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Plant Cell and Tissue Culture

Duchefa Biochemie B.V.


Catalogue 2010-2012

Catalogue 2010-2012
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
Plant Molecular Biochemicals
Phytopathology / Seed Health Testing
www.duchefa.com Antibiotics

Catalogue 2010-2012




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Catalogue edited by drs. F.T.M. Kors

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Dear customer,

After turning the cover we symbolically invite you to enter Duchefa Biochemie’s warehouse filled with
products aiming at the world of Plant Cell Tissue Culture and Biochemicals. At the same time it gives us
great pleasure to introduce the edition 2010 – 2012 of our catalogue to you. In the tradition we have
experienced over the years many of you were kind enough to send us illustrative photomaterial. Some
of you even allowed us to pay a visit with our professional photographer to capture what Plant Cell and
Tissue Culture is all about. This kind of reception has made it possible for us to make a catalogue once
again to the best of our tradition. For this support and for your continuous interest in our products we
honestly thank you very much.

Although the range of products we offer for all your needs arising from your professional activities in
biochemistry has developed over the years to allow in contemporary terminology “one stop shopping”,
some minor additions and changes were made in our productportfolio.

Being at your service to discuss special needs and quantities remains one of our hallmarks, just like
the quality standards we maintain in our state-of-the-art clean rooms, strictly controlled by our in-house
quality department, headed by a pharmacist. Since the quality certificates granted to Duchefa are
subject to audits at regular intervals you can be sure that we are in a continuous process of adapting
to the lastest quality demands.

Thank you for your loyalty to all of us here at Duchefa and your interest in our line of products.
We greatly appreciate to be able to be of service to you to the best of our ability.

Sincerely yours,
DUCHEFA Biochemie B.V.

drs C.M. Teves

General Manager

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

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P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Media used in plant tissue culture are composed of seve­ral com­ponents: The need of a plant for macro-ele­ments is much greater. In gen­eral, from
salts, vi­tam­ins, amino acids, growth re­gu­lators, sugars, agar or Gelrite™ the macro-ele­ments both ani­ons and cati­ons are import­ant for the plant
and water. All these compounds fulfil one or more fu­nctions in the in cell. For example, of potas­sium nitrate, both K+ and NO3- are essen­ti­al.
vitro growth of plants. Obviously, the ma­cro-elements have the highest concentrations in the
The minerals present in plant tis­sue culture media can be used by the media used for plant cell and tissue culture. Wit­hin the group of macro-
plant cell as buil­ding blocks for the synthesis of organic mol­e­cules, or as ele­ments, the nitro­gen con­taining salts, mainly in the form of potas­si­um,
cata­lysators in enzy­matic reac­ti­ons. The ions of the dissolved salts play an ammoni­um or calci­um ni­tra­te, are used most.
impor­tant role as counterion in the transport of ionized molecules by the The concentration of am­monium that can be supplied with­out harmful
plant, in the osmotic regulati­on, and in main­taining the electrochemical conse­ quences for the plant is sometimes sharply defined. This is­
poten­tial of the plant. parti­cu­
larly well demon­ strated by t­ he d­escription of the medium­
Nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus are components of proteins and deve­lo­ped by Chu et al.
nucleic acids. Magnesi­
­ um and many micro-elements form essential
parts of enzymes and cell organelles, and are therefore im­por­tant in the
­­­­­­­cata­lyzat­i­on of vari­ous reac­tions. Calcium and boric acid are mainly
found in the cell wall and espe­cially calcium has an important task in the
stabiliza­tion of bio­mem­bra­nes. Potassium and chloride, on the contra­ry,
are ­­­
portant in the osmotic regulati­ on, for main­ te­
nance of the
electroche­mical potential, and for the activa­tion of a large number of

Micro- and macro-elements

The salts in media can be divi­ded into micro- and macro-ele­ments. Fe, Cu,
Mn, Co, Mo, B, I, Ni, Cl and Al are considered as mi­cro-elements and Mg,
Ca, P, S, N and K as macro-elements. This sub­division in micro- and
macro-ele­ments is main­ly based on the needs of the plant for these
­elements. The need for mi­cro-ele­ments is small, reflected by the low­
con­cen­trations of these ele­ments in the medi­um. Most micro-ele­ments
are pre­sent in micro­mo­lar quantities. The need for mac­ro-elements is
much larger and therefore present in milli­molar concentra­tions.

The smaller need for micro-elements is certain­ly not a guide-line for the Cactaceae: Pelecyphora asseli formis ,
importance of these elements for the plant. As for macro-ele­ments, an Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands
iron de­ ficiency can have cata­ strop­
hical ef­fects for the growth and­
devel­op­ment of the plant cell as well. However, in practice, a shortage of Vitamins
mi­cro-ele­ments in media is easi­er replenished by, for ex­ample, polluti­ons
that are naturally pre­sent in a­gars, salts and water. Vitamins are added to the plants in several forms and concen­tra­tions.
Certainly, these compounds are essen­tial for many bioche­mical reac­tions.
The necessity of some micro-ele­ments as a medium component is not yet In almost all media for plant cell and tissue culture, Thiamine (vitamin B1)
clear. Co­b­alt, alu­mi­num and nickel might be use­ful for the plant, but are is included. Linsmaier and Skoog assert, after a tho­rough revision of the
pro­ba­bly not es­sen­tial. vi­tamins present in the MS medi­um, that this vitamin is es­sential for growth.
In fact, of most micro-elements only the mine­ral part of its rela­ted salt is The importance of the role of Thia­mine is stressed by other authors as well.
of impor­tance to the plant. The anion is mo­stly not essenti­al. The main Inositol is often mentioned as a vitamin that significantly stimulates the
function of copper sulphate is exerted by Cu2+. The SO42- ion is abundantly growth and develop­ment of plan­ts. However, the vitamin is not essential
present in media and mai­nly derived from mag­nesium or potas­si­um­ for growth. Con­cerning other vita­mi­nes, it is hard to judge their virtual
­sulphate. impor­tance. The effect of vit­amins on the deve­lopment of the cell in vitro
differs from species to species or might even be harmful.
It is hard to recommend the mi­ni­mal requi­red amount of minerals to be
added to a medi­um. In the Mu­ra­shige and Skoog medium, de­velo­ped for Duchefa Biochemie B.V. produces custom-made media for prominent
Nicotiana ta­baccum, the con­cen­trations of Fe, B, Mn and Zn are significantly ­laboratories, institutes and com­panies which are all very active in the field of
increased as compa­ red to the starting medi­ um. These increased plant- and tissue culture. This producti­on is performed under guaran­teed
­concentrations result in a higher yield for growth. Litvay also used higher secre­cy and the­refore these media are not described in this work. It is
con­cen­trati­ons of mi­cro-ele­ments for suspen­si­on cultu­res of Daucus carotus. clear that, taking the con­si­de­ra­ble pro­duction of the­se uniquely com­po­sed
Eriks­son, on the contra­ry, re­ports an increase in the yield of growth if the media into consideration, with the help of the nu­trients pre­sent in the
con­centration of micro-ele­ments present in the MS medium is redu­ced to medi­um still a lar­ge area has to be explo­red on the de­vel­op­ment and­
one tenth of the initial concentration. sti­mu­lation of growth under in vi­tro circum­stan­ces.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

MICRO ELEMENTS lack chlo­ri­de, o­pen­ing of the sto­ma­ta is pre­ven­t­ed. At the closing time of
the stomata, an efflux of K+ and ac­com­pany­ing anions, mainly Cl-, out of
Boron, Chloride, Iron, Cobalt, Cop­per, Manga­nese, Molybdenum, Zinc. the gu­ard cells takes place. During short­age of chlo­ri­de the sto­mata
remain open, which might result in a se­vere loss of water.
Chloride is very important in the regulati­on of the osmotic po­ten­ti­al of
BORON (B) vacuoles and to turgor related processes.

Of all elements necessary for the gro­wth of plants, the need for bo­ron is ATPase
least under­stood. Bo­ron is taken up by the roots and transported via the
xy­lem to other parts of the plant. In the cell membrane it is mainly p­ resent Monovalent cations, like K+, highly stimu­late Mg-ATP­ases located in the
as a borate es­ter. There are no enzymes known that con­tain bo­ron or that cell mem­brane in generating an H+ ef­flux. There are indications that a
are activated by boron. Howe­ver, there are indica­tions that cis-diol borate second type of H+ tran­s­port­ing ATPase exists in mem­bra­nes of cell
com­plexes can be formed with com­po­n­ents present in or on membra­nes. organelles in the cytoplas­m. This ATPase is not ac­tivated by mono­valent
The formation of the­se com­plexes might influ­en­ce the ac­tiv­ity of mem­brane- cations, but by Cl- ions. Protons and chlor­ide ions are simultaneously­
bound en­zy­mes. The fu­nctions of boron are mainly extracel­lu­lar. The­ tran­sp­ or­ted over the tonoplast, ther­eby creating a pH gradient between
ele­ment is involved in the lignification of the cell wall and differenta­tion cyto­plasm (pH > 7) and vacuole (pH­< 6).
of the xylem.
Nitrogen metabolism
Cell wall
Chloride activat­es asparagine syn­the­tase, an enzyme important in nitro-
Boric acid is capable of forming stable mono- and diesters with cis-diols, gen metabolism. This enzyme converts glutamine into as­paragine and
present in mole­cules with many OH groups (polyhy­droxyl compounds). glutamic acid. In the presence of Cl- , the reaction speed is increased
A number of sugars like mannitol and poly­mannuronic acid have a similar seven-fold. Therefore, in plant spe­cies that use aspara­gine as the main
con­fi­guration, making the formation of boric esters possible. These sugar- carrier of nitro­gen over longer dis­tances, chlor­ide fulfils an im­port­ant­
borate esters are part of the hemicellulose fraction of cel­l­walls. Most of fun­c­tion in ni­trogen meta­bo­lism.
the boron present in the plant is in the form of an ester localized in the
cell wall of the plant. The higher demand for boron by dico­tyledons in
com­parison with mono­cotyledons is most pro­b­ably due to higher con­cen­
tra­ti­ons of com­ponents with cis-diol con­figu­ra­tions in the cell wall of the
former. It is assumed that boron, like cal­cium, has a re­gu­lat­ing role in the
syn­thesis of the cell wall as well as in the stabilisation of constituents of
the cell wall and cell mem­brane.

A deficiency of boron immediate­ly results in in­hibi­tion of the length

growth of prima­ry and se­cundary roots. IAA oxidase acti­vity stro­ngly
increases. Further­more, bo­ron participates in the reg­u­lation of the phenol
me­ta­bo­lism and the syn­thesis of ligni­ns by forming a stable borate ester
between boric acid and phenolic a­cids.

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands
The concen­tra­tions of chlorine pres­ent in the plant vary from 70 to 700
mM per kilogram dry weight (2000 to 20000 mg/kg dry weight). Chlo­rine
is taken up as Cl- and is very mobile in the plant. The main func­tions of IRON (Fe)
the ion are osmore­gulation and compensa­tion of charges.
In plants iron is mainly bound to che­la­tors and complex com­p­ounds. Free
Chloroplast Fe2+, Fe3+ levels are extremely low (10-10 mM). Most plants only absorb
Fe2+. Therefore, Fe3+ has to be reduced to Fe2+ at the root surface before
Chloride most probably plays a role in photosys­tem II dur­ing the Hill­ it is trans­ported to the cyto­plasm (only grasses mainly take up iron in the
reac­tion, when H2O is split into O2 and 2H+. It is assumed that chloride form of Fe3+).
functions as a co­factor in the oxygen gener­ating man­ganese complex. During transport over longer dis­tances, through the xylem of plants, iron
The chloroplasts of spinach and sugar beet contain chloride in a concen­ is mainly transported as an iron-carbohy­drate complex. Generally, this
tration of approximately 100 mM. In the leaves, less then 10 mM is pre­- occurs as Fe3+-ci­trate or as iron-peptide com­plex. The major func­tion of
sent, showing a clear prefer­en­ce of chloride to accumula­te in the chloro­ iron in the plant is to form iron ­chelates. The element functions as a
plasts. reversible oxydation-reduction sy­stem, ac­cording to:

Osmotic potential Fe 2+  Fe3+ + e-

The chloride ion regulates the opening and clos­ing of stoma­ta. Cl- com-
pensates the K+ influx du­ring opening of the guard c­ ells. In onions, which

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

The iron containing proteins can be separated into hemoproteins and
iron­sulp­hur proteins.
The most well known hemoproteins are the cytochromes, which contain
an iron-porphy­rin complex as prosthetic group. Cytochromes form an
integral part of the redox system of the electron transpor­ting chain in
chloroplasts and mitochondria of plant cells (see magnesium).
Cytochromes function as intermediates for electrons, required for the
reduc­tion of nitrate to nitrite by the enzyme nitrate reduc­tase (see nitro-
gen) in the nitrogen assimilation.
In nitrogen fixation in legumes, cytochro­mes are intermediates of the
electron trans­port chain along which electrons are transported to finally
reduce N2 into NH3.
Catalases and peroxidases are also heme-iron containing enzymes.
Catala­ses participate in the photo­respi­ration, glycolysis and the dismuta-
tion of hydrogen pe­roxide, accor­ding to the following equation:
2H2O2 2H2O + O2

Hydrogen peroxide is formed by superoxide dismutase in order to n­ eutralize

su­peroxide radicals. Hydrogen peroxide, in its turn, is ­neutralized by catalase.
Peroxidases are abundantly present in plant cells. Cell wall bound
­peroxidases catalyse the polymerization of phenols to lignins. Roots c­ ontain
high levels of peroxides and play a role in the iron uptake of theplant.
An excess of phenols, which occurs in iron deficiency, will be ­excreted externally.

Iron-sulphur proteins
Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands
The second group of iron binding proteins are the iron-sulphur pro­teins.
The iron is bound to a thiol group (-SH) of cysteine and/or inorga­nic Photosynthesis
sulphur. Ferridoxin is the most common iron-sulphur pro­
­ tein and
­functions as carrier in the electron transport of reactions catalyzed by­ About 50% of the copper present in chloroplasts is bound to plasto-
ni­trite reductase, sulp­hate reductase, the synthesis of NADP­+ du­ring cyanin. This intermediate of the electron transport chain between photo-
photosynthesis and nitrogen re­
­ duction executed by the nitroge­ nase system I and II, contains one copper atom per molecule.
­complex. Three different ironsulphur proteins, lying in serial order, are In copper deficiency, the concentration of plastocyanins is decreased. Like
involved in the electron transpor­t chain of the nitrogenase complex. plastocyanins, plastoquinones play an important role in the transfer of
Besides these two groups of iron containing proteins, the plant has a electrons between photosy­stem I and II. When copper is deficient, the
number of other enzymes that contain iron. The element is necessary for membrane of the chloroplast lacks two pro­teins which influen­ce the
redox reactions and the stabilisation of enzyme substrate complexes. mobility of plasto­quinones. For the synthesis of plasto­quinones the pres-
Iron is important in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll. In young leaves, iron ence of the enzym laccase is required. Laccase is a copper containing
deficiency is immediately followed by a reduc­ti­on in the concentration of enzyme of which the activity is immediately reduced in copper deficiency.
chlorophyll, because the protein synthesis is blocked. The number of Therefore, a shortage of copper is followed very quickly by a decrease in
­ribosomes in the cells is also drastically reduced. the photosynthesis.
Iron deficiency in the roots is manifested by morp­hological changes.
The elongation of the roots decreases, but the diameter and amount Super Oxide Dismutase
of root hairs increase. In green leaves 80% of the iron is located in the
­chloroplast. During a shortage of iron, all will be located in the chloroplast. Copper is, in addition to zinc, part of the enzyme Super Oxide Dismutase
(Cu-Zn.SO­D), which plays an important role in the neutralization of the
highly reactive superoxide anion radical O2-, which is formed during
COPPER (Cu) photorespiration. Beside the Cu-Zn.SOD a manganese containing SOD is
pre­sent in the cell as well.
Copper is a divalent cation and is taken up by the plant as Cu2+ or as a SOD detoxifies the reactive O2- radical into H2O2 and O2, ­thereby protecting
copper chelate com­ plex. If equimolar concentrations of Cu2+ and the cell for the destructive capacity of this radical. SOD is, together with
complexed copper are present, the plant seems to have a preference for catalase, involved in the following reactions:
the free copper ion. In the xylem and phloem, copper is almost exclusively
­transported as a copper complex, mostly an amino acid-copper complex. O2 + e- O2- (superoxide)
Within the cell, copper is mostly part of enzyme complexes and important
in redox reactions [(Cu2+)/(Cu+)] exec­uted by these enzymes. A shortage O 2- + 2 H + H 2O 2
of copper immediately results in a decrease of the activi­ty of many copper
containing enzymes. 2H2O2 2H2O + O2

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Superoxide is neutralized by SOD and the H2O2 is subsequently detoxified

into oxygen and water by catalase. MANGANESE (Mn)
The copper-zinc containing SOD enzymes are mainly found in the stroma Manganese is taken up by the plant as bivalent, unbound Mn2+ ion and
of chloroplasts. Most O2- and H2O2 is formed in the chloroplast. In young transported in this form from the roots via the xylem to other parts of
leaves, 90% of the SOD is located in the chlo­roplasts and only 4-5% in the plant.
the mitochondria. The element is strongly bound to several metalloproteins, either as
If copper is deficient, changes in the structure of chloroplasts occur, ­structural part of the binding site of the enzyme or as part of the
clearly showing the protective function of copper. [Mn(II)/Mn(III)] redox system.
Copper also plays an important role in the mitochondrial electron
transpor­t chain. The terminal cytochrome oxidase contains two copper Hill reaction
and two iron atoms in a heme configuration.
Manganese has two important functions in the plant. The ion is involved
in the so-called Hill reaction of photosy­stem II, in which water is split into

COBALT (Co) oxygen and protons, accor­ding to:

2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e-

The function of cobalt in the plant is not known. On the other hand,
cobalt is important in nitrogen fixation, like in root tubers of legumes of It is assumed that the four manganese atoms are a part of a protein,
Rhizobium species. which catalyzes the hydrolysis of water. The released electrons are
subsequently transferred to magnesium containing pigment 680, the
Cobalt is an essential component of the cobalami­n enzyme. Co(III) is the center of photosystem II.
metal component situated between four nitro­gen atoms in a porphyrin
structure. Three enzyme systems of Rhizobium bacteria are known to Super Oxide Dismutase
contain cobalamin. A relati­on is found between the cobalt concentration,
nitro­gen fixation and root tuber development. Until now only a few manganese contai­ning enzymes have been isolated.
Cobalt is required for bacterial methioni­ ne synthesis, ribonucleoti­ de The most important manganese containing enzyme is manga­nese Super
synthesis and synthesis of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A muta­
­ se. Oxide Dismutase (Mn-SOD). (See copper for more information about
Methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase is necessary for the synthesis of SOD).
leghemoglobi­n. Like for copper, if manganese is deficient, changes in the structure of
Leghemoglobin is of great importance in the protection of nitrogenase the chloroplasts occur, clearly showing the protective role of manganese.
against oxygen, which is able to irreversibly damage the enzyme.
It is not clear if cobalt has a function in higher pla­nts. Only one cobalamin
depen­ dent enzyme is known, leucine-2,3-aminomutase in potatoes.
For lower plants, cobalt is es­sential and present in several subcel­lular MOLYBDENUM (Mo)
fractions and the thylakoids of chlorop­lasts.
Molybdenum is in aqueous solutions mainly present as MoO42-. In a weak
acidic environ­ment, the molybdate ion can, depending on the acidity,
accept one or two protons, according to:

MoO42- HMoO4- H2MoO4

Polyanions like tri- and hexamo­ lybdate can be formed as well.

Molybdenum has limited mobility in plants and is probably transpor­ted
through the xylem and phloem as MoO42- ion.

A few enzymes are known to use Mo as a co-factor. The two most­
descri­bed molyb­denum containing enzymes are nitrogenase and nitrate
Nitrogenase is involved in nitrogen fixation in root tubers of leguminoses
by Rhizobium bacteries:

N2 + 8H+ + 8e- 2NH3 + H2

Aloe wildii, Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Molybdenum is directly involved in the reduction of N2. The nitrogen

­ olecule is bound to the molyb­denum atom in the nitrogenase com­plex.
Each nitrogen molecule is bound to two molybde­num atoms, which in
turn are part of an iron-mo­lybdenum protein. After activation of the­
nitro­genase com­plex using ATP, the iron-molybdenum complex changes
its structure. Due to this conformational change, reduction of N2 occurs.
The electrons required for this reduction by the iron-molybde­num protein
are supplied by an iron-sulphur protein of the nitrogena­se complex.

Nitrate reductase
Nitrate reductase reduces nitrate into nitrite in the nitrogen assimilation
process of the plant cell (for further information see the paragraph about
Nitrate reductase contains a heme-iron mole­cule and two molybdenum
atoms. The enzyme catalyzes the reduction of nitrate in nitrite as follo­ws:

2e- 2Cyt Fe(II/III) 2e- 2Mo(V/VI) 2e- NO3-/NO2-

FAD, cytochromes (Fe(II)/Fe(III) and molybde­ num (Mo(V)/(VI)) are

functional parts of the nitrate re­
­ ductase complex and the electron
­transport chain. Electrons derived from NADPH are used to reduce nitrate
to nitrite. The activity of nitrate reductase is strongly reduced during
molybdenum deficiency, but can be restored quickly by adding

Zinc is taken up by the root sy­stem as Zn2+. It is transported in the xylem
as a free Zn2+ ion or as zinc-salt of an organic acid. Zinc is neither
­oxidized nor reduced in the plant. The element easily forms a tetrahedral
complex and is in this way the metal component of a number of enzymes. Cactaceae: Epithelantha micromeris,
It can be the structural as well as the regulat­ory cofactor of the enzyme Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

Enzymes proper structure of the enzyme. Furthermore, an inversely proportional

relation between the Zn concentration and the activity of RNAses exists.
The plant has a number of zinc containing enzy­mes, including alcohol A low zinc concentration results in increased RNAse activity.
dehy­drogenase in the meristem zone of the plant.
In Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) Zn is com­plexed with Cu by means of a IAA synthesis
nitrogen atom from histidine (see copper for more information about
SOD). The enzyme carbonic anhydrase binds CO2, according to the A shortage of zinc also disturbs the synthesis of Indol Acetic Acid by the
­following equation: plant.

CO2 + H2O HCO3- + H+ Indol Tryptophan Indol Acetic Acid

This reaction makes it possible for the plant to reversibly store CO2 as Zinc plays a role in the synthesis of thryptop­han, a precursor of IAA.
HCO3-. After conversion into CO2, HCO3- can be used as substrate for For example, zinc deficiency in maize can be compensated by addition
Ribulose Biphosp­hate Car­boxylase. This enzyme consists of six subunits of tryptophan.
to each of which a zinc atom is attached and can be found in the
­chloroplast and in the cytoplasm.

Protein synthesis
Zinc is very important for protein syn­thesis. A shortage of zinc results in
considerable reducti­on of protein synthesis. Desin­tegra­tion of ribosomes
and accu­mulation of protein precursors, like amino-acids and amides,
might occur.
Zn is essential for the activity of RNA polymerase. Under normal
conditions, RNA polymerase contains two Zn atoms that determine the

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e


Calcium, Phosphor, Potassium, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Sulfur
Pectin is broken down by the enzyme polygalacturonase. However, calcium
strongly inhibits the activity of polygalacturonase. A high enzyme activity
CALCIUM (Ca) is observed in absence of calcium, causing degradation of the cell wall.
The result is a softening of the plant tissue. If sufficient cal­cium is
In contrast to the other macro-nutrients, calcium is largely bound to the ­available, most pectin will be in the form of calcium pectate. In this way,
cell wall and cell membrane. This unique distribution is caused by the the cell wall is highly re­sistent to the destructive activity of polygalactu­
large number of Ca2+ binding places on the cell wall and the limi­ted ronase. The presence of Ca2+ is also important for the resistence against
mobility of calcium through the membrane into the cytoplasm. Between fungal infections.
two cell walls Ca2+ mainly binds to R-COO groups of polygalacturonic
acids under formation of pectates. In apple, 90% of the total amount of Cell membrane
calcium in the cell can be stored as pectate. The high con­centration of
­calcium in the cell wall and cell mem­brane mainly serves to strengthen The stability of the cell membrane is highly influenced by Ca2+. A shortage
the cell wall and the regulation of the cell mem­brane struc­ture. Transport of Ca2+ results in an increased leakage of low-molecular compounds out
of Ca2+ through the phloem as well as that from cell to cell is very limited. of the membrane. A severe Ca2+ deficiency causes total disinte­gration
of the mem­brane. Ca2+ stabilizes the membrane by interac­tions with
­phosphates, carboxy­late groups of phospholipids, and proteins present
in the membrane.

Contrary to Magnesium, which is involved in the activation of many
enzymes, calcium activates only a few enzymes like -amylase and ATPa­ses.
Calcium mainly stimula­tes mem­brane bound enzymes of which the activity
is regulated by the structure of the membrane. However, Ca2+ also inhibits
some cytoplas­matic enzymes.
The calcium binding protein calmodulin is important for the regulation of
many enzymes in human and animal cells. Increasing evidence exists
that this protein plays a role in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ and
enzymes in plants as well. Calmodulin in the cell is able to activate
enzymes like phosp­holipases by forming Ca2+-calmodulin complexes with
these enzymes. Furthermore, it is assumed that calmodulin plays a role in
the trans­port of Ca2+ to vacuoles.

Free Ca2+ is present in the cell in very low concen­trations, approximately
1 µM. This small amount pre­vents precipitation of Pi. Due to the low
­calcium level in the cell, competition with Mg2+ for cation binding sites
is prevented, and inactivation or uncontrolled activation of enzymes
is avoided. The cell membrane is a good barrier against in­flux of Ca2+
and since Ca2+ efflux is easy, a low intracel­lular calcium concentration
is ­guaranteed.
Especially in leaf cells with vacuoles, a large amount of bound calcium is
present. Calcium is necessary for the cation-anion ba­lance by counteracting
organic and inorganic anions. Most Ca2+ is bound to oxalate. Although
in this form it is poorly soluble, it keeps the calcium concentration in­
cyto­plasm and chloroplasts low. Calcium oxalate also has a function in
the osmore­gulation of the cell.

Calcium is important in cell and root multiplication. Furthermore,

development of the pollen tube is Ca2+ dependent and is chemotrophically
led by extracellular calci­um. IAA is involved in the transport of calcium.
Auxin inhibitors like TIBA, inhibit the Ca2+ distribution in the plant
causing the appearance of calcium defi­ciency features.

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

and this energy is liberated during the hydroly­sis of ATP in ADP and Pi.
Phosphorus is taken up as H2PO4 by the roots of the plant and is, contrary
ATP is unstable and therefore has a high turnover. A single gram actively
to nitrate and sulphate, not reduced. It can be present in the plant as metabolizing root tips of maize can synthesize 5 gram ATP each day with
inorganic phosphate (Pi) or esterified via an OH group to a C atom­ an average turnover time of 30 seconds.
(C-O-P). The highly energetic pyrophosp­hate bond of phosphorus when
bound to another P atom, as in ATP, is very important for the energy Phosphate pool
metabolism of the cell.
Cells with vacuoles contain two different phosphate frac­ tions. The
Nucleic acids ­metabolic pool, mainly in the form of phosphate esters, is present in
­cytoplasm and mitochondria. The non-metabolic pool, mainly in the form
Phosphorus is an essential element in DNA and RNA to connect the of Pi, is present in the vacuole. If phosphorus is sufficiently available,
­individual ribonucleic acids to form macro molecules. 85 to 95% of the total amount of Pi will be localized in the vacuoles. If
the phosphorus supply to the plant is stopped, the Pi concentration in
Phospholipids the vacuole immediately reduces, while reduction in the metabolic pool
occurs much slower.
Phospholipids in biomembranes also contain a large amount of phosp­horus. A sufficient supply of phosphorus results in an increase in all the
In these phos­pholipids phosphorus makes, via a phosphate-ester bond, a ­phosphorus-containing organelles in the cell. However, above a certain level
connection between a diglyceride and an ami­no acid, amine or alcohol. only Pi in the vacu­oles increa­ses. Therefore, an overdose P is stored as Pi.
Phospholipids consist of a hydrophobic tail, the diglyceride, and a
hydrophilic head containing PO4. Both have an important function in the
stabilization of membranes. Mem­branes consist of two monolayers of Enzymes
phospholipids, together referred to as a lipid bilayer.
The hydrophilic parts of the phospholipids point outward towards the Pi also has a strong regulatory function in many metabolic pro­cesses in
water, while the hydrophobic ends are orientated toward the inside the plant. Therefore, compartmentation of phosphorus is essential for a
of the membrane and interact with each other. good regulation of the meta­bolism of the cell.
In tomatoes, Pi, released from the vacuoles in the cytoplasm, stimulates
Energy metabolism the phosphofructo­kinase activity. This enzyme is important in the substrate
influx in the glycolysis and induces an increase in cell respiration during
Phosphorus is very important for the energy metabolism of the plant in ripening. At the same time, a shortage of phosphorus can cause a delay
forming energy rich phosphate esters (C-P), like in glucose-6-phosphate. in the ripening process of tomatoes.
These phosphate esters are important for the metabolis­ m and the­ Phosphorus is also important in the regulation of starch production in
biosyn­thesis of the plant. chlorop­lasts. Only a low Pi concentration already causes inhibition of the
More important in the energy metabolism of the cell is the highly energetic synthesis of starch. ADP-gluco­se-pyrophosphory­lase, the most important
pyrophosphate bond between two P atoms (P<P, 30 kJ), as in enzy­me in the synthesis of starch, is inhibited by Pi and stimulated by
AdenosineTriPhosphate (ATP). The energy released during the glycolysis, triosephosphates. Consequently, the balance between both phosp­horus
oxidative phosphorylation or photosynthesis is used to synthesize ATP contai­ning compounds is very important in the regu­lation of starch
­synthesis in the chlorop­last.
Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Pi regulates starch synthesis in the chloroplast in another way as well. Enzymes

A phosphate carrier in the membrane brings Pi inside the cell and
the triosephosphates outsi­de. In this way, the Pi concentration in the K+ is essential for the activation of many enzymes. More than 50 enzymes
­chloroplast increases and that of the triosephosphates decreases. in the plant depend on, or are stimulated by potassium. The binding of
This, in turn, influences starch synthesis in the chloroplast, which is K+ induces conformatio­nal changes in the structure of many enzymes,
­regulated by the me­chanism described above. thereby increasing the Vmax and substrate affinity. During a K+ shortage,
an increase in the concentration of soluble carbo­­hydrates and nitrogen
Ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) is important in the carbon fixation as ­containing com­pounds together with a decrease in the concen­tration of
­acceptor of CO2. Trio­sephosp­hates are required for the regeneration of starch in the plant is observed.
RuBP. A high con­centration Pi stimulates the export of these compounds This cha­
­­­­­­ nge in the carbohydrate me­tabolism is due to the strong need
out of the chloro­plasts inducing a shortage of triosephosphates and of K+ for some re­gulatory enzymes in the carbon metabo­lism. K+ is
thereby inhibiting CO2 fixation. Phosphorus is important in the regulation important in the activation of membrane bound ATPases. At first, these
of many other enzymes as well. enzy­mes are activated by magnesium, but they need further stimulation
by potassium ions. In hig­her plants, K+ is needed for protein synthesis.
For opti­mal growth, 0.3 to 0.5 gram phosphorus per gram dry K+ is probably required for the translation and binding of tRNA to the
weight is required. Phosphorus deficiency results in delayed growth ribosomes. The synthesis of Ribulose Biphosp­hate Carboxylase is also
and a dark­green color of the leaves. This is because during a shorta­ strongly dependent on the K+ concentration. The ion is important for both
ge of phosphorus, leaf de­ velopment is slower than chlorophyll syn­ the activation and synthesis of the nitrate re­ductase.
thesis, resulting in higher chlorophyll concentrations in the leaves.
The role of K+ in the photosynthesis is, besides the activation of many
enzymes, to regulate the ion balance and pH of the chlo­rop­lasts. K+ is the
most impor­tant counteracting ion for the light induced H+ flux over the
thylakoid membrane. The ion is also involved in the induction of
a transmem­ brane pH gradient, necessary for the synthe­ sis of ATP.
An increase in the K+ concentration is related to an increase of the
photosynthesis, the respiration and the Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase

Cell extension
The development of a large central vacuole in the cell is an important
process in the cell extension. To create this vacuole, first a sufficient
enlargement of the cell wall should be possible. Secondly, the osmotic
potential of the vacuole has to increase. This can be achieved by
­accumulation of K+, causing a strong increase in the volume of the vacuole
because of osmosis. GA3 and K+ apparently work synergistically in
increasing the stalk length.

Ion balance
K+ is important in the maintainance of the ion balance. It neutralizes­
non-mobile anions in the cytoplasm and many mobile anions in xylem,
Cactaceae: Astrophytum asterias, phloem and vacuoles. In the nitrate metabolis­m K+ functions mostly as
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands counterion for NO3- in the transport over longer distances in the xylem
and for the storage in vacuoles.
For nitrate reduction in the leaves the remaining K+ should be used for
stochiometric synthesis of organic acids to neutralize the K+ ions.
POTASSIUM (K) Potassium salts of organic acids, e.g. potassium malate, are transported
Potassium is a monovalent cation with a high mobility in the plant, both to the roots. Then, the potassium ion can serve either as counterion of
at the cellular level as in the transport over longer distances in the xylem the nitrate present in the root cells or for the transport of nitrate through
and phloem. Of all elements, the potassium ion is present in the highest the xylem.
concentration, in the cytoplas­m between 100 en 200 mM and in the
chloroplasts between 20 and 200 mM. Potassium salts have an important
functi­on in the osmotic regulation of the cell. In cell extension and other MAGNE­SIUM (Mg)
processes regulated by the turgor, the K+ ion serves as counteracting ion
for soluble (in)organic ions and to maintain a pH between 7 and 8, the Mg2+ ions are very mobile and able to form a complex with strong
ideal acidity for most enzymes. The osmotic pres­sure of the cytoplasm is nucleo­philic ligands like phosphoryl groups. Magnesium is essential for
also mainly regulated by the potassium ion. many enzymatic reactions in providing the correct stereometric structure
between enzyme and substrate. Magnesi­um is very im­portant for the
photosynthesis. Most Mg2+ ions present are involved in the regula­tion of
the intracellular pH and right cation-anion balance.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Photosynthesis Magnesium is also important for Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase activity.

This CO2 binding enzyme is highly pH and Mg2+ dependent. Binding of
Magnesium is the central atom in chlorophyll molecules of photosystem magnesium to the enzyme increases the substrate affinity for CO2 and
I and II, which are parts of the pho­to­synthesis. In chlo­rophyll, absorbed the Vmax.
photons cause an elec­tron current thereby generating ATP and NADPH
and resulting in fixation of CO2. If magnesium is optimally available, Energy metabolism
10 to 20% of the Mg2+ ions in the leaves will be localized in the
chloroplasts. High concentrations Mg2+ and K+ ions in the chloroplast Mag­nesium is indispensable for the energy metabolism of the plant
are necessa­ry to maintain a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 in chlo­roplast and because of its importance in the synthesis of ATP (ADP + Pi  ATP). The
cytoplasm. This is in contrast to a pH between 5.0 and 6.0 in the vacuoles element builds a bridge between the enzy­me and ADP. Especially the
of the cell. The pH determines the structure of proteins and enzymes to a ­synthesis of ATP in the chloroplast is strongly stimulated by magnesium.
great extent and therefore has influ­ence on the function of chlo­rop­lasts Furthermore, magnesium is able to form a complex with ATP. ATPases, in
and on protein synthesis. their turn, transfer the highly energetic phosphoryl group to a protein
or a sugar.
Even though magnesium has many regulatory functions, most of the time
magnesium is stored in the vacuoles to serve as counterion for inorganic
and organic anions in the cation-anion balance.

The major component of almost all medi­a is inorganic nitro­gen in the
form of nitrate or ammonium. The salts that are mostly used are potassium
nitrate (KNO3), ammoni­ um nitrate (NH4NO3) and calci­ um nitrate
(Ca(NO3)2.4H2O). These compounds provide the plant with inorganic
nitrogen to synthesize complex organic molecules.
Ammonium is mainly stored in the roots as organic nitro­gen. Nitrate can
be transported via the xylem to other parts of the plant, where it
­participates in the nitrogen assi­milation. Nitrate can be stored in the
­vacuoles of the cell and fulfill an important function in the osmoregula­tion
and anion-cation balance of the plant.

Nitrate reductase
Nitrate cannot simply be used to synthesize organic molecules but has
to be reduced to ammonia first. It is reduced accor­ding to the following

NO3- + 8H+ +8e- NH3 +2H2O + OH-

This reaction is executed in two steps by the enzymes nitrate- and nitrite
Echeveria, Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands re­ductase.
First, nitrate is converted into nitrite by nitrate reductase.
Secondly, nitrite is reduced into am­ monia by nitrite reductase. The
Enzymes ­conversion of nitrate into nitrite occurs in the cytoplasm according to:

Magnesium is essential for the tertiary structure of many enzyme-­substrate 2e- 2Cyt Fe (II/III) 2e- 2Mo(V/VI) 2e- NO3-/NO2-
complexes, because it creates the proper stereometric c­onformation
between enzyme and substrate. Nitrate reductase consists of FAD, cyto­ chromes (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) and
In protein synthesis, Mg2+ is involved at different levels. Magnesium molybde­num (Mo(­V)/(VI)). These components form integral parts of the
forms a bridge between both ribo­so­me subunits. In magnesium deficiency, electron tran­sport chain through which electrons derived from NADPH
the subunits will dissociate and protein synthesis stagnates. Magne­ are supplied to reduce nitrate to nitrite. During molybdenum deficiency,
sium is required for the activity of RNA polymerases, enzymes involved the activi­ty of nitrate reductase significantly de­creases. In most plants,
in the ­synthesis of RNA. A shortage of Mg2+ will block RNA synthesis. nitrate reduction can occur in both leaves and shoots.
In the leaves, 25% of the total proteins is localized in chloroplasts. To which extent reduction can take place, strongly depends on factors like
Consequently, if insufficient magnesium is present the structure and plant species, age of the plant and the presence of nitrate. Particularly
­function of the chloroplasts will be immediately affected. woody species have a high nitrate reducing capacity. In low nitrate

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

c­ oncentrations, most is reduced in the roots. Conversely, if high nitrate Furthermore, these small nitrogen containing molecules serve as a
concentrations are available, it is also reduced in the leaves. The storage place for an excess of nitrogen. Contrary to humans and animals,
­complementary cation of nitrate is important for its uptake. If K+ is the plants are not able to excrete organically bound nitrogen, as urea for
cation, nitrate reductase activity in the roots is low and nitrate will be example, but this mechanism enables them to store an excess of nitrogen.
transported to the shoots of the plant. With Ca2+ as a cation, nitrate
reductase activity of the roots is higher.

Nitrite reductase SULFUR (S)

The reduction of NO2- to NH3 by nitrite reductase is carried out in the Sulfur is taken up as SO42- in the roots of the plant at a relatively low
leaves. Reduced ferredoxin supplies the electrons for the reduction of speed. Like nitrate, sulphate has to be re­duced first before it can be used
nitrite. Ferredoxin, reduced by electrons generated in photosystem I, for the synthesis of reduced sulfur containing compounds like amino
­supplies the electrons for the reduction of nitrite. acids, proteins and enzymes. In the nonreduced form sulfur is incorporated
in sulpholipids and polysacchari­des.
Reduced nitrogen containing
­compounds Sulfur assimilation
Ammonium and ammonia (NH3  NH4+ + OH-) are toxic for plants, even The first step in the sulfur assimilation is activation of SO42- by the
in low concentrations. Therefore, they should be converted quickly into enzyme ATP sulfurylase, under use of ATP. This reacti­on yields adenosine
nontoxic low-mole­cular nitrogen containing compounds like glutamine, phosphosulphate (APS) and pyrophosphate (Pi). Then, two different
asparagine, arginine, allantoin and betain. Glutamine synthetase and chemical routes can be followed. In one route, sulfur is not reduced but
glutamate synthase, both present in roots and shoots, are key enzymes incorporated in poly­saccharides present in sulpholipids. In another route,
in the conversion of ammonium (see also, phosphinothricin P 0159). sulfur is reduced to a -SH group (thiol group) and the sulfuryl group of
APS is transferred to gluthati­one (Glut-SH). Subsequently, the -SH group
Besides detoxification of ammonia and ammonium, low-molecular nitrogen is transferred to acetylserine and broken down into acetate and cysteine.
compounds have several other functi­ons. The most important function is Cysteine is the first stable product in the assimilatory reduction and the
the supply of orga­nically bound N and NH2, which is taken up by the plant precursor of all organic compounds in plants that contain reduced sulfur,
as inorganical nitrogen, for the synthe­sis of amino acids and proteins. The like proteins, coenzy­mes, secondary metabolites etc. Sulfur assimilation
low-molecular-weight compounds are also used as carrier of some cations, mainly takes place in the chloroplast. During sulfur deficiency, protein
e.g. mangane­se and copper, over long distances in the plant. synthesis is inhibited and the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves decreases.

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

In proteins sulfur is present in cysteine and methionine. Both amino acids
are precursors of all reduced sulfur-containing compounds in the plant.
Sulfur has, as constituent of several coenzymes and prosthetic groups, an
important function in various redox reactions, accor­ding to:


R can be a cysteine residue, but also the tripep­ tide glu­thatione.

Gluthatione is soluble in water, and therefore important as redox system
in the chloroplast and cytosol of plants. Sulfur bridges between two
­cysteine residues are very impor­tant for the tertiary structure of proteins
and the activity of enzymes. -SH groups, in APS sulp­ hotransferase
­mentioned above and in coenzyme A (Krebs cycle) forms part of the
­functional group of the enzyme.

Low-molecular sulfur containing compounds, the metallo­thioneins, are
frequently found in plants. Most of these compounds contain cysteine.
Especially metals like copper, cadmium and zinc are bound by
­metallothioneins. Most probably, these small proteins are involved in
the elimination of an excess of these metals, before they are irreversibly
bound to functional SH groups of enzymes.

Nonreduced sulfur
In the nonreduced form sulfur is a compo­nent of sulpho­lipids, which form
a structural constituent of membranes. Sulfur is present as a sulphate
ester of sulphate and a C6 sugar, for example glucose. Sulpholipids are
abundantly present in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. Sulpholipids
probably play a role in the tran­sport of ions across other membranes as
well. Further, the presence of sulpholipids in the membrane is positively
related to the salt tolerance of plants.
The characteristic odor of species like onions and garlic is mainly due to
the presence of volatile sulfur containing compounds.

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

PLANT HORMONES notable example is the inhibition of the outgrowth of axillary buds by auxin
synthesized in the apex and transported downwards in the stem (Fig. 1).
Geert-Jan de Klerk In contrast to animal hormones, though, the synthesis of a plant hormone
Wageningen Tissue Culture Center, WUR Plant Breeding is often not restricted to a specific tissue, but may occur in many different
[email protected] tissues. Furthermore, plant hormones may be transported to distant tissues,
but often they act at the site of synthesis. Another property of plant hormones
The ingredients of plant tissue culture media include plant hormones, is their lack of specificity: each influences a wide range of processes. Auxin, for
inorganic nutrients, organic nutrients and vitamins. Plant hormones are example, has been found to promote cell elongation, cell division, forma-
added to regulate growth. In tissue culture, they are mainly used to stimu- tion of primary vascular tissue, adventitious root formation, senescence,
late adventitious regeneration of roots, shoots and embryos, outgrowth fruit growth, outgrowth of axillary buds and sex expression. Because of the
of axillary buds, and formation of callus. Moreover, cytokinin and auxin differences between animal and plant hormones, many researchers deny
are often required to achieve quantitative growth (increase of cell number that the latter are genuine hormones and prefer to use phrases like ‘plant
and volume). In tissue culture, usually only cytokinin and auxin are added. growth substance’ or ‘plant growth regulator’. Nevertheless, the term
Plant hormones are typically added within the range 0.1–10 µM (0.02–2 ‘plant hormone’ is widely used.
mg.l-1). A major part of the research efforts in plant tissue culture concern In animals, hormones are to distant target tissues via the cardiovascular
modification of the concentrations and types of plant hormones. The dose- system. In plants growing ex vitro, almost all long-distance transport occurs
response curves of plant hormones are generally bell-shaped. At a too low via water flow in xylem and phloem (the notable exception is polar auxin
concentration there is no effect, and at a too high concentration the added transport). In this context, it should be noted that long distance transport
hormone is inhibitory. The promotive effect only occurs at intermediate via diffusion is very slow, taking ca. one week (!) for a distance of 2 cm
concentrations. To detect these concentrations, usually first a broad range (http://4e.plantphys.net/article.php?ch=t&id=26). Knowledge about water
is taken (0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 µM), and after that a narrow one. It should be flow in vascular tissues of tissue-cultured plants is virtually absent. Flow in
remembered that hormones act in a logarithmic way. the xylem is most likely decimated by the lack of transpiration brought about
by the very high humidity in the headspace. Applied plant hormones increase
General backgrounds the hormone level within the target tissues, but how much depends on the
In animal physiology, hormones denote substances that are synthesized in rate of transport from the source. In addition, most increase is transient
very low amounts in one part of an organism and are transported to target because plant hormones are rapidly inactivated after uptake. Inactivation
tissues in other parts where they exert an effect. In plants, such chemical can be permanent (by oxidation) or reversible (by conjugation to sugar or
messengers have also been found. A classical example occurs in germi- amino acid molecules). Ethylene is an exception but this gaseous compound
nating barley seeds: gibberellin synthesized and released by the embryo can be rapidly released from the plant into the air. Usually very small
diffuses into the aleurone layer where it induces synthesis and secretion amounts of the applied hormones remain in the free form. It has been shown
of hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes degrade macromolecular reserves for auxins, that an equilibrium exists between the free and the conjugated
to small fragments that are used by the embryo for initial growth. Another form, less than 1% being present in the free form.

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P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Table 1. Main auxins and cytokinins.

indole-3-acetic acid - IAA zeatin - Z
indole-3-butyric acid - IBA zeatinriboside - ZR
1-naphthaleneacetic acid - NAA isopentenyladenine - iP
phenylacetic acid - PAA 6-bezylaminopurine - BAP
auxins 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2,4-D cytokinins 6-furfurylaminopurine - kinetin
2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2,4,5-T N -(meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenine - topolin
picloram thidiazuron - TDZ
dicamba forchlorfenuron - CPPU or 4PU-30

p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid - CPA

The effect of hormones depends also on the stability in the medium and in axillary buds by auxin. A few years after the classical Skoog and Miller
the tissue, and on the sensitivity of the target tissue: Cells in a certain tis- experiment, the formation of somatic embryos was observed after treat-
sue or at a certain developmental stage may not recognize the hormonal ment with 2,4-D.
signal, or they may be incapable of carrying out the desirable response. It should be noted that auxins are only required during the initial phases of
Applied hormones influence synthesis and degradation of endogenous adventitious root formation and somatic embryogenesis. After that, they
hormones belonging to the same class as the applied hormone or to become inhibitory and block the outgrowth of the root initials and embry-
other classes. A notable example is the induction of ethylene synthesis by os. Figure 2 shows the effect of various hormones in the successive stages
auxin. All this results in a very complex situation and it is often difficult to of rooting of apple microcuttings. The effect of hormones is restricted both
discover how the observed effect has been brought about. to a specific period of time during the development and to specific tissues/
Most knowledge about the role of plant hormones originates from studies cells. The rhizogenic action of auxins in apple microcuttings is 24h – 96h
in which hormones have been applied to plant tissues. Instead of the after start of the rooting treatment and is restricted to specific cells near
hormones themselves, compounds that affect their metabolism, transport the interfascicular cambium adjacent to the vascular bundles.
or action may be added. Experimentation in vitro has many advantages: 2,4-D is often referred to as a strong auxin but this only applies to the
tissue culture facilitates application of hormones via the cut surfaces of the formation of callus and somatic embryos: 2,4-D is a weak auxin with
explants, avoids microbial degradation of applied hormones and allows respect to the formation of adventitious root primordia or the inhibition of
to study of the effect of hormones on isolated plant organs. At the same axillary buds. In contrast, IAA or IBA are not very effective in the formation
time, effects of the specific tissue culture conditions should be kept in of callus and somatic embryos, but show a high performance with respect
mind. Recently, a vast amount of insight has been obtained from hormone to adventitious root formation and inhibition of axillary buds.
mutants, in particular in Arabidopsis. Researchers also use plants trans-
formed with cytokinin or auxin biosynthetic genes from Agrobacterium Transport, uptake, and metabolism
tumefaciens or with rol-genes from A. rhizogenes (the latter influence In plants, auxin is synthesized predominantly in the apical region and
among others the signal transduction pathway). transported downwards. The underlying mechanism of this transport has
been examined extensively. Uptake of auxin into cells occurs by diffusion
Auxins and by active uptake via an influx carrier termed AUX1. The rate of uptake
Naturally occurring auxins include: IAA, IBA, 4-Cl-IAA, PAA and conjugates of via diffusion depends on the dissociation of the molecule. Auxin is more
these auxins. In addition, many chemical analogues have been synthesized: protonated outside the plasmalemma than inside the cell (in the cell wall
NAA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5,-T, dicamba and 4-CPA Table 1). Auxins were discovered the pH is ca. 5.5 but the cytoplasm has a pH of ca. 7; IAA is a weak acid
in the 1920s by the Dutch plant physiologist F.W. Went. He observed that with a pKa of 4.7). The undissociated lipophilic auxin diffuses through the
auxins produced in the tip of an Avena coleoptile influence the curvature of plasmalemma into the cell. In the cytoplasm the anionic form prevails, so
the coleoptile just below the tip. Shortly after, the root-inducing capability of auxin cannot easily diffuse out through the plasmalemma and is ‘trapped’
IAA was discovered, the role of auxin in inhibiting outgrowth of axillary buds within the cells. Auxin is actively transported out of the cells by efflux carri-
was observed, and NAA and IBA were chemically synthesized. ers, the PIN-proteins. Because the efflux carriers are located predominantly
at the basal side of a cell, auxin is transported from cell to cell in a basipetal
Effects of auxin direction, i.e., from apical to basal regions. Inside the cells, auxin moves
The major roles of auxin in tissue culture were established by Skoog and from the apical to the basal side by diffusion. The rate of auxin transport
Miller in 1957. They observed that pith tissues excised from tobacco is ca. one cm.h-1. The active auxin transport occurs mainly in xylem paren-
stems form shoots at high cytokinin and low auxin concentration, roots chyma. Polarity itself is likely a major morphogenetic factor. In addition to
at low cytokinin and high auxin concentration, or callus at intermediate directional transport, auxin can also move via water flow in the phloem.
concentrations of both plant hormones. The formation of roots from pith When explants are cultured on medium with auxin, it is rapidly taken up
fragments corresponds with the effect of auxin on rooting of cuttings, and probably via the same mechanism as described above (anion-trapping).
the reduction of shoot formation with the inhibition of the outgrowth of This results in depletion of the medium. When plant tissues are cultured in

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Figure 2. Succesevice steps in adventitious root formation. Similar schemes can be made for adventitious shoot formation and somatic
embryogenesis, but of course the hormonal players and the durations are very different. Green indicates promotion, red inhibition.

liquid medium, most of the auxin may have disappeared from the medium e.g. NAA, are not or only very little photooxidized. Riboflavin may be
within a few days. In solid medium only local exhaustion occurs because added to medium to enhance photooxidation of IBA. The photooxida-
of the slowness of diffusion over large distances (see before). From the tion of IAA and of IBA in the presence of riboflavin may be turned to
crucial medium components, auxin seems to be the only one that is so advantage. For example, in adventitious root formation cultures with IAA
very rapidly depleted. The epidermis of plants is relatively impermeable may be left in the dark until the root meristemoids have been formed by
to auxin and most uptake by explants occurs via the cut surface. How the rhizogenic action of auxin (see Fig. 2). After that, when auxins have
auxin reaches target tissues in the explant has not been studied. Roots become inhibitory, the cultures are transferred to the light to degrade the
are formed from founder cells close to the cut ends so auxin may reach auxin. It should be noted that for the choice of auxin, chemical stability
these cells by diffusion. is only one of the factors to consider. The efficiency with respect to the
Plant tissues inactivate auxins by conjugation or (enzymatic) oxidation. developmental process that should be promoted, is an other major factor.
All auxins can be conjugated. It is believed that conjugated auxin is inac- The endogenous level of auxin and auxin action can be manipulated in
tive. However, conjugation is reversible and the free, active form may be various ways. In plant tissues, auxin is actively transported in a polar way
released. It has been suggested that in the plants an equilibrium exists (see above). TIBA (triiodobenzoic acid) and NPA (N-1-naphthylphthalamic
between the free and conjugated forms. Experimental data show that acid) block this transport, because these compounds bind to the efflux
2,4-D is slower conjugated than IAA, IBA or NAA. IAA is rapidly oxidized carrier. The endogenous level of auxin can be increased by transforming
by plant tissues, in particular by wounded tissues. IBA is also oxidized but plants with the auxin biosynthetic genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
slower. The various auxins have different chemical stabilities in the tissue The transformed plants show expected changes in their phenotype.
culture medium. When exposed to light, IAA is very rapidly oxidized. Phenolic compounds (e.g., ferulic acid or phloroglucinol) may inhibit oxida-
MS-salts accelerate the rate of IAA oxidation. When using IAA, the rapid tion of applied auxin. This is not specific inhibition of enzymatic oxidation,
photooxidation of IAA should be kept in mind. IAA is also unstable during photooxidation is also inhibited by adding phenolic compounds to the
autoclaving, but bioassays and chemical determinations show a loss less medium. PCIB is a genuine anti-auxin and competes with auxin for the
than 20%. IBA is slower photooxidized than IAA, whereas other auxins, auxin binding site at the auxin receptor.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Cytokinins considered to be to some extent chemically unstable. The nonpurine type

Cytokinins are a complex class of plant hormones. The naturally occurring cytokinins CPPU and TDZ are chemically stable.
cytokinins include Z, iP, and DHZ and their ribosides ZR, iPA and DHZR Compounds that influence cytokinin oxidation (phenolic compounds), con-
(Table 2). In addition, conjugated (non-active) and phosphorylated (active) jugation and action, have been studied occasionally. They have hardly been
cytokinins have been isolated from plant tissues. For a long time, BAP has used in tissue culture. The synthesis of cytokinins is inhibited by lovastatin or
been considered to be a synthetic cytokinin, but has been recently shown simvastatin In human medicine statins are used to lower cholesterol.
a naturally occurring one. In addition to these cytokinins that are all of the
purine-type, nonpurine cytokinins have been reported such as thidiazuron Ethylene
(TDZ) and CPPU (4-PU-30). These compounds have a very high cytokinin In contrast to other hormones, ethylene is a gas and a very ‘simple’ mol-
activity and are particularly successful in woody plants. TDZ is used com- ecule (Fig. 3). The synthesis of ethylene increases during senescence and
mercially as a cotton defoliant. In this case, it acts by inducing ethylene ripening. In tissue culture systems, wounding and auxins increase ethylene
synthesis. Meta-topolin is a highly active aromatic cytokinin that was first synthesis. Ethylene promotes senescence of flowers and leaves, and rip-
isolated from Populus. In tissue culture, BAP and the synthetic cytokinins ening of fruits. Because of promotion of senescence, ethylene is usually
kinetin and TDZ are most frequently used. undesirable in tissue culture. Ethylene may accumulate in the headspace
of tissue-culture containers when they are too tightly closed and this
Effects of cytokinins accumulation may be detrimental to the plant tissues. Ethylene may also
The discovery of cytokinins is closely linked to tissue culture. In the starting accumulate in submerged tissues because of the low diffusion of gases in
period of plant tissue culture, it was observed that malt, coconut and yeast water (10,000 times lower than in air!). Apart from ethylene, other (toxic)
extracts promote both the growth and initiation of buds in vitro. Because gasses may also accumulate. In adventitious regeneration, ethylene may
these preparations all contain purines, nucleic acids were tested. It was enhance the sensitivity to organogenic stimuli.
observed that autoclaving of nucleic acids strongly enhanced their effect. There are various ways to reduce the effect of ethylene produced by
The active compound formed by autoclaving appeared to be kinetin, a hitherto the plant. Ethylene may be removed from air by a KMnO4 solution, and
unknown purine. In 1964, Letham isolated zeatin from immature corn. by purafil or power-pellets (trade names), bead-like porous material
Cytokinins promote cell division, but they likely influence another step in coated with KMnO4. The synthesis of ethylene is inhibited by AVG. This
the cell cycle than auxins. Thus, addition of cytokinins is usually required to compound blocks the synthesis of ACC. STS blocks the action of ethyl-
obtain callus growth. In micropropagation, cytokinins are applied to pro- ene. Often AgNO3 is used, but this compound is not well transported in
mote axillary branching. High concentrations of cytokinin lead to extreme plants whereas STS is. Addition of ethylene as a gas is inconvenient and
bushiness. This may result in undesirable bushiness long after transfer therefore ethephon (ethrel, 2-chloroethylphophonic acid) is usually added.
of micropropagated plantlets to soil. Transformation of plants with the This compound is stable at pH 4 or less but decomposes at higher pH
cytokinin biosynthetic gene of A. tumefaciens may result in plants with to produce ethylene. So, when ethrel diffuses in the cell, it will release
reduced apical dominance. Other applications of cytokinin in tissue culture ethylene in the cytoplasm (the pH of the cytoplasm is ca. 7). In plants, the
are promotion of adventitious shoot formation, prevention of senescence, ethylene-precursor ACC is transported over long distance in the xylem.
reversion of the deteriorating effect of auxin on shoots, and, occasionally, The conversion of ACC to ethylene by ACC-oxidase is not a rate-limiting
inhibition of excessive root formation (e.g., in germinating somatic step in ethylene synthesis and usually applied ACC is rapidly converted to
embryos). Cytokinins inhibit root formation and are therefore omitted from ethylene. Therefore, addition of ACC to tissue-culture medium is a con-
rooting media. Cytokinins may have other undesirable side-effects such as venient method to increase ethylene levels in plant tissues. Ethylene may
hyperhydricity and loss of the chimeric structure. be metabolized by plants but this unlikely plays a major role in regulating
ethylene action.
Transport, uptake and metabolism
Roots are considered as the main site of cytokinin synthesis and cytokinin Abscisic acid, strigolactone and
is transported to the shoot via the water flow in the xylem. Xylem exudates gibberellins
contain high levels of cytokinins. Recently, evidence has been found for
active transport via carriers. ABA has been isolated from plants thirty years ago. It plays a role in dor-
When plant tissues are cultured on medium with cytokinins, they are rap- mancy development in embryos, buds and bulbs, and in leaf abscission.
idly taken up, although at a much smaller rate than auxin (3 to 10 times When present in tissue culture media, ABA inhibits growth of shoots and
slower). It is not known how cytokinins reach target tissues like axillary germination of embryos. Another major effect of ABA is closure of sto-
buds (to break apical dominance) and leaves (to reduce senescence) which mata. In line with this, ABA has been found to accumulate under drought
both are at relatively large distance from the source but probably cytoki- stress. When taken up, ABA is just like other hormones conjugated. In
nins are transported via water flow in the vascular tissues. Z, ZR, iP and addition, it is irreversibly metabolized to phaseic acid. ABA-synthesis may
iPA are conjugated and/or oxidized by plant tissues. Oxidation involves be inhibited by fluridone. As this inhibitor acts by blocking one of the steps
oxidative side chain cleavage. DHZ, DHZR and BAP are conjugated, but in the synthesis of carotenoids, the tissues bleach. Thus, tissues formed in
not oxidized. Cytokinins can be N-glucosylated on the purine ring or the presence of fluridone have low ABA levels and are white. Fluridone
O-glucosylated on the N6-substituted side-chain. The N-glucosides are may be used in tissue culture to prevent plants from entering dormancy.
biologically inactive and stable. The O-glucosides, that are formed from Z Just as ABA, strigolactones are carotenoid-derived. They trigger germina-
and DHZ may have a storage function. Just as with other plant hormones, tion of parasitic plant seeds, for example of striga (witchweed, family
after uptake only a very small percentage of cytokinin remains in the free Orobanchaceae) from which they gained their name. In plants strigolac-
form. TDZ is an exception and is conjugated only at a very low rate: after tones have been recently implicated in inhibition of shoot branching. This
long periods (12 to 33 days) of culture of Phaseolus callus on medium is an essential correction of the traditional theory (Fig. 1) and may have a
with radioactive labelled TDZ, 60% of the TDZ taken up from the medium major impact on propagation via axillary branching.
was in the free, nonconjugated form. BAP is a chemically stable cytokinin In tissue culture, gibberellins are only used incidentally. They promote
in tissue culture medium, whereas most other purine-type cytokinins are flowering, influence phase change (transition the juvenile and adult states)

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Table 2. Overview of the five ‘classical’ plant hormones.

