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Year / Class: III / ECE Semester : VI

Batch : 2020-24 Academic year : 2022-23


1. What is microprocessor and list the features of 8086 microprocessor.

Microprocessor is a multipurpose programmable electronic device that reads binary instruction from a
memory, process the data according to the instructions and provide results as output.
Features of 8086:
 8086 is a 16 bit processor.
 8086 has a 16 bit Data bus.
 8086 has a 20 bit Address bus.
 Direct addressing capability 1 M Byte of Memory (220)
 It provides fourteen 16-bit register with four general-purpose 16-bit registers: AX, BX, CX, DX
2. What do you mean by addressing modes? What are the addressing modes of sequence control transfer instructions
in 8086? Give example. (May 2014) (May 2018).
Addressing modes indicate a way of locating data or operands.
• Immediate eg: Mov AX,5000,
• Direct eg: Mov AX, [5000],
• Register eg:Mov BX,AX,Register
• Indirect eg:Mov AX,[Bx],
• Indexed eg: Mov AX,[SI],
• Register Relative eg:Mov AX,50H[BX],
• Based Indexed eg: Mov AX, [Bx] [SI],
• Relative Based Indexed eg: Mov AX, 50H [BX] [SI].
3. Draw the PSW format for 8086 / List the flags in 8086 and state its functions. (April 2021, April 2022).
It is a 16-bit register containing nine 1-bit flags:

• Six status or condition flags (OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF)
• Three control flags ( TF, DF, IF)
4. Given that (BX)=1058 (DI)=10A5 displacement=1B57 (DS)=2100.Determine the effective address and physical
address for the following addressing modes. A)register indirect b) relative based indexed.(MAY 2019)
a)Register indirect: Effective address =BX+DI= 20FD
Physical Address=DS*10+BX=22058
b)Relative base index: effective address = BX+DI + displacement=2BAF
Physical Address= DS * 10H + BX + DI + displacement=24C54
5. What is an assembler and linker? (Nov 2014)
The assembler translates the assembly language program text which is given as input to the
assembler to their binary equivalents known as object code.
A linker is a program used to join several object files into large object files.
6. Define Stack and stack pointer? (May 2016, May 2017, May 2018)
A stack pointer is a small register that stores the address of the last program request in a stack. A
stack is a specialized buffer which stores data from the top down. As new requests come in, they "push
down" the older ones
7. What is the need for interrupts in microprocessor operation? (Nov 2018)
Interrupt is the method of creating a temporary halt during program execution and allows
peripheral devices to access the microprocessor. It responds to that interrupt with an ISR Interrupt
service routine, which is a subroutine program.
8. What are byte and string manipulation? (Nov 2018)
Operations such as move, scan, store, load, compare performed on strings is called string
manipulation. Byte instructions are used to perform operations where data bits are involved.

9. Write a 16 bit delay program to generate a delay of 100 milli seconds using 8086 Microprocessor. (May 2017,
May 2018) (April 2022)
MOV CX, COUNT 4 states
L1 : DEC CX ` 2 states
NOP 3 states
JNZ L1 16 states
No. of clock cycles for execution of the loop once =2+3+16 = 21
Time required to execute the loop once is 21*.1=2.1 micro sec.
COUNT=required delay (td), N* T
Required count = 100*10^-3
2.1*10^6 = 47.619*10^3 = 47619 = BA03
10. Give example for the following modes of addressing: i) Relative based indexed mode ii) Direct addressing.
(NOV/DEC 2019)
Relative based indexed mode: In this addressing mode, the offset address of the operand is
computed by summing the base register to the contents of an Index register. Ex: MOV CL, [BX + SI].
Direct addressing: In this mode, the address of the memory location is supplied as a part of instruction
directly Ex:MOV CL, [4321].
11. List the types of interrupts in 8086. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
An interrupt is used to cause a temporary halt in the execution of program.
It consists of following groups
• Hardware interrupt
• Non-maskable interrupts
• Maskable Interrupt
• Software interrupt
12. Compare Procedure and Macro.
Procedure Macro
Procedure contains a set of instructions which can be Macro definition contains a set of instruction to support
called repetitively which can perform a specific task. modular programming.
CALL and RET instruction/statements are required in CALL and RET instruction/statements are not required
procedure. in macro.
Assembler directive PROC is used to define procedure Assembler directive MACRO is used to define macro
and assembler directive ENDP is used to indicate the and assembler directive ENDM is used to indicate the
end of procedure. end of Macro.
Less memory is required More mory is required

