Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classific

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Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series

Classification Using ROCKET:
a Case Study of Incident Detection
˛ 1,3
DTiQ Poland Sp.z o.o, Dworcowa 25, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding authors: Agnieszka Jastrz˛ebska (e-mail: [email protected]), Agnieszka Bier (e-mail:
[email protected]).
This work was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development. under project number POIR.01.01.01-00-1141/19, titled
“Development of an intelligent loss prevention and quality monitoring system for the Quick Service Restaurants”

ABSTRACT Multivariate time series classification is a machine learning problem that can be applied to
automate a wide range of real-world data analysis tasks. ROCKET proved to be an outstanding algorithm
capable to classify time series accurately and quickly. The textbook variant of the multivariate time series
classification problem assumes that time series to be classified are all of the same length, while in real-
world applications this assumption not necessarily holds. The literature of this domain does not pay
enough attention to data processing pipelines for variable-length time series. Thus, in this paper, we present
a thorough analysis of three preprocessing pipelines that handle variable-length time series that need to be
classified with a method that requires the data to be of equal length. These three methods are truncation,
padding, and forecasting of missing value. Experiments conducted on benchmark datasets, showed that the
recommended procedure involves padding. Forecasting ensures similar classification accuracy, but comes at
a much higher computational cost. Truncation is not a viable option. Furthermore, in the paper, we present
a novel domain of application of multivariate time series classification algorithms, that is incident detection
in cash transactions. This area poses substantive challenges for automated model training procedures since
the data is not only variable-length, but also heavily imbalanced. In the study, we list various incident types
and present trained classifiers capable to aid human auditors in their daily work.

INDEX TERMS classification, incident detection, multivariate time series, ROCKET, varying-length time

I. INTRODUCTION items, voiding items, or performing other intentional opera-

IME series classification has become a vital domain of tions that cause money losses for the restaurant.
T machine learning. The multitude of exciting real-life
applications drives the development of the field and inspires
Thanks to many years of successful cooperation with our
clients in the quick-service restaurant industry, we have ac-
fruitful research that aim at delivering new approaches, im- cumulated an adequate database of transactions, and we rely
proving the existing ones, and adapting them to new types of on human experts to conduct incident audits. The human-
data. This paper focuses on the task of classifying multivari- auditor-based loss prevention scheme employed at the mo-
ate time series of unequal lengths. That is, each multivariate ment is the cornerstone of the daily operations of our com-
series can have a different length. pany. However, there is a pressing need to automate audit
The study presented in this paper is related to our project tasks.
that deals with incident detection in cash transaction data. We want to build an automated classifier that detects
The business context of the project is loss prevention in operations in which a cashier intentionally mishandles the
quick-service restaurant operations. In our context, an inci- transaction process. Our goal is to deliver a custom classi-
dent is when a cashier (server, employee) is under-ringing fication model that will assign one of two possible labels:

VOLUME 4, 2022 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

fraudulent operation or legitimate operation to each trans- value, discount, cash paid and change required. There
action committed in the system. We envision the incident are many variables, and time series may be very short.
recognition module as an offline audit tool that will analyze Length can be shorter than the number of variables.
data on past restaurant operations. It becomes apparent that Summarizing the concerns raised above, let us state that
the problem at hand is a binary classification task, which we deal with multivariate time series classification task but
may appear trivial to the reader at first glance. However, the with highly challenging data. These data characteristics are
nuances of the domain make this task far from easy. highly dissimilar to the characteristics of time series from
In this paper, we present fundamental challenges and benchmark dataset repositories. In the case of time series
solutions that we have encountered and worked on while classification task, the very often used resource is https:
constructing one particular variant of our incident detector. // However, on this page, there
We must emphasize that this study is unique and novel. As we are no time series datasets with properties similar to ours.
will detail in the literature review on fraud detection in cash Let us emphasize that the output of the multivariate time
transactions, practitioners are well aware of the magnitude of series classification area is rich with compelling ideas and
the problems. One can find studies that list a wide range of algorithms. We can briefly distinguish the following groups
frauds that can take place. Unfortunately, the literature does of methods:
not offer a satisfactory range of solutions to automate the
detection of fraud in cash transactions. • classifying ensembles, where weak learners are built for
The construction of an automated machine learning model univariate series and multiple variables are handled at
for cash transactions fraud detection requires a noticeable a sampling stage when weak learners are built;
technological advancement in the computer system that han- • classification pipelines composed of two steps: feature
dles daily operations on the client side. Without surprise, extraction and standard classification, where feature ex-
there are not that many solutions of this kind available on the traction is performed for all variables in time series to
market. Such tools are typically built as an additional feature handle the issue of multiple variables;
of a broader system that handles daily operations. Nonethe- • neural networks, which integrate feature extraction and
less, some commercial applications offer such functionali- classification step in a single algorithm and are suitable
ties. Naturally, our company, DTIQ, offers such a service. for processing multivariate sets.
Next, we may mention NCR Solutions1 , whose store man- Recently, Ruiz et al. [32] published a comprehensive re-
agement application includes alerts about detected suspicious view of multivariate time series classification methods. In
transactions (for example, suspicious refunds). their paper, they present a systematic and very thorough
In order to build such a system, one must have access comparison of the existing methods. The study covered
to data concerning payments. On that note, based on our experiments with aforementioned benchmark datasets on
experience, the following data-related challenges take place: the website. Their re-
• The first essential obstacle is a heavy imbalance. In
sults clearly show that the algorithm called ROCKET (au-
a representative chunk of transactions data only around thored by Dempster et al. [9]) is the best-performing one for
5–10% are deemed to be fraudulent. multivariate time series classification. ROCKET uses random
• There are many “creative” ways of how to manipulate
convolutional kernels to extract features and then logistic
a cash-based transaction in a restaurant, or generally regression to execute the classification step. The authors
speaking, in retail. There is no one repetitive scenario conclude their summary saying that “ROCKET is the best
taken by a dishonest cashier, tactics change in time. ranked and by far the fastest classifier and would be our
• Data is available in a non-typical structure and it is
recommendation as the default choice for MTSC problems.”
very varied. We envision that for a given cashier, for [32]. Importantly, Ruiz et al. compared ROCKET with very
a given date we have a shift transactions history and competitive algorithms, including several neural network-
(any) one or more transactions this time span may be based approaches (such as ResNet and InceptionTime). We
fraudulent. The length of the history of transactions must mention that the superiority of ROCKET was also
may be substantially different, ranging from less than reported in independent works for other (not necessarily mul-
10 up to even 500 transactions per shift. Transactions tivariate) time series classification tasks, including the studies
history can concern operations of various types such delivered by Dempster et al. [9]–[11], Salehinejad et al. [33],
as cash payments, card payments, discounts, technical Pantiskas et al. [30] and more. Among papers emphasizing
procedures, etc. the superiority of ROCKET is the work of Dhariyal et al. [8]
• We envision that the data can be represented as multi-
who focused on the comparisons of ROCKET with neural
variate time series made of a sequence of transactions approaches. The authors conclude their findings saying that
where the variables describe “parameters” of transac- “recent deep learning MTSC methods do not perform as well
tions such as purchased items quantity and the vari- as expected.”.
ety of products (foods, drinks, condiments, etc.), gross The mentioned-above findings motivated us to investigate
the feasibility of applying the ROCKET algorithm for inci-
1 dent detection. In this paper, we report on the outcomes of
2 VOLUME 4, 2022

