Corporate Brand Reputation and Brand Crisis Management
Corporate Brand Reputation and Brand Crisis Management
Corporate Brand Reputation and Brand Crisis Management
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47,4 Corporate brand reputation and
brand crisis management
Stephen A. Greyser
590 Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Purpose – This paper aims to provide insights into the what, why, and how of recognising corporate
brand crisis through a synthesis of organisational experiences with threats to brand reputation, and to
offer guidelines for analytic approaches and suggested organisational actions.
Design/methodology/approach – The approach takes the form of a clinical set of examinations and
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interpretation of a substantial number of recognised corporate brand crisis situations. The analysis and
suggested approaches in the paper have been tested with corporate executives and communications
counselors in classrooms and private applied situations.
Findings – The main points are: reputational trouble can come in many forms, from many sources and
many publics; the most serious situations are those that affect the distinctive attribute/characteristic –
“the essence of the brand” – most closely associated with the brand’s meaning and success. A number of
specific examples illustrate this point. However, past and present corporate behaviour is the most
significant element in a crisis situation. Authenticity plays a key role in building, sustaining, and
defending reputation. From analysis of many corporate brand crisis experiences the paper finds that
forthrightness in communications and substantive credible responses in the form of behaviour are most
likely to restore trust and rescue a brand in crisis. The most important actions, however, are those taken
to build a “reputational reservoir” as a strong foundation for corporate reputation.
Research limitations/implications – Research on reputational troubles is rarely based on
documented information from inside the affected/afflicted organization. Except when companies have
successfully overcome such situations (such as Johnson and Johnson in the Tylenol tragedy), internal
information is typically unavailable. Examination of media coverage and informal discussions with
former executives can be mitigating substitutes.
Practical implications – The principal implications relate to: how an organization can assess the
seriousness of an actual or prospective situation affecting its brand reputation; suggested approaches to
the value and use of corporate communications and the salience of authenticity; and suggested actions in
the face of brand crisis.
Originality/value – The paper provides an analytic approach to assessing the seriousness of threats to
organisational brand reputation. It also examines actual reputational troubles in the context of
corporate-level marketing and corporate communications; and draws on extensive case studies and
seminars in this area with experienced executives.
Keywords Brand management, Trust, Authenticity, Brand reputation
Paper type Research paper
For some years, the what, why, and how of recognising and addressing brand crisis –
particularly corporate/organisational brand crisis – has occupied my research
attention (note to reader: “corporate” and “organisational” are used interchangeably).
Numerous corporate and non-profit entities have provided public clinical experiences
of confronting serious reputational crises. Examples over recent decades include
Exxon (the Valdez oil spill incident), Union Carbide (the Bhopal explosion), Perrier
Management Decision (benzene traces), Tylenol (deaths from tainted pills), the US Catholic Church (priest sex
Vol. 47 No. 4, 2009
pp. 590-602
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
0025-1747 This article is based on a keynote presentation delivered at the 10th International Corporate
DOI 10.1108/00251740910959431 Identity Group (ICIG) Conference held at Brunel University, London, in November 2007.
abuse), Martha Stewart OmniMedia (executive misbehaviour), Arthur Andersen Brand reputation
(accounting scandals), the International Olympic Committee (bribery issues), and many
others. All faced threats to their brands from deterioration in consumer and business
and brand crisis
customer approval and from decline in public trust. management
While some were more product brand-rooted (e.g. Tylenol), all found their corporate
brand affected, and efforts to rescue the brand were undertaken at the corporate level
(e.g. Johnson and Johnson for Tylenol, marketed by J&J’s McNeil Laboratories Unit). 591
Thus these incidents provide a rich source of insight into the corporate brand. They
illustrate a key dimension of corporate-level marketing.
