/ कोिशका वृ (c) Glutamate/ ूटामेट
(b) Development of parthenocarpic Q1261. Who among the following (d) NO2-
fruits/ अिनषेिचत फल का िवकास stated that sunlight is essential to
(c) Prevention of abscission of leaves restore the pure air that has been Ans. (a) Ammonia
and fruit/ प ों और फलों के िवगलन के made impure by animal respiration
बचाव and burning of candle Q1264. Which one among the
(d) Reversal of genetic dwarfism / िन िल खत म से िकसने कहा था िक following will be absorbed fastest
आनुवंिशक बौनापन का उ मण जीवों के सन तथा मोमब ी के जलने के through the wall of digestive system?
कारण अशु ई हवा को पुनः शु पाचन तं की िभि से िन िल खत म से
Ans. (d) Reversal of genetic करने के िलए सूय का काश अिनवाय है िकसका अवशोषण सबसे ती होगा ?
dwarfism ? (a) Black coffee as a hot beverage /
Explanation: physiological effect of (a) Joseph priestley / जोसेफ ी ली गम पेय पदाथ के प म ैक कॉफ़ी
auxins- Cell enlargement, Inhibition (b) J.V. Sachs / जे वी सै स (b) DDT taken as a poison / िवष के
of lateral buds, Auxins are employed (c) Jan Ingenhousz / जैन इ गेनहाउ प म ली गयी डीडीटी
in agriculture to induce rooting, (d) Engelmann/ एं गलमैन (c) Raw alcohol taken as a drink / पेय
parthenocarpy, flowering and as पदाथ के प म िलया गया क ा
weedicides (2, 4-D). leaf abscission, Ans. (c) Jan Ingenhousz अ ोहल
cambial activity, root growth, Explanation: Jan Ingenhousz or (d) Ice cream as a desert / िमठाई के
Ingen-Housz FRS was a Dutch प म खाई गयी आइस ीम
Q1259. The typical curve in plants is physiologist, biologist and chemist.
पौधों म आमतौर पर कौन सा व पाया He is best known for discovering Ans.(b) DDT taken as a poison
जाता है ? photosynthesis by showing that light
(a) Parabolic / परवलियक is essential to the process by which Q1265. Cutting and peeling of onion
(b) Sigmoid / अव हाकार green plants absorb carbon dioxide bring tears to the eyes because of the
(c) Linear / रै खक and release oxygen. He also presence of
(d) Stair-step shaped / सीढ़ीनुमा discovered that plants, like animals, ______ की मौजूदगी के कारण ाज
आकार का have cellular respiration. को छीलने तथा काटने के दौरान आँ खों म [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 161

आँ सू आ जाते ह | Ans. (d) All of the above
(a) sulfur in the cell / कोिशका म Q1268. Which of the following are
स र considered as the twin characteristics Q1271. Protists are / जीव होते ह -
(b) carbon in the cell / कोिशका म of growth? (a) unicellular and prokaryotes/
काबन िन म से िकसे वृ की जुड़वां िवशेषता एककोिशकीय तथा अकि क
(c) fat in the cell / कोिशका म वसा माना जाता है ? (b) unicellular and eukaryotes /
(d) amino acid in the cell / कोिशका म (a) Both b and c / b और c दोनों एककोिशकीय तथा सुकि क
एिमनो अ (b) Increases in mass. / मान म (c) multicellular and eukaryotes
वृ /ब कोिशकीय तथा सुकि क
Ans. (a) sulfur in the cell (c) Increases in the number of (d) Both b and c
Explanation: When an onion is sliced individuals. / लोगों की सं ा म वृ
or diced, the onion's cells release (d) Increases in width. / चौड़ाई म Ans. (d) Both b and c
these compounds into the air. When वृ Explanation: A protist is any
this occurs, "enzyme" works to alter eukaryotic organism that is not an
the amino acids into lachrymator Ans. (a) Both b and c animal, plant, or fungus.Kingdom
compounds. This form of sulfuric Explanation: Increase in body mass Protista is a diverse group of
acid irritates the nerves around the (by cell division) and increase in eukaryotic organisms. Protists are
eyes making them tear. number of individuals by unicellular, some are colonial or
reproduction are considered as twin multicellular, they do not have
Q1266. Cartilage present in body is characteristics of growth. specialized tissue organization. The
शरीर म मौजूद उपा थ है - simple cellular organization
(a) a muscular tissue / एक मां सपेशीय Q1269. The binomial system assigns distinguishes the protists from other
उ क to each organism a unique name that eukaryotes.
(b) an epithelial tissue/ एक उपकला describes its
उ क ि पद णाली ेक जीव को एक Q1272. The euglena could be said to
(c) a connective tissue / एक संयोजी अि तीय नाम दान करती है जो इसके bridge the evolutionary gap between
उ क _____ के बारे म बताता है | plants and animals. This is because
(d) a germinal tissue / एक रोगाणु (a) order and family / म तथा प रवार यु ीना के बारे म कहा जाता है िक
उ क (b) body plan and habitat / शारी रक पौधों तथा जंतुओं के बीच उि कासी
ढां चा और वास थल अंतराल को भर सकती है | यह इसिलए
Ans. (c) a connective tissue (c) species and genus / जाित तथा है ोंिक -
Explanation: The connective tissues वंश (a) they have a cell wall but also
include several types of fibrous (d) family and species / प रवार और have flagella/ उनम कोिशका िभि
tissue that vary only in their density जाित होती है लेिकन कशािभका भी होती है |
and cellularity, as well as the more (b) they have true roots, stems and
specialized and recognizable Ans. (c) species and genus leaves/ उनम असली जड़, तना तथा
variants—bone, ligaments, tendons, Explanation: The binomial naming पि याँ होती ह |
cartilage, and adipose (fat) tissue. system is the system used to name (c) they have a cell wall but carry on
species. Each species is given a name photosynthesis/ उनम कोिशका िभि
Q1267. An element playing an that consists of two parts. The first होती है लेिकन वे काश सं ेषण करते
important role in nitrogen fixation is part is the Genus to which the ह|
वह त जो नाइटोजन थरीकरण म species belongs and the second part (d) many carry on photosynthesis,
एक मह पूण भूिमका िनभाता है - is the species name have flagella and lack a cell wall/
(a) Molybdenum/मॉिल डे नम इनम से कई काश सं ेषण करते ह,
(b) Copper / तां बा Q1270. Plasmids / ा ड उनम कशािभका होती है तथा कोिशका
(c) Manganese / मगनीज (a) replicate independently of the िभि नहीं पायी जाती है |
(d) Zinc / ज ा main chromosome / मु गुणसू की
तं प से ितकृित बनाता है | Ans. (d) many carry on
Ans. (a) Molybdenum (b) often contain antibiotic resistance photosynthesis, have flagella and
Explanation: Molybdenum plays genes / अ र इसम एं टीबायोिटक lack a cell wall
important role in nitrogen fixation as ितरोधी जीन पाए जाते ह |
it is a key element of nitrogen-fixing (c) are transferred from one
enzymes i.e., nitrogenase, nitrite bacterium to another by conjugation/ Q1273. Which organisms are capable
reductase and nitrate reductase. It is इनका थानां तरण संयु न के ारा एक of producing a ‘red tide’?
present in the conjugated form with जीवाणु से दू सरे जीवाणु म हो जाता है | कौन से जीव ‘लाल ार’ उ करने म
iron in these enzymes (d) All of the above / उपरो सभी स म होते ह ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 162

(a) Dinoflagellates / डाईनोफलेिजलेट Q1276. The vomiting centre is central nervous system (CNS) — the
(b) Chrysophytes (diatoms)/ situated in/ brain and spinal cord — cells called
ाइसोफाइट उ ी का क कहाँ थत होता है ? oligodendrocytes wrap their
(c) Sporozoans / ोरोजोन (a) Cerebrum / म branch-like extensions around axons
(d) Euglenoids / युगिलनॉइड (b) Cerebellum / प म to create a myelin sheath. In the
(c) Medulla / ां त था nerves outside of the spinal cord,
Ans. (a) Dinoflagellates (d) Hypothalamus / अध ेतक Schwann cells produce myelin.
Explanation: Red tides are conditions
when a dinoflagellate population Ans. (c) Medulla Q1279. Photosensitive compound in
increases to such huge numbers that Explanation: the vomiting centre and human eye is made up of
it discolors the water. the chemoreceptor trigger मानव ने म काश-संवेदनशील यौिगक
zone—both located in the medulla िकस से बना होता है ?
Q1274. Which characteristic below oblongata. The vomiting centre (a) Transducin and Retinene /
is shared by plants, fungi and initiates and controls the act of टां स ूिसन तथा रे िटनीन
animals? emesis, which involves a series of (b) Guanosine and Retinol / ानोसीन
नीचे दी गयी कौन सी िवशेषता पौधों, contractions of the smooth muscles तथा रे िटनॉल
कवक तथा जंतुओं म सामा प से lining the digestive tract. (c) Opsin and Retinal / ऑ न तथा
पायी जाती है ? रे िटनल
(a) They all have cell walls / उन सभी Q1277. In old age, the vision of eye (d) Opsin and Retinol / ऑ न तथा
म कोिशका िभि होती है | becomes dim. It is due to रे िटनॉल
(b) All are multicellular eukaryotes/ वृ ाव था म आँ खों की रौशनी कम हो
ये सभी ब कोिशकीय सुकि क होते ह | जाती है | ऐसा िकस कारण से होता है ? Ans. (c) Opsin and Retinal
(c) All are held together by structural (a) Myopia / िनकट ि दोष Explanation: The photosensitive
proteins / इन सभी को संरचना क (b) Hypermetropia / दीघ ि pigment Rhodopsin of the human eye
ोटीन एक साथ बनाए रखता है | (c) Cataract / मोितयािबंद is made up of opsin and Retinal ( the
(d) All have intercellular junctions (d) Astigmatism / ि वैष aldehyde form of vitamin-A/
known as desmosomes / इन सभी म Retinol).
अंतरकोिशकीय संिध- थल होते ह िज Ans. (c) Cataract
डे ोसोम के नाम से जाना जाता है | Explanation: A cataract is a clouding Q1280. In mammalian eye, the
of the lens of the eye which leads to ‘fovea’ is the centre of visual field,
Ans. (b) All are multicellular a decrease in vision. Cataracts often where
eukaryotes develop slowly and can affect one or नधा रयों के ने म, ‘गितका’ े
both eyes. Symptoms may include का क होती है , जहाँ -
Q1275. Axon endings release from faded colors, blurry or double vision, (a) More rods than cones are found /
its synaptic vesicles, a halos around light, trouble with शंकु से अिधक छड़ पाए जाते ह |
neurotransmitter substance known bright lights, and trouble seeing at (b) High density of cones occur, but
as/ ए ॉन का अंत इसके िसनैि क night. has no rods / शंकु का उ घन पाया
वेिसक से होता है , िजसे एक जाता है , लेिकन छड़ नहीं होते |
ूरोटां समीटर पदाथ के प म जाना Q1278. Myelin sheath is produced (c) The optic nerve leaves the eye /
जाता है by / आँ खों की नस आँ खों को छोड़ दे ती है
(a) Acetylcholine माइिलन आवरण का िनमाण िकसके (d) Only rods are present / केवल छड़
(b) Acetylcholine esterase ारा िकया जाता है ? मौजूद होते ह |
(c) Inositol-3-phosphate (a) Schwann cells and
(d) Diacylglycerol oligodendrocytes / ान कोिशकाएं तथा Ans. (b) High density of cones occur,
अ दं ोन कोिशका but has no rods
Ans. (a) Acetylcholine (b) Astrocytes and schwann cells / Explanation: The fovea centralis is a
Explanation: At a chemical synapse, ता रका कोिशका तथा ान कोिशकाएं small, central pit composed of
one neuron releases neurotransmitter (c) Oligodendrocytes and osteoclasts closely packed cones in the eye. It is
molecules into a small space (the / अ दं ोन कोिशका तथा अ थशोषक located in the center of macula lutea
synaptic cleft) that is adjacent to (d) Osteoclasts and astrocytes / of the retina. It is responsible for
another neuron. The अ थशोषक तथा ता रका कोिशका sharp central vision which is required
neurotransmitters are contained during driving and reading. This
within small sacs called synaptic Ans. (a) Schwann cells and region has a high density of cones
vesicles, and are released into the oligodendrocytes but rods are absent.
synaptic cleft by exocytosis. Explanation: Myelin is made by two
different types of support cells. In the Q1281. Mark the paired bone of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 163

cranium / (d) Habitat loss / वास थल की हािन
कपाल की यु त ह ी की पहचान कर : Q1284. India has __ % of the total
(a) Frontal / ललाट land area, it’s share of the total Ans. (a) Co-extinction
(b) Brain / म species diversity is an impressive __ Explanation: Coextinction and
(c) None / कोई नहीं % co-threatened refer to the phenomena
(d) Parietal / पाि का भारत म कुल भूिम े फल का _____ of the loss or decline of a host
% भू-भाग है , कुल जाित िविवधता म species resulting in the loss or
Ans. (d) Parietal इसकी िह ेदारी शानदार _____ % है | endangerment of other species that
Explanation: The paired bones are (a) 8.1, 2.4 depends on it, potentially leading to
the maxilla, palatine, zygomatic, (b) 22, 12 cascading effects across trophic
nasal, lacrimal, and inferior nasal (c) 12, 22 levels.
conchae bones. The unpaired bones (d) 2.4, 8.1
are the vomer and mandible bones. Q1287. “When we conserve and
Although classified with the Ans. (d) 2.4, 8.1 protect the whole ecosystem, its
brain-case bones, the ethmoid bone biodiversity at all levels is
also contributes to the nasal septum Q1285. Loss of biodiversity in a protected”. This approach includes
and the walls of the nasal cavity and region may lead to all the following all the following except /
orbit. except जब हम संपूण पा रतं को सुर ा तथा
िकसी े म जैव िविवधता की हािन इन संर ण दान करते ह, तो सभी रों पर
Q1282. Which of the following dyes सभी का कारण बन सकती है िसवाय : इसकी जैव िविवधता सुरि त हो जाती है |
is best suited for staining (a) Decline in plant production / पौधों इस ि कोण म ये सभी शािमल ह,
chromosomes? के उ ादन म कमी िसवाय :
गुणसू ों के अिभरं जन के िलए कौन सा (b) Lowered resistance to (a) Biosphere reserves / संरि त
रं ग सवािधक उपयु होता है ? environmental perturbations / जैवमंडल
(a) Basic Fuchsin/ ारीय फुकिसन पयावरणीय अ व थाओं के ित कम (b) Seed banks / बीज बक
(b) Safranin / जाफरानी रं ग ितरोध (c) National park /रा ीय उ ान
(c) Methylene blue/ मेथीलीन नीला (c) Increased variability in certain (d) Sanctuaries /अ ार
(d) Carmine / कारमाइन ecosystem processes / पा रतं की
कुछ िनि त ि याओं की Ans. (b) Seed banks
Ans. (d) Carmine प रवतनशीलता म वृ Explanation: In situ Conservation is
Explanation: Safranin can be used (d) increased endemism / थािनकता one of the methods of the
for staining nucleus, cartilage, mast म वृ conservation of genetic resources in
cell granules, etc. Methylene blue natural populations of plant or
can be used for staining the nucleus Ans. (d) increased endemism animal species. In other words, it is a
of the animal cell. Acetocarmine is Explanation: In general, loss of set of conservation techniques
used for staining the chromosomes as biodiversity in a region may lead to involving the designation,
it is a basic stain by which stages of (a) decline in plant production, (b) management and monitoring of
chromosomes during cell division are lowered resistance to environmental biodiversity in the same area where it
easily visible. perturbations such as drought and (c) is encountered.
increased variability in certain Examples include national parks,
Q1283. Glycogen is a homopolymer ecosystem processes such as plant wildlife sanctuaries, biospheres
made of productivity, water use, and pest and reserve etc. Examples include zoo,
ाइकोजेन _____ से िनिमत एक disease cycles. aquarium and botanical garden.
समब लक है |
(a) glucose units / ूकोज इकाइयाँ Q1286. When a host fish species Q1288. Mark the odd one with
(b) galactose units / गैले ोज इकाइयाँ becomes extinct, its unique respect to National parks /
(c) ribose units / राइबोज इकाइयाँ assemblage of parasites also meets रा ीय उ ानों के संबंध म अलग िवक
(d) amino acids / एिमनो अ the same fate. It is an example of का चयन कर |
जब एक पोिषता मछली की जाित (a) Cultivation of land is not
Ans. (a) Glucose units िवलु हो जाती है , तो इस पर रहने वाले permitted / भूिम की जुताई की अनुमित
Explanation: Glycogen is a अि तीय परजीिवयों का भी यही हाल नहीं होती है |
'homopolymer' polysaccharide which होता है | यह िकसका उदाहरण है ? (b) Meant for protection of both flora
is made up of glucose units. Glucose (a) Co-extinction / सह-िवलु and fauna / इनका उ े पादप एवं
is a simple sugar and a (b) Alien species invasion/ िवदे शी ािणवग दोनों को संर ण दान करना है
monosaccharide which is the main जाित का अित मण (c) Forest products are not harvested
'source of energy' for the body. (c) Over-exploitation/ अित-दोहन / वन उ ादों की कटाई नहीं की जाती है [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 164

(d) Grazing is allowed / चारण की category of transmissible diseases, टै टम
अनुमित होती है | which are transmitted to other (b) Crick / ि क
persons, contagious can happen by (c) Klug/ ुग
Ans. (d) Grazing is allowed airborne route and also by physical (d) Temin / टे िमन
Q1289. Which of the following Ans. (b) Crick
statements is true? Q1291. The property of human eye Explanation: The central dogma of
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही है ? for seeing near object and distant molecular biology is a phrase by
(a) Manures are generally added object is called- Francis Crick, who proposed the
before the seeds are sown / खाद मानव ने के पास की व ु तथा दू र की double helix structure of DNA. It
आमतौर पर बीज बोने से पहले डाले जाते व ु को दे खने के गुण को ा कहा means that information passes from
ह| जाता है ? DNA to proteins via RNA, but
(b) Manures can cause harmful (a) Myopia / िनकट ि proteins cannot pass the information
effects to the soil / खाद का िम ी पर (b) Accomodation / समंजन मता back to DNA. Crick first wrote it in
हािनकारक भाव हो सकता है | (c) Presbyopia / जरादू र ि 1958, and repeated it in 1970.
(c) Fertilizers can be used for any (d) Correction / शु
crop / उवरकों का योग िकसी भी Q1294. Golden age of reptiles is
फसल के िलए िकया जाता है | Ans. (b) Accomodation सरीसृपों का िणम काल था -
(d) Manures are non-voluminous / Explanation: the ability of the eye to (a) Proterozoic / ोटे रोजोइक
खाद थूल नहीं होते ह | change its focus from distant to near (b) Cenozoic / नूतनजीवी
objects (and vice versa). This process (c) Palaeozoic / पुराजीवी
Ans.(a) Manures are generally is achieved by the lens changing its (d) Mesozoic / म जीवी
added before the seeds are sown shape. Accommodation is the
Explanation: The soil is prepared adjustment of the optics of the eye to Ans. (d) Mesozoic era
before sowing the seeds. The soil is keep an object in focus on the retina Explanation: about 66 million years
loosened to increase the absorption as its distance from the eye varies ago Mesozoic era is known as golden
of water and manures. Loosening of age of reptiles as reptiles became
soil particles adds humus and Q1292. In-situ conservation of one dominant during this period. The
nutrients to the soil that increases horned rhino is being done in period, which spans from about 252
crop yields. एक सींग वाले गडे का अंतः थाने संर ण million years ago to about 66 million
कहाँ िकया जा रहा है ? years ago. So, the correct answer is
Q1290. Find the similarity in the (a) Kaziranga national park/ काजीरं गा 'Mesozoic era'.
following. Common Cold, रा ीय उ ान
Ringworm, Conjunctivitis, (b) Kanha national park/ का ा रा ीय Q1295. The age of menarche in
Whooping cough उ ान human female is/
िन िल खत म ा समानता है ? सामा (c) Gir national park/िगर रा ीय उ ान मनु की मादाओं म रजोदशन की उ
सद , दाद, आँ ख आना, काली खाँ सी (d) Hazaribagh Sanctuary / हजारीबाग होती है -
(a) All of them are अ ार (a) 11-12 years
non-communicable diseases. /ये सभी (b) 16-17 years
गैर-संचारी रोग ह | Ans. (a) Kaziranga national park (c) 18-20 years
(b) All of them do not respond to Explanation: Unlike the critically (d) 8-9 years
curative treatment. / ये सभी endangered black rhinos, greater
रोगिनवारक उपचार पर िति या नहीं one-horned rhinos are counted in the Ans. (a) 11-12 years
दे ते | vulnerable category mainly because Explanation: The first menstruation
(c) All of them are contagious. / ये of the lower threat of poaching. At (menarche) is the most definitive
सभी सं ामक ह | present, these beautiful species can sign of puberty in females. It occurs
(d) No preventive measure is only be found in two places; at an average age of 13 years in the
available for all of them. / इन सभी के Kaziranga National Park in Assam, Northern Hemisphere, with 95% of
िलए कोई रोकथाम उपाय उपल नहीं India and Chitwan National Park in females reaching menarche between
है | Nepal ages 11 and 15. In the United States,
menarche occurs at an average age of
Ans. (C) All of them are contagious. Q1293. Central dogma was proposed 12.3 years.
Explanation: Common Cold, by
Ringworm, Conjunctivitis, क ीय हठधिमता _____ के ारा Q1296. Menstrual discharge consists
Whooping cough are contagious. A ािवत की गयी थी | of
contagious disease is a subset (a) Beadle and Tatum / िबएडल तथा माहवारी वाह म ा शािमल होता है ? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 165

(a) sloughed endometrial tissues/ मृत
अंतगाभाशयकला उ क Q1299. Emasculation is/ Ans. (c) Bone becomes less movable
(b) mucous and leukocytes/ े ा िवपुंसन है - at joint and is painful
तथा ूकोसाइट (a) removal of stamens/ पु केसर का Explanation - A torn ligament is
(c) unfertilised ovum/ अिनषेिचत हटना considered a severe sprain that will
अंडाणु (b) removal of anthers/ पराग-कोश का cause pain, inflammation, bruising
(d) All of the above / उपरो सभी हटना and result in ankle instability, often
(c) killing of pollen grains/ परागकणों making it difficult and painful to
Ans. (d) All the above का मर जाना walk. Recovery from a torn ligament
Explanation: About half of menstrual (d) All of these / ये सभी may take several weeks, and should
fluid is blood. This blood contains be done under the supervision of a
sodium, calcium, phosphate, iron, Ans. (b) removal of anthers health care provider
and chloride, the extent of which Explanation: here is the removal of
depends on the woman. As well as male (pollen) parts of a plant which Q1302. The red colour of ripe
blood, the fluid consists of cervical basically involves the anthers. tomatoes is due to the presence of
mucus, vaginal secretions, and सड़े ए टमाटरों का लाल रं ग _____ की
endometrial tissue. Q1300. Members of which of the मौजूदगी के कारण होता है |
following are the major primary (a) Hormones / हॉम न
Q1297. Menstrual cycle is / माहवारी producers in the marine ecosystem? (b) Vitamins / िवटािमन
च है - िन िल खत म से िकसके सद समु ी (c) Chlorophyll / ोरोिफल
(a) seasonal hormonal ovarian पा रतं म मुख ाथिमक उ ादक होते (d) Carotenoids / कैरोटीनॉयड
change/ हॉम न संबंधी मौसमी अंडाशयी ह?
प रवतन (a) Yeasts/ यी Ans. (d) Carotenoids
(b) conditional hormonal ovarian (b) Diatoms/ डायटम Explanation: As the tomato ripens,
change/ हॉम न संबंधी सशत अंडाशयी (c) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं its colour starts to change from green
प रवतन (d) Sponges / ंज to yellow and then eventually to red.
(c) periodic hormonal ovarian This is due to the breakdown of
change/ हॉम न संबंधी आविधक Ans. (b) Diatoms chlorophyll, which in turn
अंडाशयी प रवतन Explanation: Phytoplankton serve as synthesizes a red carotenoid (another
(d) habitual hormonal ovarian change the major primary producers in the pigment group), lycopene. When
/ हॉम न संबंधी ाभािवक अंडाशयी marine ecosystem. These ripe, the carotenoid can easily be
प रवतन microscopic, single-celled plants, seen as the dominant colour of the
bacteria, algae and other organisms tomato, i.e; red.
Ans. (b) conditional hormonal harvest sunlight through
ovarian change photosynthesis and store it as Q1303. Anticoagulants are not
chemical energy before becoming present in
Q1298. Which of the following is food for tiny creatures called थ ारोधी पदाथ ____ म नहीं पाए जाते
not stop codon? zooplankton. ह|
िन िल खत म से कौन सा रोध कूट नहीं (a) Mosquito / म र
है ? Q1301. What will happen if (b) Bed bug / खटमल
(a) UAA ligaments are torn (c) Leech / जोंक
(b) UGA यिद अ थ-बंधन टू ट जाते ह तो ा (d) Wasp / ततैया
(c) UAL होगा?
(d) UAG (a) Bone anatomy remains Ans. (d) Wasp
unaffected / हि यों की रचना Explanation: Wasp is not a blood
Ans. (c) UAL अ भािवत रहे गी sucking insect and hence do not need
Explanation: In the genetic code, a (b) Bone will become fixed / हि याँ it.
stop codon (or termination codon) is एक जगह थर हो जाएँ गी
a nucleotide triplet within messenger (c) Bone becomes less movable at Q1304. The fundamental role of root
RNA that signals a termination of joint and is painful / जोड़ों पर हि यों hairs in plants is /
translation into proteins. Most की गितशीलता कम हो जाएगी तथा यह पौधों म मूल रोम की बुिनयादी भूिमका
codons in messenger RNA ददनाक होगा | ा होती है ?
correspond to the addition of an (d) Bone will move freely at joint (a) to protect the young root from
amino acid to a growing polypeptide and is painless / हि याँ जोड़ों पर damage by coarse solid particles /
chain, which may ultimately become तं प से काय करगी तथा यह नयी जड़ों को मोटे ठोस कणों के कारण
a protein. ददरिहत होगा | ित होने से बचाना [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 166

(b) to protect the root from soil Ans. (d) Carotenoids मौजूदगी के कारण होती है |
microbes / जड़ों को िम ी के सू जीवों Explanation: Like humans, even (a) a number of hydrogen bonds / कई
से बचाना plants are prone to damage from the हाइडोजन बंध
(c) to absorb water and mineral salts UVA and UVB rays of the sun. The (b) phosphate group / फॉ े ट समूह
from the soil / िम ी से जल तथा खिनज pigment that protects them from (c) deoxyribose sugar/
लवणों का अवशोषण करना these harmful rays is carotenoids िडऑ ीराइबोज शकरा
(d) to bind soil particles to the root (d) thymine base / थाइिमन ार
for firm fixation of the plant / पौधे की Q1307. Haptens are/ है ेन ह :
थरता को ढ बनाने के िलए जड़ से (a) Pseudo antigens / छ ितजन Ans. (b) phosphate group
िम ी के कणों को बां धना (b) Incomplete antigens / अपूण Explanation: The phosphate groups
ितजन on DNA are ionic and charged. Each
Ans. (c) to absorb water and mineral (c) Antibodies / ितजीवी phosphate group on the DNA
salts from the soil (d) Iso antigens / सम ितजन backbone is one unit of negative
Explanation: The function of root charge (-1). Charged molecules
hairs is to collect water and mineral Ans. (b) Incomplete antigens attract water and are hydrophilic.
nutrients that are present in the soil Explanation: A hapten is essentially
and take this solution up through the an incomplete antigen. These small Q1311. Aluminium salt commonly
roots to the rest of the plant. molecules can elicit an immune used to stop bleeding is:
response only when attached to a र ाव रोकने के िलए आमतौर पर
Q1305. Catch crops are / अंतरवत large carrier such as a protein; the िकस ए ुमीिनयम लवण का योग
फसल होती ह - carrier typically does not elicit an िकया जाता है ?
(a) crops planted to attract certain immune response by itself. (a) Aluminium chloride / ए ुमीिनयम
insect pests to be destroyed/ वे फसल ोराइड
जो कुछ िनि त कीटों को आकिषत करने Q1308. Root pressure is measured by (b) Aluminium nitrate / ए ुमीिनयम
के िलए रोपी जाती ह तािक वे न हो जाएँ जड़ दाब को ____ के ारा मापा जाता है नाइटे ट
(b) crops planted to attract certain | (c) Aluminium sulphate /
useful insects to be used for (a) Barometer / बैरोमीटर ए ुमीिनयम स े ट
biological control of pests / कुछ (b) Atmometer / एटमोमीटर (d) Potash alum / पोटाश िफटिकरी
उपयोगी कीटों को आकिषत करने के (c) Manometer / मैनोमीटर
िलए रोपी गयी फसल िजनका योग (d) Auxanometer / ऑ ेनोमीटर Ans. (d) Potash alum
कीटों के जैिवक िनयं ण के िलए िकया Explanation: Aluminum salt
जाएगा | Ans. (d) Auxanometer commonly used to stop bleeding is
(c) crops to be cut and fed green to Explanation: Root pressure is Potash Alum. It is also known as
the cattle / वे फसल िज काट कर measured by an instrument called an aluminum potassium sulphate. It is
मवेिशयों को चारा िदया जाएगा auxanometer. The auxanometer commonly used in purification of
(d) substitute crops planted after the measures plant growth as well as the drinking water. It is naturally
regular crop has failed. / थानाप pressure developed within the xylem transpiring mineral salt.
फसल जो तब रोपी जाती ह जब िनयिमत cells of roots.
फसल बबाद हो जाती है | Q1312. Red rot of sugarcane is
Q1309. Cell becomes turgid because caused by:
Ans. (d) substitute crops planted of ग े म होने वाली लाल सड़न का कारण
after the regular crop has failed. कोिशका _____ के कारण सूज जाती है | _____ है |
Explanation: A catch crop is a fast (a) Plasmolysis / ा ोिसस (a) Colletotrichum falcatum/
growing crop that is grown (b) Exosmosis / बा सरण कोलेटोटायकम फा े टम
simultaneously with, or between (c) Endosmosis / अंतः सरण (b) Due to all / सभी के कारण
successive plantings of a main crop (d) Diffusion / सरण (c) Alternaria alternata / अ रने रया
अ रनेटा
Q1306. The pigment that protects Ans. (c) Endosmosis (d) Phytophthora Infestans/
plants from UV damage is Explanation: Endosmosis is the फाइटो थोरा इ े
पौधों को पारबगनी िकरणों के नुकसान movement of the water inside the
से कौन सा रं जक बचाता है ? cells when the cell is placed in a Ans. (a) Colletotrichum falcatum
(a) Chlorophyll/ ोरोिफल hypotonic solution. This movement
(b) Xanthophyll / जै ोिफल of water causes the cell to swell. Q1313. Antigen presenting cells are
(c) None/ कोई नहीं Q1310. The hydrophilic nature of specialized cells present in all of the
(d) Carotenoids / कैरोटीनॉयड DNA is due to the presence of. following, except
डीएनए की जलरागी कृित _____ की ितजन की मौजूदगी वाली कोिशकाएँ [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 167

िवशेष कोिशकाएँ होती ह जो इन सभी म (b) it is synthesized in potato root./ at puberty, when the Leydig cells in
पायी जाती ह, िसवाए - यह आलू की जड़ म सं ेिषत होता है | the testes start to produce androgens
(a) Skin / चा (c) it is useful for human. / यह मनु ों under the influence of the
(b) Lymph node / लिसका ंिथ के िलए उपयोगी है | Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
(c) Kidney /गुदा (d) it is translocated in the form of and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH),
(d) Spleen / ीहा sugar from leaves. / यह शकरा के प which are in turn controlled by the
म पि यों से थानां त रत होता है | Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
Ans. (c) Kidney (GnRH) produced by the
Explanation: Antigen-presenting Ans. (d) it is translocated in the hypothalamus.
cells (APCs) are a heterogeneous form of sugar from leaves
group of immune cells that mediate Explanation: Sugars are synthesized Q1318. The epithelial tissue present
the cellular immune response by in leaves and stored in other parts on the inner surface of bronchioles
processing and presenting antigens like seed, root, stem. In a potato, and fallopian tubes is:
for recognition by certain sugars are synthesized in leaves and सू ास नली तथा िड वाही
lymphocytes such as T cells. then transported to stem for storage. निलकाओं की आतं रक सतह पर मौजूद
Classical APCs include dendritic Sugars are usually synthesized in उपकला उ क होता है :
cells, macrophages, Langerhans cells hexose form but translocated as (a) Glandular / ंिथल
and B cells. sucrose and stored as starch in roots, (b) Ciliated / रोमक
stems or seeds. (c) Squamous / श ी
Q1314. Which of the following (d) Cuboidal / घनाभाकार
determines whether a group of Q1316. Gigantism and Acromegaly
organisms that is from the same are due to Ans. (b) Ciliated
genus and species arise from a अितकायता तथा महाकायता ____ के Explanation: The ciliated epithelium
common source or from different कारण होते ह | is found in the inward coating
sources? (a) Hypothyroidism / अवटु surface of the fallopian tubes,
िन म से कौन यह िनधा रत करता है िक अ ि यता bronchioles and so forth. The ciliated
एक समूह के जीव, जो एक ही वंश तथा (b) Hyperthyroidism/ अवटु epithelium cells are columnar
जाित से ह, वे साझा ोत से उ ए अिति यता epithelial cells with cilia
ह या अलग-अलग ोतों से ? (c) Hypopituitarism / पीयुिषका
(a) Biotyping / जीव पीकरण अ ि यता Q1319. Identify the correct set,
(b) DNA hybridization / DNA / (d) Hyperpituitarism / पीयूिषका which shows the name of the enzyme
डीएनए संकरण / डीएनए अिति यता from where it is secreted and
(c) Serotyping / सीरम पीकरण substrate upon which it acts
(d) All of these / ये सभी Ans. (d) Hyperpituitarism सही समूह का चयन कर, जो एं जाइम का
Explanation: Gigantism and नाम, वह कहाँ से ािवत होता है तथा वह
Ans. (b) DNA- DNA hybridization acromegaly are syndromes of िकस पर काय करता है , यह दशाता है |
Explanation: biotyping The excessive secretion of growth (a) Ptyalin - Intestine - Maltose/
identification of different bacteria hormone (hypersomatotropism) that टायिलन - आं त- मा ोज
types based on reaction to are nearly always due to a pituitary (b) Ptyalin - Pancreas - Lipid /
biochemical tests. adenoma. Before closure of the टायिलन - अ ाशय- िलिपड
DNA–DNA hybridization generally epiphyses, the result is gigantism. (c) Pepsin - Stomach wall - casein /
refers to a molecular biology Later, the result is acromegaly, which पे न - पेट की िभि - कैईिसन
technique that measures the degree causes distinctive facial and other (d) Chymotrypsin - Salivary gland -
of genetic similarity between pools features. lactose / काइमोिट न - लार ंिथ -
of DNA sequences. It is usually used लै ोज
to determine the genetic distance Q1317. Spermatogenesis occurs
between two organisms. under the influence of / Ans. (c) Pepsin - Stomach wall -
शु ाणु जनन _____ के भाव के casein
Q1315. Starch is insoluble in water अंतगत होता है |
but still it is stored in large quantity (a) ADH Q1320. Alzheimer’s disease occurs
in potato because / ाच जल म (b) FSH and LH due to deficiency of
अघुलनशील है लेिकन िफर भी यह आलू (c) ACTH अ ाइमर रोग ______ की कमी के
म बड़ी मा ा म संगृिहत होता है ोंिक - (d) STH कारण होता है |
(a) soil microorganisms deposit it in (a) Glutamic acid / ूटॉिमक अ
the tuber. / िम ी के सू जीव इसे कंद Ans. (b) FSH and LH (b) Acetylcholine / एिसिटलकोलीन
म जमा करते रहते ह | Explanation: Spermatogenesis starts (c) Gamma aminobutyric acid / गामा [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 168

एिमनो ूिटक अ angiosperm? ितिबंब का िनमाण करने के िलए
(d) Dopamine / डोपामाइन आवृ बीजी की एक अनूठी िवशेषता फोकस को समायोिजत करना
िन िल खत म से कौन सी है ? (d) Lubricate the eye by releasing
Ans. (b) Acetylcholine (a) Thick bark / मोटी छाल tears in a controlled way / िनयंि त
Explanation: Acetylcholine (ACh), a (b) Long leaf / ल े प े मा ा म आँ सुओं को मु करके आँ खों
neurotransmitter essential for (c) Small roots /छोटी जड़ को िचकना करना
processing memory and learning, is (d) Concealed seeds / िछपे ए बीज
decreased in both concentration and Ans. (b) Process the information
function in patients with Alzheimer's Ans. (d) Concealed seeds gathered by photoreceptor cells and
disease. Explanation: Unlike those in the send it to the brain to decide what the
gymnosperms, these seeds are not picture is
Q1321. Which one of the following immediately visible because they are
is correctly characterised/ िन िल खत enclosed and concealed by a fruit. Q1326. With regard to kidneys and
म से िकसका वणन सही है ? The seeds of the angiosperms its functions, which of the following
(a) Pepsin and prolactin - Two develop after double fertilization in statements is not correct?/ गुद तथा
digestive enzymes secreted in flowers which are present only in इसके काय के संबंध म, िन िल खत म
stomach / पे न तथा ोलै न - पेट these plants. से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ?
म ािवत होने वाले दो पाचक एं जाइम (a) Reptiles have relatively more
(b) Troponin and myosin - Complex Q1324. Which muscles in the skin nephrons than birds / सरीसृपों म
protein in striated muscles / टोपोिनन contract to make the hairs on our पि यों की तुलना म अिधक ने ॉन पाए
तथा मायोसीन - धारीदार मां सपेिशयों म skin stand up straight (goosebumps) जाते ह |
मौजूद जिटल ोटीन when we are cold or frightened (b) Each nephron has two parts - the
(c) Secretin and Rhodopsin - जब हम ठं ड या भय का एहसास होता है , glomerulus and the renal tubule /
Polypeptide hormones / सी े टीन तथा तो हमारी चा पर मौजूद रोम ( या रोंगटे ेक ने ॉन के दो भाग होते ह -
रोडो न - पॉलीपे ाइड हॉम न ) को खड़ा करने के िलए कौन सी केिशका गु तथा वृ निलका
(d) Calcitonin and thymosin - मां सपेिशयाँ िसकुड़ जाती ह ? (c) They maintain water balance and
Thyroid hormones / कै ीटोिनन तथा (a) Arrector pili/ अरे र िपली expel metabolic waste / वे जल के
थाइमोिसन - थाइरोइड हॉम न (b) Epidermis / अिधचम संतुलन को बनाए रखते ह तथा
(c) Collagen / ेषजन चयापचयी अपिश को बाहर िनकालते ह
Ans. (b) Troponin and myosin - (d) Elastin / इला न (d) Their basic functional unit is
Complex protein in striated muscles called nephrons / उनकी बुिनयादी
Explanation: Ans. (a) Arrector pili काया क इकाई को ने ॉन कहा जाता
Rhodopsin is a biological pigment Explanation: The arrector pili है |
found in the rods of the retina muscles are small muscles attached
Thymosins are small proteins present to hair follicles in mammals. Ans. (a) Reptiles have relatively
in many animal tissues. Contraction of these muscles causes more nephrons than birds
the hairs to stand on end, known Explanation: Reptiles have relatively
Q1322. The pouch connected to the colloquially as goose bumps. few nephrons (from 3,000 to 30,000
junction of the small intestine and in lizards), while birds have a great
large intestine is called Q1325. The function of retina is / number (around 200,000 in a fowl,
जहाँ छोटी आं त और बड़ी आं त िमलती रे िटना का काय ा है ? twice as many as in a mammal of
ह, उस जगह से जुड़ी थैली को ा कहा (a) Close the eyes through eyelids to comparable size).
जाता है ? prevent damage to the lens from
(a) Condyle / थूलक excessive light / लस को अ िधक Q1327. Which of the following
(b) Coccyx / गुदा थ काश के नुकसान से बचाने के िलए statements is incorrect about the
(c) Caecum / अंधनाल पलकों की सहायता से आँ खों को बंद ‘Bombay Blood group’ / ‘बॉ े र
(d) axilla / काँ ख करना समूह’ के िवषय म िन िल खत म से कौन
(b) Process the information gathered सा कथन गलत है ?
Ans. (c) Caecum by photoreceptor cells and send it to (a) It is neither A nor B antigen / यह
Explanation: The cecum or caecum the brain to decide what the picture is ना तो A ना ही B ितजन है |
is a pouch within the peritoneum that / काश ाही कोिशकाओं के ारा (b) It was first discovered in 1952 by
is considered to be the beginning of एकि त की गयी जानकारी को सािधत Dr. Y M Bhende / इसकी खोज पहली
the large intestine करना तथा इसे म को भेजना जो बार 1952 म डॉ वाई एम भडे के ारा की
िनणय लेगा िक यह कौन सी त ीर है | गयी थी |
Q1323. Which of the following is a (c) Adjust the focus of the lens for (c) A person with this blood group
distinctive characteristics of formation of a clear image / may receive blood only from a [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 169

person with O blood group / इस र है | will fuse together to form a diploid
समूह का केवल O र समूह (a) Lungs/ फेफड़े cell called a zygote.
वाले से र ा कर सकता है | (b) Diaphragm / डाय ाम
(d) It is deficient in expressing H (c) Trachea / वायुनली Q1333. Eclampsia primarily occurs
antigen / इसम H ितजन को मु (d) Larynx / कंठनली in a :
करने की कमी पायी जाती है | गभा ेप आमतौर पर ______ म होता है
Ans. (b) Diaphragm (a) Person having cardiac ailments /
Ans. (c) A person with this blood Explanation: Hiccups often come दय संबधी बीमा रयों से पीिड़त
group may receive blood only from a after eating or drinking too much or यों म
person with O blood group too quickly. The stomach, which is (b) Person having renal problems /
Explanation: The Bombay blood directly below the diaphragm, गुद की सम ाओं से पीिड़त यों म
group is a rare blood group, becomes distended. This irritates the (c) Diabetic person / मधुमेह से पीिड़त
phenotypes of this group lacking H diaphragm and causes it to contract, म
antigen on the red cell membrane and as it does when we breathe in. (d) Pregnant woman / गभवती
have anti-H in the serum. It fails to मिहलाओं म
express any A, B or H antigen on Q1331. How do Pteridophytes
their red cells or other tissues reproduce Ans. (d) Pregnant woman
टे रडोफाइट पौधे िकस कार जनन Explanation: Eclampsia is a severe
Q1328. There is no vaccine for करते ह ? complication of preeclampsia. It's a
which of the following hepatitis (a) With the help of seeds / बीजों की rare but serious condition where high
viruses? सहायता से blood pressure results in seizures
िन िल खत म से िकस हे पेटाइिटस (b) With the help of pollens / पराग during pregnancy. Seizures are
िवषाणु के िलए कोई टीका नहीं है ? की सहायता से periods of disturbed brain activity
(a) Hepatitis D / हे पेटाइिटस डी (c) All of these / ये सभी that can cause episodes of staring,
(b) Hepatitis A / हे पेटाइिटस ए (d) With the help of spores / decreased alertness, and convulsions
(c) Hepatitis B / हे पेटाइिटस बी बीजाणुओं की सहायता से (violent shaking).
(d) Hepatitis C / हे पेटाइिटस सी
Ans. (d) With the help of spores Q1334. Which part of the brain is the
Ans. (d) Hepatitis C Explanation: Ferns use both sexual ‘main thinking part’ ?
Explanation: There are vaccines to and asexual reproduction methods. In म का कौन सा भाग ‘सोचने वाला
prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B; sexual reproduction, a haploid spore मु भाग’ होता है ?
however, there is no vaccine for grows into a haploid gametophyte. If (a) Forebrain / अ म
hepatitis C. there is enough moisture, the (b) Pons / पोंस
gametophyte is fertilized and grows (c) Midbrain / म म
Q1329. The entire content of the into a diploid sporophyte. The (d) Hindbrain / प म
living cell is known as ____ which sporophyte produces spores,
includes the cytoplasm and the completing the life cycle. Ans. (a) Forebrain
nucleus Explanation: Fore Brain. It is the
सजीव कोिशका की समूची साम ी को Q1332. During fertilization in living main thinking part of the brain and
_____ के नाम से जाना जाता है िजसम beings, fusion of male and female controls the voluntary actions. The
कोिशका तथा क क शािमल होते ह gametes takes place to form a cell forebrain processes sensory
(a) Protoplasm / जीव called: information that is collected from the
(b) Lysosomes /लाइसोसोम सजीव ािणयों म िनषेचन के दौरान, नर various sense organs such as ears,
(c) Mitochondria / माइटोकां िडया एवं मादा यु क संलयन के बाद एक eyes, nose, tongue, skin. The
(d) Cell membrane / कोिशका िझ ी कोिशका का िनमाण करते ह, िजसे कहा forebrain consists of the Cerebrum,
जाता है : Thalamus and Hypothalamus.
Ans. (a) Protoplasm (a) Embryo/ ूण
Explanation: Protoplasm is the (b) Ovum / अंडाणु Q1335. Who among the following
living part of a cell that is surrounded (c) Sperm / शु ाणु invented the prototype of the modern
by a plasma membrane. (d) Zygote / यु नज stethoscope?
आधुिनक े थो ोप के ोटोटाइप का
Q1330. Hiccups in humans generally Ans. (d) Zygote आिव ार िकसने िकया था ?
occur due to the forceful downward Explanation: During sexual (a) Alexander Fleming/ एले डर
shifting of the: reproduction, a male and female ेिमंग
मनु ों म िहचकी आमतौर पर _____ के gamete will merge together to form a (b) Rene Laennec / रे ने लेनेक
ज़बरद ी नीचे खसकने के कारण आती new organism. The two haploid cells (c) Conrad Rontgen/कोनाड रोंटजेन [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 170

(d) Gabriel Fahrenheit / गैि यल industrially-produced artificial trans (b) Genotype / जीन प
फ़ारे नहाइट fats from the global food supply by (c) Phenotype / समल णी
2023. (d) Ecotype / पा र थितक प
Ans. (b) Rene Laennec
Explanation: Q1337. Oxytocin/ ऑ ीटोिसन : Ans. (c) Phenotype
Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec, (a) Causes strong uterine Explanation: The sum of an
born in France on this day in 1781, contractions during parturition/ सव organism's observable characteristics
was the man behind the invention of के दौरान गभाशय म श शाली is their phenotype. A key difference
the stethoscope - one of the most संकुचन का कारण बनता है | between phenotype and genotype is
recognizable and significant pieces (b) Is secreted by anterior pituitary/ that, whilst genotype is inherited
of medical equipment. अ वत पीयूष ंिथ के ारा ािवत िकया from an organism's parents, the
जाता है | phenotype is not. Whilst a phenotype
Q1336. In the context of trans-fats, (c) Stimulates growth of mammary is influenced the genotype, genotype
which of the following statements is glands / न ंिथयों के िवकास को तेज does not equal phenotype.
not correct?/ टां स वसा के संदभ म, करता है |
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही (d) Stimulates pituitary to secrete Q1340. Mendel’s experimental
नहीं है ? vasopressin/ पीयूष ंिथ को वैसो ेिसन material was /
(a) WHO has called for their का ाव करने के िलए उ ेिजत करता है मडल ने िकस चीज़ पर योग िकया था ?
elimination by 2023 / िव ा (a) Pisum sativum / मटर
संगठन ने 2023 तक उ समा करने Ans. (a) Causes strong uterine (b) Lathyrus odoratus / मीठी मटर
की बात कही है | contractions during parturition (c) Oryza sativa / धान
(b) They are produced from the Explanation: The two main actions (d) Mirabilis jalapa / गुलवास
industrial process of hydrogenation / of oxytocin in the body are
उनका िनमाण हाइडोजनीकरण की contraction of the womb (uterus) Ans. (a) Pisum sativum
औ ोिगक ि या से होता है | during childbirth and lactation. Explanation: Gregor Mendel
(c) Their consumption increases LDL Oxytocin stimulates the uterine conducted hybridization experiments
cholesterol and decreases HDL muscles to contract and also on around 29,000 pea plants. Peas
cholesterol / उनका उपभोग करने से increases production of were an ideal choice for Mendel to
LDL कोले ॉल बढ़ जाता है तथा HDL prostaglandins, which increase the use because they had easily
कोले ॉल कम हो जाता है | contractions further. observable traits there were 7 of
(d) They have a shorter shelf-life which he could manipulate.
than natural fats / ाकृितक वसाओं की Q1338. If a genotype consists of
तुलना म उनका जीवनकाल छोटा होता only one type of allele. It is called Q1341. Sertoli cells are found in/
है | यिद एक जीन प म केवल एक ही सट ली कोिशकाएं पायी जाती ह -
कार का एलील पाया जाता है , तो इसे (a) Ovaries and secrete progesterone/
Ans. (d) They have a shorter ा कहते ह ? अंडाशय म तथा ोजे े रोन ािवत
shelf-life than natural fats (a) Homozygous/ समयु जी करती ह |
Explanation: Artificial trans fats (or (b) Heterozygous / िवषम-यु जी (b) adrenal cortex and secrete
trans fatty acids) are created in an (c) Both a and b / a और b दोनों adrenaline /अिधवृ ां त था म तथा
industrial process that adds hydrogen (d) None / कोई नहीं एडे नालाईन ािवत करती ह |
to liquid vegetable oils to make them (c) Seminiferous tubules and provide
more solid. Ans. (a) Homozygous nutrition to germ cells/ बीजधारी
Trans fats raise your bad (LDL) Explanation: Homozygous is a word निलकाओं म तथा रोगाणु कोिशकाओं
cholesterol levels and lower your that refers to a particular gene that को पोषण दान करती ह |
good (HDL) cholesterol levels. has identical alleles on both (d) Pancreas and secrete
Eating trans fats increases your risk homologous chromosomes. It is cholecystokinin/ अ ाशय म तथा
of developing heart disease and referred to by two capital letters कोलेिस ोिकिनन ािवत करती ह |
stroke. It’s also associated with a (XX) for a dominant trait, and two
higher risk of developing type 2 lowercase letters (xx) for a recessive Ans. (c) Seminiferous tubules and
diabetes. trait. provide nutrition to germ cells
Trans fats are easy to use, Explanation: A Sertoli cell (a kind of
inexpensive to produce and last a Q1339. The physical expression or sustentacular cell) is a "nurse" cell of
long time. appearance of a character is called the testicles that is part of a
The World Health Organization िकसी गुण की भौितक अिभ या seminiferous tubule and helps in the
(WHO) has launched a उप थित ा कहलाती है ? process of spermatogenesis, the
comprehensive plan to eliminate (a) Morphology/ आकृित िव ान production of sperm. It is activated [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 171

by follicle-stimulating hormone organs are where lymphocytes are the transplanted organs. The cell
(FSH) secreted by the formed and mature. They provide an mediated immune response mainly
adenohypophysis, and has FSH environment for stem cells to divide involves T cells which releases
receptor on its membranes. and mature into B- and T- cells: cytokines in response to foreign
There are two primary lymphatic objects.
Q1342. Injection of anti-venom to a organs: the red bone marrow and the
patient with snake bite is an example thymus gland. Q1346. Which of the following has
of/ Secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) maximum transplantation success
सपदं श से पीिड़त को िवष-रोधी include lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer's rate/ िन िल खत म से िकसके सफल
सूई दे ना िकसका उदाहरण है ? patches, and mucosal tissues such as ारोपण की दर सबसे अिधक होती है
(a) Naturally acquired active the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue, ?
immunity/ ाकृितक प से ा adenoids, and tonsils. (a) Autograft/ ऑटो ा
सि य रोग ितरोधक श (b) Xenograft/ जेनो ा
(b) Artificially acquired active Q1344. The transfer of individuals (c) Allograft/ एलो ा
immunity/ कृि म तरीके से ा रोग own tissue to another part of the (d) All / सभी
ितरोधक श body is called
(c) Naturally acquired passive के यं के उ क का शरीर के Ans. (a) Autograft
immunity/ ाकृितक प से ा िकसी अ भाग म थानां तरण ा Explanation: Both autograft and
िन य रोग ितरोधक श कहलाता है ? allograft reconstruction are highly
(d) Artificially acquired passive (a) Autograft/ ऑटो ा effective. Recent studies show little
immunity / कृि म प से ा (b) Xenograft/ जेनो ा difference in failure rates between
िन य रोग ितरोधक श (c) Allograft/ एलो ा autografts and allografts (about 6%
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं and 7%, respectively). In
Ans. (d) Artificially acquired passive cost-effectiveness analysis, the price
immunity Ans. (a) Autograft differential is the main factor,
Explanation: While active immunity Explanation: Autograft. A patient's making autografts the first choice.
occurs when an individual produces own tissue - an autograft - can often
antibodies to a disease through his or be used for a surgical reconstruction Q1347. Food level in an ecosystem
her own immune system, passive procedure. Allograft tissue, taken are called/
immunity is provided when a person from another person, takes longer to पा र थितकी तं म खा र को कहा
is given antibodies. incorporate into the recipient's body . जाता है :
Innate immunity is the inborn (a) Producer level / उ ादक र
resistance against infections that an Q1345. The major molecule (b) Consumer level/ उपभो ा र
individual possesses right from the responsible for rejection of transplant (c) Pyramid/ िपरािमड
birth, due to his genetic or is (d) Trophic level / पोषण र
constitutional markup. Acquired ारोपण के असफल होने के िलए
immunity is the resistance against िन िल खत म से कौन सा अणु मु Ans. (d) Trophic level
infecting foreign substance that an प से िज़ ेदार होता है ? Explanation: The trophic level of an
individual acquires or adapts during (a) B cells/ बी कोिशकाएं organism is the position it occupies
the course of life. (b) T cells / टी कोिशकाएं in a food web. A food chain is a
(c) MHC molecules/ MHC अणु succession of organisms that eat
Q1343. Primary lymphoid organs (d) Antibodies / ितजीवी other organisms and may, in turn, be
include / eaten themselves. The trophic level
मु लासीकाभ अंगों म शािमल ह - Ans. (b) T cells of an organism is the number of steps
(a) Thymus and spleen/ थाइमस तथा Explanation: Rejection occurs when it is from the start of the chain.
ीहा the recipient's immune system
(b) Thymus and bone marrow/ recognizes the donor tissue as Q1348. Secondary sewage treatment
थाइमस तथा अ थम ा foreign (non-self), triggering an is mainly a/
(c) Thymus, bone marrow and spleen immune response. The major ि तीयक मलजल शोधन मु प से
/ थाइमस, अ थम ा तथा ीहा histocompatibility complex markers एक ______ है |
(d) Thymus, bone marrow, spleen MHC I and MHC II, more (a) Biological process/ जैिवक ि या
and lymph nodes/ थाइमस, specifically identified as human (b) Chemical process/ रासायिनक
अ थम ा, ीहा तथा लसीका ंिथयाँ leukocyte antigens (HLAs), play a ि या
role in transplant rejection. (c) Mechanical process/ यां ि क
Ans. (b) Thymus and bone marrow The cell mediated immune response ि या
Explanation: Primary lymphatic is mainly involved in the rejection of (d) Physical process / भौितक ि या [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 172