13. What is modular programming and list its characteristics.

Complex programs are divided into many parts and each sub-part are known as modules. All the modules perform
a well-defined task. Formulation of computer code using a module is known as modular programming.
 Each module is independent of other module.
 Each module has one input and one output.
14. What are assembler directives?
Assembler directives or pseudo instructions helps the programmer to communicate the program requirements to
the assembler.
15. What do you mean by addressing modes? What are the addressing modes of sequence
control transfer instructions in 8086? Give example. (May 2014) (May 2018).
• Addressing modes indicate a way of locating data or operands.
• Immediate eg: Mov AX, 0005H,
• Direct eg: Mov AX, [5000H]
• Register eg:Mov BX,AX,Register
• Indirect eg:Mov AX,[Bx],
• Indexed eg: Mov AX,[SI],
• Register Relative eg:Mov AX,50H[BX],
• Based Indexed eg: Mov AX, [Bx] [SI],
• Relative Based Indexed eg: Mov AX, 50H [BX] [SI].

PART B ( 13 Marks)

1. Explain the internal architecture of 8086 and explain the functions of each block in detail. (April 2021,22)
2. Briefly describe about addressing modes of 8086. (Nov 2016, 2018, 2020, April 2021)
3. Explain in detail about the interrupts and interrupt service routine of 8086.Explain interrupt sequence for
8086 (16) (May 2016, Nov 2017, 2018, 2019) (April 2022)
4. Discuss the instruction set of 8086 in detail (April/May 2011,21,22)
5. i) Find the status of the CF and ZF flags after the execution of each of the following set of instructions.
Given that AX=4160H(ii) ADD AX, 9034H b) CMP AX, 0B08H c) XOR AL, AL d) MOV AL, 34H. (Nov
ii) Write a program for 8086 microprocessor that multiples two bytes and stores the result in in a chosen
memory location.
6. Write an 8086 ALP to sort out any given ten numbers in ascending and descending order.(Nov 2013)

1. What is meant by multiprocessor system?
If a microprocessor system contains two or more components that can execute instructions
independently then the system is called as multi-processor system.
2. Write the advantages of loosely coupled configuration over tightly coupled? (May 2019)
• Better system throughput by having more than one processor
• A greater degree of parallel processing can be achieved
• System structure is more flexible
• A failure in one module does not cause any breakdown of the system
3. Compare closely coupled and loosely coupled configurations. (May 2016)
Closely coupled Loosely coupled configurations
Here, the microprocessors share a common clock Here, each CPU may have its own bus
and bus control logic control logic.

No bus arbitration is required Bus arbitration is required

It is also called as shared memory multiprocessor It is also called as distributed memory multiprocessor
More expensive Less expensive
4. What is meant by bus arbitration? Name the bus arbitration schemes. (April 2022)
The mechanism which decides the selection of current master to access bus is known as bus
Bus arbitration schemes
• Daisy Chaining
• Independent Request Scheme
• Polling Scheme
5. What are the coprocessors of 8086? Give their functions.(April 2022)
8087 is Math Coprocessor that takes care of mathematical computations on floating point numbers &
numbers having larger width.8089 is Input Output Processor that takes care of maintenance of peripheral
devices and all I/O activities.
6. Define system bus? (Nov 2018)
A system bus is a single computer bus that connects the major components of a computer
system, combining the functions of a data bus to carry information, an address bus to determine where it
should be sent, and a control bus to determine its operation.
7. What is multi programming? (Nov 2015, May 2017, May 2018)
Multiprogramming is a form of parallel processing in which several programs are run at the same
time on a uniprocessor. It improves the utilization of CPU and I/O devices.
8. Draw the simplified diagram of coprocessor-based multiprocessor system. (Nov/ 2019)

