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Mukthagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006

(Semester Scheme)
Choice Based Credit System


Mukthagangothri, Mysuru-570006

Help Line: 8800335638 email: [email protected]

Office Phone EPABX No.: 0821-2500981, 2519941, 2519943, 2519952
Website: www.ksoumysuru.ac.in

 To apply for M.Com log on to KSOU official website www.ksoumysuru.ac.in
 Application processing fee shall be remitted by epay
 Online Application shall be submitted as per the Online Admission instruction given in the website.
 Candidates are advised to contact Headquarters / notified Regional Centres of the University for any

Important Dates
Admission will commence from 20-06-2022
Last date without penal fee As Per UGC
* The last date for admission will be as per UGC (DEB) directions and students are informed to visit to the
University website for updated information.


Candidates are here by informed to read carefully the instructions in the prospectus
before filling-up of the application.
Admission for various Programmes can be made through any of the following modes:
Admission through Regional Centres/ Head Quarters directly.
 Candidates shall apply through KSOU website: www.ksoumysuru.ac.in. and click on admission portal or
visit directly to nearest Regional Centres/ Head Quarters (Mysuru).
 Candidates shall upload required self-attested scanned documents.
 Candidate shall visit the nearest Regional Centres/ Head Quarters (Mysuru) along with necessary original
document and one set of photo copy.
 Candidate shall pay the prescribed admission fee after verification of documents.
 Candidate shall pay admission fees online.
 Candidates can collect roll number, study material and ID card.

Admission through Learner Support Centres.

 Candidate shall visit the nearest Learner Support Centres along with necessary self-attested documents.
 Learner Support Centres shall counsel the student and verify the document for eligibility.
 Learner Support Centres shall upload the necessary documents through KSOU portal.
 Learner Support Centres shall take approval from the concerned Regional Centre/ Head Quarters (Mysuru)
which verifies the documents.
 Candidate shall pay the prescribed admission fee after verification and approval of documents.
 Candidate shall pay admission fees online.
 Candidate shall visit the concerned Regional Centres/ Head Quarters (Mysuru) along with necessary original
document, fee receipt and one set of photo copy of original documents for verification.
 Candidates can collect roll number, study material and ID card.
Admission through Self Admission
 Candidates shall apply through KSOU website: www.ksoumysuru.ac.in. and click on admission portal.
 Candidate shall fill the application and select nearest Learner Support Centre and Regional Centre.
 Candidates shall upload required self-attested scanned documents.
 Candidates shall pay stipulated processing fee online.
 Candidate shall visit selected Regional Centres/ Head Quarters along with necessary original document and
one set of photo copy for verification.
 Candidate shall pay the stipulated fee after verification of documents.
 Candidate shall pay admission fees online except processing fee.
 Candidates can collect roll number, study material and ID card.


 Karnataka State Open University is only and exclusive distance education provider in the
Karnataka State. Government of Karnataka, vide its Gazettee No. DPAL 43 SHASANA
2020 dated 30-12-2020 has notified that No university except Karnataka State Open
University shall offer the programme in Open and Distance learning mode.
 The programmes offered by the University are approved by the UGC from 2018 to 2023 vide
notification No.F.No. 14-5/2018 (DEB-I) dated : 14.08.2018
 The UGC in its public notice F.No.1-9/2018 (DEB-I) dated 23.02.2018 stated that the
degree/diploma/certificate courses awarded through distance mode are on par with
corresponding degree/diploma/certificate course obtained through traditional universities. The
degrees acquired through distance education are recognized for the purpose of employment in
State / Central Government, MNCs, Private Sector etc., and also for pursuing higher education
in other educational institutions.
 The Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka in its verdict vide Writ Petition No. 34255 of 2016 (GM-
RES) passed an order that the consideration of recognition for academic degrees is for the year
of admission but not the date of completion of degree.
 The University is recognized from 2018-19 to 2022-23 and the admission taken during
recognition period stands valid till the completion of course even if the university does not have
recognition for further years, as per vide reference – of an initiative of Department of Personnel
and Training, Government of India version 2.0 RTI Online (Registration
 The University operates within the territory of Karnataka State; however, the candidates outside
the state are also eligible to apply for the programmes, provided they shall be admitted in any
one of the Regional Centre/ KSOU Headquarters within the state.
 The University will impart quality education to create quality human resources, which help in
capacity building.
 Candidates studying any Degree programmes outside, , can also pursue any under graduate
degree, post graduate degree, Post Graduate Certificate, a Diploma/ Diploma/ or Certificate
course in KSOU simultaneously provided they fulfill eligibility conditions
 Candidates studying or taking admission to any Degree programmes in KSOU, , can also
pursue any under graduate degree, post graduate degree, Post Graduate Certificate, a Diploma/
Diploma/ or Certificate course in KSOU simultaneously provided they fulfill eligibility


