Categorized GPOA
Categorized GPOA
Categorized GPOA
Department of Education
REGION III-Central Luzon
San Antonio District
San Antonio National High School
SY 2023-2024
b. To Acknowledge
real life events
that occur to
people affected by
drug, alcohol or
any type of
Life Skills Life education a. To promote, a. call in the Year round BKD Officers Broadcasting
Training programs conduct and institution of Media Educated and trained
implement Red Cross to Red Cross learners for in case
greening implement Association of Sound System emergency situations,
1.F.A.S.T programs. their IBA, Zambales Accomplishment
(First Aid programs into Vacant room Report, Pictorials,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III-Central Luzon
San Antonio District
San Antonio National High School
SY 2023-2024
Sessional b. To restore our our school attendance sheet
Training) endangered
biodiversity and to
provide carbon
sinks to mitigate
the effects of
global warming
and climate
Livelihood Clean-up with the a. clear and BKD Officers Year round Sponsorship Trash Bags Certificate,
Training military trash free shore and SSLG BKD Officers Accomplishment
lines. Advisers are Speakers report,Pictorials
to conduct a
meeting of its show the
significance of a. daily
clean sea sides invitation of
to our military
environment and personnel to
to ones’ health. accompany
the coastal practice clean-up
discipline among
5. Expedition Day A. To Acknowledge BKD Officers May 2024 BKD Officers Transportation Learners explores
the works of front and SSLG various lines of work,
liners (Doctors, Advisers are Stake holders Certificates,
Police Officers, to conduct a Accomplishment
Military, Fire meeting of its Teachers Report, Pictorials,
Fighters etc.) execution. attendance, minutes of
Other School the meeting
b. To provide an Create a Organizations/
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III-Central Luzon
San Antonio District
San Antonio National High School
SY 2023-2024
entertaining and project Clubs School
enjoyable event for proposal
learners to enjoy.
c. To boost
learners interest
towards works of
front line roles and
Coastal-Green Up
9. Addiction a. to educate BKD Officers April 12, 2024 Sponsorship Sound System Certificate, Trophy,
Drug Abuse Education learners the are to BKD Officers Accomplishment
Prevention effects of conduct a Speakers report,
and Control Addiction to our: meeting of its Pictorials
(DAPC) Week health, mental
b. invite
well-being, speakers
behavior, relating to the
hygiene and agenda
financial status.
8. Future or a. To educate a. BKD April, 2024 Teachers Sound System ACR of Learners
entertainment learners and Officers and BKD Officers taught lessons,
(debate) audience about SSLG Assessments of
the topic of the Advisers are Learners under
debate. to conduct a Guidance, Certificate,
meeting of its Accomplishment
b. To show execution. report, Pictorials
different b. Create a
perspective of both project
side without proposal
c. To have
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III-Central Luzon
San Antonio District
San Antonio National High School
SY 2023-2024
entertaining yet
Educating event.
7.Theatre a. To educate Create a November 2023 BKD Officers Sound System Certificate,
learners about project Stakeholders Accomplishment
conservation and proposal Sponsorship report, Pictorials,
sustaining Original Script of
resources, Work, List of Members
including energy, participated and their
water, and other roles, Full Script of
form of life. members participating.
b. to encourage
learners of
showing their
Musical and
artistic talents
performance in
real life film.