9. How clock signal is generated in 8086? What is the maximum internal clock frequency of 8086? (Nov 2020, April
8086 requires an external clock generator/driver chip Intel 8254 to generate the 8086 clock input
signal. The 8086 divides the external clock connected at the CLK pin internally by three. Therefore for 5
MHz internal clock, the 8284 must generate 15 MHz at its output, which will be given to the CLK pin of
10. What is the function of MN/MX pin? (Nov 2020, April 2021)
MN/MX - Minimum/Maximum. This pin signal indicates the operating mode of 8086. When
MN/MX is high the 8086 operates in minimum mode and 8086 is configured to support small single
processor system. When MN/MX is low, the 8086 operates in maximum mode and 8086 is configured
to support multiprocessor system.
11. State the function of ALE signal in 8086. (Nov/Dec 2019)
Address Latch Enable (ALE) is the output pin of 8086. In is used to latch the address by
de- multiplexing (separate) address and data line from AD0-AD15, A16-A19 and
12. Write some examples for advanced processors. (May 2017, Nov 2017)
Some of the advanced processors can be given as Intel 80286,80386,80486, ARM
processors, SHARC processors
13. What is machine cycle? (Nov 2016)
It is the time required by the microprocessor to complete the operation of accessing the memory
devices or I/O devices. In machine cycle various operations like opcode fetch, memory read, memory
write, I/O read, I/O write are performed.

14. List two differences between maximum mode and minimum mode. (May 2018)
Minimum mode Maximum mode
A processor is in minimum mode when MN/MX’=1 A processor is in minimum mode when MN/MX’=0
There is a single microprocessor There may be more than one microprocessor
All control signals are generated by microprocessor All control signals are generated by bus controller 8244

15. What is the need of LOCK Signal? (Nov 2017)

It indicates to another system bus master, not to gain control of the system bus while LOCK is active
Low and and remains active until the completion of the instruction.

PART B ( 13 Marks)

1. (i) Draw the pin details of 8086 and explain the function of each pin. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
(ii) Give the functions of NMI, BHE and TEST pins of 8086. (Nov 2013)
2. Explain the system bus structure of 8086. Draw the timing diagram for interrupt acknowledgement
cycle. (May 2017, Nov 2017,Nov 2018)
3. Discuss about the multiprocessor configuration of 8086?(Nov 2016,May 2018)
4. Explain the maximum mode and minimum mode of operation of 8086. Explain the functions of various
signals used in these modes.(Nov 2015, Nov 2020, April 2021, April 2022)
5. Draw the timing diagram for the memory read machine cycle of 8086.Explain the function of the relevant
signals and discuss how each signal changes in the progress of the machine cycle. (Nov/Dec 2019)

1. Why is memory interfacing required?(Nov 2018)

When we are executing any instruction, we need the microprocessor to access the memory
for reading instruction codes and the data stored in the memory. So, the interfacing circuit which matches the
memory signal requirements with the signals of the microprocessor is designed.

2. Compare memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O interfacing techniques.
memory mapped I/O I/O mapped I/O interfacing
16-bit device address 8-bit device address

data transfer between any register and the ports data transfer between the I/O devices and the

same address space is used for both memory and separate address spaces are used for memory and
I/O device I/O device.

3. Give the various modes of 8254 Programmable Interval Timer. (May 2018)(April 2022)
Mode 0 (Interrupt on Terminal Count) , Mode 1 (Hardware Retriggerable One Shot), Mode 2
(Rate Generator) , Mode 3 (Square Wave Generator) , Mode 4 (Software Triggered Strobe), Mode 5
(Hardware Triggered Strobe)
4. What are the differences between LED and LCD display?(Nov 2018)
PN-junction device which discharges visible lights It is an optical device used for displaying information
when an electric charge passes through it. in the form of text and images.
LED monitor uses light-emitting diodes for backlights LCD monitor uses fluorescent backlights

5. What is Key bouncing? What are the methods to detect the denouncing? (May 2016).
Whenever a key is pressed or released once, it generates a transient response. These transient
variations may be interpreted as the multiple key pressures and responded accordingly by the
microprocessor system. To avoid this problem,the microprocessor should be made to wait for the
transient period (usually 10ms), so that the transient response settles down and reaches a steady state
6. How is DMA initiated? Or How DMA operation is performed with 8086. (Nov 2017).
Process of transferring the data from memory to peripheral device or from peripheral to memory
without CPU with the help of external hardware is known as DMA.
The 8086 microprocessor receives bus requests through its HOLD pin and issues grants
from the hold acknowledge (HLDA) pin.
7. What is the drawback of memory mapped I/O?(Nov 2016)
The big disadvantage of memory-mapped I/O devices is that they consume addresses in the
memory map. Generally, the minimum amount of space you can allocate to a peripheral is a four

