17952670-Download Trx250x Fourtrax 250x 91-92 Repair Manual

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Introduction Contents

This service manual describes the service procedures

for the TRX250X . General Information
This Model Specific Manuel includes every service
procedure that IS of a specific nature to this particular Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System
model. Basic service procedures that are common to
other Honda Motorcycle/ Molor Scooter/ ATVs can be Maintenance
found in the Common Service Manual.
This Model Specific Service Manual in order to provide
Lubrication System
complete service information on all aspects this
motorcycle . c
Fuel System
Follow the Maintenance Schedule (Section 3) ~
Engine Removal / Installation
recommendations to ensure that the vehicle is in peak
operating condition. Performing the first scheduled ;:
maintenance is very important . It compensates for the <> Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston
initial wear that occurs during the break-in period . "c
~ Clutch/ Kickstarter
Section 1 and 3 apply to the whole motorcycle, section
2 illustrates procedures for removal/installation of ~ i=================
c Alternator/ Gearshift Linkage
components that may be required to perform servIce w
describe parts of the motorcycle , grouped according
locations , Crankcase/Transmission/ Crankshaft

Find the section you want on this page, then turn the Front Wheel / Supension/ Steering
table of contents on the first page of the section ,
Rear Whee l/Suspension
Most sections describe the servIce procedure through
system illustratIon . Refer to the next page for details on
how to use this manual. Brake System

If you don't know the source of the trouble, go to Electrical System

section 16 Troubleshooting .
Wiring Diagram


How To Use This Manual
Find ing Inform ation You Need

This manuel is divided into sections which cover each of

the major components of the motorcycle.
To quickly f ind the section you are Interested in, the fir st
page of each sect ion is marked with a black lab that lines
up with one of the thumb indeK tabs before thi s page .
The first page of each section tists the table of contents
within the section.
Read the service informa tion and t roubleshooting related
to the saction before you begin working .
An index of the entire book is provided in the last chapter
to directly locate the information you need .

Explana ti on M ethod Of This Manual

The removal and installation of parts are for the most part illustrated by large and clear illustrations that should provide t he
read er with visual aid in understanding the major point f or servicing .
The system illu strations are augmented by callouts w hose numbers or Jetters indicate the order in w hich the parts should
be removed or installed .
The sequence of steps represented numerically are d iffere nt iated from the ones represented alphabetically to notify the
reader that they must perform these steps separately .
For eKample, if the steps prior and up to camshaft removal are performed with the engine installed, but the subsequent
steps like cylinder head removal require engine removal , the callouts are grouped in numerical and alphabet ical order .
The Illustrations may contain symbols to indicate necessary service procedures and precautions that need t o be taken .
Refer to the next page for the meaning of each symbol.
Also in the illustration is a chart that lists informat ion such as the order in which the part is removed /installed, the name of
the part, and some extra notes that may be needed.
Step by step instructions are provided to supplement the illustrations when detailed eKplanation of the procedure is neces-
sary or illustrations alone would not su lfice.
Service procedures required before or after the procedure described on tha t particular page. or inspection/ adjustment pro-
cedures required following the installation of parts, are described under the title Requisite Service.
Standard workshop procedures and knowledge covered in the Common Service Manual sre abbreviated in this manuaL
Detailed description
Symbol System illustration of the procedure
\ I /



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, ---",-----
- - ---~-
- -- -----.~

.. < - - ... . _ -

~< --
-- - ---
-- .- ~ ...... ..
" '- "' ''''-''

\\ ,.,
Part name Number of Extra notes or precautions
psrts related to the service procedure
The symbols used throughout thi s manual show specific service procedures . If supplementary information is required pertain-
ing to these symbols, it would be explained specifically in the text w ithout the use of the symbols.

~ Replace the partls) with new onels) before assembly.

!5~ 1 Use special tool

10 ·"'7""'1 Use optional tool . These tools are obtained as you order parts .

100 .0, 7.2)
T orque specification . 10 N'm (1.0 k.g -m. 7.2 ft -Ib)

, Use recommended engine oil , unless otherwise specified .

Use molybdenum oil solution ImiKlure of the engine oil and molybdenum grease with the fat io 1 , 1) .

-.:., Use multi-purpose grease (Lithium based multi-purpose grease NLGI #2 or equivalent)

Use molybdenum disul f ide grease (containing more than 3 % molybdenum disulfide, NlGt #2 or

Example: Molykot e$ BR-2 plus manufactured by Dow Coming . U .S.A .
Multi-purpose M -2 manufactured by Mitsublshl Oil Japan
Use molybdenum disulfide paste (containing more than 40% molybdenum disulfide, NlGI #2 or

~ Example: Motykote. G·n Paste manufactured by Dow Corning , U.S .A .

Honda M oly 45 (U .S.A . only)
Rocol ASP manufactured by Rocollimited, U .K.
Rocol Paste manufactured by Sumico lubricant, Japan

~ Use silicone grease

n Apply a tocking agent. Use the agent of the middle suength, unless otherWise specified.

,",'ID! Apply sealant

I Use brake fluid, DOT 3 or DOT 4 . Use the recommended brake fluid , unless otherwise specif ied .

- Use Fork or Suspension FlUid .

1 . General Information
General Safety 1· 1 Tools 1· 16
Model Identification 1·2 Lubrication &. Seal Points 1·1 8
Specifications 1·3 Cable &. Harness Routing 1·20
Torque Values 1· 13

General Safety
Carbon Monoxide Used Engine/Transmission Oil
If the engine must be running to do some work, make sure
the area is well ventilated . Never run the engine in an
enclosed area .
• Used engine oil (or transmission oil in two-strokes)
may cause skin cancer if repeatedly left in contact
with the skin for prolonged periods . Although this is
• The exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide unlikely unlass you handle used oil on a daily basis .
gas that can cause loss of consciousness and may it is still advisable to throughly wash your hands
lead to death . with soap and water as soon as possible after
handling used oil. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF
Aun the engine in an open area or with an exhaust
evacuation system in an enclosed area .
Brake Dust
Gasoline Never use an air hose or dry brush to clean brake
Work in a well ventilated area . Keep cIgarettes, flames or assemblies . Use an OSHA- approved vacuum claaner or
sparks away from the work area or where gasoline is alternate method approved by OSHA , designed to
stored . minimize the hazard caused by airborne asbestos fibers.

• Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive

under certain conditions . KEEP OUT OF REACH respiratory disease and cancer .

Hot Components
• Spilling fluid on painted , plastic or rubber parts will
damage them . Place a c lean shop towel over these
parts whenever the system is serviced . KEEP OUT
• Engine and exhaust system parts become very hot OF REACH OF CHILDREN .
and remain hot for some time after the engine is
run . Wear insulated gloves Or wait until the engine
Nitrogen Pressure
and exhaust system have cooled before handling
For shock absorbers with a gas-filled reservoir :
these parts .

Use only nitrogen to pressurize the shock absorber .

The use of an unstable gas can cause a fire Of explo-
sion resulting in serious injury.
The shock ebsorber contains nitrogen under high
pressure . Allowing fire or heat ne8r the shock ab·
sorber could lead to an explosion that could result in
serious injury .
Failure to release the pressure from a shock ebsOfber
before disposing of it may lead to a possible explo-
sion and serious injury if it is heated or pierced .

General Information

Model Identification



The frame serial number stamped on the front side of the The engine serial number is stamped on the the upper right
frame . side of the crankcase .



The carburetor identification number is on the carburetor
body left side .

General Inform ation

r General
Item Specifications
Dimensions Overall length 1, 720 mm (67.7 in)
Overall width 1, 105 mm (43 . 5 in)
Overall hight 1, 085 mm (42 . 7 In)
Wheelbase 1, 150 mm (45 . 3 in)
Front tread 845 mm (33 .3 in)
Rear tread 850 mm (33 . 5 in)
Seat height 770 mm (30.3 in)
Footpeg height 325 mm (12 .8 in)
Ground clearance 125 mm f4.9 in)
Dry weight 164 kg (362 Ib)
Curb weight 170 kg (375 Ibl
M aximum weight capacity 120 kg (270 Ib)
Frame Frame type Double cradle
Front suspension Double wish-bone
Front wheel travel 170 mm (6 . 7 in )
Rear suspension Swingarm
Rear wheel travel 200 mm 17 . 9 in)
Rear damper Decarbon type
Front ure size AT22 x 7 -1 0* *
Rear tire size AT22 x lQ-9 *
Tire brand (Othsu) FRI RR OHTSU
Front brake Si ngle disc x 2
Rear brake Single disc
Toe-in 10± 10 mm (0.4 ± 0.4 in)
Caster angle S"
Camber angle 0
Trail length 35 mm (1 .4 in)
Fuel tank capacity 8 .5 t (2.3 US gal , 1 .9 Imp gal)
Fuel tank reserve capacity 1.8 t (0 . 5 US gal , 0 .4 Imp gal )
Engine Bore and stroke 7 4 .0 x 57 .3 mm (2.91 x 2 .26 in)
Displacement 246 .4 cc (15 .03 cu-in)
Compression ratio 9 .4 1: 0 .2 : 1
Valve train Overhead camshaft chain drive
Intake valve opens at ( 1 mm lift) 10" BTDC
Intake valve closes at (1 mm lift) 35" ABDC
Exhaust valve opens at (1 mm lift ) 3S" BBDC
Exhaust valve closes at (1 mm lift) 7" ATDC
lubricatlon system FOrced pressure and wet sump
Oil pump type TrochOid
Cooling system Air cooled
Air filtration Urethane and screen
Crankshaft type Unit type, 2 main journals
Engine weight 39 .2 kg (86.4 Ibl

Carburetor Carburetor type Piston valve

Throttle bore 36 mm ( 1.4 in)

General Information

r General (cont' d)
Item Specifications
Drive train Clutch system Wet multi-plate
Clutch operation system Cable operating
Transmission 5- speed and reverse constant mesh
Primary reduction 2 .833 (68/ 24)
Secondary reduction --
Third reduction --
Final reduction 2 .923 (38/1 3)
Gear ratio 1st 3 .692 (48/ 13)
Gear ratio 2nd 2 . 529 (43/ 17)
Gear ratio 3rd 1.857 (39/ 21)
Gear ratio 4th 1.458 (35/ 24)
Gear ratio 5th 1. 178 (33/2 8)
Gear ratio 6th --
Gear ratio reverse 5 .414 (3313 x 32 / 15)
Gearshift pattern
R> _2 _3 _4-5
Electrical Ignition system COl
Starting system Kickstarter
Charging system --
Regulator/ rectifier type --
Lighting system Alternator

General Information

Unit · mm (in)
r Lubrication
Item Standard Service Limit
Engine oil capacity at draining 1.61(1 .69USqt,1.41Impqt) --
at oil filler change 1.7 1( 1 .80USqt,1 . 51Impqt) --
at disassembly 2 .0 t (2 . 11 US qt, 1.81 Imp qt) --
Recommended engine oil Use Honda 4-stroke Oil or equivalent --
API Service Classification
SF or SG .
Viscosity: SAE 10W-40
Other viscosities shown in the chart may
be use when the average temperature in

your riding area is within the indicated

~ '00"
. ",
-10 , " ro

" '" " '"
Oil pump rotor tip clearance CD 0 . 15 (0.006) 0.20 (0 .008)
body clearance (l) 0 . 15-0.21 (0 .006-0 .003) 0.25 (0.010)
end clearance (J) 0.02-0.08 (0.001-0 .003) 0 .10 (0.004)


r- FueISystem----------------------------,----------------------------,-----------,
Carburetor indentification number QB01S
Main jet 1122
Slow jet /38
Jet needle clip position Third position
Pilot screw initial opening 2-1 / 2 turns out
high altitude adjustment Main jet: " 1 S
Pilot screw :
turn the pilot screw 1/2 turn
from the initial opening position
(2- 1/ 2 turns out from closed) .
final opening
Air screw initial opening
Air screw high altitude adjustment
Float level 18 . 5 (0.76)
Idle speed 1 ,400±100rpm
Throttle lever free play 3 - 8 mm
Accelerator pump clearance

r- Crankshaft
Connecting rod small end 1.0. 17 .016-17.034 (0.6699-0.6706) 17.10 (0.673)
Connecting rod big end side clearance 0 .05-0 .65 (0.002-0.026) 0.80 (0.031)
radial clearance 0 .006-0 .018 (0 .0002-0.0007) 0 .05 (0 .002)
Crankshaft runout -- 0.05 (0.002)

0 [?jj

6 .0 mm (0.24 in)
- -
11 mm (0.43 in)

General Information

Unit: mm (in)
- Cylinder H ead
Item Standard Service limit

Cylinder compression 1 ,275 ± 100 k Pa (13 ± 1 .0 kg / cm ;

185 ± 14.2 psi)
Valve clearance IN 0.1O ± 0 .02 (0.004 ± 0 .0008) -
EX 0 . 10 ± 0 .02 (0.004 ± 0.0008) -
Cylinder head warpage - 0.10 (0.004)
Cam lobe height IN

Camshaft runout
ra 35.751 (1. 4 075)
35.764 (1.4080)

35.571 (1.4004)
35.584 (1.4009)

Camshaft oil clearance A - -
B - -
Camshaft journal 0 . 0 . A - -
B - -
Camshaft holder 1.0. A - -
B - -
Valve stem 0.0 . IN 5 .480-5 .490 (0.2 157-0.2 161) 5 .45 (0.215)
EX 5.460-5.470 (0.2 150-0.2 154) 5.43 (0.214)
Valve guide 1.0. IN 5.500-5.512 (0.2 165-0.2170) 5.525 (0.2175)
EX 5.500-5.512 (0.2 165-0.2170) 5 .525 (0 .2175)
Stem-to-gujde clearance IN 0 .010-0 .032 (0.0004-0.0013) 0 . 12 (0.005)
EX 0.030-0 .052 (0.0012-0.0020) 0.14 (0.006)
Valve guide projection above cylinder head IN - -
EX - -
Valve seat width 1.2 10.05) 1 .5 (0.06)
Valve spring free length IN - -
EX - -
inner IN 36 .06 (1.42 1) 33.0 (1 . 30)
inner EX 36 .06 (1.42 1) 33.0 (1.30)
outer IN 40.97 (1.613) 37.9 (1.49)
outer EX 40 .97 (1 . 613) 37 . 9 (1.49)
Rocker arm 1.0. IN 11.988-12 .006 (0.4720-0 .4727) 12.038 (0.4739)
EX 1 t . 988- 12 .006 (0.4720-0.4727) 12.038 (0.4739)
Rocker arm shaft 0 .0 . IN 11 . 966- 1 1.984 (0.4711-0.47 18) 11 .92 (0.469)
EX 11.966- 1 1.984 (0.47 11-0.47 18) 11.92 (0.469)
Rocker arm~to-rocker arm shaft clearance 0 .004-0 .040 (0 .0002-0 .0016) 0 .068 (0 .0027)
Valve lifter 0.0. - -
Valve lifter bore 1.0. - -

General Information

Unit : mm (in)
Cylinder/ Piston ----:::-----------, ------::--:-::------,-,-==-'---'--::c;
Item Standard Service limit
Cylinder 1. 0 74 .00-74.01 (2.913-2.9 14) 74.0 (2.917)
out of round 0.10 (0.004 )
taper 0.10 (0.004)
warpage 0 .10 (0.004 )
Piston mark direction ~ IN H mark f acing the intake side
Piston 0.0. (D) 73.965-73 .985 (2.91 18-2.9128) 73.90 (2.909)
Piston 0 . 0 . measurement point (H) 18 (0.7) from the bottom
Piston pin hole 1. 0. (d) 17.002-17.008 (0.6694 -0. 6696 ) 17.04 (0. 671 )

0 - -.1
Cylinder-to-piston clearance 0.015-0.045 (0.0006-0.00 18) 0.10 (0.004)
Piston pin 0.0 . 16. 994-17.000 (0.6691-0.6693) 16.96 (0.668)
Piston-to-piston pin clearance 0.002-0 .014 (0 .0001-0.0157) 0.80 (0.032)
Connecting rod -to-piston pin clearance 0.016-0.040 (0.0006-0.0016) 0 . 14 (0.006)
Top ring-to-ring groove clearance 0.025-0.400 (0.001-0.016) 0.80 (0.032)
Secong ring-to-ring groove clearance 0 .025-0AOO (0.001-0 .016) 0.80 (0.032)
Top ring end gap 0.15-0.30 (0.006-0.0 12) 0.510 .2)
Second ring end gap 0 . 15-0.30 (0.006-0.0 12 ) 0 . 5 (0.2)
Oil ring (side rail) end gap 0.2-0 . 7 (0.008-0.028)
Top ring mark "R"
Second ring mark " R"

r Clutch System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - ,
Clutch lever free play 10-20 (004-0.8)
Clutch outer 1.0. 28.000 - 28.021 (1.1024-1.1032) 28 .05 (1.104)
Clutch outer guide O . D . 27 .959- 27 . 980 (1. 1007 -1. 1016) 27.92 (1.099)
I. D. 22.000-22 .021 22.05 (0.868)
Mainshah 0.0. at clutch outer guide 21.959-21.980 (0.8645-0.8654) 21 .93 (0.863)
Clutch spring free heigt
Clutch spring free length 35.9 (1.4 1) 34 .9 (1 .37)
Clutch disc thickness 2 . 92-3.08 (0.115-0. 121) 2 .6 (0.10)
Clutch disc thickness A
Clutch plate warpage 0.20 (0.008)
Centrifugal clutch drum I . D.
bushing 0 .0 .
Centrifugal clutch center guide I. D.
0.0 .
Centrifugal clutch center guide collar height
Centrifugal clutch weight lining thickness
Clutch lining thickness
Crankshaft O. D. at clutch center

General Information

Unit · mm (in) 1
r Kick starter
Item Standard Service Limit 1
Kickstarter pinion gea r 1.0. 25.000-25.021 (0.9843-0.9851) 25.1 (0.99)
Kickstarter spindle 0 . 0 . 21.959-21.980 (0.8645-0.8654) 21 .9 (0 .86)
Kickstarter spindle bushing 0.0. 24 .959-24.980 (0.9826-0.9835) 24 .9 (0.98)
1.0 . 22 .000- 22 .021 (0.8661-0.8670) 22.1 (0.87)
Kickstarter 1st idle gear 1. 0 . 15.016 - 15.034 (0.5912-0.5919) 15 .06 (0.593)
2nd idle gear 1. 0. 18 .016-18.034 (0.7093-0.7100) 18.06 (0.71 1)
Reverse shaft 0. 0 . at kickstarter 2nd idle gear 13.973-13.984 (0.5501-0.5506) 13 . 95 (0.549)
Kickstarter 2nd idle gear bushing 0. 0 . 17 .966- 17 .984 (0.7073-0.7870) 17.93 (0 . 706)
I. O. 14.000 - 14.021 (0.5512-0.5520) 14.05 (0.553)
Kickstarter 1st idle gear shaft 0 . 0. 14. 996-1 4 .984 (0.5892-1.11032) 14.95 (0.589)

r Drive Train - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, ----------------;,------,

Final drive gear oil capacity at disassembly
at draining
Recommended final drive oil
Final drive gear backlash
Ring-gear-to-stop pin clearance (AI
Stop pin shim
Ring gear spacer
Pinion spacer
Output gear backlash
Output gear 1. 0 .
Output gear bushing 0.0.
I. O.
Output drive shaft 0 . 0 .
Output gear damper spring free length
Output shaft adjustment shim
Counters haft drive shaft adjustment shim

r Cooling System - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - ,
Coolant capacity (Radiator and engine)
(Reserve tank)
Radiator cap relief pressure
Thermostat cap relief pressure
Thermostat fully open
Thermostat valve lift

