HB Sil sq2 Ac2 en
HB Sil sq2 Ac2 en
HB Sil sq2 Ac2 en
Reference documents:
Operation instructions (Assembly and commissioning) for the actuator
Manual (Operation and setting) AC 01.2/ACExC 01.2 actuator controls
Manual (Device integration Fieldbus) AC(V) 01.2/AC(V)ExC 01.2 actuator controls
Technical data for part-turn actuator and actuator controls.
Reference documents are available on the Internet at: http://www.auma.com.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Table of contents
7. Signals..................................................................................................................................... 24
7.1. Signals via SIL module 24
7.2. SIL - fault signal via the standards actuator controls display (for troubleshooting support) 24
7.3. Status signals via output contacts (digital outputs) of standard actuator controls 25
7.4. Signals via fieldbus of standard actuator controls 26
8. Tests and maintenance.......................................................................................................... 27
8.1. Safety equipment: check 27
8.2. Internal actuator monitoring with control via standard actuator controls 27
8.3. Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST): execute 27
8.4. Proof test (verification of safe actuator function) 29
8.4.1. Preliminary test 30
8.4.2. Check Safe ESD safety operation “Safe OPENING/CLOSING” 30
8.4.3. Check SIL fault signal “Actuator monitoring” 31
8.4.4. Check Safe ESD reaction for “Motor protection (thermal fault)” signals 31
8.4.5. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Limit seating with overload protection” (limit and/or torque 32
8.4.6. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – 33
for actuators with electromechanical control unit
8.4.7. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – 34
for actuators with electronic control unit and limit switches
8.4.8. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced torque seating in end position” (torque after limit 35
8.4.9. Check Safe ESD reaction for “no seating” (no evaluation of limit and torque) 35
8.4.10. Check Safe STOP function 37
8.4.11. Check combination of Safe ESD and Safe STOP function 37
8.5. Maintenance 38
9. Safety-related figures............................................................................................................. 39
9.1. Determination of the safety-related figures 39
9.2. Specific parameters for AC 01.2 actuator controls in SIL version with actuators of SQ .2 40
10. SIL Certificate......................................................................................................................... 45
11. Checklists............................................................................................................................... 46
11.1. Commissioning checklist 46
11.2. Proof test checklists 46
11.2.1. Safe ESD safety operation (Safe OPENING/CLOSING) – irrespective of the selected 46
control unit
11.2.2. SIL fault signal “Actuator monitoring” – irrespective of the selected control unit 46
11.2.3. Safe ESD reaction for “Motor protection (thermal fault)” signals – irrespective of the 47
selected control unit
11.2.4. Safe ESD reaction to “Limit seating with overload protection” (limit and/or torque eval- 48
uation) – for actuators with electromechanical control unit
11.2.5. Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – for actu- 48
ators with electromechanical control unit
11.2.6. Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – for actu- 49
ators with electronic control unit and limit switches
11.2.7. Safe ESD reaction to Forced torque seating in end position (limit evaluation) – for actu- 50
ators with electromechanical control unit
11.2.8. Safe ESD reaction to “No seating” – for actuators with electromechanical control unit 50
or with electronic control unit with limit switches
Part-turn actuators
Table of contents with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Terminology
1. Terminology
Information sources ● IEC 61508-4, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems – Part 4: Definitions and abbreviations
● IEC 61511-1, Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process
industry sector – Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and software
1.1. Abbreviations and concepts
To evaluate safety functions, the lambda values or the PFD value (Probability of
Dangerous Failure on Demand) and the SFF value (Safe Failure Fraction) are the
main requirements. Further figures are required to assess the individual components.
These figures are explained in the table below.
Safety function Function to be implemented by a safety-related system for risk reduction with the
objective to achieve or maintain a safe state for the plant/equipment with respect to
a specific dangerous event.
Safety instrumented Function with specified safety integrity level (SIL) to achieve functional safety.
function (SIF)
Safety instrumented Safety instrumented system for executing a single or several safety instrumented
system (SIS) functions. An SIS consists of sensor(s), logic system and actuator(s).
Safety-related system A safety-related system includes all factors (hardware, software, human factors)
necessary to implement one or several safety functions. Consequently failures of
safety function would result in a significant increase in safety risks for people and/or
the environment.
A safety-related system can comprise stand-alone systems dedicated to perform a
particular safety function or can be integrated into a plant.
Part-turn actuators
Terminology with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Proof test Periodic test performed to detect dangerous hidden failures in a safety-related system
so that, if necessary, a repair can restore the system to an "as new" condition or as
close as practical to this condition.
MTTR (Mean Time To Mean time to restoration once a failure has occurred. Indicates the expected mean
Restoration) time to achieve restoration of the system. It is therefore an important parameter for
system availability. The time for detecting the failure, planning tasks as well as
operating resources is also included. It should be reduced to a minimum.
MRT (Mean Repair Time) Mean repair time indicates the mean time required to repair a system. The MRT is
crucial when defining the reliability and availability of a system. The MRT should
preferably be small.
Device type (type A and Actuator controls can be regarded as type A devices if all of the following conditions
type B) are met for all components required to achieve the safety instrumented function:
● The failure modes for all constituent components involved are well defined
● The behaviour under fault conditions can be completely determined.
● There is sufficient dependable failure data from the field to show that the claimed
rates of failure are met (confidence level min. 70 %).
Actuator controls shall be regarded as type B devices if one or several of the following
conditions are met:
● The failure of at least one constituent component is not well defined.
● The fault behaviour is not completely known.
● There is insufficient dependable failure data to support claims for rates of failure
for detected and undetected dangerous failures.
PTC (Proof Test Cover- Proof test coverage describes the fraction of failures which can be detected by means
age) of a proof test.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Application and validity
Hardware, software and configuration of actuator and actuator controls must not be
modified without prior written consent by AUMA. Unauthorised modification may
have a negative impact on both safety figures and SIL capability of the products.
Information In applications with requirements on functional safety, only AUMA actuator controls
and actuators in SFC or SIL version may be used.
AUMA actuator controls and actuators in SIL version can among others be identified
from the letters “SIL” on the name plate.
Part-turn actuators
Architecture, configuration and applications with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Incorrect actuator architecture can lead to device damage within the safety-
related system!
Possible consequences: Valve damage, motor overheating, contactor seizure,
damage to the electronics, heating up or damage to cables.