Q1351. Fluid mosaic model of cell
Ans. (a) Biological process membrane was put forward by Ans. (a) rough ER has ribosomes
Explanation: Secondary treatment is कोिशका िझ ी का व मोजेक मॉडल Explanation: Both the smooth and
a treatment process for wastewater िकसके ारा पेश िकया गया था ? rough endoplasmic reticulum help in
(or sewage) to achieve a certain (a) Danielli and Davson / डे िनयेली the production and storage of
degree of effluent quality by using a और डे वसन proteins The main difference is that
sewage treatment plant with physical (b) Singer and Nicolson / िसंगर और one contains ribosomes on it and the
phase separation to remove settleable िनको न other does not. The rough
solids and a biological process to (c) Garner and Allard / गानर और endoplasmic reticulum (RER) has
remove dissolved and suspended अ ाड ribosomes on its surface. The smooth
organic compounds. (d) Watson and Crick / वाटसन और endoplasmic reticulum (SER) does
ि क not contain ribosomes.
Q1349. In gobar gas the maximum
amount is that of / Ans. (b) Singer and Nicolson Q1354. Foolish seedling – disease of
गोबर गैस म सवािधक मा ा _____ की Explanation: The fluid mosaic model rice led to the discovery of
होती है | of the biomembrane or cell चावल का रोग, ‘फूिलश सीडिलंग’
(a) Methane / मीथेन membrane was proposed by SJ ______ की खोज का कारण बना |
(b) Butane/ ूटेन Singer and GL Nicolson in the year (a) ABA
(c) Propane / ोपेन 1972. According to this model, the (b) 2, 4-D
(d) Carbon dioxide/ काबन protein molecules are embedded in (c) IAA
डाइऑ ाइड the lipid bilayer. Thus, the proteins (d) GA
are seen as icebergs in the sea of
Ans. (a) Methane lipids. Ans. (d) GA
Explanation: Bio-gas is mainly Explanation: Bakanae disease is also
composed of methane (50-70%), Q1352. Dictyosomes are also called called as foolish seedling disease. It
CO2 (30-40%) and small amounts of जािलकाय को यह भी कहा जाता है - affects the rice plant through the
H2, N2 and H2S. This is a fuel gas (a) lysosome / लाइसोसोम roots or crowns. It is caused by the
produced by methanogenic bacteria (b) Golgi body / गौ ी काय fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. This
by anaerobic breakdown of biomass (c) ribosome / राइबोसोम disease helped in discovery of
(d) mitochondria / माइटोकां िडया hormone gibberellin produced by
Q1350. During night, a person fungus Gibberella fujikuroi.
should not sleep under a tree because Ans. (b) Golgi body
the tree/ Explanation: In most eukaryotes, the Q1355. DNA content is doubled
रात के समय एक को पेड़ के नीचे Golgi apparatus is made up of a during /
नहीं सोना चािहए ोंिक - series of compartments and is a ______ के दौरान डीएनए साम ी दोगुनी
(a) Releases O2 during night/ पेड़ रात collection of fused, flattened हो जाती है |
के समय O2 मु करता है | membrane-enclosed disks known as (a) metaphase / म ाव था
(b) Does not release CO2 during cisternae (singular: cisterna, also (b) Interphase / अंतराव था
night/ पेड़ रात के समय CO2 मु नहीं called "dictyosomes"), originating (c) prophase / पूवाव था
करता है | from vesicular clusters that bud off (d) telophase / अं ाव था
(c) Releases CO2 during night/ रात the endoplasmic reticulum.
के समय CO2 मु करता है | Ans. (b) Interphase
(d) Releases water during guttation / Q1353. Difference between rough Explanation: The S-phase portion of
िबदु ाव के दौरान जल मु करता है | and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is interphase is when the DNA content
that/ of a cell increases. During the S
Ans. (c) Releases CO2 during night खुरदु री तथा िचकनी अ ः द यी phase, the cell replicates its genetic
Explanation : It is said that we जिलका के बीच यह अंतर होता है िक material so that each chromosome
should avoid sleeping under the tree (a) rough ER has ribosomes / खुरदु री will contain two molecules of DNA.
at night, since plants carry out ER म राइबोसोम होते ह | Thus, upon completion of the S
respiration at night and give out (b) smooth ER has ribosomes / phase, the cell has the same number
carbon dioxide, which is harmful for िचकनी ER म राइबोसोम होते ह | of chromosomes, but its DNA
us. During the day, carbon dioxide is (c) smooth ER takes part in protein content has doubled
used by the plants for photosynthesis synthesis / िचकनी ER ोटीन सं ेषण
and hence no carbon dioxide is म भाग लेती है | Q1356. F₁ particles present in
released. (d) both has F₁ particles / दोनों म F1 mitochondria are known as
कण होते ह | माइटोकां िडया म मौजूद F₁ कण िकस [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 173

नाम से जाने जाते ह ? (c) thermochemical reaction / cells are produced in the
(a) episomes / एिपसोम ताप-रासायिनक अिभि या seminiferous tubules of each testis.
(b) spherosomes / े रोसोम (d) photochemical reaction These sperm cells leave the testes
(c) oxysomes / ऑ ीसोम / काश-रासायिनक अिभि या and pass into a larger coiled tube
(d) microsomes / माइ ोसोम known as the epididymis. The sperm
Ans. (d) photochemical reaction cells attain maturity in the
Ans. (c) oxysomes Explanation: The first and foremost epididymis. The sperm cells are
Explanation: F1 particles are present step of photosynthesis is the stored in this structure till they are
in the inner mitochondrial space of excitation of chlorophyll molecule ejaculated.
the mitochondrion. It is attached on which occurs with the absorption of
the infoldings called the cristae. F1 light. This reaction is photochemical Q1361. In majority of angiosperms /
particles are also known as oxysomes reaction since involves light and अिधकाँ श आवृ बीिजयों म -
or elementary particles or F1-F0 results in chemical change by (a) Reduction division occurs in the
particles. They are responsible in transfer of electrons. The pigments megaspore mother cell/ ूनकारी
ATP synthesis and oxidation. present in the photosystems absorb िवभाजन गु बीजाणु मातृ कोिशका म
photon of light. होता है |
Q1357. Cell wall consists of / (b) A small central cell is present in
कोिशका िभि िकस से बनी होती है ? Q1359. Beet root if kept in cold the embryo sac/ ूण कोष म एक छोटी
(a) lignin, hemicellulose, protein and water anthocyanin does not come out क ीय कोिशका मौजूद होती है |
lipid / िलि न, हे मीसे ूलोज, ोटीन due to plasma membrane / (c) Egg has a filiform apparatus / अंडे
तथा िलिपड यिद चुकंदर को ठं डे पानी म रखा जाए म तंतु प साम ी होती है |
(b) hemicellulose, cellulose, tubulin तो एं थोसायिनन बाहर नहीं आता है (d) There are numeral antipodal cells
and lignin / हे मीसे ूलोज, से ूलोज, ोंिक ा ा िझ ी - / कई ित ासां त कोिशकाएं पायी जाती
ू ूिलन तथा िलि न (a) Differentially permeable / िभ ह|
(c) lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and प से पारग होती है | (b) Mushroom glands / मश म
liquid / िलि न, हे मीसे ूलोज, पे न (b) Impermeable to anthocyanins / ंिथयाँ
तथा व एं थोसायिनन के िलए अपारग होती है | (c) Testes / वृषण
(d) lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and (c) Permeable to anthocyanins / (d) Vas deferens / शु वािहका
cellulose / िलि न, हे मीसे ूलोज, एं थोसायिनन के िलए पारग होती है |
पे न तथा से ूलोज (d) Dead / मृत होती है | Ans. (a) Seminal Vesicles
Explanation: In mammals, sperm
Ans. (d) lignin, hemicellulose, pectin Ans. (b) Impermeable to cells are produced in the
and cellulose anthocyanins seminiferous tubules of each testis.
Explanation: Cell wall in plant cells Explanation: The plasma membrane These sperm cells leave the testes
is composed of cellulose, is impermeable to anthocyanins as and pass into a larger coiled tube
hemi-cellulose and pectin. These are the membrane is made up of lipids known as the epididymis. The sperm
structural carbohydrates. Algal cell and does not allow water soluble cells attain maturity in the
walls are made up of glycoproteins solutes to pass through directly epididymis. The sperm cells are
and polysaccharides such as agar. except through specific proteins. If stored in this structure till they are
Chitin, polymer of the membrane is ruptured, e.g., by ejaculated.
N-acetylglucosamine, is major boiling the pigment will come out of
component of fungal cell wall. The beetroot cells. Q1361. In majority of angiosperms /
incorporation of lignin into the अिधकाँ श आवृ बीिजयों म -
cellulose microfibril structures Q1360. In male cockroaches, sperms (a) Reduction division occurs in the
within the cell wall greatly enhances are stored in which part of the megaspore mother cell/ ूनकारी
the mechanical strength properties of reproductive system? िवभाजन गु बीजाणु मातृ कोिशका म
wood, over pure cellulose. नर कॉकरोच म, शु ाणु जनन तं के होता है |
िकस अंग म संगृिहत होते ह ? (b) A small central cell is present in
Q1358. Excitation of chlorophyll due (a) Seminal Vesicles / वीय पुिटका the embryo sac/ ूण कोष म एक छोटी
to light is a / (b) Mushroom glands / मश म क ीय कोिशका मौजूद होती है |
काश के कारण ोरोिफल का संदीपन ंिथयाँ (c) Egg has a filiform apparatus / अंडे
है - (c) Testes / वृषण म तंतु प साम ी होती है |
(a) photooxidation reaction (d) Vas deferens / शु वािहका (d) There are numeral antipodal cells
/ काश-ऑ ीकरण अिभि या / कई ित ासां त कोिशकाएं पायी जाती
(b) endergonic reaction / अंतजात Ans. (a) Seminal Vesicles ह|
अिभि या Explanation: In mammals, sperm [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 174

Ans. (a) Reduction division occurs in (a) Leaf / प ी AB र समूह वाले को कभी
the megaspore mother cell (b) Stipules / िनप कभी _____ के कारण सावभौिमक
Explanation: antipodal cells The (c) Adventitious root / अप थािनक ा कता कहा जाता है |
three haploid cells in the mature मूल (a) Presence of antibodies in his
embryo sac of flowering plants that (d) Stem / तना blood / उसके र म मौजूद एं टीबॉडी
are situated at the opposite end to the के कारण
micropyle. Ans. (d) Stem (b) Lack of both antigens and
Egg does not have filiform apparatus. Explanation: Stem gets modified to antibodies in his blood / उसके र म
It is the synergids which have special form perform some specialised एं टीजन तथा एं टीबॉडी दोनों के अभाव के
cellular thickenings at the micropylar functions. The axillary bud of the कारण
tip which is called filiform apparatus. stem is modified into thorns in (c) Lack of antigen in his blood /
This guides pollen tube into the Bougainvillea to protect them from उसके र म एं टीजन के अभाव के
synergids their enemies. कारण
(d) Lack of antibodies in his blood /
Q1362. In Krebs cycle OAA accepts Q1365. If a person has lost his उसके र म एं टीबॉडी के अभाव के
acetyl CoA to form / memory in an accident, the following कारण
े ब के च म, OAA , एसीटाइल CoA part of the brain have got injured /
को ा करके _____ का िनमाण करता यिद िकसी दु घटना म एक की Ans. (d) Lack of antibodies in his
है | या ा चली जाती है , तो म के blood
(a) Citric acid / िसिटक अ िन िल खत भाग म चोट लगी होगी - Explanation: Type AB is considered
(b) All / ये सभी (a) Diencephalon/ अ म प the universal recipient, as they have
(c) Fumarate / ुमरे ट (b) Medulla oblongata / मे -र ा both A and B antigens on their red
(d) Succinyl CoA / स नाइल CoA (c) Cerebellum / प म blood cells, and thus their body does
(d) Cerebrum / म not have antibodies against A or B
Ans. (a) Citric acid antigen cells, so they can receive
Explanation: Pyruvate produced in Ans. (a) Diencephalon blood from any blood type.
glycolysis first gets converted into Explanation: Diencephalic lesions
acetyl CoA before entering citric can cause severe and long-lasting Q1368. Hypersecretion of Growth
acid cycle. This acetyl CoA is amnesia. Damage to certain nuclei Hormone in adults does not cause
accepted by oxaloacetic acid (OAA) and fiber systems within the further increase in height, weight. /
to form citric acid, the first product diencephalon interrupt the flow of वय ों म वृ हॉम न का अित ाव
of the cycle. information between key memory लंबाई, वज़न म और वृ का कारण नहीं
structures. बनता है , ोंिक
Q1363. In humans, which among (a) Muscle fibres do not grow in size
these is not a step in respiration/ Q1366. IAA and serotonin are after birth / मां सपेिशयों के तंतु के
मनु ों म, िन िल खत म से कौन सा derived (formed) from which of the आकार म ज के बाद वृ नहीं होती |
सन का एक चरण नहीं होता है ? following/ (b) Growth Hormone becomes
(a) Pulmonary ventilation / फु ु स IAA और सेरोटोिनन िन िल खत म से inactive in adults / वृ हॉम न वय ों
संवातन िकस से ा िकये ( बनाए ) जाते ह ? म िन य हो जाता है |
(b) Alveolar diffusion of O2 and CO2 (a) Tryptophan / िटपटोफेन (c) Epiphyseal plates close after
/ O2 तथा CO2 का वायुकोशीय सार (b) Tyrosine/ टायरोिसन adolescence / िकशोराव था के बाद
(c) Diffusion of O2 and CO2 between (c) Phenylalanine/ फेिनल-अलेिनन अिधवध ेट बंद हो जाती ह |
blood and tissues/ र तथा उ कों म (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं (d) Bones lose their sensitivity to
O2 तथा CO2 का सार Growth Hormone in adults / वय ों
(d) Utilization of CO2 by cells for Ans. (a) Tryptophan म हि याँ वृ हॉम न के ित
catabolic reactions/ कोिशकाओं के Explanation: Serotonin संवेदनशीलता खो दे ती ह |
ारा अपचयी अिभि याओं के िलए CO2 (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a
का योग well-known neurotransmitter in Ans. (c) Epiphyseal plates close after
mammals and is widely distributed in adolescence
Ans. (d) Utilization of CO₂ by cells plants. This compound is synthesized Explanation: Epiphyseal plate is
for catabolic reactions from tryptophan and shares structural responsible for the growth of bone
similarity with IAA. which close after adolescence so
Q1364. In Bougainvillea thorns are hypersecretion of growth hormone in
the modifications of / Q1367. A person with AB blood adults does not cause further increase
बोगनवेिलया म, कां टे _____ का group is sometimes called a universal in height
प रवितत प होते ह | recipient because of the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 175

Q1369. Metastasis is the process by Q1371. Human ears perform sensory ओर एकिदशीय
which/ अपर पां तरण एक ि या है functions.These (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
िजसके ारा - मनु के कान संवेदी काय करते ह | ये - कोई नहीं
(a) cells divide rapidly under the (a) are hearing organs / सुनने के अंग
influence of drugs/ मादक पदाथ के ह| Ans. (c) Unidirectional forward
भाव म कोिशकाएं तेज़ी से िवभािजत (b) maintain body balance / शरीर के
होती ह | संतुलन को बनाए रखते ह | Q1375. The pituitary gland by virtue
(b) cancer cells are successfully (c) are hearing organ and maintains of its trophic hormone controls the
inhibited to divide any further / कसर balance / सुनने के अंग ह तथा शरीर के secretory activity of other endocrine
कोिशकाओं को आगे और िवभािजत होने संतुलन को बनाए रखते ह | glands. Which one of the following
से सफलतापूवक रोक िदया जाता है | (d) voice production / िन का िनमाण endocrine glands. Which one of the
(c) cancer cell spread through the करते ह | following endocrine gland can
blood or lymphatic system to other function independant to the pituitary
sites or organs / कसर कोिशकाएं र Ans. (c) are hearing organ and gland. अपने पोषण संबंधी गुण के कारण
या लसीका णाली के मा म से अ maintains balance पीयूष ंिथ अ अ ः ावी ंिथयों की
थानों या अंगों म फ़ैल जाती ह | Explanation: The ears are organs that ावी गितिविधयों को िनयंि त करती है |
(d) The chromosomes in cells nuclei provide two main functions — िन िल खत म से कौन सी अंतः ावी ंिथ
are attached to the spindle fiber hearing and balance — that depend पीयूष ंिथ से तं होकर काय कर
before moving to the anaphase poles. on specialized receptors called hair सकती है ?
/ कोिशकाओं के क क म मौजूद गुणसू cells (a) Adrenals/ एडे नल
प ाव था ुवों तक जाने से पहले ंडल (b) Gonads / जनन ंिथयाँ
तंतु से जुड़ जाते ह | Q1372. Histamines the inflammation (c) Thyroid / थाइरोइड
producing substances are produced (d) Parathyroid / पाराथाइरोइड
Ans. (c) Cancer cell spread through by which cells of the body?
the blood or lymphatic system to िह ािमन तथा सूजन पैदा करने वाले Ans. (d) Parathyroid
other sites or organs पदाथ का िनमाण शरीर की कौन सी Explanation: Parathyroid gland is not
Explanation: Metastasis is a कोिशकाएं करती ह ? controlled by the pituitary. The
pathogenic agent's spread from an (a) Collagen fibres / कोलेजन तंतु parathormone which secrets from
initial or primary site to a different or (b) Macrophages / बृहत् भ काणु this gland regulates calcium and
secondary site within the host's body; (c) Mast cells / मा कोिशकाएं phosphorus ion in the body. So, the
the term is typically used when (d) Sustentacular cells / आलंबन correct answer is "Parathyroid".
referring to metastasis by a कोिशकाएं
cancerous tumor. Q1376. People drinking water from a
Ans. (c) Mast cells shallow hand pump, are likely to
Q1370. Consumption of fish is Explanation: A mast cell (also suffer from all the following diseases
considered to be healthy when known as a mastocyte or a labrocyte) except
compared to flesh of other animals is a migrant cell of connective tissue एक उथले है प से पानी पीने वाले
because fish contains that contains many granules rich in लोगों म िन िल खत सभी रोगों के होने
अ पशुओं के माँ स की तुलना म histamine and heparin. की संभावना होती है िसवाए -
मछिलयों का सेवन करना ा के (a) Fluorosis/ ोरोिसस
िलए लाभदायक माना जाता है ोंिक Q1373. Haemodialysis helps in the (b) Jaundice / पेिचश
मछिलयों म _____ होते ह | patient having / (c) Typhoid / टाइफाइड
(a) essential vitamins / आव क र अपोहन ______ से पीिड़त मरीज़ (d) Cholera / है जा
िवटािमन की सहायता करता है |
(b) Saturated fatty acids / संतृ वसा (a) Uremia / यू रिमया Ans. (a) Fluorosis
अ (b) Anaemia / एनीिमया Explanation: City dwellers are facing
(c) Polyunsaturated fatty acids / (c) Diabetes / मधुमेह the acute problems of water and
ब असंतृ वसा अ (d) Goitre / ग माला vector borne diseases due to water
(d) More carbohydrates and proteins logging and improper solid waste
/ अिधक काब हाइडे ट तथा ोटीन Ans. (a) Uremia management and sanitation. The
water logging and reprehensible
Ans. (c) Polyunsaturated fatty acids Q1374. Growth is / वृ होती है - drainage, contamination of water of
Explanation: Polyunsaturated fatty (a) Unidirectional backward / पीछे upper layer from which major
acid is an antioxidant, which helps in की ओर एकिदशीय portion of the people get the polluted
building of tissues. (b) Reversible / ितवत water through shallow bored hand
(c) Unidirectional forward / आगे की pumps for drinking and other [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 176

domestic purposes, are main cause of Q1379. Food stored in a cold वातर एक रोग है जो जोड़ों को
water borne diseases in the city. It is chamber exhibit longer storage life भािवत करता है और गिठया का कारण
evident from studies that about 70.5 because / बनता है | यह िकसकी िवकृित से जुड़ा
% population is suffering from the ठं डे को म भंडा रत भोजन ल े आ है ?
abdomen diseases cause by using भंडारण जीवन का दशन करता है (a) Pyrimidine metabolism/
polluted and contaminated water. ोंिक - िपरीिमिडन चयापचय
Japanese encephalitis, jaundice, (a) Exposure to sunlight is prevented (b) Purine metabolism/ ु रन
cholera, colitis, diarrhoea, dysentery, / सूय के काश का संपक रोक िदया चयापचय
typhoid and skin diseases are जाता है | (c) Fat metabolism/ वसा चयापचय
common. (b) There is an increase in humidity / (d) Protein metabolism/ ोटीन
नमी म वृ हो जाती है | चयापचय
Q1377. In the context of organic (c) Rate of respiration is decreased /
evolution, the loss of limbs in snake सन की दर कम हो जाती है | Ans. (b) Purine metabolism
is explained by the phenomenon of (d) Concentration of carbon dioxide Explanation: Gout is a metabolic
जैव म िवकास के संदभ म, साँ प म in the environment is increased / disorder, characterized by recurrent
जोड़ों के समा होने की ा ा _____ वातावरण म काबन डाइऑ ाइड की attack of arthritis, urate deposits in
की घटना के ारा की जाती है | मा ा बढ़ जाती है | joints, kidney and other tissues, and
(a) Natural selection / ाकृितक चयन elevated level of uric acid in blood
(b) Use and disuse of organs /अंगों का Ans. (c) Rate of respiration is and urine. The joint most commonly
योग तथा अ योग decreased affected is great toe. Gout is an
(c) Adaptation to living in burrows / Explanation: Fruits stored in a cold inherited disorder of purine
बां बी म रहने के कारण अनुकूलन chamber exhibit longer storage life metabolism, occurring, especially in
(d) Inheritance of acquired characters because their rate of respiration is men. Occurrence of gout is related to
/ अिधगृिहत गुणों का िवरासत decreased. This is the same reason diet. Persons sufferings from gout
that we refrigerate fruits and should avoid meat which are a rich
Ans. (b) Use and disuse of organ vegetables after we buy them. If the source of nucleic acid including
Explanation: Lamarck: He product is not going to be used purine.
enunciated the law of use and disuse, immediately they go into the fridge
which states that when certain organs for preservation. Q1382. Glucagon secreted by the
become specially developed as a alpha-cells of the islets of
result of some environmental need, Q1380. Which of the following Langerhans does this function/
then that state of development is antimicrobial drug can be used for लगरहस कोिशका गु की अ ा
hereditary and can be passed on to the treatment of both tuberculosis कोिशकाओं के ारा ािवत िकया जाने
progeny. and leprosy / िन िल खत म से कौन सी वाला ुकागॉन यह काय करता है -
रोगाणुरोधी दवा का उपयोग तपेिदक (a) Glucagon converts glucose into
Q1378. In a bisexual flower if और कु रोग दोनों के उपचार के िलए glycogen and increases the
androecium and gynoecium mature िकया जा सकता है concentration of blood sugar/
at different times, the phenomenon is (a) Isoniazid / आइसोिनयािज़ड ुकागॉन , ूकोज को ाइकोजेन म
known as/ (b) Streptomycin / े पटोमाइिसन बदलता है तथा र शकरा की सां ता
यिद िकसी ि िलंगी फूल म, पुंकेसर तथा (c) P-aminosalicylic acid / पी - म वृ करता है |
जायां ग अलग-अलग समय पर प रप अमीनोसैिलिसिलक अ (b) Glucagon converts glycogen into
होते ह, तो इस घटना को िकस नाम से (d) Rifampicin / रफै िसन glucose and increases the
जाना जाता है ? concentration of blood sugar/
(a) Dichogamy/ िभ कालप ता Ans. (d) Rifampicin ुकागॉन, ाइकोजेन को ूकोज म
(b) Heterogamy / िवषमयु न Explanation: Rifampicin is an बदलता है तथा र शकरा की सां ता म
(c) Monogamy / ए ि antibiotic. It prevents bacteria from वृ करता है |
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं spreading in the body. It is used to (c) Glucagon converts glucose into
treat or prevent tuberculosis (TB). It glycogen/ ुकागॉन ूकोज को
Ans. (a) Dichogamy may also be used to eliminate a ाइकोजेन म बदलता है |
Explanation: dichogamy. the bacteria from the nose and throat that (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
condition, in some flowering plants, may cause meningitis, leprosy or
in which the pistils and stamens other infections. Ans. (b) Glucagon converts glycogen
mature at different times, thus into glucose and increases the
preventing self-pollination. Q1381. Gout is a disease that affects concentration of blood sugar
dichogamous the joints and leads to arthritis. It is Explanation: Stored glycogen is
associated with an abnormality of broken down to glucose under the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 177

effect of glucagons secreted by alpha रहने के िलए कई अ जाितयों की Ans. (d) Treatment of the plants with
cells of Islets of Langerhans. मता का िनधारण करने म मह पूण cytokinins along with a small does of
होती ह। ऐसी जाितयों को कहा जाता nitrogenous fertilizer
Q1383. Read the following है -
statements carefully and choose the (a) Keystone species/ की ोन जाित
correct ones/ (b) Threatened species/ लु ाय Q1387. Energy released by
िन िल खत कथनों का ानपूवक जाित carbohydrate, fats, protein is
अ यन कर तथा सही कथनों का चयन (c) Allopatric species/ िव थािनक काब हाइडे ट, वसा, ोटीन के ारा मु
कर | जाित ऊजा होती है -
(a) Auxins prevent premature leaf (d) Sympatric species / समपैतृक (a) 4.1, 9.45, 5.65
and fruit fall./ ऑ न पि यों तथा जाित (b) 4.1, 5.65, 9.40
फलों को असामियक िगरने से रोकता है | (c) 5.4, 6.5, 8.9
(b) Gibberellins were first discovered Ans. (a) Keystone species (d) 5.0, 7.8, 10.5
in fungal genus fusarium/ िजबरे िलन Explanation: keystone species. A
की खोज पहली बार कवकीय वंश species whose presence and role Ans. (a) 4.1, 9.45, 5.65
ूजे रयम म की गयी थी | within an ecosystem has a
(c) Ethylene is a gaseous plant disproportionate effect on other Q1388. E.coli in human colon
growth hormone/ ईथीलीन एक गैसीय organisms within the system. A behave as
पादप वृ हॉम न है | keystone species is often a dominant मानव बृहदा म ई.कोलाए _____ के
(d) All of these/ ये सभी predator whose removal allows a प म काय करती है |
prey population to explode and often (a) Parasite/ परजीवी
Ans. (d) All of these decreases overall diversity. (b) Commensal / सहभोजी
(c) Saprophyte / मृतजीवी
Q1384. Consider the following Q1386. Farmer in a particular region (d) Mutualism / सहजीिवता
statements/ िन िल खत कथनों पर were concerned that premature
िवचार कर | yellowing of leaves of a pulse crop Ans. (d) Mutualism
(I) Tapeworm is a hermaphrodite/ might cause decrease in the yield.
फीता कृिम उभयिलंगी होता है | Which treatment could be most Q1389. Which of the following
(II) Roundworm have separate sexes/ beneficial to obtain maximum seed statements regarding starch and
सू कृिम म पृथक िलंग होते ह | yield./ एक िवशेष े म िकसान इस cellulose is not correct
(III) Filarial is caused by a nematode/ बात को लेकर िचंितत थे िक दलहन ाच तथा से ूलोज के िवषय म
फाइले रया गोल कृिम के कारण होता है | फसल की पि यों का समय से पहले िन िल खत म से कौन से कथन सही नहीं
(IV) Guinea worm is an annelid/ िगनी पीला पड़ जाना उपज म कमी का कारण ह?
कृिम एक वृ ाकारी कीड़ा है | बन सकता है | अिधकतम बीज उपज (a) Both of them are polymers/ ये
Which of these are correct? ा करने के िलए कौन सा उपचार दोनों ब लक ह |
इनम से कौन से सही ह ? सवािधक लाभदायक हो सकता है ? (b) Both of them are of plant origin/
(a) I and II (a) Removal of all yellow leaves and ये दोनों पादप मूल के ह |
(b) I, II and III spraying the remaining green leaves (c) Both of them give color with
(c) III and IV with 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy acetic iodine/ दोनों आयोडीन िमलाने पर रं ग
(d) II, III and IV acid/ सभी पीली पि यों को तोड़ दे ना दे ते ह |
तथा शेष हरी पि यों पर 2 , 4, (d) Both of them are made up of
Ans. (b) I, II and III 5-टाई ोरोफेनो ी एिसिटक अ का glucose molecules / दोनों ूकोज के
Explanation: All tapeworms are िछड़काव करना | अणुओं से बने ह |
hermaphrodites, with each individual (b) Application of iron and
having both male and female magnesium to promote synthesis of Ans. (c) Both of them give color
reproductive organs. chlorophyll/ ोरोिफल के सं ेषण with iodine
Nematodes usually have separate को बढ़ावा दे ने के िलए लौह त तथा Explanation: Cellulose doesn’t give
sexes and fertilization is internal. मै ीिशयम का अनु योग any colour to iodine
(c) Frequent irrigation of the crop/
Q1385. Within biological फसल की लगातार िसंचाई Q1390. During systole of ventricle /
communities, some species are (d) Treatment of the plants with िनलय के कुंचन के दौरान -
important in determining the ability cytokinins along with a small does of (a) Blood enters the heart / र दय
of a large number of other species to nitrogenous fertilizer / पौधों का म वेश करता है |
persist in the community. Such साइटोिकिनन तथा नाइटोजन उवरक की (b) Blood leaves the heart / र दय
species are called / जैिवक समुदायों के एक छोटी खुराक से उपचार से िनकल जाता है |
भीतर, कुछ जाितयां समुदाय म बने (c) Blood leaves the ventricle / र [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 178

िनलय से िनकल जाता है | stage of sleep—when brain activity (c) They inhibit ovulation/ वे
(d) Blood enters the heart / र दय is high and resembles that of being िड ो जन को रोकते ह |
म वेश करता है | awake. REM sleep is revealed by (d) They suppress sperm motility and
continuous movements of the eyes fertilizing capacity of sperms /वे
Ans. (c) Blood leaves the ventricle during sleep शु ाणु की गितशीलता और शु ाणुओं
Explanation: Systole, period of Q1394. Dormancy of seed is broken की िनषेचन मता को दबा दे ते ह
contraction of the ventricles of the by/
heart that occurs between the first बीज की िन यता को िकसके ारा Ans. (d) They suppress sperm
and second heart sounds of the तोड़ा जाता है ? motility and fertilizing capacity of
cardiac cycle (the sequence of events (a) Auxin and Cytokinin/ ऑ न sperms
in a single heart beat). Systole causes तथा साइटोिकिनन Explanation: Cu-releasing IUDs act
the ejection of blood into the aorta (b) Gibberellins and ethylene/ by increasing phagocytosis of sperms
and pulmonary trunk. िजबरे िलन तथा ईथीलीन within the uterus. The Cu2+ ions
(c) Ethylene and auxin/ ईथीलीन तथा released suppresses sperm motility as
Q1391. During muscular contraction ऑ न well as their fertilizing capacity, thus
/ (d) Cytokinin and auxin/ preventing contraception. Thus, they
मां सपेशीय संकुचन के दौरान - साइटोिकिनन तथा ऑ न are effective contraceptives in human
(a) ATP is broken down / ATP टू ट females.
जाता है | Ans. (b) Gibberellins and ethylene
(b) ATP is formed / ATP का िनमाण Explanation: Gibberellins (GAs) Q1397. Which of the following in
होता है | break seed dormancy and promote sewage treatment removes suspended
(c) GTP is broken down / GTP टू ट germination (1, 2), and several other solids?
जाता है | hormones, including िन िल खत म से कौन सा मलजल
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं brassinosteroids, ethylene, and उपचार िनलंिबत ठोस कणों को हटाता है
cytokinin, have also been shown to ?
Ans. (a) ATP is broken down promote seed germination (3, 4). (a) Secondary treatment/ ि तीयक
However, abscisic acid (ABA) is the उपचार
Q1392. During muscle contraction / only hormone known to induce and (b) Primary treatment / ाथिमक
मां सपेिशयों के संकुचन के दौरान - maintain seed dormancy. उपचार
(a) Chemical energy is changed into Q1395. Which of the following is (c) Sludge treatment/ तलछट उपचार
electrical energy / रासायिनक ऊजा made of dead cells (d) Tertiary treatment / तृतीयक
िवद् युत ऊजा म प रवितत होती है | िन िल खत म से कौन सा मृत उपचार
(b) Chemical energy is changed into कोिशकाओं से बना होता है ?
mechanical energy / रासायिनक ऊजा (a) Collenchyma/कोलेनकाइमा Ans. (b) Primary treatment
यां ि क ऊजा म प रवितत हो जाती है | (b) Phellum/ फेलम
(c) Chemical energy is changed into (c) Phloem/ ोएम Q1398. The final proof for DNA as a
physical energy / रासायिनक ऊजा (d) Xylem parenchyma/ जाइलम genetic material came from the
भौितक ऊजा म प रवितत हो जाती है | पैरेनकाइमा experiments of:
(d) Mechanical energy is changed आनुवां िशक साम ी के प म डीएनए
into chemical energy / यां ि क ऊजा Ans. (b) Phellum का अंितम माण ______ के योगों से
रासायिनक ऊजा म प रवितत हो जाती है Explanation: Cork cells are dead at आया है |
| maturity and they replace the (a) Hershey and Chase/ हश और चेज
Ans. (b) Chemical energy is Epidermis as the outer boundary of (b) Avery, McLeod and McCarty/
changed into mechanical energy the stem or root. The आवेरी, मैकलॉयड तथा मैककाट
suberized-lignified Cork Cell walls (c) Hargobind khurana / हरगोिवंद
Q1393. Dreaming occurs in / सपने retain their shape. खुराना
आते ह - (d) Griffith/ ि थ
(a) Q-sleep / Q-िन ा म Q1396. The function of copper ions
(b) REM sleep / REM िन ा म in copper releasing IUDs is/ Ans. (a) Hershey and Chase
(c) deep sleep / गहरी नींद म तां बा मु करने वाले IUDs म ता Explanation: The Hershey-Chase
(d) slow wave sleep / ह ी आयनों का काय ा होता है ? experiments that were done in 1952
अ कािलक नींद म (a) They inhibit gametogenesis/ वे confirmed that DNA indeed is the
यु क जनन को रोकते ह | genetic material. Conducted by
Ans. (b) REM sleep (b) They make uterus unsuitable for Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase,
Explanation: Dreams mainly occur in implantation/ वे गभाशय को ारोपण the said experiments were done on
the rapid-eye movement (REM) के िलए अनुपयु बनाते ह | bacteriophages which means viruses [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 179

that attack bacteria. equivalent to that which is taken up
Ans. (d) Scutellum during photosynthesis.
Q1399. Among the following Explanation: Dicotyledons typically
characters which one was not have two cotyledons and Q1404. Coiled portion of the
considered by Mendel in his monocotyledons have only one labyrinth is called
experiments on pea? cotyledon. The single shield-shaped लैिब रं थ के कुंडिलत भाग को कहा जाता
मडल ने मटर पर अपने योगों के दौरान cotyledon in grains known as है -
िन िल खत गुणों म से िकस गुण पर scutellum. Cotyledon of maize grain (a) cochlea / कणावत
िवचार नहीं िकया था ? is called scutellum. (b) ear drum / कण पटह
(a) Trichomes - glandular or (c) ear canal / कण निलका
non-glandular / चारोम - ंिथल या Q1402. Conversion of glucose to (d) pinna/ कण पाली
गैर- ंिथल glucose-6-phosphate, the first
(b) Seed - Green or yellow / बीज - irreversible reaction of glycolysis, is Ans. (a) cochlea
हरा या पीला catalyzed by Explanation: Inside the bony
(c) Pod - Inflated or constricted/ ूकोज का ूकोज-6-फॉ े ट म labyrinth lies the membranous
फली- फूली ई या संकुिचत पां तरण, जो ाइकोलाइिसस की labyrinth which is surrounded by a
(d) Stem - Tall or dwarf / तना - ल ा पहली अप रवतनीय अिभि या है , fluid called perilymph while the
या बौना िकसके ारा उ े रत की जाती है ? membranous labyrinth is filled with a
(a) Hexokinase / हे ोकाइनेज fluid called endolymph. The coiled
Ans. (a) Trichomes - glandular or (b) Enolase / एनोलेज portion of the labyrinth is called
non-glandular (c) Phosphofructokinase / cochlea and the cochlear duct is
Explanation: The 7 characters फॉ ो ु ोकाइनेज filled with endolymph
studied by Mendel using the pea (d) Aldolase/ए ोलेज
plant were stem height, flower color, Q1405. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids,
flower position, pod shape, pod Ans. (a) Hexokinase Dinoflagellates and Slime moulds are
color, seed shape and seed color. Explanation: Hexokinase catalyse the included in the kingdom
conversion of Glucose to Glucose-6 ाईसोफाइट, यु ेनॉइड, िडनो ेजेलेट
Q1400. The pivot joint between the phosphate. It is the first step of तथा अवपंक फफूंदी िकस समुदाय म
atlas and axis is a type of activation phase of glycolysis. शािमल िकये जाते ह ?
एटलस और अ के बीच िकस कार की (a) Monera / मोनेरा
संिध होती है ? Q1403. Compensation point is / (b) Protista/ जीव
(a) Cartilaginous joint/ उपा थीय संिध संतुलन काश ती ता िबंदु है - (c) Fungi/ कवक
(b) Synovial joint/ ेहक संिध (a) Where there is neither (d) Animalia/ पशु वग
(c) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं photosynthesis nor respiration / जहाँ
(d) Fibrous joint / तंतुमय संिध ना तो काश सं ेषण ना ही सन होता Ans. (b) Protista
है | Explanation: All single-celled
Ans. (b) Synovial joint (b) When rate of photosynthesis is eukaryotes like chrysophytes
Explanation: The joint between the equal to the rate of respiration / जब (diatoms and desmids), Euglenoids
atlas and axis is a pivot type of joint. काश सं ेषण की दर सन की दर के (Euglena), Dinoflagellates and slime
It allows the head turn from side to बराबर होती है | moulds are included in the kingdom -
side. It is also called the atloaxoid (c) When entire food synthesized Protista.
joint. The ligaments that serve to into photosynthesis remain utilized /
support and strengthen this joint are जब काश सं ेषण म सं ेिषत संपूण Q1406. Choose the correct statement
called the capsular; anterior and भोजन उपयोग म लाया जाता है | about organisms and its parts/
posterior atlantoaxial; and transverse (d) When there is enough water just जीवों तथा उनके अंगों के िवषय म सही
ligaments. to meet the requirement of plant./ जब कथन का चयन कर
पौधे की आव कता की पूित हे तु पया (a) All mammals are viviparous/ सभी
जल उपल होता है | नधारी जीिवत ब ों को ज दे ते ह |
Q1401. Cotyledon of maize grain is (b) All cyclostomes do not possess
called as Ans. (b) When rate of photosynthesis jaws and paired fins/ सभी
म ा के अनाज के बीजप को ा is equal to the rate of respiration साइ ो ोम म जबड़े तथा यु त
कहा जाता है ? Explanation: The point reached in a मीनपंख नहीं होते ह |
(a) Plumule / ां कुर plant when the rate of photosynthesis (c) All reptiles have a three
(b) Coleorhiza / मूलां कुर is equal to the rate of respiration. chambered heart / सभी सरीसृपों म तीन
(c) Coleoptile / ां कुर-चोल This means that the carbon dioxide को क वाला दय होता है |
(d) Scutellum / ढाल released from respiration is (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 180

cytoplasm is called glycolysis then HIV through sexual behaviors and
Ans. (b) All cyclostomes do not enters into Krebs cycle which is also needle or syringe use.
possess jaws and paired fins called Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
(TCA cycle) and finally in electron Q1411. Which of the following
Q1407. Choose the correct pair of transport chain or system. Therefore statements is/are correct/
names that refer to one and the same the correct sequence is a Glycolysis िन िल खत म से कौन से कथन सही ह ?
process Krebs cycle-Electron transport chain. (a) Viruses lack enzymes necessary
नामों के सही यु का चयन कर तथा जो for the generation of energy/
एक ही तथा समान ि या को संदिभत Q1409. Consider the following िवषाणुओं म ऊजा के िनमाण के िलए
करते ह | statements about probiotic food/ आव क एं जाइम नहीं पाए जाते ह |
(a) Citric acid cycle and Calvin cycle ोबायोिटक भोजन के िवषय म (b) Viruses can be cultured in any
/ िसिटक अ च तथा के नच िन िल खत कथनों पर िवचार कर | synthetic medium/ िवषाणुओं का
(b) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and urea (I) Probiotic food contains live संवधन िकसी भी कृि म मा म म िकया
cycle/ टाईकाब िलक अ च तथा bacteria which are considered जा सकता है |
यू रया च beneficial to humans / ोबायोिटक (c) Viruses are transmitted from one
(c) Krebs cycle and Calvin cycle / भोजन म जीिवत जीवाणु होते ह िज organism to another by biological
े च और के नच मनु ों के िलए लाभदायक माना जाता है vectors only / िवषाणु केवल जैिवक
(d) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and | वाहकों से एक जीव से दू सरे जीव म
citric acid cycle/ टाईकाब िलक (II) Probiotic food helps in फैलते ह |
अ च तथा िसिटक अ च maintaining gut flora / ोबायोिटक (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
भोजन जठरां वन ित को बनाए रखने
Ans. (d) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and म सहायक होता है | Ans. (a) Viruses lack enzymes
citric acid cycle Which out of the statements given necessary for the generation of
Explanation: Tricarboxylic acid cycle above is/are correct? energy
is also known as citric acid cycle or ऊपर िदए गए कौन से कथन सही ह ? Explanation: Viruses require a
Krebs cycle. This is an aerobic (a) I only growth medium containing living
process which takes place in the (b) II only cell therefore cannot be cultured in
matrix of mitochondria. Krebs (c) Both I and II any synthetic medium. Viruses are
discovered this cycle in 1937. So, (d) Neither I and II transmitted from one organism to
this is also known as Henes Kreb’s another not only by biological
cycle. Ans. (c) Both I and II vectors but also by mechanical
Q1408. Choose the correct order of Q1410. Consider the following
stages of cellular respiration. statements: AIDS- is transmitted Q1412. Cells in G₀ phase:/ G0
कोिशकीय सन के चरणों के सही म िन िल खत कथनों पर िवचार कर : अव था म कोिशकाएँ -
का चयन कर | एड् स फैलता है - (a) Enter the cell cycle / कोिशका च
(a) Krebs cycle - Electron transport (I) By sexual intercouse / यौन ि या म वेश करती ह |
chain - Glycolysis/ े च - से (b) Suspend the cell cycle / कोिशका
इले ॉन प रवहन ृंखला - (II) By blood transfusion / र च को िनलंिबत कर दे ती ह |
ाइकोलाइिसस आधान से (c) Terminate the cell cycle / कोिशका
(b) Glycolysis - Electron transport (III) By mosquitoes and other blood च को समा कर दे ती ह |
chain - Krebs cycle / ाइकोलाइिसस sucking insects / म रों तथा र (d) Exit the cell cycle / कोिशका च
- इले ॉन प रवहन ृंखला - े च चूसने वाले अ कीड़ों से से बाहर िनकल जाती है |
(c) Glycolysis - Krebs cycle - (IV) Across the placenta / गभनाल म
Electron transport chain / (a) I, II and III are correct Ans. (d) Exit the cell cycle
ाइकोलाइिसस - े च - इले ॉन (b) I, II and IV are correct Explanation: Cells in the G0 phase is
प रवहन ृंखला (c) I, III and IV are correct to exit the cell cycle. This stage is the
(d) Electron transport chain - Krebs (d) I and III are correct quiescent stage and cells do not
cycle- Glycolysis / इले ॉन प रवहन proliferate unless triggered by a
ृंखला - े च - ाइकोलाइिसस Ans. (b) I, II and IV are correct chemical stimulus.
Explanation: Only certain body
Ans. (c) Glycolysis - Krebs cycle - fluids—blood, semen, pre-seminal Q1413. A joint is the connection
Electron transport chain fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and made between bones in the body
Explanation : In a cellular breast milk—from a person with which link the skeletal system into a
respiration, energy stored in a HIV can transmit HIV. Most functional whole. Select the correct
glucose molecule which enters into commonly, people get or transmit ones / जोड़ शरीर म मौजूद हि यों के [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 181

बीच एक जुड़ाव होता है जो अ थ पंजर (c) King cobra/ िकंग कोबरा (a) Nothing/ कुछ भी नहीं
को जो शेष शरीर से जोड़ता है | सही (d) Rattlesnake/ रै टल सप (b) A nephron/ एक ने ॉन
िवक का चयन कर | (c) Malpighian corpuscle
(a) Cartilaginous Joints-They are Ans. (d) Rattlesnake /मालिपिघयन किणका
slightly moveable joints/ उपा थीय (d) Nephric corpuscle/ नेि क
जोड़ - वे ह े गितशील जोड़ होते ह | Q1416. Most of the desert plants किणका
(b) Skull sutures permit little or no bloom during night time because/ /
mobility / खोपड़ी के जोड़ म थोड़ी या अिधकाँ श रे िग ानी पौधों म रात के Ans. (c) Malpighian corpuscle
िब ु ल भी गितशीलता नहीं होती है | समय फूल आते ह ोंिक - Explanation: The capsule and
(c) Hinge joint is a type of synovial (a) The desert insects are active glomerulus together constitute a
joint / ारसंिध जोड़ ेहक जोड़ का during night time/ रे िग ानी कीड़े रात renal corpuscle, also called a
एक कार है | के समय सि य होते ह | malpighian body.
(d) All of these / ये सभी (b) The desert insects eat away
flowers during day time / िदन के Q1419. Which of the following are
Ans. (d) All of these समय फूलों को रे िग ानी कीड़े खा जाते associated with diabetes mellitus a
Explanation: Amphiarthrosis – ह| common disease in adults
permits slight mobility. Most (c) They are sensitive to the phases िन िल खत म से कौन-कौन मधुमेह से
amphiarthrosis joints are of moon /वे चाँ द की अव थाओं के ित संबंिधत है जो वय ों म होने वाला एक
cartilaginous joints संवेदनशील होते ह | सामा रोग है ?
Synovial joint (also known as a (d) Their blooming is controlled by (a) Low insulin, Low blood sugar
diarthrosis) – freely movable. low temperature / उनका पु ु टन level / कम इं सुिलन,र म शकरा का
Synovial joints can in turn be कम तापमान के ारा िनयंि त होता है | कम र
classified into six groups according (b) High insulin, high blood sugar
to the type of movement they allow: Ans. (d) Their blooming is controlled level/ अिधक इ ुिलन, र म शकरा
plane joint, ball and socket joint, by low temperature का उ र
hinge joint, pivot joint, condyloid Explanation: In desert condition, (c) High insulin, Low blood sugar
joint and saddle joint. most of the activity of the plants and level / अिधक इं सुिलन, र म शकरा
animals happens during night का कम र
Q1414. Brunner’s gland are found in because of very high temperature in (d) Low insulin, High blood sugar
which of the following layers day time. The desert insects make level / कम इं सुिलन, र म शकरा का
ूनर ंिथ िन िल खत म से िकस परत म themselves active and pollinate the उ र
पायी जाती है ? flowers in night. To attract the
(a) Submucosa of stomach / पेट की insects, most of the desert plants Ans. (d) Low insulin, High blood
अव े क कला bloom during night. sugar level
(b) Mucosa of ileum / शेषां की
े ा िझ ी Q1417. Broca’s area in human brain Q1420. Blood circulation that starts
(c) Submucosa of duodenum related to in capillaries and ends in capillaries
(intestine) / आं त की अव े क कला मानव म म वाक ेरक क िकस is called
(d) Mucosa of oesophagus / भोजन से संबंिधत होता है ? वह र प रसंचरण जो केिशकाओं म
निलका की े ा िझ ी (a) learning and reasoning/ सीखना शु होता है तथा केिशकाओं म समा
तथा तकश हो जाता है , ा कहलाता है ?
Ans. (c) Submucosa of duodenum (b) speech function /बोलने का काय (a) Portal circulation / ितहार
(intestine) (c) smell /गंध प रसंचरण
Explanation: Secretions from (d) reflex / ितिबंब (b) Hepatic circulation / यकृत
Brunner glands, in the submucosa of प रसंचरण
the duodenum, function principally Ans. (b) speech function (c) Cardiac circulation/ दयी
to protect the intestinal walls from Explanation: Broca’s area is situated प रसंचरण
gastric juices. in the frontal lobe of (d) None / कोई भी नहीं
cerebrum,usually on the left side. It
Q1415. For which one of the is related to the translation of Ans. (a) Portal circulation
following snakes is the diet mainly thoughts into speech area.
composed of other snakes Q1421. Bipolar neurons are found in
िन िल खत म से िकस साँ प के भोजन म Q1418. Bowman’s capsule and ि ुवी ूरॉन पाए जाते ह -
मु प से अ साँ प शािमल होते ह ? glomerulus together constitute (a) retina / रे िटना म
(a) Krait/ करै त बोमन कै ूल तथा केिशका गु एक (b) choroid / र क म
(b) All these snakes / ये सभी साँ प साथ _____ का िनमाण करते ह | (c) cornea /कॉिनया म [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 182

(d) sclera / ेतपटल म practice of mating of animals within RNA are a present and reverse
the same breed, but having no transcriptase enzyme. Hence HIV
Ans. (a) retina common ancestors on either side of has a protein coat and a genetic
Explanation: A bipolar neuron, or their pedigree up to 4-6 generations. material which is ss RNA. So, the
bipolar cell, is a type of neuron that The offspring of such a mating is correct answer is 'ss RNA
has two extensions (one axon and known as an outcross
one dendrite). Many bipolar cells are Inbreeding is the mating of Q1426. The world biodiversity day is
specialized sensory neurons for the organisms closely related by celebrated on
transmission of sense. As such, they ancestry. िव जैव िविवधता िदवस िकस िदन
are part of the sensory pathways for Interspecific hybridization is मनाया जाता है ?
smell, sight, taste, hearing, touch, hybridization between organisms (a) 5th June
balance and proprioception. treated as distinct species. (b) 22nd May
(c) 29th December
Q1422. Bile salts are poured into the Q1424. Biomagnification of DDT (d) 16th September
alimentary canal where they are causes decline in bird population by
necessary for the absorption of / डीडीटी का जैव आवधन _____ के ारा Ans. (b) 22nd May
िप लवण आहार नली म ािवत िकये िव की आबादी म कमी का कारण Explanation: The International Day
जाते ह जहाँ वे _____ के अवशोषण के बनता है | for Biological Diversity is a United
िलए आव क होते ह | (a) Disturbing Ca metabolism / Ca के Nations–sanctioned international day
(a) Na⁺ and Ca⁺⁺ चयापचय को बािधत करके for the promotion of biodiversity
(b) Fat soluble vitamins / वसायु (b) Thinning of eggshells / अंड-खोल issues. It is currently held on May 22
घुलनशील िवटािमन को पतला करके
(c) Amino acids and (c) Premature breaking of eggshell / Q1427. Mutations which normally
monosaccharides /एिमनो अ तथा अंड-खोल को समय से पहले तोड़कर happen randomly are considered one
मोनोसै ाइड (d) All of these / ये सभी of the raw materials for evolution
(d) All the nutrients contained in because they /
chyme / अ ा म शािमल सभी पोषक Ans. (d) All of these आमतौर पर या क प से होने वाले
त Explanation: With each successive उ रवतनों को म िवकास की क ी
trophic level, concentration of DDT साम ी माना जाता है ोंिक वे -
Ans. (b) Fat soluble vitamins increases and this is known as (a) Contribute to new variations in
Explanation: Bile salts make biomagnification. High concentration organisms / जीवों म होने वाले नए
cholesterol, fats, and fat-soluble of DDT disturbs the calcium प रवतनों म योगदान दे ते ह |
vitamins more soluble (more metabolism of birds and causes (b) Cause death of organisms / जीवों
dissolved), which aids in their thinning of egg shells. and premature की मृ ु का कारण बनते ह |
absorption. Hence, Bile salts are breaking. This leads to decline in (c) Are stable / थर होते ह |
poured into the alimentary canal their population. (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
where they are necessary for the
absorption of fat-soluble Q1425. HIV has a protein coat and a Ans. (a) Contribute to new variations
genetic material which is / in organisms
Q1423. It is the practice of mating of एचआइवी म एक ोटीन आवरण तथा Explanation: A mutation is a change
animals within the same breed, but एक आनुवंिशक पदाथ होता है जो है - in DNA, the hereditary material of
having no common ancestors on (a) Single stranded DNA/ एकल life. So a change in an organism's
either side of their pedigree upto 4-6 असहाय डीएनए DNA can cause changes in all
generation/ यह पशुओं के स ोग की (b) Single stranded RNA/ एकल aspects of its life. Mutations are
एक प ित है , जो समान न म करवाई असहाय आरएनए essential to evolution; they are the
जाती है लेिकन दोनों म से िकसी भी पशु (c) Double stranded DNA/ दोहरा raw material of genetic variation.
की वंशावली म 4 से 6 पीिढ़यों तक कोई असहाय डीएनए Without mutation, evolution could
भी साझा पूवज नहीं होता है | (d) Double stranded RNA /दोहरा not occur.
(a) Outcrossing / बिह संकरण असहाय आरएनए
(b) Cross breeding / संकरण Q1428. MSH is secreted by /
(c) In breeding / अंतः जनन Ans. (b) Single stranded RNA MSH िकसके ारा ािवत िकया जाता है
(d) Interspecific hybridisation / Explanation: HIV (Human ?
अंतराजातीय संकरण immunodeficiency virus)belongs to (a) Anterior lobe of pituitary /
the special class of viruses called पीयुिषका का अ गामी भाग
Ans. (a) Outcrossing retrovirus. with in the viral envelope (b) Middle lobe of pituitary /
Explanation: Outcrossing: This is the 2 identical copies of single-stranded पीयुिषका का म भाग [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 183

