Module 5 6 Ecosystem

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o a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that
forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the
basis of the fluids of living organisms.
o it is fair to assume that the only way to sustain
life is because of the water beneath the earth.
o Water is an essential natural resources on
o Water does not produce calories and is WATER RESOURCES IN THE PHILIPPINES
significant weight loss factor. o The country is endowed with rich natural
resources, including water, which are essential for
the country’s economic development and in
PROPERTIES OF WATER meeting its Millennium Development Goals
 PHYSICAL (MDGs). Water resources of the Philippines
o color include inland freshwater (rivers, lakes, and
o temperature groundwater), and marine (bay, coastal, and
o odor oceanic waters). Overall, there is sufficient water
o taste but not enough in highly populated areas,
o turbidity especially during dry season.

o Boiling point WATER POLLUTION
o Freezing point o is the contamination of water sources by
o Surface tension substances which make the water unusable for
o Density drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other
o Viscosity/cohesion activities. Pollutants include chemicals, trash,
o Gas. Solid and liquid state bacteria, and parasites. All forms of pollution
eventually make their way to water. Air pollution
 BIOLOGICAL settles onto lakes and oceans. Land pollution can
o adhesion/cohesion seep into an underground stream, then to a river,
o Surface tension and finally to the ocean. Thus, waste dumped in a
o Ability to dissolve many substances vacant lot can eventually pollute a water supply.
o High specific heat
o Effect to human body


o any of the entire range of natural waters that o due to microorganisms - bacteria and viruses -
occur on the Earth, regardless of their state (i.e., present in the water, generated by excrement,
vapour, liquid, or solid) and that are of potential animal and vegetable waste
use to humans

o generated by the nitrates and phosphates of
o It is important because it is needed for life to exist. pesticides, human and animal drugs, household
Many uses of water include agricultural, industrial, products, heavy metals, acids and hydrocarbons
household, recreational and environmental used in industries


1. Wastewater treatment

o Wastewater treatment consists of removing

pollutants from wastewater through a physical,
chemical or biological process. The more efficient
these processes are, the cleaner the water

2. Green agriculture

o Globally, agriculture accounts for 70% of water

resources, so it is essential to have climate-
friendly crops, efficient irrigation that reduces the
need for water and energy-efficient food
production. Green agriculture is also crucial to
limit the chemicals that enter the water. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS
3. Stormwater management o are defined as extreme events or substances in
o Stormwater management is the effort to reduce the Earth and its ecological system that may cause
runoff of rainwater or melted snow into streets, adverse consequences for humans and things they
lawns and other sites and the improvement of value. These include geophysical and
water quality” according to the US Environmental meteorological phenomena such as earthquakes
Protection Agency (EPA). It is important to avoid and droughts.
pollutants from contaminating the water and *HUMAN HAZARD
helps to use water more efficiently.
o Human-caused hazards are the result of human
4. Air pollution prevention intent, error, or as a result of failed systems. They
o Air pollution has a direct impact on water can be caused by accidents in human built
contamination as 25% of human induced CO2 infrastructures or technologies, or intentional
emissions are absorbed by oceans. This pollution human actions that cause destruction or loss of
causes a rapid acidification of our oceans, and life.
threatens marine life and corals. Preventing air
pollution is the best way to prevent this from

5. Plastic waste reduction

o 80% of plastic in our oceans is from land sources.

In order to reduce the amount of plastic entering
our ocean, we need to both reduce our use of
plastic globally, and to improve plastic waste

6. Water conservation
o Without water conservation, we won’t go very far.
o is a type of occupational hazard that involves
It is central in making sure the world has better
environmental hazards that can cause harm
access to clean water. It means being aware that
with or without contact.
water is a scarce resource, taking care of it
accordingly, and managing it responsibly. BIOLOGICAL HAZARD

o also known as biohazards, refer to biological

substances that pose a threat to the health of
living organisms, primarily that of humans. This
can include medical waste or samples of a
microorganism, virus or toxin (from a biological
source) that can affect human health.

o include but are not limited to stress, violence and

other workplace stressors. Work is generally
beneficial to mental health and personal
wellbeing. It provides people with structure and
purpose and a sense of identity.


o are chemical, physical or biological factors in our

environment that can have negative impacts on
our short- or long-term health. Exposure can occur
through touch, inhalation, and ingestion.
Understanding the risks of these hazards can help
us to take action to avoid or mitigate these risks.
o All chemicals we use can potentially cause harm to
our health so it’s very important that we
understand what that hazards are and how to
prevent exposure. There are four main classes of
health hazard namely corrosive, toxic, harmful and
irritant. These are then sub-divided into different
categories depending on the degree of danger and
assigned specific hazard statements

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