→ The actuator technical data must imperatively be observed when selecting the
→ Sufficient reserves have to be provided to ensure that actuators are capable of
reliably opening or closing the valve even in the event of an accident or under-
Information For the Safe STOP function, the motor is switched off, overrun may possibly occur!
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Architecture, configuration and applications
For “SIL seating” = “no seating” (without end position protection), we recommend:
● To prevent valve damage during safety operation, we recommend, depending
on the stiffness, sizing the valve to 3 – 5 times the maximum actuator torque.
● To avoid thermal damage due to excessive currents, we recommend monitoring
(assessing) the motor protection.
Information For “SIL seating” = “Forced limit seating in end position”, the seating is performed
via limit switches in the end position. Since each switch has a hysteresis, the actuator
leaves the end position prior to limit switch release. Consequently, there is a marginal
range of actuator positions to the safety position, for which the limit switch is still
operated when leaving the safety position while the Safe ESD function is NOT
available. In this case, safety function triggering leads to actuator standstill. If the
range in question is approached from the opposite direction, this limitation does not
apply. In general this range is relatively small. However, for unfavourable configura-
tions, this range can amount to more than 10 % of the travel.
Should within the framework of unfavourable conditions the effect described above
represent an unacceptable limitation for the safety function, we recommend applying
the configuration “Forced torque seating in end position” or “no seating” for safety
Power supply
Table 3:
Configuration options for safety function
Configuration Short description
SIL function
Safe STOP CLOSE/OPEN Safe STOP in direction CLOSE and direction OPEN
Safe ESD CLOSE/CLOSE + Safe STOP Safe CLOSING and Safe STOP in direction CLOSE and direc-
Safe ESD OPEN/OPEN + Safe STOP Safe OPENING and Safe STOP in direction CLOSE and direc-
When configuring a Safe ESD function and a Safe STOP function, the Safe ESD
function is always prioritised compared to the Safe STOP function when requested
Seating configuration options
Information Seating of standard actuator controls should be configured as set forth in the tables
Part-turn actuators
Architecture, configuration and applications with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Table 4:
For actuators with electromechanical control unit:
Configuration Short description Configuration
SIL seating type Type of seating
Standard controls
1: No seating No seating by limit or torque switches during Freely selectable
safety operation
2: Forced torque seating Safety operation is stopped if both limit and Torque seating
in end position torque switches trip simultaneously
3: Forced limit seating in Safety operation is stopped by limit switch trip- Limit seating
end position ping
4: Limit seating with Safety operation is stopped by tripping the limit Limit seating
overload protection switches and/or the torque switches (overload
Table 5:
for actuators with electronic control unit MWG
Configuration Short description Configuration
SIL seating type Type of seating
Standard controls
1: No seating No seating by limit or torque switches during Freely selectable
safety operation
Table 6:
for actuators with electronic control unit MWG including limit switches
Configuration Short description Configuration
SIL seating type Type of seating
Standard controls
3: Forced limit seating in Safety operation is stopped by limit switch trip- Limit seating
end position ping
Table 7:
Configuration options for motor protection assessment
Configuration Short description
SIL motor protection
Active Tripping of the motor protection (thermal fault) stops or prevents safety oper-
Inactive Motor protection has no impact on the safety operation
Information “SIL motor protection” = “inactive” configuration is only set if explicitly required. The
version does not meet the Ex approval requirements.
Information If limit and/or torque switches for the end positions are available, precise setting is
imperative to ensure correct function of the “Safe end position feedback” or the “ESD
function”. For setting details related to the respective switches, please refer to oper-
ation instructions.
Depending on the type of diagnostics specified, the reaction monitoring via blinker
transmitter or Partial Valve Stroke Test configurations have to be checked and
adapted, if required.
For detailed configuration options as well as detailed information on the Partial Valve
Stroke Test (PVST), refer to Manual (Operation and setting) AUMATIC AC 01.2.
Please note that reaction monitoring may only be executed via the blinker
transmitter/SIL fault signal and not via the reaction monitoring function of the AC .2
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Architecture, configuration and applications
HFT is 0.
The systematic capability is 3 (SC=3).
Only flanges of F07 or FA 07 sizes or larger may be used for valve attachment.
If the actuator is equipped with one of the three position transmitter types, i.e. MWG,
RWG or EWG, these elements may not be integrated within the safety instrumented
The actuator safety functions can be considered as type A device.
The operating time for a complete travel must exceed 4 seconds. Attention: Any
modification of the nominal swing angle (90°) results in operating time change.
Safety function(s) and their feedback signals may only be issued via the digital inputs
and outputs of the SIL module.
The signal issued via SIL fault output must be permanently evaluated. If the
output signals a fault, assumption can be made that the safety function is not
available. The safety function must be checked without delay. Possibly further safety
measures are to be taken until the safety function is restored without fault.
Part-turn actuators
Architecture, configuration and applications with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Safety instrumented systems and safety functions
[1] Sensors
[2] Controls (safety PLC)
[3] Actuator with actuator controls
[4] Valve
[5] Process control system
The safety integrity level is always assigned to an overall safety instrumented system
and not to an individual component.
For an individual component (e.g. an actuator), safety figures are determined. These
figures are used to assign the devices to a potential safety integrity level (SIL). The
final classification of the safety instrumented system can only be made after assessing
and calculating all subsystems.
4.2. Safety functions
In calculating the safety figures of actuators, the following safety functions are taken
into account:
● Safe ESD function (Emergency Shut Down): Safe OPENING/CLOSING
- Redundant Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb signals (default: low active) make
the actuator run into the configured direction (OPEN/CLOSE), irrespective
of the selector switch position.
Part-turn actuators
Safety instrumented systems and safety functions with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Information The safety functions of the AC .2-SIL / ACEXC .2-SIL are always controlled via
24 V DC.
“Safe end position feedback” is not part of the certification by TÜV Nord and neither
part of this safety manual. Please refer to the specific safety manual for details
regarding this function.
The different configuration options of the safety functions are described in the
<Configuration (setting)/version> chapter.
4.3. Safe inputs and outputs
Information Depending on the safety function and the safety instrumented task of this safety
function, it must be verified for each and every application whether and - if so - in
which configuration a HFT>0 can be actually achieved when using several actuators.
This applies in particular – but is not limited to – the Safe STOP safety function.
