This document outlines a book launch strategy with the following key steps:
1. Build an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) team and contact editorial reviewers in advance of the launch date to gather early reviews.
2. On the launch date, set the price to $0.99, send personalized emails thanking ARC teams for reviews, and update back matter in previous books.
3. In the weeks following launch, change the price back to normal, promote on social media and via book promotion sites, and send emails to readers announcing the new book.
This document outlines a book launch strategy with the following key steps:
1. Build an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) team and contact editorial reviewers in advance of the launch date to gather early reviews.
2. On the launch date, set the price to $0.99, send personalized emails thanking ARC teams for reviews, and update back matter in previous books.
3. In the weeks following launch, change the price back to normal, promote on social media and via book promotion sites, and send emails to readers announcing the new book.
This document outlines a book launch strategy with the following key steps:
1. Build an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) team and contact editorial reviewers in advance of the launch date to gather early reviews.
2. On the launch date, set the price to $0.99, send personalized emails thanking ARC teams for reviews, and update back matter in previous books.
3. In the weeks following launch, change the price back to normal, promote on social media and via book promotion sites, and send emails to readers announcing the new book.
This document outlines a book launch strategy with the following key steps:
1. Build an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) team and contact editorial reviewers in advance of the launch date to gather early reviews.
2. On the launch date, set the price to $0.99, send personalized emails thanking ARC teams for reviews, and update back matter in previous books.
3. In the weeks following launch, change the price back to normal, promote on social media and via book promotion sites, and send emails to readers announcing the new book.
Launch Preparations Launch Day Post Launch Strategy
While Writing Set price to 0.99 T+3 Build an ARC team: Steps Send personalized emails to ARC Team to leave Change price to normal price (usually $2.99) reviews Contact editorial reviewers: Steps Check that Amazon put you in the right categories ● Include special review link Start building relationships with other authors: Steps using this tool Send email to ARC Authors thanking them Send email to your list announcing new book As Soon as Writing Complete ● Include special review link Post on social media about your book’s launch Send ARC copies out to ARC Team: Steps Contact Amazon to switch to preferred categories Contact other authors and send ARC for editorial Update previously published books’ back matter T+5 review: Steps with new book’s link Initiate a book promotion using one of the book As Soon as Cover Created promotion sites Post on social media your cover reveal Schedule another Author’s email blast of your book Update your social media header image: BookBrush Prior to Marketing Efforts Send email to unopened on your email list Create inventory of promo images: BookBrush Create Amazon Ads to keep sales momentum going T+7 (Learn how here) Initiate a book promotion using one of the book
Pre Launch Actions
promotion sites Promote the launch via BookBub Ads (BookBub Ads) Send email to your email list T-1 Month Prepare which list of book promotion sites: List T+9 ● Some sites require early notice Extra Marketing Tactics Initiate a book promotion using one of the book promotion sites T-1 Week Send email with request for a review to your list Stream Live on Facebook or YouTube Contact authors who got an ARC to get Review: Steps ● Q&A Contact your ARC Team: Steps ● Discuss motivation in writing or elements T+11 Test your book description blurb: PickFu of writing Initiate a book promotion using one of the book promotion sites Post images of celebrating with your new book T-1 Day Contact ARC Team