CH 8 - Zakat - Third Pillar of Islam
CH 8 - Zakat - Third Pillar of Islam
CH 8 - Zakat - Third Pillar of Islam
Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines
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Class/ Section
Reference Note – 3
Chapter 8: Zakat (Third Pillar of Islam)
Generic Guidelines
A good answer should have most of the information and a lot of detail, accurate chronology,
giving relevant quotes.
Candidates can give an explanation of the term zakat, saying it means purification and is a
means by which a Muslim purifies his wealth and his heart. Well-developed answers may well
elaborate on this part of the answer saying that the its purpose is to create a well-balanced
society including obligation of Zakat on assets equal or exceed the nisab level for one whole
year with who is liable to pay zakat can be answered by writing about the nisab by means of
which zakat is calculated. Following is the general outline related to the question of „Zakat‟ .
Zakat according to the Quran and Hadith
Obligation of Zakat
The Nisab & Various commodities according to their nisab
Recipients of Zakat (Surah Taubah 9:60)
People not entitled to receive Zakat
Conditions where Zakat is not allowed to be spent on
Marking Scheme:
Candidates should expand on the points below and write a clear and concise narrative.
o Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam which became obligatory in the 2nd year of hijrah. It is an
act of worship which benefits mankind. Its importance can be judged from the fact that it is
mentioned 32 times in the Qur‟an.
o They can go on to say that it is an obligation which was imposed on previous nations as
well and how God has promised great reward to those who fulfil this obligation.
o Well-developed answers may well elaborate on this part of the answer saying that the money paid
in zakat is not something that God needs or receives, He is free of all dependency and its purpose
is to create a well-balanced society and free people from the love of wealth.
o Every Muslim who possesses property equal to or exceeding a laid down minimum has to
give away, at the prescribed rate a portion of it to deserving poor and needy people.
o Zakat is payable on wealth which remains in the possession of a believer, for a period of
one year, without interruption, and whose value has reached a certain level, known as nisab.
It is calculated at two and a half percent.
o Zakat is not levied on buildings, shops or total capital but on savings of the income that may
have been generated from them. Zakat is not payable on precious stones and immovable
property or machinery.
o Candidates can go on to give a few examples here on how much zakat is due on various
commodities according to their nisab e.g., Commodity Nisab Rate Gold 87.48 grams levied
at two and a half percent Cattle 30 to 39, 1 goat of a year-old Mines one fifth of the produce.
o Candidates also need to outline in their answer who zakat is payable to and to whom zakat
cannot be paid.
o Quotes from the Qur‟an and Hadiths which help develop the answer will help take the level
of the answer higher.
Obligation of Zakat
o Any, Muslim who possesses a certain number of possessions equal to Nisab for a specific time
period (one year), he is liable to pay Zakat.
Recipients of Zakat
o According to the Holy Quran, Surah At- Taubah 9:60, the recipients of Zakat are the people who
do not possess wealth equal to Nisab.
o Zakat can be paid to 8 types of people mentioned in the Quran.
o Alms-tax is only for the poor and the needy, for those employed to administer it, for those
whose hearts are attracted ˹to the faith˺, for ˹freeing˺ slaves, for those in debt, for Allah’s
cause, and for ˹needy˺ travellers. ˹This is˺ an obligation from Allah. And Allah is All-
Knowing, All-Wise. Surah Taubah 9:60.
o Zakah cannot be spent on the burial expenditure, payment of deceased person‟s debt,
construction of mosque, school, bridge or other public utility because none of these cases fulfill the
condition of zakat that the recipient must be the owner of the Zakat money.
