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Accounting 111 - Prelim Topic 3

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Accounting 111

Prelim Notes-ish
(Chap 3)
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Table of contents
03 Basic Accounting Assumptions

06 Financial Statements

12 Basic & Expanded Accounting Equation

15 Elements of Financial Statements

Basic Accounting
Basic Accounting

Accounting Entity/ Going Concern Time Period Assumption

Entity Concept This is a principle that applies A company uses financial
when a company is financially reporting based on its own
An entity is separate and distinct stable enough to operate in the chosen periods.
from the owner or management. long run until such time that it
doesn’t. E.g. A company reports their revenue
E.g. A business owner uses his per month instead of just the whole
personal car for a conference (in E.g. It’s a going concern if year. Therefore the audience would
other words, business travel) and there are aspects in the be aware of the months where
uses his own money for gas and the company that would cause revenue was high or low.
fees in the conference. This means the company to stop
that he may reimburse these operating.
transactions as it is under a
company’s financial expense.
Basic Accounting

Unit of Measure Accrual Basis Assumption

All transactions must be consistently This is where revenues and expenses are
recorded using the same currency. recorded when they are earned,
regardless of when the money is actually
E.g. When a company is based in the received or paid.
Philippines, all transactions must be
recorded with the Philippine peso E.g. Recording your transaction before
currency. If by any chance that the client receiving the money. Recording your
of said company is from the US, then the invoice to your client in your books
revenue being recorded should be instead of recording the invoice after
converted from US Dollar to Philippine
you get paid.
As per revised PAS no. 1 these are the ff. statements:

● Balance Sheet - Statement of financial position

Statements ●
at the end of the period.
Income Statement - Statement of
Comprehensive Income for the period
● Statement of Changes in Equity for the period
Written records that convey ● Statement of Cash Flow for the period
the business activities and the ● Notes to Financial Statements - summary of a
financial performance of a significant accounting policies and other
company. explanatory information
● Statement of Financial Position - at the
beginning of the earliest comprehensive period
Statement of Financial (Balance
Measures and evaluates the enterprise liquidity,
solvency, and financial structure.

Consists of three (3) sections:

● Assets
● Liabilities
● Owner’s Equity
Statement of Financial
Performance (Income Statement)
● Shows the performance of the
enterprise for a given period of time.
● Also known as “results of
● Consists of revenues, expenses, and
operating results which would either
be profit or loss
Statement of Changes
in Owner’s Equity
Summarizes the changes in
equity for a given period of time.

● Increased by the
additional investment and
● Decreased by withdrawal
and loss
Statement of Cash Flow
● A financial statement that provides
aggregate data regarding all cash
inflows a company receives from its
ongoing operations and external
investment sources.

● It also includes all cash outflows that

pay for business activities and
investments during a given period.
Notes to Financial Statements
● Comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other
explanatory information.
● Discloses the detailed assumptions made by accountants when
preparing a company's financial statements.

A Statement of Financial Position

(beginning of comparative period)

● when an entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively or makes a

retrospective restatement of items in its financial statements, or when it
reclassifies items in its financial statements.
Basic & Expanded
Accounting Equations
Basic Accounting Equation

Debit -> Assets (left-side)

Credit -> Liabilities & Owner’s Equity (right-side)

The final rule is that the “total of the left will always be equal to
the total of the right”.
Expanded Accounting

A form of the basic accounting equation that includes the distinct

components of owner's equity, such as dividends, shareholder capital,
revenue, and expenses.
Elements of
Financial Statements
Elements of
The Elements are as follows:
Financial Statements
● Assets
The elements of financial statements
● Liabilities
are the general groupings of line
items contained within the ● Owner’s Equity
statements. These groupings will ● Revenue
vary, depending on the structure of
the business. ● Expenses
Resources controlled by the enterprise as a result of past transactions and events and from
which future economic benefits are expected to the enterprise.

Current Assets Non-Current Assets

● Cash
● Cash Equivalents ● Property & Equipment (Land, Building,
● Petty Cash Fund Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures)
● Notes Receivable ● Accumulated Depreciation
● Accounts Receivable ● Intangible Assets
● Estimated Uncollectible Accounts
● Accrued Income
● Advances to Employees
● Inventories
● Prepaid Expenses
● Unused Supplies
Present obligations of an enterprise arising from past transactions or events, the settlement if which is
expected to result in an outflow from the enterprise of resources embodying economic benefits.

Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities

● Accounts Payable ● Notes Payable (long-term)
● Notes Payable (short-term) ● Mortgage Payable
● Accrued Expenses
● Unearned Income
Owner’s Equity
or Capital

● The residual interest in the asset of the enterprise after deducting all its liabilities. It
increases when there is profit or additional capital by the owner. It decreases when
there is a loss or withdrawal of capital by the owner.
● The title of an owner’s capital is indicating the name, with the word “capital” written
after the name separated by a comma.

E.g. “Rafael Lopez, Capital”

Income / Revenue
Gross inflow of economic benefits during the
period arising in the course of ordinary activities
of an enterprise when those inflows result in
increase in equity, other than those relating to
Revenue Accounts
contributions from owners.
● Service Income
● Professional Income
● Rental Income
● Interest Income
Expenses Accounts

● Interest Expense
● Rent Expense
● Repairs & Maintenance
● Office Supplies Expense
Gross outflow of economic benefits ● Salaries Expense
during the period arising in the ● Uncollectible Accounts
ordinary activities of an enterprise ● Depreciation Expense
when those outflow result in ● Amortization Expense
decrease in equity, other than those ● Taxes & Licenses
relating to distribution to owners. ● Insurance Expense
● Utilities Expense
● Miscellaneous Expense

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