A possible example for Safe CLOSING or Safe OPENING is shown in figure 3 and
4. Another example, in which several actuators do NOT achieve redundancy, is a
Safe STOP function used to safely exclude the movement of mechanical system
parts, if, for example, the fire brigade has to access the plant section in question in
case of an emergency. For this application, use of two actuators does generally not
result in a 1oo2 but in a 2oo2 system in terms of safety effect to be achieved.
Therefore, the HFT is not increased in this case.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Safety instrumented systems and safety functions
The standard PLC controls the entire system. A system fault occurs if excessive
pressure is generated within the system. In this case, the safety PLC immediately
opens the valve for safe pressure relief.
Part-turn actuators
Safety instrumented systems and safety functions with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Safe stop of locks to prevent destruction using the Safe STOP function.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Safety instrumented systems and safety functions
Part-turn actuators
Installation, commissioning and operation with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Information The PIN assignments (XK ...) mentioned in this chapter (and also in other chapters)
are considered as standard assignments of AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL. In certain
configurations, this typical assignment is not respected with the objective to meet
specific equipment demands. In case of doubt, the assignment as indicated on the
pertaining wiring diagram is applicable.
General installation tasks (assembly, electrical connection) have to be performed
according to the operation instructions pertaining to the device and the enclosed
order-specific wiring diagram.
When operating and storing the devices in ambient temperatures below –25 °C,
ensure power supply of integral heating system.
Safety functions are connected via the SIL module integrated in the AC 01.2/ACExC
01.2 actuator controls.
The SIL fault must be connected to an input compatible with the required SIL level
of a safety PLC and subsequently analysed.
Figure 9: Connections for safety functions via SIL module
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Installation, commissioning and operation
Information The Safe STOP OPEN and Safe STOP CLOSE inputs are two independent inputs
with independent functions:
● If Safe STOP OPEN = low level, the safety function inhibits operation in direction
OPEN (exception ESD OPEN)
● If Safe STOP CLOSE = low level, the safety function inhibits operation in direc-
tion CLOSE (exception ESD CLOSE)
Part-turn actuators
Installation, commissioning and operation with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Information The basic function "automatic correction of direction of rotation" is not available for
this version. When connecting the power supply ensure that phases L1, L2 and L3
are correctly connected. For checking the direction of rotation, refer to operation in-
structions pertaining to the actuator.
The "external supply of electronics" option of the actuator controls refers to standard
actuator controls. In case of mains failure, the SIL module would no longer be
operable despite external supply of the electronics.
Information Limit switch setting for version with electronic control unit and SIL limit switches is
slightly different from the standard setting for the electromechanical control unit.
Refer to the supplement to operation instructions for correct setting (Y006.238).
5.2. Commissioning
The operation instructions pertaining to the device must be observed for general
Information For the Safe ESD function, operation into the safe position can be performed irre-
spective of the selector switch position (LOCAL - OFF - REMOTE) or the operating
status. Upon request of the safety function, the actuator will start operation even in
positions LOCAL and OFF or on system start.
If the actuator is operated over a longer period (for several hours) while the
motor is disengaged, this entails considerable wear of the actuator. Worst
case would be accidental start-up or even destruction of the actuator.
On delivery, the motor is disengaged to prevent accidental start-up of the actuator
as well as consequential personal injuries or damage to the valve.
If the actuator is connected to 3-phase AC current without high level is present at
the Safe ESDa/ESDb inputs (default: +24 V DC), the motor will start without any
movement at the output drive.
→ Operational actions have to be provided ensuring that the described state only
persists for a short time, i.e. a few minutes at the maximum.
→ Remove the motor locking device prior to commissioning. It must only be used
for a short time during proof test.
After commissioning, the safe actuator function must be verified. Refer to <Proof
test> chapter.
5.3. Operation
Regular maintenance and device checks in determined Tproof intervals are the basis
for safe operation. The figures indicated in the <Safety figures> chapter are valid for
Tproof = 1 year.
For operation, both the pertaining operation instructions and the Manual (Operation
and setting) AC 01.2/ACExC 01.2 have to be observed.
In case of possible failures or defects of the safety system, safe function must be
guaranteed by introducing alternative actions. Furthermore, a detected fault including
fault description has to be sent to AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG. Autonomous
repair work by the plant operator is not permitted.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Installation, commissioning and operation
5.4. Lifetime
Lifetime of actuators is described in the technical data sheets or the operation
Safety-related figures are valid for the cycles or modulating steps defined in the
technical data specifications for typical periods of up to 10 years (the criterion
achieved first is valid). After this period, the probability of failure increases.
Extending this period is basically feasible in many cases provided both manufacturer
and operator introduce respective actions in compliance with footnote N3 of NOTE
3 of the German version of IEC 61508-2:2010 b). This is the responsibility
of the operator who will have to take appropriate and suitable measures. Please
contact us if you need support in identifying suitable measures.
5.5. Decommissioning
When decommissioning an actuator with safety functions, the following must be
● Impact of decommissioning on relevant devices, equipment or other work must
be evaluated.
● Safety and warning instructions contained in the actuator operation instructions
must be met.
● Decommissioning must be carried out exclusively by suitably qualified personnel.
● Decommissioning must be recorded in compliance with regular requirements.
Part-turn actuators
Indications on display with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
6. Indications on display
This section contains indications of standard controls only available in SIL version .
General indications as well as settings and operation are described in the pertaining
operation instructions and in the Manual (Operation and setting) AC 01.2/ACExC
Information Indications on the display are not part of a safety function! They must not be integrated
in a safety-related system!
The indications support the user on site at the device, making the safety function
status easily discernible.
6.1. Status indications on SIL functions
Warnings (S0005)
Indication S0005 shows the numbers of warnings having occurred.
In case a SIL fault occurs, the SIL fault message is listed in indication S0005. Refer
to Details > Status for further details.
Figure 11: Warning: SIL fault
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Indications on display
Information As soon as a safety function is active (SIL function active indication), the actuator is
controlled via the safety PLC and the SIL module. For “standard control ” (standard
PLC), controls are therefore “Not ready REMOTE”.
Part-turn actuators
Signals with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
7. Signals
7.1. Signals via SIL module
The integrated SIL module signals a SIL fault via an output contact (SIL ready
or SIL failure outputs). Only these signals may be used in a safety-related
For the signal behaviour of the SIL ready/SIL failure outputs, refer to
<Installation> chapter.
