Tut1-6 Min108
Tut1-6 Min108
Tut1-6 Min108
B.Tech 1 Ycar
MI-108 Mechanicallnnecring Drwing
Iutoria 'rojcction of Points
1. Write the follovwing statement on your drawing sheet in
vertical capital lcttcrs of 8 mm
height in frechand style.
2. Fill in the gap. Wite answers (only answeis) on your
8mm height.
drawing sheet in capital letters of
a. The projection of a point on vertical plane is called
b. A point lies in the HP,its clevation would lie on the
c. A point is in the third quadrant. Its eievation would be (above or beiow the
ground lines)
d. Two points A and B are at same distance from Reference Planes and
projections coincide with each other. If Ais in the II quadrant and B is in the HI
quadrant then their plans will be (same location above GLor belowGL or at
different locations).
3. Draw projections of the following points on the same x-y line.
a. Point A in V.P. 30 mm below H.P.
b. Point B in HP. 20 mm in front of V.P.
c. Point C 20mm above H.P. and 20 mm behind VP.
d. Point D 25 mm below H.P. and 40 mm behind V.P.
e. Point E on HP. and on V.P.
f. Point F 40 mm above H.P. and 10 mm in front of V.P.
g. Point G on V.P. 35 mm above H.P.
4. A point R is 25 mm from both the reference planes in all possible positions. Draw
projections for all positions.
S. A point S is 30 mm above HP. and 20 mm in front of V.P. Draw all the three
projection of point Sand find shortest distance of point S fromx-y line.
6. Point A is 20 mm behind V.P. and 25 mn below H.P. Draw its projections and project
its auxiliary elevation on A.V.P. which akes 60° with V.P.
Ncchanicatlngineerw i).
Iutorial2Projccion of iles
1. A50 mm lonp line is parallel to botlh the HP. and the V Is 35nm nfroii of the
projections of line.
Line is inclined to
4. A line VH 70 mm long, has its end V in VP. and end H in HP.
line VH.
HP. by 60 and to V.P. by 30°. Draw the projections and find traces of a
5. A line AB, 60mm long, makes an angle of 60° with
H.P. and lies in an A.V.P which
from both the H.P. and
makes an angle of 45° with the V.P. Jis end A is 1Omm away
with VP. and and
V.P. Daw thc projcciions of AB and deierjnei) its inclination
(ü)its traces. Assume the ine inthe firsiquadan.
below H.P. Its two ends P and Q are
6. A line PQ, 65 mm long, is parallel to and 40 mm
and find the
25mm and 45 mm behind VP. respectively. Draw the projections
inclination of line with V.P.
the line CD, measure 65 mm and 53 mm
7. The top view and the front view, of
45° respectively.The end
respectively. The line is inclined to H.P and V.P by 30" and
Other end Dis in the 1 quadrant. Draw
Cis on the H.P. and 12 mm in front of V.P.
find its true length anddraw traces.
the projecctions of the line CD and
mm long, is parallel to V.P. and inclined to H.P. by angle 45". Point V
8. A line VK, 75
V.P. Point K is in 1 quadrant. Draw the
is 30 1mm below HP. and 20 mm in front of
projections of the straight line VK.
(Projection of Solids)
diamcter and 60 mm long is resting on its base on the ground. It is
3. A cylinder 60 mm axis at a poit 45 mm
perpendicular to the V.P.,the V.T.of which cuts the
by a sectionplane
angle of 45° with the H.P. Draw its front view, sectional top
from the base andmakes an plane.
on an A.I.P parallel to the section
view and another sectional top view
the H.P. It is
of base 50 mm and axis 60mnm long is resting on its base on
4. Acone, diameter and passing
V.P., inclined at 75° to the H.P.
perpendicular to the
cut by a section plane view, sectional top vicw and true shape of the
through the anex. Draw its front
axis 50 mm
hexagonal pyramid with base 35 mm side, top 20 mm side and of V.P. A
5. A frustum of a H.P. such that onc side of the base
is parallel
base on
long is resting with its
placed centrally on the top of the frustum such that
hemisphere with 50 m1m dianeter is tlhe
contact with top of the frustum and the lat surtace of
hemispherical surfacc is in front vicw when thc verlical
sectional planc
horizontal. Draw the sectional
hemisphere is rue shape of
to V.P. and 10 mm in front of the axis,cuts thenn. Also draw he
inclined at 45°
the sections of both the solids.
Development of Surfaces
1. Draw the development of a lateral surface of aright and regular triangular prism lying
on the horizontal plane and the axis of the prism is perpendicular to the H.P. The
length of the side of the base of the prism is 40 mm and length of the axis of the prism
is 60 mm.
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40 050
2. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the part P of a cylinder cut by an
inclined plane 45° to the H.P. and perpendicular to the V.P. The plane cuts the axis of
in on
the cylinder at a height 45 mm from the base. One of the bases of the cylinder
the H.P. The diameter of the cylinder is 50 mm and height of the cylinder 60 mm. The
isometric view of the cylinder is shown in the Figure 2.
3. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the pentagonal pyramid the lower part
of which is removed as shown in Figure 3. The side of the base of
the pyramid is 25
mm. The cutting plane is 30° inclined to the H.P.
height 60 mm. The cone is cut by two
4. A cone having base circle diameter 50 mm and
other plane cuts parallel to
planes one is inclined to 30° to the base of the cone and the
development of the lateral surface of the
H.P. above 40 mm from the base. Draw the
part P of the cone shown in Figure 4.
air-conditioning system a rectangular duct of 100 mmx50 mm connects another
5. In
transition pipes as shown in Figure 5.
rectangular duct of 50 mmx25 mm through the transition
develop the lateral surface of the
Neglecting thickness of a metal sheet,