8. List the operating modes of 8255 A and 8237 A. (Nov 2013) (Nov 2015) (April 2022)

BSR mode: In this mode, any of the 8 bits of port C can be set or reset.
I/O mode: Mode 0- Simple I/O mode, Mode 1- I/O mode with Handshaking & Mode 2 -
Bidirectional data transfer mode.
Operating modes of 8237 A: Rotating Priority Mode, Fixed Priority Mode, Extended
Write Mode, TC Stop Mode, Auto Load Mode

9. Draw the format of read back command register of 8254. (May 2017)

10. What are the operating modes of 8279? (May 2019)

Input Mode: Scanned Keyboard Mode, Scanned Sensor Matrix, Strobed Input
Output mode: Display Scan, Display entry.
11. What are the handshake signals used in Mode – 2 configurations of 8255? (Nov 2017)
Only port A can be initialized in this mode 2. Port A can be used for bidirectional handshake
data transfer. Pins PC3 - PC7 are used as handshake lines for port A.
12. List the function of HOLD and HLDA in 8086. ?(Nov/Dec 2019)
HOLD: This signal indicates to the processor that external devices are requesting to
access the address/data buses.
HLDA: It stands for Hold Acknowledgement signal and is available at pin 30. This signal
acknowledges the HOLD signal.
13. List the advantages and disadvantages of parallel communication over serial communication. (May2016)
Parallel data transfer refers to the type of data transfer in which a group of bits are transferred
simultaneously while serial data transfer refers to the type of data transfer in which a group of data bits
are transferred one bit at a time. Therefore, the amount of data transferred serially is less than the data
transferred in parallel per second. Serial data transfer requires fewer cables and therefore to transmit data
over longer distances, serial data transfer is preferred.

14. What is the function of the following two signals in an ADC.(i)EOC,(ii) SOC
EOC [End of conversion]: ADC sends this high EOC signal to Micro-Controller to
indicate completion of conversion.
SOC [Start of conversion]: When High to low signal is appears to this pin of ADC,
ADC then starts conversion
15. What are the signals available for serial communication? (Nov 2020, April 2021)
In serial connection, a minimum of three lines are used for communication: transmit (TX),
receive (RX), and ground (GND). Some high-speed serial communication systems use
additional control signals for synchronization, such as CTS, DTR, and so on.
16. Define conversion time. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
It is the time required by the ADC to perform a complete conversion process. The
conversion is commonly started by a “strobe” or synchronization signal, controlling the
sampling rate

PART B ( 13 Marks)
1. Draw the block diagram and explain the operations of 8251 serial communication interface. Describe
Synchronous and Asynchronous mode of transmission. (Nov 2015, Nov 2017, May 2019, April 2022)
2. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of parallel communication interfacing chip. (May 2017)
3. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of keyboard & display controller. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
4. Draw the block diagram of programmable interrupt controller and explain its operations. (Nov 2015, Nov
5. Explain the internal architecture of 8237 Direct Memory Access Controller. (Nov 2016, 2018 May 2016,
2017, 2018, Nov 2020, April 2021)
6. Draw and explain the block diagram of alarm controller. (May 2016, May 2018)
7. Explain in detail about the traffic light controller in detail.


1. What is the difference between microprocessor & microcontroller?(May 2014,Nov 2018) (April 2022)

S.No Microprocessor Microcontroller

1. It has only CPU It has CPU, memory, timers, parallel
serial I/O port on single chip
2. It has few bit manipulating instructions It has large number of bit
manipulation instructions
3. It has more number of instructions for It has only few instructions
transferring data from external memory. transferring data from external memo
4. No special function registers are Special functions registers are availab