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

these efforts. It must be stressed, that the work we performed a classifier, is used to distinguish between objects from
aimed at providing a novel adaptation of the ROCKET proce- different classes. In the case of time series classification,
dure. ROCKET is an algorithm suitable for same-length time attributes are consecutive observations ordered in time. In the
series. The default strategy of how to use it with time series case of multivariate time series, we have more than one se-
of varying lengths is to do padding. In our experiments, we quence making a time series. Multivariate time series contain
have tested several strategies that allow to apply the feature simultaneously collected signals concerning one entity.
extraction step the same as in ROCKET but for multivariate The baseline approach to univariate time series classifi-
time series with varying lengths. In particular, we have tested cation would treat each time series data point as a single
the following techniques: attribute. We may apply any standard classifier, for example,
• padding – the baseline strategy which relies on placing random forest, to a data frame in which one row corre-
a constant value to make time series lengths even, sponds to one time series and one column corresponds to
• trimming – cutting time series, one moment in time. We would have to ensure that each
• forecasting future values using an ARIMA model. time series is of the same length and starts at a comparable
moment in time. Surveys show that this baseline approach
The novelty of the contribution achieves surprisingly satisfying results for univariate time
series datasets [5]. However, when we deal with multivariate
Let us briefly summarize the novel contributions addressed
time series, the problem’s dimensionality grows quickly and
in this paper:
the plain-classifier-based approach may become infeasible.
• We present a comparative study on how various ap-
There are three types of approaches suitable for multivari-
proaches to varying-length time series length equal- ate time series. We address them separately in the following
ization contribute to the classification accuracy of subsections.
• We introduce and analyze the feasibility of ARIMA- 1) Multiple variables handling with the use of weak learners
based forecasting used for time series length manipula- in ensemble classifiers
tion in varying-length time series forecasting problem. A straightforward solution to the problem of multivariate
• We present the application of multivariate time series
time series classification is to make an ensemble in which
classification to a new domain, cash transaction fraud weak learners are trained on different variables in the data.
detection. The algorithms do not take the benefit of possible relations
between the variables present in the data. Regardless, such
The practical significance of the undertaken topic a technique is relatively easy to implement, and one can use
Fraud detection in retail and services can be positioned under a wide choice of classifiers to instantiate a weak learner.
the umbrella of loss prevention mechanisms crucial for the A prominent algorithm that allows for such a pro-
daily operations of businesses. There are manifold aspects of cessing scheme is the Hierarchical Vote Collective of
this problem spanning from physical monitoring of locations, Transformation-based Ensembles (HIVE-COTE) [4], [28].
video analytics, to transaction data monitoring. In this paper, It is an ensemble of a wide variety of base univariate time
we narrow down the attention to the analysis of information series classifiers. Its latest version uses as weak learners
stored in a conventional relational database concerning trans- classifiers such as Shapelet Transform Classifier (STC) [3],
actions. We demonstrate how one can leverage this resource Time Series Forest (TSF) [1], Contractable Bag of Symbolic-
for fraud detection. Fourier Approximation Symbols (CBOSS) [29], and Random
The remainder of this manuscript is structured as follows. Interval Spectral Ensemble (RISE) [25]. The notorious flaw
Section II presents a literature review on the topic of multi- of HIVE-COTE is its extremely high time complexity. As the
variate time series classification. Section III mentions exist- authors of this algorithm earnestly report [28] (let us give
ing studies on a wide context of the incident detection task. just one example), for a dataset named HandOutlines, HIVE-
Section IV introduces the issue of variable-length time series. COTE takes 18.53 hours to train. In contrast, an Inception
Section V presents empirical experiments we have performed neural network takes 7.11 hours, and ROCKET takes 0.23
to evaluate time series preprocessing pipelines that deal with hours on a high-end computer.
variable-length data. Section VI addresses a case study, in In the group of ensemble algorithms suitable to deal with
which we apply a selected processing pipeline (padding) to multivariate data, we can also find the generalized Random
the incident detection task. Section VII concludes the paper. Shapelet Forest (gRSF) [20]. It generates a set of shapelet-
based decision trees. A shapelet is deemed to be a distinctive
II. LITERATURE REVIEW ON MULTIVARIATE TIME part of a time series. Karlsson et al. [20] generate shapelets
SERIES CLASSIFICATION randomly. Nonetheless, there are algorithms dedicated just
Classification, in general, is the process of predicting a class to this task. Several such methods were delivered by Ji et al.
label of an object. We describe the object using measurable [19]. The gRSF algorithm randomizes variables for which the
attributes, also called features. We extract the same set of shapelets are extracted to handle multivariate time series. As
attributes for each object, and a decision algorithm, called a result, a single tree (weak learner) in the gRSF algorithm is
VOLUME 4, 2022 3

