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IIT JEE Joint Entrance Examination Combined Engineering Test
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IIT JEE Joint Entrance Examination Combined Engineering Test
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IIT JEE Joint Entrance Examination Combined Engineering Test
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Ir ercy Pee Sao ee eee Ped Poked UT Joint Entrance Examination Combined Enginesring Entrance Pre-Medical Test AMIE © NDA Class XH StuAcknowledgement | wish to expen my sacre thanks to my extemed collegues, Prt. Y.R. ‘Waghmare an Po #8: Mani at present, Deco, Mehta Reseach Ise, Allahba fr smug et tke wp the work of weting Probles in Physic, “Tae constant essorsgement war a ufuling source of inspiration to eT ‘am aso grteflo Profs MS. Kar Harish Verma (Science Cll, Pan, Dr Ragivendra Tena and Mes Urmila Kalra for their valuable Blp and ‘opgeions Im especialy need o Me Himans taser or gong EoaP ‘he ete manupt and for lpn chucking ike answers the pele 1 ‘must alo task Me Vitek Sarl sad Ajay Kamar Singh for revising sme caper of the book. The financial sustance provided by the Quality Inprovement Programme exablabed atthe Idan nate of Techoolty, Kanpur, by the Minsuy of Educaton and Culture, Governest of Ini, also patefully acknowledged Fal am taf o Me GR Hosing for ‘yping te manuscript aed to Mr RK. Baja for making te avigs, "And fal, [acknowledge he most valuable of everthing rom my clase nd der one which cant be putin werds be. Ds, Contents Pre Aaledgemene ‘nis and Dimes, Enos a Sgn ies Now's Law of Motion Wo ry at Powe Ina emarum nd Consent of Mont fatoal Mton of i Bode Spc Harmon Moor Ganttoe Fi Ss 10, Fd Dynamics 1 Bae 1 Hew 13 ne Tey of dase {Terabe tive ton a Som TErntcon Reco sn Op ens 1h nro Diao oh 18 Fomery 19, Heoenle—Colons Lam, Hest Fes (i) Coc dD 3t. cman Rens oa G2) Brora 22 Vaning Care ad Alea Carns i heat 25, Naan Rady 26, Econ: Termine td So Ste Self Asesment opanpeeee 110 286 a6 on 80-108 105-121 ms? e161 124 105-187 198-218 219-234 25-267 Suet 30573 mea fisa35 36459 40-450 soisi0 suse 52-559 50-580 se1-s03Units and Dimensions, Errors and Significant Figures “The Inerationl Sytem of Units an expanded version of he atid reicie-loram-secondampere(MKSA) sytem of nts andi bared on six ‘iodamena or bse unis The ix basi untae the unis of length (L). mass (Mime (1), coment (I), emperatre (1) an lminous tenet. The nite associated with these ae the mete, Klogram, secon, srpee Kelvin (egresand candela respectively, Two supplementary uns ar he adn ad the sean for plan angle a sod sl especialy. Aloe unis re ‘deed uit. "Te units of mas, length and ime indicate their nature ahd nt thle smapntde For instance, the ut of ae the product of to nit lena, ‘we have the unit of area represeied by L? or te ai of volume ar (2, We ‘apes by saying thatthe unt of een of two densa ia length and ‘he un of yolume, ofthe cimensions in length We wie them a ML and MOLT respectively LOS —— FIA Waa | on aT yn2 1 Modulus of lastcty ay or Units: Sd, imensons: ML" surcetnon = SEB oy fr ‘Unis: Nn dimensions: MLOT, fa Mute Tr Units 1, dimensions: LOT, ener2. Problamain Physics 4 ed where & isthe pemitvity constant of the medium. ls dimensions may Be ‘worked ota fellows ‘capacitance C ov our ware = (Cou9/N - m9 LL) = Unis: Farad, dimensions: MLO caine deni = ERE = Ft ate? mensions: ML" Iatation 0 Show the Vly of derive equation “Ie wees of propagation on eecromagnete wave in ee eis ven by nets where & ad te privity ned permeability of He space respectively From Coulis Law 2.05 OEE and hence the dimensions are wire: rom Ampee's Law, ead Wray ay and ence the dimensions are Mig* bs ‘Therefore, he dimessons of Ute are {arisrenaaes Wich are he same the dimensions of veloc Errors of a Repeated Measurement ‘Let us consider an example where the tine offal ofa objet i measred Dn ep of a sopwts We oon ele that here ao of nonin ar baervatins Te may Be ict to Kaow exactly when 10 sat the Units and Dimensions, ErorsandSigifcantFigues 3 ch and excly when to top it: Ou reaction tine is low and this ed 0 age enor. ‘Since we ae determined 1 ind he dime, Weak went he stds to rear the tine of fal and if we ‘plot the results we gta stbton fof he type shown inthe igure. Tit {called Gaussian or normal dis: tiie teense metas fore kedte Gua duce, ieee acm tivmew 2 tect | (Mean vue Sine a Nayapeiny' tt trond a of patente phy, hen aloe ind Levene rede (©) Standard deviation [An Important measure of he spread of experimental dats isthe standard ‘evi, 6 defined as 2) (©) Standard error in the mean ‘Te standard oro, as i sometimes cll he probable ero of the mean, fst of data given by = stron ‘Tae average sped of a acing cat measred by 10 deren jadgs. Te Vales foun are 198 2,195 6198.4, 1947, 1951, 1938, 1985, 1947, 1942, 195.3 miles pr hou. What value should be record forthe sverage seed of the ew? We find here ta 21945 e=080 2035 hi ti,4 Problamain Physics ‘We ar 68% confide! that the average speeds 194.8 0.3 mile fe measure a quanity 2, and the ? Atolute for in Z= 42 erin 2 = A Retaive or teactiona enor in 2= AZ ‘Discrepancy’ means the dference between the result ofan experiment and the ves f one which hasbeen accepted at more relable te. the “re! rel ‘Combination (Propagation) of Errors Suppose we make a measrementx wid an bse coe Arad essarement onan abe ery These embers combine to give a answer Z What [the uncerainty AZ i 2? The following ules ate ued ln combining err, 1. Addon: Zax Suntardemoe az « lan HT Limit enor az =lacl 1 ayt 2. Subst Zax-9 Stntacd emer AZ = flan CP Limit enor 42 = Nari +149! 