General Information

Unit : mm (in)
Tran sm ission - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..--== :..:.:::::..::::;
Item Stand a rd S ervice limit
Transmission gear 1.0. M4 , MS , C2 25 .020-25 .041 (0.9850-0.9859) 25.07 (0.987)
C 1, C3, Reverse 28 .020-28.041 (1 . 1031-1 . 1040) 28.07 (1.105)
A idle 18.000- 18 .018 (0.7087-0.7094) 18.05 (0.711)
Transmission gear bushing 0 . 0 . M4 , MS, C2 24 .979-25.000 (0.9834-0.9843) 24.93 (0.981)
C1, C3, Counter reverse 27 .979-28 .000 (1.1015-1.1024) 27 .93 (1 . 100)
• A idle
Transmission gear bushing I.D . MS , C2
17 .966-17 . 984 (0 . 7073-0 . 7080)
22 .000-22 .021 (0.8661-0.8670)
17 .93
22 .05
(0 .868)
C3 25 .000-25 .021 (0.9843-0.9850 25.05 (0 .986)
A idle 14 .000-14 .025 (0 .5512 - 0 . 5522) 14 .05 (0.553)
Gear-ta-bushing clearance at MS , C2 gear 0 .020-0.062 (0.0008-0.00241 0 . 10 (0.004)
C3 gear 0.020-0.062 (0.0008-0.0024) 0 . 10 (0.004)
A idle gear 0 .016 - 0 .052 (0.0006-0.0020) 0 .09 (0.004)
Mainshah 0 . 0. at M5 gear bushing 21 . 959-21 .980 (0.8645-0.8654) 21 .93 (0.863)

Countershaft 0.0. at C2 gear bushing 21.959-21.980 (0.8645-0.8654) 21 .93 (0.863)

C3 gear bushing 24 .959-24 .980 (0.8645-0.8654) 24 .93 (0.981)

Gear bushing-ta-shaft clearance at MS, C2, C3 0 .020-0 .062 (0.0008-0.0024) 0 . 10 (0.004)

at A idle 0 .005-0.047 (0.0002-0.0019) 0.08 10.003)
Reverse idle gear shah 0.0 . 13.973-13.984 (0 . 550 1-0.5506) 13.93(0. 548)
Shift fork claw thickness A 4 .93-5.00 (0 .194-0 . 197) 4 . 50 (0.177)
C 4 . 93-5.00 (0. 194- 0 . 197) 4 . 50 (0 . 177)
L 4 .93 - 5.00 (1. 194-0 . 197) 4 . 50 (0 . 177)
Shift fork J. D. A 13.000-13 .021 (0 . 5118-0.5126) 13 .04 (0.513)
C 13 .000-13 .021 (0.5118-0.5126) 13.04 (0.513)
L 13 .000-13 .021 (0 . 5118-0 . 5126) 13 .04 (0.513)
Shift fork shaft 0 . 0 . at A shift fork 12.966-12 .984 (0.5105-0.5112) 12 . 96 (0.510)
C shift fork 12 .966-12.984 (0.5105-0.51 12) 12.96 (0.510)
L shift fork 12 .966-12 . 984 (0.5105-0.5112) 12 . 96 (0.510)

General Information

Unit: mm (in)
- Wheel Tires
Item Standard Service Limit
Cold tire pressure (Standard: FR) 30 kPa (0.30 kg/ em t , 4.4 psi) --
(Adjustable rang : FR) -- --
(Standard : RR) 20 kPa (0.20 kg / cm' , 2.9 psi) --
(Adjustable range: RR) -- --
Rear axle runout -- 3.0 (0 . 12)
Front and rear wheel rim runout (Radial) -- --
(Axial) -- --
Drive chain slack 35-45 (1.4-1.8) --
Drive chain size/ link (DID) 520V6/ 86L --
IRKI 520SM010/ 86L --

- Front Suspension - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, --------,

Damper compression gas
Damper gas pressure
Damper rod compress force at 10 mm compressed
Damper drilling point
Shock absorber spring direction Tightly wound coil facing upward
free length 181 .0(7 . 13) 177 .4 (6 .98)

-RearSusp e n s i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - ,
Shock absorber spring free length 242 . 1 (9 . 53 ) 237 .3 (9 .34)
Damper gas pressure 20 kg/ cm f
Damper compression gas Nitrogen
Damper rod compressed force at 10 mm compressed 30.8 kg (68 ft-Ib)
Damper drilling point 15 mm (0.6 in) from the top surlace

t 15 mm (0.6 in)

Shock absorber spring installed length (Standard) 235.6 (9.28)

(Adjustable range) 12 . 5 (0 .49)
Shock absorber spring direction Tightly wou nd coil facing upward
Recommended shock absorber oil
Shock absorber oil capacity
air pressure

General Information
Unit . mm finl
r Brakes
Item Standard Service lim it

Front brake fluid '9 1 : DOT30r4 ~

After '9 1 : DOT 4 EJ
brake lever free play 10-25 (OA-1 0)
brake pad wear indicator To the limit I

brake diSC thickness 3 . 3-3 . 7 (0 . 13-0. 15) 3.0 (0, 12)

brake diSC runout 0.30 (0 .012)
master cylinder I, D. 12.700- 12 , 743 (0.5000-0 , 5017) 12 .7 55 (0.5022)
master piston 0.0. 12,657-12, 684 (0. 4 983-0.4994) 12 .645 (0.4978)
caliper cylinder I. D. 33 . 960-34 ,010 (1.3370- 1 .3390) 3 4 .020 (1 .3394)
caliper piston 0 . 0 . 33 , 878 - 33 .928 (1 .3338-1.3357) 33.870 (1 .3335)
brake drum 1. 0 .
brake lining thickness
wheel cylinder 1.0 .
wheel cVlinder piston 0 . 0 .
Parking brake lever free play 25-30 (1 .0-1 .2)
Rear brake flUid ' 91 : DOT 3 or 4
After '91 : DOT4
brake lever free play
brake pad wear Indicator To the limit I

brake diSC thickness 3 8-4 . 2 (O 15- 0 . 17) 3.0 (0 .012)

brake diSC (unout 0 .30 (0 .012)
master cylmder 1. 0 . 12.700- 12743 (0 . 5000-0 . 5017) 12.755 (0 .5022)
master piston 0 . 0 . 12657 - 12684 (0 4983-0 4994) 12 .6 4 5 (0 .4978)
cahper cylinder 1. 0 33 .960- 34 OlD (1 .3370-1.3390) 34 . 02011 .3394)
caliper piston 0 . 0 33.878- 33928 (1.3338-1 3357) 33.87011 3335)
brake drum t. O.
brake lining th ickness
wheel cylinder 1. 0
wheel cylinder piston 0 0 ,
- Battery Charging system
Alternator chargmg COil resistance (At 20 e / 68 F)
Regulator regulated voltage / amperage
-- I----
Battery capacity -- --
Banery specific gravity (Fully chargmg) -- --
(Needs charging) -- --
Battery chargmg rate -- --
Battery chargmg rate (Norm al) -- --
(Quick) -- --
Battery voltage (Fully charged at 20 C/ 68 F) --
(Needs charging at 20 C/ 68 F) ,- --

General Information

Unit : mm (in)
r Ignition System
Item Standard Service Umit
Spark plug (Standard NGK) DR8ES- L --
(Standard NO) X24ESR-U --
(For cold climate / below 5"C/ 4, ' F NGK ) -- --
(For cold clima te/ below 5"C/ 41 "F NO) -- --
(For extended high speed riding NGK) -- --
(For extended high speed riding NO ) -- --
Spark plug gap 0 .6- 0 . 7 (0 .24 - 0.028 1 --
Ignition timing - F- mark 1O'± 2' STDC/ l , 700 ± 100 rpm --
Advance start -- --
stop -- --
Full advance 23"± 2"BTDC 3 ,OOO ± 200 rpm --
Alternator exciter coil resistance (At 20' C/68 F) 100- 3000: --
Ignition coil resistance (Primary at 20' C/ SS' F) 0 . 1-0.20: --
(Secondary with plug cap) 8 .8 - 14 kO: --
(Secondary wi thout plug cap) 5. 8 - 7 .2 kQ --
Pulse generator resistance (At 20' C/ S8' F) 290- 360n

r Starting System --------------r--------------,---------,

Starter driven gear 1.0 .
Starter clutch outer 1. 0 .
Starter motor brush spring tension
brush length

r U ghts/ Sw itches --------------r--------------,---------,

Main fuse
Headlight (high/ low beam ) 12 V 60/ 55 W
Taillight 12 V 5 W
Coolant temperature indicator
Oil temperature indicator
Reverse indicator 12V3 .4 W
Oil temperature sensor resistance (At 20"C/6S' F)
Fuel unit level resistance (At full level)
(At low level)
Fuel unit flow capacity (Min./minute)
Coolant temperature sensor resistance (At 20'C/ 6S' F)
ughting coil resistance HAt 20'C/6S' F) 0 . 1- 1.00:

• Torque Values
General Information

r S tandard
Torque Torque
Fastener Type Fastener type
N·m (kg-m, ft-Ib) N'm (kg-m . ft -lb)
5 mm hex bolt and nut 5 (O. 5 , 3 . 5) 5 mm screw 4 (0 .4 . 3)
6 mm bolt and nut 10 (1.0 . 7) 6 mm screw 910 .9 . 7)
8 mm bolt and nut 22 (2.2, 16) 6 mm flange bolt (8 mm head) 9 (0 .9 , 7)
10 mrn hex bolt and nut 35 (3 .5 , 25) 6 mm flange bolt (10 mm head) and nut 1211 .2 . 9)
12 mm hex bolt and nut 55 15.5. 40) 8 mm flange bolt and nut 27 (2.7, 20)
10 mm flange bolt and nut 40 (4 .0 , 29)

• Torque specifications listed below are for important fasteners .

All others should be tightened to standard the torque values listed above .

I NOTES : 1. Apply sealant to the t hreads.

2. Apply a locking agent to the threads.
3 . Apply molybdenum disulfide oil to the threads and flange surface .
4 . Left hand threads
5 . Stake
6 . Apply oil to the threads and flange surface .
7 . Apply clean engine oil t o the O-ring .
B. Torque wrench scale reading using a special tool
9 . Apply grease to t he threads and flange su rface.
10. UBS bolt
11 . Once the bolt (5) or nut (5) are removed , they shold be replaced w ith new one (5) .

r Engine
Thread Torque
Item a ' ty Remerks
die . (mm) N·m (kg-m , ft -Ib)

Lubrica tion system :

Oil drain bolt 1 12 2512 . 5. 1 B)
Oil pump bolt 3 6 12(1 .2.9)
Fuel system :
Fuel valve lock nut 1 1B 23 (2 .3 , 17)
Fuel strainer cup 1 24 4 (0 .4 , 3 .0 )
Cyl inder head / cyl inder/ piston :
Tappet adjusting lock nut 4 6 17 (1 .7 , 12)
Spark plug 1 12 18 11 .B. 13)
Cylinder head nut 4 10 40 (4 .0, 29) NOTE 6
Cylinder heed bolt 2 10 40 14 .0 . 29) NOTE 6
cam sprocket bolt 2 7 20 (2 .0 , 14) NOTE 2
Oil pipe bolt 2 B 14 (1 .4 , 10)
Clutch/ kick.tarter :
Clutch center lock nut 1 lB 1 10 (1 1 .0 , BO) NOTE 5 , 6
Clutch lifter plate bolt 4 6 121 1.2 . 9)
Primary drive gear lock nut 1 20 70 (7.0.51) NOTE 4 , 5, 6
Kickstarter pedal bolt 1 B 26 (2 .6 , 19)
Kickstarter spindle stopper bolt 2 6 12 ( 1. 2 , 9)

1- 13
General Information

r Engine lcont' d}
Thread Torque
Item Q'ty Remarks
dia . (mm) N ' m (kg·m, h · lb)
Alternetor/ gearshift linkage :
Reverse shiher lever pivot bolt , 6 22 (2 .2, 16) NOTE 2
Pulse generator bolt
Gearshift return spring pin ,,
2 5
6 (0 . 6, 4)
22 (2 .2 16)
Shift drum center bolt
Flywheel bolt , 8
23 (2 . 3, 17)
110 (11 .0 , 80)

Crankcase/ transmission/ crankshaft :

Crankcase bolt '3 6 12 (1 .2, 9)
Bearing set plate bolt
Breather plate bolt ,
2 6
'2(' .2, 9)
12 (1.2, 9)

r Frame
Thread Torque
Item a'ty Remarks
dia. (mm) Nom (kg'm, h · lb)
Fram e/body panels/exhaust system :
Footpeg bolt 4 '0 50 (5 .0, 36)
Skid plate bolt
Exhaust pipe band bolt ,
'3 8
31(3 . 1,22)
23 (2 . 3 , 17)
Muffler bolt 2 '0 55 (5 . 5 , 40)
Engine mount :
Front upper engine mount nut , '0 60 (6.0, 43)
Front lower engine mount nut
Rear upper engine mout nut ,,
8 '0
Rea lower engine mount nut '0 60 (6.0, 43)
Front wheel / suspension/steering :
W heel nut '6 '0 65 (6.5, 47)
Handle upper holder bolt 4 8 2712 .7,20)
Handle lower holder nut 2 '0 4514.5, 33)
Steering shah holder bolt
Steering shaft end nut ,
4 8
28 (2.B,
70P .O,
Tie-rod ball nut 4 '0 45 (4.5, 33) NOTE 11
Tie-rod lock nut 2 '2 55 (5.5, 40)
Front shock absorber nut 4 10 4514.5 , 33) NOTE 11
Front wheel hub nut 2 '4 70(7 .0,51) Castle-headed nut
Front brake disc bolt 6 8 43 (4 .3, 31) NOTE 11
Upper/lower arm pivot nut 8 '0 40 (4.0, 29) NOTE 11
Upper ball joint nut 2 '4 70 (7 .0 , 51)
Rear wheel/drive mechanism/
tear suspension :
Rear shock absorber nut 2 '2 110 (11 .0 , 80)
Driven sprocket nut
Rear axle outer lock nut ,,
4 '0
6016 .0 , 43 )
90 (9.0, 65) NOTE 4
Rear axle inner lock nut 48 130 (13 .0, 94) NOTE 2, 4
Rear axle hub nut
Bearing holder stopper bolt ,
2 '8
145 (14.5, 105)
10 (1 .0, 7)
Castle-headed nut

Bearing holder pinch bolt 2 8 22 (2.2, 16) NOTE 6

Rear brake disc nut 3 8 27 (2.7, 20)
Swingarm pivot nut '4 90 (9 .0, 65)
Drive chain roller bolt 8 22 (2.2, 16)

General Information

r- Frame Icont'd)
Thread Torque
Item O'ty Remarks
dia.lmm) N om (kg-m , ft-Ib)
Brake system :
Pad pin plug 4 10 1.5 (0 . 15, 1.1)
Pad pin Ifront) 4 10 1B (1.B, 13)
(rear) 2 10 1811.8.13)
Caliper socket bolt 3 8 23 (2 .3 , 17)
Caliper pin bolt 3 8 1B (1 .B, 13)
Breeder screw 3 8 6 (0 .6 , 4 )
Caliper bracket bolt 6 8 31 (3.;,22) NOTE 2
Brake hose bolt 5 10 3513 .5. 25)
Brake pipe nut 2 10 1411 .4 , 10)
Brake hose three way joint bott 1 6 12 (1.2,9)
Parking brake bolt 2 8 23 (2.3, 17)
Parking brake arm Jock nut 1 8 1B (1 .B, 13)


General Information

Refer to
Description Tool Number Applicability
Section (51
Camber/ caster gauge attachment 0791 0~ MJ301 00 Not available in U. S.A 3
Wrench , 10X12 mm 07708-0030200 Equivalent commercially available in U.S.A 3
Valve adjusting wrench B 07708-0030400 Valva adjusting wrench 07908-KE90200 3
Float level gauge 07401 ~ 0010000 5
Dowel pin remover set 07936 ~ MA700oo 7
Valve spring compressor 07757· 0010000 7
Valve guide reamer 07984-2000001 Valve guide reamer 07984-200000A 7
(U .S.A. onIYI
Valve guide remover, 5 . 5 mm 07742~0010100 7
Inner driver 077 46~0020 100 7
Attachment, 17 mm 1. 0 . 07746~00203oo 7
Driver 07749-00 10000 7 , 8 , 10,
1" 14
Valve seat cutter, 24 . 5 mm (EX 45' ) 07780~0010100 7
Valve seat cuner, 27 . 5 mm (IN 45' ) 07780~0010200 7
Valve seat cuner, 25 mm (EX 32' ) 07780-0012000 7
Valve seat cutter, 28 mm (IN 32' ) 07780~001 21 00 7
Valve seat cutter, 30 mm (IN , EX 60' ) 07780~ 0014000 7
Valve seat cuner holder, 5 .5 mm 07781 ~ OO10101 7
Snap ring pliers 07914-3230001 8 , 10, 11 ,
Pin driver, 3 .0 mm 07744-0010200 Equivalent commercially available in U.S.A. 8
Attachment, 24x26 mm 07746-0010700 8 , 10
Pilot, 20 mm 077 46-0040500 8, 12
Clutch center holder 07923-KEloooo Clutch center holder 07HGB-ooloooo 8
(U . S.A. only)
Lock nut wrench , 17 x 27 mm 07716-0020300 8
Extension bar 07716-0020500 Equivalent commercially available in U.S.A. 8
Gear holder 07724-0010100 Not available in U .S.A . 8
Flywheel holder 07725-0040000 9
Rotor puller 07733 -0020001 07933-2 160000 or Equivalent 9
commercially available in U.S.A.
Bearing remover, 17 mm 07936-3710300 10
Remover handle 07936-37 10100 10
Remover weight 07741·0010201 10
Universal bearing puller 07631 -0010000 Equivalent commercially available in U.S.A. 10
Crankcase assembly tool 07965-VMOOOOO 10
-Assembly coliar 07965-VMooloo 10
-Shaft puller 07965-VM002oo Shaft puller 07931-ME4000A 10
-Threaded adaptor 07965-VM00300 (U .S.A. only) 10
Attachment, 37x40 mm 07746-010200 10
Attachment, 42x47 mm
Attachment, 52x55 mm
Attachment, 62 x 68 mm
10 "
10, 12
Pilot , 17 mm 07746-0040400 10
Pilot , 22 mm 07746-0041000 10
Pilot, 28 mm 07746-0041100 10

, General Information

• - Cont'd
Ref er t o
Description T ool Number Appl icab ility
Section (s)
Universal bead breaker GN-AH-958- BB 1 U .S. A . only 11
Tire bead breaker set 07772 -0050001 Not available in U.S .A 11
- Breaker arm 07772 -0050200 11
-Breaker arm compressor 07772 · 0050101 11
• Ball joint remover
Shock absorber compressor
07941 -6920003
07GME· OO10000
11 , '2
- Compressor screw assembly 07GME-OOl 01 00 11
Shock absorber compressor attachment 07959 -MB 10000 1
Spherical bearing driver 07HMF· HCOO100 or 07GAD- PH70100 11
Pilot, 15 mm 07746-0040300 12
Lock nut wrench, 45 mm 07916· 1870101 Equivalent commercially available in U.S.A. 12
lock nut wrench , 56 mm 07916- HA20000 lock nut wrench 07916-HA2010A 12
(U .S.A .only)
-Wrench attachment , 56 mm 07916· HA20100 Not available in U .S.A . 12
-Handle 07916-9580500 Not available in U .S .A . 12
Pilot , 40 mm 07746-0040900 12
Needle bearing remover 07931-MA70000 8earing remover 07936- 3710600 12
Remover sliding weight
Bearing remover handle
Attachment, 32x35 mm 07746-0010100 12
Digital multi meter (KOWA) 07411 -0020000 KS- AHM-32 - oo3 (U . S.A . only) 14, 15
Analogue tester 07308- 0020001 14, 15
(SANWA) or
TH-5H (KOWA) 14. 15

General Information

Lubrication & Seal Points

- Engine
Location Material Remarks
Cylinder head side cap Liquid sealant Wipe off the excess sealant
Cylinder head cover mating surface
Crankcase mating surface at the cylinder base
Alternator/pulse generator grommet
Camshaft lobes Molybdenum disulfide oil
Rocker arm shaft surface
Valve stem (valve guide sliding surface)
Piston pin surface
Clutch outer guide outer surface
Kickstarter spindle spline
Balancer shaft bearing
Kickstarter spindle pivot
Gearshift spindle return pin bolt threads Locking agent
Cam sprocket bolt threads
Pulse generator bolt threads
Kickstarter spindle stopper plate bolt threads
Reverse shifter cam bolt threads
Breather plate bolt threads
Bearing set plate bolt threads
Cam chain tensioner bolt threads
Cylinder head nut seating surface Engine oil
Piston sliding surface, piston ring grooves, pin bore
Piston rings
Oil seal lip (without dust lip)
Connecting rod small end
Clutch center lock nut threds and seating surface
Clutch discs
Primary drive gear nut threds and seating surface
Cam chain
Cam chain tensioner collar
Cam chain tensioner and slipper surface
Gear teeth and rotating surface
Shift fork claws and shift drum grooves
Clutch lifter pin Multipurpose grease
Oil seal lip (with dust lip)

General Information

r- Fram e
locatIon Material RemarXs
Steering shaft bushing rubber inner surface Multipurpose grease
Beanng holder dust seal lips

,, Wheel hub dust seal lips

Upper/ lower arm PIvot
SWlngarm pivot dust seal lips
Swmgarm pivot collar outer surface
Rear axle spline
• Brake pedal pivot
Throttle lever shaft
Throttle cable end
Rear axle bearing pinch bolt threads
Front shock absorber lower mount bushing Molybdenum disulfide
Front shock absorber lower mount dust seal lips grease
Handlebar grip rubber inner surface Honda Hand Grip Cement
(U .S.A . only)
Brake reservoir '9 1: DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid
Aher ·9 1 : DOT 4 brake fluid
Master piston/ piston seals
Caliper piston
Caliper piston seals
Caliper bracket pm bolt/ socket bolt Silicone grease
Brake caliper boots inside
Master cylinder rubber boots Inside
Rear axle Inner lock nut threads locking agent
Exhaust pipe protector bolt threads
Air cleaner case mlet tube JOint Sealant

General Information

Cable & Harness Routing


11) BR.OK'

171 THRIJnLl'-----I~~fJi1;



General Information








General Information






171 CAf!a'ulRET'DR (6 ) MAIN WIRE



2. Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System
Service Information 2-1 Fuel Tank Removal/ Installation 2 -8
r Troubleshooting 2-1 Mud Guard/ Step Removal/ Installation 2-9
r Handlebar Cover Removal/ Installation 2-2 Front Skid Plate/ Carrier Pipe Removal/
Installation 2-10
Seat/ Rear Fender Removal/ Installation 2-2
Seat/ Rear Fender Disassembly! Front Protector Plate/ Engine Guard
• Assembly 2-3 Removal/ Installation 2 -10

Front Fender Removal/Installation 2-5 Swing arm Under Guard Removal!