(c) Posterior lobe of pituitary micro-organism called वायुनली का फूलना
/पीयुिषका का िप ला भाग Pseudomonas putida is used in (d) accumulation of fluid in the lungs
(d) End style / अंत शैली bioremediation of oil spills. It is / फेफड़ों म तरल पदाथ का जमा होना
also known as 'Chakarborty's
Ans. (b) Middle lobe of pituitary super bug. Ans. (b) allergic reaction of the mast
Explanation: In most vertebrates, cells in the lungs
melanocyte-stimulating hormone Q1431. Which enzyme is used in Explanation: Asthma is an allergic
(MSH) peptides are secreted Polymerase Chain Reaction? reaction characterised by spasm of
specifically by the intermediate lobe पॉलीमरे ज ृंखला अिभि या म िकस bronchi muscles because of an effect
of the pituitary gland and function एं जाइम का योग िकया जाता है ? of histamine released by mast cells.
primarily in skin darkening, with an (a) Restriction enzymes / ितबंध
array of other, minor activities. एं जाइम Q1434. Aqueous and vitreous
(b) Reverse transcriptase / रवस humour are divided by
Q1429. Keystone species deserve टां सि पटे स जलीय तथा काचाभ व को अलग िकया
protection because these / (c) Ligase/ लाइगेस जाता है -
की ोन जाितयों को सुर ा की (d) DNA Polymerase /डीएनए (a) lens / लस के ारा
आव कता होती है ोंिक वे - पॉलीमरे ज (b) iris / आइ रस के ारा
(a) Are capable of surviving in harsh (c) retina / रे िटना के ारा
environmental conditions / किठन Ans. (d) DNA Polymerase (d) optic nerve / काश तंि का
पयावरणीय प र थितयों म जीिवत रहने Explanation: Taq polymerase
म स म होती ह | Like DNA replication in an Ans. (a) lens
(b) Indicates presence of certain organism, PCR requires a DNA
minerals in the soil / िम ी म कुछ polymerase enzyme that makes new Q1435. Nif gene occurs in/
िनि त खिनज पदाथ की मौजूदगी का strands of DNA, using existing िनफ जीन िकस म उ होता है ?
संकेत दे ती ह | strands as templates. The DNA (a) Aspergillus/ ए रिजलस
(c) Have become rare due to polymerase typically used in PCR is (b) Rhizobium /राइजोिबयम
over-exploitation / अित-दोहन के called Taq polymerase, after the (c) Pencillum / पेिनिसलम
कारण दु लभ हो गयी ह | heat-tolerant bacterium from which it (d) Streptococcus / ै पटोकोकस
(d) Play an important role in was isolated (Thermus aquaticus).
supporting other species / अ Ans. (b) Rhizobium
जाितयों को सहायता दान करने म Q1432. ATP was discovered by Explanation: Nif is a nitrogen
मह पूण भूिमका िनभाती ह | ATP की खोज िकसके ारा की गयी थी ? fixation gene which occurs in
(a) Blackman / ैकमैन Rhizobium. It fixes atmospheric
Ans. (d) Play an important role in (b) Bowman / बोमैन nitrogen into a form of nitrogen
supporting other species (c) Lipmann / िलपमैन available to living organisms. The nif
(d) Karl Lohmann/ काल लोहमैन genes are found in both free-living
Q1430. A genetically engineered nitrogen-fixing bacteria and
microorganism used successfully in Ans. (d) Karl Lohmann symbiotic bacteria associated with
bioremediation of oil spills is a Explanation: ATP was first various plants.
species of discovered by the German chemist
तेल रसाव के जैिवक उपचार म Karl Lohmann. Its structure is Q1436. ‘Lub’ and ‘Dub’ are two
सफलतापूवक यु िकया जाने वाला established some years later. In 1948 heart sounds, one of them is higher
आनुवंिशक प से प रवितत सू जीव Alexander Todd (UK) synthesises pitched and shorter /
िकस जाित का है ? ATP chemically. Vladimir Engelhart लब और डब दय की दो आवाज ह |
(a) Pseudomonas/ ूडोमोनास (Russia) notes in 1935 that muscle इनम से एक का रमान अिधक तथा
(b) Trichoderma/ टाईकोडमा contractions require ATP. दू सरे का कम होता है -
(c) Xanthomonas/ जै ोमोनस (a) Lub/ लब
(d) Bacillus /बैिसलस Q1433. Asthma may be attributed to (b) Dub/ डब
Ans. (a) Pseudomonas / दमा का कारण िकसे माना जा सकता है (c) Murmur/ सरसराहट
Explanation: Pseudomonas putida ? (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
Genetically engineered (a) bacterial infection of the lungs /
micro-organism called फेफड़ों म जीवाणुजिनत सं मण Ans. (b) Dub
Pseudomonas putida is used in (b) allergic reaction of the mast cells Explanation : The “Dub” is the
bioremediation of oil spills. It is in the lungs / फेफड़ों म मा ventricular contraction which is
also known as 'Chakarborty's कोिशकाओं म एलिजक अिभि या bound to be louder than the “Lub”
super bug. Genetically engineered (c) inflammation of the trachea / which is the auricular contraction. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 184

The ventricles are much larger and Ans. (d) Chromosomes will not main coronary arteries / तीन मुख
contract with a great deal more force segregate दय धमिनयों म 90% ॉकेज से पीिड़त
than the auricles do. Explanation: Anaphase Promoting मरीज़
Complex (APC) is a protein (b) Having a very high blood
Q1437. What happens if the necessary for separation of daughter pressure / ब त उ र चाप से पीिड़त
secretion of parietal cells is blocked chromosomes during anaphase. If मरीज़
with the help of a inhibitor?/ यिद APC is defective then the (c) With irregularity in the heart
पाि का कोिशकाओं के ाव को एक chromosomes will fail to segregate rhythm / िदल की धड़कन म काफी
अवरोधक की सहायता से रोक िदया during anaphase. अिनयिमतता से पीिड़त मरीज़
जाए, तो ा होगा ? (d) Suffering from arteriosclerosis /
(a) In the absence of HCl secretion, Q1439. An example of colonial alga धमनीकािठ से पीिड़त मरीज़
inactive pepsinogen is not converted is /
into the active enzyme pepsin/ HCl औपिनवेिशक शैवाल का एक उदाहरण Ans. (c) With irregularity in the heart
ाव की अनुप थित म, िन य है - rhythm
पे नोजेन का पां तरण सि य (a) Spirogyra / ाईरोगाइरा Explanation: When irregularity in the
एं जाइम पे न म नहीं होगा | (b) Chlorella / ोरे ला heart rhythm occurs, normal heart
(b) Enterokinase will not be released (c) Volvox / वोलवॉ rhythm can be restored and
from the duodenal mucosa and so (d) Ulothrix / यूलोि maintained by surgically implanting
trypsinogen is not converted into an artificial pacemaker, a device that
trypsin/ इं टरोकाइनेज हणी े ा से Ans. (c) Volvox sends out small electrical current to
मु नहीं होगा और इसिलए Explanation: Colonial alga are algae stimulate the heart to contract.
िटपिसनोजेन का पां तरण िट न म in which cells resembling free
नहीं होगा | swimming unicells form groups. Q1442. Among the following edible
(c) Gastric juice will be deficient in They may be large and elaborately fishes, which one is a marine fish
chymosin/ अमाशय रस म कायमोिसन interconnected as in Volvox or having rich source of omega-3 fatty
की कमी होगी | smaller and relatively simple as in acids
(d) Gastric juice will be deficient in Synura. िन िल खत खाने यो मछिलयों म से,
pepsinogen/ अमाशय रस म पे नोजेन कौन सी समु ी मछली ओमेगा-3 वसा
की कमी होगी | Q1440. An essential element is one / अ का एक चुर ोत होती है ?
एक अिनवाय त वह है जो - (a) mystus / िम स
Ans. (a) In the absence of HCl (a) Improve plant growth / पादप वृ (b) mangur / मां गुर
secretion, inactive pepsinogen is not म सुधार करता है | (c) mrigala / मृगल
converted into the active enzyme (b) Present in plant ash / पादप राख म (d) mackerel/ मैकरल
pepsin पाया जाता है |
(c) Is indispensable for growth and is Ans. (d) mackerel
Q1438. Anaphase Promoting irreplaceable / जो वृ के िलए Explanation: Mackerel is an
Complex(APC) is a protein अप रहाय और अपूरणीय होता है | important food fish that is consumed
degradation machinery necessary for (d) Available in soil / िम ी म उपल worldwide. As an oily fish, it is a
proper mitosis of animal cells. If होता है | rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
APC is defective in a human cell,
which of the following is expected to Ans. (c) Is indispensable for growth Q1443. Upon stimulation of skeletal
occur? / प ाव था को बढ़ावा दे ने वाला and is irreplaceable muscles calcium is immediately
यौिगक एक ोटीन पतन तं है जो जंतु Explanation: An essential element is made available for binding to
कोिशकाओं के उिचत समसू ण के िलए the one which has a specific troponin from /
अिनवाय होता है | यिद APC मानव structural or physiological role and कंकालीय पेिशयों को उ ेिजत करने पर
कोिशका म दोषपूण है , तो िन िल खत म without which plants cannot टॉपोिनन से बंधन हे तु ______ के ारा
से िकसके होने की संभावना रहे गी ? complete their life cycle. तुरंत कै शयम कै शयम उपल
(a) Recombination of chromosome / करवा िदया जाता है |
गुणसू ों का पुनः संयोजन Q1441. An artificial pacemaker is (a) blood / र
(b) Chromosomes will not condense / implanted subcutaneously and (b) lymph / लसीका
गुणसू संघिनत नहीं होंगे | connected to the heart in patients/ (c) sarcoplasmic reticulum/
(c) Chromosomes will be एक कृि म पेसमेकर को चा के नीचे सक ा ी जिलका
fragmented/ गुणसू िवखंिडत नहीं होंगे| ारोिपत िकया जाता है तथा उसे (d) bone / ह ी
(d) Chromosomes will not segregate ______ से पीिड़त मरीज़ों म दय से
/ गुणसू अलग नहीं होंगे | जोड़ा जाता है | Ans. (c) sarcoplasmic reticulum
(a) Having 90% blockage of the three Explanation: The sarcoplasmic [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 185

reticulum is a specialized type of (d) Double stranded RNA/ दोहरा chromosome (not in the exact centre)
smooth ER that regulates the calcium असहाय आरएनए Metacentric - Centromere is located
ion concentration in the cytoplasm of exactly at the centre
striated muscle cells. A system of Ans. (b) Double stranded DNA
membrane-bound tubules that Explanation: Chargaff's rules state Q1448. The vestiges of girdles are
surrounds muscle fibrils, releasing that DNA from any cell of any found in
calcium ions during contraction and organisms should have a 1:1 ratio करधनी के िनशान पाए जाते ह -
absorbing them during relaxation. (base Pair Rule) of pyrimidine and (a) cobra / कोबरा म
The endoplasmic reticulum found in purine bases and, more specifically, (b) krait / करै त म
striated muscle fibers. that the amount of guanine should be (c) rattlesnake / रै टल सप म
equal to cytosine and the amount of (d) python / पाइथन म
Q1444. Transpiration is very adenine should be equal to thymine.
important for plants because it helps This pattern is found in both strands Ans. (d) Python
in/ of the DNA. Explanation: Limb bones and girdles
पौधों के िलए वा ो जन बेहद ज़ री है are absent in snakes. Vestigial limb
ोंिक यह _____ म सहायता करता है | Q1446. A snake feeding on a rat is bones and girdles are found in
(a) the absorption of water from soil / an example of / python and boas.
िम ी से जल के अवशोषण म चूहा खाकर जीिवत रहने वाला साँ प
(b) the cooling of leaves at high िकसका उदाहरण है ? Q1449. The fruits developed from
temperature / उ तापमान पर पि यों (a) Primary consumer and primary ovary and other floral parts except
को ठं डा होने म carnivore / ाथिमक उपभो ा तथा ovary are called/ अंडाशय से िवकिसत
(c) the movement of water and ाथिमक माँ साहारी फल तथा अंडाशय के अित र अ
minerals absorbed by roots to various (b) Tertiary consumer and secondary पु अंगो से िवकिसत फल ा कहलाते
parts of the plant / जड़ों के ारा carnivore / तृतीयक उपभो ा तथा ह?
अवशोिषत जल तथा खिनजों के पौधे के ि तीयक माँ साहारी (a) true and false fruits respectively/
अ िह ों म प रवहन म (c) Secondary consumer and primary मशः वा िवक और अवा िवक फल
(d) all of the above / उपरो सभी carnivore / ि तीयक उपभो ा तथा (b) false and true fruits respectively/
ाथिमक माँ साहारी मशः अवा िवक तथा वा िवक फल
Ans. (d) all of the above (d) Primary consumer or herbivore / (c) neither false not true fruit / ना तो
Explanation: The loss of water ाथिमक उपभो ा या माँ साहारी अवा िवक ना ही वा िवक फल
vapour from aerial organs of living (d) all of the above / उपरो सभी
plants is known as transpiration, Ans. (a) Primary consumer and
whereas, the loss of water from aerial primary carnivore Ans. (a) true and false fruits
organs of living plants in liquid form Explanation: respectively
is known as guttation. Transpiration Plants(seeds --- Rat ---Snake---Hawk Explanation: A fruit is the tissue that
helps in: surround the seed. Those layers that
-Cooling of plant Q1447. Chromosome having develop from the ovary are called
-Upward conduction of water subterminal centromere are called pericarp. Ovary: female reproductive
-Absorption and transport of वे गुणसू िजनम उपां त थ सू क होते structure that usually develops into
minerals ह, ा कहलाते ह ? the fruit. .Seeds: develop from the
Although transpiration may (a) Acrocentric/ अ के ीक ovules within the ovary.
indirectly help both absorption and (b) Polycentric/ ब कि क
transport of minerals it is not (c) All/ सभी Q1450. The waxy substance
necessary for either absorption of (d) Acentric/ अक ी associated with cell walls of cork
transport of minerals. cells is/
Ans. (a) Acrocentric कॉक कोिशकाओं की कोिशका िभि से
Q1445. Chargaff’s rule is applicable Explanation: Telocentric - जुड़ा मोम जैसा पदाथ ा होता है ?
to Centromere is located at the (a) lignin/ िलि न
चारगाफ का िनयम िकस पर लागू होता proximal end (tip) of chromosome (b) hemicellulose/ हे मीसे ूलोज
है ? Acrocentric - The centromere is (c) suberin/ सुबे रन
(a) Single stranded DNA/ एकल positioned at one end of the (d)None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
असहाय डीएनए chromosome in such a way that it
(b) Double stranded DNA/ दोहरा produces a very short arm and an Ans. (c) Suberin
असहाय डीएनए exceptionally long arm Explanation: Suberin is a waxy
(c) Single stranded RNA/ एकल Sub-metacentric- Centromere is substance, similar to cutin, present in
असहाय आरएनए located near the centre of the thickened cell walls of many [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 186

trees and shrubs, particularly in cork लवक तथा अवण लवक Q1456. The storage tanks of the cells
tissues. The outer cork cambium are
gradually lose their protoplast and Ans. (a) mitochondria and कोिशकाओं की सं हण टं की होती है -
become dead and their cell walls chloroplasts (a) lysosomes / लाइसोसोम
become suberized. Explanation: Two cell organelles (b) ribosomes / राइबोसोम
involved in energy transformation (c) vacuoles / रसधानी
Q1451. The type of transport taking reactions are chloroplast and (d) all of these / ये सभी
place across biomembranes without mitochondria.
the help of proteins is Ans. (c) vacuoles
ोटीन की सहायता के िबना जैव Q1454. The two functional groups
िझ यों म होने वाले प रवहन के कार characteristic of sugars are / Q1457. The stack of vesicles found
को ा कहा जाता है ? शकरा के काया क समूहों म कौन से दो inside plastids is
(a) facilitated diffusion/ सुगम सार गुण होते ह ? ा ड के भीतर पाए जाने वाले
(b) active transport/ सि य प रवहन (a) Carbonyl and hydroxyl/ काब िनल पुिटकाओं के ढे र होते ह -
(c) simple diffusion/ सरल सार तथा हाइडो ल (a) thylakoid / थाइलाकोइड
(d) None/ कोई नहीं (b) Carbonyl and phosphate / (b) granum / ैनम
काब िनल तथा फॉ े ट (c) stroma / ोमा
Ans. (c) simple diffusion (c) Carbonyl and methyl/ काब िनल (d) oxysomes / ऑ ीसोम
Explanation: Facilitated transport is a तथा िमथाइल
type of passive transport. Unlike (d) Hydroxyl and methyl/ Ans. (b) granum
simple diffusion where materials हाइडो ल तथा िमथाइल Explanation: Thylakoid. chloroplast
pass through a membrane without the structure. The internal (thylakoid)
help of proteins, in facilitated Ans. (a) Carbonyl and hydroxyl membrane vesicles are organized
transport, also called facilitated Explanation: Sugar is a common into stacks, which reside in a matrix
diffusion, materials diffuse across the term used to denote carbohydrate. known as the stroma.
plasma membrane with the help of Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy
membrane proteins. aldehyde, ketone or their derivatives, Q1458. Which of the following
which means they have carbonyl and diseases can be transmitted from one
Q1452. The type of muscle fibre hydroxyl groups. person to another through tattooing?
present in the wall of alimentary िन िल खत म से कौन सा रोग टै टू के
canal is/ Q1455. The transparent lens in the कारण एक से दू सरे म
आहार नली की िभि म िकस कार की human eye is held in its place by फैल सकता है ?
मां सपेशीय तंतु मौजूद होती है ? मानव ने म पारदश लस अपने थान (a) Chikungunya / िचकुनगुिनया
(a) smooth muscle fibre/ िचकनी पर िकसके कारण बनी रहती है ? (b) Hepatitis B/ हे पेटाइिटस बी
मां सपेशीय तंतु (a) smooth muscles attached to the (c) HIV-AIDS/ एचआइवी एड् स
(b) striped muscle fibre/ धारीदार ciliary body / प ाभी िपंड से जुड़ी (d) b and c
मां सपेशीय तंतु िचकनी मां सपेिशयाँ
(c) cardiac muscle fibre/ दयी (b) smooth muscles attached to the Ans. (b) II and III only
मां सपेशीय तंतु iris/ आइ रस से जुड़ी िचकनी Explanation: The diseases that can be
(d) smooth muscle fibre & striped मां सपेिशयाँ transmitted from one person to
muscle fibre/िचकनी मां सपेशीय तंतु (c) ligaments attached to the iris/ another person through tattooing are
तथा धारीदार मां सपेशीय तंतु आइ रस से जुड़े अ थ बंधन hepatitis B and HIV AIDS
(d) ligaments attached to the ciliary
Ans. (a) smooth muscle fibre body/ प ाभी िपंड से जुड़े अ थ बंधन Q1459. Recombinant DNA
technology (Genetic Engineering)
Q1453. The two types of cellular Ans. (d) ligaments attached to the allows genes to be transferred
organelles that transform energy are / ciliary body पुनः संयोजक डीएनए तकनीक (
ऊजा का पां तरण करने वाले दो कार Explanation: The transparent lens in आनुवंिशक अिभयां ि की ) जीनों को
के कोिशका अंगक कौन से ह ? the human eye is held in its place by. _____ म थानां त रत होने की अनुमित
(a) mitochondria and chloroplasts/ The smooth muscles attached to the दे ती है |
माइटोकां िडया तथा ह रत लवक ciliary body helps to control the (a) across different species of plants /
(b) chromoplast and leucoplast./ shape of lens. Pectinate Ligament पौधों की िविभ जाितयों म
ह रत लवक तथा अवण लवक attached to iris is involved in the (b) from animals to plants / पशुओं से
(c) mitochondria and chromoplast/ drainage of aqueous humor because पौधों म
माइटोकां िडया तथा ोमो ा it contains spaces between the fibres. (c) from microorganisms to higher
(d) chloroplast and leucoplast/ ह रत organisms / सू जीवों से बड़े जीवों म [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 187

(d) All of these / ये सभी अधसू ीिवभाजन का काय है : (b) squeezing effect of muscles upon
(a) Formation of gametes/यु कों का veins running through them /
Ans. (d) All of these िनमाण करना मां सपेिशयों से होकर जाने वाली नसों के
Explanation: Genetic engineering (or (b) Bringing haplophase / अगुिणत ऊपर मां सपेिशयों का दबना
recombinant DNA technology) ाव था को लाना (c) peristaltic wave that travel along
allows selected individual gene (c) Bringing diplophase/ ि गुिणत the alimentary canal/ म संकोची
sequences to be transferred from an ाव था को लाना तरं ग जो आहार नली से होकर जाती है |
organism into another and also (d) Completing life cycle / जीवन च (d) circulate through heart / दय के
between non related species. The को पूरा करना मा म से प रसंचरण
organisms derived from genetic
engineering are termed genetically Ans. (b) Bringing haplophase Ans. (b) squeezing effect of muscles
modified organisms (GMOs). Explanation: The primary function upon veins running through them
of meiosis is the reduction of the Explanation: When muscles
Q1460. Which of the following leaf ploidy (number of chromosomes) contracts, their squeezing effect on
modifications occurs/occur in desert veins running through them is called
areas to inhibit water loss? Q1463. The prokaryotic cells are muscle pump.
पानी की कमी होने से रोकने के िलए characterised by /
रे िग ानी े ों म पि यों म िन िल खत ोकाय िटक कोिशकाओं की िवशेषता Q1466. The plant responds to
म से कौन सा प रवतन होता है ? होती है - photoperiods due to the presence of
(a) Hard and waxy leaves /कठोर तथा (a) absence of nuclear membrane / दी काल के ित पौधे _____ की
मोम जैसी पि याँ क क िझ ी की अनुप थित उप थित के कारण िति या दे ते ह |
(b) Tiny leaves or no leaves / छोटी (b) presence of distinct chromosomes (a) phytochromes/ पादप वण
पि याँ या िबना पि यों का पौधा / िविश गुणसू ों की मौजूदगी (b) stomata / रं
(c) Thorns instead of leaves / पि यों (c) absence of chromatin material / (c) enzymes / एं जाइम
के थान पर काँ टे ोमैिटन साम ी की अनुप थित (d) phytohormones / पादप हॉम न
(d) All of these / ये सभी (d) presence of distinct nuclear
membrane / िविश क क िझ ी की Ans. (a) phytochromes
Ans. (d) All of these मौजूदगी Explanation: Photoperiodism is the
response of an organism to seasonal
Q1461. What is XDR TB?/ XDR Ans. (a) absence of nuclear changes in day length.It is regulated
टीबी ा है ? membrane by the photoreversible pigment
(a) TB that is resistant to first line called phytochrome.
antibiotics /टीबी जो पहली पं के Q1464. The process of removal of
ितजीिवयों का ितरोधी होता है | introns and joining of exons is called Q1467. What’s the utility of an
(b) TB that is resistant to second line / इं टॉन को हटाने तथा ए ॉन को जोड़ने analgesic drug such as Morphine? /
antibiotics/टीबी जो दू सरी पं के की ि या ा कहलाती है ? मॉिफन जैसी पीड़ाहर दवा कब काम
ितजीिवयों का ितरोधी होता है | (a) healing / घाव भरना आती है ?
(c) TB developed because of HIV (b) termination/ समा (a) During Cardiac pain / दय म दद
/एचआइवी के कारण िवकिसत होने (c) initiation/ आरं भ के दौरान
वाला टीबी (d) splicing/ समबंधन (b) During Terminal cancer / टिमनल
(d) None of above. / उपरो म से कसर के दौरान
कोई नहीं Ans. (d) splicing (c) During Childbirth / ब े के ज
Explanation: splicing. The process के दौरान
Ans. (b) TB that is resistant to by which introns, the noncoding (d) All of these / ये सभी
second line antibiotics regions of genes, are excised out of
Explanation: Extensively the primary messenger RNA Ans. (d) All of these
drug-resistant TB (XDR TB) is a rare transcript, and the exons (i.e., coding
type of multidrug-resistant regions) are joined together to Q1468. The most widely accepted
tuberculosis (MDR TB) that is generate mature messenger RNA. theory of ascent of sap is /
resistant to isoniazid and rifampin, The latter serves as the template for रसारोहण का सवािधक ीकाय िस ां त
plus any fluoroquinolone and at least synthesis of a specific protein. कौन सा है ?
one of three injectable second-line (a) capillarity / केिशक
drugs (i.e., amikacin, kanamycin, or Q1465. The process of muscle pump (b) pulsatory movement of living
capreomycin). is / tissue / सजीव उ क की ंदमान
माँ सपेशी पंप की ि या है - गितशीलता
Q1462. The role of meiosis (a) beating of heart / िदल का धड़कना (c) role of atmospheric pressure / [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 188

वायुमंडलीय दाब की भूिमका vascular pole of the glomerulus and तथा अपचयन ____ की मौजूदगी म होता
(d) transpiration pull and cohesion / its main function is to regulate blood है |
वा ो जन खंचाव तथा संसंजकता pressure and the filtration rate of the (a) ATP/ एटीपी
glomerulus. (b) ATP and NADPH/ एटीपी तथा
Ans. (d) transpiration pull and NADPH
cohesion Q1471. The junction between the (c) NADPH, chlorophyll and water /
axon of one neuron and the dendrite NADPH, ोरोिफल तथा पानी
Q1469. The most abundant naturally of the next is called / (d) ATP, NADPH and light/ एटीपी,
occurring plant hormone is/ एक ूरॉन के ए ॉन तथा दू सरे ूरॉन NADPH तथा काश
ाकृितक प से उ होने वाला के डडाइट के बीच संिध थल ा
सवािधक चुर पादप हॉम न है - कहलाता है ? Ans. (b) ATP and NADPH
(a) Indole-3 acetic acid/ इ ोल-3 (a) a synapse/ अ थन
एिसिटक अ (b) Cell membrane/ कोिशका िझ ी Q1474. The first step of
(b) ABA (c) a joint/ जोड़ photosynthesis is/
(c) cytokinin/ साइटोिकिनन (d) junction point/ संगम थान काश सं ेषण का पहला चरण है -
(d) IBA (a) excitation of electron of
Ans. (a) a synapse chlorophyll by a photon of light /
Ans. (a) Indole-3 acetic acid Explanation: The end to end position काश के एक फोटॉन के ारा
Explanation: IAA is the most of the axon of one neuron and the ोरोिफल के एक इले ॉन की उ ेजना
abundant naturally occurring auxin in dendrites of another neuron is called (b) formation of ATP/एटीपी का
plants. It is synthesized from the the synapse. Most of the neurons do िनमाण
amino acid L-tryptophan in leaf not actually touch other neurons with (c) attachment of CO₂ to 5 carbon
primordia, young leaves and which they communicate, instead sugar / काबन डाइऑ ाइड का 5
developing seeds. Although naturally there is a minute space. This काबन शकरा से जुड़ना
occurring, IAA is not commonly separating gap is called the synaptic (d) ionisation of water /जल का
used in propagation because it breaks cleft. आयनीकरण
down quickly in the plant.
Q1472. The function of Q1474. The first step of
Q1470. The juxtaglomerular leghemoglobin in the root nodules of photosynthesis is/
apparatus is a special region formed legumes is काश सं ेषण का पहला चरण है -
by close placement and cellular फिलयों की मूल ंिथका म (a) excitation of electron of
modifications in/ वकास कोिशका लेगहीमो ोिबन का काय ा होता है ? chlorophyll by a photon of light /
समूह एक िवशेष े है जो _____ म (a) inhibition of nitrogenase activity/ काश के एक फोटॉन के ारा
िनकट थानन और कोिशकीय प रवतनों नाइटोजनी गितिविध को रोकना ोरोिफल के एक इले ॉन की उ ेजना
से बनता है | (b) oxygen removal / ऑ ीजन को (b) formation of ATP/एटीपी का
(a) proximal convoluted tubule and हटाना िनमाण
distal convoluted tubule/समीप थ (c) nodule differentiation / गाँ ठ (c) attachment of CO₂ to 5 carbon
घुमावदार निलका तथा दू र थ घुमावदार िवभेदन sugar / काबन डाइऑ ाइड का 5
निलका (d) expression of nif gene/ िनफ जीन काबन शकरा से जुड़ना
(b) loop of Henle and collecting duct/ का िव ार (d) ionisation of water /जल का
हे नली का लूप तथा सं हण निलका आयनीकरण
(c) afferent arteriole and distal Ans. (b) oxygen removal
convoluted tubule/ अिभवाही धमिनका Explanation: The function of Leg Ans. (a) excitation of electron of
तथा दू र थ घुमावदार निलका haemoglobin is to aid nitrogen chlorophyll by a photon of light
(d) afferent arteriole and proximal fixation. Differentiation of nodules is Explanation: The first step in
convoluted tubule/अिभवाही धमिनका caused by the symbiotic relationship photosynthesis is light enter the leaf
तथा समीप थ घुमावदार निलका of the plant with Nitrogen-fixing and it then the light energy helps to
bacteria. Its main function can hence convert into chemical energy Or ATP
Ans. (c) afferent arteriole and distal be considered as creating an and NADPH.
convoluted tubule oxygen-free environment by
Explanation: Juxtaglomerular removing oxygen so that Nitrogen Q1475. The feedback control
Apparatus. The juxtaglomerular fixation can occur. mechanism is related with /
apparatus is a specialized structure ितपुि िनयं ण तं िकस से संबंिधत है
formed by the distal convoluted Q1473. The fixation and reduction of ?
tubule and the glomerular afferent CO₂ occur in presence of (a) bile secretion / िप ाव
arteriole. It is located near the काबन डाइऑ ाइड का थरीकरण (b) hormonal secretion / हॉम न का [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 189

ाव sustain. When the carrying capacity a “Trophic level”./ एक खा ृंखला
(c) HCL secretion/ एचसीएल ाव is reached, birth rates equal death का ेक चरण पौि कता र होता है |
(d) Herring Breurer reflex/ हे रं ग rates and the population should (b) Herbivores always occupy
यूरेर र े maintain a steady state equilibrium. trophic level 3 or above. /शाकाहा रयों
का पौि कता र हमेशा 3 से इससे
Ans. (b) hormonal secretion Q1478. In an ecosystem, ऊपर होता है |
Explanation: Decrease or increase in एक पा र थितकी तं म, (c) Every species can be assigned a
the circulating amount of hormone (a) The flow of energy is cyclic / single unique trophic level. / ेक
has an inverse effect upon the ऊजा का च ीय वाह होता है | जाित को एक अि तीय पौि कता र
amount in which it is to be secreted (b) The flow of nutrients is दान िकया जा सकता है |
by the concerned gland. This has unidirectional / पोषक त ों का वाह (d) Carnivores always occupy trophic
been popularly known as the एकिदशीय होता है | level 1 or 2. / मां साहा रयों का का
plus-minus or feedback control (c) Both a and b / a और b दोनों पौि कता र हमेशा 1 या 2 होता है |
mechanism of hormonal secretion. (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
Ans. (a) Each step in a food chain is
Q1476. The usable energy decreases Ans. (d) None of these called a “Trophic level”
as we move up in the food chain. Explanation: Movement of Energy is Explanation: Herbivores (deer, cow
Which among the following explains Unidirectional (one-way). The etc.) are always @second trophic
this phenomenon? Movement of nutrients/materials is level. Higher trophic levels are made
जब हम खा ृंखला म ऊपर की ओर cyclic. up of carnivores. An organism
बढ़ते ह, यो ऊजा कम होती जाती है cannot always be assigned to one
| इस घटना की ा ा िन िल खत म से Q1479. Incorrect statements about specific trophic level. E.g. man
कौन करता है ? Biomagnification (omnivore), so he is both a herbivore
(a) Newton’s third law of जैव आवधन के िवषय म ग़लत कथन (@2nd trophic level) and as a
motion./ ूटन का तीसरा गित िनयम कौन से ह ? carnivore he can be (@>2nd trophic
(b) Einstein’s law of general (a) It is a natural phenomenon level)
relativity./ आइं ीन का सामा occurring since stone-age. / यह
सापे ता का िनयम पाषाण युग से ही एक ाकृितक ि या Q1481. Consider the following
(c) Second law of thermodynamics. / है | statements and select the correct
ऊ ा वैिगकी का दू सरा िनयम (b) It is associated with ones.
(d) None of above. /उपरो म से biodegradable chemicals. / इसका िन िल खत कथनों पर िवचार कर |
कोई नहीं संबंध जैविन ीकरण रसायनों से है | (a) Biodiversity is normally greater
(c) Biomagnification protects in the lower latitudes as compared to
Ans. (c) Second law of biodiversity. /जैव आवधन जैव िविवधता the higher latitudes. /जैव िविवधता
thermodynamics. की सुर ा करता है | आमतौर पर उ अ ां शों की तुलना म
(d) All of these /ये सभी िनचले अ ां शों म अिधक पायी जाती है |
Q1477. When an ecosystem has Ans. (d) All of these (b) Along the mountain gradients,
reached its carrying capacity It Explanation: Biomagnification is a biodiversity is normally greater in
means. / man-induced process. the lower altitudes as compared to
जब एक पा र थितकी तं अपनी वहन Biomagnification occurs with the higher altitudes./पहाड़ के ढलानों
मता तक प ँ च जाता है , तो इसका अथ non-degradable के साथ, उ ऊंचाई की तुलना म जैव
है - chemicals/substances/pollutants only. िविवधता सामा प से कम ऊंचाई म
(a) Birth rate = death rate / ज दर = For example Pesticides अिधक होती है
मृ ु दर (c) Both statements are correct/दोनों
(b) Birth rate < death rate / ज दर < Ans. (d) All of these कथन सही ह
मृ ु दर Explanation: Biomagnification is a (d) Both are incorrect/ दोनों गलत ह
(c) Birth rate > death rate / ज दर > man-induced process.
मृ ु दर Biomagnification occurs with Ans. Both statements are correct
(d) Birth rate greater than or less than non-degradable Explanation: There is an increase in
death rate / ज दर मृ ु दर से अिधक chemicals/substances/pollutants only. biodiversity from the poles to the
या कम है | For example Pesticides tropics. Thus localities at lower
latitudes have more species than
Ans. (a) Birth rate = death rate Q1480. Correct Statements about localities at higher latitudes.
Explanation: Carrying capacity Trophic levels:/ पौि कता र के बारे
means the maximum population that म सही कथन कौन से ह ? Q1482. The blood calcium level is
an environment can support and (a) Each step in a food chain is called lowered by the deficiency of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 190

र म कै शयम का र _____ की primary mechanism in control of the Explanation: A lysosome is a
कमी के कारण कम हो जाता है | fight-or-flight response. membrane-bound cell organelle that
(a) parathormone / पाराथॉरमोन contains digestive enzymes.
(b) thyroxine / थायरो न Q1485. The arthropod, which is Lysosomes are involved with various
(c) both calcitonin and parathormone known as living fossil is / cell processes. They break down
/ कै ीटोनीन तथा पाराथॉरमोन दोनों संिधपाद, िजसे जीिवत जीवा के प excess or worn-out cell parts. They
(d) calcitonin / कै ीटोनीन म जाता है , कौन सा है ? may be used to destroy invading
(a) Bombyx(silkworm) / रे शम कृिम viruses and bacteria.
Ans. (a) parathormone (b) Locusta(locust) / िट ी
Explanation: The parathyroids (c) Limulus(king crab) / राज ककट Q1488. Stomatal movement is not
produce a hormone called (d) Annelida / एनेिलडा affected by
parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH रं ीय गितशीलता _____ से भािवत
raises the blood calcium level by: Ans. (c) Limulus(king crab) नहीं होती है |
breaking down the bone (where most Explanation: A living fossil is an (a) CO₂ concentration/ CO₂ की सां ता
of the body's calcium is stored) and extant taxon that closely resembles (b) O₂ concentration / O₂ की सां ता
causing calcium release. increasing organisms otherwise known only (c) Light / काश
the body's ability to absorb calcium from the fossil record. To be (d) Temperature / तापमान
from food. considered a living fossil, the fossil
Q1483. The bonds associated with species must be old relative to the Ans. (b) O₂ concentration
the secondary structure of protein time of origin of the extant clade. Explanation: Light: stomata open in
molecules are Living fossils commonly are of light and close in darkness
ोटीन अणुओं की ि तीयक संरचना से species-poor lineages, but they need CO2 concentration: Stomata open at
संबंिधत बंध ह - not be. low concentration and close at high
(a) peptide bonds / पे ाइड बंध concentration.
(b) phosphodiester bonds / Q1486. The ‘U’ shaped bone present Water availability: Underwater stress
फॉ ोिडए र बंध at the base of the buccal cavity is condition stomata get close due to
(c) hydrogen bonds / हाइडोजन बंध मुख गुहा के आधार पर मौजूद U आकार ABA hormone. Whereas
(d) energy rich bonds /ऊजा चुर बंध की ह ी कौन सी होती है ? concentration of oxygen does not
(a) zygomatic / गंडा थ have a great impact on stomatal
Ans. (c) hydrogen bonds (b) ethmoid / झझ रका थ movement.
Explanation: The secondary structure (c) Malleus / कान की ह ी
is formed by hydrogen bonds (d) hyoid / कंिठका थ Q1489. Stomata open at night in
between carbonyl and amino groups Ans. (d) hyoid ______ म रं िछ रात म खुलते ह |
that make up the polypeptide Explanation: Hyoid bone, U-shaped (a) hydrophytes / जलीय पादप
backbone and causes the molecule to bone situated at the root of the (b) succulents / गूदेदार पादप
either bend and fold (beta pleated tongue in the front of the neck and (c) mesophytes / समो द
sheet) or spiral around (helicase). between the lower jaw and the (d) xerophytes / म द
largest cartilage of the larynx, or
Q1484.The autonomic nervous voice box. The primary function of Ans. (d) Xerophytes
system has control over the hyoid bone is to serve as an Explanation: In xerophytes the
ाय तंि का तं का ______ के ऊपर anchoring structure for the tongue. It stomata open in night and remain
िनयं ण होता है | has no articulation with other bones closed during day as an adaptation to
(a) Reflex action /सहज ि या conserve water. During day time the
(b) Skeletal muscles / कंकालीय Q1487. Storage of enzymes for the stomata are closed and organic acids
मां सपेिशयाँ digestion of cellular components, are decarboxylated to release carbon
(c) Sense organs / ाने याँ proteins and carbohydrates is carried dioxide, which is fixed into sugars by
(d) Internal organs / आतं रक अंग out by / RuBisCo and Calvin cycle.
कोिशकीय घटकों, ोटीन तथा
Ans. (d) Internal organs काब हाइडे ट के पाचन के िलए एं जाइमों Q1490. Smallest unit of muscle is
Explanation: The autonomic nervous का भंडारण िकसके ारा िकया जाता है ? मां सपेशी की सबसे छोटी इकाई है -
system is a control system that acts (a) mitochondria / माइटोकां िडया (a) sarcomere / िपिशतां श
largely unconsciously and regulates (b) lysosomes / लाइसोसोम (b) sarcoplasm / पेशी
bodily functions, such as the heart (c) centriole / तारकक क (c) muscle fibril / पेशी तंतु
rate, digestion, respiratory rate, (d) ribosomes / राइबोसोम (d) entire muscle / समूची मां सपेशी
pupillary response, urination, and
sexual arousal. This system is the Ans. (b) lysosomes Ans. (a) Sarcomere [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 191

Explanation: Myofibrils are नाम से जाना जाता है ? according to their /
assembled of repeated structures (a) antiport / एं टीपोट राइबोसोम का वग करण उनके _____
called sarcomeres – the smallest (b) symport / िस ोट के अनुसार िकया जाता है |
functional unit of muscle fiber. Each (c) uniport / यूिनपोट (a) sedimentation rate /अवसादन की
sarcomere is formed of actin (called (d) biport/ बाईपोट दर
thin) and myosin (called thick) (b) size / आकार
filaments arranged in a precise order Ans. (b) symport (c) weight / वज़न
and of protein complexes which Explanation: Uniporters, symporters, (d) volume / आयतन
support the filament structures. and antiporters are proteins that are
used in transport of substances across Ans.(a) sedimentation rate
Q1491. Sleeping movements in some a cell membrane. Symporters and Explanation: Ribosomes are isolated
plants is called / antiporters are involved in active by magnesium precipitation. If some
कुछ पौधों म नींद के दौरान गित को ा transport. Antiporters transport ribosomes are subjected to density
कहा जाता है ? molecules in opposite directions, gradient ultracentrifugation,
(a) seismonasty / कंपनाकुंचन while symporters transport molecules ribosomes settle into two distinct
(b) nictynasty / िनशानुकुंचन in the same direction. bands. Based on the sedimentation
(c) photonasty / काशनुकुंचन values, determined by Svedberg, they
(d) thermonasty / तापअनुकुंचन Q1494. Sella turcica is a / प ािणका can be distinguished into 70S and
है - 80S ribosomes
Ans. (b) nictynasty (a) Covering of kidney/ िकडनी का The "S" stands for svedbergs, a unit
Explanation: Nyctinasty is the आवरण used to measure how fast molecules
circadian rhythmic nastic movement (b) Covering of testis / वृषण का move in a centrifuge.
of higher plants in response to the आवरण
onset of darkness, or a plant (c) Depression in brain / म म Q1497. Radial conduction of water
"sleeping". एक कार का ग ा takes place by
(d) Depression in skull which lodges जल का अरीय संवहन िकसके ारा
Q1492. Sleep movements of leaves the pituitary body / खोपड़ी म एक िकया जाता है ?
in some plants are due to / कार का ग ा िजसम पीयूष ंिथ रहती (a) vessels / निलका
कुछ पौधों म पि यों की िनशानुकुंचन है | (b) vessels and tracheids / निलका तथा
गित िकस कारण से होती है ? वािहिनका
(a) excess of respiration / अ िधक Ans. (d) Depression in skull which (c) phloem / ोएम
सन lodges the pituitary body (d) ray parenchyma / रे पैरेनकाइमा
(b) leaves stop photosynthesis / Explanation: The sella turcica is a
पि याँ काश सं ेषण रोक दे ती ह | midline depression in the sphenoid Ans. (d) ray parenchyma
(c) excess of transpiration / अ िधक bone which contains the pituitary Explanation: Radial conduction of
वा ो जन gland and distal portion of the water takes place by conduction
(d) osmotic changes at the base of pituitary stalk. through the parenchymatous cells.
leaves / पि यों के आधार म परासरणी Explanation: It is the conduction of
बदलाव Q1495. Ribosome is made up of water in the horizontal way. Through
राइबोसोम िकस से बना होता है ? the ray parenchymatous cells of
Ans. (d) osmotic changes at the base (a) DNA+protein / डीएनए + ोटीन xylem
of leaves (b) RNA+protein / आरएनए+ ोटीन
Explanation: Nyctinasty is the word (c) RNA+lipid / आरएनए + ोटीन Q1498. Polyribosomes are
for the process by which plants close (d) RNA+phosphate / आरएनए + aggregates of
their leaves and their petals at night, फॉ े ट पॉिलराइबोसोम िकसके समु य होते ह
and they do it in different ways. ?
Because of osmosis, water shunts Ans. (b) RNA+protein (a) ribosomes and RNA/ राइबोसोम
backwards and forwards and either Explanation: Ribosomes are made up तथा आरएनए
pops these leaves up or squashes of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal (b) only RNA / केवल आरएनए
them back down again. RNA (rRNA). In prokaryotes, (c) peroxisomes / पेरो सोम
ribosomes are roughly 40 percent (d) several ribosomes held together /
Q1493. Simultaneous movement of protein and 60 percent rRNA. In एक साथ थत कई राइबोसोम
two molecules across a membrane in eukaryotes, ribosomes are about half
the same direction is known as protein and half rRNA. Ans. (a) ribosomes and RNA
एक िझ ी म एक ही समय समान िदशा Explanation: When several
म दो अणुओं की गितशीलता को िकस Q1496. Ribosomes are classified ribosomes are held together on a [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 192

single mRNA chain and can translate आनुवंिशक प से एक-दू सरे से अलग
an mRNA simultaneously are called होंगी | Ans. (b) XHXh
polyribosomes or polysomes. All the (b) 2n number of chromosomes and
ribosomes can translate the mRNA will be genetically identical from Q1504. The cytoplasm of an animal
and thus, many polypeptides chains each other. / 2n सं ा म गुणसू तथा वे cell is divided by means of:
are formed simultaneously from a आनुवंिशक प से एक-दू सरे के समान एक जंतु कोिशका का कोिशका
single mRNA. होंगी | _____ के ारा िवभािजत िकया जाता है |
(c) n number of chromosomes and (a) A cleavage furrow. दरार कुंड
Q1499. Plants could be grown to will be genetically identical to each (b) A cell plate. / कोिशका प
maturity in a defined nutrient other. / n सं ा म गुणसू तथा वे (c) A cell membrane formed within
solution was demonstrated for the आनुवंिशक प से एक-दू सरे के समान the cytoplasm. / कोिशका के
first time by होंगी | भीतर बनी कोिशका िझ ी
पौधों को एक प रभािषत पोषक िवलयन (d) n number of chromosomes and (d) Mitosis. / समसू ण
म प रप ता तक उगाया जा सकता है | will differ genetically from each
यह सबसे पहले िकसके ारा दशाया other./ n सं ा म गुणसू तथा वे Ans. (a) A cleavage furrow.
गया था ? आनुवंिशक प से एक-दू सरे से अलग Explanation: A cleavage furrow is
(a) Priestley / ी ली होंगी | an indentation that appears in a cell's
(b) Von Sachs / वॉन सै स surface when the cell is preparing to
(c) Ingenhousz / इ गेनहाउ ज़ Ans. (d) n number of chromosomes divide. It marks the beginning of the
(d) Van Niel / वैन नील and will differ genetically from each cell's “pinching” its cell membrane
other. and cytoplasm down the middle.
Ans. (b) Von Sachs Eventually, the cell will pinch itself
Explanation: In 1860, Julius von Q1502. In the F1 generation of a completely in two, forming two
Sachs, a prominent German botanist, monohybrid cross, the phenotypic daughter cells.
demonstrated, for the first time, that ratio would be:
plants could be grown to maturity in मोनोहाइि ड ॉस की F1 पीढ़ी म, Q1505. The step of mitosis in which
a defined nutrient solution in the पी अनुपात ा होगा ? chromosomes line up along the
complete absence of soil. (a) 3:1 equatorial plane of the cell is called:
(b) 1:2:1 समसू ण का वह चरण ा कहलाता है
Q1500. Photophosphorylation is (c) 2:1:1 िजसम गुणसू कोिशका के िनर ीय
काशीय फॉ ो रिलकरण है - (d) 1:1:2 समतल पर कतारब हो जाते ह ?
(a) synthesis of ATP in presence of (a) Prophase. / पूवाव था
light / काश की मौजूदगी म एटीपी का Ans. (a) 3:1 (b) Metaphase. / म ाव था
सं ेषण Explanation: Mendel performed (c) Anaphase. / प ाव था
(b) breakdown of ATP to give seven types of monohybrid crosses, (d) Telophase. / अं ाव था
energy/ एटीपी का टू टकर ऊजा दे ना each involving contrasting traits for
(c) photolysis of water / जल का different characteristics. Out of these Ans. (b) Metaphase.
काश सं ेषण crosses, all of the F1 offspring had Explanation: Metaphase is a stage of
(d) synthesis of starch / ाच का the phenotype of one parent, and the mitosis in the eukaryotic cell cycle in
सं ेषण F2 offspring had a 3:1 phenotypic which chromosomes are at their
ratio. second-most condensed and coiled
Ans. (a) synthesis of ATP in stage. These chromosomes, carrying
presence of light Q1503. Hemophilia is a sex-linked genetic information, align in the
Explanation: In the process of recessive trait in humans. If a father equator of the cell before being
photosynthesis, the phosphorylation and a son are both hemophiliacs, but separated into each of the two
of ADP to form ATP using the the mother is normal, her genotype daughter cells.
energy of sunlight is called must be:
photophosphorylation हीमोफीिलया मनु ों म से से जुड़ा Q1506. Which of the following gives
एक अ भावी ल ण है | यिद िपता तथा information about the phenotype but
Q1501. The four cells produced in a पु दोनों को हीमोफीिलया है , लेिकन not the genotype?
meiosis will have a/ एक अधसू ी माता सामा है , तो उसका जीन प िन िल खत म से कौन फेनोटाइप के बारे
िवभाजन म िनिमत चार कोिशकाओं म होगा : म जानकारी दे ता है लेिकन जीनोटाइप के
होगा : (a) XhXh बारे म नहीं ?
(a) 2n number of chromosomes and (b) XHXh (a) XHY.
will differ genetically from each (c) XHX (b) Hemophiliac man. / हीमोिफिलया
other. / 2n सं ा म गुणसू तथा वे (d) XhY से पीिड़त [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 193

(c) Tall pea plant. / मटर का लंबा पौधा appearance shows a blending of both given / पया जानकारी नहीं दी गयी है |
(d) Female carrier for alleles. It is also called Ans. (a) Heterozygous.
colour-blindness. / वणा ता की मादा semi-dominance or partial Q1513. Carriers of the
वाहक dominance colour-blindness trait include:
रं ग ि हीनता ल ण के वाहकों म
Ans. (c) Tall pea plant. Q1510. Normal human eggs have: शािमल ह :
मानव के सामा अंडो म होते ह - (a) Men who are heterozygous for
Q1507. A strand of DNA with the (a) 22 autosomes and an X the trait. / पु ष जो इस ल ण के िलए
sequence A A C T T G will have a chromosome / 22 कायसू और एक X िवषमयु जी ह |
complimentary strand with the गुणसू . (b) Men who are homozygous for the
following sequence: (b) 22 autosomes and a Y trait. / पु ष जो इस ल ण के िलए
A A C T T G अनु म के िकनारे वाले chromosome. / 22 कायसू तथा एक समयु जी ह |
डीएनए म एक अ िकनारा होगा Y गुणसू (c) Women who are heterozygous for
िजसका अनु म िन िल खत म से कौन (c) 23 autosomes. / 23 कायसू the trait. / मिहलाएं जो इस ल ण के
सा है ? (d) 46 chromosomes. / 46 गुणसू िलए िवषमयु जी ह |
(a) CCAGGT (d) Women who are homozygous for
(b) AACTTG Ans. (a) 22 autosomes and an X the trait./ जो इस ल ण के िलए
(c) TTCAAG chromosome. सममयु जी ह |
Q1511. Which statement concerning Ans. (c) Women who are
Ans. (d) TTGAAC a pair of alleles for a gene controlling heterozygous for the trait.
a single characteristic in humans is
Q1508. Which of the following true? / मनु ों म एक गुण को िनयंि त Q1514. Mitosis involves separation
factors could lead to variations in the करने वाले जीन के िलए एलीलों के यु of only sister chromatids while
offspring of asexually reproducing के संबंध म िन िल खत म से कौन सा meiosis involves? समसू ण म केवल
organisms? कथन सही है ? सहअधसू का िवभाजन शािमल होता है
अलिगक जनन करने वाले जीवों की (a) Both genes come from the father. जबिक अधसू ीिवभाजन म शािमल होता
संतानों म िन िल खत म से कौन सा / दोनों जीन िपता से ा होते ह | है -
कारक प रवतन का कारण बन सकता है (b) Both genes come from the (a) Also separation of only sister
? mother. / दोनों जीन माता से ा होते chromatids. / केवल सहअधसू का ही
(a) Crossing over. / ािसंग ओवर ह | िवभाजन
(b) Fertilization. /िनषेचन (c) One gene comes from the mother (b) Separation of only homologous
(c) Mutations. / उ रवतन and one gene comes from the father. / chromosomes. / केवल सजातीय
(d) Independent assortment./ तं एक जीन माता से तथा एक जीन िपता से गुणसू ों का िवभाजन
िव ास ा होता है | (c) Separation of homologous
(d) The genes come randomly in chromosomes as well as sister
Ans. (c) Mutations. pairs from either the mother or chromatids./ सजातीय गुणसू ों तथा
father./जीन माता या िपता िकसी से भी सहअधसू ों का िवभाजन
Q1509. Long radishes crossed with या क यु म ा होते ह | (d) Separation of sister chromatids
round radishes result in all oval twice. / सहअधसू ों का दो बार
radishes. This type of inheritance is: Ans. (c) One gene comes from the िवभाजन
लंबी मूली का गोल मूली से संकरण mother and one gene comes from the
करवाने के प रणाम प अंडाकार father. Ans. (c) Separation of homologous
मूली ा होती है | वंशानुगतता का chromosomes as well as sister
कार है : Q1512. If two white sheep produce a chromatids.
(a) Multiple alleles./ िविवध एलील black offspring, the parent’s Explanation: During mitosis,
(b) Complete dominance. / पूण भाव genotypes for colour must be: homologous chromosomes are not
(c) Co-dominance. / सह भाव यिद दो सफ़ेद भेड़ काले ब े को ज separated, only the sister chromatids.
(d) Incomplete dominance. / अपूण दे ती ह, तो रं ग के िलए माता-िपता का Both processes involve the
भाव जीन प अव होगा : breakdown of the nuclear envelope,
Ans. (d) Incomplete dominance. (a) Heterozygous. / िवषमयु जी allowing DNA to enter the cytoplasm
Explanation: Incomplete dominance (b) Homozygous white. / समयु जी and align at the equatorial plate and
is when a dominant allele, or form of सफ़ेद both processes involve separation of
a gene, does not completely mask the (c) Homozygous black. / िवषमयु जी sister chromatids.
effects of a recessive allele, and the काला
organism's resulting physical (d) Not enough information was Q1515. A pedigree chart shows: [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 194