5. Liner Combination: “2 = a+ by Sundard enor az = ae ba Limit eror ‘az =! ade +1 ay! 4. Maliptistion: Z=XP Standud ere ad = (CaP PF Limit enor az =I yal +1249! 5. Divison Zour Standard emoe az = yatta aT Limit enor AZ = say 11a ‘Let us take an exsmple where the teltion is AsroD ‘ere the absolute eres in B, Cand D are AB, AC AD respectively. The relative ever canbe expesed as Ab AB gC, aD BRE ee ey of # material i expressed as Uns and Dimension, Eroreand Significant Figures 5 a Pana whee M, Land date mas, length and damater ofthe materi in the fem ‘a smal vind Therefore, Pa Ah g 9 ig Bb peg Meacurment Absolteeror Relative eror 7 aL ‘au ¢ ad ‘ad M ae anise ee LUSTRATION 1 In an exprinest on dterminntion of density of «mt given inthe form of «sal cylindrical rod, the folowing obrvaios are code: 1 Mas ofthe ylindr= 127g (sed a phys alnce whose les count sol) 2. Radi fe cylinder = 05m (eda comet with LC = 0001 em) 3. Lenght eylinder » 3.28 cm used a Varner ealipers LC = 001 en) Calas the densi, estimate the ter and wate th esl n proper sgn figs. Soluton ° 4 ? oo xs p= ted gree P*TO0' Pama sama = 316 pee p= 314 005 pte 2. Inthe determination of value of by simple penslum, te ine pid is measred bya sopwatch whose last count i 5 a the length fe tired is meatred witha meter Seale, having leat cout of I mm THE ‘fame of the bo is measured withthe Vernier clipes wth lest unt (001 cm, The following observations at recorded 1. Length of the tread = 1083 em 2. Diameter of the bob = 248 cm6 Problemsin Physics 3. Time period = 207 4 Number of oriliadons = 10 Cake the val of estimate ero and wee eat in proper sigiiane figures ‘Solution 1+ 0009. ar oss i225 * 0s as To6se8 *?*2HrSTT = o00098 +0048 = 5% 221065 ann OEE ogy DOE = a= 1x 08 942 208 = 47 8 p92 047 emit {Let ussce the resi we increase te number of oeilatons from 100 20. ae ose 37-0008 + aasezaT* aia * 01 ‘We observe that by inteasog the numberof osilitions from 10 0 20, he relive enor ng fall dow rom tout 3% to 2 Significant Figures 4s canying ont computations, only significant fgues should be cetaind Sian gues are those ges whch re ow fe resol tetwory tay af gues actualy ebalned fom the measuring istrmenty incling "ero and extimaed figures. The positon ofthe dena yo des na aet the numberof significa gress ued meey fo cate the esi nti aot sgn, but If actually represents «vale read on Be Swsrument,o estimated, then iis sigafeat "Te following rls may be ‘ed forthe retention of igen gues in computation 1 In addon and subraton, dont cary thereat boyond the fest {otuma that conn outlier. Tis mean that al igus ying to the {of th ls colamn in which al figures ae spin shouldbe dropped 2s mukiplication and division, ren inthe eu nly as may signees the least precise quay th he dts coins s Unt and Dimension, Era and Significant Figures 7 3. In doping figures which ae ot significant be la ig reid shouldbe unchanged If he fist figure droped isles tha 5-1 should Be incensed by 1 Ife Fist igure dropped is 5 oc peter “These ree give the numberof inca igures which shold appear in the final esl. Buti computing, nal he interme Step itis bee ‘ry one more significant gue tan is measured inthe fal sult "Te folowing examples llustte the prinlpls jist mentioned @ o DESSISE (won) In obtaining the sum ofthese numbers ans 055 3203 These sould be 320 0682 writen a2 OL 150" 150 3 iy ‘Then th sm is exprestd tote corect numberof sigan gure. Theses oft pbs ee measered wih the help of Verir calipers ad the length an with are recorded at 762 cm and 381 em The wea of he lites excl te 29.0322, em. This ramber has Si sgifiant fares bat the aii! guanies are kaowa only wo thee siguicat ‘ures. Therefor, only vee sgn figures shoud be retuned in the reut which shuld be writen a8 28089 x a ere 1. Temessemens ie a 18425, 721 om 5.0m, Thea @ mas som @ me @ 38 2 On ancing 2 ¥ om 7.263 te esa sh be wee a ons Fae 40 on 5. The nate of encanta ns mearement of 00383 ms @s oe 3 @2 4 The uber of sgn fue e118 102 Va | oT wa ea 2 } +5, teh mapcatin of 10788 ad 610, he etait (ent ‘masa S sm & +6 SS. om i. The ein emf persis weit (otk ) tsiole oS ste @ to 17 2 die by 254, covet em of sip ue8 ProblemainPhyaes 1, 98a vided by 9. The cores re shal be we ‘ois fo tose ‘6 is tose 9. The nt an ment of eee ini ae Bima? Bh rig © meta! ER LT! 10, Teter and ine ftps se © me TG © aim Mrr9? {5 seme: 2 om Merge 11+ Thee cals give psc quay sis a mensions, Mich eee es Ease ese Hee Ee” GER: a i caine toe, «6CUTR ieee EER Pe ss Pen pee ies ih TEES Bieeeecrs ae rat le ad 12, Te dinemon of vino covant ae fo ere Misr oer @ wr 13. The dines of atin of ony Mur Mire @ wert @ wit M4. The le of mln ue wp no sem 980 i The va fiber per mine gee fe oat oa