Installation 2 -10
• Muffler/ Exhaust Pipe Removal/

Installation 2 -7

Service Information

Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive under certain conditions . KEEP OUT OF REACH OF
Serious bums may result if the exhaust system is not allowed to cool are removed or serviced .

Work in a well ventilated area . Smoking or allowing flames of sparks in the work area or where gasoline is stored can
cause a fire or explosion .
This section covers removal and installation of the frame body panels . fuel tank and exhaust system.
Body panel installation is in the reverse order of the removal, unless noted otherwise .
When removing the covers, be careful not to damage any tabs or slots .
Always replace the exhaust pipe gasket when removing the exhaust pipe from the engine.
When installing the exhaust pipe, install all the fa steners loosely . Always tighten the exhaust clamps first, then tighten
the mounting fasteners. If you tighten the mounting fasteners first , the exhaust pipe may not seat porperly .
Always inspect the exhaust system for leaks after installation .

Excessive Exhaust Noise
Broken exhaust system
• Exhaust gas leak

Poor Performance
Deformed exhaust system
Exhaust gas leak
Clogged muffler

Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System
Handlebar Cover Removal! 111 CAPS

Installation 121 SCREWS",,<:-.I

Remove the headlight (page 14 ~ 9) .

Pull the wire band out holding the ignition switch wire
connectors .
Disconnect the ignition switch wire connectors .
Pull the fuel tank cap breather tube out of the handleabar ~~-) (3 J CONNECTORS

Remove the screw caps , screws and handlebar cover .

Install the removed parts in the reverse order of the removal.

Seat/Rear Fender Removal! ( 1) SEAT/ REAR FENDER

Release the seat lock by moving the lever in the direction
shown and remove the seat/ rear fender.

Apply grease to the seat lock claw and install the seat/ rear
fender in the reverse order of the removal.


Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System

Seat/Rear Fender Disassembly/Assembly


• (1)

(8 )




(4 )

( 11 )

Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System

Requisite Service

Seat/ Rear fender Removaillnstallation (page 2~2)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in th e reverse order of disassembly.
I' ) Nut 4
Seat lock lever holder
Seat lock lever ,,

14) Return spring

IS) Nut/Washer 4/ 4
Fender Support ,

18) Seat mounting cushion (rear) 2

Seat mounting cushion (front)
Rear fender
111 } Seat

Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System

Front Fender Removal/Installation

, ,

111 113)


l I S) ,.

- .;.



Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System
Requisite Service

Seat/Rear fender Removaillnstallation (page 2-2)

Procedure a'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11 ) Bolt 2
12) Upper fuel tank cover 1
13) Bolt 2
14) Fuel tank cover 1
IS) Bolt 2
16) Cross pipe 1
17) Bolt 4
18) Collar 2
19) Center front fender 1
110) Bolt 3
Ill ) Front fender stay/washer 2/2
112) Right/ left front fender 1/1
113) Clip 2
114) Rear air guide 1
115) Front air guide/Rubber guard 1/2
Bend the retaining claws straight and release the rubber
guard from the claws.
Install the front air guide aligning the hooks of the guide
with the pins of the front fairing stay .

Fram e/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System

Muffler/ Exhaust Pipe Removal / Installation

121 0 5515 . 5, 40)
14) til

19) til
0 23(23 . 17J

110) 17)

. 0 0 not service the exhaust system white it is hot.

Tighten the exhaust pipe joint nuts first. then the other bolts.
• After installtion. make sure there are no exhaust leaks .

Requisite Service
• Seat Rear Fender Removal Installation (page 2- 2J
I Procedure Q ' ty Remarks
• 11)
Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
Muffler band pincb bolt 1
• 12) Muffler mounting blot 2
13) Muffler 1
• 14)
Muffler lid

I 16) Gasket 1
17) Exhaust pipe joint nut 2
18) Exhaust pipe 1

t 19)
Exhaust pipe protector

Fram e/ Body Pa ne ls/ Ex haust Syst e m

Fuel Tank Removal / Installation

111 _ _ _ _ _


fl ammable and is explosive under certain condit ions.

Requi si t e Service

• Front fender removal/installation (page 2-5)

Procedure Q ' ty Remarks

Rem ova l Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Fuel tank cap breather tube 1 Pull the tube out of the hole in the handlebar cover .
12) Bolt/Collar 2/ 2
13) Fuel tube 1 Before disconnecting the tube turn the fuel valve off.
Disconnect the fuel tube at the fuel valve
14) Fuel tank assembly 1 Install the fuel tank aligning the hook on the tank with the
receptacle in the frame .

2 -8
I Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System

1• Mud Guard/ Step Removal/Installation






Procedure O"ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.

P) Batt 1
(2) Footpeg mounting bolt 2
(3) Screw 5
(4) Footpeg 1
(5) Mud guard 1
(6) Mud guard frame(main) 1
P) Mud guard frame(sub) 1

Frame/ Body Panels/ Exhaust System

Front Skid Plate/ Carrier Pipe (1) CARRIER PIPE BOLT

Remove the bolts, collars and front skid plate .
Remove the bolts and carrier pipe . FRONT SKID
Install the carrier pipe and tighten the bolts .
Install the skid plate and tighten the bolts . COLLAR

Torque : 3 1 N' m (3 .1 kg-m , 22 ft·l b)

Front Protector Plate/ Engine Guard

Removal / Installation
Remove the clips and front protector plate by releasing the
hook on the plate from the hole in the frame .
Remove the bolts and engine guard .

Install the engine guard and tighten the bolts .

Torque : 3 1 N'm 13 . 1 kg-m, 22 ft· lb)

Install the front protector plate aligning the hook on the

protector plate with the hole in the frame . (2) FRONT PROTECTOR
Secure the front protector plate with the clips . PLATE

Swingarm Under Guard Removal /

Remove the bolts and swingarm under guard .

Install the swingarm under guard and tighten the bolts .

TOf'que : 31 N' m 13. 1 kg-m . 22 ft-Ib)

3. Maintenance
Service Information 3-1 Drive Chain Slider 3-7
Service Access Guide 3-2 Brake Pad Wear Inspection 3-8
Maintenance Schedule 3-4 Brake System 3-8
Air Cleaner 3-5 Reverse Lock System 3-9
Valve Clearance 3-5 Skid Plate/ Guard Plate 3-9
Decompressor System 3-6 Steering Shaft Holder Bearing 3-10
Drive Chain 3-7

Service Information
Refer t o Common Service M anual f or service procedures on items not included in this manual.
Refer to the specifications (Section 1) for maintenance service data .

M aintenance

Service Access Guide

The following shows the locations of the parts that must be removed for the maintenance items listed below. Refer to
the Common Service Manual for items not included in this manual.
Refer to section 2 (Frame/body panels/exhaust system). for the parts that must be removed for service.
For example : AIR CLEANER (Contamination, clogging , replacement): Parts
• Side cover ~ The parts must be removed for service.
• Fuel tank ----.J


(Reverse selector lever free play adjustment : 3-9)


clogging replacement: page 3-5) (Decompressor shaft arm flee play
,Seat/ rear fender adjustment: page 3-6)




(2) SPARK ARRESTER (Air in system)


BEARING (Steering shaft

(Damage, runout, corrosion)
(12) TIRE
(Wear, damage, pressure) (9) TIRE


(Damage. runaut, corrosion) (Oil level check, replacement)


I I (Replacement)



(Valve clearance:page 3-5) (6) FUEL LINE
-Fuel tank (Damage,leakage)

(2) SPARK PLUG(Wear ,damage


(Free play) (Slack, librication:page 3-7)

(4) BRAKE HOSE(l eakage,deterioration ,


(Damage,cracks, (8) BRAKE CALIPER
looseness :page 3-9) (Pad wear : page 3-8)

(9) BRAKE HOSE(Leakage ,

deterioration , damage)


(Pad wear:page 3-8)
(Wear, damage:

(Valve clearance:page 3-5) (Idle speed)


Maintenance Schedule
Perform the PRE-RIDE INSPECTION in the Owner's Manual at each scheduled maintenance period .
I : Inspect and Clean, Adjust , lubricate, or Replace if necessary .
R: Replace , C: Clean, l : lubricate, A : Adjust
The following items require some mechanical knowledge . Certain items( Particularly those marked * and * *) may require
more technical information and tools. Consult your authorized Honda dealer.


• Fuel une


Year I
Initial Service Record
(First week of operation)
Regular Service Record
(Every 30 operating days)
Refer to

Note 5

• Fuel Strainer Screen Year C Note 5

• Throttle Operation 1 1 Note 5

Air Cleaner (Note 1) C 3-5
Air Cleaner Case Drain Tube INole 2) 1 Note 5
Spark Plug 1 Note 5

• Valve Clearance 1 1 3-5

Engine Oil R R Note 5

Engine Oil Filter R R Note 5

• Decompressor System 1 1 3-6

• Carburetor Idle Speed 1 1 Note 5
Drive Chain (Note 1, 2 ) I, L I, L 3-7
Drive Chain Slider 1 3-7
Brake Fluid (Note 3 ) 1 Note 5

• Brake Pad Wear Year I

(Note 1, 2 )

Brake System 1 1 3-8

• Reverse lock System 1 1 3-9
Engine Guard , Skid Plates 1 3-9
• Clutch System 1 I Note 5

• Suspension I Note 5

• Spark Arrester (Note 4) C Note 5

• Nuts . Baits, Fasteners I I Note 5

•• Wheels/Tires 1 I Note 5

•• Steering Shaft Holder Bearing Year I 3 -10

•• Steering System Year I Note 5

* Shorld be servICed by an authOrized Honda dealer, unless the owner has the proper tools and service data and IS
mechanically qualified .
* * In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced by an authorized Honda dealer.
Notes : 1 . Service more frequently when riding in very wet or muddy conditions .
2. Service more frequently after riding In dusty areas , sand or snow .
3. Replace every 2 years . Replacement requires mechanical skill .
4. U.S .A . only
5. Aefer to Common Service Manual.

M aintenance

Air Cleaner (1) CUPS

Remove the seat/ rear fender (page 2 - 2).

Release the four clips retaining the air cleaner case cover.
Remove the air cleaner case cover.



loosen the air cleaner element band and remove the element
and holder.
Remove the element from the holder.

Install the air cleaner element in the reverse order of removal.


• Adjust the valve clearance while the engine is cold
(below 3S' C/ 9S' F).

Remove the fuel tank (page 2-8).

Remove the valve adjuster covers.

Remove the crankshaft hole cap and timing mark hole cap.
Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise and align the ~T" mark
on the flywheel with the index mark on the left crankcase
Make sure the piston is at TDC of the compression stroke by
moving the rocker arms . If the exhaust rocker arm is tight.
turn the crankshaft counterclockwise one full turn and make
sure that the HT" mark on the flywheel aligns with the index
mark on the left crankcase cover.


Inspect the intake and exhaust valve clearances by inserting

the feeler gauge between the adjusting screw and valve ! 1) FEELER GAUGE
stem .

Valve clearances
Intake : O. 10 ± 0 . 02 mm !O.004 ± O. OOOB in)
Exhaust : 0 . 10± 0 .02 mm !0.004 ± O. 000B in)

Adjust the valve clearances by loosening the lock nut and

turning the adjusting screw until there is a slight drag on the
feeter gauge .

[s ;-001.. 1
Valve adjusting wrench , 10 x 12 mm 07708· 0030200 or
available in U . S .A .
After adjusting the valve clearance , tighten the lock nut
while holding the adjusting screw .

Torque : 17 N om!1 .7 kg·m, 12 ft· tb)

After tightening the lock nut , recheck the valve clearance.

Check the a-rings for wear or damage and replace if

! 1) O- RING
necessary .
Install the valve adjuster covers.
Install the crankshaft hole cap and timing mark hole cap .

Install the fuel tank (page 2-8).

Install the seat/rear fender (page 2-2) .

Decompressor System

Always adjust the decompressor cable after adjusting ( 1) INDEX MARK

the valve clearance.

Remove the valve adjuster covers (page 3-5) .

Remove the crankshaft hole cap and timing hole cap.

Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise and align the -rmark

on the flywheel with the index mark on the left crankcase
cover .
Make sure the piston is at TDC of the compression stroke by
moving the rocker arms. If the exhaust rocker arm is tight,
turn the crankshaft counterclockwise one full turn and make
sure the Hr mark on the flywheel aligns with the index (2) HT" MARK
mark on the left c rank case cover.


[ Maintenance
Check the free play at the tip of the decompressor shaft arm . _ _ _ _ (1 ) ADJUSTING NUT

Free play : '-2 mm (0.04·0.08 in)

If the free play is out of the specification , loosen the lock nut
and adjust by turning the adjusting nut.

Excessive free play may cause hard staning.
• • Insufficient free p lay may cause erratic engine idle
and valve damage .

• Install the crankshaft hole cap and timing hole cap .
Install the valve adjuster covers .
/ Install the fuel tank (page 2- 8 ) and seat/ rear fender (page
•~ 2-21 .

Drive Chain
• Inspection

Never inspect or lubricate the drive chain while the
engine is running .

Stop the engine and shift the transmission into neutral.

Measure the drive chain slack midway between the sprakets .

Chain slack: 35·45 mm (1· 3/8 - 1-3/4 in)

Loosen the axle holder pinch bolts and adjust the chain slack
by turning the axle bearing holder with the hex wrench in the
the tool kit as shown .

To increase the slack: Turn the bearing holder clockwise

To decrease the slack : Turn the bearing holder

• After adjusting . tighten the axle bearing holder pinch bolts .

Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 kg-m. 16 ft-Ib)


If drive chain slack is excessive when the axle bearing
holder is turned counterclockwise fully. the drive chain
is worn and must be replaced . Replacement : page (1) SLIDER
, 2-9 (2) CUT HERE

Drive Chain Slider ,

Check the drive chain slider and roller for wear or damage .
2 .0 mm
(0 .08 in)
.! r===,=
When the depth of the grooves in the slider and roller 131 REPlACE
reaches 2 .0 mm (0 .08 in ). remove material to lower the

height of the center ridge between the grooves to less than
2 .0 mm (0.08 in)

Replace the slider and roller when the depth of the grooves
reaches 6 .0 mm (0 .24 in) .


Brake Pad Wear Inspection (1) CALIPER 80SS (2) LIM IT

Always replace the brake pads as a set to assure
even disc perssure .

Inspect the pads visually during all regular service intervals to

determine the pad wear. If the wear indicator aligns with the
reference point, it means the pads have been worn to their
limit and must be replaced .

Refer to page 13·2 for front pad replacement .

Refer to page 13· 8 for rear pad replacement . (3) WEAR INDICATOR



Brake System 111

Parking Brake
A parking brake adjustment may be required if the parking
brake dose not hold the rear wheels properly :

Remove the handlebar cover (page 2· 2) .

Temporarily adjust the clutch lever free play to more than 30

mm (1 - 1/ 8 in) , loosen the lock nut on the clutch lever, and
screw in the adjuster completely.
Loosen the lock nut on the parking brake arm and turn the
adjusting bolt clockwise until you feel resistance . Then turn
the adjusting bolt 1/8 turn counterclockwise and tighten the
lock nut .

Torque : 18 Nom (1.8 kg· m, 13 ft·lb) (1) PARKING 8RAKE PIN

Push down the parking brake pin and then squeeze the
clutch lever until firm resistance felt . Measure the distance
the clutch lever has moved; the distance should be 25·30 mm 25-30 mm
(1 - 1- 1/ 8 in) . (1 - 1- 1/ 8 in)
If necessary , turn the clutch adjuster and tighten the lock
nut. ~.c::~:Y
Adjust the clutch lever free play .

To adjust the distance , loosen the lock nut and turn the
, adjuster.
• Tighten the adjuster.

•• After adjusting the parking brake, install the handlebar cover

(page 2 - 2 ).

,~ Reverse Lock System (' ) "R" BUDDN
, Check the reverse selector cable and lever for loose
connection , excessive play, or other damage .
Replace or repair if necessary .

Measure the reverse selector lever free play at the lever end
of the cable while pushing the " R" button.
, Free play : 2 -4 mm (1 / 16-1/ 8 in)

l oosen the lock nut and adjust the free play by turning the (1) ADJUSTING NUT ./
• adjusting nut .
After adjusting , tihgten the lock nut securely .

(2) lOCK NUT

Skid Plate/Guard Plate

Check the skid plate for cracks, damage or looseness at the
intervals shown in the maintenance schedule (page 3 -4) .
If the skid plate is cracked or damaged , replace it with a new
If the skid plate is loose , tighten the bolts secuerly .

3 -9
M ai ntenance

Steering Shaft Holder Bearing

Make sure the cables do not interfere with the rotation
of the steering shah.

Raise the front wheels off the ground and make su re that the
handlebar rotates freely .

If the handlebar moves unevenly, binds or has horizontal

movement, check the steering shah holder bushing and
steering shaft bearing and replace them if necessary (page
" · 16) .

3 -10
• 4. Lubrication System
Service Information 4 -1 Oil Pump Removal / Installation 4 -3
Troubl eshooting 4 -1 Oil Pump Disassembly/ A ssem bly 4 -4
lubrication System Diagram 4 -2

Service Information

I If the engine must be runnig to do some work . make sure the araa is well· ventilated . Never run the engine in en
enclosed area . The exhaust contains poisonous carbon m onoxide gas that can cause loss of consciousness and

• may lead to death.

Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if repeatedly left in contact with the skin for prolonged periods. Although
this is unlikely unless you handle used oil on a daily basis , it is still advisable to throughty wash your hands with
soap and water as soon as possible after handing used oil. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN .
• The service procedures in this section can be performed with the engine in the frame .
When removing and installing the oil pump, use care not to allow dust or dirt to enter the engine.
If any portion of the oil pump is worn beyond the specified service limits, replace the oil pump as an assembly.
After the oil pump has been installed, check that there are no oil leaks and that oil pressure is correct .
Always lubricate the oil pump components with clean engine oil when assembling the oil pump.