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

built for one of the variables available in the data. Several ap- a specific size. Typically, this size is relatively small. A kernel
proaches utilizing this scheme benefit from a preprocessing moves on the image matrix with a certain stride. In each
step based on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) that flexibly position, it performs a multiplication of the values in the
aligns time series. kernel by the values in the underlying part of the image.
The results of these multiplications are then added, and they
2) Multiple variables handling using feature extraction become an element in the convolution layer output matrix
procedure operating on all variables [13]. Convolutional kernels, when applied to images, capture
The second approach to the multivariate time series clas- high-level features such as edges and texture. By analogy,
sification task is independently extracting features from all convolutional kernels can capture patterns in time series.
variables. Then, one can use these features to build a single Apart from size, weights (kernel matrix elements), padding
classifier. There is a wide variety in how different algorithms (specifying behavior on edges), and stride, we shall mention
extract the features and build these classifiers. Admittedly, two more kernel parameters: bias and dilation. Dilation is
one can still use an ensemble classifier in the end, but used to spread the kernel over the input data, so with dilation
handling multiple variables happens at the feature extraction equal to d, every d-th element of the input data “covered” by
level. the kernel will be convolved with the kernel weights. Dilation
We find the Canonical Interval Forest (CIF) [27] classifier allows kernels to capture the same pattern at different scales.
in this family of methods. It combines the TSF classifier Bias term is added to the convolution result between the input
[1] with an approach for feature extraction named Catch22 numbers and kernel weights [24].
[26]. The feature extraction step ensures handling multiple ROCKET extracts features from time series data using
variables when Catch22 samples intervals from different convolutional kernels just like a CNN. The main idea of
variables that are a base for features computation. Similarly, applying convolutional kernels for time series is that we can
Baldan and Benitez’s [6] Complexity Measures and Features successfully equate a time series with an image. In the case
for Multivariate Time Series (CMFMTS) extracts features for of univariate time series, we can interpret a time series as an
all variables, which are then processed using a traditional image made of 1×time_series_length pixels. In the case of
classifier. multivariate time series, we can interpret it as an image made
Subsequently, let us mention the so-called dictionary- of number_of _variables × time_series_length pixels. In
based methods adapted for multivariate data. In this fam- both scenarios, we can apply kernels to extract features.
ily, we find the Word Extraction for Time Series Classi- Several traits distinguish ROCKET from convolutional layers
fication (WEASEL) [34] technique that uses a feature ex- used in typical CNNs:
traction method named Multivariate Unsupervised Symbols • ROCKET uses only a single convolutional layer and
and Derivatives (MUSE). The entire processing pipeline is a massive number of kernels. On top of that, kernel
termed WEASEL+MUSE [35]. It builds a feature vector weights are not learned but randomly selected.
using a sliding window strategy applied to each time series • ROCKET uses dilation randomly sampled for each ker-
variable. Then, it extracts discrete features per variable and nel instead of increasing it exponentially with depth. In
window. Irrelevant features are removed using a technique consequence, it allows for capturing patterns at different
based on a Chi-squared test, and then, finally, a logistic frequencies and scales.
regression classifier is trained to perform class label as- • Apart from random weights and dilation, ROCKET uses
signment. A similar idea is present in an algorithm named kernels with random length, padding, and bias. This
Multiple Representation Sequence Learner (MrSEQL) [23]. differs from classical CNNs, where it is common for
Finally, let us mention an algorithm termed RandOm Con- groups of kernels to share the same size, dilation, and
volutional KErnel Transform (ROCKET) [9]. It is a fast and padding.
accurate time series classification method for dealing with • Besides the global max pooling, ROCKET incorporates
multivariate datasets. Its superiority is attributed to a unique a novel pooling feature – the proportion of positive
manner of time series feature extraction. It uses a concept values (PPV). It enables ROCKET to control the preva-
analogous to the one present in the feature extraction step lence of a specific pattern in a time series.
in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), namely convolu- ROCKET is relatively robust to different choices for many
tional kernels. parameters [9].
The CNN model is frequently used in image classification.
CNNs fuse in a single processing stream feature extraction 3) Multiple variables handling using neural networks
and classification steps. The input image is represented as Neural networks appear as a natural choice when it comes
a numeric matrix. Two types of layers are included in the to multivariate time series classification. There is an obvious
feature extraction part of a CNN: convolutional and pooling correspondence between the multiple time series variables
[31]. and multiple neurons that can be used to instantiate an input
A convolutional layer extracts features from the input layer of neural architecture. Thus, a substantial research
image. It is performed using kernels that can be interpreted effort was devoted to developing various neural models for
as filters. A kernel is represented with a numeric matrix of this domain.
4 VOLUME 4, 2022

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

AlexNet neural network architecture was among the first evaluate the restaurant loss scale.
CNN-based architectures tested for time series data [14]. Even though occupational frauds occur typically at points
However, the literature studied it only in the context of of sale [17], very few companies report using dedicated fraud
univariate time series, and more advanced models quickly detection systems. To illustrate the overall complexity of
dethroned it. the issue, let us distinguish the main categories of internal
Significant progress was achieved when a CNN architec- incidents, which in our practice (this paper describes an
ture called ResNet utilizing the so-called residual connec- ongoing applied project) take place:
tions (also known as skip connections) was applied to time • under-ringing product/service value;
series data by Wang et al. [39]. One of the dilemmas of train- • bogus refunds;
ing neural networks is that we usually want deeper neural • intentional deletion/voiding of items from an order and
networks for better accuracy and performance. However, the pocketing the money for deleted items;
deeper the network, the harder it is for training to converge. • registering different items than ordered by a customer;
ResNet allows deep neural architecture training by allowing • sweethearting (handing additional products to a cus-
shortcut connections in each residual block. In practice, it tomer);
means that there is an alternative path for data to reach the • violations of coupon policies that result in either pocket-
latter parts of the neural network that skips some layers. ing the discount value or the customer paying less than
ResNet turned out to be a huge success when applied to he is supposed to.
multivariate time series data. It is also deemed the best for Of course, the list mentioned above is not exhaustive; it
univariate time series [32]. covers critical incidents that take place around points of sales
InceptionTime is a neural network built specifically for in different businesses. What is more, some frauds occur as
multivariate time series classification. It achieves high ac- a single instance event, and some are performed via a chain of
curacy by combining the ResNet architecture with the so- operations keyed into the system as a sequence of operations.
called inception modules. An inception module is a specif- The details depend on the specifics of the services or products
ically constructed layer that takes on the input multivariate a given business offers.
time series and uses multidimensional kernels to perform This paper addresses a method that operates on data
the convolution step. Max pooling is applied to reduce the concerning point of sale transactions logged to a relational
problem dimensionality. Mentioned steps (convolution and database. Such a scenario has the advantage of universal-
pooling) are preceded and followed by a bottleneck layer that ity. A relational database with numerical information about
thins the data even more [14]. transactions is a common resource of various businesses.
Finally, let us mention the Time Series Attentional Pro- Alternative data sources are video monitoring which is not
totype Network (TapNet) [44]. The two key operations of always present at each point of sale and is always custom-
this network are named Random Dimension Permutation tailored for a particular company.
and Multivariate Time Series Encoding. Random Dimension The downside of using numerical transaction data is that
Permutation is used to produce groups of randomly selected the data is “blind”. By this, we mean that in a commercial
time series variables. Multivariate Time Series Encoding is setting an audit is typically conducted by a human auditor
performed for each group based on one-dimensional con- who is simultaneously looking at the transaction data and the
volutional layers followed by batch normalization, Leaky video monitoring and seeks for discrepancies between what
Rectified Linear Units, and a global pooling layer. In addition took place and what was logged to the system.
to the listed encoding process, the raw data is passed through The underlying challenge required before considering the
a parallel path through an LSTM and a global pooling layer. construction of an incident detection system is collecting an
This makes the TapNet a fusion of a convolutional and a appropriate dataset [2]. These would differ depending on the
recurrent network. Then, signals from the CNN and LSTM company and its operational procedures. There are no open
are merged into a fully connected layer, followed by yet datasets of this kind. The collection of such a dataset is done
another fully connected layer. with the help of human loss prevention specialists who man-
ually annotate data. Then, as the literature suggests, experts
III. LEVERAGING TRANSACTIONS DATA FOR INCIDENT define numerical features using transaction data which are
DETECTION – PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND the base for classifier construction [43], [45]. Some attempts
LITERATURE REVIEW utilize only transaction frequency data [22]. We shall mention
Let us reiterate that the problem at hand is transaction inci- that the literature offers some insights into fraud detection
dent detection in retail and services such as restaurants. The in credit card transactions or online payments. A recent
incidents we are interested in occur around employee-client survey by Shing Lim et al. [37] points out that a variety
interaction when an employee handles order payments, re- of machine learning algorithms, including outlier detection
turns, etc. As Hines and Youssef underline [17], occupational techniques, neural networks, rule-based systems, classifiers
fraud costs the average organization 5% of yearly revenues. such as SVM, and others have been applied to solve this
Restaurants are especially susceptible to these negative phe- task [36]. Some papers take an even broader perspective and
nomena. The authors give an estimate of 3–6% range to discuss financial fraud in general [40]. Notably, the problem
VOLUME 4, 2022 5