“Can we as an institution, have meaningful, positive and profitable bilateral
on-going relationships with customers and other stakeholder groups and
communities?”. That was a central question of an organisation’s corporate-level
marketing orientation posed by John Balmer and myself in our treatment of an
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integrated approach to marketing at the institutional level (Balmer and Greyser, 2006).
We held (among other points) that corporate marketing is indeed a boardroom and
CEO concern. In reflecting on corporate identity and reputation in times of brand crisis,
one recognises the importance of corporate-wide orientation and the responsibility of
the CEO and company-wide managers.
has been impaired, trouble results. This can affect attendance at services, fundraising,
and the credibility of the Church’s position on public issues. In my view, the length of
the priest sex abuse issues and efforts to hide them had a negative impact on trust and
faith, and later serious effects on the financial condition of the Church; the essence of
the brand was eroded, but not destroyed.
Integrity is the essence of any accounting firm. In my view, Andersen’s senior
management overlooked the centrality of the “CPA” (Certified Public Accountant)
certification to its client relationships, and was willing to have the firm behave
inappropriately (and illegally).
Efficacy is the essence of any medicinal product such as Tylenol. The swift and
corporately courageous actions of top management at Johnson and Johnson, inspired
by their guiding corporate principles (“the Credo”), to withdraw all Tylenol from the
market was assuring to the public, although market share sank to 0 percent. When the
public quickly came to believe that the cause of the poisoned pills was external to the
company, the opportunity existed to rebuild the brand (including industry-wide
tamper-resistant packaging). It regained most of its market share within a year.
Integrity of athletic competition is the essence of a sport’s brand for the public and
especially for sponsors. The challenge to the Tour de France and European cycling by
bicyclists’ alleged and admitted performance enhancing drug use has harmed fan
interest, reduced sponsor support, and adversely impacted television viewing (and
rights fees). For the IOC, the bid-city bribery scandals did not affect athletic
competition, but adversely affected key business-to-business partners (official
worldwide sponsors) who paid tens of millions of dollars to associate their brands
with “the five rings”. The brand equity issue led to pressure on the IOC to implement
organisational and procedural changes.
Accuracy was a major part of the brand essence of the Intel Pentium chip. When
flawed calculations occurred in certain uses (infrequent but important to a highly
professional market segment), the company failed to take prompt action, and portrayed
what I interpreted to be an attitude of “if we think you (the user) have a problem, we’ll
let you know”. Through internet communication, the affected users became a
community whose voices eventually forced the company to reveal the problem to the
public and (grudgingly, in my opinion) to rectify it for those who wanted remedy.
Fortunately for Intel, its strong R&D continued to develop improved products and it
recovered from the crisis.
When the founder and CEO is the company, troubles can emerge when he or she has
a serious personal problem that raises questions about the very characteristics seen as
MD important to the identity of the company. Few would doubt that Martha Stewart and
her persona were at the heart of Martha Stewart OmniMedia. She was the founder and
47,4 very visible CEO; her name and personality were the identifiers of her television
program and magazine; her name obviously was on the company’s stock certificates.
She was the corporate brand.
She was accused (2002) and indicted by the US government in 2003 of illegal
594 investing behaviour regarding shares in another company she had invested in. The
effects on her own company were extremely adverse, and swift. Why? Because her
image of wholesomeness, and of reliable advice, was greatly weakened in the wake of
the accusations and her denial of them. Consequently, advertisers dropped out from her
magazine and TV show, and she became the focus of on-going media criticism.
She decided to fight the case (2004) and was found guilty and jailed. During this
period she continued to be in the limelight of often-humorous negative commentary.
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Although she returned from prison (2005) and re-mounted her company’s media
activity, there had been a long period of predictable (in my view) corporate punishment
by consumers and business customers for what was her personal (not corporate)
behaviour. Arguably the company would have benefited from an early apology and
plea for public forgiveness on her part, although we do not know whether she ever
would have wanted to admit the guilt that came in the courtroom.