वंशावली आरे ख दशाता है : Q1518. In tobacco, if the diploid total world species are present on/
(a) The genotypic ratios of the number of chromosomes is 48, how िव की लगभग 50% जाितयाँ _____
offspring. / संतान का जीन पी many chromosomes will be found in म मौजूद ह |
अनुपात a pollen grain? (a) Tropical rainforest /
(b) The types of gametes produced तंबाकू म, यिद गुणसू ों की ि गुिणत उ किटबंधीय वषा वन
by the parents. / माता-िपता के ारा सं ा 48 है , तो एक परागकण म िकतने (b) Temperate rainforest/ शीतो वषा
िनिमत यु कों का कार गुणसू पाए जाएं गे ? वन
(c) The pattern of inheritance of a (a) 96. (c) Temperate deciduous forest/
specific gene. / एक िविश जीन की (b) 48. शीतो पणपाती वन
वंशानुगतता का ा प (c) 24. (d) Coral reefs / वाल िभि
(d) Which genes are codominant. / (d) 12.
कौन से जीन सह- भावी ह | Ans. (a) Tropical rainforest
Ans. (c) 24. Explanation: No one knows exactly
Ans. (c) The pattern of inheritance of how many species live in the world's
a specific gene. Q1519. Endemic species are tropical rainforests — estimates
Explanation: A pedigree chart is a थािनक जाितयाँ ह - range from 3 to 50 million species —
diagram that shows the occurrence (a) Rare species/ दु लभ जाितयाँ rainforests are the undisputed
and appearance of phenotypes of a (b) Species localized in a specific champions of biodiversity among the
particular gene or organism and its region/ एक िविश े म रहने वाली world's ecosystems, containing far
ancestors from one generation to the जाितयाँ higher numbers of species on a
next (c) Cosmopolitan in distribution / per-area basis
सवदे शीय िवतरण वाली जाितयाँ
Q1516. Genetic traits of seeds are (d) Critically endangered species / Q1522. Biodiversity / जैव िविवधता -
noted as follows: / बीजों के आनुवंिशक गंभीर प से लु ाय जाितयाँ (a) Increases towards the equator/
ल णों को इस कार दज िकया जाता है भूम की तरफ बढ़ती जाती है |
: Ans. (b) Species localized in a (b) Decreases towards the equator /
L = long, l = short W= specific area भूम की तरफ कम होती जाती है |
wrinkled, w = smooth Explanation: Endemic species are (c) Remains same throughout the
Y = yellow, y = white R = plants and animals that exist only in planet/ पूरे ह म समान रहती है |
ribbed, r = grooved one geographic region. Species can (d) Has no effect on change in
Which of the following is the be endemic to large or small areas of latitude / अ ां श म प रवतन होने से
genotype for a short, wrinkled, the earth: some are endemic to a कोई भाव नहीं पड़ता |
yellow, grooved seed?/एक छोटी, particular continent, some to part of a
झुर दार, पीली, अंडाकार बीज का जीन continent, and others to a single Ans. (a) Increases towards the
प िन िल खत म से कौन सा है ? island. equator
(a) llWwyyrr
(b) LLWWyYRr Q1520. Blue whale is placed under Q1523. MAB program stands for/
(c) LlWwYYRr ू े ल को _____ म रखा गया है | MAB काय म का पूरा नाम है ?
(d) llWwYYrr (a) Endangered/ लु ाय (a) Man versus biotechnology/ मनु
(b) Critically endangered / गंभीर प बनाम जैव ौ ोिगकी
Ans. (d) llWwYYrr से लु ाय (b) Material and biology / पदाथ
(c) Rare / दु लभ बनाम जीव िव ान
Q1517. Which blood type would not (d) Extinct / िवलु (c) Man and biology / मनु और जीव
be possible for children of a type AB िव ान
mother and a type A father? Ans. (a) Endangered (d) Man and biosphere / मनु और
यिद माता का र कार AB तथा िपता Explanation: Blue whales are जैवमंडल
का र कार A हो, तो ब े म िकस protected under both the Endangered
र कार के होने की संभावना नहीं Species Act and the Marine Mammal Ans. (d) Man and biosphere
होगी ? Protection Act. They have been listed Explanation: The MAB programme
(a) O. as endangered under the ESA since is an intergovernmental scientific
(b) A. 1970. This means that the blue whale programme that aims to establish a
(c) B. is in danger of extinction throughout scientific basis for enhancing the
(d) AB all or a significant portion of its relationship between people and their
range. environments
Ans. (a) O.
Q1521. Approximately, 50% of the Q1524. The method of treating [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 195

genetic diseases by introducing a (d) Corrective gene therapy/ (a) DNA ligase/ डीएनए लाइगेज
remedial gene that prevents the सुधारा क जीन उपचार (b) DNA Polymerase/ डीएनए
expression of a specific defective पॉलीमरे ज
gene is / Ans. (a) Germ line therapy (c) Primase/ ाइमेज
िविश दोषपूण जीन के सार को रोकने Explanation: Germline therapy is (d) Endonuclease / एं डो ु एज
वाले एक उपचारा क जीन को भेजकर the process of genetically modifying
आनुवंिशक रोगों के इलाज की प ित है : sperm or egg cells to create a new Ans. (a) DNA ligase
(a) ex vivo therapy / ए वीवो उपचार offspring. Germline therapy is a Explanation: DNA ligase is a
(b) in situ therapy/ अंतः थाने उपचार type of gene therapy where new specific type of enzyme, a ligase, that
(c) antisense therapy/ थ उपचार DNA is inserted into cells using a facilitates the joining of DNA strands
(d) All of these / ये सभी vector, like a virus. The new DNA together by catalyzing the formation
replaces only faulty DNA to cure of a phosphodiester bond.
Ans. (c) antisense therapy genetic diseases
Explanation: Antisense therapy is a Q1530. During the replication of
form of treatment for genetic Q1527. In which of the following DNA, the synthesis of DNA on
disorders or infections. When the group would you place a plant which lagging strand takes place in
genetic sequence of a particular gene produces spores, has vascular tissue segments, these segments are called
is known to cause a particular and lacks seeds / डीएनए के ितकृितकरण के दौरान,
disease, it is possible to synthesize a आप उस पौधे को िकस समूह म रखगे सु िकनारे पर डीएनए का सं ेषण
strand of nucleic acid (DNA, RNA or जो बीजाणुओं का िनमाण करता है तथा खंडों म होता है | इन खंडों को कहा जाता
a chemical analogue) that will bind िजसम संवहनी उ क ह लेिकन बीज है -
to the messenger RNA (mRNA) नहीं पाए जाते ? (a) Satellite segments/ सेटेलाईट खंड
produced by that gene and inactivate (a) Algae / शैवाल (b) Double helix segments/ डबल
it, effectively turning that gene "off" (b) Pteridophyte/ टे रडोफाइट हे िल खंड
(c) Bryophyte/ ायोफाइट (c) Kornberg segments/ कोनबग खंड
Q1525. Ex vivo therapy includes (d) Gymnosperm/ अनावृ बीजी (d) Okazaki segments / ओकाज़ाकी
ए वीवो उपचार म शािमल है : खंड
(a) Bone marrow transplantation / Ans. (b) Pteridophyte
अ थम ा ारोपण Ans. (d) Okazaki segments
(b) Liver transplantation / यकृत Q1528. Pteridophytes are also called Explanation: Okazaki segments are
ारोपण टे रडोफाइट पौधों को यह भी कहा जाता formed during DNA replication.
(c) Kidney transplantation/ गुदा है : These are short DNA fragments
ारोपण (a) Amphibians of plant kingdom / which are synthesized on the lagging
(d) All of these / ये सभी पादप समुदाय के उभयचर template strand of the DNA. These
(b) Vascular cryptogams / संवहनी fragments are complementary to the
Ans. (d) All of these अपु ीपादप lagging strand template. The DNA is
Explanation: Ex vivo gene therapy (c) a and b both / a और b दोनों synthesized by DNA polymerase in
involves the genetic modification of (d) Spermatophytes / पु ो द the 5'-3' direction on leading strand
cells outside of the body to produce by DNA polymerase.
therapeutic factors and their
subsequent transplantation back into Ans. (b) Vascular cryptogams Q1531. Pectoral girdle constitute
patients. Explanation: A pteridophyte is a आं सपेशी घेरा म शािमल होता है -
vascular plant (with xylem and (a) scapula and clavicle / ं धा थ
Q1526. The possibility of phloem) that disperses spores. तथा कंठा थ
introducing correct version of the Because pteridophytes produce (b) ilium and ulna / कू े की ह ी तथा
defective gene in all cells of the neither flowers nor seeds, they are कुहनी की ह ी
individual is achieved by sometimes referred to as (c) ilium and ischium /कू े की ह ी
की सभी कोिशकाओं म दोषपूण "cryptogams", meaning that their तथा असना थ
जीन के सही सं रण को भेजने की means of reproduction is hidden. (d) maxilla and mandible /ज का
संभावना कैसे ा की गयी है ? तथा िनचला जबड़ा
(a) Germ line therapy / जनन रे खा Q1529. Which of the following
उपचार enzymes are used to join the bits of Ans. (a) scapula and clavicle
(b) Somatic cell therapy/ सोमेिटक DNA Explanation: The shoulder girdle or
कोिशका उपचार डीएनए के टु कड़ों को जोड़ने के िलए pectoral girdle is the set of bones in
(c) gene augmentation therapy/ जीन िन िल खत म से िकस एं जाइम का योग the appendicular skeleton which
आवधन उपचार िकया जाता है ? connects to the arm on each side. In [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 196

humans it consists of the clavicle and sulfate-reducing archaea, and the
scapula; in those species with three extreme thermophiles. In the marine Q1537. Necrosis, or death of tissue
bones in the shoulder, it consists of environment, archaeal habitats are particularly leaf tissue, is due to the
the clavicle, scapula, and coracoid. generally limited to shallow or deficiency of /
deep-sea anaerobic sediments उ क य ( िवशेष प से पादप उ क )
Q1532. Osmosis involves/ (free-living and endosymbiotic _____ की कमी के कारण होता है ?
परासरण म शािमल है - methanogens), hot springs or (a) N,K,S
(a) flow of water through a deep-sea hydrothermal vents (b) N,K,Mg and Fe
semipermeable membrane/ अध (c) Mn,Zn and Mo
पारग िझ ी के मा म से जल का Q1534. One molecule of NADH2 is (d) Ca,Mg, Cu and K
वाह equivalent to how many ATP
(b) flow of water without a molecules? Ans. (d) Ca,Mg, Cu and K
membrane /िझ ी के िबना जल का NADH₂ का एक अणु िकतने एटीपी Explanation: Necrosis is a common
वाह अणुओं के समतु होता है ? deficiency symptom. It refers to the
(c) flow of solute through a (a) 1 death of tissue, particularly leaf
semipermeable membrane/ अध (b) 3 tissue. It is caused by the deficiency
पारग िझ ी के मा म से िवलेय (c) 7 of Ca, Mg, Cu and K.
पदाथ का वाह (d) 5
(d) flow of solute without a Q1538. Which of the above is/are the
membrane / िबना िझ ी के िवलेय Ans. (b) 3 emission/ emissions from coal
पदाथ का वाह Explanation: 1 NADH2 = 3 ATP and combustion at thermal power plants?
1 FADH2 = 2 ATP तापीय ऊजा संय ों म कोयला दहन
Ans. (a) flow of water through a करने से िन िल खत म से िकसका
semipermeable membrane Q1535. Nitrogen is absorbed by उ जन होता है ?
Explanation: Osmosis is the flow of plants in form of / (a) Carbon dioxide / काबन
solvent, (Water) from higher पौधे नाइटोजन का अवशोषण _____ के डाइऑ ाइड
concentration to lower concentration प म करते ह | (b) Oxides of Nitrogen / नाइटोजन के
through a differentially permeable (a) NO⁻₃ ऑ ाइड
membrane. It is a special type of (b) NH₃ (c) Oxides of Sulphur/स र के
diffusion of water through semi (c) NO⁻₂ ऑ ाइड
permeable or differentially (d) both NO⁻₃ and NO⁻₂ (d) All of these / ये सभी
Ans. (d) both NO⁻₃ and NO⁻₂ Ans. (d) All of these
Q1533. A few organisms are known Explanation: Plants can absorb Explanation: Emissions that come
to grow and multiply at temperatures nitrate or nitrite from the soil via from these plants could be
of 100 – 105ºC. They belong/ their root categorized into three different
कुछ जीव 100 – 105º से यस तापमान categories: Gaseous emissions
म वृ तथा वंश वृ करने के िलए जाने Q1536. Nissl bodies are mainly Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide,
जाते ह | उनका संबंध िकस से होता है ? composed of / िन ल काय मु तः Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen
(a) marine archaebacteria / समु ी िकस से बने होते ह ? Dioxide which lead to global
आ जीवाणु (a) Free ribosomes and RER / मु warming and acid rain.
(b) thermophilic sulphur bacteria/ राइबोसोम तथा RER
तापरागी स र जीवाणु (b) Nucleic acids and SER / ू क Q1539. The “Red Data Books”
(c) hot-spring blue-green algae/ गम अ तथा SER published by the International Union
धारा नील ह रत शैवाल (c) DNA and RNA /डीएनए और for Conservation of Nature and
(d) thermophilic, subaerial fungi/ आरएनए Natural Resources (IUCN) contain
तापरागी भूपृ ीय कवक (d) Proteins and lipids / ोटीन तथा lists of: / अंतरा ीय कृित तथा
िलिपड ाकृितक संसाधन संर ण संघ ( IUCN )
Ans. (a) marine archaebacteria के ारा कािशत “रे ड डाटा बुक” म
Explanation: Archaea Ans. (a) Free ribosomes and RER _____ की सूची होती है |
(archaebacteria) are a phenotypically Explanation: The Nissl bodies are (a) Endemic plant and animal species
diverse group of microorganisms that composed of Endoplasmic reticulum present in the biodiversity hotspots,
share a common evolutionary history. and free ribosomes, mainly used for /जैव िविवधता हॉट ॉट म मौजूद
There are four general phenotypic protein synthesis which are large थािनक पादप तथा जंतु जाितयाँ
groups of archaea: the methanogens, structured granular looking bodies (b) Threatened plant and animal
the extreme halophiles, the found in neurons species. / संकट पादप तथा जंतु [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 197

जाितयाँ Ans. (c) acidic pH Ans. (d) Both a and b
(c) Protected sites for conservation of Explanations: Lysosomes are Explanations: Drinking water in
nature and natural resources in polymorphic minute vesicles filled some parts of India has contaminants
various countries. / िविभ दे शों म with acid hydrolases. The hydrolytic like Arsenic, Fluoride other than
कृित तथा ाकृितक संसाधनों के enzymes present in lysosomes are many other contaminants. The
संर ण के िलए संरि त थल active at acidic pH (4-5). The acidic sources of Arsenic are run off from
(d) All of these / ये सभी pH is actively maintained in orchards. The sources of fluoride are
lysosomes with the help of proton erosion of natural deposits, discharge
Ans. (b) Threatened plant and animal pumps located in the lysosomal from fertilizers and aluminum
species. membrane. factories.

Q1540. Which of the above are Tiger Q1543. Megasporangium is Q1546. Acid rain is caused by the
Reserves? equivalent to pollution of environment by
िन िल खत म से कौन एक बाघ गु बीजाणुधानी ______ के समतु अ वषा पयावरण म _______ के ारा
अ ार है ? होती है | दू षण के कारण होती है |
(a) Bandipur / बां दीपुर (a) fruit / फल (a) carbon dioxide and nitrogen /
(b) Bhitarkanika /िभतरकिनका (b) nucellus / बीजां डकाय काबन डाइऑ ाइड और नाइटोजन
(c) Sundarbans / सुंदरवन (c) ovule / िड (b) carbon monoxide and carbon
(d) All of these / ये सभी (d) embryo sac / ूण कोष dioxide /काबन मोनोऑ ाइड तथा
काबन डाइऑ ाइड
Ans. (d) All of these Ans. (c) ovule (c) ozone and carbon dioxide /
Explanation: Corbett, Bandipur, Explanation: Megasporangium is ओजोन तथा काबन डाइऑ ाइड
Nagarahole, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, equivalent to ovule. Ovule is also (d) nitrous oxide and sulphur
Tadoba Andhari, Ranthambhore, called integumented dioxide/ नाइटस ऑ ाइड तथा स र
Kaziranga, Sundarbans, Rajaji, megasporangium. It is present inside डाइऑ ाइड
Bhitarkanika etc are some of the the ovary
Tiger Reserves in India. Ans. (d) nitrous oxide and sulphur
Q1544. Manganese and Chlorine is dioxide
Q1541. In which one among the required in /
following categories of protected मगनीज तथा ो रन की आव कता Q1547. Which one of the following
areas in India are local people not _____ म होती है | terms describes not only the physical
allowed to collect and use the (a) Nucleic acid synthesis / ू क space occupied by an organism, but
biomass? / भारत म संरि त े ों की अ सं ेषण also its functional role in the
िकस ेणी म थानीय लोगों को जैव (b) Plant cell wall formation / पादप community of organisms?
उ ाद एकि त करने और उपयोग करने कोिशका िभि िनमाण िन िल खत म से कौन सा श ना केवल
की अनुमित नहीं है ? (c) Photolysis of water during एक जीव के रहने के थान को ब
(a) Biosphere Reserves / संरि त photosynthesis / काश सं ेषण के जीवों के समुदाय म उसकी काया क
जैवमंडल दौरान जल का काशीय अपघटन भूिमका को भी दशाता है ?
(b) National Parks / रा ीय उ ान (d) Chlorophyll synthesis / ोरोिफल (a) Ecotone / सं िमका
(c) Wetlands declared under Ramsar सं ेषण (b) Ecological niche / पा र थितकी
Convention / रामसर स ेलन के िनकेत
अंतगत घोिषत आ भूिम Ans. (c) Photolysis of water during (c) Habitat /वास थल
(d) Wildlife Sanctuaries / व जीव photosynthesis (d) Home range / वास थल सीमा
अ ार
Q1545. Which of the following can Ans. (b) Ecological niche
Ans. (b) National Parks be found as pollutants in the drinking Explanation: Ecological niche is a
water in some parts of India? term for the position of a species
Q1542. Most of the hydrolytic भारत के कुछ िह ों म, पेयजल म पाए within an ecosystem, describing both
enzymes of lysosomes function at / जाने वाले एक दू षक के प म the range of conditions necessary for
लाइसोसोम के अिधकाँ श जल अपघ िन िल खत म से िकसे पाया जा सकता है persistence of the species, and its
एं जाइम _____ पर काय करते ह | ? ecological role in the ecosystem.
(a) neutral pH / उदासीन pH (a) Arsenic/ आसिनक A habitat is a place where an
(b) basic pH / ारीय pH (b) Fluoride/ ोराइड organism makes its home. A habitat
(c) acidic pH / अ ीय pH (c) Uranium/ यूरेिनयम meets all the environmental
(d) all of these / ये सभी (d) Both a and b conditions an organism needs to
survive. For an animal, that means [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 198

everything it needs to find and gather ह और वे आनुवंिशक प से सम प Ans. (c) Mitochondria and
food, select a mate, and successfully होती ह | chloroplast
reproduce. (d) 2n chromosomes and are Explanation: Autonomous organelles
genetically different. / 2n गुणसू होते are those which have the command
Q1548. An example of a genotype is: ह और वे आनुवंिशक प से अलग होती of their own all over where as semi
जीन प का एक उदाहरण है : ह| autonomous organelles are dependent
(a) A tall pea plant. / लंबा मटर का (c) 2n chromosomes and are on autonomous organelle for some
पौधा genetically identical work. Like , mitochondria and
(b) R and r. plastids get some proteins which are
(c) TtHH. Ans. (c) 2n chromosomes and are synthesized by the nucleus, so they
(d) Hemophiliac / हीमोिफिलया से genetically identical. are dependent on it
पीिड़त Explanation: Mitotic division is also
known as equational division Q1553. Mitochondria in human
Ans. (c) TtHH. daughter cells are of same ploidy and sperm cell are occupied at /
Explanation: A genotype is an are identical whereas meiosis is मनु की शु ाणु कोिशका म
individual's collection of genes. The known as reduction division and the माइटोकां िडया कहाँ पर होता है ?
term also can refer to the two alleles daughter cell after a meiotic division (a) Sperm head / शु ाणु के शीष पर
inherited for a particular gene. The are haploid and may have some (b) Mid piece / म भाग म
genotype is expressed when the variations. (c) Sperm tail / शु ाणु की पूंछ पर
information encoded in the genes' (d) No mitochondria in the sperms /
DNA is used to make protein and Q1551. Cyanide is a mitochondrial शु ाणु म माइटोकां िडया नहीं होता
RNA molecules. toxin. The mechanism of action of
cyanide is by inhibiting Ans. (b) Mid piece
Q1549. An example of alleles is: साइनाइड माइटोकां िडया से संबंिधत एक Explanation: The head contains
एलील का एक उदाहरण है : िवषा पदाथ है | साइनाइड _____ को acrosome (contain enzymes) and
(a) AB and Tt. अवरोिधत करके अपना काय करता है | nucleus. Mid piece contains
(b) TT and Tt. (a) NADH dehydrogenase / NADH mitochondria. They provide energy
(c) T and t. िडहाइडोजनेज for motility.
(d) X and Y. (b) Succinate dehydrogenase/
स नेट िडहाइडोजनेज Q1554. The average thickness of
Ans. (c) T and t. (c) Cytochrome c oxidase / plasma membrane in a eukaryotic
Explanation: An allele is a variant साइटो ोम सी ऑ ीडे ज cell is
form of a gene. Some genes have a (d) ATP synthase / एटीपी िसंथेज सुकि क कोिशका म ा ा िझ ी की
variety of different forms, which are औसत मोटाई िकतनी होती है ?
located at the same position, or Ans. (c) Cytochrome c oxidase (a) 5 to 10 nm
genetic locus, on a chromosome. Explanation - In a nutshell, cyanide (b) 5 to 10 Å
Humans are called diploid organisms prevents cells from using oxygen to (c) 5 to 10 µm
because they have two alleles at each make energy molecules. It acts as an (d) 5 to 10 pµm
genetic locus, with one allele irreversible enzyme inhibitor,
inherited from each parent. preventing cytochrome C oxidase Ans. (c) 5 to 10 µm
from doing its job, which is to
Q1550. Mitotic cell division results transport electrons to oxygen in the Q1555. Which of the following is
in two cells that have: electron transport chain of aerobic not the function of plasma
समसू ी कोिशका िवभाजन के cellular respiration. membrane/
प रणाम प दो कोिशकाएं ा होती िन िल खत म से कौन सा ा ा िझ ी
ह िजनम - Q1552. Examples of autonomous का काय नहीं है ?
(a) n chromosomes and are organelles is/ (a) Intercellular interactions/
genetically identical. /n गुणसू होते ाय अंगकों के उदाहरण ह - अंतक िशकीय पर र ि या
ह और वे आनुवंिशक प से सम प (a) Mitochondria/ माइटोकां िडया (b) Responding to external stimuli/
होती ह | (b) Chloroplast/ ोरो ा बा उ ेजना के ित िति या
(b) n chromosomes and are (c) Mitochondria and chloroplast / (c) Energy transduction / ऊजा
genetically different. / n गुणसू होते माइटोकां िडया तथा ोरो ा पार मण
ह और वे आनुवंिशक प से अलग होती (d) Mitochondria, chloroplast and (d) Assisting in chromosome
ह| golgi / माइटोकां िडया, ोरो ा तथा segregation / गुणसू को अलग करने म
(c) 2n chromosomes and are गौ ी सहायता करना
genetically identical. / 2n गुणसू होते [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 199

Ans. (d) Assisting in chromosome (d) Peripheral membrane proteins on (c) Always face to the lumen of cells
segregation the inside of the membrane / िझ ी / हमेशा कोिशकाओं की अवकािशका
के भीतरी भाग पर प रधीय िझ ी ोटीन की तरफ होते ह |
Q1556. The main role of (d) Directed towards all sides / सभी
carbohydrate in cell membrane/ Ans. (a) Phospholipid bilayer िदशाओं की तरफ होते ह |
कोिशका िझ ी म काब हाइडे ट का Explanation: The phospholipids are
मु काय ा है ? tightly packed together, and the Ans. (b) Always face outwards to
(a) Adhesion/ आसंजन membrane has a hydrophobic extracellular space
(b) Recognition/ पहचान करना interior. This structure causes the Explanation: Carbohydrates are the
(c) Locomotion / गित membrane to be selectively third major component of plasma
(d) Reception / हण permeable. A membrane that has membranes. They are always found
selective permeability allows only on the exterior surface of cells and
Ans. (b) Recognition substances meeting certain criteria to are bound either to proteins (forming
Explanation: Membrane pass through it unaided. glycoproteins) or to lipids (forming
carbohydrates perform two main glycolipids). These carbohydrate
functions: participate in cell Q1559. Water can pass the plasma chains may consist of 2–60
recognition and adhesion, either membrane : monosaccharide units and can be
cell-cell signaling or cell-pathogen पानी ा ा िझ ी को पार कर सकता either straight or branched.
interactions, and they have a है :
structural role as a physical barrier. (a) By simple diffusion only/ केवल Q1561. Post transcriptional
सरल सार के ारा modifications takes place in /
Q1557. The most abundant (b) Through aquaporins channel only पां तरण के बाद के प रवतन _____ म
phospholipid content in bacterial cell / केवल ए ापोरीन माग से होते ह |
membrane is / (c) By simple diffusion and through (a) Mitochondria / माइटोकां िडया
जीवाणु कोिशका िझ ी म सवािधक aquaporins / सरल सार तथा (b) Endoplasmic reticulum / अ ः
चुर फॉ ोिलिपड साम ी कौन सी ए ापोरीन के ारा द यी जिलका
होती है ? (d) Water cannot cross plasma (c) Nucleus/ क क
(a) Phosphatidylethanolamine/ membrane/ पानी ा ा िझ ी को (d) Endoplasmic reticulum and golgi
फ़ॉ े टाइिडल एथैनॉलऐमीन पार नहीं कर सकता है | / अ ः द यी जिलका तथा गौ ी
(b) Phosphatidylserine/
फ़ॉ े टाइिडलसी रन Ans. (c) By simple diffusion and Ans. (c) Nucleus
(c) Phosphatidylcholine/ through aquaporins Explanation: Post-transcriptional
फ़ॉ े टाइिडलकॉिलन Explanations: Water also can move modifications of pre-mRNA, such as
(d) Cholesterol/ कोले ॉल freely across the cell membrane of all capping, splicing, and
cells (diffusion), either through polyadenylation, take place in the
Ans. (a) Phosphatidylethanolamine protein channels or by slipping nucleus. After these modifications
Explanation: There is a large between the lipid tails of the have been completed, the mature
difference in the lipid composition of membrane itself. Osmosis is the mRNA molecules have to be
bacterial cytoplasmic membranes. diffusion of water through a translocated into the cytoplasm,
For most bacteria the predominant semipermeable membrane. where protein synthesis occurs.
zwitterionic phospholipid is Aquaporins, also called water
phosphatidylethanolamine channels, are channel proteins Q1562.The one and only eukaryotic
(intrinsic proteins) that form pores in organism without mitochondria/
Q1558. Which structural feature of a the membrane of biological cells, एक और एकमा सुकि क जीव िजसम
membrane are major contributors to mainly facilitating transport of water माइटोकां िडया नहीं होता है -
its selective permeability?/ िझ ी की between cells. (a) Monocercomonoides/
कौन सी संरचना क िवशेषता इसकी मोनोसेक मोनाइड् स
चयिनत पारग ता म मु प से Q1560. Carbohydrates in the plasma (b) Amoeba/ अमीबा
सहायक होती है ? membrane/ (c) Euglena / यु ेना
(a) Phospholipid bilayer / ा ा िझ ी म काब हाइडे ट : (d) Trypanosoma / िटपैनोसोमा
फॉ फ़ोिलिपड की दोहरी परत (a) Always face inwards to the non
(b) Transmembrane proteins / polar portion / हमेशा गैर- ुवीय भाग म Ans. (a) Monocercomonoides
पारिझ ी ोटीन अ र की तरफ होते ह | Explanation: Monocercomonoides is
(c) Glycolipids on the outer surface (b) Always face outwards to a unique genus of eukaryotic
of the membrane / िझ ी की बाहरी extracellular space / कोिशकाबा microorganisms because of its
सतह पर ाइकोिलिपड िह े म बाहर की तरफ होते ह | complete lack of mitochondria or any [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 200

mitochondrion-related organelles Explanation: The acrosome is an (d) Metaphase / म ाव था
(MROs). organelle that develops over the
anterior half of the head in the Ans. (c) Prophase
Q1563. Which one of the following spermatozoa (sperm cells) of many Explanation: Interphase is the
is not found in mitochondrial matrix/ animals including humans. It is a longest part of the cell cycle.
माइटोकां िडया आ ूह म िन िल खत म cap-like structure derived from the Prophase is the longest phase of
से कौन नहीं पाया जाता है ? Golgi apparatus. In Eutherian mitosis, but it occurs faster than
(a) Ribosome/ राइबोसोम mammals the acrosome contains interphase. Anaphase is the shortest
(b) ss-DNA/ ss-डीएनए digestive enzymes (including phase of mitosis. In anaphase, the
(c) RNA / आरएनए hyaluronidase and acrosin). sister chromatids are pulled apart to
(d) ds-DNA / ds-डीएनए opposite ends of the cell. In
Q1566. If the fertilized egg of a plant metaphase, chromosomes line up
Ans. (b) ss-DNA has 40 chromosomes, the number of along the metaphase plate.
Explanation: The mitochondrial chromosomes present in the pollen
matrix contains the mitochondria's mother cell will be / Q1569. The shortest phase of cell
DNA, ribosomes, soluble enzymes, यिद एक पौधे के िनषेिचत िड म 40 cycle is /
small organic molecules, nucleotide गुणसू ह, तो पराग मातृ कोिशका म कोिशका च का सबसे छोटा चरण होता
cofactors, and inorganic ions. उप थत गुणसू ों की सं ा होगी : है -
(a) 160 (a) Anaphase / प ाव था
Q1564. The fluid mosaic model of (b) 80 (b) Telophase/ अं ाव था
plasma membrane given by Singer (c) 40 (c) Prophase / पूवाव था
and Nicolson is applicable / िसंगर (d) 60 (d) Metaphase / म ाव था
तथा िनको न के ारा िदया गया
ा ा िझ ी का तरल मोजैक मॉडल Ans. (c) 40 Ans. (a) Anaphase
िकस पर लागू होता है ? Explanation: The ploidy of a
(a) Only to organelle membranes/ fertilized egg and a pollen mother Q1570. Which of the following
केवल अंगक की िझ ी पर cell is the same as they are diploid. sequence correctly describes the cell
(b) Only to prokaryotic membranes / Therefore the number of cycel
केवल अकि क िझ यों पर chromosomes will be 40. िन िल खत म से कौन सा अनु म
(c) Only eukaryotic membrane / कोिशका च की सही ा ा करता है
केवल सुकि क िझ ी पर Q1567. The synthesis of histone ?
(d) Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein usually occur during / (a) G1 - G2 - M - Cytokinesis / G1 -
membranes / अकि क तथा सुकि क िह ोन ोटीन का सं ेषण आमतौर पर G2 - M - कोिशक िवभाजन
दोनों िझ यों म _____ के दौरान होता है | (b) Cytokinesis - Mitosis - G1- G2 /
(a) G2 कोिशक िवभाजन- समसू ण - G1-
Ans. (d) Both prokaryotic and (b) G1 G2
eukaryotic membranes (c) s (c) M - G1 - G2 - Cytokinesis / M - G1
Explanation: The fluid mosaic model (d) M - G2 - कोिशक िवभाजन
was first proposed by S.J. Singer and (d) S - G2 - M - Cytokinesis - G1 / S
Garth L. Nicolson in 1972 to explain Ans. (c) s - G2 - M -कोिशक िवभाजन- G1
the structure of the plasma Explanation: The first step of
membrane.The proportions of chromatin structure duplication is the Ans. (d) S - G2 - M - Cytokinesis -
proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates in synthesis of histone proteins: H1, G1
the plasma membrane vary with cell H2A, H2B, H3, H4. These proteins
type are synthesized during S phase of the Q1571. Minimum number of carbon
cell cycle. There are different required for a monosaccharide is
Q1565. Acrosome of sperm is a mechanisms which contribute to the मोनोसै ाइड के िलए आव क काबन
modified / increase of histone synthesis. की ूनतम सं ा है :
शु ाणु का अ िप क प रवितत _____ (a) 1
होता है | Q1568. The longest phase of the cell (b) 2
(a) Peroxisome/ पेरो सोम cycle is / (c) 3
(b) Lysosome/ लाइसोसोम कोिशका च का सबसे लंबा चरण होता (d) 4
(c) Golgi / गौ ी है -
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं (a) Anaphase / प ाव था Ans. (c) 3
(b) Telophase/ अं ाव था Explanation: It is not possible to
Ans. (c) Golgi (c) Prophase / पूवाव था form a carbohydrate with two carbon [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 201

atom. Simplest carbohydrates are antibody to be made by the body to
with 3 carbon backbone. Q1575. Which of the following is fight a new infection.
not an essential amino acid /
Q1572. Which of the following is a िन िल खत म से कौन सा अिनवाय Q1578. Which of the following
sugar alcohol / एिमनो अ नहीं है ? vaccine does not provide lifetime
िन िल खत म से कौन सा शकरा (a) Proline / ोलीन protection?/
अ ोहल है ? (b) Histidine/ िह डीन िन िल खत म से कौन सा टीका
(a) Arabitol / अरै िबटल (c) Leucine / ूकीन आजीवन सुर ा दान नहीं करता है ?
(b) Mannitol / मैिनटोल (d) None / कोई नहीं (a) Tetanus/ िटटनेस
(c) Sorbitol/ सोब टोल (b) Smallpox / चेचक
(d) All of these / ये सभी Ans. (a) Proline (c) Polio / पोिलयो
Explanation: The 9 essential amino (d) Typhoid / टाइफाइड
Ans. (d) All of these acids are: histidine, isoleucine,
Explanation: Sugar alcohols (also leucine, lysine, methionine, Ans. (a) Tetanus
called polyhydric alcohols, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, Explanation: There are 2 vaccines
polyalcohols, alditols or glycitols) and valine that help protect children against
are organic compounds, typically tetanus: DTaP and Tdap. Both also
derived from sugars, containing one Q1576. The only antibody able to protect against diphtheria and
hydroxyl group (–OH) attached to cross the placenta to give passive whooping cough. These shots do not
each carbon atom. immunity to the foetus is: / offer lifetime protection.
एकमा एं टीबॉडी जो ूण को िन य
Q1573. Which of the following ितरोध दे ने के िलए गभनाल को पार Q1579. The first successful vaccine
neurotransmitter act as an inhibitory करने म स म होता है : against cancer has been prepared for
neurotransmitter / (a) IgG /
िन िल खत म से कौन सा तंि का (b) IgA कसर के िलए पहला सफल टीका
संचारक िनरोधा क तंि का संचारक के (c) IgE ______ के िलए तैयार िकया गया है |
प म काय करता है ? (d) IgM (a) Cervical cancer/ ीवा कसर
(a) Glycine / ाईसीन (b) Colon cancer / पेट का कसर
(b) Alanine / एलेनीन Ans. (a) IgG (c) Breast cancer / न कसर
(c) GABA/ गाबा Explanation: Maternal (d) Oral cancer / मौ खक कसर
(d) All of these / ये सभी immunoglobulin G (IgG) is
transported across the placenta by an Ans. (a) Cervical cancer
Ans. (d) All of these active, neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) Explanation: Two vaccines licensed
Explanation: Some of the major mediated process during pregnancy. globally are available in India; a
inhibitory neurotransmitters include This transport can confer short-term quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil™
serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric passive immunity1,2,3 and protect marketed by Merck) and a bivalent
acid (GABA). Some infants against infections during their vaccine (Cervarix™ marketed by
neurotransmitters, such as first months of life. GlaxoSmithKline). Both vaccines are
acetylcholine and dopamine, can manufactured by recombinant DNA
create both excitatory and inhibitory Q1577. Most abundant technology
effects depending upon the type of immunoglobulin in serum is /
receptors that are present. सीरम म सवािधक चुर ितर ा Q1580. The lymphatic system is
ो ूिलन कौन सा होता है ? mainly involved in /
Q1574. Histones are rich in/ (a) IgG लसीका णाली मु प से _____ म
िह ोन ______ म चुर होते ह | (b) IgA शािमल होती है |
(a) Lysine/ लाइिसन (c) IgE (a) Innate immunity / ज जात रोग
(b) Arginine / आिजिनन (d) IgM ितरोधक मता
(c) Histidine/ िह डीन (b) Acquired immunity/ उपािजत रोग
(d) Lysine and arginine/ लाइिसन तथा Ans. (a) IgG ितरोधक मता
आिजिनन Explanation: Immunoglobulin G (c) Recycling lymph / लसीका का
(IgG), the most abundant type of पुनच ण
Ans. (d) Lysine and arginine antibody, is found in all body fluids (d) Phagocytosis / कोिशकाशन
Explanation: Histones are small and protects against bacterial and
alkaline proteins which have a high viral infections. Immunoglobulin M Ans. (b) Acquired immunity
amount of basic amino acids (IgM), which is found mainly in the Explanation: The lymphatic system
(arginine and lysine) blood and lymph fluid, is the first plays a major role in the body's [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 202

immune system, as the primary site (b) Counting blood platelets / र म जाता है |
for cells relating to adaptive immune ेटलेट्स की गणना (a) Hydrogen shift / हाइडोजन
system including T-cells and B-cells. (c) Measuring blood pressure / िव थापन
Cells in the lymphatic system react to र दाब मापना (b) Bicarbonate shift / बाइकाब नेट
antigens presented or found by the (d) Finding blood vessels / र िव थापन
cells directly or by other dendritic c िशराओं को ढू ँ ढना (c) Sodium shift /सोिडयम िव थापन
(d) Chloride shift / ोराइड िव थापन
Q1581. The process by which an Ans. (c) Measuring blood pressure
organism influences the evolutionary Explanation: Blood pressure is Ans. (d) Chloride shift
pace of the other organism is called usually expressed in terms of the Explanation: Chloride shift (also
वह ि या िजसके ारा एक जीव िकसी systolic pressure (maximum pressure known as the Hamburger
दू सरे जीव की िवकास गित को भािवत during one heartbeat) over diastolic phenomenon or lineas phenomenon,
करता है , ा कहलाती है ? pressure (minimum pressure between named after Hartog Jakob
(a) Convergent evolution / संसृत म two heartbeats) in the cardiac cycle. Hamburger) is a process which
िवकास occurs in a cardiovascular system
(b) Parallel evolution / समानां तर म Q1584. The latex of which plant is and refers to the exchange of
िवकास use commercially?/ bicarbonate (HCO3−) and chloride
(c) Coevolution / सह-िवकास िकस पौधे के ीर का वािण क योग (Cl−) across the membrane of red
(d) Divergent evolution / अपसारी िकया जाता है ? blood cells (RBCs).
म िवकास (a) Banana plant/ केले का पेड़
(b) Rubber plant / रबड़ का पौधा Q1587. Which of the following
Ans. (c) Coevolution (c) Banyan tree / बरगद का वृ fibres is considered as the strongest
Explanation: Coevolution is the (d) Papaya plant / पपीता का पौधा natural fibre?
evolution of two or more species िन िल खत म से िकस रे शे को सबसे
which reciprocally affect each other, Ans. (b) Rubber plant मजबूत ाकृितक रे शा माना जाता है ?
sometimes creating a mutualistic Explanation: The major commercial (a) Cotton / कपास
relationship between the species. source of natural rubber latex is the (b) Jute / जूट
Amazonian rubber tree (Hevea (c) Wool / ऊन
Q1582. Which gas was absent during brasiliensis), a member of the spurge (d) Silk / रे शम
pre-biotic environment / family, Euphorbiaceae. This species
पूव जैिवक पयावरण म कौन सी गैस is preferred because it grows well Ans. (d) Silk
अनुप थित थी ? under cultivation. Explanation: Ultrastrong spider silk
(a) SO2 is one of the toughest natural fibers
(b) O2 Q1585. Which of the following known in nature. The light, flexible
(c) CO2 organelle is called Brain of the cell? / fiber is five times stronger by weight
(d) CH4 िन िल खत म से िकस अंगक को than high-grade steel and extremely
कोिशका का म कहा जाता है ? stretchy, enlarging to snag incoming
Ans. (b) O2 (a) Cilia / िसिलया insects and other prey.
Explanation: According to Oparin, (b) Chromatin / वण क
the atmosphere of primitive earth (c) Lysosome / लाइसोसोम Q1588. Synapse gap is present
was reducing because the hydrogen (d) Nucleus / क क between which of the following? /
atoms were most numerous and most अ थन अंतराल िन िल खत म से
reactive. Large quantities of Ans. (d) Nucleus िकसके बीच मौजूद होता है ?
hydrogen gas, nitrogen gas, carbon Explanation: The nucleus is (a) Two neurons / दो ूरॉन
dioxide, methane, water vapour and considered to be one of the most (b) Brain and Spinal Cord / म
ammonia were present but free important structures of eukaryotic तथा मे दं ड
oxygen was not present in significant cells as it serves the function of (c) Two Kidneys / दो िकडनी
amount. information storage, retrieval and (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
duplication of genetic information. It
Q1583. The terms systolic and contains chromosomes which house Ans. (a) Two neurons
diastolic are used in the context of the DNA. The cell nucleus acts like Explanation: Synapse gap is present
_____ / श ‘ कुंचक’ तथा the brain of the cell. between two neurons. Synapse act
‘अनुिशिथलक’ का योग _____ के like a junction where the neurons
संदभ म िकया जाता है | Q1586. Hamburger’s phenomenon is meet each other.
(a) Detecting problems in eye sight also called _______? /
/ने ि की सम ा का पता लगाना है मबगर की घटना को _____भी कहा Q1589. The process of converting [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 203

sugars, fats and proteins into energy (b) Habitat/ वास थल pre-qualification from the World
by a cell is known as ?/ (c) Biotic Factor / जैिवक कारक Health Organisation (WHO).
शकरा, वसा तथा ोटीन को एक (d) Non living/ िनज व
कोिशका के ारा ऊजा म बदलने की Q1594. Women have shrill voice
ि या ा कहलाती है ? Ans. (c) Biotic Factor because of ______ /
(a) Circadian Rhythm / च ी ताल Explanation: Biotic factors are the ______ के कारण मिहलाओं की आवाज़
(b) Urea Cycle / यू रया च parts of the environment that are तेज़ और पतली होती है |
(c) Citric Acid Cycle/ िसिटक अ alive, or were alive and then died, (a) Low frequency/ कम आवृि
च such as plants, animals, and their (b) High frequency/ उ आवृि
(d) Benson Cycle / बसोन च remains. Biotic factors also include (c) All/ सभी
bacteria, fungi and protists. Ecology (d) Strong epiglottis / मजबूत उपकंठ
Ans. (c) Citric Acid Cycle studies the interactions between
Explanation: The citric acid cycle biotic factors, such as organisms like Ans. (b) High frequency
(CAC) – also known as the TCA plants and animals, and abiotic Explanation: A shrill sound is high
cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle) or the factors pitched and sharp.
Krebs cycle – is a series of chemical
reactions used by all aerobic Q1592. Which among the following Q1595. Which drug is used as an
organisms to release stored energy do NOT have a perfect pair of sex AntiDiabetic drug?
through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA chromosomes / िकस दवा का योग मधुमेह रोधी दवा के
derived from carbohydrates, fats, and िन िल खत म से िकसके पास लिगक प म िकया जाता है ?
proteins. गुणसू ों की सही जोड़ी नहीं होती है ? (a) Metformin/ मेटफॉिमन
(a) Only men / केवल पु ष (b) Zolpidem/ ज़ो डे म
Q1590. What does BOD5 refer to?/ (b) Only women / केवल मिहलाएं (c) Promethazine/ ोमीथैजीन
BOD5 का अथ ा है ? (c) Both men and women / पु ष और (d) Hydralazine / हाइडलैिजन
(a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in मिहलाएं दोनों
5 days / 5 िदनों म जैव रासायिनक (d) Neither men nor women / ना तो Ans. (a) Metformin
ऑ ीजन की मां ग पु ष ना ही मिहलाएं Explanation: Metformin is an oral
(b) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in antidiabetic drug for the treatment of
5 hours / 5 घंटे म जैव रासायिनक Ans. (a) Only men diabetes.
ऑ ीजन की मां ग Explanation: Sex chromosomes in
(c) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in male are XY and in female are XX Q1596. Which drug is used to cure
5 minutes / 5 िमनट म जैव रासायिनक therefore perfect pair of sex Osteoporosis?
ऑ ीजन की मां ग chromosomes are present in females. अ थ सुिषरता को ठीक करने के िलए
(d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in िकस दवा का योग िकया जाता है ?
5 Months / 5 माह म जैव रासायिनक Q1593. Which vaccine company has (a) Risedronate/ राइजडोनेट
ऑ ीजन की मां ग developed the Typbar Typhoid (b) Zolpidem/ ज़ो डे म
Conjugate vaccine that has received (c) Promethazine / ोमीथैजीन
Ans. (a) Biochemical Oxygen pre – qualification from the World (d) Levothyroxine/ लेवोथायरो न
Demand in 5 days Health Organisation (WHO) for
Explanation: BOD is the amount of global use? Ans. (a) Risedronate
oxygen consumed by decomposition टाइपबार टाइफाइड कंजुगेट टीका िकस Explanation: Risedronate (Atelvia)
of the sample during the incubation टीका कंपनी ने िवकिसत िकया है is approved for the treatment of
period. The intent is to measure what िजसको िव ा संगठन से वैि क osteoporosis in postmenopausal
affect the sample will have on योग के िलए पूव यो ता ा हो चुकी women. Risedronate slows bone loss,
oxygen available to living organisms है ? increases bone density and reduces
in the waters into which the waste is (a) Panacea Biotech / पनेिशया the risk of spine and non-spine
discharged. ... Sometimes BOD will बायोटे क fractures, including hip fractures.
be referred to as BOD5 or five day (b) Bharat Biotech/ भारत बायोटे क
BOD (c) Biocon/ बायोकॉन Q1597. Which drug is used for Pain
(d) Bharat Serums and Vaccines / Relief?/
Q1591. A living part of the भारत सीरा एं ड वै ीन दद से राहत दे ने के िलए िकस दवा का
organism’s environment is known as योग िकया जाता है ?
/ Ans. (b) Bharat Biotech (a) Risedronate/राइजडोनेट
जीव के वातावरण के सजीव िह े को Explanation: Typbar TCV or the (b) Tramadol/ टामाडोल
िकस नाम से जाना जाता है ? Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine against (c) Folic Acid/ फोिलक अ
(a) Abiotic Factor /अजैिवक कारक typhoid fever, has received (d) None/ कोई नहीं [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 204

Explanation : Protoplasm = artificial, non-saccharide sweetener
Ans. (b) Tramadol Cytoplasm + Nucleus used as a sugar substitute in some
Explanation: Tramadol is used for Cytoplasm is a thick solution that foods and beverages. It is a methyl
pain relief. It is used to treat chronic fills each cell and is enclosed by the ester of the aspartic
pain after combining it with a cell membrane. It is mainly acid/phenylalanine dipeptide. Under
paracetamol. It has side effects like composed of water, salts, and strongly acidic or alkaline
drowsiness, physical dependence and proteins. In eukaryotic cells, the conditions, aspartame may generate
itchiness. It is used for second line cytoplasm includes all of the material methanol by hydrolysis. Under more
pain treatment. inside the cell and outside of the severe conditions, the peptide bonds
nucleus. are also hydrolyzed, resulting in the
Q1598. The primary function of free amino acids.
RNA is_____. / Q1601. Which one of the following
आरएनए का मु काय ______ है | four secretions is different from the Q1603. Identify the correct statement
(a) Photosynthesis / काश सं ेषण remaining three in regard to its mode with respect to Biogas. /बायोगैस के
(b) Protein Synthesis/ ोटीन सं ेषण of transport from the source gland to संबंध म सही कथनों का चयन कर |
(c) Replication/ ितकृितकरण the site of action? (a) Mixture of gases from volcanoes
(d) Translation/ अनुलेखन िन िल खत चार ावों म से कौन सा ाव / ालामुखी से िनकलने वाली गैसों का
ोत ंिथ से काय करने के थल तक िम ण
Ans. (b) Protein Synthesis प रवहन के मामले म अ तीन से अलग (b) Gas produced from certain crude
Explanation: The main function of है ? oil wells कुछ िनि त क े तेल के
RNA is to carry information of (a) Saliva /लार कुओं से बनाई जाने वाली गैस
amino acid sequence from the genes (b) Sweat / पसीना (c) Gas produced by incomplete
to where proteins are assembled on (c) Bile / िप combustion of biomass / जैव भार के
ribosomes in the cytoplasm. (d) Epinephrine / एिपने ीन अपूण दहन के ारा िनिमत गैस
(d) Gas produced by fermentation of
Q1599. Which of these is not a Ans. (c) Bile biomass / जैव भार के िक न के ारा
macronutrient for Plants? Explanation - Saliva: secreted by the बनाई गयी गैस
िन िल खत म से कौन सा पौधों के िलए salivary glands; Sweat: achieved by
एक बृहत् पोषक त नहीं है ? the water-rich secretion of the Ans. (d) Gas produced by
(a) Nitrogen / नाइटोजन eccrine glands; Epinephrine: also fermentation of biomass
(b) Phosphorus/ फॉ ोरस known as adrenaline is a hormone Explanation: Biogas is the mixture
(c) Potassium/ पोटै िशयम and a neurotransmitter; and Bile: a of gases produced by the breakdown
(d) Zinc/ िज़ंक bitter tasting, dark green to yellowish of organic matter in the absence of
brown fluid, produced by the liver oxygen (anaerobically), primarily
Ans. (d) Zinc that aids the process of digestion of consisting of methane and carbon
Explanation: The essential elements lipids in the small intestine. Bile is dioxide. Biogas can be produced
can be divided into macronutrients the odd one among all four as it is from raw materials such as
and micronutrients. Nutrients that secreted by liver, while others are agricultural waste, manure,
plants require in larger amounts are secreted by glands. municipal waste, plant material,
called macronutrients. About half of sewage, green waste or food waste.
the essential elements are considered Q1602. Aspartame is the name of a
macronutrients: carbon, hydrogen, product used by diabetic patients as a Q1604. Vegetable oils are converted
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sweetening agent. It belongs to the into solid fat (ghee) by /
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and class of वन ित तेल को ठोस वसा ( घी ) म कैसे
sulfur. अ ाटम एक उ ाद का नाम है िजसका बदला जाता है ?
योग मधुमेह के रोिगयों के ारा िमठास (a) Hydrolysis / जलीय अपघटन
Q1600. The portion of protoplasm के साधन के प म िकया जाता है | यह (b) Addition of agar / अगार िमलाकर
without the nucleus is known as./ िकस वग से संबंिधत है ? (c) Oxidation using air and a catalyst
जीव का क क रिहत भाग ा (a) Carbohydrates /काब हाइडे ट / वायु तथा एक उ ेरक का योग करके
कहलाता है ? (b) Peptides / पे ाइड ऑ ीकरण के ारा
(a) Cytoplasm/ कोिशका (c) Polyhydric alcohols / (d) Hydrogenation/ हाइडोजनीकरण
(b) Vacuoles/ रसधानी पॉलीहाइिडक अ ोहल
(c) Plastid/ ा ड (d) Alkaloids / ाराभ Ans. (d) Hydrogenation
(d) Plasma/ ा ा Explanation: Hydrogenation is a
Ans. (b) Peptides chemical reaction between molecular
Ans. (a) Cytoplasm Explanation: Aspartame is an hydrogen (H2) and another [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 205

compound or element, usually in the (a) 10000 times Ans. (c) Iron
presence of a catalyst such as nickel, (b) 100000 times Explanation: Dark green leafy
palladium or platinum. (c) 150000 times vegetables are good sources of many
(d) 200000 times vitamins (such as vitamins A, C, and
Q1605. Free-living nitrogen fixing K and folate) and minerals (such as
microorganisms are / Ans. (b) 100000 times iron and calcium). They're also great
तं प से रहने वाले नाइटोजन Explanation: According to The sources of fiber.
थ रकारक सू जीव ह - Cleveland Clinic, your heart beats
(a) Rhizobia/ राइजोिबयम about 100,000 every day Q1611. The normal body
(b) Soil fungi / मृदा कवक temperature of human beings is /
(c) none / कोई नहीं Q1608. Haemophilia is mostly मनु ों का सामा शारी रक तापमान
(d) Blue green algae / नील ह रत associated with / िकतना होता है ?
शैवाल हीमोफीिलया आमतौर पर िकस म पाया (a) 37 °F
जाता है ? (b) 4 °F
Ans. (d) Blue green algae (a) Labourers / िमक (c) 4 °C
Explanation: Two kinds of (b) Royal families / शाही प रवार (d) 98.6 °F
nitrogen-fixing bacteria are (c) Miners / खनन करने वाले
recognized. The first kind, the (d) Sportsmen / खलाड़ी Ans. (d) 98.6 °F
free-living (nonsymbiotic) bacteria, Explanation: Normal body
includes the cyanobacteria (or Ans. (b) Royal families temperature varies by person, age,
blue-green algae) Anabaena and Explanation: Hemophilia is a rare activity, and time of day. The average
Nostoc and genera such as blood condition where people do not normal body temperature is generally
Azotobacter, Beijerinckia, and have the clotting factor which accepted as 98.6°F (37°C). Some
Clostridium. enables their blood to clot when studies have shown that the "normal"
bleeding. It's an inherited disease body temperature can have a wide
Q1606. Sugarcane plants are usually that's usually passed from mother to range, from 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F
propagated by vegetative means son. It's also a disease that's been (37.2°C)
because / ग े के पौधों का सार prevalent in European royal families.
आमतौर पर वान ितक मा म से होता Q1612. Which phenomenon do bats
है ोंिक - Q1609. The best method of disposal or dolphins use to find prey predators
(a) they do not produce seeds / उनम of garbage is/ or obstacles ?/ िशकार, िशकारी या
बीज नहीं बनते अपिश के िनपटान का सव े तरीका अवरोधों का पता लगाने के िलए
(b) it is possible to maintain genetic है - चमगादड़ तथा डॉलिफन िकस तकनीक
quality / आनुवंिशक गुणव ा को बनाए (a)Vermiculture / वम क चर का सहारा लेते ह ?
रखना संभव है | (b)Incineration / दहन (a)Refraction of sound / िन का
(c) the incidence of disease may be (c)Land filling / भूिम भराव अपवतन
reduced / रोग होने की घटना को कम (d)All / सभी (b)Formation of sound/ िन का
िकया जा सकता है | िनमाण
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं Ans. (c)Land filling (c)Scattering of sound / िन का
Explanation: Landfills. Throwing िबखरना
Ans. (a) they do not produce seeds daily waste/garbage in the landfills is (d)Echo location / ित िन- थान
Explanation: Heat-loving sugarcane the most popularly used method of िनधारण
plant propagation is through waste disposal used today. This
vegetative breeding. This important process of waste disposal focuses Ans. (d) Echo location
economic crop does not reproduce attention on burying the waste in the Explanation: Echolocation, a
easily with seed and harvest time land. physiological process for locating
would take far too long if grown with distant or invisible objects (such as
that method. Growing new Q1610. The element which is rich in prey) by means of sound waves
sugarcanes rapidly through seed most leafy vegetables is / reflected back to the emitter (such as
canes is the preferred method. अिधकाँ श प ेदार स यों म कौन सा a bat) by the objects. Echolocation is
त चुर मा ा म पाया जाता है ? used for orientation, obstacle
Q1607. Approximately how many (a)Phosphorous / फॉ ोरस avoidance, food procurement, and
times each day do our heart valves (b)Zinc / ज ा social interactions.
open and close normally? (c)Iron / लोहा ( लौह )
हमारे दय कपाट आमतौर पर एक िदन (d)Calcium / कै शयम Q1613. The total number of
म िकतनी बार खुलते और बंद होते ह ? biosphere reserves present In India [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 206

are / for survival Of aquatic organisms is :
भारत म वतमान म िकतने संरि त जलीय जीवों के जीिवत रहने के िलए Ans. (a)paper industry
जैवमंडल ह ? आव क अनुकूलतम घुिलत ऑ ीजन Explanation: In cotton industries,
(a) eleven / ारह र ( िमली ाम/लीटर म ) िकतना होता the raw cotton is continuously
(b) ten / दस है ? processed for removal of unwanted
(c) eighteen / अठारह (a) 4-6 materials. This process release small
(d)twelve / बारह (b) 2-4 fibers in air, when the workers are
(c) 8-10 not wearing the proper mask, directly
Ans. (c) eighteen / अठारह (d) 12- 16 goes into the lung through nose and
Explanation: The Indian government windpipe.
has established 18 Biosphere Ans. (a) 4-6 These fibers are so small that it can
Reserves of India, which protect penetrate the layer of mask and goes
larger areas of natural habitat (than a Q1616. Iodoform Is used as an : inside of the human body. This fibers
National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary). आयोडोफॉम का योग _____ के प get collected in lungs continuously.
Biosphere Reserves of India often म िकया जाता है | When these fibers are in abundant
include one or more National Parks (a) antipyretic / र नाशक amount it causes the white lung
or sanctuaries, along with buffer (b) analgesic / दद िनवारक disease.
zones that are open to some (c) antiseptic / रोगाणुरोधक
Q1619. BT seed is associated with /
economic uses. (d) anesthetic / संवेदनाहारी
बीटी बीज का संबंध िकस से है ?
(a)Rice / चावल
Q1614. Which of the following Ans. (c) antiseptic
(b)Wheat / गे ँ
processes are associated with plants Explanation: Iodoform, also called
(c) Cotton / कपास
during dark period? / अंधकार काल के triiodomethane, a yellow, crystalline
(d)Oil seeds / तेलबीज
दौरान पौधों से िन िल खत म से कौन सी solid belonging to the family of
ि या जुड़ी होती है ? organic halogen compounds, used as
Ans. (c) Cotton
(a) Photosynthesis and respiration / an antiseptic component of
Explanation: The cotton
काश सं ेषण तथा सन medications for minor skin diseases.
incorporated the cry1Ac gene from
(b) Respiration and transpiration /
the soil bacterium Bacillus
सन तथा वा ो जन Q1617. The process of preventing
thuringiensis (Bt), making the cotton
(c)Transpiration and conduction / the birds from flying is called /
toxic to bollworms. It is a cheaper
वा ो जन तथा संवहन पि यों को उड़ने से रोकने की ि या
alternative to Bt cotton hybrid seed.
(d) Conduction and respiration / ा कहलाती है ?
संवहन तथा सन (a) brailing / ेिलंग
Q1620. In a food chain the solar
(b)debeaking /िडबेिकंग
energy utilized by plants is only /
Ans. (d) Conduction and respiration (c) dubbing / डिबंग
एक खा ृंखला म, पौधों के ारा
Explanation: Conduction is the (d)pecking / पेिकंग
उपयोग की गयी सौर ऊजा मा ____
process by which vital nutrients are
होती है |
transported to the different parts of a Ans. (a) brailing
(a)10 per cent
plant. This process is independent of Explanation: Brailing is the practice
(b) 0.1 per cent
the light factor. Respiration process of preventing a bird from flying by
(c) 1 percent
in plants is the intake of tying the wing so that it is impossible
(d).01 per cent
carbon-dioxide and exhales oxygen for the bird to open it fully. The brail
during the day as the plants gets is a clear plastic strap, fastened by
Ans. (c)1 percent
energy through the photosynthesis rivets, which will be used to restrain
Explanation: Most solar energy
process in which the carbon-dioxide his wing. Brailing the birds helps
occurs at wavelengths unsuitable for
is converted into sugars using the sun prevent injuries during shipment.
photosynthesis. Between 98 and 99
light energy, as this process uses
percent of solar energy reaching the
carbon-dioxide and water, the Q1618. White lung disease is
Earth is reflected from leaves and
resulting gas oxygen is given out as a prevalent among the workers of:
other surfaces and absorbed by other
waste product. During the night, as सफ़ेद फु ु स रोग ____ के िमकों म
molecules, which convert it to heat.
the photosynthesis process cannot be पाया जाता है |
Thus, only 1 to 2 percent is available
happening without sun, so it exhales (a)paper industry / कागज़ उ ोग
to be captured by plants.
the carbon-dioxide itself. (b)Cement industry / सीमट उ ोग
(c)Cotton industry / कपास उ ोग
Q1621. Which amongst the
Q1615. The Optimum dissolved (d)Pesticide Industry / कीटनाशक
following is the largest endocrine
oxygen level (in mg/litre) required उ ोग
gland in the body? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 207

