Overview of Psychophysiology
Overview of Psychophysiology
Overview of Psychophysiology
The study of one or more biological mechanisms of all
organisms and the examination of their physical
scientific study of behavior
specific approach to
study of the neural basis of
cognition, etc.
Koch, S., & Leary, D. E. (1992). [Introduction to] A Century of Psychology as Science.
American Psychological Association.
Psychophysiology defined
○ “…any research in which the dependent variable is a
physiological measure and the independent variable is
a behavioral one” (Stern, 1964)
Psychophysiology defined
○ “…study of the interrelationships between
physiological & psychological aspects of behavior”
(Sternbach, 1966)
Psychophysiology defined
○ “…study of psychological processes in the intact
organisms as a whole by unobtrusively measured
physiological processes…” (Furedy, 1983)
Psychophysiology defined
○ “…theoretical & empirical relationships among bodily
processes & psychological factors” (Ackles, Jennings,
& Coles, 1985)
Psychophysiology defined
○ “...study of social, psychological, and behavioral
phenomena as related to & revealed through
physiological principles and events” (Cacioppo
&Tassinary, 1990)
Psychophysiology defined
○ “...study of brain-behavior relationships in the
framework of peripheral & central processes”
(Hugdahl, 1995)
Sexual Psychophysiology
● Neuroscience journals: examples--
○ Annual Review of Neuroscience
○ Neuron
● Psychophysiology journals: examples--
○ Psychophysiology
○ Biological Psychology
How to find psychophysiological articles
Gross, J. J. (2002). Emotion regulation: Affective, cognitive, and social consequences. Psychophysiology, 39, 281-291.
Gross, J. J. (2002). Emotion regulation: Affective, cognitive, and social consequences. Psychophysiology, 39, 281-291.
Schwartz, G. E. (1981). A Systems Analysis of Psychobiology and Behavior Therapy: Implications for Behavioral Medicine. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 159-184.
Schwartz, G. E. (1981). A Systems Analysis of Psychobiology and Behavior Therapy: Implications for Behavioral Medicine. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 159-184.
Skinner’s old nemesis, Noam Chomsky, was fond of saying,