The Pilot - December 2023
The Pilot - December 2023
The Pilot - December 2023
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robust arts programs. Additionally, these funds can be used to foster
CA Voters Pass Prop 28, Supports partnerships that promote arts education within the District.
Arts and Music in Schools Administrative Needs: Up to 1% of the allocated funds may be used for
administrative purposes, ensuring the smooth operation and effective
Dan Deguara, BRSSD Superintendent management of the arts education program.
In a promising development for arts education, California voters gave their Empowering Local Communities What we do know about Prop 28 is
resounding approval to Proposition 28 on November 8, 2022. Known as its unwavering commitment to growing arts programs across the state.
"The Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee and Accountability However, the success of this initiative doesn't rest solely on the state's
Act," this initiative marks a significant commitment to nurturing creativity shoulders. Community engagement is at the heart of Prop 28. It seeks to
and expression in our schools. We’d like to share a little bit more about empower local communities, including parents, educators, and other
how it will impact our students. stakeholders, in determining their unique priorities for arts education. As
Proposition 28: A Lifeline for Arts Education a part of our work, we’ve surveyed our community and have convened a
committee that will be working to recommend our next steps. If you
Prop 28 is a game-changer for the arts and music education landscape in would like to share your thoughts with us, please feel free to email
California. It compels the state to establish an ongoing program that will [email protected].
provide steady support for arts instruction in schools. This funding
promises to breathe new life into arts education, enriching the lives of The Journey Ahead
students and bolstering the cultural fabric of our community. While we have a clear picture of Prop 28’s intent and allocation guidelines,
Dollars and Sense there are still some aspects that remain uncertain. The exact dollar
allocation for Prop 28 funds has not yet been finalized by the state, and
One of the most crucial aspects of Prop 28 is the allocation of funds. The schools must navigate the “supplement vs. supplant” guidelines in
estimated budget is set at approximately $112 per pupil, which translates coordination with local dollars. These complexities make it essential for
to around $450,000 for the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District. schools and communities to stay informed and engaged as the
These funds are intended to support and enhance arts education in various implementation of Prop 28 unfolds.
Prop 28 is a beacon of hope for arts education in California. By providing
Teacher Support: A significant 80% of the funds will be dedicated to dedicated funding and emphasizing community involvement, it paves the
employing certificated or classified teachers and teacher's aides who will way for students to enjoy a holistic education that includes the arts. As
champion arts education within the District. This ensures that qualified we eagerly anticipate further details on fund allocation and navigate the
personnel are available to teach and guide students in the world of arts and nuances of implementation, it is vital for communities, schools, and
music. stakeholders to collaborate and shape the future of arts education in
Resources and Partnerships: 19% of the funding will be allocated to California. Together, we can create a brighter and more creative future for
procure instructional materials, supplies, and equipment necessary for our students. d
With over 26 years experience, Bret is one of the hardest working Brokers out there, and will negotiate the highest possible price for your home.
Bret is a native of the SF Peninsula and has a wealth of knowledge of the neighborhood.
ecember is always an exciting month at
Sandpiper and Redwood Shores schools as our
students, staff, and school communities We want to thank all members of the Redwood Shores Community
continue to celebrate holidays such as Christmas and Association for their support of our schools as 2024 arrives. We invite
Hanukkah with concerts, assemblies, and classroom you to attend one of our Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten
activities. Though December is often considered the Information Nights on January 30, January 31, or February 1, and our
beginning of the holiday season, many of our classrooms Middle School Information Night on January 18. All the presentations
have spent the last month exploring holidays from all will be virtual, look for more information at
over the world, including Thanksgiving, Diwali, Día de enrollment. d
los Muertos, and Halloween.
Sandpiper and Redwood Shores students and staff go
on vacation beginning December 21 and ending in the
new year when everyone returns January 9. The school will be closed
during that time, and our playgrounds and basketball courts will be
available for community use. We thank you in advance for putting
trash or recyclables in the appropriate receptacles so that everyone in
the community can enjoy our facilities.
Speaking of facilities, we do have a couple of important updates. First,
did you know that school facilities are available for reservation by
community organizations? Take advantage of this opportunity by
visiting for more information
on how to reserve space. Second, the Belmont-Redwood Shores School
District has begun holding a series of Community Workshops at all
The PILOT December 2023 Page 7
Astrophotography in the Shores DEC EMBER 2 0 2 3
By Kumar Srinivasan
As we close out the old year and usher in the new one, we
tend to take stock of our personal lives, including hopes
and aspirations for the New Year ahead—a time of
forming perspectives. In that mindset, I wanted to share
one of my favorite deep-sky photos, one that I took right
from my deck in light-polluted Redwood Shores. Every time I look at this
pic, the fact that I am able to see this far out into the deep recesses of space
and time astounds me & leaves me with perspective! Read on...