Effects in tissue culture modulators of metabolism, action or transport

auxin • Formation of meristems of adventitious • 2,3,4-Triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and 1-N-

roots. naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) inhibit polarauxin
• Induction of somatic embryos (in particular transport.
2,4-D). • p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid (PCIB) inhibits
• Cell division. auxin action as a genuine anti-auxin by binding
• Callus formation and growth. to the auxin receptor.
• Inhibition of outgrowth of axillary buds. • Phenolic compounds (e.g. ferulic acid or
• Inhibition of root growth. phloroglucinol) inhibit auxin oxidation.
• Riboflavin strongly promotes photooxidation of IBA
and IAA.

cytokinin • Adventitious shoot formation . Compounds have been reported that inhibit cytokinin
• Inhibition of adventitious root formation. synthesis (lovastatin), degradation and action. The
• Cell division. various effects are, however, not yet well studied or
• Callus formation and growth. ambiguous.
• Stimulation of outgrowth of axillary buds.
• Inhibition of shoot elongation.
• Inhibition of leaf senescence.

gibberellin • Shoot elongation There are various gibberellin synthesis inhibitors,

• Release from dormancy in seeds, somatic among others paclobutrazole, ancymidol and
embryos, flurprimidol.
apical buds and bulbs.
• Inhibition of adventitious root formation.
• Synthesis-inhibitors promote root formation.
• Synthesis-inhibitors promote tuber, corm
and bulb
• Synthesis-inhibitors inhibit shoot elongation
• Synthesis-inhibitors facilitate acclimatization.

ethylene • Senescence of leaves. • 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) is a

• Ripening of fruits. precursor of ethylene and is metabolized by plant
• Promotion or inhibition of adventitious tissues to ethylene.
regeneration(depending on the time of • Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) inhibits ethylene
application or on the genotype?). synthesis. Co , α-aminooxy-acetic acid and α-
aminoisobutyric acid also inhibit ethylene synthesis
but have a lower efficiency.
• Silver ions inhibit ethylene action. Silver is applied
as silverthiosulphate (STS) or AgNO3.
• KMnO4, coated on porous grains effectively oxdizes

abscisic acid • Maturation of somatic embryos. Fluridone inhibits ABA synthesis. As it acts by
• Facilitation of acclimatization. inhibiting an early step in carotenoid synthesis, plants
• Bulb and tuber formation. bleach. However, fluridone does not seem to be toxic.
• Promotion of the development of dormancy. Paclobutrazol also inhibits ABA synthesis.

in both directions depending on the species, break dormancy of seeds, tion, enhance rootability of shoots, block shoot elongation and may ease
buds, corms and bulbs, promote degradation of reserves in seeds, and acclimatization. It should be noted that some inhibitors of GA-synthesis
cause stem elongation. There are over one hundred gibberellins known. also block ABA synthesis.
GA3 (gibberellic acid), GA1, GA4 and GA7 are mostly used. Once taken Together, auxins, cytokinins, ethylene, gibberellins and abscisic acid are
up, gibberellins are conjugated. The synthesis of gibberellins is inhibited often denoted as the “five classical plant hormones”. An overview of their
by compounds like paclobutrazol, flurprimidol and ancymidol. In tissue actions and the various ways to influence transport, catabolism and action
culture, these inhibitors are used more frequently than gibberellins them- is in Table 2. The structural formulas are in Fig. 3.
selves: they may promote bulb and corm formation and embryo matura-

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e



 

Other hormones and hormone-like Literature

compounds Useful general information on plant hormones is given by P.J. Davies (ed.)
‘Plant Hormones, Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’, Kluwer
When plants are wounded, synthesis of jasmonates occurs by degradation Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1995. The 2004 edition
of lipids in the membranes. Jasmonates activate the synthesis of stress is less physiologically oriented.
proteins, Commercially, jasmonic acid and its volatile methylester (MeJa) The textbook Plant Physiology contains excellent chapters on plant hor-
can be purchased. Jasmonates promote leaf senescence, fruit ripening, mones (‘Plant Physiology’ by Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger, Sinauer
tuber and bulb formation. They play a role in dormancy development and Associates Inc, Sunderland, 2006).
breaking. It has been observed that jasmonates promote regeneration of Most aspects of the use of plant hormones in tissue culture are dis-
shoots and roots. cussed in E.F. George ‘Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture. Part 1, The
A large number of compounds has been found to influence developmental Technology, 2nd edition; Part 2, In Practice’, Exegetics Ltd., Edington,
processes in plants. These include peptides, brassinosteroids, fusicoccin, 1993, 1995. Update: ‘Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture: Volume 1. The
NO (nitric oxide), phenolic compounds (such as salicylic acid), uridine, elicitors Background’ by E.F. George, M.A. Hall, and G.J. De Klerk (eds), 2008.
and lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs). These compounds may become Springer, Dordrecht.
major tools, for example, in achieving adventitious regeneration of shoots,
roots or embryos.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

Plant nutrition in tissue culture the nutrient formulation by dose-response studies is very time-consuming
because of the large number of elements and the interactions between
Geert-Jan de Klerk elements. A shortcut is the use of the composition of a well-growing plant:
Wageningen Tissue Culture Center, WUR Plant Breeding supposedly, each species has its own characteristic elementary composition
[email protected] which can be used to adapt the medium formulation. Such media result
frequently but not always in improved growth.
Plants require carbohydrates and inorganic compounds to sustain Nutrients, especially micronutrients, are also added via impurities in
growth. Carbohydrates are used as building blocks for macromolecules, particular via agar. Table 3 shows major inorganic impurities of various
starting material in many biosynthetic reactions, energy source, and agar brands and their relative contribution to MS. Gelrite also contains
also as driving force of phloem transport. Under natural conditions, inorganic contaminations at high concentrations. In addition to inorganic
carbohydrates are synthesized during photosynthesis. In tissue culture the impurities, agar contains many organic impurities that may determine the
need for carbohydrates is met by sugar added in the nutrient medium but performance of plants in vitro.
photosynthesis also occurs. Inorganic compounds have numerous functions
in plants (Table 1). Under natural conditions inorganic compounds 2. Uptake and transport of inorganics
are supplied by the soil and in tissue culture by the nutrient medium. Whole plants (with roots) absorb inorganic nutrients from soil almost
entirely as ions. An ion is an atom, or a group of atoms, which has gained
1. Inorganic nutrition a positive charge (a cation) or a negative charge (an anion). Inorganic
Under natural conditions, plants need to take up from the soil: nutrients are added to plant culture media as salts. In aqueous solutions
• Large amounts of ions of some inorganic elements (macronutrients), salts dissociate into cations and anions. The ions are taken up by the
viz. nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), roots passively, or through active mechanisms involving the expenditure of
magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S); and energy. Both systems are influenced by the concentration of other elements,
• Small quantities of ions of other elements (micronutrients), viz. iron pH, temperature, and the biochemical or physiological status of the plant
(Fe), nickel (Ni), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), boron (B), tissues. These factors can in turn be controlled by the solution presented
copper (Cu), and molybdenum (Mo). to the roots, or they may dictate the ionic balance of an ideal solution. For

Table 1. Summary of the functions of the essential inorganic compounds.

Group 1.
Nutrients that are part of carbon compounds, e.g. amino acids N, S
and nucleic acids

Group 2.
Nutrients that are important in energy storage (ATP) or P, Si, B
structural integrity (contribute e.g. to cell wall properties)

Group 3.
Nutrients that remain in ionic form function, e.g. as cofactors K, Ca, Mg, Cl, Mn, Na
of enzymes and in establishing cell turgor

Group 4.
Nutrients that are involved in redox reactions, e.g. Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo
consituents of cytochromes, alcohol dehydrogenase etc.

Together with carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H), these elements example, Mg2+ competes with other cations for uptake. High K+ or Ca2+
constitute the 17 essential elements. Certain other elements, such as concentrations may lead to Mg deficiency, and vice versa. No studies have
cobalt (Co), aluminium (Al), sodium (Na) and iodine (I), are essential or been made how uptake of nutrients occurs in shoot cultures. In tissue
beneficial for some species but their widespread essentiality has not been culture, uptake is generally proportional to the medium concentration up
established. The need for microelements has only been discovered over to a concentration of twice MS. For the plant hormone IAA, it has been
the past 50-60 years. Since plants in tissue culture entirely depend on shown that most uptake is via the cut surface and that only a small fraction
added nutrients, discovery of the essentiality of microelements was crucial is taken up via the epidermis. The same likely holds for minerals. It should
for successful growth in vitro. be noted, though, that in tissue culture the stomata are always open. Thus,
The most commonly used formulation for inorganic nutrition in tissue in tissue culture uptake via the stomata may be more prominent.
culture is the one of Murashige and Skoog (‘MS’). This medium was There are two ways of movement of compounds in water, (1) via diffusion
developed in 1962 to obtain optimal growth of tobacco callus. Table and (2) via water flow. The former is very slow over large distances
2 shows the composition of MS compared to the composition of well- (according Fick’s law, one meter diffusion takes 32 years; 2 cm takes ca.
growing plants and to modified Hoagland, a modern formulation for a one week). Consequently, in plants transport over large distances occurs
nutrient solution. Major differences between the compositions of MS and via water flow in the vascular bundles. Accordingly, once ions are taken up
plants are the high levels of Cl and Mo and the low levels of Cu, Ca, P and long-distance transport occurs in the water flow of the xylem. Water flow
Mg in MS. Interestingly, Hoagland is more similar to plants. MS is used in the xylem is driven by transpiration. In vitro the atmosphere is very humid
for a very wide range of crops. Experimentation to improve for each crop so transpiration is most likely much reduced and it is not known whether

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

not favourable to high nitrite

Table 2. The levels of elements in shoots taken from well growing plants, in MS and in a reductase activity and when nitrate is
modified Hoagland formulation used in horticulture. The major differences between MS and the only nitrogen source.
‘plants’ are indicated. In the natural and agricultural
In tissue InMS modified In tissue In MS modified environments, plant roots usually
(mmol kgDW ) (mmol l ) -1 Hoagland (mol%) (mol%) Hoagland encounter little reduced nitrogen,
(mmol l-1) (mol%) because bacteria rapidly oxidize
N 1000 60 16.0 64.4 64.4 53.0 available sources. An exception is
K 250 20 6.0 16.1 21.3 19.9 forest soils in mountainous regions of
Ca 125 3 4.0 8.0 3.2 13.3 the northern hemisphere where NO3-
Mg 80 1.5 1.0 5.1 1.6 3.3 is usually not available. If NH4+ and
P 60 1.25 2.0 3.9 1.3 6.6 other reduced nitrogen compounds
are available -and this is particularly
S 30 1.5 1.0 1.9 1.6 3.3
the case in the in vitro environment-,
Cl 3 6 0.05 0.19 6.4 0.17
they can be taken up and effectively
Fe 2 0.1 0.05 0.13 0.11 0.17
utilized by plants. Why not simply
Mn 1 0.1 0.002 0.06 0.11 0.007 supply nitrogen as NH4+ and avoid the
B 2 0.1 0.025 0.13 0.11 0.08 use of NO3- altogether? The reason
Zn 0.3 0.03 0.002 0.02 0.03 0.007 lies in the latent toxicity of NH4+ at
Cu 0.1 0.0001 0.0005 0.0060 0.0001 0.002 high concentration, and in the need
Mo 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0011 0.002 to control the pH of the medium.
Ni 0.001 0 0.0005 0.0001 0.000 0.002 Shoots grown on medium containing
Na 0.1 0.05 0.11 0.17 a high proportion of ammonium ions
total 15.5 93.7 30.2 100 100 100 may become stunted or hyperhydric.
These effects can sometimes be
the water flow is sufficient to provide growing tissues with sufficient reversed by transfer to a medium containing a high proportion of NO3-
nutrients (The rate of transpiration in vitro has not yet been examined). In or to one where NO3- is the only N source. Hyperhydricity is the in vitro
liquid medium, almost all PO43-, NH4+ and NO3- are taken up in the first two formation of abnormal organs, which are brittle and have a water-soaked
weeks of culture (Fig. 1). appearance. Plant culture media are usually started at pH 5.4-5.8. When
both NO3- and NH4+ are added, a rapid uptake of NH4+ into plant tissue
3. Inorganic macronutrients causes the pH to fall to ca. 4.2-4.6.
Reduced nitrogen may also be added as amino acids. For most tissue culture
Nitrogen purposes, the addition of amino acids may be unnecessary, providing
Nitrogen (N) is essential to plant life. It is a constituent of proteins, nucleic media contain adequate amounts of NO3- and NH4+. When media contain
acids and chlorophyll. Most animals cannot assimilate inorganic N and suboptimal amounts, a casein hydrolysate (a mixture of amino acids) may
also cannot synthesize many of the amino acids unless assisted by bacteria substantially increase growth, whereas only marginal increases in yield are
(e.g. in the rumen of cattle). From the inorganic nutrients in tissue culture achieved when optimal amounts of inorganic N occurs. In literature, many
media, N has by far the highest concentration. It is usually added both examples can be found of improvement of growth of cell cultures, shoot
as NO3- and as NH4+ and nearly all published media provide the majority cultures and enhanced adventitious regeneration of shoots, roots and
of their available nitrogen as NO3-. NO3- is often the only source of N embryos by amino acid mixtures and by individual amino acids. It should
for plants growing under natural conditions. Once within the cell, NO3- is be noted that in plants the natural transport vehicles of reduced N are
reduced to NH4+ before being utilised. NO3- is first converted to NO2- by asparagine and glutamine.
nitrate reductase. NO2- is reduced to NH4+ by nitrite reductase. Unlike NH4+, Nitrogen is available in the atmosphere as N2 but only legumes have
NO3- is not toxic but NO2- can become toxic should it accumulate within the capacity to utilize this nitrogen using Rhizobium bacteria in the root
plant tissues or in the medium, for example when growth conditions are nodules.

Table 3. Increase of the content of Na, S and Cu relative to MS brought about by agar (0.6%) obtained from various
companies (1-8) or gelrite (0.2%). Increases are shown as percentages. The proportional increase in other elements is
maximally 20% .

Agar 1 Agar 2 Agar 3 Agar 4 Agar 5 Agar 6 Agar 7 Agar 8 gelrite

Na 1212 336 3312 1980 2562 3804 684 313 591

S 69 29 87 111 77 98 25 69 0.8

Cu 90 204 108 144 24 96 nd 28 91

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

Phosphorus Sodium
Phosphorus (P) is a vital element in plant biochemistry. It occurs in Sodium ions (Na+) are taken up into plants, but in most cases they are not
numerous macromolecules such as nucleic acids, phospholipids and co- required for growth and development and many plants actively secrete
enzymes. It functions in energy transfer via the pyrophophate bond in them from their roots to maintain a low internal concentration. In some
ATP. Phosphate groups attached to different sugars provide energy in plants, though, Na+ does appear to have a beneficial nutritional effect and
respiration and photosynthesis and phosphate bound to proteins regulates is therefore considered as a functional element. In wheat, oats, cotton and
their activity. P is absorbed by roots in the form of the anions H2PO4- and cauliflower Na+ can partially replace K+, but is not essential. The element
HPO42- by an active process. In contrast to NO3- and SO42-, phosphate is can function as an osmotic stabilizer in halophytic plants. Most nutrient
not reduced, but remains in the highly oxidized form and is used as PO43-. formulations do not contain any Na+ with the exception of NaFeEDTA. Agar
In culture media the element is provided as soluble H2PO4- and HPO42-. and gelrite contain high levels of Na+.
H2PO4- predominates at pH values below 7, characteristic of most tissue
culture media. Phosphate is usually taken up most rapidly (Fig. 1). At Magnesium
the same time, movement of phosphate in solidified medium by diffusion Magnesium (Mg) is an essential component of chlorophyll, and is required
seems to be much slower than movement of other inorganic nutrients. for the activity of many enzymes, especially those involved in the transfer
of phosphate. Magnesium is the central atom in the porphyrin structure of
Potassium the chlorophyll molecule. ATP synthesis has an absolute requirement for
Potassium (K) is the major cation (positive ion) within plants, reaching in Mg2+ and it is a bridging element in the aggregation of ribosome subunits.
the cytoplasm and chloroplasts concentrations of 100 – 200 mM. K+ is not Within plants, Mg2+ is mobile and diffuses freely and serves like K+ as a
metabolised. Unlike NH4+, NO3-, SO42-, and H2PO4-, it is not incorporated cation balancing and neutralising anions and organic acids. Plant culture
into organic molecules. It contributes significantly to the osmotic potential media invariably contain relatively low concentrations of Mg2+ (MS only
of cells, functions in cell extension through the regulation of turgor and 1.5 mM). Very often MgSO4 is used as the unique source of both Mg2+
has a major role in stomatal movements. K+ counterbalances the negative and SO42-.
charge of inorganic and organic anions, and functions in long-distance
nutrient flow. In intact plants, K+ ions are thought to cycle moving up- and Sulphur
downwards in the vascular bundles. Many proteins show a high specificity Under natural conditions sulphur (S) is mainly absorbed as SO42-, which
for K+ which, acting as a cofactor, alters their configuration so that they is also the usual source of the element in nutrient media. However, that
become active enzymes. K+-ions also neutralise organic anions produced in which is incorporated into organic compounds occurs mainly as reduced
the cytoplasm, and so stabilise the pH and osmotic potential of the cell. In -SH, -S- or -S-S- groups. The sulphur-containing amino acids cysteine and
whole plants, deficiency of K+ results in loss of cell turgor, limp tissues and methionine are incorporated into proteins. Between or within polypeptides,
an increased susceptibility to drought, salinity, frost damage and fungal two cysteine amino acids can form disulfide (S-S) bridges. Sulphur is used
attack. K+-deficiency in plant culture media is said to lead to hyperhydricity, by plants in lipid synthesis and acts as a ligand joining ions of iron, zinc and
and a decrease in absorption of phosphate. Murashige and Skoog medium copper to metalloproteins and enzymes.
contains 20 mM K+.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

Calcium Ca2+ supply, using vessels which promote better gas exchange (thereby
As a major cation, calcium ions (Ca ) helps to balance anions within
increasing the transpiration and xylem transport), or by increasing the
the plant, but unlike K+ and Mg2+ it is not readily mobile. Because of its concentration of Ca2+ in the medium. There is a limit to the concentration
capacity to link biological molecules together with coordinate bonds, the of Ca2+, which can be employed in tissue culture media because many Ca-
element is involved in the structure and physiological properties of cell salts have limited solubility.
membranes and the middle lamella of cell walls. The enzyme ß-(13)-
glucan synthase depends on Ca2+, and cellulose synthesis by cultured cells Chloride
does not occur unless there are at least µM concentrations of Ca2+ in the The chloride ion (Cl-) has been found to be essential for plant growth,
medium. Many other plant enzymes are Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+ is a but seems to be involved in few biological reactions and only very small
cofactor in the enzymes responsible for the hydrolysis of ATP. Although Ca2+ quantities are really necessary. Cl- is required for the water-splitting
can be present in mM concentrations within the plant as a whole, Ca2+-ions protein complex of photosystem II, and it can function in osmoregulation
are pumped out of the cytoplasm of cells. The active removal of Ca2+ is in particular in stomatal guard cells. Cl- is freely transported and many
necessary to prevent the precipitation of phosphate and interference with plants can tolerate the presence of high concentrations without showing
the function of Mg2+. The uniquely low intra-cellular concentration of Ca2+ toxicity. The chief role of Cl- seems to be in the maintenance of turgor and
allows plants to use calcium as a chemical ‘second messenger’ in hormonal in balancing rapid changes in the level of free cations such as K+, Mg2+
signalling. Regulatory mechanisms are initiated when Ca2+ binds with the and Na+.
protein calmodulin, which is thus enabled to modify enzyme activities. The concentration of Cl- in MS is 6 mM. Agar (a product obtained from
Ca2+-deficiency in plants may result in a cessation of growth and in death seaweed) also contains Cl- and may increase the concentration by 1 mM.
of the shoot tip. Tip necrosis has been especially observed in shoot cultures A too high concentration may lead in woody species to yellow leaves and
and often occurs after several subcultures have been accomplished. In weak stems: sometimes tissues collapse and die. An excess of Cl- has
Pictacia, Ca2+ reduces necrosis. Tip necrosis occurs in Psidium guajava shoot been thought to be one of the causes of hyperhydricity, and omission of
cultures if shoots are allowed to grow longer than 3 cm, and is common Cl- seems to prevent hyperhydricity in Prunus.
in rapidly growing cultures. It occurs in Sequoiadendron giganteum shoots
when they are grown on relatively dilute media. Elemental analysis of
necrotic apices has shown them to be deficient in Ca2+ and a shortage of 4. Micronutrients
this element has been associated with tip necrosis in Amelanchier, Betula, The essential micronutrients Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Co and Mo are components
Populus, Sequoia, Ulmus, Cydonia and other woody plants. As Ca2+ is not of proteins or have metabolic and physiological importance. At least five
or only little remobilised within plant tissues, actively growing shoots need of these elements are, for instance, necessary for chlorophyll synthesis and
a constant fresh supply of ions in the transpiration stream. An inadequate chloroplast function. Micronutrients have roles in the functioning of the
supply of Ca2+ can result from limited uptake and from inadequate transport, genetic apparatus and several are involved with the activity of growth
the latter being caused by the absence of transpiration due to the high substances.
humidity in the culture vessel. A remedy can sometimes be obtained by Manganese (Mn) has been included in the majority of plant tissue
reducing the culture temperature so that the rate of shoot growth matches culture media. It is generally added in concentrations between 25-150 µM.
Haworthia micropropagation,
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

no effect during the induction of somatic embryogenesis from cultured

carrot petiole explants, but strongly influences the development of somatic
embryos: at low B development of roots is promoted with simultaneous
retardation of shoot development, and at high B shoot development is
favoured at the expense of the root system.
Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient, even though plants normally
contain only a very low level of the element. Two kinds of copper ions
exist, the monovalent ion Cu+ and the divalent ion Cu2+. The former is
easily oxidized to the latter and the latter is easily reduced. The element
becomes attached to enzymes, many of which bind to and react with
oxygen. They include the cytochrome oxidase enzyme system, responsible
for oxidative respiration, and superoxide dismutase (an enzyme which
contains both copper and zinc atoms). Detrimental superoxide radicals,
which are formed from molecular oxygen during electron transfer reactions,
are reacted by superoxide dismutase and thereby converted to water. Cu
atoms occur in plastocyanin, a pigment participating in electron transfer.
High concentrations of Cu can be toxic. Most culture media include ca.
0.1-1.0 µM Cu2+, usually added through CuSO4. The concentration of Cu in
tissue culture media is very small relative to the level in plants (Table 2). It
is therefore not surprising that a number of authors report strong increases
of growth when Cu is added at 1- 5 µM.
Molybdenum (Mo) is absorbed by plants as the molybdate ion (MoO42-).
This is normally added to culture media as Na2MoO4 at concentrations
up to 1 µM. Considerably higher levels have occasionally been introduced
apparently without adverse effect. Mo is a component of several plant
enzymes, e.g., nitrate reductase and nitrogenise. It is therefore essential
for nitrogen utilisation. Tissues and organs presented with NO3- in a Mo-
deficient medium can show symptoms of nitrate toxicity because the ion is
not reduced to ammonia.
Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plant tissue culture media and
can be provided from either ferrous or ferric salts. It functions in electron
transfer as a component of cytochromes. To keep Fe in solution, chelating
Cactaceae: Solisiapectinifera, compounds are essential. Chelates are organic compounds capable of
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands forming complexes with metal cations, in which the metal is held with
fairly tight chemical bonds. In this way, metal ions are held in solution
The most probable role for Mn is in definition of the structure of under conditions where free ions would react with anions to form insoluble
metalloproteins involved in respiration and photosynthesis. It is known to be compounds. Despite tight bonding, there is always an equilibrium between
required for the activity of several enzymes, among others decarboxylases, chelate complexes and ions in solution. For a chelated metal ion to be
dehydrogenases, kinases and oxidases and superoxide dismutase enzymes. utilised by a plant there must be some mechanism whereby the complex
Mn is necessary for the maintenance of chloroplast ultrastructure. Because can be broken permanently. This could occur if it is absorbed directly and
Mn(II) can be oxidized to Mn(IV), Mn plays an important role in redox the ion displaced by another more avid binding agent, or if the complex
reactions. The evolution of oxygen during photosystem II is dependent on is biochemically denatured. Metals in very stable complexes can be
an Mn-containing enzyme and is proportional to Mn content. Mn is toxic unavailable to plants, copper in EDTA chelates may be an example. Within
at high concentration. the plant very many constituents such as proteins, peptides, porphyrins,
Zinc (Zn) is a component of stable metallo-enzymes with many diverse carboxylic acids and amino acids act as chelating agents. Plants secrete
functions. Zn is required in more than 300 enzymes including alcohol chelating agents to assist the uptake of iron. Divalent organic acids such as
dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, superoxide dismutase and RNA- citric, maleic, malic and malonic acid are found in the xylem sap of plants,
polymerase. Zn is involved in chlorophyll synthesis. where together with amino acids they can complex with metal ions and
Boron (B) is involved in plasma membrane integrity and functioning, assist their transport. These acids can be secreted from cultured tissues
probably by influencing membrane proteins, and cell wall intactness. The into the nutrient medium and will contribute to the conditioning effect.
element is required for the metabolism of phenolic acids, and for lignin Malic and citric acids, released into the medium by rice cells, are able to
biosynthesis. It is probably a component, or co-factor of the enzyme make unchelated ferric iron available, so correcting an iron deficiency.
which converts p-coumaric acid to caffeate and 5-hydroxyferulate. B is Cobalt (Co) is not regarded as an essential element. Nevertheless,
necessary for the maintenance of meristematic activity and is thought Murashige and Skoog (1962) included Co in their medium because it had
to be involved in the maintenance of membrane structure and function, been shown to be required by lower plants and it was thought that it might
possibly by stabilizing natural metal chelates which are important in wall have a role in regulating morphogenesis in higher plants. However, no
and membrane structure and function. B is concerned with regulating the stimulatory effect on the growth of tobacco callus was observed by adding
activities of phenolase enzymes; these bring about the biosynthesis of CoCl2 to the medium at several concentrations from 0.1 µM and above,
phenylpropane compounds, which are polymerized to form lignin. Lignin and at 80.0 and 160 µM the compound was toxic.
biosynthesis does not take place in the absence of B. B also mediates Other micronutrients. Several workers have included aluminium (Al)
the action of phytochrome and the response of plants to gravity. B has and nickel (Ni) in their micronutrient formulations. However, the general

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

Table 4. Hydrolysis of sucrose to In higher plants growing under natural conditions, sucrose is the major
fructose and glucose during product of photosynthesis and is transported to various sink tissues via
autoclaving, depending upon the pH. the phloem. Sucrose synthesized in mesophyll cells is loaded into the sieve
element-companion cell complex of the phloem. Long-distance transport
pH hydrolysis (%) in the phloem uses the water flow that is brought about by a hydrostatic
pressure gradient. In sink tissue, phloem unloading appears to depend on
3.0 100
the sink strength.
3.4 75
6. Undefined supplements
3.8 40 Many undefined supplements were employed in early tissue culture
media. Their use has slowly declined. Nevertheless several supplements
4.2 25
of uncertain and variable composition are still in common use. The first
4.7 12.5 successful cultures of plant tissue involved the use of yeast extract. Other
undefined additions made to plant tissue culture media have been include
5.0 10 meat extract, potato extract, malt extract, banana homogenate and
coconut milk.
6.0 0

benefit of adding the former metal does not seem to have been adequately Chapter 3 of ‘Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture: Volume 1. The Background’
demonstrated. It has been reported that the lack of Ni and the inclusion by E.F. George, M.A. Hall, and G.J. De Klerk (eds), 2008. Springer, Dordrecht.
of Co leads to reduced urease activity in plants grown on MS medium. The textbook Plant Physiology contains excellent chapters on mineral
Iodine is not recognised as an essential element for the nutrition of nutrition and solute transport (‘Plant Physiology’ by Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo
plants, although it may be necessary for the growth of some algae. The Zeiger, Sinauer Associates Inc, Sunderland, 2006).
iodide ion has been added to many tissue culture media. Silicon (Si) is the
second most abundant element on the surface of the earth. Si has been Cactaceae: Gymnocactus
demonstrated to be beneficial for the growth of plants and to alleviate Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands
biotic and abiotic stress. The silicate ion is not normally added to tissue
culture media, although it is likely to be present in low concentrations.
Deliberate addition to the medium might, however, improve the growth of
some plants.

5. Organic Nutrition: Sucrose

In plants, carbohydrates have various essential functions. They are
substrates for respiration, play a role in the synthetic pathways of many
compounds, are building blocks of macromolecules (starch and cellulose)
and are a major driving force of water flow in the phloem. Carbohydrates
influence many developmental processes. Sucrose plays a role in dormancy
development, storage organ formation and maturation of somatic embryos.
Recent findings suggest a regulatory role of sugar levels in the transition
to flowering. Starch synthesized from sucrose taken up from the nutrient
medium accumulates especially in cells from which adventitious shoot or
root primordia are being formed. How sugars act as regulating molecules
remains to be elucidated.
In tissue culture, sucrose is usually added as the carbohydrate source.
Sucrose has almost invariably been found to be the best carbohydrate.
Glucose is generally found to support growth well, and in a few plants it
may result in better in vitro growth than sucrose, or promote organogenesis
where sucrose will not. But being more expensive than sucrose, glucose
will only be preferred for micropropagation where it produces clearly
advantageous results. Sucrose is the most common carbohydrate in the
phloem sap of angiosperms. In sieve element sap sucrose can reach
concentrations of 0.3 to 0.9 M. In tissue culture, concentrations range from
2% to 9% (20 – 90 g.l-1; 58 – 263 mM). The high concentrations are used
when storage organs like bulbs should develop. The common concentration
is 3%. Invertases that are released by the explant into the medium, split
sucrose into glucose and fructose. Thus, explants are usually exposed to a
mixture of sucrose, glucose and fructose. In in-vitro cultures, carbohydrates
play also an important role as osmotic agent. The presence of sucrose in
tissue culture media specifically inhibits chlorophyll formation. A hydrolysis
of sucrose takes place during autoclaving of media depending on pH (Table 4).

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis

This group of antibiotics focuses on the synthesis of the bacterial cell
Duchefa Biochemie B.V. is a supplier of a wide range of antibiotics. wall. By application of these antibiotics, several bacterial key enzymes
Application of these antibiotics are and cell wall binding blocks are knocked out. As a result, build up of the
· Suppressing bacterial, fungal and mould growth in cell cultures. bacterial cell wall is ceased and lysis of the cell as a result of osmotic
· Selective agents in combination with marker genes. shock will occur.
Antibiotics can be produced by various species of micro-organisms or
are chemically synthesized. All have the capacity of inhibiting growth of The bacterial cell wall, also called peptidoglycan, encases the cell
micro-organisms. ­membrane as a continuous, highly cross linked molecule, preventing
­rupturing of the cell membrane in a hypotonic milieu. The build up of the
Most of our antibiotics have been tested for use in cell cultures and have bacterial cell is a continuous process of synthesis and degrading.
no cytotoxic effects. Some antibiotics have been specially tested for use
in plant cell and tissue cultures. Synthesis takes part in three steps. In the first step, production of basic
building blocks takes place inside the cell. Cycloserine, because of its
If you might have any questions regarding the use of antibiotics, please ­similarity to certain substrates of key enzymes involved in this process,
don’t hesitate to contact us. Since our company has pharmaceutical, inhibits major reactions in this process. As a result no final buildings
­biochemical and microbiological knowledge available, we will be able to blocks are made.
give you an answer in most cases.
In the second step, ready made building blocks are transported across
All antibiotics are for laboratory use only. the cell membrane and covalently linked to the already existing cell wall.
This results in long linear polymers of building blocks attached to the
Not for drug, household or other uses already existing cell wall. Because these polymers are not cross linked yet
they do not provide any strength to the bacterial cell wall. Bacitracin and
Vancomycin act inhibitory in this sequence of reactions.

Within the third and final stage, all linear polymers are cross linked to
form the rigid network which is the backbone of the bacterial cell wall
or peptidoglycan. Transpeptidase is the key enzyme involved in this
cross linking step and is inhibited by Penicillins and Cephalosporins like
Carbenicillin, Cefotaxim, Ampicillin etc.

Blocking one of these three steps causes inhibition in the build up of the cell
wall, finally resulting in nicks in the peptidoglycan by which the ­membrane
protrudes into the hypotonic medium and ultimately last ruptures.

Bacteria can develop resistance against Penicillins and Cephalosporins

by producing Beta-Lactamase. Both Penicillins and Cephalosporins have
a Beta-Lactam ring in their center. A major part of this ring structure is a
C-N bond which is an absolute requirement for antimicrobial activity. This
C-N bond is also the substrate site of Beta-Lactamase, which is capable
of hydrolyzing the binding between the carbon and nitrogen atom. Once
broken, there is no antimicrobial activity left due to a structural change
in the penicillin or cephalosporin molecule.

There are many antibiotics known and at least as many different modes In Cefotaxim and to a lesser degree in Carbenicillin this Achilles heel is
of antimicrobial action active against more or less definite spectra protected by molecular side chains preventing beta-lactamase to unite
of ­bacteria. In their turn bacteria have developed numerous types of with its substrate site.
­resistance mechanisms against all kinds of antibiotics.
Another way of protecting Amoxicillin or Ticarcillin against inactivation by
Antibiotics can be grouped in several classes such as their molecular Beta-Lactamase is the addition of Clavulanic acid. This small molecule is
mode of action. a look-alike structure of the C-N bond present in the Lactam ring. Due to
In biotechnology the most often used groups are Inhibitors of Bacterial an irreversible binding between Clavulanic acid and the substrate site of
Cell Wall Synthesis and Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis. The first group Beta-Lactamase, hydrolysis of the C-N bond is prevented.
is mostly used to eliminate bacteria for instance Agrobacterium after
­transformation. The second group called Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis,
such as Kanamycin, is most often used as a selective agent in combination
with marker genes.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e

The two major groups within the family of Bacterial Cell Wall inhibitors bacterial growth will start again after exposed bacteria are transferred to
are Penicillins and Cephalosporins. media without antibiotics.
Bacteriostatic inhibitors, amongst many others, are Tetracyclines,
Bacterial Cell Wall Inhibitors Chloramphenicol, Spectinomycin and Erythromycin. All have their respective
binding sites at the 30S ribosomal subunit. All antibiotics are capable of
Penicillins Cephalosporins Others inhibiting protein synthesis, but their modes of action differ.

Ampicillin Cefalexin Bacitracin

Amoxycillin Cefotaxim Cycloserin Bacteriostatic Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
Carbenicillin Vancomycin
Penicillin G Chloramphenicol Lincomycin
Ticarcillin Chlortetracycline Oxytetracyclin
Clindamycin Spectinomycin
Doxycyclin Tetracyclin
Bactericide Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis Erythromycin
The main group within this family is the group of Aminoglycosides.
The collection of Aminoglycosides represents a large set of structurally
related polycationic molecules containing two or more sugars connected Antifungal Agents
by ­glycosidic linkage to a hexose core. Aminoglycosides have a strong Amphotericin B and Nystatin are two commonly applied antifungal
­antibacterial effect. Bacteria exposed to these antibiotics undergo a wide antibiotics in biotechnology. Both affect cell membrane permeability of
variety of metabolic changes, including changes in cell permeability and moulds and fungi due to interactions with sterols present in the membrane.
transport, inhibition of protein synthesis and misreading of the genetic As a results small trans membrane channels are formed leaking valuable
code. ions and causing cell death.

Aminoglycosides can both bind to prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes

and are capable of contacting ribosome binding sites at both subunits. By Antifungal Agents
attachment of these antibiotics to their respective binding sites, protein
translating at various stages can be inhibited. Amphotericin B Miconazole
Nystatin Cycloheximide
Aminoglycosides are often used in biotechnology as selective agents in
combination with certain antibiotic resistance marker genes. Antibiotics
used are Kanamycin, G418, Hygromycin B, Paromomycin etc. Besides the above mentioned families of antibiotics there are many more.
Each differs in mode of action, spectrum, resistance patterns etc.
The most frequently used marker gene is based on phosphorylation by­
O-Phosphotransferase which is coded via NPT II (APH 3’ gene). The Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid Metabolism
enzyme phosphorylates the 3’OH group present on Kanamycin or G418.
Due to the attachment of a strong electronegative phosphate group at Amsacrine Mitomycin C
the sugar part, the stereometric structure of the aminoglycoside molecule Doxorubicin Nalidixic acid
changes in such a way that the antibiotic does not fit anymore at its Rifampicin
­ribosome’s binding site.

Bactericide Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
Methotrexate Trimethoprim
Aminoglycosides Metronidazole Sulphametoxazole
Gentamycin Paromycin
Hygromycin B Streptomycin
Kanamycin Tobramycin
Neomycin G-418 Nucleic Acid Analogues
5-Fluorouracil 6-Mercaptopurine
Bacteriostatic Inhibitors of Protein
This set of antibiotics includes various groups of antibiotics with the
­capability to bind at the 30S ribosomal subunit. As a result, protein
synthesis may be inhibited at several stages during the translation
process. In contrast to Aminoglycosides binding of bacteriostatic
inhibitors of protein synthesis is reversible. Protein synthesis and finally

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



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P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


A two-fold increase in shoot multiplication of red raspberry on MICRO ELEMENTS

Anderson’s medium was achieved as compared to the Murashige and mg/l µM
Skoog formulation. A comparison of the inorganics of both formulations CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
showed a reduction to approximately 1/4 strength on NH4NO3 and CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
KNO3 in Anderson inorganics. The optimal concentrations of growth­ FeNaEDTA 73.40 200.00
regulators for shoot multiplication of red and black raspber­ry were H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
0.1-2.5 µM IBA and 4.5-9.0 µM BA. In vitro rooting of black and KI 0.30 1.81
red raspberries were succes­ful using the basal media that included MnSO 4.H2O 16.90 100.00
Anderson’s Inorganics, 5µM IBA and 600 mg/l activated charcoal. The Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
latter is essential for high rooting percentages. ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91

Anderson W.C., Tissue culture propagation of Red and Black Raspberries,

Rubus Idaeus and R. Occidentalus Act. Hort., 112, 13 (1980). MACRO ELEMENTS
mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
Micro and Macro elements MgSO4 180.54 1.50
A 0201.0001 1l (1.8 g) € 2,15 NaH 2PO4 330.60 2.75
A 0201.0010 10 l (18.3 g) € 8,10 NH 4NO3 400.00 5.00
A 0201.0050 50 l (91.4 g) € 25,30
Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 1828.86 mg/l
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins
A 0202.0001 1l (2.0 g) € 2,15 VITAMINS
A 0202.0010 10 l (20.1 g) € 8,10 mg/l µM
A 0202.0050 50 l (100.5 g) € 26,80 Adenine sulphate 80.00 197.87
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Thiamine HCl 0.40 1.19

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands 2009.26 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


In the medium defined by Chée and Pool the original Murashige MICRO ELEMENTS
and Skoog concentration of Chlorine, Iodine and Manganese is mg/l µM
decreased, resulting in an improved shoot multiplication of Vitis. CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
Substituting calcium nitrate for calcium chloride improved the quality CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
of grapevine shoots produced in culture. Shoot multiplication was FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
dramatically improved by ommitting Iodine and lowering the concen­ H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
tration of Manganese. This might be the result of the involvement of MnSO 4.H20 0.85 5.00
both ions in auxin metabolism and tranport. Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
Chée, R., and Pool, R.M.,
Improved Inorganic Media Constituents for In Vitro Shoot Multiplication
of Vitis, Scientia Horticulturae, 32 (1987) 85-95. MACRO ELEMENTS
mg/l mM
Ca(NO3)2 492.30 2.99
C 0248 CHÉE & POOL BASAL SALT MEDIUM KH 2PO4 170.00 1.25
Micro and Macro elements KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
C 0248.0010 10 l (44.5 g) € 8,10 MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4445.49 mg/l
C 0249.0010 10 l (44.6 g) € 8,10

mg/l µM
myo-Inositol 10.00 55.5
Nicotinic Acid 1.00 8.12
Pyridoxine HCl 1.00 5.00
Thiamine HCl 1.00 3.00

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands 4458.49 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Chu (N6) medium is defined to improve the formation, growth and MICRO ELEMENTS
differentiation of pollen callus in rice. The concentration of ammonium mg/l µM
proved to be crucial for the development of callus. The optimum FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
­concentration NH4+ is 7.0 mM (equal to 3.5 mM (NH4)2SO4). Higher H3BO3 1.60 25.88
concentrations of ammonium drastically inhibited the growth and KI 0.80 4.81
­differentiation of the rice pollen. The concentration of KNO3 and the MnSO 4.H2O 3.33 19.70
other medi­um compo­nents did not affect the development of the ZnSO 4.7H2O 1.50 5.22

Chu C.C, The N6 medium and its application to anther culture of ­cereal MACRO ELEMENTS
crops, Proc. Symp. Plant Tissue Cult., Peking, 43 (1978). mg/l mM
CaCl2 125.33 1.13
Chu C.C. et al., Establishment of an efficient medium for anther KH2PO4 400.00 2.94
culture of rice through comparative experiments on the nitrogen KNO3 2830.00 27.99
­sources. Scienta Sinic., 18, 659 (1975). MgSO 4 90.27 0.75
(NH4)2SO4 463.00 3.50

C 0203 CHU (N6) MEDIUM Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3952.53 mg/l
Micro and Macro elements
C 0203.0001 1l (4.0 g) € 2,15
C 0203.0010 10 l (39.5 g) € 8,10 VITAMINS
C 0203.0050 50 l (197.6 g) € 25,30 mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
C 0204 CHU (N6) MEDIUM Thiamine HCl 1.00 2.96
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
C 0204.0001 1l (4.0 g) € 2,15 Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
C 0204.0010 10 l (39.6 g) € 8,10
C 0204.0050 50 l (197.8 g) € 25,30 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
3956.53 mg/l
Package contains 0.4 g or 1.0 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 ml of
a 1000 X vitamin stock solu­tion.
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Chu (N6) medium of
the proper final vitamin concentration.
C 0401.0100
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40
C 0401.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40

Haworthia callus regeneration,

Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


For Embryogenic Callus Growth (CP) and Embryo Development (EP)

Sweetpotato somatic embryo production is accomplished in two MICRO ELEMENTS
stages. Embryogenic callus is continuously proliferated by subculture mg/l µM
on media containing 10 µM 2,4-D and 1 µM 6-BAP. Increa­sing the K+ CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
concentration to 40-60 mM doubled the production of embryogenic CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
callus, while the production of non embry­ogenic callus was reduced FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
by 40%. H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
KI 0.83 5.00
The development of embryos, trigge­red by the removal of 2,4-D and MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
6-BAP, was enhan­ced by decrea­sing ammonium (NH4+) from 20 to 10 Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
mM. ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91

Cheé R. et al., Optimizing Embryogenic Callus and Embryo Growth

of a synthetic seed system for Sweetpotato by varying media nutrient MACRO ELEMENTS, Embryo Development (EP)
concentrations. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 117, 663 (1992). mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
C 0228 KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
CLC / Ipomoea MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
Embryogenic Callus Growth (CP medium) NH 4NO3 800.40 10.00
Including Vitamins
C 0228.0001 1l (6.7 g) € 2,15 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements (EP): 3452.49 mg/l
C 0228.0010 10 l (67.1 g) € 8,10
C 0228.0050 50 l (335.3 g) € 25,30
MACRO ELEMENTS, Embryogenic Callus Growth (CP)
C 0229 mg/l mM
CLC / Ipomoea CaCl2 332.02 2.99
Embryo Development (EP) medium KCl 2237.00 30.00
Including Vitamins KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
C 0229.0001 1l (3.5 g) € 2,15 KNO 3 2022.00 20.00
C 0229.0010 10 l (35.5 g) € 8,10 MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
C 0229.0050 50 l (177.3 g) € 25,30 NH 4NO3 1601.00 20.00

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements (CP): 6612.09 mg/l

mg/l µM
myo-Inositol 90.10 500.00
Nicotinic acid 1.23 10.00
Pyridoxine HCl 1.03 5.00
Thiamine HCl 1.69 5.00

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements (CP) including

­v itamins: 6706.14 mg/l
Total concentration Micro and Macro elements (EP) including
­v itamins: 3546.54 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Callus derived from leaf pieces of sugarbeet, exposed to a cold period MICRO ELEMENTS
of 3-9 weeks, could be regenerated into a normal plant after being mg/l µM
returned to normal temperature. On media free of growthregulators, CoCl2.6H2O 0.0025 0.01
a regenerating callus could be ­formed with a high regeneration CuSO 4.5H2O 0.0025 0.01
capacity. FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
H 3BO3 10.62 171.76
De Greef W. and Jacobs M. In vitro culture of the sugarbeet: KI 1.58 9.54
Description of a cell line with high regeneration capacity., Plant MnSO 4.H2O 1.68 9.94
Science Letters., 17, 55-61 (1979). Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.0025 0.01
ZnSO 4.7H2O 1.06 3.69


Micro and Macro elements MACRO ELEMENTS
D 0205.0005 5l (18.9 g) € 4,85 mg/l mM
D 0205.0050 50 l (188.5 g) € 25,30 CaCl2 226.50 2.04
KCl 600.00 8.05
D 0206 DE GREEF AND JACOBS MEDIUM KNO3 2000.00 19.78
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins MgSO 4 244.33 2.03
D 0206.0005 5l (19.4 g) € 4,85 NaH 2PO4 250.00 2.08
D 0206.0050 50 l (194.1 g) € 25,30 (NH 4)2SO4 400.00 3.03

G 0403 DE GREEF & JACOBS VITAMIN MIXTURE Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3770.44 mg/l
Package contains 11.20 g or 28.00 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or
250 ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution.
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre medium of the VITAMINS
proper final vitamin concentration. mg/l µM
G 0403.0100 myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40 Nicotinic acid 1.00 8.12
G 0403.0250 Pyridoxine HCl 1.00 4.86
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40 Thiamine HCl 10.00 29.65

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:

3882.44 mg/l

Potato tuberisation,
SBW International BV, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The DKW medium has been defined for in vitro propagation of MICRO ELEMENTS
Paradox Walnut Rootstock (Juglans hindsii x J. regia) via nodal mg/l µM
explants. The explants were placed on medium without growth­ CuSO4.5H2O 0.25 1.00
regulators for one week and subsequentely on medium containing ­ FeNaEDTA 44.63 121.61
6-BAP and IBA. Opti­mum shoot development was supported under H 3BO3 4.80 77.63
4.5 µM 6-BAP and 5 nM IBA. The basal ends of the tissue culture MnSO 4.H2O 33.80 200.00
derived shoots were dipped in 5 mM IBA solution and subsequen­tly Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.39 1.61
rooted within 10 to 14 days in the greenhouse. ZnSO 4.7H2O 17.00 72.19

Driver, J.A., Kuniyuki, A.H. In Vitro Propagation of Paradox walnut

Rootstock, Hort. Science, 19(4), August 1984. MACRO ELEMENTS
mg/l mM
CaCl2 112.50 1.01
D 0246 DKW/JUGLANS MEDIUM Ca(NO3)2.2H2O 1664.64 8.30
Micro and Macro elements KH 2PO4 265.00 1.95
D 0246.0001 1l (5.5 g) € 2,15 K 2SO4 1559.00 8.95
D 0246.0005 5l (27.4 g) € 4,85 MgSO 4 361.49 3.00
D 0246.0010 10 l (54.8 g) € 8,10 NH 4NO3 1416.00 17.70
D 0246.0025 25 l (137.0 g) € 14,75
D 0246.0050 50 l (274.0 g) € 25,30 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 5479.50 mg/l


Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins VITAMINS
D 0247.0001 1l (5.6 g) € 2,15 mg/l µM
D 0247.0005 5l (27.9 g) € 4,85 Glycine 2.00 26.64
D 0247.0010 10 l (55.8 g) € 8,10 myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
D 0247.0025 25 l (139.6 g) € 14,75 Nicotinic acid 1.00 8.12
D 0247.0050 50 l (279.2 g) € 25,30 Thiamine HCl 2.00 5.93

D 0414 DKW/JUGLANS VITAMIN MIXTURE Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
Package contains 10.50 g or 26.25 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 5584.50 mg/l
ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution.
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre DKW medium of the
proper final vitamin concentration.
D 0414.0100
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40
D 0414.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40

Potato propagation,
SBW International BV, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The Eriksson medium was developed for cell suspension cultures of MICRO ELEMENTS
Haplopappus gracilis. An increase in the growth of cell suspensions, mg/l µM
especially with small inocula, was achieved by a 10% reduction of CoCl2.6H2O 0.0025 0.01
the concentration MS microelements, except for Fe and Zn. Equim­ CuSO4.5H2O 0.0025 0.01
olar replacement of ZnSO4.­7H2O by ZnNa2EDTA improved cell growth FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
as well. MnEDTA and CoEDTA did not improve the growth of the cell H3BO3 0.63 10.19
culture. A reduction of Murashige and Skoog NH4NO3 concentrati­on MnSO4.H2O 1.69 10.00
of 1650 to 1200 mg/l and an increase in phosphate to 2.5 mM also Na2MoO4.2H2O 0.025 0.10
stimulated cell growth. ZnSO4.7H2O 9.15 31.80

Eriksson T., Physiol. Plant, 18, 976 (1965).

mg/l mM
E 0207 ERIKSSON (ER) MEDIUM CaCl2 332.02 2.99
Micro and Macro elements KH2PO4 340.00 2.50
E 0207.0001 1l (4.0 g) € 2,15 KNO3 1900.00 18.79
E 0207.0010 10 l (40.1 g) € 8,10 MgSO4 180.54 1.50
E 0207.0050 50 l (200.3 g) € 25,30 NH4NO3 1200.00 14.99

E 0208 ERIKSSON (ER) MEDIUM Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4000.92 mg/l
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins
E 0208.0001 1l (4.0 g) € 2,15
E 0208.0010 10 l (40.1 g) € 8,10 VITAMINS
E 0208.0050 50 l (200.5 g) € 25,30 mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
E 0402 ERIKSSON (ER) VITAMIN MIXTURE Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Package contains 0.35 g to prepare 100 ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution. Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Eriksson medium of the Thiamine HCl 0.50 1.48
proper final vitamin concentration.
E 0402.0100 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including v­ itamins:
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40 4004.42 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The B5 medium has been defined for the growth of cell suspensions of MICRO ELEMENTS
soybean root cells in the presence of 2,4 D. Nitrate was required in a mg/l µM
concentration of 20-30 mM. An addition of 2 mM ammoniumsulphate CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
led to an increase in cellgrowth. NH4 + when added as the sole source CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
of nitrogen, did not support growth. Similar results were obtai­ned FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
when NH4NO3 was substi­tuted for (NH4)2SO4. However, ammonium ions H 3BO3 3.00 48.52
depressed growth when the concen­tration excee­ded 2 mM. KI 0.75 4.52
Variati­ons in the concentrations of phosphate, calcium and magnesi­ MnSO 4.H2O 10.00 59.16
um resulted in relatively minor chan­ges in growth rate. Thiamine is Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
known to be an essenti­al nutrient for cell growth and is increa­sed in ZnSO 4.7H2O 2.00 6.96
concentrati­on up to 10 mg/l.