Marking Scheme:
o A straightforward descriptive response is needed here stating the benefits of zakat to the
giver, the receiver and to society as a whole.
o It could be said that zakat purifies the heart of the giver of love of wealth and greed and
strengthens the giver‟s bonds with God as they give from their wealth to earn God‟s pleasure
and mercy. The giver is also fulfilling one of the Pillars of Islam. Zakat it could also be said
is a blessing to the giver as by this act their wealth is multiplied. Quotes from the Qur‟an
can be given in support, „The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of
Allah is that of a grain of corn, it grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred grains.‟ (Al
Baqarah 2:261) Moreover, candidates could say that zakat expiates the sins of a person.
o The benefits of zakat for the receiver and for society as a whole are also several, it is not
only a blessing for the receiver but helps them to meet their needs, it fosters good will and
brotherhood in the hearts of the poor and promotes equality. By the distribution of wealth in
the society through zakat wealth is not accumulated in a few hands, the poor don‟t get
poorer and the rich don‟t get richer and a just balance is maintained.
o Zakat stimulates investment and discourages hoarding in the community, if people do not
invest, their wealth will be gradually consumed by zakat, therefore zakat has benefits for all.
Candidates could also say that as the community thrives and prospers, crime is reduced.
o These and other benefits can be given in response to this question. We are looking for a
comprehensive answer that covers the benefits of zakat to the giver, receiver and to society.
o Also, development of the benefits, backed by quotes from the Qur‟an and the Prophet‟s Hadiths
about the benefits of zakat could be cited by the candidates and this development could, based on
the answer as a whole, take the candidates up to the higher levels.
Benefits of Zakat for Individual
o Benefits for giver of Zakat
o Benefits for receiver of Zakat
Benefits of Zakat in the Community
Communal Impact
As usually all the Islamic commands start from the individual and travels to the
establishment of an ideal community of the people. Zakat, in the same way at first builds
character of an individual and then brings a lot of impacts to the society. The collective
impacts of Zakat are as follows: -
1. Promotes Harmony and Justice:
Zakat bridges the gulf between the haves and the have-nots. In capitalistic economies, we
see that the wealth accumulates into a few hands and the condition of the poor further
deteriorates. One of the purposes of Zakat is to avoid such social disparity. The Holy Quran
says: - “This (Wealth) may not circulate solely among the rich from among you (Al-
Quran 59:7).
2. Social Security:
Zakat functions as a social security for all. Those who have enough money today pay for
what they have. If they need money tomorrow, they will get what is necessary to help them
live decently.
5. Develops of Brotherhood:
Zakat brings the people closer to each other and ensures real brotherhood in the true sense
of the word and spirit. The holy Quran has made performance of „Salat‟ and payment of
„Zakat‟ both as pre-requisites of Islamic brotherhood. The Quran says: - “But if they repent
and establish worship and pay the poor-due (Zakat), then they are your brethren in
religion” (Al-Quran 11:9)
7. Discourages Beggary:
If everyone pays Zakat from among the haves, no poor and the unfortunate would have to
resort to begging. Islam on one hand, ordered the affluent to care about the destitute and,
on the other, prohibited the poor and the needy from stretching hands before others.
Narrates Abu Huraira (RA) that the holy Prophet said, “Whoever begs from people so
as to accumulate more riches, he is asking for a live coal (fire) from Hell, so let him
ask for a lot or little” (Ibn-e-Maja)
5. Describe the benefits of zakat for the Muslim community. [10] 2012 – Oct Nov – 21
Marking Scheme:
Candidates could say that zakat is a blessing for the giver and the receiver. It leads to an equal
distribution of wealth in the society and prevents its accumulation in the hands of a few. It
fosters goodwill, brotherhood and equality in society. Zakat also stimulates investment and
discourages hoarding in the community, if people do not invest their wealth, it will gradually be
consumed by zakat, therefore it is an effective way of keeping wealth in circulation. Hadiths of
the Prophet could be cited to support the above points made e.g., the Prophet said, 'If anyone
of you is a guardian of an orphan who owns property, he must trade with (invest) it and not
leave it till sadaqa (zakat) consumes it' (tirmidhi). Good answers will give quotes from the
Qur'an and the Hadiths of the Prophet regarding the benefits of zakat for the community.