िन िल खत म से कौन सी हमारे शरीर is not a vaccine ? गलत कार का र चढ़ा िदया जाता है
की सबसे बड़ी अंतः ावी ंिथ है ? िन िल खत म से कौन एक टीका नहीं है ?
(a)Thyroid / थाइरोइड ? (a)All the arteries constrict / सभी
(b) Parathyroid / पैराथाइरोइड (a) BCG / बीसीजी धमिनयाँ िसकुड़ जाती ह |
(c) Adrenal / एडे नल (b)Anti-rabies / एं टी-रे बीज (b)All the arteries dilate / सभी
(d) Pituitary/ पीयूष (c)Polio vaccine / पोिलयो का टीका धमिनयाँ फ़ैल जाती ह |
(d)Progesterone/ ोजे े रोन (c)The RBCs agglutinate / आरबीसी
Ans. (a)Thyroid एक-दू सरे से िचपक जाते ह |
Explanation: The thyroid gland is Ans. (d)Progesterone (d)The spleen and lymph nodes
one of the largest endocrine glands in Explanation: Progesterone is a deteriorate/ ीहा तथा लसीका ंिथ
the body. It is located in the neck, hormone found in the female body िवकृत हो जाती है |
just below the larynx and in front of rest three are vaccines.
the trachea. Ans. (c)The RBCs agglutinate
Q1625. The ability of the eye to see Explanation: Hemolytic transfusion
Q1622. The tissue in man where no in the dark is due to the production of reactions can cause the most serious
cell division occurs after birth is / a purple pigment known as / आँ खों problems, but these are rare. These
मनु म वह कौन सा उ क पाया जाता की अंधेरे म दे खने की मता एक बगनी reactions can occur when your ABO
है िजसम ज के बाद कोई कोिशका रं जक के बनने के कारण होती है िजसे or Rh blood type and that of the
िवभाजन नहीं होता ? _____ कहा जाता है | transfused blood do not match. If this
(a)skeletal / अ थ पंजर (a) Carotene / कैरोटीन happens, your immune system
(b)nerves / तंि का (b) Rhodopsin / रोडो न attacks the transfused red blood cells.
(c)connective / संयोजी (c) Iodopsin /आयोडो न This can be life-threatening.
(d)germinal / ूणीय (d) Retinene / रे िटनीन
Q1629. Small Pox is caused by /
Ans. (b) nerves Ans. (b) Rhodopsin चेचक ____ के कारण होता है |
Explanation: It is the nerve tissue Explanation: Rhodopsin which is (a)Rubeola Virus / बेला िवषाणु
where no cell division occurs after also called as a visual purple since it (b)Variola Virus / वै रयोला िवषाणु
birth. is a light-sensitive type of receptor (c)Varicella / वै रसेला
and it has a massive involvement of (d)None / कोई नहीं
Q1623. According to Darwin’s protein that is used in visual
Theory of Evolution Jong necks in phototransduction. Ans. (b)Variola Virus
giraffes Explanation: Smallpox is caused by
डािवन के म िवकास िस ां त के Q1626. The term RH factor refers to infection with the variola virus. The
अनुसार, िजराफों म लंबी गदन - / श RH फै र _____ को संदिभत virus can be transmitted: Directly
(a)arose because of constant attempt करता है | from person to person. Direct
to reach leaves on tall trees (a)Rhesus factor transmission of the virus requires
generation after generation / पीढ़ी दर (b)Rheumatoid factor fairly prolonged face-to-face contact.
पीढ़ी ऊँचे पेड़ों के प ों तक प ँ चने के (c)Renal factor
लगातार यासों के कारण िवकिसत ई | (d)Rhombic factor Q1630. The toxicity of which of the
(b)do not give them any special following heavy metals leads to liver
advantage and is just an accident / Ans. (a)Rhesus factor cirrhosis?
उ कोई िवशेष लाभ नहीं दे ती तथा यह Q1627. Pituitary gland is situated In िन िल खत म से िकस भारी धातु की
एक संयोग मा है | / पीयूष ंिथ थत होती है - िवषा ता लीवर िसरोिसस का कारण
(c)give them advantage in finding (a)the base of the heart/ दय के बनती है ?
food / उ भोजन ढू ं ढने म लाभ दान आधार म (a)Copper / तां बा
करती है (b)the base of the brain / म के (b) Lead / सीसा
(d)is a result of the special weather आधार म (c) Mercury / पारा
prevalent in African Savannah (c)the neck / गदन म (d) Zinc / ज ा
/अ ीकी घास के मैदानों म पाए जाने (d)the abdomen / पेट म
वाले एक िवशेष मौसम का प रणाम है | Ans. (a)Copper
Ans. (b)the base of the brain
Ans. (a)arose because of constant Q1631. If the radius of blood vessels
attempt to reach leaves on tall trees Q1628. What happens to a person of a person decreases his/her blood
generation after generation who receives the wrong type of pressure will / यिद िकसी की
blood? / र िशराओं की ि ा कम हो जाती है ,
Q1624. Which one of the following उस के साथ ा होता है िजसे तो उसका र चाप - [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 208

(a) increase / बढ़ जाएगा गयी थी ? vegetables, fresh meat, foods
(b) decrease / कम हो जाएगा (a)Dr. Alec Jeffreys / डॉ एलेक जे ीज purchased from chill cabinets,
(c)remain unaffected / अ भािवत (b)Dr. V.K. Kashyap / डॉ वी के क प freshly cooked food stored to be used
रहे गा (c)Watson and Crick / वाटसन तथा later. Vegetables normally contain
(d)increase for males and decrease ि क more than 80-90 percent water.
for females / पु षों के िलए बढ़े गा तथा (d)Gregor Mendel / ेगर मडे ल
मिहलाओं के िलए कम हो जाएगा Q1637. Vitamin E is particularly
Ans. (a)Dr. Alec Jeffreys important for /
Ans. (a) increase Explanation: Alec Jeffreys. Sir Alec िवटािमन E िवशेष प से _______ के
Explanation: If the radius of 'blood John Jeffreys, CH FRS MAE (born 9 िलए मह पूण है |
vessels' of a person decreases, the January 1950) is a British geneticist, (a)development of teeth / दाँ तों का
blood pressure of the person will who developed techniques for िवकास
increase. This is because the genetic fingerprinting and DNA (b)carbohydrate metabolism /
resistance to blood flow is inversely profiling which are now used काब हाइडे ट का चयापचय
proportional to radius of blood worldwide in forensic science to (c)normal activity of sex glands / यौन
vessels. assist police detective work and to ंिथयों की सामा गितिविध
resolve paternity and immigration (d)general health of epithelial tissues
Q1632. Which of the following is disputes. / उपकला उ कों का सामा ा
िन िल खत म से कौन सा गलत है ? Q1635. Amoebic dysentery is caused Ans. (c) normal activity of sex
(a)AIDS is retroviral disease/एड् स by / glands
एक रे टोवायरल रोग है | अमीबी पेिचश _____ के कारण होता है | Explanation: According to 2018
(b)AIDS is transmitted by homo and (a)Entamoeba histolytica / एं टअमीबा research, vitamin E may increase
hetero-sexual contact/ एड् स सजातीय िह ोिलिटका sperm motility due to its antioxidant
तथा िवजातीय यौन संपक से फैलता है | (b)Salmonella typhi/ सै ोनेला टाइफी effects, and it may help improve
(c)AIDS was first recognised in USA (c)E coli/ ई कोली fertility in men. However, there is
in 1981 / एड् स की पहचान पहली बार (d)Streptococcus pyogenes very little research into the potential
1981 म अमे रका म की गयी थी | / े ोकोकस ोजींस benefits of vitamin E
(d)AIDS causes anogenital warts / supplementation for females
एड् स जननां गीय े ों म म ा का कारण Ans. (a) Entamoeba histolytica experiencing fertility issues.
बनता है | Explanation: Amoebiasis, also
known amoebic dysentery, is an Q1638. A man with colour blindness
Ans. (d)AIDS causes anogenital infection caused by any of the will see red as /
warts amoebae of the Entamoeba group. रं ग ि हीनता से पीिड़त लाल रं ग
Symptoms are most common during को _____ दे खेगा |
Q1633. Human cloning is permitted infection by Entamoeba histolytica. (a)Yellow / पीला
in Britain for the purpose of Amoebiasis can be present with no, (b)Blue / नीला
ि टे न म मानव ितकृित की अनुमित mild, or severe symptoms. (c)Green / हरा
_____ के उ े से दी गयी है | Symptoms may include abdominal (d)Violet / बगनी
(a)Reproduction / जनन pain, diarrhea, or bloody diarrhea
(b)Research / अनुसंधान Ans. (c) Green
(c)Therapeutics / िचिक ा शा Q1636. Vegetables are easily Explanation: A person with
(d)Genetics / आनुवंिशकी perishable because of their high color-blindness has trouble seeing
content of/ red, green, blue, or mixtures of these
Ans. (c)Therapeutics स याँ आसानी से खराब हो जाती ह colors. The most common type is
Explanation: Human cloning is ोंिक उनम _____ की अिधक मा ा red-green color-blindness, where red
permitted in britain for the purpose पायी जाती है | and green are seen as the same color.
of therapeutic cloning . new (a)sugars / शकरा
treatments of some major diseases. (b) water / जल Q1639. Which of the following is a
During the experiment, Stem cell (c) vitamins / िवटािमन perfect match ?
lines were created by taking genetic (d) enzymes / एं जाइम िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक सटीक
material from the patient and putting िमलान है ?
it into a donated egg. Ans. (b) water (a)Coronary attack - vascular
Explanation: High moisture decides dilation/ द-धमनी आघात - संवहनी
Q1634. DNA test was developed by / their perishability or longer shelf life. फैलाव
डीएनए जाँ च िकसके ारा िवकिसत की Perishable food includes fruits and (b)Atherosclerosis - blockage of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 209

arteries/ ऐिथरो ेरोिसस - धमिनयों की composition/structure, and quality of Explanation: Combined
कावट forests to meet values and needs, immunization against diphtheria,
(c)Hypertension- low blood pressure- specifically timber production. The tetanus and pertussis in newborn
उ र चाप - िन र name comes from the Latin silvi- and infants.
(d)Hypotension - heart attack/ अ culture. The study of forests and
र चाप - दय आघात woods is termed silvology Q1645. Several hormones like hCG,
hPL, estrogen, progesterone are
Ans. (b)Atherosclerosis - blockage Q1643. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is produced by
of arteries a therapy used/ hCG, hPL, ए ोजन, ोजे े रोन जैसे
रे िडयोइ ूनोसे ( RIA ) एक उपचार है कई हॉम न का िनमाण _____ के ारा
Q1640. The vaccination against िजसका योग िकया जाता है - िकया जाता है |
small pox involves the introduction (a)to cure lung cancer/ फेफड़े के (a)Placenta / गभनाल
of / कसर को ठीक करने के िलए (b) Fallopian tube/ िड वाही निलका
चेचक के टीके म ______ को वेश (b)to cure AIDS/ एड् स का उपचार (c) Pituitary/ पीयूिषका
करवाया जाता है | करने के िलए (d)Ovary/ अंडाशय
(a)killed germs / मरे ए रोगाणु (c)to cure fractures in bones/ हि यों
(b)weakened germs / कमज़ोर रोगाणु म टू ट को सही करने के िलए Ans. (a)Placenta
(c)live antibodies / सजीव ितजीवी (d)to detect antibodies and hormones Explanation: The placenta produces
(d)activated germs / सि य रोगाणु present in the blood samples/ र के two steroid hormones, Estrogen and
नमूनों म मौजूद एं टीबॉडी और हॉम न Progesterone along with a few
Ans. (b)weakened germs का पता लगाने के िलए | proteinaceous hormones which
Explanation: The vaccine consists of include human chorionic
the virus which causes the related, Ans. (d)to detect antibodies and gonadotropin (hCG), human
yet far milder, cowpox disease; this hormones present in the blood placental lactogen (hPL), placental
virus is named vaccinia samples growth hormone, relaxin and
Explanation: A radioimmunoassay kisspeptin. These hormones function
Q1641. In which of the following (RIA) is an immunoassay that uses to support pregnancy during the
groups animals bear no teeth? / radiolabeled molecules in a stepwise gestation period.
िन िल खत म से िकस समूह के पशुओं formation of immune complexes. A So, the correct option is 'Placenta'.
म एक भी दाँ त नहीं होता है ? RIA is a very sensitive in vitro assay
(a)Peacock Ostrich Tortoise / मोर, technique used to measure Q1646. Which of the following is
शतुरमुग, कछु आ concentrations of substances, usually hormone releasing IUD/
(b)Owl Loris Crow / उ ू, लो रस, measuring antigen concentrations िन िल खत म से कौन हॉम न मु करने
कौवा (for example, hormone levels in वाला IUD है ?
(c)Alligator Crow Tortoise/ घिड़याल, blood) by use of antibodies (a) Lippes loop/ िल लूप
कौवा, कछु आ (b) Multiload 375/ म ीलोड 375
(d)Tortoise Kiwi Cow / कछु आ, िकवी, Q1644. Triple vaccine is (c) Cu7
कौवा administered to a new born child to (d) LNG 20 / एलएनजी 20
immunize it against / नए ज े ब े को
Ans. (a)Peacock Ostrich Tortoise ______ के िव ितर ा दान करने Ans. (d) LNG 20
हे तु तीन टीके लगाए जाते ह | Explanation: LNG -20 is a T -
Q1642. Which of the following is (a) whooping cough tetanus and shaped hormone-releasing IUD It
related to Silviculture ? measles/ काली खां सी, िटटनेस तथा releases the hormone levonorgestrel.
िन िल खत म से कौन वन संवधन से खसरा It is the most effective method of
संबंिधत है ? (b) whooping cough tetanus and birth control. The device is placed in
(a)Culture of Hilsa / िहलसा का पालन diphtheria / काली खां सी, िटटनेस तथा the uterus and lasts for about 3-5
(b)Culture of silver carp / िस र काप िड थी रया years.
का पालन (c) tetanus diphtheria measles- and
(c)Culture of oil-producing plants / rubella/ िटटनेस, िड थी रया , खसरा Q1647. Embryo with more than 16
तेल का उ ादन करने वाले पौधों की तथा बेला blastomeres formed due to in vitro
खेती (d)tetanus diphtheria small pox and fertilization is transferred into /
(d)Forest crops / वनीय फसल rubella/ िटटनेस, िड थी रया, चेचक तथा 16 से अिधक सूखंड कोिशकाओं वाला
बेला ूण, िजसका िनमाण इन िवटो िनषेचन
Ans. (d)Forest crops के कारण होता है , ______ म
Explanation: Silviculture is the Ans. (b) whooping cough tetanus ह ां त रत कर िदया जाता है |
practice of controlling the growth, and diphtheria (a) Fallopian tube/ िड वाही निलका [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 210

(b) Pituitary/ पीयूिषका their stem part which is above the Ans. (c) Carbohydrates
(c) Cervix/ गभाशय ीवा thalamus is not in the water. The Explanation: Excretion is the
(d) Uterus/ गभाशय pollen grains are in the upper part of removal of the following substances-
thalamus so pollination can't be done toxic materials, waste products
Ans. (d) Uterus by water. That's why it is done by metabolism, excess substances from
Explanation: In intrauterine transfer insects and wind organisms. In animals, the main
(IUT), embryo more than 8 excretory products are
blastomeres formed due to in-vitro Q1651. Damping off of seedlings is carbondioxide, ammonia (in
fertilization is transferred in uterus. caused by/ ammoniotelics), urea (in ureotelics),
अंकुरों का आ पतन _____ के कारण uric acid (in uricotelics), guanine (in
Q1648. The term ‘polyadelphous’ is होता है | Arachnida) and creatine.
related to (a) Pythium / पायिथयम
श ‘ब संघी’ िकस से संबंिधत है ? (b) Parasitica/ परोपजीवी Q1654. Which of the following is
(a) Androecium/ पुमंग (c) Phytophthora infestans / not true about Angiosperms?
(b) Corolla/ दलपुंज फाइटो थोरा इ े ा आवृ बीिजयों के बारे म िन िल खत म
(c) Calyx/ पु कोश (d) Albugo candida/ अ ुगो किडडा से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ?
(d) Gynoecium / जायां ग (a) Dominant phase is gametophytes/
Ans. (a) Pythium भावी चरण ‘यु को द’ होता है |
Ans. (a) Androecium Explanation - Damping off of (b) Vascular bundles are present/
Explanation: If filaments of seedlings is caused by Pythium. संवहनी पूल मौजूद होते ह |
Androecium are joined to form more • Several fungi can cause decay of (c) Spores are heterosporous/ बीजाणु
than two groups but their Anthers seeds and seedlings including species िवजातीय होते ह |
separate, it is called polyadelphous of rhizoctonia, fusarium and (d) Seeds are covered / बीज ढके ए
E.g. Citrus. phytophthora. होते ह |

Q1649. Free-central placentation is Q1652. Dissolved oxygen in rivers is Ans. (a) Dominant phase is
found in/ close to __________ parts per gametophytes
तं क ीय गभनाल _____ म पाया million./ Explanation: In lower plants like
जाता है | निदयों म घुिलत ऑ ीजन लगभग Bryophytes, gametophyte phase is a
(a) Argemone/ आग मोन ______ पाट् स ित िमिलयन होता है | dominant phase.
(b) Brassica/ ैिसका (a) 125 • But in higher plants like
(c) Citrus/ साइटस (b) 25 pteridophytes, gymnosperms and
(d) Dianthus/ डायनथस (c) 5 angiosperms, the dominant and chief
(d) 0 phase is sporophyte phase.
Ans. (d) Dianthus
Explanation: Free central Ans. (c) 5 Q1655. Shigellosis is a type of
placentation is present in single Explanation: Dissolved oxygen in _______.
chambered ovary with ovules borne rivers is close to 5 parts per million. िशगेला ता _____ का एक कार है |
on the central axis. Brassica and And this dissolved oxygen refers to (a) Bacterial infection / जीवाणु जिनत
Argemone (parietal placentation), the level of oxygen present in water सं मण
Citrus (axile placentation), Dianthus or other liquids. This is an important (b) Otitis infection / कणशोथ सं मण
(free central) parameter in assessing water quality. (c) Urinary tract infection/ पेशाब नली
It is so because of utility of oxygen सं मण
Q1650. Pollination in water hyacinth for the existence of organisms within (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
and water lily is brought about by the a body of water. कोई नहीं
agency of / जलकुंभी तथा वाटर िलली
का परागण ______ की सहायता से होता Q1653. All of the following are Ans. (a) Bacterial infection
है | excretory (waste) products of Explanation: Shigellosis is a type of
(a) Insects or wind/ कीट या हवा animals, except/ diarrhea caused by a bacterial
(b) Birds/ प ी िन िल खत म से ये सभी पशुओं के infection with Shigella. It’s
(c) Bats/ चमगादड़ उ ग ( अपिश ) पदाथ ह, िसवाए- symptoms generally start one to two
(d) Water/ पानी (a) Uric Acid / यू रक अ days after exposure and include
(b) Ammonia / अमोिनया diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and
Ans. (a) Insects or wind (c) Carbohydrates / काब हाइडे ट pain with passing stool. Symptoms
Explanation : Since the water lily and (d) Urea / यू रया typically last five to seven days.
water hyacinth are in the water but Complications can include post [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 211

infectious arthritis, sepsis, seizures, Explanation: Maize (called corn in periods longer than a certain critical
and hemolytic uremic syndrome. some parts of the world) is pollinated length, as in summer. Spinach,
by wind. The male anthers let go of lettuce, and some varieties of wheat
Q1656. Human Beings belong to their pollen and it blows over to a are long-day plants.
which category of the ecosystem? nearby female flower on another
मनु पा र थितकी तं की िकस ेणी corn plant. Q1662. The amount of organic
म आते ह ? matter present at a given time per
(a) Omnivores / सवाहारी Q1659. The natural place where unit area is called /
(b) Carnivores / माँ साहारी organisms or communities live is िदए गए समय म, ित इकाई े फल म
(c) Herbivores / शाकाहारी known as/ मौजूद काबिनक पदाथ की मा ा ा
(d) Zooplankton / जंतु वक वह ाकृितक थल जहाँ जीव या समुदाय कहलाती है ?
रहते ह, ा कहलाता है ? (a) Standing crop / खड़ी फसल
Ans. (a) Omnivores (a) Niche / िनकेत (b) Standing quality/ थायी गुणव ा
Explanation: There are a number of (b) Habit / आदत (c) Carbon content / काबन साम ी
popular myths about vegetarianism (c) Habitat / वास थल (d) Carbon footprint / काबन फुटि ंट
that have no scientific basis in fact. (d) Biome / बायोम
One of these myths is that Ans. (a) Standing crop
man/human being is naturally a Ans. (c) Habitat Explanation: Standing state is the
vegetarian because our bodies amount of nutrients like calcium,
resemble plant eaters. So, human Q1660. Any feature of an organism nitrogen, phosphorous present in the
beings are omnivores, capable of or its part which enables it to exist soil of the ecosystem. Standing crop
either eating meat or plant foods. under conditions of its habitat is is the amount of total biomass
known as / present in an ecosystem. This is the
Q1657. The outer white part of the एक जीव या उसके अंग की कोई भी amount of total living matter.
eye that protects the inner structures िवशेषता जो उसे अपने वास थल की Standing state is regularly depletes
is _______. प र थितयों म जीिवत रहने म स म and replenishes by living matter.
ने का बाहरी सफ़ेद भाग, जो आतं रक बनाती है , ा कहलाती है ?
संरचनाओं की सुर ा करता है , _____ है (a) Adaptive variation / अनुकूलक Q1663. Which of the following is
| प रवतन not a characteristic of a population/
(a) Iris / आइ रस (b) Adjustment / समायोजन िन िल खत म से कौन सी आबादी की
(b) Sclera/ ेतपटल (c) Acclimatization / जलवायु िवशेषता नहीं है ?
(c) Retina / रे िटना अनुकूलन (a) Sex ratio / िलंगानुपात
(d) Cornea / कॉिनया (d) Adaptation / अनुकूलन (b) Natality / ज दर
(c) Mortality / नैितकता
Ans. (b) Sclera Ans. (d) Adaptation (d) Stratification / रीकरण
Explanation: The sclera is a part of Explanation: Adaptation is the
the eye ordinarily known as the evolutionary process whereby an Ans. (d) Stratification
"white." It frames the supporting organism becomes better able to live Explanation: Four characteristics
mass of the eyeball, and is ceaseless in its habitat or habitats define a population. When scientists
with the clear cornea. The sclera is think about population dynamics,
secured by the conjunctiva, a clear Q1661. Plants which blooms when they consider four major
bodily fluid film that greases up the the light duration is more than 12 characteristics. These characteristics
eye. It is thickest in the region hours per day is known as include population size, population
encompassing the optic nerve. वे पौधे, जो तब फूल दे ते ह जब रातों की density, population spacing, and age
अविध 12 घंटे से अिधक होती है , ा structure. is the number of
Q1658. The pollination of maize कहलाते ह ? individuals in a population at a given
takes place by / (a) Long day plants / दीघ िदवस पौधे time.
म ा का परागण _____ के ारा होता (b) Short day plants/ लघु िदवस पौधे
है | (c) Neutral day plants / उदासीन Q1664. Which decade has been
(a) self-pollination / -परागण िदवस पौधे designated as the ‘Decade of
(b) pollination by insects / कीट (d) Long day and short night plants/ Biodiversity’ by the united nations? /
परागण दीघ िदवस तथा लघु राि पौधे िकस दशक को संयु रा के ारा ‘जैव
(c) pollination by air / वायु परागण िविवधता का दशक’ घोिषत िकया गया है
(d) pollination by rain / वषा परागण Ans.(a) Long day plants ?
Explanation: A plant that flowers (a) 2021-2030
Ans. (c) pollination by air only after being exposed to light (b) 2011-2020 [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 212

(c) 2001-2010 (c) Natality / ज दर प र थित म िम ी का उदासीन pH मान
(d) 1991-2000 (d) Absolute natality / पूण ज दर
Ans. (c) Due to high density of water
Ans. (b) 2011-2020 Ans. (a) Biotic potential at 4℃
Explanation: The General Assembly Explanation: Biotic potential is Explanation: Underneath the frozen
declared the period 2011-2020 as described by the unrestricted growth upper layer, the water remains in its
United Nations Decade on of populations resulting in the liquid form and does not freeze.
Biodiversity to promote the maximum growth of that population. Also, oxygen is trapped beneath the
implementation of a strategic plan on Biotic potential is the highest layer of ice. As a result, fish and
biodiversity and its overall vision of possible vital index of a species; other aquatic animals find it possible
living in harmony with nature. therefore, when the species has its to live comfortably in the frozen
highest birth rate and lowest lakes and ponds. This irregular
Q1665. Decomposers which mortality rate. expansion of water is called
specifically act on the faecal matter anomalous expansion.
of other organisms are called as / वे Q1668. The ratio between energy
अपघटक, जो िवशेष प से अ जीवों flow at different points along the Q1670. Which among the following
के मल संबंधी पदाथ पर काय करते ह, food chain is called / is the most abundant molecule in the
ा कहलाते ह ? खा ृंखला म अलग-अलग िबंदुओं पर atmosphere
(a) Heterophagic/ हीटरोिफिजक ऊजा वाह के अनुपात को ा कहा वायुमंडल म सवािधक चुर अणु
(b) Allophagic/ एलोफैिजक जाता है ? िन िल खत म से कौन सा है ?
(c) Coprophagic/ को ोफैिजक (a) Ecological efficiency / (a) CO2
(d) Paraphagic/ पाराफैिजक पा र थितक द ता (b) Argon / आगन
(b) Ecological capacity / पा र थितक (c) Methane/ मीथेन
Ans. (c) Coprophagic मता (d) Water vapour /जल वा
Explanation: The word is derived (c) Ecological potential / पा र थितक
from the Greek copros, "feces" and संभावना Ans.(b) Argon
phagein, "to eat". Coprophagy refers (d) Ecological assimilation / Explanation: Argon is the third-most
to many kinds of feces-eating, पा र थितक आ सा रण abundant gas in the Earth's
including eating feces of other atmosphere, at 0.934%
species (heterospecifics), of other Ans. (a) Ecological efficiency
individuals (allocoprophagy), or Explanation: Ecological efficiency Q1671. “The extremities of animals
one's own (autocoprophagy) describes the efficiency with which are relatively shorter in the cooler
energy is transferred from one parts of a species range than in the
Q1666. Pick out the odd one / trophic level to the next. It is warmer parts” This is known as/
अलग िवक का चयन कर : determined by a combination of गम थानों म रहने वाले जाितयों की
(a) Carbon cycle /काबन च efficiencies relating to organismic तुलना म ठं डे थानों की जाितयों के
(b) Nitrogen cycle / नाइटोजन च resource acquisition and assimilation पशुओं के हाथ-पैर तुलना क प से
(c) Phosphorus cycle / फॉ ोरस च in an ecosystem. छोटे होते ह |” इसे िकस नाम से जाना
(d) Oxygen cycle / ऑ ीजन च जाता है ?
Q1669. The aquatic animals in the (a) Bergmann’s rule / बगमैन का
Ans. (c) Phosphorus cycle polar region survive even in freezing िनयम
Explanation: Gaseous cycles include temperature. This can be explained (b) Allen’s rule / एलेन का िनयम
those of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, by / ुवीय े म जलीय पशु िहमां क (c) Gloger’s rule / ौगर का िनयम
and water; sedimentary cycles तापमान म भी जीिवत रह जाते ह | इसकी (d) Rensch rule / रश का िनयम
include those of iron, calcium, ा ा की जा सकती है -
phosphorus, sulfur, and other (a) The very thick layer of fat Ans. (b) Allen’s rule
more-earthbound elements. deposition in their skin / उनकी चा Explanation: This refers to an
म जमी वसा की एक मोटी परत ecogeographical rule which states
Q1667. The ability of a population of (b) By migrating to temperate region that significant differences exist in
living species to increase under ideal during cold times / ठं ड के मौसम म the size of limbs and other external
environmental conditions is called/ शीतो े ों म जाकर organs of animals, even within the
आदश पयावरणीय प र थितयों म (c) Due to high density of water at same species, depending on the
जीिवत जाितयों की आबादी की मता 4℃ / 4 िड ी से यस पर जल के उ geographical region in which they
वृ को कहा जाता है : घन के कारण live.
(a) Biotic potential/ जैिवक मता (d) Due to the neutral pH of soil at
(b) Carrying capacity / वहन मता very cold condition / बेहद ठं डी Q1672. Which of the following [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 213

statements best describe a climax Explanation: Pyramid of energy is (c) Collecting duct/सं हण निलका
community always erect rest all can be either (d) Glucose never enter into
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन चरम upright or inverted. Bowman’s capsule / ूकोज कभी भी
समुदाय का सव े वणन करता है ? बोमस कै ूल म वेश नहीं करता है |
(a) More stable more diverse / अिधक Q1675. The low Ca+2 ion
थर अिधक िविवधतापूण concentration in the body fluid may Ans. (b) Proximal tubule
(b) More stable less diverse / अिधक be the cause of / शरीर के तरल पदाथ Explanation: The reabsorption in the
थर कम िविवधतापूण म Ca+2 आयन की कम सां ता _____ proximal tubule is isosmotic. In the
(c) Less stable more diverse / कम का कारण बन सकती है | PCT 65% of water, 100% of glucose,
थर अिधक िविवधतापूण (a) Tetany/ अपतािनका 100% amino acids, 65% of
(d) Less stable less diverse / कम (b) Angina pectoris/ दशूल potassium, 65% chloride and 67% of
थर कम िविवधतापूण (c) Gout / गिठया sodium is reabsorbed.
(d) Anaemia / एनीिमया
Ans. (a) More stable more diverse Q1678. The branch of agriculture
Explanation: A climax community is Ans. (a) Tetany which deals with the feeding shelter
the final stage of succession, Explanation: Tetany or tetanic health and breeding of the domestic
remaining relatively unchanged until seizure is a medical sign consisting animals is called /
destroyed by an event such as fire or of the involuntary contraction of कृिष की वह शाखा ा कहलाती है
human interference muscles, which may be caused by िजसका संबंध घरे लू पशुओं के भोजन,
disorders that increase the action आवास, ा तथा जनन से होता है ?
Q1673. Which of the following potential frequency of muscle cells (a)Dairy Science/ दु िव ान
specify the decomposed organic or the nerves that innervate them. (b)Veterinary Science / पशु िचिक ा
matter in the soil / िव ान
िन िल खत म से कौन िम ी म अपघिटत Q1676. Area required to store fats in (c)Poultry / मुग पालन
काबिनक पदाथ को िनिद करता है ? seed as compared to carbohydrate (d) Animal Husbandry / पशुपालन
(a) Litter / अपिश would be / बीज म वसा संगृिहत करने
(b) Humus/ ह्यूमस के िलए आव क े काब हाइडे ट की Ans. (d) Animal Husbandry
(c) Loam / दोमट तुलना म होगा - Explanation: Veterinary medicine is
(d) Dirt / धूल (a) Equal / बराबर the branch of medicine that deals
(b) Slightly more / थोड़ा अिधक with the prevention, control,
Ans. (b) Humus (c) More / अिधक diagnosis and treatment of disease,
Explanation: It is the organic (d) Less / कम disorder and injury in animals and
component of soil, formed by the along with this, it also deals with
decomposition of leaves and other Ans. (d) Less animal rearing, husbandry, breeding,
plant material by soil Explanation: Fat gets used as the research on nutrition and product
microorganisms. storage form because it is nature's development.
most concentrated form of metabolic Animal husbandry is the branch of
Q1674. Which of the following energy, containing over twice the agriculture concerned with animals
statement is not correct?/ िन िल खत energy per unit weight as proteins or that are raised for meat, fibre, milk,
म से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ? carbohydrates such as glucose. A eggs, or other products. It includes
(a) Pyramid of number can never be concentrated form of energy is day-to-day care, selective breeding
inverted / सं ा का िपरािमड कभी भी essential for us because of mobility: and the raising of livestock
उ ा नहीं हो सकता है | If we stored the bulk of our energy as
(b) Pyramid of energy can never be carbohydrate, we would be too bulky Q1679. In amoeba excretion takes
inverted / ऊजा का िपरािमड कभी भी to move. place through the process of: /
उ ा नहीं हो सकता है | अमीबा म, उ जन ______ की ि या
(c) Pyramid of number in a parasitic Q1677. In normal condition glucose के ारा होता है |
food chain will be inverted / परजीवी is never seen in urine as it is mainly (a) Diffusion / सार
खा ृंखला म सं ा का िपरािमड absorbed from / (b) Infusion / आसव
उ ा होगा | सामा प र थित म, ूकोज को कभी (c) Uricotelic/ यु रकोटे िलक
(d) Pyramid of biomass may be भी पेशाब म नहीं पाया गया है ोंिक (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
inverted or upright / जैव भार का इसका मु तः _____ से अवशोषण कर कोई नहीं
िपरािमड उ ा या सीधा हो सकता है | िलया जाता है |
(a) loop of henle/ हे नली लूप Ans. (a) Diffusion
Ans. (a) Pyramid of number can (b) Proximal tubule / ॉ मल Explanation: Amoeba possess
never be inverted निलका osmoregulatory organelle called [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 214

contractile vacuole. This collects (d) Amylase / एिमलेज मा ा िकतनी होती है ?
water and waste from the body,swells (a) 50 liter in male and 90 liters in
up,reaches the surface and bursts to Ans. (c) Phosphatase females / पु षों म 50 लीटर तथा
release its content to outside. The Explanation: Saliva is composed of a मिहलाओं म 90 लीटर
main excretion takes place through variety of electrolytes, including (b) 120 liter in male and 130 liters in
body surface by the process of sodium, potassium, calcium, females / पु षों म 120 लीटर तथा
diffusion. magnesium, bicarbonate, and मिहलाओं म 130 लीटर
phosphates. Also found in saliva are (c) 180 liter in male and 150 liters in
Q1680. The best long term solution immunoglobulins, proteins, enzymes, females/ पु षों म 180 लीटर तथा
for kidney failure is:/ mucins, and nitrogenous products, मिहलाओं म 150 लीटर
िकडनी फेल होने की थित म सव े such as urea and ammonia. (d) 180 liter in male and 180 liters in
दीघकालीन समाधान ा होता है ? females / पु षों म 180 लीटर तथा
(a) Dialysis/ डायिलिसस Q1683. Which of the following is मिहलाओं म 180 लीटर
(b) Kidney transplant/ िकडनी NOT the function of the large
ारोपण intestine?/ Ans. (c) 180 liter in male and 150
(c) Both A and B / A और B दोनों बड़ी आं त का काय िन िल खत म से liters in females
(d) Only B /केवल B कौन सा नहीं है ? Explanation: Average glomerular
(a) Forming feces/ मल का िनमाण filtrate is 180 liter in male and 150
Ans. (b) Kidney transplant करना liters in female daily. More than 99%
Explanation: There are two (b) Absorb 90% of nutrients / 90% of the filtrate returns to the blood by
treatment options for kidney failure: पोषक त ों का अवशोषण करना tubular reabsorption and only 1-2
dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal (c) Defecating / मल ाग liter is excreted as urine.
dialysis) and kidney transplantation. (d) Absorbing some water, ions, and
Dialysis artificially removes waste vitamins / कुछ जल, आयन तथा Q1686. What is micturition?
products and extra fluid from your िवटािमन का अवशोषण करना मू ण ( micturition ) ा है ?
blood when your kidneys can no (a) Formation of feces / मल का
longer do this. kidney transplant is Ans. (b) Absorb 90% of nutrients िनमाण
often the most effective treatment for Explanation: Large intestine does not (b) Discharge of urine / मू ाग
advanced kidney disease absorb nutrients, but it absorbs some (c) Defecating / मल ाग
amount of water along with ions and (d) Formation of sperm / शु ाणु का
Q1681. What is glycosuria? vitamins. About 90% of nutrients are िनमाण
ाइकोसु रया ा है ? absorbed by the small intestine.
(a) Low amount of sugar in urine / Ans. (b) Discharge of urine
पेशाब म शकरा की कम मा ा Q1684. Out of the following, which Explanation: Micturition is also
(b) Average amount of sugar in urine is the first step in urine production? known as urination or voiding. It’s
/ पेशाब म शकरा की औसत मा ा िन िल खत म से, मू िनमाण का पहला the process of discharge of urine
(c) Low amount of fat in urine / चरण कौन सा है ? from the urinary bladder. When the
पेशाब म वसा की कम मा ा (a) Glomerular filtration / volume of urine rises from 200-400
(d) High amount of sugar in urine / केिशकागु ीय िन ंदन ml, pressure increases and causes
पेशाब म शकरा की उ मा ा (b) Tubular secretion / नलीदार ाव micturition reflex.
(c) Tubular reabsorption/ नलीदार
Ans. (d) High amount of sugar in पुन:अवशोषण Q1687. Which of the following
urine (d) Urinary bladder store urine / hormone plays a major role in water
Explanation: Glycosuria is a मू ाशय के ारा मू का सं ह reabsorption?
condition characterized by an excess िन िल खत म से कौन सा हॉम न जल के
amount of sugar in the urine. It is Ans. (a) Glomerular filtration पुनअवशोषण म एक मुख भूिमका
associated with diabetes or kidney Explanation: Glomerular filtration is िनभाता है ?
disease. the first step in urine production (a) Somatostatin / सोमाटो ािनन
where water and other solutes in the (b) Relaxin / रलै न
Q1682. Which of the following is blood plasma moves across its wall (c) Oxytocin / ऑ ीटोिसन
NOT the salivary protein? / and passes to renal tubule. (d) Vasopressin / वैसो ेिसन
िन िल खत म से कौन सा लार का ोटीन
नहीं है ? Q1685. What is the daily volume of Ans. (d) Vasopressin
(a) Lysozyme / लाइसोजाइम glomerular filtrate in adult male and Explanation: Vasopressin, also called
(b) Mucus / बलगम female? / वय पु ष तथा मिहलाओं antidiuretic hormone, hormone that
(c) Phosphatase/ फॉ े टे ज म केिशकागु ीय िन ंदन की दै िनक plays a key role in maintaining [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 215

osmolality (the concentration of Q1691. If mammalian ovum fails to Q1694. Nipple has 15-25 openings
dissolved particles, such as salts and get fertilized which one of the called ______ ?
glucose, in the serum) and therefore following is unlikely? िन ल म 15 से 25 िछ होते ह िज
in maintaining the volume of water यिद नधारी िड िनषेिचत होने म _____ कहा जाता है |
in the extracellular fluid (the fluid असफल रहता है , तो िन िल खत म से (a) Lactiferous ducts/ दु वािहका
space that surrounds cells). िकसकी संभावना नहीं होगी ? (b) Somniferous duct/ िन ाजनक
(a) Corpus luteum will degenerate / वािहका
Q1688. Name the primary sex organ पीत िपंड न हो जाएगा (c) None/ कोई भी नहीं
of a female./ (b) Estrogen secretion decreases/ (d) Pores / िछ
मिहलाओं के ाथिमक लिगक अंग का ए ोजन का ाव कम हो जाएगा
नाम बताएं | (c) Primary follicle starts developing/ Ans. (a) Lactiferous ducts
(a) Testis / वृषण ाथिमक कूप िवकिसत होने लगेगा Explanation: Lactiferous ducts
(b) Mammary glands/ न ंिथयाँ (d) Progesterone level declines / converge and form a branched
(c) Ovaries / अंडाशय ोजे े रोन का र कम हो जाएगा system connecting nipple to the
(d) Fallopian tube / िड वाही निलका lobules of the mammary gland. Each
Ans. (d) Progesterone level declines breast has about 15-20 Lactiferous
Ans. (c) Ovaries Explanation: Progesterone is a ducts.
Explanation: The primary female naturally occurring steroid hormone.
reproductive organ is the ovary. It is released by ovaries. It is Q1695. The hormone that controls
Females have 2 ovaries, each about necessary for implantation of the level of calcium and phosphorus
the size of a walnut, located on either fertilized egg. If fertilization fails to in blood is secreted by __________
side of the lower abdominal cavity. take place the Progesterone levels वह हॉम न, जो र म कै शयम तथा
The testes are the primary male declines. फॉ ोरस के र को िनयंि त करता है ,
reproductive organ and are ____ के ारा ािवत िकया जाता है |
responsible for testosterone and Q1692. Which male structure is (a) Thyroid gland / थाइरोइड ंिथ
sperm production. homologous to the female clitoris? / (b) Parathyroid gland / पाराथाइरोइड
पु षों की कौन सी संरचना मिहलाओं के ंिथ
Q1689. The outside layer of the भग िश के समजात होती है ? (c) Pituitary gland / पीयूष ंिथ
oocyte is the _______ (a) Scrotum / अंडकोष (d) Thymus / थाइमस
िड ाणुजनकोिशका की बाहरी परत (b) Penis/ िलंग
______ होती है | (c) Pubis/ िश रोम Ans. (b) Parathyroid gland
(a) Zona pellucida / जोना पेलुिसडा (d) Testis / वृषण Explanation: The parathyroid
(b) Theca interna / थेका इं टना hormone (PTH), secreted by the
(c) Theca externa /थेका ए टन Ans. (b) Penis parathyroid glands, is responsible for
(d) Antrum / अ थ कोटर Explanation: Clitoris is a highly regulating blood calcium levels; it is
erectile organ located below the released whenever blood calcium
Ans. (a) Zona pellucida anterior joining of labia minora. It is levels are low. PTH increases blood
Explanation: The zona pellucida (or homologous to the penis in males. It calcium levels by stimulating
egg wall) is an outer membrane of is different from penis in that the osteoclasts, which break down bone
the egg. This structure helps the urethra in females is completely to release calcium into the
sperm to enter the egg through its separate from clitoris bloodstream.
hard outer layers.
Q1693. Uterus is made up of ______ Q1696. Where are parathyroid
Q1690. Antrum is the cavity of layers. glands present?
_________ / गभाशय ______ परतों से बनी होती है | पैराथाइरॉइड ंिथ कहाँ पायी जाती है ?
अ थ कोटर _______ की गुहा होती है | a) 1 (a) Posterior surface of lateral lobes
(a) Gastrula / गैस ला b) 2 of thyroid/ थाइरोइड के पा भाग की
(b) Blastula / ा ु ला c) 3 िपछली सतह पर
(c) Graafian follicle / िड कूप d) 4 (b) Posterior to stomach / पेट के
(d) Ovary / अंडाशय िपछले भाग म
Ans. (c) 3 (c) On top of kidneys / गुद के शीष
Ans. (c) Graafian follicle Explanation: Uterus is made up of 3 पर
Explanation: Antrum is the cavity layers. 3 layers are endometrium (d) Upper chest under breastbone /
present in graafian follicle. It is filled (inner lining),Myometrium (middle छाती की ह ी के नीचे ऊपरी सीने म
with follicular fluid. layer) and perimetrium (outer layer).
Ans. (a) Posterior surface of lateral [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 216

lobes of thyroid gone 12 months without a menstrual
Explanation: Parathyroid glands are period. Menopause can happen in Q1703. The lining of uterus to which
endocrine glands in the neck of your 40s or 50s, but the average age the embryo implants is called
humans. It is located on the back of is 51 in the United States. as_____/
the thyroid gland. They are four in Menopause is a natural biological गभाशय की वह परत, िजस पर ूण
numbers. process. ारोिपत होता है , _____ कहलाती है |
(a) Coccyx / गुदा थ
Q1697. Endocrine gland thought to Q1700. Secondary spermatocytes are (b) Trophoblast / टोफो ा
be involved in setting the biological _______/ (c) None/ कोई भी नहीं
clock and influencing the ि तीयक शु ाणु कोिशकाएं ______ (d) Endometrium/ अंतगभाशयकला
reproductive function of होती ह |
___________ (a) Diploids/ ि -गुिणत Ans. (d) Endometrium
अंतः ावी ंिथ के बारे म माना जाता है (b) Haploids/ अगुिणत Explanation: Implantation is a
िक जैिवक घड़ी को िनधा रत करने म (c) Tetraploids/ चार गुिणत process in which a developing
संल रहती है तथा ______ के जनन (d) Triploids / ि -गुिणत embryo, moving as a blastocyst
काय को भािवत करती है | through a uterus, makes contact with
(a) Pituitary gland/ पीयूष ंिथ Ans. (b) Haploids the uterine wall and remains attached
(b) Thymus gland/ थाइमस ंिथ Explanation : The main function of to it until birth. The lining of the
(c) Adrenal gland/ एडे नल ंिथ spermatocytes is to divide and uterus (endometrium) prepares for
(d) Pineal gland / पीिनयल ंिथ produce spermatids. They undergo the developing blastocyst to attach to
meiosis to form haploid Secondary it via many internal changes
Ans. (d) Pineal gland spermatocytes each receiving half set
Explanation: Pineal gland is the of DNA. Q1704. The main function if
small endocrine gland. It secrets the fimbriae of oviduct are ________ ?/
hormone that affects the modulation Q1701.______ is a term for milk िड वािहका के फाइ या का मु
of sleep/wake patterns and production./ काय _____ होता है |
photoperiodic functions. _____ एक श है िजसका योग दु (a) Help in collection of ovum after
िनमाण के िलए िकया जाता है | ovulation/ िड ो जन के बाद
Q1698. Which of the following does (a) Lactation / - वण अंडाणुओं को एकि त करने म सहायता
not have a membrane? / (b) Parturition / सव करना
िन िल खत म से िकस म िझ ी नहीं (c) Menstruation / माहवारी (b) Make necessary changes in
पायी जाती है ? (d) Ovulation / िड ो जन endometrium for implantation /
(a) Ribosome / राइबोसोम ारोपण के िलए अंतगभाशयकला म
(b) Mitochondria / माइटोकां िडया Ans. (a) Lactation आव क प रवतन करना
(c) Nucleus / क क Explanation - Lactation is called (c) Release ovum from Graafian
(d) Chloroplast / ोरो ा milk production. Oxytocin hormone follicle/ ािफयन पुिटका से अंडाणुओं
is responsible for this process. को मु करना
Ans. (a) Ribosome (d) Help in development of embryo /
Explanation: Examples of Q1702. Hormones that cause uterus ूण के िवकास म सहायता करना
non-membrane bound organelles are to contact are ____________ /
ribosomes, the cell wall, and the हॉम न जो गभाशय के िसकुड़ने का Ans. (a) Help in collection of ovum
cytoskeleton. कारण बनते ह, _____ ह | after ovulation
(a) FSH LH Explanation: The fimbriae of uterine
Q1699. Cessation of menstrual cycle (b) Prolactin and progesterone / tube are small fingerlike projections
is called __________/ ोलै न तथा ोजे े रोन at the end of fallopian tube. Fimbriae
माहवारी च की समा को _____ (c) Estrogen and progesterone / are connected to the ovary. It helps in
कहा जाता है | ए ोजन तथा ोजे े रोन collection of ovum.
(a) Ovulation/ िड ो जन (d) Oxytocin and prostaglandins /
(b) Menopause/ रजोिनवृि ऑ ीटोिसन तथा ो ा डीन Q1705. In the absence of acrosome
(c) Parturition/ सूित the sperm cannot
(d) Menarche/ रजोदशन Ans. (d) Oxytocin and ________________/
prostaglandins अ िपंडक की अनुप थित म, ूण
Ans. (b) Menopause Explanation: Hormones that causes _______ नहीं कर सकता है |
Explanation: Menopause is the time uterus to contact are Oxytocin and (a) Penetrate into egg/ िड म वेश
that marks the end of your menstrual prostaglandin. There are peristaltic (b) Get energy / ऊजा की ा
cycles. It's diagnosed after you've movements seen in the uterus. (c) Get food / भोजन की ा [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 217

(d) Swim / तैरना Q1709. When does the development Ans. (a) Blastocoel
of heart begin?/ Explanation: Blastula, hollow
Ans. (a) Penetrate into egg दय का िवकास कब शु होता है ? sphere of cells, or blastomeres,
Explanation: Acrosome is the part of (a) 1st week / पहला स ाह produced during the development of
the sperm. It helps in penetration of (b) 12th week / 12वां स ाह an embryo by repeated cleavage of a
sperm into the egg. (c) 5th week / 5वां स ाह fertilized egg. ... The cells of the
(d) 3rd week / तीसरा स ाह blastula form an epithelial (covering)
Q1706. The signals for parturition layer, called the blastoderm,
arises from___________/ Ans. (d) 3rd week enclosing a fluid-filled cavity, the
सव के संकेत _____ से ा होते ह | Explanation: The heart and other blastocoel.
(a) placenta / गभनाल organs start developing during 3rd
(b) oxytocin / ऑ ीटोिसन week after conception. The baby’s Q1713. What is Pernicious anemia?
(c) foetus / ूण brain and spinal cord will develop घातक र ा ता ा है ?
(d) placenta and fully developed from neural tube. (a) Low RBC count / आरबीसी की
foetus / गभनाल तथा पूणतः िवकिसत कम सं ा
ूण Q1710. The first movement of fetus (b) Destruction of RBC maturation /
Ans. (d) placenta and fully and appearance of hair on head आरबीसी प रप ता का न होना
developed foetus occurs during?/ (c) Death of WBC / ड ूबीसी की
Explanation: The signals for ूण म पहली हरकत तथा िसर पर केश मृ ु
parturition arise from Placenta and का आगमन _____ के दौरान होता है | (d) Low WBC count / WBC की कम
fully developed fetus. It is followed (a) 5th month / 5वां महीना सं ा
by uterine contraction. (b) 7th month/ 7वां महीना
(c) 2nd month/ दू सरा महीना Ans. (b) Destruction of RBC
Q1707. Organogenesis in the embryo (d) 9th month / 9वां महीना maturation
is completed by the end of which Explanation: Pernicious anemia is
stage of the pregnancy? Ans. (a) 5th month decreased in red blood cells when
ूण म जीवो ि की ि या गभाव था Explanation: The first movement of body can’t absorb enough vitamin
के िकस चरण म पूरी होती है ? fetus is seen between 16 and 25 B12. There are more than 1 million
(a) 3rd trimester / तीसरी ितमाही weeks of pregnancy. It is called as cases in India.
(b) 1st month / पहला माह quickening.
(c) 2nd trimester / दू सरी ितमाही Q1714. Which leucocyte release
(d) 1st trimester / पहली ितमाही Q1711. Mother’s milk during heparin and histamine into the
lactation is rich in _________/ blood?
Ans. (d) 1st trimester दु पान के दौरान माँ के दू ध म _____ कौन सी ेतकोिशका र म हे प रन
Explanation: Organogenesis is a की चुर मा ा होती है | तथा िह ामीन मु करती है ?
process by which the three germ (a) IgA (a) Basophils/ बेसोिफल
layers develop into the organs. It is (b) IgG (b) Neutrophils/ ुरोिफल
completed by the end of 1st trimester (c) IgM (c) Monocytes/ एकक क ेत
that is 3 months. (d) IgE कोिशका
(d) Lymphocytes / लसीका कोिशका
Q1708. Umbilical arteries carry Ans. (a) IgA
_____ blood to the placenta./ Explanation: IgA is an antibody that Ans. (a) Basophils
नाल की धमिनयाँ गभनाल म ______ plays a major role in immune Explanation: Basophils of white
र ले जाती ह | function of mucous membranes. blood cells are connected with the
(a) oxygenated / ऑ ीजनयु Mother’s milk is rich in IgA antibody release of histamine and the natural
(b) deoxygenated / ऑ ीजन रिहत to protect the newborn. anticoagulant heparin. Basophils
(c) mixed / िमि त appear in many specific kinds of
(d) no / कोई र नहीं Q1712. The cavity inside the blastula inflammatory reactions, particularly
is called as ________/ those that cause allergic symptoms.
Ans. (b) deoxygenated ा ु ला के भीतर गुहा को _____ कहा
Explanation: Umbilical arteries carry जाता है | Q1715. Largest sized RBC is seen in
Deoxygenated blood to placenta. The (a) Blastocoel/ ा ोकोल _______/
artery is named for the fetus side and (b) Blastomere/ सूखंड सबसे बड़े आकार का RBC _____ म
the placental veins therefore return (c) Gastrula/ गै ला पाया जाता है |
oxygenated blood to the fetus. (d) Animal pore / पशु रं (a) elephant / हाथी
(b) whale / े ल [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 218

(c) man / मनु (d) Anti OA antibodies / एं टी OA की िकतनी मा ा ंिदत करता है ?
(d) amphiuma / ए फीयूमा एं टीबॉडी (a) 70 ml
(b) 5000 ml
Ans. (d) amphiuma Ans. (a) Anti B antibodies (c) 7 L
Explanation: Amphiuma red blood Explanation: a group A individual (d) 1200 ml
cells, first described in 1875 (10), are will have anti-B antibodies and a
one of the largest known red cells group B individual will have anti-A Ans. (a) 70 ml
(10-14). They are nucleated and antibodies. Blood group O is Explanation: Cardiac output is a
elliptical in shape, with average common, and individuals with this volume of blood pumped by the heart
dimensions of 62 μm (range, 48-78 blood type will have both anti-A and in a minute. It is equal to the heart
μm) in length and 36 μm (range, anti-B in their serum. rate multiplied by the heart stroke, so
27-46 μm) in width (10-13). if there are 70 beats per minute and
Q1719. Which of the following will 70 ml blood is ejected with each beat
Q1716. Red cell count is carried out not coagulate when placed separately of the heart, the cardiac output is
using _____________/ on four slides? 4900 ml per minute.
लाल कोिशकाओं की गणना _____ के चारो तरफ अलग-अलग रखने पर
ारा की जाती है | िन िल खत म से िकसका थ ा नहीं Q1722. What is the definition of
(a) electrocardiogram/ जमेगा ? cardiac cycle?
इले ोकािडयो ाम (a) Blood serum /र सीरम दय च की प रभाषा ा है ?
(b) sphygmomanometer/ र दाबमापी (b) Blood plasma / र ा ा (a) The contraction of the atria /
(c) haemocytometer/ (c) Blood from pulmonary vein / प रको का संकुचन
िधरकोिशकामापी फेफड़े की नस का र (b) Circulation of the blood in the
(d) haemoglobinometer / (d) Blood from lymphatic tissue / heart / दय म र का प रसंचरण
हीमो ोिबनमापी लसीका उ क का र (c) The contraction and relaxation of
the ventricles / िनलय का संकुचन तथा
Ans. (c) haemocytometer Ans. (a) Blood serum िशिथलता
Explanation: Haemocytometer is a Explanation: Blood serum is a (d) It is a sequence of event that
specialized slide that has counting component that is neither a blood cell occurs during one complete heartbeat
chamber with a known volume of nor a clotting factor. It is the blood / यह घटनाओं का एक म है जो िदल
liquid. It is used to count RBC. plasma not including the fibrinogens. की एक पूण धड़कन के दौरान घिटत
होती ह |
Q1717. What is the process of Q1720. Which of the following has
transfer of human blood known as? / the thickest wall? Ans. (d) It is a sequence of event that
मानव र के ह ां तरण की ि या को िन िल खत म से िकसकी िभि सबसे occurs during one complete heartbeat
िकस नाम से जाना जाता है ? मोटी होती है ? Explanation: The cardiac cycle refers
(a) Transfusion/ आधान (a) Right ventricle/ दायाँ िनलय to the sequence of mechanical and
(b) Processing/ सं रण (b) Left ventricle/ बायाँ िनलय electrical events that repeats with
(c) Transporting / प रवहन (c) Right atrium/ दायाँ अिलंद every heartbeat. It includes diastole
(d) Transferring /ह ां तरण (d) Left atrium / बायाँ अिलंद and systole.