Sl. No Details
Vice Chancellor’s Message v
About the University vi
Board of Management vii
Officers of the University vii
1 UGC ODL & OL Regulation – 2020 1
2 School of Studies 1
3 Faculty Profile 2
4 Others officers of the University 2-3
5 Important instructions to the students 4-5
6 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 5-6
7 Modular Approach or Lateral Exit
8 Post Graduate programmes – M.Com 6-11
9 Skill Development 11
10 Tentative Academic Planner 12
11 Student study centres 13-16
12 Information About the Admission Fee 16
13 Instructions to candidates relating to examination 17-20
14 Convocation 20
15 Quality Initatives 20-22
16 Information and Guidance Cell 23
17 Other Academic Programmes offered 23-24
18 Other Information 25-26
Digital Initiatives for Higher Education – UGC 26-27
Annexure I - Recognition Notification of UGC 28
Annexure II - Head Quarters, Regional Centres (RC) and Learner 29-43
Support Centres (LSC) 2020-21
Annexure III – Admission Fee Strucuture 44
Annexure IV - SC/ST - Fee to re-imbursement admission subjected 45-52
To provisions of Social Welfare Department
Annexure V – List of Gold Medals and Cash Prizes for Meritorious 53-55
Annexure VI- Details of general fee 56-57
Annexure VII- Open Elective Of All Post Graduate Programmes 58-59


Dear Learner,

The family of KSOU welcomes you to pursue the academic programmes you have chosen to
achieve not only academic excellence but also to fulfill the desire of your career. The University,
established by the Act of State Legislature has created wonderful academic ambience. The programmes
offered by the University have been recognized by University Grants Commission. Therefore, the
degrees are valid for employment opportunities across the country. The 'core values' of the University is
derived from its vision ‘Higher Education to Everyone, Everywhere’. The ultimate touchstone of quality
higher education is the motto of the University. Today, higher education stands at the crossroads of
keeping pace with the emerging needs of the country.

The University has adopted a school concept in its functioning. The school of Commerce and
Management headed by a Director offers academic programmes in M.Com, MBA and P.G.Diploma. It
promotes professional approach to pedagogy and research. The University believes that rigors of the
contemporary world require competent quality human resources to create knowledge based society. The
academic activities of M.com & MBA programmes are routed through well-established departments led
by the Chairpersons. Well-qualified teaching faculties with equally dedicated non-academic team are an
asset to the University, which is always, committed for the welfare of the students.

The University functions in a 3-tier system of student support service, namely Headquarters,
Regional Centres and Learners Support Centres spread all over Karnataka. The learners can undergo
teaching learning process in the notified Regional Centres/Learner Support Centres. The University has
adopted a mechanism to deliver Self Learning Material by print, limited audio visual and
Counseling/Personal Contact Programme and online classes. As a learner, you will have greater
opportunity to gain knowledge and skill through those mechanisms. The academic counselors will play a
strategic role and enable you from the enrollment of the programme till you accomplish the goal. A
proper blending of the knowledge and skill will be imparted so that you will be transformed as a good
citizen to contribute to the development of society and thecountry.

The UGC vide its Public Notice dated: 23.02.2018 stated that the Degree/Diploma/Certificate
Programme awarded through distance mode are at par with corresponding Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate
Programme obtained through conventional universities. The degrees acquired through distance
education are recognized for the purpose of employment in State/Central Government, MNCs, Private
Sector etc. and also for pursuing higher education in other educational institutes. Therefore, you have
greater opportunity of pursuing Higher Education without any kind of fear about your career.

I am sure you will enjoy good experience with services rendered by the university through its
Regional centres and Learner Support Centres, besides Headquarters. I wish you all the best in your
academic endeavors.

Dr. Vidyashankar .S

The Karnataka State Open University is recognized by the University Grants Commission under
(Open and Distance Learning & Online Learning) ation 2017.

The University was established in June 1996 with a vision “Higher Education to Everyone,
Everywhere”. The University blossomed in the era of globalization in which the economies of the world are
being transformed from their original closed self-sustaining structure to the globalized context, where they can
expose themselves to the competitive world. This transition forced the arena of knowledge emphasizing itself to
more of its application than of accumulation of facts. The Karnataka State Open University in order to cope with
the present global environment, is attempting to integrate interdisciplinary approaches in the dissemination of
knowledge with the aim of achieving overall human personality development.

Mysuru is a historical centre possessing a rich cultural heritage which had valiant historical
events of different kingdoms and humane social setup of incomparable stature. University has paved the
way for realizing the vision at the international arena leading to human welfare. It was started during the
year 1996 as a separate entity to cater to the needs of thousands of young aspirants of higher education.

The KSOU is situated at heart of Mysuru city, The University operates in 50 Acre of land in a
fully green ambience. The University is offering UG, PG and Ph.D. programs besides diploma and PG
Diploma programs in various disciplines. The University is fully equipped with 28 academic
departments controlled by the chairpersons and supported by other faculty and non teaching staff. The
University is offering various degrees and diploma in Humanities, Social Science, Science and
Commerce and Management. The KSOU is carved mainly with an intention of promoting unprevilaged
group of society and hence the fees for all the courses at affordable rate.

The Open Distance Learning system is a unique and challenging because, the learners joining
Open Distance Learning hailed from a diverse socio-economic background and with a varied learning
background. The present conventional university system could not meet the genuine needs of such
students who could not pursue their studies in a conventional university for various reasons. In order to
give them an opportunity to pursue their studies in Open Distance Learning, this University has been
established. The major objective of the University is to generate human resources of top quality with more
emphasis laid on the followingissues:

(1) To transform guiding vision into action plan through variousmeasures.

