HW - 3 - PEQ 202 - Dr. Adel Salem - Fall 2020 - Answer

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Dr. Adel M.

Al-Azhar University
Faculty of Engineering, Qena Branch

Reservoir Rock and Assignment Fall 2020

Fluid Properties No. 3 Nov. 2020
PEQ 202

Part I: Answer all the following and submit 5 ONLY.

1. Define each of the following:
a. Reservoir Rock Porosity
b. Absolute and effective porosity
c. Primary and induced porosity
d. Saturation
2. What are the main factors governing the magnitude of porosity?
3. Derive porosity value for a cubic packing system.
4. Describe how porosity be measured in the core lab.
5. List the different techniques used to measure in-situ porosity in the wellbore.
6. Explain how Russell volumeter used to measure the core bulk and grain volumes.
7. Describe the porosity be measured using Helium porosimeter.
8. Explain the idea of measuring the rock porosity using Sonic (Acoustic) Log.
9. How core saturation be measured in the lab., list the different methods, and
describe the details of one of them.
10. Explain how original oil in place can be measured, describe the volumetric method
used to do so.
11. How one can measure reservoir fluid saturations; list only the different methods
used measuring reservoir fluids saturations.
12. Describe Dean-Stark method for fluid saturations determination, using drawing and
13. Mention in detail how to measure oil saturation by Retort method.

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Part II: Solve all the following and submit 4 ONLY.
Problem 1:
Given the following true values for a core sample;
BV = 12.45 cm3
GV = 9.89 cm3
Dry weight = 26.21 g

Calculate the porosity and sepcific gravity of the rock. If, however,
the value of bulk volume had been erroneously measured as 12.39
cm3 and the grain volume erroneously measured as 9.83, calculate
the error in porosity and grain density that would obtain.

Estimate the errors on both an absolute and a percent basis.

Problem 2:
Calculate the porosity of the core sample and the lithology of the
matrix material from the following data:
Dry weigth of sample = 104.1 g
Weight od sample saturated with water = 120.2 g
Density of water = 1 g/cm3
Weight of water saturated sample immersed in water = 64.8 g

Is this total or effective porosity?

Problem 3:
500 milliliters of water were poured into a container. The container
and water weighed 900 grams. Pure calcium carbonate chips were
added to the container untill the level of the chips coincided with
the surface of the water in the container.

Calculate the bulk volume and the porosity of the material in the
container if the total weight of the container and it‘s contents is
3065 grams. Is this total or effective porosity?
Problem 4:
A 3000 milliliter beaker was filled to the 2500 milliliter mark with
crushed dolomite. The weight of the dolomite placed in the
contained was 5510 grams.

Compute the porosity. Is this total or effective porosity?

Problem 5:
The mass (M) of a sample of rock with a bulk volume (Vb) of 15 cc is
30.3 grams; it was found to contain an absolute grain colume (Vs)
of 11.25 cc, an interconnected pore volume (Vp) of 3 cc, an

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unconnected (isolated) pore space (Vi) of 0.75 cc, and an irreducible
water saturation (Siw) equal to 6%.
Problem 6:
A clean and dry core sample weigthing 425 g was 100% saturated
with a 1.07 specific gravity () brine. The new weight is 453 g. The
core sample is 12 cm long and 4 cm in diameter.

Calculate the porosity of the rock sample.

Problem 7:
Calculate the porosity of a core sample when the following
information is available:
Dry weigth of sample = 427.3 g
Weigth of sample when saturated with water = 448.6 g
Density of water = 1 g/cc
Weigth of water saturated sample immersed in water = 269.6 g

What is the lithology of the sample?

Is the porosity effective or total? Why?
Problem 8:
A core sample coated with paraffin was immersed in a Russell tube.
The dry sample weighed 20g. The dry sample coated with paraffin
weighed 20.9g. The paraffin coated sample displaced 10.9 cc of
liquid. Assume the density of solid paraffin is 0.9 g/cc. What is the
bulk volume of the sample?