Gamborg O.L., Miller R.A., Ojima K., Nutrient requirement of suspensions MACRO ELEMENTS
cultures of soybean root cells. Exp. Cell Res., 50, 151 (1968). mg/l mM
CaCl2 113.23 1.02
KNO3 2500.00 24.73
G 0209 GAMBORG B5 MEDIUM MgSO 4 121.56 1.01
Micro and Macro elements NaH 2PO4 130.44 1.09
G 0209.0001 1 l (3.1 g) € 2,15 (NH 4)2SO4 134.00 1.01
G 0209.0005 5 l (15.3 g) € 4,85
G 0209.0010 10 l (30.5 g) € 8,10 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3051.98 mg/l
G 0209.0025 25 l (76.3 g) € 14,75
G 0209.0050 50 l (152.6 g) € 25,30
G 0210 GAMBORG B5 MEDIUM mg/l µM
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
G 0210.0001 1l (3.2 g) € 2,15 Nicotinic acid 1.00 8.12
G 0210.0005 5l (15.8 g) € 4,85 Pyridoxine HCl 1.00 4.86
G 0210.0010 10 l (31.6 g) € 8,10 Thiamine HCl 10.00 29.65
G 0210.0025 25 l (79.1 g) € 14,75
G 0210.0050 50 l (158.2 g) € 25,30 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
3163.98 mg/l
Package contains 11.20 g or 28.00 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250
ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution.
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre medium of the final
vitamin concentration.
G 0415.0100
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40
G 0415.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40

Bartels Research B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The medium defined by Gresshoff and Doy is developed for growth MICRO ELEMENTS
of haploid callus and plants of Arabidopsis thaliana cultured from the mg/l µM
diploid anthers. The anthers were removed during the late prophase CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
of meiosis, selecting a genotype favouring callus formation from divid- CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
ing sporocytes on a high auxin - low kinetin concentration in a fully FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
defined medium. Further differentiati­on was induced by transfer to a H 3BO3 0.30 4.85
low auxin - high kinetin medium with a light-dark cycle. Haploid callus KI 0.80 4.82
cultures of tomato, barley and Vitis vinifera have been cultured as well MnSO 4.H2O 1.00 5.92
using this method. Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.025 0.10
ZnSO 4.7H2O 0.30 1.04
Gresshoff P.M. et al., Haploid Arabidopsis thaliana callus and plants
from anther culture. Aust. J. Biol. Sci, 25, 259 (1972).
Gresshoff P.M. et al. , Derivation of a haploid cell line from Vitis vinifera MACRO ELEMENTS
and the importance of the stage of meiotic development of anthers for mg/l mM
haploid culture of this and other genera, Ca(NO3)2.2H2O 208.81 1.04
Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 73, 132-141, (1974). KCl 65.00 0.87
KH 2PO4 300.00 2.20
KNO 3 1000.00 9.89
G 0211 GRESSHOFF & DOY MEDIUM MgSO 4 17.09 0.14
Micro and Macro elements NH4NO3 1000.00 12.49
G 0211.0001 1l (2.6 g) € 2,15
G 0211.0010 10 l (26.3 g) € 8,10 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2630.10 mg/l
G 0211.0050 50 l (131.5 g) € 25,30


Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins mg/l µM
G 0212.0001 1l (2.7 g) € 2,15 Glycine 4.00 53.28
G 0212.0010 10 l (27.5 g) € 8,10 myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
G 0212.0050 50 l (137.3 g) € 25,30 Nicotinic acid 1.00 8.12
Pyridoxine HCl 1.00 4.86
G 0404 GRESSHOF & DOY (DBM2) VITAMIN MIXTURE Thiamine HCl 10.00 29.65
Package contains 11.6 g or 29.0 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 ml
of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution. Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Gresshoff & Doy medi- 2746.10 mg/l
um of the proper final vitamin concentration.
G 0404.0100
Preparation of material before the real meristem is isolated.
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40
Iribov BV the Netherlands,

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Heller R., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Biol. Veg. 11th Ser., 14, 1 (1953). MICRO ELEMENTS
mg/l µM
AlCl3.6H2O 0.054 0.22
H 0213 Heller medium CuSO 4.5H2O 0.03 0.12
Micro and Macro elements FeCl 3.6H2O 1.00 3.70
H 0213.0001 1l (1.6 g) € 2,15 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
H 0213.0005 5l (8.2 g) € 4,85 KI 0.015 0.09
H 0213.0025 25 l (41.1 g) € 14,75 MnSO 4.H2O 0.08 0.47
NiCl 2.6H2O 0.025 0.14
ZnSO 4.7H2O 1.00 3.48

mg/l mM
CaCl2 56.62 0.51
KCl 750.00 10.06
MgSO4 121.56 1.01
NaNO 3 600.00 7.06
NaH2PO4 108.70 0.91

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 1645.29 mg/l

Virus elimination of plants.

Typically meristems of 0,1-0,2 mm are isolated. Sometimes
pretreatment is given (temperature treatment or application
chemicals for virus suppression. Development of culture of
micro-explants is in most cases the critical factor.

Iribov B.V.,
Middenweg 591b
1704 BH Heerhugowaard
The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The medium defined by Kao and Michayluk was designed to grow MICRO ELEMENTS
cells and protoplasts of Vicia hajastana at a very low population mg/l µM
­density in liquid media. The inability of the plant cells to grow at a CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
very low population density may be caused by excessive diffusion of CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
metabolic intermediates into the medium, resulting in their dilution FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
in the cell to a level below that required for survival. Vicia cells were H 3BO3 3.00 48.52
able to grow at an initial population density of 1-2 cells/ml when the KI 0.75 4.52
mineral salt medium was enriched with organic acids, sugars, sugar MnSO 4.H2O 10.00 59.17
alcohols, growth regulators, amino acids and other organic compounds. Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
The percentage of cell division could be increased by raising the ZnSO 4.7H2O 2.00 6.96
­concentration of CaCl2 from 1 mM, as in Gamborg B5, to 5 mM.
Calcium may play an important role in the proces of cell division
because of its ability to preserve the structural and functional integrity MACRO ELEMENTS
of plant cell membranes. mg/l mM
CaCl2 453.00 4.08
Kao K.N., O.L. Gamborg et al., The effects of sugars and inorganic salts KCl 300.00 4.02
on cell regeneration and sustained division in plant proto­plasts. KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
Colloques internationaux C.N.R.S., 212, Protoplastes et fusion de cellules KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
somatiques végétales. MgSO 4 146.84 1.22
Kao K.N. and Michayluk M.R., Nutritional requirements for growth of NH 4NO3 600.00 7.50
Vicia hajastana cells and protoplasts at a very low population density in
liquid media. Planta (Berl.), 126, 105 (1975). Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3622.59 mg/l


Micro and Macro elements
K 0214.0001 1l (3.6 g) € 2,15
K 0214.0005 5l (18.1 g) € 4,85
K 0214.0010 10 l (36.2 g) € 8,10 Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

Morel, G.M., Cymb. Soc. News, 20, (1965). MICRO ELEMENTS
mg/l µM
MODIFICATION MnSO 4.H2O 5.68 33.61
Micro and Macro elements
K 0215.0001 1l (1.9 g) € 2,15
K 0215.0005 5l (9.5 g) € 4,85 MACRO ELEMENTS
K 0215.0010 10 l (18.9 g) € 8,10 mg/l mM
K 0215.0025 25 l (47.4 g) € 14,75 Ca(NO3)2 241.30 1.43
K 0215.0050 50 l (94.7 g) € 25,30 KCl 250.00 3.35
KH 2PO4 250.00 1.84
MgSO 4 122.15 1.02
NH 4NO3 500.00 6.25
(NH 4)2SO4 500.00 3.78

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 1894.13 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Lindemann E.G.P., Amercan. Orch. Bull 39, 1002 (1970). MICRO ELEMENTS
mg/l µM
AlCl3.6H2O 0.56 2.32
Micro and Macro elements FeCitrate 4.40
L 0216.0001 1l (2.6 g) € 2,15 H 3BO3 1.01 16.34
L 0216.0010 10 l (26.0 g) € 8,10 KI 0.10 0.60
L 0216.0050 50 l (129.9 g) € 25,30 MnSO 4.H2O 0.05 0.31
NiCl 2.6H2O 0.03 0.13
ZnSO 4.7H2O 0.57 1.98

mg/l mM
Ca(NO3)2 347.20 2.12
KH 2PO4 135.00 0.99
KCl 1050.00 14.08
MgSO 4 58.98 0.49
(NH4)2SO4 1000.00 7.57

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2597.92 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Linsmaier and Skoog have made a systematic study of the organic MICRO ELEMENTS
­requirements of Tobacco cultures in addition to the studies of mineral requi- mg/l µM
rements done by Murashige and Skoog. It was found that of all MS vitamines CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
only Thiamine and Inositol are essential. The optimum ­concen­tration for CuSO4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
Thiamine HCl was 0.4 mg/l (MS 0.1 mg/l). At a lower concentration growth FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
decreased and the cells became necrotic after 4 weeks. Inositol also had H3BO3 6.20 100.27
a very stimulatory effect on the cell growth but was not as essential as KI 0.83 5.00
Thiamine. All other Murashige & Skoog vitamins were not required for cell MnSO4.H20 16.90 100.00
growth and could be ommitted without any disadventageous effect. Folic Na2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
acid, p-Aminobenzoic acid, l-Glutamic acid and Ascorbic acid also had a ZnSO4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
positive influence on cell growth of Nicotiana tabaccum, however the effect
was much less than that of Thiamine and Inositol.
Linsmaier E.M. and Skoog F., Physiol. Plantarum, 18, 100, (1965). mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
L 0230 LINSMAIER & SKOOG MEDIUM KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
L 0230.0001 1l (4.4 g) € 2,15 MgSO4 180.54 1.50
L 0230.0005 5l (22.0 g) € 4,85 NH4NO3 1650.00 20.61
L 0230.0010 10 l (44.0 g) € 8,10
L 0230.0025 25 l (110.1 g) € 14,75 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4302.09 mg/l
L 0230.0050 50 l (220.1 g) € 25,30


Package contains 10.04 g or 25.10 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 ml mg/l µM
of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution. myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Linsmaier & Skoog medium Thiamine HCl 0.40 1.19
of the proper final vitamin concentration.
L 0406.0100 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40 4402.49 mg/l
L 0406.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40
Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Litvay’s medium is composed for the in vitro culture of cell suspension MICRO ELEMENTS
of Daucus carotus and finally for Pinus taeda L. An increase of the mg/l µM
phosphate concentration from 0.5 mM to 2.5 mM was essential for CoCl2.6H2O 0.125 0.53
improved cell growth and embryo­genesis. Increasing the magnesium CuSO 4.5H2O 0.50 2.00
concentration from 0.75 mM to 7.5 mM and decreasing the calcium FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
concentration from 1.5 mM to 0.15 mM was also of positive i­nfluence. H 3BO3 31.00 501.37
However, these alterations are not as drastical as the improvement by KI 4.15 25.00
the enrichement of the medium by additio­nal ­phosphate. MnSO 4.H2O 21.00 124.25
Litvay J.D., Verma D.C., Morris A.J., Plant Cell Rep., 4, 325 (1985). Na 2MoO4.2H2O 1.25 5.17
ZnSO 4.7H2O 43.00 149.54
Micro and Macro elements
L 0217.0001 1l (5.0 g) € 2,15 MACRO ELEMENTS
L 0217.0010 10 l (49.5 g) € 8,10 mg/l mM
L 0217.0050 50 l (247.4 g) € 25,30 CaCl2 16.61 0.15
KH2PO4 340.00 2.50
L 0218 LITVAY MEDIUM KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins MgSO 4 903.38 7.51
L 0218.0001 1l (5.1 g) € 2,15 NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61
L 0218.0010 10 l (50.5 g) € 8,10
L 0218.0050 50 l (252.4 g) € 25,30 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4947.72 mg/l


Package contains 10.07 g or 25.18 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 VITAMINS
ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution. mg/l µM
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Litvay medium of the myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
proper final vitamin concentration. Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
L 0407.0100 Pyridoxine HCl 0.10 0.49
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40 Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30
L 0407.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including
vitamins: 5048.42 mg/l
Astilbe propagation,
SBW International BV, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Lloyd G. and McCown. Commercially-feasible micropropagation of MICRO ELEMENTS

mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia, by use of shoot-tip culture. mg/l µM
B., Int. Plant Prop. Soc. Proc. 30, 421 (1980). CuSO4.5H2O 0.25 1.00
FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
M 0219 McCOWN WOODY PLANT MEDIUM H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
Micro and Macro elements MnSO 4.H2O 22.30 131.94
M 0219.0001 1l (2.4 g) € 2,15 Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
M 0219.0005 5l (11.8 g) € 4,85 ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
M 0219.0010 10 l (23.6 g) € 8,10
M 0219.0025 25 l (59.0 g) € 14,75
M 0219.0050 50 l (117.9 g) € 25,30 MACRO ELEMENTS
mg/l mM
M 0220 McCOWN WOODY PLANT MEDIUM CaCl2 72.50 0.65
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins Ca(NO3)2 .4H2O 471.26 2.35
M 0220.0001 1l (2.5 g) € 2,15 KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
M 0220.0005 5l (12.3 g) € 4,85 K 2SO4 990.00 5.68
M 0220.0010 10 l (24.6 g) € 8,10 MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
M 0220.0025 25 l (61.6 g) € 14,75 NH 4NO3 400.00 5.00
M 0220.0050 50 l (123.13 g) € 25,30
Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2358.60 mg/l
Package contains 10.4 g or 26.0 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 ml VITAMINS
of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution. mg/l µM
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre McCown Woody Plant Glycine 2.00 26.64
medium of the proper final vitamin concentration. myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
M 0408.0100 Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40 Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
M 0408.0250 Thiamine HCl 1.00 2.96
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40
Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
2462.60 mg/l
Anthurium propagation,
SBW International BV, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


MS medium is the most used tissue culture medium, of which many MICRO ELEMENTS
variations have been develo­ped. The medium is de­rived from White’s mg/l µM
medium and originally developed for the cultivation of Nicotiana CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
tabacum calli. Compa­red to the White medium, the concentration CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
of all ingredients is increased. An increase to 50-60 mM nitrogen FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
stimula­ted the growth of Nicotiana cells significantly, however a H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
­concentration of 80 mM and higher was clearly disadvanta­geous to KI 0.83 5.00
the cells. The increase of all other elements, especial­ly the macro MnSO 4.H2O 16.90 100.00
­elements, also stimula­ted the growth of the calli. Due to the high Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
concentra­tion of minerals, MS medium is a very rich and ­saline ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
­medium and can be too salty to certain plant spe­cies. To avoid this
problem, MS is often used with the micro elements in full concentration,
but with the macro elements in respectively half or three­quarter of MACRO ELEMENTS
the concen­tra­tion as originally descri­bed by the authors. Someti­mes mg/l mM
the original MS vitamines are replaced by the vitamins of Linsmaier CaCl2 332.02 2.99
and Gamborg B5 medium regarding the higher concentra­tion of KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
Thiamine in relation to the require­ment of this vitamin by plants. KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
Murashi­ge T. and Skoog F., Physiol. Plant, 15, 473 (1962). NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61

M 0221 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4302.09 mg/l
Micro and Macro elements
M 0221.0001 1l (4.3 g) € 2,15
M 0221.0005 5l (21.5 g) € 4,85 VITAMINS
M 0221.0010 10 l (43.0 g) € 8,10 mg/l µM
M 0221.0025 25 l (107.6 g) € 14,75 Glycine 2.00 26.64
M 0221.0050 50 l (215.1 g) € 25,30 myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
M 0222 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30

M 0222.0001 1 l (4.4 g) € 2,15 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
M 0222.0005 5 l (22.0 g) € 4,85 4405.19 mg/l
M 0222.0010 10 l (44.1 g) € 8,10
M 0222.0025 25 l (110.1 g) € 14,75
M 0222.0050 50 l (220.3 g) € 25,30


Package contains 10.31 g or 25.80 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250
ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution.
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litere MS medium of the
proper final vitamin concentration.
M 0409.0100
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40
M 0409.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40

Onion micropropagation.
Ing. Bernadette van Kronenberg and Dr. Olga Scholten,
Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


including Modified Vitamins MICRO ELEMENTS

mg/l µM
M 0245 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
Micro and Macro elements including Modified Vitamins CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
M 0245.0001 1l (4.4 g) € 2,15 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
M 0245.0010 10 l (44.1 g) € 8,10 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
M 0245.0050 50 l (220.3 g) € 25,30 KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
Package contains 10.40 g or 26.00 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250
ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution.
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre MS medium of the pro- MACRO ELEMENTS
per final vitamin concentration. mg/l mM
M 0408.0100 CaCl2 332.02 2.99
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,40 KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
M 0408.0250 KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 6,40 MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4302,09 mg/l

VITAMINS, 10x concentration of Thiamine HCl

mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Thiamine HCl 1.00 2.96
Apple at the start of a subculture cycle.
Dr. Geert-Jan de Klerk, Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
Wageningen UR Plant Breeding 4406.09 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


including Gamborg B5 vitamins MICRO ELEMENTS

mg/l µM
CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
M 0231 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
Micro and Macro elements including FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
Gamborg B5 Vitamins H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
M 0231.0001 1l (4.4 g) € 2,15 KI 0.83 5.00
M 0231.0005 5l (22.1 g) € 4,85 MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
M 0231.0010 10 l (44.1 g) € 8,10 Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
M 0231.0025 25 l (110.4 g) € 14,75 ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
M 0231.0050 50 l (220.7 g) € 25,30

mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4302.09 mg/l

VITAMINS, Gamborg B5
mg/l µM
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 1.00 8.12
Pyridoxine HCl 1.00 4.86
Thiamine HCl 10.00 29.65

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:

4414.09 mg/l

Transgenic apple scion grafted on a non-transgenic rootstock.

Dr. Frans Krens.

Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


including Nitsch vitamins MICRO ELEMENTS

mg/l µM
To improve the growth of Geranium species in tissue culture the CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
­original vitamins as described by Murashige and Skoog in 1962 are CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
replaced by the vitamins as described by Nitsch et al in 1969. FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
Nitsch J.P. and Nitsch C., Science 169, 85 (1969). KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H2O 16.90 100.00
Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
M 0256 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
Micro and Macro elements including Nitsch vitamins
M 0256.0001 1l (4.4 g) € 2,15
M 0256.0010 10 l (44.1 g) € 8,10 MACRO ELEMENTS
M 0256.0050 50 l (220.5 g) € 25,30 mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4302,09 mg/ml

mg/l µM
Biotin 0.05 0.21
Folic acid 0.50 1.13
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 5.00 40.62
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Thiamine HCl 0.50 1.48

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:

4410.64 mg/l

Multiple transgenic apple scions grafted on non-transgenic

rootstocks ready for a greenhouse scab-resistance assay.

Dr. Frans Krens.

Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


including MES Buffer MICRO ELEMENTS

mg/l µM
To prevent acidification of the medium during cultivation in this CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
­formulation of Murashige and Skoog medium MES ­ CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
(2-MorpholinoEthaneSulfonic acid (cat. no. M 1501)) has been added FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
in a concentration of 500 mg/l. Applied as a buffer in Plant Tissue H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
Culture media, MES is non toxic for plant tissue and plant cells and KI 0.83 5.00
makes almost no interacti­ons with inorganic cations present in the MnSO 4.H2O 16.90 100.00
medium. MES is an excellent buffer for use in Plant Tissue Culture Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
media, because of high buffer capacity and its pH range of ­5.5 - 6.7. ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91


Micro and Macro elements including MES Buffer mg/l mM
M 0254.0001 1l (4.8 g) € 2,15 CaCl2 332.02 2.99
M 0254.0010 10 l (48.0 g) € 8,10 KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
M 0254.0050 50 l (240.1 g) € 30,65 KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
M 0255 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61
Micro and Macro elements incl. Vitamins and MES Buffer
M 0255.0001 1l (4.9 g) € 2,15
M 0255.0010 10 l (49.1 g) € 8,10 BUFFER
M 0255.0050 50 l (245.3 g) € 30,65 mg/l mM
MES 500.00 2.35

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including MES buffer:

4802.09 mg/l

mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Pyridoxin HCl 0.50 2.43
Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including MES buffer

and vitamins: 4905.19 mg/l

Flowers of transgenic Crambe abyssinica (fam. Cruciferea) plants.

Dr. Frans Krens.

Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



No. 1 A mg/l µM
Micro and 1/2 concentration Macro elements CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
M 0232.0001 1l (2.2 g) € 2,15 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
M 0232.0010 10 l (21.8 g) € 8,10 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
M 0232.0050 50 l (109.2 g) € 25,30 KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
No. 1 B ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
Micro and 1/2 concentration Macro elements
including Vitamins
M 0233.0001 1l (2.3 g) € 2,15 MACRO ELEMENTS
M 0233.0010 10 l (22.9 g) € 8,10 mg/l mM
M 0233.0050 50 l (114.3 g) € 25,30 CaCl2 166.00 1.50
KH2PO4 85.00 0.63
KNO 3 950.00 9.40
MgSO4 87.86 0.73
NH4NO3 825.00 10.30

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2183.39 mg/l

mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Seeds set after selfing on transgenic Crambe abyssinica plants. Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30

Dr. Frans Krens. Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
Wageningen UR Plant Breeding 2286.49 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



No. 2 A mg/l µM
Micro and 3/4 concentration Macro elements CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
M 0234.0001 1l (3.2 g) € 2,15 CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
M 0234.0010 10 l (32.4 g) € 8,10 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
M 0234.0050 50 l (162.2 g) € 25,30 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
KI 0.83 5.00
No. 2 B Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
Micro and 3/4 concentration Macro elements ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
including Vitamins
M 0235.0001 1l (3.3 g) € 2,15
M 0235.0010 10 l (33.5 g) € 8,10 MACRO ELEMENTS, 3/4 concentration
M 0235.0050 50 l (167.4 g) € 25,30 mg/l mM
CaCl2 249.02 2.24
KH2PO4 127.50 0.94
KNO 3 1425.00 14.09
MgSO 4 136.01 1.13
NH 4NO3 1237.50 15.46

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3244.56 mg/l

mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30

Echeveria micropropagation, Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands 3347.66 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



No. 3 A mg/l µM
Micro and Macro elements CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
1/2 concentration NH 4NO3 and KNO 3 CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
M 0236.0001 1l (2.5 g) € 2,15 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
M 0236.0010 10 l (25.3 g) € 8,10 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
M 0236.0050 50 l (126.4 g) € 25,30 KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H2O 16.90 100.00
No. 3 B ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
Micro and Macro elements
1/2 concentration NH 4NO3 and KNO 3 including Vitamins
M 0237.0001 1l (2.6 g) € 2,15 MACRO ELEMENTS, 1/2 concentration NH4NO3 and KNO3
M 0237.0010 10 l (26.3 g) € 8,10 mg/l mM
M 0237.0050 50 l (131.5 g) € 25,30 CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 950.00 9.40
MgSO4 180.54 1.50
NH 4NO3 825.00 10.30

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2527.09 mg/l

mg/l µM
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30

Variegated Haworthia micropropagation, Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands 2630.19 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



mg/l µM
M 0238 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MODIFICATION No. 4 CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
NH 4NO3 Free CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
M 0238.0001 1l (2.7 g) € 2,15 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
M 0238.0010 10 l (26.5 g) € 8,10 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
M 0238.0050 50 l (132.6 g) € 25,30 KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91


mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2652.09 mg/l


MODIFICATION No. 5: NH4NO3 replaced by NaNO3

No. 5 NH 4NO3 replaced by NaNO 3 mg/l µM
M 0239.0001 1l (4.4 g) € 2,15 CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
M 0239.0010 10 l (44.0 g) € 8,10 CuSO4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
M 0239.0050 50 l (220.2 g) € 25,30 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
H3BO3 6.20 100.27
KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91

MACRO ELEMENTS, NH4NO3 replaced by NaNO3

mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.00 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NaNO 3 1751.00 20.60

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4403.07 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



(1.6 x concentration of KNO3 / 0.5 x concentration of NH4NO3)

A rapidly growing, maintainable, embryogenic suspension culture of MICRO ELEMENTS

Glycine max. could be genera­ted in a revised version of MS medium. mg/l µM
Highly embryogenic callus was cultivated in MS medium with CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
Gamborg B5 vitamins and 5 mg/l 2,4-D. Substitution of MS nitrogen CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 100.00
with 10 mM NH4NO3 and 30 mM KNO3 plus 15 mM Glutamine or 5 FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.27
mM Asparagine improved the growth of the calli suspensi­on. H 3BO3 6.20 0.10
KI 0.83 5.00
Finer J.J., and Nagasawa A, Development of an embryogenic suspension MnSO4.H 20 16.90 100.00
culture of soybean (Glycine max. Merril). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Na2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
Culture, 15, 125, (1988). ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91

M 0240 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM FINER & MACRO ELEMENTS, (1.6 x concentration of KNO3 /
­NAGASAWA MODIFICATION 0.5 x concentration of NH4NO3)
Micro and Macro elements mg/l mM
M 0240.0001 1l (4.6 g) € 2,15 CaCl2 332.02 2.99
M 0240.0010 10 l (46.1 g) € 8,10 KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
M 0240.0050 50 l (230.4 g) € 25,30 KNO 3 3030.00 29.97
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NH 4NO3 825.00 10.30

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4607.09 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



mg/l µM
CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
FeNaEDTA replaced by FeEDDHA as iron source CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
Fe-EDDHA is a highly stabile chelate providing a source of iron that FeEDDHA 96.00
is easily absorbed by plants. In vitro propagation of the rose rootstock H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
‘Moneyway’, on Murashige & Skoog and Quirin & LePoivre medium KI 0.83 5.00
resulted, despite good growth, after three weeks in chlorosis of MnSO ­4.H20 16.90 100.00
newly formed leaves and was correlated with a lower chlorophyll Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
content of shoots. Replacement of FeNaEDTA by FeEDDHA resulted ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91
in the development of green shoots for more than three months.

L. Moneyway, van der Salm T.M.P. et al., Importance of the iron chelate MACRO ELEMENTS
formula for micropropagation of Rosa hybrida Plant Cell Tiss. and Organ mg/l mM
Cult, 37: 73-77, 1994 CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
M 0241 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM van der SALM MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
MODIFICATION NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61
Micro and Macro elements
M 0241.0001 1l (4.4 g) € 2,15 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4361.39 mg/l
M 0241.0010 10 l (43.6 g) € 8,10
M 0241.0050 50 l (218.1 g) € 25,30
M 0242 MURASHIGE & SKOOG MEDIUM van der SALM mg/l µM
MODIFICATION Glycine 2.00 26.64
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
M 0242.0001 1l (4.5 g) € 2,15 Nicotinic acid 0.50 4.06
M 0242.0010 10 l (44.6 g) € 8,10 Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
M 0242.0050 50 l (223.2 g) € 25,30 Thiamine HCl 0.10 0.30

Echeveria micropropagation, Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands 4464.49 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



A procedure for clonal multiplication of Cordyline terminalis, Dracena god- MICRO ELEMENTS
seffian, Scindapsus aureus and Syngonium podophyllum was established mg/l µM
using MS minerals, LS vitamins and 3% sucrose. The ­optimum for CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
2-iP, kinetin and IAA was determined for each plant species. CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
Addition of Phosp­hate increased the multipli­cation rate signifi­cantly. FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
Adenine sulphate had a repressi­ve action on shoot multiplication of H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
Syngonium and was omit­ted from the medium. KI 0.83 5.00
MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
Murashige T. and Miller L.R., In Vitro, 12, 796, (1976). Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91


M 0243.0001 1l (4.7 g) € 2,15 mg/l mM
M 0243.0010 10 l (47.0 g) € 8,10 CaCl2 332.02 2.99
M 0243.0050 50 l (234.9 g) € 25,30 KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO 4 180.54 1.50
NaH 2PO4.anhydrous 295.41 2.15
NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4597.50mg/l

mg/l µM
Hardening of TC plants. Compartment with first fase after tissue myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
culture. Humidity controlled with fog system. Thiamine HCl 0.40 1.19

Cosmo Plant, joint hardening facility of Iribov, Allplant and Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
Maatschap Holtmaat. 4697.90 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a



Huang L.C. and Murashige T., TCA Manual, 3 (1), 539 (1976). MICRO ELEMENTS
mg/l µM
CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
M 0244.0001 1l (4.5 g) € 2,15 H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
M 0244.0010 10 l (45.3 g) € 8,10 KI 0.83 5.00
M 0244.0050 50 l (226.6 g) € 25,30 MnSO 4.H20 16.90 100.00
Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91

mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.02 2.99
KH2PO4 170.00 1.25
KNO 3 1900.00 18.79
MgSO4 180.54 1.50
NaH2PO4.anhydrous 128.40 1.07
NH 4NO3 1650.00 20.61

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4430.49 mg/l

mg/l µM
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Thiamine HCl 0.40 1.19

Agavaceae micropropagation, Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands 4530.89 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The medium defined by Nitsch was used in the production of haploid MICRO ELEMENTS
plants of various species of Nicotiana raised from pollen grains. In mg/l µM
this procedure, pollen that were still uninucleate were isolated and CuSO4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
then cultured in vitro. Some pollen grains proliferate into embryo-like FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
structures that develop in stages similar to those of zygotic embryos. H 3BO3 10.00 161.73
The plantlets matured and flowered profusely, but did not set seed. MnSO 4.H2O 18.94 111.94
Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
Nitsch J.P. and Nitsch C., Haploid plants from pollen grains, Science ZnSO 4.7H2O 10.00 34.78
169, 85 (1969).
Nitsch J.P., Experimental androgenesis in Nicotiana, Phytomorphology
19, 389 (1969). MACRO ELEMENTS
mg/l mM
CaCl2 166.00 1.50
N 0223 NITSCH MEDIUM KH2PO4 68.00 0.50
Micro and Macro elements KNO 3 950.00 9.40
N 0223.0001 1l (2.1 g) € 2,15 MgSO4 90.27 0.75
N 0223.0005 5l (10.4 g) € 4,85 NH4NO3 720.00 9.00
N 0223.0010 10 l (20.7 g) € 8,10
N 0223.0025 25 l (51.8 g) € 14,75 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2070.19 mg/l
N 0223.0050 50 l (103.5 g) € 25,30


Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins mg/l µM
N 0224.0001 1l (2.2 g) € 2,15 Biotin 0.05 0.21
N 0224.0005 5l (10.9 g) € 4,85 Folic acid 0.50 1.13
N 0224.0010 10 l (21.8 g) € 8,10 Glycine 2.00 26.64
N 0224.0025 25 l (54.5 g) € 14,75 myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
N 0224.0050 50 l (108.9 g) € 25,30 Nicotinic acid 5.00 40.62
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
N 0410 NITSCH VITAMIN MIXTURE Thiamine HCl 0.50 1.48
Package contains 10.85 or 27.13 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250
ml of a 1000 X vitamin stock solution. Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:
Use 1 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Nitsch medium of the 2178.74 mg/l
proper final vitamin concentration.
N 0410.0100
Package to prepare 100 ml 1000 X stock solution € 4,50
N 0410.0250
Package to prepare 250 ml 1000 X stock solution € 7,00

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The composition of the NLN medium originated from the medium MICRO ELEMENTS
described by Nitsch. The medium was developed for anthercultures of mg/l µM
Brassica Napus in liquid medium and the induction of haploid plants CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
from isolated pollen. NLN medium is provided free of Calcium nitrate. CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
In the original medium Ca(NO3)2.4H2O is present in a concentration FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
of 500 mg/l. H 3BO3 10.00 161.73
To prepare the proper NLN medium formulation 500 mg/l MnSO 4.H2O 18.95 111.94
Ca(NO3)2.4H2O has to be added extra to the already dissolved pow- Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
dered medium. ZnSO 4.7H2O 10.00 34.78

Lichter, R., Z. Planzephysiol., 103, 229-237, 1981

Lichter, R., Z. Planzephysiol., 105, 427-434, 1982 MACRO ELEMENTS, Ca(NO3)2.4H2O Free
mg/l mM
KH2PO4 125.00 0.92
N 0252 NLN MEDIUM KNO 3 125.00 1.24
Micro and Macro elements MgSO4 61.00 0.51
N 0252.0001 1l (0.4 g) € 2,15
N 0252.0010 10 l (3.9 g) € 8,10 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 386.95 mg/l
N 0252.0050 50 l (19.3 g) € 25,30


Vitamin mixture mg/l µM
N 0253.0001 1l (1.0 g) € 2,15 D(+)-Biotine 0.05 0.21
N 0253.0010 10 l (10.4 g) € 8,10 Folic Acid 0.50 1.13
N 0253.0050 50 l (51.9 g) € 25,30 L-Glutamine 800.00 5473.83
Gluthatione (reduced) 30.00 97.61
Glycine 2.00 26.64
Myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic Acid 5.00 40.62
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
L-Serine 100.00 951.57
Thiamine HCl 0.50 1.48

Total concentration vitamins: 1038.55 mg/l

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Orchid maintenance medium

Orchimax medium is a nutritious and well buffered medium for the MICRO ELEMENTS
cultivation of orchid species. Besides sucrose and the required inor- mg/l µM
ganics and vitamins, the medium is enriched by trypton to provide CoCl2.6H2O 0.0125 0.05
an additional source of reduced organic nitrogen, vitamins and nutri- CuSO 4.5H2O 0.0125 0.05
tional agents. To prevent acidification during the cultivation of the FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
plants, 1 gram of MES (Morpholino Ethane Sulfonic acid) is present H 3BO3 3.10 50.16
in the medium. KI 0.415 2.50
Applied as a buffer in Plant Tissue Culture media MES is non-toxic MnSO 4.H2O 8.45 50.00
for plant tissue and plant cells and makes almost no interacti­ons with Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.125 0.52
inorganic cations as being present in the medium. MES is an excel- ZnSO 4.7H2O 5.30 18.42
lent buffer for use in Plant Tissue Culture media because of its high
buffer capacity its pH range of 5.5 - 6.7.
mg/l mM
O 0257 ORCHIMAX CaCl2 166.00 1.50
without activated charcoal KH2PO4 85.00 0.62
O 0257.0001 1l 25.3 g € 2,00 KNO 3 950.00 9.40
O 0257.0010 10 l 252.8 g € 7,60 MgSO4 90.35 0.75
O 0257.0016 16 l 404.5 g € 12,20 NH4NO3 825.00 10.31

O 0262 ORCHIMAX Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 2170.47 mg/l
including activated charcoal
O 0262.0001 1l 27.3 g € 2,10
O 0262.0010 10 l 272.8 g € 8,30 VITAMINS
O 0262.0016 16 l 436.5 g € 13,20 mg/l µM
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 1.00 8.12
Pyridoxin HCl 1.00 4.86
Thiamine HCl 10.00 29.65

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including MES buffer

and vitamins : 2292.47mg/l

mg/l mM
MES 1000.00 4.69

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including MES

buffer: 3170.47mg/l

g/l mM
Sucrose 20.0 58.43
Tryptone 2.0
Activated charcoal 2.0

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including MES

buffer, vitamins and organics: 27.28 g/l

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Prunus species plantlets could be regenerated from root callus on a MICRO ELEMENTS
medium defined by Quirin and Lepoivre. The calli were formed on the mg/l µM
roots of plantlets derived from meristem culture containing 6-benzyl- CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
aminopurine and Gibberellic acid. Micropropagation of Rosa hybrida CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025 0.10
L. cultivars is also described on this medium. FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
Quoirin & Lepoivre medium has several differences in comparison to H 3BO3 6.20 100.27
Murashige & Skoog. The ammonium ion concentration is strongly KI 0.08 0.48
reduced, the calcium ion concentration is ­increased and the chlorine MnSO 4.H2O 0.76 4.50
ions are almost eliminated. This formulation avoids vitrification Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
problems. ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60 29.91

Druart. P., Sci. Hort., 12, 339-342, (1980).

Quoirin M. and Lepoivre P., Acta Hort, 78, 437, (1977). MACRO ELEMENTS
Valles. M., Boxus, Ph., Acta Hort., 212, (1987). mg/l mM
Ca(NO3)2.anhydrous 578.92 3.53
KH 2PO4 270.00 1.99
Q 0250 QUOIRIN & LEPOIVRE MEDIUM KNO 3 1800.00 17.82
Micro and Macro elements MgSO 4 175.79 1.46
Q 0250.0001 1l (3.3 g) € 2,15 NH 4NO3 400.00 5.00
Q 0250.0010 10 l (32.8 g) € 8,10
Q 0250.0050 50 l (163.9 g) € 25,30 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3278.00 mg/l


Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins VITAMINS
Q 0251.0001 1l (3.4 g) € 2,15 mg/l µM
Q 0251.0010 10 l (33.8 g) € 8,10 myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Q 0251.0050 50 l (168.9 g) € 25,30 Thiamine HCl 0.40 1.19

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including ­vitamins:

3378.40 mg/l

Geranium propagation, SBW International BV

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


The Olive (Olea europaea sativa L.) plays an important role in the MICRO ELEMENTS
economies of countries in the Mediterranean area. The in vitro mg/l µM
culture of Olive, a particular difficult species to propagate in vitro, CoCl2.6H2O 0.025 0.11
required the development of a specific medium formulation. Rugini CuSO 4.5H2O 0.25 1.00
medium is dedicated to the proliferation of the olive shoots. The FeNaEDTA 36.70 100.00
medium has an enriched composition compared to MS. Olive tissues H 3BO3 12.40 200.55
are characterized by a high content of Ca, Mg, S, Cu and Zn. The best KI 0.83 5.00
nitrogen source is a combination of NO3- and NH4+ supplemented MnSO 4.H2O 16.90 100.00
with glutamine 2,19 mg/l. The better carbon source is mannitol (30- Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25 1.03
36 gr/l) compared to sucrose. A better cytokinin to be used is zeatin: ZnSO 4.7H2O 14.30 49.75
1 mg/l if filter sterilized, 3-4 mg/l when autoclaved. TDZ and 2iP are
less effective. Shoots grow more rapidly compared to other media.
The proliferation rate increases and more tender, sturdier shoots with MACRO ELEMENTS
less basal callus are obtained. mg/l mM
CaCl2 332.16 2.99
Rugini E., In vitro propagation of some olive cultivars, Scientia Ca(NO 3)2 416.92 2.54
Horticulturae 24, 123 (1984) KCl 500.00 6.71
Jacoboni A., Luppino M., Rugini E., Role of basal shoot darkening KH 2PO4 340.00 2.50
Scientia Horticolturae, 53:63 (1993) KNO 3 1100.00 10.88
MgSO 4 732.60 6.09
NH 4NO3 412.00 5.15
R 0258.0001 1l (4.02 g) € 2,15 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3915.34 mg/l
R 0258.0010 10 l (40.24 g) € 8,10
R 0258.0050 50 l (201.18 g) € 25,30
mg/l µM
Biotin 0.05 0.20
Folic acid 0.50 1.13
Glycine 2.00 26.64
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic acid 5.00 40.62
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50 2.43
Thiamine HCl 0.50 1.48

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:

Heuchera propagation, SBW International BV 4023.89 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Schenk en Hildebrandt medium has been developed for growth of both MICRO ELEMENTS
monocotyle and dicotyle cell suspensions. A high level of auxin-type mg/l µM
growth regulators, 2,4-D (0.5 mg/l) and 4-CPA (2.0 mg/l), g­enerally CoCl2.6H2O 0.10 0.42
favoured monocoty­ledonous cell cul­tu­r­es, while low levels of cytokin, CuSO 4.5H2O 0.20 0.80
kinetin (0.1 mg/l), were essential for most dicotyledonous cell cultures. FeNaEDTA 19.80 53.94
H 3BO3 5.00 80.87
Schenk R.U. and Hildebrandt A.C., Medium and techniques for induc- KI 1.00 6.02
tion and growth of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant cell MnSO 4.H2O 10.00 59.16
cultures. Can. J. Bot. 50, 199 (1972). Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.10 0.41
ZnSO 4.7H2O 1.00 3.48


Micro and Macro elements MACRO ELEMENTS
S 0225.0001 1l (3.2 g) € 2,15 mg/l mM
S 0225.0010 10 l (31.8 g) € 8,10 CaCl2 151.00 1.36
S 0225.0050 50 l (159.2 g) € 25,30 KNO3 2500.00 24.73
MgSO 4 195.05 1.62
Package contains 10.1 g or 25.3 g vitamins to prepare 100 ml or 250 ml
of a 100 X vitamin stock solution. Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 3183.25 mg/l
Use 10 ml vitamin stock solution to prepare 1 litre Schenk & Hildebrandt
medium of the proper final vitamin concentration.
S 0411.0100 VITAMINS
Package to prepare 100 ml 100 X stock solution € 4,40 mg/l µM
S 0411.0250 myo-Inositol 1000.0 5549.39
Package to prepare 250 ml 100 X stock solution € 6,40 Nicotinic acid 5.0 40.61
Pyridoxine HCl 0.5 2.43
Thiamine HCl 5.0 14.82

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:


Echinaceae propagation, SBW International BV

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

 - MEDIUM Milieu S Milieu de Bouturage

Bourgin J.P., Chupeau Y., Missonnier C., Physiol Plant, 45, 288-292, MICRO ELEMENTS, Heller medium
1979 mg/l µM
AlCl3.6H2O 0.05 0.21
Chupeau et al., Biotechnology, 7, 503-507, 1989 CuSO 4.5H2O 0.03 0.12
Ferric Ammonium Citrate 50.00 160.00
H 3BO3 1.00 16.17
S 0261 S-Medium KI 0.01 0.06
Micro and Macro elements including vitamins, buffer MnSO4.H2O 0.10 0.59
and organics NiCl 2.6H2O 0.03 0.13
S 0261.0001 1l (13.0 g) € 2,15 ZnSO 4.7H2O 1.00 0.48
S 0261.0010 10 l (129.7 g) € 8,10
MACRO ELEMENTS, 1/2 concentration MS medium
mg/l mM
CaCl2. 166.12 1.50
KH2PO4 85.00 0.62
KNO 3 950.00 9.40
MgSO4 90.30 0.75
NH4NO3 825.00 10.31

Vitamins, Morel and Wetmore medium

mg/l µM
Biotine 0.01 0.04
myo-Inositol 100.00 554.94
Nicotinic Acid 1.00 8.12
Pantothenate Ca.salt 1.00 2.10
Pyridoxine HCl 1.00 4.86
Thiamine HCl 1.00 2.96

Buffer, Organics
mg/l mM
MES 700.00 3.59
Sucrose 10,000.00 29.21

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands Total concentration: 12,972.65 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


A significant improvement in the initiation of embryogenic cultures of MICRO ELEMENTS

loblolly pine from immature seeds was achieved on Westvaco’s WV5 mg/l µM
medium defined by Coke with the addition of 30 g/l sucrose, 3 mg/l 2,4- CoCl2 . 6H2O 0.025 0.11
D, 0.5 mg/l BA, 500 mg/l casein hydrolysate, and 1.25 mg/l Gelrite™. CuSO 4 . 5H2O 0.25 1.00
Up to a threefold increase in embryogenic culture initiation was seen with FeNaEDTA 36.71 100.00
WV5 medium over other published media. WV5 medium was also found H 3BO3 31.00 501.37
suitable for embryo development. KI 0.83 5.00
Shoot cultures of loblolly pine have also been established and micro- MnSO 4 . H2O 15.16 89.69
propagated using Westvaco’s WV5 medium. Seedling shoots cultured Na 2MoO4 . 2H2O 0.25 1.03
on WV5 medium with 20 g/l sucrose, 5 g/l activated charcoal, and 8 g/l ZnSO 4 . 7H2O 8.60 29.91
agar showed improved survival and shoot growth compared to that seen
with other published media. Shoot quality was excellent and rooting
response was good. MACRO ELEMENTS
mg/l mM
Coke J.E, Basal nutrient medium for in vitro cultures of loblolly pine. CaCl2 452.88 4.08
United States Patent#5,534,433. July 9, 1996. KCl 718.67 9.64
KH 2PO4 270.00 1.98
KNO 3 1084.06 10.72
W 0260 WESTVACO WV5 MEDIUM MgSO 4 903.79 7.51
Micro and Macro elements including Vitamins NH 4NO3 700.00 8.74
W 0260.0001 1l (5.2 g) € 2,15
W 0260.0010 10 l (52.2 g) € 8,40 Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 4222.23 mg/l
W 0260.0050 50 l (261.1 g) € 27,80

mg/l µM
myo-Inositol 1000.00 5549.39
Thiamine HCl 0.40 1.19

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements including vitamins:

Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands 5222.63 mg/l

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Vacin E.F. and Went E.W., Bot. Gaz. 110, 605 (1949). MICRO ELEMENTS
mg/l µM
Fe2(C4H 4O6)3 23.13 32.49
V 0226 VACIN & WENT MEDIUM MnSO 4.H2O 5.68 33.61
Micro and Macro elements
V 0226.0001 1l (1.6 g) € 2,15
V 0226.0010 10 l (16.3 g) € 8,10 MACRO ELEMENTS
V 0226.0050 50 l (81.3 g) € 25,30 mg/l mM
Ca3(PO4)2 200.00 0.64
KH 2PO4 250.00 1.84
KNO 3 525.00 5.19
MgSO4 122.00 1.01
(NH 4)2SO4 500.00 3.78

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 1625.81 mg/l

Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


White P.R., The cultivation of Animal and Plant Cells, Ronald Press, MICRO ELEMENTS
New York (1963). mg/l µM
CuSO 4.5H2O 0.001 4.0 x 10-3
FeSO4.7H2O 3.47 12.48
W 0227 WHITE MEDIUM H 3BO3 1.50 24.26
Micro and Macro elements KI 0.75 4.52
W 0227.0001 1l (0.96 g) € 2,15 MnSO 4.H2O 5.31 31.42
W 0227.0010 10 l (9.64 g) € 8,10 MoO 3 0.0001 0.69 x 10 -3
W 0227.0050 50 l (48.2 g) € 25,30 Na2SO4 200.00 1400.05
ZnSO 4.7H2O 2.67 9.29

mg/l mM
Ca(NO3)2 anhydrous 208.47 1.27
KCl 65.00 0.87
KNO 3 80.00 0.79
MgSO 4 351.60 2.92
NaH 2PO4 16.80 0.14

Total concentration Micro and Macro elements: 963.39 mg/l

Genetically modified strawberries with a changed

antioxidant composition.

Dr. Jan Schaart

Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


Using ready-made mineral mixtures, the creation of variations in Biochemie B.V. has created micro and macro mixtures. The medium
the concentration of the various components­is difficult. The addi- is divided into micro and macro components and ammonium or
tion of some minerals is feasible, but decreasing the concentration potassi­um nitrate, so the concentration of media components can be
of specific minerals is not possible. In practice this may prove to be varied as needed. The composition of the various micro- and macro
a disadvantage. In order to counterbalance this drawback, Duchefa media is described on the following pages.


To obtain the proper concentration of Gamborg’s B5 medium add MICRO-SALT MIXTURE

to 1 litre demi water: mg/l
CoCl2.6H2O 0.025
• 1.00 g micro-salt mixture CuSO 4.5H2O 0.025
• 1.00 g macro-salt mixture FeNaEDTA 36.70
• 1.05 g (1051.98 mg) potassium nitrate H 3BO3 3.00
KI 0.75
MnSO 4.H2O 10.00
M 0302 MICRO-SALT MIXTURE B5 Na 2MoO4.2H2O 0.25
M 0302.0025 25 l (25.00 g) € 7,60 ZnSO 4.7H2O 2.00
KNO 3 947.25
M 0304.0025 25 l (25.00 g) € 7,60 Total concentration Micro-salt mixture 1000.00 mg/l

CaCl2 113.23
NaH2PO4 130.44
(NH4) 2SO4 134.00
MgSO 4 121.56
KNO 3 500.77

Total concentration Macro-salt mixture 1000.00 mg/l

KNO3 1051.98

Genetically modified strawberries with a changed

antioxidant composition.

Dr. Jan Schaart

Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


To obtain the proper concentration of MS medium add to 1 litre MICRO-SALT MIXTURE

demi water: mg/l
CoCl2.6H2O 0.025
• 1.00 g micro-salt mixture CuSO 4.5H20 0.025
• 1.65 g (1652.09 mg) macro-salt mixture FeNaEDTA 36.70
• 1.65 g ammonium nitrate H 3BO3 6.20
KI 0.83
MnSO 4.H2O 16.90
M 0301.0025 25 l (25.00 g) € 7,60 ZnSO 4.7H2O 8.60
M 0301.0050 50 l (50.00 g) € 12,60 KNO 3 930.47

M 0305 MACRO-SALT MIXTURE MS Total concentration Micro-salt mixture 1000.00 mg/l

M 0305.0025 25 l (41.30 g) € 7,60
M 0305.0050 50 l (82.60 g) € 12,60
CaCl2 332.02
KH2PO 170.00
KNO 3 969.53
MgSO4 180.54

Total concentration Macro-salt mixture 1652.09 mg/l


To obtain the proper concentration of Nitsch medium add to 1 litre demi MICRO-SALT MIXTURE
water: mg/l
• 0.50 g micro-salt mixture CuSO4.5H2O 0.025
• 0.85 g (850.19 mg) macro-salt mixture FeNaEDTA 36.70
• 0.72 g ammonium nitrate H 3BO3 10.00
MnSO 4.H2O 18.94
M 0303.0025 25 l (12.50 g) € 7,60 ZnSO 4.7H2O 10.00
KNO 3 424.85
M 0306.0025 25 l (21.25 g) € 7,60 Total concentration Micro-salt mixture 500.00 mg/l

CaCl2 166.00
KH2PO4 68.00
MgSO 4 90.27
KNO 3 525.92

Total concentration Macro-salt mixture 850.19 mg/l

NH4NO3 720.00

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B i o c h e m i c a l s

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

EF George, MA Hall & G-J de Klerk

Procedures for plant tissue culture have been developing from ca.
1930 onwards and are now essential in many domains of science
and teaching. The use of these techniques for plant p­ ropagation
only began to emerge some 40 years later.

The first edition of Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture by Edwin

F. George appeared in 1986. A second edition consisting of two
volumes appeared in 1993 and 1996. For researchers and stu-
dents, George’s books have become the standard works on in
vitro plant propagation.

These volumes also contain a wealth of information crucial for

researchers and companies working in related areas; particularly
plant breeding, genetic engineering, phytopathology, production
of secondary metabolites and ­conservation.

Scientific knowledge has expanded rapidly since the second

­edition and it would now be a daunting task for a single author
to cover all aspects adequately. Therefore, in this third edition,
topics are being covered by a ­number of specialists in the field.
However, this edition still maintains the integration that was cha-
racteristic of the previous editions.

The first volume of the new edition highlights the scientific back-
ground of in vitro propagation. The second volume, which is in
preparation, will cover the practice of micropropagation and des-
cribe its various applications.

P 5001.0001 € 208,00

  Chapter Contributor
1 Introduction to tissue culture EF George
2 Micropropagation: uses and methods EF George & PC Debergh
3 The components of plant tissue culture media (1): EF George and G-J de Klerk
Macro- and micronutrients
4 The components of plant tissue culture media (2): Organic supplements, T Thorpe, C Stasolla, EC Yeung, G-J de Klerk, A Roberts
organic acids, osmotic and pH effects, support systems & EF George
5 Plant growth regulators (1): Auxins, their analogues and inhibitors I Machakova, E Zazimalova & EF George
6 Plant growth regulators (2): Introduction; cytokinins, their analogues J van Staden, E. Zazimalova & EF George
and antagonists
7 Plant growth regulators (3): Gibberellins, ethylene, abscisic acid, their IE Moshkov, GV Novikova, MA Hall & EF George
analogues and inhibitors; miscellaneous compounds
8 Plant developmental biology D Chriqui
9 Somatic embryogenesis S Von Arnold
10 Adventitious regeneration PB Gahan & EF George
11 Effects of endogenous biological factors J Preece
12 Effects of the physical environment EF George & W Davies
13 Morphology of tissue cultured plants M Ziv & Jianxin Chen

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 0941 A 0183


C15H20O4 = 264.3 C8H11N5O3 = 225.2

Assay (HPLC) : > 98 % Acyclovir inhibits viral DNA synthesis by selective interaction with two distinct
viral proteins. Cellular uptake and initial phosphorylation are facilitated by
[a] D = +425˚ (c= 0.052, MeOH) thymidine kinase. Cellular enzymes convert the monophosphate to acy-
clovir triphosphate and compete for endogeneous deoxyguanosine
• store between -25˚C and -15˚C triphos­phate (dGTP). Acyclovir triphosphate competively inhibits viral DNA
• protect from light polymerases and, to a much smaller extent, cellular DNA polymerases.
• S: 22-24/25 Acyclovir triphosphate is also incorporated into viral DNA, where it acts
• CAS 21293-29-8 as a chain terminator because of the lack of 3’-hydroxyl group. By a
mechanism termed suicide inactivation, the terminated DNA template
A 0941.0100 100 mg € 30,10 containing acyclovir binds the enzym and leads to irreversible inactivation
A 0941.0250 250 mg € 67,70 of the DNA polymerase.
A 0941.1000 1g € 233,30
• store at room temperature
• soluble in dilute aqueous solutions of alkali hydroxides and mineral
A 1366 acid.
• R: 20/21/22
• CAS No. 59277-89-3

C9H8O4 = 180.2 A 0183.1000 1g € 51,80

Assay: > 99.5%

A 0908
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water (20 °C / 3.3 g/l) ADENINE HEMISULPHATE
• CAS 50-78-2
6-Aminopurine sulphate dihydrate
A 1366.0100 100 g € 4,20 C10H12N10O4S.2H2O = 404.3
A 1366.0250 250 g € 9,40 (C5H5N5)2 : H2SO4 : H20

Cytokinin growth regulator

A 1334
Assay: > 99%
• soluble in water
• powder stora­ge at room temperature
9-ß-Ribofuranosyladenine • liquid storage at 2-8°C
C10H13N5O4 = 267.2 • sterilization: autoclavable
• concentration 50-250mg/l
Assay (HPLC) : > 98% • R: 22
Loss on drying : < 0.5% • S: 22-24/25
• CAS 321-30-2
• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water A 0908.0005 5g € 11,20
• S: 22-24/25 A 0908.0025 25 g € 35,90
• CAS 58-61-7 A 0908.0100 100 g € 108,10
A 0908.0250 250 g € 239,90
A 1334.0005 5g € 9,00 A 0908.0500 500 g € 434,40
A 1334.0025 25 g € 31,40

Cold maintenance growth chamber,

Succulent Tissue Culture

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 1335 D 1004


ATP disodiumsalt Daishin Agar is a well known agar brand in Plant Tissue Culture and is
C10H14N5O13P3Na2. xH2O = 551.1. x 18.0 tested for the micropropagation of numerous plants.