(2) To generate high quality human resources through skilltraining.
(3) To provide opportunity to those who discontinued theirstudies.
(4) To provide opportunity to working class to acquire higherknowledge.
(5) To provide opportunity to pursue higher education at their ownplaces.
(6) To provide transparent manner ofadmission.
(7) To transfer restricted learning to a global-basedlearning.
(8) To promote new concept and new direction to highereducation.
(9) To promote multiple imperatives to achieve the nationaldevelopment.
(10) To play critical role in addressing socialimperatives.
(11) To create adequate student-support services for innate capacitybuilding.


Sl. No. Members Position
1 Vice Chancellor, KSOU Chairman
2 Secretary in charge of Higher Education, Govt. of Karnataka Members
3 Secretary to Finance Department, Govt. ofKarnataka Members
4 Vice-Chancellor of the Universities in the State of Karnataka Members
(Nominated by the Pro-Chancellor by rotation for such a period
as may be specified)
5 Dean (Academic), KSOU Members
6 Five distinguished persons from the educational, scientific and Members
administrative fields to be nominated by the Pro-Chancellor
7 Two Members of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly Members
(Elected from among themselves)
8 Two Members of the Karnataka Legislative Council Members
(Elected from among themselves)
9 Registrar, KSOU Secretary


Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot
Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka

Dr. C. N. Ashwathnarayan
Pro Chancellor
Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education, Govt. of Karnataka

Prof. S. Vidyashankar
Vice Chancellor
Karnataka State Open University

Prof. R. Rajanna

Prof. Kamble Ashok Dr. A. Khadar Pasha Prof. Praveen K.B Dr. M. Ramanatham Dr. Niranjan Raj S
Dean (Academic) Finance Officer Registrar (Evaluation) Naidu Director CIQA
Dean (Study Centres)


The University Grants Commission has published Regulation governing Open Distance Learning
(ODL) and Online Learning (OL) Regulations under Section 26(1) read with Clause (j) of Section 12(5)
of the UGC Act, 1956 in the official Gazette of India dated 04-09-2020. The Regulation is mandatory and
has to be followed by all the institutions offering education through ODL mode. The UGC has directed to
adopt concept of schools in the academic governance of the University. The KSOU is recognized by the
UGC and strictly adheres to all the norms as specified in the regulations.


The Department of Commerce comes under the ambit of School of Commerce and Management.

School of Commerce
Department of Studies and Research in Commerce

School of Management
Department of Stidues and Research in Management


The Department of Studies and Research in Commerce was established in the late 1970’s. The
Department is equipped with experienced faculty members. The Department is offering the following
1. Ph.D.
2. M.Com
3. B.Com
4. Post Graduate Certificate Programme in Financail Management (1 Year)

The Department of Commerce is offering the M.Com Programme under CBCS in the
following Dual Specialisations.
I. Group A – M.Com (Accounting & Finance)
II. Group B - M.Com (Marketing & Human Resource Management)
III. Group C- M.Com (Accounting & Human Resource Managemetnt)
IV. Group D – M.Com (Marketing & Finance)

Ph.D. in Commerce is also offered by the Department in regular mode. Presently there are 3
Research Supervisors in the Department and 15 students are enrolled for their Ph.D. Programe

3. Faculty Profile
Sl. Ext
Name Designation Qualification Experience
No Nos.
1 Smt. Usha .C Assistant M.Com, M.B.A & 12 Years Research & 432
Professor & PGDFM Teaching
2 Dr. Mahesha .V Assistant M.Com, PGDHRM 14 Years Research & 432
Professor & Ph.D. Teaching

3 Dr. Sukanya .R Assistant 14 Years Research & 383

Professor M.Com. Ph.D. Teaching
4 Dr .Chaya .R Assistant 20 Years Research & 383
Professor M.Com., Mphil Teaching
5 Dr. Naveen G.V Assistant M.Com., Mphil 16 Years Teaching 383
Professor Ph.D.

Pay Band of the Faculty

Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor/Librarian
Asst. Librarian Deputy Librarian
57700-1,82,400 1,31,400-2,17,100 1,44,200-2,18,200
Academic Level 10 Academic Level 13A Academic Level 14


Sl. EXT-
Officers Designation For information related to
No. No
1 Dr. Raju N G Assistant Professor AISHE Nodal Officer 335
2 Dr. Ramananda M S Associate Professor Director - Admission 419
3 Dr. Niranjan Raj S Assistant Professor Director - CIQA -
4 Dr. Mahesha V Assistant Professor Co-ordinator CIQA -
5 Dr. Harsha T S Assistant Professor 1. Nodal Officer -Virtual Lab 549
2. Nodal Officer - MHRD –
3. Nodal Officer - SG&RC –
6 Smt. Suneetha Assistant Professor 1. Director IT 579
2. Nodal Officer -NKN
3. ICT Coordinator
7 Dr. Anitha C 1. Principal Investigator – 567
e-content development
8 Dr. Rashmi B.S Assistant Professor 1. Nodal Officer - ICT 570
2. Coordinator UGC – MOOCS
3. Special Officer - IT
9 Dr. Rajeshwari H Assistant Professor 1. Director – Research & Development 385
2. Special Officer – PhD
3. Special Officer – Dean (Academic)