6. Write an account of the benefits that result from the payment of charity (zakat), and
state to whom it should and should not be paid. [10] 2015 – Oct Nov – 21
Marking Scheme:
Candidates need to give the benefits of zakat in the first part of the answer and this could
include how the payment of zakat purifies the heart of the giver from greed and inculcates the
love of God, to it leading to an equal distribution of wealth, fostering goodwill and brotherhood,
stimulating the economy etc. In the second part of the answer candidates need to write who
zakat is payable to, e.g., prisoners of war, those who have incurred debts to meet their
essential needs, new converts to Islam etc., and who are not eligible for it, e.g., well-to-do
Muslims, non-Muslims, one‟s husband or wife or parents or children, the descendants of the
Prophet‟s family. Also, the recipient of zakat must be made the owner of it and for this reason
it cannot be spent on burial expenditure, or the construction of mosques and bridges or other
public utilities. Detail and development will take the marks to higher levels.
1. What is the importance of zakat in Muslim society? [4] 2019 – Oct Nov – 22
Marking Scheme:
Candidates need to give their reasons for what, to them, is the importance of zakat in Muslim
society. They could say that it makes them feel that their wealth is a gift from God which
they need to share with the less fortunate in society. They could say it creates a just and
balanced society which is beneficial for both the giver and the receiver. A range of responses
can be given and need to be credited on their own merit.
2. How do you think observing the Pillar of giving alms (zakah) benefits the giver?
[4] 2015 – May June – 22
3. In your opinion, what is the greatest benefit for the giver of zakat? Give reasons
to support your answer. [4] 2015 – Oct Nov – 21
Marking Scheme:
Here candidates need to state what in their opinion the greatest benefit is to the giver and
support their chosen benefit with reasons. A variety of views could be given, e.g., in the
opinion of some it could be the fulfilling of a pillar of Islam, which could be backed up by how
the fulfilment of this pillar shows obedience to God, purifies the heart of the giver of love of
wealth and greed. Another view could be to purify one‟s wealth or to bring a Muslim closer
to God, ; it fosters good will; zakah expiates the sins of a person etc.
An evaluative response is being looked for, candidates could give one benefit of zakah that
is in their opinion the most important and develop it or they could give a few benefits and
write a bit about them. All valid responses need to be credited. Sound reasoning behind the
benefit chosen as the most beneficial one will secure the candidate higher levels.
4. Who do you think benefits more from the payment of zakat and why, the giver or
the receiver? [4] 2013 – Oct Nov – 21
Marking Scheme:
This is an evaluative question; candidates could say either the giver or the receiver or even
both benefit equally from the payment of zakat. Answers need to reflect the candidate‟s
viewpoint which in turn has to be backed up with reasons for their views.
7. Abu Bakr fought against those who refused to pay zakat during his caliphate. In
your view what is the significance of this action? [4] 2017 – May June – 21
Marking Scheme:
Candidates need to give their views here. They could say that had Abu Bakr not fought
those who refused to pay zakat then perhaps one of the Pillars of Islam would have been
abolished which would have meant the corruption of the faith. It was to maintain the integrity
of Islam that this action had to be taken. Some candidates could also say that as collection
of zakat was a state responsibility, he may have felt that as caliph it was his duty to collect
zakat from all Muslims in his caliphate. Evaluative responses are being looked for and
candidates should for this answer give their opinion and back it up.
Marking Scheme:
Sadaqa-tul-Fitr is a duty, which is wajib on all Muslims as long as they have the means to
do it. The head of the house is meant to pay the required amount for other members of the
family. Its payment is encouraged so as to provide those who fasted with a means of making
up for errors during the month of Ramadan and it also provides means with which the poor
can celebrate the festival along with the rest of the Muslim community.
Marking Scheme:
This is an evaluative question; candidates should be able to provide the conceptual
difference between Zakat and Sadaqah. Some of the points could be as Zakat is wajib
(obligatory) whereas sadaqa is a voluntary (optional) and Who withholds Zakat will face
punishment in Hereafter but there is no punishment for not giving sadaqa as it is a voluntary
act. A range of responses can be given and need to be credited on their own merit.
Note: Points mentioned in marking scheme for part ‘b’ are given as reference. Candidates
are required to include their own point of view and elaborate them for higher mark.