Assay (calculated on dry weight) : > 96% D 1004.1000 1 kg € 168,40

Dry weight : > 90% D 1004.5000 5 kg € 801,00
Heavy metals : < 0.002%
White crystalline powder
M 1002
• store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in water (20°C / 50 mg/ml) MICRO AGAR
• CAS 987-65-5

A 1335.0001 1g € 7,10 Micro Agar is a purified agar with a high gel stre­ngth and excellent
A 1335.0005 5g € 12,90 ­properties for use in plant cell and tissue culture as well as mi­cro­biological
A 1335.0010 10 g € 22,30 work.

Micro Agar can be used in a minimal concentration of 5.0 g/l to obtain a

AGAR solid gel.

Agar is a natural product that is obtai­ned from vari­ous types of s­ eaweeds. General Characteristics
All qualities have been extensively ana­ly­sed for the remaining mineral Gel strength : > 900 g/cm
grade, limpi­dity, gel streng­th, ash content and humidi­ty. Sulphated ash : < 6%
Calcium : < 2000 ppm
• store at room temperature Ash, acid insoluble : < 0.5%
• CAS 9002-18-0
M 1002.1000 1 kg € 99,50
M 1002.5000 5 kg € 471,60
P 1001 M 1002.9025 25 kg € 2115,90
2 x 25 kg € 3823,00
PLANT AGAR bulk in­quire

Plant Agar is applied in plant cell and tissue cultu­re as a gene­ral purpose P 1003
agar that com­bines a good quality with a fa­vou­rable price.
Plant Agar can be used in a minimal concentration of 5.5 g/l to obtain a
solid gel.

General Characteristics
Gel strength : min. 1100 g/cm Phyto Agar is a specially selected plant tissue culture tested agar with a
Crude ash: < 3% high gel strength.
Ash, acid insoluble : < 0.5% Phyto Agar can be used in a minimal concentration of 5.0 g/l to obtain a
(1.5% conc. in boiling water) solid gel.

P 1001.1000 1 kg € 77,80 General Characteristics

P 1001.5000 5 kg € 375,30 Gel strength : 950-1050 g/cm
P 1001.9025 25 kg € 1772,20 Moisture : < 18%
2 x 25 kg € 3115,20 Ash content : < 3.5%
bulk in­quire
P 1003.1000 1 kg € 89,90
P 1003.5000 5 kg € 427,50

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 1203 L 1204


Agarose is a highly purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from Specifically selected for Protoplast Cultures
Gelidium species of seaweed. The gelmatrix formed by agarose is almost Low Melting Agarose PPC is specifically selected for use in cloning lines
ideal for diffusion and electrokinetic movement of biopolymers like DNA where the low gelling temperature obviates the risk of exposing the cell
and RNA. to damaging temperatures. The low gelling temperature of 24-30°C
allows the culturist to manipulate cells within the sol at 37°C without
Duchefa Biochemie AGAROSE SPI is ideally suited for electrophoresis of having to be concerned about premature gelation. Cooling the agarose to
nucleic acids > 1000 bp. < 26°C immobilizes cells for clonal growth or other experiments.
AGAROSE SPI is recommended for prepara­tive, as well as analytical 2
nucleic acid elec­trophoresis. It provides very firm gels at low concentrations. Gel strength. 1,5% : > 1000 g/cm
AGAROSE SPI is quality assured specifically to meet the stringent Gelling temperature, 1.5% : 24-30°C
requirement of nucleic acid applications. Melting temperature : < 65°C
AGAROSE SPI is manufactured under very stringent conditions and Electroendosmosis : < 0.12
quality controlled to assure conformance to the demanding requi­rements Moisture : < 5%
of nucleic acids and applications. Sulphate : < 0.12%

Specifications: • store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• Gel strength: • CAS 9012-36-6
The force that must be applied to a gel to cause it to fracture.
• Gelling temperature: L 1204.0100 100 g € 302,10
The temperature at which an aqueous agarose solution forms a gel as L 1204.0250 250 g € 711,50
it cools. The gelpoint of an agarose solution is not the same as its
melting temperature
• Sulphate content: S 1202
May be used as an indicator of purity since sulphate is the major ionic TM
group present. SE­APLAQUE AGAROSE
• Electroendosmosis (EEO)
The movement of liquid through the gel towards the cathode. Because
of the elec­tric movement of nucleic acids in the di­rection of the anode, Seaplaque™ agarose is particularly useful in cloning lines where the low gelling
cathodal EEO can disrupt separations by internal convention. temperature obviates the risk of exposing the cell to damaging temperatures.
The EEO phenomenon is caused by the migration of dissociable cations 2
and their hydration spheres towards the catho­de. The anionic groups in Gel strength, 1.0% gel. : > 200 g/cm
an agarose gel are affixed to the matrix and thus restrai­ned from such Gelling temperature, 1.0% sol : 26-30°C
movement. Melting temperature, 1.0% sol : < 65°C
Electroendosmosis : < 0.10
Gel strength, 1% : > 1200 g/cm2 Moisture : < 10%
Gel strength, 1.5% : > 2500 g/cm2 Sulphate : < 0.10%
Gelling temperature : 34.5-37.5°C
Melting temperature : 86.5-89.5°C • store at room temperature
Sulphate : < 0.2% • soluble in water
Electroendosmosis : 0.09-0.13 • CAS 9012-36-6
Residue on ignition : < 0.5%
Loss on drying :<_ 7% S 1202.0100 100 g € 529,80
DNA Binding : None Detected S 1202.0250 250 g € 1253,10
DNase and RNase activity : None Detected

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• CAS 9012-36-6

A 1203.0100 100 g € 52,40

A 1203.0500 500 g € 237,20
A 1203.1000 1 kg € 433,50

Iribov B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 0703 A 0185

L-ALANINE Amiprophos Methyl

C3H7NO2 = 89.1 C11H17N2O4PS = 304.3

Assay : > 98.5% Used as antimicrotubule herbicide for the production of doubled haploid
plants from anther-derived maize callus.
• store at room temperature Theor. Appl. Genet. 81: 205-211, 1991
• soluble in water (25°C / 166.5 g/l)
• CAS 56-41-7 Assay :>
_ 98%

A 0703.0025 25 g € 10,00 • store at 2-8°C

A 0703.0100 100 g € 33,20 • R : 22
• S: 36
• CAS 36001-88-4
A 0532
A 0185.0250 250 mg € 51,90
ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE A 0185.1000 1g € 166,30
AlCl3.6H2O = 241.4 A 0528


• soluble in water (20°C / 1330g/l)
• R: 36/38 NH4Cl = 53.5
• S: 26
• CAS 7784-13-6 Assay : > 99%

A 0532.0025 25 g € 8,70 • store at room temperature

A 0532.0100 100 g € 17,30 • soluble in water (20°C / 370 g/l)
• R: 22-36
• S: 22
A 0601 • CAS 12125-02-9

p-AMINOBENZOIC ACID A 0528.1000 1 kg € 15,90

A 1338

4-Aminobenzoic Acid, Vitamin H’, PABA

Assay : > 99% Ammonium phosphate monobasic
White crystalline powder (NH4)H2PO4 = 115.0

• slightly soluble in water (4.7 g/l) Assay : > 99%

• store at room temperature
• R: 22-36/37/38-43 • store at room temperature
• S: 26-36 • soluble in water (20°C / 370 g/l)
• CAS 150-13-0 • R: 36/37
• S: 26-37/39
A 0601.0025 25 g € 11,10 • CAS 7722-76-1
A 0601.0100 100 g € 17,00
A 1338.1000 1 kg € 23,50

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 0501 A 0101


NH4NO3 = 80.0 C16H19N3O5S.3H2O = 419.5

Assay : > 97.5% Assay : > 95%

• store at room temperature Inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis.

• soluble in water (20°C / 1183 g/l) Amoxicillin inhibits the crosslinking of peptidoglycan by bind­ing and
• hygroscopic inactivating of transpeptidases. High activity against gram-negati­ve bac-
• R: 8-9 teria like Agrobacterium species. Sensitive to ß-lactamase.
• S: 15-16-41
• UN 1942 • store at room temperature
• CAS 6484-52-2 • soluble in water
• R: 42/43
A 0501.1000 1 kg € 16,20 • S: 22-24/25-36
A 0501.5000 5 kg € 63,20 • CAS 61336-70-7
A 0501.9025 25­ kg € 215,60
A 0101.0010 2x5 g € 32,10
A 0101.0025 25 g € 64,00
A 0502


Assay : > 99% Amoxicillin sodium and clavulanate potassium mixed in a ratio of 5:1

• store at room temperature Amoxicillin is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis. It inhibits the
• soluble in water (20°C / 760 g/l) crosslinking of peptidoglycan by binding and inactivating of transpeptida-
• CAS 7783-20-2 ses. High activity against gram-negati­ve bacteria like Agrobacterium spe-
cies. ß-lacta­mase sensitive.
A 0502.1000 1 kg € 14,10 Clavulanic acid is a specific inhi­bitor of ß-lactamase and protects amoxy-
A 0502.5000 5 kg € 54,30 cillin against inactivation by ß-lactamase.

• store dry at 2-8°C

• soluble in water
• R: 42/43
• S: 22-36/37

A 0189.0002 2g € 26,20
A 0189.0010 10 g € 122,70
A 0189.0025 25 g € 290,50

Stomata cell of transgenic tobacco expressing GFP- overlay, confocal

laser microscopy, Leica Germany

(Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology,

Justus-Liebig-University-Giessen, Germany, Prof. R. Hueckelhoven,
Centre of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan, Germany)

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 0103 A 0104


C47H73NO17 = 924.1 C16H18N3O4SNa = 371.4

Amphotericin B is a polyene antifungal antibi­otic produced by Streptomyces Ampicillin is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis. It inhibits the
nodosus. It appe­ars mainly by interfering with the permeability of the cell crosslinking of peptidoglycan by binding and inactivating of transpepti-
membrane of sensitive fungi and yeasts by binding to sterols. dases. High activity against gram-ne­gative bacteria. ß-lactamase sensi-
tive. Ampicillin is used as a selec­­tive agent for the transfor­mati­on of
Assay : > 750 µg/mg plasmids encoding for ß-lactamase pro­duction such as pBR322 or pUC
• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in DMSO Assay : > 91%
• R: 20/21/22
• S: 36/37/39-45 • store dry at 2-8°C
• CAS 1397-89-3 • soluble in water
• hygroscopic, protect from moisture
A 0103.0005 5g € 90,80 • R: 36/37/38-42/43
A 0103.0010 10 g € 153,90 • S: 22-26-36/37
• CAS 69-52-3

A 0192 A 0104.0005 5 g € 12,20

A 0104.0010 10 g € 21,80
AMPHOTERICIN B SUSPENSION A 0104.0025 25 g € 49,60

Aqueous suspension of 100 mg/ml Amphotericin B A 0164

C47H73NO17= 924.1
• store at room temperature.

A 0192.0040 40 ml € 44,20 Nebramycin II

C21H41N5O11. nH2SO4= 539.6 + 98n (n=2-2.5)

Apramycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic and has a bactericidal action

against many gram-n­egative bac­teri­a. Apramycin is a struc­turally uni­que
antibio­tic that contains a bicy­clic sugar mo­iety and a mo­no­substitu­ted
deoxystreptamine. Apramycin can only be acetylated by AAC­(3)IV and as
a consequence of this enzymatic mo­difi­cation, the anti­biotic is unable to
enter the cell to bind to its tar­get, the ribosome.

Antimicrobial Agents and chemotherapy, July 1978, p.69-72

Assay : > 50% (base)

• store at 2–8°C
• soluble in water
• R: 20/21/22-61
• S: 22-36/37/39-45
• CAS 65710-07-8

A 0164.0005 5 g € 26,80
A 0164.0010 10 g € 45,50
A 0164.0025 25 g € 82,50

GFP expressing A. thaliana plantlet -GFP2 filter

(Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology, Justus-

Liebig-University Giessen, Germany)

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

A 0704 A 0725


C6H14N4O2 = 174.2 C4H8N2O3.H2O = 150.1

Assay : > 98.5% Assay : > 98%

Foreign amino acids : < 0.3%
• store at room temperature
• store at room temperature • soluble in water (20°C / 30 g/l)
• soluble in water (20°C / 150 g/l) • CAS 5794-13-8
• R: 36
• S: 26 A 0725.0025 25 g € 7,00
• CAS 74-79-3 A 0725.0100 100 g € 21,00
A 0725.1000 1 kg € 156,90
A 0704.0025 25 g € 8,30
A 0704.0100 100 g € 17,50
A 0704.0500 500 g € 60,60 A 0705
A 0704.1000 1 kg € 101,90
A 0602


Assay : > 98.5%

Vitamin C
C6H8O6 = 176.1 • store at room temperature
• soluble in water (25°C / 5 g/l)
Assay : > 99% • R: 36
• S: 26
• store at room temperature • CAS 56-84-8
• soluble in water (20°C / 333 g/l)
• CAS 50-81-7 A 0705.0100 100 g € 10,60
A 0705.0500 500 g € 38,40
A 0602.0100 100 g € 9,40
A 0602.0250 250 g € 15,90
A 0602.1000 1 kg € 50,60 A 0156

C8H14ClN5 = 215. 7
Atrazine is an inhibitor of photosynthesis by blocking the electron trans-
port due to bin­ding of the Qb protein in the thylakoid mem­brane.

Assay : > 97%

• store at room temperature

• soluble in chloroform
• R: 43-48/22-50/53 S: 36/37-60-61
• UN 2811
• CAS 1912-24-9

A 0156.0250 250 mg € 67,30

GFP expressing A. thaliana plantlet -GFP3 filter

(Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology, Justus-

Liebig-University Giessen, Germany)

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

B 0106 B 0904


C66H103N17O16S = 1421.6 6-BAP, N -Benzylade­nine
C12H11N5 = 225.2
Bacitracin is active against gram-positive bacteria. Most gram-negative
bacteria are resis­tant. It interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis by Cytokinin growth regulator
blocking the function of the lipid carrier molecule that transfers cell wall
subunits across the cellmembrane. Toxic to plant cells. Assay : > 99%

Potency > 60 IU/mg • soluble in 1N NaOH

• store powder at room temperature
• soluble in ethanol and methanol • store liquid at 2-8°C
• slightly soluble in water • sterili­zation : autoclavable or filtration
• store at 2-8°C • concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l
• hygroscopic, protect from moisture • R: 22-36/37/38
• S: 22-24/25 • S:24/25-26-36
• CAS 1405-87-4 • CAS 1214-39-7

B 0106.0005 5g € 30,20 B 0904.0001 1g € 8,20

B 0106.0025 25 g € 104,20 B 0904.0005 5g € 26,40
B 0904.0025 25 g € 102,10

B 1304
B 0930
Produced by freeze drying banana-puree without additives. 100 grams
banana powder is equivalent to approximately 420 gram fresh fruit. N -Benzyladenosine
C17H19N5O4 = 357.4
Light brownish powder.
Moisture content : < 5% Cytokinin growth regulator

• Store dry at room temperature Assay : > 99.5%

B 1304.0500 500 g € 49,70 • soluble in 1N NaOH

B 1304.1000 1 kg € 86,90 • store powder at 2-8°C
B 1304.5000 5 kg € 397,00 • store liquid at 2-8°C
• sterili­zation : filtration
• concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l
• R: 22-36/37/38
• S:26-36
• CAS 4294-16-0

B 0930.0250 250 mg € 36,60

B 0930.1000 1g € 129,20

LED-Light cultivation,
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

B 0932

C17H19N5O = 309.4

BPA is a highly mobile synthetic cytokinin. Foliar spray of BPA increased

branching in carnation, chrysan­themum, pointsettia, petu­nia and fuchsia.
In no instance did BPA redu­ce plant height. Application of BPA to flower
buds at an early stage increased both the diameter and the fresh weight
of carnation flowers or chrysanthemum infloresences (Jeffcoat, B. J. of
Hort. Sc. 52:143-153 (1977).
In Lilium longiflorum, spraying with BPA resul­ted in delay­ed anthesis and
increased dry matter accumulation in flowers under high photosynthetic LED-Light cultivation,
photon flux. Appli­cation of BPA induced the formation of numerous bul­bils Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands
in the leaf axils (Wang YT, Hort Sc. 31 (6) 976-977 (1996).
BPA can be used as cytokinin for haploid plant regenera­tion from cultured
anthers of strawberry (Owen H.R. and Miller AR. PCR 15: 905-909 (1996).
B 0603
Assay : > 98.5%
White crystalline powder D(+)-BIOTIN
• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in ethanol Vitamin H (Coenzyme R)
• powder storage 2-8°C C10H16N2O3S = 244.31
• liquid storage 2-8°C
• sterilization : filtration or autoclave Assay : > 97.5%
• R : 22 S : 36 White crystalline powder
• CAS 2312-73-4
• store at 2-8°C
B 0932.0100 100 mg € 59,40 • soluble in warm water
B 0932.0500 500 mg € 251,60 • soluble in slightly alkaline and acid solutions
• CAS 58-85-5

B 1514 B 0603.0500 500 mg € 19,20

B 0603.1000 1g € 28,20
B 1516
(N,N-bis[2-Hydroxyethyl]-2-aminoethaneslfonic acid)
C6H15NO5S = 213.2 Bis-Tris buffer grade
pKa (20°C) : 6.9-7.3
pH range : 6.4 – 7.8 Bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-imino-tris-(hydroxyl-methyl)-methane
Assay : > 99% C8H19NO5 = 209,2
Moisture : < 1%
UV Absorbance (1 M aq. sol., 1 cm cell, 260 nm) : < 0.1 Assay : > 99%
A 5% solution in water is clear and colourless pH range : 5.8 – 7.2

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• R: 36/37/38 • soluble in water
• S: 26-36 • R: 36/37/38
• CAS 10191-18-1 • S: 26-36
• CAS 6976-37-0
B 1514.0025 25 g € 15,20
B 1514.0250 250 g € 130,80 B 1516.0100 100 g € 39,00
B 1514.1000 1 kg € 475,70 B 1516.0500 500 g € 156,00

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

B 0107 X 1402


MW = approximately 1400 C14H15BrClNO6 = 408.6
1 unit per mg solid
X-Gal is a chromogenic substrate of ß-ga­lactosida­se. X-Gal is used in
The sulphates of bleomycin are a mixture of basic antineoplastic glyco- conjunction with Isopropyl-b-D-1-thiogalactoside (IPTG) (I1401) for the
peptide antibiotics produced by Streptomyces verticillus. Bleomycin binds de­tection of ß-galacto­sidase activity in bacterial colo­nies in a colori­metric
to DNA and causes strand scissions. assay in order to distinguish recombi­nants (white) from non-recombi­
nants (blue).
• store at 2-8°C X-gal is cleaved at the ß1-4 bond between ga­lacto­se and the 5-Bromo-
• soluble in water (20°C / 20 g/l) 4-chloro-3-indolyl part of X-Gal by ß-galactosi­dase via hydrolysis. The
• R: 39/23/25-42/43-40-45-46-61 S: 13-22-36/37/39-45-53 enzymatic cleavage of X-Gal results in the pro­duc­tion of a water insoluble
• CAS 9041-93-4 blue dichlo­ro-dibro­mo-indigo precipitate. In cloning strategies with vec-
tors like Lamb­da-11, M­13m­p18 and 19, pUC18 and 19, pUR222 the E.
B 0107.0015 15 mg € 243,50 coli lacZ gene is transformed to lac cells. After transfor­mation, the cells
show ß-galactosida­se acti­vity in the presence of IPTG and X-Gal contai­
ning media. The insertion of a DNA frag­ment into the cloning sites of the
B 0503 lacZ gene re­sults in the dis­rup­tion of ß-galactosida­se activity leading to
the ap­pe­arance of white colonies on X-Gal and IPTG contai­ning media.
BORIC ACID Non recombi­nant cells produce a blue indigo dye on these media.

Assay : > 98%

H3BO3 = 61.8
• store dry at 2-8°C or below
Assay : > 99% • allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning
• protect from light and moisture
• store at room temperature • soluble in DMSO and DMF
• soluble in water (20°C / 50 g/l) • S: 22-24/25
• R: 62-63-36/37/38 S: 26-36 • CAS 7240-90-6
• CAS 10043-35-3
X 1402.0100 100 mg € 15,90
B 0503.1000 1 kg € 15,10 X 1402.1000 1g € 48,60
B 0503.5000 5 kg € 48,10 X 1402.5000 5g € 212,60

GUS expression in carrot leaves under control of 35sCaMV promoter (Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology,
Justus-Liebig-University-Giessen, Germany, Prof. R. Hueckelhoven, Centre of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan, Germany)

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

X 1405 M 1412

X-GlcA, Cyclo­hexylammonium salt Magenta-GlcA, Cyclohexylammonium salt
C14H13BrClNO7.C6H13N = 521.8 C14H13BrClNO7.C6H13N = 521.8

X-GlcA, 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-D-glu­cu­ronic acid is a substrate An alternative for X-GlcA producing a magenta colour.
for ß-D-Glu­curo­ni­dase (GUS) enco­ded by the gusA gene. The sub­stra­te is
used as a qualitative histochemi­cal marker of specific GUS ex­pressions in Assay : > 98%
cells and tissue. X-GlcA is clea­ved by GUS at the ß1 glu­cu­ronic bond Water : < 1.0%
between glucu­ronic acid and the 5-Bro­mo-4-chloro-3-indolyl part of Specific rotation : -68.0° +/- 3°
­­­X-GlcA via hydro­lysis. The enzymatic cleavage of X-GlcA re­sults in the (a20°/D; c =1 in H2O : DMF = 1:1)
precipi­tation of a water insoluble blue dichlo­ro-di­bromo-indigo precipitate.
Color formati­ on requires three separate reacti­ ons. After enzymatic­ • store dry at 2-8°C
tur­no­ver, the released in­doxyl deri­vative dimeri­ses and is sub­sequent­ly • allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning
oxidized to the final indigo dye. • protect from light and moisture
• soluble in DMSO and DMF
Assay : > 98% • CAS 144110-43-0
Specific Opt. Rotation : -87.5° +/- 2°
(a20°/D; c =1 in H2O : DMF = 1:1) M 1412.0010 100 mg € 76,10
M 1412.0100 1g € 724,40
• store dry at 2-8°C 10 x 1 g € 4298,30
• allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning
• hygroscopic, protect from light and moisture Please inquire for annual bulk discounts.
• soluble in DMSO and DMF
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 114162-64-0 X 1410

X 1405.0100 100 mg € 58,40 5-BROMO-4-CHLORO-

X 1405.1000 1g € 393,90 3-INDOLYL-PHOSPHATE
5x1g € 1444,50 DISODIUM SALT
10 x 1 g € 2625,90
X-Phos disodium salt
C8H4BrClNO4P.Na2 = 370.4
X 1406
X-Phos is a colorimetric substrate for de­tecti­on of alkaline phos­phatase
5-BROMO-4-CHLORO-3-INDOLYL-ß-D- acti­vity in blotting immuno­his­tochemical and cyto­chemistry tech­niques. In
GLUCURO­NIC ACID con­junction with nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) (N1411), a purple insoluble
SODIUM SALT TRIHYDRATE precipitate is formed that can be read visually.

X-GlcA, Sodium salt trihydrate Assay : > 99%

C14H12BrClNO7Na.3H2O = 498.7
• store between -25°C and -15°C
Assay : > 98.5% • allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning
• protect from light
• store dry at 2-8°C • soluble in water
• allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning • R: 36/37/38
• protect from light and moisture • S: 22
• soluble in DMSO and DMF • CAS 102185-33-1
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 129541-41-9 X 1410.0100 100 mg € 25,30
X 1410.1000 1g € 97,80
X 1406.0100 100 mg € 59,00
X 1406.1000 1g € 409,60
5x1 g € 1502,30
10x1 g € 2670,80

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

X 1413 B 0157

BCIP p-Toluidine salt, X-Phos p-Toluidine salt Br2C6H2(CN)OH = 267.9
C8H6BrClNO4P.C7H9N = 433.64
Bromoxynil inhibits photosynthesis in pl­ ants by binding to electron-
X-Phos is a colorimetric substrate for de­tecti­on of alkaline phosphatase transport compo­nents of photosystem II in the thylakoid mem­brane.
acti­vity in blotting immuno­his­tochemical and cyto­chemistry tech­niques. In
con­junction with nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) (N1411), a purple inso­luble • store at room temperature
precipitate is formed that can be read visually. • very slightly soluble in water
• soluble in tetrahydrofuran
Assay : > 99% • R: 25-26-43-50/53-63 S: 27/28-36/37-45-60-61-63
• UN 2588
• store between -25°C and -15°C • CAS 1689-84-5
• allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning
• protect from light B 0157.0250 250 mg € 75,00
• soluble in DMSO and DMF
• R: 20/21/22-36/37/38-40 S: 22-24/25-36/37
• CAS 6578-06-9 C 0529

X 1413.0100 100 mg € 40,10 CALCIUM CARBONATE

X 1413.1000 1g € 205,40

CaCO3 = 100.1
B 1414
Assay : > 98.5%
GALACTOPYRANOSIDE • store at room temperature
• insoluble in water
Blue-Gal An alternative to X-Gal producing a darker blue color. • R: 37/38-41 S: 26-39
C14H16BrNO6 = 374.2 • CAS 471-34-1

Assay (TLC) : > 98% C 0529.1000 1 kg € 11,10

Spec. Opt. Rot. : -34° ±2°
(a 20°/D; c =1 in 1:1 H2O: DMFO)
Water : < 1.0% C 0504

• store dry between -25°C and -15°C CALCIUM CHLORIDE

• allow to warm to room temperature, before ope­ning DIHYDRATE
• protect from light and moisture
• soluble in DMSO and DMF CaCl2.2H2O = 147.0
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 97753-82-7 Assay : > 97%

B 1414.0100 100 mg € 19,50 • store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• hygroscopic
• R: 36 S: 22-24
• CAS 10035-04-8

C 0504.1000 1 kg € 14,00
C 0504.5000 5 kg € 50,60

GUS expression in carrot flower under the control of mannopine

synthase (mas) promoter (Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology
& Applied Zoology, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany)

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 0530 C 0506


tri-Calcium-di-citrate tetrahydrate Ca3(PO4)2 = 310.2

Ca3(C6H5O7)2.4H2O = 570.5 2+
Assay (Ca ) : > 35-40%
Assay : > 98%
• store at room temperature
• store at room temperature • insoluble in water, soluble in diluted acids
• soluble in water (23° C / 0.96 g/l) • CAS 7758-87-4
• CAS 5785-44-4
C 0506.1000 1 kg € 16,00
C 0530.1000 1 kg € 20,40

C 1006
C 0531
Carrageenan is a naturally-occuring family of polysaccharides extracted
C12H22CaO14.H2O = 448.4 from red seaweed. Upon cooling and in the presence of appropriate cat-
+ 2+
ions, (K , Ca ), carrageenan polymers align themselves to form double
Assay : > 98.5% helices.
Additional Calcium (Ca ) source in Plant Tissue Cultu­re media. Iota carrageenan binds water and forms dry, elastic gels in the presence
of calcium salts. Ca ions make bonds between the carrageenan
• store at room temperature ­molecules to form helices. The negative charges associated with the
• soluble in water (20° C / 30 g/l) 2-sulphate groups on the iota carrageenan molecules do not allow the
• CAS 299-28-5 helices to aggregate to the same extent as Kappa carrageenan.

C 0531.0250 250 g € 10,00 • store at room temperature

C 0531.1000 1 kg € 29,40 • soluble in water (60 ºC / 5g/l)

• CAS 9062-07-1
C 0505
C 1006.0100 100 g € 20,40
G 1007
Ca(NO3)2.4H2O = 236.2
Assay : > 98.5%
Crystalline powder
Gelcarin GP-812 is a well tested source of carrageenan for use in Plant
• store at room temperature Tissue Culture. It forms a clear, palebrown firm gel. Gelcarin should be
• soluble in water (20°C / 2600 g/l) dispersed in cold water and then heated above its solubility temperature
• hygroscopic to obtain maximum functionality. Upon cooling and in the presence of
+ 2+
• R: 8-36/38 appropriate cations (K , Ca ) carrageenan polymers align themselves to
• S: 26-17 form double helices. These helices associate with divalent cations, i.e.
• UN 1454 ­calcium, to form a gel matrix.
• CAS 13477-34-4
• CAS 9000-07-1
C 0505.1000 1 kg € 17,10
C 0505.5000 5 kg € 59,00 G 1007.0250 250 g € 24,00
G 1007.1000 1 kg € 79,60
G 1007.5000 5 kg € 312,10

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 0109 • store dry at room temperature

• soluble in water

C 1301.0250 250 g € 21,40

C17H16N2Na2O6S = 422.4 C 1301.0500 500 g € 36,90
C 1301.1000 1 kg € 64,50
Assay : > 90%
Water : < 5.5%
C 0110
Carbenicillin is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis. It inhibits the
crosslinking of peptidoglycan by binding and inactivation of transpeptidases. CEPHALEXIN MONOHYDRATE
High activity against gram-negati­ve bacteria. Commonly used for the
elimi­na­ti­on of Agrobacterium species after inoculati­on. Sen­sitive to­
ß-lactamase. Non toxic to plant cells. C16H17N3O4S.H2O = 365.4

• store dry at 2-8°C Cephalexin is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis. The anti­biotic
• soluble in water inhibits the cros­slin­king of peptidoglycan by binding and inacti­va­ting of
• hygroscopic transpeptidases. Active against gram-posi­ti­ve bacteria and moderately
• protect from moisture active against gram-negative bacteria. ß-lactamase sensitive.
• R: 42/43
• S: 36/37/39 Assay : > 95.0%
• CAS 4800-94-6
• store at 2-8°C
C 0109.0005 5g € 45,70 • soluble in water
C 0109.0025 25 g € 182,30 • R: 20/21/22-36/37/38-42/43
• S: 26-36
• CAS 15686-71-2
C 0160
C 0110.0005 5 g € 31,50
CARBOXIN C 0110.0010 10 g € 57,60

C12H13NO2S = 235.3 C 0111

Carboxin is a fungicide and inhibits the oxydation of succinate in sensitive CEFOTAXIME SODIUM
yeasts and fungi.

• store at room temperature C16H16N5NaO7S2 = 477.4

• soluble in ethanol plant cell culture tested
• R: 21/22
• S: 36 Cefotaxime is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis. The antibiotic
• CAS 5234-68-4 inhibits the cros­slin­king of peptidoglycan by binding and inacti­vating of
transpeptidases. High activity against gram-negative bacteria. Very often
C 0160.0250 250 mg € 86,00 used for elimination of Agro­ bacterium species after inocu­ lati­
Cefotaxime has high re­sistance against ß-lac­tamase activity. Non toxic to
plant cells.
C 1301
Assay : 916 - 964 µg/mg
• store dry at 2-8°C
Pancreatic hydrolysate of casein. • soluble in water
• R: 42/43
Due to its low NaCl content this quality is well sui­ted for Plant Tissue • S: 22-24/25
Culture. • CAS 64485-93-4

Total nitrogen (TN) : 12.5%-13.5% C 0111.0001 1 g € 23,90

Amino nitrogen (AN) : 3.0%-4.0% C 0111.0005 5 g € 73,80
NaCl : < 6.0% C 0111.0025 25 g € 335,10

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 8001


“Cellulase Onozuka R-10” from Trichoderma Viride.

1 unit (U) of Cellulase will release 1.0 µmole of glucose from carboxy-
methyl cellulose. Routinely used for the isolation of protoplasts, for its
ability to degrade cell walls. Cellulase “Onozuka R-10” is often used in
combination with Macerozyme R-10 (cat. no. M 8002).

Beldman, G. et al., The cellulase of Trichoderma Viride, . J. Biochem., 146, 301-

308, 1985.
Potrykus, J., et al., Protoplasts: Isolation, culture, plant regeneration, 118, 549-
578, 1986.
Tewes, A., et al., High yield isolation and rapid recovery of protoplasts from suspen-
sion cultures of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), 113, 141-150, 1984.
Evans, D.A. et al., Plant protoplast isolation and culture, Int. Rev. Cyt. Suppl, 16,
33-53, 1983.

Loss on drying : < 10%

Enzyme activity : >10,000 U/g
Beige lyophilisate

• optimum pH between 4 and 5

• store at 2-8°C
• CAS 9012-54-8 Cell wall staining in protoplasts, Iris Heidmann

C 8001.0001 1 g € 11,60
C 8001.0005 5 g € 45,50
C 8001.0010 10 g € 74,90 C 8003


“Cellulase Onozuka RS”

Cellulase “Onozuka RS” is produced by a mutant Trichoderma viride that

was derived from the parent strain for Cellulase “Onozuka ­ R-10”.
Cellulase RS contains a very high activity of decomposing natural cellu-
loses. This type of cellulase can be used to obtain protoplasts in a very
short time and dissolves cell walls of a wider range of plants.

Loss on drying : < 10%

Enzyme activity : > 16,000 U/g
Off white dry powder

• optimum pH : 4.0 – 5.0

• optimum temperature : 50 – 60°C
• Xylanase : Cellulase RS contains about three times as high ­xylanase
activity as Cellulase R-10
Protoplast from barley leaf • Activity : Cellulase RS contains more than 16,000 units per gram of
­filter decomposing activity.
(Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology, • readily soluble in water
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany) • store at 2-8°C
• CAS 9012-54-8

C 8003.0001 1 g € 40,00
C 8003.0005 5 g € 166,70
C 8003.0010 10 g € 277,80

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 1397 C 1374
Cetrimide C32H58N2O7S = 614. 9
C17H38NBr= 336.4
CHAPS is a nondenaturing zwitterionic detergent suitable for use as a
Assay : > 96% solubilizing agent for membrane proteins. Combines the useful properties
of both sulfobetaine-type and the bile salt detergents. The low back-
• soluble in water ground absorption in the UV region is an attractive feature for use in the
• store at room temperature UV monitoring of membrane proteins. CHAPS can be easily removed by
• R: 20/21/22-34 S: 26-27-36/37/39 dialysis or gel filtration.
• UN 3077 L.M. Hjelmeland, A nondenaturing zwitterionic detergent for membrane
• CAS 8044-71-1 biochemistry, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 77, 6368 (1980).

C 1397.0050 50 g € 8,30 Assay : > 97%

C 1397.0100 100 g € 11,70 Water : < 3%
C 1397.0500 500 g € 53,50 Absorption (280 nm) : < 0.22
C 1397.1000 1 kg € 103,60
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water
C 1393 • hygroscopic
• R: 36/37/38

S: 26/36
CAS 75621-03-3
C 1374.0001 1 g € 14,50
Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide, Cetrimonium Bromide, CTABr C 1374.0005 5 g € 45,50
C19H42NBr= 364.5 C 1374.0025 25 g € 202,10
C 1374.0100 100 g € 636,30
Assay : > 96%

• soluble in water C 0113

• store at room temperature
• R: 22-36/38-50/53 S: 26-39-61 CHLORAMPHENICOL
• UN 3077
• CAS 57-09-0
C11H12Cl2N2O5 = 323.1
C 1393.0050 50 g € 12,30
C 1393.0100 100 g € 17,40 Bacteriostatic agent against gram-nega­tive and gram-positive bacteria.
C 1393.0500 500 g € 79,20 Enters sensitive cells by active transport. Within the cell, it binds to the
C 1393.1000 1 kg € 153,40 50S su­bunit of bacterial ribosomes and inhibits bacterial protein synthesis
by preventing at­tach­ment of ami­no-acyl transfer RNA to its ac­cep­tor site
on the ribosome, thus preventing pepti­de bond formation by peptidyl
C 1302 transferase.

CHARCOAL Assay : > 98%

Steam activated • store at room temperature

• slightly soluble in water (2.5 g/l)
Assay : 100% • soluble in ethanol
pH (5% in water) : 5-7 • R: 42/43-45-46-63
• S: 36/37/39-45-53
• store dry at room temperature • CAS 56-75-7
• water insoluble
• CAS 7440-44-0 C 0113.0025 25 g € 19,30
C 0113.0100 100 g € 47,70
C 1302.1000 1 kg € 47,30
C 1302.5000 5 kg € 230,30

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 0114 S 1403

20% aqueous solution Salmon-Gal
C22H30Cl2N10.2(C6H12O7) = 897.8 C14H16ClNO6 = 329.7

Chlorhexidine is a bisbiguanide antisep­ tic and disin­fectant that is Salmon-GAL is an alternative chromogenic sub­strate for ß-D-Galacto­
­bactericidal or bacte­ri­ostatic against a wide range of gram-positi­ve and sidase. Salmon-Gal is used in con­ junction with Isopropyl-b-D-1-
gram-negative bacteria. It inhibits my­cob­ac­teria, fungi and some viruses. thiogalactoside (IPTG) (I1401) for de­tec­tion of ß-galacto­sidase activity in
Chlorhexidi­ne is most active at a neutral or slightly acidic pH. It is used ­bacterial colo­nies in a colorime­tric assay, in order to distinguish re­combi­
for disinfection of skin, clean instruments and hard surfaces in a nants (white) from non-recom­bi­nants. Salmon-Gal is cleaved at the ß1-4
concentra­ti­on of 0.05 to 0.5% in water or 70% alcohol. bond be­tw­een galactose and the 5-Bro­mo-4- chloro-3-indo­lyl part of­
X-Gal by ß-galacto­sidase via hydrolysis.
• store at room temperature
• soluble (miscible) in water Assay : > 98%
• R: 41-50 S: 26-37/39-61
• UN 3082 • store dry at 2-8°C
• CAS 18472-51-0 • allow to warm to room temperature before ope­ning
• protect from light and moisture
C 0114.0250 250 ml € 28,50 • soluble in DMSO and DMF
C 0114.1000 1l € 58,20 • S: 22-24/25
• CAS 138182-21-5

C 0115 S 1403.0100 100 mg € 15,20

S 1403.1000 1g € 86,10
S 1407
C22H30Cl2N10.2HCl = 578.4 6-CHLORO-3-INDOLYL-ß-D-
• store at room temperature GLUCURONIC ACID,
• R: 36/37/38-43 S: 22-24/25
• UN 3077 Salmon-XGlcA cyclohexylammonium salt
• CAS 3697-42-5 C14H14ClNO7.C6H13N = 442.9

C 0115.0010 10 g € 20,40 Salmon-XGlcA is an alternative sub­strate for ß-D-Glu­curo­ni­dase (GUS)

C 0115.0025 25 g € 43,60 enco­ded by the gusA ge­ne. Cle­avage via hydro­lysis of Sal­mon-Red-X-
GlcA by GUS re­sults in the precipi­tation of a water insoluble Salmon
­precipitate at the site of enzy­matic clea­vage. In conjunc­tion with X-Gal,
Sal­mon-X-GlcA is useful for simultane­ous detection of GUS and Lac­
acti­vities on the same plate. For more de­tailed informa­tion see X-GlcA.

Assay : > 90%

• store dry at 2-8 °C

• protect from light and moisture
• soluble in DMSO and DMF
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 138182-20-4

S 1407.0100 100 mg € 55,90

Iris Heidmann

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 0909 C 0116

4-CPA; CPA C22H23ClN2O8.HCl = 515.3
C8H7ClO3 = 186.6
Bacteriostatic antibiotic with activity aga­inst gram-positive and gram-
Assay : > 97% negative bacte­ria. Within the cell tetracyclines bind rever­si­ble to the 30S
off white to tan crystals subunit of the ribosome, pre­ven­ting the binding of aminoacyl transfer
RNA and inhi­biting protein synthesis and hence cell gro­wth.
• soluble in ethanol
• liquid storage 2-8°C Assay : > 89.5%
• sterilization : autoclavable pH : 2.3-3.3
• concentration : 0.1-10.0 mg/l Water : < 2.0%
• R: 22 S:13-36-46 Tetracycline : > 94.5%
• UN 2811
• CAS 122-88-3 • store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
C 0909.0025 25 g € 5,40 • protect from light
C 0909.0100 100 g € 13,50 • R: 20/21/22-63 S: 22-24/25-36/37-45
• CAS 64-72-2

D 0161 C 0116.0025 25 g € 22,80

C 0116.0100 100 g € 60,60
C 0605
Disinfectant for the skin.
• store at room temperature CHOLINE CHLORIDE
• soluble in water
• CAS 88-04-0 (chloroxylenol)
C5H14NOCl = 139.6
D 0161.1000 1 litre € 20,30
White crystals

C 0177 • store at room temperature

• soluble in water

R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• CAS 67-48-1
C12H12ClN5O4S = 357.8
C 0605.0100 100 g € 11,20
Chlorsulfuron affects the biosynthesis of bran­ched chain amino acids by inhibi­
ting the enzy­me acetolactate synthase (ALS). The crs1-1 gene from Arabi­dopsis
thaliana con­fers resis­tance to chlorsulfuron (CS) by enco­ding an ALSS with a C 1303
reduced affinity to Chlor­sulfuron. Chlorsulfuron has been applied as a succes­ful
selective agent in the trans­ formation of tobacco, maize and sugar­ beet. CITRIC ACID MONOHYDRATE
Transgenic poplars and fertile rice plants have also been obtained by using the
crs1-1 gene in combi­nation with the CaMV 35S promoter.
C6H8O7.H2O = 210.1
Assay : >95%
Assay : > 99.5%
• store at room temperature
• slightly soluble in methylene chloride • store at room temperature
• soluble in water (25°C/150-300 ppm) • soluble in water
• R: 50/53 S: 60/61 • R: 37/38-41
• CAS 64902-72-3 • S: 26-36/37/39
• UN 3077 • CAS 5949-29-1

C 0177.0100 100 mg € 159,20 C 1303.1000 1 kg € 19,80

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

C 0117 C 0118
C18H33ClN2O5S.HCl = 461.5 A mixture of the sulphates of polypeptides pro­du­ced by certain strains of
plant cell culture tested Bacillus poly­mixa. Colistin acts primarily by binding to mem­bra­ne phospo-
lipids and disrupting the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. The antibiotic is
Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic with a primarily ­bacterio­static active against gram-negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas species.
action against gram-positive bacteria.
It binds to the 50S subu­nit of the bacterial ribosome and inhibits the early Potency : >19.000 Units/mg
sta­ges of protein synthesis.
• store dry at 2-8°C
Assay : > 84.% • soluble in water
• hygroscopic
• store at 2-8°C • R: 25 S: 22-36/37-45
• soluble in water (20°C / 50 g/l) • CAS 1264-72-8
• R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• CAS 21462-39-5 C 0118.0001 1g € 20,40
C 0118.0005 5g € 81,40
C 0117.0001 1 g € 46,60

C 0508
C 0507
CuSO4.5H2O = 249.7
CoCl2.6H2O = 237.93
Assay : > 99.5%
Assay : > 97% Crystalline

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / 76 g/l) • soluble in water
• R: 22-42/43-49-50/53 S: 22-45-53-60-61 • R: 22-36/38-50/53 S: 22-60-61
• UN 3077 • UN 3077
• CAS 7791-13-1 • CAS: 7758-99-8

C 0507.0025 25 g € 15,90 C 0508.0250 250 g € 11,70

C 0507.0100 100 g € 51,90 C 0508.0500 500 g € 22,10

C 1305 C0943

C22H25NO6 = 399.4 N-(2-Chloro-4-pyridyl)-N’-phenylurea
C12H10ClN3O = 247.7
Assay : > 97%
Cytokinin plant growth regulator
• store at room temperature Takahashi, S. et al., Phytochemistry 17, 2101 (1978)
• soluble in water and ethanol
• R: 26/28 13-36/37-45 Assay : > 98%
• UN 1544
• CAS 64-86-8 • store at room temperature
• For colchicine an end user declaration is required • soluble in DMSO or KOH 0.1 M
• R: 36/37 S: 26-36
C 1305.0001 1g € 27,20 • CAS 68157-60-8
C 1305.0005 5g € 116,70
C 1305.0025 25 g € 500,60 C 0943.0250 250 mg € 42,40

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
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C 0726 C 0119


Vitamin B12 C3H6N2O2 = 102.1

C63H88CoN14O14P = 1355.4
Cycloserine interferes with the bacterial cell wall synthesis by competing with
Assay : > 98% D-Alanine for incorporation into the cell wall. Cyclo­serine has some activity
against gram-negative bacteri­a and is active against some mycobacteria.
• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water (25°C / 12 g/l) Assay : > 900 µg/mg
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 68-19-9 • store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
C 0726.0100 100 mg € 8,90 • CAS 68-41-7
C 0726.1000 1g € 42,00
C 0119.0005 5g € 34,40
C 0119.0025 5x5 g € 138,90
C 0176


Assay :>95% C3H8NO2SCl.H2O = 175.6

• store at 2-8°C Assay : > 98.0%

• soluble in water
• R: 28-51/53-61-68 • store at room temperature
• S: 45-53-61 • soluble in water
• CAS 66-81-9 • R: 36/37/38
• S: 22-36
C 0176.0001 1g € 24,50 • CAS 7048-04-6
C 0176.0005 5g € 103,00
C 0176.0025 25 g € 486,90 C 0706.0025 25 g € 8,40
C 0706.0100 100 g € 22,30
C 0706.0500 500 g € 94,00
C 0706.1000 1 kg € 153,20

D 1342


Produced from Dextran 500.000

Tested for suitability in nucleic acids hybridizati­ons

Free sulphate : < 0.2%

pH aqueous solution (1%) : 5.0-7.5
Clarity (15% solution): No suspended par­ticles

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• CAS 9011-18-1
Two seedlings, Iris Heidmann
D 1342.0010 10 g € 20,00
D 1342.0050 50 g € 87,60
D 1342.0100 100 g € 138,30

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
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D 0920 D 0933

3,6-Dichloro-o-Anisic Acid (diH)Z, DHZ, DZ
C8H6Cl2O3 = 221.0 C10H15N5O = 221.3

Auxin like growth regulator DL-Dihydrozeatin (DHZ) is a naturally occuring cytokinin that is generally
very active. DHZ derivatives are commonly found in plant tissues and are
Assay : > 89% frequent metabolites of ap­plied zeatin. In a bioassay, DHZ and its con­
jugates are equally active as their zeatin ana­logues. In studies where DHZ
• store at room temperature has been exter­nally supplied to plants it appears to be more ‘stable’ than
• liquid storage at 2-8°C zeatin. This may be because DHZ is not a substrate for cytokinin oxidase.
• sterilization : filtration DHZ may be important in the mainte­nance of cytokinin activity levels in
• concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l an oxidative envi­ronment.
• R: 22-41-52/53
• S: 26-61 Assay : > 98%
• UN 3077 white crystalline
• CAS 1918-00-9
• Zeatin < 0.1%
D 0920.0250 250 mg € 70,30 • soluble in ethanol
• powder storage 2-8°C
• liquid storage between -25°C and +5°C
D 0911 • sterilization : filtration
• S: 22-36
ACID ; D 0933.0025 25 mg € 96,00
D 0933.0050 50 mg € 152,50
2,4 D D 0933.0100 100 mg € 254,40
C8H6Cl2O3 = 221.0 D 0933.0250 250 mg € 578,20

Auxin growth regulator

D 0906
Assay : > 96%
off white to tan crystals 6-g-g-(DIMETHYLALLYLAMINO)-
• soluble in ethanol or 1N NaOH
• store powder at room temperature 2-iP; N -[2-Isopentenyl]adenine
• liquid storage at 2-8°C C10H13N5 = 203.2
• readily soluble in water
• sterilization : autoclavable Cytokinin growth regulator
• concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l
• R: 22-37-41-43-52/53 Assay : > 98%
• S: 24/25-26-36/37/39-46-61 Loss on drying : < 1.0%
• UN 3077 White Crystalline
• CAS 94-75-7
• soluble in 1N NaOH
D 0911.0100 100 g € 7,60 • store powder between -25°C and -15°C
D 0911.0250 250 g € 12,60 • liquid storage between -25°C and -15°C
• sterili­zation : autoclavable or filtra­tion
• concentration : 1.0-30.0 mg/l
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 2365-40-4

D 0906.0001 1g € 45,70
D 0906.0005 5g € 194,50
D 0906.0010 10 g € 366,60

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
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D 0934

2-iP-riboside, N6-[2-Isopentenyl]adenosine, N6-[g,g-, methylallyl]adenosine
C15H21N5O4 = 335.4

Assay : > 97%

White crystalline (3 x recrystallized)

• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
• sterilization: filtration
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 7724-76-7

D 0934.0100 100 mg € 37,90 Pineapple propagation in TIB, SBW International B.V., The Netherlands.
D 0934.0250 250 mg € 86,50
D 0934.1000 1g € 262,60 D 1308

D 1370


Assay : > 98%

DMSO, Methyl sulfoxide Melting Point : 79-83°C
C2H6SO = 78.1
• store dry at 2-8°C
Assay : > 99.9% • soluble in water
H 2O : < 0.1% • hygroscopic, protect from moisture
• R: 22-36/37/38 S: 22-24/25-28-36/37
• store at room temperature • CAS 6892-68-8
• melting point 16-19°C
• soluble in water D 1308.0005 5g € 41,10
• R: 36/38 S: 26 D 1308.0010 10 g € 67,00
• CAS 67-68-5 D 1308.0025 25 g € 137,60

D 1370.0100 100 ml € 10,70

D 1370.0250 250 ml € 13,90 D 1309
D 1370.1000 1l € 30,60

C4H10O2S2 = 154.2

Assay :>_ 99%

Melting Point : 40-44°C

• store dry at 2-8°C

• soluble in water
• hygroscopic, protect from moisture
• R: 22 S: 22-24-36/37/39
• CAS 3483-12-3

D 1309 .0005 5g € 41,50

D 1309 .0010 10 g € 58,60
D 1309 .0025 25 g € 126,10

TIB propagation vessels, SBW International B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

D 0120

C27H29NO11.HCl = 580.0

Doxorubicin is an antineoplastic antibiotic that may act by forming a

stable com­plex with DNA and interfering with the synthe­sis of nucleic
acids. It is a cell cycle nonspecific age­nt, but is most active against cells
in S phase. Doxorubicin also acts on cell mem­bra­nes.

• store at 2-8°C, protected from light

• R: 22-36/37/38-45 S: 36/37/39-45-53
• CAS 25316-40-9

D 0120.0010 5 ml € 86,10
Harvested TIB explant Pineapple, SBW International B.V.,
A 5 ml solution contains 10 mg doxorubicin hydrochloride dissolved in 0.9% NaCl The Netherlands

E 0940
D 0121
C28H48O6 = 480.8
C22H24N2O8.HCl = 480.9
Some 30 years ago, organic extracts of Brassica napus pollen were found to
Doxycyline is a tetracycline with bac­terio­static properties against gram- promote stem elongation and cell division in plants. The active components
positive and gram-ne­ga­ti­ve bacteria. Within the cell, it binds rever­sibly to were identified as steroids and have therefore been named brassinosteroids.
the 30S subunit of the ribosome, pre­venting the binding of aminoacyl It is now recognized more and more that brassino­steroids are genuine plant
transfer RNA and inhi­bi­ting protein synthe­sis and hence cell growth. hormones. In the nM to µM range, 24-epibrassinolide has been found to
Doxycy­cline is more active against most species than tetracycline. promote cell division of protoplasts and to cause hypocotyls elongation, but
also to inhibit root extension. Evidence is mounting that it plays a role in
• store at 2-8°C vascular differentiation. Much research has been done on the ameliorative
• soluble in water effect of brassinosteroids during stress. S.D. Clouse and J.M. Sasse:
• protect from light Brassinosteroids: essential regulators of plant growth and development.
• R: 20/21/22-40 S: 22-36/37/39-45 Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 49: 427-451 (1998)
• CAS 10592-13-9
Assay (HPLC) : > 90%
D 0121.0010 10 g € 41,20 22-epibrassinolide + 3- epibrassinolide : < 10%
D 0121.0025 25 g € 98,00
• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in DMSO
• R: 36 S: 26-36
• CAS 78821-43-9

E 0940.0010 10 mg € 145,30
E 0940.0025 25 mg € 301,60

Temporary Immersion Bioreactors (TIB), a PLC-operated system

consisting of liquid medium storage units and plant reactor vessels,
uses temporary submersion of plant parts which enables the culture
period to be prolonged while propagation factors are maintained or
even increased, compared to classical propagation methods.

SBW International BV has gained experience using large scale TIB

systems and developed protocols for numerous ornamental crops
like Heliconia and nutrition crops like banana and pineapple. The
application of this technique provides high quality, homogenous
starting material.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

E 0122 E 0509

C37H67NO13 = 733.9 FeNaEDTA

Ferric Sodium EDTA
Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic with a bacteriostatic action against C10H12N2O8FeNa = 367
primarily gram positive bacteria. It binds revers­ibly to the 50S subunit of the
ribosome, resulting in blockage of the transpeptidation or translocation Assay : > 99%
reacti­ons, inhibition of protein synthesis and hence inhibition of cell growth. Iron (Fe) : > 13.1%
pH: 1% : 4-5.5
Assay : > 93%
Water : < 6.5% • store at room temperature
• soluble in water
• store dry at room temperature • R: 22-36/37/38
• soluble in ethanol • S: 26-39
• R: 20/21/22-42/43 S: 36/37/39 • CAS 15708-41-5
• CAS 114-07-8
E 0509.0100 100 g € 11,60
E 0122.0010 10 g € 26,20 E 0509.0250 250 g € 22,70
E 0122.0025 25 g € 52,30 E 0509.1000 1 kg € 55,20

E 1343 E 0511
C15H16O9.1 /2 H2O = 367.3 Na2EDTA.2H2O
C10H14N2O8Na2.2H2O = 372.2
Assay : > 97.5%
Assay : > 99%
• store dry at room temperature
• soluble in water • store at room temperature
• CAS 66778-17-4 • soluble in water ( 20ºC/100 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38
E 1343.0005 5g € 11,70 • S: 26-36/37/39
E 1343.0025 25 g € 52,30 • CAS 6381-92-6

E 0511.0250 250 g € 14,20

F 0527 E 0511.0500 500 g € 20,30
E 0511.1000 1 kg € 34,50
F 0512
Fe-EDDHA, Red-Brown Microgranule. A higly stable chelate providing a
source of iron easily absorbed by plants. Replacement for FeNaEDTA. T.P.M.
van der Salm Plant Cell Tiss. and Organ Cult, 37: 73-77, 1994 HEPTAHYDRATE
Iron (Fe) : > 5.7% FeSO4.7H2O = 278.0
Chelating agent : EDDHA
Assay : > 98%
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water • store at room temperature
• R: 22-36/37/38 S: 26-39 • soluble in water
• CAS 16455-61-1 • R: 22 S: 24/25
• CAS 7782-63-0
F 0527.0025 25 g € 16,30
F 0527.0100 100 g € 25,10 F 0512.0250 250 g € 9,40
F 0527.0250 250 g € 55,90 F 0512.1000 1 kg € 21,00

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

F 0176 F 0919


; ;
5-FOA C19H14F3NO = 329.3
C5H3FN2O4 = 174.1
Inhibitor of ABA-synthesis.
Used in the selection of orotidine-5’-phospha­te decarboxylase mutants of Kwang-Soo K., Dave­laar E. and De Klerk G.J. Phys. Plantarum 90, 59-64 1994
S. cerivisiae. Winstof, F. et al., Genetics, 107, 179 (1984).
Assay : > 99%
Assay (NMR) : > 98%
• store at room temperature
• store between -25°C and -15°C • slightly soluble in methanol and diethylether
• soluble in water/ethanol • sterilization : filtration
• R: 20/21/22 • concentration : 0.01-0.05 mg/l
• S: 26-36/37/39 • R: 51/53
• CAS 703-95-7 • S: 60
• UN 2783 • CAS 59756-60-4

F 0176.1000 1g € 88,40 F 0919.0250 250 mg € 104,70

F 0176.5000 5g € 400,70

F 0123


C4H3FN2O2 = 130.1

5-Fluorouracil, a pyrimydine analogue, is an antineoplastic agent that acts

as an antime­ta­bolite to uracil. After intra­cellular conversion to the active
deoxynucleotide, it interferes with the synthesis of DNA by blocking the
conver­sion of deoxyuridylic acid to thymidylic acid by the cellular enzyme
thymidylate synthetase.