10 Dr. Nataraju G and Assistant Professor Nodal Officer - AIU Portal 393
Sri Niranjan S V

11 Dr. Jagadeesh Babu H Assistant Professor Nodal Officer - Covid-19 Volunteer -

12 Dr. Hemalatha Assistant Professor Coordinator - Jyanavani Audio & 377
Visual Studio
13 Dr. Raju N G Assistant Professor Special Officer - UGC Cell 250
14 Dr. P.M. Chinnaiah Assistant Professor Special Officer - SC/ST Services 312
15 Dr. Sumati R Gowda Assistant Professor 1. Director – CMKKY 572
2. Nodal Officer - CEMCA
16 Dr. Ananda Gowda N Assistant Professor Coordinator - Indian Constitutional Day 445
17 Dr. Chandrashekar J S Assistant Professor Coordinator - Skill Development 550
18 Dr. Gopala Swamy Deputy Librarian Library 529
19 Dr. Janhavi S S Assistant Professor Deputy Registrar - Examination 478
20 Sri Niranjan S V Assistant Professor Coordinator - Mathematics 556
21 Dr. Pavithra R H Assistant Professor 1. Coordinator - Mahatma Ghandhiji 415
Study Chair
2. Placement Officer
3. NAAC Coordinator
22 Dr. Shivakumara Assistant Professor Coordinator - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 414
Swamy Studies and Research Centre
23 Dr. Shalva Pille Assistant Professor 1. Nodal Officer - NAD -
Iyengar 2. Coordinator - Sri Nalvadi
Krishnaraja Wodeyar Study Chair
24 Dr. Jyothi Shankar Assistant Professor Coordinator - Swamy Vivekananda 336
Study Chair
25 Dr. N.R. Chandre Assistant Professor Coordinator - Kuvempu Research and 336
Gowda Extension Centre
26 Dr. Sharanamma R Assistant Professor Coordinator - Dr. Babu Jagajeevan 433
Ram Study Chair
27 Dr. Rajeshwari H Assistant Professor Coordinator - Akkamahadevi Study 385
28 Dr. Santhosh Naik R Assistant Professor 1. Coordinator - Dr. B.V. Karantha -
Study Chair
2. Coordinator - Social Media
3. Coordinator - Prasaaranga
29 Sri. Coordinator Coordinator – Competitive Exam
Sathyanarayanagowda Training Cell 371
30 Sri. Shivakumar C P Deputy Registrar Dean Study Centre 229
31 Sri. Cheluva Murthy Deputy Registrar Dean Academic 221
32 Sri. J. Ramesha Deputy Registrar Examination 481

33 Sri S.N. Sathish Deputy Registrar Examination 489

34 Smt. Anupama Laxman Deputy Registrar Legal Cell 206

35 Sri. Nandeesh M V Deputy Registrar Admission 304

36 Sri. Chandresh Deputy Registrar Self-Learning Materials/General 211

37 Smt. Deepashri Assistant Registrar Google Drive Nodal Officer/ NAAC 223

Other Academic Staff- Library
1 Dr. K. Prakash Librarian M.Li.Sc Library 5 530
2 Dr. M. Gopal Swamy Deputy M.Li.Sc Library 10 529
Librarian Ph.D
3 Dr. Sheela. V Assistant. M.Li.Sc Library 10 531
Librarian Ph.D

The grievances will be addressed online through UGC SG Portal by the Nodal Officer.
Dr. Srikanth S, Nodal Officer, Students Grievance and Redressal Cell,
KSOU, Mysuru. Mobile: 9986019910
Department of Studies and Research in Commerce, KSOU, Mysore.
Office Phone: 0821-2519245 E-mail Id: [email protected]
In case the problems are not solved at the above levels, then contact the Registrar.

5. Important Instructions to the students

Candidates, who wish to seek admission to M.A. courses, shall note the following before the
submission of application to the University.
 Admission is only through online mode. After successfully submission of online application,
candidates shall remit the course fee through online. Instructions for online fee payment is available on the
university website.
 Application from any other source other than the official website will not be considered for
 Students shall have to pay total admission fees only through online mode.
 The following documents (photo copy) shall be submitted with an application for admission.
 Marks cards of S.S.L.C
 Marks cards of P.U.C. or its equivalent
 Photocopy of the marks cards of Degree for Master’s program
 SC/ST caste certificate; (if applicable)
 BPL card in case of women candidates
 Income certificate; (if applicable)
 Aadhaar Card;
 Two stamp size and two passport size photos to be submitted at the time of verification.
 Duly filled in application along with the fee paid challan (University copy) shall be submitted
within the last date prescribed to the Headquarters/Regional Centers selected by the students.
 Candidates shall write the code number of the opted Regional Centre and Learner Support
Centre carefully in the application (see Annexure-II).
 Verification of the documents will be made at the Regional Centre / Headquarters. During
verification the candidate shall produce the relevant original documents.
 Admission sought will become final only after its approval by the University.
 The candidates who are admitted to the various programmes shall receive the study materials at
the time of verification.

