PVSyst GEOM Playero+I&II Pitch+8.0m Xcan.+440 34xhuawei+185 Solargis Ancho+panel+exacto Rev+c

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78 13/06/20 Page 1/7

Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters

Project : GEOM_Playero_Elegida_1&2
Geographical Site Playero Country Chile
Situation Latitude -35.88° S Longitude -72.45° W
Time defined as Legal Time Time zone UT-4 Altitude 255 m
Albedo 0.20
Meteo data: M-50 SolarGISv2.2.1 - TMY

Simulation variant : pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C

Simulation date 13/06/20 13h40

Simulation parameters System type Tracking system with backtracking

Tracking plane, tilted Axis Axis Tilt 0° Axis Azimuth 0°
Rotation Limitations Minimum Phi -60° Maximum Phi 60°

Backtracking strategy Nb. of trackers 150 Identical arrays

Tracker Spacing 8.00 m Collector width 4.22 m
Backtracking limit angle Phi limits +/- 58.0° Ground cov. Ratio (GCR) 52.7 %

Models used Transposition Perez Diffuse Imported

Horizon Average Height 6.5°
Near Shadings Linear shadings
User's needs : Unlimited load (grid)
Grid power limitation Active Power 6000 kW Pnom ratio 1.167

PV Array Characteristics
PV module Si-mono Model CS3W-440MS 1500V
Custom parameters definition Manufacturer Canadian Solar Inc.
Number of PV modules In series 26 modules In parallel 612 strings
Total number of PV modules Nb. modules 15912 Unit Nom. Power 440 Wp
Array global power Nominal (STC) 7001 kWp At operating cond. 6373 kWp (50°C)
Array operating characteristics (50°C) U mpp 944 V I mpp 6750 A
Total area Module area 35153 m² Cell area 31414 m²

Inverter Model SUN2000-185KTL-H1@40C

Custom parameters definition Manufacturer Huawei Technologies
Characteristics Operating Voltage 500-1500 V Unit Nom. Power 185 kWac
Max. power (=>30°C) 185 kWac
Inverter pack Nb. of inverters 34 units Total Power 6290 kWac
Pnom ratio 1.11

PV Array loss factors

Array Soiling Losses Loss Fraction 2.0 %
Thermal Loss factor Uc (const) 29.0 W/m²K Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K / m/s
Wiring Ohmic Loss Global array res. 2.3 mOhm Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC
Serie Diode Loss Voltage Drop 0.7 V Loss Fraction 0.1 % at STC
LID - Light Induced Degradation Loss Fraction 2.0 %
Module Quality Loss Loss Fraction -0.3 %
Module Mismatch Losses Loss Fraction 1.0 % at MPP
Strings Mismatch loss Loss Fraction 0.10 %
PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)
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Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters

Incidence effect (IAM): User defined profile
10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.990 0.930 0.740 0.000

System loss factors

AC wire loss inverter to transfo Inverter voltage 800 Vac tri
Wires: 3x10000.0 mm² 250 m Loss Fraction 0.5 % at STC
External transformer Iron loss (24H connexion) 6885 W Loss Fraction 0.1 % at STC
Resistive/Inductive losses 0.930 mOhm Loss Fraction 1.0 % at STC
Unavailability of the system 3.6 days, 3 periods Time fraction 1.0 %

Auxiliaries loss Proportionnal to Power 3.0 W/kW ... from Power thresh. 0.0 kW

PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)

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Grid-Connected System: Horizon definition

Project : GEOM_Playero_Elegida_1&2
Simulation variant : pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C
Main system parameters System type Tracking system with backtracking
Horizon Average Height 6.5°
Near Shadings Linear shadings
PV Field Orientation tracking, tilted axis, Axis Tilt 0° Axis Azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS3W-440MS 1500V Pnom 440 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 15912 Pnom total 7001 kWp
Inverter Model SUN2000-185KTL-H1@40C Pnom 185 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 34.0 Pnom total 6290 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Horizon Average Height 6.5° Diffuse Factor 0.91