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

tackled in this paper is more challenging than credit card IV. THE PROBLEM OF VARIABLE-LENGTH TIME SERIES
fraud analysis. In retail and services, it is much easier for There are a few fundamental reasons why time series gen-
a dishonest employee to manipulate a cash transaction than erated by variants of a single prototypical process may end
a credit card transaction. Money paid in via a credit/debit up having different lengths. As Tan et al. [38] underline,
card is transferred directly to the service provider (business), one of these mechanisms corresponds to variation in the
and a typical employee is not able to install a system cir- relative frequency at which the process is observed. For
cumventing the legitimate payment process. There is also instance, the generating processes might unfold at differing
one psychological effect of “encouraging” frauds for cash speeds, or the sensors might operate at different frequencies.
transactions: the only trace a client has is a receipt that This case is especially valid for remote sensing and human
a client often does not read or even take from a counter. activity recognition applications. In the former case, weather
To the best of our knowledge, only a few research papers conditions may influence how samples are generated. In the
address fraud detection in the context of loss prevention latter case, sensors are typically programmed in an energy-
in restaurants, which is our application domain. There are saving manner. When the same type of activity is recorded
two papers by Hines and Youssef. One article is focused over some time (for instance, when a subject is sitting), the
on describing what they call a “rotating check” fraud [16]. sampling frequency drops to preserve battery life.
It is a type of fraud similar to deleting items from an open Another reason for unequal-length time series generation
receipt after a customer paid and pocketing the deleted value. is a variation concerning the points during the process at
The second paper is focused on discussing outlier detection which the recorded observations begin and end. This issue
techniques and how they can be applied to identify frauds affects especially datasets that originate from audio signals.
[17]. In the latter case, the authors address two types of fraud. As Tan et al. [38] underline, just a handful of strategies have
These are, again, rotating check fraud and another type they been devised to address the classification of time series with
call “bartender no sale”, which means that a person is regis- differing lengths. The existing studies propose the following
tering a transaction as a no-sale transaction and pocketing the solutions for unequal-length data:
money. • uniform scaling, which stretches shorter time series
An engaging survey was presented by Collins [7]. His to the length of the longest time series in a uniform
paper, first and foremost, lists a range of fraudulent behaviors manner;
that can take place in a restaurant. Beyond the list presented • padding, which adds either a fixed value or a low am-
at the beginning of this section with the essential fraud types, plitude noise to the suffix or the prefix of shorter time
Collins mentions [7]: series to obtain sequences as long as the longest one;
• Servers reprinting the same receipt throughout a shift • direct processing of varying-length time series.
and handing it repeatedly to different customers. An The first two approaches lack in some aspects. Uniform
employee can obfuscate and hide better if he convinces scaling is applicable to series that differ in length due to vary-
the persons to order similar food items. This can also be ing frequencies but not to those that differ due to variations
done in collaboration with other servers (one reprints in the start and the end point. This solution cannot be used
receipts for, say, coke and pie, another, for fish and if we wish to obtain a data-agnostic processing stream. Tan
chips). et al. report that padding is unsuccessful when the length of
• Violations regarding transferring a list of transactions time series differs by a lot [38].
between different servers, in which one server gains Direct processing of varying-length time series means that
another server’s tip without the latter’s consent. an algorithm has an intrinsic capability to produce features
In our operational model (in many quick-service restaurants), from such data. Unfortunately, not many algorithms can
both situations do not happen because our point-of-sale do so. What is more, the algorithms capable of processing
devices do not allow for reprinting of a receipt, and tips varying-length time series directly are not in the group of the
are not registered in the system and are always handled top-performing ones. ROCKET, which is deemed the optimal
instantly. Unfortunately, Collin’s paper does not propose how choice due to its speed and accuracy, cannot handle unequal-
to automate the detection of the described frauds. Described length data and employs padding by default. Examples of
countermeasures require substantial human effort (manual algorithms that handle unequal-length time series are some
verification). DTW-based methods, BOSS, and Proximity Forest. How-
Kelly [21] more recently mentioned the issues of voiding ever, these algorithms achieve inferior performance com-
items and discount policy abuses, but the cited paper neither pared to the top performers: ROCKET, HIVE-COTE, CIF
described new fraud methods nor addressed some concrete [32].
solution to the problem. To the best of our knowledge, the topic of unequal-length
To sum up, while the literature acknowledges the issue of time series classification is directly studied in only one paper
fraud detection in cash transactions, the particular data-driven available in the literature, and it is in the context of univariate
solutions that aim to detect these issues are almost absent in data. Some papers indirectly mention this issue. However,
the literature. The ones that were described are limited to one the problem at hand is too significant to be handled in
specific fraud technique. such a shallow manner. This area of research needs more
6 VOLUME 4, 2022

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Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

contributions since modern data analysis schemes require TABLE 1. Summary of benchmark dataset properties. dims. – the number of
variables, cl.num. – the number of classes, tr.s. – train size, te.s. – test size.
handling of such datasets.
In this paper, we present an empirical evaluation of the
efficiency of several strategies for dealing with variable- dataset name dims. cl.num. length tr.s. te.s.
length time series data: ArticularyWordRecognition 9 25 144 275 300
• truncation, AtrialFibrillation 2 3 640 15 15
• padding (with a constant value), BasicMotions 6 4 100 40 40
• forecasting values with an ARIMA model. Cricket 6 12 1197 108 72
The first two strategies are straightforward; therefore, we do EigenWorms 6 5 17984 128 131
not address them in greater detail. Epilepsy 3 4 206 137 138
AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) ERing 4 6 65 30 270
model consists of three elements: EthanolConcentration 3 4 1751 261 263
FingerMovements 28 2 50 316 100
• autoregressive model (AR),
Handwriting 3 26 152 150 850
• moving average model (MA),
Heartbeat 61 2 405 204 205
• model integration (I).
Libras 2 15 45 180 180
The first part, autoregressive model, is a process in which MotorImagery 64 2 3000 278 100
each value is assumed to be a linear combination of previous NATOPS 24 6 51 180 180
values. In other words, it uses memory to describe the current Phoneme 11 39 217 3315 3353
value. Autoregressive model order determines how many RacketSports 6 4 30 151 152
previous values are taken to compute the current value. Let SelfRegulationSCP1 6 2 896 268 293
us denote an autoregressive model of order p as AR(p). Its SelfRegulationSCP2 7 2 1152 200 180
general form is given as StandWalkJump 4 3 2500 12 15
′ UWaveGestureLibrary 3 8 315 120 320
zt = c + b1 zt−1 + b2 zt−2 + . . . + bp zt−p , (1)

