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Fibers in Asphalt and Cement

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Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

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Review Article

Research progresses of fibers in asphalt and cement materials: A review

Jing Li a, Ling Yang a, Lu He a, Ruiwen Guo a, Xinyu Li a, Youchao Chen a, Yaseen Muhammad b, *,
Yu Liu c, **
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
Insitute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar, KP 25120, Pakistan
Guangxi Communication Investment Technology Co. Ltd., Nanning 530001, China


 The applications of natural fibers, inorganic fibers and polymer fibers in engineering pavement materials were introduced.
 The advantages of fibers to enhance the performance of road materials were summarized.
 Some modification methods of fibers were listed to enhance the performance of fiber-modified road materials.


Keywords: Asphalt mixtures and cement concrete are an important material in the construction of roads, highways and
Fiber buildings, and there has been a lot of research about the improvement of their performance. Among them, fibers
Modified asphalt are commonly used in the construction industry because of their superior properties as reinforcing materials that
Modified cement
can provide a proper interfacial action between the fibers and the substrate. This review classifies fibers into
Engineering application
natural fibers, inorganic fibers and polymer fibers according to their sources and properties. It summarizes and
compares the characteristics, modification methods, usage requirements and research status of each type of fiber
in asphalt and cement construction materials, and analyzes the problems and challenges faced by fibers in their
applications. The evaluation results show that various types of fibers can enhance the fracture resistance, tensile
strength and rutting resistance of asphalt to a certain extent, improve the high temperature performance and
viscoelasticity of asphalt, and have a certain effect on the fatigue resistance and road water resistance of asphalt
mixes. The fibers also provide better tensile, compressive and abrasion resistance to cement concrete and improve
the brittleness and crack resistance of ordinary cement. Besides, for some defects of various types of fibers in
construction materials, such as biodegradability, dispersibility and surface inertness of fibers, the targeted
modification of fibers is introduced based on physical and chemical modification methods to improve the per-
formance impact of modified fibers in various conditions of application.

1. Introduction et al., 2009; Gayevskaya and Rakova, 2014). Therefore, the currently
in-practice asphalt pavements need to have high-temperature rutting
Asphalt and cement are widely used for road paving (Edwina et al., resistance, low-temperature brittle cracking resistance, and durability,
2018; Jamshidi et al., 2015; Milad et al., 2020) and tunnel construction while cement pavements are required to possess high strength and
(Gravit et al., 2016) due to their excellent performance. However, in toughness, and low shrinkage (Bribian et al., 2011; Eikelboom et al.,
order to meet the increasing traffic intensity and safety standards, and 2001; Kobeticova and Cerny, 2017). In this regard, based on the engi-
climate change (Li et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018), road engineering neering problems and specific engineering requirements, researchers
construction requirements are also increasing and higher standards are incorporate modifiers (mostly nanomaterials) (Li et al., 2018), gum
being set for the application of asphalt and cement-based pavements (Chi powder and fibers (Hou et al., 2018), to the original asphalt and cement

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Li), [email protected] (L. Yang), [email protected] (L. He), [email protected] (R. Guo), 2449984759@
qq.com (X. Li), [email protected] (Y. Chen), [email protected] (Y. Muhammad), [email protected] (Y. Liu).
Peer review under responsibility of Chang’an University.

Received 14 March 2022; Received in revised form 16 September 2022; Accepted 26 September 2022
Available online 2 March 2023
2097-0498/© 2023 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

to improve the performance of the final composite materials. resulting in poor fiber/matrix composite performance. In order to over-
In the 1960s, the applications of fibers started in pavements, and it come these problems and improve the performance of fiber-based road
was found that the incorporation of fibers can significantly improve the materials, chemical and physical modification methods are applied to
high temperature performance and low-temperature crack resistance of modify the fiber surface. Chemical modification of fibers is mainly ach-
pavements. In addition, it has the obvious advantage of preventing the ieved by grafting (Dong et al., 2014), copolymerization (Reddy and Simon,
generation and expansion of reflection cracks in pavements, and hence 2010) and chemical treatment (Mirjana et al., 2008). The main methods of
fibers are ranked as an important class of materials to improve the per- physically modifying fibers are forming, texturing, and composite fibers,
formance of concrete at that stage (Qin et al., 2018; Ziari et al., 2020). including corona, plasma, ultraviolet (UV), and heat treatment (Gho-
The main fibers used include inorganic fibers (Freeman et al., 1989; lampour and Ozbakkaloglu, 2019). For asphalt pavement materials, fiber
Tapkin, 2008), natural fibers (Abiola et al., 2014; Neser and Aytekin, modification methods are mainly coupling agent treatment and polymer
2015) and polymer fibers (Chandramohan, 2011; Notani et al., 2019). grafting (Xing et al., 2022). For cement pavement materials, the fiber
The application of a specific type of fiber used in engineering materials is modification methods mainly include plasma treatment, keratinization
based on its characteristics. For example, natural fibers are characterized treatment, and alkali treatment (Li et al., 2021b).
by high toughening properties (Conforti et al., 2017; Ortiz Navas et al., This review presents the application of natural, inorganic and poly-
2018) and high specific surface area. Similarly, inorganic fibers are meric fibers in engineering materials such as asphalt and cement, and the
characterized by stability and high temperature resistance (Zhou et al., problems that exist in their applications. In response to these problems,
2020), while polymer fibers are characterized by high impact resistance, the performance of fiber concrete is analyzed and compared by different
corrosion resistance and chemical stability (Alhamaydeh and Orabi, fiber modification methods.
2021; Unterweger et al., 2014).
Although fiber can improve the performance of road materials, how- 2. Classification and physicochemical characteristics of fibers
ever with the increase of its application, the problems of fiber modified
pavement are gradually exposed. These include poor high temperature In this chapter, fibers are classified according to natural plant fibers,
properties of natural fibers and inorganic fibers, unstable mechanical inorganic fibers and polymer fibers, as show in Fig. 1, and the structure
properties of basalt fibers, and smooth and inert surface of polymer fibers, and properties of each type of fiber are discussed in detail. Finally, it

Fig. 1. Classification of fibers.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 2. Structure of natural fibers (Wei and Meyer, 2015).

discusses the shortcomings of fibers in practical engineering applications (3) Leaf fiber
and suggests some solutions.
Leaf fiber is obtained from the herbaceous monocotyledonous plant
leaves on the vascular fiber, mainly sisal fiber and plantain fiber. Sisal
2.1. Natural plant fibers
fiber is a green, environmentally friendly and high-performance fiber,
and hence several scholars have conducted on its performance as a
Plant fibers are a type of natural polymers with diverse forms and
reinforcement agent in composites with enhancing effect on the me-
complex structures. Compared with other synthetic fibers, natural fibers
chanical properties of concrete (Chen et al., 2018).
are advantageous because of their abundant availability, low cost,
convenient degradation and excellent mechanical properties, and are a
(4) Stem fiber
natural renewable resource. Plant fibers are generally extracted from
different parts of plants. By classification, plant fibers can be divided into
Stem fiber refers to the fiber extracted from stalks of plants including
woody fibers and non-woody fibers. Woody fibers consist of softwoods
bagasse, corn stalks and, sunflower stalks, etc. Represented by bagasse
and hardwoods, while non-woody fibers are further divided into four
fiber, stem fiber is rich in cellulose and has been used to some extent in
categories i.e., stem fibers, bast fibers, seed fibers, and leaf fibers. The
pulp and paper, biomass panels, and civil engineering materials (Wang
properties of plant fibers are related to the growing area and method, and
et al., 2020b).
the extraction technique applied (Joseph et al., 1999). The physical
properties of plant fibers are closely related to their chemical properties
2.1.2. Mechanical properties of natural fibers
and physical structure (Idicula et al., 2005).
Natural plant fiber is a multi-layered thick-walled cavity structure as
shown in Fig. 2. The structure consists of primary wall, secondary wall
2.1.1. Classification of plant-based natural fibers (Onuaguluchi and
and cavity, where the thickness of the primary wall is small, and the
Banthia, 2016)
secondary wall consists of three layers, i.e., S1, S2 and S3, which are
thicker and each layer has a long chain of helical cellulose microfibrils
(1) Bast fiber
(Madsen, 2004). For different types of fibers, their cellulose microfibrils
have specific cell geometry, microfibril helix angle (the angle between
The bast fiber is extracted from the outer bark of the plant stem,
the fiber axis and the cellulose microfibrils). The microstructures of
which mainly includes jute, flax, hemp, and ramie and are usually
fibers, microfilament helix angles and chemical compositions together
characterized by high tensile strength. Jute fiber, for example, as a green
affect the mechanical properties of the plant fibers (Gassan and Bledzki,
and high-performance fiber, is widely used as a reinforcing material,
1997). The lignin content gradually decreases from primary wall to
adsorbent material and flame retardant in various industries (Boopalan
secondary wall, while the cellulose content increases. The structural
et al., 2012; Guo et al., 2018b; Huang et al., 2019).
assembly model of the fiber cell wall is shown in Fig. 2 which suggests
that cellulose-hemicellulose array is combined into microfibrils, which
(2) Seed fiber
are linked to each other by lignin and pectin, and the second wall
thickness S2 of the secondary wall determines the mechanical proper-
Seed fiber refers to the single-cell fiber grown from the epidermal
ties of the fibers. The mechanical properties of natural fibers are shown
cells of some plant seeds, and include coconut fiber, wood cotton fiber
in Table 1, which indicates that the tensile strength of natural fibers
and cotton fiber. With the advantages of abrasion resistance, durability
ranges from 100 to 1000 MPa, which is usually lower than that of
and low cost, coir fiber is widely used to make flooring materials, yarns
synthetic fibers.
and ropes (Junior et al., 2017; Rao et al., 2000).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 1 some hemicellulose exposes cellulose to the pore solution of cement. In