Make, Create, Collaborate
December is the perfect 琀me to get crea琀ve
The accompanying pic is a ~ 1
degree patch of sky in the with gi昀 giving and to relax during the hec琀c
constellation Pegasus (the winged holiday season!
horse). There are nearly a dozen
galaxies in this tiny patch of sky
Adult Makers: DIY Herbal Tea
that my telescope + camera were Tuesday December 5 3pm
able to pick out and resolve (to see Learn about
an annotated version, see my various tea herbs,
website at the link posted below).
and create your own
The most prominent of these galaxies is NGC7331 (the spiral galaxy on
the left) which has sometimes been described as the “Milky Way’s twin” custom tea blend.
due to similarity in size and structure. The distance to NGC7331? Nearly For ages 16+.
50 MILLION light years or 300 billion billion miles (not a typo), that is
3 followed by 20 zeros! What’s more, some of the other blobs of light
Art Salon
recorded in this pic are from even more distant galaxies, some 300 to 400 Tuesday December 12 3pm
MILLION light years away! Join us for a drop-in freehand
How do you grasp distances like that? One way to think of this is that sketching and drawing
when the light that arrived at my camera left those galaxies, all the session. All ages and
continents on Earth were contiguous in the form of one supercontinent
abili琀es are welcome!
called Pangea. In terms of life on Earth, amphibians had just evolved into
reptiles, and a pre-mammalian vertebrate group called the synapsids
dominated the land; dinosaurs were still several tens of millions of years
in the future! Music with Val
The power of astronomy to provide perspective is immense, because by SAT DEC 2 11am Redwood Shores Branch Library
looking out into the far reaches of the Universe, we are also looking back ChatGPT in Your Job Search with Phase2Careers
into the vast sweeps of time. Our personal lives and milestones seem trivial TUE DEC 5 6pm Online Program
in this perspective. No wonder it has been said that astronomy is a
“humbling and character building experience!” STORYTIMES
More info on this pic included an annotated version can be found at my TUESDAYS 6:30pm Pajama Time Stories All Ages
website Clear skies & Peace on Earth! THURSDAYS 10:30am Toddler/Preschool Storytime Ages 1-5
Kumar Srinivasan is a cutting-edge Materials Scientist by day and ancient photon THURSDAYS 11:30am Tiny Tales Ages 0-12 months
hunter by night. While he was peripatetic during his youthful years, he is happy to report
back to the Galactic Federation that his cosmic address is now firmly entrenched in Winter Tradi琀ons Story琀mes
Redwood Shores on Planet Earth. 😉 From December 11–16, our story琀mes will feature books
about holiday celebra琀ons from around the world (and
near you!). Learn about neighbors that celebrate Hanukkah,
Christmas, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas and more.
STORYTIME BREAK: December 18 through January 7
All Redwood City Libraries will be closed
Sunday, December 24, 2023 Monday, December 25, 2023
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Sunday, December 31, 2023
Monday, January 1, 2024 Tuesday, January 2, 2024
To register and learn more, visit
DRE# 01065975
Thank you for being our agent! You have been nothing but a
n n n n
Compass is a RE broker licensed by the State of California
and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License#
wealth of knowledge to the two of us. Thank you for your patience
and for taking the time to explain all the nuances of real estate to us...
we are grateful for your decades of real estate experience. We look
forward to celebrating at Goa Kitchen in San Mateo! But the biggest
01527235. All material presented herein is intended for
informational purposes only and is compiled from sources
deemed reliable but has not been verified. Changes in price,
gift you’ve given us is helping us secure our home.
condition, sale or withdrawal may be made without notice.
No statement is made as to accuracy of any description.
All measurements and square footages are approximate. With love and appreciation, Judy and Eric
Koda, 1 Dood
He loves going on walks in the Shores Dood has been a RWS resident for
where he finds all kinds of interesting almost 15 years. He has worked as a
smells and things to watch, like birds greeter at Artistic Tile and Stone all this
and squirrels! He loves playing with time. He loves visiting the beautiful
his family and meeting new people. parks in Redwood Shores. He no longer
~ Sarah Calderon chases geese though.
~ Tony & Cynthia Campanile
Does your pup need a walk?
Now offering Dog Walking Services
in Gossamer Hollow and surrounding neighborhoods.
Rates start at $10. Call today for more info or to book a time.
Contact Aaron at (650) 640‐7700
Have a message to share? The Rotary Club of Belmont and Redwood Shores invites
Imagine your classified ad here. all interested Shorebirds to our weekly luncheons at
noon every Monday at Divino in Belmont (in person or
For rates and more info, email [email protected]. on Zoom). Interesting speakers and new friendships!
Start reaching the entire Redwood Shores community! To learn more, just email: [email protected]