Mass - Communication Lecture 3
Mass - Communication Lecture 3
Mass - Communication Lecture 3
Lecture III
Communication helps humans to define who they are. In other words, it is how
we communicate with others that help us formulate the parameters of our identity.
“Some scholars have argued that we are most attracted to people who
confirm our identity. This confirmation can come in different forms, depending on
the self-image of the communicator.”
The roles we play in our relationships help us establish identity. So too does the
face, the public self-image we present to others. Both roles and face are constructed based
on how we interact with others.
Researchers have identified several social needs that are satisfied through
communication: affection, inclusion, escape, relaxation and control. These are needs that
must be filled, and only communication with others can satisfy that need.
Information is considered as a most important function of communication.
Information is necessary for the individual to have a harmonious relationship with their
environment. On the other hand, employees need information as to what needs to be
done, how and why in order to achieve the goals of the organization.
At some level, all messages are informational. When we communicate something
to one another, the transfer of information is involved. We obtain information about the
recent happenings through communication.
Communication has a significant function in decision making. Without the
necessary information, problem cannot be solved nor can a decision be reached on any
issue. Without information about any issue or a problem, we cannot take any decision
about that problem. Therefore, we have to communicate to one another to obtain
information about that issue or problem. In this way, we can better understand the
problem or issue and we can make a better decision.
To transfer ideas from one person to another, communication plays a vital role. Every
human being has some ideas that are unique to his own mind. Many of these ideas can be
implemented in real life and can turn into major creations too. But to make the transition
from just a thought to an implementation, it requires effectual communication. Hence, the
idea should be communicated as a plan, drawing or description so that it can be created
15-For Education
To educate someone, we need to communicate the ideas in the syllabus or the study
material to the student. Education involves a collection of all kinds of communication
i.e., audio, video, books and lectures. However, herein the deal is not just to
communicate, but to communicate effectively. Inefficient communication can lead to
transfer of ambiguous knowledge.
Unless we communicate with the world, we will never understand the way things
function and how things are piled up and related to one another. People are just a
fragment amongst these things. Did you know that other elements of the world also
communicate to us, but in their own ways? We need to interact with the environment in
order to understand life. People who do not communicate tend to get isolated, which
thereby leads to many problems.