Once a SIL fault occurs, the system has to be checked immediately and the
installation has to be put in a safe state, if required.
7.2. SIL - fault signal via the standards actuator controls display (for troubleshooting support)
If the SIL module output contact (SIL ready or SIL failure outputs) signals
a SIL fault, the exact fault can be determined via the indication in the the standards
actuator controls display. For details on all fault indications and warning indications
on the the standards actuator controls display, refer to Manual (Operation and setting)
The SIL module output contact serves as collective signal for the faults listed in the
table below.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Signals
7.3. Status signals via output contacts (digital outputs) of standard actuator controls
Actuator controls offer the possibility of signalling status information on safety-related
functions via output contacts (DOUT outputs).
Information Status signals via DOUT outputs are not part of a safety function! They may not be
used in lieu of safety-related signals within a safety instrumented system. However,
they can be used as additional information on the standard PLC, for example.
Information If digital inputs or outputs of standard actuator controls are connected to the safety
PLC, imperatively ensure sufficient absence of interference of all non-safety-related
system components with regard to the safety function. The absence of interference
must be guaranteed even in case of standard component faults. For this, galvanic
isolation between safety-related and non safety-related system components is im-
portant (but not necessarily sufficient).
Available signals:
Safe ESD
SIL fault
SIL function active
Assignment via menu in the display:
Required user level: Specialist (4) or higher.
Device configuration M0053
I/O interface M0139
Digital outputs M0110
Part-turn actuators
Signals with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Default values:
Signal DOUT 5 = SIL function active
Signal DOUT 6 = SIL fault
7.4. Signals via fieldbus of standard actuator controls
For actuator controls in fieldbus interface version, status information on the
safety-related functions is provided in the process representation.
Information Status signals via fieldbus are not part of a safety function! They may not be integrated
in a safety-related system. They can be used as additional information on the
standard PLC, for example.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Tests and maintenance
All safety functions within a safety equipment must be checked for perfect functionality
and safety at appropriate intervals. The intervals for safety equipment checks are to
be defined by the plant operator.
The plant operator has to establish a safety schedule for the entire safety lifecycle
of the SIS. It should include the strategy for achieving safety as well as different
activities during the safety lifecycle.
8.2. Internal actuator monitoring with control via standard actuator controls
The device, consisting of actuator with actuator controls and integral SIL module has
an internal actuator monitoring. By controlling standard controls/actuator via standard
operation commands, internal actuator monitoring is automatically performed. Internal
actuator monitoring identifies most of the safety-related actuator components. If a
fault occurs, the fault would be signalled via the output contact of the SIL module
(SIL failure).
To ensure the safety figures of the Safe ESD safety function, the device has to be
controlled at least once per month via the standard controls, including output contact
assessment of the SIL module (SIL failure). If it cannot be ensured that the
device is controlled by the standard controls at least once per month, a <Partial Valve
Stroke Test (PVST)> has to be performed instead.
The control signal and the pertaining operation of the actuator have to be present
for at least 4 seconds. If control signal and pertaining operation of the actuator are
present for at least 4 seconds without signalling a fault via the SIL output contact
(SIL module: SIL failure), the test was successful. Otherwise, the device has
to be checked in accordance with the steps in the <Proof test: execute> chapter.
Other intervals can be selected for automated actuator monitoring.
The following should be observed In this case:
● The PFD values and all other safety figures affected by the diagnostic interval
have to be recalculated. The respective values (refer to chapter 9.2.) are not
● Automated diagnostics should be performed at least 10 times more often than
the proof test.
● Automated diagnostics should be performed at least 10 times more often than
the demand rate of safety function.
8.3. Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST): execute
— Option —
There are two options for performing the PVST.
Part-turn actuators
Tests and maintenance with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
1. Performing the PVST using safe inputs Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb:
The PVST must be controlled by the external safety PLC. The safety PLC uses
safe inputs Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb. Desired diagnostics is performed
by evaluating the SIL output contact (SIL module: SIL failure). Both control
signals and related actuator operation have to be present for at least 4 seconds.
The test is successfully passed if both control signals and the pertaining actu-
ator operation are present for at least 4 seconds without fault signal from the
SIL output contact (SIL module: SIL failure). Otherwise, the device has
to be checked in accordance with the steps indicated in the <Proof test: execute>
2. Performing the PVST using the PVST function of AC .2:
If the standard AC .2 actuator controls are configured with PVST input, this input
can be used for diagnostics of the safety-relevant part of actuator controls under
certain conditions.
Conditions and required settings:
- Additional non-interacting end position switches for safe and reliable end
position feedback signals are available and wired to the safety PLC.
- A digital input of standard actuator controls (galvanically separated from
the other inputs) is configured to the following value: Execute PVST (949),
or PVST control using an available fieldbus interface.
- The safety PLC directly controls the PVST or will also receive the control
signal if the PVST input is controlled.
- The PVST is performed with the following operation mode setting: Para-
meter PVST operation mode M0889 = End position test
- The PVST may only be performed from one of the end positions.
- Parameter PVST operating time M0890 must amount to > 4 seconds.
- The signals PVST fault (953) and PVST abort (954) of the standard actu-
ator controls are signalled to the safety PLC via digital outputs of the
standard actuator controls or from the BPCS-PLC when using a fieldbus
interface. For this, imperatively apply appropriate measures to ensure the
absence of interference to the safety instrumented system (safety PLC).
PVST is either directly requested at the PVST input of the standard actuator
controls by the safety PLC or the signal for requesting the PVST is also sent
to the safety PLC. While the AC.2 standard actuator controls perform the PVST,
the safety PLC monitors whether
- the actuator was in one of the end positions prior to the PVST (check via
safe end position feedback).
- the actuator left one of the end positions within the set PVST operation
time (check via safe end position feedback).
- the actuator has returned to the correct end position after completing the
PVST (check via safe end position feedback).
- If a fault was signalled via the SIL output contact (SIL module: SIL
Only if the actuator was in one of the end positions prior to the PVST, has left
this end position during the PVST, the standard actuator controls have neither
issued a PVST fault (953) nor a PVST abort (954) signal from standard actuator
controls, nor the SIL module signalled a SIL fault, was the PVST success-
fully completed. If this is not the case the device has to be checked in accord-
ance with the steps in the <Proof test> chapter.