The core sample was stripped of the paraffin coat, crushed to grain
size, and immersed in a russell tube. The volume of the grains was
7.7 cc.
What was the porosity of the sampe?
Is this porosity effective or total porosity?
Problem 9:
A limestone sample waighs 241 g. The limestone sample coated
with paraffin was found weigh 248.5 g. The coated sample when
immersed in a partially filled graduated cylinde displaced 125 cc of
water. The density of the paraffin is 0.9 g/cc.

What is the porosity of the rock?

Does the process measure total or effective porosity?

Problem 10:
Yor are furnished with the results of a sieve analysis of a core from
Pete well # 1. previous laboratory work indicates there is a

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correlation between grain size and porosity displayed by the those
particular particles. The correlation is seen below:
Gravel 25% porosity
Coarse sand 38% porosity
Fine sand 41% porosity

What would be the minimum porosity of the mixture?

What basic assumption must be made in order to work the

Problem 11:
Calculate the initial oil-in-place (N) of an oil reservoir if A = 1600
acres, h = 32 ft,  = 22%, Siw = 20%, and oi = 1.23 bbl/STB.
Problem 12:
An oil reservoir exists at its bubble-point pressure of 3,000 psia
and temperature of 160°F. The oil has an API gravity of 42° and
gas-oil ratio of 600 scf/STB. The specific gravity of the solution gas
is 0.65. The following additional data are also available:

▪ Reservoir area = 640 acres

▪ Average thickness = 10 ft
▪ Connate water saturation = 0.25
▪ Effective porosity = 15%

Calculate the initial oil in place in STB.

Problem 13:
Calculate the arithmetic average and thickness-weighted average
from the following measurements:

Sample Thickness, ft Ki, md

1 1.0 10
2 1.5 12
3 1.0 11
4 2.0 13
5 2.1 14
6 1.1 10
Problem 14:
Calculate Sw, So, Sg for a core sample having the following data:
porosity = 20%, bulk volume = 25 ml, ρw = 1.0 g/ml, ρo = 0.88
g/ml, Wt. of core saturated with different fluids = 57 g, Wt. of the
dry core = 53 g and volume of water collected in the condenser
trap of the Dean-Stark apparatus = 1.4 ml.

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Problem 15:
During a laboratory method of determining porosity and saturation,
the following data were obtained: length and radius of the core
sample are 4 and 3 cm respectively. Densities of the water, oil and
solid grains are 1, 0.86 and 2.65 g/cc respectively. Wt. of the dry
sample = 53 g, Wt. of sample saturated by oil = 70.2 g and Wt. of
sample saturated with different fluids = 64 g. Volume of water
extracted and collected in condenser trap = 3 cc. Calculate the
effective porosity and the water, oil and gas saturations.
Problem 16:
A cubic sample used in the laboratory for determining porosity and
saturation, the following data were obtained: length = 4 cm, Wt. of
the sample saturated with different fluids = 46.5 g, Wt. of the dry
sample = 32 g and Wt. of sample 100% saturated by hydrocarbon
= 47.5 g. Densities of the water, hydrocarbon and solid grains are
1, 0.85 and 2.65 g/cc respectively. Volume of water extracted and
collected in condenser trap = 5 cc.
A. Calculate the effective porosity.
B. Calculate Sw, Sh, Sg for the original sample.
C. If 8.5 g. of hydrocarbons have been displaced by water (from
the 100% sat. sample with hydrocarbon), calculate Sw, Sh,
Sg for this sample.
Problem 17:
A sample has a diameter of 24 mm and a length of 32 mm. The dry
sample weighs 41.250 gm. It is saturated with water, (Sp. Gr. = 1),
and weighed. A saturated weighing of the sample gives a weight of
43.165 gm. What is the porosity of the sample?

All best wishes

Dr. Adel Salem

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