 Candidates may seek clarification from the help desk of the University.
 The Chairperson of the concerned Department (refer page no.2 to 4)
 Dr. A.Y. Vijay Kumar : 9845363573 and
 Dr. A.S. Mahadeva : 9902445879, 9742285347, are in-charge.
 Help desk: 0821 – 2519950.
 No Lateral Entry is permitted, however transfer is permitted as per rule.
 SC/ST candidates seeking admission are eligible for re-imbursement from Social Welfare
Department provided the family income is less than the limit prescribed by the Government
from time to time (see Annexure IV).
 Women candidates under BPL can claim concession of 15% percent of the Tuition fee, for
which they shall produce BPL card issued by the competent authority.
 Cab/auto drivers, their spouse and two children are elegible for 30% concession in the Tution
fee for which they shall produce identity card issued by the competent authority.
 The University will issue the Identity Card to the candidates after the verification process is
completed. Candidates are expected to keep the ID card till the completion of the programme.
The candidates should produce the ID card during their academic-related work including
 Candidates admitted to the programme shall give an undertaking in a prescribed format, about
the conduct and progress in front of the Regional Director of the concerned regional centers and
Chairpersons of the concerned Department, KSOU, Mysuru.
 Candidates shall abide by the Rules and Regulations issued by the University from time to time.
 A Candidate who is found to have concealed information about his/her age qualification, etc., or
violated any provisions, is liable to be removed from the rolls of the program concerned besides
appropriate disciplinary action and imposition of penalty.
 All legal disputes will come under the jurisdiction of Mysuru City Courts only.
 Details about Gold medals and Cash prizes for meritorious candidates to various programmes is
provided in Annexure-V.
 The details relating to general fee structure is provided in Annexure VI.
 The university will provide concession incase the printed self learning materials are not
 Transgenders are eligibile for fee exempted admission

5. Admission Fee Structure

Details I Year II Year
Admission (Processing) Fee 550 -
Registration Fee 800 -
Tuition Fee 7700 9350
Development (Skill) Fee 650 650
Alumini Fee 500 -
Library Fee 250 250
Total 10,450/- 10,250


Choice based credit system (CBCS) is an internationally acknowledged system. Therefore the
entire higher education in India is transforming itself to this uniform grading system. The CBCS
provides an opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses
comprising core, elective/minor or skill based courses. The courses can be evaluated following
the grading system, which is considered to be better than the conventional marks system. . This
will benefit the students to move across institutions within India to begin with and across

The uniform grading system will also enable potential employers in assessing the
performance of the candidates. In order to bring uniformity in evaluation system and
computation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) based on student’s performance
in examinations, the University Grants Commission has formulated the guidelines to be
The choice based credit system not only offers opportunities and avenues to learn core
subjects but also exploring additional avenues of learning beyond the core subjects for holistic
development of an individual. The CBCS will undoubtedly facilitate us bench mark our courses
with best international academic practices.
Advantages of the choice based credit system:
 Shift in focus from the teacher-centric to student-centric education.
 Student may undertake as many credits as they can cope with (without repeating all courses in a
given semester if they fail in one/more courses).
 CBCS allows students to choose inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary courses, skill oriented
papers (even from other disciplines according to their learning needs, interests and aptitude) and
more flexibility for students).
 CBCS makes education broad-based and at par with global standards. One can take credits by
combining unique combinations. For example, Physics with Economics, Microbiology with
Chemistry or Environment Science etc. CBCS offers flexibility for students to study at different
times and at different institutions to complete one course (ease mobility of students). Credits
earned at one institution can be transferred.

Outline of Choice Based Credit System:

1. Core Course: A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement is
termed as a Core course.
2. Elective Course: Generally a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may be
very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ subject of study or which provides
an extended scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the
candidate’s proficiency/skill is called an Elective Course.
2.1 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses may be offered by the main
discipline/subject of study is referred to as Discipline Specific Elective.
2.2 Dissertation/Project: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge, such as
supplement study/support study to a project work, and a candidate studies such a course on his
own with an advisory support by a teacher/faculty member is called dissertation/project.
2.3 Generic Elective (GE) Course: An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated
discipline/subject, with an intention to seek exposure is called a Generic Elective.
P.S.: A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as an elective by other discipline/subject
and vice versa and such electives may also be referred to as Generic Elective. 3. Ability Enhancement
Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of two kinds: Ability Enhancement
Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC). “AECC” courses are the courses
based upon the content that leads to Knowledge enhancement; i. Environmental Science and ii.
English/MIL Communication. These are mandatory for all disciplines. SEC courses are value-based and/or
skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc. 3.1 Ability
Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC): Environmental Science, English Communication/MIL
Communication. 3.2 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): These courses may be chosen from a pool of
courses designed to provide value-based and/or skill-
Component in Under-Graduate Courses Project work/Dissertation is considered as a special course
involving application of knowledge in solving / analyzing /exploring a real life situation / difficult problem.
A Project/Dissertation work would be of 6 credits. A Project/Dissertation work may be given in lieu of a
discipline specific elective paper


National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 seeks to reform the Higher Education system by
providing, among other things, flexibility to students in terms of choice of subjects to study and
academic pathways. A creative combination of disciplines for study with multiple entry and exit
points is one very important recommendation of NEP, 2020.

UGC has notified Guidelines for Multiple Entry and Exit in Academic Programmes offered in
Higher Education Institutions to remove rigid boundaries and create new possibilities for students
to choose and learn the subject(s) of their choice. They opine that In addition, it will pave the way for
seamless student mobility, between or within degree-granting HEIs through a formal system of credit
recognition, credit accumulation, credit transfers, and credit redemption.

To cope up with this KSOU has also faciliateated multiple entry and exit to the post graduates
of KSOU. The objective of this policy are

 Remove rigid boundaries and facilitate new possibilities for learners.

 Curtail the dropout rate and improve GER

 Offer creative combinations of disciplines of study that would enable multiple entry and
exit points.

Exit 5: For postgraduate programmes, there shall only be one exit point for those who join the
two-year Master’s programme, that is, at the end of the first year of the Master’ programme. Students
who exit after the first year shall be awarded the Post-Graduate Diploma (Level 8).