Mechanical properties of natural fibers (Dittenber and Gangarao, 2012; Kabir the second stage, the degradation of lignin reduces the cell wall integrity
et al., 2012). and stability of fibers; followed by the third stage where cellulose mi-
Fiber Density Tensile Young's Specific Elongation at crofibrils begin to disperse; and eventually the natural fibers are
type (g/m3) strength modulus modulus break (%) completely degraded in the fourth stage. In addition, when natural plant
(MPa) (GPa) (GPa/g/ fibers are added to asphalt, they also agglomerate, and this phenomenon
is more obvious as the admixture amount increases. For example, when
Jute 1.30–1.40 393–773 13.0–26.5 10.0–18.3 1.16–1.50 bamboo fiber in asphalt binder blending amount exceeds 3%, it will
Flax 1.50 345–1000 27.6 18.4 2.70–3.20
significantly reduce the enhancement effect of the complex modulus of
Hemp 1.14 690 30.0–60.0 26.3–52.6 1.60
Coir 1.20–1.50 95–230 3.0–6.0 4.0 15.00–51.00 asphalt mastic (Meng et al., 2022). The flocculated lignin fibers are less
Cotton 1.50–1.60 287–800 6.0–13.0 6.0 3.00–10.00 dispersible and more prone to tangled agglomerates than the short
Sisal 1.45 468–640 9.4–22.0 6.4–15.2 3.00–7.00 bundled bagasse fibers (Li et al., 2022). These phenomena can adversely
affect the effectiveness of fiber-modified road materials, and therefore,
2.1.3. Chemical properties of natural fibers the fiber modification process needs to be further explored.
Chemically, natural plant fibers mainly consist of cellulose, followed
by hemicellulose, lignin, pectin and waxy substances (Bismarck et al., 2.1.5. Modification methods of natural fibers
2005). Table 2 shows the chemical composition of various natural ele- In practical application of road materials, researchers need to solve
ments. In a fiber, cellulose gives it strength, stiffness, and structural the problems of compatibility between natural fibers and asphalt, poor
stability. The chemical structure of cellulose is a highly ordered and dispersion, and durability of natural fibers in road materials through
stable crystal structure consisting of three hydroxyl groups forming physical or chemical modification methods.
strong inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds (Holt et al., 2010) Various methods are applied to reduce the hydrophilicity of the fibers
(Fig. 3(a)). Lignin surrounds the reinforced cellulose and hemicellulose, and improve the interfacial bond between the fibers and substrate, which
with skeletal support (Kumar et al., 2009), as shown in Fig. 3(b). include mercerization (Cao et al., 2006), acetylation (Rana et al., 1997),
Hemicellulose is a molecular binder of cellulose and lignin, and its silylation (Subandi et al., 2019.), etc. (Fig. 5). To improve the dispersion
structure is an amorphous glycan linked by different hexose and pentose of fibers in the matrix, on one hand, it is necessary to ensure that the
groups and glyoxylate groups (Scheller and Ulvskov, 2010) as depicted in fibers are added with sufficient agitation to ensure uniform dispersion.
Fig. 3(c). Pectin is composed of complex polysaccharides. A considerable On the other hand, the dispersibility can be improved by surface modi-
number of aliphatic and phenolic hydroxyl groups can be found in cel- fication to weaken the hydrogen bonding between adjacent hydroxyl
lulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. In addition, lignin contains carboxyl, groups on the fiber surface to promote the formation of hydrogen bonds
carbonyl and methoxy functional groups, which award the plant fibers between the fiber and substrate (Lin and Li, 2017). To retard the
strong hydrophilic and adsorption properties (Mohanty and Khan, 2000). degradation of natural fibers in an alkaline environment, plant fibers
need to be modified. Zhao et al. (2021) wrapped the surface of sisal fibers
2.1.4. Defects of natural fibers in road engineering applications with a graphite oxide (GO) based film to improve the resistance of the
As a renewable and environmentally friendly resource, the addition of fibers to degradation in a cement environment because the GO film has
natural fibers to engineer composite materials is gaining popularity selective permeability properties that prevent harmful ions from entering
among researchers. However, when natural plant fibers are applied to the interior of the fibers. As seen in Fig. 6, the GO film can effectively
actual construction materials, many shortcomings like strong hydrophi- improve the alkaline degradation of sisal fibers.
licity, biodegradability, easy agglomeration, poor dispersion, poor ther- The addition of a single modifier does not improve all the properties
mal stability and mechanical changes, limit their engineering of asphalt, and in the future, a variety of modifiers can be added to
development. improve the overall performance of asphalt concrete (Yue et al., 2019).
Natural plant fibers are rich in polar functional groups such as hy-
droxyl and carboxyl groups, and therefore exhibit strong hydrophilic 2.2. Inorganic fibers
properties (Zhou et al., 2018). This is not conducive to facilitate the
bonding between the fibers and the hydrophobic polymer matrix, Inorganic fibers are chemical fibers made from minerals. The main
resulting in poor fiber adhesion. With the passage of time, it can get varieties are glass fiber basalt fiber, ceramic fiber, carbon fiber, and steel
detached from the substrate and flake off. In addition, the biodegradation fiber.
of natural fibers is also a major challenge in practical applications. When
the natural fibers are exposed to cementitious environment, hemicellu- 2.2.1. Classification of inorganic fibers
lose and lignin are easily removed by the alkaline erosion of the cement,
while the calcium ions in cement are easily deposited into the fiber (1) Basalt fiber
cavity, resulting in fiber embrittlement and mineralization, leading to a
significant decrease in its tensile properties (Zhao et al., 2021). Wei Basalt fiber has a melting point of 1500  C or higher, with high
proposed a four-stage model of fibers degradation, as shown in Fig. 4 temperature resistance and stable material properties when mixed at high
(Wei and Meyer, 2015). In the first stage, the degradation of lignin and temperatures. Compared with polymer fiber and lignin fiber, basalt fiber

Table 2
Chemical properties of natural vegetable fibers (Fortea-Verdejo et al., 2017).
Fiber type Cellulose (%) Lignin (%) Hemicellulose (%) Pectin (%) Wax (%) Ash (%) Moisture content (%)

Jute 45.00–71.00 12.00–26.90 13.60–21.00 0.20–10.00 0.200 2.00 12.00

Bamboo 45.30 20.30 21.10 13.20 – – 12.00
Pineapple 47.74 2.44 15.98 – – – 14.00
Sisal 64.00–67.00 9.90 12.00 2.00–10.00 0.300–2.000 0.80–2.00 11.00
Coconut 34.30–53.60 24.00–36.40 22.30–29.10 – 0.410 – 13.00
Piassava 28.60 45.00 25.80 – – – 14.00
Flax 62.10 12.00–26.90 14.00–20.00 0.20 0.166 1.36 9.12–12.00
Hemp 68.00–74.40 3.70–10.00 15.00–22.40 0.90 0.800 – 12.00

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 3. Chemical structure. (a) Cellulose. (b) Lignin. (c) Hemicellulose (Wei and Meyer, 2015).

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of alkaline degradation process of natural fibers (Wei and Meyer, 2015).

has higher strength and modulus in asphalt mixes. In addition, basalt fiber is (2) Ceramic fibers
more environmentally friendly than polymer fiber, and the mix can be
recycled (Chen, 2016), therefore widely used in engineering fields, The main chemical composition of ceramic fibers is Al2O3 and SiO2
providing good crack resistance in pavements (Wang, 2017; Wen, 2017). and has a wide range of applications including as insulation components

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 5. Modification methods of natural fibers (Li et al., 2020a).

in industrial production. They are relatively stable at high temperatures, and corrosion resistance (Baeza et al., 2018; Rangelov et al., 2016). Short
and certain types of ceramic fibers can even withstand temperatures of up carbon fibers dominate in asphalt and cement.
to 1600  C without melting or chemical reactions. They generally have a
fiber diameter of 2–5 microns, length of about 20 mm, large specific 2.2.2. Mechanical properties of inorganic fibers
surface area, and exhibit good resistance to external mechanical Inorganic fibers are formed from inorganic materials, and the dif-
vibration. ference of inorganic materials causes the variation in mechanical prop-
erties of these fibers. Table 3 lists the types, density, monofilament
(3) Glass fiber diameter, length, tensile strength, Young's modulus, ultimate elongation,
and melting point of inorganic fibers.
It is an inorganic non-metallic material with excellent properties The mechanical properties of inorganic fibers are shown in Table 3.
made from a variety of ores by a variety of processes. Glass fiber has high
mechanical strength, good insulation, and is widely used as electrical 2.2.3. Discussion on the dispersibility of inorganic fibers
insulation material. The softening point is generally from 500  C to 750 Fibers inevitably agglomerate during the preparation of composite

C, with good heat resistance. Glass fiber is less affected by acid corro- materials, resulting in poor dispersion in the composite basic, affecting
sion, but is brittle and poor in wear resistance. Glass fiber in the asphalt the efficiency of modification enhancement and even causing negative
mixture has reinforcing and toughening effects, and can enhance the grip effects. Therefore, the following is a brief discussion on the dispersion of
of the aggregate particles, to ensure the integrity of the asphalt pavement inorganic fibers and some improvement measures are proposed.
thereby hindering their easy peeling off (Tang, 2016). The glass fiber has To evaluate the degree of dispersion of inorganic fibers, Yang
the advantages of low cost, easy availability of the raw materials, and (2002) proposed four methods used to indirectly assess fiber disper-
high heat resistance, which after mixing to the asphalt mixture improves sion, namely, fresh mixing, scanning electron microscopy, resistance
the performance of the mixture at a very low cost. testing, and simulation experiments. Gao et al. (2017) detected the
degree of fiber dispersion in the composite substrate with the help of
(4) Steel fiber various means such as computed tomography,and 3D model of the
carbon fiber bundle was built to obtain the dispersion morphology
Steel fiber is the most widely used metal fiber, through different and volume fraction of the fibers, as shown in Fig. 7. The method of
methods can produce a variety of different properties of steel fibers, the mixing process is also often decisive for the dispersion of the
tensile strength of more than 2000 MPa, mainly used to enhance the fibers, and these methods include pre-mixing and post-mixing (Jian
mechanical properties of steel fiber concrete, large diameter steel fibers et al., 2012). Taking carbon fiber as an example, the preparation of
also have corrosion-resistant properties, its excellent characteristics can carbon fiber reinforced cementitious materials is recommended to use
achieve good technical and economic and social and environmental the premix method (Gao et al., 2017). Inorganic fibers in composites
benefit. are difficult to disperse effectively by mechanical force and friction
between materials, so it is generally necessary to select suitable dis-
(5) Carbon fiber persants such as surfactants to enhance the dispersibility. Basalt fibers
as well as glass fibers can be better dispersed in cementitious or
Carbon fiber, with a carbon content of over 90%, is a high-strength, asphalt based composites with the help of carboxymethyl cellulose
high-modulus fiber that can be compounded with a variety of materials (Chen et al., 2014; He et al., 2013). In addition, the fiber dispersion
such as resins, metals, ceramics and carbon to enhance the performance in the cement can be improved by polymer surface grafting of the
of composite materials. The epoxy resin composites mixed with carbon fibers (Zhou et al., 2022). Duan et al. (2021) studied the dispersion
fiber have the high modulus and specific strength among existing engi- study of metal fibers with different length-to-diameter ratios and
neering materials (Wang et al., 2015). Carbon fiber as a reinforcing phase showed that the shorter the length of fine metal fibers, the better the
has many advantages, such as low density, high elastic modulus and dispersion effect, and the length of coarse metal fibers can be slightly
tensile and compressive strength, thermal and electrical conductivity, longer, but no more than 12 mm is appropriate.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 6. SEM images of pretreated and surface-coated sisal fibers degraded at pH 12.9 for 1 d, 7 d, 1 month and 6 months (Zhao et al., 2021).

2.3. Polymer fibers which greatly reduces soaking and adsorption (Yang et al., 2019). The
degree of dispersion of polymer fibers in engineering materials plays an
Polymer fibers are organic in nature and are synthesized by a special important role in enhancing their functions. Dispersion refers to the
process from polymers extracted from petroleum. It is extremely process in which fiber bundles added to the mixture are dispersed in the
chemically stable, has some affinity, and is resistant to corrosion and mixture. Fiber networks throughout the mixture as conditions transi-
high-temperatures. However, polymer fibers are inert and have smooth tion between agitated bundles and individuals, fibers may form loosely
surfaces, preventing them from forming covalent bonds effectively, connected clusters, providing a dense network in a relatively small

Table 3
Mechanical properties of inorganic fibers.
Fiber type Density (ɡ/ Monofilament diameter Length Tensile strength Young's modulus Ultimate elongation Melting point
m) (μm) (mm) (MPa) (GPa) (%) ( C)

Basalt fiber 2400.0 10–13 6.0 2000 85 3.1 1500

Ceramic fiber 1.8 2–3 2.0–4.0 3000 – – 1600
Glass fiber 2.5–2.7 5–8 0.3–0.6 1000–3000 65–86 3.0 500–750
Short carbon 1.7–2.0 5–7 3.0–50.0 1000 200 1.7 1000
Steel fiber 7.8 750 25.0–60.0 1035 200 – 1500

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 7. 3D model of carbon fiber bundle in CFRC (Gao et al., 2017).

