CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
(1) Dr. P. Krishna Kumar, Dr. S. Franklin John, Ms. S. Senith, in his paper,” a study on
the progress of Indian cement industry” Vol.1, No. 1, March 2013, pp.1-15 stated that
The study was designed to investigate the progress of Indian cements industry since 1991,
in terms of its growth in installed capacity, production, exports, and value additions; In
detail the research methodology used for the study that has focused on the past, present and
the future performance of Indian Cement Industry (ICI) at the macro level and the Chettinad
Cement Corporation Limited (CCCL) at the micro level as a case firm. The study purely
relies on secondary data. The secondary data were collected for a period of fifteen years
(1991-92 to 2005-06) from the database maintained and made available by several
organizations viz., Cement Manufacturers Association, Export Import Bank of India,
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy etc. for the purpose of effective periodical analysis.
In order to know the progress of ICI, annual time series data for the six variables were
studied for trend, cyclical variation and random variation, as seasonal variation was not
observable in the annual data. The estimated trend equations were evaluated for their
goodness of fit and predictive power and found valid to draw inferences. The values of the
six variables were projected to the next five years. Estimated values were adjusted for the
likely effects of cyclical variations (c) the reliability of predicted values was evaluated with
the help of forecasting error. In the end of the study implications and conclusion were
The Indian cement industry is on the dynamic growth path in capacity, production, factor
productivity and financial parameters. The future prospects are also bright. However, it
needs attention to increase export and build net worth, which required more detailed and
effective planning and management. If past trend is the source of confidence for sustainable
growth and viability of ICI, it has to be taken with adequate caution to avoid excessive
surpluses. As the industry has learned to survive free market competition and grow with
financial stability not withstanding three years cycle and large and growing cost of energy
and heavy taxes – it is reasonable to infer that the prospect of ICI is fairly high, especially
if Indian economy grows at eight percent or higher in the five years of the Eleventh Five
Year Plan The total decontrolled of the cement industry (1989) and the new economic
policy reforms of 1990-91 have brought in a free market environment to ICI. The industry
has succeeded in adjusting to the new business environment and shown good progress. For
the future, ICI has to pay increasing attention to expand and export.
(2) Vigneshwar Mekha1, Adma Kamalakar Reddy in his paper, “Experiences of Cement Industry
in India”, International Journal of Research in Geography (IJRG) Volume 4, Issue 2,
2018, PP 72-78 stated that at present, the Indian Cement Industry (ICI) is spread all over
the country, from north to south and east to west with most modern cement plants with
latest technologies. There are about 84 large cement companies, which operate about 221
cement plants with an aggregate cement capacity of 444 million tonnes per annum (MTPA)
as of 2015-16. The ICI plays a pivotal role in the national economy. It is a cyclical
commodity with a high correlation with GDP, generating substantial revenue for
government both state and central as well as a source of employment opportunities. Cement
is the basic building material in India and is used extensively in urban housing, industrial
sector and developing infrastructure. Consumption of cement is taken to be an indicator of
economic development. The greater the infrastructure growth of a country, greater will be
the consumption of cement. But nowadays ICI facing certain difficulties like under capacity
(3) K. Suseela and Dr. T. Baskaran in his paper “Strength Analysis on Concrete with M-
Sand as A Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate”, International Journal of Civil
Engineering and Technology, 8(12), 2017, pp. 583-592, stated that concrete is a
combination of cement, fine and coarse aggregate. These days, natural river sand is difficult
to acquire and extraction of sand from river has represented an awesome threat to
environment. In addition, government has connected limitation on extraction of sand from
riverbed. Subsequently, insufficiency of natural river sand and increase in demand
contemplate research seek towards alternate fine aggregate. This seek turns the research
intention towards effective utilization of Manufactured sand (M-sand) for commercial
purpose. research incorporates effectiveness of M-sand by investigation compressive
stress, split tensile stress and durability of concrete with various mix.
The results evaluate in this experimentation are: The workability of concrete decreases
while utilizing manufactured sand in Concrete as replacement of river sand, The
Compressive stress in concrete increases 40.1% and 64% for respective 7 and 28 days, The
split tensile stress in concrete increases 2.5% and 4.4% for respective 7 and 28 days, The
percentage weight loss in Sea water of concrete with Manufacture sand is not as much as
the concrete with river sand which demonstrates that the Durability of Concrete is improved
by utilizing manufacture sand as replacement of river sand, The permeability test increase
4.5mm depth for M1 and M2 mix, which is superior over other mix, The acid resistance
test and thermal resistance test evaluated for M1 to M6 mix. In addition, M-sand is cost
and performance effective in replace of river sand.