The School of Commerce and Management is one of the leading schools in Karnataka State
Open University, has designed and developed an innovative Programme; Master of Commerce
(M.com) with four dual specializations namely Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Human
Resources. The Main objective of this programme is to equip the students with necessary conceptual,
analytical and entrepreneurial skills required for handling as well as establishing their own business
ventures. The curriculum focusses on the applied aspects of business operations.

The main features of this programme are as follows:

 Focus on key functional areas of business activities.
 The course curriculum is designed and prepared by well-experienced academicians in the filed
of Commerce.
 Self Learning Materials and Electronic Materials.
 Continuous students support services through well equipped Learner’s support Centre’s
 Personal Contact Programmes and telephonic counselling.

Credit System
The Karnataka State Open University follows the credit system for all its progrmmes offered.
Each credit accounts to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activites. Thus, a four credit course
involves 120 hours. All M.Com programme courses are divided into 4 group’s namely Hardcore Courses,
Softcore Courses, Inter-disciplinary Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses. This will helps the students
to understand the academic effort one has to put in, in order to complete the course successfully.

Course Category/group Credits Study hours
01 Hard Core Courses 4 120
02 Soft Core Courses 3 90
03 Inter-disciplinary Courses 2 60
04 Skill Enhancement Courses 2 60

Duration: 2 years (4 Semester)

A. Eligibility conditions
Admission to M.Com Programme is at two levels;
Candidates who have obtained Bachelor’s Degree of Three years duration without studying
Cognate Subjects.

Those who have passed three years degree program without studying the Cognate subjects
are eligible. Such admitted candidates have to qualify the Master’s Preparatory Program (MPP)
examination conducted by the Karnataka State Open University.

Candidates who have passed three years B.Com /B.B.M. /B.B.A. Degree Examination of any
recognized University or an examination of any University considered equivalent thereto.

Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction of M.Com Programme is 'English' only. However, examination
may be answered either in English or Kannada.
Program structure
The following are the courses to be studied by students who are admitted to M.Com. Program.
Counselli Maximum Marks
ng/PCP Intern Examinat
Course Credit hours* Term-End
Semester and Course al ion
Code s Examinati Total
Assess duration
M.Com, Semester - I
MCMHC1.1 Management and Behavioural 4 20
12 80 100 3
MCMHC1.2 Business Policy and 4 20 100
12 80 3
MCMHC1.3 Marketing Management 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMSC1.1 Soft Core Stream, Course - I 3 09 20 80 100 3
MCMSC1.2 Soft Core Stream, Course - II 3 09 20 80 100 3

ELMCM –01 Inter-disciplinary Course - I 2 06 10 40 50 1 1⁄2
Semester-I Total 20 60 110 440 550
M.Com, Semester - II
MCMHC2.1 Human Resource Management 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMHC2.2 Advanced E-Commerce 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMHC2.3 Business Taxation and GST 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMSC2.1 Soft Core Stream, Course - I 3 09 20 80 100 3
MCMSC2.2 Soft Core Stream, Course - II 3 09 20 80 100 3
ELMCM 02 Inter-disciplinary Course – II 2 06 10 40 50 1 1⁄2
Semester-II Total 20 60 110 440 550
M.Com, Semester – III
MCMHC3.1 Research Methodology 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMHC3.2 Quantitative Techniques 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMHC3.3 International Business 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMSC3.1 Soft Core Stream, Course - I 3 09 20 80 100 3
MCMSC3.2 Soft Core Stream, Course - II 3 09 20 80 100 3
MCMSEC- Skill Enhancement Course - I 2
06 10 40 50 1 1⁄2
Semester-III Total 20 60 110 440 550
M.Com, Semester - IV
MCMHC4.1 Entrepreneurship Development 4 12 20 80 100 3
MCMHC4.2 Project Report 8 --- 50 150 200 -
MCMSC4.1 Soft Core Stream, Course - I 3 09 20 80 100 3
MCMSC4.2 Soft Core Stream, Course - II 3 09 20 80 100 3
MCMSEC- Skill Enhancement Course -II 2
06 10 40 50 1 1⁄2
Semester- IV Total 20 60 120 430 550
Semester I to IV 80
240 450 1750 2200
Grand Total