Par {0 oss +B fi ety ot amar tes npn tc ene i ‘mand wl fase 20 the Gna of metal wll be oe oe 16 Bim Cd ean ‘ipcvely Tos mensons ELI se me ‘age lee (9 ie 9 ome 17, Thea of te mltaon 3.124547 comet sign wes (@ tas 1 (9 taasseoe (aos 1, Teale of he expresion 212% 2154 cca he signifi fei ( 03608 ‘® 037 8 oxo @ 030 Unite and Dimension, Ere andSignicant Figures 9 1B, Terai ohn wir 016m, Te ao oan king sii ges im conicerton nse allies (9 ome ‘oom © one (@) omasee 20, th experinet he ng fw ner sn vert alipe i med 229 cm 2 St om 28cm and 338 cm emery These Ie of tecnico 2s 25 9 2s (9 33 (wom © ons © ons (@ ons 22 The pacenuge erin te mearmen in he above experimen’ oe (@ sole © Fors, (@ 2138 23, 1MLiT*] we eens of Na) we () monenmen @ 9 prone 24 Date ecient of As) 2 (0) momen © (3 pre 28. MLE ae he mension of (a) soe sme i ne Ea (9 wee ‘Ye Ginn of wr, euay an onl ae o Mus Mere Mur ( Mor 27 th nt of eh and force recede, teu fee (4 umes (tines © timer {@ twine 28. Ouof teflon expressions he onl er wi wis ine paid of {Samoa podem Sequony os secede md tine feed oft ‘isp pena especie, be cecal nema ee @ comet © roan [Eat rhe © rere ft ee safety she rads fe wie, Ke as [i yradn, sd pr a pert nh 2s, The mom of moment led (a copie 1 tre {9 imole (@ Sg eager 30, The mb of sign figue ia L118 IOV ie ‘os oe 6 5 3, Four legs are mene 18435 cm, 7.21 cm $4 and 103571, Taking icc gre ino account, he suo be eg ul Be (a) sh03tt em ©) a1 em . (6 Stose ee @ idem10-ProblomeinPhysice 2. Tig in account heii ee rat of 109492 and 6107 ‘oad te writen (a enone oo ‘6 sro @ sinew 33. 1828 died by 0714 The ane sou be wren a 200. ‘@ 2000 a (@ 00 A Umny. mad l'on de tes The dana 8 we ue mtr © Mure @ wor? ‘oon sa A= 3 a Bet mS) ose eas (9 20 @ 308 35. Ip is the en deny of he hi ai, ¢ he eeton de to we 3 oa 0 pay p= ae ‘Anawors L@ 2 30 4m sa © an ci ee som wth ae wae eee exe 11 Ak tt Gy Set mow 86 CAP HE cn Ke LD he ao ke ee ie ho oO BO Be no ZO 3G xo Bo «ko 29 => Be 2B Ro no So ke RO xO ow: On poem 11 which ema with sould ae abou 8 ines Introduction and Important Laws of Vector Algebra Vector Adon Whes vcs J CD ret be ned we draw vec ai thown ine Tigure, We have & gear rule Rahs Bs 08 ai Tiscane ctended aon te “The product of x vector Hand « sealarp isa vector pA whete oly the ‘magnitude changes bya ator of p bu the diction is unlee, 1 Commutative lav of ston 2 AeGee=+B)+2 ———Associtve law of ein 3 pled) = (oad = apa) Associative la of mshipietion 4 (o+ad=piead Disuibative law PA +B)=pA+pB Disibutive law Yat Vectors _ Unie veer = 4 ia Components of @ Vector Feadsalead aie fi Poston veour? asi y+ ek12 Probleme nPhysice ot or Scalar Product of Two Vectors The flaming laws ae valid Commutative iw of dot product Disibutive aw Uae ais Ah Askand = B+ 8) + 8, then Ae Ab tabs 442s PoAd o ap P+ + BP 14. B 0 and ds are noc ll vector then Hand B ae perpesiclar tw each oer (bere is dteined by te ight had role and (is the sale incloded angle) 0 0 where @ i uni vecteindating the drin of A xB. 1H ‘spurl to B, then sin O= O and Ax orit A 0. The flowing laws ae vali (Commutative Law foe Cross Prot fs) Disubative Law x pli App where pi sixdetxteoixjak ixt WA Ais Arie akand B= ah+ 83+ Bk, ten ia a Irn ® Vax Bl the ars ofa panetogram wi ies Rand BW Hf 0 ad sei are nt null vectors, then A and B ae pr Triple Product Scalar wp product is defined as AGxe=|_ By a ao represents the volume of prlleloipe having A, Band Cs ees. ‘estor wpe product ein as Axe abe Since xB) xa OBO A, i is clear hat Ax (Bo) xd x2. Derivatives of Vectors Let vector A tea fenton ofr writen as Al ‘Tes, fads Bade Sak 0 Sinlie Sead Sra Integra of Vectors Fin) = An + (A + ACA Bea vet Fnction ofr, he ineiae itegral of Ais deiebas J iow J aoe14. Probleme nPhysice Folative Vlocty and Acceleration ftwo price P nd P, ar moving with veloc Vand and accelerations ad, respectively, then Fm = Te-H and 4 Find a unit vector in the rection of the resultant of vectors D+R, Baie jo2k and C=3i By Caai soi-ajetk Unit yea inthe detion of 2.170, 3.4) ad 1,67) oo en in repre ie postion veces OF an 0 ines ef nt ees Ja wer the ign of a rectangular coordinate i system. Find erent OF andthe fe ll tnt vectra the dieton ofthe ats6) restart, Solution OP =2i+3)+4k 0G = sis 6j+ 78 0b + 00= 71+ 94 ith oR = JB f= ob 29h ot vector inthe decon of OR = OR.» Teoh e ni ae Tori” 2st {4nd the angular reltionsip between te two vectors Sheth md Beri -2]+k ‘solution deanowe + ono dh cissie2i ai-2i+0 TABT oe the two vec are perpendicular to each oer a fore F=Gi+5}-20)N acts at a point defined by (i= 2} sim, tnd the true: (a) about the origin, and (6) aboot he iat (,— 1.0, Solon (Tome, # ~ 2) six ie s]-2%) 38k sje ok sai sj —2st -ai+29}+41knm (©) When the origin ie at (, = 10, te rads vector becomes TH Teeter ¥=(71-]+ 56) x al +5} 26) aske uj aio 2i is} asi = -2i +2) 8hN .Problmein Physic ais }j-3i).ci+3}-& repens) i+ j-sio xd 2+ sdsie® © AxGxO=ai+]-sH