Assay : > 98%

Loss on drying : < 0.5%

• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water (10 g/l)
• R: 20/21/22-45-60-61
• S: 7-13-22-26-27-36/37/39-45-53
• CAS 51-21-8

F 0123.0001 1g € 7,10
F 0123.0005 5g € 28,50

Bartels Research B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

F 0935 F 0801


C15H15F3N2O2 = 312.3 C6H12O6=180.2

Flurprimidol is an alternative for Ancymidol. Flurprimidol is two to four times as Assay : > 99.5%
active as Ancymidol and more stable. Both Ancymi­dol and Flurprimi­dol are Water : < 0.15%
synthetic inhibitors of Gibberellic Acid biosyn­thesis and block the pathway dur- White crystalline
ing the oxidation of ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid. Flurprimi­dol is used in
Tissue Culture to control inter­node elongation, especially in liquid cultures. • store at room temperature
• soluble in water (20°C / 500 g/l)
Assay : > 99% • CAS 57-48-7

• store powder at 2-8°C F 0801.0500 500 g € 13,40

• store solution at 2-8°C F 0801.1000 1 kg € 23,90
• soluble in DMSO F 0801.5000 5 kg € 88,40
• sterilization: autoclavable or filtration
• concentration: 0.25-10.0 mg/l
• R: 52-21/22 G 0175
• CAS 56425-91-3
F 0935.0025 25 mg € 16,70 ;
F 0935.0050 50 mg € 29,30
F 0935.0100 100 mg € 48,60 C20H40N4O10.2H2SO4 = 692.7

F 0608 G-418 is an aminoglycoside antibioti­c and is applied as a selective agent

in trans­formation experiments. The anti­biotic binds to the 30S subunit of
FOLIC ACID the prokaryotic ribosome, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis as well as
gene­rating errors in the transcription of the genetic code. Riboso­mes of
mitochon­dria and chloroplasts of higher plants are related to bacterial
C19H19N7O6 = 441.4 ribosomes and are also suscepti­ble to ­aminogly­cosides.
Being a derivative of gentamycin, the antibi­otic contains a additional
Assay : > 96% 3’OH that can be phosphoryla­ted by NPT II. As a result of this phosporyla­tion,
Crystalline the charge and the sterio­metric confor­mation of the G-418 molecule
changes in such a way that the antibiotic is no longer capable of binding
• store at room temperature to the specific ribosome binding sites.
• slightly soluble in water (25°C / 1.6 mg/l) G-418 is used as an alternative for kana­mycin in monocots, e.g., rice,­
• S: 22-24/25 Loli­um, Graminea which are highly resistant to the latter. In all cases
• CAS 59-30-3 G-418 was shown to be more effec­tive. This is most probably due to the
better binding characte­ristics of the genta­mycine shaped ­structure of G-418.
F 0608.0025 25 g € 24,50
F 0608.0100 100 g € 80,90 Activity : > 650 µg/mg

F0619 • store at 2-8°C

• soluble in water
FOLINATE CALCIUM • R: 20/21-40-61
PENTAHYDRATE • S: 36/37/39-45-53
• CAS 108321-42-2
C20H21N7O7Ca.5H2O = 601.5 • UN 2811

Assay : > 97% G 0175.0001 1g € 44,70

Yellow powder G 0175.0005 5g € 212,20

• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
• R: 36/37/38-42/43 S: 26-36
• CAS 41927-89-3

F 0619.0001 1g € 52,40

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
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G 0810 G 0124


C6H12O6=180.2 An aminoglycoside antibiotic with bacteri­ ci­

dal activity against many
gram-negative bacte­ ri­
a. Aminoglycosides are taken up into sensiti­ ve
Assay : > 98% ­bacterial cells by an active transport pro­cess.
Water : < 1.0% Within the cell, they bind to the 30S and to some extent to the 50S
subunits of the bacterial ribosome, inhibiting protein synthesis and­
• store at room temperature ge­ne­rating errors in the transcripton of the gene­tic code.
• soluble in water (25°C / 680 g/l)
• CAS 59-23-4 Potency : > 590 units/mg

G 0810.0100 100 g € 15,80 • store at room temperature

G 0810.0500 500 g € 65,20 • soluble in water, (20°C / 100 g/l)
G 0810.1000 1 kg € 118,70 • R: 36/38-42/43
• S: 22-36/37/39-45
• CAS 1405-41-0
G 1101
G 0124.0001 1g € 10,70
GELRITE G 0124.0005 5g € 18,80
G 0124.0010 10 g € 30,40
G 0124.0025 25 g € 61,70
Gelrite is a naturally-derived gelling polymer that can be used in a variety
of applications as a solidi­fication agent inste­ad of agar.
Produced by microbial fermentation, Gelri­te is a highly purified natural
anionic polysac­cha­ri­de wit­hout the variations commonly as­socia­ted with
agar. Gelrite forms rigid, britt­le, agar like gels at ap­prox­imately half the
2+ 2+
use level of agar in pre­sen­ce of soluble salts like Mg and Ca . Gels
prepa­red with Gelrite­are remar­ka­bly clear in com­pari­son to tho­se formed
with agar. Gelrite con­tains no conta­minating mat­ters (e.g., phen­olic com­
pounds) as found in agar that are toxic to certain sen­sitive orga­nisms.

Li-Chun Huang, Toshio Murashige et al. Effects of common components on

hardness of culture media prepared with Gelrite. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.
31: 84-89, April 1995. Society for in Vitro Biology

Loss on drying : <15%

Gel strength : 400-700 g/cm2

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• It is advised to adjust Gelrite to the medium by means of a sieve to
avoid lumping.
• CAS 71010-52-1

G 1101.0100 100 g € 21,00

G 1101.0250 250 g € 44,90
G 1101.0500 500 g € 88,00
G 1101.1000 1 kg € 155,70
G 1101.5000 5 kg € 721,50
G 1101.9025 25 kg € 3168,20

Iris Heidmann, Arabidopsis flower

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

G 0907 G 0707


GA3 Gibberellin A3 C5H9NO4 = 147.1

C19H22O6 = 346.4
Assay : > 98.5%
GA3 content : > 90% of total gibberellins
crystalline • store at room temperature
• soluble in water (25ºC / 11.1 g/l)
• soluble in ethanol • CAS 56-86-0
• store powder at room temperature
• liquid storage at 2-8°C G 0707.0500 500 g € 32,20
• sterilization by filtration G 0707.1000 1 kg € 50,50
• ­concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l
• R: 36 S: 26-36
• CAS 77-06-5 G 0708

G 0907.0001 1g € 17,20 L-GLUTAMINE

G 0907.0005 5g € 64,70

C5H10N2O3 = 146.15
G 0938
Assay : > 99%
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water (18°C / 26 g/l)
(GA4+7), Gibberellin A4 + A7 • CAS 56-85-9
Mixture of GA4: GA7 = 2:1
G 0708.0050 50 g € 16,70
Assay (content A4+A7) : > 90% G 0708.0100 100 g € 28,30
G 0708.0250 250 g € 59,60
• soluble in ethanol G 0708.0500 500g € 101,10
• store powder at room temperature
• liquid storage at 2-8°C
• sterilization by filtration
• ­concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS GA4: 468-44-0
• CAS GA7: 510-75-8

G 0938.0250 250 mg € 9,50

G 0938.1000 1g € 29,20

G 0802



Assay : >99.5%

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water (25°C / 500 g/l)
• CAS 5996-10-1

G 0802.1000 1 kg € 7,20
G 0802.5000 5 kg € 24,30

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

G 1346 G 0158


C10H17N3O6S = 307.3 N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine

C3H8NO5P = 169.1
Assay : > 98%
Glyphosate inhibits the enzyme 5-enolpyru­ vyl-shikimate 3-phos­ phate
• store at 2-8°C syntheta­se (EPS­PS) which is involved in the shikimate path­way. Inhibi­tion
• soluble in water (20ºC / ±100 g/l) of this enzym results in an accu­mula­tion of shikimate, inhibition of syn­the­sis
• CAS 70-18-8 of aro­ma­tic ami­no acids and secondary me­taboli­tes, and results in cell
G 1346.0005 5g € 15,20
G 1346.0025 25 g € 65,70 Enolpyruvylshikimate-phosphate syntha­se
G 1346.0100 100 g € 210,20 Q
phosphoenolpyruvate + shikimate-3P R5-enol­pyru­vyls­hikimate-3-P
G 1345 Q
aromatic aminoacids
A. Wilmink and J.J.M. Dons
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, Vol 11 (2) 1993
C3H8O3 = 92.1
1 l = 1.26 kg Assay : > 95%

Assay : > 98.0% • store at 2-8°C

Water : < 2% • soluble in water
• R: 41-51/53
• store at room temperature • S: 26-39-61
• soluble in water • CAS 1071-83-6
• CAS 56-81-5
G 0158.0001 1g € 25,30
G 1345.1000 1l € 22,20 G 0158.0005 5g € 98,50
G 1345.5000 5l € 64,20

G 0167
G 0709
C17H17ClO6 = 352.8
C2H5NO2 = 75.1
Griseofulvin is an antifungal agent that cau­ ses gross morphological
Cell culture tested changes in the fungus in­clu­ding the production of bi­nucleate and multi­
nu­cleate cells. Griseo­fulvin blocks micro­tubule assem­bly and may also
Assay : > 98.5% affect microtubule func­ti­on.

• store at room temperature Assay : > 97%

• soluble in water (25°C / 250 g/l)
• CAS 56-40-6 • store at 2-8°C
• soluble in ethanol
G 0709.1000 1 kg € 26,80 • R: 40-43-60-61
G 0709.5000 5 kg € 115,30 • S: 22-28-36/37/39-45-53
• CAS 126-07-8

Urginea maritima, a medicinal bulbous crop producing G 0167.0005 5g € 12,30

cardiac glycosides. G 0167.0025 25 g € 39,70

Heba Shanin MSc and Dr. Geert-Jan de Klerk,

Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

G 1375 H 1504


CH5N3HCl = 95.5 N-[2-Hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N’-[2-ethanesulfonic acid]

C8H18N2O4S = 238.3
Being a so called chaotropic agent Guani­dine HCl is used as a powerful
protein dena­turant in the purification of proteins and nucleic acids (DNA Assay : > 99%
and RNA). Guanidine HCl is also applied as a solubilizing agent in pKa (25° C) : 7.5
electropho­re­sis and in molecular weight determina­tion. pH range : 6.8 - 8.2
Moisture content : < 0.5%
Assay : > 99.7%
Melting Point : 185-188 • store at room temperature
Moisture content : < 0.2% • soluble in water
• R: 36/37/38
• store at room temperature • S: 26
• soluble in water (30ºC / 2280g/l) • CAS 7365-45-9
• R: 22-36/38 S: 22
• CAS 50-01-1 H 1504.0025 25 g € 15,30
H 1504.0100 100 g € 46,00
G 1375.0100 100 g € 20,20 H 1504.0250 250 g € 100,00
G 1375.0250 250 g € 41,50 H 1504.0500 500 g € 182,70
G 1375.0500 500 g € 72,90 H 1504.1000 1 kg € 317,70
G 1375.1000 1 kg € 138,70

H 0168
H 0710
C9H7NO = 145.2
C6H9N3O2 = 155.2
Assay : > 99%
Assay : > 99%
• store dark at room temperature
• store at room temperature • insoluble in water
• soluble in water (20°C / 41.6 g/l) • R: 22-36/38 S: 22
• CAS 71-00-1 • CAS 148-24-3

H 0710.0100 100 g € 32,10 H 0168.0025 25 g € 10,60

H 0710.0500 500 g € 124,30 H 0168.0100 100 g € 25,70

Iris Heidmann, CMS in chicory. Iris Heidmann, Wild type chicory.

ENZA zaden Research and Development B.V. ENZA zaden Research and Development B.V.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

H 0192 I 0902


; ;
C20H37N3O13 = 527.0 3-Indolebutyric acid; IBA; 4-[3-indolyl]butyric acid
C12H13NO2 = 203.2
Toxic aminoglycoside produced by Strepto­myces hygrosco­picus. Hygromycin
B inter­feres with the translation step of polypepti­de syn­thesis of prokaryots Auxin growth regulator
and eukaryots. It inhibits peptide chain elongation by preventing elongation-
factor EF-2 dependent tran­slocati­on. Hygromycin B is used as a selective Assay : > 98%
agent for the incorporation of the APH 4 gene in plant tissue. Melting point : 122-124ºC

• store at 2-8°C • soluble in ethanol or 1N NaOH

• soluble in water • store powder at 2-8°C
• R: 26/27/28-37/38-41 • liquid storage at 2-8°C
• S: 23-26-28-36/37/39-45 • sterilization : autoclavable or filtration
• CAS 31282-04-9 • concentration : 0.01-3.0 mg/l
• UN 2810 • R: 23/25-36/37/38
• S: 28-36/37/39-45
H 0192.0001 1 x 106U € 105,20 • CAS 133-32-4
5 x 106U € 474,10 • UN 2811
One vial of Hygromycin B solution con­ tains 1 x 10 units and is I 0902.0005 5g € 23,30
approxima­tely the equivalent of 1 gram Hygromycin B lyophi­lized powder. I 0902.0025 25 g € 63,20

I 0901 I 0609


3-Indoleacetic acid, IAA, Heteroauxin i-inositol, meso-inositol

C10H9NO2 = 175.2 C6H12O6 = 180.2
Auxin growth regulator
Assay : > 97%
Assay : > 99.0% White powder
Melting point : 166-169ºC
• store at room temperature
• soluble in ethanol and 1N NaOH • soluble in water
• store powder between -20°C and 15°C • CAS 87-89-8
• store liquid between -25°C and 15°C
• sterilization : autoclavable or filtration I 0609.0100 100 g € 24,10
• concentration : 0.01-3.0 mg/l I 0609.0250 250 g € 48,00
• S: 22-24/25 I 0609.0500 500 g € 77,80
• CAS 87-51-4 I 0609.1000 1 kg € 120,30

I 0901.0005 5g € 11,60
I 0901.0025 25 g € 34,90
I 0901.0100 100 g € 140,50

Rose after rooting treatment with auxin. Ethylene was removed

from the headspace by porous grains coated with KMn04
(trade name "Power Pellets")

Dr. Geert-Jan de Klerk, Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

I 0711 J 0936


C6H13NO2 = 131.2 ([±]-1a,2b-3-Oxo-2-[cis-2-pentyl]cyclopentaneacetic acid)

C12H18O3 = 210.3
Assay : > 98.5%
Ravnikar M., Vilhar B., Gogala N., J Plant Growth Regul (1992) 11:29-31
• store at room temperature Ravnikar M., Gogala N., J Plant Growth Regul (1990) 9:233-236
• soluble in water (20°C / 32.1 g/l)
• CAS 73-32-5 Assay : > 95%

I 0711.0010 10 g € 9,40 • store at 2-8°C

I 0711.0025 25 g € 19,30 • soluble in ethanol
I 0711.0100 100 g € 64,00 • CAS 6894-38-8

J 0936.0250 250 mg € 74,10

I 1401
ISOPROPYL-ß-D-1- K 0126
C9H18O5S = 238.3
Kanamycin A Sulphate monohydrate
Isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactoside, IPTG is a che­mi­cal analogue of galactose C18H36N4O11.H2SO4 .H2O= 600.6
that can not be cleaved by ß-galactosidase. Functioning as an analogue,
IPTG binds and inhibits the powerful lac repressor, stron­gly inducing the plant cell culture tested
production of ß-galacto­sida­se.
Kanamycin is an aminoglycoside antibi­ot­ic and has a bactericidal action
IPTG is used in conjunction with X-Gal for detec­ti­on of lac colonies or against many gram-negative bacteria. Aminogly­co­­­s­i­des are taken up into
cells in a colori­me­tric assay, in order to distinguish recombinants (white) sensitive bacterial cells by an active transport proces. Within the cell they
from non re­combi­nants (blue) in cloning stra­te­gies using vectors like bind to the 30S and to some extent to the 50S subunits of the bacterial
Lamb­da-11, M13m­p18 and 19, pUC18 and 19, pUR222 contai­ning the ribosome, inhibiting protein syn­ the­
sis and generating errors in the
lacZ gene. For more detai­led infor­mati­on see X-Gal. transcrip­ton of the genetic code. Kanamycin is used as a selec­tive agent
for the incorporation of the NPT II in 2005 en 2005 (APH3’) gene in plant
Assay : > 99% tissue.
Water :<1%
Spec. Opt. Rot. : (-)31° - 33° Activity : > 750 IU/mg
(a20°/D; C=1 in H2O) Kanamycin B : < 4.0%

• store dry between -25°C and -15°C • store at room temperature

• soluble in ethanol and water • soluble in water
• R: 20/21/22 • R: 61
• S: 22-24/25 • S: 45-53
• CAS 367-93-1 • CAS 25389-94-0

I 1401.0001 1g € 15,90 K 0126.0001 1 g € 4,70

I 1401.0005 5g € 47,40 K 0126.0005 5 g € 21,80
I 1401.0025 25 g € 183,50 K 0126.0010 10 g € 40,20
K 0126.0025 25 g € 75,10

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

K 0905 L 1706


6-Furfurylaminopurine Ingredients per litre

C10H9N5O = 215.2 Tryptone : 10 g
Sodium chloride : 10 g
Assay : > 98% Yeast extract : 5g
Microbiological tested Agar : 10 g
Cytokinin growth regulator
• store dry at room temperature
• soluble in 1N NaOH • dissolve 35 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2.
• store powder at 2-8°C • sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes
• liquid storage at between -25°C and -15°C
• sterilization : autoclavable or filtra­tion L 1706.0100 100 g € 10,00
• concentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l L 1706.0500 500 g € 39,40
• S: 22-24/25 L 1706.2500 2,5 kg € 183,20
• CAS 525-79-1

K 0905.0001 1g € 16,20 L 1703

K 0905.0005 5g € 60,20
K 0905.0025 25 g € 268,70 LB BROTH LOW SALT

L 1372 Ingredients per litre

Tryptone : 10 g
LACTOSE MONOHYDRATE Sodium chloride : 5g
Yeast extract : 5g

C12H22O11.H2O = 360.3 • store dry at room temperature

• dissolve 20 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2.
• store at room temperature • sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
• soluble in water
• CAS 10039-26-6 L 1703.0100 100 g € 7,90
L 1703.0500 500 g € 31,60
L 1372.1000 1 kg € 12,10 L 1703.2500 2.5 kg € 138,80
L 1372.5000 5 kg € 43,40

L 1704
L 1705
Ingredients per litre
Ingredients per litre Tryptone : 10 g
Tryptone : 10 g Sodium Chloride : 10 g
Sodium chloride : 5g Yeast extract : 5g
Yeast extract : 5g
Microbiological tested Agar : 10 g • store dry at room temperature
• dissolve 25 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2.
• store dry at room temperature • sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
• dissolve 30 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2.
• sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes. H. Miller, Propagation and maintenance of E. coli for the preparation of
phage and plasmid DNA., Meths. Enzymol. 152, 145 (1987)
L 1705.0100 100 g € 10,00 S. Heber, B.E. Tropp, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1129, 1 (1991)
L 1705.0500 500 g € 39,40
L 1705.2500 2,5 kg € 183,20 L 1704.0100 100 g € 7,50
L 1704.0500 500 g € 30,20
L 1704.2500 2,5 kg € 132,80

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

L 0712 L 1349


C6H13NO2 = 131.18 (4,5-Dihydro-[6-hydroxy-2-benzothia­zoyl]-4-thi­azolecarboxylicacid)

Free acid
Assay : > 98.5% C11H8O3N2S2 = 280.3

• store at room temperature Used with firefly luciferase for the deter­mi­nati­on of ATP using biolumines-
• soluble in water (25°C / 25 g/l) cence. Firefly luciferase from Photinus pyralis cataly­zes the adenosine
• CAS 61-90-5 triphosphate depen­dent oxida­ti­ve decarboxy­lation of luciferin produ­cing
light emission at a wavelength of 562 nm.
L 0712.0100 100 g € 19,30
D-Luciferin,HPLC, chemical purity : > 99. 4%
L 0127 D-Luciferin HPLC, optical purity : > 99. 3%
Contains 0.05% acetic acid as antistatic.
MONOHYDRATE • store between -25°C and -15°C
• soluble in alkaline solutions
C18H34N2O6S.HCl.H2O = 461.0 • protect from light and moisture
• S: 22-26
Lincomycin is a lincosamide antibiotic with a primarily bacterio-static • CAS 2591-17-5
action against gram-positive bacteria. Lincomycin binds to the 50S
­subunit of the bacterial ribosome and inhi­bits the early stages of protein L 1349.0100 100 mg € 236,00
synthesis. L 1349.0250 250 mg € 525,00
L 1349.0500 500 mg € 1004,90
Assay : > 82.5% (dried substance) L 1349.1000 1g € 1780,10

• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water L 0714
• S: 22-24/25
L 0127.0005 5g € 83,30
C6H15ClN2O2 = 182.7

Assay : > 98.5%

Luciferase-activity in genetically modified cassava-plants.
• store at room temperature
Left: no activity in leaves and stems when the luciferase-gene is
• soluble in water
driven by a tuber-specific promoter isolated from cassava.
Right: activity in leaves and stems when the luciferase-gene is driven
• CAS 657-27-2
by the constitutive 35S-promoter.
L 0714.0100 100 g € 9,40
Ing. Herma Koehorst- van Putten, L 0714.0500 500 g € 33,80
Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

M 8002


Macerating Enzyme from Rhizopus sp. Macerozyme is well suited for the
isolation of plant cells and is often used in combination with cellulase
“Onozuka R-10” (Cat no. C 8001). A multi-component enzyme mixture
containing the following enzyme activities:

Enzyme activity : > 3,000 U/g

Pectinase : 0.5 U/mg
Cellulase : 0.1 U/mg
Hemicellulase : 0.25 U/mg
Loss on drying : < 10%

• solubility : 1 mg/ml 0.1 M Sodium acetate buffer pH 4.5

• store at 2-8°C
• pH optimum : 3.5 - 7.0
• CAS 9032-75-1

Yamada, Y et al., Agr. Biol. Chem. 36, 1055-1059, 1972

Barraclough, R. & Ellis, R.J., Eur. J. Biochem, 94, 165, 165-177 Shoots regeneration from somatic cell of barley immature scutellum
Okada, G., Methods Enzymol. Vol. 160, 259-263 (Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology, Justus-
Liebig-University Giessen, Germany)
M 8002.0001 1g € 11,60
M 8002.0005 5g € 47,30 M 0921
M 8002.0010 10 g € 77,80
M 0533
C4H4N2O2 = 112.1
HEXAHYDRATE Assay : > 98%

MgCl2.6H2O = 203.3 • soluble in 1N NaOH

• store powder at room temperature.
Assay : > 98% • liquid storage at 2-8°C
• sterilization : filtration­
• store at room temperature • concentration : 0.01-10.0 mg/l
• soluble in water (20°C / 1670 g/l) • R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• CAS 7791-18-6 • CAS 123-33-1

M 0533.1000 1 kg € 12,30 M 0921.0100 100 g € 47,50

M 0513 M 1315


MgSO4.7H2O = 246.5 C4H6O5=134.1

Assay : > 99% Assay : > 99%

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / 710 g/l) • soluble in water (20ºC / ±530 g/l)
• CAS 10034-99-8 • R: 36 S: 26-36
• CAS 617-48-1
M 0513.1000 1 kg € 11,90
M 0513.5000 5 kg € 33,40 M 1315.1000 1 kg € 19,60

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

M 1327 M 0514


Prepared by extracting the soluble pro­ducts from spro­uted grain. MnSO4.H2O = 169.0

Assay : > 60.0% maltose Assay : > 98%

Sodium chloride : < 1.0%
pH (3% solution) : 4.8-5.8 • store at room temperature
• soluble in water (20ºC / 750 g/l)
• store dry at room temperature • R: 48/20/22-51/53 S: 22-61
• soluble in water • CAS 10034-96-5
• CAS 8002-48-0 • UN 3077

M 1327.0100 100 g € 7,40 M 0514.0250 250 g € 11,10

M 1327.0500 500 g € 26,20 M 0514.0500 500 g € 18,60
M 0514.1000 1 kg € 31,80

M 0811
M 0803
Assay : > 95%
Glucose : < 3.0% Assay : > 98%
Sorbitol : < 2%
• store at room temperatu­re
• soluble in water (25ºC / 850 g/l) • store at room temperature
• CAS 6363-53-7 • soluble in water (25°C/213 g/l)
• CAS 69-65-8
M 0811.0250 250 g € 21,80
M 0811.0500 500 g € 36,40 M 0803.1000 1 kg € 22,80
M 0811.1000 1 kg € 68,30 M 0803.5000 5 kg € 89,50
M 0811.5000 5 kg € 328,30

Haworthia micropropagation Micropropagation illuminated by LED-Light

Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

M1392 M 1503


C6H12O6 = 180.2 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid

C6H13NO4S.H2O = 213.2
Most plants are incapable of surviving on a synthetic medium c­ ontaining
mannose as energy source, because these plants miss the enzyme A highly purified quality of MES with excel­lent ­properties for moleculair
Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI). ­This leads to an accumulation of biology and cell cul­ture. MES is an excellent buffer for use in Plant Culture
­mannose 6-phosphate which depletes intracellular stores of inorganic media because of its high buffer capacity and its pH range of 5.5.-6.7.
In the presence of PMI, mannose 6-phosphate is converted into fructose Assay : > 99%
6-phosphate to enter the glycolytic pathway. pKa (20° C) : 5.9 - 6.3
A new selection system has been developed by genetically transforming pH (0.5 M in water, 20°C) : 2.5 - 4.0
plant cells with the gene ManA, coding for PMI, as marker. Cells contain- pH range : 5.5 - 6.7
ing this gene are able to grow on mannose.
• store at room temperature
Assay : > 99% • soluble in water (25°C / >100 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• store at room temperatu­re • CAS 4432-31-9
• soluble in water
• CAS 3458-28-4 M 1503.0025 25 g € 10,70
M 1503.0100 100 g € 28,90
M 1392.0100 100 g € 33,00 M 1503.0250 250 g € 70,60
M 1392.0500 500 g € 153,80 M 1503.1000 1 kg € 270,20
M 1392.1000 1 kg € 253,80

M 0715
M 0129
C5H11NO2S = 149.2
C5H4N4S.H2O = 170.2
Assay : > 99%
6-Mercaptopurine is an antineoplastic agent that acts as an antimetabolite.
It is an ana­lo­gue of the natural purines hypoxanthine and ade­nine. After • store at room temperature
the intracellular conversion of mer­cap­topurine to active nucleotides, it • soluble in water (20°C / 48 g/l)
appears to exhi­bit a variety of actions including interference with nucleic • CAS 63-68-3
acid synthesis.
M 0715.0100 100 g € 22,80
Assay : > 96.0%

• store at room temperature

• soluble in ethanol
• R: 23/25-40
• S: 22-28-53
• CAS 6112-76-1
• UN 2811

M 0129.0005 5g € 32,90

Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

M 0130 M 1404

Amethopterin 4-MUG tr­ihydrate
C20H22N8O5 = 454.4 C16H16O9.3H2O = 406.4

An antineoplastic agent that acts as an anti­metabolite of folic acid. 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucu­roni­de tri­hy­drate (4-MUG) is a fluores-
Within the cell folic acid is reduced to dihydrofolic - and tetrahydro­fo­lic cent substrate for ß-D-glucu­roni­dase (GUS) encoded by the gusA gene
acid. M
­ ethotrexate competitively inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reduc- iso­lated originally from E. coli. Cleavage of the substrate 4-MUG by a
tase and pre­vents the formation of tetrahydrofolate, which is neces­sary ß-glucuronidase activi­ty leads to the gene­ration of the fluorige­nic pro­duct
for purine and pyrimidine synthesis and con­sequently the formation of 4-MU, which can be visua­lized or detected by irradiation with UV light.
DNA and RNA. Most active against cells in the S phase.
4-Methylumbelliferyl- ß-D-glucuronide (4-MUG)
• store dry at room temperature glucuro­nic acid + 7-hy­droxy-4-me­thyl­couma­rin (MU)
• soluble in alkaline solutions
• protect from light The fluorescence assay allows quantitation of GUS activity by means of a
• R: 23/24/25-36/37/38-46-60-61 fluorimeter in pro­tein ex­tracts in conjunction with 4-MUG at a peak
• S: 07-13-22-26-36/37/39-45-53 excita­tion of 365 nm (UV) and a peak emission of 455 nm (blue).
• CAS 59-05-2
• UN 2811 • store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in DMF and DMSO
M 0130.0001 1g € 83,30 • S: 22-24/25
• CAS 6160-80-1

M 0918 M 1404.0100 100 mg € 25,70

M 1404.1000 1g € 89,40
M 0131
C13H20O3 = 224.29
Assay : > 97%
Specific gravity : 1028 mg/ml
C6H9N3O3 = 171.2
• s tore at room temperature, dark and dry
­• soluble in ethanol • store at room temperature
• concentration: 0.01-5.0 mg/l • soluble in diluted acids and DMFO
• CAS 39924-52-2 • R: 20/21/22-33-40 S: 26-36/37/39
• CAS 443-48-1
M 0918.0001 1 ml € 47,70
M 0131.0025 25 g € 31,50
1 ml solution contains 100 ppm d,l-tocopherol M 0131.0100 100 g € 82,50

1. Stomata cell of transgenic barley expressing GFP. Overlay, confocal
laser microscopy, Leica Germany.
2. Transgenic tobacco stomata cell expressing GFP- Confocal laser
microscopy, Leica Germany

(Dr. J. Imani, Institute of Phytopathology & Applied Zoology,

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany, Prof. R. Hueckelhoven,
Centre of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan, Germany)

 FP expression in strawberry, transformed with constructs

containing the gfp gene in addition to other genes.
Left : normal light
Right: UV light

Ing. Aranka van der Burgh, Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

M 0133

C15H18N4O5 = 334.3

Mitomycin C is a toxic antibiotic with antineoplastic properties. It acts as an alky­la­

ting agent after activation and also supresses the synthesis of nucleic acids. It is a
cell-cycle non specific agent and is most active in the late G1 and early S phases.

• store at room temperature

• soluble in ethanol, slightly soluble in water
• R: 25-33-40-45 S: 22-28-36/37/39-45
• CAS 50-07-7, UN 2811
M 0133.0002 1 x 2 mg € 28,60
5 x 2 mg € 139,90
M 0132 25 x 2 mg € 685,00

MICONAZOLE NITRATE Each vial contains 2 mg mitomycin C and 48 mg NaCl as recipient

C18H14Cl4N2O.HNO3 = 479.1 M 1502

Miconazole as an imidazole antifungal agent interferes with ergosterol MOPS

synthesis and therefore alters the permeability of the cell membrane of
sensitive fungi and yeasts.
4-Morpholino propanesulfonic acid
• store at room temperature C7H15NO4S = 209.3
• soluble in propylene glycol
• R: 20/21/22-43 S: 36/37/39 Assay : > 99.5%
• CAS 22832-87-7 pKa (25° C) : 7.0 - 7.2
pH (10% in water) : ca. 4.0
M 0132.0001 1g € 7,10 pH range : 6,5 - 7,9
M 0132.0005 5g € 25,70
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water (20ºC / > 100 g/l)
M 0172 • R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• CAS 1132-61-2
M 1502.0025 25 g € 13,20
M 1502.0100 100 g € 30,40
C23H27N3O7.HCl = 493.9 M 1502.0250 250 g € 70,70
M 1502.1000 1 kg € 237,60
Minocycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic with activity against gram-posi-
tive and gram-nega­tive bacteria. Minocycline has a spec­trum of activity 2
like that of tetracycline but is more active against many species. Wit­hin
the cell minocy­cline binds rever­sible to the 30S subu­nit of the ribosome,
preven­ting the binding of aminoa­cyl transfer RNA and inhibiting protein
syn­the­sis and hence cell growth.

Assay : > 96%

• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
• protect from light
• R: 33-36/37/38-63-64 S: 26-36-45
• CAS 13614-98-7

M 0172.0001 1g € 130,80

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

M 1415 N 0903


Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide NAA, 1-Naphthalene Acetic acid
C18H16N5SBr = 414.3 C12H10O2 = 186.2

MTT is a water soluble salt of tetrazolium salt yielding a yellowish Auxin growth regulator
­solution when prepared in media or salt solutions lacking phenol red. By
cleavage of the tetrazolium ring by dehydroge­nase enzymes, dissolved Assay : > 98%
MTT is converted into insoluble purple formazan. This water insoluble
formazan can be solubilized using isopropanol or other solvents and the • store at room temperature
dissolved material is measured spectrophotometrically yielding maximum • slightly soluble in water (20 °C / < 0,4 g/l),
absorbance at 565 nm as a function of concentration of converted dye. soluble in alcohol (20 °C / 30 g/l)
• liquid storage at 2-8°C
Assay : > 98% • sterilization : autoclavable
• R: 22 S: 13
• store at 2-8°C • CAS 86-87-3
• soluble in water (20ºC / > 10 g/l)
• S: 22-24/25 N 0903.0025 25 g € 10,20
• CAS 298-93-1 N 0903.0050 50 g € 15,80
N 0903.0100 100 g € 21,80
M 1415.0001 1g € 22,10
M 1415.0005 5g € 76,20
M 1415.0025 25 g € 284,70

Apple shoots after 3 weeks of rooting on medium with NAA and

the ethylene inibitor STS
Geert-Jan de Klerk, Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

10 µM NAA 10 µM NAA + 10 µM STS

N 0134
N 0912
C12H12N2O3 = 232.2
2-Naphthoxyacetic Acid
Nalidixic acid is active against gram-negati­ve bacteria. The antibiotic is C12H10O3 = 202.2
considered to act by inter­fering with the replication of bacterial DNA,
probably by inhibiting DNA gyrase (topoi­somerase) activity. Assay : > 97%

Assay : > 99.4% • Store powder at room temperature

• soluble in 1 N NaOH
• store at room temperature • liquid storage at 2-8°C
• slightly soluble in water (23ºC / 0.1 g/l) • sterilization : autoclavable
• R: 40-42/43-63 • R: 36/37/38-20/21/22 S: 24/25
• S: 22-24-36/37-45 • CAS 120-23-0
• CAS 389-08-2 • UN 2783

N 0134.0005 5g € 10,00 N 0912.0025 25 g € 8,30

N 0134.0025 25 g € 29,90 N 0912.0500 500 g € 66,30

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

N 1350

C10H8NaO4P.H2O = 264.2

Substrate for determination of phosphatase

Assay : > 99 %
Free Phosphate (PO4) : < 0.1%
Free Naphthyl : < 0.1%
Water : 5 - 10%

• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
• protect from moisture
• R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• CAS 81012-89-7 Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

N 1350.0001 1g € 7,00 M 0135

N 1350.0005 5g € 27,50
N 0926
C23H46N6O13.3H2SO4 = 908.9
PHTHALAMIC ACID ; Potency : > 680 µg/mg

Naptalam, NPA Neomycin is an aminoglycoside with a bactericidal action against many gram-
C18H13NO3 = 291.3 negative bacteria. Aminogly­co­sides are taken up into sensitive bacteria by an
active transport proces. In the cell they bind to 30S and to some extent to the
Non competitive transport inhibitor of auxin. 50S subu­nits of the bacterial ribosome, in­hibiting pro­tein synthe­sis and genera­
ting errors in the trans­cripton of the genetic code. Neomycin is used as a
• R: 20 S: 22-24/25 selecti­ve agent for the incor­porati­on of the NPT II (AP­H3’) gene in plant tissue.
• CAS 132-66-1, UN 2588
• store at 2-8ºC
N 0926.0250 250 mg € 149,50 • soluble in water (20°C / 300 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38-42/43-63 S: 22-26-36/37/39
• CAS 1405-10-3
Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

M 0135.0025 25 g € 17,20
M 0135.0100 100 g € 62,70

N 0610


C6H6N2O = 122.1

Assay : > 99%

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water (25°C / 1000 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36
• CAS 98-92-0

N 0610.0100 100 g € 8,70

N 0610.0250 250 g € 18,20

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

N 0611 O 1409

C6H5NO2 = 123.1 ONPG

C12H15NO8 = 301.3
Assay : > 99%
ONPG is a colorimetric and spectrophoto­me­tric substrate for detection of
• store at room temperature ß-galacto­sidase activi­ty. ONPG is cleaved by ß-ga­lacto­sidase via hy­droly­sis
• soluble in water (20°C / 18 g/l) at the ß-1-4-glycosidic bond be­tween 2-nitrop­he­nol and galactose. The
• R: 36 S: 22-26 rele­a­sed 2-nitro­p­henol is mea­sured spectrophoto­metri­cal­ly at 405 nm.
• CAS 59-67-6 The absor­bance intensity at this wave­length is directly related to the
speci­fic activity.
N 0611.0100 100 g € 8,90
N 0611.0250 250 g € 18,20 Assay : > 90%
N 0611.0500 500 g € 27,50
• store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in DMSO, DMF and water
N 1411 • protect from light and moisture
• S: 22-24/25

O 1409.0005 5g € 29,70
Nitro Tetrazolium Blue, NBT O 1409.0025 25 g € 113,40
C40H30Cl2N10O6 = 817.6

NBT is used in conjunction with X-Phos for colori­me­tric detection of N 1408

a­lkaline phosphatase activity in blotting, immunohisto­ chemical and
­cytochemistry techniques. p-NITROPHENYL-ß-D-GLUCURONIDE
Assay : > 99%
Water : < 1.5% NPG
C12H13NO9 = 315.2
• store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in methanol and water NPG is substrate for de­tec­tion of ß-glucuronidase activi­ty. NPG is clea­ved
• protect from light by GUS via hydroly­sation at the ß1-glycosi­dic bond be­tween 4-nitrophenol
• R: 20/21/22 S: 22-24/25-36 and glucuronic acid. The released 4-ni­trophenol can be spec­trophoto­
• CAS 38184-50-8 metri­cally measu­red at 402-410 nm. The absor­bance intensity at these
wavelengths is di­rectly related to the spe­cific activity.
N 1411.0100 100 mg € 13,80
N 1411.1000 1g € 46,00 Assay : > 99%

• store dry at between -25°C and -15°C

• soluble in DMSO, DMF and water
• protect from moisture
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 10344-94-2

N 1408.0250 250 mg € 24,50

N 1408.1000 1g € 79,10

In house developed system of growth chamber. Light armature

integrated in construction. Light level adjustabe between
500 - 10.000 lux. All shelves with water cooling. Setting of
temperature variable between shelves in one growth room.

Iribov B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

N 0138 O 1318

C47H75NO17 = 926.1 C12H18N4O6S = 346.4

Nystatin is a polyene antifungal antibio­tic produced by Strepto­myces Assay : > 96%

noursei. It acts mainly by interfering with the per­meability of the cell
membrane of sensitive fungi and yeasts by binding to sterols. • store at room temperature
• soluble in DMSO
Potency : > 5000 IU/mg • R: 51/53 S: 22-24/25-60
• CAS 19044-88-3
• store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in DMSO Verhoeven, H.A. et al. Acta Bot. Neerl., 40(2) : 97 (1001) Planta 182 : 408
• S: 22-24/25 (1990) Van Tuyl J.M. et al. Acta Horticultura 325 : 625 (1992)
• CAS 1400-61-9
O 1318.1000 1g € 51,30
N 0138.0005 5g € 21,70
N 0138.0010 10 g € 37,30
N 0138.0025 25 g € 73,80 O 0140


Oxytetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibio­tic with activity against gram-posi-

C5H12N2O2.HCl = 168.6 tive and gram-negative bacteria. Within the cell tetracy­clines bind reversibly
Polyamine growth regulator. to the 30S subunit of the ribosome, preventing the binding of aminoa­cyl
trans­fer RNA and inhibiting protein synthesis and hen­ce cell growth.
Assay : > 99%
• store at room temperature
• store at room temperature • soluble in ethanol and water
• soluble in water (25°C / 500 g/l) • R: 63 S: 36/37/39-45-53
• CAS 3184-13-2 • CAS 2058-46-0

O 1351.0025 25 g € 11,10 O 0140.0005 5g € 8,90

O 1351.0100 100 g € 34,90 O 0140.0025 25 g € 34,90
O 1351.0500 500 g € 139,50
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P 0922 P 0141


N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid C23H45N5O14.xH2SO4 = 615.6 (base)
C15H20ClN3O = 293.8
Paromomycin is an aminoglycoside antibio­tic and has a mode of action
G. Mari­no, The effect of Paclobutrazol on in vitro root­ing, trans­plant similar to kana­my­cin and neomycin. It is used as a selecti­ve agent for the
establishment and gro­wth of fruit plan­ts. Plant Growth Reg. 7:237-246 incorporation of the NPT II (­APH­3’) gene in plant tissue. Because of the
(1981) Ziv, M. Ariel, Bud proliferation and plant regeneration in liquid-cul­ switch of the 3’ NH2 and 6’ OH group in the 3-Amino-3-deoxyluco­se ring
tured Philodendron treated with Ancymidol and Pa­ clobutrazol. Plant of both antibiotics, paromomycin cau­ses a hig­her misre­ading in plantcells
Growth Regulation 10 : 53-57, 1991. and can be a better selec­tive agent than kana­mycin and neo­mycin.

• very slightly soluble in water (20 mg/l) Assay : > 675 µg/mg
• store powder at room temperature
• liquid storage 2-8°C • store at room temperature
• sterilization : filtration • soluble in water (20ºC/ 250 g/l)
• concentration : 0.25-0.5 mg/l • R: 36/37/38-61
• R: 20/22-36 S: 36/37/39 • S: 26-36-45
• CAS 76738-62-0 • CAS 1263-89-4
• UN 1325
P 0141.0001 1g € 10,10
P 0922.0500 500 mg € 37,90 P 0141.0005 5g € 39,80
P 0922.1000 1g € 67,80 P 0141.0025 25 g € 124,20

C 0604 P 8004


C18H32N2O10Ca = 476.5 Pectolyase Y-23 is a highly purified maceration enzyme from Aspergillus
japonicus. It contains two types of pectinase such as endo-polygalactu­
Assay : > 98% ronase and endo-pectin lyase in high activity.
S. Ishii and T. Yokotsuka, Purification and properties of endo-polygalactu-
• store at room temperature ronase from (aspergillus japonicus), (Agric.Biol. Chem, 36, 1885 (1972)
• soluble in water (330 g/l)
• CAS 137-08-6 Specific Activity  : approximately 1000 maceration units per gram

C 0604.0100 100 g € 15,90 • store at 2-8°C

C 0604.0500 500 g € 60,60 • CAS: 9033-35-6

P 8004.0001 1g € 217,00
P 8004.0005 5g € 977,10

Iris Heidmann,
Acridine orange staining on protoplasts.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

Iris Heidmann,
Arabidopsis regeneration from protoplasts.

P 1707


Ingredients per litre

Peptone : 10 g
Sodium chloride :5g
P 0142
• store dry at room temperature
PENICILLIN G SODIUM • dissolve 15 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2.

P 1707.0100 100 g € 7,40

C16H17N2NaO4S = 356.4 P 1707.0500 500 g € 29,30
P 1707.2500 2,5 kg € 115,20
Penicillin G is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis. It inhibits the crosslink-
ing of peptidoglycan by binding and inactivating of transpeptidases. Active
against gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. ß-lactamase sensitive. B 1702


• store at < 30°C protected from light
• soluble in water (100 g/l) Light Phosphate buffer
• R: 42 S: 22
• CAS 69-57-8 Ingredients per litre
Peptone : 10 g
P 0142.0005 5g € 5,30 Phosphate buffer : 5g
P 0142.0025 25 g € 8,40 Sodium chloride : 5g
P 0142.0100 100 g € 27,90 Final pH 7.2 +/- 0.2 at 25°C

• store dry at room temperature

P 1328 • soluble in water

PEPTONE B 1702.0100 100 g € 9,30

B 1702.0500 500 g € 36,60
Inquire for bulk quantities.
Mix of peptides and free amino acids obtained by pancreatic hydrolysis of
animal tissues. Due to its low NaCl content this quality is well sui­ted for
Plant Tissue Culture. P 0716

Sodium chloride :<_ 7.0% L-PHENYLALANINE

Total nitrogen (TN) : 11.5-12.5%
Amino nitrogen (AN) : 3.5-4.5%
AN/TN : 0.28-0.39 C9H11NO2 = 165.2
Loss on drying :<_ 6.0%
Assay : > 99%
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water • store at room temperature
• CAS 73049-73-7 • soluble in water (27 g/l / 20ºC)
• CAS 63-91-2
P 1328.0100 100 g € 11,20
P 1328.0500 500 g € 54,10 P 0716.0100 100 g € 24,50
P 1328.1000 1 kg € 90,70 P 0716.0500 500 g € 90,10

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P 0187 P 1353


Phleomycin is produced by Streptomyces verticullus and part of the struc- C6H6O3 = 126.1
turally related group of bleomycin/phleomycin type antibiotics. The antibiotic
is applied as a selective agent in transformation experiments with mammalian Assay : > 98%
cells, plant cells and yeast.
The cytotoxic action of the family of Bleomycin/Phleomycin related antibiotics • store at room temperature
results from their ability to cause fragmentation of DNA. The antibiotic binds • soluble in water
to DNA through its amino-terminal peptide, and the activated complex • R: 36/37/38-41
generates free radicals that are responsible for scission of the DNA chain. • S: 26-36
Studies in vitro indicate that the antibiotic causes accumulation of the cells • CAS 108-73-6
in the G2 phase of the cell cycle.
P 1353.0025 25 g € 19,30
• store at 2-8°C P 1353.0100 100 g € 61,70
• soluble in water
• R: 22-40-42/43
• S: 24/25-36/37/39 P 0914
• CAS 11006-33-0
P 0187.0100 100 mg € 161,50
P 0187.0250 250 mg € 358,90
4-Amino-3,5,6-tri-chloropicolinic acid
C6H3Cl3N2O2 = 241.5
P 0159
Collins, G.B., Use of 4-Amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid as an auxin
DL-PHOSPHINOTHRICIN source in plant tissue cultures Crop Science 18, 286 (1­978)

• soluble in 1N NaOH
PPT • store powder at room temperature
C5H15N2O4P = 198.2 • liquid storage between -25°C and -15°C
• sterilization : autoclavable or filtration
DL-Phosphinothricin (PPT) is an analogue of glu­tamate and acts as a • concentration : 0.01-3.0 mg/l
competitive inhibi­tor of glutamine synthetase. • R: 20/21/22-36-45
This enzyme is invol­ved in assimilation of ammonia and plays a key role • S: 26-36/37/39-45
in nitrogen assimi­lation. • CAS 1918-02-1

Glutamine synthetase P 0914.0005 5g € 20,40

Q P 0914.0010 10 g € 33,80
+ +
glutamate + NH4 + ATP R glutamine + ADP + Pi + H P 0914.0050 50 g € 115,60

A. Wilmink and J.J.M. Dons, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, Vol 11 (2) 1993

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• R: 23/24/25
• S: 36/37/39-45
• CAS 77182-82-2

P 0159.0250 250 mg € 84,50

P 0159.1000 1g € 296,10

Herman Schreuder

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P 1505 P 0805



C8H18N2O6S2 = 302.4
Average mol weight : 5000 - 7000
Assay : > 99% Hydroxyl number : 16 - 22
pKa (25°C) : 6.7 - 6.9 Freezing point : 55 - 61°C
pH range : 6.1 - 7.5
• store at room temperature
• store at room temperature • soluble in water
• slightly soluble in water, soluble in 0.2 N NaOH (20 °C / 30 g/l) • CAS 25322-68-3
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 5625-37-6 P 0805.1000 1 kg € 12,60
P 0805.5000 5 kg € 50,00
P 1505.0025 25 g € 11,60
P 1505.0100 100 g € 39,50
P 1505.0250 250 g € 96,00 P 0145
P 1505.0500 500 g € 181,90
P 0813
C55H96N16O13.2H2SO4 = 1385
Polimixin B is a mixture of sulphates of polypeptides produc­ed by certain
strains of Ba­cillus polymixa. Polymixin acts primarily by binding to membrane
PEG 400 phospolipids and dis­rupting the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. It is
active against gram-negative bacteria, espe­ci­al­ly Pseudomonas species.
Average mol weight : 380 - 420
Hydroxyl number : 264 - 300 Potency : > 6500 units/mg
Viscosity : 105 - 130 mPa.s
• store at 2-8°C
• store at room temperature • soluble in water
• soluble in water • R: 22 S: 36
• S: 24/25 • CAS 1405-20-5
• CAS 24322-68-3
P 0145.0001 1g € 21,10
P 0813.1000 1 kg € 12,60 P 0145.0005 5g € 83,80
P 0813.5000 5 kg € 52,50

P 1362
P 0804

Tween 20, Polysorbate 20

PEG 4000 C58H114O26 = 1227.7

Average mol weight : 3700 - 4500 Fatty acid composition : Lauric acid approximately 50%
Hydroxyl number : 25 - 32 Other fatty acids : Myristic, palmitic and oleic acids
Freezing point : 53-59°C 1 l = 1.08 – 1.12 kg

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble in water • soluble in water
• CAS 25322-68-3 • CAS 9005-64-5

P 0804.1000 1 kg € 14,60 P 1362.0500 500 ml € 22,10

P 0804.5000 5 kg € 57,60 P 1362.1000 1l € 37,20

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P 1365 P 0574 (was P 0516)


Tween 80, Polysorbate 80 KH2PO4 = 136.1

C64H124O26 = 1310
Assay : > 98%
Fatty acid composition : Oleic acid approximately 70% crystalline
Other fatty acids : Linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids
l = 1.06 – 1.10 kg • store at room temperature
• soluble in water (20°C / 222 g/l)
• store at room temperature • CAS 7778-77-0
• soluble in water
• CAS 9005-65-6 P 0574.1000 1 kg € 17,80
P 0574.5000 5 kg € 70,10
P 1365.0500 500 ml € 22,10
P 1365.1000 1l € 37,20
P 0573

P 1368
K2HPO4 = 174.2

PVP 10 Assay : > 98%

Average mol weight 10,000
• store at room temperature
Absorbant for excreted phenolic substances • soluble in water
• S: 22-24/25
• store at room temperature • CAS 7758-11-4
• soluble in water
• S: 22 P 0573.1000 1 kg € 26,40
• CAS 9003-39-8 P 0573.5000 5 kg € 113,70

P 1368.0100 100 g € 12,30

P 1368.0500 500 g € 43,40 P 0517

P 0515

Assay : > 85%

KCl = 74.6
• store dry at room temperature
Assay : > 99% • soluble in water (20°C / 1120 g/l)
crystalline • R: 22-35
• S: 26-36/37/39-45
• store at room temperature • CAS 1310-58-3
• soluble in water • UN 1813
• CAS 7447-40-7
P 0517.0500 500 g € 14,70
P 0515.1000 1 kg € 12,90 P 0517.1000 1 kg € 20,10

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P 0518 P 0717


KI = 166.0 C5H9NO2 = 115.1

Assay : > 99.% Assay : > 99%

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble at room temperature (1430 g/l / 20ºC) • soluble in water (25°C / 1623 g/l)
• CAS 7681-11-0 • CAS 147-85-3

P 0518.0100 100 g € 14,60 P 0717.0025 25 g € 12,60

P 0717.0100 100 g € 27,20
P 0717.0500 500 g € 109,10
P 0519


KNO3 = 101.1

Assay : > 99% C3H8O2 = 76.1

Crystalline 1 l = 1.04 kg

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / 320 g/l) • soluble in water
• hygroscopic • CAS 57-55-6
• R: 8
• S: 16-41 P 1391.1000 1l € 15,20
• UN 1486
• CAS 7757-79-1
P 0927
P 0519.1000 1 kg € 14,00
P 0519.5000 5 kg € 57,00
P 0519.9025 25 kg € 222,40 DIHYDROCHLORIDE

1,4-Diaminobutane dihydrochloride
P 0535 C4H12N2.2HCl = 161.1

POTASSIUM SULPHATE Polyamine growth regulator

Polyamine growth regulator affecting the syn­the­sis of macro­molecules,

K2SO4 = 174.3 the activity of ma­cromo­lecules, membrane permeability and partial pro-
cesses of mitosis and meio­sis.
Assay : > 99%
Assay : > 98%
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water (20°C / 110 g/l) • store at room temperature
• CAS 7778-80-5 • soluble in water
• R: 36/37/38
P 0535.1000 1 kg € 16,40 • S: 26-37/39
P 0535.5000 5 kg € 65,00 • CAS 333-93-7

P 0927.0001 1g € 8,70
P 0927.0005 5g € 18,10
P 0927.0025 25 g € 62,50

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

P 0612 R 0812


Vitamin B6 C18H32O16.5H2O = 594.5

C8H11NO3.HCl = 205.6
Assay : 98%
Assay : > 99.0%
White crystalline powder • soluble in water
• store dry at room temperature
• store at room temperature • CAS 17629-30-0
• soluble in water (25°C / 200 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38 R 0812.0025 25 g € 43,20
• S: 26-36 R 0812.0100 100 g € 122,80
• CAS 58-56-0

P 0612.0050 50 g € 15,60 R 0613

P 0612.0100 100 g € 22,10
P 0612.0250 250 g € 45,00 RIBOFLAVINE

R 0182 C17H20N4O6 = 376.4

RIBAVIRIN Assay : > 97.%

• store at room temperature

C8H12N4O5 = 244.2 • soluble in alkaline solutions with decomposition
• CAS 83-88-5
Ribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside analogue structurally related to gua-
nine. Ribavirine inhibits the replication of a wide range of RNA and DNA R 0613.0025 25 g € 10,70
viruses. The antiviral mechanism of action of Ribavirin is not fully defined, R 0613.0100 100 g € 28,00
but relates to alteration of cellular nucleotide pools and inhibition of viral
mRNA synthesis.
Intracellular phosphorylation of ribavirin into phosphate derivatives is R 0806
mediated by host cell enzymes. Ribavirin monophos­phates competatively
inhibit cellular inosine-5’-phosphate dehydrogenase and interfere with D-RIBOSE
the synthesis of guanosine triphospha­te (GTP) and thus nucleic acid syn-
thesis in general. Ribavirin triphosphate also competively inhibits the GTP
dependent 5’-capping of viral mRNA. C5H10O5=150.1

Assay : > 98% • store at 2-8°C

• soluble in water
• CAS 50-69-1
• store at room temperature
• soluble in water R 0806.0025 25 g € 29,20
• R: 61
• S: 22-45-53
• CAS 36791-04-5

R 0182.0250 250 mg € 17,50

R 0182.1000 1g € 48,70

Brassica embryo, Brenda de Lange

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

R 0146 S 0536


C43H58N4O12 = 823.0 AgNO3 = 169.9

Rifampicin is active against gram-positive bacteria but less active against Used with Sodium thiosulphate to produce a Silver thiosulphate
gram-negative bac­teria. It interferes with the synthesis of nu­cleic acids by solution (STS) containing the ethylene inhibitor [Ag(S2O3)2]
inhibiting DNA dependent RNA polymerase. Resistance to rifampicin can
deve­lop rapidly. The degree of re­sistance varies de­pending on the site of Prepare a 0.1 M Sodium thiosulphate stock solution by dissolving 1.58 g
mutation in the RNA polymerase. of Sodium thiosulphate into 100 ml of water. Prepare a 0.1 M Silver
nitrate stock solution by dissolving 1.7 g of Silver nitrate into 100 ml of
Assay : > 97% water. Store the stock solutions in the dark until needed to prepare the
Silver thiosulphate solution (STS).
• store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in dilute acid solution In general the (STS) is prepared with a molar ratio between silver and
• R: 22 thiosulphate of 1:4. Nearly all of the silver present in the solution is in the
• S: 36 form of [Ag(S2O3)2] , the active complex for ethylene effect inhibition.
• CAS 13292-46-1 Prepare a 0.02 M Silver thiosulphate solution (STS) by slowly pouring 20
ml of 0.1 M Silver nitrate stock solution into 80 ml of 0.1 M sodium
R 0146.0001 1g € 19,20 thiosulphate stock solution. The Silver thiosulphate solution (STS) can be
R 0146.0005 5g € 66,70 stored in the refrigerator for up to one month. However, preparation of
R 0146.0025 25 g € 252,60 the Silver thiosulphate solution (STS) just prior to use is recommended.