(4) Amit Kumar Singh, Vikas Srivastava, V.C. Agarwal in his paper “Stone Dust in
Concrete: Effect on Compressive Strength” ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P),
Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015 stated that Stone dust is a waste material obtained from
crusher plants. It has potential to be used as partial replacement of natural river sand in
concrete. Use of stone dust in concrete not only improve the quality of concrete but also
conserve the natural river sand for future generations. In the present investigation, an
experimental program was carried out to study the workability and compressive strength of
concrete made using stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate in the range of 10%
- 100%. M25 grade of concrete was designed using Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) for
referral concrete. Workability and Compressive strength were determined at different
replacement level of fine aggregate viz a viz referral concrete and optimum replacement
level was determined based on compressive strength. Results showed that by replacing 60%
of fine aggregate with stone dust concrete of maximum compressive strength can be made
as compared to all other replacement levels.
Slump(mm) of concrete made using stone dust decreases abruptly with increase in
replacement level of river sand. By replacing natural river sand with stone dust (10% -
100%) increased compressive strength (8% - 27%) can be achieved. Optimum replacement
level of natural river sand with stone dust is 60%. However, strength of concrete made
using stone dust is higher at every replacement level than the referral concrete. Stone dust
can be used as an opposite substitute for fine aggregate in the case of non-availability of
natural river sand at reasonable cost.
(5) Nair Kabir, Sani Aliyu , Adamu Umar Chinade1, Aminu Shehu in his paper
“Characteristics of Different Type of Coarse Aggregate on Properties of High-
Performance Concrete Sustainable Structure and Materials”, Vol. 2, No .1, (2019) 88-
96 The weakest links of conventional cement concrete is often occurred at the transition
zone around coarse aggregate particles and the bulk of the compressive load is also borne
by the cement paste. However, in special concrete such as High Strength Concrete (HSC)
and High-Performance Concrete (HPC) where, the water/cement ratio is low and high
content of cement constitute their characteristics, the bulk compressive load is borne by the
aggregate. Therefore, the failure in such concrete is mostly through the aggregate. This
study discussed the characteristics of different type of coarse aggregate with distinct size
range, 20-14mm and 10-5mm on properties of high-performance concrete. In this project,
investigation such as Slump test and Unit weight were carried out on fresh properties, and
also compressive strength and water absorption on hardened properties, in which, readings
were taken at curing days of 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days. The water to cement ratio used
is 0.35, 1% super plasticizer of Conplast SP-430 were added, and the dosage of meta kaolin
added was 0%, 7.5% and 15%. The HPC mix, grade M40concrete is designed as per ACI
method. The result of the study indicated that the compressive strength increases with an
increase in percentage of Metakaolin between 0% to 15% replacements. Basalt-mixed
concrete gives higher compressive strength, followed by gneiss-mixed concrete, then
granite-mixed concrete. It was also discovered that larger aggregate sizes (20mm-14mm)
give high compressive strength than smaller sizes (5mm-10mm). Therefore, for optimum
performance up to 15% replacement of Metakaolin can be used with 20mm-14mm sizes of
basalt aggregate.
Constant water cement ratio was used throughout in studying the effect of different
aggregate types and sizes on workability, density, water absorption and compressive
strength of high-performance concrete for various percentage replacements with
Metakaolin (5%, 7.5% and 15%), using super plasticizer Complast SP-430 as chemical
admixture. The following conclusions were made: 1. Workability of the mixes decreases
with an increase in percentage of Metakaolin. Also, adding Super plasticizer Conplast SP-
430 increases the workability of the mix. 2. The density test demonstrated that basalt-mixed
concrete is denser than gneiss-mixed concrete, followed by granite-mixed concrete, and
thus, concrete mixed with larger aggregate sizes is denser than those with smaller aggregate
sizes, were an increase in percentage of mea-kaolin decreases the density of the mixes. 3.
Water absorption of cubes increases with decreases in aggregate sizes, and basalts absorbed
more water than gneiss and granite, also the water absorption of the samples increases with
an increase in percentage of Metakaolin. 4. The study shows that compressive strength
increases with an increase in percentage of metakaolin between 0% to 15% replacements.
Basalt-mixed concrete gives higher compressive strength, followed by gneiss-mixed
concrete, then granite-mixed concrete.