Vd. find te angle at which he shoud sat and av fib tne He ‘would take ocr the sven Solution rom the figure, we se that sn =f or Omsinr lwo, 1005 +) = AB Pe rigs amano GATE ewe re t sts = oP Tine taken wor Fi (te rail acceleration along and () celeron perpeadiar {0 7,of« paicle which moves onan elliptical path given by Feacorori +b sinorj Souution $= - eosin wri sto enor} Vectors 17 ~ 00? cos ar bo? sn = ottacororisbsiner Radial seclntion =. F = 7 Acceleration peptic 1 = cence: Se 5) = GB i aed when ~ @ 365 ® @ aub ‘oe condion under which te ves (+) ad (—B) shold be a igh tpi to each tha ® é @) aE=0 @ 4 vst 214] and B= 3-2} ak wet be pagent 2 ® -2 3 23 5. Th cost expan ate ag i © ax x2)4Bee a) 2K x5) <0 © 80.I+5-€.542.@540 © 8x2 45 ena) o2-axb (9 2 6s5s5-G042- +520 4 Te we of angled yes 2B it oh o a bsbe0za1 © bina send ocaxiy v © fa56-rea) a 1. he esr sm fee ete Fan? ia a wit 8 te dos of wad reece, en18 Problems in Physics Vector 10 tin a seconde. Asuming cost veal, the pstion of he pari for ( 659 me pine of and © F iatng dnp @ aimee — @ wissi-tebe oo e (9 (si-wis inn ——) Ofisaajsizoinm (3104 wi tre 2 2) The pa of pte ieee by 28923, y= 146 26 whee “Ey nse we nitinol ns Tease oitpanen ets (0) 20 © tole 2eimnt = @iths2isekmn aw ieejecima? . 1 Are me nah mn a SA y= BP <2 = ‘A-Bisd Ce wiaown ona Gene sy a ae a Habe Pe sate aah he vey of epic eto © Gd) mt oul (@ Gd) mon egal - (6-2) 9 Aman ring lng rie on with ifm veloc ‘hei lig verily downy ~j feds in © Misseisotine ——@) ~tied4)-arken ‘ce anon sta ange Othe ert Tea ton td © sieMietias ——@ aei-ajtmn ‘pesol ue ran ot ope ep re a om et te rg wih a ein o) si-none singel , hot 6k! oui oa : (9 esi 100)-r3ipm ——) asi 100)-250) = 10, Apu moves ue atc 3.0162, y == 1 re e83 nat where betel 28 : ‘ © wooi-asje rim csi 100} 758m ie leanne © aie s6imnt 17. cn Ai gw ey Y= 90 eee Bi (9 rssh +ieut (ais s6is ebm 0 tain a aproimatey te 1, The acelin opal ven by Sine beige The magne fe n fied Pilar Sacer ‘ ‘The itil conditions are lean o Pa a I {© toma tw ¥e F220) .0} +2040 tea kon Peels MC 1 caste tewovenn iets. —— 7 F0.-§o-Got Bole kaisan aera ‘The position vector at t= 2 sis Perea @ Gi+8}+0%m © @i+t0} 36m eae © asiesissibm @ ais ioi+sim eee at "2A ple moves nce ng ep = yin ah & way a Coens $+ newer banca comts eaten ibaa ae b : 2%, ABCD att ces TA, at aaa in Thee (9) Gactes 2b VE (b) be? + Dace is re © actsmnt (0 as! +6038 oa ie "Wet = pala (0,0) mover wad 412) wd tt e . ‘orto 8m Te psn of eps aed eso te 28 oak20 Prolamsin Pyles 20, The wo vectors Rank ta ae perenicacech here 9 Aasiesieab, Bevi-2hsk fe Katie sie2t, + bettie © Aeai-sjeak Beri-aj-i (@ Heleajerk Beriaiek 21. The wo vers Hand hat repre ah ter ae 6) Resign 9k Balea}oak ( dasi-sivok Baieajesé © deals Boieajst An aivei-ok Bei-ajst 22 Tevet a we wh) an +6) 7h aajesi 0) Feajesi ‘ fo -3i-jesi @ sisj-si e Bu geai sie a Foals} 2, acct ofag heme ten ie om ‘ me 21) Me : 2. A parce moves om pit (10,25) 9 the pt (2,24) nh fece #=G-+48) 9 ws 00 The work dove on ie 6) @) 30) 4934 oor 25. two sop! veces Hand B reel a maga, then he Pees GB ans + wi te * (@ pull w ec oer (© pare bt nptey ees 10) perpen ah ter (fhe an agi aay es an 90" 26 Terr ver of apni? == 2) +3) meted atone Fo (t+ 5 1 et pe. Te momen of he foe nnemtanmetes + -iienienk @ i-ujenk © -1i-njenk @ lenient 27 none ofthe vectors A Band ae sero a i 0 wy ® m0 os (a) ACeos 8 24. The Yc having dae equa 109 Ad PENA he we vec owt Bed =0, 2 eh ot Boat a} sak yo 20i-j-26, (@-aiej-a @ oi-j-3m 29, te wects G+ Bana orm tw ie of ae weno th os 28 ot woe 20, A pron i moving wh vly + 10% in nesty 1(} 4 10" Vi ant magic ldo (02) +038) te ‘The magn of fc expensed byte pans (2s N ‘eax oN (9 261098 dexioN 31, Tee vole pulp bound by vec A Band Cea be bint Mee dxbé © doxd (@ dixie 52 One erro 2 preoiged a the pa = tren cota fer acen veree (1c. te vlune of he peated {aan (©) 60s 9 ete Hoan 2. A sel eile prota th vais wt (2) Aan ae oon se plane (4) A Ban wei ese place (0 2 i perpen tot Aas (© Bs perpen tw tot Aare 34 Tres forces F = GF +2} f9N.F, = GF 4]—Si0 ant Fy wad +) iN ax sinaawouty on pre. tn ere ate prle nis elit te vale of Aso be ‘one we 5 3s 235 Imm ad hmm he ton css of 0 et 2 he tng bree hho te Yl eas 0 ies mmt nm mma, +m, (6 msm (@) mi Som nae SADA GABE eget to dae oa oa ee 37 The vate of po tate veces 24 J +42} and at ps apres abe ate ” 4 wre22 Protlemain Physics BM Tie foes F214, @ ai sb) ° © -aisdb @ Sadik 29. A force F= aio SEN stat pin (7.3.1). The xq abt he bein. 0, wi be ia) 16k fe) ui aaj- sek ita) i sia iaiek 0) isa} —sok @ who aejst6k 40.4 proton of elcty Fe 2i)xt0% m4 ene a magne el (2) +310" use. scsertn wi i 3j aby 3 10% em? ©) Gis3}e 2h) <3 «10% cm? (© ais} 28.3 x10% em? (@) @i-3}- 26 e310 emi? “A ie wai re 0S we. ha i th te {ef of ese lg whch he shai eh © fo soe hemo {9 as (3 ‘Acta tows fom ie wee The aia easy a heed a im © Bin © wim (@ 201m WM Rabe jek Beaiesh Ceaieal at aad Be-sjo, en (ep a magi aed recon (© al a mags ony {© penendil och te {© pull ech (© Aan ae perpen ech ter (0) Aa ae pereniuarbt hi mgiues iar (©) A618 and ee ecto aia (© AsodB ate ppendtar ech te and 1181 Answers 1a 20 36) +o sa) ig io ro 2% ew ne 2 Be wo BO “eo Te ne Bo Be te Be 2° xO BO 28 Be Bo Be de ao ne. Bo Bo Se Pay ne ae so be a8 20 oe ae Doel guts a nat of te sme kad Ad sould ake abot heeSS Newton’s Laws of Motion Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane and Instantaneous Velocity ay AIA and inthe notation