where zt is a prediction of the current value zt , c is an
intercept, describing a drift. We can easily notice that the V. EMPIRICAL EVALUATION USING BENCHMARK DATA
autoregressive model is analogous to the multiple regres- To provide as high replicability of the conducted study
sion model. Parameters b1 , b2 , . . . , bp describe how strong as possible, we completed the empirical evaluation of the
is a relationship between history and a current value. The proposed approach at first for benchmark datasets that are
description of the current value is an approximation of the publicly available. Secondly, we applied ROCKET to process
real value zt with the error εt our data, which is a private asset of our company and, thus,
we cannot share it. In this section, we present the application
zt = c + b1 zt−1 + b2 zt−2 + . . . + bp zt−p + εt , (2)
to publicly available benchmark datasets.
where εt is white noise.
A moving average model, another component of ARIMA, A. BENCHMARK DATASETS AND DATA STAGING
uses past forecast errors in a regression-style model: The first part of the experiment concerned publicly available
at−1 εt−1 + at−2 εt−2 + . . . + at−q εt−q (3) datasets. Their summary is given in Table 1.
Selected datasets are of substantially distinct properties.
q denotes the order of the moving average model; we denote We have datasets with many classes, such as Phoneme with
it as MA(q). a1 , a2 , . . . , aq are discovered coefficients. While 39 classes, but also three sets with binary labels. The starting
the autoregressive model uses historical values, the moving time series length is also very different. Take EigenWorms
average uses historical distortions to model a time series. set, in which time series are made of 17,984 observations. In
The third component of the ARIMA model is integration contrast, ERing dataset is made of series 64 elements long.
(I). Integration, in this context, is the action opposite to We also made sure that the cardinality of samples differs.
differentiating. If we join the three components together, we In this regard, let us point to the set named StandWalkJump
obtain ARIMA(p, d, q) model, where d is the degree of first with just 12 samples in the train set (it is a 3-class balanced
differentiating applied. The model can be written as: set, so we have only four samples in a class). In contrast, we
′ ′
ARIMA(p, d, q) = c + b1 zt−1 + b2 zt−2 + . . . + bp zt−p + ′ have MotorImagery set with 139 samples in each class. The
selected 20 datasets intentionally have distinct properties.
at−1 εt−1 + at−2 εt−2 + . . . + at−q εt−q + εt (4) The source website already provides the data split into
To automatically detect the structure of the model, that is p, train and test sets. We did not interfere with this split.
d and q, one may use the Hyndman-Khandakar algorithm The data from is of
[18]. It combines unit root tests, minimization of the Akaike equal length. Thus, to perform wider tests, we had to trim
information criterion, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation it. This was performed according to the following rules:
to obtain an ARIMA model. 1) The trimming was executed in the same way separately
VOLUME 4, 2022 7

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Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

for each class and for the train and test set. As a result, In some domains, it is not an obvious choice how to
the trimming was stratified; we did not want to treat cut time series for classification if they are being extracted
classes differently and insert by accident some class from a data stream. This applies to sensor data. One can
label-related bias. easily produce a dataset of equal length time series in these
2) We assume that for each class 1/3 of the instances will domains. However, not all data that needs to be subjected to
have a length in the range [10%,40%] of the original classification comes from sensors. In multiple other domains,
length, 1/3 of the instances will have a length in the time series length is not collected as a stream.
range (40%,70%], and the remaining 1/3 (70%,100%). In this context, we would like to point out that for a dataset
3) Assuming that for a given instance, we ought to do the called EigenWorms, the accuracy obtained on trimmed time
trimming to the [10%,40%] range, we randomly draw series is 20% higher than when the data is considered in
a value from this range multiply it by time series length the original length. When we look at the dataset repository,
and round to an integer value. we can easily explain this, as this dataset contains sensors
Because of the nondeterminism related to the above- recording the motion of worms [41]. The same goes for the
presented data staging procedure, we repeated all experi- AtrialFibrillation dataset, which is cut from ECG recordings,
ments ten times and averaged the results. StandWalkJump, which is collected with sensors recording
human activities, and so on. There are a few more cases
when working with shorter data resulted in slightly higher
accuracy. In each case, we can interpret this phenomenon in
The course of experiments concerned testing the identi- the same manner – the data was recorded by sensors, then cut
fied methods for dataset length equalization for selected from a wider stream, and we envision that a distinct pattern
20 datasets. The quality of a method is measured with clas- is not present in the entire time series length that was cut.
sification accuracy that we compute for test sets (train sets Our focus is on three techniques for variable-length data
are not used for quality evaluation, only for model building). preprocessing: padding, truncation, and forecasting further
Each experiment was repeated 10 times, in each run, we values using an ARIMA model. The first conclusion from the
have been effectively working with a different set because values in Table 2 is that truncation is the worst possible strat-
the trimming procedure is random. Therefore, we give av- egy. It results in models that classify data with a substantially
erage accuracy, maximum accuracy, and standard deviation. worse accuracy than the other two methods. The strategy that
Table 2 contains the obtained results. Benchmark datasets are turned out to be most favorable is padding. We are most likely
balanced. Thus, the accuracy measure (given in Eq. (6)) was to achieve a top-performing classifier with this preprocessing
enough to evaluate quality at this stage. strategy. The average accuracy of the best classifier for the
We have tuned the values of two relevant parameters considered 20 datasets for truncation is 47.26%, while it
for each dataset: the number of kernels and regularization is 62.49% for padding. In the middle, we have ARIMA-
parameter λ for the Ridge regression classifier. The tuning forecasts-based preprocessing, which produced models with
procedure relied on 10 repetitions of the classification proce- 61.20% accuracy on average. Thus, ARIMA is slightly worse
dure on full-length data for selected combinations of param- than padding but much better than truncation. If we inspect
eters. We checked for 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, and 10000 standard deviations, the average standard deviation in 10
kernels and ten values of λ generated using an exponential repetitions of the experiment was the highest for truncation
sequence ranging from 10−3 to 103 . The number of kernels and equal to 6.03, which means that truncation not only
translates to the number of features that are then used in provided the worst accuracy but was also the least stable.
Ridge regression. Therefore, it should be tuned individually The slightest deviations, on average, are attributed to padding
for each dataset due to the varying properties that may call for (2.03). ARIMA-based preprocessing gave models that varied
more or less features. In contrast, λ determines the shrinkage on average by 3.71% for the 20 considered datasets.
penalty. λ = 0 implies that the penalty term has no effect. In Achieved results clearly show that padding is the most
consequence, the regularization effect will not be visible. In- reliable preprocessing tactic when dealing with variable-
creasing the λ increases the impact of the shrinkage penalty. length time series data that need to be made equal-length for
In consequence, regression coefficients will get closer to further classification.
zero. After establishing suitable parameters for full-length To illustrate this discussion, we present Fig. 1, which
data, we used the same settings for all other experiments. shows the distribution of best accuracies achieved for the
Table 2 shows that truncation is the worst possible choice 20 considered datasets for the four cases: full-length datasets
regarding data preprocessing. In two cases, truncation was and preprocessed using the three studied methods.
better than padding and ARIMA-based time series extension. Fig. 1 confirms that truncation should not be considered
We have decided to include results on full-length time series a viable preprocessing choice for the described data classi-
even though the target processing stream was working on fication stream. ARIMA-forecasts-based and padding-based
variable-length data. On the one hand, comparing the ac- preprocessing variants ensure satisfying accuracy. However,
curacy of trimmed and full-length data allows inferring the the use of ARIMA entails a substantial increase in the com-
possible redundancy in full-length time series. putational complexity of the model. Thus, padding is the
8 VOLUME 4, 2022

