1. The document outlines the classification and characteristics of different phyla in the animal kingdom, including porifera, cnidaria, platyhelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, and echinodermata.
2. It describes key attributes like body plan, symmetry, coelom presence, habitat, body structure, locomotion, feeding, digestion, circulation, respiration, excretion, nervous system, reproduction, and development across the different phyla.
3. The table provides a concise overview of how phyla compare in areas like body organization, tissue types, sensory structures, reproductive strategies, and larval forms.
1. The document outlines the classification and characteristics of different phyla in the animal kingdom, including porifera, cnidaria, platyhelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, and echinodermata.
2. It describes key attributes like body plan, symmetry, coelom presence, habitat, body structure, locomotion, feeding, digestion, circulation, respiration, excretion, nervous system, reproduction, and development across the different phyla.
3. The table provides a concise overview of how phyla compare in areas like body organization, tissue types, sensory structures, reproductive strategies, and larval forms.
1. The document outlines the classification and characteristics of different phyla in the animal kingdom, including porifera, cnidaria, platyhelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, and echinodermata.
2. It describes key attributes like body plan, symmetry, coelom presence, habitat, body structure, locomotion, feeding, digestion, circulation, respiration, excretion, nervous system, reproduction, and development across the different phyla.
3. The table provides a concise overview of how phyla compare in areas like body organization, tissue types, sensory structures, reproductive strategies, and larval forms.
1. The document outlines the classification and characteristics of different phyla in the animal kingdom, including porifera, cnidaria, platyhelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, and echinodermata.
2. It describes key attributes like body plan, symmetry, coelom presence, habitat, body structure, locomotion, feeding, digestion, circulation, respiration, excretion, nervous system, reproduction, and development across the different phyla.
3. The table provides a concise overview of how phyla compare in areas like body organization, tissue types, sensory structures, reproductive strategies, and larval forms.
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Parazoa Eumetazoa start
Porifera Cnideria-coele ctenophora platyhelmenthis aschelmenthis annelida arthropoda mollousa echinodermata Hemichordate Nick name Sponges Orga Cellular Tissue tissue organ Organ system Body plan Aggregatae Blind sac bs Bs-incomp Tube in tube-complete-mouth anus. Mouth first-ps Deuterostome Symm Asymm Rad-radiata Bi radial-radiata Bil-cephalise Larva-bil, adul-rad. Dilpo Diplo Triplo Coelom No coelom pseudo Coelomate Habitat M-ex M ex M only M only M only Habit Sedentary sessile Polyp-sed Free Parasite-mostly Medusa-sessile free Sol-hydra Col- physelia,obelia polymorphism Body Body Hypostome Sea walnut Dorsoven flat No head Coelentron Biolumin Ten,echin-ribbon Ectoderm Fas,sch,par-leaf endo Choanoderm Gastroderm No skel Exo Pinocoder Ectoderm Tegumen Endo Endo Corals-in polyp Loco Locm-pinococytes, Hollow 8 comb plates Long Long+cir porosytes tentacles Tentacles-2/abs Hooks-hold Suckers-hold-nut Food ing Watercanal Direct abn-paras Digestion Intra-collar cells Extra-intra Muscular ph Muscular ph Cir Water canal Closed-ex leech Resp Diff Diff Diff Diff,anaerobic diff excr Water canal Excr Diff diff Diff Proto-flame Rennet solano nephridia Green
Malphigian tub Ammonia Ammonia
Neu Neu Cnidoblast- No cnidoblast Ganglia-ladder
nematoblast- Lasso sting-cnidocil- cells=sticky touch- collorblast hypnotoxin Stacocyst Stacocyst Asexual fav-bud fra Polyp-in fav No unfav-int-gemule- from archeocyte Sex Herm Unisex mostly Herma Heram-ex Polyp-unfav. medusa Alt of gen gonads No-gamets from archeocyte Fert Int=cross Int ext Internal internal external internal ext ext Ext dev Ind-free larva ind ind Ind Amphiblastula- Planula-obelia Cydipid Tenia-cysticercus, sycon Ephyra-aurelia hexacanth Oncospere Parenchymula- Fasc- leucosolenia Cercaria,meta, Miracidum ex Pleurobranchya- t.sag- beef goose-ten t sol-pig Ctenoplana Fasciola-liver Schist-blood Paragonimu-lung Echino-dog Cestum-largest Free=planuria- reg-neoblast. Rhabdites hormiphora-sea walnut-cat eye No ten-Nuda- beroe Exceptions Schist-unisexual Spongila fresh Hydra fresh Leucosol radial dig cir res Rep exocr Endo Skin Cavity squamous Blood ves,lymph Alv Bowmans Coelom- Heart- mesothelium endothelium Endothelium and mesothelium have wavy borders- called tessellated epithelium Cuboidal-plain Dct germinal Ducts Thyroid Cuboidal-brush Pct Columnar Col cil Bronchioles Fallopian Brain ventricles, Most tract spinal cord canal Col brush Stomach int Pseud col non cil Olfactory,eustacheon Male urethra Certain Large ducts=parotid Pseudo cil Trache ,large bronchi Str squamous ker yes Non ker Buccal tong pharynx oesophagus Str cub Large ducts,Saliv,pancre Transitional- Calyxes,pelvis urothelium Uretor ,bladd er Glands tubular Liberkhun Coiled— sim Bracched- mero stomach Apocrine in axilla groin Tub comp Protherian mam Sac simple Toad frog mucus Branched -sebac- holocr Sac com Sublingual maxillary Tub sac Mamma-auto Parotid p[ancreas Barlothins cowpers Glands- aerolar Fibroblast mast macro Below Support epithelium Adip below Store fat Dense irr Collagen different In the oerintation Reg fib Collagen in bundles,rows Ten Muscle to bone between bundles Reg elastic lig Bone to bone Cartrilage matrix is pliable ,resists compression. Chondrocytes. Embryo cartilage- bones Nose tip , outer ear joints Intervertebral disc Limb hands in adults Hyaline Bone matrix not pliable collagen calcium structural framework-Support protect soft tissues. With muscles move . weight bearing large bones Bm-blood cells