volume of material. Different types of polymer fibers have different strength, high modulus of elasticity, and resistance to corrosion and
characteristics and physicochemical properties. In this section, we will abrasion. The lack of reactive groups in the molecular chain of PP fibers
focus on four types of polymer fibers that are commonly used in engi- makes them inert and chemically stable. They are widely used in engi-
neering materials. neering because of their mechanical properties and the simplicity of the
manufacturing process (Tapkin et al., 2013).
2.3.1. Classification of polymer fibers
(4) Aramid fiber (AF)
(1) Polyester fiber
AF is a polymeric organic fiber with excellent physical and chemical
As an organic fiber among polymer fibers, polyester fiber has the properties like heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance, high modulus,
advantages of low moisture absorption, high chemical stability, bending extremely high strength, and are lightweight. An aromatic ring and an
elasticity, elongation and easy mixing (Nonato and Bonse, 2016; Usman amide bond form the polymer backbone, the N atom and carbonyl group
and Masirin, 2019). As the PET molecular groups in the polyester fiber of each repeating unit of the amide group are directly connected to the C
are rigid, they award the fiber with high melting point and remain stable atom in the aromatic ring and replace one of the H atoms in the polymer
without any prominent deformation, shrinkage, or softening in a tem- fiber is called aromatic polyamide fiber, i.e., AFs Aramid is a high-
perature range of 40  C–255  C. Furthermore, in this temperature range, performance fiber with excellent overall performance, the largest pro-
the fiber exhibit high flexibility which plays key role in its applications in duction volume and the widest range of applications. It occupies an
asphalt concrete due to the great compatibility with asphalt. important position among high-performance fibers and is widely used in
(2) Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber
2.3.2. Mechanical properties of polymer fibers
PAN fibers are monosubstituted alkene copolymers with a C–C The mechanical properties of different polymer fibers are quite
backbone formed by the free radical or negative on initiated polymeri- different, Table 4 lists polymer fiber types, fiber number, density,
zation, in which alpha-C and an N atom are linked to form a cyano group monofilament diameter, length, tensile strength, Young's modulus, ulti-
and R is a non-cyano functional group. As a result, these acrylonitrile mate elongation. The mechanical properties of polymer fibers are shown
fibers have high strength and modulus, as well as acid and alkali resis- in Table 4.
tance, corrosion resistance, chemical stability and good dispersibility,
and are widely used in civil engineering (Wei et al., 2010). 3. Different kinds of fibers applied in asphalt binders and
(3) Polypropylene (PP) fiber
Asphalt pavements, as a type of flexible pavement without joints,
PP fibers are excellent organic fibers with a low price and good offer wear resistance, smoothness, lower dust, vibration, reduced noise
toughness. They are the lightest of all organic synthetic fibers, with high and high driving comfort, aesthetics, short construction time, easy

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 4
Mechanical properties of AFs.
Fiber Fiber model Density (ɡ/ Monofilament Length (mm) Tensile strength Young's modulus Ultimate Melting point
type m) diameter (μm) (MPa) (GPa) elongation (%) ( C)

PET – 1.36 20 6.00, 9.00, 500 – 25.0–45.0 9.4

PAN Dolanit-10 1.18 16–18 6.00, 11.00, 800–950 16.0–19.0 9.0–11.0 –
RICEM 1.18 12–16 6.00 800–900 20.0–23.0 9.0–10.0 –
PP Polypropylene membrane 0.90 48–62 19.00–50.00 480–660 3.5–4.8 15.0–20.0 –
split fiber
Polypropylene 0.91 26–62 19.00 300–520 3.5 15.0–18.0 –
monofilament fiber
AF Bonfix 900.00 30, 40 0.95 260 2.2 15.0 –
Spectra-900 – – 0.97 2600 120.0 3.5 –

Table 5 Table 6
Technical requirements for wood fibers. Technical requirements for mineral fibers.
Fiber type Project requirement Technical Fiber type Project requirement Technical
requirement requirement

Flocculent wood 0.15 mm mass passing rate (%) 60–80 Flocculent mineral Average length (mm) 6
fiber Ash content (%) 13–23 fiber Average diameter (μm) 5
PH 6.5–8.5 Slag ball content (0.15 mm) (%) 20
Oil absorption rate (times) 5–9 0.15 mm mass passing rate (%) 60  10
Water content (%) 5 0.15 mm pass rate increase value 22
Mass loss (210  C, 1 h) (%) 6, and no (%)
burning Oil absorption rate (times) 2.0
Wood fiber content (%) 85 Density (g/cm3) 2.600
Maximum length (mm) 6 Water content (%) 1.0
Average length Actual test Mass percentage of flocculent 20
Density Actual test fibrous mass (%)
Granulated wood Particle diameter (mm) 4.0  1.0a, 6.5  Bunch mineral fiber Length Average value 6, 9, 12
fiber 1.0b (mm)
Particle length (mm) 16a,b Deviation (%) 10
Ash content (%) 12–22 Diameter Average value (μm) 16
Mass loss (210  C, 1 h) (%) 6, and no Deviation (%) 10
burning Fracture strength (MPa) 1000
Water content (%) 5 Elongation at break (%) 2.0–3.0
Loose square density(kg/m3) 350–550 Retention of fracture strength 85
Density Actual (%)
measurement Oil absorption rate (times) 0.5
Wood fiber after heat Oil absorption 4–8 Density (g/cm3) 2.600
extraction (times) Water content (%) 0.2
Wood fiber 85
content (%)
Maximum length 6 cracking of asphalt mixtures can be improved by adding fibrous materials
Average length Actual (Lee et al., 2015). The addition of fibers can improve the microscopic
properties of the matrix asphalt to make up for the low temperature
Note: brittleness and poor tensile properties of the asphalt mixture. Fibers
means diameter specification 4.0 mm. provide additional tensile strength to the asphalt mixture material and
means diameter specification 6.5 mm. increase the strain energy absorption of the mixture, thereby inhibiting
crack formation and propagation (Mahrez and Yati, 2003).
According to the transport industry standard JT/T 533-2020, the
maintenance and repair, and can be renovated and recycled in phases
technical specific requirements for the use of different fibers in asphalt
(Sidess and Uzan, 2009). Therefore, asphalt pavement is commonly
pavements are shown in Tables 5–7. In this section, three types of fibers
applied for motorways, principal roads, and urban expressways both
are described for use in asphalt and its mixtures, and the mechanisms of
at home and abroad. With the development of technology and econ-
action and problems in their application are analyzed according to the
omy, transportation sector has expanded correspondingly. The in-
different types of fibers.
crease in the number of vehicles has led to an increasing traffic load
and pavements are prone to damage such as cracking, potholes, per-
manent deformation and surface wear (Hou et al., 2018; Sha et al., 3.1. Natural plant fiber modified asphalt binders and mixtures
Due to the weak asphalt tension, pavement fatigue cracking is a main Recently, the addition of environmentally friendly natural fibers to
problem that often occurs in asphalt concrete. Currently, the modified prepare modified asphalt has become popular among researchers. Nat-
bitumen and additives are new asphalt pavement materials that effec- ural fibers have a microscopic multi-layer thick-walled cavity structure,
tively improve the durability of asphalt pavements, including SBS, SBR, where the cavity can absorb asphalt components, and most of the fiber
diatomaceous earth, fibers and other additives (Shu et al., 2017; Xu and surface has an irregular corrugated texture, as shown in Fig. 8, which can
You, 2015; Ye et al., 2009). Fibers act as adsorption, stabilization and form a mechanical interlocking with the asphalt. Plant fiber surface is
reinforcement in asphalt-based composites, largely increasing the rich in hydroxyl groups, which can form hydrogen bonds with asphalt
load-bearing capacity of asphalt pavements (Gu et al., 2014). It has been (Cui, 2020), which in turn can improve the molecular toughness of
reported that the resistance to permanent deformation and fatigue asphalt and enhances its low-temperature stability.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 7 mechanical properties, jute can be used as a suitable raw material for
Technical requirements for polymer fibers. asphalt cover geotextile products (Ghosh and Rao, 2020). This approach
Fiber type Project requirement Technical requirement is quite economical and environmentally friendly and maintains and
constructs low volume roads (Ghosh and Rao, 2020).
Aramid fiber Length Average value (mm) 6–12
Deviation (%) 10
Diameter Average value (μm) 8–15 3.1.2. Coconut fiber
Deviation (%) 10 Coconut fiber is a purely natural product derived from coconut shells,
Fracture strength (MPa) 2600 with high cellulose and little hemicellulose contents. Therefore, coconut
Elongation at break (%) 1.4
Density (g/cm3) 1.430  0.050
shell fiber has excellent mechanical properties, moisture resistance and
Curl fiber content (%) 3 heat resistance (Abiola et al., 2014). Mature coir fibers contain more
Polypropylene fiber Length Average value (mm) 10–38a,b lignin and less cellulose, making coir fibers mechanically stronger and
Deviation (%) 10a,b waterproof (Wang et al., 2020a).
Diameter Average value (μm) 15–35a
Haryati et al. (2019) studied the effect of coir and coconut fiber on
Deviation (%) 10a
Fracture strength (MPa) 270a, 350b stability and rutting resistance of porous asphalt mixes. During their
Elongation at break (%) 8.0a,b applications in asphalt modification, they are first immersed in sodium
Density (g/cm3) 0.910  0.040a,b hydroxide solution for chemical treatment and then mixed into the
Curl fiber content (%) 3a,b asphalt mix. The results showed that the incorporation of 10% coconut
Melting point 160a,b
Polyester fiber Length Average value (mm) 19–38
shell and 0.3% coconut fiber can considerably improve the stability and
Deviation (%) 10 rutting resistance of asphalt mixes. Kiran Kumar and Ravitheja (2019)
Diameter Average value (μm) 10–20 studied the effect of natural fiber additives (coconut shell fiber, sisal fiber
Deviation (%) 10 and banana fiber) on the properties of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) blends.
Fracture strength (MPa) 450
The optimum fiber addition was deduced to be 0.3% of all fiber blends
Elongation at break (%) 20
Density (g/cm3) 1.360  0.050 (Fig. 9(a)–(c)) as found by Marshall testing and indirect tensile strength
Curl fiber content (%) 3 testing of SMA blends. Compared to other fibers, the coir fibers stabilized
Melting point ( C) 240 with SMA exhibited higher elasticity and splitting resistance as shown in
Note: Fig. 9(d) and (e), while coir fibers realized higher resistance to
means polypropylene monofilament fiber. moisture-induced damage (Fig. 9(f)).
means polypropylene mesh fiber.
3.1.3. Sisal fiber
3.1.1. Jute fiber Sisal fiber is a tropical hard leaf fiber crop with tough fiber texture,
As jute is biodegradable, it is susceptible to natural degradation and wear-resistant, salt and alkali resistance, and corrosion resistance. Sisal
failure with the course of use and time. Banerjee and Ghosh (2010) fibers will not only absorb debris, water or moisture, but also show good
studied the mechanical behavior of jute in asphalt, and protected the jute sound absorption effect and hence its addition to asphalt improves the
by covering it with asphalt, thus reducing the biodegradability of the durability, and strength, and prevents drainage (Kiran Kumar and Rav-
fiber. After 6 months of wet treatment, it was found that there still existed itheja, 2019).
strong interfacial bond between asphalt and jute, which can provide Ramalingam et al. (2017) evaluated the application of sisal fibers in
some protection for jute fiber. Das and Banerjee (2013) studied the improving the performance of asphalt mixes. Four lengths and contents
applicability of jute-asphalt composites in road construction. It was of sisal fibers were added to asphalt mixes and their effects on the sta-
observed that the degree of encapsulation and anchoring of bitumen bility, flow performance and void fraction of asphalt concrete were
determine the tensile properties of the composites, and jute-asphalt studied. The results showed that a small amount of sisal fibers improved
composite exhibited higher strength, hence can effectively limit road the fatigue and moisture resistance of asphalt concrete, and the optimum
cracking and biodegradation. Reflection cracking is a major problem in fiber amount and length were 0.05% (weight of aggregate) and 15 mm,
hot mix asphalt overlays. The use of geotechnical synthetic layer between respectively. Sisal fiber as a waterproof natural fiber, can replace the
the old pavement and the new cover layer can effectively reduce reflec- traditional cellulose fiber in SMA and asphalt concrete as a stabilizer.
tion cracks, and as a natural and environmentally friendly fiber with good Debashish (Kar et al., 2019) found that the addition of 0.3% sisal fibers to

Fig. 8. SEM images of plant fibers (Amiandamhen et al., 2020; Kar et al., 2019; Khalil et al., 2012).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 9. Tensile strength of SMA with different fibers. (a) ITS for coir fiber. (b) ITS for sisal fiber. (c) ITS for banana fiber. (d) ITS unconditioned. (e) ITS conditioned. (f)
Tensile strength ratio (Kiran Kumar and Ravitheja, 2019).