of clels can be writen a or When Vis function of, since Y= di, x) ca be determined fom Jee fits Motion with Constant Acceleration mi xevee dar bo Via upe 2a repo! Representation placement. Tine Graph Wtparcle f moving wih consast eli he il eres Neva Laws oftoton 25 ina displacement graph and its slope wil give the veloc, restr wil be the lope of telnet A he ‘an =O snd “Which s negative ais eoocluded Ufa the parle is uaveling towards i intial postion. ow tan tn his elcome graph, oe can asermin sacle acy ol Sis the osleraton is pote; Bit is oro and aC, negative, a9 a dag, the aca dee ance from fof regal the ‘ange i velocity during tiara Stime as shown in the fire Siar 4 capa, he area under the curve in he interval of time etree fab 6 equal to te change in the displacement in tat itera Yow sreoySat 3 Pa Mt T) sreofban i x I ia Euston of Maton Ehemt— Ehenft : ey enn Seaed Em Law of Motion), " ERomos Normal ana Tangential Components 2 =m at Phen! “ thoserio | GB mak rea ces acing on Frenne, conser a Bock of ass £ ¥ pte, conser a book ‘0p te Second La of moto, we represent ths bay as parile sling down apie lon of oenc ser soe re Fe an28 Problams inPhysies etng Seen the block andthe face ofthe inne plane Te fee by Sapam shown ere Vis ort N. esson of the insides on he ‘ ody, and Mg i the weigh acne erally dwar AS the block Siding down, te fre of ition iB Mo uations of Motion n Free Fall Yevor at vets der ond Projectile Motion V2 Veco and sere Vo tbe nit velocty f postion nd she angle of projection Equation of wajectory ofthe projectile Yan 00k saa “Time to atin maximum height, = “OSB EH Mima height atin = Yu = Hosa 80~ a 2x Vos gy Horizons ange ofthe projet = R= (Yeo 8)» ne of la Time of High = 21 0805) 58) where isthe it stor in the radia rection pining vay from the ene. The negative sign indtes hat the necleation is dete rail ‘nwa vrei the eit esto nthe angen ection evtstewet on 2 pore ot ton Fa ance te rial isn Mt ma ee TTS — 1 Asati oven sng ig ie Sn auch a way tht te snare ‘rte fice point On the ine afer ine # Wom te slat given by reeMes Fd the veloc at he sr 08 the distance covered inthe St second soluton eae ‘Tesefore, at = Disanse covered in 5 = 50.615 + 5 = 70 unite Distance covered in 45 124 124 5 9 ants Distance covered i Sh second = 21 is 2. Tw inlined planes ae placed as shown inthe Figure. A pais is project trom the fot ofthe plane ‘Stange aaloa is ne with avec 8 Jas sulfcent wo cary it 1 the top fer which the parce shies down {heater nctine plane indie vk ‘eit wil ake reach the poi. rN (Assume tht there sn fon) * Soliton Let V be he veleciy of projestion, the time reach B, and the tne 1 reich ftom Bio (AB = hoses a 0- an 2g in a hcowe a | ve lm 4 ft aaa128 ProblmainPhysics 3. A pate waves along path given by cos i+ sina) 2k Find the tangent component of acceleration and velocy when 1 = Solution Slash ohesk tareasse ask Shes Le sean ati + 6xc0n rH) 6 2h 4stcor af 63% in) Parre2ses ashe 2bantt Pe ates, Wort we a droge 25 ni 6r? sn Se] w6xat]=-923 ‘Te eit vector long he veloc wi ence, he angen component ofthe ssekation 9ap-c4sieriy 14,4 proton of mass m kg moves alo a haioea path i vcs a 3 speed Vinis ad enters niform electri eld that exerts dowrard force FPhewton on it The fi extends over rion Ln lng. Trough what angle te proton deleted oe sav) none l@l Fa Fk «em (rs) 4. The veloc ofa particle of mass 2 pled as a function of ine 1s sow ine figue. From the dist metsrements a the pop pte feat one parce aa function of ane and exclate (@) muximum fre (b) average Force In time Interv between 0 and O4 Solution + ¢ “t ‘Toploca gaph twee force and n,n the following taps om he pve figure, Tine aera More O1wo2s 02 w 0255 02510035 « 035 100455 085 00555 Rerce ro yx(-32)«-02n Foam x(- ( ( )s-08N ale = 0m) x (-. 8) «-oaw 10 = 000) x(!2) 2026 (0.002) (4) oz20 Problema Pyles ostmoss ton (2%) =088 oo wars =m (38) -028 07 08s Feo the pt of Fe show Ine Sigs Re, The msi TEARS MoD avenge tc ine tne eral 00 04+ 01001 (02) + 005(- 08 +01 02) +005 x0 eee 002 = 004 002 Te 008 Te 6 A tat cars give an acelertion ap = 2 mis stating from rest, A ‘ate i comaced toa cate A of weigt 30 kg a8 shown, Neglect ection tees the for and he car woes thd alto the mast of the pulley Colette corresponding ersonin the al table {f= 0.80 between the crate nd te oe of the eae --aN re, Sotion Referng we fe-body dag tele JaaNn03x50x10=159 1 N20 Et + 4q)= 205 24 sbe L Te Boss0 ed T= 3508 Newton'sLaws Motion 31 1, A Bock of mass 5D kg is eno on the postion of rex for ‘Shc be sing i uader a tension of ISIN Atte pllege are male sd fhe blk aoe 13D mm dows, find ie ey fhe ok hi inst, K =450N/m \50Kg solution SSN= 0X T=01m ‘AK, chang is Kine energy -['2F 4+ 0004-9 =fxox02-0 (yy ay erespoed to the poston of et ad wa the block goes 150 mm oma) y yr = 0250+ 005 = 020 m 2F 8 2x K-2y (where y =X) 122 4503 (23) = 4 450) 100 | + 750252 = 900 (0207 - (0057 + 75» 2508 = 900 100395) +75 «258 = BIS 15 BPS Pw 165-9 V= 128 ms A car of mss m acceleates on level rod unr the action ofa hiving force toma speed Yt a higher peed Vs in dsnce he fine develops consent power opt P, decree Vn Soliton Fema) P=P-Vane-Vaae Vode a- des mF w= Pas o fPmvare fir dah ofS]