Ans. (a) Transfusion Ans. (b) Left ventricle Q1723. The P wave of the ECG
Explanation: Blood transfusion is the Explanation: The lower chambers represents _________
process of receiving blood or blood are the right and left ventricles, इसीजी की P तरं ग _____ को दशाती है |
products into ones circulation which receive blood from the atria (a) ventricular depolarization/ िनलय
intravenously. It is used in various above. Their muscular walls are का िव ुवण
medical conditions to replace the lost thicker than the atria because they (b) atrial depolarization/ प रको ीय
component of blood. have to pump blood out of the heart. िव ुवण
Although the left and right ventricle (c) ventricular repolarization / िनलय
Q1718. If the blood group of an are similar in structure, the walls of का पुनः ुवण
individual is A then the antibody the left ventricle are thicker and (d) atrial systole / प रको ीय कुंचन
present is / stronger.
यिद िकसी का र समूह A है , Ans. (b) atrial depolarization
तो कौन सा एं टीबॉडी मौजूद होगा ? Q1721. The volume of blood each Explanation:The P wave represents
(a) Anti B antibodies/ एं टी B एं टीबॉडी ventricle pumps out during a cardiac the depolarization of the left and
(b) Anti A antibodies/ एं टी A एं टीबॉडी cycle is about ___________ right atrium and also corresponds to
(c) Anti O antibodies/ एं टी O एं टीबॉडी दय च के दौरान ेक िनलय र atrial contraction. Strictly speaking, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 219

the atria contract a split second after (c) Retinal cells/ रे िटना कोिशकाएं
the P wave begins. Because it is so (d) Presence of extra teeth / अित र Q1729. Catabolic processes:
small, atrial repolarization is usually दाँ तों की मौजूदगी अपचयी ि याएं :
not visible on ECG. (a) Make complex molecules / जिटल
Ans. (a) Absence of teeth अणुओं का िनमाण करती ह |
Q1724. Choose the correct pathway Explanation: A diastema (plural (b) Break complex molecules / जिटल
of the transmission of impulses in diastemata) is a space or gap between अणुओं को तोड़ती ह |
heart beat. / िदल की धड़कन म आवेगों two teeth. Many species of mammals (c) Occur in autotrophs / पोिषयों म
के संचरण के सही माग का चयन कर | have diastemata as a normal feature, होती ह |
(a) AV node - SA node - Bundle of most commonly between the incisors (d) Occur in heterotrophs / परपोिषयों
HIS - Purkinje fibres/ and molars. म होती ह |
AV गाँ ठ - SA गाँ ठ - HIS गु -
पुरिकंजे तंतु Q1727. Which of the following are Ans. (b) Break complex molecules
(b) SA node - AV node - Bundle of the chisel shaped teeth use for biting? Explanation: Catabolism is the set of
HIS - Purkinje fibres/ / metabolic pathways that breaks down
SA गाँ ठ - AV गाँ ठ - HIS गु - इनम से कौन से दां त छे नी के आकार के molecules into smaller units that are
पुरिकंजे तंतु होते ह िजनका योग काटने के िलए either oxidized to release energy or
(c) SA node - Bundle of HIS - AV िकया जाता है ? used in other anabolic reactions.
node - Purkinje fibres/ (a) Incisors/ कृ क
SA गाँ ठ- HIS गु - AV गाँ ठ - पुरिकंजे (b) Canines/ ानीय Q1730. RQ is/ RQ है :
तंतु (c) Molars/ चवण दं त (a) Ratio of CO2 produced to CO2
(d) SA node - Purkinje fibres - (d) None\ कोई भी नहीं consumed / CO2 के उ ादन तथा CO2
Bundle of HIS - AV node की खपत का अनुपात
SA गाँ ठ- पुरिकंजे तंतु- HIS गु - AV Ans. (a) Incisors (b) Ratio of CO2 produced to O2
गाँ ठ Explanation: Incisors — the sharp, consumed / CO2 का उ ादन तथा O2
chisel-shaped front teeth (four upper, की खपत का अनुपात
Ans. (b) SA node - AV node - four lower) used for cutting food. (c) Ratio of oxygen consumed to
Bundle of HIS - Purkinje fibres Canines — sometimes called CO2 produced / ऑ ीजन की खपत
cuspids, these teeth are shaped like तथा CO2 के उ ादन का अनुपात
Q1725. Alimentary canal of points (cusps) and are used for (d) Ratio of oxygen consumed to
herbivores differs from carnivore in tearing food. Premolars — these water produced / ऑ ीजन की खपत
having:/ teeth have two pointed cusps on their तथा जल के उ ादन का अनुपात
_____ होने के कारण शाकाहा रयों की biting surface and are sometimes
आहार नली मां साहा रयों से अलग होती referred to as bicuspids. Ans. (b) Ratio of CO2 produced to O2
है | consumed
(a) Short alimentary canal / लघु Q1728. Diarrhea takes out too much Explanation: RQ is respiration
आहार नली of water and minerals which causes/ quotient. It is a dimensionless
(b) Long alimentary canal/ लंबी डाय रया म पानी और खिनज की ब त number. RQ is the ratio of carbon
आहार नली अिधक मा ा बाहर िनकल जाती है जो dioxide produced by the body to
(c) Thin alimentary canal / पतली ____ का कारण बनती है | oxygen consumed by the body.
आहार नली (a) Lack of energy / ऊजा की कमी
(d) Fat alimentary canal /मोटी आहार (b) Dryness /शु ता Q1731. Which of the following does
नली (c) Hunger / भूख not belong to conducting portion of
Ans. (b) Long alimentary canal (d) Dehydration / िनजलीकरण the respiratory system?
Explanation: Herbivores as grass िन िल खत म से कौन सन तं के
eating animals. To digest the Ans. (d) Dehydration संवहनी िह े से संबंिधत नहीं है ?
cellulose present in it the herbivores Explanation: Diarrhea causes you to (a) Nose / नाक
have long alimentary canal lose even more fluids. You also lose (b) Pharynx / सनी
comparing to carnivores. salts and minerals such as sodium, (c) Alveoli / वायुकोि का
chloride, and potassium. These salts (d) Bronchioles / सू ासनिलका
Q1726. Diastema is associated with: and minerals affect the amount of
दं तां तराल ( Diastema ) िकस से संबंिधत water that stays in your body. Ans. (c) Alveoli
है ? Dehydration can be serious, Explanation: Respiratory system is
(a) Absence of teeth / दाँ तों की especially for children, older adults, divided into conducting zone and
अनुप थित and people with weakened immune exchange zone. Alveoli belong to
(b) Organ of corti / कोट अंग systems. exchange zone and not conducting [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 220

zone. (a) Excrete large amount of water / (b) Collecting ducts of testes / वृषण
अिधक मा ा म जल का उ जन की सं ाहक वािहकाएं
Q1732. When CO2 concentration in (b) Actively pump salts through skin/ (c) Collecting tubules of kidneys /
blood increased breathing becomes / चा के मा म से लवणों को सि य गुद की सं ाहक निलकाएं
जब र म काबन डाइऑ ाइड की प से ंिदत करना (d) PCT / पीसीटी
सां ता बढ़ जाती है , तब सन हो जाती है (c) Excrete large amount of salts in
(a) shallower and deeper / अिधक urine / पेशाब म लवण की बड़ी मा ा का Ans. (c) Collecting tubules of
उथली तथा गहरी उ जन करना kidneys
(b) slow and deep / धीमी और गहरी (d) Conserve water / जल का संर ण Explanation: ADH is also known as
(c) faster and deeper / तेज़ और गहरी vasopressin. It is a peptide
(d) no effect on breathing / सन पर Ans. (d) Conserve water acts on collecting
कोई भाव नहीं पड़ता है | tubules of kidneys.
Q1736. Adrenaline and
Ans. (c) faster and deeper noradrenaline are hormones and act Q1739. ADH deficiency shows
Explanation: The effect of rising as ______/ ________/
CO2 tension is to decrease the एडे नालाईन तथा नॉर-एडे नालाईन हॉम न एडीएच की कमी _____ को दशाती है |
affinity of Hb for O2. Thus, when ह एवं______ के प म काय करते ह | (a) Polydipsia / अितिपपसा
CO2 concentration in blood (a) Neurotransmitters / तंि का (b) Polyuria / ब मू ता
increases, breathing becomes faster संचारक (c) Glycosuria/ ाइकोसु रया
and deeper. (b) Energy storing substance / ऊजा (d) Both a and b / a और b दोनों
सं ह करने वाला पदाथ
Q1733. RQ is one in case of (c) Food storage material / खा पदाथ Ans. (d) Both a and b
____________/ सं ह करने वाला पदाथ Explanation: ADH deficiency shows
______ के मामले म RQ एक होता है | (d) Energy producing agents / ऊजा Polydipsia and Polyuria. Polydipsia
(a) Fatty acids / वसा अ उ ादक साधन is intense thirst despite drinking
(b) Nucleic acids / ू कअ plenty of fluids. Polyuria is passing
(c) Organic acids/ काबिनक अ Ans. (a) Neurotransmitters abnormally large amounts of urine.
(d) Carbohydrates / काब हाइडे ट Explanation: Adrenaline and nor
adrenaline are hormones and act as Q1740. Adrenal gland consists of
Ans. (d) Carbohydrates Neurotransmitters. They are secreted ________ /
Explanation: If metabolism consists by adrenaline glands. They are also एडे नल ंिथ म ______ स िलत होती
solely of lipids, the Respiratory chemical messengers. है |
Quotient is 0.7, for proteins it is 0.8, (a) ACTH and BCTH / एसीटीएच तथा
and for carbohydrates it is 1.0. Most Q1737. Which of the following बीसीटीएच
of the time, however, energy hormone is known as flight and fight (b) Inner and outer layer of kidney /
consumption is composed of both hormone? / गुद की आतं रक तथा बा परत
fats and carbohydrates. The िन िल खत म से िकस हॉम न को उड़ान (c) Inner medulla and outer cortex /
approximate respiratory quotient of a और लड़ाई हॉम न के प म जाना जाता आतं रक मेडुला तथा बा ां त था
mixed diet is 0.8. है ? (d) Lower adrenal and upper adrenal
(a) Thyroxin / थायरो न / िनचली एडे नल तथा ऊपरी एडे नल
Q1734. Congestion of lungs in one (b) Adrenaline / एडे नालाईन
of the main symptoms in ________/ (c) ADH / एडीएच Ans. (c) Inner medulla and outer
फेफड़ों का जमाव ______ के मुख (d) Oxytocin / ऑ ीटोिसन cortex
ल णों म से एक है | Explanation: Adrenal glands are
(a) Heart failure / द् पात Ans. (b) Adrenaline composed of two parts — the cortex
(b) Angina / कंठदाह Explanation: Adrenaline is known as and the medulla — which are each
(c) Hypotension / अ र चाप flight and fight hormone. It is responsible for producing different
(d) Atherosclerosis / धमनीकला produced by adrenal glands, during hormones.
कािठ stressful conditions adrenaline is
released into the blood sending Q1741. What connects hypothalamus
Ans. (a) Heart failure impulses to organs to create a to the pituitary? /
specific response. हाइपोथैलेमस को पीयूष ंिथ से कौन
Q1735. A terrestrial animal must be जोड़ता है ?
able to ________ / Q1738. ADH acts on ________/ (a) Infundibulum / वायुकोि का
एक थलीय पशु ______ करने म एडीएच _____ पर काय करता है | (b) Corpus callosum / महासंयोजक
अव स म होगा | (a) Loop of Henle / हे नले पाश िपंड [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 221

(c) Anterior / अ गामी Ans. (b) Flagellum
(d) Cerebral cortex / म वा क Explanation: The tail of the sperm - Ans. (a) IUDs
the flagellum - confers motility to the Explanation: IUDs are ideal
Ans. (a) Infundibulum sperm. contraceptives for the females who
Explanation: Infundibulum is a want to delay pregnancy and/or
funnel shaped structure. It is the Q1745. Cryptorchidism is a space children. It is one of most
connection between hypothalamus condition in which _________/ widely accepted methods of
and posterior pituitary. गु वृषणता एक थित है िजसम contraception in India.
Q1742. Which of the following (a) Male hormones are not reactive / Q1748. Study of the human
hormone is produced by a pituitary पु षों के हॉम न िति याशील नहीं होते population is known as _________/
gland in both males and females but (b) Ovaries are removed / अंडाशय मानव आबादी के अ यन को ______
functional only in a female? को हटा िदया जाता है | कहा जाता है |
िन िल खत म से िकस हॉम न का िनमाण (c) Sperms are not formed / शु ाणुओं (a) Anthropology / ए ोपोलॉजी
पु षों तथा मिहलाओं दोनों म पीयूष ंिथ का िनमाण नहीं होता (b) Demography /डे मो ाफी
के ारा िकया जाता है लेिकन यह केवल (d) Testes fail to descend in scrotal (c) Geography / िजयो ाफी
मिहलाओं म ही काय करता है ? sacs / वृषण अंडकोष की थैली म नीचे (d) Ethnology / एथनोलॉजी
(a) Relaxin / रलै न आने म असफल रहते ह |
(b) Prolactin/ ोलै न Ans. (b) Demography
(c) Vasopressin/ वैसो ेिसन Ans. (d) Testes fail to descend in Explanation: Demography is the
(d) No hormones/ कोई हॉम न नहीं scrotal sacs study of human populations – their
Explanation: The more formal size, composition and distribution
Ans. (b) Prolactin medical term for testicles that do not across space – and the process
Explanation: Prolactin is produced descend is cryptorchidism. It is one through which populations change.
by a pituitary gland in both males of the most common endocrine Births, deaths and migration are the
and females but functional only in a problems in newborn males and the 'big three' of demography, jointly
female. It is also known as most common genital condition that producing population stability or
luteotropic hormone. It enables doctors can identify at birth. change. Ethnology is the branch of
females to produce milk. Cryptorchidism often corrects itself anthropology that compares and
within a few months of birth. analyzes the characteristics of
Q1743. Diabetes insipidus is due to different peoples and the
insufficient release of _________ / Q1746. Type of placenta found in relationships between them
मू मेह रोग ______ के अपया मा ा म human is called _________/
मु होने के कारण होता है | मनु ों म पाए जाने वाले गभनाल के Q1749. What is the function of
(a) Insulin / इं सुिलन कार को ____ कहा जाता है | copper-T?/
(b) ADH /एडीएच (a) Discoidal / चि काभ कॉपर-टी का काय ा है ?
(c) Thyroxine/ थायरो न (b) Oval / अंडाकार (a) Stops cleavage / दरार को रोकता है
(d) Glucagon / ूकागॉन (c) Zonary/ मंडलाकार (b) Checks mutation / उ रवतन को
(d) Diffuse / िवसरण िनयंि त करता है |
Ans. (b) ADH (c) Stops gastrulation/ गै लेशन को
Explanation: Diabetes insipidus is a Ans. (a) Discoidal रोकता है |
disorder of salt and water Explanation: In humans, it is of (d) Stops fertilization / िनषेचन को
metabolism marked by intense thirst discoidal type in which the chorionic रोकता है |
and heavy urination. Diabetes villi area is arranged in the form of a
insipidus is due to insufficient release circular plate, therefore discoidal in Ans. (d) Stops fertilization
of ADH. shape. Explanation: The copper IUD works
by stopping the sperm and egg
Q1744. Human sperm moves with Q1747. Which of the following is the meeting and changing the lining of
the help of _________ / widely accepted method of the uterus/womb. This makes it
मानव शु ाणु _____ की सहायता से contraception in India? difficult for a fertilised egg to stick to
आगे बढ़ता है | भारत म गभ िनरोध की सवािधक ापक the lining to start a pregnancy. When
(a) Cilia / िसिलया प से ीकृत िविध कौन सी है ? it is first inserted (put in) it starts
(b) Flagellum / कशािभका (a) IUDs working straight away to prevent
(c) none / कोई भी नहीं (b) Tubectomy / मिहला नसबंदी pregnancy.
(d) Nucleosome / कि काभ (c) Cervical caps / ीवा टोपी
(d) Diaphragms / डाया ाम Q1750. Saheli is _________/ [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 222

सहे ली ______ है | िन िल खत म से कौन सा सरलतम membrane / आतं रक िझ ी से रिहत
(a) An oral contraceptive for females एिमनो अ है ? माइटोकां िडया
/ मिहलाओं के िलए एक मौ खक गभ (a) Glycine/ ाईसीन (c) Mitochondria without membranes
िनरोधक (b) Alanine/ एलैिनन / िबना िझ ी के माइटोकां िडया
(b) A diaphragm used by males / (c) Asparagine/ ए ेरािजन (d) Another name for mitochondria /
पु षों के ारा इ ेमाल िकया जाने वाला (d) Tyrosine / टायरोिसन माइटोकां िडया का एक अ नाम
डाया ाम
(c) A surgical sterilisation method / Ans. (a) Glycine Ans. (a) Mitochondria without outer
एक श बं ाकरण िविध Explanation: Glycine is the simplest membrane
(d) A diaphragm used by females / amino acid. It has a single hydrogen Explanation: Mitoplast is a
मिहलाओं के ारा इ ेमाल िकया जाने atom as its side chain. It is a mitochondrion that has been stripped
वाला डाया ाम proteinogenic amino acid. of its outer membrane leaving inner
membrane intact.
Ans. (a) Oral contraceptive for Q1754. The animal cells are
females interconnected by _________ Q1757. Metastasis is associated with
Explanation: Saheli is the world's जंतु कोिशकाएं आपस म _____ से जुड़ी _________/
first and only oral non steroidal होती ह | अप पां तरण ______ से संबंिधत है |
contraceptive pill. 'Saheli' aka (a) Cell wall / कोिशका िभि (a) Malignant tumor / मैिल ट ूमर
Centchroman (ormeloxifene 30mg) (b) Desmosomes / बंधकाय (b) Benign tumor / बैनाइन ूमर
is the only non–steroidal pill with (c) Plasma membrane/ ा ा िझ ी (c) Gall Tumor / गॉल ूमर
zero side effects available in the (d) All / सभी (d) None / कोई भी नहीं
world. ... Most convenient and safest
mode of contraception with a dosage Ans. (b) Desmosomes Ans. (a) Malignant tumor
of one pill a week. Explanation: Desmosomes are Explanation: Metastasis is associated
structure by which adjacent cells are with a malignant tumor. Metastasis is
Q1751. Spindle fibers are made up attached, formed from protein spreading of cancer cells from the
of ______/ plagues in cell membranes linked by place where they first formed to
तकु रे शे ______ से बने होते ह | filaments. another part of the body.
(a) Spindles/ तकु
(b) Tubulin/ ूिबिलन Q1755. Sodium and potassium Q1758. Tunnel vision is associated
(c) Flagella / कशािभका pumps are examples of __________ with __________
(d) Humulin / ह्युमुिलन सोिडयम और पोटै िशयम पंप _____ के टनल िवजन ( सुरंग ि ) ______ से
उदाहरण ह | संबंिधत है |
Ans. (b) Tubulin (a) Passive transport / िन य (a) Alcoholism / म पान
Explanation - Tubulin is a protein of प रवहन (b) Smoking/ धु पान
globular protein. It forms (b) Plasmolysis/ जीव कुंचन (c) Drug addiction / ड की लत
microtubules. It helps in cell (c) Active transport / सि य प रवहन (d) Mental health / मानिसक ा
division. (d) Osmosis / परासरण
Ans. (a) Alcoholism
Q1752 Chromosomes are separated Ans. (c) Active transport Explanation: Tunnel vision is a
during?/ Explanation: Active transport is the peripheral loss of vision. It is caused
गुणसू _____ के दौरान अलग होते ह | movement of ions or molecules due to severe addiction of alcohol.
(a) Prophase/ पूवाव था across a cell membrane into a region
(b) Anaphase / प ाव था of higher concentration assisted by Q1759. Which immunoglobulin is
(c) Metaphase / म ाव था enzymes and requiring energy. largest in size?
(d) Telophase / अं ाव था Sodium and potassium pumps are िकस इ ुनो ोबुिलन का आकार सबसे
examples of Active transport. बड़ा होता है ?
Ans. (b) Anaphase (a) IgA
Explanation: Anaphase is the 3rd Q1756. Which among the following (b) IgD
stage of cell division. During this is known as mitoplast? (c) IgE
stage chromosomes move away from िन िल खत म से िकसे िमटो ा के (d) IgM
one another to opposite poles of the नाम से जाना जाता है ?
spindle. (a) Mitochondria without outer Ans. (d) IgM
membrane / बा िझ ी से रिहत Explanation: IgM is the largest
Q1753. Which of the following is the माइटोकां िडया immunoglobulin in size. It is the first
simplest amino acid?/ (b) Mitochondria without inner antibody to appear in the response to [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 223

initial exposure to an antigen. तथा जंतु issues. The event was established by
(d) Protista and Plantae / ॉिट ा तथा the Governing Council of the United
Q1760. A dental disease पादप Nations Development Programme in
characterised by mottling of teeth is 1989.
due to the presence of certain Ans. (a) Plantae and Animalia
chemical element in drinking water. Explanation: Though plant and Q1765. Inheritance of ABO Blood
Which of the following is that animal kingdoms have been a group illustrates/
element?/ constant under all different systems, ABO र समूह की वंशानुगतता दशाती
एक दं तरोग, िजसम दाँ तों पर ध े पड़ the understanding of what है -
जाते ह, पेयजल म एक िनि त groups/organisms be included under (a) Euploidy/ सुगुिणता
रासायिनक त की मौजूदगी के कारण these kingdoms have been changing; (b) Polyploidy / ब गुिणता
होता है | वह त िन िल खत म से कौन the number and nature of other (c) Incomplete dominance/ अपूण
सा है ? kingdoms have also been understood भाव
(a) Fluorine / लो रन differently by different scientists over (d) Multiple allelism /
(b) Boron /बोरॉन time. ब -यु िवक ता
(c) Mercury / पारा
(d) Chlorine / ो रन Q1763. Biosphere consists of basic Ans. (d) Multiple allelism
units known as / Explanation: Inheritance in the
Ans. (a) Fluorine जैवमंडल म बुिनयादी इकाइयाँ शािमल human blood group shows multiple
Explanation: Fluorosis a chronic होती ह, िज ____ के नाम से जाना alleles, dominance as well as
condition caused by excessive intake जाता है | codominance. Within the ABO
of fluorine compounds marked by (a) Biomes / बायोम Blood Group system, the A and B
mottling of the teeth and, if severe, (b) Regional ecosystem / े ीय genes are codominant, i.e. these will
calcification of the ligaments. पा र थितकी तं be expressed whenever the gene is
(c) Ecosystems / पा र थितकी तं present. The O gene is silent and
Q1761. Which of the following sets (d) Geographical patterns / भौगोिलक only expressed when neither A nor B
of animals belong to class ा प is present.
िन िल खत म से िकस समूह के पशुओं Ans. (c) Ecosystems Q1766. A technology, which has
का संबंध साइ ो ोमाटा समूह से है ? Explanation: The biosphere is made found immense use in solving cases
(a) Herdmania and Petromyzon/ up of the parts of Earth where life of disputed parentage is /
हडमािनया तथा पेटोमाइजॉन exists—all ecosystems. The वह तकनीक कौन सी है , िजसका
(b) Petromyzon and myxine/ biosphere extends from the deepest िववािदत िपतृ ( िपता ) के मामलों म
पेटोमाइजॉन तथा िम ाइन root systems of trees, to the dark ापक योग िकया गया है ?
(c) Amphioxus and Balanoglossus/ environments of ocean trenches, to (a) Polymerase chain reaction /
ए फऑ स तथा बैलेनो ोसस lush rainforests, high mountaintops, पॉलीमरे ज ृंखला अिभि या
(d) Herdmania and myxine/ and transition zones like this one, (b) DNA fingerprinting / डीएनए
हडमािनया तथा िम ाइन where ocean and terrestrial िफंगरि ंिटं ग
ecosystems meet. (c) Monoclonal antibody production /
Ans. (b) Petromyzon and myxine मोनो ोनल एं टीबॉडी िनमाण
Explanation: Both Petromyzon Q1764. July 11th is obserevd as / (d) Recombinant DNA Technology /
(Lamprey) and Myxine (Hagfish) 11 जुलाई को ा मनाया जाता है ? पुनः संयोजक डीएनए तकनीक
belong to class Cyclostomata of (a) World population day / िव
Division Agnatha vertebrates. जनसं ा िदवस Ans. (b) DNA fingerprinting
(b) No Tobacco day / तंबाकू िनषेध Explanation: DNA fingerprinting is
Q1762. Two kingdom constantly िदवस a technique which is mainly used to
figured in all biological (c) World Environment day / िव compare a biological evidence with a
classifications are/ पयावरण िदवस DNA sample. It is very useful in
दो जगत समुदाय, जो सभी जैिवक (d) World Health day / िव ा solving disputed parentage cases and
वग करणों म िनयिमत प से शािमल िदवस forensic cases.
िकये जाते ह -
(a) Plantae and Animalia / पादप तथा Ans. (a) World population day Q1767. Human insulin is being
जंतु Explanation: World Population day is commercially produced from a
(b) Monera and animalia / मोनेरा तथा an annual event, observed on July 11 transgenic species of /
जंतु every year, which seeks to raise ______ की टां सजेिनक जाित से मानव
(c) Protista and Animalia / ॉिट ा awareness of global population इं सुिलन का वािण क उ ादन िकया [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 224

जा रहा है | संबंिधत नहीं है ?
(a) Escherichia coli/ ए चे रिचया (a) Nucleic acid / ू कअ Ans. (c) Monera
कोलाई (b) Proteins / ोटीन Explanation: Monerans are the
(b) Mycobacterium / (c) Polysaccharides / पॉिलसै ाइड group of organisms that show the
माइकोबै ी रयम (d) Lipids / िलिपड maximum number of modes of
(c) Rhizobium / राइजोिबयम nutrition. Some of the monerans like
(d) Saccharomyces / सै ोमाइिसज Ans.(d) Lipids Cyanobacteria are autotrophs and can
Explanation: lipids are not produce their own food, while some
Ans. (a) Escherichia coli considered to be polymers, because others like E. coli are heterotrophs
Explanation: Human insulin is lipids do not contain monomers and and depend on other organisms for
produced from genetically polymers are made up out of their food. Some of them also live as
engineered E.coli. By using genetic monomers. saprophytes, parasites, commensal,
engineering or recombinant DNA etc.
technology, insulin-producing genes Q1771. The term ‘species’ was
from human beings have been coined by/ Q1774. Which one single organism
transferred into E.coli. bacteria, ीशीज श िकसने गढ़ा था ? or the pair of organisms is correctly
which produced insulin called (a) Aristotle / अर ु assigned to its or their named
'humulin' for clinical use. (b) Linnaeus/ लीिनयस taxonomic group? / िकस जीव या जीवों
(c) John Ray / जॉन रे के यु को उसके या उनके सही
Q1768. Succession is / अनु मण है - (d) Engler / इं गलर वग करण समूह म िनिद िकया गया है ?
(a) Orderly process of community / (a) Paramecium and Plasmodium
समुदाय की मब ि या Ans. (c) John Ray belong to the same kingdom as that
(b) Gradual, directional and Explanation: John Ray is a person of Penicillium. / पैरामीिशयम तथा
continuous process/ िमक, िदशा क who coined the term "Species". He ाजमोिडयम का संबंध उसी जगत
तथा लगातार ि या was a well-known English naturalist. समुदाय से है िजस समुदाय से पेिनिसलम
(c) Series of biotic communities that He was among the first to attempt a संबंिधत है |
appear gradually in a barren area / 'biological definition' for the concept (b) Nostoc and Anabaena are
जैिवक समुदायों की वह ृंखला जो िकसी of species. Before the word species examples of protista / नो ॉक तथा
बंजर े म धीरे -धीरे उप थत होते ह | was termed as just some kind of एनाबीना ॉिट ा के उदाहरण ह |
(d) All of these / ये सभी organism. (c) Yeast used in making bread and
beer is a fungus / यी , िजसका योग
Ans. (d) All of these Q1772. In the five-Kingdom ेड तथा शराब बनाने म िकया जाता है ,
classification, Chlamydomonas and एक कवक है |
Q1769. Which of the following Chlorella have been included in / (d) Lichen is a composite organism
structure is present characteristically पाँ च जगत-वग करण म, ैमाइडोमोनस formed from the symbiotic
only in human brain / तथा ोरे ला को िकस म शािमल िकया association of an algae and a
िन िल खत म से कौन सी संरचना िवशेष गया है ? protozoan. / लाइकेन एक स ि त
प से केवल मानव म म ही पायी (a) Plantae / पादप जीव है िजसका िनमाण एक शैवाल तथा
जाती है ? (b) Algae / शैवाल एक ोटोजोआ के सहजीवी संघ से होता
(a) Corpus fibrosum / कॉपस (c) Protista/ ॉिट ा है |
फाइ ोसम (d) Monera/ मोनेरा
(b) Corpus stratum / कॉपस े टम Ans. (c) Yeast used in making bread
(c) Corpus luteum / कॉपस ुटम Ans. (c) Protista and beer is a fungus
(d) Corpus callosum / कॉपस Explanation: In the five-kingdom Explanation: Baker's yeast is of the
कॉलोसम classification, Chlamydomonas and species Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
Chlorella have been included in. and is the same species (but a
Ans. (d) Corpus callosum Protista Algae different strain) as the kind
Explanation: In mammals a large commonly used in alcoholic
band of white matter, the corpus Q1773. Maximum nutritional fermentation, which is called
callosum connects the right and left diversity is found in the group / brewer's yeast.
hemispheres. It is a unique character सवािधक पोषण िविवधता िकस समूह म
of the mammalian brain. पायी जाती है ? Q1775. Which one of the following
(a) Fungi / कवक is common to multicellular fungi,
Q1770. Which of the following are (b) Plantae / पादप filamentous algae and protonema of
not polymeric / (c) Monera / मोनेरा mosses?/
िन िल खत म से कौन ब लक से (d) Animalia / जंतु ब कोिशकीय कवक, तंतुमय शैवाल [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 225

और सेवार की ोटोनीमा म िन िल खत Ans. (d) Monera Q1780. One of the most important
म से कौन सी चीज़ एक जैसी होती है ? Explanation: So as both are functions of botanical gardens is that/
(a) life cycle / जीवन च prokaryotes and in monera, जैिवक उ ानों के सवािधक मह पूण
(b) Multiplication by prokaryotes are present therefore काय म से एक यह है िक -
fragmentation / िवखंडन के ारा monera is the kingdom where (a) One can observe tropical
वंश वृ archaea and nitrogen-fixing plants there / एक वहां
(c) Mode of Nutrition / पोषण का organisms should be placed. So the उ किटबंधीय पौधों को दे ख सकता
मा म correct answer is monera है |
(d) Members of kingdom Plantae / (b) They provide the natural
पादप जगत के सद Q1778. Phenetic classification of habitat for wildlife / वे व जीवों
organisms is based on/ को ाकृितक वास थल दान करते
Ans. (b) Multiplication by जीवों का फेनेिटक वग करण िकस पर ह|
fragmentation आधा रत है ? (c) They allow ex-situ
Explanation: Human insulin is (a) Sexual characteristics / लिगक conservation of germplasm/ वे
produced from genetically िवशेषताएं जनन व के बा थाने संर ण की
engineered E.coli. By using genetic (b) DNA characteristics / डीएनए अनुमित दे ते ह |
engineering or recombinant DNA िवशेषताएं (d) They provide a beautiful area
technology, insulin-producing genes (c) Observable characteristics of for recreation / वे मनोरं जन के िलए
from human beings have been existing organisms / मौजूदा जीवों की एक ख़ूबसूरत े दान करते ह |
transferred into E.coli. bacteria, िवशेषताएं
which produced insulin called (d) The ancestral lineage of existing Ans. (c) They allow ex-situ
'humulin' for clinical use. organisms / मौजूदा जीवों की पैतृक conservation of germplasm
वंशावली Explanation: Botanical gardens
Q1776. In five kingdom system, the devote their resources to the study
main basis of classification is/ Ans. (c) Observable characteristics and conservation of plants, as well as
पाँ च जगत समुदाय णाली म, वग करण of existing organisms making the world's plant species
का मु आधार ा है ? Explanation: Phenetics, also known diversity known to the public. These
(a) Structure of cell wall / कोिशका as taximetrics, is an attempt to gardens also play a central role in
िभि की संरचना classify organisms based on overall meeting human needs and providing
(b) Nutrition / पोषण similarity, usually in morphology or well-being.
(c) Structure of nucleus / क क की other observable traits
संरचना Q1781. Which type of DNA is found
(d) Asexual reproduction / Q1779. Practical purpose of in bacteria?
अलिगक जनन taxonomy or classification/ जीवाणुओं म िकस कार का डीएनए
जीवों के वग करण का वहा रक पाया जाता है ?
Ans. (b) Nutrition उ े है - (a) Helical DNA / कुंडिलत डीएनए
Explanation: The main criteria of the (a) To know the evolutionary history (b) Membrane bound DNA/ िझ ी से
five kingdom classification were cell / म-िवकास के इितहास को जानना बंधा डीएनए
structure, body organization, mode of (b) Explains the origin of organisms / (c) Straight DNA/ सीधा डीएनए
nutrition and reproduction, and जीवों की उ ि की ा ा करना (d) Circular free DNA / च ाकार
phylogenetic relationships (c) Facilitate the identification of मु डीएनए
unknown species / अ ात जाितयों की
Q1777. In which kingdom would पहचान को आसान बनाना Ans. (d) Circular free DNA
you classify the archaea and (d) Identification of medicinal plants Explanation: Bacterial DNA – a
nitrogen-fixing organism, if the / औषधीय पौधों की पहचान करना circular chromosome plus plasmids
five-kingdom system of Most bacteria have a haploid
classification is used/ Ans. (c) Facilitate the identification genome, a single chromosome
यिद पाँ च जगत-समुदाय का योग िकया of unknown species consisting of a circular, double
जाए, तो आप आिकया तथा नाइटोजन Explanation: Taxonomy is the stranded DNA molecule. However
थ रकारक जीवों को िकस समुदाय म science of classification of organisms linear chromosomes have been found
वग कृत करगे ? and includes identification and in Gram-positive Borrelia and
(a) Protista/ ॉिट ा nomenclature based on the Streptomyces spp., and one linear
(b) Fungi / कवक description of characteristics. and one circular chromosome is
(c) Plantae / पादप Taxonomy, therefore, helps to present in the Gram-negative
(d) Monera / मोनेरा identify the unknown species. bacterium Agrobacterium
tumefaciens. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 226

of circular, single-stranded RNA that (a) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme +
Q1782. Which of the following has no protein coating. Coenzyme/ एपोएं जाइम =
statements is not true for Prions are misfolded proteins with होलोएं जाइम + कोएं जाइम
retroviruses?/ रे टोवायरस के िवषय म the ability to transmit their misfolded (b) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme +
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही है ? shape onto normal variants of the Coenzyme / होलोएं जाइम =
(a) Retroviruses are causative agents same protein. They characterize एपोएं जाइम + कोएं जाइम
for certain kinds of cancer in man/ several fatal and transmissible (c) Coenzyme = Apoenzyme +
रे टोवायरस मनु ों म होने वाले कुछ neurodegenerative diseases in Holoenzyme / कोएं जाइम =
कसरो का कारण बनते ह | humans and many other animals. एपोएं जाइम + होलोएं जाइम
(b) The genetic material in mature (d) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme –
retroviruses is RNA/ प रप Q1784. In AIDS, HIV kills/ Apoenzyme / होलोएं जाइम =
रे टोवायरस म आनुवंिशक पदाथ एड् स म, एचआइवी ____ को मार दे ता है कोएं जाइम - एपोएं जाइम
आरएनए होता है | |
(c) Retroviruses carry gene for (a) Bone-Marrow cells/ अ थ Ans.(b) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme
RNA-dependent DNA म ा की कोिशकाओं को + Coenzyme
polymerase/ रे टोवायरस आरएनए (b) T-Helper cell/ टी-सहायक Explanation: Apoenzyme is the
पर िनभर डीएनए पॉलीमरे ज के िलए कोिशकाओं को protein component of the enzyme
जीन के वाहक होते ह | (c) Antibody molecule/ एं टीबॉडी which is inactive and not bound to
(d) DNA is not present at any अणुओं को the cofactor while holoenzyme is the
stage in the life cycle of (d) T-Cytotoxic cell/ protein component of the enzyme
retroviruses./ रे टोवायरस के जीवन टी-कोिशकािवषी कोिशकाओं को and bound cofactor which creates the
च के िकसी भी चरण म डीएनए active form of the enzyme.
मौजूद नहीं होता है | Ans. (b) T-Helper cell A coenzyme is an organic
Explanation: Ultimately, HIV causes non-protein compound that binds
Ans. (d) DNA is not present at any AIDS by depleting CD4+ T cells. with an enzyme to catalyze a reaction
stage in the life cycle of retroviruses. This weakens the immune system
Explanation: A retrovirus contains and allows opportunistic infections. Q1787. The polypeptide or protein
single-stranded RNA as the genetic T cells are essential to the immune part of the enzyme is called/
material. It contains reverse response and without them, the body पॉलीपे ाइड या एं जाइम का ोटीन भाग
transcriptase enzyme. It carries gene cannot fight infections or kill ा कहलाता है ?
for RNA-dependent DNA cancerous cells. (a) Apoenzyme/ एपोएं जाइम
polymerase. RNA is transcribed into (b) Holoenzyme / होलोएं जाइम
DNA after entering a cell. This Q1785. The first enzyme to be (c) Prosthetic group / कृि म समूह
retroviral DNA integrates into the purified and crystallized was / (d) Zymogen / जाइमोजेन
chromosomal DNA and replicates. वह पहला एं जाइम कौन सा था िजसे
शु कृत तथा ि लीकृत िकया गया Ans. (a) Apoenzyme
Q1783. Viroids have/ वाईरॉयड म था ? Explanation: Apoenzyme is the
होता है - (a) Urease / यू रएज protein component of the enzyme
(a) dS-DNA enclosed by protein (b) Diastase/ डाय े ज which is inactive.
coat / ोटीन आवरण से संल (c) Insulin/ इं सुिलन
dS-DNA (d) Zymase / जाइमेज Q1788. Restriction endonuclease is
(b) Ss-DNA not enclosed by employed for
protein coat/ ोटीन आवरण से Ans. (a) Urease ितबंध एं डो ू ीज का योग _____
गैर-संल sS-DNA Explanation: Urease is significant in के िलए िकया जाता है |
(c) Ss-RNA not enclosed by the history of enzymology as the first (a) Cutting RNA / आरएनए को
protein coat / ोटीन आवरण से enzyme to be purified and काटने के िलए
गैर-संल sS-RNA crystallized (by James B. Sumner in (b) Cutting single stranded DNA /
(d) dS-RNA enclosed by protein 1926). This achievement laid the एकल असहाय डीएनए को काटने के
coat / ोटीन आवरण से संल groundwork for the subsequent िलए
dS-RNA demonstration that urease and other (c) Cutting double stranded DNA/
enzymes are proteins. दोहरा असहाय डीएनए को काटने के
Ans. (c) Ss-RNA not enclosed by िलए
protein coat Q1786. Which one of the following (d) Joining strands of DNA /
Explanation: Viroids are the smallest statements is true with reference to डीएनए के िकनारों को जोड़ने के िलए
infectious pathogens known. They enzymes? एं जाइमों के संदभ म
are composed solely of a short strand िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही है ? Ans. (c) Cutting double stranded [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 227

DNA (a) End products / अंितम उ ाद enzyme may be bound to the
Explanation: Restriction enzyme. (b) External factors / बाहरी कारक inhibitor, the substrate, or neither, but
Restriction enzyme, also called (c) Enzymes / एं जाइम it cannot bind both at the same time.
restriction endonuclease, a protein (d) Substrates / पदाथ
produced by bacteria that cleaves Q1794. Enzymes are different from
DNA at specific sites along the Ans. (a) End products catalysts in /
molecule. In the bacterial cell, Explanation: Feedback inhibition is एं जाइम उ ेरक से _____ के मामले म
restriction enzymes cleave foreign the phenomenon where the output of अलग होते ह |
DNA, thus eliminating infecting a process is used as an input to (a) functional at high temperature
organisms. control the behavior of the process / उ तापमान पर ि याशील होते ह
itself, oftentimes limiting the (b) not used up in reaction /
Q1789. Enzymes are sensitive to/ production of more product. अिभि या म योग नहीं िकया जाता
एं जाइम ____ के ित संवेदनशील होते ह Although negative feedback is used (c) being proteinaceous / ोटीनीय
(a) Cold / सद in the context of inhibition, negative होते ह |
(b) Cell wall / कोिशका िभि feedback may also be used for (d) having high rate diffusion /
(c) Heat / ऊ ा promoting a certain process. सार की दर उ होती है |
(d) Pressure / दाब
Q1792. Km value of enzyme is Ans. (c) being proteinaceous
Ans. (c) Heat substrate concentration at/ Explanation: Enzymes are specific.
Explanation: Enzymes are very ि याधार सां ता म एं जाइम का Km मान Chemical catalysts can react with a
sensitive to the conditions at which िकतना होता है ? variety of substrates. Usually
they work. Many enzymes work best (a) 1/2 Vmax enzymes catalyze only a single type
at a particular pH and stop working if (b) 2 V max of reaction, and often they work only
the pH becomes too acidic or (c) 1/4 V max on one or a few substrate
alkaline. Graph of enzyme-catalysed (d) 4 V max compounds.
reaction rate against pH. Enzymes Catalysts are simple inorganic
are also sensitive to temperature. Ans. (a) 1/2 Vmax molecules. Enzymes are complex
Explanation: Km value is proteins. Catalyst function at high
Q1790. Enzymes having slightly numerically equal to the substrate temperature and pressure. Enzymes
different molecules structure but concentration at which the half of the are proteins that have a specific
performing identical activity are / enzyme molecules are associated function. They speed up the rate of
वे एं जाइम कौन से ह िजनकी आणिवक with substrate. km value is an index chemical reactions in a cell or
संरचना थोड़ी अलग होती है लेिकन वे of the affinity of enzyme for its outside a cell. Enzymes act as
सम प काय करते ह ? particular substrate. catalysts; they do not get consumed
(a) Apoenzymes/ एपोएं जाइम in the chemical reactions that they
(b) Isoenzymes/ आइसोएं जाइम Q1793. Blocking of enzyme action accelerate.
(c) Holoenzymes/ होलोएं जाइम by blocking its active sites is/
(d) Coenzymes/ कोएं जाइम एं जाइम के सि य थलों को अवरोिधत Q1795. Mutations can be induced
करके इसके काय का अवरोधन ा with/ उ रवतन को े रत िकया जा
Ans. (b) Isoenzymes कहलाता है ? सकता है -
Explanation: Examples of isoforms (a) allosteric inhibition/ अपर थली (a) Gamma radiations / गामा
are the liver/bone/kidney alkaline अवरोध िविकरणों से
phosphatases which are encoded by (b) feedback inhibition / ितपुि (b) Infrared radiations / अवर
the same gene but differentially अवरोध िविकरणों से
modified in a tissue-specific manner. (c) competitive inhibition / (c) Ethylene / ईथीलीन से
The five “classical” isozymes of ितयोगी अवरोध (d) None of these / इनम से कोई
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) arise (d) non-competitive inhibition/ नहीं
from combinations of the two गैर- ितयोगी अवरोध
restricted definitions described Ans. (a) Gamma radiations
earlier. Ans. (c) competitive inhibition Explanation: Mutations can be
Explanation: In competitive induced in a variety of ways, such as
Q1791. Which of the following inhibition, an inhibitor that resembles by exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing
influence feedback inhibition of the normal substrate binds to the radiation or chemical mutagens.
enzyme? enzyme, usually at the active site,
िन िल खत म से कौन एं जाइम के and prevents the substrate from Q1796. Breeding crops with higher
ितपुि िनषेध को भािवत करता है ? binding. At any given moment, the levels of minerals, vitamins or higher [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 228

protein and healthier fats is called / derived from the IR-8 and its कारण होती है
उ र के खिनज, िवटािमन, या उ derivatives later introduced in India (d) Caused by a gram positive
र की ोटीन तथा अिधक थ वसा in 1966. The better-yielding rice bacterium / ाम धना क जीवाणु के
के साथ फसलों की वंश वृ को ा varieties 'Jaya' and 'Ratna' were then कारण होती है |
कहा जाता है ? developed 1966. It increases the rice
(a) Micropropagation/ सू सार production from 35 million tonnes to Ans.(c) Caused by a virus
(b) Somatic hybridization/ दै िहक 89.5 million tonnes in India. Explanation: Colds, flu and most
संकरण sore throats and bronchitis are caused
(c) Biofortification/ Q1799. The capacity to generate a by viruses. Antibiotics do not help in
बायोफोिटिफकेशन whole plant from any cell/explants is fighting viruses. Antibiotics kill
(d) Biomagnification/ जैव आवधन called / bacteria, not viruses. Common cold
िकसी भी कोिशका/ कत तक से समूचे is an infectious disease caused by
Ans. (c) Biofortification पौधे को िवकिसत करने की मता ा rhinovirus.
Explanation: Biofortification can be कहलाती है ?
defined as a process to increase the (a) Cell culture / कोिशका संवधन Q1802. Cancer cells are damaged by
bioavailability and the concentration (b) Cell cloning / कोिशका radiations while others are not
of nutrients in crops through both ितकृितकरण because cancer cells are /
conventional plant breeding and (c) Tissue culture / उ क संवधन कसर कोिशकाएं िविकरण से न हो
recombinant DNA technology. (d) Totipotency /पूणश ता जाती ह जबिक अ कोिशकाओं के साथ
यह नहीं होता ोंिक कसर कोिशकाएं -
Q1797. ‘Himgiri' developed by Ans. (d) Totipotency (a) Undergoing rapid divisions/
hybridisation and selection for Explanation: Totipotency is the तेज़ी से िवभािजत होती ह |
disease resistance against rust ability of a single cell to divide and (b) Different in nature / अलग
pathogens is a variety of/ produce all of the differentiated cells कृित की होती ह |
रतुआ रोगजनकों के िव रोग ितरोध in an organism. Spores and zygotes (c) Same in nature / समान कृित
के िलए संकरण तथा चयन के ारा are examples of totipotent cells. की होती ह
िवकिसत की गयी “िहमिगरी” ______ (d) None of the above / उपरो
की एक िक है | Q1800. The entire collections of म से कोई नहीं
(a) Wheat/ गे ँ plants/seeds having all diverse alleles
(b) Chilli/ िमच for all the genes of a crop is called / Ans. (a) Undergoing rapid divisions
(c) Maize/ म ा एक फसल की सभी जीनों के िलए सभी Explanations: Cancer cells multiply
(d) Sugarcane/ ग ा िविवध एलील से यु पौधों/बीजों के faster than normal cells in the body.
संपूण सं ह को ा कहा जाता है ? Because radiation is most harmful to
Ans. (a) Wheat (a) Germplasm/ जन व quickly growing cells, radiation
Explanation: Himgiri (HS 375) is a (b) Herbarium/ औषिध सं हालय therapy damages cancer cells more
wheat variety developed by (c) Genome/ जीनोम than normal cells. This prevents the
hybridization and selection for (d) Gene library / जीन पु कालय cancer cells from growing and
disease resistance and leaf and stripe dividing, and leads to cell death.
rust pathogens suitable for timely Ans. (a) Germplasm
sown and rainfed irrigated Explanation: Germplasm are living Q1803. Use of antihistamines and
conditions. genetic resources such as seeds or steroids give a quick relief from/
tissues that are maintained for the एं टी-िह ािमन तथा े रॉयड का योग
Q1798. “Jaya" and "Ratna" purpose of animal and plant ____ से रत राहत दान करता है |
developed for green revolution in breeding, preservation, and other (a) Headache / िसर दद
India are the varieties of / research uses. (b) Allergy / एलज
भारत म ह रत ां ित के िलए िवकिसत (c) Nausea/ उबकाई
की गयीं “जया” और “र ा” _____ की Q1801. Common cold is not cured (d) Cough / खाँ सी
िक ह | by antibiotics because it is
(a) Bajra / बाजरा सामा सद एं टीबायोिटक से ठीक नहीं Ans.(b) Allergy
(b) Maize / म ा हो पाती ोंिक यह - Explanation: Histamine is mostly
(c) Rice / चावल (a) Caused by a gram negative responsible for allergic reactions.
(d) Wheat / गे ँ bacterium/ ाम ऋणा क जीवाणु के Antihistamines block the action of
कारण होती है | histamines.
Ans. (c) Rice (b) Not an infectious disease/ एक A steroid is a biologically active
Explanation: During the green सं ामक रोग नहीं है organic compound. Steroids such as
revolution, semi-dwarf varieties were (c) Caused by a virus/ िवषाणु के corticosteroids are used in the [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 229

treatment of allergic reactions by समूह म रखा जा सकता है ? of Species is:
reducing inflammation associated (a) Grasses / घास ऑन द ओ रिजन ऑफ़ ीशीज के
with allergies. (b) Trees / वृ लेखक ह :
(c) Herbs / औषिध (a) Charles Lyell / चा लायेल
Q1804. A tumor enclosed within a (d) Flowers / पु (b) Charles Darwin / चा डािवन
capsule is termed/ (c) Charles Dickens / चा िडकस
एक आवरण म बंद ूमर को ा नाम Ans. (c) Herbs (d) Charles Baudelaire / चा
िदया जाता है ? Explanation: According to Purdue बॉडलेयर
(a) Benign/ बेनाइन University's Center for New Crops
(b) Metastasis / मेटा ािसस and Plant Products, banana plants are Ans. (b) Charles Darwin
(c) Malignant /मैिल ट not trees. They are, in fact, large Explanation: On the Origin of
(d) Basophils / बैसोिफ herbs, as they do not have a Species (or, more completely, On the
persistent or woody stem Origin of Species by Means of
Ans. (a) Benign Natural Selection, or the
Explanation: Benign tumors will Q1807. From what plant was paper Preservation of Favoured Races in
grow in a contained area usually originally made? the Struggle for Life), published on
encapsulated in a fibrous connective कागज़ को आरं भ म िकस पौधे से बनाया 24 November 1859, is a work of
tissue capsule. गया था ? scientific literature by Charles
(a) cattail / नागरमोथा Darwin which is considered to be the
Q1805. Which of the following (b) rosemary/ रोजमैरी foundation of evolutionary biology.
disease is caused by virus and (c) papyrus / पेिपरस
transmitted by mosquito / (d) wheat / गे ँ Q1810. Which of the following is a
िन िल खत म से कौन सा रोग िवषाणु के poisonous fish?
कारण होता है तथा म र के ारा Ans. (c) papyrus िन िल खत म से कौन एक जहरीली
फैलता है ? Explanation: The ancient Egyptians मछली है ?
(a) Plague / ेग made a parchment like paper, also (a) hammerhead shark/ है मरहे ड शाक
(b) Typhus / टाईफस called papyrus, from the pith, or (b) goldfish / गो िफश
(c) Yellow fever / पीला र inner portion, of the stalk of the (c) lion fish / िसंह मछली
(d) Filariasis / हाथीपां व papyrus plant. (d) killer whale / जानलेवा े ल

