Tutorial 3 LDS
Tutorial 3 LDS
Tutorial 3 LDS
Assignment 3
August 29, 2018
Is it possible to determine u(t) so that the state x2 (t) is transferred from x20 at t = t0
(x2 (t0 ) = x20 ) to the zero state at some t = t1 (x2 (t1 ) = 0) and then stay there? If the
answer is yes, find such a u(t).
(c) In (b), let t0 = 0 and study the effects of the size of t1 and x0 on the magnitude of u(t).
(d) For the system in (b) determine if possible a u(t) so that the state is transferred from
x0 at t = t0 to x1 at t = t1 and then stay there.
2. Show that for an LTI system controllability is preserved under similarity transformation.
Im (Ck ) = Im (Cn ) f or k ≥ n
Im (Ck ) ⊂ Im (Cn ) f or k < n
where Im(C) refers to the image space of C.
4. Consider the following LTI system, ẋ = Ax + Bu, Where
0 a1 0
A = 0 0 a2 + Bu, x ∈ R3 , u ∈ R, a1 , a2 6= 0
0 0 0
(a) Find B with minimum number of non-zero elements such that the above system is
(b) Assume that A matrix has same structure as above then extend the result of part (a)
to the case of x ∈ Rn , ai 6= 0, ∀i = 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
5. Consider the equations of motion of satellite linearized about steady state solution is given
by ẋ = Ax + Bu, x ∈ R4 , where
0 1 0 0 0 0
3w2 0 0 2w 1 0
A= 0
,B =
0 0 1 0 0
0 −2w 0 0 0 1
The input vector u = [u1 , u2 ]T , where u1 is the radial thrust and u2 is the tangential thrust.
(a) Is this system controllable from u?
Figure 1: Electrical Circuit
(b) Can the system be controlled if the radial thruster fails? What if the tangential thruster
6. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 1 with input u.
(a) Show that the above circuit is not controllable with input u.
(b) Find the condition on values of resistances so that the above circuit is controllable for
input u.
9. [True/False]
(a) If an input u1 (t) takes the state from the origin at t = t0 to the state x1 at t = t1 and
similarly the input u2 (t) takes the state from the origin at t = t0 to the state x2 at
t = t1 , then the input u1 (t) + u2 (t) takes the state from the origin at t = t0 to the state
x1 + x2 at t = t1 .
(b) If an input u1 (t) takes the state from x0 at t = t0 to the state x1 at t = t1 and similarly
the input u2 (t) takes the state from x0 at t = t0 to the state x2 at t = t1 , then the input
u1 (t) + u2 (t) takes the state from x0 at t = t0 to the state x1 + x2 at t = t1 .
10. Consider the system
0 1 0
ẋ = x+ u.
0 0 1
Let uT (t) and uT 0 (t) be the minimum-energy inputs that take the system from the origin at
t = 0 to the state x1 = [1 0]> at times t = T and t = T 0 respectively. Let Eu denote the
energy of the signal u(t). Show that, if T 0 < T than EuT < EuT 0 .