Specialisation Streams
Soft Core Stream –A: Accounting and Soft Core Stream – B: Marketing Management
Finance and Human Resource Management
 MCMSC1.1A: Advanced Financial  MCMSC1.1B: Consumer Behaviour and
Accounting. Marketing Strategy.
 MCMSC1.2A: Indian Financial System.  MCMSC1.2B: Training and Development.
 MCMSC2.1A: Accounting Theory and  MCMSC2.1B: Advertising and Sales
Analysis. Promotion.
 MCMSC2.2A: Financial Management.  MCMSC2.2B: Industrial Relations.
 MCMSC3.1A: Advanced Management  MCMSC3.1B: Services Marketing.
Accounting.  MCMSC3.2B: Labour Legislation.
 MCMSC3.2A: Project Appraisal and  MCMSC4.1B: International Marketing
Infrastructure Finance. Management.
 MCMSC4.1A: Strategic Cost  MCMSC4.2B: International Human
Management. Resource Management.
 MCMSC4.2A: Investment Management.
Soft Core Stream – C: Accounting and Soft Core Stream – D: Marketing Management
Human Resource Management and Finance
 MCMSC1.1C: Advanced Financial  MCMSC1.1D: Consumer Behaviour and
Accounting. Marketing Strategy.
 MCMSC1.2C: Training and  MCMSC1.2D: Indian Financial System.
Development.  MCMSC2.1D: Advertising and Sales
 MCMSC2.1C: Accounting Theory and Promotion.
Analysis.  MCMSC2.2D: Financial Management.
 MCMSC2.2C: Industrial Relations.  MCMSC3.1D: Services Marketing.
 MCMSC3.1C: Advanced Management  MCMSC3.2D: Project Appraisal and
Accounting. Infrastructure Finance.
 MCMSC3.2C: Labour Legislation.  MCMSC4.1D: International Marketing
 MCMSC4.1C: Strategic Cost Management.
Management.  MCMSC4.2D: Investment Management.
 MCMSC4.2C: International Human
Resource Management.
(Note: Sudents have to select any ONE of the above mentioned specialization stream. Once the student
has opted any one of the stream, he will not be permitted to change the specialization stream during
the second or in any subsequent semesters)
Open Electives Interdisplinary Courses (for the students of other Disciplines):
 Semester –I:
ELMCM 01: Personal Financial Planning
 Semester –II
ELMCM O2: Entrepreneurship Development

Skill Enhancement Courses (for the students of Commerce Discipline):

 Semester – III:
MCMSEC- 3.1: Principles and Practice of Banking
 Semester – IV
MCMSEC-P4.1: Principles and Practice of Insurance

Note: M.Com Student can select any “Open Elective Course” offered by any department of KSOU. For
list of open elective courses refer Annexure-VII
Course – MCMHC4.2: Project Report

 Objective: The primary objective of the project report is to make the students to get the practical
exposure in the field. The study is a plethora of Principles, Canons, Rules and Regulations, Theories
and Tenets in the classroom set-up. In order the understand the versatility of the same in application,
they are enthused to take up project work. The industry-related, farm related, field – related and
business-related problems may be chosen for the study. Thus the findings of the study would help
the problem encounters to solve them.
 Procedure: The Project Work is of eight credits and the Students are expected to spend about 240
hours of total work in completing the Project work. After finalisation of project title, the students are
expected to submit hard copy in the typed form of the project proposal along with project proposal
form (Annexure ‘A’)on the following address.

The Chairperson
Department of Studies and Research in Commerce
Karnataka State Open University, Muktagangotri
Mysuru-570 006

The approved Academic Counselors at your study centre or a person actively involved in research
activities and associated with the Research Institutions is eligible to become project supervisor. Make
sure that the person, who has agreed to act as project supervisor for students project work, has
affixed his/her signature on the cover page (Annexure ‘A’) of student’s proposal. The bio data of
concerned supervisor should be enclosed along with student’s project proposal.
The project proposal and the name of concerned supervisor will be approved by the
faculty of commerce of the university at the Head Quarters at Muktagangotri, Mysuru. The
approval of student’s project proposal will be sent by the Department of Commerce, KSOU, Mysuru in
due course. In case the students submit the project report without approval of the project
proposal, student’s project report will not be evaluated under any circumstances.
Approval for the topic should be sought after the examination of M.Com – II Semester. After
the examination of M.Com –III Semester the students have to finalise the topics for their Project
Reports, select the industrial unit for their study and observe how different Departments are
functioning and collect the necessary data and report. This is to be completed before the
commencement of M.Com –IV Semester. During the IV Semester, the students shall prepare the
Project Report under the guidance of both internal and external guide (external guide shall be
Academic Counselors at your study centre or a person actively involved in research activities and
associated with the Research Institutions is eligible to become project supervisor) and submit one
copy to the Department before close of M.Com –IV Semester. The Project report will be for 200
marks (150 Marks for report and 50 will be Viva-voce exam)

 The Board of Examiners (BOE PG) will take up the evaluation process of project report at the

 Format of the Project Report

List of Tables
List of Figures
Nominal Definitions
Chapter I. Introduction
A. Broad introduction to the topic of project report in one or two pages.
B. Statement of the Problem and justification of the study.
C. Need for the study. Who will be benefited?
D. Scope of the Study
E. Aims and Objectives of the study.
F. Review of Literature.
Chapter II. Methodology
A. Selection of Variables
B. Sources of Data Collection
C. Sampling size and method
D. Statistical Tools and Techniques

Chapter III. Organisation Study and Description
Chapter IV. Analysis and Interpretation.
Chapter V. Summary of Major Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion.

 Project Report: The size of the report shall be between 80 to 100 pages - 1 1⁄2 line space,
Times New Roman, 13 font, both sides aligned, and 1.25 margins all the sides, and it should be
hard binded. The student shall submit one copy to the Department at least one week prior to the
commencement of M.Com IV semester examination.

Examination fees
M.Com (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Sem Mode Examination Fee 1,500/- 1,500/- 1,500/- 1,700/-

I Year II Year
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Year Mode Examination Fee 1,500/- 1,500/-

1. In order to claim relaxation in the exam fees, the SC/ST students have to compulsorily pass
the examination in the year of admission itself to pass. Exam Fee relaxation is not applicable
for such candidates who do not appear for the exams in the year of admission.
2. The SC/ST students admitted fro a Course with the admission fee relaxation have to pay
mandatorily Rs.50/- service charge. In case if they fail to pay the above mentioned amount,
such applications will be rejected.
3. The SC/ST students admitted with fees reimbursement during admission, have to
compulsorily pay full exam fees.
4. No fee relaxation in the exam fees for SC/ST students reappearing for the exams. Such
students have to compulsorily pay the amount fixed for the exam fee by the University.
5. University at any cost will not refund/ readjust the exam fees for future exams.