Ans. (c) Yellow fever Q1808. Which of these joints is not Ans. (c) lionfish
Explanation: Plague is a serious found in the human body? Explanation: Lionfish are noted for
bacterial infection that's िन िल खत म से कौन सा जोड़ मानव their venomous fin spines, which are
transmitted primarily by fleas. The शरीर म नहीं पाया जाता है ? capable of producing painful, though
organism that causes plague is (a) gliding / ाइिडं ग rarely fatal, puncture wounds.
Yersinia pestis. (b) mortise and tenon / मोिटज और
Typhus fever is a rickettsial टे नन Q1811. In science, what is the name
disease caused by the organism (c) ball and socket / बॉल और सॉकेट for the classification of plants and
Rickettsia prowazekii, a Gram (d) None / कोई भी नहीं animals?/
negative, obligate intracellular िव ान म, पौधों तथा जंतुओं के वग करण
bacterium. Routes of Exposure: Ans. (b) mortise and tenon को ा नाम िदया गया है ?
Humans are exposed to epidemic Explanation: Examples include the (a) taxonomy / टै ोनॉमी
typhus through arthropod vectors, carpal joints of the wrist, the tarsal (b) taxidermy / टै ीडम
primarily the human body louse. joints of the ankle, and the facet (c) entropy / ए ापी
The Flavivirus causes yellow joints of the spine. (d) gentrification / ज ीिफकेशन
fever, and it's transmitted when an Mortise-and-tenon joints are among
infected mosquito bites you. the strongest joints in woodworking, Ans. (a) taxonomy
The causative agents of lymphatic and are used for projects that have
filariasis (LF) include the frame construction and need to be Q1812. Which of the following is
mosquito-borne filarial nematodes strong. Chairs and tables use them as not a member of the vitamin B
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia does most Arts and Crafts and complex?
malayi Mission style furniture. िन िल खत म से कौन िवटािमन बी समूह
Ball and socket- Hip joint, Shoulder का एक सद नहीं है ?
Q1806. A banana plant fits into joint (a) Thiamine / थायिमन
which of these groups?/ (b) Riboflavin / राइबो ेिवन
केले के पेड़ को िन िल खत म से िकस Q1809. The author of On the Origin (c) Folic acid / फोिलक अ [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 230

(d) Ascorbic acid / ए ॉिबक अ (a) Estrogen / ए ोजेन and James Watson first described the
(b) Glucagon / ूकागॉन molecular structure of DNA, which
Ans. (d) Ascorbic acid (c) Insulin / इं सुिलन they called a "double helix," in the
Explanation: Vitamin B complex (d) Oxytocin / ऑ ीटॉिसन journal Nature. For this breakthrough
consists of 8 vitamins namely B1, discovery, Watson, Crick, and their
B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Ans. (a) Estrogen colleague Maurice Wilkins won a
Vitamin B1 is Thiamine, Vit B2 is Explanation: Steroid hormone is Nobel Prize in Physiology, or
Riboflavin, Vit B3 is Niacin, Vit B5 produced by three endocrine organs. Medicine, in 1962.
is pantothenic acid, Vit B6 is The testes, produces testosterone; the In the 18th century, Carl Linnaeus
pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid and Vit ovaries, produces estrogen; and the published a system for classifying
B12 is cyanocobalamin. adrenal cortex, produces steroid living things, which has been
hormones such as cortisol and developed into the modern
Q1813. Fungi are plants that lack:/ aldosterone. Steroid hormones are classification system.
कवक वे पौधे ह िजनम _____ नहीं पाया derived from cholesterol and are Carolus Linnaeus is the father of
जाता है | lipid-soluble molecules. taxonomy, which is the system of
(a) Oxygen / ऑ ीजन classifying and naming organisms.
(b) Carbon dioxide / काबन Q1816. Greatest number of Sweat One of his contributions was the
डाइऑ ाइड glands are present in which part of development of a hierarchical system
(c) Chlorophyll / ोरोिफल the human body? of classification of nature. ...
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं मानव शरीर के िकस िह े म पसीना Linnaeus also provided us with a
ंिथयों की सबसे अिधक सं ा होती है ? consistent way to name species
Ans. (c) Chlorophyll (a) Forehead / ललाट called binomial nomenclature.
Explanation: We know plants prepare (b) Forearm / बाजू Harvey summarized the substance of
their own food and so are known as (c) Palm of the hand / हाथ की हथेली his findings: "It has been shown by
autotrophs. With the help of (d) Back / पीठ reason and experiment that blood by
photosynthesis they make food in the beat of the ventricles flows
which they produce glucose from Ans. Palm of the hand through the lungs and heart and is
carbon dioxide and sunlight. Oxygen Explanation: The majority of them pumped to the whole body.
is released by plants which is further are “eccrine” sweat glands, which are
used by humans and other animals. found in large numbers on the soles Q1818. Hargobind Khorana had
But Fungi lack chlorophyll and do of the feet, the palms, the forehead researched on ...../
not engage in photosynthesis. and cheeks, and in the armpits. हरगोिबंद खुराना ने _____ पर शोध
िकया था |
Q1814. Which blood vessels have Q1817. Which of the following name (a) Synthesis of simple DNA / सरल
the smallest diameter? of scientist and their field of work is डीएनए का सं ेषण
िकस र वािहका का ास सबसे छोटा correctly matched?/ वै ािनकों के नाम (b) Understanding the genetic code /
होता है ? तथा उनके काय के े का िन िल खत आनुवंिशक कूट की समझ
(a) Capillaries / केिशकाएं म से कौन सा िमलान सही है ? (c) Reduction of mutation/ उ रवतन
(b) Arterioles / धमिनका (a) DNA/Double helix: F. Crick J. की कमी
(c) Venules / िश रका Watson, M. Wilkins / डीएनए/ (d) Synthesis of RNA from bacterial
(d) Lymphatic/ लसीका ि -कुंिडिलनी : एफ ि क जे वाटसन, cell / जीवाणु कोिशका से आरएनए का
एम िव ं स सं ेषण
Ans. (a) Capillaries (b) Modern classification of plants
Explanation: Blood is carried and animals based on a system: Ans. (b) Understanding the genetic
through the body by Blood Vessels. Harvey/ एक णाली के आधार पर पौधों code
With the help of perfusion process तथा जंतुओं का आधुिनक वग करण : Explanation: Har Gobind Khorana,
capillaries supplies blood to the हाव an organic chemist who specialized
tissues. The diameter of capillary (c) Bacteria: Linnaeus / जीवाणु : in the study of proteins and nucleic
ranges from 5-10 micrometers. The लीिनयस acids, shared the Nobel Prize in
diameter of arteriole is approx. 30 (d) Blood travels in a continuous Physiology of Medicine with Robert
micrometer. circuit: Leuwenhock/ र एक िनरं तर W. Nirenberg in 1968 for discoveries
प रपथ म दौड़ता है : ूवेनहॉक related to the genetic code and its
Q1815. Which of the following function in protein synthesis .
hormones is a steroid? Ans. (a) DNA/Double helix: F. Crick
िन िल खत म से कौन सा हॉम न एक J. Watson, M. Wilkins Q1819. Which one of the following
े रॉयड है ? Explanation: In 1953, Francis Crick is not correctly matched? [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 231

िन िल खत म से कौन सा िमलान सही (d) Pneumonia/ िनमोिनया - Lungs / Q1825. Select the correct match of
नहीं है ? फेफड़े the Biological theories or laws and
(a) Haemoglobin: Skin / हीमो ोिबन : Scientists.
चा Ans. (d). Pneumonia - Lungs जीविव ान के िस ां तों या िनयमों तथा
(b) Vitamin C: Scurvy / िवटािमन सी : Explanation: Caries- Teeth वै ािनकों के सही यु का चयन कर |
व Ringworm- Skin ;fungal infection (a) Laws of Inheritance/ वंशानुगतता
(c) Carbohydrate: Potato / Meningitis- Brain; inflammation of के िनयम - Lamarck/ लैमाक
काब हाइडे ट : आलू the meninges. (b) Theories of Organic Evolution/
(d) Fat: Butter / वसा : म न जैिवक िवकास के िस ां त - Darwin/
Q1823. What is blood pressure?/ डािवन
Ans. (a) Haemoglobin: Skin र चाप ा है ? (c) Theories of Natural Selection /
(a) It is the pressure that the blood ाकृितक चयन का िस ां त - Mendel/
Q1820. Which one of the following clot exerts over the brain./ यह वह मडे ल
is not correctly matched? दाब है िजसे र का थ ा म पर (d) Germ plasm Theory / जन व
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िमलान सही उ करता है | िस ां त - Weismann / वीसमैन
नहीं है ? (b) It is the pressure that blood
(a) Tuberculosis: Lungs / य ा : receives on account of faulty Ans. (d) Germ plasm Theory -
फेफड़े commands from the brain. / यह वह Weismann
(b) Filaria: Lymph nodes/ फाइले रया दाब है िजसे र म के दोषपूण Explanation: Germ plasm is a
: लसीका ंिथ िनयं ण के कारण ा करता है | biological concept developed in the
(c) Encephalitis: Heart / (c) It is the pressure that fatness or 19th century by the German biologist
इ ेफेलाइिटस : दय old age exerts on the body's August Weismann. It states that
(d) Leukaemia: Blood cells / circulatory system. / यह एक दाब है heritable information is transmitted
ूकेिमया : र कोिशकाएं िजसे मोटापा या बढ़ती उ शरीर के only by germ cells in the gonads, not
प रसंचरण तं पर उ करती है | by somatic cells.
Ans. (c) Encephalitis: Heart (d) It is the amount of pressure on the
blood as a result of the heart's Q1826. Which of the following
Q1821. Mushrooms are/can be: / pumping function / यह र पर दय disease occur when the replacement
मश म ह / हो सकते ह : के िन ंदन काय के प रणाम प of breast feeding by less nutritive
(a) A variety of fungus / कवक का उ होने वाले दाब की मा ा है | food, low in proteins and calories,
एक कार infants below the age of one year? /
(b) Fleshy, fruiting bodies of the Ans. (d) It is the amount of pressure िन िल खत म से कौन सा रोग होता है
fungus / कवक की मां सल, फलदार on the blood as a result of the heart's जब एक वष से कम के िशशु को
जाित pumping function नपान के थान पर कम पोषक भोजन
(c) Grown in small sheds or plots / Explanation: Blood pressure is the िदया जाता है िजसम ोटीन और कैलोरी
छोटे छ रों या भू-खंडो पर उगते ह pressure of circulating blood against की कमी होती है ?
(d) All the above / उपरो सभी the walls of blood vessels. Most of (a) Kwashiorkor/ पा रगिभक
this pressure results from the heart (b) Marasmus / सूखा रोग
Ans. (d) All the above pumping blood through the (c) Rickets / बाल व
Explanation: A mushroom or circulatory system. (d) Pellagra / पेला ा
toadstool is the fleshy, spore-bearing
fruiting body of a fungus, typically Q1824. What causes the 'mad-cow Ans. (b) Marasmus
produced above ground, on soil, or disease' (Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease)? Explanation: Marasmus is severe
on its food source. मैड काऊ रोग का कारण ा है ? malnutrition characterized by energy
(a) Bacterium / जीवाणु deficiency. Kwashiorkor is a protein
Q1822. Select the correct match of (b) Virus / िवषाणु deficiency disorder with adequate
the disease and its affected part./ (c) Viroid / वायरोइड energy intake, whereas Marasmus is
रोग तथा इसके भािवत िह े के सही (d) Prion / ि योन inadequate energy intake including
यु का चयन कर | proteins.
(a) Caries / य - Epidermal tissue of Ans. (d) Prion
the body / शरीर का अिधचिमक उ क Explanation: Identified Prion Q1827. Assertion (A): The sons of a
(b) Ringworm/ दाद - Brain and Diseases are Creutzfeldt -Jakob colour blind woman are always
Spinal cord / म तथा रीढ़ की Disease (CJD), Gerstmann colour blind but not the daughters.
ह ी -Straussler -Scheinker Syndrome, कथन ( A ) : एक वणा मिहला के बेटे
(c) Meningitis/ म ावरण शोथ - Fatal Familial Insomnia, Kuru. हमेशा वणा होते ह लेिकन बेिटयाँ नहीं
Teeth /दां त | [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 232

Reason (R): Colour blindness is a sulphur particles into the air from
sex-linked character and such factories processing sulphur. / स र Q1831. In the stem of a plant
characters are transferred from का सं रण करने वाले कारखानों से respiration and breathing takes place
mother to son only./ हवा म स र के कणों का बड़ी मा ा म through:/
कारण ( R ) : वणा ता िलंग से संबंिधत मु होना पौधे के तने म, ास तथा सन ______
गुण है तथा ऐसे गुण माता से केवल बेटों (d) Release of a large amount of के मा म से होता है |
म ही जाते ह | sulphur particles into the air near (a) Lenticels/ वातरं
Select your answers to these items sulphur mines./ स र के खानों के (b) Stomata/ रं
using the codes given below. समीप हवा म स र के कणों का बड़ी (c) Root hair / मूल रोम
(a) Both A and R are true and R is मा ा म मु होना (d) Air tubes / वायु निलकाएं
the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is Ans. (b) Discharge of large quantities Ans. (a) Lenticels
not a correct explanation of A of pinus pollen grains into the air Explanation: The lenticels found on
(c) A is true but R is false forming yellowish clouds. the epidermis of different plant
(d) A is false but R is true Explanation: The sulphur shower is organs (stem, petiole, fruits) made up
an interesting phenomenon related to of parenchymatous cells are pores
Ans. (b) Both A and R are true but R the pollination in Pine trees. Pines that always remain open, in contrast
is not a correct explanation of A are the naked seed-bearing plants. to stomata, which regulate their
Since the pines bear cones, they are extent of opening. Lenticels are
Q1828. Assertion (A): Persons with called as conifers. Pines have leaves visible on fruit surfaces, such as
AB blood group can accept blood in the form of needles. The cones are mango, apple, and avocado.
from any blood group. of two types, seed cones (female)
कथन ( A ) : AB र समूह वाले and pollen cones (male) on the same Q1832. What are the two main
िकसी भी र समूह का र ा कर plant. Seed cones are larger and hormones secreted by Thyroid
सकते ह | pollen cones are smaller. As the gland?/
Reason (R): They are universal pollen cones mature, they discharge थाइरोइड ंिथ के ारा कौन से दो मुख
acceptor / large quantities of pollen grains into हॉम न ािवत िकये जाते ह ?
कारण ( R ) : वे सावभौिमक ापक होते the air and it appears as a yellow (a) T3
ह| cloud of yellow of winged pollen (b) T4
Select your answers to these items grains. This is called as sulfur (c) TSH
using the codes given below. shower and occurs during spring. (d) Both A and B
(a) Both A and R are true and R is Pollen grains are released and carried
the correct explanation of A by the wind to the female cones. Ans. (d) Both A and B
(b) Both A and R are true but R is Explanation: The thyroid gland uses
not a correct explanation of A Q1830. In how much time a human iodine from food to make two
(c) A is true but R is false will lose consciousness if blood will thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine
(d) A is false but R is true stop flowing to the brain? (T3) and thyroxine (T4). It also
यिद म म र का वाह क जाए stores these thyroid hormones and
Ans. (a) Both A and R are true and R तो मनु िकतने समय म अपनी चेतना releases them as they are needed.
is the correct explanation of A खो दे गा ? TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone)
(a) 2 sec is secreted by pitutary gland.
Q1829. Which of the following (b) 5 sec
statement is related with the 'Sulphur (c) 15 to 20 sec Q1833. Too much release of thyroid
shower'?/ िन िल खत म से कौन सा (d) 5 min hormone in the body causes:/
कथन ‘स र बौछार’ से संबंिधत है ? शरीर म थाइरोइड हॉम न के अिधक
(a) Discharge of large quantities of Ans. (b) 5 sec मा ा म मु होने से ा होता है ?
Crocus (yellow kesar) pollen grains Explanation: The most common (a) Hypothyroidism/
into the air. / पीले केसर के पराग कणों cause of fainting is insufficient blood अवटु -अ ि यता
का हवा म बड़ी मा ा म मु होना flow to the brain. Although the (b) Hyperthyroidism/
(b) Discharge of large quantities of human brain comprises only 5% of अवटु -अिति यता
pinus pollen grains into the air the body’s weight, it consumes 20% (c) Goitre / ग माला
forming yellowish clouds. / चीड़ के of the body’s energy. Vigorous and (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
पराग कणों का हवा म बड़ी मा ा म मु precisely regulated flow of कोई नहीं
होना िजससे पीले बादलों का िनमाण oxygen-rich blood to the brain is
होता है | essential to fuel the metabolism of Ans. (b) Hyperthyroidism
(c) Release of a large amount of neurons. Explanation: Hypothyroidism is [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 233

decreased release of thyroid existence of now-extinct past species डाइऑ ाइड
hormone. Goitre is enlargement of that are related to present-day (c) Sulphur dioxide / स र
thyroid gland due to deficiency of species. डाइऑ ाइड
Iodine. Direct observation. We can directly (d) Nitrous Oxide / नाइटस ऑ ाइड
observe small-scale evolution in
Q1834. An autoimmune disease of organisms with short lifecycles (e.g., Ans. (b) Carbon dioxide
the thyroid tissue is called: pesticide-resistant insects)
थाइरोइड उ क के एक - ितरि त Q1839. Which one of the following
रोग को ा कहते ह ? Q1836. Name a fossil bird which bacteria present in the soil produces a
(a) Graves disease/ े स रोग looks like a bird but has many other peculiar smell if it rains on perched
(b) Thyroiditis / अवटु शोथ features found in reptiles?/ soil?
(c) Thyroid Cancer / थाइरोइड कसर एक जीवा प ी का नाम बताएं जो जब सूखी ई िम ी पर बा रश होती है तो
(d) None of the above / उपरो म से िदखता तो प ी की तरह है लेिकन उसम िन िल खत म से कौन से जीवाणु एक
कोई नहीं सरीसृपों म पायी जाने वाली िवशेषताएं थीं िवशेष गंध उ करते ह ?
? (a) Streptomyces/ े पटोमाइिसस
Ans. (a) Graves disease (a) Dodo/ डोडो (b) Staphymyces/ ािफमाइिसस
Explanation: Hashimoto's disease is (b) Archaeopteryx/ आ प ी (c) Diplomycetes/ िड ोमाइिसट् स
an autoimmune disorder in which (c) Flamingos/ राजहं स (d).Micrococcus / माइ ोकॉकस
your immune system creates (d) Mouse Bird / मूषक प ी
antibodies that damage your thyroid Ans. A.Streptomyces
gland. Graves' disease is an Ans. (b) Archaeopteryx
autoimmune disorder that causes Explanation: Archaeopteryx is a Q1840. In poorly ventilated
hyperthyroidism, or overactive genus of bird-like dinosaurs that is buildings which one of the following
thyroid. With this disease, your transitional between non-avian inert gases can be accumulated?
immune system attacks the thyroid feathered dinosaurs and modern कम हवादार भवनों म, िन िल खत म से
and causes it to make more thyroid birds. कौन सी अि य गैस जमा हो सकती है ?
hormone than your body needs. (a) Helium / हीिलयम
Q1837. Aves have evolved from: (b) Neon / नीयन
Q1835. Which of the following are प ी या उड़ने वाले जीव _____ से (c) Argon / आगन
the sources which provide evidence िवकिसत ए ह | (d) Radon / रे डॉन
for evolution? (a) Amphibians/ उभयचर
िन िल खत म से कौन से वे ोत ह जो (b) Arthropods/ संिधपाद Ans. (d) Radon
म िवकास का सा दान करते ह ? (c) Mammals/ नधारी Explanation: Radon is released from
(a) Homologous organs / समजात अंग (d) Reptiles/ सरीसृप Radium. Radium is present in soil is
(b) Analogous organs/ सम प अंग also a common 'source' of 'radon
(c) Fossils / जीवा Ans. (d) Reptiles gas'. It is also present in water and
(d) All the above / उपरो सभी Explanation: Birds evolved from building material.
theropod dinosaurs during the The gas is trapped inside the soil and
Ans. (d) All the above Jurassic around 165–150 million after sometime it decays and released
Explanation: Evidence for evolution years ago. Birds aren't just closely into the environment. In poorly
comes from many different areas of related to dinosaurs, they really are ventilated buildings the gas could not
biology: dinosaurs! This is what most people find its way out so it gets trapped. It
Anatomy. Species may share similar mean when they say that birds are generally occurs in basement.
physical features because the feature reptiles, although technically
was present in a common ancestor according to the phylogenetic system
Q1841. Rate of photosynthesis does
(homologous structures). mammals are also reptiles.
not depend upon:
Molecular biology. DNA and the
काश सं ेषण की दर _____ पर
genetic code reflect the shared Q1838. Which gas is safe and an
िनभर नहीं करती है |
ancestry of life. DNA comparisons effective extinguisher for all
(a) Quality of light / काश की
can show how related species are. confined fires?/
गुणव ा
Biogeography. The global सभी सीिमत अि के िलए कौन सी गैस
(b) Intensity of Light / काश की
distribution of organisms and the सुरि त तथा एक भावी शामक होती है
ती ता
unique features of island species ?
(c) Duration of Light / काश की
reflect evolution and geological (a) Nitrogen dioxide / नाइटोजन
change. ऑ ाइड
(d) Temperature / तापमान
Fossils. Fossils document the (b) Carbon dioxide / काबन [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 234

Ans. (c) Duration of Light Ans. (a) Hormone rootstock.
Explanation: Several factors can Explanation: A hormone is any
affect the rate of photosynthesis: member of a class of signaling Q1847. When an organism obtains
light intensity, carbon dioxide molecules, produced by glands in its food from decaying organic
concentration, temperature, amount multicellular organisms, that are matter of dead plants, dead animals
of chlorophyll, water availability etc. transported by the circulatory system and rotten bread, etc., it is called:
to target distant organs to regulate जब एक जीव अपना भोजन मृत पौधों,
physiology and behavior. मृत पशुओं तथा सड़े ए ेड के य हो
Q1842. In bacteria name the colour रहे काबिनक पदाथ से ा करता है , तो
of light which is responsible for Q1845. When new plants are इसे ा कहा जाता हाही ?
photosynthesis?/ obtained from the parts of old plants, (a) Parasitic nutrition/ परजीवी पोषण
काश सं ेषण के िलए कौन सा रं ग without the help of any reproductive (b) Autotrophic nutrition/ पोषी
िज़ ेदार होता है ? organs, it is called:/ पोषण
(a) Ultra-Violet / पाराबगनी जब िकसी जनन अंग की सहायता के (c) Holozoic nutrition/ होलोजोइक
(b) Blue / नीला िबना पुराने पौधों के िह ों से नए पौधे पोषण
(c) Red / लाल ा िकये जाते ह, तो इसे कहा जाता है (d) Saprotrophic nutrition/ मृतोपजीवी
(d) None of the above / उपरो सभी ? पोषण
(a) Vegetative propagation /
Ans. (c) Red वान ितक सार Ans. (d) Saprotrophic nutrition
(b) Spore formation / बीजाणु िनमाण Explanation: Saprotrophic nutrition
Q1843. What are those reflex actions (c) Fragmentation / िवखंडन or lysotrophic nutrition is a process
called which involve brain? (d) Multiple fission / ब -िवखंडन of chemoheterotrophic extracellular
वे सहज ि याएं कौन सी ह िजनम digestion involved in the processing
म शािमल होता है ? Ans. (a) Vegetative propagation of decayed (dead or waste) organic
(a) Reflex arcs/ ितवत चाप Explanation: Vegetative propagation matter. It occurs in saprotrophs, and
(b) Cerebral reflexes/ म ीय is an asexual method of plant is most often associated with fungi
सहज ि याएं reproduction that occurs in its (for example Mucor) and soil
(c) Spinal reflexes/ मे दं डीय सहज leaves, roots and stem. This can bacteria.
ि याएं occur through fragmentation and
(d) None of the above / उपरो म से regeneration of specific vegetative Q1848. The nutrition in which an
कोई नहीं parts of plants. organism takes the complex organic
food materials into its body by the
Ans. (b) Cerebral reflexes Q1846. When the cut stems of two process of ingestion, the ingested
Explanation: cerebral reflexes are different plants are joined together in food is digested and then absorbed
those reflexes in which brain is such a way that the two stems join into the body cells of the organism:
involved nd thinking process occurs . and grow as a single plant, it is वह पोषण ा कहलाता है िजसम एक
for example closing of eyes when called: जीव जिटल काबिनक खा पदाथ को
exposed to bright light. spinal जब दो अलग-अलग पौधों के काटे गए अंत हण के ारा अपने शरीर म लेता है ,
reflexes arereflexes in which spinal तने एक साथ इस कार जोड़े जाते ह िक अंदर गया भोजन पच जाता है तथा िफर
cord is involved and response is दोनों तने िमलकर एक अलग पौधे के जीव की शारी रक कोिशकाओं म
shown immediately. for example प म बढ़ने लगते ह, तो इसे कहा जाता अवशोिषत हो जाता है ?
tking away our hand when kept in है - (a) Parasitic nutrition/ परजीवी पोषण
hot objects. (a) Cutting/ कटाई (b) Autotrophic nutrition/ पोषी
(b) Layering/ परतन पोषण
Q1844. The chemical substances (c) Grafting / कलम बां धना (c) Holozoic nutrition/ पूणभोजी पोषण
which coordinate the activities of (d) None of the above / उपरो म से (d) Heterotrophic nutrition/परपोषी
living organisms and also their कोई नहीं पोषण
growth are called:
वे रासायिनक पदाथ जो सजीवों की Ans. (c) Grafting Ans. (c) Holozoic nutrition
गितिविधयों और उनके िवकास को Explanation: Grafting is a technique Explanation: Holozoic nutrition is a
सम त करते ह, ा कहलाते ह ? that joins two plants into one. In type of heterotrophic nutrition that is
(a) Hormones / हॉम न general, a wound is created on one of characterized by the internalization
(b) Blood / र the plants, and the other is inserted (ingestion) and internal processing of
(c) Sodium / सोिडयम into that wound so each plant's gaseous, liquids or solid food
(d) Cytoplasm / कोिशका tissues can grow together. Most fruit particles. ... Ingestion: In animals,
trees today are grafted onto this is merely taking food in through [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 235

the mouth. सां ता - Enzymatic Activity/ एं जाइम
Ans. (a) Collagen
Q1849. Due to Water logging: Explanation: Collagen is the most
जलजमाव के कारण : abundant protein in the animal
(a) An air is expelled from kingdom, and it accounts for around
in-between the particles of soil./ िम ी 30% of the total protein content of
के भीतर बीच के कणों से हवा बाहर the human body, providing strength,
िनकल जाती है | integrity, and structure.
(b) Oxygen becomes unavailable to
the roots of the plants./ ऑ ीजन Q1854. The catalytic efficiency of
पौधों की जड़ों के िलए अनुपल हो two different enzymes can be
जाता है | compared by the/ दो अलग-अलग
Ans. (c) Temperature Enzyme -
(c) Plants respire anaerobically एं जाइमों की उ ेरण मता की तुलना
which produces alcohol and kill ____ के ारा की जा सकती है |
them./ पौधे अवायवीय सन करते ह (a) Molecular size of the enzyme/
Q1852. The ‘‘lock and key’’ model
िजससे अ ोहल का िनमाण होता है एं जाइम का आणिवक आकार
of enzyme action illustrates that a
तथा वे मर जाते ह | (b) The pH optimum value / pH
particular enzyme molecule
(d) All the above are correct./ का अनुकूलतम मान
एं जाइम ि या का “लॉक एं ड की” मॉडल
उपरो सभी सही ह | (c) The Km value / Km मान
बताता है िक एक िवशेष एं जाइम अणु -
(d) Formation of the product /
(a) May be destroyed and
Ans. (d) All the above are correct. उ ाद का िनमाण
re-synthesized several times/ कई
बार न और पुनः सं ेिषत िकया जा
Q1850. Consider the following Ans. (c) The Km value
सकता है |
statements: Explanation: The catalytic efficiency
(b) Interacts with a specific type
िन िल खत कथनों पर िवचार कर : of two different enzymes can be
of substrate molecule/ िवशेष
(a) Respiration takes place both day compared by comparing their Km
कार के अव र अणु के साथ
and night./ सन िदन और रात दोनों value or Michaelis Menten constant.
पर र ि याएं करता है |
समय होता है | The Michaelis constant is the
(c) Reacts at identical rates under
(b) Photosynthesis occurs during day substrate concentration at which the
all conditions / सभी प र थितयों म
time only./ काश सं ेषण केवल िदन reaction rate is at half-maximum.
समान दर से अिभि या करता है |
के समय म होता है |
(d) Forms a permanent
(c) Both A and B are correct./ A और Q1855. Which of the following pair
enzyme-substrate complex/ एक
B दोनों सही ह | of features is a good example of
थायी एं जाइम अव र समूह का
(d) Neither A nor B are correct./ ना polygenic inheritance?
िनमाण करता है |
तो A ना ही B सही है | गुणों का िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु
ब जनिनक वंशानुगतता का एक अ ा
Ans. (b) Interacts with a specific
Ans. (c) Both A and B are correct. उदाहरण है ?
type of substrate molecule
(a) Human height / मनु की लंबाई
Explanation: The lock and key model
Q1851. The curve given below show (b) Skin color / चा का रं ग
of enzyme action is based on
enzymatic activity with relation to (c) ABO Blood group / ABO र
structural complimentarity between
three conditions (pH, temperature समूह
the substrate molecule and the
and substrate concentration). What (d) a and b both / a और b दोनों
enzyme active site. According to this
do both axes (x and y) represent?
model, the substrate molecule fits in
/नीचे िदया गया व तीन थितयों ( pH, Ans. (d) a and b both
the enzyme active site like a key fits
तापमान तथा अव र सां ता) के संबंध Explanation: Polygenic inheritance
in a lock.
म एं जाइम की गितिविधयों को दशाता है | occurs when one characteristic is
दोनों अ ( x और y ) ा दशाते ह ? controlled by two or more genes.
Q1853. Which one is the most
X-axis/ अ Often the genes are large in quantity
abundant protein in the animal
Y-axis/ अ but small in effect. Examples of
(a) Enzymatic activity/ एं जाइम human polygenic inheritance are
जंतु िव म सबसे चुर ोटीन कौन सा है
गितिविधयाँ - Temperature/ तापमान height, skin color, eye color and
(b) Enzymatic activity/एं जाइम weight. Polygenes exist in other
(a) Collagen/ कोलेजन
गितिविधयाँ - pH/ pH organisms, as well.
(b) Insulin/ इं सुिलन
(c) Temperature Enzyme/ तापमान
(c) Trypsin/ िट न
एं जाइम - Activity / गितिविध Q1856. Phenotype of an organism is
(d) Haemoglobin/ हीमो ोिबन
(d) Substrate concentration/ अव र the result of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 236

एक जीव का फेनोटाइप _____ का the following, the DNA molecule is (d) Anticodons/ एं टीकोडॉन
प रणाम होता है | not directly involved?
(a) Environmental changes and िन िल खत म से िकसके सं ेषण म, Ans. (b) Codons
sexual dimorphism / पयावरणीय डीएनए अणु प से शािमल नहीं Explanation: The enzyme RNA
प रवतन तथा लिगक ि पता होता है ? polymerase synthesizes mRNA on
(b) Cytoplasmic effects and (a) mRNA molecule/ mRNA अणु DNA template. Most of the protein
nutrition/ कोिशका के भाव (b) Protein molecule/ ोटीन अणु coding genes entail coding sequences
और पोषण (c) Another DNA molecule / एक which are effectively known as
(c) Mutations and linkages/ अ डीएनए अणु exons, interrupted by non-coding
उ रवतन तथा किड़याँ (d) tRNA molecule/ tRNA अणु sequences called as introns. The
(d) Genotype and environment triplet codon within the exons and
interactions / जीनोटाइप तथा Ans. (b) Protein molecule the order of exons in the gene is
पयावरणीय पर र ि याएं Explanation: DNA does not move to colinear with the amino acid
the site of protein synthesis to sequence of the encoded polypeptide.
Ans. (d) Genotype and environment directly guide the process. Instead it
interactions transfers its information to mRNA Q1863. Central dogma of protein
Explanation: The term "phenotype" molecules which move to the synthesis is
refers to the observable physical ribosomes to direct protein synthesis ोटीन सं ेषण का मूल िस ां त है -
properties of an organism; these (a) DNA → RNA → Protein/
include the organism's appearance, Q1860. What does "lac" refer to in डीएनए → आरएनए→ ोटीन
development, and behavior. An what we call the lac operon? (b) DNA → DNA → Protein/
organism's phenotype is determined जब हम लैक ओपेरॉन की बात करते ह, डीएनए → डीएनए → ोटीन
by its genotype, which is the set of तो “लैक” का अथ ा होता है ? (c) RNA → DNA → Protein/
genes the organism carries, as well as (a) Lactose / लै ोज आरएनए→ डीएनए → ोटीन
by environmental influences upon (b) Lactase / लै े ज (d) DNA → protein → RNA /
these genes. (c) Lac insect / लैक कीट डीएनए → ोटीन → आरएनए
(d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं
Q1857. A character which is Ans. (a) DNA → RNA → Protein
expressed in a hybrid is called/ Ans. (a) Lactose Explanation: The central dogma of
संकर म जो गुण अिभ होता है , उसे molecular biology describes the
ा कहा जाता है ? Q1861. In a DNA strand the two-step process, transcription and
(a) Dominant / भावी nucleotides are held together by: translation, by which the information
(b) Recessive / अ भावी डीएनए ड म, ू योटाइड एक in genes flows into proteins: DNA →
(c) Co-dominant / सह- भावी साथ िकसके कारण रहते ह ? RNA → protein. Transcription is the
(d) None / कोई भी नहीं (a) Peptide bond / पे ाइड बंध synthesis of an RNA copy of a
(b) Phosphodiester bond / segment of DNA. RNA is
Ans. (a) Dominant फॉ ोिडए र बंध synthesized by the enzyme RNA
Explanation: Expressed character is (c) Glycosidic bond/ ाइकोसाइिडक polymerase.
called Dominant character and not बंध
expressed character is called (d) Hydrogen bonds / हाइडोजन बंध Q1864. Which one of the following
recessive character. does not follow the central dogma of
Ans. (d) Hydrogen bonds molecular biology?
Q1858. How many different kinds of Explanation: Each molecule of DNA िन िल खत म से कौन सा आणिवक
gametes will be produced by a plant is a double helix formed from two जीविव ान के मूल िस ां त का अनुसरण
having the genotype AABbCC? complementary strands of नहीं करता है ?
AABbCC जीनोटाइप वाले पौधे के ारा nucleotides held together by (a) HIV/एचआइवी
िकतने अलग-अलग कार के यु कों hydrogen bonds between G-C and (b) Pea/ मटर
का िनमाण िकया जाएगा ? A-T base pairs. (c) Mucor/ ूकर
(a) Three / तीन (d) Chlamydomonas/ ैिमडोमोनास
(b) Four / चार Q1862. mRNA directs the building
(c) Nine / नौ of proteins through a sequence of/ Ans. (a) HIV
(d) Two / दो mRNA _____ के म के ारा ोटीनों Explanation: The flow of
के िनमाण को िनदिशत करता है | information in HIV is from RNA to
Ans. (d) Two (a) Introns / इं टोन DNA, then back to RNA to proteins.
(b) Codons /कोडॉन Influenza viruses never go through
Q1859. In the synthesis of which of (c) Exons / ए ॉन DNA. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 237

Q1867. Agarose extracted from तथा ितमुख कोिशकाएं
Q1865. Which one of the following seaweeds finds use in/
statement is correct? समु ी खरपतवारों से ा होने वाले Ans. (c) Egg and synergids
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही है ? एगारोज का योग ____ म िकया जाता Explanation: A group of three cells
(a) Spermatogenesis is the है | in the seven-celled embryo sac of an
formation of sperm cells./ (a) Gel electrophoresis / जेल angiosperm (flowering plant)
शु ाणुजनन शु ाणु कोिशकाओं का िवद् युतकण-संचलन consisting of the egg cell and two
िनमाण है | (b) Spectrophotometry / associated cells called synergids. The
(b) Spermatogenesis occurs in the े ोफोटोमेटी egg apparatus is located at the end
seminiferous tubules./ (c) Tissue culture / उ क संवधन of the embryo sac closer to the
शु ाणुजनन वीय ादक निलकाओं (d) PCR/ पीसीआर micropyle (the opening through
म होता है | which pollen nuclei enter the ovule.)
(c) Follicle-stimulating hormone Ans. (a) Gel electrophoresis
(FSh) indirectly stimulates Explanation: Agarose is a Q1871. Embryo sac is found in
spermatogenesis. / कोश उ ेरक polysaccharide polymer extracted ूण कोष ____ म पाया जाता है |
हॉम न अ प से शु ाणुजनन from seaweed. Slabs of agarose gels (a) Endosperm/ ूणपोष
को उ ेिजत करता है | are used for electrophoresis. (b) Embryo / ूण
(d) All of these are correct / ये (c) Ovule / बीजां ड
सभी सही ह | Q1868. Genomics is the study of (d) Seed/ बीज
जीनोिम _____ का अ यन है |
Ans. (d) All of these are correct (a) Genes in general / सामा तौर Ans. (c) Ovule
पर जीन का Explanation: gametophyte of
Q1866. Which one of the following (b) Human genes / मानव जीन का angiosperms (called the embryo
statements is incorrect about (c) Genomes in general / सामा sac) is tiny and contains only a few
menopause? तौर पर जीनोम का (typically eight) nuclei; the
रजोिनवृि के बारे म िन िल खत म से (d) Human genome / मानव जीनोम cytoplasm associated more or less
कौन सा कथन गलत है ? का directly with these nuclei is not
(a) Generally occurs between the partitioned by cell walls.
ages of 45 and 55/ यह आमतौर पर Ans. (c) Genomes in general
45 से 55 वष की उ के बीच होता है Explanation: Genomics is the study Q1872. Filiform apparatus is found
| of whole genomes of organisms, and in
(b) Causes the cessation of the incorporates elements from genetics. िफलीफॉम उपकरण ____ म पाया जाता
female reproductive cycle / Genomics uses a combination of है |
मिहलाओं के जनन च की recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing (a) Synergids / सहाय कोिशकाएं
समा का कारण बनता है | methods, and bioinformatics to (b) Anther wall / पराग-कोश िभि
(c) Anterior pituitary no longer sequence, assemble, and analyse the (c) Secondary nucleus / ि तीयक
produces FSH and LH/ अ वत structure and function of genomes. क क
पीयूष ंिथ FSH तथा LH का िनमाण (d) Egg cell/ अंड कोिशका
बंद कर दे ती है | Q1869. Wind pollination is common
(d) Ovaries slowly reduce their in/ Ans. (a) Synergids
secretion of estrogen/ अंडाशय वायु परागण ____ म सामा होता है | Explanation: Inside the embryo sac,
ए ोजन के अपने ाव को कम कर (a) Orchids / आिकड three antipodal cells, two synergids a
दे ते ह | (b) Legumes/ फिलयाँ central polar nuclei and an egg is
(c) Lilies/ िलली present. Inside the synergids, filiform
Ans. (c) Anterior pituitary no longer (d) Grasses/ घास apparatus is present.
produces FSH and LH
Explanation: Menopause is the time Ans. (d) Grasses Q1873. Germ pore is the region
that marks the end of your menstrual where the exine is
cycles. It's diagnosed after you've Q1870. Egg apparatus consists of / अंकुर िछ वह े है जहाँ बा चोल
gone 12 months without a menstrual अंड-उपकरण म ा शािमल होता है ? होती है -
period. Menopause can happen in (a) Egg/ अंड (a) Thin / पतली
your 40s or 50s, but the average age (b) Egg and polar nuclei/ अंड और (b) Uniform/ एकसमान
is 51 in the United States. ुवीय नािभक (c) Thick and uniform / मोटी और
Menopause is a natural biological (c) Egg and synergids/ अंड और एकसमान
process. सहाय कोिशकाएं (d) Absent / अनुप थत
(d) Egg and antipodal cells / अंड [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 238

Ans. (d) Absent phenomenon characterized by the
Explanation: Germ pore is the Ans. (b) flowers and fruits only once superficial resemblance of two or
opening found in pollen, where exine in life time and thereafter dies more organisms that are not closely
(outer wall) is absent. Explanation: Monocarpic plants are related taxonomically. This
those that flower, set seeds and then resemblance confers an
Q1874. Endosperm of angiosperms die. Other terms with the same advantage—such as protection from
results after fertilization from/ meaning are hapaxanth and predation—upon one or both
आवृ बीिजयों का ूणपोष _____ से semelparous. organisms by which the organisms
िनषेचन के प रणाम प बनता है | deceive the animate agent of natural
(a) Synergids / सहाय कोिशकाएं Q1877. Axillary buds are used to selection.
(b) Secondary nucleus / ि तीयक raise crop of
क क पािशवक कोंपलों का योग _____ की Q1880. Competition is most severe
(c) Antipodal cells / ितमुख फसल उगाने के िलए िकया जाता है | between two/
कोिशकाएं (a) Wheat / गे ँ दो _____ के बीच सवािधक कड़ी
(d) Egg/ बीजां ड (b) Rice / चावल ित धा होती है |
(c) Groundnut / मूंगफली (a) Distantly related species
Ans. (b) Secondary nucleus (d) Sugarcane / ग ा growing in the same habitat/ समान
Explanation: Endosperm of वास थल म िवकिसत होने वाली
angiosperm results when the Ans. (d) Sugarcane दू र थ संबंिधत जाितयों म
secondary nuclei which is diploid Explanation: Axillary buds helps to (b) Closely related species
fuses with the second sperm entering produce new shoots to promote the growing in the same habitat/ समान
the apparatus, which is haploid in growth of the plant. They are located वास थल म िवकिसत होने वाली
nature. at the intersection of the leaf and िनकट संबंिधत जाितयों म
stem of a plant. Eg. Sugarcane (c) Closely related species
Q1875. In an angiosperm, male plant growing in different niches /
is diploid and female plant tetraploid, Q1878. Banana plant develops from/ अलग-अलग िनकेतों म िवकास करने
endosperm will be केले का पौधा _____ से िवकिसत होता है वाली िनकट संबंिधत जाितयों म
आवृ बीजी म, नर पादप ि गुिणत और (a) Rhizome/ कंद (d) Distantly related species
मादा पादप चतुगुिणत है | ूणपोष होगा - (b) Seed / बीज growing in different niches/
(a) Haploid/ अगुिणत (c) Sucker / चूषक अलग-अलग िनकेतों म िवकास करने
(b) Triploid/ ि -गुिणत (d) Stolon / भू री वाली दू र थ संबंिधत जाितयों म
(c) Tetraploid/ चतुगुिणत
(d) Pentaploid / पंचगुिणत Ans. (c) Sucker Ans. (b) Closely related species
Explanation: A sucker is a lateral growing in the same habitat
Ans. (d) Pentaploid root that develops from the rhizome
Explanation: Endosperm is normally and close to the “mother” plant. The Q1881. The abundance of a species
3n when both plants are haploid n sucker is basically a clone of population within its habitat is called
frommale gamete and 2n from “daughter” plant that will replace the / एक जाित के वास थल म उसकी
female gamete. Therefore in this case parent plant after it has finished आबादी की चुरता को ा कहा जाता
it would be n from male plant and 4n fruiting. है ?
from female plant. (a) Relative density / सापे घन
Q1879. When one animal copies the (b) Regional density / े ीय घन
Q1876. A monocarpic plant is one appearance, actions, or sounds of (c) Absolute density / िनरपे घन
which/ another animal to avoid predators, it (d) Niche density / िनकेत घन
एकफलनी पौधा उसे कहते ह िजसम - is called
(a) has only one carpel / केवल जब एक पशु िशका रयों से बचने के िलए Ans. (d) Niche density
एक ही गभ प होता है | दू सरे पशु की उप थित, ि याओं या
(b) flowers and fruits only once आवाज़ की नक़ल करता है , तो इसे ____ Q1882. Which one of the following
in life time and thereafter dies / कहा जाता है | is a sesamoid bone?
अपने जीवनकाल म केवल एक ही (a) Mimicry / अनुकरण िन िल खत म से कौन सी ंिथयु ह ी
बार फूल तथा फल दे ता है और (b) Commensalism/ सहभोिज है ?
उसके बाद मर जाता है (c) Competition/ ित धा (a) Pectoral girdle/ आं सपेशी घेरा
(c) produces only one seed/ केवल (d) Symbiosis/ सहजीिवता (b) Pterygoid/ प ाभ
एक बीज का उ ादन करता है (c) Pelvis/ ोिण
(d) none of these / इनम से कोई Ans. (a) Mimicry (d) Patella/ जा का
नहीं Explanation: Mimicry, in biology, [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 239

Ans. (d) Patella (a) Anthracite/ एं ेसाइट
Ans. (a) 2 pairs (b) Silicosis/ िसिलकोिसस
Q1883. Which of the following is a Explanation: Their elasticity allows (c) Botulism/ बोटू िल
wrist bone? rib cage movement for respiratory (d) Emphysema/ वात ीित
िन िल खत म से कौन सी कलाई की activity. The phrase floating rib or
ह ी है ? vertebral rib (Latin: costae Ans. (b) Silicosis
(a) Pubis/ ूिबस fluctuantes) refers to the two Explanation: Silicosis is a lung
(b) Ulna/ अलना lowermost, the eleventh and twelfth disease. It usually happens in jobs
(c) Carpal/ कापल rib pairs; so-called because they are where you breathe in dust that
(d) Femur/ फीमर attached only to the vertebrae–and contains silica. That's a tiny crystal
not to the sternum or cartilage of the found in sand, rock, or mineral ores
Ans. (c) Carpal sternum. like quartz. Over time, silica can
Explanation: Your wrist is made up build up in your lungs and breathing
of eight small bones (carpal bones) Q1887. What joint is found between passages. This leads to scarring that
plus two long bones in your forearm the ribs and sternum? makes it hard to breathe.
— the radius and the ulna. The most पसिलयों और उरा थ के बीच कौन सा
commonly injured carpal bone is the जोड़ पाया जाता है ? Q1890. The imperfect fungi which
scaphoid bone, located near the base (a) Cartilaginous / उपा थ are decomposers of litter and help in
of your thumb. (b) Hip joint/ कू े का जोड़/ mineral cycling belong to/
(c) Angular / कोणीय वे अपूण कवक जो अपिश पदाथ के
Q1884. Which is the largest synovial (d) Fibrous / तंतुमय अपघटक होते ह तथा खिनज च ण म
joint of the human body? सहायता करते ह, उनका संबंध िकस से
मानव शरीर का सबसे बड़ा ेष जोड़ Ans. (a) Cartilaginous है ?
कौन सा है ? Explanation: Cartilaginous joints (a) Basidiomycetes/ बेिसडोमाइिसट् स
(a) Knee joint/ घुटने का जोड़ are connected entirely by cartilage (b) Phycomycetes/ फाइकोमाइिसट् स
(b) Shoulder joint / कंधे का जोड़ (fibrocartilage or hyaline). (c) Ascomycetes/ ऐ ोमाइिसट् स
(c) Elbow joint / कोहनी का जोड़ Cartilaginous joints allow more (d) Deuteromycetes/ ूटरोमाइिसट् स
(d) Hip joint/ कू े का जोड़ movement between bones than a
fibrous joint but less than the highly Ans.(d) Deuteromycetes
Ans. (d) Hip joint mobile synovial joint. The joint Explanation: Deuteromycetes are an
between the manubrium and the artificial group of fungi, of which
Q1885. Vertebral column extends sternum is an example of a there exist approximately fifteen
from the skull to/ cartilaginous joint. thousand species, often referred to as
मे दं ड का िव ार खोपड़ी से _____ “fungi imperfecti” because their only
तक होता है | Q1888. Which protein is present in known reproductive mechanism is
(a) Pectoral girdle/ आं सपेशी घेरा cartilage?/ उपा थ म कौन सा ोटीन asexual.
(b) Pelvis/ ोिण पाया जाता है ?
(c) Frontal bone / माथे की ह ी (a) Chondrin / कोंिडन Q1891. Cori’s cycle operates in
(d) None / कोई भी नहीं (b) Collagen/ कोलेजन कोरी का च _____ म काय करता है |
(c) Ossein / ओसीन (a) Cartilage/ उपा थ
Ans. (b) Pelvis (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं (b) Muscle/ मां सपेशी
Explanation: The vertebral column (c) Liver/ यकृत
extends from the skull to the pelvis. Ans. (a) Chondrin (d) Liver and muscle/ यकृत और
It consists of a series of separate Explanation: Chondrin is a मां सपेशी
bones, the vertebrae, separated by bluish-white gelatin-like substance,
pads of fibrocartilage called the being a protein-carbohydrate Ans. (d) Liver and muscle
intervertebral disks complex and can be obtained by Explanation: The Cori cycle (also
boiling cartilage in water. The known as the lactic acid cycle),
Q1886. The number of 'floating ribs’ cartilage is a connective tissue that named after its discoverers, Carl
in human body is contains cells embedded in a matrix Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori, is a
मानव शरीर म ‘ वनशील पसिलयों’ की of chondrin. metabolic pathway in which lactate
सं ा िकतनी होती है ? produced by anaerobic glycolysis in
(a) 2 pairs / 2 जोड़ी Q1889. Which of the following is an muscles is transported to the liver
(b) 3 pairs / 3 जोड़ी occupational disorder and converted to glucose, which then
(c) 5 pairs / 5 जोड़ी िन िल खत म से कौन एक वृि क returns to the muscles and is
(d) 6 pairs / 6 जोड़ी िवकार है ? cyclically metabolized [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 240

it is also an ATPase.
Q1892. Bones formed by ossification Myosin has ATP-dependent motor Q1898. The substance that causes the
of a tendon is called proteins that help in muscle worst air pollution is /
कंडरा के अ थकरण से बनने वाली contraction. They are responsible for वह पदाथ जो सबसे खराब वायु दू षण
हि यों को ा कहा जाता है ? actin-based motility. का कारण बनता है -
(a) Dermal bone/ चीय ह ी (a) Smoke / धुआं
(b) Sesamoid bone/ ंिथयु ह ी (b) Sulphur dioxide / स र
(c) Membrane bone/ िझ ीदार Q1895. Which of the following fruits डाइऑ ाइड
ह ी is parthenocarpic (c) Carbon dioxide / काबन
(d) Cartilage/ उपा थ िन िल खत म से कौन सा फल अिनषेक डाइऑ ाइड
फल है ? (d) Carbon monoxide / काबन
Ans. (b) Sesamoid bone (a) Apple / सेब मोनोऑ ाइड
Explanation: a sesamoid bone is a (b) Jackfruit / कटहल
bone embedded within a tendon or a (c) Banana / केला Ans. (d) Carbon monoxide
muscle. It is derived from the Latin (d) Brinjal / बगन Explanation: Carbon monoxide (CO)
word sesamum ("sesame seed"), – CO is a colorless, odorless, toxic
indicating the small size of most Ans. (c) Banana gas. It is a product of combustion of
sesamoids. Explanation: Parthenocarpy, fuel such as natural gas, coal or
development of fruit without wood. Vehicular exhaust contributes
Q1893. Autorhythmicity is a special fertilization. The fruit resembles a to the majority of carbon monoxide
property of the muscles of the/ normally produced fruit but is let into our atmosphere.
ऑटो रदमिसटी _____ की मां सपेिशयों seedless. Varieties of the pineapple,
का एक िवशेष गुण है | banana, cucumber, grape, orange, Q1899. Wilting of plants occurs due
(a) Heart/ दय grapefruit, persimmon, and to excessive :
(b) Intestine/ आं त breadfruit exemplify naturally पौधों का िशिथल होना अ िधक _____
(c) Liver/ यकृत occurring parthenocarpy. के कारण होता है |
(d) Kidney/ गुदा (a) Respiration / सन
Q1896. The term “Linkage” was (b) Guttation/ िबंदु ाव
Ans. (a) Heart coined by (c) Absorption/ अवशोषण
Explanation: Autorhythmicity is a “िलंकेज” श िकसके ारा गढ़ा गया था (d) Transpiration / वा ो जन
special property of the muscles of the ?
heart. Such a property ensures (a) T. Boveri / टी बोवेरी Ans. (d) Transpiration
continuous contraction in a rhythmic (b) G. Mendel / जी मडे ल
manner to keep the heart working (c) W. Sutton / ड ू सुटॉन Q1900. Beak is formed by /
without fatigue. (d) T.H. Morgan / टी एच मॉगन चोंच का िनमाण ____ से होता है |
(a) Cheeks / गाल
Q1894. ATPase enzyme essential for Ans. (d) T.H. Morgan (b) Jaws / जबड़े
muscle contraction is found in Explanation: Genetic linkage is the (c) Teeth / दां त
मां सपेिशयों के संकुचन के िलए tendency of alleles that are located (d) None / कोई भी नहीं
आव क एटीपीएज एं जाइम पाया जाता close together on a chromosome to
है - be inherited together during meiosis. Ans. (d) None
(a) Actinin/ एिसिटिनन It was first coined by Thomas Hunt Explanation: The upper beak is
(b) Myosin/ मायोसीन Morgan. formed from the maxillary process
(c) Actin/ एसीटीन together with the fronto-nasal and
(d) Troponin/ टोपोिनन Q1897. A bioenergy source obtained latero-nasal processes. The lower
by fermentation to supplement fossil beak is from the mandibular
Ans. (b) Myosin fuel petrol is processes. The ectoderm of the beak
Explanation: Myosin ATPase is an जीवा ईंधन पेटोल के अनुपूरण के िलए region has started to thicken by day 6
enzyme with ATP phosphohydrolase िक न के ारा ा िकया गया जैव along the upper and lower jaws.
(actin-translocating). This enzyme ऊजा का ोत कौन सा है ?
catalyses the following chemical (a) Kerosene/ केरोिसन Q1901. Ozone hole refers to/
reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + (b) Ethanol/ एथेनॉल ओजोन िछ का अथ है -
phosphate. (c) Diesel/ डीजल (a) hole in ozone layer/ ओजोन परत
ATP hydrolysis provides energy for (d) Methane/ मीथेन म िछ
actomyosin contraction. Myosin is (b) Decrease in ozone layer in
not only an actin-binding protein, but Ans. (d) Methane troposphere / ोभमंडल म ओजोन [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 241