2. List the salient features of 8051 family of controllers?

 Eight-bit CPU with registers A (the accumulator) and B.
 Sixteen-bit program counter (PC) and data pointer (DPTR).
 Eight-bit program status word (PSW). Eight-bit stack pointer (SP).
 Internal ROM or EPROM (4 KB). Internal RAM (128 bytes)
 Four register banks (each 8 registers) 16 bytes, which may be addressed at bit level
 Eighty bits of general-purpose data memory Two 16-bit timer / counters: T0 & T1
 Full duplex serial data receivers / transmitter (SBUF)
 Control registers: TCON, TMOD, SCON, PCON, IP and IE.
 Two external and three internal interrupt sources Oscillator and clock circuits
3. How many ports are available in 8051 microcontroller? (May 2017)
There are mainly four ports available in this 8051 micro controller. They are
Port0: serve as inputs, outputs, or, when used together, as a bi-directional low order address and
as data bus for external memory.
Port1: has got no dual functions.
Port2: may be used as an input / output port similar in operation to port 1. The alternate use of port2 is
to supply a high-order address byte in conjunction with the Port0 low-order byte to address external
Port3: is an input / output pin similar to the Port 1. In this case each and every pin has anadditional
4. What are the addressing modes for a microcontroller? (Nov 2018)
Immediate, Direct, Register, register indirect and Indexed addressing modes.
5. Which bits of the PSW are responsible for selection of the register banks? (May 2019)
RS0 and RS1 bits are used for selection of register banks
0 0 BANK 0 is selected from Internal ROM
0 1 BANK 1 is selected from Internal ROM
1 0 BANK 2 is selected from Internal ROM
1 1 BANK 3 is selected from Internal ROM

6. Mention some of the 8051 special function register.

ACC: Accumulator, B: B-Register, PSW: Program Status Word, SP: Stack Pointer, DPTR: Data
Pointer, IE: Interrupt Enable, SCON: Serial Control, PCON: Power Control
7. Draw the PIN diagram of 8051? (Nov 2016,May 2018)

8. What are Bit manipulation instructions? Give two example.(May 2018)

8051 supports some operations on different bits of an 8-bit number. The operations arelike
complementing, setting to 1, moving, AND’ing, OR’ing etc.
9. Mention the number of register banks and their addresses in 8051. (Nov 2015)
There are four register banks, in each register bank there are eight 8 bit register available from R0 to
R7. By default Bank 0 is selected. For Bank 0, R0 has address 00H and R1 has 07H. For selecting banks we
use RS0 and RS1 bit of PSW.
RS1 RS2 Space in RAM
0 0 Bank0 00h-07H
0 1 Bank1 08h-0FH
1 0 Bank2 10h-17H
1 1 Bank3 18h-1FH
10. Give the format of the register PSW of 8051 and name each bit. (Nov/Dec 2019)
The program status word (PSW) register is an 8-bit register. It is also referred to as the flag register

11. How does 8051 differentiate between bit and byte addresses in its internal RAM? (Nov/Dec 2019)
The RAM memory of the 8051 microcontroller, which is divided into 3 areas such as banks, bit-
addressable area, and scratch-pad area. The 8051 contains 210 bit-addressable locations of which 128
are at locations 20Hto 2FH while the rest are in the SFRs
12. Write a program to mask the 0th & 7th bit using 8051. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
The source operand can be a register, in memory, or immediateORG 00H
MOV A, #FFH ; A = FFH = 255D = 11111111BANL A, #7E H ;
126 D= 7E H= 01111110B END
Input: FFH, Output: 7EH
13. Write a program to find the 2’s complement using 8051. (Nov 2020, April 2021)(April 2022)
MOV A, #55H
CPL A ; 1's complement ADD A, #01H ; 2's
14. What are the steps in interfacing an LCD with 8051 Microcontroller?(April 2022)
Connect port pins of 8051 to data lines of LCD
Configure LCD as two line display
Configure each character in 5x7 matrix
Store ASCII codes of the letters to be displayed
15. How to set 8051 in Idle mode? (Nov 2017)
PCON Register: Power control register
PCON (Power control) register is used to force the 8051 microcontroller into power saving mode.
Power control register of 8051 contains two power saving mode bits and one serial baud rate bit.

Bit 0 – IDL: Idle

1 = Enable Idle mode. CPU clock turned off.
0 = Disable Idle mode.

PART B ( 13 Marks)
1. Draw the architecture of 8051 and explain? (May 2018, Nov 2016, 2017, 2020, April 2021)
2. Explain in detail the memory organization of 8051 microcontroller. (Nov 2014)(April 2022)
3. Explain in detail about the Special Function Registers in 8051.Explain each register with its format and
functions. (May 2017, Nov 2018)
4. Discuss the ports and its circuits of 8051. How input/output ports and pins help in circuit of microcontroller?
(Nov 2017) (Nov 2018)
5. Briefly explain about addressing modes of 8051 with one example. (Nov 2020, April 2021, April 2022)
6. List the various instructions available in 8051 microcontrollers. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
7. Find the content of A register, after the execution of each of the following set of instructions, given the
contents of A and B registers, A = A5 H , B= 01H. (a) RLA b) SWAP A c) MUL AB d) ADD A, #22H.
(April 2022)