a mixture of fly ash as filler significantly improved the mechanical has a certain mechanical strength, so it is meaningful to apply bagasse
properties of both SMA and BC mixtures, thereby effectively utilizing fiber in road engineering. Zhang (2020) selected three chemical reagents
natural fibers and fly ash. and five modification methods for the chemical modification of bagasse
fibers. It was found that the mechanical properties of the modified fibers
3.1.4. Bagasse fiber were enhanced, and the tensile strength was enhanced four times that of
Bagasse fiber is a waste product of sugar industry and has a corru- the original fibers, while the heat resistance and oil absorption of the
gated surface and an irregular inner cavity. The fiber form is good and fibers were also improved. At 3% fiber admixture, there is a significant

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 10. Bamboo fiber. (a) Reaction between melamine, formaldehyde and BF. (b) SEM image of fractured-surface of direct tensile tests of unmodified BFs/asphalt
mixture specimens. (c) SEM image of fractured-surface of direct tensile tests of modified BFs/asphalt mixture specimens (Yu et al., 2021).

improvement on the high temperature deformation resistance of asphalt. 3.1.6. Summary

Li et al. (2020b) reported that the addition of bagasse fibers to asphalt This section describes the use of natural fibers in asphalt, and
mixes can greatly improve the high temperature stability and low tem- Table 8 shows the advantages and potential drawbacks that can result
perature crack resistance of the mixes. Compared to lignin, bagasse fiber from the application of several different natural fibers in asphalt as
is more thermally stable, but less adsorptive. Mansor et al. (2018) added described above. These results indicate that economical and environ-
0.3% dose of bagasse fiber as a stabilizer to asphalt mixes and found that mentally friendly natural fibers have great potential to modify asphalt
the high temperature leakage of asphalt was only 0.02% and the rutting properties.
depth of asphalt mixes decreased by 16%. This indicated that bagasse
fiber enhances the high temperature properties of asphalt. To improve
3.2. Inorganic fiber modified asphalt binders and mixtures
the recycling rate of bagasse fiber, it can be further developed by
modified fiber in the future.
Asphalt pavements are the most widely used in pavement construc-
tion, but they are prone to deformation and damage under heavy loads
3.1.5. Other natural fibers
and high temperatures. At the same time water damage, aging and
Bamboo fiber (BF) is a kind of cellulose fiber extracted from bamboo,
fractures shorten the service life of asphalt pavements (Wang et al.,
with the advantages of low cost, renewable and high strength. BFs can
enhance the performance of asphalt composites, however, the high-water
The current methods of reinforcement for asphalt pavements mainly
absorption properties of BF make it poorly adherent to asphalt. Yu et al.
include the incorporation of additives such as polymers and fibers, but the
(2021) modified the surface of BFs by synthesizing melamine-
process and cost of preparing polymers limit their use in reinforcing
formaldehyde copolymers grafted to the hydroxyl groups, as shown in
asphalt pavements. In contrast, there is considerable scope for the use of
Fig. 10. It was found that the modified BF formed a strong adhesion with
fibers in asphalt pavements due to their excellent reinforcement effect and
the asphalt and hence improved the stability and tensile strength of the
the ease of preparation. Inorganic fibers are mainly composed of minerals
asphalt mixture.
and have high strength and low density (Qin et al., 2018; Ziari et al., 2020).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 8
Advantages and potential drawbacks of natural fibers in asphalt.
Natural fiber type Advantage Dosage (%) Potential drawback

Jute fiber Improved fracture resistance of warm mix 0.30 Biodegradability (Banerjee and Ghosh,
asphalt (Mansourian et al., 2016). 2010).
Provides proper modulus, tensile strength

and rutting resistance for asphalt mixes
(Banerjee and Ghosh, 2010).
Coir fiber Enhance the stability and rutting resistance 10% of coconut shell replacement High fiber content (over 0.3%) can cause
of asphalt mixes (Haryati et al., 2019). and 0.3% of coconut fiber coagulation (Kiran Kumar and Ravitheja,
Asphalt mixes have high elasticity, higher 0.30 2019).
splitting resistance, and coconut fiber has
higher resistance to moisture loss (Kiran
Kumar and Ravitheja, 2019).
Sisal fiber Can improve the fatigue and moisture 0.05 –
resistance of asphalt concrete (Ramalingam
et al., 2017).
Higher tensile strength of SMA mixes with 0.30
better resistance to moisture damage at any
temperature (Kar et al., 2019).
Bamboo fiber The modified bamboo fiber improves the 0.20 High water absorption, poor adhesion to
stability and tensile strength of the asphalt asphalt (Yu et al., 2021).
mixture (Yu et al., 2021).
Bagasse fiber Improves the high temperature 3.00 Less absorbent than lignin (Li et al.,
deformation resistance of asphalt (Zhang, 2020b).
Can improve the high temperature stability 3.00
and low temperature crack resistance of the
mixture (Li et al., 2020b).

In recent years, various types of inorganic fibers, mainly basalt, investigated the effect of basalt fibers on the performance of asphalt
ceramic, carbon, steel and glass fibers, have been investigated to improve mixes from the perspective of water stability. At the same time, poly-
the roadworthiness of asphalt pavements (Xu et al., 2010; Xue and Qian, mer/mineral fiber composite modifications are also gaining attention
2016). and their properties are gradually being studied (Xu et al., 2013).
Xiang's research showed that the coupling modified basalt fiber and
3.2.1. Basalt fiber asphalt slurry wettability, strong adhesion, surface asphalt slurry film
In the 1990s, the first asphalt roads incorporating basalt fibers were thickness, and fiber mechanical properties play a significant role. The
paved with good pavement performance in the U.S. The research of Hao asphalt slurry tensile strength, shear strength, elastic recovery rate, and
and Hao (2014) showed that the dynamic stability of basalt fiber mix- softening point were significantly increased. Similarly, the asphalt slurry's
tures was excellent and their addition significantly improved the high low temperature cracking, high-temperature shear resistance, fatigue per-
temperature performance of the asphalt mixes. formance and self-healing ability were greatly improved (Xiang et al., 2016).
Zhu et al. (2020) found that the road performance of diatomaceous
earth-basalt fiber composite modified asphalt mixes was excellent, and 3.2.2. Ceramic fiber
the addition of diatomaceous earth and basalt fiber improved the high Ceramic fiber is a high-performance fiber integrated with advanced
temperature performance of asphalt mixes, low-temperature crack technology, and the research area mainly focuses on the high heat
resistance, increased fatigue life, and improved water stability to some resistance and chemical resistance, and the production process is more
extent. complicated (Pfeifer et al., 2016). The weight ratio of ceramic fibers
Wang (2013) found that comparing with other fibers, basalt fibers added to the asphalt binder was varied in the study by Wan et al. (2016).
exhibit excellent mechanical properties, large specific surface area, and The addition of ceramic fibers increased the stability and high temper-
good aging resistance, which show significant advantages in the appli- ature resistance of asphalt binder, and also enhanced the composite shear
cation of asphalt pavements. By SEM test, it was found that basalt fibers modulus (Wan et al., 2016).
added into the matrix asphalt and fiber contact surface can be seen on Arabani and Shabani (2019) prepared ceramic fiber modified asphalt
the asphalt has a good infiltration of fibers, and then enhance the bond binder with different contents and performed various tests. It was found
between the two, thereby improving the viscosity of the asphalt slurry, that the use of ceramic fibers reduced the low-temperature crack resis-
inhibit the flow of asphalt, and reduce the chances of cracking (Yan tance of asphalt binder to some extent, which not only maintained the
et al., 2019). Cheng et al. (2017) found that basalt fiber composite crack resistance of the binder but also improved its high-temperature
modified asphalt mixes significantly improved the mechanical proper- performance.
ties of the mixes when rutting inhibitors were used alone. Basalt fiber Low temperature cracking of asphalt pavement occurs under the in-
composite with rutting inhibitor significantly improved the road per- fluence of extremely cold weather and cold climate. Yalghouzaghaj et al.
formance of asphalt mixtures. Guo et al. (2018a) and Qin et al. (2016) (2020) reported that 0.4% ceramic fiber by weight of asphalt improved
showed that basalt fibers can form a dense mesh structure in asphalt, the three parameters affecting asphalt fracture and further reduced the
which in turn can disperse the stress and improve the overall strength, low temperature cracking of modified asphalt.
and has a good crack resistance. He and Zuo (2020) showed that
basaltic mineral fibers can significantly enhance the low-temperature 3.2.3. Glass fiber
performance of asphalt. Glass fiber is an inorganic fiber with high tensile strength, relatively
Hao et al. (2011) investigated the performance of asphalt mixtures good resistance to high temperatures, fatigue performance and water
modified with basalt fibers, which improved the high-temperature per- stability which are important performance indicators of asphalt mixtures
formance and low-temperature crack resistance of asphalt mixtures, (Luo et al., 2019). Shen et al. (2019) investigated the enhancement of
along with a significant increase in fatigue resistance. Tang et al. (2008) high temperature performance, low-temperature crack resistance, and

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

water stability of asphalt mixes by indoor tests, and the results showed fiber can significantly improve the road performance of the drainage
that the addition of glass fibers significantly improved the performance of asphalt mixture.
asphalt mixes, and the best performance was obtained at 0.2% of glass Cai (2019) and Zhu (2007) investigated the effect of glass fibers in the
fibers. Guo et al. (2015) investigated the composite effect of glass fibers road performance of asphalt mixtures and experimental findings revealed
and diatomaceous earth on asphalt mixes through indoor tests, using that the addition of an appropriate amount of glass fiber can significantly
glass fibers to improve the adverse effect of diatomaceous earth on the improve the road performance of asphalt pavement. Morea and Zerbino
low-temperature properties of asphalt mixes. Qu and Yu (2011) reported (2018) concluded that the incorporation of glass fibers in asphalt mixes
the enhanced performance of glass fiber modified asphalt concrete based resulted in enhanced low temperature, medium temperature cracking resis-
pavement by field testing of the performance of the modified mixture, tance of the mixes and a significant improvement in rutting resistance. Fig. 11
which effectively reduced rutting and improved the high temperature shows a comparison of the toughness of asphalt concrete at 0  C and 10  C.
stability of green pavement. Morea and Zerbino (2018) investigated the Guo et al. (2015) prepared a glass fiber and diatomaceous earth
effect of glass fibers in asphalt mixes and found that glass fibers improved compound modified asphalt mixture using the anti-cracking property of
the fracture behavior and high temperature rutting of asphalt mixes. glass fiber itself, which solved the problem of low temperature cracking
Because of the presence of glass fibers, the performance of the asphalt of diatomaceous earth modified asphalt mixture. Najd et al. (2005)
mixture is improved due to the change in the bonding structure between applied the concepts of fracture potential and critical stress intensity
the aggregate and asphalt when the mixture is loaded, attributed to the factor to study the cracking resistance of asphalt pavement when adding
change in the load spreading and confinement (Yoo and Kim, 2015). asphalt surface layer on cracked asphalt pavement. They concluded that
Gao et al. (2020) showed that the high viscous drainage asphalt the introduction of glass fibers improved the high temperature defor-
mixture with 0.2% glass fiber doping has good high temperature per- mation of asphalt concrete and improved the stability of the mix. How-
formance, and the glass fiber doping of 0.4% has good cracking resistance ever, the addition of excessive fibers in asphalt mixture will make the
and water stability in low and medium temperatures. The glass fiber mineral powder dispersed in asphalt fibers, resulting in the incomplete
content of 0.2% of the matrix drainage asphalt mixture has excellent high compacting of the asphalt fibers, thereby detrimentally affecting the
temperature stability, low and medium temperature crack resistance and properties of the composite mix. Therefore, it is important to determine
excellent water stability. So it can be concluded that the addition of glass the optimum amount of fiber in asphalt mixes.

Fig. 11. Comparison of flexural toughness of asphalt concrete. (a) T ¼ 0  C, CMOD ¼ 1 mm. (b) T ¼ 0  C, CMOD ¼ 3 mm. (c) T ¼ 10  C, CMOD ¼ 1 mm. (d) T ¼ 10  C,
CMOD ¼ 3 mm (Morea and Zerbino, 2018).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 12. Chemical demonstration of microwave repair mechanism of carbon fiber modified asphalt mixes (Wang et al., 2016).