a pears a egy. BN Seats nd Ms cnc aad ni pues ree alle Pai nashoccm eign Ser erie tctom be sceerion be Unk fer yb 6 ates o mney @ ais . ©48 Probemain Physics 9%, The voces of boc moving on a oop nod plane wae eon 20 ‘ut nd 10 ms pin A nl rely epaaon eee ae ‘Aan Be 7 mand te mgl eens eI, he sation otto tie ak and th se Gon "e) 03s @ 010 @ oa 37 Ay isting spl wp an Ice ple by 3 a Sig on He folie face a 350 NI he ‘ced mat the man an ee (a) 248 mie ©) Sasme (© 94 a? 0 ey ‘yamaha nit fecha mt apo Ms ‘to key Sony vel Ae (a ag 90 (mg an 20 {© Of emp 20 (8 Gt sme 30 9% Two Moca con on cto ale Ote hs ma mane ter 2m Are Fis ape on ama shown inthe gue Now be tae fe istpie tome akon ine Twocuastepecieyetowees 2 om (3 same wre Qi wis ‘hase an pues ih ~_ fe tensor fe 101, A money weighing 10g clinbing mses op sl coils ply {© mh unio scl 100, That Hoks of mus my mad my lsd ona snout le we conned Sin face ifm = hem Zig, tndme 3g aad SON, @ isn & san O4sN 6x 1 how he gue In re Sevmonkey un cl (@ wiht sifor veasiy (© han aceeaton ge as oe. kof ms 30 es own Newton's Laws tMotion 49 ‘hom on which he sanding by a See'tatom moves ap wih Ebene ). Sos ie 70 ana 30 Ag respectively. el 4 in Be ate of he ope can be Wace {Finfom dos ot it.The tensions in he copes A.B and respectively me (a) 30, 50, 900 8 (@) ota 100 | {6 1, sn, 1200% (@) 30,3 a0 the pound woh nthe are ‘era ha ecaratre oa Pesci tom pote A The fost om Po at 2 oan ‘Ison 208 (9 3338 mas my ice 00 09 of rey of maa some [= ‘or by ete ting ise ov och ply . etre the sues ele Tore bat maim, cme memtems oy mattam ems fe maiiemy gail +) Two Becks of etl mes feck comensby ated in tei Te cf fg fon san ® 258 ue @ 268‘50 ProblamainPhysies Newton's Laws ofMation 81 Aesie cect of ition Ss ls ee ink nnn of Si ne x ck exe cn e201 ec wl Somes s we ns an ‘ey ng ce ne o Pa retiie eas oe ae Se eer en Sowe wor owttien m8 eereee peering iat eaemee Se gEreat deers CE ena Roch tats ier ele Saher ere “3 a sees kites z REE one Sepotecssmnt SET cane we aoe acre ie onli ‘tensions T, and T; respectively art te te ap os ale mira Y hs ten 3 ieee " Dyson Sismick ” SES : (Govan 18 teectatsaleatwestae * sn ie 2 uc on 20 gb phan mine pe foreepeci tao Sette gear atte eas Sreminieg Se cee terse Pun one Son as firs 1 ON espa wie gue ea 1S tg eck p97 py 2 MRED Sota neg ast fe tooueeee ae - ats @ 83 wmf ef oe ae { EE 116, ‘The time period of a plaset round the sun is 1 oe nc tite new show, be oie of con ah ant Toots en be te eed (a) det roperoeal whe ms fe planet and », cies mf pte ren tea (8) ty pop the sqm roo coe of he ace of ‘on ae Separate tad ety propria he oe = sane on he ms oss . (© ey proportion estar he iste os Soliant proprton! he qa oc ema (© Srey poporion ote sya fot emus ofthe an a ee rene ge ro of ee oe neo spon ‘The Cones statment anog the Flowing 2, The Macs mye and my of Paresh bp 20k at 18 ‘Senay te eto 200 ‘Suce = 020) a stows52. Problems inPhysicn 6 pee ites rae (spins Whe short yer fae fom ean han whee (enn yr min ng inf a (Testa ofthe er camer eemined wks temas oe as ie eh ah is peset ane fom he en, te mar ody in ‘ors © 1s 20 1% 119, Kren ging om ely fea caine at aan intr Soom he ped ees an anpo 0" nh he eral whee fhe args ssleung on be aight ashen So bri te corn fe cage o (Be (Se 120. rea ee fnctnfr e f eveen obs naomi lecle ‘ine expend sppocnaly sehr an bate constants he separtonheween he toms. The “the ofr wich he mole wal be in tbl equa of” « (s)" oJ" vi eitiynaseien tmte oe oe 122, Te pte ecrbing he etn Benen te mies ven by syne “Te oxen fr ef wll Be Newton's Laws otMotion 53 123 he mgs fe areata eee ef mas mad oe manne pen by ms “we ner ia conta ane dst ese paris and 2) 0, ‘he pot ee anton wl be xa we fo em we. 121 coe pendant Ik at @ i ee ‘eso wl be 0 an Ee co 2 {RE oa 125, IC ithe ma of sa, epoca he evict ‘cen hn ye at mae cmp van 9 ale anf oe 20 * [auton econ an ashi ‘ogttererm am namurloenattts ‘sould be applied should be emai o> Bums alh amn pninn oo aes trea a ae 1s Hea wo ate ey teen fee atest ation sateen o> Bic cman i tc Epes eescemeticie areata (9) 246 NaC HP witht Kes 24. robles in Physics > (©) 60 mN m4" wi te Xie (© 60m N 20" wi be Kae 26 mN m4 wi he Xa ‘hea Be pv on ae minum hag Ie matin pe {Sia eoner otal tone pr ua lb = oe 0 0 SS 3 tm The econ fre betwee he fran min fm igo it iat ashing ova a unfam sean otf mi ob ow ‘son © Soon @ oN Ine a fr game eon ams, Bs st gel topo feces eso N whe reine oul, sano oye ire (me ( sc00% ‘5 tow {soe of tse oti mn my ma Ty cl 40 eh Spee plc eve 10 ens Te peti he woe 22méa ism ——@) 11 manera (© 22 mand is me (9 17 wand 21 me {person mls pt sled escorin 90 When sanding 6h same ‘in, ow mages credit 5s. Toe ime t woul wk bio Wak tp be morngexeaarwilbe as w ms 9 ts 3 3s ‘Atoy whl «sone shez cl L$ m above the sod by means rating 12 ma. Te eng essa fs offre sting ‘Sound 91 amy. v cnipett scleon rig eon wat fare ae ia oa (@ mae ‘el comme iaows st "Sshwel? icin, Te tan the wl 8 tn te conficet of con wee eae motey se te wal te “ell, The mismo peed he mycin mat hve male tent ping shui be 1 mores wants dive ante seria uae of & wooden “el! of ‘adm, mimi ped of 55m The inva ef ie ‘Eton between he