Oil level low low Oil Pressure
Oil consumption Pressure relief valve stuck open
External oil leak Clogged oil fi lter screen
Worn piston ring or incorrect piston ring installation Oil pump worn or damaged
Worn valve guide or seal Internal oit leak
Oil pump worn or damaged Incorrect oil being used
Low oil level
Low Or No Oil Pressure
Clogged oil orifice High Oil Pressure
• Incorrect oil being used Pressure relief valve stuck closed and oil filter plugged
Pulgged oil fitter, gallery. or metering orifice
No Oil Pressure Incorrect oil being used
Clogged oil orifice
• Oil pump drive chain or drive sprocket broken
Oil pump damaged (pump shaft)
• Internal oil leaks


Lubrication System

Lubrication System Diagram

(2) ARMS


(10) PISTON ---~~;::~:-;:cs"'ri'i-f;;~




~~~I1t--- (6) RE VERSE IDLE



Lubrication System

Oil Pump Removal/Installation


C 12 (1 .2 , 9)

Use care not to allow dust or din to enter the engine .
• After installation, check that there are no oil leaks and that oil pressure is correct.

Requisite Service
• Clutch removal/ installation (page 8- 10)

Procedure Q ' ty Remarks

(1 )
Removal Order
Dowel pin ,, Installation is in the reverse order of removal.

(2) O-ring
Oil pump assembly ,

Dowel pin
O-ring ,

lubrication System

Oil Pump Disassembly/Assembly


If any portion of the oil pump is beyond the specified service limits, replace oil pump as assembly .
Before assembling, clean all the parts throughly with clean engine oil.
Refer to section 4 of the Common Service manual for inspection information.

Requi site Servi ce

• Clutch removal/ installation (page 8- 10) • Gearshift linkage removal/installation (page 9~51

Procedure Q' tv Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the replace oil pump as assembly .
(' ) Screw
(2) Snap ring
(3) Washer
14) Oil pump driven gear shaft ,, Align the flats of the shaft and inner rat er .
(5) Oil pump cover
(6) Dowel pin ,,
(7 ) Inner rotor
(8) Outer rotor ,,
19) Oil pump body

5. Fuel System
Service Information 5· ' Carburetor Disassembly/ Assembly 5-6
Troubleshooting 5 -2 Throttle Valve Synchronization 5 -8
Air Cleaner Case Removal/ Installation 5-3 Pilot Screw Adjustment 5-8
Carburetor Removal / Installation 5-4 High Altitude Adjustment 5-9

Service Information

Gasoline is extremely flammable and is ex plosive under certain conditions. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF
Bending or twisti ng the control cables will impair sm ooth operati on and could cause the cabl es t o stick Of bind ,
resulting in loss of vehicle control .

Work in a well ventilated area . Sm oking or al10wing flames in the work or where gasoline is stored can cause a fire or
explosion .

Be sure to remove the diaphragms be fore cleaning air and fu el passages with com press ed air. The diaphragms
might be damaged .

Refer t o section 2 fo r fuel tank removal and installation .

When disassembling the fuel system components, note the locations of the O-rings. Replace them with new ones on
reassembly .
Before disassembling the carburetor, place an approved fuel container under the carburet or drain bolt , loosen the bolt
and drain the carburetor.
After removing the carburetor , wrap the intake port of the engine with a shop towel or cover it with a piece of tape to
prevent any foreign material from dropping into the engine .

If the vehicle is to be stored for more than one month , drain the float chamber. Fuel left in the float cham ber may
cause clogged jets resulting in hard starting or poor driveability.




Fuel System

Engine Won't Start Engine Stalls, Hard To Start , Rough Idling
Too much fuel getting to the engine Fuel line restricted
-Air cleaner element clogged Ignition malfunction
- Flooded carburetor Fuel mixture too lean/rich
Intake air leak Fuel contaminated/deteriorated
Fuel contaminated/ deteriorated Intake air leak
Slow circuit or bystarter circuit clogged Idle speed misadjusted
No fuel to carburetor Float level misadjusted
- Fuel strainer clogged Fuel tank cap breather tube dogged
- Fuel tube clogged Pilot screw misadjusted
- Fuel valve stuck
- Float level misadjusted Afterfiring When Engine Braking Is Used
- Fuel tank breather tube clogged lean mixture in slow circuit

lean Mixture Backfiring Or Misfiring During A cceleration

Fuel jets clogged Ignition system faulty
Float valve faulty Fuel mixture too lean
Float level too high
Fuel line restricted Poor Performance IDriveability) And Poor Fuel
Carburetor air vent hole (or tube) clogged Economy
Intake air leak Fuel system clogged
Throttle valve faulty • Ignition malfunction
Vacuum pump faulty
Fuel pump malfunction

Rich Mixture
Choke lever in ON position
Float valve faulty
Float level too low
Air jets clogged
Air cleaner element contaminated
Flooded carburetor

Fuel System

Air Cleaner Case Removal/Installation

171 111



I - - : . (GEAR OIL

Requisite Service
• Seat/rear fender removal/ installation (page 2-2)

Procedure a 'lV Remarks
Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
• 111 Air cleaner case cover 1
121 Packing 1
131 Air cleaner element band 1
141 Air cleaner element 1
151 Air cleaner element holder 1
161 Air cleaner case connecting tube band 1
171 Air cleaner case inlet tube band 2
181 80n 1
191 Air cleaner case 1

Fuel System

Carburetor Removal/Installation 1




Fuel System

Requisite Service
Fuel tank removal/installation (page 2-8)

Procedure Q ' ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Intake pipe band 1
12) Air cleaner case connecting tube band 1
13) Screw/Washer 2/ 2
14) Throttle drum cover 1 Fit the tab on the throttle drum cover in the slot in the float
chamber .
IS) Throttle cable 1
16) Carburetor drain tube 2 Route the tube correctlv (page 1- 22) .
17) One way valve 1 Install the one way valve with the ~ UP ~ mark facing up .
18) Carburetor assemblV 1 Align the tab on the carburetor body with the cut out in the
, intake pipe band.

Fuel System

Carburetor Disassembly/Assembly



(11 )

(17) (4)


• Fuel System

Requisite Service

. Carburetor removal/installation (page 5-4)

Procedure O"tv Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .

III Air vent tube 1
12) Stopper plate 1
13) Choke lever 1
14) Diaphragm cover 1
Be careful not to pinch the diaphragm between the
float chamber and diaphragm cover .
• IS) Spring 1
I 16) Diaphragm 1
17) Spring 1
18) Float chamber 1
I 19) O- ring 1/1
110) Baffle 1
111) Float pin 1
112) Float 1
113) Float valve 1
11 4) Pilot screw 1 Refer to page 5-8 for adjustment .
liS) Main jet 1
Needle jet holder
Slow jet ,

118) Piston throttle cover 1

119) O- ring 1
120) Screw 1 After tightening the screw, turn the throttle drum and make
sure the throttle valve moves smoothly without drag .
121) Throttle shaft 1
122) Throttle valve arm 1
123) Thrust washer 1
124) Throttle valve assembly 1
125) Screw 2
126) Jet needle 1
127) Needle clip 1 Standard position :3rd groove
128) Piston throttle valve

Fuel System

Throttle Valve Synchronization (1) BUTTERflY

Close the butterfly throttle valve fully .

Make sure that the piston throttle valve is closed fully and

threre is no clearance between the throttle link and the
piston throttle valve shaft arm .



Adjust synchronization by opening or closing the slot in the

throttle link .


Pilot Screw Adjustment

The pilot screw is factory pre-set and no adjustment is (1) PILOT SCREW
necessary unless the pilot screw is replaced .
Use a tachometer with graduations of 100 rpm or
smaller that will accurately indicate a 100 rpm change.

1 . Turn pilot screw clockwise until it seat s lightly, then back

it out to the specification given . This is an initial setting
prior to the final pilot screw adjustment.

Tightening the pi lot screw against its seat will
damage the seat .
Initial opening : 2 tums out

2 . Warm up the engine to operating temperature . Ten

minutes of stop and go riding is sufficient .
3. Attach a tachometer according its manufacture's
4 . Adjust the idle speed with the throttle stop screw.

Idle Speed : 1 ,400 ± 100 rpm

5 . Tum the pilot screw in or out slowly to obtain the highest

engine speed.
6 . Readjust the idle speed with the throttle stop screw .
7 . Tum the pilot screw gradually until the engine speed
drops 100 rpm.
B . Readjust the idle speed with the throttle stop screw .

Fuel System

High Altitude Adjustment (1 MAIN JET


Below '.-0
3,000 feet (1,000 m)-
5,000 feet (1,500 m)
8,000 feel (2, 500 mj
Main jet 1122 1118
Pilot screw 1/ 2 screw in from
Factory preset
opening factory preset

The carburetor must be adjusted for high altitude riding (2) DRAIN PLUG
(between 3,000-8,000 feet/l,000-2,500 mI.

High altitude setting : 3,000 feet (1 ,000 m ) min .

The high altitude carbu retor adjustment is performed as


Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive

under certain conditions. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF

Remove the drain plug and replace the standard main jet
with the high altitude type main jet (# 118).
Reinstall the drain plug .
Turn in the pilot screw 1/2 turn.
Start the engine and adjust the idle speed at high altitude to
ensure proper high altitude operation .

Sustained operation below 3,000 feet (1 , 000 m) with
the high altitude settings may cause engine overheating
and engine demage. Install the standard main jet and
screw out the pilot screw 1/ 2 tum , when riding below
3 , 000 feet (1 ,000 mi.

6. Engine Removal/Installation
Service Information 6-' Engine Removal / Install ation 6-2

Service Information
A floor jack or other support is requiered to support and maneuver t he engine .
Engine Dry Weigh t 39 .2 kg (86 .4 Ib)

Parts requiring engine removal for servicing :

- Crankshaft/ balancer shaft (Section 10)
-Gearshift drum (Section 10)
-Transmission (Section 10 )

The following components can be serviced with the engine installed in the frame .
-Carburetor (Section 5)
-Camshaft (Section 7)
-Cylinder head (Section 7 )
-Cylinder (Section 7)
-Piston (Section 7)
-Kickst arter (Section 8)
-Clutch (Section 8 )
-Oil pump (Section B)
-Alternator (Section 9)
- Pulse generator (Section 9)
-Gearshift linkage (Section 9)

Engine Remova l/ Install ation

Engine Removal/Installation

75(7 . 5,54)

(5) 60 (6 .0,43)

If) 60(6 .0,43)



(6 )

12 11

(16) (10)

(1 8 )

Engine Removal / Installation

Requisite Service
• Carburetor Removal / Installation (page 5-4)

Procedure O'ty Remarks

Remova l Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Spark plug cap 1
12) Cylinder head cover breather tube 1 Route correctly referring to page 1-22.
13) Reverse indicator switch cover 1
14) Reverse indicator switch terminal 1
15) Reverse selector cable 1 After installing , adjust the reverse select or lever free play
(page 3-9).
16) Decompressor cable 1 After installing , adjust the decompressor shaft arm free play
(page 3-6).
(7) Clutch cable 1 After installing, adjust the clutch lever free play (page 1-8).
18) Kickstarter pedal 1 When installing, align the punch marks on the kickstarter
• 19) Gearshift pedal 1
spindle and kickstarter pedal.
When installing, align the punch marks on the gearshift
spindle and gearshift pedal.
110) Drive sprocket cover 1
111) Drive sprocket retaining plate 1 After installing, adjust the drive chain slack (page 3 - 7) ,
112) Drive sprocket 1
113) Drive chain 1
(14) Drive chain guide plate 1
115) Front upper engine mount bolt 1
116) Front upper engine mount plate 2
117) Front lower engine mount bolt 1
118) Front lower engine mount plate 1
119) Rear upper engine mount bolt 1
120) Rear lower engine mount bolt 1
1211 Engine assembly 1

7. Cylinder Head/Cylinder/Piston
Service Information 7 -1 Camshaft Removal / Installation 7 -6
Troubleshooting 7-1 Cylinder Head Removal / Installation 7-10
Cylinder Head Cover Removall 7-2 Cylinder Head Disassembly/ Assembly 7 -11
Installation Cylinder/ Piston Removal / Installation 7-12

Service Information
This section covers service procedures for the cylinder head , valves, camshaft . cylinder and piston . These services can
be performed with the engine in the frame .
When disassembling . mark and store the disassembled parts to ensure that they are reinstalled in their proper locations.
Camshaft lubricating oil is fed to cylinder head through the oil pipe . Before installing the oil pipe , be certain there is no
clog in the oil pipe.
Clean all disassembled parts with clean solvent and dry them by blowing them off compressed air before inspection .
Pour clean engine oil into the oil pockets in the cylinder head during assembly to lubricate the camshaft lobes .

Engine top end problems usually affect engine performance . These can be diagnosed by a compression or leak-down
test, or by tracing noises to the top-end with a sounding rod or stethoscope .

Compression Too Low . Hard Starting Or Poor Excessive Noise

Performance At Low Speed Cylinder head
Valves -Incorrect valve adjustment
-Incorrect valve adjustment -Sticking valve or broken valve spring
- Burned or bent valves -Damaged or worn camshaft
-Incorrect valve timing -Loose, worn or damaged cam chain
- Broken valve spring -Worn or damaged cam chain tensioner
-Weak valve spring -Worn cam sprocket teeth
Cylinder head -Worn rocker arm and/ or shaft
- Leaking or damaged head gasket Cylinder. Piston
-Warped or cracked cylinder head -Worn cylinder and piston
Cylinder. Piston -Worn piston pin and piston pin bore
-leaking cylinder head gasket
-loose spark plug Rough Idle
-Worn, stuck or broken piston ring -low cylinder compression
-Worn or damaged cylinder and piston - Intake air leak

Compression Too High

Excessive carbon built-up in cylinder head or on top of

Excessive Smoke
Cylinder head
- Worn valve stem or valve guide
-Damaged stem seal
Cylinder. Piston
-Worn cylinder, piston or piston rings
-Improper installation of piston rings
-Scored or scratched piston or cylinder wall

Cvlinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston

Cylinder Head Cover Removal/Installation




Ie) Is 700\. 1(page 7- 4 )

14(1.4, 10)

7 -2
Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston

Requisite Service
• Fuel tank removal/installation (page 2-8)

Procedure Q 'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal .
(I ) Decompressor cable 1 After installing. adjust the decompressor shaft arm free play
(page 3- 6) .
(2) Oil pipe bolt 1
(3) Sealing washer 2
(4) Breather tube 1
(5) Valve adjuster cover 2
(6) O-ring 2
(7) 6 mm SH bolt 1
(8) 6 mm flange bolt 13
(9) Breather tube holder 1
• (10) Decompressor cable holder 1
(11) Sealing washer 5 Refer to page 7-5 for the locations of the sealing washers.
•I ( 12) Cylinder head cover 1 Refer to page 7-5 for the sealant applying area .
(13) Dowel pin 2
Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
(.) Dowel pin 1 Install the dowel pin aligning the tip of the pin with the
groove in the decompressor shaft .
(b) Decompressor shaft 1
(e) Retum spring 1
(d) Oil seal 1
(.) Dowel pin 2 Refer to page 7 -4 for removal .
(f) Rocker arm shaft 2 Refer to page 7- 4 for installation .
(g) O-ring 2
(h) Rocker arm 2 Exhaust rocker arm has a projection for the decompressor
system .


• 7-3
Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston

Rocker Arm Shaft Dowel Pin Removal (2) DOWEL PIN REMOVER
Groove each rocker arm shaft dowel pin with a file.
Set the dowel pin remover on the dowel pin so that the tip of
the hel( bolt aligns with the groove of the pin .
Tighten the hel( bolt and remove the dowel pin from the
cvlinder head cover.

Dowel pin remover 07936-MA70000

Cylinder Head Cover Assembly (1) ROCKER ARM (2) BOLT HOLES (3) CUT-OUT
Lubricate the rocker arm shafts with molvbdenum disulfide

Install new a-rings into the grooves of the rocker arm shafts
and install the rockar arms and shafts aligning the cut-out in
the shafts with the cylinder head cover bott holes.

Align the dowel pin holes in the cvlinder head cover and
rocker arm shaft and install new dowel pins .


13) HOLE

Install the oil seal. return spring and decompressor shaft to

the cvtinder head cover. (1) DOWEL PI N (2) DECOMPRESSOR
Insert the dowel pin aligning with the groove in the SHAFT
decompressor shaft .


Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston
• Apply liquid sealant to the mating surface of the cylin der
head cover.

• ~ Do not apply sealant to the three areas indIcated In the

EJ Illustration at
right .


Wipe lhe exce ss sea lant off th e cyl inder head cover .

Cylinder Head Cover Bolt Location (1) "6" MARKS

Install the cylinder head cover
Install the copper washers to the holes indicated by • 6. ~

marks .
(2) 6mm SH
Tight en the cylinder head cover bolts In a crisscross pattern
In 2-3 steps starting from the central bolt.

Torque :
6 mm flange bolt : 12 N om 11 . 2 kg -m . 9 ft·lb)
6 mm SH boU: 10 N om 11 .0 kg -m . 7 ft· lb )




Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Pi ston

Camshaft Removal/Installation

)C 17(1 .7 . 12 )

I qI

l ei

Cylinder Head/ Cyl i nder/ Piston

Requisite Service
• Cylinder head cover removal/installation (page 7-2)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Cam chain tensioner sealing bolt 1
12) Sealing washer 1
(3) Bolt 2
(4) Cam chain tensioner lifter assembly 1
(5) Gasket 1
(6) Camshaft end cap 1
171 Cam sprocket bolt 2 Before removing the bolts, align the MTM mark on the
flywheel with the index mark on the left crankcase cover by
turning crankshaft counterclockwise.
18) Cam sprocket 1 Attach a piece of wire to the cam chain and secure it to
prevent the cam chain from falling into the crankcase .
Refer to page 7-8 for installation.
19 ) Camshaft 1 Refer to page 7 -8 for installation.
110) Camshaft bearing stopper plate 1






Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston

Cam Shaft Installation

Align the -T- mark on the flywheel with the index mark on
the left crankcase by turning the crankshaft
counterclockwise .

(2) "T" MARK

Install the cam sprocket to the cam chain with the punch (1) PUNCH MARK (2) CAM CHAIN
mark on the cem sprockat facing up .
Install the cam sprocket onto the camshaft flange.


Position the cam lobes down .

Reinstall the cam chain with the timing marks on the cam ( ') TI MIN G~M~A~R~K~S:::::::::::::::::~Sil:.:(2) CAM CHAl N
sprocket aligning with the cylinder head upper surface .

Apply a locking agent to the threads of a cam sprocket batt

and tighten the punch mark side bolt first .

Torque : 20 N-m (2 .0 kg-m . 14 ft-Ib)

Tum the crankshaft counterclockwise one full tum . Apply a

locking agent to the threads and install and tighten the other
cam sprocket bolt to the specified torque .

Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/Piston

Turn the cam chain tensioner lifter shaft clockwise with a

small blade driver to retract the tensioner and hold it in the
fully retracted position .

, The tensioner will extend automatically by the spring
force when the retaining wire !below) is removed .

Wedge the tensioner shaft with a piece of stiff wire 8S shown

to keep the tensioner drawn in . 20mm

(1) WIRE

Install a new gasket and the cam chain tensioner lifter and
tighten the anaching bolts securely .
Remove the wedge from the cam chain tensioner lifter . LIFTER



Install a new sealing washer and tighten the sealing bolt . (1) SEALING BOLT


Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston

Cylinder Head Removal/lnsta"ation

C 40 (4.0. 29)

C 18 (1.8 . 13)



11 -A
liS' ....
131 lSt

Requisite Service
Carburetor removal/installation (page 5-4 ) • Exhaust pipe removal/ installation (page 2-7)
• Camshaft removallinstallation (page 7-6)

Procedure Q'tv Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Oil pipe mounting bolt 1
121 Oil pipe bolt 1
131 Sealing washer 2
141 Oli pipe 1
151 Spark plug 1
161 Cap nut 4
171 80lt 2
181 Cylinder head assembly 1
191 Dowel pin 2
1101 Gasket 1

Cylinder Head/ Cylind er/ Piston

Cylinder Head Disassemlby / Assembly