Note: “Safe end position feedback” includes the end position switches which
are directly wired to the customer output and assessed by AUMA within the
framework of a Declaration of Incorporation for functional safety (SFC). These
switches are not part of the TÜV certification. Contrary to the output of the
standard actuator controls, they can be integrated within the safety instrumented
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Tests and maintenance
Information If digital inputs or outputs of standard actuator controls are connected to the safety
PLC, imperatively ensure sufficient absence of interference of all non-safety-related
system components with regard to the safety function. The absence of interference
must be guaranteed even in case of standard component faults. For this, galvanic
isolation between safety-related and non safety-related system components is im-
portant (but not necessarily sufficient).
Performing a PVST includes diagnostics of the safety-related components. This
ensures improved safety figures compared to applications without or with minor
8.4. Proof test (verification of safe actuator function)
The proof test serves the purpose to verify the safety-related functions of the actuator
and actuator controls.
Proof tests shall reveal dangerous faults which might be undetected until a safety
function is started and consequently result in a potential danger.
Information During execution of the proof test, the safety function is unavailable for a short time.
Depending on both version and configuration, the proof test includes the
following tests:
1. Check Safe ESD safety operation (Safe OPENING/CLOSING).
2. Check SIL fault signal “Actuator monitoring”.
3. Check Safe ESD reaction for “Motor protection (thermal fault)” signals.
4. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Limit seating with overload protection” (limit and/or
torque evaluation).
5. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evalu-
ation) – for actuators with electromechanical control unit.
6. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evalu-
ation) – for actuators with electronic control unit and limit switches.
7. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced torque seating in end position” (torque
after limit evaluation).
8. Check Safe ESD reaction for “no seating” (no evaluation of limit and torque).
9. Check Safe STOP function.
10. Check combination of Safe ESD and Safe STOP function.
The safety-related signal input is appropriately assigned to check the safety-related
function. As a consequence, the actuator has to perform the safety function. For a
detailed description of the proof test steps refer to the following sections.
A proof test interval describes the time between two proof tests. Functionality must
be checked at appropriate intervals. The intervals are to be defined by the plant
operator. The probability of failure on demand (PFD) depends on the selected proof
test interval; in our example, it is valid for Tproof = 1 year (refer to <Safety-related
figures> chapter).
In any case, the safety-related functions must be checked after commissioning and
following any maintenance work or repair as well as during the Tproof intervals defined
in safety assessment.
If a fault occurs during proof test, safe function has to be ensured introducing
alternative actions. Please contact AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG.
The type of proof test to be performed depends on version and configuration of the
product. Only the tests applicable have to be performed.
Information If the safety function has been configured as ESD CLOSE/CLOSE + Safe STOP
tests for Safe ESD and for Safe STOP (as well as for the combination of Safe ESD
and Safe STOP) must be executed.
Information Before starting the test we recommend reading the respective test procedure at least
Part-turn actuators
Tests and maintenance with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Configuration The test is valid for all versions with Safe ESD function (irrespective of the “SIL
seating configuration”). The Safe ESD reaction to the different seating types is verified
in separate tests.
Test procedure When switching the Safe ESDa/Safe ESDb inputs accordingly, safety operation
into the configured direction must be triggered.
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
2. Execute operation command in opposite direction of the configured Safe ESD
safety function:
→ For “Safe CLOSING” (Safe ESD in direction CLOSE) configuration:
Start operation command in direction OPEN.
→ For "“Safe OPENING” (Safe ESD in direction OPEN) configuration:
Start operation command in direction CLOSE.
Information: For the test, operation commands (in directions OPEN or CLOSE)
can be executed both from remote (via DCS) and from Local at the controls
(via the push buttons of the local controls).
3. Start safety operation during operation:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
➥ Safety function is correct if the actuator stops and performs a safety operation
into the configured direction up to the end position.
➥ No SIL fault signal may be issued.
4. Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to +24 V DC (high) after the
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Tests and maintenance
Test procedure If the motor does rotate within a defined time once safety operation was triggered,
a SIL fault must be signalled.
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
2. Lock handwheel with the “Handwheel lockable” option padlock, so that the
manual drive remains engaged.
3. Start Safe ESD safety operation:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
➥ The SIL fault signal is correct, if a SIL fault signal is sent within four seconds
via the SIL failure output.
4. Once the test is complete set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to
+24 V DC (high) and disable motor lock.
8.4.4. Check Safe ESD reaction for “Motor protection (thermal fault)” signals
Test procedure In order to protect against overheating and impermissibly high surface temperatures
at the actuator, PTC thermistors or thermoswitches are embedded in the motor
winding. Motor protection trips as soon as the max. permissible winding temperature
has been reached.
For a safety operation via Safe ESD function, the actuator reaction for motor protection
tripping depends on the “SIL motor protection” configuration:
● For “SIL motor protection” = active configuration
= safety operation is stopped.
● For “SIL motor protection” = inactive configuration
= safety operation is not stopped.
The test is performed by simulating the motor protection signal via AC 01.2 local
Required user level: Specialist (4) or higher.
Diagnostics M0022
Proof test (motor prot.) M1021
Simulation value: Thermal test
Figure 13: Display indication on local controls
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
Part-turn actuators
Tests and maintenance with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Test procedure During the test, the reaction of the Safe ESD function to limit switch tripping and/or
torque switch tripping during safety operation is checked.
During Safe ESD operation, the actuator has to stop when reaching the position set
via limit switching. Safe ESD operation must also be stopped if the tripping torque
set via the torque switching is exceeded.
The red test buttons [1] and [2] of the control unit are used for the test. These can
be used to operate the switches manually.
Figure 14: Electromechanical control unit
● Turn test button [1] in direction of the LSC arrow: Limit switch CLOSE trips.
● Turn test button [1] in direction of the TSC arrow: Torque switch CLOSE trips.
● Turn test button [2] in direction of the LSO arrow: Limit switch OPEN trips.
● Turn test button [2] in direction of the TSO arrow: Torque switch OPEN trips.
Information If one of the test buttons (TSC/TSO) is turned without performing a safety operation,
a SIL fault signal is issued!
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Tests and maintenance
Test procedure During the test, the reaction of the Safe ESD function to limit switch tripping during
safety operation is checked.