Albedo Factor 100 % Albedo Fraction 0.68

Height [°] 11.6 10.9 10.6 10.2 9.2 8.1 7.8 7.1 5.6 4.2 2.8 2.1
Azimuth [°] -173 -165 -158 -150 -143 -135 -128 -120 -113 -105 -98 -90
Height [°] 2.1 1.8 2.1 2.8 4.6 5.6 6.4 6.7 5.3 4.9 4.9 6.0
Azimuth [°] -83 -75 -68 -60 -53 -45 -38 -30 -23 -15 -8 0
Height [°] 8.1 9.2 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.9 9.2 9.2 6.7 5.3 5.3 4.9
Azimuth [°] 8 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 83 90
Height [°] 4.9 5.3 5.3 4.9 5.3 5.6 4.9 6.0 7.4 8.5 10.2 10.9
Azimuth [°] 98 105 113 120 128 135 143 150 158 165 173 180

Horizonte GEOM del Solargis


1: 22 june
2: 22 may - 23 july
7 3: 20 apr - 23 aug
75 4: 20 mar - 23 sep
5: 21 feb - 23 oct
6: 19 jan - 22 nov
5 11h
7: 22 december
60 15h

4 10h


3 9h

30 1 8h



120 90 60 30 0 -30 -60 -90 -120
Azimuth [[°]]

PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)

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Grid-Connected System: Near shading definition

Project : GEOM_Playero_Elegida_1&2
Simulation variant : pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C
Main system parameters System type Tracking system with backtracking
Horizon Average Height 6.5°
Near Shadings Linear shadings
PV Field Orientation tracking, tilted axis, Axis Tilt 0° Axis Azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS3W-440MS 1500V Pnom 440 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 15912 Pnom total 7001 kWp
Inverter Model SUN2000-185KTL-H1@40C Pnom 185 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 34.0 Pnom total 6290 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Perspective of the PV-field and surrounding shading scene

Iso-shadings diagram
Beam shading factor (linear calculation) : Iso-shadings curves
Shading loss: 1 % Attenuation for diffuse: 0.001
1: 22 june
Shading loss: 5 % and albedo: 0.000
2: 22 may - 23 july
Shading loss: 10 % 13h
7 3: 20 apr - 23 aug
Shading loss: 20 % 12h
75 6 4: 20 mar - 23 sep
Shading loss: 40
14h% 5: 21 feb - 23 oct
6: 19 jan - 22 nov
5 11h
7: 22 december
60 15h

4 10h


3 9h

30 1 8h



120 90 60 30 0 -30 -60 -90 -120
Azimuth [[°]]

PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)

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Grid-Connected System: Main results

Project : GEOM_Playero_Elegida_1&2
Simulation variant : pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C
Main system parameters System type Tracking system with backtracking
Horizon Average Height 6.5°
Near Shadings Linear shadings
PV Field Orientation tracking, tilted axis, Axis Tilt 0° Axis Azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS3W-440MS 1500V Pnom 440 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 15912 Pnom total 7001 kWp
Inverter Model SUN2000-185KTL-H1@40C Pnom 185 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 34.0 Pnom total 6290 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Main simulation results

System Production Produced Energy 13878 MWh/year Specific prod. 1982 kWh/kWp/year
Performance Ratio PR 82.52 %

Normalized productions (per installed kWp): Nominal power 7001 kWp Performance Ratio PR

14 1.0
Lc : Collection Loss (PV-array losses) 0.95 kWh/kWp/day PR : Performance Ratio (Yf / Yr) : 0.825
Ls : System Loss (inverter, ...) 0.2 kWh/kWp/day
Yf : Produced useful energy (inverter output) 5.43 kWh/kWp/day

10 0.7
Performance Ratio PR




4 0.3


0 0.0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C

Balances and main results

GlobHor DiffHor T_Amb GlobInc GlobEff EArray E_Grid PR

kWh/m² kWh/m² °C kWh/m² kWh/m² MWh MWh
January 262.4 55.42 16.97 335.8 317.2 1941 1876 0.798
February 210.5 45.66 17.44 270.6 256.3 1605 1550 0.818
March 183.3 43.48 14.90 238.2 224.5 1443 1395 0.836
April 121.8 36.45 12.16 156.8 146.9 970 940 0.856
May 77.6 32.36 10.65 97.3 89.4 601 562 0.825
June 58.2 23.62 9.13 73.8 66.9 454 439 0.850
July 69.6 29.55 8.98 88.1 80.4 548 501 0.813
August 90.6 37.92 8.85 113.0 104.6 706 684 0.864
September 136.2 47.56 9.79 171.9 160.8 1069 1035 0.860
October 181.7 61.70 11.94 228.2 213.5 1388 1343 0.840
November 235.8 60.49 14.29 302.1 284.8 1780 1721 0.814
December 256.7 59.92 15.84 326.3 308.0 1894 1831 0.801
Year 1884.4 534.14 12.55 2402.2 2253.2 14400 13878 0.825