3.2.4. Carbon fiber fiber modified asphalt mixture repair with the help of microwave.
Carbon fibers are composed of carbon, which is highly compatible Liu and Wu (2011) found that graphite and carbon fiber modified
with asphalt (as it is composed of hydrocarbons), and the high tensile asphalt concrete can effectively self-monitor strain through indirect
properties of carbon fibers themselves will also have a positive impact on tensile experiments, and with the increase of carbon fiber content
the fatigue and deformation of asphalt (Abtahi et al., 2010). Wang et al. asphalt concrete stability was improved and electrical properties were
(2016) investigated the physical properties and microwave repair per- improved with graphite mixture modification. Similarly, Khattak et al.
formance of carbon fiber modified asphalt mixes, and the thermal con- (2012) concluded that carbon nanofiber modified asphalt mixes
ductivity increased while electrical resistivity decreased with increasing improved the composite shear modulus and fatigue life of the mixes.
the fiber content. The original fracture strength of a small number of Pirmohammad et al. (2020) conducted fracture tests on carbon fiber
carbon fiber modified asphalt mixes was maintained or reduced. How- reinforced asphalt concrete in two hybrid modes. In terms of type I
ever, beyond certain contents, the addition of carbon fiber increased the fracture toughness, carbon fiber reinforced the asphalt concrete by
original fracture strength. Fig. 12 illustrates the mechanism of carbon 42%.

Fig. 13. Lustration of fibers (Ctin, 2014).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 9
Performance enhancement of different inorganic fiber modifications in asphalt.
Anti-fatigue Rutting Thermal Viscoelasticity Low temperature fracture Dosage Reference
performance resistant stability property (%)

Basalt fiber ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 0.2–0.4 Hao and Hao (2014), Wang

✔ – – – ✔ Zhu et al. (2020)
– ✔ – ✔ ✔ Xiang et al. (2016)
Ceramic – ✔ – – – 3.0 Arabani and Shabani (2019)
Glass fiber – ✔ ✔ – – 0.2 Shen et al. (2019)
✔ ✔ – – ✔ 0.3 Guo et al. (2015)
Carbon fiber ✔ – ✔ – – 0.2 Khattak et al. (2012), Liu and Wu
Steel fiber ✔ – – – – 1.0 Ctin Jasani et al. (2018)
✔ – – ✔ – 0.1 Ctin (2014)

3.2.5. Steel fiber concrete is increased by 10%. Lee et al. (2015) studied the compression
In recent years, relying on the excellent performance of steel fibers, behavior of concrete reinforced with end hook steel fibers. The results
the addition of steel fibers imparts electrical conductivity to the mix and show that the compressive strength is affected by the degree of
its reinforcing effect is studied. The application of steel fibers in asphalt is compaction when casting cylinders. However, it is suggested that in
gaining greater attention (Park et al., 2015). It is proved that adding steel order to obtain an increase in compressive strength, horizontal
fibers is an effective way to improve the low temperature crack resistance compaction when placing cubes or cylinders must be considered, as it
of asphalt concrete by adding different types of steel fibers. will also affect the compressive strength.
Ctin (2014) studied the physical and mechanical properties of
fiber-reinforced asphalt hot mixture and found that with the different 3.2.6. Summary
content of steel fiber, the Marshall stability and flow of asphalt mixture As can be seen in Table 9, Inorganic fiber can improve the mechanical
are improved. It is also proved that short steel fibers play a positive role in properties of asphalt such as rutting resistance. Basalt fiber and ceramic
the wear-resistant layer and bonding layer of flexible pavement (Fig. 13). fiber are widely used in modified asphalt, which can significantly
Steel fiber also plays an important role in improving the thermal improve the high temperature performance and viscoelasticity of asphalt.
conductivity of asphalt binder, and is of great significance in improving Glass fiber has low price and excellent performance and can improve the
the urban heat island effect. Du et al. (2021) used hook steel fiber (ch-sf) bonding structure in the mixture thereby improving the stability of
and long serrated steel fiber (ls-sf) to improve the thermal conductivity of asphalt. On the other hand, carbon fiber has excellent comprehensive
asphalt mixture. When the steel fiber content is less than 1.0%, the properties, but the price is too high, which somewhat hinders its wide-
thermal conductivity of ch-sf asphalt mixture is higher than that of ls-sf spread applications.
asphalt mixture while the revise order was true at steel fiber content of
more than 1.5% regardless of the degree of compaction. These results 3.3. Polymer fiber modified asphalt binders and mixtures
show that steel fiber can improve the thermal conductivity of asphalt
mixture regardless of the content. When choosing different dosage, The application of polymer fibers originated in the 1980s and is
different steel fibers show different properties. widely used in the construction of pavements of all grades, where the
Jasani et al. (2018) studied the strength of steel fiber and recycled reinforcing effect in asphalt is predominant, forming a strong network
aggregate in cement concrete. Experimental results showed that the structure with high thermal stability (Chen and Xu, 2010).
compressive strength of recycled aggregate completely replacing natural
aggregate in concrete is reduced by 2.36%. Since the amount of steel 3.3.1. Polyester fiber
fiber in concrete mixture is between 0.5% and 2.0%, thus, 1.0% steel In China, the applications of asphalt with polyester fiber started quite
fiber is added into concrete, and the compressive strength of hardened late, and a large number of successful engineering practices show that

Fig. 14. ITS/toughness values for all blends (Anurag et al., 2009).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 15. Fatigue parameters of asphalt mixture at 15  C (Ye et al., 2009).

polyester fiber mixed into the asphalt concrete can effectively improve damage resistance of the mixes by splitting strength test and residual
and enhance the water stability, high temperature performance and other Marshall stability.
services of the pavement surface with minimal issues of cracking, rutting On one hand, PAN fibers do not easily establish mechanically locked
and other road damages. interaction with asphalt due to their smooth surface, while on the other
Anurag et al. (2009) investigated the indirect tensile strength of hand, their low reactivity leads to weak non-covalent bond adsorption
asphalt concrete with waste polyester fibers, and the results are shown in with asphalt, which resulted in weak interfacial interaction with asphalt,
Fig. 14, indicating that polyester fibers can effectively improve the tensile and fiber pullout and interfacial debonding mainly occurred upon
strength, toughness and Marshall stability of asphalt concrete. Ye et al. exposure to external pressure. By constructing a bionic multi-layered
(2009) investigated the dynamic response and fatigue performance. The brick mud structure on PAN fibers, as shown in Fig. 18, Xing et al.
use of fiber modifiers increased the fatigue resistance of asphalt mixes as (2022) achieved higher viscoelastic performance, thermal stability per-
determined from the fatigue test results. As shown in Fig. 15, polyester formance and rutting resistance of the fibers to SBS modified bitumen,
fibers exhibited higher fatigue improvement on the asphalt mix which is of great significance for practical highway engineering appli-
compared to cellulose and mineral fibers. cations. Su et al. (2019) modified PAN by dopamine self-polymerization
Raw polyester (PET) fibers have the disadvantage of having a smooth and their results in Fig. 19 indicate that the viscoelasticity and defor-
surface and no chemical activity, which causes difficulties in their mation resistance of the modified fiber-based asphalt were improved. Li
application in modified asphalt (Meng et al., 2021). Therefore, surface et al. (2020b) found that polydopamine (PDA) bionic coating and KH570
modification of PET fibers was carried out to prepare new modified PET composite modified PAN fibers as auxiliary modifiers which enhanced
fibers, which were then used as modifiers for the preparation of the mechanical properties of the composite modified asphalt. As shown
fiber-modified asphalt (MA). PET fibers or vinyl dendrimers-PET in Fig. 20, the hydrophobicity of the modified PAN increased, and the
(VTDP-PET) fibers were blended as additives with PDA and KH570 composites successfully adhered to the PAN surface,
styrene-butadiene-styrene modified asphalt to make the fibers/SBSMAs enhancing the adhesion of the SBS modified asphalt thereby improving
(SBSMA). PET/SBSMA outperformed PET/SBSMA in terms of flow the mechanical properties of asphalt.
resistance, viscoelasticity, rutting, and thermal stability. Meng et al.
(2021) used UV-induced “thiol-ene click reaction” to prepare hyper- 3.3.3. Polypropylene fiber
branched PETs called VTDP-PET fibers by coupling the covalent bonds of The addition of PP fibers to asphalt improves its roadworthiness by
terminal VTDP and PET fibers, as shown in Fig. 16. PET fibers or preventing permanent deformations such as fatigue, rutting and low-
VTDP-PET fibers were used as additives in the fiber/SBSMAs, and it was temperature cracking. PP fibers can limit cone penetration and
discovered that VTDP-PET/SBSMA had better thermal stability, rutting improve the asphalt slurry's softening point, and with increased fiber
resistance, flow resistance, and viscoelasticity than PET/SBSMA. By content (Tapkin et al., 2009).
using a chelating reaction and a Schiff base reaction. Li et al. (2021a) Tapkin et al. (2009) conducted tests on Marshall stability and flow
made biomimetic Fe3O4-PET modified fibers and Fe3O4-chitosan through specimens made from various types of PP fibers and waste PP
(CS)-PET modified fibers. Improved dispersion of the modified polyester fibers, which were effective in increasing the Marshall stability and
fiber in the base asphalt, as illustrated in Fig. 17. Marshall quotient, as shown in Fig. 21. Tapkin et al. (2013) also compared
the mechanical differences of PP modified asphalt mixes with different
3.3.2. PAN fiber contents by using a universal testing machine and standard physical
Due to its superior mechanical properties, chemical stability, high- properties, Marshall stability and flow analysis for static creep tests using
temperature resistance, good adsorption effect and large specific sur- Superpave rotary compaction method with reference. It was found that the
face area, PAN fibers with a length of 6 mm and a diameter of 10 μm are addition of PP fiber improves the physical and mechanical properties of the
usually used in asphalt pavements (Su, 2020). It not only acts as a sta- substance and has an advantage in improving the permanent deformation,
bilizing agent, but also improves the structure of the asphalt colloid and and that the optimum amount of PP fibers added as described above was
acts as a reinforcement, and has been widely used in engineering. the same as the results of previous Marshall compaction tests.
Carios et al. (2020) found that the incorporation of PAN fibers into Brick aggregate asphalt is used as a paving material because good ag-
asphalt mastic helped to improve the low-temperature fracture proper- gregates are not available in many locations, though the brick aggregate
ties of the asphalt mastic through indirect tensile testing. Yao et al. strength needs to be enhanced. To reduce the optimized asphalt use content
(2011) tested the rheological properties of PAN fiber modified asphalt and improve by reducing the absorption of asphalt by slag aggregates, it is
and mixes incorporated with polyacrylon. Song et al. (2011) found that imperative to increase the viscosity of asphalt or reduce the effective surface
PAN fibers incorporated into the mixes significantly improved the water of slag aggregates. The use of PP fibers is one of the methods to reinforce the

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 16. SEM images showing morphological changes of polyester (PET) fibers after surface modification. (a) PET fiber. (b) SH-PET fiber. (c) Vinyl terminated
dendritic polyester (VTDP)-PET fiber. (d) Energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis of VTDP-PET fibers (Meng et al., 2021).

asphalt mixture. Zachariah et al. (2018) used PP modified asphalt for the aggregate asphalt mixtures. Chen et al. (2019) reduced the optimized
test samples for modulus of elasticity, indirect tensile strength tests, and asphalt content by adding PP fibers, and the results showed that compared
creep tests, and performed the effects of temperature changes on modulus to the pure mix (i.e., SSAC specimens) was treated with 2% of 19 mm PP
of elasticity, moisture sensitivity, fatigue, and rutting tests. This study fibers to reduce the optimal asphalt content by 15%, in addition to an in-
showed that the use of PP fibers improved the performance of brick crease in indirect tensile strength and modulus of elasticity.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 17. Schematic. (a) Flow diagram. (b) Preparation of Fe3O4-PET fibers and Fe3O4-CS-PET fibers (Li et al., 2021a).