During Safe ESD operation, the actuator has to stop when reaching the position set
via limit switching.
The red test buttons [1] and [2] of the control unit are used for the test. These can
be used to operate the switches manually.
Part-turn actuators
Tests and maintenance with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
● Turn test button [1] in direction of the LSC arrow: Limit switch CLOSE trips.
● Turn test button [2] in direction of the LSO arrow: Limit switch OPEN trips.
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
2. Open the switch compartment
3. Initiate safety operation:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
Check seating via limit switches:
4. Operate limit switches until test is complete:
→ For “Safe CLOSING” (Safe ESD in direction CLOSE) configuration:
Turn test button [1] in direction of the LSC arrow.
→ For "“Safe OPENING” (Safe ESD in direction OPEN) configuration:
Turn test button [2] in direction of the LSO arrow.
➥ The safety function reaction to the limit switch signals is correct if safety opera-
tion is stopped.
5. Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to +24 V DC (high) after the
6. Close switch compartment.
8.4.7. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – for actuators
with electronic control unit and limit switches
Test procedure During the test, the reaction of the Safe ESD function to limit switch tripping during
safety operation is checked.
During Safe ESD operation, the actuator has to stop when reaching the position set
via limit switching.
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
2. Initiate safety operation:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
Check seating via limit switches:
3. Wait until actuator has reached the limit end position and has activated the
pertaining limit switch.
➥ The safety function reaction to the limit switch signals is correct if safety opera-
tion is stopped.
4. Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to +24 V DC (high) after the
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Tests and maintenance
8.4.8. Check Safe ESD reaction to “Forced torque seating in end position” (torque after limit evaluation)
Test procedure During the test, the reaction of the Safe ESD function to torque switch tripping (after
limit switch tripping) during safety operation is checked.
The red test buttons [1] and [2] of the control unit are used for the test. These can
be used to operate the switches manually.
Figure 16: Electromechanical control unit
● Turn test button [1] in direction of the TSC arrow: Torque switch CLOSE trips.
● Turn test button [2] in direction of the TSO arrow: Torque switch OPEN trips.
Test sequence 1. Use standard controls to operate actuator into the end position of the con-
figured Safe ESD function (until limit switch in end position trips).
2. Open the switch compartment
Check seating via torque and limit switches:
3. Operate torque switches and hold activated.
→ For “Safe CLOSING” (Safe ESD in direction CLOSE) configuration:
Turn test button [1] in direction of the TSC arrow.
→ For "“Safe OPENING” (Safe ESD in direction OPEN) configuration:
Turn test button [2] in direction of the TSO arrow:
4. Start safety operation while torque switch is operated:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
➥ The safety function reaction to the torque switch and limit switch signals is
correct if:
- Safety operation is not started.
- No SIL fault signal is issued via theSIL fault output.
5. Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to +24 V DC (high) after the
6. Close switch compartment.
8.4.9. Check Safe ESD reaction for “no seating” (no evaluation of limit and torque)
Part-turn actuators
Tests and maintenance with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Test procedure For Safe ESD operation, the actuator has to perform the safety operation without
interruption. Limit switching and/or torque switching must not stop the safety operation
Test sequence Information: For version with electronic control unit with limit switches, steps
6 – 9 are obsolete.
1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from end positions.
2. Open the switch compartment
3. Initiate safety operation:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
Limit switching evaluation
4. Operate limit switches:
→ For “Safe CLOSING” (Safe ESD in direction CLOSE) configuration:
Turn test button [1] in direction of the LSC arrow.
→ For "“Safe OPENING” (Safe ESD in direction OPEN) configuration:
Turn test button [2] in direction of the LSO arrow.
➥ The safety function reaction to the limit switch signals is correct if safety opera-
tion is not stopped.
5. After limit evaluation:
5.1 Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to +24 V DC (high) be-
fore reaching the end position.
5.2 Operate actuator via local controls or from REMOTE to end position OPEN
and then to end position CLOSED. (Positions will be recorded anew).
5.3 Operate actuator to mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end
Torque switching evaluation
6. Initiate safety operation:
→ Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Tests and maintenance
Configuration The test applies to the “SIL function” = “Safe STOP OPEN/CLOSE” (Safe STOP)
configuration. The seating configuration is not relevant to the test as it has no impact
on the Safe STOP function.
Test procedure If the Safe STOP CLOSE or Safe STOP OPEN signals are switched accordingly,
the actuator must stop.
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
2. Start operation command in direction OPEN.
Information: For the test, operation commands (in directions OPEN or CLOSE)
can be executed both from remote (via DCS) and from Local at the controls
(via the push buttons of the local controls).
3. Cancel release signals for directions CLOSE and OPEN one after the other:
3.1 First set Safe STOP CLOSE input signal to 0 V (low).
➥ Actuator must continue its operation
➥ No SIL fault signal may be issued.
3.2 Then set Safe STOP OPEN input signal to 0 V (low).
➥ The safety function is correct if the actuator stops.
➥ No SIL fault signal may be issued.
4. Set Safe STOP CLOSE and Safe STOP OPEN to +24 V DC (high) again.
Information: If operation command OPEN from REMOTE issued via the control
room is still present, the actuator may start its operation!
5. Start operation command in direction CLOSE
6. Cancel release signals for directions OPEN and CLOSE one after the other:
6.1 First set Safe STOP OPEN input signal to 0 V (low).
➥ Actuator must continue its operation
➥ No SIL fault signal may be issued.
6.2 Then set Safe STOP CLOSE input signal to 0 V (low).
➥ The safety function is correct if the actuator stops.
➥ No SIL fault signal may be issued.
7. Set Safe STOP CLOSE and Safe STOP OPEN to +24 V DC (high) again.
Information: If operation command OPEN from REMOTE issued via the control
room is still present, the actuator may start its operation!
8.4.11. Check combination of Safe ESD and Safe STOP function
Part-turn actuators
Tests and maintenance with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
● One of the following Safe ESD safety functions with any seating configuration:
- Safe ESD function: “Safe CLOSING” (Safe ESD in direction CLOSE)
- Safe ESD function: “Safe OPENING” (Safe ESD in direction OPEN)
● Safe STOP function
Test procedure This test is intended to confirm the correct function of the combination of Safe ESD
safety operation and the Safe STOP function.
Test sequence 1. Operate actuator in mid-position or at sufficient distance from the end positions.