ers the wal the wall st be 010 ‘020 (© 030 9 04 4, A lela cuveo hihi dese etic moving at 72 kh tthe wth ning tl oa ceed pny! 8) a at 3 ate ene sg 2 ata Saooeeg ste Spe ee sown Sear 7 to sw ow ese oR ‘ca srs omer wih cont sceteratn 10 wich it mains feeatine 12 35-Acotn decraon a ces) bg ee {ay 692 mi osm oe (a) 51s! Med asi pully Sem "ae the ann i © am mem =m odetek wo beked i raion theca mabe ™ ome oR © at 0 mom sein maine ena psy Te meen ae Feat ad£56, ProblematinPhysies oe 2Up=o0) © Reo @ HOD 14S. A pices dowa hr hugh igh pit ofa veri of alo sang fs he phn pm th chord clined ale 0 (te vei Te ne ued decd own 0 te oer eee oe © trae @ Answer Le A “@ so ce ‘ 28 we f 4 ism ts it Bm mo s 2» xo Bm 2 Fa BO oO x B par) 30 x as Sao #e : o ho Sa 2 = 39 2@ £ = So ss @) % Ss So @m 7 a am = a em Be a n HS m Be me x = aH se i = So Se & = 3 x ES 38 wo 103 10) io 1 1 me ie me 1 @) Be mew tas ew uh he Bee Be Beg) i eC ote: Probes mice ih 2 sr sh tke stow 5 mites wo work ot Te ef Work, Energy and Power Definition of Work afore Fic applied oma body ants dplace by tance, the work done BY te force onthe Bay w= Page Work done in ceplacing the body from a poson 1 yi we Powe [MF 8 Unis: mors ‘Tis integra represents tbe aren under tie Fr eure between the it td 38 shown in te Hue. Work Done by Force of Gravity A body of mass m moves verily o awa rom a poston yo a potdon >, Work done ashe body move fom Ware [meer -me03 m9 Tew doe ite psvelfon-» neti whee pts moves down, Notice thatthe work done depends me sateen inserts : Work Done In Stretching a Spring The wok doen sing ring ‘ean example of wok don byt ‘wml oe Te fre requ 1 ‘man sping steed by one setehea Scio eng led the pig re fats or ieee . (vad haste mis Ni ny58. Problems inPhysice Pan ke Work doe bythe sing fre a he mas moves fom x pane fl okedee ee oD Work-Energy Principle apace of mass moves plane der he action of = renalant force the parle wll havea velocity V sn aceleration 3. Let be the ‘eos ata poet A ad Vat point 2B. Path AB =, sy, then $n} - 2 [ferseonase favare batt thoes (oe We AA wher AK i the change in Koel ney Power Average power is defined as Rat of doing work B= instantaneous power delivered is ~ path “The ait i of Nis ad called Wat (W). Force and Potential Energy [A mat is rated vericlly up fom a postion 1 y- The dest of he rational fore mgs opposite to he upward dspacement The Wook dove ‘by the grvitatonal fore Wye = mats — 9) = (may me) Wy = aU, change in poten energy ‘Te relation between power and velocity is PaBy Work Energyand Power’ 8 = LTO Tr ak shina fcr gts 1. A gate ah Soe of mena ed aa Care nok tos ees Sea fi om sr one ce ting nerve sent. soutien : “Asuming be cate dosnt i Seseratos the rk athe crate shold ave 3 cmon ont Te is celeron equles a flrce of ton onthe crate few 80X27 = 216N 1 mist fe cate does 0 ali, the maxim possible force of rion i f= 025 ¥ 80 10 = 200.8 ‘Tieton force forthe ining conion of the crate is es than 216 N equed for mo sipping. Therefore, the crate slips and feoeal fre is foveteed by te coefilent of Kinet fection, cen 020% 80x 10= 160 N “Terrie acceleration becomes, a= 16080 =2 mi The dance veld Ip te crate and the rack ren proportion other aeseations Digernn et ece 32 700m Woik dove by free of King tion, Wy, = 160% 52 = ROS = 3K Nowe that tis problem presents a siteton in which the fore of fton ‘int cn do postive work when he sirface mich opr te bay and seserates he force of icon in sion the sopping sara le st ‘hen fe acting onthe moving body alvays does negative work. 2A beary block of mas 300 kg is being pale up an nie plane of sngle 20 by means of a wie pusing over a pulley and comeced wa oxo ‘Sthown in the igre. In the power Motor ‘ouput ofthe mote i 5 HW aed te block moves up with constant ‘elociy of my fn he cote of ition between he Bock andthe ‘nce sure. "060 Problamain Physics Sota ‘The fee bay dagam of th Block R town R= My on 30 = 2550 N Pepe Re px2590N = 28501-30010 4. z Ma sins} Mo rf = 2908 2500 = 2550 - 1500 = 0+ = 0392 3A tock fist 2h eed frm es foe positon Pas sow InfigreIses down he plane sn, a ser covering» since of 03 ay ‘kes asprin whore fre constt 9 4s 4000 Nim Ifthe cette of Inclined sortace ts 03, find the 5 compression ine spo. a ‘Solation Ne downward acelin = pin = Ln 0 gcon8 Wo atin 0 cn $= 25 vs? HE of ock = eee te competed spring fre a}nvor=2000 a LA. Aman pss ls of 39 along tel Sara consat pn with 2 ‘ceded "below he hon he coat fen 032 (ewer dane ty the man on he lk a prsing oug 2 it "sor (20 ‘@ 1003 (3 dion 2» Neat mus # set ons ih st sutie be wh a Speed ms ss bough ese incompresung oping a uh he Steg bs force contan of Nene ning sou be cmp by one wide Work nergy end Power ‘as ote ace ad sont y= tie te Wark a ye wo de oo San © ~$ et (ons Aa a tie hewn ee: igo on (2 i moving fom A eB, nck de by he ya seve {i movi om 0 C0 wor eon he a ay See 4 moving, mek one yt ar nt at tv (Gm mong tore Dt wok done by he foe oe ods este. ‘Arwning a hh energy os oy a ie mse rio 0 en hte os ey a eb. Te © thm 2308 310 ihe wrk cero) one pn fe el force oie lan rt & Lag 3a 1 (@ ax" Ault of ma 0 aeing a 500 ls pests 10cm in wade Ee eta N (9 635.10 8 eet ‘Aetna with consti ped pst pas 36m