Fig. 18. Self-assembled polydopamine/polyethyleneimine (PDA/PEI) bionic pearl layer coating on PAN fiber (Xing et al., 2022).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 19. DSR test results. (a) The effect of temperature on the complex modulus (G*) of asphalt mixed with different fibers at 10 Hz. (b) The effect of temperature on
the storage modulus of asphalt mixed with different fibers at 10 Hz. (c) Effect of shear frequency on the G* of asphalt mixed with different fibers at 64  C. (d) The effect
of temperature on loss modulus of asphalt mixed with different fibers at 10 Hz (Su et al., 2019).

Nowadays, functionalized asphalts modified by PP are emerging, for AFs suffer from high chemical inertness, low dispersion, and smooth
example, by adding modified conductive PP fibers asphalts with elec- surface like other polymer fiber, however, they still can improve the
trical conductivity. Zhang et al. (2008a, b) prepared asphalts with elec- fracture resistance of asphalt (Badeli et al., 2018). Zhu et al. (2022)
trical conductivity by using polyaniline/PP composite fibers in asphalts, combined high active site PDA and strongly absorbable lipophilic octa-
where the composite fibers were used as the conductive phase. The decylamine (ODA), as shown in Fig. 23. The adhesion calculated from
electrical conductivity of the asphalt was tested in a range of 12.67 to dynamic rheological shear and tensile strength tests showed that the
6.67, and an increase of 6 orders of magnitude, and a permeability que interfacial layer of PDA-ODA polymer effectively improved the fracture
value of 1% was recorded. The model that imparts electrical conductivity resistance and mechanical properties of the asphalt.
to asphalt is called the “island-net” model. With an increased percentage
of fibers, the layout of the conductive fibers is transformed into a 3.3.5. Summary
“conductive network chain” that enhances the electrical conductivity of Polymer fibers are well reinforced in asphalt, enhancing the me-
the asphalt. chanical properties and fracture resistance of composite asphalt, which
can improve the fatigue resistance and rutting resistance of asphalt
3.3.4. AF mixtures and effectively enhance the road performance such as high and
AF is used as a toughening substance in asphalt, which effectively low temperature stability, and water resistance. However, there exist
strengthens the asphalt and enhances the mechanical properties and potential defects such as smooth surface, low reactivity and chemical
fracture resistance of the composite asphalt. inertness of fibers. As shown in Table 10 different polymer fibers added
AFs are used in advanced composites due to their ultra-high ten- to asphalt have different effects.
sile strength, modulus and cohesion (Badeli et al., 2018). Carios et al.
(2020) investigated the effectiveness of adding polyolefin/AFs and 4. Different kinds of fibers applied in cement and cement based
homopolymer PAN fiber blends to PA blends in terms of functional composite materials
and mechanical properties. The results showed that the addition of
fibers brought ductility and improved toughness to the PA blends Cementitious composites (concrete, and mortar, etc.) are one of the
while maintaining functionality, as shown in Fig. 22. most commonly used materials for constructing buildings and

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 20. SEM images under variable magnification. (a) PAN (20 μm). (b) PAN (5 μm). (c) KD-PAN (20 μm). (d) KD-PAN (5 μm) (Li et al., 2020b).

Fig. 21. Optimum asphalt content for different types and amounts of polypropylene fibers (Tapkin et al., 2009).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 22. Indirect tensile stress-strain curves of PA blends. (a) Dry condition. (b) Wet condition (Carios et al., 2020).

infrastructure. Cement has excellent mechanical properties and low cost cement mortar will be introduced, and their mechanism of action and
advantages, making it the most widely used, and important building application problems will be analyzed according to different types of
structural material. It is also widely used in industrial and civil buildings, fibers.
bridges, ports, water conservancy and other structures (Edwina et al.,
2018; Tittelboom and Belie, 2013).
Cement concrete has relatively low tensile strength and poor resis- 4.1. Natural plant fiber modified cement and cement based composite
tance to crack initiation and propagation due to its brittleness. The main materials
role of fibers used in cement concrete for highway and railway engi-
neering is to prevent and control crack initiation, and coalescence. The Cementitious composites are composed of the matrix which con-
main purpose of expansion is to improve its crack resistance and improve sists of cementitious materials, obtained through paste, mortar or
its dynamic load performance, such as improving impact resistance, concrete (Azevedo et al., 2019). Cement-based materials are highly
improving fatigue resistance, enhancing vibration resistance, etc., which fragile, so the addition of fibers can improve their tensile strength and
requires the selection of high strength, modulus, tensile strain. The ductility. Economically abundant natural fibers can act as a substitute
development of fiber-reinforced cement-based composite materials is the for synthetic fibers in cement composites. For cementitious materials,
center of improving cement performance, reducing production costs and where structural requirements are not high, plant fibers can be used to
environmental protection, and adopting sustainable development stop the cracking and crack extension of the material (Silva and Kim,
strategies. 2019).
According to the transportation industry standard JT/T524-2004,
the specific technical requirements for the use of synthetic fibers and 4.1.1. Jute fiber
steel fibers in cement pavement are shown in Tables 11 and 12. In this Islam and Ahmed (2018) evaluated the effects of jute fibers on the
section, the application of three types of fibers in cement concrete and characteristics of fresh and cured concrete. Jute fiber in two lengths and

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 23. SEM images of fiber. (a) AF (3000). (b) AF (5000). (c) AF (8000). (d) AF-polydopamine-MoS2 (3000). (e) AF-polydopamine-MoS2 (5000). (f) AF-
polydopamine-MoS2 (8000). (g) Nacre fiber (3000). (h) Nacre fiber (5000). (i) Nacre fiber (8000) (Zhu et al., 2022).

four volume contents was added to the pristine cement, and the concrete Habibunnisa et al. (2020) investigated the role of coconut shell fiber as a
was evaluated for compressive strength testing, split tensile testing, and reinforcing material in concrete. Coconut shell fibers at 0.6% and 1.2%
flexural tensile strength, which revealed that the 0.25% content of jute were incorporated into the concrete, and the compressive test, flexural
fiber has a positive effect on concrete hardening. Sultana et al. (2020) test and three-point bending test were carried out, which revealed that
developed a response surface methodology to predict and optimize the the concrete exhibited improved performance in terms of flexural, impact
variables affecting concrete properties. Three independent factors i.e., resistance, and ductility.
water to ash ratio (W/C), length and volume of jute fibers were evaluated
and it was revealed that the optimum settings were obtained for a fiber 4.1.3. Sisal fiber
length of 6 mm, a fiber volume of 0.2%, and a W/C of 0.55, which To address the degradability of sisal fibers, de Klek et al. (2020)
differed from the predicted values by 5%. chemically treated sisal fibers with sodium hydroxide, acetic acid and
acetic anhydride, to reduce the degradation of fibers, and evaluate the
4.1.2. Coconut fiber effect of chemical treatments on fiber-cement matrix interaction and
Gupta and Kumar (2019) explored the effect of silica nanoparticles fiber strength. The results showed that alkali treatment combined with
(NPs) and coconut fiber on compressive strength and abrasion resistance acetylation is the most effective in reducing impurities without
of concrete. It was found that silica and coconut shell fiber could improve destroying the fiber structure, as shown in Fig. 24. The chemical treat-
the compressive strength, and the optimal amount of coconut shell fiber ment improves the durability of fibers in concrete and improves the
and nano-silica was determined to be 0.25% and 30%, respectively. overall bending behavior. Veigas et al. (2022) investigated the protective

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 10
Performance enhancement of different polymer fiber modifications in asphalt.
Fiber Anti-fatigue Rutting Thermal Viscoelasticity Low temperature Hydrophobicity Resistance to Dosage Reference
type performance resistant stability fracture property permanent (%)

PET ✔ – – – – – – 0.4 Ye et al.

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ – – – 2.5 Meng et al.
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ – – – 1.5 Li et al.
PAN – – ✔ – ✔ – – 0.3 Carios et al.
– – – ✔ – ✔ ✔ 3.0 Su et al.
– – – ✔ – – ✔ 3.0 Li et al.
PP ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ – – 0.3 Tapkin et al.
AF ✔ ✔ – ✔ ✔ – – 0.3 Carios et al.
– – ✔ ✔ ✔ – ✔ 2.0 Zhu et al.

Table 11
The performance index of synthetic fiber.
Item Synthetic fibers for concrete Synthetic fibers for mortar

Crack-resistant fiber (HF) Toughened fiber (HZ) Crack-resistant fiber (SF)

Monofilament fiber, membranous reticular fibers Breaking strength (MPa) 350 500 270
Initial modulus (MPa) 3.0  103 5.0  103 3.0  103
Elongation at break (%) 40 30 50
Alkali resistance (%) 95.0
Breaking strength (MPa) – 400 –
Crude fiber Initial modulus (MPa) – 5.0  103 –
Elongation at break (% – 30 –
Alkali resistance (%) 95.0

effect of two types of coated polyester resins and shellac on sisal fibers. bagasse thermally to biochar to improve the hydration of cementitious
Compression, split tensile and flexural strength tests were performed in materials and investigated the thermal properties of bagasse fiber bio-
comparison to the blends without fibers, and significant improvements in char in cementitious composites. Their results show that the addition of
key strength properties were found for the modified polymers. Sabarish 4% bagasse biochar can reduce the thermal conductivity of cement ma-
et al. (2020) investigated the performance of sisal fibers in concrete terials, demonstrating the great potential of bagasse biochar as an insu-
reinforcement by compressive strength tests and flexural strength tests. It lating construction material. Bharathi et al. (2019) studied the use of
was found that the incorporation of 1.5% sisal fiber can improve the bagasse ash and bagasse fiber as a partial replacement of cement to
flexural strength of concrete, and fiber-reinforced beams bearing 420.04 produce concrete with high mechanical strength through a comparative
N/mm2 higher than conventional concrete bearing 336.032 N/mm2. study, which showed that the strength of concrete was improved after
bagasse modification, while the incorporation of 10% bagasse ash
4.1.4. Bagasse fiber resulted in better concrete flexural resistance than the incorporation of
Tian and Zhang (2013) developed green cementitious composites 10% bagasse fiber ash.
reinforced with bagasse fibers and steel fibers. In order to reduce the
degradation of bagasse fibers in the alkaline environment of cement and 4.1.5. Other natural fibers
to improve their adhesion to the cement matrix. The researchers first Banana fiber is made of banana stalks, which has the advantages of
treated bagasse fibers with alkali and then covered the fiber's surface light weight, good luster, high water absorption, antibacterial activity,
with a layer of silane. It was found that the performance of this envi- convenient degradation and environmental friendliness. Akinyemi and
ronmentally friendly composite material was similar to that of conven- Dai (2020) treated banana fibers with alkali solution for reinforcing
tional concrete. However, when the content of bagasse fiber increases to polymer modified cement paste sand. The cement material was subjected
8%, the mechanical properties of the material decrease due to the to microstructural analysis, thermal analysis and mechanical testing and
increased porosity of the matrix. Rodie et al. (2019) converted sugarcane the results showed that the composite material performs the best at ba-
nana fiber content of 1.5%.
Table 12 Pineapple fiber is a fiber extracted from the leaves of pineapples.
Technical requirements for steel fibers in cement. Azevedo et al. (2020) evaluated the potential of pineapple fibers as
Item Technical requirement reinforcing materials for cementitious composites. The pineapple fibers
Physical and Tensile strength Grade I (380–600); Grade II were treated with sodium hydroxide at a concentration of 5% and then
mechanical (fu) (600–1000); Grade III (>1000) added to the cement in different proportions, and evaluated in terms of
properties Bending 95.0 the way the fibers are incorporated, water retention, and mechanical
performance strength. The results showed that pineapple fibers treated with 5% so-
Quality deviation (%) 15
Shape pass rate (%) 90.0
dium hydroxide formed technically feasible slurry sand and hence
improved the overall performance of the final modified cement.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 24. Display of results. (a) SEM image of untreated fibers showing surface impurities present (in red circles). (b) SEM image of 6% NaOH-5% acetic anhydride
treated fibers. (c) Average fracture force for acetylated fibers (de Klek et al., 2020).