A related but different situation of the founder/CEO being seen as the company
arose in 2008 and 2009 with Apple and its founder Steve Jobs, widely recognised and
praised as the engine of the company. Although his name was not “on the corporate
door” (unlike the eponymus corporate situation of Martha Stewart), he was closely
identified with Apple’s success, especially its innovations, arguably the essence of the
corporate brand. When rumors of his serious health issues arose (initially down-played
by the company), and later his leave of absence was announced, the company’s share
price suffered. Whether he returns energetically or his senior colleagues can maintain
the stream of product innovations remains an open question in early 2009.
Some instances of highly publicized problems have not been ones that seriously
harmed the organisation, because the essence of the brand was not the focus. One
example is Harvard University. For generations, it has had a motto and logo of
“Veritas” (truth). Although only a careful study of the views of relevant publics –
notably alumni, faculty, and the communities where Harvard is situated – would
empirically confirm (or not) that Veritas is at the heart of “Brand Harvard”, logic points
to it. What could harm the substance and style of “Veritas”? Harvard has suffered from
revelations of questionable real estate acquisition practices, and experienced a
widely-reported situation where its former president lost the confidence of the
University’s core (Arts and Sciences) faculty and resigned. But neither in my opinion
impacted the essence of the brand, even though community relations and some alumni
giving were negatively affected. What would affect brand essence for a university
would be a case of massive falsification of faculty scientific research data (especially on
matters touching public policy), or bribes for faculty appointments or for
pre-determined research findings. These were not the case for Harvard.
A very recent pair of incidents could potentially harm the reputation of the Nobel
Prizes, where fairness in the selection process is arguably key to the essence of the
brand. In 2008, the Nobel Prize committee suffered two meaningful situations of
criticism, which arguably diminished (but has not necessarily disabled) the essence of
its brand. One was the resignation of the permanent secretary of the Swedish
Academy, Horace Engdahl; the Academy is responsible for the Prize in Literature. This
was in the wake of controversy over Engdahl’s earlier statement that “Europe is still Brand reputation
the center of the literary world” (reported in The New York Times, December 22, 2008),
linked to criticism of the US (“they don’t really participate in the big dialogue of
and brand crisis
literature”). Engdahl remains a board member. Separately, the actions were being management
probed of three Nobel jurors who had accepted expense-paid trips to China to describe
the selection process for Nobel science awards. According to the Swedish
anti-corruption prosecutor, the probe is exploring whether the intent of the meeting 595
in China was to influence the Nobel committee’s decisions. In my view these incidents
are not in the same category as the events besetting the Catholic Church (for example).
However, they illustrate the sensitivity with which entities, whose reputation is at the
heart of the brand, and their leaders, must conduct themselves.
standards of China (where these was little media reporting of the protests), government
and institutional behaviour was not responsive to outside public opinion.
In reputation-intensive situations, effective communications typically are based on
a foundation of trust in the communicating entity by the relevant receiving publics.
Trust has become a key dimension in studies of corporate reputation as well as
examination of the public’s and opinion leaders’ attitudes toward business and other
institutions in society. For example, trust in corporations is at the heart of the
decade-old annual Edelman Trust Barometer, most recently reported at the World
Economic Forum in Davos in January 2009. A key finding: trust in business in the US
is now (late 2008) at 38 percent, down from 58 percent, and lower than it was soon after
the Enron collapse (Edelman Trust Barometer, 2009). (These ratings no doubt would
have been even lower if measured after major US financial institutions paid huge
executive bonuses for 2008 when on US government “bailout” support, generating
huge criticism from President Obama and many others.) Low confidence ratings also
were reported for Western European countries and Japan. The most trusted institution
was NGOs.
Separately, a March 2007 presentation at the Institute for Public Relations (USA) by
Dr Brad Rawlins (Brigham Young University) articulated three key components of
trust; an organisation’s integrity (fair and just), goodwill (caring), and competence (the
ability to do what it says) in his study all highly correlated with trust (Institute for
Public Relations, May 31, 2007). And the aforementioned Arthur W. Page Society
(2007) has undertaken a report on Trust in American Business for 2009 publication.