Is~ 1 (page 1- 16)

(4) - -- - _



qI 111

(11 )
[s;-OOl. Hpage 1-16)
(2) ~
(7) ,
• Mark all parts during disassembly so they can be placed back in their original position .

Requi site Service

• Cylinder head removal/ installation (page 7-10)

Procedure O'ty Remarks

D isassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
(1) Intake manifold 1
(2) O-ring 1
(3) Valve coner 8 Use the valve spring compressor (07757-0010000 or
07959-3290001 )
(4 ) Valve spring retainer 4
(5) Outer valve spring 4
(6) Inner valve spring 4

(7) Intake valve Install while turning slowly to prevent stem seal damage .
(8) Exhaust valve
(9) Spring seat 4
(10) Stem seal 4
(11) Valve guide 4 Use the valve guide remover, 5 , 5 mm (077 42 -0010100)
and valve guide ream er, 5 . 5 mm (07984-2000001 or
(12) a -ring 4

Cylinder Head/ Cyl inder/ Pi ston

Cylinder/ Piston Removal/Installation

131 " ' 1

141 •
"'I 151 f t

Requisite Service
• Cylinder head removal/ installation (page 7- 10)

Procedure Q' ty Remarks

Removal O, de, Installation is in the reverse order of removal .
111 Cam chain guide 1 When installing . align the bosses on the guide with ,h.
grooves in the cylinder.
121 Bolt 2
13) Cylinder 1 NOTE
· Avoid piston ring damage during installation .

14) O-ring 1
· Do not let the cam chain fall into the crankcase .

15) Gasket 1
16) Dowel pin 2
17) Piston pin clip 2 NOTE
· Do not align the piston pin clip end gap wnh the piston
clip area recess.
· Be careful not to let the piston clips fall into the
18) Piston pin 1
19) Piston 1 NOTE
· Install the piston with the MIW mark on the piston head
facing intake side .

~ :::r ·
110) Top ring NOTE
111 ) Second ring Install the piston ring with the marked side facing up and
stagger the ring end gaps.
112) Side rail 2
113) Spacer 1

7 -12
8. Clutch/Kickstarter
Servi ce Information 8 -1 Kickstarter Removal/ Installation 8-6
Troubleshooting 8 -1 Clutch Removal / Installation 8 -10
Right Crankcase Cover Removal/ 8-2 Primary Drive Gear Removal/ 8 -13
Installation Installation
Right Crankcase Cover Disassembly/ 8-4

Service Information
This section covers removal and installation of the right crankcase cover, clutch , kickstarter and primary drive gear.
These services can be performed with the engine in the frame .

Clutch lever Too Hard To Pull In Clutch Slips
Damaged, kinked or dirty clutch cable Clutch lifter slipping
Damaged cluch lifter mechanism Worn clutch discs
Faulty clutch lifter bearing Weak clutch springs
No clutch lever free play
Clutch Will Not Disengage Or Ve hicle Cree ps W ith Additive in engine oil
Clutch Disengaged
Too much clutch lever free plav Clutch Operation Feel s Rough
Warped clutch plate • Rough outer drum slots
loose clutch lock nut
Qillevel too high , improper oil viscosity or oil additive
" ..d
Damaged cluch lifter mechanism

Clutch/ Kickstarter

Right Crankcase Cover Removal/Installation

E:t 14(1.4, 10)

(14) /It •
J 19) /It

E:t 26(2.6 . 19)








Clutch/ Kickstarter

Requisite Service
• Brake pedal removal/installation (page 13- 14 ) • Engine oil draining/ refilling

Procedure a'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Clutch cable 1 Loosen the cluch cable lock nut and adjusting nut and
release the clutch cable end from the clutch lifter arm .
12) Decompressor cable 1 NOTE
· Aher installing . adjust the decompressor arm free play
(page 3-6) .
13) Kickstarter pedal 1 NOTE
· When installing . align the punch marks on the kick-
, 14) Reverse switch cover 1
starter spindle and kickstarter pedal .

15) Reverse switch wire terminal 1

16) Reverse selector arm 1
(7) Reverse selector cable 1
(8) Oil pipe bolt 1
(9) Sealing washer 2
(10) Bolt 12
(11) Decompressor cable holder 1
(12) Reverse selector cable holder 1
( 13) Right crankcase cover 1
(14) Gasket 1
( 15) Dowel pin 2
(16) Reverse selector shah 1
(17) Oil strainer screen 1

Clutch/ Kickstarter

Right Crankcase Cover Disassembly/Assembly

[5 '001. 1 (page
-- - ____
8~5) fi:

j ~191

(12) (11)
1 ; / 1(18)

'£) 161 _ _ _

1131 "--- ~
~ ...............(14) 15~ H page 1-16)

_____ 11 51

1161 .~
I tlI 15) P

~ (I

1191 120) tlI
Requi site service
• Right crankcase cover removal / installation (page 8 ~2 )

Procedure O'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
111 Oil filter cover 1
121 O+ring 1/1
131 Oil filter 1 CAUTION
. Inst all the oil fil ter w ith the " OUT SIDE " mark faCi ng
out .
14 1 Spring 1
151 Rubber seal 1
161 Clutch lifter piece 1
171 Spring pin 1
(8 ) Clutch tifter arm shaft 1 Refer to page 8 +5 for removal/installation .
191 Return' spring 1
1101 Snap ring 1 NOTE
Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing the
cam follower.
1111 Cam follower 1
1121 Return spring 1
1131 Cam fo llower shaft 1
114) Snap ring 1
(15 ) Crankshaft oil seal 1
(16) Kickstarter spindle oil seal 1
(17) Cam fo llower shaft oil seal 1
11 8 1 Kickstarter spindle needle bearing 1 Refer t o page 8~5 for installation.
1191 Reverse swit ch 1
1201 Sealing washer 1

Clutch/ Kickstarter

Clutch Ufter Arm Removal/ Installation

Remove the dutch lifter piece

Drive in the return spring pin until it is flush with the lifter
shaft surface and remove the lifter arm shaft and return
spring .

(.~ I
Pin driver. 3 . 0 mm 07724-00 10200 or commercially
eveilable in U . S . A .

• Drive out the spring pin from the lifter arm shaft and discard
it . (1) PIN DRI VER

IS;;"' )
Pin driver . 3 . 0 mm 07724-0010200 or commercially
available in U . S . A .


Install the return spring and lifter arm shaft .

Drive a new spring pin into the arm shaft hole until the pin
height is 3::0. 5 mm (0. 12::0 .02 in)

II ;;,.. )
Pin driver. 3.0 mm 07724-0010200 or commercially
available in U . S . A .

Kickstarter Spindle Needle Bearing Installation ( 1) DRIVER

Place the right crankcase cover horizontally on a hydraulic (2) ATTACHMENT
press with a proper block .
Drive in a new needle bearing until it 58ats .

Is ;;,.. )
Driver 07749·0010000
Attachment , 24 x 26 mm 07746-0010700
Pilot. 20 mm 07746·0040500


Clutch/ Kickstarter

Kickstarter Removal/Installation

12) ii,! 1211.2.9)



Clutch/ Kickstarter

Requi site Service

f • Right crankcase cover removal/installation (page 8-2)

Procedure Q "ty Remarks

Rem oval Orde r Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Kickstarter spindle assembly 1 Ref er to page 8· 8 for removal/installation .
12) Kickstarter spindle stopper plate 1
13) Thrust washer 1
14) Decompressor cam 1 Refer to page 8- 9 for installation .
15) Cam spring 1
16) Spring seat 1
)7) Snap ring 1 Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing the
decompressor cam .
18) Thrust washer 1
19 ) Collar 1 Refer to page 8 - 9 for installation .
)1 0) Return spring 1
)11) Spring seat 1
( 12) Ratchet spring 1
)13) Ratchet 1 Refer to page 8-9 for installation .
)14) Snap ring 1 Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing the
ratchet .
115) Thrust washer 1
I 116) Pinion gear 1

117) Bushing 1
118) Thrust washer 1
(19) Kickstarter spindle 1




Clutch/ Kickstarter

Kickstarter Removal 111 KICKSTA RTER ASSEMBLY

Temporarily install the kickstarter pedal onto the kickstarter

spindle and remove the kickstarter assembly by turning the
pedal clockwise to free the ratchet from the ratchet guide .


Kickstarter Assembly
(1 I PU NC H MARKS 12J ••' T ",' T
Lubricate the sliding surfaces of the pinion gear and spline
with molybdenum oil solution .
Install the washers, bushing and pinion gear onto the kick·
starter spindle .
Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing the
pinion gear.

Install the ratchet over the the kickstarter spindle a~gning

the punch marks . •

Install the ratchet spring and spring seat .

Install the return spring and insert its end into the hole in the •

Install the collar, aligning its cut--out with the end of the
return spring .

Install the thrust washer.


Install the spring seat and cam spring over the kickstarter
Install the decompressor cam over the kickstarter spindle
aligning the punch marks .

Install the thrust washer.

12J Pur<C H

f Clutch/ Kickstarter
Kickstarter Installation

Align the return spring hook with the c rankcase boss under
f the ratchet guide .


Temporarilv install the kickstarter pedal onto the kickstarter

spindle .
Install the kickstarter assemblV in place by turning it
Remove the kickstarter pedal.


Make sure the punch mark on the kickstarter spindle faces
up . ( 1) PUNCH MARK

Clutch/ Kickstarter

Clutch Removal/I nstallation

116) «

, ,

(6) ('~ I (page8- 12) ( 1 1)

0 110 (11 .0 , 80) 110)


19) ,



14 )

(1) 0 1211 .2, 9 )

8- 10
Clutch/ Kickstarter

Requisite Service

Procedure a'tv Remarks

Rem oval Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
Clutc h
11) CUlch lifter plate bolt 4 Tighten in several steps in a crisscross pattern .
12) Clutch lifter plate 1
13) Clutch spring 4
14) Stopper ring 1
15) Clutch lifter plate needle bearing 1
16) Cluth center lock nut 1 NOTE
· Before removing, unstake the lock nut .
· Be careful not to damage the mainshaft threads.

(7) Washer 1
· Refer to page 8-12 for removal/installation.

18) Clutch center 1

19) Clutch disc / plate 6/5
110) Pressure plate 1
111) Thrust washer 1
112) Clutch outer 1
( 13) Clutch outer guide 1

Kic kstarter idle gear

114) Socket bolt 2
115) 2nd idler gear .slopper plate 1
116) 2nd idler gear 1
117) Flange bushing 1
(18) 15t idler gear shaft/ washer 1/2
119) 1 S1 idler gear 1

Reverse shifter
120) Reverse shifter cam stopper arm 1
121) Return spring 1
1221 Reverse shifter plate 1
1231 Reverse shifter cam 1





Clutch/ Kickstarter

Clutch Center Lock Nut Removal/ Installation (1) EXTENSION BAR (2) LOCK NUT WRENCH
Unstake the clutch center lock nut with a drill or grinder.

I· Be careful not to damage the mainshaft .
Set the clutch center holder onto the pressure plate and
secure it with the lifter plate bolts.
Remove the clutch center lock nut .
[I~ I
Clutch center holder 07923-KE1oooo Of
07HGB -001OOOA •
(U . S . A . only)
Lock nut wrench . 17 x 27 mm 07716· 0020300 Of
commercially available (1) EXTENSION BAR (2) LOCK NUT WRENCH
in U . S .A .
Extension bar 077 1 6-0020500 Of
commercially available
in U . S .A .

If the Clutch center holder (07923· KE10000 or
07HGB -001000A ) is not available . shift the
transmission into gear and use the Universal holder
(07725-0030000) to hold the drive sprocket .

Tighten the clutch center lock nut while holding the pressure
plate with a clutch center holder.

Torque : 110 N-m (11.0 kg-m . 80 ft·ld)

After tightening. stake the lock nut securely with 8 center

punch .

I Clutch/ Kickstarter
•t Primary Drive Gear Removal / Installation


t ( [I~ I (pageB-14)
--""10 70 (7.0,51)

If the gear holder (07724-0010100) is not available , shift the transmission into gear and hold the drive sprocket with
a universal holder (07725-0030000), and loosen the primary drive gear lock nut before removing the clutch assembly .
I Requisite Service
• Oil pump removal (page 4 -3)

Procedure Q ' ty Remarks

Rem oval Order
111 Primary drive gear lock nut , Installation is in the reverse order of removaL
· Before loosening. unstake the lock nut .
· lock nut has left-hand threads.

12) Lock washer , · Refer to page 8-14 for removal/ installation .

Install the washer with the · OUT SIDE- mark facing out.
Oil pump drive gear
Primary drive gear ,




Clutch/ Kickstarter

Primary Drive Gear Lock Nut Removal/ Installation (11 GEAR HOLDER (2) LOCK NUT WRENCH

Unstake the lock nut with a drill or grinder .

• Be careful not to damage the crank shaft threads.

Temporarily install the clutch outer guide and clutch outer

over the mainshaft .
Install the gear holder between the primary drive and driven
gears .

II ;;,.. ) (3) EXTENSION BAR

Gear holder 07724·0010100
Not eveileble in U . S .A .
l ock nut wrench, 17 x 27 mm 07716-0020300 or

commercielly evailable (2) GEAR HOLD ER
in U .S . A .
Extension bar 07716-0020500 or
commercially available
in U . S .A .

Loosen and remove the lock nut by turning it clockwise .

I· The lock nut has left-hand threads .
Install the gear holder between the primary drive and driven
Tighten the lock nut by turning it counterclockwise.

Torque: 70 N·m (7 .0 kg-m . 51 ft-Ibl

I· The lock nut has left-hand threads .
After tightening. stake the lock nut securely using a ceter

9. Alternator/Gearshift Linkage
Service Information 9 -1 Flywh eel Removal/ Insta llation 9-4
Troubleshooting 9 -1 Gearshift linkage Removal/ Insta llation 9· 5
Left Crankcase Cover Removal/
Installation 9-2

Service Information
This section covers rem oval and installation of the alternator and gearshift linkage .
These services can be performed with the engine in the frame .
Refer to Section 14 for pulse generator/ alternator inspection.

Hard To Shift
Bent gearshift spindle
• Broken shift drum stopper arm

Transmission Jumps Out Of Gear

Broken shift drum stopper arm
• Broken gearshift spindle return spring

Gearshift Pedal Will Not Return

Weak or broken gearshift spindle return spring
• Gearshift spindle binding with the crankcase

Alternator/ Gearshih Linkage

Left Crankcase Cover Removal/Installation

"t:::." MARKS

1141 'II •

OJ 11

0 22 (2 .2 . 16)




Alternator/ Gearshift Linkage

Procedure O'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the rellerse order of remollal.
11) Altemator/ pulse generator connector 2/1
12) Drive sprocket caller I dnve chain guide 1/ 1
13) Gearshift pedal 1 Install the gearshift pedal aligning the punch marks on the
gearshift pedal and gearshift spindle .
14 )Rellerse shifter link pinch bolt 1
15) Rellerse shifter link pillot bolt 1
16) Reverse shifter link 1
17 )Bolt 13
18 )Sealing washer 3 Install the washers to the bolt holes indicated by J t:. ~ marks .
19) Clutch cable holder 1
( 10)left crankcase caller 1
I (111 Gasket
(12) Dowel pin 2

{13) Oit orifice 1 NOTE

1 , Install the oil orifice with its projected side facing in .
114) O-ring 1

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the rellerse order of disassembly .

la) Grommet 1

, Ib) Socket bolt

Ie ) Pulse generator
Id) Bolt
I ). ) Stator 1
( III Gearshift spindle oil seal
Ig) Reverse shifter leller shaft oil seal


Alte rnator/ Gearshih link age

Flywheel Removal / Installation


(3) !s~ 1 (page 1-16)

) 0 110 (11 .0 , 80)

Requisite Service
• Left crankcase cover removal / installation (page 9 - 2)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Rem oval Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Flywheel bolt 1 Use a Flywheel holder (07725-0040000) or Band strap
wrench commercially available in U.S.A. '0' removal!
installation .
121 Washer 1
131 Flywheel 1 NOTE
. Before installing , wipe any oil off the crankshaft and
flywheel mating surface.
141 Woodruff key 1

Alternator/ Gearshift Linkage

Gearshift Linkage Removal/Installation

•• r:w
, C (2 ,2 . 16)

, (1


• (15)

~ C 23 (2 .3 , 17)

Requisite Servi ce
• left crankcase cover removal / installation (page 9 -2)

Procedure Q ' ty Remarks

,; (1)
Removal Order
Gearshift spindle assembly 1
Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
When installing , align the hole in the spindle with the shifter
collar and return spring ends with the pin bolt .
(2) Washer 1
(3) Shifter collar 1
(4) Drum shifter assembly 1 NOTE
, Be careful not to let the plungers jump out .
, Refer to page 9 -6 for assembly .
(5) Ratchet paul A 1
(6) Ratchet paul B 1
(7) Plunger 2
(8) Spring 2
, (9) Guide plate 1
(10) Dowel pin 2
, (11) Drum center bolt
(12) Drum center
r . Install the drum cen ter aligning the cutout in the drum
,• (13) Dowel pin 1
center with the dowel pin .
• (14) Stopper arm 1
(15) Return spring 1


Alternator/ Gearshift Linkage

Drum Shifter Assembly (1) GUIDE PLATE (2) RATCHET PAWL B

Assemble the drum shifter on the guide plate . ~~~~~~~1~31~R~A~T~C~HETPAWLA

Install the ratchet spring , plunger and ratchet pawl onto the
drum shifter as shown .

Position each ratchet pawl so that its round head is in
the drum shifter and cutout of the ratchet pawl aligns
with the plunger head .


10. Crankcase/Transmission/ Crankshaft
Service Information 10-1 Shift Drum / Reverse Idl er Gear Shaft
Di sassemb ly! Assembly 10- 10
, Troubleshooting 10-1
, Crankcase Separation ! A ssembly 10-2 Crankshaft/ Balancer Shaft Remova ll
Installation 10-11
Transmission Removal / In stallation 10-4
Crankcase Bearing Remova l/
Mainshaft Disassembly/ A s sembly 10-6 Installation 10- 14
Counters haft Di sassembly/ Assembly 10-8

Service Information
The crankcase must be separated to repair transmission or crankshaft.
• Remove the following parts before separating the crankcase .
Engine (section 6)
• Cvlinder head (section 7)
Cylinder , piston (section 7)
Clutch, kickstarter , primary drive gea r , reverse shifter (section 8)
/ Gearshift linkage. flywheel (section 9)
, Troubleshooting
Crankshaft Noisy
Worn connecting rod big end bearing
r Bent connecting rod
Worn crankshah main Journal bearing

Jumps Out Of Ge ar
Shih fork bent or damaged
Shih fork shah bent
Shih fork claw bent
Gear engagement dogs or slots worn
Shih d rum cam grooves d amaged

Gear Is Hard To Engage

Incorrect clutch adjustment
Shih fork bent or damaged
Shih fork shah bent


Crankcase/ Transmi ss ion/ Crankshaft

Crankcase Separation/Assembly

C 12 (1.2. 9 )
18) ~"



12) ----\r· ~
Dum :

-, 141

( 14)

( 11 )




(10) C 12 (1 .2, 9)



•I Crankca se/ Transmission/ Crankshaft
• After assembling the crankcase halves, apply sealant to the crankcase mating surface 8t the cylinder base .

Requi s ite Servi ce

•I Engine removal / installation (section 6) Clutch , kickstarter , primary drive gear, reverse shifter
I Cylinder head removallinstallatlon (section 7) removal/installation (section 8)
Cylinder, piston removal/installation (section 7) Gearshift linkage. f lywheel removal / installation (section 9)

Procedure Q' ty Remarks

, "
12 )
S e paration Order
Cam chain
Assembly is in the reverse order of separation .

13 ) Cam chain slider 1

14 ) Collar 1
IS) Washer 1
16) Hex bolt 1
Breather plate
Gasket ,

19) Right crankcase cover boh 1

110) left crankcase cover bolt 12
(111 Clamp 3
112) Clutch cable holder/ clamp
" 3 ) Right crankcase
1/ 1
Place the left crankcase down and remove the right crank-
case by tapping c rankcase halves with a mallet.
(14) Reverse shift fork 1 NOT E
. When inst alling , align the punch m arks on the reverse

115) Gasket , shift fork and shift drum .

,'6) Dowel pin

117) left crankcase assembly ,

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Transmission Removal/Installation



Requisite Service
• Crankcase separation/ assembly (page' 0 -2)

Procedure O'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal .
11 ) Washer 1
121 C1 gear 1
13) Reverse idler gear shaft assembly 1 Install the reverse idle gear shaft aligning the pin with the
cutout in the left crankcase .
141 Shift fork shaft 1
151 Right shift fork 1 Install with the - R- mark fa cing up .
161 Center shift fork 1 Install with the - C· mark facing up .
17) Shift drum assembly 1
I") Mainshaft/ Countershaft assembly 1/1 Refer to page 10-5 for installation .
19) left shift fork 1 Install with the - l - mark facing up .

I Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

,t Mainshaft/ Countershaft Installation

Apply molybdenum oil solution to the sliding and mating


surface of the gears .

Install the left shift fork with the ~ lw mark facing up to the C4
gear .

Install the mainshaft , countershaft and left shift fork as an

assembly as shown .
(4 ) C4


I "e· mark facing up to the

Install the center shift fork with the
M3 gear. SH IFT
Install the right shift fork with the " R" mark facing up to the FORK
counter reverse gear shifter .
Insert the shift fork shaft through the forks into the hole in SHAFT
the left crankcase .

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Mainshaft Disassembly/Assembly