Table 13
Improvement of properties of different nature fibers in cement.
Fiber type Tensile strength Flexural strength Crack resistance Wearing resistance Compressive strength Dosage (%) Reference

Jute ✔ ✔ ✔ – ✔ 0.25 Islam and Ahmed (2018)

– ✔ – – ✔ 0.20 Sultana et al. (2020)
Coir – – – ✔ ✔ 0.25 Gupta and Kumar (2019)
✔ ✔ – – ✔ 0.60–1.20 Habibunnisa et al. (2020)
Banana – ✔ – – ✔ 1.50 Akinyemi and Dai (2020)
Pineapple ✔ ✔ ✔ – ✔ 5.00 Azevedo et al. (2020)
Sisal – ✔ – – – – de Klek et al. (2020)
✔ ✔ ✔ – ✔ 1.40 Veigas et al. (2022)
– ✔ – – ✔ – Sabarish et al. (2020)
Bagasse ✔ ✔ – – – – Tian and Zhang (2013)

4.1.6. Summary amount of fiber is selected. Jute fiber and sisal fiber can effectively aim at
As shown in Table 13, natural fiber can significantly improve the the brittleness of cement, and improve the bending resistance and crack
properties of cement-based materials. Most of the fibers can improve the resistance of the fiber modified cement. They are excellent choices for
compressive and flexural properties of cement when the appropriate modifying cement and are widely used by researchers today.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 25. Distribution of basalt fibers in the cement paste matrix. (a) Moderately well distributed. (b) Flocculent or agglomerated (Sadrmomtazi et al., 2018).

4.2. Inorganic fiber modified cement and cement based composite


Inorganic fibers can be used to improve the mechanical properties of

cementitious materials with variable effects. Studies on basalt fibers,
glass fibers, carbon fibers and steel fibers in cementitious materials are
discussed below.

4.2.1. Basalt fibers

Basalt fiber, as a high-tech road material, is of high value for utili-
zation in industrial applications and engineering, and can effectively
improve the mechanical properties of cement concrete and pavement
performance (Zheng et al., 2019). Cheng and Li (2017) studied the effect
of incorporating basalt fibers on the workability and mechanical prop- Fig. 26. Variation of splitting tensile strength of CNF/SF blended cement
erties of concrete. In terms of mechanical properties, compared with the composites with CNF loading (Sanchez and Ince 2009).
basalt fiber reinforced concrete, the flexural strength and splitting tensile
strength of basalt fiber reinforced concrete were significantly enhanced, (b) shows the distribution of basalt fibers in the cement matrix and ex-
while the compressive strength was not significantly enhanced. 17.1% plains the basalt reinforcement mechanism in cementitious matrix.
and the splitting tensile strength of 12 mm long fiber-reinforced concrete Alnahhal and Aljidda (2018) incorporated basalt fibers, and waste
can be increased by 5.4%–11.5%. recycled coarse aggregate into concrete separately and found that the
Li et al. (2012) conducted a series of impact resistance tests with 1.05, former significantly improved the flexural properties of concrete
2.10, 3.15, 4.20, 5.25 and 6.30 kg/cm3 basalt fibers in concrete, and it compared to the latter by testing the flexural properties of beam mem-
was found that the impact resistance increased and then decreased with bers. On the other hand, Zhang et al. (2017) found that the addition of
the increasing amount of basalt fibers. The impact resistance of the fibers can improve the strength of concrete and it increases with faster
concrete was the highest at 3.15 kg/cm3 dosage. When the number of loading rate, high adhesion of fibers to the concrete interface, but it
impacts was increased, the plain concrete showed brittle damage, while cannot improve the bonding properties between cementitious material
the concrete with basalt fiber showed a “plastic” nature, and its ability to and aggregate, and basalt fibers play a better role in crack resistance of
absorb impact energy was better than that of plain concrete. concrete.
Sadrmomtazi et al. (2018) and Li (2017) studied the effect of silica Deng and Xue (2009) showed that the flexural impact resistance
fume and slag and fly ash on the mechanical properties of basalt decreased when the fiber dose was 2.1 and 1.7 kg/cm3 compared with plain
fiber-reinforced cementitious composites, respectively, and the results concrete, and increased by 44% at a fiber dose of 2.8 kg/cm3 compared with
showed that the workability of concrete decreases the increase of fiber plain concrete. It is believed that the reinforcement mechanism of basalt
content, and the agglomeration of fibers in concrete occurs when the fibers is that the adhesion between fibers and concrete is good, and the fi-
fiber content is 1.5% and silica fume content is 15%. The flexural prop- bers act as a linkage at the cracks, thus inhibiting the expansion of cracks
erties of concrete increased while the compressive strength decreased and enhancing the mechanical properties of concrete.
after the addition of fibers, while the flexural strength was doubled after Zhao et al. (2018) observed the internal damage process of concrete
the addition of both fibers and silica fume, which indicates that the under freeze-thaw conditions, and the addition of basalt fibers from 0 to
addition of silica fume can enhance the mechanical properties of con- 2000 N would inhibit the internal damage and destruction of concrete,
crete. Slag fly ash can inhibit concrete cracking and can enhance flexural though minor relationship existed with the number of fibers. Wen (2017)
and splitting tensile strength in a certain range of admixture, but it has no found that the frost resistance of concrete with the addition of basalt
significant effect on enhancing the compressive strength. Fig. 25(a) and fibers became higher, while fly ash reduced the frost resistance.

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

applied the carbon fiber cement slurry to the surface of the substrate to be
bent, and sensed the change in stress by contacting the surface of the
coating. It was found that the carbon fiber reinforced cement was an
effective strain-sensing coating.
Han et al. (2016) modified the surface of carbon fibers and added
them to cement mortar after ultrasonic treatment and found that the
compressive strength of the cement mortar was significantly increased
while its original resistivity was reduced.

4.2.3. Glass fiber

The main characteristic of glass fiber is high tensile strength and
better compressive strength after adding to cementitious materials, so
short glass fiber can control crack expansion and long glass fiber can
resist macroscopic cracking (Wang et al., 2019). Subandi et al. (2019)
Fig. 27. Variation of compressive strength of CNF/SF blended cement com-
added different percentages of glass fibers to concrete and after testing
posites with CNF loading (Sanchez and Ince 2009).
and examining, it was concluded that the greater the content of glass
4.2.2. Carbon fiber fibers, the lower the slump of concrete and addition of glass fibers
Carbon fibers are excellent in tensile strength and durability, and in increased the tensile strength of concrete while the compressive strength
addition to improving mechanical properties in cementitious materials, reached its maximum at 0.25% glass fiber content. Fig. 28 shows the
they also have an impact on the resistance of composite (Reza et al., results of concrete compressive strength tests.
2004). Fu et al. (1996) used ozone treatment on the surface of CFs to Widodo et al. (2017) replaced steel fibers in reactive powder concrete
increase the bonding strength between CFs and cement matrix and with glass fibers, and the addition of glass fibers resulted in improved
improve the strain sensing ability of CFs-reinforced cement. Xu and mechanical properties of the concrete, while the modifier concrete
Chung (1999) used silane treatment on CFs and silica powder to reduce exhibited overall lower density and greater compressive strength.
the pore space in cement mortar and increase the compactness, which The study of Pichardo involved the use of glass fiber reinforced
increased the elastic modulus and tensile strength of cement mortar by polymer rods (GFRP) as an alternative to plain steel for reinforced
39% and 56%, respectively. Guan et al. (2002) explored methods to concrete circular piles to avoid corrosion of steel reinforcement dura-
improve the dispersion properties of CFs by incorporating active agents bility. A comparative analysis between piles reinforced with GFRP and
in CFs-reinforced cement mortars, treating the surface of CFs, and piles reinforced with steel was performed to assess ductility by
improving the mixing process. obtaining moment-curvature diagrams. As a result, idealized
Sanchez and Ince (2009) investigated the structure and properties of moment-curvature diagrams and ductility indices were given, yielding
hybrid carbon nanofiber/silica fume cement composites, and it was a 20% higher ductility for sections reinforced with GFRP as compared
found that the addition of silica fume promoted the dispersion of carbon to those with steel (Pichardo et al., 2020). The effect of glass fiber on
nanofibers. Each nanofiber individually embedded in the slurry forming the mechanical properties and water resistance of magnesium phos-
agglomerates with each other, while the carbon nanofibers made the phate cement mortar was studied in depth by Fang et al. (2018) The
composite pores more refined. Figs. 26 and 27 demonstrate enhanced compressive strength of cement mortar is best when the volume frac-
split tensile strength and compressive strength of this cement composite. tion of glass fiber reaches 2.5%, while the appropriate amount of glass
To monitor the performance and condition of concrete structures fiber can improve the flexural strength and water resistance of cement
during their service, appropriate monitoring techniques are required. mortar. In addition, the right amount of glass fiber can improve the
Han and Ou (2007) explored the piezoresistive properties of cementi- flexural strength and water resistance of cement mortar (Fang et al.,
tious materials and carbon black under repeated compressive loading at 2018).
different loading amplitudes under a single compressive load and found
it to be reversible and stable within an elastic scheme. 4.2.4. Steel fiber
Barros and Fortes (2005) used near-surface mount strengthening of Steel fibers are widely used in cement and have a controlling effect on
carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminated slats to double the the plastic shrinkage and drying of cement. Steel fibers of different
load-carrying capacity of concrete beams that failed in bending. shapes and sizes can effectively solve the problem of crack sensitivity and
Wen and Chung (2001) added carbon fibers to a cement slurry and brittleness of cementitious composites (Havlikova et al., 2015). Banthia

Fig. 28. Development of compressive strength of concrete (Subandi et al., 2019).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 14
Improvement of properties of different inorganic fibers in cement.
Tensile Flexural Crack Compressive Dosage (%) Reference
strength strength resistance strength

Basalt fiber – ✔ ✔ ✔ 0.30 Alnahhal and Aljidda (2018), Cheng and Li (2017), Li et al.
Carbon – – ✔ – 0.20 Sanchez and Ince (2009)
fiber ✔ – ✔ ✔ 1.10 Han et al. (2016)
Glass fiber ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 0.25–0.75 Subandi et al. (2019)
✔ ✔ – ✔ 2.00 Widodo et al. (2017)
Steel fiber – ✔ ✔ – 0.75 Banthia and Sappakittipakorn (2007)

and Sappakittipakorn mixed steel fibers of different diameters to obtain 4.2.5. Summary
hybrid composites, which improved the flexural toughness of concrete As can be seen from Table 14, inorganic fibers can significantly
(Banthia and Sappakittipakorn, 2007). improve the properties of cement like crack resistance, and brittleness of
Atis reported that the unit weight of concrete is directly proportional ordinary cement, which is attributed to the improvement of the interface
to the fiber content, and the addition of fibers led to a slight increase in between cement and coarse aggregate of inorganic fibers. Furthermore,
the frost resistance of concrete, and increase in splitting tensile strength, the carbon fiber not only improves the mechanical properties of cement,
and drying shrinkage (Atis and Okan, 2009),In addition, Wen and but also exhibits good dispersibility and a positive effect on the interfa-
Chung (2000) showed that steel fibers can enhance the Seibel effect in cial adhesion of cement-based materials.
water, which contributes to the conduction of electrons and gives the
cement a higher absolute thermoelectric power value. Further, steel fiber 4.3. Polymer fibers modified cement and cement based composite materials
added to the cement can effectively shield electromagnetic interference,
the fiber volume fraction is proportional to the shielding rate (Wen and Synthetic fibers are generally characterized by high chemical stabil-
Chung, 2004). Liew showed that the addition of recycled steel fibers ity, corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, which can
under certain conditions provided mechanical properties comparable to effectively enhance various properties of cementitious materials. How-
those of industrial steel fibers, providing a green strategy for the recycled ever, due to the smooth and inert surface, it is less compatible with
use of steel fibers (Liew and Arslan, 2020). cementitious materials. Therefore, surface modification of synthetic

Fig. 29. XRD patterns for the hydrated cement after 24 h of curing at 292  F and 3000 psi. (a) Base cement. (b) 0.25% PPF cement. (c) 0.50% PPF cement. (d) 0.75%
PPF samples (Elkatatny et al. 2020).