Trust in an organisation, in my view, is a product of its performance, behaviour, and
supportable communications, and is a foundation of authenticity and reputation.
Authenticity also calls for honestly seeing the reality of an organisation from the
inside. This relates to, but is not the same as, the identity of the entity, as the
organisation tries to project it, nor the identity perceived by stakeholders. As Balmer
and Greyser (2002) articulated, organisations have multiple identities. This concept
was cited in a different way by then-Senator Barack Obama in a 2005 speech, quoting
from US president (1861-1865) Abraham Lincoln (also from Illinois): “. . . character is
like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is
the real thing” (Boston Globe, January 4, 2009).
Perceived authenticity and a positive reputation go hand in hand, in my view.
However, there are at least four contexts of authenticity, in all of which
communications play a role along with other key dimensions of building,
sustaining, and defending reputation. What connects them is the importance of
substance: “substance is the foundation of effective communications, supported by Brand reputation
authenticity” (Greyser, Tuck Presentation, May 2008). The four contexts are:
and brand crisis
(1) Talking “authentic”, which is communications.
(2) Being authentic, which is based on a corporation’s core values and its track
record, i.e. its behaviour (Urde et al., 2007; Urde, 2008).
(3) Staying authentic, which calls on an organisation’s stewardship of its core
(4) Defending authenticity in times of trouble, which draws on what I term an
organisation’s “reputational reservoir” and the trust it has generated over time.
Again, in my view substance – in the form of corporate behaviour past and present –
undergirds a corporation’s ability to talk, be, and stay authentic, in normal as well as
troubled times. Similarly, I believe that the substance of a company’s response is the
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(3) In the event of brand reputational crisis, focus on forthrightness in
communications, and on truly substantive credible responses in behaviour.
These are the most likely avenues to rescue a brand in crisis. They may restore
trust, although that is not guaranteed. The most important actions in a
reputational crisis, however, can be the ones taken over time to build a
“reputational reservoir”, a strong foundation for the corporate reputation. In
some crises, a company can draw down on that reservoir.
(4) Remember that because a corporate brand is as wide as the organisation, the
CEO is the ultimate guardian of the corporation’s reputation.
The author acknowledges the comments and suggestions of faculty colleagues at the
Harvard Business School and faculty at Brunel University and Bradford University in
the UK, as well as executive participants in the Harvard Business School “Managing
Brand Meaning” seminar, the Harvard Divinity School’s executive program for leaders
of faith-based institutions, the Yale School of Management’s LEAP program, Lund
University’s (Sweden) executive seminar in branding, and participants in International
Corporate Identity Group symposia. In addition, numerous executives in corporate and
nonprofit organisations have contributed examples and observations in private
seminars and projects. Those entities which shared their experiences for attribution in
the author’s published Corporate Communications field-based case studies warrant
special thanks. James Fink and Jeffrey Resnick of Opinion Research Corporation’s
reputation practice group shared data and comments. Mats Urde (Lund University)
offered useful suggestions based on his extensive branding research. Special
appreciation for continuing advice and support is owed to the author’s long-time
research colleague John Balmer (Brunel University), co-editor of this special issue.
Arthur W. Page Society (2007), The Authentic Enterprise, monograph, Arthur W. Page Society,
New York City, NY.
Balmer, J.M.T. and Greyser, S.A. (2002), “Managing the multiple identities of the corporation”,
California Management Review, Vol. 44 No. 3, pp. 72-86.
Balmer, J.M.T. and Greyser, S.A. (2006), “Corporate marketing; integrating corporate identity, Brand reputation
corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate
reputation”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40 Nos 7-8, pp. 730-41. and brand crisis
Balmer, J.M.T., Greyser, S.A. and Urde, M. (2006), “The crown as a corporate brand: insights management
from monarchies”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 14 Nos 1-2, pp. 137-61.