Assay : > 99.8%

S 1367
• store at room temperature
SALICYLIC ACID • soluble in water (20°C / 2150 g/l)
• protect from light
• R: 34-50/53 S: 26-36/37/39-45-60-61
C7H6O3 = 138.1 • UN1493
• CAS 7761-88-8
Assay : > 99%
S 0536.0005 5g € 10,20
• store at room temperature S 0536.0025 25 g € 37,90
• slightly soluble in water (20°C / 1.8 g/l) 4 x 25 g € 113,70
• R: 22-36/37/38-41
• S: 24-26-39
• CAS 69-72-7
Iribov B.V., The Netherlands
S 1367.0100 100 g € 5,30
S 1367.0500 500 g € 12,90

S 0718


C3H7NO3 = 105.1

Assay : > 900 ug/mg

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / 250 g/l)
• CAS 56-45-1

S 0718.0025 25 g € 18,10
S 0718.0100 100 g € 33,20

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

S 1320 S 0522


Alginic acid sodiumsalt NaH2PO4.2H2O = 156.0

Viscosity 1%, 100-200 mPa.s Assay : > 98%

A mixture of polyuronic acids composed of residues of D-mannuronic acid • store at room temperature
and L-guluronic acids extrac­ ted from algea belong­ ing to the order • soluble in water (20ºC / 850 g/l)
Phaeophy­ceae. Alginates are used as suspending and thickening agents • CAS 13472-35-0
and in the preparation of water-miscible gels.
S 0522.1000 1 kg € 17,50
• store at room temperature S 0522.5000 5 kg € 61,60
• soluble in water
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 9005-38-3 S 1377

S 1320.0250 250 g € 22,10

S 1320.1000 1 kg € 69,20 SULPHATE
SDS, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
S 0520 C12H25O4SNa = 288.4

SODIUM CHLORIDE A twice recrystallized quality of SDS with excellent qualities for denatur-
ing proteins before gel electrophoresis, molecular weight sieving and
many other applications.
NaCl = 58.4 Harewood K. and Wolff J.S., Anal. Biochem., 55, 573 (19730)

Assay : > 99% Assay :>

_ 99%
Bromide (Br) : < 0.005%
Sulphate (SO4) : < 0.02% • store at room temperature
Phosphate(PO4) : < 0.0025% • soluble in water (20 °C/ >100 g/l)
Heavy metals : < 0.0005% • R: 20/22-36/37/38-41-42
• S: 22-26-36
• store at room temperature • CAS 151-21-3
• soluble in water (20°C / 310 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38 S: 22-24/25 S 1377.0100 100 g € 16,00
• CAS 7647-14-5 S 1377.0250 250 g € 36,10
S 1377.0500 500 g € 64,60
S 0520.1000 1 kg € 7,00 S 1377.1000 1 kg € 117,00
S 0520.5000 5 kg € 27,90

S 0537
S 0521
Na2HPO4.2H2O = 178.0
C6H5Na3O7.2H2O = 294.1
Assay : > 98%
Assay : > 99%
Crystalline • store dry at room temperature
• soluble in water (20°C / 779 g/l)
• store at room temperature • CAS 10028-24-7
• soluble in water (25°C / 720 g/l)
• CAS 6132-04-3 S 0537.1000 1 kg € 15,10
S 0537.5000 5 kg € 59,80
S 0521.1000 1 kg € 18,20
S 0521.5000 5 kg € 70,70

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

S 0523 S 0538


NaOH = 40.0 Na2S2O3 = 158.1

Caution, causes severe burns Used with Silver nitrate to produce a Silver thiosulphate solution (STS)
Assay : > 98% containing the ethylene inhibitor [Ag(S2O3)2] (see cat. no. S 0536).

• store dry at room temperature Assay : > 98%

• soluble in water (20°C / 1090 g/l)
• R: 35 • soluble in water (20ºC / 20 g/l)
• S: 26-37/39-45 • S: 22-24/25
• CAS 1310-73-2 • CAS 7772-98-7
• UN 1823
S 0538.0250 250 g € 7,60
S 0523.0500 500 g € 12,30 S 0538.1000 1 kg € 12,20
S 0523.1000 1 kg € 16,30

S 0807
S 0525
C6H14O6 = 182.2
Na2MoO4.2H2O = 241.9
Assay : > 97.0%
Assay : > 98.0% Water : < 1.0%
• store dry at room temperature
• store at room temperature • soluble in water
• soluble in water (840 g/l / 20°C) • CAS 50-70-4
• S: 22-24/25
• CAS 10102-40-6 S 0807.1000 1 kg € 14,60
S 0807.5000 5 kg € 46,70
S 0525.0025 25 g € 40,60
S 0525.0100 100 g € 78,00
S 1330


SODIUM NITRATE ; From papaic hydrolysis of soybean meal.

NaNO3 = 85.0 Typical analysis (% w/w):

total nitrogen (TN) : ap­prox. 9.0-10.5%
Assay : > 99% amino nitrogen (AN) : approx. 2.5-3.5%
Sodium chloride : approx. < 1.0%
• store dry at room temperature
• soluble in water (880 g/l / 20°C) • store dry at room temperature
• R: 8-22-36 • soluble in water
• S: 16-22-24-41 • CAS 73049-73-7
• CAS 7631-99-4
• UN 1498 S 1330.0100 100 g € 10,80
S 1330.0500 500 g € 41,40
S 0524.1000 1 kg € 17,00

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

S 0188
S 1511

C14H24N2O7.2HCl.5H2O = 495.3 A homogeneous mixture of molecular grade Sodium chloride and Trisodium
­ citrate to pre­pare SSC-buffer. Suitable for use in nucleic acid hybridisation.
Spectinomycin is an aminocyclitol antibi­otic that acts by binding to the
30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome and inhibiting protein syn­thesis. Its NaCl 0.15 M 8.77 g/l
activity is generally modest, parti­cu­larly against gram-positive bacteria. Trisodium citrate 0.015 M 4.41 g/l
Some gram-negative bacteria are sensitive. Resistance in vitro may 13.18 g/l
develop by chromosomal mutati­on or may be plasmid located. pH (water, 20°C): 8.3 ± 0.2

Assay : > 95% Sambrook, J., et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring
Harbor Labo­ratory (1989), p.B.13.
• store dry at 2-8°C
• soluble in water • a fter dissolving 13.18 gram in 1 litre of water, a 1 x SSC solution is prepared
• R: 36/37 S: 22-25-26 with a concen­tration of 0.15 M NaCl and 0.015 M Trisodium citrate.
• CAS 22189-32-8 • after dissolving 263.56 gram in 1 litre of water, a 20 x SSC solution is
prepared with a concen­tration of 3.0 M NaCl and 0.3 M Trisodium citrate.
S 0188.0005 5g € 24,50 • to avoid precipi­tation no higher concentrations of 20x SSC stoc­k solu­
S 0188.0025 25 g € 68,20 tions are recommended.

20 ltr pack, to prepare 20 l (1X) solution or 1 l (20X) solution

S 1369 S 1511.0020 263.56 g € 4,90

SPERMIDINE ; 200 ltr pack, to prepare 200 l (1X) solution or 10 l (20X) solution
S 1511.0200 2635.6 g € 41,60

NH2(CH2)7NH2 = 145.2
S 1512
Assay : >98%
• store at 2-8°C
• soluble in water
• R: 34 S: 26-36/37/39-45 A homogeneous mixture of molecular grade Sodium chloride, Sodium
• CAS 124-20-9 phosphate and EDTA disodium to pre­pare SSPE-buffer. Suitable for use in
• UN 1760 nucleic acid hybridisation.

S 1369.0001 1g € 14,70 NaCl 0.15 M 8.77 g/l

S 1369.0005 5g € 53,40 NaH2PO4.H2O 0.01 M 1.38 g/l
S 1369.0025 25 g € 217,80 EDTA-Na2.2H2O 0.001 M 0.37 g/l
10.52 g/l
pH (water, 20°C): 8.3 ± 0.2

Sambrook, J., et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring

Echeveria, Harbor Labo­ratory (1989), p.B.13.
Succulent Tissue Culture, The Netherlands
• a fter dissolving 10.52 gram in 1 litre of water, a 1 x SSC solution is prepared with
a concen­tration of 0.15 M NaCl, 0.01 M Sodi­um phosphate and 0.01 Na2EDTA.
• after dissolving 210.4 gram in 1 litre of water, a 20 x SSC solution is prepared
with a concen­tration of 3.0 M NaCl and 0.2 M Sodium phosphate and 0.02
mol Na2EDTA.
• to avoid precipi­tation no higher concentrations of 20x SSC stoc­k solu­tions
are recommended.

20 ltr pack, to prepare 20 l (1X) solution or 1 l (20X) solution

S 1512.0020 210.4 g € 4,40

200 ltr pack, to prepare 200 l (1X) solution or 10 l (20X) solution

S 1512.0200 2103.6 g € 30,90

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

S 1357 S 0809


Moisture : 20% C12H22O11 = 342.3

pH : 5.0 - 8.0
Assay : > 99.7%
• store dry at room temperature White to off-white crystalline pow­der
• CAS 9005-84-9
• store dry at room temperature
S 1357.1000 1 kg € 8,70 • soluble in water
• CAS 57-50-1

S 1324 S 0809.1000 1 kg € 9,20

S 0809.5000 5 kg € 37,50
STARCH FROM RICE S 0809.9025 25 kg € 108,80
2 x 25 kg € 207,20
4 x 25 kg € 270,90
• store dry at room temperature
• CAS 9005-84-9
S 0149
S 1324.1000 1 kg € 17,00
S 0162
C10H11N3O3S = 253.3
Sulphamethoxazole is a bacteriostatic anti­bio­tic. It has a similar structure
as p-aminoben­zoic acid and interferes with the synthesis of nucleic acids
• store at room temperature in sensitive micro-organisms by blocking the conversion of p-aminoben-
• miscible in water zoic acid to the coen­zyme di­hydro­­folic acid, a reduced form of folic acid.
• R: 10 S: 16
• UN 1987 • store at room temperature
• soluble in ethanol
S 0162.1000 1l € 15,20 • R: 36/37/38-43
• S: 26-36
• CAS 723-46-6
S 0148
S 0149.0025 25 g € 14,60
STREPTOMYCIN SULPHATE S 0149.0100 100 g € 43,60

(C21H39N7O12)2.3H2SO4 = 1457.4 T 1359

Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside antibio­tic and has a bactericidal action TALC

against many gram-negative bacteria. Aminoglycosides are transported
into sensitive bacterial cells by an active transport proces. Within the cell,
it binds to the 30S sub­unit (S12 protein), inhibi­ting protein syn­thesis and Hydrated Magnesium Silicate, approximately 3MgO.4SiO2.H2O
generating errors in the transcripton of the genetic code.
Assay : 17.0 – 19.5% Mg
Assay : > 720 IU/mg
• store at room temperature
• store dry at 2-8°C • CAS 14807-96-6
• soluble in water
• R: 22-61 S: 36/37/39-45-53 T 1359.1000 1 kg € 8,70
• CAS 3810-74-0 T 1359.5000 5 kg € 34,90

S 0148.0050 50 g € 15,20
S 0148.0100 100 g € 25,10

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

T 1360 T 1508


2-aminoethanesulfonic acid Dry homogeneous powdered TE-Buffer.

C2H7NO3S = 125.1
A homogeneous mixture of molecular grade Tris base and Na2ED­TA.­2H2O
Assay : > 98% to prepare TE buffer.
Tris base 10.0 mM 1.21 g/l
• store at room temperature Na2EDTA.2H2O 1.0 mM 0.37 g/l
• soluble in water (12°C / 65 g/l) 1.58 g/l
• CAS 107-35-7 pH (water, 20°C): 8.0 ± 0.1

T 1360.0100 100 g € 8,90 • a fter dissolving 1.58 gram in 1 litre of water, a 1x TE solution is prepared
with a con­cen­tration of 10.0 mM Tris Base and 1.0 mM Na2ED­TA.
• after dissolving 15.84 gram in 1 litre of water, a 10x TE solution is pre-
T 1507 pared with a concen­tration of 100 mM Tris Base and 10 mM Na2ED­TA.
• to avoid precipitation no higher concentrations of TE stoc­k solu­tions are
TBE-BUFFER recommended.

100 l pack,
Dry homogeneous powdered TBE-buffer. To prepare 100 l (1X) solution or 10 l (10X) solution
T 1508.0100 158.35 g € 7,50
A homogeneous mixture of molecular grade Tris base, boric acid and
Na2ED­TA.­2H2O for use in gel electrophoresis. 1000 l pack,
To prepare 1000 l (1X) solution or 100 l (10X) solution
Tris base 0.089 M 10.78 g/l T 1508.1000 1583.5 g € 66,20
Boric acid 0.089 M 5.50 g/l
Na2EDTA.2H2O 0.002 M 0.74 g/l
17.02 g/l T 0150
pH (water, 20°C): 8.3 ± 0.1
Sambrook, J., et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring HYDROCHLORIDE
Harbor Labo­ratory (1989), p.6.7,B.23.
C22H24N2O8.HCl = 480.9
• a fter dissolving 17.02 gram in 1 litre of water, a 1x TBE solution is
prepared with a concen­tration of 0.089 M Tris Base, 0.089 M Borate Tetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic with activity against gram-positive
and 0.002 M Na2EDTA. and gram-nega­tive bacteria. Within the cell tetracy­cline binds rever­sible to
• after dissolving 170.2 gram in 1 litre of water, a 10x TBE solution is the 30S subunit of the riboso­me, preven­ting the binding of aminoa­cyl trans-
prepared with a concen­tration of 0.89 M Tris Base, 0.89 Bora­te and fer RNA and inhibiting protein synthe­sis and hen­ce cell grow­th. Used as a
0.02 M Na2EDTA. selecti­ve mar­ker for the trans­for­mation of plasmids enco­ding for tetra­cy­cli­ne
• to avoid precipitation no higher concentrations of TBE stoc­k solu­tions resistance (Tetr) such as pBR­322, pBR­325 and pMB9.
are recommended.
• store dry at room temperature
10 l pack, • slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol
To prepare 10 l (1X) solution or 1 l (10X) solution • protect from light
T 1507.0010 170.2 g € 7,70 • R: 36/37/38-63-64
• S: 22-36/37-39
100 l pack, • CAS 64-75-5
To prepare 100 l (1X) solution or 10 l (10X) solution
T 1507.0100 1702.0 g € 76,10 T 0150.0025 25 g € 13,70
­ T 0150.0100 100 g € 40,90
1000 l pack,
To prepare 1000 l (1X) solution or 100 l (10X) solution
T 1507.1000 17020.0 g inquire

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

T 0614 T 0719


C12H17ClN4OS.HCl = 337.3 C4H9NO3 = 119.1

Assay : > 98.5% Assay : > 99%

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble in water • soluble in water (20°C / 90 g/l)
• CAS 67-03-8 • CAS 72-19-5

T 0614.0025 25 g € 7,40 T 0719.0025 25 g € 17,50

T 0614.0100 100 g € 22,80 T 0719.0100 100 g € 52,40
T 0614.0250 250 g € 44,70 T 0719.0500 500 g € 156,90
T 0614.1000 1 kg € 117,80

T 0180
T 0916
C15H14N2Na2O6S2 = 428.4
C9H8N4OS = 220.2
Ticarcillin is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthe­sis. It inhibits the cross-
Cytokinin like growth regulator linking of peptidoglycan by binding and inactivating of transpeptidases.
High activity against gram-ne­ gati­ve bacteria such as Agrobacterium
• powder storage at room temperature strains. ß-lactamase sensitive.
• soluble in DMSO
• liquid storage at 2-8°C Assay : > 95%
• sterilization by filtration­
• concentration: 0.001-0.05 mg/l • store dry at 2-8°C
• R: 36/37/38 S: 22-26-36 • soluble in water
• CAS 51707-55-2 • R: 42/43 S:22-24/25-36
• CAS 4697-14-7
T 0916.0250 250 mg € 84,30
T 0916.0500 500 mg € 143,30 T 0180.0001 1g € 19,90
T 0916.1000 1g € 243,60 T 0180.0010 10 g € 140,30

T 0151

C9H9HgNaO2S = 404.8

Thimerosal is a bacteriostatic and fungista­tic mercurial agent.

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water
• R: 33-26/27/28-50/53 S: 2-13-36-45-28-60/61
• CAS 54-64-8
• UN 2025

T 0151.0010 10 g € 49,50
T 0151.0025 25 g € 89,00

Infiltration of Agrobacterium into tobacco leaves.

Agroinfiltration is used for rapid functional gene analysis in plants.
Dr. Jan Schaart, Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

T 0190 T 1395

Ticarcillin and clavulanic acid mixed in a ratio of 15:1 C12H12O11= 432.3

Ticarcillin is an inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthe­sis. It inhibits the cross-
linking of peptidoglycan by binding and inactivating of transpeptidases. Assay : > 99%
High activity against gram-ne­gati­ve bacteria such as Agrobacterium strains.
ß-lactamase sensitive. Clavu­lanic acid is a specific inhibitor of ß-lactamase • store at room temperature
and protects ticarcil­lin against inactivation by ß-lactama­se. A very effective • soluble in water
combination against resistant Ag­ro­bacterium species. • CAS: 99-20-7

• store dry at 2-8°C T 1395.0002 25 g € 25,00

• soluble in water T 1395.0010 100 g € 83,20
• hygroscopic T 1395.0025 500 g € 358,80
• R: 42/43 S: 22-24/25-36
• CAS (Ticarcillin disodium): 4697-14-7
• CAS (Clavulanate potassium): 61177-45-5 T 0941

T 0190.0002 2g € 29,30 Meta-TOPOLIN

T 0190.0010 10 g € 140,30
T 0190.0025 25 g € 335,00
C12H11N5O = 241.3

T 0153 Cytokinin growth regulator

TOBRAMYCIN SULPHATE Meta-topolin [6-(3-hydroxybenzylamino)purine] is an aromatic cytokinin.

It was first isolated from poplar leaves. Its name is derived from “topol”,
the Czech word for poplar. The metabolism of meta-topolin is similar to
(C18H37N5O9)2.5H2SO4 = 1425.4 that of other cytokinins. Just as zeatin and BAP, meta-topolin may
undergo ribosylation at position 9 without a significant effect on the
Tobramycin is an aminoglycoside antibi­otic and has a bactericidal action activity. In Spathiphyllum floribundum, shoot production in media with
against many gram-negative bacteria. BAP and meta-topolin is very similar. However, after transfer to the soil,
Aminoglycosides are taken into sensitive bacterial cells by an active trans- the shoots produced with meta-topolin root much better during acclima-
port proces. Within the cell, they bind to the 30S and to some extent to tization.
the 50S subu­nits of the bacterial ribo­some, inhibiting pro­tein synthe­sis
and genera­ting errors in the trans­cription of the genetic code. S.P.O. Werbrouck, M. Strnad, H.A Van Onckelen and P.C. Debergh, Meta-topolin,
an alternative to benzyladenine in tissue culture?. Physiol. Plant. 98: 291-
Assay : > 634 µg/mg 297 (1996).
J. Holub, J. Hanus, D.E. Hanke and M. Strnad, Biological activity of cytokinins
• store dry at 2-8°C derived from ortho- and meta-hydroxybenzyladenine. Plant Growth Reg.
• soluble in water (20°C / 50 g/l) 26: 109-115 (1998)
• R: 23/24/25-61 S: 22-36/37/39-45-53
• CAS 49842-07-1 Assay (HPLC) : > 99%

T 0153.0001 1g € 70,40 • Store dry at 2-8°C

T 0153.0005 5g € 281,60 • CAS 75737-38-1

T 0941.0100 100 mg € 19,50

T 0941.0500 500 mg € 75,10
T 0941.1000 1g € 112,90
T 0941.5000 5g € 440,40

Willemsen en Bourgondiën B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

T 0915 T 0929


C7H3I3O2 = 499.8
C8H4Cl3O3K = 263.6 Noncompetitive inhibitor of polar auxin trans­por­t

• soluble in water Assay : > 95%

• powder storage at room temperature
• liquid storage at 2-8°C • protect from moisture and light
• sterilization: autoclavable • store between -25°C and -15°C
• concentration: 0.01-5.0 mg/l • soluble in 1N NaOH
• R: 20/21/22 S: 20/21-36/37/39 • R: 22 S: 24/25-36
• CAS 37785-57-2 • CAS 88-82-4
• UN 3077
T 0929.0005 5g € 25,00
T 0915.0025 25 g € 28,50 T 0929.0010 10 g € 45,20

T 1361 T 0154


2,2’,2”-Nitrilotriethanol, Free Base C14H18N4O3 = 290.3

C6H15NO3 = 149.2
Trimethoprim is active against gram-negati­ve and gram-positive aerobic
1 liter = 1.12 kg (25°C) bacteria. The anti­biotic is a dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor. It inhibits
the conversion of dihydrofo­lic acid to tetrahydrofolic acid, which is neces-
Assay : > 98% sary for the synthesis of amino acids, purines, thymi­di­nes and ultimately
pKa (at 25°C) : 7.8 DNA synthesis. Resistance may develop very fast.
pH range : 7.3-8.3
Water : < 0.5% Assay : > 98.5%

• store dry at room temperature • store dry at room temperature

• soluble in water • soluble in propyleneglycol
• R: 36/37/38 S: 26-36 • R: 20/21/22
• CAS 102-71-6 • S: 22-36/37/39
• CAS 738-70-5, UN 2811
T 1361.0500 500 ml € 22,10
T 1361.1000 1l € 40,80 T 0154.0005 5g € 10,60
T 0154.0025 25 g € 33,20

T 0928
T 0181
C13H16F3N3O4 = 335.3
Disrupts Mitosis by inhibiting the formati­on of micro­tubules C14H18N4O3.C3H6O3 = 380.4

• store at room temperature • store dry at room temperature

• soluble in acetone • soluble in water
• R: 36-43-50/53 • R: 20/21/22
• S:24-37-60-61 • S: 22-36/37/39
• CAS 1582-09-8 • CAS 23256-42-0, UN 2811
• UN 3077
T 0181.0250 250mg € 59,40
T 0928.0250 250 mg € 68,60 T 0181.1000 1g € 203,40

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

T 1501 T 1332


Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane Pancreatic digest of casein

C4H11NO3 = 121.1 total nitrogen (TN) : 12.5 – 13.5%
amino nitrogen (AN) : 3.0 – 4.0%
A highly purified quality of Tris with ex­ cel­
lent pro­
perties pH (5% solution) : 6.5 – 7.5
for molecular biology and biological buffers
• store dry at room temperature
Purity, dried substance : > 99.9% • hygroscopic
pH (1M in water) : 10.5-11.5 • soluble in water

• store at room temperature T 1332.0100 100 g € 9,40

• soluble in water (25°C / >700 g/l) T 1332.0500 500 g € 46,30
• R: 36/37/38 T 1332.1000 1 kg € 82,00
• S: 26-36
• CAS 77-86-1
T 0720
T 1501.1000 1 kg € 39,70
T 1501.5000 5 kg € 192,20 L-TRYPTOPHAN
T 1501.9010 10 kg € 372,60
T 1501.9025 25 kg € 887,90
T 1501.9025 2x 25 kg € 1717,60 C11H12N2O2 = 204.4

Assay :> 98.5%

T 1513
• store at room temperature
TRIS HYDROCHLORIDE • soluble in water (20°C / 10 g/l)
• CAS 73-22-3

Tris HCl, Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-Hy­drochlo­ride T 0720.0025 25 g € 19,90

C4H11NO3.HCl = 157.6 T 0720.0100 100 g € 55,90

A higly purified quality of Tris HCl with excellent properties for ­moleculair

Purity, dried substane : > 99%

pKa (20°C) : 8.0 - 8.4
pH (0.5 M in water, 25°C) : 3.5 - 5.0
Useful pH range :7-9

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / >100 g/l)
• R: 36/37/38
• S: 26-36
• CAS 1185-53-1

T 1513.0100 100 g € 13,20

T 1513.0250 250 g € 28,30
T 1513.0500 500 g € 50,00
T 1513.1000 1 kg € 91,40

Bartels Research B.V., The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

T 0721 V 0722


C9H11NO3 = 181.2 C5H11NO2 = 117.1

Assay : > 99% Assay : > 98.5%

• store at room temperature • store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / 0.4 g/l) • soluble in water (20°C / 85 g/l)
• CAS 60-18-4 • CAS 72-18-4

T 0721.0100 100 g € 19,00 V 0722.0100 100 g € 20,40

T 0721.0500 500 g € 69,50 V 0722.0500 500 g € 64,00
T 0721.1000 1 kg € 124,60

V 0155
U 1363
C66H75Cl2N9O24.HCl = 1485.7
CH4N2O = 60.1 plant cell culture tested

Assay : > 99% Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic. It inhibits the formati­on of the
peptidoglycan polymers of the bacteri­al cell wall. Unlike penicillins that act
• store at room temperature primarily to prevent the crosslinking of peptidoglycans that give the cell its
• soluble in water (1080 g/l / 20ºC) strength, vancomycin prevents the transfer and addition of the muramylpen­
• S: 22-24/25 ta­
de building blocks that form the peptido­ gly­
can molecule itself.
• CAS 57-13-6 Vancomycin is often used in combination with cefotaxime or carbenicil­lin to
obtain a synergism in antimicrobial acti­vity against bacteria. Especially used
U 1363.1000 1 kg € 10,60 for Agro­bacterium species with a high ß-lactamase ­pro­duction.
U 1363.5000 5 kg € 43,20
Potency : > 1050 IU/mg

V 0170 • store dry at 2-8°C in airtight containers potected from light

• soluble in water (20°C / 200 g/l)
VALIDAMYCIN A • R: 20/21/22-36/37-43 S: 36/37/39-45-47
• CAS 1404-93-9

C20H35NO13 = 497.5 V 0155.0001 1g € 49,90

V 0155.0005 5g € 197,00
Inhibition of Trehalase activity. Enhances trehalose accumulation in trans- V 0155.0025 25 g € 837,10
genic plants.

Oscar J.M. Goddijn et al., Plant Physiol (1997) 113: 181-190. X 0808

• store at 2-8°C D-XYLOSE

• soluble in DMSO and ethanol
• S: 36/37
• CAS 37248-47-8 C5H10O5=150.1

V 0170.0001 1g € 32,10 Assay : > 99%

• store dry at room temperature

• soluble in water
• CAS 58-86-6

X 0808.0100 100 g € 14,60

X 0808.0500 500 g € 52,30

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

Y 1333 Y 1708


A dried yeast autolysate with a high con­tent of ami­no nitrogen and water Glucose.H2O : 20 g/l
soluble B-com­plex vi­tamins. Due to its low NaCl content this quality is Peptone : 20 g/l
well sui­ted for plant tissue culture. Yeast extract : 10 g/l

Typical analysis (% w/w) • store dry at room temperature

total nitrogen (TN) : 10.0 - 11.8 • dissolve 50 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2.
amino nitrogen (AN) : 4.8 - 6.3
sodium chloride : < 0.5% Y 1708.0100 100 g € 13,80
pH (8.3% solution) : 6.8 - 7.2 Y 1708.0500 500 g € 47,40

• store dry at room temperature

• soluble in water Z 0917
• CAS 8013-01-2
ZEATIN, trans isomer
Y 1333.0100 100 g € 9,40
Y 1333.0500 500 g € 37,80
Y 1333.1000 1 kg € 61,00 C10H13N5O = 219.2

Assay : > 98.0%

Y 1709 Off white to yellow crystals

YPD AGAR • soluble in 1N NaOH

• store powder between -25°C and -15°C
• store liquid between -25°C and -15°C
Glucose.H2O : 20 g/l • sterilisation : filtra­ti­on
Peptone : 20 g/l • c­ oncentration : 0.01-5.0 mg/l
Yeast extract : 10 g/l • S: 22-24/25
Microbiological tested Agar : 10 g/l • CAS 1637-39-4

• store dry at room temperature Z 0917.0050 50 mg € 86,00

• dissolve 60 g in 1 l distilled water and adjust the pH to 7.2. Z 0917.0100 100 mg € 140,10
Z 0917.0250 250 mg € 313,90
Y 1709.0100 100 g € 13,80 ­Z 0917.0500 500 mg € 545,70
Y 1709.0500 500 g € 47,40 Z 0917.1000 1g € 957,50

Flow Cytometry: Ploidy analyses on isolated Brassica nuclei from Flow Cytometry: Viability/Vitality analyses of pollen in Chrysante-
leaf Analysis on logarithmic scale. The first peak is 2C level ( 2x mum Pollen is stained with FDA, green fluorescence (FL1) is quan-
Flow in G0/G1 phase. The second peak is 4C level ( 2x nuclei in
Cytometry: tified,
Flow and plotted against scatter signal. The green population are
G2 phase,
Ploidy or generated
analyses on by endoreduplication)
leaf FDA stained pollen,
Viability/Vitality the red
analysesof population
pollenin are non-viable/dead pollen.
peakis is2C
level( (2x
in Pollen
level( (2x
phase, and
endoreduplication) Iribov
stainedB.V., The
stainedpollen, Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • B
M i eodci ha e m i c a l s

Z 0937 Z 0186


C15H21N5O5 = 351.4 C55H85N20O21S2Cu.HCl = 1526.5

Zeatin ribose was used for plant regeneration from tomato, Brassi­ca nigra Zeocin™ is produced by Streptomyces verticullus and part of the
and Vigna sublobata proto­plasts. Bhadra SK et al., PCR 14: 175-179 ­structurally related group of bleomycin/phleomycin type anti­biotics. The
(1994). Hossain M et al. PCTOC 42: 141-146 (1995). antibiotic is applied as a selective agent in transformation experiments
Narasimhu­lu SM et al. PCTOC 32 (1): 35-39 (1993). with mammalian cells, plant cells and yeast. The cytotoxic action results
Zeatin ribose has been efficiently used for direct and efficient regenerati­on from the ability to cause fragmentation of DNA. The antibiotic binds to
from leaf explants of potato. From all cytokinins te­sted, Zeatin riboside DNA through its amino-terminal peptide, and the activated complex
produced the maximum number of shoots per explant. ­generates free radicals that are responsible for scission of the DNA chain.
Yadav NR and Sticklen MB. PCR 14: 645-647 (19­95). Zeocin™ is used as a selective agent for the incorporation of the Sh ble
Somatic embryogenesis of tomato calli was induced on medium gene that encodes a 13,665 dalton protein. By binding to the antibiotic,
supplemen­ted with Zeatin riboside. the protein prevents binding of Zeocin™ to DNA. Zeocin™ is a trade
Chen LZ, Breeding Sci 44 (3): 257, (1994). mark of Cayla.
Zeatin riboside was effectively used for direct initiation of shoot cultures
from axils of bracts from Aloe, Gasteria, and Haworthia species. • store at 2-8°C
Richwine AM et al. Hort­Science 30 (7): 1443, (1995). • soluble in water
• R: 22-40-42/43 S:24/25–36/37/39
Assay (dried substance) : > 97% • CAS 11006-33-0

• soluble in water Z 0186.0250 250 mg € 52,60

• powder storage between -25°C and -15°C Z 0186.1000 1g € 169,10
• liquid storage between -25°C and -15°C
• sterilization: filtration
• CAS 6025-53-2

Z 0937.0025 25 mg € 95,60
Z 0937.0050 50 mg € 168,10
Z 0937.0100 100 mg € 300,80
Z 0937.0250 250 mg € 532,80
Z 0937.0500 500 mg € 852,50
Z 0937.1000 1g € 1550,10

Z 0526

ZnSO4.7H2O = 287.5

Assay : > 99%

• store at room temperature

• soluble in water (20°C / 960 g/l)
• R: 22-41-50/53 S: 22-26-39-46-60-61
• CAS 7446-20-0
• UN 3077

Z 0526.0500 500 g € 11,10

Z 0526.1000 1 kg € 17,00

Hardening of TC plants. Compartment with first fase after tissue

culture. Humidity controlled with fog system.

Cosmo Plant, joint hardening facility of Iribov, Allplant and

Maatschap Holtmaat.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

F 3001 S 3101


This stainless steel forceps, with a length of 23 cm, has been especially The distance between the handle and the bla­de of this scalpel (18 cm)
developed for the handling of plantlets in Plant Tissue culture. By means has been length­ened in this design to redu­ce the risk of contamination.
of the long thin extended legs, the distance between the hand, the s­ terile Because of its low weight and ergonometric sha­pe it is a handy tool for
plant­lets and culture vessel has been lengthened signifi­cantly, here­by cutting plantlets.
drastically reducing the risks of contamination. With its long thin legs it is
easy maneuvring in long narrow culture tubes and due to the len­gth, the S 3101.0001 1 piece € 12,10
bot­tom can be reached with­out contacting the sterile rim of the tubes. Its
light weight and the required low pressure by hand to close the forceps
give it a fine ergo­no­metric performance without fatiguing the hand. S 3110


F 3001.0001 1 piece € 12,10

In cooperation with tissue culture laboratories Duchefa Biochemie B.V.

F 3003 has developed a new ergonomically shaped scalpel handle to facilitate a
good and well balanced firm grip of the tool while cutting plantlets.
FORCEPS EXTENDED, 30 cm The hexagonal shaped grip with a diameter of 10 mm positions the fin-
gers in an ergonomically position allowing a firm hold without cramping
fingers and wrist. To avoid weight the grip is made hollow and is in a
This extended forceps allows a maximum distance between the hand and good weight balance with the extended shaft. By extending the shaft the
the plantlets minimizing the risks of contamination to nil. The forceps is risk of contamination caused by manual contact is minimized and a safe
specially designed to work in combination with the Ergonomic scalpel distance to the plant material is guaranteed.
handle, S3110. While handed the length of both tools is about equal
providing a symmetric and ergonomically balanced work situation. Dimensions: Overall length 24 cm, grip length11 cm, shaft length 13 cm,
weight 41 gram.
F 3003.0001 1 piece € 20,80
S 3110.0001 1 piece € 21,40




P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

S 3200


S 3200.0001 1 Box contains 100 pieces (non-sterile).

1- 10 boxes price per box € 10,50
11- 25 boxes price per box € 9,80
26- 50 boxes price per box € 9,40
51-100 boxes price per box € 8,80

S 3201


S 3201.0001 1 Box contains 100 pieces (non-sterile).

1- 10 boxes price per box € 10,50
11- 25 boxes price per box € 9,80
26- 50 boxes price per box € 9,40
51-100 boxes price per box € 8,80

G 3301
R 3002
Model “Lab Associates”
Stainless steel rest for holding sterile forceps and scalpelhandles in a • weight: 3.5 kg
convenient position. Length : 20 cm Height : 3 cm • outside dimensions: 15 x 12 x 15 cm
• tube dimensions (diameter. x height) : 5.5 x 12 cm
R 3002.0001 1 piece € 8,90 • operating temperature of 275˚ C
• thermostat controlled 200 W / 220 Volt or 110 Volt (upon request)
• including glass beads
G 3302
G 3301.0001 Glass Bead Sterilizer
GLASS BEADS FOR STERILIZER 1 piece € 380,00 / piece
2-4 pieces € 367,50 / piece
5-9 pieces € 348,20 / piece
• diameter : 1.5-2 mm 10 pieces € 332,40 / piece

G 3302.0500 500 gram € 19,50

P 3202

PAPER CUTTING PAD, 12.5 x 19 cm

Paper cutting pads are used for sterile cutting of plantlets in laminar
flows. A sterile sealed plastic package contains 30 gamma radiated paper
cutting pads.

P 3202.0001
10 packages of 30 cutting pads € 18,70
100 packages of 30 cutting pads € 161,80
1000 packages of 30 cutting pads € 1527,00

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

W 1607 S 3301


Polycarbonate, Gamma Radiated Leucopore Tape is a non woven ventilating tape impermeable for bacteria.
Heigth 130 mm, diameter middle 27 mm, diameter bottom 10 mm. Due to these properties it can be used for sealing petridishes and tissue
containers allowing ventilation without the plates drying.
Culture Tubes “De Wit” are specifically designed for in Vitro Tissue
Culture. The conical shape of the tubes provides enough space to grow L 3301.0001 1 roll of leucopore tape 2.5 cm x 9.2 m
while using a limited quantity of medium. 1 roll € 2,90
5 rolls € 13,10
Culture Tubes “De Wit” are sterile packed per 75 pieces. 10 rolls € 25,70

W 1607.0750 750 pieces (10 x 75 pieces) €79,70

W 1607.1500 1500 pieces (20 x 75 pieces) € 152,30 L 3302
W 1607.2250 2250 pieces (30 x 75 pieces) € 218,20
W 1607.3000 3000 pieces (40 x 75 pieces) € 278,20 LEUCOPORE TAPE, 1.25 cm x 9.2 m
W 1607.3750 3750 pieces (50 x 75 pieces) € 331,70
> 3750 pieces  inquire
L 3302.0001  1 roll of leucopore tape 1.25 cm x 9.2 m
1 roll € 1,50
T 1608 5 rolls € 6,60
10 rolls € 12,90

White polystyreen foam tray (60 x 40 cm) with 240 holes (20 x 12) to plug
in “De Wit tubes”

T 1608.0010 Box of 10 pieces €50,10

The goods E1650, E1654, E1674, W1607 and T1608 are shipped
Ex Works (EXW) to all destinations. Transportation charges will vary
with the destination, weight, and c­ ontent of each shipment and will
be subcharged accordingly on the c­ orresponding invoice.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

E 1650 / E 1654

A new generation of tissue culture vessels with a revolutionary breathing
system, your guarantee for carefree micropropagation! • Properties : crystal-clear polypropylene.
• Dimensions : vessel height: 80 mm
Description: vessel base: 125 mm L x 65 mm W
• All boxes are equipped with a “breathing” hermetic cover. vessel top and cover : 150 mm L x 90 mm W
• The cover is constructed out of parallel strips of cristal-clear plastic with • Packaging : vessels: 25 p. / sealed bag (350 (14 x 25))
intermittent narrow strips of filter material welded between them. This covers: 25 p. / sealed bag (350 (14 x 25))
results in two parallel batteries of filters. vessels and covers together in 1 carton.
• Each filter battery consists of a double row of filter wicks, i.e. micro-
channels filled with hydrofobic filter material. Price per box of 350 complete sets:
• To adjust gas exchange two different types of colored filters are avai- E 1650.0001 White filter (L) € 134,70
lable. E 1654.0001 Green filter (XXL) € 134,70

Type Color Filter length

L White 3.5 mm E 1674
XXL Green 7.0 mm
Gas exchange will increase as a result of filter length.
Its advantages:
• Adjustable gas exchange: this occurs by means of depth filtration • Properties : crystal-clear polypropylene.
through the numerous filter wicks. The length of these filter wicks can • dimensions : vessel height: 140 mm
be adapted to the needs of the plant species being raised, thus avoi- • vessel base : 90 mm diameter
ding vitrification. • vessel top and cover  : 115 mm diameter
• No danger of infection: the hermetic cover and the reselient filter • packaging : v essels: 15 p. / sealed bag, (180 (12 x 15))
material, which forms a perfect barrier against pests and secondary
contamination. Price per box of 180 complete sets:
• R ecyclable: 100%, filter, vessel and cover are made of polypropylene. E 1674.0001 Green filter (XXL) € 82,40
• Eco 2 box and OS 140 box are not autoclavable.


E1654 E1650
P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

S 1680/S1685


The newly developed Steri Vent Container is the successor of the success-
ful Vitro Vent container.
Its completely new design contains many functional and ergonomical
improvements. The Steri Vent is made of highly purified and totally trans-
parent polypropylene, which results in a firm and crystal clear plant tissue
culture container. Steri Vent containers are sterilized during the produc-
tion process and do not need gamma irradiation, which causes discolor-
ation of the polypropylene and detrimental chemical reactions.

The newly developed labyrinth closure guarantees a hermetically closed
container for Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Mites and Trips.

Although hermetically closed, the Steri Vent allows a continuous ventila-

tion with the outer atmosphere. There is a continuous exchange of fresh
air from the outside and volatile components from the inner side of the
container. Another positive result of this air replacement is a severely
reduced rate of condensation within the Steri Vent.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

Ergonomics Pack sizes

The Steri Vent is a rectangular shaped container available in two sizes. Steri Vent containers are packed and sold in sealed sterile polypropylene
bags. Three different sleeves are available;
High Model with dimensions (lxbxh), 107 x 94 x 96 mm
Low model with dimensions (lxbxh), 107 x 94 x 65 mm S 1681.0032
See picture below. sleeve includes 32 Steri Vent lids.
15 sleeves are packed in one carton box.
Both sizes allow a very efficient use of the available space in the climate
room. S 1682.0048
The lid is designed in such a way that the raised hood in the middle of the sleeve includes 48 Steri Vent Low model containers.
lid functions as a grip that avoids contamination when touching the 15 sleeves are packed in one carton box.
container while closing. The manner to take hold of the hood is easily
recognized by its curved shape, which allows fast and easy opening and S 1686.0032
closing. sleeve includes 32 Steri Vent High model containers.
Inside the containers are small circular rigs to permit a smooth de-stack- 15 sleeves are packed in one carton box.
ing of the sterile containers packed in polypropylene bags.
Spacers on the outside of the bottom of the Steri Vent provide a fixed Sleeves are packed in a solid carton box including polypropylene inside
space between two piled containers with an improved aeration between layer. Each carton box contains 15 cases of solely S1681.0032,
separate piles of containers. S1682.0048 or S1686.0032

Steri vent High Model (Heigth 96 mm)

Transport costs
These goods are shipped Ex Works (EXW) to all destinations. Transportation
Lids High container
charges will vary with the destination, weight, and c­ ontent of each ship-
ment and will be subcharged accordingly on the ­corresponding invoice. S 1681.0032 S 1686.0032
480 pcs 15 sleeves 15 sleeves € 187,80
960 pcs 30 sleeves 30 sleeves € 329,40
1920 pcs 60 sleeves 60 sleeves € 606,00
2880 pcs 90 sleeves 90 sleeves € 841,50
5760 pcs 180 sleeves 180 sleeves € 1566,00

Steri Vent Low Model (Height 65 mm)

Lids Low container

S 1681.0032 S 1682.0048
1440 pcs 45 sleeves 30 sleeves € 426,60
2880 pcs 90 sleeves 60 sleeves € 783,00

Lid Lid
High model container Low model container

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a


EnbioJet Sterilizer uses a modern technology called Direct Energy Transfer
(DET), which involves an immediate transfer of microwave energy to
medium flowing through a Teflon chamber. DET technology guarantees
that all of the medium is heated to a constant high temperature within
only a few seconds.

Main advantages:
• Possibility of a flexible efficiency increase up to 400 l/h
• Up to 75% energy savings
• Time saving
• Ease of operation
• Perfect Temperature Control
• Limited exposure of the nutrient medium to high temperature -
sterilization effect within several seconds
• 30-percent lower agar consumption
• 100-percent microbiological efficiency

Process parameters

Nutrient sterilization process parameters Value

Capacities 90 l/h – 400 l/h

Input temperature 60 °C

Process temperature 132 °C

Output temperature 40 °C

Technical parameters

EnbioJet technical parameters Value

Power installed 16 kW

Average energy consumption 9 kW

Maximum process temperature 145 °C

Cooling water 5 l/min

Compressed air 5 bar

Sterilization process in EnbioJet

Nutrient medium is pumped by the EnbioJet pump, and then it flows Sterile nutrient medium flows from the EnbioJet system to the dispensing
through a Teflon (PTFE) pipe section. There, energy coming from microwaves system. As the process of sterilization in EnbioJet is effected in the flow,
is supplied to the medium. The medium is heated to the temperature of 132 simultaneous pouring of the medium is possible. In order to ensure process
°C, and within several seconds the sterility effect is achieved. The validation continuity and stable sterilizer operation, the dispenser should be equipped
performed using the Bacillus Subtillis and Geobacillus stearothermophilus with a buffer tank. It enables to hold the sterilized nutrient medium in a
strains confirmed the efficiency of sterilization in 132 °C within 10 seconds. situation of a momentary dispensing delay.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

Media sterilization in seconds with Enbiojet significantly reduce ingredient The equipment has 3 automatic programs:
decomposition. Microwaves eliminate temperature gradients within • FLUSHING, STERILIZATION - programs for flushing and
the medium being processed and hence risks of under- or over-heating. sterilization with superheated steam of the equipment itself and
Additionally, the sterilization and dispensing of the medium is conducted connected dispenser process lines.
in one step, with savings of up to 50% in time and 50 to 75% in energy • PRODUCTION - the program used for sterilizing the nutrient
consumption compared to using either a media preparatory system or medium.
autoclaves. Input efficiencies arise from the mentioned very short exposure
of the media to a high temperature and much lower thermal decomposition The programs are controlled via the menu on the LCD panel, which is built
of fragile components. Medium pH also remains very stable and predictable. into the device. Software makes it possible to record and archive all process
The sterilizing capacity of EnbioJet is 90 to 400 L/h. data.

P l a n t C e l l a n d t i s s u e C u l t u r e • m e d i a

Philips GreenPower LEDs save up to 60% energy

LED lighting is known to offer a number of benefits in horticulture,

including increased yield, enabling earlier flowering and speeding up
root growth, and, last but not least, substantial energy savings.

P l a n t C e l l a n d t i s s u e C u l t u r e • l i G h t i n G

Philips GreenPower LEDs save up to 60% energy

LEDs are used most effectively if the spectrum and light level are exactly tuned to the crop and growth
conditions. In the past years, Philips conducted more than 30 field tests to determine the optimal spectrum and
light level for multilayer production. This results in the GreenPower LED production module reducing energy
consumption and creating a more uniform light distribution.

The GreenPower LED Production module for multilayer Features:

applications (typical 50-150 µmol/s/m2) can replace conventional TL • Plug & play, integrated driver 230V
lighting (36W or 58W) reducing energy consumption up to 60%. For • Easy to install
most applications, the modules with deep red and blue can be used. • Long service life
Next to energy efficiency, LEDs provide less heat • Light weight design
and a more uniform light distribution. • IP66

For most common installations a LED alternative is available:

The modules have the same length as the 36W TL (122 cm.) or 58W
TL (152 cm.). An existing installation with 2x36W or 2x58W TL can
be replaced by only one module producing a comparable light level.

Existing TL installation Replace by LED module Result Payback time

At comparable light level
1x36W 1x 122 cm 16W
1x58W 1x 152 cm 23W Up to Less than
2x36W 1x 122 cm 30W 60% energy saving 3 years
2x58W 1x 152 cm 45W

Technical data GreenPower LED production module:

Philips GreenPower Photon flux Power Lifetime Photon flux Length
LED production typical μmol/s consumption hours maintenance
module per module W % cm. Order code
Deep red/blue
GreenPower LED production DR/B 120 LO 24 16 25.000 90% 122 9290 004 87103
GreenPower LED production DR/B 120 47 30 25.000 90% 122 9290 004 86903
GreenPower LED production DR/B 150 LO 35 23 25.000 90% 152 9290 004 87603
GreenPower LED production DR/B 150 70 45 25.000 90% 152 9290 004 87403
Deep red/white (if work light is needed)
GreenPower LED production DR/W 120 47 30 15.000 90% 122 9290 004 87003
GreenPower LED production DR/W 150 70 45 15.000 90% 152 9290 004 87503
Deep red (if no blue is needed for growth)
GreenPower LED production DR 120 47 30 25.000 90% 122 9290 004 86803
GreenPower LED production DR 150 70 45 25.000 90% 152 9290 004 87303

Next to the GreenPower LED production module Philips offers GreenPower LED string is used in multilayer applications like
following solutions: tissue culture, storage and transport, where low uniform light levels
The GreenPower LED Research module is designed for research are required (typical 10-25 µmol/s/m2). The GreenPower LED string white is
and field tests. With this module, the growth light level and spectrum ideal as growth lighting (through efficient blue in the spectrum) and working
(deep red, blue and far red) can be tuned exactly for different test plans. light. The GreenPower LED string blue and deep red complete the range.

For more information please check www.philips.com/horti or contact Mr. Jan Dijkman ([email protected]).

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

P lant cell and tissue culture media


Duchefa Biochemie B.V. produces an extensive range of phyto­pathology CUSTOM MADE MEDIUM
media and media used in seed health testing. Since production takes As a manufacturer of powdered media Duchefa Biochemie B.V. has the
place in our own laboratories, Duchefa Biochemie B.V. is also able to ability to produce almost any medium desired. Many of our rela­tions are
manufacture custom made media according to laboratory specificati- using custom made media fitting to their own specific purposes, that
ons. Obviously, strict secrecy is guaranteed. are produced by Duchefa Biochemie B.V. If you are interested to have
your own medium, please con­tact us or send the Custom Made Medium
Powdered media are extremely hygroscopic and must be protected from 1. Name: Please mention your full name, address, fax and tele­phone
atmospheric moisture. Be sure the glass bottle containing the powdered number, so we can contact you if any­thing proves to be unclear.
medium is carefully closed after opening. Ot­herwise the remaining 2. Name and/or Product number of the custom-made medium
contents will deteriorate. 3. Formulation: The formulation of the medium will be stated
Store the dry medium at 2-8°C and keep well closed. in mg/l or molarity. To prevent possible mis­takes we prefer to
have the con­centration in both ways.
Preparing the media in a concentrated form is not recommended. Please be accurate in your description, for in­stance: magne-
Some salt complexes may precipitate in a concentrated solution. sium sulphate anhydrous or magnesium sulphate ­heptahydrate.
4. Quantity: To guarantee absolute homogeneity a minimal quan-
tity per production of one kilogram custom made medium (or
it’s equiva­lent in litres) is required.
5. Delivery Schedule: Most custom made media will be sup-
plied within two weeks. Larger quantities can be dispatched
in portions if desired.
6. Declaration of discretion: Before sending us your formula-
tion Duchefa Biochemie B.V. is prepared to send you a declara­
tion in which absolute secrecy will be assured. After receipt
of the undersigned declaration simply send your formu­lation.
Please contact us if such a declaration is required.

The prices of most custom-made media are equal to the prices of
our standard media. Favourable discounts will be granted on bulk
quantities. However, additions of speci­ fic components to the
media could have their influen­ce on the price. Please indicate the
details on the custom-ma­de medium form and send it by mail, fax
or e-mail to:


We will contact you after receipt.

Although described in literature as selective media for certain phytopathological micro-organisms Duchefa Biochemie B.V. strongly
recommends that the enduser tests, each medium for its selective properties and nutritional requirements growth of mentioned
micro-organisms. The use of positive controls and negative controls during the cultivation of pathogenic micro-organisms is strongly
recommended. Duchefa B.V. does not accept any liability for the outcome of any test by using the phytopathology media as produced by
Duchefa Biochemie B.V.
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae KBBC MSP MT

BEAN Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola mKB MSP MT

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli MT mXCP1 PTSA

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris mCS20ABN mFS

BRASSICA Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae mCS20ABN mFS


CARROTS Xanthomonas campestris pv. carotae mD5A mKM mTBM

LEEK Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri PSM KBBC


COMPOUND Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi GRAM/LITER SNAC KBBC


Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)

Boric acid (H3BO3)

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous)

PEPPER Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
Proteose: 4 0 % Meat Extract S1

40 % Meat Extract S2

20 % Meat Extract M1
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis mSCM D2ANX

TOMATO Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato KBBC KBZ

Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria mTMB MXV CKTM

bacteria KB YDC CDA

FUNGAL K5120.0001 1 KG   97,56

Bacteria Screening Medium 523 B1713 177
CKTM Medium C5140 168
Czapek Dox Agar, CDA C1715 174
Czapek Dox Broth, CDB C1714 175
D2ANX Medium D5128 170
KB medium (King's B Medium) K5165 172
KBBC Medium K5120 154
KBZ Medium K5129 171
Leifert and Waites sterility test Medium L1716 178
Luria Broth Agar, Miller L1718 179
Luria Broth Base, Miller L1717 180
Malt Agar (MA) L1719 176
mCS20ABN Medium C5122 159
mD5A Medium D5124 161
mFS Medium F5123 160
mKM Medium K5125 162
MSP Medium M5167 155
MT Medium M5133 156
mTBM medium T5132 163
mTMB Medium T5126 166
mXCP1 Medium X5121 157
MXV medium M5131 167
PSM medium P5134 164
PTSA Medium P5135 158
SCM Medium S5127 169
SNAC medium S5130 165



Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)

Boric acid (H3BO3)

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous)

Proteose: 4 0 % Meat Extract S1

40 % Meat Extract S2

20 % Meat Extract M1


K5120.0001 1 KG   97,56

P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

K5120 Crop: Bean, Leek, Pea, Tomato

Disease: Bacterial brown spot (bean)
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
KBBC Medium Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri
Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato


Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) is the causal organism

of bacterial brown spot of beans. This bacterium is seed borne
and therefore its detection on seeds is important. KBBC medium
is a rather selective medium to detect Pss on seeds of beans.
Ps syringae Ps porri This medium is based on King’s B Medium (K5165), however in
KBBC Medium boric acid (1.5 g/liter), cephalexin and nystatin
are added. Nystatin is used to control fungi. As an alternative,
cycloheximide, a more potent fungicide, can be used. KBBC is
much more selective than MSP (M5167) and in general the
recovery of Pss is smaller on KBBC than on MSP. Pspha, unlike
Pss, will not grow on KBBC. Therefore, the chance of detection
of Pss is higher when both complementary media are used.
Ps pisi Ps tomato Detection of Pss is performed by the dilution plating of bacterial
extract on KBBC and MSP. Then Pss-suspected isolates are
transferred to KB medium. Finally, the identification of suspected
colonies can be performed by a pathogenicity assay or PCR.
Colonies of Pss on KBBC are 3-4 mm in diameter, flat, circular,
translucent, creamy white and show blue fluorescence under
UV light. This medium can also be used for the detection of
seed borne Ps porri, Ps pisi and Ps tomato on seed of resp.
leek, pea and tomato.


Agar 15.0

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 1.5

Boric acid (H3BO3) 1.5

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.73

Proteose Peptone 20.0

• Dissolve 38.7 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

970 ml. Mohan, S.K. and Schaad, N.W. 1987. An improved agar plating assay
• Add 30 ml glycerol (50%) and mix. for detecting Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and Pseudomonas
• Adjust pH to 7.2. syringae pv. phaseolicola in contaminated bean seed. Phytopathology
• Autoclave the solutions (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). 77: 1390-1395.
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium: K5120 KBBC MEDIUM
80 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
K5120.1000 1 kg
35 mg nystatin (N0138) or 100 mg cycloheximide (C0176)
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add antibiotics to the
solution. For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

M5167 Crop:

Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Bacterial brown spot and halo blight

MSP Medium Pathogen: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae

Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola


MSP (Modified Sucrose Peptone) medium is a suitable medium

for the detection of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola
(Pspha) and Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss). Addition
of bromothymol blue gives this medium a blue appearance.
Ps syringae The color of bacterial colonies is influenced by this compound.
The assay starts with dilution plating of bacterial extract from
seeds on MSP. Then suspected colonies from MSP can be
transferred to King’s B Medium (K5165). Finally, the identity of
suspected isolates is confirmed by a pathogenicity test or PCR.