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 30. The influence of AF content on absorbing properties. (a) Length of the aramid fiber is 3 mm. (b) Length of the aramid fiber is 6 mm (Zhang et al., 2012).

fibers is often carried out to enhance their surface roughness and hy- To address the issue of common mortar's low flexural strength and
drophilicity, etc., to improve the bonding ability between fibers and brittleness, Jing (2015) employed PET fiber and a styrene butadiene latex
cementitious materials, thus enhancing the performance of fiber com- (SBR emulsion) composite modified mortar and discovered that adding
posite cementitious materials. PET fiber improved the composite's compressive and flexural strength at
an optimal fiber content of 0.1 vol.%. Xue and Qian (2016) studied a new
4.3.1. Polyester fiber type of perlite mortar modified with rubber powder, PET fiber and SBR
PET fiber is a synthetic fiber obtained by spinning polyester latex, and the results showed that the addition of PET fiber can effectively
condensed from organic diacid and diol. It has good chemical stability, improve the softening coefficient and frost resistance of perlite mortar.
acid resistance, alkaline resistance and microbial resistance, as well as
strong anti-erosion ability, high strength, moderate elongation, high 4.3.2. PAN fiber
modulus, good resilience, and belongs to the best comprehensive per- PAN fiber is a synthetic fiber, a hard and high melting point material
formance among soft fibers (Sun, 2006). (Rahaman et al., 2007), with excellent crack resistance and shear
Gupta et al. (2008) studied various mechanical properties and dura- strength (Yang et al., 2015).
bility of PET fiber incorporated concrete and found that the modified Zeng et al. (2020) studied the effect of PAN fiber on the mechanical
concrete possessed significantly improved compressive strength, abra- properties of lightweight aggregate concrete and found that the fiber
sion resistance and dry shrinkage, while slightly improved flexural volume fraction of 1.5% showed the best performance. Chinchillas et al.
strength. In order to evaluate the effect of different modified PET fiber (2019) studied the cement mortar containing 25% recycled fine aggre-
content on the mechanical properties of concrete, Gao et al. (2021) found gate and 0.05% PAN fiber by weight of added cement. Their results
that the optimal fiber content was 1.0 kg/m3 by comparison. showed that the addition of 0.05% PAN fiber can improve the

J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Fig. 31. Effect of AF content on the breaking strength of samples (Zhang et al., 2012).

compressive strength and flexural strength of cement. Cao et al. (2021)

analyzed the effect of polyacrylonitrile fiber on the mechanical strength
of cement fiber tailings based composite and found that the incorporation
of fiber improved its strength, stability and integrity.

4.3.3. PP fiber
PP fiber is a synthetic fiber obtained by polymerization of propylene,
which has the advantages of good strength, chemical stability and rela-
tively low cost, and is widely used to strengthen cementitious compos-
ites, though its surface chemical inertness leads to a relatively weak
bonding ability with the cement matrix (Feng et al., 2020). When com-
bined into the cement matrix, it can improve the cement matrix's tensile
and flexural strengths (Madhavi et al., 2014).
Toutanji (1999) mixed silica fume into the cement matrix to make the
matrix dense and improve the bonding ability of PP fiber to cement.
Elkatatny et al. (2020) investigated the effects of PP fiber as a supple-
mental addition on the performance of Saudi G grade cement and the
microstructure of cement rings under high temperature and
high-pressure circumstances. They reported that adding PP fibers to the
modified cement increased its strength while also shortening its thick-
ening time as shown in Fig. 29.
Yang et al. (2011) used two separate modification methods to
compare the application of PP fibers in fiber-reinforced cementitious Fig. 33. The flexural strengths of different composites (Wu et al., 2013).
composites. They reported that the modified fibers with uniform
distribution of silica NPs had excellent mechanical and crack resis- improved the interfacial adhesion of the cement matrix. Focusing on
tance properties, and the hydration activity of silica improved the improving the sulfate erosion of the cement matrix, Wu and Qiu
interfacial properties of the fiber-cement matrix. Hu and Ma (2021) (2022) applied a γ-AlOOH coating on the surface of PP fibers to
modified PP fibers with a silane coupling agent and incorporated fi- improve the surface roughness and hydrophilicity, enhance the
bers with a specific gravity of 0.6% into the cement matrix. Results bonding ability of the fiber/cement matrix interface, and then
found that the PP fibers became rough after modification, which improve the mechanical properties of the cement matrix.

Fig. 32. Effect of AF content on the compressive strength of samples (Zhang et al., 2012).
J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Table 15
Improvement of properties of different synthetic fiber in cement.
Fiber Tensile Flexural Crack Shorten the Interfacial Wear Wave absorption Corrosion Dosage Reference
type strength strength resistance thickening time interaction resistance performance resistance (%)

AF ✔ ✔ – – – – ✔ – 8.00 Zhang et al. (2012)

✔ ✔ – – – – – – 1.00 Li et al. (2021b)
✔ ✔ – – – – – – – Wu et al. (2013)
✔ ✔ ✔ – – – – – 0.10–0.30 Nie et al. (2019)
✔ ✔ ✔ – – – – – – Jongvivatsakul
et al. (2020)
PP ✔ ✔ – – – – – – – Madhavi et al.
– – – – ✔ – – – 0.30 Toutanji (1999)
✔ ✔ – ✔ – – – – 0.75 Elkatatny et al.
✔ ✔ ✔ – ✔ – – – – Yang et al. (2011)
✔ ✔ – – ✔ – – ✔ 0.60 Hu and Ma (2021)
✔ ✔ – – ✔ – – – – Wu and Qiu (2022)
PET ✔ ✔ – – – ✔ – – – Gupta et al. (2008)
✔ ✔ – – – – – – – Gao et al. (2021)
✔ ✔ – – – – – – 0.10 Jing (2015)
✔ ✔ – – – – – – – Xu et al. (2016)
PAN ✔ ✔ – – ✔ – – – 3.00 Xing et al. (2022)
✔ ✔ – – – – – – 1.50 Zeng et al. (2020)
✔ ✔ – – – – – – 0.05 Chinchillas et al.
✔ ✔ ✔ – – ✔ – – – Cao et al. (2021)

4.3.4. AF 5. Conclusions
AF is a novel high-tech synthetic fiber with exceptional strength,
modulus, and temperature resistance, as well as acid and alkali resis- This paper reviewed the application of fibers in the preparation of
tance, light weight, and other desirable characteristics, and is often used materials for asphalt, cement and other engineering fields, describing the
as a reinforcing material for cementitious composites (Saafi and Toutanji, properties of various types of fibers, including some important experi-
1998). It also possesses good insulation and anti-aging properties. mental research procedures. This review can be summarized as follows.
However, the smooth surface of AFs weakens the interfacial bond be-
tween AFs and cementitious composites (Hu and Ma, 2021). (1) According to the plant extracted parts, natural plant fibers can be
Jongvivatsakul et al. (2020) explored the effect of different AF sizes divided into bast fiber, leaf fiber, seed fiber, and stem fiber. Nat-
on the mechanical properties of cement, and found that when the fiber ural fiber has excellent mechanical properties and is an environ-
length was 40 mm, the tensile strength of cement was the highest. Nie mentally friendly and renewable resource. As a filler added to
et al. (2019) used sulfoaluminate cement to prepare cement mortar asphalt and cement concrete composites, it can compensate for the
specimens with AF volume fractions of 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3%. Through low temperature brittleness and poor tensile properties of asphalt
testing, it was found that the addition of AF improved the compressive mixes, thus improving the mechanical properties of the compos-
strength and tensile strength, tensile strain, and tensile toughness. In ites and inhibiting the expansion and formation of cracks. How-
order to solve the growing problem of electromagnetic radiation, Zhang ever, the highly absorbing properties of natural fibers affects their
et al. (2012) introduced AFs into cement to prepare cementitious com- compatibility with hydrophobic engineering materials, their
posites. The results proved that the wave absorption properties and biodegradability causes premature decomposition in alkaline
mechanical properties of the composites were better improved cement environments, and their poor dispersibility causes
Figs. 30–32. Li et al. (2021b) added AF and carbon fiber blends to con- agglomeration in composites. The current methods for modifica-
crete to study the mechanical strength of the blended fiber incorporated tion of plant fibers include mercerization, acetylation, silicon
concrete at different mix ratios. By comparison, it was reported that oxidation, etc. In the future, the improvement process of plant
mixed fiber concrete has better mechanical properties than concrete fiber can be targeted according to different use cases to enhance
mixed with only AF or carbon fiber. Wu et al. (2013) evaluated the the efficiency of plant fiber reinforced asphalt and cement
flexural strength of cementitious composites using epoxy emulsion and materials.
EVA emulsion modified AF. It shows that both modification methods (2) Inorganic fibers include basalt, carbon, ceramic, glass and steel
have good performance improvement compared to unmodified AF fibers. Inorganic fibers in asphalt and cement generally have good
composites Fig. 33. strength and modulus also provide some crack resistance to the
pavement, are resistant to aggressive environments, come from a
4.3.5. Summary wide range of sources, and are green. It has good modification
Table 15 summarizes the research on the application of synthetic fi- effect in many aspects, and inorganic fibers are relatively cheap
bers in cementitious materials. Synthetic fibers are generally character- and easy to obtain. Some inorganic fibers also have some
ized by high strength, good chemical stability and light weight, but the intriguing engineering properties, such as good electrical and
inertness of their surfaces leads to low interfacial bonding with cemen- thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, which can effec-
titious materials and poor compatibility. Therefore, the fibers must be tively contribute to high performance applications in asphalt and
properly modified to enhance the bonding ability between the fiber cement concrete. The main modification methods for inorganic
surface and cementitious material, which in turn enhances the perfor- fibers include acid and alkali etching, surfactant coating, plasma
mance of the cementitious base. modification treatment, and coupling agent treatment. Relying on

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Ye, Q., Wu, S., Li, N., 2009. Investigation of the dynamic and fatigue properties of fiber- technology in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
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Zhao, Y., Wang, L., Lei, Z., et al., 2018. Study on bending damage and failure of basalt University. Her research interests include polymer fiber modi-
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Zhao, L., Zhu, S., Wu, H., et al., 2021. The improved resistance against the degradation of
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J. Li et al. Journal of Road Engineering 3 (2023) 35–70

Ruiwen Guo is a graduate student in chemical engineering and Dr. Yaseen Muhammad is an associate professor of chemical
technology in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineer- and environmental engineering in the Institute of Chemical
ing at Guangxi University. His research interests include natural Sciences, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. His major areas of
fiber modified asphalt pavement and intelligent building research interest include designing environmentally friendly
materials. advanced functional modified asphalt for construction and
highway industries, abatement of environmental pollution
caused from fossil fuels burning and heterogeneous catalysis for
fuel oil processing. He has won several research projects from
the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and Guangxi
University, Nanning, China. He has published numerous articles
in journals of international repute like Construction and Build-
ing Materials, FUEL, Fuel Processing Technology and Chemical
Engineering Journal.

Xinyu Li is a graduate student in materials and chemicals in the Dr. Yu Liu is a professor of engineering. In 2009, he graduated
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Guangxi from Harbin Institute of Technology, majoring in road and
University. His research interests include inorganic fiber railway, and later entered Chang'an University to engage in
modified asphalt pavements and the application of solid waste post-doctoral research. Currently, he is working at the Guangxi
in asphalt pavements. Communication Investment Technology Co. Ltd. as a professor
of engineering. Dr. Liu has been engaged in pavement engi-
neering research and has extensive experience in the field of
pavement construction quality control, pavement maintenance
planning and research and development of pavement materials.
Based on the climate and load characteristics of Beibu Gulf re-
gion, he has established a set of pavement evaluation and
maintenance system, which has been widely adopted
throughout the Guangxi.

Youchao Chen is a graduate student of materials and chemical

engineering in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engi-
neering at Guangxi University. His research interests include
modified soot suppressing asphalt and solid waste resource


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