1. Write short notes on interrupts in 8051? / List of 8051 interrupts with its priority.
(May 2017)
Five interrupts are provided in 8051. Three of these interrupts are generated automatically by
internal operations: Timer flag 0, Timer flag 1, and the serial port interrupts (RI or TI). Two
interrupts are triggered by external signals provided by the
circuitry that is connected to the pins INT0 and INT1 (port pins P3.2 and P3.3).
2. What is the purpose of Interrupt priority (IP) Control register in 8051? (May 2017)
Register IP bits determine if any interrupt is to have a high or low priority. Bits set to 1give
the accompanying interrupt a high priority; a 0 assigns a low priority. If two interrupts with the same
priority occur at the same time, then they have the followingranking: IE0, 2.TF0, 3.IE1, 4.TF1,
5.Serial = RI or TI.

3. What is SBUF?
SBUF stands for SERIAL BUFFER. SBUF is physically two registers. One is write only and is used to
hold the data to be transmitted out of the 8051 via TXD. The other one is read only and holds the
received data from external sources via RXD
4. Define baud rate of 8051? (May 2016)
In serial communication the data rate is known as the baud rate, which simply means the
number of bits transmitted per second.
5. How to program 8051 timer? (Nov 2018)
The 8051 has two timers: Timer 0 and Timer 1. They can be used either as timers or asevent
counters. It can be programmed using TCON and TMOD registers.
6. What are the types of sensors used for interfacing? / Give two examples of sensors and its uses. (May 2017,
Nov 2017, May 2018)
The different types of sensors that can be interfaced with microprocessors are Temperature
Sensors, IR Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Touch Sensors, Proximity Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Level
Sensors, Smoke and Gas Sensors etc.
7. When is external memory access generated in 8051?(May 2019).
PSEN (Program Store Enable) is an output signal for the 8051 microcontroller, which is
connected to the OE pin of external ROM containing the program code. This is used when external ROM
has to be accessed.
8. What are the different modes timer 2 can operate?(may 2019)
Details 00 01 10 11
M1 M0 This is for Mode 0. This is Mode 1. This is Mode 2 This is Mode 3
(8-bit timer/counter, (16-bit (8-bit auto reload- function dependent
with 5-bit pre-scaler) timer/counter) timer/counter) on Timer0 or

9. Draw the format of the SCON register of 8051 and give the function of each bit. (April 2022)
10. Give the priority level in 8051?(May 2018)

11. Define the operating mode 0 of 8051 serial ports. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
Mode 0 is a synchronous communication system. Through the RxD pin is transmit data, while the sync
pulses are located at TxD. For this mode, the transmission speed is fixed to the oscillator frequency ÷ 12.
12. Give the different types of ADC. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
The common types of ADCs are flash, successive approximation, and sigma-delta.
13. Give the format and list the function of the instruction DJNZ for 8051. (Nov/Dec 2019)
Decrement and Jump if Not Zero (DJNZ) Syntax: DJNZ register, reladdr
Description: DJNZ decrements the value of register by 1. If the new value of register is not 0
the program will branch to the address indicated by relative addr.
14. Write about the design steps involved in using microcontroller for stepper motor.
(May 2014)
The four leads of the stator winding are controlled by four bits of the 8051 port (P1.0-
P1.3). Since the 8051 lacks sufficient current to drive the stepper motor windings, a driver
such as ULN2003 is used to energize the stator. The ULN2003 has an internal diode to
take care of back EMF.
15. Define TMOD and TCON register.

PART B ( 13 Marks)
1. Illustrate the serial communication in 8051, with its special function register. (Nov 2016, 2017)(April 2022)
2. Describe the different modes of operations of timer/counter in 8051 microcontroller? (Nov 2016)
3. Interface the ADC and DAC converter with 8051 and explain with neat diagram. (Nov 2020, April 2021)
4. Draw the schematic for interfacing a stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for
changing speed and direction of motor and also and develop program to rotate the motor in clockwise
direction. (Nov 2015, May 2014, Nov 2016, 2017)(April 2022).
5. Describe how to program and interface an LCD to an 8051 using assembly language programming.(May
6. With necessary diagrams explain how to interface LM35 temperature sensor and then discuss the issues of
signal conditioning .(May 2019)

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