19) 18)

( 11 ) (9) (8) (6) (5) (4 )


Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Requisite Service
• Transmission removal / installation (page' 0- 4 )

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

D isassembl y Order Assemblv is in the reverse order of disassemblv .
( 1I Washer 1
(21 M2 gear t 17T) 1
(31 M4 gear (24T) 1
\41 Spline bushing 1 NOTE
Install the spline bushing aligning the oil holes in the
bushing and the mainshaft .
(51 Spline washer 1
(6 1 Snap ring 1
(71 M3 gea r t2 1T) 1
(8 1 Snap ring 1
(9 1 Spline washer 1

• (101
M5 gea r (2 8T)
( 121 Mainshaft/M 1 gear ( 13T) 1

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Countershaft Disassembly/Assembly

(6) (32T)



(16) (35T)

(13) (43T)

(4) (6) (8) (16) ( 13)

( 10)

( 17 )

( 14)



Ir Requisite Service
Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

! • Transmission removal /installation (page 10-4)

Procedure a 'tv Remarks
Disassembl v Order Assemblv is in the reverse order of disassembly .
(11 Washer 1
121 Cl gear (48T) 1
131 Spline bushing 1 NOTE
. Install the spline bushing aligning the oil holes in the
bushing and the countershaft.
141 Counter reverse gear shifter 1
151 Spline collar 1
161 Counter reverse gear (32T) 1
171 Spline bushing 1 NOTE
. Inst all the spline bushing aligning the oil holes in the
bushing and the countersha ft .
181 C5 gear (33T) 1
191 C3 gear (39T) 1
(101 Bushing 1
(11 ) Washer 1

(121 Washer 1
(131 C2 gear (43n 1
(14) Bushing 1
(151 Washer 1
1161 C4 gear (3Sn 1
(171 Countershah 1

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crank shah

Shift Drum/ Reverse Idler Gear Shaft Disassembly/Assembly


~ (d)


14 )

Requisite Service
• Transmission removallinstallation (page 10- 4 )

Procedure O'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly IS in the reverse order of disassembly ,

Shift drum
11) Hex bolt 2
(2) Reverse gear shih drum bearing holder 1
(3) Bearing setting ring 2
14 ) Dowel pin 1
)5) Radial ball bearing (6902) 1
(6) Reverse gear shift drum 1
(7) Special needle beanng 2
)8) Shift drum 1

Reverse idler gear shaft

I.) Washer 1
(b) Reverse Idler gear (15T / 33T) 1
Ie) Bushing 2
Id) Washer 1
I.) Reverse Idler gear shah 1

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Crankshaft/ Balancer Shaft Removal / Installation

, 131 - ,

I 11



Requisite Service
. Transmission removal/installation (page 10~4 )

Procedure a ' ty Remarks

Rem ova l Order Installation is In the reverse order of removal.

111 Crankshah 1 Refer to page 10~ 12, 13 f or removal / installation.
121 Balancer shah 1 Aef er to page 10~ 12 , 13 for removal/installation.
131 Radial ball bearing (63 /28) 2 Refer to page 10-12 for removal/installation.

Crankcase/ Transmission/Crankshaft
Crankshaft/ Balancer Shaft Remova l (1) CRANKS HAFT

Remove the crankshah from the left crankcase using a

hydraulic press.

When pressing out the crankshaft, be careful not to
apply side force to the connecting rod .
Take care that the crankshaft and balancer shaft
doesn't fall w hen removing the crankshaft .

Remove the balancer shaft .

If the left crankshaft bearing remains on the crankshah ,

Remove it with a bearing puller and discard it.
If the bearing remains in the left crankcase, drive it out and
discard it.
{s TOOL )
Universal bearing puller 07631 -0010000 or
commercially available in
U.S.A .



Crankshaft/ Balancer Shaft Installation

Drive new c rankshaft bearings in left and right crankcase (1) DRIVER
halves .


Driver 07749-0010000 (3) PILOT
Attachment , 62 x 68 mm 07746-0010500
Pilot. 28 mm 07746-0041'00

Align the timing marks on the crankshaft and balancer gears

and install them in the righ t crankcase.

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Instal! the left crankcase over the crankshaft and balancer

shah . (1) THREADED
Install the threaded adaptor onto the crankshaft .

Threaded adaptor 0 7965·VM003 00

Set the assemblv collar on the crankshaft bearing inner race .

Screw the shaft puller on the thread adaptor . (1) SHAFT
Draw the crankshaft in the left crankcase until the crankshaft
seats on the bearing inner race by turning the shaft puller

I white holding flange bolt .

j$~ )
Assembly colla r 07965·VM00100
Shaft puller 07965·VMOO200

t or 07931 -ME4000A
(U . S .A . only)


Position the crankcase assembly with the left c rankcase (1) LINES
down and remove the right crankcase .
Make sure that the lines on the crank weight and balancer
weight are aligned .

Crankcase/ Transmission/ Crankshaft

Crankcase Bearing Removal / Installation




.... ~_ _ (5) (page 1-16)

(~OI2(1.29( •
(1) (I

Requisite Service
• Crankshaft/balancer shaft removal/installation (page 10-11)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
(1) Crankshaft bearing (63/28) 2
(2) Balancer shaft bearing (6203) 2
(3) Right mainshaft bearing (6203) 1
(41 Left mainshaft bearing (62/22) 1
(51 Snap ring 1 NOTE
. Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing the
oil seal.
Countershaft oil seal
(6) 1
Right countershaft bearing (63/22 U)
171 1
(BI Left coun tershaft bearing (6203) 1
(91 Bearing set plate 2
(10) Shift drum bearing 1

11. Front Wheel/Suspension/Steering
Service Information ,,-, Front Sock Absorber Dis assembly/
Tro ubleshooting ,,-, Assembly " -7
Handlebar Rl;!moval / lnstall ation " -2 Front Wheel Removal / Installation "-8
Clutch/ Pa rking Brake Lever Bracket Front Wheel Hub Removal / " -9
Di sasse mbly! A ssembly " -4 Installation
Tie -rod Removal ! Installation ,,-, 0
Throttle Housing Disassembl y/
A ssembly " -5 Knuckle/ Front Arm Removal !
Front Shock Absorber Remova l! Installation
" -'2
Installation "-6 Front Arm Disassembly / Assembly " -'4
Steering Shaft Removal / Installation " -'6
Service Information
This section covers maintenance of the front wheel, front shock absorber, steering and suspension.
A jack or other support is requiered to support the vehicle.
Refer to section 13 for brake system information.
Refer to section 16 of the Common Service Manual for tire removal/installation.
Refer to section 2 of the Common Service Manual for wheel alignment. m
Hard Steering Soft Suspension
Steering shaft holder too tigh t Weak front shock absorber spring
Faulty steering shah bearing/bushing Faulty front shock absorber dampers
Damaged steering shaft bearing/bushing Loose front suspension fasteners
Insufficient tire p(essure
Faulty tire Hard Suspension
Bent front shock absorber damper rod
Steers T o One Side Or Does Not Track Straight Improperly installed front arms
Bend Tie-rod Faulty front arm spherical bearings
Incorrect wheel alignment
Unequal tire pressu re Front Suspension Noise
Bent frame Binding suspension link
Worn w heel hub bearing • Loose front suspension fasteners
Worn swingarm pivot bearing

Front Wheel Wobbling

Bent rim
Worn wheel hub bearings
Faulty tire

Front Whee l/ Suspension/ Steering
Handlebar Removal/Installation

27 12 .7 , 20)
D~ _ _ - 16 )

C 45 (4 . 5, 33)

Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Requisite Service
• Handlebar cover removal/installation (page 2-2) • Headlight removal/installation (page 14 - 9 )

Procedure O"tv Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Wire ba nd 2
12) Clutch/parking brake lever bracket holder 1
13) Clutch/parking brake lever bracket 1 Refer to page 1 1- 4 for disassembly .
14) Handlebar swit ch housing 1
IS) Throttle housing holder 1
16) Throttle housing assembly 1 NOTE
· Install the throttle housing assembly aligning its protru-
sion with the mating surface of the master cylinder and
holder .
17) Front master cylinder holder 1
18) Front master cylinder 1 CAUTION
· Keep m aster cvlinder upright .
19) Reverse indicator connector 2
110) Wire band 1
111) Bolt/collar 2/2
112) Headlight case bracket 1
113) Headlight case 1
(14) Upper handle holder 2
115) Handlebar 1
116) lower handle holder 2
117) Bolt/setting collar 2/ 2
)18) Handle end guard 2
119) Handle grip 2 NOTE

· Appl y Honda Bond A or Honda Hand Grip Cement (U .S.

A . only) to the inside surface of the grip rubber .

Front Wheel/Suspension/ Steering

Clutch/ Parking Brake Lever Bracket Disassembly/Assembly

( 16)

(5) .~

( 10)

( 13)


Requi site Service

• Clutch/parking brake lever bracket removal/inst allation (page 1 1-2)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

D isassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
111 Rubber cover 1
(2) Lock lever pivot screw 1
(3) Parking brake lock lever 1
(4) Lock lever return spring 1
(5) Brake lever pivot bolt 1
(6) Reverse selector lever 1
(7) Reverse selector cable 1
(8) Clutch lever I
(9) Clutch cable I
(10) Parking brake lever 1
(11) Parking brake cable 1
(12) Brake cable adjuster/lock nut 1/1
(13) Clutch cable adjuster/lock nut 1/1
(14) Screw I
(15) Brake lever bracket holder I
(16) Brake lever bracket 1

Front Whee l/ Suspens ion/ Steering

Throttle Housing Disassembly/Assembly

131 111

161-_ _ _~t

171-_ _ _--.12_

I 1101-
_ _ _ _ _~''''

191---- J

I'll _ mn;.,

Requisite Serv ice

• Throttle housing removal/installation (page 11-2)

Procedure C'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
Throttle housing cover ,,

131 Gasket
Lock washer ,, Before removing, bend straight the lock washer tab .

Throttle arm
Return spring ,
Disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle arm .

Throttle lever adjuster
Throttle lever ,,
1'01 Plastic washer
III I Dust seal ,

Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Front Shock Absorber Removal/Installation

fI C 45 14 .5, 33) 111

C 45 (4 . 5 , 33)

, Raise the front wheels off the ground wi th a jack or block under the engine .

Procedure a 'ry Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Front shock absorber upper mounting boltl
12) Front shock absorber lower mounting boltl
Front shock absorber assembly

11 -6
Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Front Shock Absorber Disassembly/Assembly

~,...~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3) [5;==001.. 1 (page 1- 17)

1--_--- 141


1 6 1 - - -....,°9


Requisite Service
• Front shock absorber removal/installation (page 11-6)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly ,
Dust seal
Collar ,,

Upper spring seat
Spring guide ,,
151 Spring NOTE

, Install the spring with the tightly wound coil faCing up.
161 lower spring seat
171 Spring adjuster ,,
181 Damper assembly

Front Wheel/Suspens ion/ Steering

Front Wheel Removal / Installation


C 65 (6 , 5, 47)

I' )

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Remova l Order Installation is in the reverse order of rem oval,
)11 Wheel nut 4 Loosen the nuts, raise the front wheels off the ground by
placing a jack or other support under the frame, then

)2) Front wheel , remove the nuts .

I Front Wheel/ Suspen sion/ Steering

I Front Wheel Hub Removal / Installation

• 121 70 (7 .0 , 51)

I 171 e !
0 43 (4 .3 , 31)

(11) 181

Requisite Service
• Front wheel removal/installation (page 11 - 8 ) • Front brake caliper removal/installation (page 13-2)

Procedure Q'tv Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Cotter pin 1
121 Front wheel hub nut 1
131 Hub assembly 1
141 Brake disc guard 1
151 Collar 1
161 Dust seal 2
171 Hex bolt 3
181 Brake disc 1 Install the brake disc with the stamped side fa cing the wheel
hub .
191 Radial ball bearing (6202 ) 1
1101 Distance collar 1
( 11) Radial ball bearing (6004) 1

Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Tie-rod Removal/Installation

226 mm (8 9 in )

1 '9


121 ~
131 C 45 14 .5, 331

11 - 10
Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering


• • After installing the tie-rod , check and adjust the wheel alignment (section 2 of the Common Service Manual) .

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Tie- rod lock nut 2 loosen the nuts .
· The golden nut is for the knuckle side and the silver nut
is for the steering shaft side .
12) Cotter pin 2
13) Ball joint nut 2 NOTE
· Once the nut is removed, be sure to replace it with a new
(4) Tie-rod assembly t
(5) Ball joint 2 Remove from the tie-rod .

· Install the golden ball joint on the flat side end of the

· Adjust the distance between the ball joints to the stan-

dard setting as shown .

11 -11
Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Knuckle/Front Arm Removal/Installation •


(a) '\
15) 0: 55155'~ ~
(b) 0 : 40 (4 .0 , 29)





Requisite Service
Front wheel hub removal/installation (page 11 -9) • Front shock absorber removallinstallation (page 11 - 6 )
• Front carrier pipe removal / installation (page 2-10)

Procedure a 'tv Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Splash guard 1
12) Cotter pin 1
13) Tie-rod ball joint nut 1
14) Coner pin 2
151 Castle nut 2
16 ) Clamp 1
171 Kuckle 1 Refer to page 11 - 13 for removal / installation .
Front arm
I.) Clamp 2
Ib) Nut 2 NOTE
· Once the nut is removed . be sure to replace it with a new
one .
Ie) Bolt 2
Id) Upper front arm 1
I.) Nut 2 NOTE
· Once the nut is removed , be sure to replace it with a new
If) Bolt 2
19) lower front arm 1

Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Front Arm Ball Joint Removal 1' ) BALL JOINT

Remove the cottor pin and castle nut from the upper front
arm ball joint.
Break the upper front arm ball/oint loose using a ball joint I
remover. then lift upper front arm out of the knuckle.

Ball jo int remov er 07941 · 692 0003

Remove the lower front arm ball joint following the same
11) BAll JO INT
procedure .

Front Wheel/Suspension/ Steering 1
Front Arm Disassembly/Assembly 1

+ _______ (4 ) [5;=-00t. ) [page 11 - 15)

Requisite Service
• Front arm removal/ installation [page 11 - 12)

Procedure a 'tv Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
II ) Co llar 8
12) Dust seal 8
13) Stopper ring 8 NOTE
. Install the stopper rings into the grooves in the front arm
pivot until they seat completely (page 11 - 15) .
14) Spherical bearing 4 Refer to page 11 - 1 5 for removal / installation .

11 -14
I Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering
,i Front Arm Spherical Bearing Removal !
(3 ) MARK
Remove the stopper rings.

~-==1~· 2.75
Press the spherical bearing out of the front arm pivot .
Mark the special tool on the specified point as shown and mm
press in a new spherical bearing to the marking point . ](0 . 502 in.)
Is ~ 1
Spherical bearing driver 07HMF-HC00100 or
Install the stopper rings into the groove of the front arm pivot
until they seat completely .

Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the spherical bearing .

Apply multi-purpose grease to the dust seal lips.
Install the dust seals and pivot collars to the front arm pivot .

Front Wheel/ Suspension/ Steering

Steering Shaft Removal / Installation


I' 41 o 28 (2.8, 20)

0 45 (4 . 5, 33)

( 16) .ptJ,••--llI et

~ $iiiiDi )151
(17) [$;:"" ) (page 1- 161

) 0 70 (7.0,51)


11 - 16
Front Wheel / Suspension/ Steering

Requisite Service
• Front fender removallinstallation (page 2-5) • Front/ rear air guide removal / installation (page 2 - 51

, Remova l Order
Procedure Q' ty Remarks
Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Cotter pin 2
121 Tie- rod ball joint nut 2
131 TIe-rod ball joint 2
141 Cotter pin 1
151 Steering shah end nut 1
161 Handlebar lower mounting nut 2
171 Handlebar stay bolt 2
181 Handlebar assembly 1 NOTE
• Suspend the handlebar so that the control cables or
brake hose do not bend tightly .
191 Steering shaft holder bolt 4
(10) Brake hose clamp 1
1111 Upper steering shaft holder 1
1121 Lower st eenng shaft holder 1
1131 Steering shaft holder bushing 1
1141 Steering shaft 1 NOTE
When removing or installing the steering shaft, be care-
ful not to bend the brake pipe .
1151 Dust seal 2
I 1161 Collar 1
\ 1171 Snap ring 1 Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing the
bearing .
(181 Radial ball bearing (6203UU ) 1

12. Rear Wheel/Suspension
Service Information 12-1 Rear Shock Absorber Disassembly/
Troubleshooting 12-1 Assembly 12-4

Rear Wheel Removal / Installation 12-2 Rear Axle Removal / Installation 12-5

Rear Shock Absorber Removal ! Axle Bearing Holder Removal /

Installation 12-3 Installation 12-8
Swingarm Removal / Installation 12-10

Service Information
This section covers maintenance of the rear wheel and rear suspension.
A jack or other su pport is required to support the vehicle .
Refer to the section 13 for brake system information .
Refer to the section 16 of the Common Service Manual for tire removal /installation.

Rear Wheel Wobbling Hard Suspension
Bent rim Damaged shock absorber mount bushing
Loose or worn rear axle bearing(s) Faulty swingarm pivot bushi ng(s)
Faulty tire Bent damper rod
Faulty axle housing
Axle not tightened properly Suspension Noise
Faulty swingarm pivot bushing(s) Shock absorber binding
loose fasteners
Wheel Turns Hard Insufficiently lubricated 5wingarm pivot
Faulty rear axle bearing(s)
Brake drag (section 13)
Bent rear axle

Soft Suspension
Weak shock absorber spring
• Weak shock absorber damper

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Rear Wheel Removal / Installation


(1) C 65 (6 . 5 , 47)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Remova l Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11 I Wheel nut 4 loosen the nuts, raise the rear wheels off the ground by
placing a jack or other support under the engine , then
remove the nuts .
121 Rear wheel 1

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Removailinstallation

110(11 ,0,80)

• Raise the rear wheels off the ground with a jack or block under the engine .

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Remova l Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Rear shock absorber lower mounting bolt/ nut 1/1
121 Rear shock absorber upper mounting bolt! 1/ 1
131 Rear shock absorber assembly 1

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Disassembly/Assembly


~ (1 )[5 -;"00t. 1 (page 1-17)

The shock absorber contains nitrogen under high pressure . 0 0 not allow fire or heat near the shock absorber .
Before disposal of shock absorber, release the nitrogen .
section 19 of the Common Service M anual) I 1-10

Requisite Service
• Rear shock absorber removallinstallation (page 12-3)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

D isassembly Order Assemblv is in the reverse order of disassemblV .
(11 Spring seat 1
(2 ) Spring 1
(3) Spring adjuster 1
(4) Damper unit 1

,• Rear Wheel / Suspension

i Rear Axle Removal / Installation


181 0 2712 .7, 201 iIilD
• I' 15;;0.. 1 (page 12-6)

130 (13 .0 , 94)

145 (14 . 5 ,

60 (6 .0 , 43) I' 90 (9 .0 , 65)
[I ;;""1

Requisite Service

Rear wheel removal / installation (page 12-2) Drive sprocket removal / installation (page 6-2)
Rsaf brake caliper removal / installation (page' 3-8) Swingarm under guard (page 2-10)

Procedure a ' ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
111 Cotter pin 2
121 Rear axle hub nut 2
131 Rear wheel hub
141 Stopper ring
, Refer to page 12- 6 for removal.
151 Axle inner lock nut NOTE
161 Axle outer lock nut ,--'
" , Each lock nut has left- hand threads.

171 lock nut thread , , Refer to page 12-6 for loosening/ tightening .

Brake disc

I' 0) Brake disc hub ,, , Install the brake disc with the stamped side facing out .

Ill) O-ring
Bolt/ Nut
Driven sprocket ,,
4/ 4

Rear axle shaft
O-ring , Refer to page 12 - 7 for removal.

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Axle Lock Nut Loosening (1) LOCK NUT

Loosen the axle inner lock nut while holding the outer lock WRENC H, 56 ~~
Cl>~ ' \ r
I· The inner lock nut has left-hand threads .

t s ;=-00l. )
Lock nut wrench , 56 mm 07916-HA20000 or
(U .S .A . only)
Lock nut wrench , 45 mm 07916-1870101 or
commerciall y available in
U .S.A .

Loosen the outer lock nut by turning it counterclockwise

until the stopper ring comes out enough to be removed .

I· The outer lock nut has left-hand threads .