Boston Globe (2007), “Vioxx deal reportedly offers $4.8b to plaintiffs”, November 9 (via New York
Times News Service), Boston, MA. 601
Edelman Trust Barometer (2009), Trust Barometer (Executive Summary), January 28, and
related coverage in Financial Times (January 27), other media, and Edelman web site.
Greyser, S.A. (1986), Harvard Business School Corporate Communications Published Case
Studies: Audi 5000 and Unintended Acceleration (590-057); The Brent Spar Incident:
“A shell of a mess” (597-013); Exxon: Communications After Valdez (593-014), additional
unpublished presentations based on studies of Arthur Andersen, the Catholic Church in
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the US, Coca-Cola Belgium, Firestone/Ford, Martha Stewart OmniMedia, and Union
Carbide (Bhopal).
Greyser, S.A. (2008a), “Authenticity and reputation”, paper presented at Tuck (Darmouth
College) Corporate Communications Seminar, May.
Greyser, S.A. (2008b), “The branding of China; before and after Beijing”, paper presented at
Harvard, Stanford, and Washington (St Louis) Universities, Spring, and comments on
CCTV (China) following Opening Ceremonies (August 9).
Greyser, S.A. and Diamond, S.L. (1974), “Business is adapting to consumerism”, Harvard
Business Review, Vol. 52 No. 5, pp. 38-58.
Institute for Public Relations (2007), E-mail Report on Trust and Transparency, May 31.
Intel’s Pentium (n.d.), Intel’s Pentium: When the Chips are Down (A) (592-058) and (B)
(595-059); Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy (583-043); NASA After Challenger:
Restoring an Image; The Perrier Recall: A Source of Trouble (590-104) and The Perrier
Relaunch (590-130); “Tarnished rings”: Olympic Games Sponsorship Issues (599-107);
The USAir “Letters to travelers” Campaign (595-105); What is Done is Dun . . . and
Bradstreet (590-103).
New York Times (2005), “KPMG admits unlawful conduct”, New York Times, New York, NY,
June 17.
New York Times (2006), “Play offense, defense or sit out the game”, November 1 (CITGO
New York Times (2008), “Swedish academy secretary to step down in June”, New York Times,
New York, NY, December 22.
Urde, M. (2008), “Uncovering the corporate brand’s core values”, paper presented at International
Corporate Identity Group Conference, Brighton, March (subsequently revised for this
special issue).
Urde, M., Greyser, S.A. and Balmer, J.M.T. (2007), “Corporate brands with a heritage”, Journal of
Brand Management, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 4-19.
Further reading
Balmer, J.M.T. and Greyser, S.A. (2003), Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity,
Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding and Corporate-level Marketing, Routledge,
G. Heileman Brewing (n.d.), G. Heileman Brewing (A): Power Failure at PowerMaster (592-017),
G. Heileman Brewing Co. (B): The “Nightline” Decision (592-018), G. Heileman Brewing
Co. (C): Public Controversy Over PowerMaster (592-019).
MD Greyser, S.A. (1999), “Advancing and enhancing corporate reputation”, Corporate
Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 4 No. 4, pp. 177-81.
47,4 Greyser, S.A. (2005), “Learning from reputational crises”, Harvard Resource, April, p. 3.
Greyser, S.A., Balmer, J.M.T. and Urde, M. (2006), “The monarchy as a corporate brand: some
corporate communications dimensions”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40 Nos 7-8,
pp. 902-8.
602 International Herald Tribune (2007), “Telekom drops out as sponsor”, November 28 (via Reuters).
Sun, N. (2007), PR Clinic for Crisis Management, Sunnybund, Shanghai.
Wall Street Journal (Europe) (2006), “Siemens woes deepen”, November 23, and “German sea of
corruption”, November 24-26.
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