2. Execute Safe STOP command in direction of the configured Safe ESD safety
→ For “Safe CLOSING” (Safe ESD in direction CLOSE) configuration:
Set Safe STOP CLOSE input signal to 0 V (low).
→ For "“Safe OPENING” (Safe ESD in direction OPEN) configuration:
Set Safe STOP OPEN input signal to 0 V (low).
3. Initiate safety operation:
Set Safe ESDa and Safe ESDb input signals to 0 V (low).
➥ Safety function is correct, if the actuator performs a safety operation into the
configured direction.
➥ No SIL fault signal may be issued.
4. Set Safe ESDa, Safe ESDb, Safe STOP OPEN and Safe STOP
CLOSE input signals to +24 V DC (high) once the test is complete.
Information In addition to this test, all other proof tests relating to the individual safety functions
(Safe STOP or ESD) in this manual have to be performed for the combination of
Safe ESD and Safe STOP.
8.5. Maintenance
Maintenance and service tasks may only be performed by authorised personnel who
have been trained on functional safety (refer to chapter 5).
After maintenance and service interventions, an additional functional test to validate
the safety function is imperatively required. Validation must include at least the tests
described in the subsequent chapters:
page 27, Safety equipment: check
page 29, Proof test (verification of safe actuator function)
In case a fault is detected during maintenance, this must be reported to AUMA Riester
GmbH & Co. KG.
Information AUMA actuators prioritise motor operation to manual operation. This means that the
actuator automatically switches to motor operation if requested. However, we recom-
mend activation of motor operation for a short time subsequent to maintenance or
service interventions to ensure safe engagement of motor coupling.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Safety-related figures
9. Safety-related figures
9.1. Determination of the safety-related figures
The calculation of the safety-related parameters is based on the indicated safety
functions. The assessment of mechanical, electrical and electronic components is
based on Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA). FMEDA is a
method to assess the functional safety of a device according to IEC 61508. On the
basis of FMEDA, the failure rates and the fraction of dangerous failures of a device
are determined.
Experience data and data taken from the exida database for mechanical components
is used to calculate failure rates. The electronic failure rates as base failure rates
are taken from the SIEMENS Standard SN 29500.
In compliance with table 2 of IEC 61508-1, the average PFD value for systems with
low demand mode is:
-3 -2
● SIL 2 safety functions: ≥ 10 to < 10
-4 -3
● SIL 3 safety functions: ≥ 10 to < 10
Since actuators only represent a part of the overall safety function, the actuator PFD
should not account for more than approx. 25 % of the permissible total value (PFDavg)
of a safety function. This results in the following values:
● Actuator PFD for SIL 2 applications: ≲ 2.5E-03
Electric actuators with actuator controls are classified as type A components with a
hardware fault tolerance of 0. The SFF for the type A subsystem should be between
60 % and <90 % according to table 2 of IEC 61508-2 for SIL 2 (subsystems with a
hardware fault tolerance of 0).
Figure 17: Non-normative failure distribution assumed by AUMA
Information System power supply has not been considered for calculating the figures for actuator
and actuator controls.
As previously mentioned in the architecture section, safeguarding power supply and
resulting calculations are the responsibility of the plant operator.
The plant operator is responsible for complying with assumed MTTR. Otherwise the
data of the quantitative results is no longer valid.
Part-turn actuators
Safety-related figures with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Information The safety-related figures mentioned in this safety manual are only valid if all the
conditions stipulated in this safety manual and the mentioned activities are respected.
The PFD values specified in this safety manual are only examples and subject to
certain assumptions e.g. on Tproof, MTTR, …
The PFD calculation should always be performed individually for each system using
the parameters and conditions applicable for the respective system. The λDU and
λDD values should be used as input. When observing the proof test procedures indic-
ated in this safety manual, we recommend using a proof test coverage (PTC) of 90
% for the calculations.
9.2. Specific parameters for AC 01.2 actuator controls in SIL version with actuators of SQ .2 series
The following parameter tables provide the safety figures for the different versions.
If one or several of the assumptions indicated below are changed, you have to
recalculate the probability of failure PFD in particular but possibly also other
When determining the PFD values, please note that the stipulated proof test cannot
fully restore the system. For this reason, the following data is used for calculation:
● PTC = 90 % (proof test coverage rate [%])
● T1 = 1 year (proof test interval [h])
● T2 = 10 years (requirement interval = lifetime [h])
● MRT = 72 hours (mean repair time [h])
● Td_ESD = 730 hours
(diagnostic test interval of actuator monitoring (for safety function Safe ESD
● Td_ESD_AVG = 365 hours (mean duration for failure detection))
● Td_STOP = 0 hours (diagnostic test interval [h])
● MTTR_ESD = 437 hours
● MTTR_STOP = 72 hours
The following formula can be used for the calculation of the PFDavg values:
Information The figures for Safe STOP OPEN or Safe STOP CLOSE, indicated in the subsequent
tables, refer to one of the two functions. If a general Safe STOP (inhibit operation in
both directions) is to be performed while activating the functions Safe STOP OPEN
and Safe STOP CLOSE at the same time, the double failure rate of the respective
individual functions (Safe STOP OPEN/CLOSE) must be applied for the assessment.