apt in 8 To the hve neyo the en (a) dee 2 ev (8 21507 ev Sipe ng shown ata 20 se ance ee ston yn cr mete Om { kao2 Problema Pies an et gato net {ee on doe by on be Boo : ow (5) © m0 on - ‘oe andre ‘ae 0 a a0 . Sal fncitaetec enn “y I Civocagewinacpeder -@—E— t+ Ioan ened oe pe ) 22m Ces wen san caine, cya st ae sae Sener : ism ° a mt om ‘feria a0. gi ad a oe al SIS See yh te pe otras Sanath Somat Lion at Work Energyand Power 63 16. Able mas kgs oa ight of 3 mon veil pig steed {ba brs ad aed mt fan Ife oping aman he (3 Nim the matmum omprenso hat peg deze ey 33m Poet mt iat tot His Sate ttctea rep el ert eee # Som baa ya Scares aes Tomei eee nceresae o Oe Eel ‘ms tm) [mem o oma Sa © copra grata ay apa,(4 Protlamaln Physics Work Energyand Power 0s we) ‘ee nig pcm pt. 2) nape oo ota 0 (wed) _ Pena Saarcigeyp eee w (2 ta (tee) Be a # 0 ne inn tag oat tt pt oe © pupranag manera nde vw Ratlam tie ht wot ler Ties oe ta ones sea a 8 aN, Py, 3 ee ti tc tg 8 ne tape oe concen su and Scag tae et te See cues eens sate aoe ry Ress ara 8 our Qa via omy 12 Pi a a at gt gigs gay Soman cates a Engine Letpn ming a sone note testers ater tera tesa Bee cnn etiat Se nea ee nanan ped ace 2» Aoi ears dla on eet oat sets rece Soe ear a a ati ‘bck of mse 2 gi eee . @ ake nea SES Sees : rob om en © fan on 3S. A assaying sysom shown fo os pn pt ee 3 Mot nih conan scersna of When te vase ving ving fen feton iguciurreueecn tes eae 3 Seclatmman nas Sanne isan Soe y i {rok ms Aer some ine, vlc become +20) de Be fctn ofa coat foce The Wo done oe the pre ag 8 ‘aos 0 693 (3 961 (3) 0963 24 A pale moves wit eloey $=}. me andere inane of ‘ont force Fe 11+ 10) + 208. The festanceos power epi 1 ces in amp foro ocewha oot » Mae oe oe * Two hocks of mass 1a Sg. by ex the pee concede bt inne aera ® wm SEINE Sern in te fawe Raye tre hee arth Behe gin ovingdowowars Is conse fceal foee ofS BS "eloty when te ID gk br need S's Sowa6 ProblamainPhyalcs ae © 26m 8 32m ‘Too ss of mazes 10 and & pe comctd y 2 Dex ‘Seen sg stove fue The pally ase ‘Streit Te cote of cto tetwen the tsa ‘Snead te te sk 0.2 ‘esa rm te be vency {10 ky Bock wie bs motes mown it ‘o osm (a 36m Obes (9 diame ‘romance m= 10g aad m= ‘eg comet by an eal nga shown ate fae Toe eect of reo tewecem, the race 02. Asin (tenemos fom Nay shen mb @ tes 4a (3 35m (ac of mas kg hs an iia ety o 0m de Ite ugh la angle 3% ‘ig 02 The easy fe ck ternal s nce of 10 (26m Qaes 3 bar @ ae ‘Nteira matmfte om a igh nae nd of platform shows {ne fp. The spng ntl eset nd he mass he tor ‘hate hate soning tat remo fa of eng, te mai ‘Seegtos of e ping Work Enargyand Power 67 bake oy wer ogi — « SEE 1. Ago ballets ed dough sk fe hor shes 200m hk te isons he ck with» vel of 0 deme ot ‘ia welt of 00 wh the serge reine efcd we le I ‘aos ‘2x mas on 4. Apap outed $0 go we er into 10m ey wl shomintaapeteb meres ova be pao to & wus (6 as 35) newer 20 20) +6 se a) io 3) we ne Bw Bm BM pe Bo © »e@ Zw Bo ue se 26 Bo Bo be ne Bo xo bw 20 tims mud with ace sipped ote shou Sina soe. All shri te hot to nueImpulse, Momentum and Conservation of Momentum ‘Newtons Second Iw states ha a Pom a. Reem? on [Pee fast cx topase F=f" Fas conte Ns) |b, one can write ff Feenis-n o @ fase ant a «oe P, Le ttl momentum ofthe sytem reins constant Contre of Mass ner ce i the cete of to muses med mace at stances and “respectively from the agin ©. Impulse, Momentum and Conservation otMomentum 60 bem ov sisee dato otmmse) Yh ge g no tae f Fn ois Lp. a continous distribution of mss) a “Feo pales of mater mand Collison, thie velocities become ‘Wand Vf. Then, om te principe of conservation of liner memes, mm wie mY During the clision of two particles, one pice is deformed due 10 the cer Teeter, resus aes pce, i Coefiet of etaton,¢ where, and Fae the forces of restitution aod formation respectively ‘Te vale of «isa mearre of enery lone daring the mac In cate of perfec else colision eis Incae of perfect inet calison «0 ro reave vlciy sein ‘lave elo bela pa SSS LSS — 1._ A ball i droped trom a eight above a mosaic Noo and rebounds to thigh 07 Fd the cetfcet of rettuton between the ball tad the Mowe Solution relative veloc aferimgat __V ‘eve velo beer umpct ~~ VE where Vg he vest afer rebound aed V the veloc wit which i is and mgoTh= dmv?70. Problema in Physics [Lets take the downward decton tbe positive, Then Ve fiai ad Ven = Yah oy - om 2 Ady tock of wood sess on able tp, A 80g bllet sot sight ‘uptheogh ol inthe table beset the black The uit emai med In the bik an the Bock is up a eh of 50cm, Wht nas th peed a the bale ‘Solation ‘Conservation of moma 005%, = 4057 here Ws the seed of the ult an Vis the speedo Hock fe the bullet ‘3 embedded ito KE of (lock + bles) = gain a PE of (lock + bate Fea05 v8 = 405 «104 $1405 v8 = 605 1034 V2=10-4 Ve {Tomi . 405% (1 = ass 3. cricket batsman sight dives on 150g ball witha veocy of 30.0 Ite ball ads velocity f 20 ms when ii thet Had te pag on te al Solution - pate «Fa ~ 50018 x 29 -(a015)¢-30) A015 x 39« 075-5 4. he tras ve tine graph of ‘oct shown inte fee The mast Of the rocket Is 1200 ky Find the ‘loi of he ke 16 ae sang fom res. 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