Grill Size Calculation

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Classification: Internal Use #

Room Area Calculation Length in Meter Width in Meter

Room 1 2.00
Total Area of Room 1 (LXW) 6.50 2.00 13.00 Sqm
Room 2 1
Total Area of Room 2 (LXW) 3.95 1 3.95 Sqm
Total Area in Sqm (Romm 1+ Room 2) 16.95 Sqm
1sqm 10.76 Sqft
Total Area in Sqft 182.382 Sqft
Hence Considered Total area 200 Sqft

Room Volume Calculation Area (m2) Height (m) AXH m3

Room1 (Area X height) 13 4 52 Cum
Room 2 (Area X height) 3.95 4 15.8 Cum
Volume of the (Romm1+Room2) in
67.8 Cum
1Cum 35.314 Cuft
Volume of the Room in CuFt 2394.2892 Cuft
Hence Considered Total Volume of
2500 Cuft

CFM Calculation
As per lab ventilation design, minmum 8 to
12 ACPH required,considering the exposure
Airchanges per Hour (ACPH) 50 is high the equipment,chosened as 50 ACPH

As per ASHRA 110 Fume hood minimum

Face Velocity of the LEV 150FPM face velocity 80 to 120FPM, hence
considered 150FPM

Room Volume 2500

ACPH CFMX60/Room Volume

CFM ACPHXRoom Volume/60

Overall CFM required 2083
CFM Considered 2000 CFM
No of LEV Considered 8 Nos
Each LEV will intake CFM 250 CFM
Grill Size calculation Table Values Unit
Required CFM /LEV 250 CFM
Adequate Velocity/LEV 150 FPM
Area of the grill 1.66666666666667 Sqft
1Sqft 0.092903 Sqm
Area of the grill 0.154838333333333 Sqm
Hight of the grill 0.4 m 400mm Fixed
Width of the grill 0.387095833333333 m 387mm
Size of the grill shall be considered 400mm X400mm
Classification: Internal Use #

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