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Safety-related figures
Table 10: SQ .2/SQEx .2 type range with AC 01.2/ACExC 01.2 actuator controls in
SIL version
SQ 14.2 / SQEx 14.2
Switchgear version: Contactors
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 185 FIT 675 FIT
λDD1) 856 FIT 89 FIT
λDU 263 FIT 309 FIT
SFF 79 % 71 %
DC 76 % 22 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.58 x 10 2.60 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.48 x 10 2.68 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Part-turn actuators
Safety-related figures with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Table 13: SQEx .2 series with ACExC 01.2 actuator controls in SIL version
SQEx 05.2 – SQEx 12.2 / SQREx 05.2 – SQREx 12.2
Switchgear version: Thyristors with tripping contactor
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 176 FIT 665 FIT
λDD1) 884 FIT 89 FIT
λDU 226 FIT 217 FIT
SFF 82 % 77 %
DC 79 % 29 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.28 x 10 1.83 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.16 x 10 1.86 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Table 14: SQEx .2 series with ACExC 01.2 actuator controls in SIL version
SQEx 14.2 / SQREx 14.2
Switchgear version: Thyristors with tripping contactor
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 176 FIT 704 FIT
λDD1) 919 FIT 89 FIT
λDU 276 FIT 257 FIT
SFF 79 % 75 %
DC 76 % 25 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.72 x 10 2.16 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.61 x 10 2.22 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Table 15: SQ .2/SQEx .2 type range with AC 01.2/ACExC 01.2 actuator controls in
SIL version, with heating system
SQ 05.2 – SQ 12.2 / SQEx 05.2 – SQEx 12.2
Switchgear version: Contactors
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 185 FIT 636 FIT
λDD1) 910 FIT 180 FIT
λDU 214 FIT 270 FIT
SFF 83 % 75 %
DC 80 % 40 %
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Safety-related figures
Table 16: SQ .2/SQEx .2 type range with AC 01.2/ACExC 01.2 actuator controls in
SIL version, with heating system
SQ 14.2 / SQEx 14.2
Switchgear version: Contactors
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 185 FIT 675 FIT
λDD1) 945 FIT 180 FIT
λDU 264 FIT 310 FIT
SFF 81 % 73 %
DC 78 % 36 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.63 x 10 2.61 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.51 x 10 2.69 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Table 17: SQ .2 series with AC 01.2 controls in SIL version, with heating system
SQ 05.2 – SQ 12.2 / SQR 05.2 – SQR 12.2
Switchgear version: Thyristors
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 138 FIT 626 FIT
λDD1) 938 FIT 181 FIT
λDU 223 FIT 218 FIT
SFF 82 % 78 %
DC 80 % 45 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.28 x 10 1.84 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.14 x 10 1.88 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Table 18: SQ .2 series with AC 01.2 controls in SIL version, with heating system
SQ 14.2 / SQR 14
Switchgear version: Thyristors
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 138 FIT 665 FIT
λDD1) 973 FIT 181 FIT
λDU 273 FIT 258 FIT
SFF 80 % 76 %
DC 78 % 41 %
Part-turn actuators
Safety-related figures with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
SQ 14.2 / SQR 14
Switchgear version: Thyristors
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.72 x 10 2.18 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.60 x 10 2.23 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Table 19: SQEx .2 series with ACExC 01.2 controls in SIL version, with heating
SQEx 05.2 – SQEx 12.2 / SQREx 05.2 – SQREx 12.2
Switchgear version: Thyristors with tripping contactor
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 176 FIT 666 FIT
λDD1) 973 FIT 181 FIT
λDU 227 FIT 218 FIT
SFF 83 % 79 %
DC 81 % 45 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.33 x 10 1.84 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.19 x 10 1.88 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Table 20: SQEx .2 series with ACExC 01.2 controls in SIL version, with heating
SQEx 14.2 / SQREx 14
Switchgear version: Thyristors with tripping contactor
Safety function Safe ESD Safe STOP OPEN or Safe
λS 176 FIT 705 FIT
λDD1) 1008 FIT 181 FIT
λDU 277 FIT 258 FIT
SFF 81 % 77 %
DC 78 % 41 %
–3 –3
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1001) 2.76 x 10 2.18 x 10
–4 –4
PFDavg TProof = 1 Jahr (1002) 2.64 x 10 2.23 x 10
SIL capability SIL 2 (HFT = 0) SIL 2 (HFT = 0)
SIL 3 (HFT = 1) SIL 3 (HFT = 1)
1) including detected "annunciation" failures (λAD) (failures in diagnostic function)
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL SIL Certificate
Part-turn actuators
Checklists with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
11. Checklists
11.1. Commissioning checklist
11.2.2. SIL fault signal “Actuator monitoring” – irrespective of the selected control unit
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Checklists
11.2.3. Safe ESD reaction for “Motor protection (thermal fault)” signals – irrespective of the selected
control unit
Part-turn actuators
Checklists with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
11.2.4. Safe ESD reaction to “Limit seating with overload protection” (limit and/or torque evaluation) –
for actuators with electromechanical control unit
11.2.5. Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – for actuators with
electromechanical control unit
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Checklists
11.2.6. Safe ESD reaction to “Forced limit seating in end position” (limit evaluation) – for actuators with
electronic control unit and limit switches
Part-turn actuators
Checklists with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
11.2.7. Safe ESD reaction to Forced torque seating in end position (limit evaluation) – for actuators with
electromechanical control unit
11.2.8. Safe ESD reaction to “No seating” – for actuators with electromechanical control unit or with
electronic control unit with limit switches
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Checklists
Information For version of electronic control unit with limit switches, steps 6 – 9 are obsolete.
Part-turn actuators
Checklists with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
11.2.10. Combination of Safe ESD and Safe STOP – irrespective of the selected control unit
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL
Part-turn actuators
with AC 01.2-SIL/ACExC 01.2-SIL Index
Index Partial Valve Stroke Test 27
Actuator monitoring internal 27 PFD for actuator 39
Actuator sizing 8 Probability of failure 5
Ambient conditions 12 Proof test 6, 29, 29
Architecture 8 Proof test checklists 46
Brake 11 Range of application 7
Certificate 45 Safe failure fraction (SFF) 5, 40
Checklists 46, 46 Safety function 5
Commissioning 20 Safety functions 13
Commissioning checklist 46 Safety instrumented function 5
Configuration 9 (SIF)
D Safety instrumented system 13
DC 5 Safety instrumented system 5
Decommissioning 21 (SIS)
Device types 7 Safety-related system 5
Diagnostic coverage (DC) 5 Self-locking 11
Digital outputs 25 Service conditions 12
Display (signals) 24 Setting 9
E Signals 24
Examples of applications 15 SIL 5
SIL status - indication on dis- 22
F play
Fieldbus (signals) 26 Standards 7
Figures, safety-related 39 Status signals 25
HFT 5 Tests 27
T proof 5
Troubleshooting 24
Indications on display 22
Installation 18 W
Interval for proof test 5 Warnings - indication on dis- 22
Lambda values 5, 40
Lifetime 21
Low Demand Mode 39
Maintenance 38
Mean Time Between Failures 5
MRT (Mean Repair Time) 6
MTTR (Mean Time To Restor- 6
Not ready REMOTE - indica- 22
tion on display
Operation 20
Operation mode 11
AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 1362
DE 79373 Muellheim
Tel +49 7631 809 - 0
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