परत म कमी (a) Outcrossing/ बा संकरण
(c) Decrease in thickness of ozone Ans. (b) Mutualism (b) Interspecific hybridisation/
layer in stratosphere/ समताप मंडल म Explanation: A mycorrhiza is अंतरजाित संकरण
ओजोन परत की मोटाई म कमी defined as a symbiotic relationship (c) Inbreeding/ अंतः जनन
(d) Decrease in thickness of ozone between the roots of plants and (d) Intergeneric hybridisation/
layer in troposphere/ ोभमंडल म fungi. The fungal symbiont gets अंतरवंशीय संकरण
ओजोन परत की मोटाई म कमी shelter and food from the plant Ans. (b) Interspecific hybridisation
which, in turn, acquires an array of Explanation: Mule is an offspring
Ans. (c) Decrease in thickness of benefits such as better uptake of produced by mating of a male
ozone layer in stratosphere phosphorus, salinity and drought donkey and female horse, which are
Explanation: A severe depletion of tolerance, maintenance of water two different species but belong to
ozone in a region of the ozone layer, balance, and overall increase in plant the same genre. This type of
particularly over Antarctica and over growth and development. offspring is called as interspecific
the Arctic. The depletion is caused Q1905. Innate immunity is provided hybridization.
by the destruction of ozone by CFCs by/
and by other compounds, such as ज जात रोग ितरोधक मता _____ Q1908. Which of the following is
carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and के ारा दान की जाती है | not a product obtained from the
carbon tetrafluoride (CF4). (a) B-cells / बी कोिशकाएं cannabis sativa plant
(b) T-cells / टी कोिशकाएं िन िल खत म से कौन सा उ ाद गां जे के
Q1902. Which of the following cell (c) Neutrophils/ ूटोिफल पौधे से ा नहीं िकया जाता है ?
can undergo meiosis (d) Antibodies/ एं टीबॉडी (a) Hashish / हशीश
िन िल खत म से कौन सी कोिशका (b) Charas / चरस
अधसू ीिवभाजन से गुजर सकती है ? Ans. (c) Neutrophils (c) Heroin / हे रोइन
(a) Gemmule/ जे ूल Explanation: These mechanisms (d) Ganja / गाँ जा
(b) Conidia/ कॉिनिडया include physical barriers such as
(c) Meiocyte/ िमयोसाइट skin, chemicals in the blood, and Ans. (c) Heroin
(d) Zoospores/ जू ोर immune system cells that attack
foreign cells in the body. The innate Q1909. The hormone responsible for
Ans. (c) Meiocyte immune response is activated by ovulation and formation of corpus
Explanation: A meiocyte is a type of chemical properties of the antigen. luteum/
cell that differentiates into a gamete िड ो जन तथा पीत-िपंड के िनमाण के
through the process of meiosis. Q1906. Male gametes in िलए कौन सा हॉम न िज़ ेदार है ?
angiosperms are produced by/ (a) Estrogen/ ए ोजन
Q1903. The base tier of an आवृतबीिजयों म नर यु कों का िनमाण (b) FSH
ecological pyramid represents िकसके ारा िकया जाता है ? (c) LH
पा र थितक िपरािमड का आधार र (a) Vegetative cell / वान ितक (d) Progesterone/ ोजे े रोन
िकसे दशाता है ? कोिशका
(a) Carnivore / माँ साहारी (b) Generative cell/ जनन कोिशका Ans. (c) LH
(b) Omnivore/ सवाहरी (c) Parenchyma/ पैरेनकाइमा Explanation: Formation of the
(c) Herbivores / शाकाहारी (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं Corpus Luteum: Reprogramming of
(d) Producers/ उ ादक Follicular Cells. Activation of the LH
Ans. (b) Generative cell receptor (LH-R) in follicular cells by
Ans. (d) Producer Explanation: The male gametes of the preovulatory LH surge causes
Explanation: The basis of an angiosperms consist of two sperm ovulation and rapidly initiates a
ecological pyramid is the biomass, cells within a pollen grain or a pollen program of terminal differentiation
energy and number. The bottom of an tube. They are derived from a single of the ovulated follicle into a CL
ecological pyramid is the broadest generative cell, which is formed as through a process termed
and is occupied the producers, which the smaller cell by unequal cell luteinization.
from the first trophic level. division in the microspore after
meiosis. Q1910. The scientist who came to
Q1904. Mycorrhizae exhibit the same conclusion as Darwin
कवकमूल दिशत करते ह - Q1907. The type of cross or breeding around the same time was
(a) Endoparasitism/ अंतः परजीिवता responsible for the development of वह वै ािनक कौन थे जो डािवन के समय
(b) Mutualism/ अ ो ा यवाद mule is / ख र के िवकास के िलए म ही डािवन के समान िन ष पर प ं चे
(c) Ecto parasitism/ बा परजीिवता िकस कार का संकर या जनन थे -
(d) Commensalism/ सहभोिज िज ेदार है ? (a) Ernst Haeckel/ अ है केल [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 242

(b) Thomas malthus / थॉमस मा स ितरोधक मता eradication of aedes mosquito are/
(c) Lamarck / लैमाक (d) Innate immunity / ज जात रोग वे दो रोग कौन से ह िजनके सार को
(d) Alfred wallace / अ े ड वॉलेस ितरोधक मता एडीज म रों के उ ूलन से िनयंि त
िकया जा सकता है ?
Ans. (d) Alfred wallace Ans. (c) Passive immunity (a) Chikungunya and Filariasis/
Explanation: British naturalist Alfred Explanation: Passive immunity can िचकुनगुिनया तथा हाथीपाँ व
Russel Wallace worked on a diversity occur naturally, such as when an (b) Filariasis and Dengue/ हाथीपाँ व
of plants and animals of Malay infant receives a mother's antibodies तथा डगू
Archipelago, reached at the same through the placenta or breast milk, (c) Dengue and Chikungunya / डगू
conclusion as Darwin. or artificially, such as when a person और िचकुनगुिनया
receives antibodies in the form of an (d) Malaria and Dengue / मले रया
Q1911. Choose the incorrect one/ injection (gamma globulin injection) तथा डगू
गलत यु का चयन कर |
(a) Wheat - Himgiri/ गे ँ - िहमिगरी Q1914.Thorns of bougainvillea and Ans. (c) Dengue and Chikungunya
(b) Brassica - Pusa swarnim / ैिसका tendrils of cucurbita are examples of Explanation: Dengue and
- पूसा िणम बोगनवेिलया के काँ टे तथा कुकुिबता के chikungunya are spread by Aedes
(c) Cowpea - Pusa komal / लोिबया - लता-तंतु _____ के उदाहरण ह | mosquitoes
पूसा कोमल (a) Homologous organs/ सजातीय अंग
(d) Chilli- Ratna / िमच - र ा (b) Analogous organs/ सम प अंग Q1917. In an embryo sac the cells
(c) Convergent evolution/संसृत which degenerate after fertilization
Ans. (d) Chilli- Ratna िवकास are
Explanation: Wheat- Himgiri, (d) All of these / ये सभी एक ूण कोष म, वे कोिशकाएं जो
Brassica- Pusa swarnim, Cauliflower िनषेचन के बाद िवघिटत हो जाती ह -
- Pusa Shubhra, Pusa Snowball K1, Ans. (a) Homologous organs (a) Synergids and antipodal cells /
Chilli- Pusa Sadabahar Explanation: Thorns of सहाय कोिशका तथा ितमुख कोिशका
Bougainvillea and tendrils of (b) Egg cell and secondary cell/ अंड
Q1912. What is the percentage of Cucurbita are homologous organs. कोिशका तथा ि तीयक कोिशका
homozygous individuals in F2 These are modified branches and are (c) Antipodals and egg cell/ ितमुख
generation of a monohybrid cross? axillary in position. It means axillary तथा अंड कोिशका
मोनोहाइि ड संकर की F2 पीढ़ी म branches in Bougainvillea are (d) Egg cell and synergids/ अंड
समयु क जीवों का ितशत िकतना है ? modified into thorns for protection कोिशका तथा सहाय कोिशका
(a) 25% from burrowing animals and in
(b) 50% Cucurbita into tendrils for climbing. Ans. (a) Synergids and antipodal
(c) 75% cells
(d) 100% Q1915. The unequivocal proof that Explanation: In unfertilized embryo
DNA is the genetic material came sac, the antipodal sand synergids are
Ans. (b) 50% from the experiments of distinctly present atchalazal end and
Explanation: With true-breeding डीएनए एक आनुवंिशक पदाथ है , इसका micropylar end respectively while, in
parents (one homozygous dominant, सा _____ के योगों से ा fertilized embryo sacantipodals and
one homozygous recessive), all of आ था | synergids gradually degenerate after
the F1 progeny will be heterozygous (a) Griffith/ ि थ the formation of zygote.
and show the dominant phenotype, (b) Hershey and Chase/ हश और चेज
and then these will give rise to a 3:1 (c) Avery, McCarty and MacLeod/ Q1918. Which of the following is a
ratio of phenotypes in the F2 अवेरी, मैककाट तथा मै ौयड barrier used as a birth control or
generation. (d) All of these / ये सभी contraceptive device by human
Q1913. The short lived immunity Ans. (b) Hershey and Chase िन िल खत म से कौन सा मानव
obtained by the infant from mothers Explanation: The unequivocal proof मिहलाओं के ारा ज िनयं ण या
milk is/ माँ के दू ध से नवजात िशशु को that DNA is the genetic material गभिनरोधक उपकरण के प म उपयोग
िमलने वाली अ कालीन रोग ितरोधक came from the experiments of Alfred िकया जाने वाला िनरोधक है ?
मता होती है - Hershey and Martha Chase (1952). (a) Diaphragm/ डाय ाम
(a) Active immunity / स ीय रोग They worked with viruses that infect (b) CuT
ितरोधक मता bacteria called bacteriophages. (c) LNG20
(b) Cell-mediated immunity / (d) Tubectomy / िड वािहनी अवरोधन
कोिशका-म थ रोग ितरोधक मता Q1916. The two diseases whose
(c) Passive immunity/ िन य रोग spread can be controlled by Ans. (a) Diaphragm [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 243

Explanation: Barrier contraceptives Explanation: Spiders, snakes, and उपल
prevent sperm from entering a seals are all examples of carnivorous (c) User friendly / उपयोगकता के
woman's uterus. They include the secondary consumers. Omnivores are अनुकूल
condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, the other type of secondary (d) Effective with least side effects /
and contraceptive sponge. consumer. They eat both plant and ूनतम दु भावों के साथ भावी
animal materials for energy. Bears
Q1919. The gene in the Lac operon and skunks are examples of Ans. (a) Irreversible
that codes for repressor protein is omnivorous secondary consumers Explanation: User friendly, no side
लैक ओपेरॉन म वह जीन जो र ेसर that both hunt prey and eat plants. effect, reversible, effective, should
ोटीन के िलए कूटलेखन करता है - not interfere with sexual drive desire
(a) Operator/ संचालक Q1922. Which Artificial of the user, easily available.
(b) Promoter/ वतक Reproductive Technique can help a
(c) Regulator/ िविनयामक lady conceive a child if both her Q1925. What is the expansion for
(d) Structural/ संरचना क fallopian tubes are blocked? MTP?
यिद िकसी मिहला की दोनों िड वाही MTP का पूण प ा है ?
Ans. (c) Regulator निलकाएं अवरोिधत हो जाएँ , तो जनन (a) Medical Termination of
Explanation: The lac operon consists की िन िल खत म से कौन सी कृि म Parturition
of: Regulatory gene i – It codes for तकनीक उसे गभधारण करने म सहायता (b) Mechanical Transfer of Pollen
the repressor protein. z gene – It कर सकती है ? (c) Medical Termination of
codes for beta-galactosidase which (a) SUZI Pregnancy
catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose (b) IVF (d) Maternally Transmitted
into glucose and galactose. (c) ZIFT Pathogens
(d) GIFT
Q1920. Which among the following Ans. (c) Medical Termination of
is not a nitrogen fixing organism Ans. (b) IVF Pregnancy
िन िल खत म से कौन सा एक नाइटोजन Explanation: In vitro fertilization Explanation: MTP, which stands for
थ रकारक जीव नहीं है ? (IVF) was first used for women with Medical Termination of Pregnancy, is
(a) Anabaena/ ऐनाबीना no fallopian tubes. Now this a procedure of terminating pregnancy
(b) Nitrobacter/ नाइटोबै र procedure is also used to treat using medicines. In the early stages
(c) Nostoc / नो ॉक couples whose infertility is caused of pregnancy (7-9 weeks), it can be
(d) Pseudomonas by: Blocked or diseased fallopian terminated with the help of medicine,
tubes. Severe endometriosis. otherwise, the surgical process is
Ans. (d) Pseudomonas needed.
Explanation: Pseudomonas is not a Q1923. Which of the following is
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. not a copper releasing IUD? Q1926. Which part of the female
Pseudomonas is a saprophytic िन िल खत म से कौन तां बा मु करने reproductive system remains blocked
bacteria. Pseudomonas are used for वाला IUD नहीं है ? after tubectomy?
biodegradation of organic pollutant (a) LNG 20/ एलएनजी 20 मिहला नसबंदी के बाद मिहलाओं के
like petroleum spillage. Azotobacter (b) CuT जनन तं का कौन सा अंग अव हो
is a free living nitrogen fixing (c) Lippes Loop/ िल लूप जाता है ?
bacteria. nitrogen-fixing bacteria (d) a and c/ a और c (a) Fallopian tube / िड वाही निलका
include species of Azotobacter, (b) Oviduct / िड वािहनी
Bacillus, Clostridium, and Klebsiella. Ans. (d) a and c (c) Cervix/ गभाशय ीवा
Explanation: IUDs are either copper (d) Uterine cavity / गभाशय िछ
Q1921. In biotic community, the or hormonal. ParaGard is an
secondary consumers are/ example of a copper IUD. Mirena, Ans. (a) Fallopian tube
जैिवक समुदाय म, ि तीयक उपभो ा Skyla, Liletta are examples of Explanation: Tubectomy is a
कौन होते ह ? hormonal IUDs. permanent contraception and
(a) Herbivores/ शाकाहारी sterilization method in women. It is a
(b) Primary carnivores / ाथिमक Q1924. Which of the following is the major surgery in which the fallopian
माँ साहारी characteristic of an ideal tubes are blocked or cut so that the
(c) None/ कोई भी नहीं contraceptive? egg is unable to travel from the
(d) Secondary carnivores / ि तीयक आदश गभिनरोधक की िवशेषता ovaries to the uterus, thereby
माँ साहारी िन िल खत म से कौन सी है ? eliminating any chances of a
(a) Irreversible/ अप रवतनीय pregnancy.
Ans. (b) Primary carnivores (b) Easily available/ आसानी से [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 244

Q1927. By which name is family ध ा तथा एिलसा Q1933. The brain capacity of homo
planning currently known as? (d) Southern blot and ELISA/ दि णी habilis was
वतमान म प रवार िनयोजन को िकस ध ा तथा एिलसा होमो है िबिलस की म मता थी -
नाम से जाना जाता है ? (a) 650-800cc
(a) Reproductive and child care/ Ans. (c) Western blot and ELISA (b) 1400cc
जनन तथा बाल दे खभाल Explanation: ELISA Test ELISA, (c) 950-1100cc
(b) Family and child care/ प रवार एवं which stands for enzyme-linked (d) 1600cc
बाल दे खभाल immunosorbent assay, is used to
(c) Reproductive and child health/ detect HIV infection. If an ELISA Ans. (a) 650-800cc
जनन तथा बाल ा test is positive, the Western blot test Explanation: Homo habilis , which
(d) Reproductive and child health is usually administered to confirm lived about 1.5 million to 2 million
care/ जनन तथा बाल ा दे खभाल the diagnosis. years ago in Africa and had a cranial
capacity of more than 600 cc (brain
Ans. (d) Reproductive and child Q1931. Test tube baby implies which weight of 600 grams), and in.
health care of the following techniques?
टे ूब बेबी म िन िल खत म से िकस Q1934. Which among the following
Q1928. What problems in तकनीक का योग िकया जाता है ? does not exhibit oestrous cycle
reproductive health care require (a) IUI िन िल खत म से कौन सा जीव मद च
doctor’s help?/ (b) ICSI का दशन नहीं करता है ?
जनन ा दे खभाल म िकन (c) IVF (a) Monkey / ब र
सम ाओं म िचिक क के दे खभाल की (d) ZIFT (b) Deer / िहरण
आव कता होती है ? (c) Sheep/ भेड़
(a) STDs Ans. (d) ZIFT (d) Rat / चूहा
(b) Conception, parturition and Explanation: Zygote intrafallopian
abortion / गभधारण, सव तथा गभपात transfer (ZIFT) is an infertility Ans. (a) Monkey
(c) Contraception, infertility, treatment used when a blockage in
menstruation problem/ गभिनरोध, the fallopian tubes prevents the Q1935. Statin, the blood cholesterol
बां झपन, मािसक धम की सम ा normal binding of sperm to the egg. lowering agent is obtained from/
(d) All / सभी Egg cells are removed from a र कोले ॉल को कम करने वाला
woman's ovaries, and in vitro साधन ‘ ै िटन’ _____ से ा िकया
Ans. (d) All fertilised. The resulting zygote is जाता है |
placed into the fallopian tube by the (a) Trichoderma polysporum/
Q1929. The programs to get total use of laparoscopy. टाईकोडमा पॉिल ोरम
reproductive health as a social goal (b) Clostridium butylicum/
of national level are called Q1932. In IVF technique zygote or ो ीिडयम ूटाइिलयम
रा ीय र के सामािजक ल के पम early embryo is transferred into/ (c) Monascus purpureus/ मोनै स
कुल जनन ा को ा करने के आईवीएफ तकनीक म, यु नज या प ु रयस
काय मों को कहा जाता है - आरं िभक ूण को _____ म थानां त रत (d) Acetobacter aceti/ एसीटोबै र
(a) Family organisation / पा रवा रक िकया जाता है | एसीटी
संगठन (a) Cervical canal/ ीवा नली
(b) Family planning / प रवार िनयोजन (b) Uterus/ गभाशय Ans. (c) Monascus purpureus
(c) Family care / प रवार दे खभाल (c) Fallopian tube/ िड वाही निलका
(d) Reproductive care / जनन (d) Vagina / योिन Q1936. A group of animals which
दे खभाल are related by descent and share
Ans. (c) Fallopian tube many similar features, is referred to
Ans. (b) Family planning Explanation: Zygote intrafallopian as
transfer (ZIFT) combines in vitro पशुओं का वह समूह िजसम वे वंश से
Q1930. Which technique is used to fertilization (IVF) and GIFT. Eggs संबंिधत होते ह तथा कई सम प
detect AIDS? are stimulated and collected using िवशेषताएं साझा करते ह, ा कहलाता
एड् स का पता लगाने के िलए िकस IVF methods. Then the eggs are है ?
तकनीक का योग िकया जाता है ? mixed with sperm in the lab. (a) Breed / न
(a) Northern blot and ELISA / उ री Fertilized eggs (zygotes) are then (b) Variety/ िक
ध ा तथा एिलसा laparoscopically returned to the (c) Race / जाित
(b) Eastern blot and ELISA/ पूव fallopian tubes where they will be (d) Species / जाित
ध ा तथा एिलसा carried into the uterus.
(c) Western blot and ELISA/ पि मी Ans. (d) Species [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 245

उपभो ा
Q1937. An orchid living on a mango Ans. (a) Papaver somniferum (c) Tertiary consumer / तृतीयक
tree exhibits/ Explanation: opium poppy is the उपभो ा
उ रजीिवता के िलए आम के पेड़ पर source of several pharmaceutical (d) Top carnivore / शीष माँ साहारी
िनभर रहने वाला आिकड ____ का benzylisoquinoline alkaloids
दशन करता है | including morphine, codeine, and Ans. (b) Secondary consumer
(a) parasitism/ परजीिवता sanguinarine. Explanation: Secondary consumers
(b) commensalism/ सहभोिज are organisms that eat primary
(c) Mutualism/ अ ो ा यवाद Q1940. Which among the following consumers for energy. Primary
(d) predation/ िशकार is not a species of tiger which has consumers are always herbivores, or
been extinct recently organisms that only eat autotrophic
Ans. (b) commensalism िन िल खत म से कौन सी बाघ की वह plants. However, secondary
Explanation: Commensalism is a जाित नहीं है जो हाल ही म िवलु ई consumers can either be carnivores
long-term biological interaction in है ? or omnivores.
which members of one species gain (a) Javan / जावन
benefits while those of the other (b) Capsican/ कै कन Q1943. Which of these bacterial
species neither benefit nor are (c) Bali/ बाली components is least likely to contain
harmed. (d) Quagga/ ागा useful antigens?
िन िल खत म से िकस जीवाणु घटक म
Q1938. The bottled fruit juices Ans. (d) Quagga उपयोगी एं टीजन होने की संभावना सबसे
brought from the market are clearer Explanation: Even though 3 कम होगी ?
than those made at home as they are subspecies of tigers are extinct, 6 (a) Cell wall/ कोिशका िभि
treated with enzymes more do still exist. These six include (b) Flagella/ कशािभका
बाज़ार से लाये गए बोतलबंद फल के जूस Siberian, Bengal, Sumatran, (c) Ribosomes/ राइबोसोम
घर पर बनाए गए जूस से अिधक साफ़ South-China, Indochinese, and (d) Capsule/ कै ूल
होते ह ोंिक उ _____ एं जाइमों से Malayan tigers. All of these tigers
उपचा रत िकया जाता है | are endangered; however, Sumatran Ans. (c) Ribosomes
(a) Amylase and protease/ एिमलेस tigers and South-China tigers are
तथा ोटीज considered critically endangered. Q1944. Non-bloody diarrhoea is
(b) Proteases and pectinases/ ोटीज caused by/
तथा पे नेस Q1941. Asexual reproductive गैर-र डाय रया _____ के कारण होती
(c) Pectinases and lipases/ पे नेस structure in sponges is है |
तथा लाइपेज ंज म अलिगक जनन संरचना होती है (a) Shigella dysenteriae/ िशगेला
(d) Lipases and proteases / लाइपेज - पेिचश
तथा ोटीज (a) Zoospore / चल बीजाणु (b) Streptococcus pyogenes/
(b) Gemmule/ मुकुलक े ोकोकस ोगेनेस
Ans. (b) Proteases and pectinases (c) Conidia/ कोिनिडया (c) Clostridium difficile/ ो ीिडयम
Explanation: The bottled fruit juices (d) Bud / कली िड िसल
bought from the market are clearer as (d) Salmonella / सै ोनेला
compared to those made at home Ans. (b) Gemmule
which are turbid due to the presence Explanation: Fresh water and Ans. (b) Streptococcus pyogenes
of fibers, pectin, etc. This is because marine water sponges reproduces by
the bottled juices are made clear by a specialized asexual reproduction Q1945. Largest heart is of
the use of the enzymes pectinases structure called as gemmules. It सबसे बड़ा दय िकसका होता है ?
and proteases. survives during unfavourable (a) Lion / शेर
conditions and germinates during (b) Elephant / हाथी
Q1939. The drug morphine is favourable conditions to produce (c) Crocodile/ मगरम
obtained from the latex of the plant/ new sponges. (d) Giraffe/ िजराफ
औषिध ‘मॉिफन’ को _____ वृ के ीर
से ा िकया जाता है | Q1942. A frog feeding on a Ans. (b) Elephant
(a) Papaver somniferum / पैपेवर herbivore insect is a / By contrast, the largest heart for a
सोमनीफेरम एक शाकाहारी कीड़े को खाकर जीिवत terrestrial animal is that of the
(b) erythroxylum coca/ ऐरी ोज़ायलम रहने वाला मढक है - African elephant, weighing 12–21
कोका (a) primary consumer/ ाथिमक kilograms (26–46 pounds), while the
(c) Cannabis sativa/ कैनािबस सैिटवा उपभो ा human heart is on average 310
(d)None / कोई भी नहीं (b) Secondary consumer / ि तीयक grams. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 246

संबंिधत दे श तथा उसके लोगों की NH2 groups are converted into
Q1946. Oxygen is not produced अनुमित के िबना जैव संसाधनों का योग ammonia or its ionic form,
during photosynthesis by / ा कहलाता है ? ammonium (NH4+), as an end
_______ के ारा काश सं ेषण के (a) Biodegradation/ जैव-िन ीकरण product. Bacteria and related
दौरान ऑ ीजन का िनमाण नहीं िकया (b) Biopiracy/ जैव पायरे सी microorganisms derive metabolically
जाता है | (c) Bio-infringement/ जैव-अित मण useful energy from the oxidation of
(a) Cycas/ साइकैस (d) Bio-exploitation/ जैव-दोहन organic nitrogen to ammonium.
(b) Nostoc/ नो ॉक
(c) Green sulphur bacteria/ ह रत Ans. (b) Biopiracy Q1953. How many molecules of
स र जीवाणु Explanation: Patenting and ATP are required to fix one molecule
(d) None/ कोई भी नहीं exploitation of bioresources of other of nitrogen?
nations without proper authorisation नाइटोजन के एक अणु को थर करने के
Ans. (c) Green sulphur bacteria or access and benefit sharing िलए एटीपी के िकतने अणुओं की
agreement is called Biopiracy. ... आव कता होती है ?
Q1947. Double fertilization occurs Eg:Turmeric, Neem, Basmatic Rice (a) 12
only in / are some of the products have patents (b) 20
दोहरा िनषेचन केवल ____ म होता है | in other countries. (c) 6
(a) Pteridophyta/ टे रीडोफाइटा (d) 16
(b) Bryophyta/ ायोफाइटा Q1951. Conversion of ammonia to
(c) Angiosperms/ आवृतबीजी nitrite and then to nitrates is called/ Ans. (d) 16
(d) Gymnosperms/ अनावृतबीजी अमोिनया का नाइटाट तथा िफर नाइटे ट Explanation: Nitrogenase catalyzes
म प रवतन ा कहलाता है ? the breaking of this bond and the
Ans. (c) Angiosperms (a) Ammonification / अमोिनयाकरण addition of three hydrogen atoms to
(b) Denitrification/ अनाइटीकरण each nitrogen atom. Microorganisms
Q1948. Pollen grains can be stored (c) Assimilation / आ सा रण that fix nitrogen require 16 moles of
for several years in liquid nitrogen at (d) Nitrification / नाइटीकरण adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to
a temperature of reduce each mole of nitrogen
पराग कणों को तरल नाइटोजन म Ans. (d) Nitrification (Hubbell & Kidder, 2009). These
_____ तापमान पर कई वष के िलए Explanation: Nitrification is the organisms obtain this energy by
संगृिहत िकया जा सकता है | biological oxidation of ammonia to oxidizing organic molecules.
(a) -196℃ nitrite followed by the oxidation of
(b) -80℃ the nitrite to nitrate. The Q1954. Nitrogen is absorbed by the
(c) -120℃ transformation of ammonia to nitrite plants in the form of/
(d) -160℃ is usually the rate limiting step of पौधों के ारा नाइटोजन का अवशोषण
nitrification. Nitrification is an _____ के प म िकया जाता है |
Ans. (a) -196℃ important step in the nitrogen cycle (a) Ammonium / अमोिनयम
in soil. (b) Nitrites / नाइटाट
Q1949. Which of the following (c) Nitrates / नाइटे ट
forms of iron is absorbed by plants/ Q1952. Ammonification is formation (d) All / सभी
पौधों के ारा आयरन ( लौह त ) के of/
िन िल खत म से िकस प का अमोिनयाकरण ______ के िनमाण को Ans. (d) All
अवशोषण िकया जाता है ? कहते ह | Explanation: Nitrate is the form of
(a) Free element / मु त (a) Ammonia from nitrates by nitrogen most used by plants for
(b) Ferrous / फेरस decomposers / अपघटकों के ारा growth and development. Nitrate is
(c) Ferric/ फे रक नाइटे ट से अमोिनया the form that can most easily be lost
(d) Both ferrous and ferric / फेरस (b) Ammonia from nitrogen / to groundwater. Ammonium taken
तथा फे रक दोनों नाइटोजन से अमोिनया in by plants is used directly in
(c) Ammonia from amino acids / proteins. This form is not lost as
Ans. (c) Ferric एिमनो अ से अमोिनया easily from the soil.
(d) Ammonia from nitrates by
Q1950. Use of bioresources by nitrogen fixers / नाइटोजन थ रकारक Q1955. Which of the following
multinational companies and जीवों के ारा नाइटे ट से अमोिनया statements is correct?
organisations without authorisation िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही है ?
from the concerned country and its Ans. (c) Ammonia from amino acids (a) Atmosphere is the major reservoir
people is called/ Explanation: Ammonification refers for plants/ वायुमंडल पौधों के िलए एक
ब रा ीय कंपिनयों तथा संगठनों के ारा to any chemical reaction in which मुख कोश है | [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 247

(b) Nitrogen is the most abundant इं िडका
nutrient for plants / नाइटोजन पौधों के (c) Mangifera indica / मगीफेरा Q1961. Which is less general in
िलए सवािधक चुर पोषक त है | इं िडका characters as compared to genus/
(c) Nitrogen cycle is a sedimentary (d) Mangifera Indica / मगीफेरा वंश की तुलना म आमतौर पर गुणों म
cycle / नाइटोजन च एक अवसादी इं िडका कौन कम होता है ?
च है | (a) Family / प रवार
(d) All / सभी Ans.(c) Mangifera indica (b) Division/ िवभाजन
Explantion: Mangifera indica, (c) Class / वग
Ans. (a) Atmosphere is the major commonly known as mango, is a (d) Species / जाित
reservoir for plants species of flowering plant in the
sumac and poison ivy family Ans. (d) Species
Q1956. Energy flow and energy Anacardiaceae. Explanation: a species is the basic
transformation in a living system unit of classification and a taxonomic
follow/ Q1959. What is a homonym? rank of an organism, as well as a unit
जीवन तं म ऊजा का वाह तथा ऊजा समनाम ा है ? of biodiversity.
का पां तरण _____ का अनुसरण (a) Identical name of two different
करता है | taxa / दो अलग-अलग वगकों के Q1962. Observation of species on
(a) Dalton’s law / डा न का िनयम सम प नाम ___________ heavily inspired
(b) Law of thermodynamics / (b) Two or more names of same Darwin’s theory of evolution.
ऊ वैिगकी का िनयम taxon / समान वगक के दो या अिधक डािवन का म िवकास िस ां त काफी
(c) Law of limiting factor/ सीिमत नाम हद तक _______ म जाितयों के
कारक का िनयम (c) Name given to a taxon in local अवलोकन से े रत था |
(d) Liebig’s law of minimum/ लीिबग language / िकसी वगक को थानीय (a) Ilha da Queimada Grande/ इ ा
का ूनता का िनयम भाषा म िदया गया नाम डा ुइमादा ां डे
(d) Species name repeats the generic (b) Guatemala / गौटे माला
Ans. (b) Law of thermodynamics name / जाित नाम जो सामा नाम को (c) Faroe Islands/ फैरो ीप
Explanation: (I) Energy transfer in दोहराता है | (d) Galapagos Islands/गैलापागोस ीप
the biotic world always proceeds
from the autotrophs. (II) Energy Ans. (a) Identical name of two Ans. (d) Galapagos Islands
flow in undirectional. (III) Energy different taxa
availability is maximum at the Explanation: a homonym is a name Q1963. Which condition can be
tertiary level. (IV) There is loss of for a taxon that is identical in explained by Lamarckism?
energy from one trophic level to that spelling to another such name, that लैमाकवाद के ारा िकस प र थित की
other. belongs to a different taxon. ा ा की जा सकती है ?
(a) How giraffes got their long neck /
Q1957. Solanum, Mangifera and Q1960. Fossorial refers to/ िजराफों को उनकी लंबी गदन कैसे िमली
Nicotiana are ————- फोसो रयल से ा आशय है ? (b) How humans lost their tail /
सोलेनम, मगीफेरा तथा िनकोिटयाना (a) Animals that turned into fossils/ वे मनु ों की पूँछ गायब कैसे ई |
_____ ह | पशु जो जीवा म बदल जाते ह | (c) How humans became bipedal /
(a) Species / जाित (b) Animals that are adapted to मनु ि पाद कैसे बने
(b) Subspecies / उप- जाित burrowing/ वे पशु जो िबल खोदने के (d) All of the above / उपरो सभी
(c) Genus/ वंश ित अनुकूिलत होते ह |
(d) Class / वग (c) Animals that are adapted to Ans.(d) All of the above
climbing/ वे पशु जो चढ़ने म अनुकूिलत
Ans. (c) Genus होते ह | Q1964. The earliest geological time
Explanation: The first word in a (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से period among the following is
binomial nomenclature represents the कोई नहीं _______
name of the genus while the second िन िल खत म से _______ सबसे
one is the species name. Ans. (b) Animals that are adapted to आरं िभक भूवै ािनक समयाविध है ?
burrowing (a) Cambrian/ कै याई युग
Q1958. The scientific name of Explanation: A fossorial animal is (b) Permian / पिमयन युग
mango is one adapted to digging which lives (c) Jurassic / जुरािसक युग
आम का वै ािनक नाम है - primarily, but not solely, (d) Quaternary/ चतुथ युग
(a) Mangifera indica / मगीफेरा underground. Some examples are
इं िडका badgers, naked mole-rats, clams, Ans.(a) Cambrian
(b) Mangifera Indica / मगीफेरा meerkats, and mole salamanders. Explanation: The Paleozoic spanned [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 248

from roughly 542 to 251 million because they are connected to each tissue is found in ligaments (which
years ago (Ma) and is subdivided other by intercalated discs - link bone to bone at joints) and
into six geologic periods; from oldest structures that are only found in tendons (connections between bones
to youngest they are the Cambrian, cardiac muscle cells. or cartilage and muscle).
Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian,
Carboniferous and Permian. Q1968. Hemotoxic venom, such as Q1971. Macrophages are a type of/
the one found in cobra induce the मै ोफेज _____ का एक कार है |
Q1965. The force that initiates destruction of/ (a) White blood cell / सफ़ेद र
evolution is ______/ हे मोटॉ क िवष, जैसे वह िवष जो कोिशका
म िवकास को शु करने वाला बल कोबरा म पाया जाता है , _____ के (b) Stem cell / मूल कोिशका
_____ है | िवघटन उ ेिजत कर दे ता है | (c) Fat cell /वसा कोिशका
(a) Variation / पां तर (a) Red blood cells / लाल र (d) Bone cell /अ थ कोिशका
(b) Mutation / उ रवतन कोिशकाएं
(c) Extinction / िवलु (b) Muscle tissue / मां सपेशीय उ क Ans. (a) White blood cell
(d) Adaptation / अनुकूलन (c) Bone tissue / अ थ उ क Explanation: Macrophages are
(d) All of the above / उपरो सभी specialised cells involved in the
Ans. (a) Variation detection, phagocytosis and
Ans. (a) Red blood cells destruction of bacteria and other
Q1966. The experiment that Explanation: Hemotoxins cause harmful organisms. In addition, they
simulated conditions thought to be hemolysis, the destruction of red can also present antigens to T cells
present on the early earth blood cells and initiate inflammation by
वह योग कौन सा था िजसम उन releasing molecules (known as
प र थितयों का अनुकरण िकया गया था Q1969. How many hearts does an cytokines) that activate other cells.
िजनके बारे म कहा जाता है िक वे पृ ी octopus have?
के आरं िभक काल म मौजूद थीं ? ऑ ोपस म िकतने दय होते ह ? Q1972. ____________ is present
(a) Hershey–Chase experiment / (a) 3 mostly at sites where filtration and
हश-चेज योग (b) 2 diffusion occurs./
(b) Geiger–Marsden experiment / (c) 4 ______ अिधकां शतः उन थानों पर
गीजर-मासडे न योग (d) 1 मौजूद होता है जहाँ िन ंदन तथा सार
(c) Miller–Urey experiment / िमलर - होता है |
यूरे योग Ans. (a) 3 (a) Simple columnar epithelia/ सरल
(d) Schiehallion experiment / Explanation: An octopus has three ंभाकार उपकला
िशयाहे िलयन योग hearts, nine brains, and blue blood. (b) Bone marrow / अ थ म ा
Two hearts pump blood to the gills, (c) Simple squamous epithelium/
Ans. (c) Miller–Urey experiment while a third circulates it to the rest सरल श ी उपकला
Explanation: The Miller–Urey of the body. (d) None of the above / उपरो म से
experiment was a chemical कोई नहीं
experiment that simulated the Q1970. Tendons and ligaments are
conditions thought at the time to be made of Ans. (c) Simple squamous
present on the early Earth and tested कंडरा तथा ायु बंधन िकस से बने होते epithelium
the chemical origin of life under ह?
those conditions. (a) Special connective tissue / िवशेष Q1973. Wound healing in plants is
संयोजी उ क initiated by
Q1967. Where are intercalated discs (b) Epithelial tissues / उपकला उ क पौधों म ज भरने की शु आत िकसके
found? (c) Dense regular connective tissue / ारा की जाती है ?
अंतिव चि का कहाँ पायी जाती है ? सघन िनयिमत संयोिजत उ क (a) Apical meristem/ शीष िवभ ोतक
(a) Skeletal muscles/ कंकालीय (d) Loose connective tissue / ढीले (b) Lateral meristem / पा
मां सपेिशयों म संयोजी उ क िवभ ोतक
(b) Tendons / कंडरा म (c) Secondary meristem / ि तीयक
(c) Spinal cord / मे दं ड म Ans. (c) Dense regular connective िवभ ोतक
(d) Cardiac muscles / दयी tissue (d) Intercalary meristem / म िनिव
मां सपेिशयों म Explanation: Dense Regular िवभ ोतक
Connective Tissue
Ans.(d) Cardiac muscles In this type of tissue, the collagen Ans. (c) Secondary meristem
Explanation: Cardiac cells are fibres are densely packed, and Explanation: Wound healing in
special, amongst the muscle types, arranged in parallel. This type of plants takes place by the activity of [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 249

secondary meristem. (a) Parenchyma/ मृदु उ क secretion, and gas exchange.
(b) Collenchyma / कॉलेनकाइमा
Q1974. Mostly, the flesh of fruit is (c) Scherenchyma / ढ उ क Q1979. The tissue that provides
made of (d) Epidermis / अिधचम maximum mechanical strength to the
फल का गुदा अिधकां शतः िकस से बना plant is/ वह उ क कौन सा है जो पौधे
होता है ? Ans. (a) Parenchyma को अिधकतम यां ि क श दान
(a) Collenchyma/ कॉलेनकाइमा Explanation: Parenchyma, in plants, करता है ?
(b) Parenchyma / पैरेनकाइमा tissue typically composed of living (a) Xylem/ जाइलम
(c) Meristem / िवभ ोतक cells that are thin-walled, (b) Phloem/ ोएम
(d) none / कोई भी नहीं unspecialized in structure, and (c) Parenchyma / मृदु उ क
therefore adaptable, with (d) Collenchyma/ थूल कोण उ क
Ans. (b) Parenchyma differentiation, to various functions.
Explanation: The tissue specialised Ans. (a) Xylem
for the food storage is commonly Q1977. The main purpose that the Explanation: Xylem is a type of
formed of parenchyma cells. They aerenchyma serves in Parenchyma is/ vascular tissue present in plants,
have a thin cell wall and they store वायुतक, मृदु उ क म मु प से which primarily transports water and
food, air and water. Thus, the flesh of कौन सा काय करता है ? nutrients from roots to stem and
the fruit is formed of parenchyma (a) Offers flexibility / लचीलापन दे ता leaves. They also provide mechanical
mainly. है strength to the plants.
(b) Renders Buoyancy / उ ावकता
Q1975. The tissue where cells are दान करता है Q1980. Vessels are found in/
thin-walled, living, isodiametric (c) Provides structural framework/ वािहकाएँ _____ म पायी जाती ह |
along with intercellular spaces is / संरचना क ढां चा दान करता है (a) Most of the angiosperms and few
वह उ क कौन सा है िजसम कोिशकाएं (d) Provides mechanical support / gymnosperms/ अिधकां शतः
अंतर कोिशकीय थानों के साथ पतली यां ि क सहायता दान करता है | आवृतबीिजयों तथा अनावृतबीिजयों म
िभि वाली, सजीव तथा सम ासीय होती (b) All angiosperms and some
ह? Ans. (b) Renders Buoyancy gymnosperms / सभी आवृतबीिजयों
(a) Arenchyma /एरे नकाइमा Explanation: Aerenchyma is a तथा कुछ अनावृतबीिजयों म
(b) Prosenchyma/ ोसेनकाइमा modified parenchyma, where the (c) All angiosperms, all
(c) Collenchyma / कॉलेनकाइमा cells are arranged with regular air gymnosperms and some
(d) Parenchyma / पैरेनकाइमा spaces or air chambers to facilitate pteridophytes / सभी आवृतबीिजयों,
diffusion of gases to provide सभी अनावृ बीिजयों तथा कुछ
Ans. (d) Parenchyma buoyancy to aquatic plants such as टे रडोफाइट म
Explanation: Parenchyma cells are lotus and water hyacinth. (d) All pteridophytes / सभी
usually isodiametric or polyhedral in टे रडोफाइट म
shape. They have only a primary cell Q1978. Which of this is not a
wall and retain the ability for future function that Parenchyma performs Ans. (a) Most of the angiosperms
cell division. Parenchyma cells िन िल खत म से कौन सा मृदु उ क के and few gymnosperms
contain a nucleus and when they are ारा िकया जाने वाला काय नहीं है ? Explanation: A vessel element or
first formed, they are densely (a) Stores nutrients and food / पोषक vessel member is one of the cell
cytoplasmic and have several small त ों तथा भोजन का भंडारण करता है | types found in xylem, the water
vacuoles (b) Aids in regeneration, healing and conducting tissue of plants. Vessel
repairs wounds/पुनजनन तथा ज ों elements are typically found in
Q1976. The plant tissue with the को भरने और उ ठीक करने म flowering plants (angiosperms) but
following characteristics is – सहायता करता है | absent from most gymnosperms such
Oval/round-shaped cells, Cells have (c) Provides foundation and support / as conifers.
a living protoplasm and are dense, नींव तथा सहारा दान करता है |
Cell wall is made of cellulose or (d) None of these / इनम से कोई नहीं Q1981. The main difference between
hemicellulose, Thin-walled cells parenchyma, collenchyma and
िन िल खत िवशेषताओं वाला पादप Ans. (d) None of these sclerenchyma is that/ मृदु उ क, थूल
उ क कौन सा है ? अंडाकार/गोलाकार Explanation: Plant parenchyma कोण उ क तथा ढ उ क म मु
कोिशकाएं , कोिशकाओं म सजीव cells make up the bulk of leaves, अंतर यह है िक -
जीव होता है तथा वे सघन होती ह, flowers, and the growing, dividing (a) Parenchyma is involved in
कोिशका िभि से ूलोस या inner parts of stems and roots. They photosynthesis, secretion and storage
हे मीसे ूलोस से बनी होती है , कोिशका perform functions such as / मृदु उ क काश सं ेषण, ाव तथा
िभि पतली होती है | photosynthesis, food storage, sap भ ारण म शािमल होता है | [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 250

(b) Collenchyma is involved in (d) chlorenchyma / ह रत उ क
support and transportation of Ans.(b) Parenchyma
nutrients / थूल कोण उ क सहारा तथा Ans. (c) collenchyma Explanation: Pith, or medulla, is a
पोषक त ों के प रवहन म शािमल होता Explanation: Collenchyma, in tissue in the stems of vascular plants.
है | plants, support tissue of living Pith is composed of soft, spongy
(c) Sclerenchyma is involved in elongated cells with irregular cell parenchyma cells, which store and
support, protection, transportation of walls. Collenchyma cells have thick transport nutrients throughout the
nutrients and water/ ढ उ क सहारा, deposits of cellulose in their cell plant.
सुर ा तथा पोषक त ों एवं जल के walls and appear polygonal in cross
प रवहन म शािमल होता है | section. The strength of the tissue Q1987. Physical, chemical and
(d) All of these / ये सभी results from these thickened cell moisture characteristics of the soil:
walls and the longitudinal िम ी की भौितक, रासायिनक तथा नमी
Ans. (d) All of these interlocking of the cells. संबंधी िवशेषताएँ ह :
(a) Topographic / थलाकृितक
Q1982. Collenchyma are Q1984. Intercalary meristem results (b) Edaphic / मृदीय
characterized by the presence of / in/ (c) Geological / भूवै ािनक
थूलकोण उ क को _____ की अंतिव िवभ ोतक का प रणाम ____ (d) Biotic / जैिवक
उप थित के ारा िच त िकया जाता है के प म होता है |
| (a) secondary growth / ि तीयक वृ Ans. (b) Edaphic
(a) elongated cells with deposits of (b) apical growth / शीष थ वृ Explanation: The edaphic factor
cellulose and pectin all over the wall/ (c) primary growth / ाथिमक वृ includes the physical, chemical, and
लंबी कोिशकाएँ िजनकी िभि के ऊपर (d) none of the above / उपरो म से biological properties of soil that
सभी जगह से ूलोस तथा पे न का कोई नहीं result from biologic and geologic
िन ेप होता है | phenomena or anthropogenic
(b) isodiametric cells with deposits Ans. (c) primary growth activities. Discontinuities in the
of cellulose and pectin at the corners Explanation: Intercalary meristem edaphic factor contribute to the
/ सम ासीय कोिशकाएं िजनके कोनों is a primary meristem, found inserted intriguing patterns of diversity we
पर से ूलोस तथा पे न का िन ेप between permanent tissues, in the see in the biotic world.
होता है | bases of internodes and leaf sheaths
(c) elongated cells with thickening at of grasses Q1988. Ozone depletion is caused
the corners / लंबी कोिशकाएं जो कोनों by:/ ओजोन का य _____ के कारण
पर अिधक मोटी होती ह | Q1985. Secondary growth includes होता है |
(d) isodiametric cells with thickening the formation of secondary vascular (a) CO
all over the wall / सम ासीय tissues and:/ ि तीयक वृ म ि तीयक (b) CO2
कोिशकाएं जो संपूण िभि पर अिधक संवहन उ कों तथा _____ का िनमाण (c) H2
मोटी होती ह | शािमल है | (d) CFC
(a) periderm /प र क
Ans. (c) elongated cells with (b) Plerome /रं भजन Ans. (d) CFC
thickening at the corners (c) Epidermis / अिधचम Explanation: Ozone depletion
Explanation: Collenchyma cells are (d) Cortex / छाल occurs when chlorofluorocarbons
elongated cells with irregularly thick (CFCs) and halons—gases formerly
cell walls that provide support and Ans. (a) periderm found in aerosol spray cans and
structure. Their thick cell walls are Explanation: secondary growth is refrigerants—are released into the
composed of the compounds the result of the activity of the two atmosphere (see details below).
cellulose and pectin. These cells are lateral meristems, the cork cambium CFCs and halons cause chemical
often found under the epidermis, or and vascular cambium. Arising from reactions that break down ozone
the outer layer of cells in young lateral meristems, secondary growth molecules, reducing ozone's
stems and in leaf veins. increases the growth of the plant root ultraviolet radiation-absorbing
or stem, rather than its length. capacity.
Q1983. A simple mechanical tissue
devoid of lignin is/ Q1986. Pith is composed of/ म ा Q1989. Greenhouse effect is caused
एक सरल यां ि क उ क िजसम िलि न िकससे िमलकर बनता है ?: by:
नहीं पाया जाता है - (a) Collenchyma/ थूलकोण उ क ह रतगृह भाव _____ के कारण होता है
(a) parenchyma / मृदु उ क (b) Parenchyma / मृदु उ क |
(b) sclerenchyma / ढ उ क (c) Sclerenchyma / ढ़ उ क (a) CO
(c) collenchyma/ थूलकोण उ क (d) None /कोई भी नहीं (b) CO2 [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 251

(c) H2 Ans. (b) Endothelial Cells (d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी
(d) CFC Explanation: The inner surface of
every blood vessel is lined by a thin Ans. (b) Meristem
Ans. (b) CO2 layer of cells known as the Explanation: Meristematic cells
Explanation: We emit carbon endothelium. The endothelium is (cells that divide to give rise to cells
dioxide to the atmosphere in separated from the tough external which differentiate into different cell
enormous quantities because we burn layers of the vessel by the basal types) are found in the cambium and
so much fossil fuel and the changes lamina, an extracellular matrix at the apices of stems and roots. In
in land use that we have implement produced by surrounding epithelial many plants this can be exploited to
are so widespread. This is why cells. produce new plants (clones) by
carbon dioxide is the most important taking cuttings from leaves, stems
gas in the man-made component of Q1993. The soft gelatinous tissue and roots. Such cells are thus
the greenhouse effect. found inside bones is called/ totipotent.
हि यों के भीतर पाए जाने वाले मुलायम
Q1990. The percentage of earth िचपिचपे उ क को ा कहते ह ? Q1997. Budding, in hydra, is a form
covered with water is: (a) Bone effusion/ अ थ बहाव ________
पृ ी के िकतने ितशत भाग पर पानी है (b) Bone marrow/ अ थ म ा हाइडा म मुकलन _____ का एक कार
? (c) Bone abscess/ अ थ ण होता है |
(a) 50% (d) None of the above / उपरो म से (a) Apoptosis/ एपो ोिसस
(b) 25% कोई नहीं (b) Sexual reproduction/ लिगक
(c) 75% जनन
(d) 23% Ans. (b) Bone marrow (c) Asexual reproduction/ अलिगक
Ans. (c) 75% Q1994. The bone is a natural (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
reservoir for _____/ कोई नहीं
Q1991. Antibodies are chemically ह ी _____ के िलए एक ाकृितक कोश
_______________. होती है | Ans. (c) Asexual reproduction
एं टीबॉडी रासायिनक प से _____ होते (a) Fluorine/ लो रन Explanation: Budding, in biology, a
ह| (b) Water/ पानी form of asexual reproduction in
(a) Fats/ वसा (c) Calcium/ कै शयम which a new individual develops
(b) Foreign pathogens/ बाहरी (d) Iron / लौह त from some generative anatomical
रोगजनक point of the parent organism.
(c) Actin/ ए न Ans. (c) Calcium
(d) Proteins/ ोटीन Q1998. One of the following is not
Q1995. The development of root and an auxin
Ans. (d) Proteins shoot in tissue culture is determined इनम से कोई एक औ न नहीं है -
Explanation: An antibody (Ab), also by?/ (a) Indole-3-acetic acid/ इ ोल-3
known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is उ क संवधन म जड़ तथा टहनी के एिसिटक अ
a large, Y-shaped protein produced िवकास का िनधारण िकसके ारा िकया (b) Malate Hydrazide/मैलेट
mainly by plasma cells that is used जाता है ? हाइडाजाइड
by the immune system to neutralize (a) Temperature / तापमान (c) Indole butyric acid/ इ ोल-3
pathogens such as pathogenic (b) Nutrients / पोषक त ूिटक अ
bacteria and viruses. (c) Auxin and cytokinin ratio / (d) Naphthalene acetic acid/
औ न तथा साइटोिकिनन अनुपात नेफ़थलीन एिसिटक अ
Q1992. __________ cells line the (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
blood capillaries कोई नहीं Ans. (b) Malate Hydrazide
______ कोिशकाएं र केिशकाओं को Explanation: Five naturally
पं ब करती ह | Ans.(c) Auxin and cytokinin ratio occurring (endogenous) auxins in
(a) Alpha cells/ अ फ़ा कोिशकाएँ plants include indole-3-acetic acid,
(b) Endothelial Cells/ अंतकलीय Q1996. __________ shows 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid,
कोिशकाएँ totipotency. phenylacetic acid, indole-3-butyric
(c) Oxyntic cells/ ऑ ंिटक ______ पूणश ता का दशन करता acid, and indole-3-propionic acid.
कोिशकाएँ है | Synthetic auxin analogs include
(d) None of the above / उपरो म से (a) Xylem/ जाइलम 1-naphthaleneacetic acid,
कोई नहीं (b) Meristem/ िवभ ोतक 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
(c) Cork/ कॉक (2,4-D), and many others. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 252


Q1999. ________ is a hormone that

plays a pivotal role in social bonding,
sexual reproduction and childbirth.
_____ एक हॉम न है जो सामािजक
जुड़ाव, लिगक जनन तथा ब े के ज
म एक मह पूण भूिमका िनभाता है |
(a) Oxytocin/ ऑ ीटोिसन
(b) Melatonin/ मेलाटोिनन
(c) Adrenaline/ एडे नालाईन
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
कोई नहीं

Ans. (a) Oxytocin

Explanation: Oxytocin (Oxt) is a
peptide hormone and neuropeptide. It
is normally produced in the
hypothalamus and released by the
posterior pituitary. It plays a role in
social bonding, sexual reproduction,
childbirth, and the period after

Q2000. Antifreeze proteins or AFPs

enable organisms that possess it to/
एं टी ीज़ ोटीन या AFPs िजन जीवों म
पाए जाते ह उन जीवों को ______ म
स म बना दे ते ह |
(a) Survive high temperatures/ उ
तापमान को सहने म
(b) Survive extreme pressure/
अ िधक दाब को सहने म
(c) Survive subzero temperatures/
उप शू तापमान को सहने म
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
कोई नहीं

Ans. (c) Survive subzero

Explanation: Overwintering plants
secrete antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to
provide freezing tolerance. These
proteins bind to and inhibit the
growth of ice crystals that are formed
in the apoplast during subzero
temperatures. [email protected] Ph. 09729327755, 09817390373 253


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