[5 ;00.. 1
Lock nut wrench . 45 mm 07916-1870101 or
commerciall y available in
U .S.A .

Remove the stopper ring . outer lock nut and inner lock nut
from the axle.

Axle Lock Nut Tightening (1) LOCK NUT

Install the lock nut thread over the axle shaft. WRENCH, 45~~
Apply a locking agent t o the threads of the inner lock nut .
Install the inner lock nut. outer lock nut and screw them on C"" ""<c,r
counterclockwise until the stopper ring groove in the axle
shaft comes out.
Install the stopper ring into the groove.

Screw the outer lock nut clockwise until it seats against the
stopper ring and tighten the lock nut.

Torque : 90 N om (9 .0 kg·m. 65 ft·lb)

[5 TOOl. 1
lock nut wrench . 45 mm 07916 - 1870101 or
commerciall y avai lable in
U .S.A .
NOTE ( 1) LOCK NUT: ""' ..... 4
WRENCH. 56~.u-'>Y"~
I· The outer lock nut has left-hand threads .

Tigiten the inner lock nut against the outer lock nut while
holding the outer lock nut.

Torque : 130 N'm (13 .0 kg -m . 94 ft· lb)

! s~ 1
l ock nut wrench . 56 mm 0791 6·HA20000 or
07916· HA2010A
(U . S . A . only)
l ock nut wrench, 45 mm 07916·1870101 or
commercially available in WRENC H . 45 mm
U . S .A .

Rear Wheel / Suspension

Axle Shaft Removal 0) AXLE SHAFT

Install the axle nut onto the right axle end to protect the axle
shaft threads.

Remove the axle from the axle bearing holder by driving the
axle out with a rubber mallet.


Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Axle Bearing Holder Removal/Installation

111 0 2212.2. 161





Rear Wheel / Suspension

I Requisite Service

I • Rear axle removal linstallation (page 12-5)

Procedure Q ' ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
11) Axle bearing holder pinch bolt 2
121 Rubber seal 2
131 Axle bearing holder stopper bolt 1
141 Snap ring 1 NOTE
· Inst811 the snap ring with the ~ OUT SIDE~ mark facing
out .
151 Rear brake caliper mounting plate 1
161 Flange collar 1
171 O-ring 1
181 Axle bearing holder assemblv 1
191 O- ring 1
1101 Dust seal 2 NOTE
· Install the dust seal with the dust seal lip side facing out .
1111 Radial ball bearing 2 NOTE
· Drive the radial ball bearing into the bearing holder at the
right side first .
1121 Distance colar 1

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Swingarm Removal / Installation

r'r--;:::'?I.,"::::'-"'/ 0 22 (2 . 2 •

( 1 1)

(10 )ls ~ l (page 12- 12)



0 11 (11 .0 , 80)

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Requisite Service
Rear axle removal/installation (page 12-5) • Axle bearing holder removal/i nstallation (page 12-8)

Procedure O"ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal .
111 Brake hose/cable damp 2
121 Rear shock absorber lower mounting bolt 1
131 Swingarm pivot bolt 1
141 Swingarm assembly 1
15) Drive chain slider 1
16) Dust seal cap 2
17) Dust seal 2
18) Washer 2
19) Pivot side collar 2
(10) Needle bearing 2 Refer to page 12- 12 for removal / installation.
111) Distance collar 1

Rear Wheel/ Suspension

Swingarm Pivot Bearing Replacement (1) NEEDLE BEARING

Remove the pivot side collars with a drift .

Remove the needle bearings with the special tool.

Is;;'" )
Needle bearing remover 07931 -MA 70000 or
Bearing remover 07936-3710600
Remover sliding weight 07936-3710200
Bearing remover handle 07936-3710100

Press in the pivot side collars and new needle bearings into (1) DRIVER
the swingarm pivot.

(4) !~~ COLLAR ~g/(2)

• Set the needle bearing with the marked side facing out. NEEDLE
(5 ;0.,.. 1
-- ........ (3) PILOT
Driver 07749-0010000
Attachment . 32x35 mm 07746-0010100
Pilot , 20 mm 07746-0040500

Apply grease to the needle bearing and install the distance

coliar to the swingarm pivot . Apply gease 10 the dust seal
lips .. lnstall the washers. dust seals and dust seal caps to the
swingarm pivots .

13. Brake System
Service Information 13·1 Rear Brake Caliper Removal l
Troubleshooting 13·1 Installation 13·8
Rear Master Cylinder Disassemb lyl
Front Brake Caliper Removal !
Assembly 13-10
Insta llation 13·2
Rear Brake Caliper Disassemblyl
Front Master Cylinder Removal l
Assembly 13· 12
Insta ll ation 13·4
Brake Pedal Removaillnstallation 13· 14
Front Brake Caliper Disassemblyl
Assembly 13·6

I Service Information

disc or i i
Inhaled asbestos fibers have been found to cause respiratory disease and cencer . Never use an air hose or dry
brush to clean brake assembl ies . OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner or alternate method approv ed by OSHA
designed to minimize the hazard caused by airborn asbestos fibers .
t Mixing incompatible brake fluids will impair braking efficiency.
Foreign m aterials can clog the system . causing a reduction or complete loss of braking ability .
reinstall the brake in their I to loss of

Brake Lever Soft Or Spongy Brake Grab Or Pull One Side
Air bubbles in the hydraulic system Disc or wheel misaligned
leaking hydrauric system Contaminated brake pad/ disc
Contaminated brake pad/ disc \/Varped/ deformed brake disc
Worn caliper piston seal Caliper not sliding properly
Worn master cylinder piston seal
> W orn brake pad disc Brake Drag
• Contaminated caliper Contaminated brake pad/disc

,~ Caliper not sliding properly

l ow fluid level
Disc or wheel misaligned
Worn brake pad / disc

! Cologged fluid passage

Warped/deformed brake disc
Sticking/worn caliper piston
Warped/deformed brake disc
Caliper not sliding properly

Sticking/ worn master cylinder piston

Contamina ted master cylinder
Bent brake lever

Brake Lever Hard

Clogged/ restricted brake system
Sticking/worn caliper piston
I Caliper not sliding properly

t Cologged/ restricted fluid passage

Worn caliper piston seal
Sticking/worn master cylinder piston
~ Bent brake lever


Brake System

Front Brake Caliper Removal / Installation

(5) 0 18 (1.8, 13)

C (111. 5 (0 . 15, 1. 1)

Brake System

Do not get gre ase on the brake disc or stopping power will be reduced .
Discard contaminated pad s and clean a contaminated disc with a high quality brake degreasing agent .
Inhaled asbestos fi bers have been found to cause repiratory di sease and cancer . Never use an air hose or dry
brush to clean brake assemblies . Use an OSHA-a pproved vacuum cleaner or alternate method approved by
OSHA designed to minimize the hazard caused by airborne asbestos fibers.
Check the brake the brake lever after

Avoid spilling fluid on painted . plastic . or rubber parts . Place a rag over these parts whenever the system is
serviced .
When removing the oil hose bolt. cover the end of the brake hose to prevent contamination .

,. If you plan to service the front brake caliper . loosen the brake hose bolt while the caliper is installed on the knuckle .

Requisite Service

• Front wheel removal/installation (page 1 1- 8)

Procedure O'ty Remarks

Removal Order Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
Brake pad repla cement
111 Pad pin plug 2 loosen the pad pins.
121 Clamp 1 Release the brake hose from the clamp .
131 Brake caliper bolt 2
141 Brake caliper assembly 1
151 Pad pin 2
161 Brake pad 2
171 Brake pad shim 1
181 Brake pad spring 1

Front brake caliper

lal Brake hose boit 1
Ibl Sealing washer ' 2
lei Brake hose 1

Bra ke System

Front Master Cylinder Removal / Installation





( 11) [I TOo.. I (page 1- 16)

(101 _ _-.~,JJ

35 (3 .5 . 251


Brake System

Avoid spilling flui d on p ainted . plastic , or rubber parts . Pl ace a rag over these parts whenever the system is
serviced .
When re movi ng the oi l hose bolt , cover the end of the brake hose t o prev ent c ontaminat ion .
Do not a llo w the f oreign m at eri al to enter the sy stem .
Do not allow the lips of the cups t o turn ins ide out and be certain the sn ap ri ng is firmly seated in the groove .

Th8 master cylinder pIston, cups and spring must be installed as a set.
. '9 1: Use only DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid from a sealed container . ~
. After '91 : Use onlv DOT 4 brake flUId from a sealed contatn ter . EJ

Requisi t e Service
• Front master cylinder remOllal/installation (page 11 - 21

Procedure O'ty Remarks

D isasse mbl y Order Assemblv is in the reverse order of disassembly .
111 Brake hose boh 1
121 Sealing washer 2
131 Brake hose 1
141 Master cylinder cover 1
151 Diaphragm plate 1
161 Diaphragm 1
171 Rubber cover 1
181 Brake lever pivot bolt 1
191 Brake lever 1
1101 Boot 1
( 111 Snap ring 1 CA UTI ON
. Be certain the snap ri ng is firml y se at ed in the groove .
1121 Washer 1
1131 Master cylinder piston 1 NOTE
Do not remove the piston cups from the piston
( 14) Spring 1 NOTE
Install the spring with its small coil end toward the master
j piston
1151 Master cylinder 1

Brake System

Front Brake Caliper Disassembly/Assembly

15) ...-'iSitt

(6 ) 0: 18 ( 1.8 , 13)

11) (7 )

(2 ) C 23 (2 .3 , 17 )

14 )


( 11 )
( 10)


Brake System

00 not get grease on the brake disc or st opping power will be reduced .
Discard contaminated pads clean a contaminated di sc with a high quality brake degreasing agent.
Check the brake I i the brake lever after pad

I· Spilled brake fluid will bamage the painted . plastic . or rubber parts .

Requisite Service
Front brake caliper removal / installation (page 13-2)

Procedure Q'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly.
11) Rubber plug 1
(2) Caliper socket bolt 1
(3) Caliper bracket 1
(4) Caliper socket bolt boot 1
(5) Caliper pin bolt boot 1
(6) Caliper pin bolt 1
(7) Brake pad indicator 1
(8( Caliper piston 1
(9) Dust seal 1, r- .
(10) Piston seal 1 --' Be care ful not to damage the piston sliding surface .
. Do not reu se the removed seal .
(11) Caliper body 1

Brake System

Rear Brake Caliper Removal / Installation

0, 35 (3 . 5, 25)
0, 18 .(1.8, 13)

1(3 . 1,22)

0, 18 (1.8,13) 181



Brake System

00 not get grease on the brake disc or stopping power will be reduced .
D iscard contam inated pads a nd c lean a contami nated disc with a high quality brake degreasing agent .
Inhaled asbestos fibers have been found to cau se respiratory disease and cancer . Never use an air hose Of dry
brush to clean brake assemblies . Use an OSHA·approved v acuum cleaner or alternate method approved by
OSHA designed to minimize the hazard caused by airborne asbestos fibers .
Check the brake the brake I after

A v oid spilling fluid on pa inted . plastic . or rubber parts. Place a rag over these parts whenever the system is
serviced .
When remov ing the oil hose bolt . cover the end of the brake hose to prevent contamination .

• If you plan t o service the rear brake caliper, loosen the brake hose bolt while the caliper is installed on the bracket .

Proced ure Q'ty Remark s

• Remo v al Order Installation is in the reverse order o f removal.
Brake pad replacement
11) Clamp 1 Release the brake hose from the clamp .
12 ) Brake caliper bolt 2
13) Rear brake caliper assem bly 1
14 ) Pad pin 2 loosen and remove the pad pins ah er bending the lock
washer claw straight .
15) l ock washer 1
IS) Brake pad 2
17) Brake pad shim 1
la ) Brake pad spring 1
Rear brake caliper
I. ) l ock nut 1
I.) Parking brake adjust bolt 1
I,) Parking brake arm 1 Install the parking brake arm aligning the punch marks on
the brake arm and shah .
Id) Parking brake cable 1 Remove t he parking brake cable from the cable holder w hile
compressing the spring .
I.) Oil hose bolt 1
If) Sealing washer 2
19) Brake hose 1

Brake System

Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly / Assembly

11 (7) E): 35 (3.5,25)

131 1 $1


\ 111



I (17)

1161 .::.--=:::.-----:~
(I~ ) (page 1- 16)

151 ~


13- 10
r Brake System

Avoid spilling fluid o n painted . plastic. or rubber parU . Place a rag over these parts whenever the system is
serviced .
When removing the oil hose bolt , cover the e nd of the brake hose to prevent contamination .
Do not allow the foreign material to enter the system .
Do not allow the lips of the cups to turn ins ide out and be certain the s nap ri ng is firmly seated in the groove .

The master cylinder piston , cups and spring must be Installed as a set.
. ' 91 ; Use only DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid from a sealed container . ~
. After '91 : Use only DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed contamer . E.l

Procedure O' ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is In the reve rse order of disassembly.
11) Reservoir cover 1
12) DIaphragm plate 1
13) Diaphragm 1
t 14) Reservoir 1
• 15 ) Cotter pin 1
16) JOint pm 1
17 ) Brake hose bolt 1
18 ) Sealing washer 2
19 ) Brake hose 1
" 110) Bolt 2
P1) Rear master cylinder assembly 1
(12) Brake hose /omt 1
113) O-nng 1
t 14) Push rod Jomt 1
115) Rubber boot 1
116) Snap ring 1 CAUTION
. Be certain the snap ring is firmly seated in the groove .
117 ) Push rod 1
118) Master cylinder piston 1
('9) Primary cup 1
120) Secondary cup 1
{21) Spring 1 Install the spring with its small coil end toward master
piston .

13- 11
Brake System

Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly/ Assembly



13) ~"
..... 1'2)


(15) ~

(5) C: 18 (1.8,13)

(1 ) C: 23 (2.3, 17 )


I' )
C 23 (2.3, 17)


Brake System

, Do not get grease on the brak e disc or stopping power will be reduced .
I Discard contaminated pads and clean a contaminated disc with a high quality brake degreasing agent.

• Spilled brake fluid will damage the painted , plastic. or rubber parts .

Requisite Service
• Rear brake caliper removal / installation (page 13- 10)

Procedure a'ty Remarks

Disassembly Order Assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
(1 ) Caliper socket bolt/ washer 1I 1
(2) Caliper bracket 1
(3) Caliper socket bolt boot 2
• (4) Caliper pin bolt boot 1
, 1I 1

(5) Caliper pin bolt/spring washer
(6) Brake pad wear indicator 1
(7) Caliper piston 1
(8) Dust seal 1 - . f- CAUTION
19) Piston seal 1~ . Be careful not to damage the piston sliding surface .
, 110) O- ring 1
00 not reuse the removed seal .

I " ) Boh 2
• ( 12) Parking brake base 1
113) O- ring 1
114) Parking brake shaft boot 1
(15 ) Parking brake shaft 1 NOTE
Screw the parking brake shaft counterclockwise until the
shaft seats then align the punch mark between the marks
on the parking brake by turning the shaft clockwise.

Brake System

Brake Pedal Removal/lnstallation


Procedure O'ty Remarks

Re movel Order
, Installation is in the reverse order of removal ,
Cotter pin
Joint pin ,,
13) Snap ring NOTE
. Install the snap ring with the chamfered side facing

stopper plate ,
14 ) Stopper plate
15) Brake pedal
16) Return spring
17) Dust seal 2

14. Electrical System
Service Information 14-1 Alternator Exciter Co il Inspection 14-6

t Sys tem Location

Lighting Coil Inspection
Ignition Timing
AC Regul a tor 14-4 Reverse Switch In spect ion 14-7
Ignition System Inspection 14-4 Taillight 14-8
Ignition Coil 14-5 Reverse Indicator 14-8
Pul se Generator Inspection 14-6 Headlight Removal / Installation 14-9
Service Information

I A halogen headlight bulb becomes v ery hot while the he adlight is ON . and remains hot f or a w hil e after it is
turned OFF . Be sure to let it cool down before

The COl ignition system uses an electricallv controlled ignition timing system. No adjustment can be made to the ignition

,, timing .
The COl unit may be damaged if dropped . Also , if the connector is disconnected when current is flowing, the excessive
voltage may damage the unit. Always turn off the ignition switch before servicing .
A faulty Ignition system is ohen related to poorly connected connectors . Check those connections before proceeding .
Use correct spark plug . Using a spark plug with an incorrect heat range can damage the engme . Refer to section 2 of
the Common Service Manual.
Follow the st eps described in the troubleshooting flow chart (page 14- 3) when servicing the ignition system.
For the ignition switch and handlebar switch inspections. check for continuity on the continuity chart of the Wiring ~
Diagram (page t 5- t ). Disconnect the ignition switch and handlebar switch connector in the headlight case {page 11 -2) . . . .
and check the switch.
Note the following when replacing the halogen halogen headlight bulb .
Wear dean gloves while replacing the bulb . Do not put finger prints on the headlight bulb, as they may create hot
spots on the bulb and cause it to break .
If you touch the bulb With your bare hands, dean it With a doth mOistened with alcohol to prevent Its early failure .
Be sure to install the dust cover aher replacing the bulb .
A continuity test can be made with the switches installed on the vehicle.

Electrical System

System Location




(10) AC REGULATOR -::::>_~ S;





~o 1
LIGHT 12V 3 .4W
BI/Y ----'--'-r'~~=F.:.::..._,
ro"(1SG' ~ III
W /Y I Bf/R Bu/Y G/W

1 b
K--- G



I 14. Electrical System
, Service Information
Syst e m Location
Alternator Exciter Coi' Inspection
lighting Coil In s pection
I Troubleshooting 14-3 Ignition Timing 14-7
AC Regulator 14-4 Reverse Switch Inspection 14-7
Ignition System Inspection 14-4 Taillight 14-8
Ignition Coil 14-5 Reverse Indicator 14-8
Pulse Generator Ins pection 14-6 Headlight Removal / Installation 14-9

Service Information
A h alogen headlight bulb becomes very hot while the headlight is ON . and remains hot for a while after it is
turned OFF . Be sure to let it cool down before

The COl ignition system uses an electrically controlled ignition timing system . No adjustment can be made to the ignition
timing .
The COl unit may be damaged if dropped . Also. if the connector is disconnected when current is flowing, the excessive
voltage may damage the unit. Always turn off the ignition sWitch before servicing.
A faulty ignition system is ohen related to poorly connected connec t ors. Check those connections before proceeding.
Use correct spark plug. Using a spark plug with an incorrect heat range can damage the engine. Refer to section 2 of
the Common Service Manual.
Follow the steps described In the troubleshooting flow chart (page 14-3) when servicing the ignition system .
For the ignition switch and handlebar switch Inspections, check for continuity on the continuity chart of the Wiring ~
Diagram (page 15-1) . Disconnect the ignition switch and handlebar switch connector in the headlight case (page 11 -2) . . . .
and check the switch .
Note the following when replacing the hologen halogen headlight bulb.
Wear clean gloves while replacing the bulb . Do not put finger prints on the headlight bulb , as they may create hot
spots on the bulb and cause it to break .
If you touch the bulb with your bare hands, clean it with a cloth moistened with alcohol to prevent Its early failure .
Be sure to install the dust cover aher replaCing the bulb .
A continuity test can be made with the switches installed on the vehicle .

Electrica l System

System Location


110) AC REGULATOR --=>~_,p.


(9) COl PLUG

18) "(,, rnON



~o 1
LIGHT 12V 3 .4W


1 ~
r-K-__ G PLUG

f-+-- WIY
(5 ) PULSE



, Electrical System

I N o spark at plug

Replace with known good spark plug and con-

Spark _ . Faulty spark plug
duct the spark test .

No spark

Check for poorly connected or loose spark plug
wire. If loose , screw the spark plug cap securely L- S rk _ .
loose spark plug wire
• into the spark plug wire and conduct the spark
I pa

No spark

Check for loose or poorly connected COl unit

connectors, Correct them and conduct the spark f--- Spark - ' Poaty connected COl unit connectors
test .

No spark

Disconnect the COl unit connectors and perform

the circuit inspection (page 14- 4) ,
Faulty COl unit
Measure the resistance of the secondary coil
(Same results) Faulty ignition coil
(page 14- 5) ,


Check the related components individually.

Abnormal _ . Faulty ignition coil
Compare result with ones above .
Faulty alternator exiter coil
Faulty pulse generator
Faulty ignition switch
Faulty reverse switch

Normal (If results differ)

Poorly connect ed component connector

Broken wire harness unit and component