Colonies of Pspha and Pss are ca. 3 mm in diameter, circular,

Ps phaseolicola raised, globose, glistening and light yellow with a denser center.
The medium around Pspha colonies turns light yellow after
three days of incubation.


Agar 20.0

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 0.5

Peptone special 5.0

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.13

Sucrose 20.0

• Dissolve 45.6 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

1000 ml. Mohan, S.K. and Schaad, N.W. 1987. An improved agar plating assay
• Adjust pH to 7.4. for detecting Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and Pseudomonas
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). syringae pv. phaseolicola in contaminated bean seed. Phytopathology
• Prepare sterile solutions and add the following amounts per liter medium: 77: 1390-1395.
80 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
35 mg nystatin (N0138) M5167 MSP MEDIUM
10 mg vancomycin HCl (V0155)
15 mg bromothymol blue
M5167.1000 1 kg
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add antibiotics to the
solution. For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

M5133 Crop: Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Disease: Bacterial brown spot, common blight and
halo blight
MT Medium Pathogen: 
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli


The MT (Milk-Tween) Medium is a semi-selective medium for

the detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss),
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Pspha) and
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) in bean seed.
The medium relies on the ability of the micro-organisms to
Xap non fuscans Ps syringae hydrolyze casein. Suspected isolates are transferred to YDC
(Xap) or KB (Pss and Pspha). Finally, the identity of suspected col-
onies is determined by PCR or a pathogenicity test.
The colonies of Pspha and Pss are cream white, flat circular,
4-5 mm in diameter and produce a blue fluorescent pigment
under UV light. Xap colonies (3 – 3.5 mm in diameter) are yellow,
Xap fuscans Ps phaseolicola non fluorescent and typical two zones surround colonies: a bigger,
clear zone of casein hydrolysis and a smaller zone of Tween 80
lipolysis. Xap var. fuscans (1 – 2 mm in diameter) produces a
brown pigment within 5 days.


Proteose Peptone 10.0

Calcium chloride anhydrous (CaCl2 anhydrous) 0.25

Tyrosine 0.5

Agar 15.0

• Dissolve 25.7 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

800 ml. Goszczynska and Serfontein, 1998 “Milk-Tween agar, a semiselec-

• Dissolve 10 ml Tween 80 in distilled water and adjust volume to 100 ml. tive medium for isolation and differentiation of Pseudomonas syringae
• Dissolve 10 g of skim milk powder in 100 ml distilled water. pv. syringae, Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi for 15 minutes). Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli ”,
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per Journal of Microbiological Methods 32: 65-72.
liter medium:
80 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
35 mg nystatin (N0138) M5133 MT MEDIUM
10 mg vancomycin HCl (V0155) K5133.1000 1 kg
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add the Tween, skim milk
powder and antibiotics solutions.
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

X5121 Crop:

Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Common blight

mXCP1 Medium Pathogen: 

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli


The mXCP1 (modified Xanthomonas Campestris pv. Phaseoli)

medium is a semi-selective medium for the detection of
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) in bean seed. Both
the fuscans and non-fuscans type of Xap grow on mXCP1.
However the production of the fuscous pigment only becomes
Xap fuscans
visible after a relatively long incubation. Modification of the
medium was necessary because of poor recovery of isolates of
the Xap var. fuscans type. Recognition of putative Xap colonies
relies on the ability of the Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phase-
oli to hydrolyze starch. The colonies of Xanthomonas axonopo-
dis pv. phaseoli on the mXCP1 plate are surrounded by a clear
zone of starch hydrolysis.
Xap non fuscans Detection of Psp and Xap is often performed in combi-assay.
Xap is detected by dilution plating of bacterial extract from
seeds on mXCP1. Then suspected colonies from mXCP1 should
be transferred to YDC. Finally, the identity of suspected iso-
lates is confirmed by a pathogenicity test or PCR.
Xap colonies are yellow mucoid, convex and surrounded by a
clear zone of starch hydrolysis. Colonies of var. fuscan are distin-
guished by brown pigmentation.


Peptone special 10.0

Potassium bromide (KBr) 10.0
Calcium chloride anhydrous (CaCl2 anhydrous) 0.25
Agar 20.0
Soluble Starch 20.0
Crystal Violet 0.0015

• Dissolve 60.2 grams of the ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

900 ml. McGuire,R.G., Jones, J.B. and Sasser, M. 1986. Tween media for
• Dissolve 10 ml Tween 80 in distilled water and adjust volume to 100 ml. semiselective isolation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
• Autoclave the solutions (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). from soil and plant material. Plant Dis. 70: 887 - 891
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium: X5121 mXCP1 MEDIUM
10 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110) X5121.1000 1 kg
3 mg 5-fluorouracil (F0123)
0.1 mg tobramycin sulphate (T0153)
35 mg nystatin (N0138) For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C, mix solutions and add antibiotics. Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). 5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
• Store plates for 4 days at 4˚ C to improve visibility of starch hydrolysis. The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

P5135 Crop:

Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Common blight

PTSA Medium Pathogen: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli


PTSA (Peptone Tyrosine Sodium chloride Agar) is a semi-selective

medium for the detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. pha-
seoli in bean seed. The medium is not very selective in com-
parison with mXCP1, but especially colonies from the var. fus-
cans are easily recognized on this medium because of their
Xap fuscans
excessive production of visible brown pigment. The non-fuscans
isolates of Xap grow well on PTSA medium but their recognition
is much more difficult due to the lack of pigment production.
For relatively clean seed lots, PTSA medium is useful, but for
saprophyte-rich samples mXCP1 is much more suitable.
Xap is detected by dilution plating of bacterial extract from
seeds on PTSA. Then suspected colonies from PTSA should be
Xap non fuscans transferred to YDC. Finally, the identity of suspected isolates is
confirmed by a pathogenicity test or PCR.
Colonies of Xap var. fuscans are distinguished by brown


Peptone special 10.0

L-tyrosine 1.0

Soluble starch 2.0

Sodium chloride (NaCl) 5.0

Agar 15.0

• Dissolve 33.0 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

1000 ml. Van Vuurde J.W.L., Van den Bovenkamp, G.W. and Birnbaum, Y. 1983.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). Immunofluorescence microscopy and enzyme-linked immunosorbent
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C. assay as potential routine tests for the detection of Pseudomonas
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). syringae pv. phaseolicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli in
bean seeds. Seed Sc. & Technol. 11: 547 -559


P5135.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

C5122 Crop:

Black rot and bacterial leaf spot

mCS20ABN Medium Pathogen: 

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
and Xanthomonas campestris pv.
(extra phosphate and Agar) armoraciae


CS20ABN has been developed by Chang et al. to isolate

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) from crucifer
seeds. The original medium recipe allowed the quick isolation
of most isolates of Xcc. However, the recovery of some isolates
of Xcc was poor due to pH-dependent sensitivity to neomycin.
In the modified version, the pH is lowered to 6.5 by the addi-
tion of extra potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
This modification improved the recovery of some neomycin-
sensitive isolates considerably.
Contaminated seed lots can be detected by dilution plating
of the bacterial extract on mCS20ABN and mFS. Suspected
isolates are then transferred to YDC. Finally, the identity of the
suspected isolates can be determined by a pathogenicity test
using brassica seedlings.
The colonies of Xcc and Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae
are yellow, mucoid and surrounded by a zone of starch hydrolysis.


Agar 18.0
Soluble starch 25.0
Soya Peptone 2.0
Tryptone 2.0
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 2.8
Di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) 0.8
Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.1952
L-glutamine 6.0
L-histidine 1.0
Glucose monohydrate 1.0

• Dissolve 58.8 grams of ingredients in 900 ml distilled water. Reference:


• Adjust pH to 6.5 and adjust volume to 1000 ml. Chang, C.J., Donaldson, R., Crowley, M, and Pinnow, D. 1991. A new
• pH should be 6.5 and not higher! semiselective medium for the isolation of Xanthomonas campestris pv.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). campestris. Phytopathology 81:449-453.
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium:
35 mg nystatin (N0138)
40 mg neomycin (M0135) C5122 mCS20ABN MEDIUM
100 mg bacitracin (B0106)
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add antibiotics. C5122.1000 1 kg
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
• Store plates for 4 days at 4˚ C to improve visibility of starch hydrolysis. For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

F5123 Crop:
Black rot and bacterial leaf spot

mFS Medium Pathogen: 

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae


mFS (modified Fieldhouse Sasser medium) has been developed

to detect black rot in brassica. This medium is complementary
to mCS20ABN (C5122) due to some alternative antibiotics.
Modifications concern the addition of extra starch and omission
of gentamycin.
Contaminated seed lots can be detected by dilution plating of
the bacterial extract on mCS20ABN and mFS. Suspected isolates
are then transferred to YDC. Finally, the identity of the suspected
isolates can be determined by a pathogenicity test using brassica
The colonies of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc)
and Xanthomonas campestris pv. amoraciae (Xca) on mFS
medium are pale green to transparant, mucoid and surrounded
by a small zone of starch hydrolysis. Colonies are in general
smaller than on mCS20ABN and may show remarkable variation
in size and may be visible only after 5-6 days.


Soluble starch 25.0

Yeast Extract 0.1

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 0.8

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 0.8

Potassium nitrate (KNO3) 0.5

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.0488

Agar 15.0

• Dissolve 42.2 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

950 ml and adjust pH to 6.8. Yuen, G.Y., Alvarez, A.M., Benedict, A.A., and Trotter, K.J. 1987. Use
• Add 1.5 ml methyl green (1 % aq.) and adjust volume to 1000 ml with distilled water. of monoclonal antibodies to monitor the dissemination of
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Phytopathology 77:366-370.
• Prepare the following sterile solutions of vitamins, amino acids and antibiotics
per liter medium:
35 mg nystatin (N0138)
3 mg D-methionine (M0715)
1 mg pyridoxine-HCl (P0612) F5123 mFS MEDIUM
50 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110) F5123.1000 1 kg
30 mg trimethoprim (T0154)
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add solutions.
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Store plates for 4 days at 4˚ C to improve visibility of starch hydrolysis. Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

D5124 Crop:

Carrot (Daucus carota)
Bacterial leaf blight

mD5A Medium Pathogen: 

Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae


mD5A (modified D-5 Agar medium) is used to detect seed

borne Xanthomonas campestris pv. carota (Xccar), the causal
organism of bacterial blight of carrots. Contaminated seed lots
can be detected by dilution plating of the bacterial extract on
mD5A and another semi-selective medium. Suspected isolates
are then transferred to YDC. Finally, the identity of the suspected
isolates can be determined by PCR. Colonies of Xccar on mD5A
medium look straw-yellow, glistening, round, smooth, convex
and are 2–3 mm in diameter.
D5124: mD5A MEDIUM


Agar 15.0

Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4) 0.9

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 3.0

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.15

Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) 1.0

• Dissolve 20.1 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

900 ml and adjust pH to 6.4. Kuan, T.L., Minsavage, G.V. and Gabrielson, R.L. 1985. Detection of
• Dissolve 10.0 grams of D-cellobiose in distilled water and adjust volume to 100 ml. Xanthomonas campestris pv. carotae in carrot seed. Plant disease 61758-61760.
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). Cubeta, M.S. and Kuan, T.L. 1986 Comparison of MD5 and XCS media
• Prepare the following sterile amino acids and antibiotics solutions and add the and development of MD5A medium for detection of Xanthomonas hor-
following amounts per liter medium: torum p.v. carotae in carrot seed, Phythopathology 76: 1109 (Abstract)
5 mg L-glutamic acid (G0707)
1 mg L-methionine (M0715)
35 mg nystatin (N0138)
10 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110) D5124.1000 1 kg
10 mg bacitracin (B0106)
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add solutions.
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

K5125 Crop:

Carrot (Daucus carota)
Bacterial leaf blight

mKM Medium Pathogen: Xanthomonas hotorum pv. carotae


mKM medium (modified KM-1 medium) is used to detect

Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae (Xccar). Contaminated seed
lots can be detected by dilution plating of the bacterial extract
on mD5A and another semi-selective medium. Suspected iso-
lates are then transferred to YDC. Finally, the identity of the
suspected isolates can be determined by PCR. The colonies of
Xccar on mKM plates are light-yellow cream, light brown to
peach yellow, glistening, round and about 2 – 4 mm in diameter.


Agar 18.0

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 1.2

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 1.2

Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) 1.0

Lactose monohydrate 10.0

Threhalose anhydrous. 4.0

2-Thiobarbituric acid 0.2

Yeast Extract 0.5

• Dissolve 36.1 grams of the ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

1000 ml and adjust pH to 6.6. Kim, H.K., Sasser, M. and Sands, D.C. 1982. Selective medium for xan-
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). thomonas hortorum pv. translucens Phytopathology 72:936. (Abstn)
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium:
35 mg nystatin (N0138)
10 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110),
50 mg bacitracin (B0106) K5125 mKM MEDIUM
2 mg tobramycin sulphate (T0153) K5125.1000 1 kg
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add antibiotics.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

T5132 Crop:

Carrot (Daucus carota)
Bacterial leaf blight

mTBM Medium Pathogen: 

Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae


mTBM Medium (modified TBM medium) is used to detect

Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae (Xccar). Other semi-
selective media for Xanthomonas campestris pv. carotae are
mKM Medium (K5125) and mD5A Medium (D5124).
The colonies of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae on
mTBM plates are white or yellow or white-yellow, glistening
round, convex with entire margins and surrounded by a large
clear zone of casein hydrolyses.


Agar 15.0

Boric acid (H3BO3) 0.3

Potassium bromide (KBr) 10.0

Peptone 10.0

• Dissolve 35.3 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

800 ml and adjust pH to 7.4. McGuire, R.G., Jones, J.B. and Sasser, M. 1986. Tween medium for
• Dissolve 10 ml of Tween 80 indistilled water and adjust to 100 ml. semiselective isolation of Xanthomonas hortorum pv vesicatoria from
• Dissolve 10 g of skim milk powder in distilled water and adjust volume soil and plant material. Plant Dis. 70; 887 – 891.
to 100 ml.
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium: T5132 mTBM MEDIUM
20 mg nystatin (N0138) T5132.1000 1 kg
65 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
12 mg 5-fluorouracil (F0123)
• Allow solution to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and mix the solutions. For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

P5134 Crop:

Bacterial blight of leek

PSM Medium Pathogen: 

Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri


Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri (Pspo) is the causal organism

of bacterial blight of leek. This pathogen can be seed-borne
and therefore the testing of seeds of leek is common. Seeds of
leek can be saprophyte-rich and this might disguise the presence
of Pspo. Detection of this bacterium is performed by dilution
plating on highly selective media such as KBBC and PSM
(Pseudomonas Syringae Medium). Putative Pspo colonies are
then transferred to KB. Thereafter the identity of the suspected
colonies is determined by immunofluorescence microscopy.
Finally, the identity is determined by a Pspo-specific PCR or a
pathogenicity assay using seedlings of leek.
On PSM the colonies of Pspo are 2-4 mm in diameter, circular
with smooth edge, translucent, creamy-yellow to transparant
white. Note that the color of Pspo colonies is rather variable
since the accumulation of bromothymol blue per colony is
strongly dependent on the total number of colonies per plate.


Sucrose 20.0

Peptone special 5.0

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 0.5

Magnesium sulphate anyhydrous (MgSO4) 0.13

Agar 20.0

• Dissolve 45.6 grams of ingredients in 970 ml distilled water, adjust pH to 7.5 Reference:

and adjust volume to 990 ml. Koike, S.T., Barak, J.D., Henderson, D.M., and Gilbertson, R.L. 1999.
• Add 1 gram of boric acid to 10 ml of distilled water. Bacterial blight of leek: A new disease in California caused by
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). Pseudomonas syringae. Plant Dis. 83:165-170.
• Prepare sterile solutions and add the following amounts per liter medium:
80 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
35 mg nystatin (N0138)
10 mg vancomycin HCl (V0155) P5134 PSM MEDIUM
15 mg bromothymol blue P5134.1000 1 kg
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add boric acid and
antibiotic solutions to mixture of the ingredients.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

S5130 Crop:

Bacterial blight of pea

SNAC Medium Pathogen: 

Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi


Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi (Pspi) is the causal organism of

bacterial blight of pea. The use of clean seeds is an important
measure for controlling this disease. SNAC is derived from the
SNA medium. The selectivity of the medium was increased by
the addition of boric acid and antibiotics. In general dilution
plating on semi-selective medium such as SNAC and/or KBBC
is used for the detection of Psp. Then suspected colonies are
transferred to KB. Through immunofluorescence microscopy,
PCR or a pathogenicity assay the identity of suspected isolates
can be confirmed.

Colonies of Pspi on SNAC are white to transparent mucoid

and dome-shaped.


Tryptone 5.0

Peptone 3.0

Sodium chloride (NaCl) 5.0

Sucrose 50.0

Agar 15.0

• Dissolve 75.0 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

990 ml. Franken, A.A.J.M., and van den Bovenkamp, G.W. 1990.
• Add 1 gram of boric acid to 10 ml of distilled water. The application of the combined use of immunofluorescence
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). microscopy and dilution plating to detect Pseudomonas syringae pv.
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per pisi in pea seeds. In proceedings of the 7th ICPP pp. 871-875.
liter medium:
80 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
35 mg nystatin (N0138) S5130 SNAC MEDIUM
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add boric acid and S5130.1000 1 kg
antibiotic solutions.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

T5126 Crop: Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

mTMB Medium Disease:

Bacterial spot
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
Xanthomonas vesicatoria


Bacterial spot is an important bacterial disease of peppers.

Two different bacteria, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
(Xcv) and Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Xv) can incite this seed borne
disease. mTMB (modified Tween Medium B) is a semi-selective
medium for detection of Xcv and Xv on seeds of pepper and
tomato. The colonies of Xcv and Xv on mTMB plates are yellow,
slightly mucoid, mounded and round. Xcv utilizes Tween 80 and
in 3-7 days a white crystalline halo usually forms around the
yellow colony. Contaminated seed lots can be detected by
dilution plating of the bacterial extract on CKTM, mKM or
MXV. Suspected isolates are then transferred to YDC.
Finally, the identity of the suspected isolates can be deter-
mined by a pathogenicity test or PCR.


Agar 15.0

Potassium bromide (KBr) 10.0

Boric acid (H3BO3) 0.1

Calcium chloride anhydrous (CaCl2 anhydrous) 0.25

Peptone 10.0


• Dissolve 35.3 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume

McGuire, R.G., Jones, J.B., and Sasser, M. 1986. Tween medium for
to 900 ml.
semiselective isolation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. veiscatoria
• Dissolve 10 ml of Tween 80 in distilled water and adjust volume to 100 ml.
from soil and plant material. Plant Dis. 70:887-891.
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium:
65 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
12 mg 5-fluorouracil (F0123)
0.2 mg tobramycin sulphate (T0153) T5126.1000 1 kg
100 mg cycloheximide (C0176)
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C, mix the solutions and add
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
antibiotics. Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

M5131 Crop: Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

MXV Medium Disease:

Bacterial spot
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
Xanthomonas vesicatoria


Bacterial spot is an important bacterial disease of peppers.

Two different bacteria, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
(Xcv) and Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Xv) can incite this seed borne
disease. MXV medium is a semi-selective medium for detection
of Xcv and Xv on seeds of pepper and tomato. The colonies of
Xcv on MXV plates utilize Tween 80 and are yellow and mucoid.
Contaminated seed lots can be detected by dilution plating of
the bacterial extract on mTMB, CKTM or mKM. Suspected
isolates are then transferred to YDC.
Finally, the identity of the suspected isolates can be deter-
mined by a pathogenicity test or PCR.


Agar 15.0
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 0.8
Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 0.8
Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) 1.0
Lactose 10.0
Threhalose 4.0
Thiobarbituric acid 0.1
Yeast Extract 0.5

• Dissolve 32.2 grams of the ingredients in distilled water, adjust volume to Reference:

900 ml and adjust pH to 6.6. McGuire, R.G., Jones, J.B., and Sasser, M. 1986. Tween medium for
• Dissolve 10 ml of Tween 80 in distilled water and adjust volume to 100 ml. semiselective isolation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. veiscatoria
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). from soil and plant material. Plant Dis. 70:887-891.
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium:
32.5 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
100 mg bacitracin (B0106) M5131 MXV MEDIUM
6 mg 5-fluorouracil (F0123) M5131.1000 1 kg
10 mg neomycin sulphate (M0135)
0.2 mg tobramycin sulphate (T0153)
100 mg cycloheximide (C0176) For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C, mix the solutions and add Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
antibiotics. 5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

C5140 Crop: Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

CKTM Medium Disease: Bacterial spot

Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria


CKTM medium is a semi-selective medium, which is used in

combination with modified TMB medium (T5126) or MXV medium
(M5131) to detect Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
(Xcv) in seeds of pepper and tomato.
Xcv colonies on plates containing CKTM media are yellow,
mucoid, mounded and round.


Soya Peptone 2.0

Tryptone 2.0

Glucose anhydrous 1.0

L-glutamine 6.0

L-histidine 1.0

Di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) 0.8

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 1.0

Magnesium sulfate anhydrous (MgSO4 anh) 0.2

Agar 15.0

• Dissolve 29.0 grams of the ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:

900 ml. Sijam, K., Chang, C.J. and Gitaitis, R.D. 1992. A medium for
• Dissolve 10 ml of Tween 80 in distilled water and adjust volume to 100 ml. differentiation tomato and pepper strains of Xanthomonas
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi for 15 minutes). campestris pv. vesicatoria. Canad. J. Plant Pathol. 90: 208-213.
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per
liter medium:
65 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
12 mg 5–fluorouracil (F0123) C5140 CKTM MEDIUM
0.4 mg tobramycin sulphate (T0153) C5140.1000 1 kg
100 mg cycloheximide (C0176)
100 mg bacitricin (B0106)
10 mg neomycin sulphate (M0135) For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C, mix the solutions and add Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
antibiotics. 5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

S5127 Crop:

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
Bacterial canker

SCM Medium Pathogen: 

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.


Bacterial canker is the most important bacterial disease of

tomato. The causal organism is Clavibacter michiganensis
subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) and this bacterium can be intro-
duced by contaminated seeds. For the detection of Cmm, toma-
to seeds are first soaked in buffer. Then a stomacher is used
for the release of bacteria from the seeds. After the concentra-
tion of the bacteria, dilution plating on two semi-selective
media is performed. SCM medium is such a semi-selective
media. Actually, there are several modifications in use con-
cerning the used carbon source, LiCl and the addition of antibi-
otics. This medium is used in combination with D2ANX medi-
um (D5128). After dilution plating suspected isolates are trans-
ferred to YDC. Finally the identity of suspected isolates is
determined by a pathogenicity test or PCR. The colonies of
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on SCM are
small, light to dark grey, glistening, fluidal and often irregularly


Agar 18.0

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 0.5

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 2.0

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.122

Boric acid (H3BO3) 1.5

Yeast Extract 0.1

Sucrose 10.0

• Dissolve 32.2 grams of ingredients in distilled water, adjust volume to 1000 ml Reference:

and adjust pH to 7.3. Fatmi, M. and Schaad, N.W. 1988. Semiselective agar medium for iso-
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). lation of Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense from tomato
• Prepare sterile solutions and add the following amounts per liter medium: seeds. Phytopathology 78:121-126.
100 mg nicotinic acid (N0611)
30 mg nalidixic acid (N0134)
100 mg cycloheximide (C0176)
10 mg potassium tellurite (1 ml of 1% tellurite solution) S5127 SCM MEDIUM
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add antibiotics. S5127.1000 1 kg
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

D5128 Crop:

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
Bacterial canker

D2ANX Medium Pathogen: 

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.


D2ANX is a semi-selective medium, which is used to detect

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm).
This medium, with a relatively low selectivity, is often used in
combination with the more selective mSCM medium (S5127).
Despite the slow growth of Cmm colonies the evaluation of
plates can already be performed after 6-7 days of incubation.
On mSCM, the growth is more slow and Cmm colonies can
only be seen after about 9-10 days. On D2ANX, Cmm colonies
are glistening, yellow and mucoid.


MgSO4 anhydrous 0.15

Glucose anhydrous 10.0

Yeast Extract 2.0

Agar 18.0

Tris HCl 1.2

Boric acid (H3BO3) 1.0

Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) 1.0

Casein hydrolysate 4.0

• Dissolve 37.3 grams of ingredients in distilled water, adjust volume to 1000 ml Reference:

and adjust pH to 7.4. Kado, C.I., and Heskett, M.G. 1970. Selective media for the isolation
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). of Agrobacterium, Corynebacterium, Erwinia, Pseudomonas and
• Prepare sterile antibiotic solutions and add the following amounts per Xanthomonas. Phytopathology 60:969-976.
liter medium:
28 mg nalidixic acid (N0134)
100 mg cycloheximide (C0176)
10 mg polymixin B sulphate (P0145) D5128 D2ANX MEDIUM
• Allow solutions to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C and add antibiotics. D5128.1000 1 kg
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
• R: 36/37/38
For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

K5129 Crop:

Bacterial speck

KBZ Medium Pathogen: 

Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato


Bacterial speck of tomatoes is caused by the bacterium

Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst). The bacterium can be
introduced by the use of Pst-contaminated seeds. Therefore,
detection of Pst in seeds of tomato is common. For the detection
of Pst, seeds are first soaked in buffer. Then a stomacher is
used for the release of bacteria from the seeds. The bacteria are
concentrated by centrifugation. Then dilution plating on two
semi-selectice media KBZ and KBBC is performed. Suspected
colonies are transferred to KB and finally identified by PCR or a
pathogenicity assay. Pst forms small, flat and pink-colored colo-
nies on KBZ after ca. 5 days.


Agar 15.0

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 1.5

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.73

Proteose 20.0

• Dissolve 37.2 grams of ingredients in distilled water, adjust volume to 960 ml Reference:

and adjust pH to 7.5. King, E.O. Ward, M.K. and Raney, D.E. 1954. Two simple media for the
• Prepare 30 ml of 50 % glycerol. demonstration of pyocyanin and fluorescein. J. Lab. Clin. Med.
• Dissolve 1.5 g boric acid in 10 ml distilled water. 44:301-307.
• Autoclave the solutions separately (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Prepare sterile solutions and add the following amounts per liter medium:
160 mg cephalexin monohydrate (C0110)
1,4 mg triphenyltetrazoliumchloride K5129 KBZ MEDIUM
100 mg cycloheximide (C0176) K5129.1000 1 kg
18 mg paraosanilin
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C, mix the solutions and add
antibiotics. For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate). Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hytopat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

K5165 Medium:

General bacterial medium

Subculturing of numerous

KB Medium bacterial species


KB (King’s B) is a non-selective medium and used to subculture

suspected isolates. Addition of antibiotics such as cephalexine
will make the medium (mKB) suitable for the detection of several
Pseudomonads such as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and
Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola (see photo).

King’s B medium is amongst others used for detection and

subculturing of fluorescent pseudomonads from seeds and plants.
Pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae produce a blue fluorescent
pigment that becomes visible under UV light.


Agar 15.0

Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 1.5

Magnesium sulphate anhydrous (MgSO4 anhydrous) 0.73

Proteose 20.0

• Dissolve 37.2 grams of ingredients in distilled water, adjust volume to 980 ml Reference:

and adjust pH to 7.5. King, E.O. Ward, M.K. and Raney, D.E. 1954. Two simple media for the
• Add 20 ml of 50% glycerol. demonstration of pyocyanin and fluorescein. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 44:301-
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). 307.
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
• Optional: addition of 50 mg cephalexin and 35 mg nystatin per liter to
K5165.1000 1 kg
allow selectivity for pseudomonads (mKB).

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

Y5136 Medium:

General bacterial medium

Subculturing bacteria such as

YDC Medium xanthomonads and clavibacters


YDC (Yeast extract-dextrose-CaCO3) medium is a non-selective

media. YDC is used amongst others for subculturing suspected
xanthomonads (yellow) and clavibacters (orange) after dilution
on semi-selective media (see photo).


Yeast Extract 10.0

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 20.0

Agar 15.0

Glucose anhydrous 20.0

• Dissolve 65.0 grams of ingredients in distilled water, adjust volume to 1000 ml Reference:

and adjust pH to 6.9. Wilson, E.E. Zeitoun, F.M. Fredrickson, D.L. 1967. Bacterial phloem
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). canker, a new disease of Persian walnut trees. Phytopathology
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C. 57:618-621.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
• During pouring of medium mix the CaCO3 thoroughly.
Y5136.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

Medium: General fungal and bacterial medium

C1715 Purpose: Cultivation of fungi and bacteria

Czapek Dox Agar, CDA


Czapex Dox Agar medium is used for the cultivation of those

fungi and bacteria that are able to utilize sodium nitrate as
the sole source of nitrogen.


Agar 12.0

Ferrous sulphate 0.01

Magnesium glycerophosphate 0.5

Potassium chloride 0.5

Potassium sulphate 0.35

Sodium nitrate 2.0

Sucrose 30.0

• Dissolve 45.5 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume Reference:

to 1000 ml. Tuite, J. 1969. Plant pathological methods - fungi and bacteria.
• The final pH has to be 6.8 ± 0.2. Burgess publishing co., Minneapolois, MN. 293 pp.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates
(15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).


For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615 C1715.0100 100 g
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395 C1715.0500 500 g
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected] C1715.1000 1000 g
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

Medium: General fungal and bacterial medium

C1714 Purpose: Cultivation of fungi and bacteria

Czapek Dox Broth, CDB


Czapex Dox Broth medium is used for the cultivation of those

fungi and bacteria that are able to utilize sodium nitrate as the
sole source of nitrogen.


Ferrous sulphate 0.01

Magnesium glycerophosphate 0.5

Potassium chloride 0.5

Potassium sulphate 0.35

Sodium nitrate 2.0

Sucrose 30.0

• Dissolve 33.4 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume Reference:
to 1000 ml. Tuite, J. 1969. Plant pathological methods - fungi and bacteria.
• The final pH has to be 6.8 ± 0.2. Burgess publishing co., Minneapolois, MN. 293 pp.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Allow medium to cool down.


For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:
Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
C1714.0500 500 g
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395 C1714.1000 1000 g
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pat h o l og y • S e e d h e a lt h t e s t i n g

L1719 Medium:

General fungal medium

Culturing of fungi
Malt Agar, MA


Malt Agar medium is a non-selective multipurpose medium for

cultivation of numerous fungi. Lowering the pH of the medium
below 5.5 results in the inhibition of bacteria and permits good
recovery of yeasts and moulds. Growth of bacteria can be
reduced by the addition of antibiotics.


Agar 30.0

Malt extract 15.0

• Dissolve 45 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to Reference:


1000 ml. Tuite, J. 1969. Plant pathological methods - fungi and bacteria.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). Burgess publishing co., Minneapolois, MN. 293 pp.
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).
L1719.0100 100 g
L1719.0500 500 g
L1719.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

B1713 Medium: General bacterial medium

Purpose: Cultivation of bacteria
Bacteria Screening Medium 523

Casein hydrolysate 8.0

Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate 0.15

Potassium phospate monobasic 2.0

Yeast Extract 4.0

Sucrose 10.0

Agar 8.0

• Dissolve 32.15 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to


1000 ml. Viss, et al., In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol., 27P, 42 (1991)
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).


B 1713.0100 100 g
B 1713.0500 500 g
B 1713.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands
P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

L1716 Medium: General bacterial medium

Purpose: Sterility test medium for bacteria
Leifert and Waites
Sterility Test Medium

In the Duchefa Biochemie’s Leifert and Wai­tes Sterility Test,

Medium Beef extract 3.0 g/l has been replaced by 7,0 g/l Meat
extract to obtain a more clear and stab­le medium.

Meat Extract 7.0

Glucose 5.0

MS medium + vitamins 2.2

Peptone 4.0

Sodium chloride 2.0

Sucrose 15.0

Yeast Extract 10.0

• Dissolve 45.2 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to


1000 ml. Leifert, et al., J. Applied Bacteriology, 67, 353-361
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes). (1989)
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).


L 1716.0100 100 g
L 1716.0500 500 g
L 1716.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands

P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

L1718 Medium: General bacterial medium

Purpose: Cultivation of bacteria
Luria Broth Agar, Miller

Sodium chloride 0.5

Tryptone 10.0

Yeast Extract 5.0

Agar 15.0

• Dissolve 30.5 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to


1000 ml.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Allow medium to cool down to ca. 45 °C – 50 °C.
• Mix gently to avoid air bubbles and pour plates (15-20 ml per 9.0 cm plate).


L 1718.0100 100 g
L 1718.0500 500 g
L 1718.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

P hyto pathology • S eed health testing

L1717 Medium: General bacterial medium

Purpose: Cultivation of bacteria
Luria Broth Base, Miller

Sodium chloride 0.5

Tryptone 10.0

Yeast Extract 5.0

• Dissolve 16.5 grams of ingredients in distilled water and adjust volume to


1000 ml.
• Autoclave the solution (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes).
• Allow medium to cool down.


L 1717.0100 100 g
L 1717.0500 500 g
L 1717.1000 1 kg

For prepared and ready to use plates of this medium contact:

Tritium Microbiologie Tel : 040-2051615
Rooijakkersstraat 6 Fax : 040-2051395
5652 BB Eindhoven Email : [email protected]
The Netherlands

Cat. nr. of medium Pathogen ANTIBIOTICS (mg per liter medium)
Against gram positive, like Clavibacter Against gram negative like Pseudomonas en Xanthomonas. Antifungal

Cephalexin Vancomycin Trimethoprim Nalidixic acid Neomycin Polymixin B Tobramycin

Bacitracin HCl sulphate sulphate sulphate 5-Fluorouracil Cycloheximide Nystatin
B0106 C0110 V0155 T0154 N0134 M0135 P0145 T0153 F0123 C0176 N0138
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae, pv. porri,
K5120 KBBC pv. pisi, pv. tomato 80 35
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola,
M5167 MSP Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 80 10 35
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
M5133 MT Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola 80 10 35
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli

X5121 mXCP1 Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli 10 0.1 3 35

P5135 PTSA Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli No antibiotics added

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
C5122 mCS20ABN Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae 100 40 35
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
F5123 mFS Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae 50 30 35

D5124 mD5A Xanthomonas campestris pv. carotae 10 10 35

K5125 mKM Xanthomonas campestris pv. carotae 50 10 2 35

T5132 mTBM Xanthomonas campestris pv. carotae 65 12 20

P5134 PSM Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri 80 10 35

S5130 SNAC Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi 80 35

Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria 100
T5126 mTMB 65 0.2 12
Xanthomonas vesicatoria

M5131 MXV Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria 100 32,5 10 0.2 6 100
Xanthomonas vesicatoria

C5140 CKTM Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria 100 65 10 4 12 100

S5127 mSCM Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis 30 100

D5128 D2ANX Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis 28 10 100

K5129 KBZ Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato 160 100

K5165 mKB Used for culturing pseudomonas 50 35

K5165 KB Used for culturing bacteria

No antibiotics added
Y5136 YDC Used for culturing bacteria like xanthomonas and clavibacters
No antibiotics added
Potato Dextrose
P1721 General fungal medium
Agar, PDA No antibiotics added
L1719 Malt Agar General fungal medium
No antibiotics added
Potato Dextrose
P1722 General fungal medium
Broth, PDB No antibiotics added
C1715 CDA General fungal and bacterial medium
No antibiotics added
C1714 CDB General fungal and bacterial medium
No antibiotics added

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

S­ UMMARY OF DUCHEFA GENERAL TERMS Any liability on the part of Duchefa for damage resulting from work performed
AND CONDITIONS OF SALE by third parties on the products supplied by Duchefa, or as a result of which the
proper operation of the products supplied by Duchefa is affected is expressly
1. Definitions and Scope
Any liability of Duchefa resulting from an imputable shortcoming on the part of
In these General Terms and Conditions “Duchefa” is understood to mean Duchefa shall be limited at all times to at most the net invoice value of the
Duchefa Beheer B.V. and its subsidiary companies, namely Duchefa Biochemie ­products supplied by Duchefa, save in the event of willful intent or gross
B.V. and Duchefa Farma B.V.. ­negligence on the part of Duchefa.

In these General Terms and Conditions “the Customer/Customers” is under- Claims for damages have to be reported to Duchefa by registered mail within
stood to mean every natural person, partnership, legal entity or joint venture eight days of the damage occurring, or of the date on which a Customer became
with which Duchefa enters into a contract of sale, as well as at whose request aware of the damage, as the case may be, failing which Duchefa can no longer
or for whose account services are rendered. assume liability for this damage.

These General Terms and Conditions apply to contracts of sale, as well as to

contracts of service. Where the text below makes reference to a contract of 9. Complaints
sale, it shall in relevant cases be a reference to a contract of service as well,
and where the text below makes reference to products it shall in relevant Customers are required to inspect the products supplied by Duchefa immediately
cases be a reference to services as well. after they receive them. Any complaints have to be reported to Duchefa in
­writing by registered mail, giving a detailed description of the nature and the
All offers and price quotations of Duchefa, all contracts of sale and contracts grounds for the complaint, within eight days of the products being received or
of service between Duchefa and its Customers as well as all information ­on the work or services being rendered, as the case may be. Once this term has
the website of Duchefa shall be governed by these General Terms and ­expired, Customers are deemed to have approved the goods, work or services,
Conditions, unless expressly otherwise agreed between the parties. and will have forfeited any right (including that of defence) in this respect. If
after the term has expired, Duchefa wishes on the basis of leniency to­
Different arrangements with Duchefa agents or personnel and/or stated in ­investigate the correctness of the complaint, this investigation and/or the work
­purchase orders or letters, as well as any general terms and conditions of flowing from it can never result in any liability on the part of Duchefa.
Customers are valid only if and to the extent that they have been accepted or
confirmed by Duchefa in writing. In the event of a complaint, Duchefa will do all in its power to review the
­complaint within a reasonable time and to remedy the complaint where
Once a Customer has entered into a contract with Duchefa based on these ­necessary. Customers are required at all times to give Duchefa the opportunity
General Terms and Conditions, this Customer shall be deemed to have tacitly to examine the correctness of the complaint.
agreed that these General Terms and Conditions likewise apply to any
­subsequent order this Customer gives orally or otherwise, regardless of In the event that the objections of Customers are found by Duchefa to be
­whether such order is confirmed in writing or not. ­justified, Duchefa has the right, at its discretion, to substitute products of the
same kind, to apply the necessary improvements, or to apply a reasonable
Where Duchefa, in the interest of a Customer, departs from these General reduction in the price.
Terms and Conditions, the Customer cannot attach any consequences to such
departure concerning applicability in general or in a specific case. Customers do not have the right to claim dissolution, annulment of the contract
or damages. Customers are not entitled on the grounds of the complaint relating
to a specific product or a specific service to delay payment or refuse payment
8. Liability of other products or services on which the complaint does not have any bearing.

Except in pursuance of the guarantee obligation as described in article 10, and No matter what the reason, goods sold to customers can be returned to Duchefa
in pursuance of peremptory law provisions, Duchefa is not liable for direct, only after prior written authorization and shipment and other instructions from
indirect or consequential damage on the part of a Customer or third party Duchefa. Customers are required to observe strictly the directions concerning
resulting from the products supplied by Duchefa. the storage and handling of the products supplied. Storage, freight and all
­related expenses are for the account and risk of Customers. The products
Duchefa is not liable for any damage a Customer might suffer as a result of the ­supplied by Duchefa may only be returned for the account and risk of Duchefa
fact that the products the Customer bought from Duchefa prove not to be suitable after its express written permission.
for the use to which the Customer wishes to apply the products, unless the
Customer has been expressly advised by Duchefa in writing in this regard
10. Guarantee
Duchefa is not liable for damage caused by the actions or omissions of
Customers themselves or by persons appointed by Customers or for whom Communications by or on behalf of Duchefa on the quality, the composition, the
Customers are otherwise responsible. handling (in the broadest sense of the word as well as presented in the
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s)), application possibilities, properties and
Duchefa is not liable for damage that might occur to Customers themselves, or the like of the products supplied by Duchefa do not bind Duchefa unless these
to persons appointed by Customers or for whom Customers are otherwise communications are made expressly, in the form of a written guarantee.
­responsible, as a result of the fact that Customers, or persons appointed by
Customers or for whom Customers are otherwise responsible, when applying Any claim under a guarantee lapses if the products of Duchefa are not kept
and/or processing the products supplied by Duchefa fail to observe the legal and/or stored in accordance with the stipulations that apply to the safekeeping
regulations and/or the directions for use and/or the packaging directions in of such products.
force, as found in product specifications, Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS’s), catalogues, lists, measurements, weights and the like. Any guarantee obligation lapses if Customers themselves make modifications
or repairs to the products supplied by Duchefa or have these modifications and
Duchefa is not liable for damage that is the result of Customers furnishing repairs made by third parties, or if the products supplied are not used or app-
incorrect or incomplete information or materials. Extra work Duchefa has to lied in accordance with the (legal) regulations and/or intended purpose, or if
perform and extra expenses Duchefa has to incur as a result of such actions or the products supplied are and/or have been improperly handled (in violation
omissions on the part of Customers can be charged to them at the Duchefa with amongst others Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS’s) requirements) or
hourly rates then in force. maintained in any other manner.

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

11. Retention of title amount owing. Moreover, without prejudice to the further rights accruing to
Duchefa under the law or the contract, in the event of Customers failing to pay
All products sold and supplied, even if the transaction was C.O.D., remain the promptly, Duchefa shall, at its discretion, be entitled either to suspend further
property of Duchefa until the amounts a Customer owes Duchefa in this respect supplies or dissolve the contract without any judicial intervention and to repos-
have been settled in full, including the collection costs and interest forming sess either directly or indirectly, at the expense of Customers, all the ­products
part of these amounts owed. Duchefa supplied to them or all the products for which they failed to pay.

Customers are not entitled to transfer title to the products to third parties, Where a Customer has exceeded the payment term, the Customer shall pay
whether or not for purposes of collateral security, unless they acquired title to Duchefa any collection charges, whether incurred in or out of court, including
the products by accession in pursuance of section 14, Book 5 of the the expense claims submitted by the adviser or advisers appointed by Duchefa
Netherlands Civil Code, by confusion in pursuance of section 16, Book 5 of the for the collection. The out-of-court collection charges shall amount to at least
Netherlands Civil Code, or by specification in pursuance of section 16, Book 5 15% of the total amount the Customer owes Duchefa, subject to a minimum of
of the Netherlands Civil Code. Customers nevertheless have the power of EUR () 150,– excluding VAT.
­disposition over the products in order to process or treat them, or to resell
them in the context of their normal business activities. Every payment by the Customer shall first be applied to the interest owing, then
to the expenses incurred on the collection of the amount owing, and ­finally to
For as long as title to the products supplied by Duchefa has not been passed to the principal.
a Customer, the Customer is obliged to insure these products for an adequate
amount and at the customary conditions, and to agree in this respect that Complaints concerning invoices have to be reported to Duchefa in writing wit-
Duchefa is named as the insured. Any damage compensation claimable from hin eight days of the date of the invoice, failing which Customers shall be dee-
the insurer concerning goods that belong to Duchefa, the Customer hereby med to have accepted the invoice as being correct.
passes on to Duchefa.
In the event of delivery in the interim, Duchefa is entitled to send an invoice for
the work in question, which invoice has to be settled in accordance with the
13. Prices provisions laid down in these General Terms and Conditions. Failure on the part
of the Customer to pay promptly shall entitle Duchefa to suspend any ­further
Prices are in EUR (€) and exclude VAT. Packaging expenses, packing, transport work for the Customer.
and insurance if any are not included. Work in excess of the work contractually
agreed and increases in volume are quoted separately.
23. Applicable law
13.2 Duchefa is entitled to charge the Customer in full for any price increases
occurring between the time the proposal is issued or until the contract is con-
cluded and the time of supply. Cost increases include: increase in freight rates, Only Dutch law shall apply to these General Terms and Conditions, to all con-
taxes, import and export duties or other levies, increase in wages and social tracts and to all agreements stemming from them, to which these General
security charges, currency fluctuations, and increase in raw material and Terms and Conditions apply in full or in part. Part 3, Title 4, Book 6 of the
energy prices. Netherlands Civil Code is declared explicitly applicable.

In order to meet all restrictions and regulations which govern national and
international transport of chemical products, Duchefa tries to ship all orders 24. Adjudication of disputes
without delay while minimizing costs of delivery within these regulatory
­guidelines. All disputes between the parties, arising from the contract(s) of sale entered
into between them, which cannot be resolved through consultation between
All orders with a destination within the European Union (E.U.) and a value of the parties, shall be submitted exclusively to the court of jurisdiction in
275,– EUR () or more, are supplied Delivered Duty Paid (DDP). Haarlem, the Netherlands, being the court in the district in which Duchefa is
All orders with a destination within the E.U. and a value of less than established, unless Duchefa opts to bring the dispute before another court.
275,– EUR () are surcharged with an extra 17,50 EUR () for delivery.
Transportation charges will vary with the destination, weight, and content of
each shipment. 25. Translations
All orders with a destination outside the E.U. are shipped Ex Works (EXW). In the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation, as the case may
Transportation charges will vary with the destination, weight, and content of be, between the Dutch-language text of these General Terms and Conditions
each shipment will be subcharged accordingly on the corresponding invoice. and translations thereof, the Dutch-language text prevails.

All orders for hazardous chemicals will incur separate hazardous air freight
charges. Special packaging may be necessary for safe delivery of certain Filed at the Office of the District Court at Haarlem, The Netherlands, on June
hazardous chemicals. Separate special packaging charges will vary with 2006 under number: 15/2006
hazardous product properties, weight, volume and destination. These extra
hazardous good transport charges will be added to your invoice. UPON REQUEST WE WILL SEND THE COMPLETE GENERAL TERMS AND
All freight charges, administrative costs and special packaging charges are
available upon request at order entry and are indicated on our invoices.

14. Payment
Payments by Customers shall be made within 30 days of the invoice date,
unless agreed otherwise. Payment shall be in EUR () to Duchefa at a Dutch
bank in the Netherlands.

Any reliance of Customers upon set-off or suspension shall be excluded.

Customers who fail to pay promptly shall be deemed to be in default without

any notice or judicial intervention to this effect. In that event, Customers shall
be charged the higher of 1% and the statutory rate of interest per month on the

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

INDICATION OF PARTICULAR RISKS R:63 Possible risk of harm to the unborn child
R:1 Explosive when dry R:64 May cause harm to breast-fed babies
R:2 Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sour­ces of ignition R:65 harmfull: may cause lung-damage if swallowed
R:3 Extreme risk of explo­sion by shock, fricti­on, fire or other sour­ces of igni-
R:4 Forms very sensitive explosive metal­lic com­pounds COMBINATION OF PARTICULAR RISKS
R:5 Heating may cause an explosion R:14/15  Reacts violently with water, libe­rating ex­tremely flam­mable ga­ses
R:6 Explosive with or wit­hout cont. with air R:15/29  Contact with water liberates toxic, extre­mely flamma­ble gas
R:7 May cause fire R:20/21  Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin
R:8 Cont. with combust. mat. may cause fire R:20/21/22  Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed
R:9 Explos.when mixed with combusti­ble mat. R:20/22 Harmful by inhalation and if swal­lowed
R:10 Flammable R:21/22 Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed.
R:11 Highly flammable R:23/24 Toxic by inhalation and in con­t. with skin
R:12 Extremely flammable R:23/24/25  Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallo­wed
R:14 Reacts violently with water R:23/25 Toxic by inhalation and if swallo­wed
R:15 Contact with water li­berates extremely flam­mable gases R:24/25 Toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed.
R:16 Explosive when mixed with oxidizing sub­stan­ces R:26/27  Very toxic by inhalation and in cont. with skin
R:17 Spontaneously flammable in air R:26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalation, in con­tact with skin and if swallowed
R:18 In use, may form flam­mable/explosive vapour-air mixture R:26/28 Very toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.
R:19 May form explosive pe­roxides R:27/28 Very toxic in cont. with skin and if swallowed.
R:20 Harmful by inhalation R:36/37 Irritating to eyes and respiratory system
R:21 Harmful in contact with skin R:36/37/38  Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin
R:22 Harmful if swallowed R:36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin
R:23 Toxic by inhalation R:37/38 Irritating to respiratory system and skin
R:24 Toxic in contact with skin R:39/23  Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects thro­ugh inha­lation
R:25 Toxic if swallowed R:39/23/24  Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inha­lation and
R:26 Very toxic by inhalati­on in contact with skin
R:27 Very toxic in contact with skin R:39/23/24/25 Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inha­lation, in
R:28 Very toxic if swallowed contact with skin and if swallowed
R:29 Contact with water li­berates toxic gas R:39/23/25  Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects thro­ugh inha­lation and if
R:30 Can become highly flam­mable in use swallowed
R:31 Contact with acids li­berates toxic gas R:39/24  Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin
R:32 Contact with acids li­berates very toxic gas R:39/24/25  Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects in contac with skin and
R:33 Danger of cumulative effects if swal.
R:34 Causes bums R:39/25  Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects if swallowed
R:35 Causes severe burns R:39/26  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous irrever­s. effects through inhalation
R:36 Irritating to eyes R:39/26/27  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous irreversible effects through inhalation
R:37 Irritating to respira­tory system and in contact with skin
R:38 Irritating to skin R:39/26/27/28  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous irreversi­ble effects through inhalation,
R:39 Danger of very serious irre­versible effects in contact with skin and if swallowed
R:40 Possible risk of irre­versible effects R:39/26/28  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous
R:41 Risk of serious damage to eyes irreversi­ble effects through inhalation and if swallowed
R:42 May cause sensitization by inhalation R:39/27  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous
R:43 May cause sensitization by skin con­tact irre­ver­sible effects in contact with skin
R:44 Risk of explosion if heated under confinement R:39/27/28  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous
R:45 May cause cancer irreversible effects in con­tact with skin and if swallowed
R:46 May cause heritable genetic damage R:39/28  Very toxic: danger of very seri­ous
R:48 Danger of serious dama­ge to health by prolon­ged exposure irrever­s ible effects if swallo­w ed
R:49 May cause cancer by inhalation R:40/20  Harmful:possible risk of irreversi­ble ef­fects through inhalation
R:50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms R:40/20/21  Harmful: possible risk of irrever­sible effects through inhalation and in
R:51 Toxic to aquatic organisms contact with skin
R:52 Harmful to aquatic organisms R:40/20/21/22 Harmful: possible risk of irrever­sible
R:53 May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic envi­ronment ef­fects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallo­wed
R:54 Toxic to flora R:40/20/22  Harmful: possible risk of irrever­s. effects through inhalation and if swallowed.
R:55 Toxic to fauna R:40/21  Harmful: possible risk of irrever­sible ef­fects in contact with skin
R:56 Toxic to soil organisms R:40/21/22 
Harmful: possible risk of irrever­sible effects in contact with skin and if
R:57 Toxic to bees swallowed
R:58 May cause long-term adverse effects in the environ­ment R:40/22  Harmful: possible risk of irrever­sible
R:59 Dangerous for the ozone layer ef­fects if swallo­wed
R:60 May impair fertility R:42/43  May cause sensitization by inha­lation and skin con­tact
R:61 May cause harm to the unborn child R:48/20  Harmful: danger of serious da­mage to health by prolonged exposure
R:62 Possible risk of impaired fertility through inhalation

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • M e d i a

Harmful: danger of serious da­mage to health by prolonged exposure S:28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of (to be specified
through inhalation and in contact with skin by the manufacturer)
R:48/20/21/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure S:29 Do not empty into drains
through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swal­lo­wed S:30 Never add water to this product
R:48/20/22  Harmful: danger of serious da­mage to health by prolonged exposure S:33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges
through inhalation and if swallo­wed S:35 This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way
R:48/21  Harmful: danger of serious da­mage to health by prolong­ed exposure in S:36 Wear suitable protective clothing
contact with skin S:37 Wear suitable gloves
R:48/21/22 Harmful: danger of serious da­mage to health by prolonged exposure in S:38 In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment
contact with skin and if swallo­wed S:39 Wear eye/face protection
R:48/22  Harmful: danger of serious da­mage to health by prolonged exposure if S:40 To clean the floor and all objects conta­minated by this material use ...(to
swal. be specified by the manufacturer)
R:48/23  Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure throu- S:41 In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes
gh inhalation S:42 During fumigation/spraying wear suitable respiratory equipment (appro-
R:48/23/24  Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolon­ged exposure throu- priate wor­ding to be specified)
gh inhalation and in contact with skin S:43 In case of fire, use ... (indicate in the space the precise type of fire-figh-
R:48/23/24/25 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolong­ed exposure throu- ting equipment. If water increases the risk, add -”Never use water”)
gh inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed S:45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediate-
R:48/23/25  Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolon­ged exposure throu- ly (show the label where possible)
gh inhalation and if swallo­wed S:46 If swallow. seek medic. advice immed. and show this container or label
R:48/24  Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in con- S:47 Keep at temperature not exceeding ...C (to be specified by the manuf.)
tact with skin S:48 Keep wet with ... (appropriate material to be specified by the manuf.)
R:48/24/25  Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolon­ged exposure in con- S:49 Keep only in the original container
tact with skin and if swallo­wed S:50 Do not mix with ... (to be specified by the manufacturer)
R:48/25  Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if S:51 Use only in well-ventilated areas
swal. S:52 Not recommended for interior use on large surface areas
R:50/53  Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cau­se long-term adverse effects in S:53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructi­ons before use
the aquatic environ­ment S:56 Disp. of this mat. and its container at hazard or special waste collect.
R:51/53  Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the point
aquatic environment S:57 Use appropriate container to avoid envi­ronmental contamination
R:52/53  Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in S:59 Refer to manufacturer/supplier for infor­mation on recovery/recycling
the aquatic environ­ment S:60 This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous.waste
S:61 Avoid release to the envir. Refer to special instruct./safety data sheet
S:62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately
INDICATION OF SAFETY PRECAUTIONS and show this container or label
S:1 Keep locked up
S:2 Keep out of the reach of children COMBINATION OF SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
S:3 Keep in a cool place RE­QUIRED
S:4 Keep away from living quarters S:1/2 Keep locked up and out of the reach of children
S:5 Keep contents under...(appropr. liquid to be speci­fied by the manuf.) S:3/7 Keep container tightly closed in a cool place
S:6 Keep under... (inert gas to be specified by the manu­facturer) S:3/9/14 Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place away from ... (incompatible materi-
S:7 Keep container tightly closed als to be indicated by the manufacturer)
S:8 Keep container dry S:3/9/14/49  Keep only in the original contai­ner in a cool, well ventilated place away
S:9 Keep container in a well ventilated place from ...(incompa­t. materials to be indicated by the manufacturer)
S:12 Do not keep the container sealed S:3/9/49 Keep only in the original container in a cool, well ventilated place
S:13 Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs S:3/14 Keep in a cool place away from ... (in­compatible materials to be indica-
S:14 Keep away from...(incomp. mater. to be indi­cated by the manufacturer) ted by the manufacturer)
S:15 Keep away from heat S:7/8 Keep container tightly closed and dry
S:16 Keep away from sources of ignition- No Smoking S:7/9  Keep container tightly closed and in a well-ventilated place
S:17 Keep away from combustible material S:7/47 Keep container tightly closed and at a temperature not exceeding ...C (to
S:18 Handle and open container with care be specified by the manufacturer)
S:20 When using do not eat or drink S:20/21 When using do not eat, drink or smoke
S:21 When using do not smoke S:24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes
S:22 Do not breathe dust S:29/56 Do not empty into drains, dispose of this material and its container at
S:23 Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray (appropriate wording to be spe- hazardous or special waste collection point
cified by the manufacturer) S:36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves
S:24 Avoid contact with skin S:36/37/39  Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection
S:25 Avoid contact with eyes S:36/39 Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection
S:26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse imme­diately with plenty of water and S:37/39 Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protec­tion
seek medical advise S:47/49 Keep only in the original container at a temperature not exceeding ...C
S:27 Take off immediately all contaminated clothing (to be specified by the manufacturer)