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

TABLE 2. Results concerning selected 20 datasets. Average (avg), maximum (max), and standard deviation (sd) of classification on test sets for selected datasets.
The values are based on ten repetitions of the experiment. Different columns mark different time series equalization methods. 100 kernels were used. Values are
given in %. Bold font is used to mark the best outcome for reduced-length sets.

whole set padding truncation ARIMA

dataset name
avg max sd avg max sd avg max sd avg max sd

ArticularyWordRecognition 98.83 100 0.63 80.13 84.67 2.60 30.20 34.67 2.40 82.03 85.00 2.71
AtrialFibrillation 16.00 20.00 3.44 15.33 26.67 7.06 14.00 20.00 2.11 20.00 33.33 9.43
BasicMotions 100 100 0 89.25 97.50 6.02 76.75 85.00 7.55 90.25 95.00 4.16
Cricket 74.44 77.78 2.79 88.89 94.44 3.07 83.47 84.72 0.44 90.00 95.83 2.91
EigenWorms 56.26 58.78 2.25 72.37 78.63 4.56 69.92 78.63 4.20 72.44 76.34 2.70
Epilepsy 97.61 98.55 0.69 75.65 81.16 5.03 59.71 63.77 2.35 76.23 85.51 4.54
ERing 77.63 78.89 0.86 94.78 96.67 1.34 78.89 83.70 5.63 23.93 75.93 18.27
EthanolConcentration 45.55 49.43 2.16 25.93 27.38 0.82 34.91 38.40 1.70 25.70 28.52 1.50
FingerMovements 46.30 48.00 1.25 50.40 61.00 4.65 48.90 50.00 0.74 51.10 58.00 4.46
Handwriting 23.96 24.59 0.99 14.87 21.88 3.89 6.29 7.06 0.53 15.98 19.77 3.14
Heartbeat 72.20 72.20 0 71.56 72.68 1.28 72.20 72.20 0 71.12 72.68 1.45
Libras 49.00 54.44 2.31 39.78 44.44 3.84 23.33 26.11 1.80 40.72 46.67 5.21
MotorImagery 53.20 59.00 3.80 51.10 54.00 2.73 50.90 59.00 4.43 52.70 56.00 3.06
NATOPS 65.72 67.78 1.44 51.00 56.67 3.44 25.28 29.44 2.69 49.44 56.11 3.69
PhonemeSpectra 17.79 19.57 0.90 12.46 13.75 0.65 7.49 8.05 0.34 13.02 13.75 0.44
RacketSports 70.59 75.66 2.74 69.34 74.34 3.66 67.96 73.03 2.83 66.91 74.34 4.15
SelfRegulationSCP1 69.90 76.11 3.05 83.04 87.03 2.11 76.79 79.18 1.76 81.37 86.01 2.66
SelfRegulationSCP2 52.72 55.56 2.17 51.56 58.89 3.78 48.67 50.56 1.21 50.61 56.11 3.22
StandWalkJump 28.00 33.33 4.22 24.67 46.67 8.92 36.67 46.67 28.67 28.67 40.00 6.33
UWaveGestureLibrary 66.25 67.81 1.36 62.93 66.25 2.66 23.38 25.94 1.61 64.72 69.06 2.40

between various approaches. The CD diagram is visible in

Fig. 2. It was computed for four data processing streams:
full-length time series and shortened using (i) truncation, (ii)
padding, (iii) ARIMA forecasts applied to 20 datasets. The
tests were run for α = 0.05.
0.010 Algorithm

full length

0.005 2 3 4


0 50 100

padding ARIMA

full length truncation

FIGURE 1. Accuracy distribution for the experiments covering 20 datasets
using four variant of the preprocessing procedure (raw data and three methods
for dealing with variable-length data). FIGURE 2. Critical difference diagram with Wilcoxon-Holm post-hoc analysis
for comparing different strategies to variable-length time series classification
using ROCKET. α = 0.05.

recommended preprocessing strategy.

Analogous observations can be made when we plot a crit- Note that in the CD plot, we can see the ranking of methods
ical difference (CD) diagram with Wilcoxon-Holm post-hoc using the horizontal scale. It goes from two to four, and
analysis, which illustrates the significance of the differences smaller values are better. In other words, classification accu-
VOLUME 4, 2022 9

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Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