Electrical System

AC Regulator ~ 1 J 4P CONNECTOR

Voltage Test

Remove the rubber protector from the 4P connector and

connect the voltmeter between the White/Yellow and Green
terminals .
Start the engine and check the meter reading while increas-
mg engine speed slowly.

Specific voltage: 1 2 . 5 - 13 5V

Inspection (1) 2P CONNECTOR

Disconnect the AC regulator connector and check it for
loose contact or corroded terminals .

Measure the reistance between connector terminals of the

wire harness side.

Standard : 0 .1 - 1 .0 n (20 e / 6S F)

If the resistance is normal and the specific vol t age is out of

the specification, replace the AC regulator .
If the resistance is out of specification , check the wire
harness for short or open circuits of the connectors for loose
or poor contact.

Replacement ~1) BOLT (2) AC REGULATOR

Disconnect the connector and remove the bolt , holder and (3) 2P CONNECTOR
AC regulator .

Install the AC regulator in the reverse order of removal.

~ 14) HOLDER

Ignition System Inspection

Disconnect the COl unit connectors and check them for
loose contact or corroded terminals .

Mesure the data between connector terminals using the

chart on the next page .

Electrical System
I <4P connector>
~ Item T erm inals Standard (20 "e /6S OF )
Ignition coil primary coil Black/ Yellow and ground 0 . 1-0.2 n
Pulse generator Blue/ Yellow and ground 290-360k n
Reverse switch Gray and ground No continuity with the reverse serector lever up .
Continuity with the reverse selector lever down .
Ground line Green/ White and ground Continuity

<2P connector>
Item T erm inals Standard (20 "e / 68 "F)
I Alternator exciter coil Black/ Red and ground 100-300 n
Ignition switch line Black/ White and ground No continuty wIth the ignition switch "ON-
Continuty with the ignition switch ~ OFF -

Ignition Coil II I PRIMARY


Disconnect the primary wire connectors and measure the

primary coil resistance between the terminals .

Standard : 0 . 1 - 0 .2 n (20 "C/ 68 f)


Remove the spark plug cap from the plug and measure the
secondary coil resistance between the plug cap and green

Standard: 8 .8 - 14 kG (20 C/ 6 8 OF )

Electrical System

If the resistance is out of range , remove the spark plug cap

from the spark plug wire and measure the secondary coil

Standard : 5 . 8 - 7 .2 k Q (20 "e / 68 OF)

Repl ace m ent (2 ) SPARK PLUG CAP

Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug .
Disconnect the primary coil connectors and remove the bolt
and ignition coil.

Install the ignition coil in the reverse order of removal.

(4) BOLT

Pulse Generator Inspection

• It is not necesary to remove the pulse generator to
make this inspection .
Disconnect the pulse generator connector.
Measure the resistance between the Blue/ Yellow wire and
ground .

Standard : 290 - 360 n (20 "e / 6a "F)

If the reading is out of specification . remove the pulse

generator (page 9-2) and check the following :
pulse generator connector for lose contact or corroded
wire harness for short or open circuit .
Replace the pulse generator if necessary .

Alternator Exciter Coil Inspection

Disconnect the alternator Black/ Red wire connector .
Check the resistance between the Black/ Red wire and
ground .

Standard : 100- 300 n (20 ' e / 6e ' F)

Replace the alternator stator if tha reading is out of the

specification (page 9-2).

Electrical System

lighting Coil Inspection (1) 2P CONNECTOR

• It is not necessary to remove the stator coil to make this
t inspection .
Disconnect the lighting coil w ire connector .
Check the resistance between the White / Yellow and green
wire connectors .

Standard : 0 .1 - 1 . 0 n (20 e / 6a FI

Ignition Timing
The COl Ignition system is factory pre·set and can not
be adjusted . Ignition timing inspection procedures are
given to inspect the function of the COl unit compo-
nents .
Warm up the engine to opperating temperature .

If the engine must be running to do some work ,

make sure the area is well·ventilated . Never tun the (2) TIMING LIGHT
engine in an enclosed area .
The exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide
gas that may cause loss of consciousness and lead
• to death .
Remove the timing hole cap from the left crankcase cover .
Connect a timing light and tachometer to the spark plug
wire .
Increase engine rpm by rotating the throttle stop screw .

The ignition timing is correct if the ~ F H mark on the flywheel \

aligns with the index mark of the left crankcase at 1, 7oo:!:
100 rpm.

To check the advance , increase the engine speed to 3,OOO::!: 121 MARKS
200 rpm ; the index mark shound be between the advance
marks .

Apply oil to O' ring and install the timing hole cap . (1) GRAY (GRAY/ BLACK) W IRE

Reverse Switch Inspection

Disconnect the reverse switch connector (Gray or Gray/
Check the continuity between the reverse switch connector
(Gray or Gray/Black) and ground .
Continuity should exist with transmission in reverse .

Electrical System

Taillight (1) BULB SOCKET 121 BULB (3) TAILLIGHT

Bulb Replacement

Remove the taillight from the taillight stay rubbers.

Turn the bulb socket 1/ 4 conterclockwise and pull it oft the
taillight .

Replace the bulb with a new one .


Install the packing and bulb socket Onto the taillight and turn
(1) BULB (2) - A w MARKS (3) TAILLIGHT
it clockwise until the ~ A marks on the bulb socket and

taillight align .
Install the taillight on the stay rubbers .

(4) STAY

Reverse Indicator ( 1) BLUB !2l LENS

Bulb Replacement

Remove the reverse indicator lens and pull the bulb socket
131 BULB
out of the headlight case .
Turn the rubber cover down and replace the bulb with a new
one .
Install the removed parts in the reverse order of removal.

Electrical System

Headlight Removal/Installation


a while after it '

Wear clean groves while replacing the bulb . 00 not put finger prints on the headlight bulb , as they create hot
spots on the bulb and can cause it to break .
If you touch the bulb with your bere hands. clean it with a cloth moistened with alcohol to prevent its early
failure .
Be sure to install the dust cover after replacing the bulb .

! Procedure Q ' ty Aeman.s
I Removal Ordar Installation is in the reverse order of removal.
• (1 }
Bulb socket ,,

(3 }
(4 }
Headlight unit
Dust cover ,,
(5 }
Bulb retainer
Bulb ,

--- - -- -- . ~
---- -- --- ......
11Vl I'll'


Gr /BI 'II Y

I 11
m PAl"

• " /0-
"0 G

IG [

- " " - 81/W

~ ~
I -
- Bulv
\if I G, 'It Bl/I v 81 'II' Bl/II

,. I


:-, 1111 :
p-l ~ ~ ~ 11.~
:, G

" /,, •• ,.,---.-cJ<}--

'11 .
12V60/IIW RY
1 1 I I " /-
D" - • ,;:;.
w Bu p{/W G ar 'ltV

~ &/Y



.t. -


-, ....CO<

Lb UGHT 8U,.(


I, • RE' "
" to 1" 0 WHITE
" GR"
'" 10 ID HI
'" ON




C to
." I"/WI ....
, '" COlOR G
U1 1 COLOR ~
" COlOR "/- G 0030Z- HCO - OOOO

16. Troubleshooting
Engine Does Not Start Or Is Hard To Poor Performance At High Speeds 16-4
Start 16-1 Poor Handling 16·4
Engine Lacks Power 16·2
Poor Performance At Low And
Idl e Speeds 16·3

Engine Does Not Start Or Is Hard To Start

, . Check fuel flow to carburetor Not Reaching Carburetor - - - -- No fuel in tank
Clogged fuel line of fuel strainer
Reaching Carburetor Clogged float valve

2 . Perform a spark test - - - - - - Weak or No Spark - - - - -- - -
Clogged fuel tank breather tube

Faulty spark plug

Fouled spark plug
Faulty COl unit
Broken or shorted spark plug w ire
I Faulty alternator
• Broken or shorted ignition coil

t Faulty pulse generator

Poorly connected . broken or shorted
• Faulty reverse switch
Faulty ignition switch

t 3 . Test cylinder compression - - - - low Compression - - - - - - -- Valve clearance too small

I Valve stuck open
Worn cylinder and piston rings
t Damaged cylinder head gasket
I Seized valve
Improper valve timing
Improperly adjusted decompression

i system

4 . Start by following normal - - - - Engine starts but stops - - - -- - Choke excessively closed
procedure Carburetor pilot screw exceSSively
Air leaking past intake pipe
Improper ignition timing
(COl unit or pulse generator faulty)

• 5 . Engine does not fire - - - - -- Wet Plug - - - - - - - - - -_ Carburetor flooded

Choke excessively closed
• Throttle valve excessively open

I • Air cleaner dirty

Troubl eshooting

Engine lacks Power

1. Raise wheels off ground and - - - Wheel dose not spin freely - - - -- Brake dragging
spin by hand Worn or damaged hub or axle bearing
Drive chain too tight
Wheel spins freely

2 . Check tire pressre - - - - - - - Pressure l ow - - - - - - - - -- Punctured tire
Faulty tire valve
Pressure Normal

3 . Check clutch operation - - - - - Clutch Slips - -- - - -- - -- Worn clutch disc/plate

Warped clutch disc/ plate

4 . Accelerate lightly - - - - - - - Engine speed does not - - - - -- Carburetor choke open

increase Colloged air cleaner
Engine speed increases Restricted fuel flow
Clogged fuel tank breather tube
5 . Check ignition timing - - -- - - Incorrect - - - - - - - - - - -- Faulty COl unit
Faulty pulse generator
Correct Improper flywheel installation

6 . Check valve clearance - - -- - - Incorrect - - - - - - - - -- -- Improper valve adjustment

Worn valve seat

7 . Test cylinder compression - -- - Too Low - - - - - - - - - -- Valve stuck open
Worn cylinder and piston rings
Normal leaking head gasket
Improper valve timing

8 . Check carburetor for clogging - - Clogged - - - - - - - - -- - Damaged fuel strainer

Carburetor not serviced frequently
Not Clogged enough

9 . Remove the spark plug - -- - - Fouled or Discolored - - - - -- - Plug not serviced frequently enough
Use of plug with improper heat range
Not Fouled or Discolored

I •
10. Remove oil level gauge and - - - Oil l evel Incorrect - - - - - - -- Oil level too high
check oil level Oil level too low
Contaminated oil

11 . Remove the valve adjuster cover - Valve train not lubricated properly - • Clogged oil passage
and inspect for lubrication/wear Clogged oil control orifice
Faulty oil pump
Valve train lubricated correctly

I Troubl eshooting
12 . Check if engine overheats - - - - Overheated - - - - - - - - - -_ Excessive carbon build-up on the pis-
ton head or combustion chamber
Not Overheated Use of improper quality fuel
Clutch slipping
Fuel-air mixture too lean

13. Accelerate or run at high speed - Engine Knocks - - - - - - - - -- Worn piston and cylinder
Fuel- air mixture too lean
Use of improper quality fuel
• Excessive carbon build- up on the pis-
ton head or combustion chamber
Ignition t iming too advanced (Faulty
COl unit or pulse generalor)

Poor Performance At low And Idle Speeds

! 1. Check ignition timing and valve - - Incorrect
Improper valve clearance
Improper ignition timing
(Faulty COl unit or pulse generalor)

2. Check carburetor pilot screw Incorrect Fuel-air mixture 100 lean

I adjustment Fuel-air mixture 100 rich
I Correct
3. Check if air is leaking past intake - Leaking Delerioraled intake pipe O-ring
pipe loose carburetor

Not Leaking
4 . Perform a spark test - -- - - - - Weak or Intermittent spark - - - -- Faulty , carbon or weI fouled spark
Faulty COl unit
Faulty ignilion coil
Faulty pulse generalor
~ Faulty allernalor

Troubleshooti ng

Poor Performance At High Speeds

1. Check ignition timing and valve - - Incorrect - - - - - - - - - -- Improper valve clearance
clearance Faulty COl unit 1
Faulty pulse generator
Correct 4
2 . Disconnect fuel tube at carburetor - Fuel flow restricted - - - - - -- lack of fuel in tank
Clogged fuel line
Fuel flows freely Clogged fuel tank breather tube
Clogged fuel valve
Clogged fuel strainer

3 . Remove the carburetor and check - Clogged - - - - - - -- - - - Clean

for clogged jetls)

Not clogged

4 . Check valve timing - - - - - - - Incorrect - - - - - - - - - -- • Cam sprocket not installed properly


5 . Check valve spring - - - - - - - Damaged - - - - - - - - - -- • Faulty valve spring

Poor Handling
, . If steering is heavy - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- Steering shaft holder toO tight
Damaged steering shaft bearing or
Front tire pressure too low

2 . If either wheel is wobbling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Excessive hub or axle bearing play

Bent rim
Improperly installed wheel hub or
Damaged swingarm pivot bearing
Distorted frame
Bent axle

3 . If the vehicle pulls to one side - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Bent tie-rod

Bent swingarm
Improper toe-IO adjustment
Bent front arm

AC Regulator .................................................. .
17. Index
14~ 4 Mud Guard/ Step Removal/Installation .............. . 2 -9
Air Cleaner ........ ............................................ . . 3-5 Muffler/ Exhaust Pipe Removal/Installation ........ . 2-7
Case Removal/ Installation .............. . 5-3 Oil Pump Disassembly/ Assembly ························ 4 -4
Alternator Exiter Coil Inspection .. .... .. ... . 14- 7 Removal/ Installation ..... .................... . 4-3
Axle Bearing Holder Removal / Installation ··· ···· ··· ·· 12- 8 Pilot Screw Adjustment ........... .... ..... ............... . 5-8
Brake Pad Wear Inspection .................... ........ .. 3-8 Primary Drive Gear Removal / Installation ........... . 8- 13
Brake Pedal Removal/Installation ·········· .... ... ..... . 13- 14 Pulse Generator Inspection ··········· ·.. ··...... ·· · .. ·· 14-6
Brake System .................................................. . 3-8 Rear Axle Removal/ Installation .......................... . 12- 5
Cabla & Harness Routing ................................ . 1-20 Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly/ Assembly ········· 13-12
Camshaft Removal/Installation .......................... . 7-6 Removal/ Installation ........... . 13-B
Carburetor Disassembly/ Assembly ····················· 5-6 Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly/ Assembly ······ 13- 10
Removal/Installation ....................... . 5 -4 Rear Shock Absorber Disassembly/ Assembly ······ 12-4
Clutch Ramoval/lnstallation ........ ......... . 8 - 10 Removal/Installation ........ . 12-3
Clutch/ Parking lever Bracket Disassembly/ Rear Wheel Removal/ Installation .. ... ... .............. . 12-2
Assembly .... . ... ............................ .. ... .... . . 11 -4 Reverse Indicator ................... .... ... .. ............ .... . 14-8
Countershaft Disassembly/ Assembly ···· .... .... .... . 10-8 Reverse lock System ...................................... . 3 -9
Crankcase Bearing Removal/Installation ........... . 10- 14 Reverse Switch Inspection ..... .. ... ... ... ..... .. ... . 14- 7
Crankcase Separation/ Assembly ············ ........... . 10-2 Right Crankcase Cover Disassembly/ Assembly '" 8-4
Crankshaft/Balancer Shaft Removal/Installation 10- 11 Removal/ Installation ..... . 8-2
Cylinder Head Cover Removal/ Installation ........ . 7-2 Seat/Rear Fender Disassembly/ Assembly············ 2-3
Cylinder Head Disassembly/ Assembly·············· 7 - 11 Removal/ Installation ..... . 2 -2
Removal/Installation ................ . 7- 10 Service Access Guide ...................................... . 3-2
Cylinder/ Piston Removal / Installation ................. . 7- 12 Service Informattan Alternator/ Gearshift linkage 9- 1
Decompressor System ..................................... .. 3-6 Brake System .. ................. . 13- 1
Drive Chain Slider ............................ ............... . 3-7 Clutch/ Kickstarter .............. . 8- 1
Drive Chain ..................................................... . 3-7 Crankcase/ Transmission/
Engine Removal/Installation ....................... . 6-2 Crankshaft' ...... .... .............. . 10- 1
Flywheel Removal/Installation .................... .... . . 9-4 Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/
Front Arm Disassembly/ Assembly ····················· 11 - 14 Piston ................ ............ . 7- 1
Front Brake Caliper Disassembly/ Assembly ··· ······ 13- 6 Electrical System .............. . 14- 1
Removal/ Installation ···· ....... . , 3 -2 Engine Removal/Installation 6-1
Front Fender Removal / Installation .................... . 2- 5 Frame Body Panels/
Front Master Cylinder Removal/Installation " ...... . 13-4 Exhaust System ................ .. 2-1
Front Protector Plate/ Engine Guard Removal/ Front Wheel/Suspension/
Installation .... .... ................................................ . 2 - 10 Steering .................. .......... . 11 - 1
Fuel System ....................... .
Front Shock Absorber Disassembly/ Assembly ··· 11 -7
Removal / Installation ··· ······ l' -6 lubrication System ... ........ .
Front Skid Plate/ Carrier Pipe Removal / Maintenance .... · .. ················· 3- 1
Installation ············ .. .............................. ........... . 2 - 10 Rear Wheel/Suspension ...... 12- 1
Front Wheel Hub Removal/Installation ··· ..... ..... . . 11 -9 Shift Drum/ Reverse Idler Gear Shaft Disassembly/
Front Wheel Removal/Installation .................... . 11 -8 Assembly .. ...................................................... . 10-10
Fuel Tank Removal / Installation ························· ·· 2-8 Skid Plate/ Guard Plate ·· .................................. .. 3 -9
Gearshift Unkage Removal/ Installation " ............ . 9- 5 Specifications .................................................. . 1-3
General Safety .................................................. . 1- 1 Steering Shaft Bearing ··· ·· ................................. . 3 - 10
Handle Cover Removal/ Installation ................... . 2-2 Steering Shaft Removal/ Installation .. ... ............ . 11 -16
Handlebar Removal/ Installation . 11 -2 Swingarm Removal/ Installation ....................... . 12-10
Headlight Removaillnstallation .......................... . 14-9 Swingarm Under Guard Removal/Installation ..... . 2- 10
High Altitude Adjustment .................... ... .... .. .. . . 5-9 System location ············ ........... . 14 ~ 2
Ignition Timing ............................................... . 14-7 Tailight .... ............................................... ....... . 14-8
Ignition Coil ··· ................................................. . 14- 5 Throttle Housing Disassembly/ Assembly ············ 11-5
Ignition System Inspection ............................ . 14-4 Throttle Valve Synchronization .......................... . 5-8
Kickstarter Removal/ Installation ....................... . 8 -6 Tie-rod Removal / Installation ............................. . 11 - 10
Knuckle/ Front Arm Removal/Installation ........ . 11 - 12 Tools ............................... .. .. .. ......................... . 1- 16
left Crankcase Cover Removal/ Installation ........ . 9 -2 Torque Values .............. ................................. . 1- 13
Lubrication & Seal Points .... .... ..... ................... . 1-18 Transmission Removal/ Installation .................. .. . 10-4
Lubrication System Diagram ............................. . 4- 2 Troubleshooting ............................................... . 16- 1
Mainshaft Disassembly/ Assembly ············ ··· ······ 10· 6 Troubleshooting Alternator/ Gearshift Unkage ······ 9- 1
Maintenance Schedule ............. ..................... .. .. . 3 -4 Brake System ····· .......... . 13- 1
Model Identification 1- 2 Clutch/ Kicksta rter " ........ .... . 8-1


Troubleshooting Crankcase/ Transmission/

Crankshaft ............................. . 10- 1
Cylinder Head/ Cylinder/ Piston ··· 7-'
Electrical System .......... .......... . 14-3
Frame Body Panels/
Exhaust System ....................... . 2-'
Front Wheel/Suspension/
Steering ................................ . 11 - 1
Fuel System .............. . 5-2
lubrication System ................. . 4-'
Rear Wheel/Suspension " ......... . 12-1
Valve Clearance ................................... ............ . 3- 5
Wiring Diagram ............................................... . 15-1

17-2 (172)

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