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Index (alphabetically)
Product name Cat. no. CAS no. Page Product name Cat. no. CAS no. Page

1-Naphtylphosphate sodium monohydrate N1350 81012-89-7 117 Cupric sulphate pentahydrate C0508 7758-99-8 95
2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid T0929 88-82-4 135 Cyanocobalamin C0726 68-19-9 96
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid T0915 37785-57-2 135 Cycloheximide C0176 66-81-9 96
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 D) D0911 94-75-7 97 Czapek Dox Agar, CDA C1715 174
24-Epibrassinolide E0940 78821-43-9 99 Czapek Dox Broth, CDB C1714 175
2-iP D0906 2365-40-4 97 D(+) Pantothenate calcium C0604 137-08-6 120
2-iP riboside D0934 7724-76-7 98 D(+)-Biotine B0603 58-85-5 85
2-Nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside O1409 369-07-3 118 D2ANX medium D5128 170
4-CPPU C0943 68157-60-8 95 Daishin agar D1004 9002-18-0 78
5-Fluoro orotic acid (5-FOA) F0176 703-95-7 101 D-Cycloserine C0119 68-41-7 96
5-Fluoro uracil (5-FU) F0123 51-21-8 101 De Greef and Jacobs medium D0205 38
6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) B0904 1214-39-7 84 De Greef and Jacobs medium including vitamins D0206 38
6-Benzylaminopurine riboside B0930 4294-16-0 84 De Wit’ Tray 10 pcs. T1608 142
6-Mercaptopurine monohydrate M0129 6112-76-1 113 Dextran sulphate sodium D1342 9011-18-1 96
8-Hydroxyquinoline H0168 148-24-3 106 D-Fructose F0801 57-48-7 102
Absisic acid (S-ABA) A0941 21293-29-8 77 D-Galactose G0810 59-23-4 103
Acetylsalicylic acid A1366 50-78-2 77 D-Glucose monohydrate G0802 10/1/5996 104
Acyclovir A0183 59277-89-3 77 Dicamba D0920 1918-00-9 97
Adenine hemisulphate dihydrate A0908 321-30-2 77 Dihydrozeatin (DHZ) D0933 14894-18-9 97
Adenosine A1334 58-61-7 77 Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) D1370 67-68-5 98
Adenosine-5-triphosphate A1335 987-65-5 78 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate P0573 11/4/7758 124
Agarose SPI A1203 9012-36-6 79 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate S0537 10028-24-7 128
Aluminium chloride hexahydrate A0532 7784-13-6 80 Dithioerythreitol (DTE) D1308 6892-68-8 98
Amiprophos methyl A0185 36001-88-4 80 Dithiothreitol (DTT) D1309 12/3/3483 98
Ammonium chloride A0528 12125-02-9 80 DKW/Juglans medium D0246 39
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate A1338 7722-76-1 80 DKW/Juglans medium including vitamins D0247 39
Ammonium nitrate A0501 6484-52-2 81 DKW/Juglans vitamin mixture D0414 39
Ammonium sulphate A0502 7783-20-2 81 D-Luciferin L1349 2591-17-5 110
Amoxycillin sodium / Clavulanate potassium A0189 81 D-Mannitol M0803 69-65-8 112
Amoxycillin trihydrate A0101 61336-70-7 81 D-Mannose M1392 3458-28-4 113
Amphotericin B A0103 1397-89-3 82 Doxorubicin HCl 0.2% in 0.9% NaCl solution (5ml) D0120 25316-40-9 99
Amphotericin B suspension A0192 1397-89-3 82 Doxycycline HCl D0121 10592-13-9 99
Ampicillin sodium A0104 69-52-3 82 D-Ribose R0806 50-69-1 126
a-naphtalene acetic acid N0903 86-87-3 116 D-Sorbitol S0807 50-70-4 129
Anderson’s Rhododendron A0201 34 D-Xylose X0808 58-86-6 137
Anderson’s Rhododendron including vitamins A0202 34 ECO2 box green filter (oval model 80mm H) E1654 143
Apramycin sulphate A0164 65710-07-8 82 ECO2 box white filter (oval model 80mm H) E1650 143
Atrazine A0156 1912-24-9 83 EDTA disodium dihydrate E0511 6381-92-6 100
Bacitracin B0106 1405-87-4 84 Ergonomic Scalple Handle S3110 140
Bacteria Screening medium 523 B1713 177 Eriksson (ER) medium E0207 40
Banana powder B1304 84 Eriksson (ER) medium including vitamins E0208 40
BES B1514 10191-18-1 85 Eriksson (ER) vitamin mixture E0402 40
Bis-Tris buffer grade B1516 6976-37-0 85 Erythromycin E0122 114-07-8 100
Bleomycin sulphate B0107 9041-93-4 86 Esculin E1343 531-75-9 100
Blue-Gal B1414 97753-82-7 88 Fe-EDDHA F0527 100
b-Naphtoxyacetic acid N0912 120-23-0 116 FeNaEDTA E0509 15708-41-5 100
Boric acid B0503 10043-35-3 86 Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate F0512 7782-63-0 100
Bromoxynil B0157 1689-84-5 88 Fluridon F0919 59756-60-4 101
Calcium carbonate C0529 471-34-1 88 Flurprimidol F0935 56425-91-3 102
Calcium chloride dihydrate C0504 10035-04-8 88 Folic acid F0608 59-30-3 102
Calcium citrate tetrahydrate C0530 5785-44-4 89 Folinate calcium pentahydrate (old C0607) F0619 41927-89-3 102
Calcium gluconate monohydrate C0531 299-28-5 89 Forceps extended, 30 cm F3003 140
Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate C0505 13477-34-4 89 Forceps, 23 cm F3001 140
Calcium phosphate tribasic C0506 7758-87-4 89 G-418 disulphate G0175 108321-42-2 102
Carbenicillin disodium C0109 4800-94-6 90 Gamborg B5 medium G0209 41
Carboxin C0160 5234-68-4 90 Gamborg B5 medium including vitamins G0210 41
Carrageenan Iota Type C1006 7/1/9062 89 Gamborg B5 vitamin mixture G0415 41
Casein hydrolysate C1301 9000-71-9 90 Gelcarin GP- 812 G1007 7/1/9000 89
Cefotaxime sodium C0111 64485-93-4 90 Gelrite™ G1101 71010-52-1 103
Cellulase R-10 C8001 9012-54-8 91 Gentamycin sulphate G0124 1405-41-0 103
Cellulase RS C8003 9012-54-8 91 Gibberellic acid 4+7 G0938 468-44-0/510-75-8 104
Cephalexin monohydrate C0110 15686-71-2 90 Gibberellic acid A3 G0907 77-06-5 104
Cetrimide C1397 8044-71-1 92 Glass Bead Sterilizer (incl. Glass beads) G3301 141
Cetrimonium C1393 57-09-0 92 Glass Beads for Sterilizer G3302 141
CHAPS C1374 75621-03-3 92 Gluthatione reduced G1346 70-18-8 105
Charcoal activated C1302 64365-11-3 92 Glycerol G1345 56-81-5 105
CHÉE & POOL basal salt medium C0248 35 Glycine G0709 56-40-6 105
CHÉE & POOL medium including vitamins C0249 35 Glyphosate G0158 1071-83-6 105
Chloramphenicol C0113 56-75-7 92 Gresshof & Doy (DBM2) vitamin mixture G0404 42
Chlorhexidine digluconate C0114 18472-51-0 93 Gresshoff & Doy medium G0211 42
Chlorhexidine HCl C0115 3697-42-5 93 Gresshoff & Doy medium including vitamins G0212 42
Chloroxylenol (“Dettol”) D0161 88-04-0 94 Griseofulvin G0167 126-07-8 105
Chlorsulfuron C0177 64902-72-3 94 Guanidine HCl G1375 50-01-1 106
Chlortetracycline HCl C0116 64-72-2 94 Heller medium H0213 43
Choline chloride C0605 67-48-1 94 HEPES H1504 7365-45-9 106
CHU (N6) Medium C0203 36 Hygromycine B H0192 31282-04-9 107
CHU (N6) Medium including vitamins C0204 36 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) I0901 87-51-4 107
CHU vitamine mixture C0401 36 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) I0902 133-32-4 107
Citric acid monohydrate C1303 5949-29-1 94 IPTG I1401 367-93-1 108
CKTM medium C5140 168 Jasmonic acid J0936 6894-38-8 108
CLC / Ipomoea CP medium C0228 37 Kanamycine sulphate monohydrate K0126 25389-94-0 108
CLC / Ipomoea EP medium C0229 37 KAO & Michayluk medium K0214 44
Clindamycin HCl C0117 21462-39-5 95 KB medium (King’s B medium) K5165 172
Cobalt chloride hexahydrate C0507 7791-13-1 95 KBBC medium K5120 154
Colchicine C1305 64-86-8 95 KBZ medium K5129 171
Colistin sulphate C0118 1264-72-8 95 Kinetin K0905 525-79-1 109
Culture tubes “De Wit” (W1614 bottom / W1615 top) W1607 142 Knudson C Orchid medium K0215 45

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • I n d e x

Product name Cat. no. CAS no. Page Product name Cat. no. CAS no. Page

Lactose monohydrate L1372 10039-26-6 109 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 1A M0232 55
L-Alanine A0703 56-41-7 80 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 1B M0233 55
L-Arginine A0704 74-79-3 83 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 2A M0234 56
L-Ascorbic acid A0602 50-81-7 83 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 2B M0235 56
L-Asparagine monohydrate A0725 5794-13-8 83 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 3A M0236 57
L-Aspartic acid A0705 56-84-8 83 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 3B M0237 57
LB Agar High salt L1706 109 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 4 M0238 58
LB Agar Low salt L1705 109 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 5 M0239 58
LB Broth High salt L1704 109 Murashige & Skoog medium shoot multiplication B M0244 62
LB Broth Low salt L1703 109 Murashige & Skoog medium vitamin mixture M0409 50
L-Cysteine HCl monohydrate C0706 4/6/7048 96 mXCP1 medium X5121 157
LED Lighting 148 MXV medium M5131 167
Leifert and Waites sterility test medium L1716 178 Myo-Inositol I0609 87-89-8 107
Leucopore tape, 1.25 cm x 9.2 m L3302 142 Nalidixic acid N0134 389-08-2 116
Leucopore tape, 2.5 cm x 9.2 m L3301 142 Naphthylphtalamic acid N0926 132-66-1 117
L-Glutamic acid G0707 56-86-0 104 N-Benzyl-9-(tetrahydropyranyl)-adenine (BPA) B0932 2312-73-4 85
L-Glutamine G0708 56-85-9 104 Neomycin sulphate M0135 1405-10-3 117
L-Histidine H0710 71-00-1 106 Nicotinamide N0610 98-92-0 117
Lincomycin HCl monohydrate L0127 7179-49-9 110 Nicotinic acid N0611 59-67-6 118
Lindemann Orchid medium L0216 46 Nitro Blue Tetrazolium (NBT) N1411 38184-50-8 118
Linsmaier & Skoog medium L0230 47 Nitsch medium N0223 63
Linsmaier & Skoog vitamin mixture L0406 47 Nitsch medium including vitamins N0224 63
L-Isoleucine I0711 73-32-5 108 Nitsch vitamin mixture N0410 63
Litvay medium L0217 48 NLN medium N0252 64
Litvay medium including vitamins L0218 48 NLN medium vitamin mixture N0253 64
Litvay vitamin mixture L0407 48 Nystatine N0138 1400-61-9 119
L-Leucine L0712 61-90-5 110 Orchimax including activated charcoal O0262 65
L-Lysine HCl L0714 657-27-2 110 Orchimax without activated charcoal O0257 65
L-Methionine M0715 63-68-3 113 Oryzaline O1318 19044-88-3 119
L-Ornithine HCl O1351 3184-13-2 119 OS140 box green filter (round model 140mm H) E1674 143
Low Melting Agarose PPC L1204 9012-36-6 79 Oxytetracycline HCl O0140 2058-46-0 119
L-Phenylalanine P0716 63-91-2 121 Paclobutrazol P0922 76738-62-0 120
L-Proline P0717 147-85-3 125 p-Aminobenzoic acid A0601 150-13-0 80
L-Serine S0718 56-45-1 127 Paper Cutting Pad P3202 141
L-Threonine T0719 72-19-5 133 Paromomycin sulphate P0141 1263-89-4 120
L-Tryptophan T0720 73-22-3 136 p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid (4-CPA) C0909 122-88-3 94
L-Tyrosine T0721 60-18-4 137 Pectolyase Y-23 P8004 9033-35-6 120
Luria Broth Agar, Miller L1718 179 Penicillin G sodium P0142 69-57-8 121
Luria Broth Base, Miller L1717 180 Peptone P1328 73049-73-7 121
L-Valine V0722 72-18-4 137 Peptone water P1707 73049-73-7 121
Macerozyme R-10 M8002 9032-75-1 111 Peptone water, buffered B1702 73049-73-7 121
Macro salt mixture B5 M0304 73 Phleomycin P0187 11006-33-0 122
Macro salt mixture MS M0305 74 Phloroglucinol P1353 108-73-6 122
Macro salt mixture Nitsch M0306 74 Phosphinotricin P0159 77182-82-2 122
Magenta-GlcA cyclohexylammonium salt M1412 144110-43-0 87 Phyto agar P1003 9002-18-0 78
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate M0533 7791-18-6 111 Picloram P0914 2/1/1918 122
Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate M0513 10034-99-8 111 PIPES P1505 5625-37-6 123
Maleic hydrazide M0921 123-33-1 111 Plant agar P1001 9002-18-0 78
Malic acid M1315 617-48-1 111 Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture P5001 75
Malt Agar (MA) L1719 176 p-Nitrophenyl-b-D-glucuronide N1408 10344-94-2 118
Malt extract M1327 8002-48-0 112 Polyethylene Glycol 400 P0813 25322-68-3 123
Maltose monohydrate M0811 6363-53-7 112 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 P0804 25322-68-3 123
Manganese sulphate monohydrate M0514 10034-96-5 112 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 P0805 25322-68-3 123
McCown Woody Plant medium M0219 49 Polymixine B sulphate P0145 1405-20-5 123
McCown Woody Plant medium including vitamins M0220 49 Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate P1362 9005-64-5 123
McCown Woody Plant vitamin mixture M0408 49 Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monooleate P1365 9005-65-6 124
mCS20ABN medium C5122 159 Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP 10) P1368 9003-39-8 124
mD5A medium D5124 161 Potassium chloride P0515 7447-40-7 124
MES monohydrate M1503 4432-31-9 113 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate P0574 7778-77-0 124
meta-Topoline T0941 75737-38-1 134 Potassium hydroxide P0517 1310-58-3 124
Methotrexate M0130 59-05-2 114 Potassium iodide P0518 7681-11-0 125
Methyl jasmonate M0918 39924-52-2 114 Potassium nitrate P0519 7757-79-1 125
Metronidazole M0131 443-48-1 114 Potassium sulphate P0535 7778-80-5 125
mFS medium F5123 160 Propyleneglycol P1391 57-55-6 125
Miconazole nitrate M0132 22832-87-7 115 PSM medium P5134 164
Micro agar M1002 9002-18-0 78 PTSA medium P5135 158
Micro salt mixture B5 M0302 73 Putrescine HCl P0927 333-93-7 125
Micro salt mixture MS M0301 74 Pyridoxine HCl P0612 58-56-0 126
Micro salt mixture Nitsch M0303 74 Quoirin & Lepoivre medium Q0250 66
Minocycline HCl M0172 13614-98-7 115 Quoirin & Lepoivre medium including vitamins Q0251 66
Mitomycin C M0133 50-07-7 115 Raffinose pentahydrate R0812 17629-30-0 126
mKM medium K5125 162 Rest R3002 141
MOPS M1502 1132-61-2 115 Ribavirin R0182 36791-04-5 126
MSP medium M5167 155 Riboflavine R0613 83-88-5 126
MT medium M5133 156 Rifampicin R0146 13292-46-1 127
mTBM medium T5132 163 Rugini Olive medium R0258 67
mTMB medium T5126 166 Salicylic acid S1367 69-72-7 127
MTT M1415 298-93-1 116 Salmon Gal S1403 138182-21-5 93
MUG trihydrate M1404 6160-80-1 114 Salmon-XGlcA cyclohexylammonium salt S1407 138182-20-4 93
Murashige & Miller medium stage I & II M0243 61 Scalpel Blades No. 10 S3200 141
Murashige & Skoog med. Finer&Nagasawa M0240 59 Scalpel Blades No. 11 S3201 141
Murashige & Skoog med. incl. mod. vitamins M0245 51 Scalpel Handle S3101 140
Murashige & Skoog med. van der Salm M0241 60 Scalpel Handle Ergonomic S3110 140
Murashige & Skoog med. van der Salm / vit. M0242 60 Schenk & Hildebrandt medium S0225 68
Murashige & Skoog medium M0221 50 Schenk & Hildebrandt vitamin mixture S0411 68
Murashige & Skoog medium incl. MES buffer M0254 54 SCM medium S5127 169
Murashige & Skoog medium incl. Nitsch vitamins M0256 53 Seaplaque™ agarose S1202 9012-36-6 79
Murashige & Skoog medium incl. vitamins/MES M0255 54 Silver nitrate S0536 7761-88-8 127
Murashige & Skoog medium including B5 vitamins M0231 52 S-medium S0261 69
Murashige & Skoog medium including vitamins M0222 50 SNAC medium S5130 165

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d ec xh e m i c a l s

Product name Cat. no. CAS no. Page Product name Cat. no. CAS no. Page

Sodium alginate S1320 9005-38-3 128 Ticarcillin disodium / clavulanate potassium T0190 134
Sodium chloride S0520 7647-14-5 128 Tobramycine sulphate T0153 49842-07-1 134
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate S0522 13472-35-0 128 Trehalose Anhydrous T1395 99-20-7 134
Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) S1377 151-21-3 128 Triethanolamine T1361 102-71-6 135
Sodium hydroxide S0523 1310-73-2 129 Trifluralin T0928 1582-09-8 135
Sodium molybdate dihydrate S0525 10102-40-6 129 Trimethoprim T0154 738-70-5 135
Sodium nitrate S0524 7613-99-4 129 Trimethoprim lactate T0181 23256-42-0 135
Sodium thiosulphate S0538 7772-98-7 129 TRIS HCl T1513 1185-53-1 136
Soya peptone S1330 73049-73-7 129 TRIS ultrapure T1501 77-86-1 136
Spectinomycin HCl pentahydrate S0188 22189-32-8 130 tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate S0521 4/3/6132 128
Spermidine S1369 124-20-9 130 Tryptone T1332 136
SSC-buffer S1511 130 Urea U1363 57-13-6 137
SSPE-buffer S1512 130 Vacin & Went medium V0226 71
Starch from potatoes S1357 9005-84-9 131 Validamycin A V0170 37248-47-8 137
Starch from rice S1324 9005-84-9 131 Vancomycin HCl V0155 1404-93-9 137
Sterillium S0162 131 Westvaco WV5 medium incl. vitamins W0260 70
Sterivent Container 144 White medium W0227 72
Sterivent high S1685 144 X-Gal X1402 7240-90-6 86
Sterivent low S1680 144 X-GlcA cyclohexylammonium salt X1405 114162-64-0 87
Streptomycin sulphate S0148 3810-74-0 131 X-GlcA sodium salt trihydrate X1406 129541-41-9 87
Sucrose S0809 57-50-1 131 X-phos disodium salt (BCIP disodium salt) X1410 102185-33-1 87
Sulphamethoxazole S0149 723-46-6 131 X-Phos p-Toluidine salt (BCIP p-Toluidine salt) X1413 6/9/6578 88
Talc T1359 131 YDC medium Y5136 173
Taurine T1360 107-35-7 132 Yeast extract Y1333 1/2/8013 138
TBE buffer T1507 132 YPD Agar Y1709 138
TE-buffer T1508 132 YPD Broth Y1708 138
Tetracycline HCl T0150 64-75-5 132 Zeatin Z0917 1637-39-4 138
Thiamine HCl T0614 67-03-8 133 Zeatin riboside Z0937 6025-53-2 139
Thidiazuron T0916 51707-55-2 133 Zeocin™ Z0186 11006-33-0 139
Thimerosal T0151 54-64-8 133 Zinc sulphate heptahydrate Z0526 7446-20-0 139
Ticarcillin disodium T0180 4697-14-7 133

Index (catalogue number)

Cat. no. Product name CAS no. Page Cat. no. Product name CAS no. Page
A0101 Amoxycillin trihydrate 61336-70-7 81 C0176 Cycloheximide 66-81-9 96
A0103 Amphotericin B 1397-89-3 82 C0177 Chlorsulfuron 64902-72-3 94
A0104 Ampicillin sodium 69-52-3 82 C0203 CHU (N6) Medium 36
A0156 Atrazine 1912-24-9 83 C0204 CHU (N6) Medium including vitamins 36
A0164 Apramycin sulphate 65710-07-8 82 C0228 CLC / Ipomoea CP medium 37
A0183 Acyclovir 59277-89-3 77 C0229 CLC / Ipomoea EP medium 37
A0185 Amiprophos methyl 36001-88-4 80 C0248 CHÉE & POOL basal salt medium 35
A0189 Amoxycillin sodium / Clavulanate potassium 81 C0249 CHÉE & POOL medium including vitamins 35
A0192 Amphotericin B suspension 1397-89-3 82 C0401 CHU vitamine mixture 36
A0201 Anderson’s Rhododendron 34 C0504 Calcium chloride dihydrate 10035-04-8 88
A0202 Anderson’s Rhododendron including vitamins 34 C0505 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate 13477-34-4 89
A0501 Ammonium nitrate 6484-52-2 81 C0506 Calcium phosphate tribasic 7758-87-4 89
A0502 Ammonium sulphate 7783-20-2 81 C0507 Cobalt chloride hexahydrate 7791-13-1 95
A0528 Ammonium chloride 12125-02-9 80 C0508 Cupric sulphate pentahydrate 7758-99-8 95
A0532 Aluminium chloride hexahydrate 7784-13-6 80 C0529 Calcium carbonate 471-34-1 88
A0601 p-Aminobenzoic acid 150-13-0 80 C0530 Calcium citrate tetrahydrate 5785-44-4 89
A0602 L-Ascorbic acid 50-81-7 83 C0531 Calcium gluconate monohydrate 299-28-5 89
A0703 L-Alanine 56-41-7 80 C0604 D(+) Pantothenate calcium 137-08-6 120
A0704 L-Arginine 74-79-3 83 C0605 Choline chloride 67-48-1 94
A0705 L-Aspartic acid 56-84-8 83 C0706 L-Cysteine HCl monohydrate 4/6/7048 96
A0725 L-Asparagine monohydrate 5794-13-8 83 C0726 Cyanocobalamin 68-19-9 96
A0908 Adenine hemisulphate dihydrate 321-30-2 77 C0909 p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid (4-CPA) 122-88-3 94
A0941 Absisic acid (S-ABA) 21293-29-8 77 C0943 4-CPPU 68157-60-8 95
A1203 Agarose SPI 9012-36-6 79 C1006 Carrageenan Iota Type 7/1/9062 89
A1334 Adenosine 58-61-7 77 C1301 Casein hydrolysate 9000-71-9 90
A1335 Adenosine-5-triphosphate 987-65-5 78 C1302 Charcoal activated 64365-11-3 92
A1338 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 7722-76-1 80 C1303 Citric acid monohydrate 5949-29-1 94
A1366 Acetylsalicylic acid 50-78-2 77 C1305 Colchicine 64-86-8 95
B0106 Bacitracin 1405-87-4 84 C1374 CHAPS 75621-03-3 92
B0107 Bleomycin sulphate 9041-93-4 86 C1393 Cetrimonium 57-09-0 92
B0157 Bromoxynil 1689-84-5 88 C1397 Cetrimide 8044-71-1 92
B0503 Boric acid 10043-35-3 86 C1714 Czapek Dox Broth, CDB 175
B0603 D(+)-Biotine 58-85-5 85 C1715 Czapek Dox Agar, CDA 174
B0904 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) 1214-39-7 84 C5122 mCS20ABN medium 159
B0930 6-Benzylaminopurine riboside 4294-16-0 84 C5140 CKTM medium 168
B0932 N-Benzyl-9-(tetrahydropyranyl)-adenine (BPA) 2312-73-4 85 C8001 Cellulase R-10 9012-54-8 91
B1304 Banana powder 84 C8003 Cellulase RS 9012-54-8 91
B1414 Blue-Gal 97753-82-7 88 D0120 Doxorubicin HCl 0.2% in 0.9% NaCl solution (5ml) 25316-40-9 99
B1514 BES 10191-18-1 85 D0121 Doxycycline HCl 10592-13-9 99
B1516 Bis-Tris buffer grade 6976-37-0 85 D0161 Chloroxylenol (“Dettol”) 88-04-0 94
B1702 Peptone water, buffered 73049-73-7 121 D0205 De Greef and Jacobs medium 38
B1713 Bacteria Screening medium 523 177 D0206 De Greef and Jacobs medium including vitamins 38
C0109 Carbenicillin disodium 4800-94-6 90 D0246 DKW/Juglans medium 39
C0110 Cephalexin monohydrate 15686-71-2 90 D0247 DKW/Juglans medium including vitamins 39
C0111 Cefotaxime sodium 64485-93-4 90 D0414 DKW/Juglans vitamin mixture 39
C0113 Chloramphenicol 56-75-7 92 D0906 2-iP 2365-40-4 97
C0114 Chlorhexidine digluconate 18472-51-0 93 D0911 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 D) 94-75-7 97
C0115 Chlorhexidine HCl 3697-42-5 93 D0920 Dicamba 1918-00-9 97
C0116 Chlortetracycline HCl 64-72-2 94 D0933 Dihydrozeatin (DHZ) 14894-18-9 97
C0117 Clindamycin HCl 21462-39-5 95 D0934 2-iP riboside 7724-76-7 98
C0118 Colistin sulphate 1264-72-8 95 D1004 Daishin agar 9002-18-0 78
C0119 D-Cycloserine 68-41-7 96 D1308 Dithioerythreitol (DTE) 6892-68-8 98
C0160 Carboxin 5234-68-4 90 D1309 Dithiothreitol (DTT) 12/3/3483 98

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • I n d e x

Cat. no. Product name CAS no. Page Cat. no. Product name CAS no. Page

D1342 Dextran sulphate sodium 9011-18-1 96 L3301 Leucopore tape, 2.5 cm x 9.2 m 142
D1370 Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 67-68-5 98 L3302 Leucopore tape, 1.25 cm x 9.2 m 142
D5124 mD5A medium 161 M0129 6-Mercaptopurine monohydrate 6112-76-1 113
D5128 D2ANX medium 170 M0130 Methotrexate 59-05-2 114
E0122 Erythromycin 114-07-8 100 M0131 Metronidazole 443-48-1 114
E0207 Eriksson (ER) medium 40 M0132 Miconazole nitrate 22832-87-7 115
E0208 Eriksson (ER) medium including vitamins 40 M0133 Mitomycin C 50-07-7 115
E0402 Eriksson (ER) vitamin mixture 40 M0135 Neomycin sulphate 1405-10-3 117
E0509 FeNaEDTA 15708-41-5 100 M0172 Minocycline HCl 13614-98-7 115
E0511 EDTA disodium dihydrate 6381-92-6 100 M0219 McCown Woody Plant medium 49
E0940 24-Epibrassinolide 78821-43-9 99 M0220 McCown Woody Plant medium including vitamins 49
E1343 Esculin 531-75-9 100 M0221 Murashige & Skoog medium 50
E1650 ECO2 box white filter (oval model 80mm H) 143 M0222 Murashige & Skoog medium including vitamins 50
E1654 ECO2 box green filter (oval model 80mm H) 143 M0231 Murashige & Skoog medium including B5 vitamins 52
E1674 OS140 box green filter (round model 140mm H) 143 M0232 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 1A 55
F0123 5-Fluoro uracil (5-FU) 51-21-8 101 M0233 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 1B 55
F0176 5-Fluoro orotic acid (5-FOA) 703-95-7 101 M0234 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 2A 56
F0512 Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate 7782-63-0 100 M0235 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 2B 56
F0527 Fe-EDDHA 100 M0236 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 3A 57
F0608 Folic acid 59-30-3 102 M0237 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 3B 57
F0619 Folinate calcium pentahydrate (old C0607) 41927-89-3 102 M0238 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 4 58
F0801 D-Fructose 57-48-7 102 M0239 Murashige & Skoog medium mod. No. 5 58
F0919 Fluridon 59756-60-4 101 M0240 Murashige & Skoog med. Finer&Nagasawa 59
F0935 Flurprimidol 56425-91-3 102 M0241 Murashige & Skoog med. van der Salm 60
F3001 Forceps, 23 cm 140 M0242 Murashige & Skoog med. van der Salm / vit. 60
F3003 Forceps extended, 30 cm 140 M0243 Murashige & Miller medium stage I & II 61
F5123 mFS medium 160 M0244 Murashige & Skoog medium shoot multiplication B 62
G0124 Gentamycin sulphate 1405-41-0 103 M0245 Murashige & Skoog med. incl. mod. vitamins 51
G0158 Glyphosate 1071-83-6 105 M0254 Murashige & Skoog medium incl. MES buffer 54
G0167 Griseofulvin 126-07-8 105 M0255 Murashige & Skoog medium incl. vitamins/MES 54
G0175 G-418 disulphate 108321-42-2 102 M0256 Murashige & Skoog medium incl. Nitsch vitamins 53
G0209 Gamborg B5 medium 41 M0301 Micro salt mixture MS 74
G0210 Gamborg B5 medium including vitamins 41 M0302 Micro salt mixture B5 73
G0211 Gresshoff & Doy medium 42 M0303 Micro salt mixture Nitsch 74
G0212 Gresshoff & Doy medium including vitamins 42 M0304 Macro salt mixture B5 73
G0404 Gresshof & Doy (DBM2) vitamin mixture 42 M0305 Macro salt mixture MS 74
G0415 Gamborg B5 vitamin mixture 41 M0306 Macro salt mixture Nitsch 74
G0707 L-Glutamic acid 56-86-0 104 M0408 McCown Woody Plant vitamin mixture 49
G0708 L-Glutamine 56-85-9 104 M0409 Murashige & Skoog medium vitamin mixture 50
G0709 Glycine 56-40-6 105 M0513 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate 10034-99-8 111
G0802 D-Glucose monohydrate 10/1/5996 104 M0514 Manganese sulphate monohydrate 10034-96-5 112
G0810 D-Galactose 59-23-4 103 M0533 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate 7791-18-6 111
G0907 Gibberellic acid A3 77-06-5 104 M0715 L-Methionine 63-68-3 113
G0938 Gibberellic acid 4+7 468-44-0/510-75-8 104 M0803 D-Mannitol 69-65-8 112
G1007 Gelcarin GP- 812 7/1/9000 89 M0811 Maltose monohydrate 6363-53-7 112
G1101 Gelrite™ 71010-52-1 103 M0918 Methyl jasmonate 39924-52-2 114
G1345 Glycerol 56-81-5 105 M0921 Maleic hydrazide 123-33-1 111
G1346 Gluthatione reduced 70-18-8 105 M1002 Micro agar 9002-18-0 78
G1375 Guanidine HCl 50-01-1 106 M1315 Malic acid 617-48-1 111
G3301 Glass Bead Sterilizer (incl. Glass beads) 141 M1327 Malt extract 8002-48-0 112
G3302 Glass Beads for Sterilizer 141 M1392 D-Mannose 3458-28-4 113
H0168 8-Hydroxyquinoline 148-24-3 106 M1404 MUG trihydrate 6160-80-1 114
H0192 Hygromycine B 31282-04-9 107 M1412 Magenta-GlcA cyclohexylammonium salt 144110-43-0 87
H0213 Heller medium 43 M1415 MTT 298-93-1 116
H0710 L-Histidine 71-00-1 106 M1502 MOPS 1132-61-2 115
H1504 HEPES 7365-45-9 106 M1503 MES monohydrate 4432-31-9 113
I0609 Myo-Inositol 87-89-8 107 M5131 MXV medium 167
I0711 L-Isoleucine 73-32-5 108 M5133 MT medium 156
I0901 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) 87-51-4 107 M5167 MSP medium 155
I0902 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) 133-32-4 107 M8002 Macerozyme R-10 9032-75-1 111
I1401 IPTG 367-93-1 108 N0134 Nalidixic acid 389-08-2 116
J0936 Jasmonic acid 6894-38-8 108 N0138 Nystatine 1400-61-9 119
K0126 Kanamycine sulphate monohydrate 25389-94-0 108 N0223 Nitsch medium 63
K0214 KAO & Michayluk medium 44 N0224 Nitsch medium including vitamins 63
K0215 Knudson C Orchid medium 45 N0252 NLN medium 64
K0905 Kinetin 525-79-1 109 N0253 NLN medium vitamin mixture 64
K5120 KBBC medium 154 N0410 Nitsch vitamin mixture 63
K5125 mKM medium 162 N0610 Nicotinamide 98-92-0 117
K5129 KBZ medium 171 N0611 Nicotinic acid 59-67-6 118
K5165 KB medium (King’s B medium) 172 N0903 a-naphtalene acetic acid 86-87-3 116
L0127 Lincomycin HCl monohydrate 7179-49-9 110 N0912 b-Naphtoxyacetic acid 120-23-0 116
L0216 Lindemann Orchid medium 46 N0926 Naphthylphtalamic acid 132-66-1 117
L0217 Litvay medium 48 N1350 1-Naphtylphosphate sodium monohydrate 81012-89-7 117
L0218 Litvay medium including vitamins 48 N1408 p-Nitrophenyl-b-D-glucuronide 10344-94-2 118
L0230 Linsmaier & Skoog medium 47 N1411 Nitro Blue Tetrazolium (NBT) 38184-50-8 118
L0406 Linsmaier & Skoog vitamin mixture 47 O0140 Oxytetracycline HCl 2058-46-0 119
L0407 Litvay vitamin mixture 48 O0257 Orchimax without activated charcoal 65
L0712 L-Leucine 61-90-5 110 O0262 Orchimax including activated charcoal 65
L0714 L-Lysine HCl 657-27-2 110 O1318 Oryzaline 19044-88-3 119
L1204 Low Melting Agarose PPC 9012-36-6 79 O1351 L-Ornithine HCl 3184-13-2 119
L1349 D-Luciferin 2591-17-5 110 O1409 2-Nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside 369-07-3 118
L1372 Lactose monohydrate 10039-26-6 109 P0141 Paromomycin sulphate 1263-89-4 120
L1703 LB Broth Low salt 109 P0142 Penicillin G sodium 69-57-8 121
L1704 LB Broth High salt 109 P0145 Polymixine B sulphate 1405-20-5 123
L1705 LB Agar Low salt 109 P0159 Phosphinotricin 77182-82-2 122
L1706 LB Agar High salt 109 P0187 Phleomycin 11006-33-0 122
L1716 Leifert and Waites sterility test medium 178 P0515 Potassium chloride 7447-40-7 124
L1717 Luria Broth Base, Miller 180 P0517 Potassium hydroxide 1310-58-3 124
L1718 Luria Broth Agar, Miller 179 CP0518 Potassium iodide 7681-11-0 125
L1719 Malt Agar (MA) 176 P0519 Potassium nitrate 7757-79-1 125

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • IB ni o
d ec xh e m i c a l s

at. no. Product name CAS no. Page Cat. no. Product name CAS no. Page

P0535 Potassium sulphate 7778-80-5 125 S1511

SSC-buffer 130
P0573 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate 11/4/7758 124 S1512
SSPE-buffer 130
P0574 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 7778-77-0 124 S1680
Sterivent low 144
P0612 Pyridoxine HCl 58-56-0 126 S1685
Sterivent high 144
P0716 L-Phenylalanine 63-91-2 121 S3101
Scalpel Handle 140
P0717 L-Proline 147-85-3 125 S3110
Ergonomic Scalple Handle 140
P0804 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 25322-68-3 123 S3110
Scalpel Handle Ergonomic 140
P0805 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 25322-68-3 123 S3200
Scalpel Blades No. 10 141
P0813 Polyethylene Glycol 400 25322-68-3 123 S3201
Scalpel Blades No. 11 141
P0914 Picloram 2/1/1918 122 S5127
SCM medium 169
P0922 Paclobutrazol 76738-62-0 120 S5130
SNAC medium 165
P0927 Putrescine HCl 333-93-7 125 T0150
Tetracycline HCl 64-75-5 132
P1001 Plant agar 9002-18-0 78 T0151
Thimerosal 54-64-8 133
P1003 Phyto agar 9002-18-0 78 T0153
Tobramycine sulphate 49842-07-1 134
P1328 Peptone 73049-73-7 121 T0154
Trimethoprim 738-70-5 135
P1353 Phloroglucinol 108-73-6 122 T0180
Ticarcillin disodium 4697-14-7 133
P1362 Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate 9005-64-5 123 T0181
Trimethoprim lactate 23256-42-0 135
P1365 Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monooleate 9005-65-6 124 T0190
Ticarcillin disodium / clavulanate potassium 134
P1368 Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP 10) 9003-39-8 124 T0614
Thiamine HCl 67-03-8 133
P1391 Propyleneglycol 57-55-6 125 T0719
L-Threonine 72-19-5 133
P1505 PIPES 5625-37-6 123 T0720
L-Tryptophan 73-22-3 136
P1707 Peptone water 73049-73-7 121 T0721
L-Tyrosine 60-18-4 137
P3202 Paper Cutting Pad 141 T0915
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid 37785-57-2 135
P5134 PSM medium 164 T0916
Thidiazuron 51707-55-2 133
P5135 PTSA medium 158 T0928
Trifluralin 1582-09-8 135
P8004 Pectolyase Y-23 9033-35-6 120 T0929
2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid 88-82-4 135
Q0250 Quoirin & Lepoivre medium 66 T0941
meta-Topoline 75737-38-1 134
Q0251 Quoirin & Lepoivre medium including vitamins 66 T1332
Tryptone 136
R0146 Rifampicin 13292-46-1 127 T1359
Talc 131
R0182 Ribavirin 36791-04-5 126 T1360
Taurine 107-35-7 132
R0258 Rugini Olive medium 67 T1361
Triethanolamine 102-71-6 135
R0613 Riboflavine 83-88-5 126 T1395
Trehalose Anhydrous 99-20-7 134
R0806 D-Ribose 50-69-1 126 T1501
TRIS ultrapure 77-86-1 136
R0812 Raffinose pentahydrate 17629-30-0 126 T1507
TBE buffer 132
R3002 Rest 141 T1508
TE-buffer 132
S0148 Streptomycin sulphate 3810-74-0 131 T1513
TRIS HCl 1185-53-1 136
S0149 Sulphamethoxazole 723-46-6 131 T1608
De Wit’ Tray 10 pcs. 142
S0162 Sterillium 131 T5126
mTMB medium 166
S0188 Spectinomycin HCl pentahydrate 22189-32-8 130 T5132
mTBM medium 163
S0225 Schenk & Hildebrandt medium 68 U1363
Urea 57-13-6 137
S0261 S-medium 69 V0155
Vancomycin HCl 1404-93-9 137
S0411 Schenk & Hildebrandt vitamin mixture 68 V0170
Validamycin A 37248-47-8 137
S0520 Sodium chloride 7647-14-5 128 V0226
Vacin & Went medium 71
S0521 tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate 4/3/6132 128 V0722
L-Valine 72-18-4 137
S0522 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate 13472-35-0 128 W0227
White medium 72
S0523 Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 129 W0260
Westvaco WV5 medium incl. vitamins 70
S0524 Sodium nitrate 7613-99-4 129 W1607
Culture tubes “De Wit” (W1614 bottom / W1615 top) 142
S0525 Sodium molybdate dihydrate 10102-40-6 129 X0808
D-Xylose 58-86-6 137
S0536 Silver nitrate 7761-88-8 127 X1402
X-Gal 7240-90-6 86
S0537 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 10028-24-7 128 X1405
X-GlcA cyclohexylammonium salt 114162-64-0 87
S0538 Sodium thiosulphate 7772-98-7 129 X1406
X-GlcA sodium salt trihydrate 129541-41-9 87
S0718 L-Serine 56-45-1 127 X1410
X-phos disodium salt (BCIP disodium salt) 102185-33-1 87
S0807 D-Sorbitol 50-70-4 129 X1413
X-Phos p-Toluidine salt (BCIP p-Toluidine salt) 6/9/6578 88
S0809 Sucrose 57-50-1 131 X5121
mXCP1 medium 157
S1202 Seaplaque™ agarose 9012-36-6 79 Y1333
Yeast extract 1/2/8013 138
S1320 Sodium alginate 9005-38-3 128 Y1708
YPD Broth 138
S1324 Starch from rice 9005-84-9 131 Y1709
YPD Agar 138
S1330 Soya peptone 73049-73-7 129 Y5136
YDC medium 173
S1357 Starch from potatoes 9005-84-9 131 Z0186
Zeocin™ 11006-33-0 139
S1367 Salicylic acid 69-72-7 127 Z0526
Zinc sulphate heptahydrate 7446-20-0 139
S1369 Spermidine 124-20-9 130 Z0917
Zeatin 1637-39-4 138
S1377 Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) 151-21-3 128 Z0937
Zeatin riboside 6025-53-2 139
S1403 Salmon Gal 138182-21-5 93 Sterivent Container 144
S1407 Salmon-XGlcA cyclohexylammonium salt 138182-20-4 93

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • IB ni o
d ec xh e m i c a l s

Index (CAS no.)

CAS no. Product name Cat. no. Page CAS no. Product name Cat. no. Page

2/1/1918 Picloram P0914 122 25322-68-3 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 P0805 123
12/3/3483 Dithiothreitol (DTT) D1309 98 25322-68-3 Polyethylene Glycol 400 P0813 123
10/1/5996 D-Glucose monohydrate G0802 104 25389-94-0 Kanamycine sulphate monohydrate K0126 108
4/3/6132 tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate S0521 128 2591-17-5 D-Luciferin L1349 110
6/9/6578 X-Phos p-Toluidine salt (BCIP p-Toluidine salt) X1413 88 298-93-1 MTT M1415 116
4/6/7048 L-Cysteine HCl monohydrate C0706 96 299-28-5 Calcium gluconate monohydrate C0531 89
11/4/7758 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate P0573 124 31282-04-9 Hygromycine B H0192 107
1/2/8013 Yeast extract Y1333 138 3184-13-2 L-Ornithine HCl O1351 119
7/1/9000 Gelcarin GP- 812 G1007 89 321-30-2 Adenine hemisulphate dihydrate A0908 77
7/1/9062 Carrageenan Iota Type C1006 89 333-93-7 Putrescine HCl P0927 125
10028-24-7 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate S0537 128 3458-28-4 D-Mannose M1392 113
10034-96-5 Manganese sulphate monohydrate M0514 112 36001-88-4 Amiprophos methyl A0185 80
10034-99-8 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate M0513 111 36791-04-5 Ribavirin R0182 126
10035-04-8 Calcium chloride dihydrate C0504 88 367-93-1 IPTG I1401 108
10039-26-6 Lactose monohydrate L1372 109 369-07-3 2-Nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside O1409 118
10043-35-3 Boric acid B0503 86 3697-42-5 Chlorhexidine HCl C0115 93
10102-40-6 Sodium molybdate dihydrate S0525 129 37248-47-8 Validamycin A V0170 137
10191-18-1 BES B1514 85 37785-57-2 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid T0915 135
102185-33-1 X-phos disodium salt (BCIP disodium salt) X1410 87 3810-74-0 Streptomycin sulphate S0148 131
102-71-6 Triethanolamine T1361 135 38184-50-8 Nitro Blue Tetrazolium (NBT) N1411 118
10344-94-2 p-Nitrophenyl-b-D-glucuronide N1408 118 389-08-2 Nalidixic acid N0134 116
10592-13-9 Doxycycline HCl D0121 99 39924-52-2 Methyl jasmonate M0918 114
1071-83-6 Glyphosate G0158 105 41927-89-3 Folinate calcium pentahydrate (old C0607) F0619 102
107-35-7 Taurine T1360 132 4294-16-0 6-Benzylaminopurine riboside B0930 84
108321-42-2 G-418 disulphate G0175 102 4432-31-9 MES monohydrate M1503 113
108-73-6 Phloroglucinol P1353 122 443-48-1 Metronidazole M0131 114
11006-33-0 Phleomycin P0187 122 468-44-0/510-75-8 Gibberellic acid 4+7 G0938 104
11006-33-0 Zeocin™ Z0186 139 4697-14-7 Ticarcillin disodium T0180 133
1132-61-2 MOPS M1502 115 471-34-1 Calcium carbonate C0529 88
114-07-8 Erythromycin E0122 100 4800-94-6 Carbenicillin disodium C0109 90
114162-64-0 X-GlcA cyclohexylammonium salt X1405 87 49842-07-1 Tobramycine sulphate T0153 134
1185-53-1 TRIS HCl T1513 136 50-01-1 Guanidine HCl G1375 106
120-23-0 b-Naphtoxyacetic acid N0912 116 50-07-7 Mitomycin C M0133 115
12125-02-9 Ammonium chloride A0528 80 50-69-1 D-Ribose R0806 126
1214-39-7 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) B0904 84 50-70-4 D-Sorbitol S0807 129
122-88-3 p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid (4-CPA) C0909 94 50-78-2 Acetylsalicylic acid A1366 77
123-33-1 Maleic hydrazide M0921 111 50-81-7 L-Ascorbic acid A0602 83
124-20-9 Spermidine S1369 130 51-21-8 5-Fluoro uracil (5-FU) F0123 101
126-07-8 Griseofulvin G0167 105 51707-55-2 Thidiazuron T0916 133
1263-89-4 Paromomycin sulphate P0141 120 5234-68-4 Carboxin C0160 90
1264-72-8 Colistin sulphate C0118 95 525-79-1 Kinetin K0905 109
129541-41-9 X-GlcA sodium salt trihydrate X1406 87 531-75-9 Esculin E1343 100
1310-58-3 Potassium hydroxide P0517 124 54-64-8 Thimerosal T0151 133
1310-73-2 Sodium hydroxide S0523 129 5625-37-6 PIPES P1505 123
132-66-1 Naphthylphtalamic acid N0926 117 56-40-6 Glycine G0709 105
13292-46-1 Rifampicin R0146 127 56-41-7 L-Alanine A0703 80
133-32-4 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) I0902 107 56425-91-3 Flurprimidol F0935 102
13472-35-0 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate S0522 128 56-45-1 L-Serine S0718 127
13477-34-4 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate C0505 89 56-75-7 Chloramphenicol C0113 92
13614-98-7 Minocycline HCl M0172 115 56-81-5 Glycerol G1345 105
137-08-6 D(+) Pantothenate calcium C0604 120 56-84-8 L-Aspartic acid A0705 83
138182-20-4 Salmon-XGlcA cyclohexylammonium salt S1407 93 56-85-9 L-Glutamine G0708 104
138182-21-5 Salmon Gal S1403 93 56-86-0 L-Glutamic acid G0707 104
1397-89-3 Amphotericin B A0103 82 57-09-0 Cetrimonium C1393 92
1397-89-3 Amphotericin B suspension A0192 82 57-13-6 Urea U1363 137
1400-61-9 Nystatine N0138 119 57-48-7 D-Fructose F0801 102
1404-93-9 Vancomycin HCl V0155 137 57-50-1 Sucrose S0809 131
1405-10-3 Neomycin sulphate M0135 117 57-55-6 Propyleneglycol P1391 125
1405-20-5 Polymixine B sulphate P0145 123 5785-44-4 Calcium citrate tetrahydrate C0530 89
1405-41-0 Gentamycin sulphate G0124 103 5794-13-8 L-Asparagine monohydrate A0725 83
1405-87-4 Bacitracin B0106 84 58-56-0 Pyridoxine HCl P0612 126
144110-43-0 Magenta-GlcA cyclohexylammonium salt M1412 87 58-61-7 Adenosine A1334 77
147-85-3 L-Proline P0717 125 58-85-5 D(+)-Biotine B0603 85
148-24-3 8-Hydroxyquinoline H0168 106 58-86-6 D-Xylose X0808 137
14894-18-9 Dihydrozeatin (DHZ) D0933 97 59-05-2 Methotrexate M0130 114
150-13-0 p-Aminobenzoic acid A0601 80 59-23-4 D-Galactose G0810 103
151-21-3 Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) S1377 128 59277-89-3 Acyclovir A0183 77
15686-71-2 Cephalexin monohydrate C0110 90 59-30-3 Folic acid F0608 102
15708-41-5 FeNaEDTA E0509 100 5949-29-1 Citric acid monohydrate C1303 94
1582-09-8 Trifluralin T0928 135 59-67-6 Nicotinic acid N0611 118
1637-39-4 Zeatin Z0917 138 59756-60-4 Fluridon F0919 101
1689-84-5 Bromoxynil B0157 88 60-18-4 L-Tyrosine T0721 137
17629-30-0 Raffinose pentahydrate R0812 126 6025-53-2 Zeatin riboside Z0937 139
18472-51-0 Chlorhexidine digluconate C0114 93 6112-76-1 6-Mercaptopurine monohydrate M0129 113
19044-88-3 Oryzaline O1318 119 61336-70-7 Amoxycillin trihydrate A0101 81
1912-24-9 Atrazine A0156 83 6160-80-1 MUG trihydrate M1404 114
1918-00-9 Dicamba D0920 97 617-48-1 Malic acid M1315 111
2058-46-0 Oxytetracycline HCl O0140 119 61-90-5 L-Leucine L0712 110
21293-29-8 Absisic acid (S-ABA) A0941 77 6363-53-7 Maltose monohydrate M0811 112
21462-39-5 Clindamycin HCl C0117 95 63-68-3 L-Methionine M0715 113
22189-32-8 Spectinomycin HCl pentahydrate S0188 130 6381-92-6 EDTA disodium dihydrate E0511 100
22832-87-7 Miconazole nitrate M0132 115 63-91-2 L-Phenylalanine P0716 121
2312-73-4 N-Benzyl-9-(tetrahydropyranyl)-adenine (BPA) B0932 85 64365-11-3 Charcoal activated C1302 92
23256-42-0 Trimethoprim lactate T0181 135 64485-93-4 Cefotaxime sodium C0111 90
2365-40-4 2-iP D0906 97 64-72-2 Chlortetracycline HCl C0116 94
25316-40-9 Doxorubicin HCl 0.2% in 0.9% NaCl solution (5ml) D0120 99 64-75-5 Tetracycline HCl T0150 132
25322-68-3 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 P0804 123 6484-52-2 Ammonium nitrate A0501 81

P l a n t C e l l a n d T i s s u e C u l t u r e • IMn edde i xa

CAS no. Product name Cat. no. Page CAS no. Product name Cat. no. Page

64-86-8 Colchicine C1305 95 7757-79-1 Potassium nitrate P0519 125

64902-72-3 Chlorsulfuron C0177 94 7758-87-4 Calcium phosphate tribasic C0506 89
65710-07-8 Apramycin sulphate A0164 82 7758-99-8 Cupric sulphate pentahydrate C0508 95
657-27-2 L-Lysine HCl L0714 110 7761-88-8 Silver nitrate S0536 127
66-81-9 Cycloheximide C0176 96 7772-98-7 Sodium thiosulphate S0538 129
67-03-8 Thiamine HCl T0614 133 7778-77-0 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate P0574 124
67-48-1 Choline chloride C0605 94 7778-80-5 Potassium sulphate P0535 125
67-68-5 Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) D1370 98 7782-63-0 Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate F0512 100
68157-60-8 4-CPPU C0943 95 7783-20-2 Ammonium sulphate A0502 81
68-19-9 Cyanocobalamin C0726 96 7784-13-6 Aluminium chloride hexahydrate A0532 80
68-41-7 D-Cycloserine C0119 96 77-86-1 TRIS ultrapure T1501 136
6892-68-8 Dithioerythreitol (DTE) D1308 98 7791-13-1 Cobalt chloride hexahydrate C0507 95
6894-38-8 Jasmonic acid J0936 108 7791-18-6 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate M0533 111
69-52-3 Ampicillin sodium A0104 82 78821-43-9 24-Epibrassinolide E0940 99
69-57-8 Penicillin G sodium P0142 121 8002-48-0 Malt extract M1327 112
69-65-8 D-Mannitol M0803 112 8044-71-1 Cetrimide C1397 92
69-72-7 Salicylic acid S1367 127 81012-89-7 1-Naphtylphosphate sodium monohydrate N1350 117
6976-37-0 Bis-Tris buffer grade B1516 85 83-88-5 Riboflavine R0613 126
70-18-8 Gluthatione reduced G1346 105 86-87-3 a-naphtalene acetic acid N0903 116
703-95-7 5-Fluoro orotic acid (5-FOA) F0176 101 87-51-4 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) I0901 107
71-00-1 L-Histidine H0710 106 87-89-8 Myo-Inositol I0609 107
71010-52-1 Gelrite™ G1101 103 88-04-0 Chloroxylenol (“Dettol”) D0161 94
7179-49-9 Lincomycin HCl monohydrate L0127 110 88-82-4 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid T0929 135
72-18-4 L-Valine V0722 137 9000-71-9 Casein hydrolysate C1301 90
72-19-5 L-Threonine T0719 133 9002-18-0 Daishin agar D1004 78
723-46-6 Sulphamethoxazole S0149 131 9002-18-0 Micro agar M1002 78
7240-90-6 X-Gal X1402 86 9002-18-0 Plant agar P1001 78
73049-73-7 Peptone water, buffered B1702 121 9002-18-0 Phyto agar P1003 78
73049-73-7 Peptone P1328 121 9003-39-8 Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP 10) P1368 124
73049-73-7 Peptone water P1707 121 9005-38-3 Sodium alginate S1320 128
73049-73-7 Soya peptone S1330 129 9005-64-5 Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate P1362 123
73-22-3 L-Tryptophan T0720 136 9005-65-6 Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monooleate P1365 124
73-32-5 L-Isoleucine I0711 108 9005-84-9 Starch from rice S1324 131
7365-45-9 HEPES H1504 106 9005-84-9 Starch from potatoes S1357 131
738-70-5 Trimethoprim T0154 135 9011-18-1 Dextran sulphate sodium D1342 96
7446-20-0 Zinc sulphate heptahydrate Z0526 139 9012-36-6 Agarose SPI A1203 79
7447-40-7 Potassium chloride P0515 124 9012-36-6 Low Melting Agarose PPC L1204 79
74-79-3 L-Arginine A0704 83 9012-36-6 Seaplaque™ agarose S1202 79
75621-03-3 CHAPS C1374 92 9012-54-8 Cellulase R-10 C8001 91
75737-38-1 meta-Topoline T0941 134 9012-54-8 Cellulase RS C8003 91
7613-99-4 Sodium nitrate S0524 129 9032-75-1 Macerozyme R-10 M8002 111
7647-14-5 Sodium chloride S0520 128 9033-35-6 Pectolyase Y-23 P8004 120
76738-62-0 Paclobutrazol P0922 120 9041-93-4 Bleomycin sulphate B0107 86
7681-11-0 Potassium iodide P0518 125 94-75-7 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 D) D0911 97
77-06-5 Gibberellic acid A3 G0907 104 97753-82-7 Blue-Gal B1414 88
77182-82-2 Phosphinotricin P0159 122 987-65-5 Adenosine-5-triphosphate A1335 78
7722-76-1 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate A1338 80 98-92-0 Nicotinamide N0610 117
7724-76-7 2-iP riboside D0934 98 99-20-7 Trehalose Anhydrous T1395 134

Plant Cell and Tissue Culture

Duchefa Biochemie B.V.


Catalogue 2010-2012

Catalogue 2010-2012

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