TABLE 3. The number of fraudulent and legitimate instances in our dataset. Table 3 presents different fraud types covered by our
auditors. These are
class cardinality • Items different than registered – server (employee)
legitimate transactions 24149 hands items different than registered. The situation
typically concerns a case when registered items are
fraudulent transactions:
of a higher value than handed items, and the money
– Items different than registered 97
difference ends up with a server.
– Sweethearting 131
• Sweethearting – server hands additional items to a cus-
– Items deletes fraud 145
– Refund/Void fraud 288
• Items deletes fraud – server incorrectly deletes items
– Unauthorized coupon discount 381
– Unauthorized employee discount 238
from a receipt. Typically customer pays for the deleted
– Other discount violations 191
items beforehand and the money for deleted items is
total # of fraudulent transactions 1471
taken by the employee.
• Refund/Void fraud – server calls a refund or voids
a whole or a part of a committed order when they
should not (a customer did not ask for refund/void).
racy for variable-length time series extended using padding Money resulting from this operation is pocketed by the
turned out to be the best. Surprisingly, these classification employee.
rates are even higher than for full-length time series. The • Unauthorized coupon discount – employee applies
conducted statistical tests indicate that this difference is a coupon discount without grounds. There are two pos-
statistically insignificant. A horizontal bar links the results sible scenarios. One, where a customer pays less when
obtained with padding and full-length time series. they should pay more. Two, where a customer pays
The processing stream that utilizes ARIMA forecasts the right price, and the employee takes the difference
turned out to be very close in ranking with the full-length between the right and discounted order value.
series. Interestingly, the differences between ARIMA-based • Unauthorized employee discount – employee applies an
method and truncation are statistically insignificant. How- employee discount for a meal that is not handed out to
ever, there is a clear difference between the overall efficiency an employee.
of these two methods visible in the values in the ranking. • Other discount violations – various discount policy vi-
olations that differ for particular clients, for instance,
VI. CASE STUDY OF INCIDENT DETECTION issuing a discount higher than the maximal allowed
After we had established that padding is the recommended discount or applying two coupons when only one can
preprocessing strategy when dealing with variable-length be applied.
time series, we proceeded with experiments using our data We want to emphasize that in this study, we present the
concerning cash transaction incidents using padding. results for automated detection of the above-listed frauds. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first type of a study that
A. DATASET DESCRIPTION does not focus on an automated detection of a single fraud
Our project aims to develop an incident detection mecha- type.
nism that will recognize fraudulent cash transactions. The Detection of the listed fraud types was performed based on
challenge is that we want to use data logged to a relational variables extracted from a relational database that handles the
database, the backbone of a system that handles payments in daily operations of our various business partners. Table VI-A
a restaurant. This implies that we do not have many available presents considered features. Extending this list is our future
descriptors concerning a transaction. work direction.
We are working with multivariate time series. Thus, we can
Transactions audit in our company is primarily a domain of
represent a single instance with Eq. (5).
human experts who prepared a dataset with labeled samples
for us. The problem of incident detection is imbalanced.  1
x1 x21 x31 . . . xL1

Fraudulent transactions make up about 5% of the overall  x12 x22 x32 . . . xL1  (5)
transaction volume. Table 3 presents the number of items 1 2 3
x3 x3 x3 . . . x 3 L1
in two considered classes: legitimate and fraudulent transac-
tions and the number of different fraud types in the dataset. In Eq. (5), xji ∈ R, i = 1, . . . , M denotes variable index,
Let us note that the values given in Table 3 concern M is the total number of variables, j = 1, . . . , L denotes
cases manually labeled by our human annotators. It is only the index of the element in the time series. In particular, xji
a tiny fraction of our database’s total quantity of transactions. describes a transaction immediately before xj+1 i . L is the
However, for the sake of model creation, we had to establish length of the longest time series we have in a dataset.
a learning set of instances that we will use to construct Since the data is of variable length, several first xes may
a model and evaluate its quality. be unavailable (we denote them technically as N A). Values
10 VOLUME 4, 2022

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

TABLE 4. Used feature names, descriptions, and types.

Feature name Description Type

Gross Sales gross value currency

Net Sales net value currency
Tax Tax currency
transaction types such as ‘Sale’, ‘Cancel’, ‘Cash drop’, ‘Paid Out’, ‘No Sale’
TypeID categorical
‘Usage Adjustment’, ‘Refund’, ‘Void’, ‘Voided Refund’, ‘Suspend’, and so on
Discount Discount value currency
Tip Tip amount currency
Change Change amount currency
TimeLapse Time that has passed since the last transaction time (min.)
CorrectedProductsValue Sum of products with flag IsCorrected set to True in transaction currency
EmployeeMealCount Count of employee discounts applied in the transaction int
EmployeeMealValue Value of a meal purchased using employee discount currency
CanceledItemsQuantity Quantity of products that within a given transaction were canceled int
CanceledItemsAmount Money value of products that within a given transaction were canceled currency
VoidedItemsQuantity Quantity of products that within a given transaction were voided int
VoidedItemsAmount Money value of products that within a given transaction were voided currency
CorrectedDiscountsQuantity Quantity of discounts that within a given transaction were corrected int
CorrectedDiscountsAmount Money value of discounts that within a given transaction were corrected currency
DiffProductCount Number of different products in transaction int
DiscountQuantity Number of discounts assigned to transaction int
DrinkCount Number of products categorized as drinks assigned to the given transaction int
FoodCount Number of products categorized as food assigned to a given transaction int
MealSetCount Number of products categorized as meal sets assigned to a given transaction int
ModifierCount Number of items categorized as meal modifiers in a given transaction int
ProductCount Number of products in transaction int
UnitCount Number of food units in a transaction; unit is a main, basic product of a given brand int

denoted with NA are replaced with actual values at the stage We envision the incident detection model as a tool that
of padding. shall help a human auditor. An incident detector suggests
Let us recall that a single instance describes the history checking several transactions, which a human auditor manu-
of transactions handled by a given employee. We created ally verifies. Let us assume that a full manual audit of a single
the learning dataset to take all data annotated manually by transaction takes 40 minutes. Let us assume that 40 minutes
our human experts. We had to develop a data model under is split into 30 minutes of searching for the possible incident
real-world constraints. The essential restriction is that human and 10 minutes of report writing and other technical details.
experts attach labels to a single transaction for a given audit.
That is, we have a history of transactions for a given em- B. EMPIRICAL EVALUATION
ployee for a particular day, and a human auditor attaches a The initial experiment relied on building a binary classifier
label (one of the labels present in Table 3) to one transaction that recognized between fraudulent and legitimate instances.
the auditor looked at. The remaining transactions in the day Because the dataset is not balanced, we tested the following
are not checked. Auditor work is manual expert labor. It is train/test set sampling procedure:
not feasible to ask an auditor to label the entire history of • Randomly select 50% of fraudulent transactions.
transactions for a more significant number of days because a • The number of legitimate transactions = K·the number
single manual transaction audit takes about 40 minutes and an of fraudulent transactions, K is a positive integer, and
employee handles hundreds of transactions during one shift. sampling is random.
Thus, the data we have ends with a transaction that an • All remaining samples are placed in the test set.
auditor manually verified. In our dataset, each instance, as K is a parameter of our procedure.
formalized in Eq. (5) is paired with a label indicating fraud Furthermore, since the dataset is not balanced, in addition
type or a lack thereof. Subsequently, we split the data into to accuracy (given in Eq. (6), we had to use precision and
train and test parts. The train set is used for model construc- recall to evaluate classifier performance. Precision and recall
tion, and the test set is used for model evaluation. These two are defined in Eq. (7) and Eq. (8), respectively.
sets are disjoint, which means quality evaluation concerns TP + TN
samples previously unseen by the classifier. Accuracy = (6)
TP + TN + FP + FN
VOLUME 4, 2022 11

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Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