Legends: GlobHor Horizontal global irradiation GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
T_Amb Ambient Temperature E_Grid Energy injected into grid
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane PR Performance Ratio

PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)

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Grid-Connected System: Loss diagram

Project : GEOM_Playero_Elegida_1&2
Simulation variant : pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C
Main system parameters System type Tracking system with backtracking
Horizon Average Height 6.5°
Near Shadings Linear shadings
PV Field Orientation tracking, tilted axis, Axis Tilt 0° Axis Azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS3W-440MS 1500V Pnom 440 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 15912 Pnom total 7001 kWp
Inverter Model SUN2000-185KTL-H1@40C Pnom 185 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 34.0 Pnom total 6290 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Loss diagram over the whole year

1884 kWh/m² Horizontal global irradiation

+27.5% Global incident in coll. plane

0.0% Global incident below threshold

-2.0% Far Shadings / Horizon
-1.6% Near Shadings: irradiance loss
-0.7% IAM factor on global
-2.0% Soiling loss factor

2253 kWh/m² * 35153 m² coll. Effective irradiation on collectors

efficiency at STC = 19.93% PV conversion

15785 MWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

-0.3% PV loss due to irradiance level
-3.8% PV loss due to temperature
+0.3% Module quality loss

-2.0% LID - Light induced degradation

-1.1% Mismatch loss, modules and strings
-1.3% Ohmic wiring loss
14535 MWh Array virtual energy at MPP

-1.5% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency)

-0.9% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. power
0.0% Inverter Loss due to max. input current
0.0% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. voltage
0.0% Inverter Loss due to power threshold
0.0% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold
0.0% Night consumption
14176 MWh Available Energy at Inverter Output

-0.3% Auxiliaries (fans, other)

-0.4% System unavailability
-0.3% AC ohmic loss
-1.1% External transfo loss
13878 MWh Energy injected into grid

PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)

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Grid-Connected System: P50 - P90 evaluation

Project : GEOM_Playero_Elegida_1&2
Simulation variant : pitch 8.0 metros_15912 x Canadian 440_34 x Huawei 185_RDN_rev C
Main system parameters System type Tracking system with backtracking
Horizon Average Height 6.5°
Near Shadings Linear shadings
PV Field Orientation tracking, tilted axis, Axis Tilt 0° Axis Azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS3W-440MS 1500V Pnom 440 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 15912 Pnom total 7001 kWp
Inverter Model SUN2000-185KTL-H1@40C Pnom 185 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 34.0 Pnom total 6290 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Evaluation of the Production probability forecast

The probability distribution of the system production forecast for different years is mainly dependent
on the meteo data used for the simulation, and depends on the following choices:
Meteo data source SolarGISv2.2.1
Meteo data Kind Monthly averages TMY Multi-year average
Specified Deviation Climate change 0.0 %
Year-to-year variability Variance 2.5 %

The probability distribution variance is also depending on some system parameters uncertainties
Specified Deviation PV module modelling/parameters 1.0 %
Inverter efficiency uncertainty 0.5 %
Soiling and mismatch uncertainties 1.0 %
Degradation uncertainty 1.0 %
Global variability (meteo + system) Variance 3.1 % (quadratic sum)

Annual production probability Variability 428 MWh

P50 13878 MWh
P90 13329 MWh
P95 13175 MWh

Probability distribution

P50 = 13877911 kWh
0.40 E_Grid simul = 13877911 kWh

P90 = 13329417 kWh
0.10 P95 = 13175092 kWh
12500000 13000000 13500000 14000000 14500000 15000000 15500000
E_Grid system production kWh

PVsyst Licensed to Solinvest Fotovoltaica S.L. (Spain)

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