(6) Jeetendra Prajapati, Sudip Karanjit, in his paper, “Effect of coarse aggregate sources
on the compressive strength of various grade of nominal mixed concrete” JScE Vol.7,
November 2019 Various grades of nominal mix concrete from low to medium strength are
being used in building construction works in Kathmandu Valley. The aim of the study was
to investigate the source effect of various types of coarse aggregates on the compressive
strength of different grade of nominal mix concrete. Here, 5 different types of coarse
aggregates sources were selected (A-Panauti, B-Melamchi, C-Chaukidada, D-Khopasi and
E-Kaaldhunga) based on field enquiry and questionnaire survey with suppliers and
contractors. Majority of coarse aggregates were angular in shape with a few sub angular
and flaky types. From physical test result, most of the coarse aggregates were found to be
graded type with partial deviation from the gradation limitation of IS383:1970. Based on
specific gravity and dry-rodded bulk density, coarse aggregates can be classified as medium
weight aggregates. Mechanical test of aggregate shows all the aggregates are of medium
strength with variation in mechanical properties among them. The next stage of study is
related to determination of compressive strength. Total 90 concrete cubes of size 15 cm
were made of 3 different grades of nominal mix M1 (1:2:4), M2 (1:2:3) and M3 (1:1.5:3)
by weight. Water/cement ratio, cement, sand, water was kept constant for each mix ratio
while only coarse aggregate sources were chosen as variable. Due to change in aggregate
type only, variation in 28 days target compressive strength is found up to 47%. Sample C,
D and E showed relatively higher 28 days compressive strength compared to Sample A and
B. The results indicate that the coarse aggregate source has significant variation in the
compressive strength of various grade of nominal mix concrete.
The major coarse aggregates being used in the Kathmandu valley were found to be of
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks with chief constituent of calcite, quartz, biotite,
muscovite, plagioclase as minerals. The aggregate was observed to be crushed, angular and
sub-angular shape. From the study of gradation, it can be concluded that the most of the
aggregate available are of nominal maximum size 40mm with partially out of gradation
limit given by IS383-1970. From mechanical test of aggregate, most of the aggregate
samples can be concluded as medium strength aggregate although there is some variation
in mechanical strength.
(conventional BRBs) and short core BRBs and the story drifts were compared. The results
showed that the SCBRB system is partially able to reduce the story and residual story drifts
in the braced frames. In addition, SCBRBs sustain large plastic deformations without
crossing the low cycle fatigue life borders or instability of the encasing system. However,
the economic and practical aspects of using SCBRB seem to be more distinct in comparison
to its mechanical characteristics.
The minimum core length of short core buckling restrained braces was proposed for design
purposes. Further studies on comparison of seismic demand on SCBRB and full core BRBs
were conducted. Four and ten story prototype buildings were designed according to ASCE
7–10 regulations using ETABS software. The analysis results showed that the SCBRB
system reduces the story drifts on average 16% in ten story buildings. The corresponding
value for the four-story buildings was resulted as 15%. Nonlinear time history analysis was
also performed in OPENSEES software. Two dimensional models of ten and four story
braced frames were considered in the analyses. Twenty far filed ground motion records
were selected for the analyses. The result of analyses showed that the SCBRB system is
able to sustain large plastic deformation without low cycle fatigue fracture. The main
outcomings of the analyses can be summarized as follows: Based on the time history
analyses results, at DBE hazard level, the maximum average story drifts in SCBRB system
in four story buildings is nearly 13% smaller than that in the braced frame with full core
BRBs. In addition, the decrease in story drifts in ten story building is almost 10% for both
DBE and MCE levels. In MCE hazard level, the SCBRB system decreases the story drift
nearly 28% in four story buildings. The comparison of residual story drifts in four and ten
story buildings shows that SBRB system distinctly decreases the residual drifts especially
in four story buildings. The decrease in residual story drifts in four and ten story buildings
at DBE level are 16% and 20%, respectively. Moreover, the reduction of residual story drift
at MCE level in four and ten story buildings are nearly 50% and 22%, respectively. 2. In
DBE hazard level, the maximum damage index in both four and ten story building frames
equipped with SCBRBs is less than 0.25 and considerably below one. Therefore, there is
no high potential of fracture because of high strain demands in the SCBRB. Moreover, in
MCE hazard level, the damage indices in four and ten story buildings are 0.73 and 0.41,
respectively; which designates that the core is still far from the low cycle fatigue fracture