Precision = (7) Subsequently, we proceed with experiments to detect par-
TP + FP ticular fraud classes mentioned in our study. We have con-
TP structed six binary classifiers. We have relabeled the data so
Recall = (8) that class “positive” was made of samples from a single inci-
dent class. All remaining samples were made as “negative”.
Table 6 presents models that achieved the highest and the
• true positive (TP) – the number of fraudulent transac-
second-highest precision in the experiments for analogous
tions correctly identified as frauds
combinations of parameters as presented in Table 5.
• true negative (TN) – the number of legitimate transac-
In this case, the number of available “positive” instances
tions correctly identified as legitimate
drops significantly. Without surprise, ROCKET struggles to
• false positive (FP) – the number of legitimate transac-
produce better models. Though we can achieve a precision
tions incorrectly identified as frauds
of about 60%, recall drops. Please note that the number of
• false negative (FN) – the number of fraudulent transac-
T P associated with the highest precision is typically tiny.
tions incorrectly identified as legitimate
We envision that these seven models will be used jointly.
We envision that the proposed incident detector will work in Thus, in the last row in Table 6, we present the sum of T P s.
a way that it will suggest a human auditor which transactions This sum, equal to 26, is comparable to 28 obtained when
to look at first. There is a higher cost associated with a false applying a single model. Models that produced the second-
positive than a false negative. In other words, a false positive highest precision returned together 135 True Positives, which
means an auditor spent (precious) time verifying a legitimate is substantially more than 26. The average precision of these
transaction. False negative is a case when we miss a fraud. models was 37.32%, which is higher than the precision of a
Thus, precision is of primary importance to us. model presented in Table 5 that produced a similar number
In the experiments, we have tested models with 1000 of T P s.
and 10000 kernels and parameter K = 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 20.
All in all, we believe that the proposed strategy for incident
The results achieved for various parameter combinations are
detection is worthy of further investigation. The delivered
given in Table 5.
tools can automate this task and reduce manual labor.
ROCKET has proved to be a good algorithm for the
multivariate time series classification task. Including mode
samples from the legitimate transactions class, which in- VII. CONCLUSION
creased the imbalancedness of a train set, turned out to be In the paper, we have applied benchmark datasets to test three
the essential step in determining the outcome of incident preprocessing strategies for dealing with variable-length time
detection. In Table 5, we see that the precision grows with series that we wish to classify with an algorithm that requires
the increase of parameter K determining the imbalancedness equal-length data: padding, truncation, and forecasting fur-
degree of a train set. Simultaneously, recall drops. These ther time series values. The experiments have shown that
two rates are accompanied by very high accuracy, which is padding is the recommended preprocessing strategy, achiev-
not an informative measure in this case because of the vast ing high classification accuracy. Truncation is not recom-
imbalancedness of the test set. mended. Classification accuracy substantially dropped when
If we look at the T P value in Table 5, we see that when it was employed. Forecasting further time series values leads
precision increases, T P drops. It translates to the situation to a satisfying accuracy as well. However, the computational
when our model is more valuable to human auditors since it cost of this extra step is too high to consider it worthy of
suggests more precisely fraudulent transactions. The down- attention.
side is that the number of T P s drops. In other words, the At this stage of our studies, we were working with bench-
model indicates more precisely which transactions are fraud- mark datasets that we cut to make them variable-length. Two
ulent, but the overall number of suggestions drops. For the arguments motivated the choice of such a procedure. One that
model with the precision of 59.57%, we get 28 transactions we wanted to demonstrate our methods using publicly avail-
correctly identified as fraudulent, and only 19 legitimate able data, commonly adopted by researchers in this domain.
transactions were incorrectly identified as fraudulent. This Two that we assumed that if we classify this full-length data
is a good outcome; such a tool can be useful for a human using ROCKET, we will get an “ideal” classification quality
auditor. It must be noted that this model correctly tagged that we can refer to later. The experiments have shown that
13105 transactions as T N , which means that a lot of data our second assumption was missed. We achieved a higher
was filtered out. classification accuracy in a few cases using the shortened
Let us recall that we assume that a single audit takes dataset. It was not because of some random factor since
40 minutes, out of which 30 minutes is spent on searching. we reached these results with ten repetitions of the whole
Assume the model correctly identified 28 transactions as procedure involving random time series cuts. A closer inspec-
fraudulent. This results in 28*30 minutes of human time tion of these datasets showed that they typically originated
saved. The required precision level should be evaluated with from sensors, and the time series to be classified were cut
respect to the time gained when using the model. arbitrarily. This outcome postulates the need to develop new
12 VOLUME 4, 2022

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

TABLE 5. Quality of incident detection for various parameter combinations. K is the imbalancedness degree of a train set. Precision, recall, and accuracy are
given in %.

Kernels K Precision Recall Accuracy TP FP TN FN

1000 1 8.58 57.75 79.95 425 4531 18883 311

2 15.74 41.30 91.20 304 1628 21051 432
3 20.43 31.25 93.82 230 896 21048 506
5 21.19 19.29 94.71 142 528 19946 594
10 35.22 7.61 95.54 56 103 16696 680
12 38.60 5.98 95.26 44 70 15259 692
20 60.00 0.82 92.79 6 4 9445 730

10000 1 21.73 28.40 94.36 209 753 21191 527

2 15.70 35.73 91.95 263 1412 21267 473
3 18.80 31.79 93.33 234 1011 20933 502
5 25.06 15.35 95.47 113 338 20136 623
10 37.41 7.47 95.59 55 92 16707 681
20 59.57 3.80 94.75 28 19 13105 708

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VOLUME 4, 2022 13

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

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14 VOLUME 4, 2022

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3203523

Bier et al.: Variable-Length Multivariate Time Series Classification Using ROCKET

AGNIESZKA BIER received the M.Sc. Eng. de-

gree in Mathematics in 2005 and the M.Sc. Eng.
degree in Computer Science in 2008 from the Sile-
sian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.
She received the PhD degree in Mathematics from
the University of Silesia, Poland, in 2010. Since
then she has been working at the Faculty of Ap-
plied Mathematics, Silesian University of Tech-
nology, currently on the position of an Assistant
Professor. For over three years she has been the
leader of Data Science team at DTiQ.
Her research interests focus on certain topics in group theory as well as
algorithmic problems on the border of mathematics and computer science.


B.Sc. degree in information technology from the
University of Derby, Derby, UK in 2009 and the
M.Sc. Eng. degree in computer engineering from
the Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow,
Poland in 2010. She received the Ph.D. and the in computer science from the Warsaw
University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland in 2016
and 2021, respectively. She is currently an Asso-
ciate Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology where she has been
working since the beginning of her research career. She joined DTiQ in 2021
as a machine learning specialist.
Her research interests include machine learning, computational intelli-
gence, and fuzzy modeling. She is an Associate Editor of the journal Applied
Soft Computing.

PAWEŁ OLSZEWSKI received the B.Sc. degree

in Mathematics in 2015 and the M.Sc. degree
in Computer Science in 2017 from the Białystok
University of Technology, Białystok, Poland. He
is a member of Data Science team in DTiQ since
His research interests focus on machine learn-
ing. Moreover, he has experience in applied re-
search on abstract algebra.

VOLUME 4, 2022 15

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