9. Skill Development Programme

The University is offering the Skill development training programmes to enhance the skills of the
students as per the directions of Government of India, University Grants Commission and Karnataka State
Skill Development. The Learners of PG Programmes shall choose any of the subjects indicated here
The hands on experience will be provided at Headquarters/Regional Centres only. Well experienced
trainers will impart skill to the learners at all the levels. The learners are informed to select the subject
carefully and indicate it in the application.
The course opted by the learner in the first year will be continued till they complete the programme.
There is no provision for changing the subject under any circumstances. The university will not
conduct examination on such courses. Participation in Skill Development training is compulsory.
The following skill areas have to be opted by students:

1. Basics of Networking
2. Computer Fundamentals
3. Multimedia
4. Web Designing
5. Desk Top Publishing
6. English for Communication and Soft Skills
7. DqÀ½vÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ

10. Tentative Academic Planner

The tentative academic planner for M.Com programme under Semester Scheme offered by the
university is given as below:

Table -1 : Tentative Annual Academic calendar for M.Com (CBCS)

Academic Planner 2022-23 July Cycle Post Graduate Programme

(Semester Mode)
Sl. 3rd Semester 4th
Academic Activities 1st Semester 2nd Semester
No. Semester
01 Admission Notification and Issue of Third Week of - Third Week -
Prospectus July 2022 of July 2022
02 Admission June 2022 - June 2022 -
03 Distribution of SLM At the time of At the time of At the time At the time
admission First semester of admission of third
Admission semester
04 Uploading Assignment Questions Last week of First Week of Last week First Week
to the Website September 2022 February 2023 of of February
September 2023
05 PCP/Counseling October to March-April October to March-
November 2022 2023 November April 2023
06 Last date of Submission of 30th of October 30th of March 30th of 30th of
Assignments 2022 2023 October March
2022 2023
07 Completion of Evaluation of 30th of 30th of April 30th of 30th of
Assignments December 2022 2023 December April 2023
08 Uploading of Assignments Marks First week of 30th of May First week 30th of May
to IA Portal January 2023 2023 of January 2023
09 Examination Notification November 2022 First Week of November First Week
May 2023 2022 of May
10 Examination December 2022 June 2023 December June 2023
11 Declaration of Results January 2023 July 2023 January July 2023

11. Student Support Centres

The University has created learners friendly support services to enable them to pursue students
without any inconvenience. The students support service is considered to be excellent in the headquarters
while proper measures have been taken up to provide such services at the Regional Centres /Learners
Support Centre (LSC).
List of Learners Support Centres will be uploaded after the admission
KSOU functions in 3 tier system in student support services Viz.,
i) Headquarters
ii) Regional Centres
iii) Learner Support Centre (Study Centre).
The headquarters controls all the activities of Regional Centres and study centres. The
Regional Centres led by the Regional Directors, engage in admission process, issue of study
material, besides the management of counselling /PCP and also continuous assessment. The regional
centres update all the information to the students from time to time, as and when university initiates.
Candidates can select the convenient Regional Centres. There are 20 Regional centres located across
Learners support centres are the reputed and established colleges located at various part of
Karnataka. KSOU has identified good collages at taluk levels so as to provide convenient access to
A. Library at Head Quarters, Mysuru:
The Karnataka State Open University Library caters to the need of the students, research
scholars, faculty members and non-teaching staff of the university since 1996. At present, the Library’s
collection exceeds one lakh volumes, apart from the conventional book resources; it comprises a good
number of periodicals, reference books, encyclopedia, reports, theses, dissertations, audio visual
materials, CD/DVDs, etc. Presently it has more than 300 National and International Journals. The
Library is planning to build a digitalized institutional repository.

a. Membership Services:
i. All the students of the University can become the members of the library after getting their
Student Identity Card issued from the University authorities at the time of Admission.
ii. To get membership, they have to fill Membership Application and submit it along with 2
Passport Size Photos and 1 Stamp Size Photo, Total 3 Photos.
iii. Borrowers Tickets will be issued on payment of a Refundable Caution Deposit of Rs. 250/-
iv. Users can Borrow One Book per Card. The issued books can be retained for a period of 60
days, and after the due date, penalty of Rs.1/- per book per day will be levied.
v. The students should return the books and borrowers card 30 days before the commencement of
the Annual Examinations. In case they fail to return the same, the Admission ticket for the
Examination will not be issued.
vi. As per University guidelines students have to produce their Identity Card and compulsorily surrender
their Borrowers Tickets to the Library Authorities for obtaining No Due Certificate (NDC) of the

b. Library Services
a. Reference and Referral Service, Current Awareness Service, Users Orientation Service,
b. Bibliographic Service, News Paper Clipping Service, Photocopy Service, etc. provided to the users.
c. The Library has a well-equipped computer lab with internet facility to cater to the needs of
the users.
d. The library functions from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on all working days.
e. During contact Programme and university examinations, the Library will be kept open from
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Government Holiday’s library functions from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30
f. The housekeeping operations and catalogue is computerized using New Gen Lib integrated
library management software.
g. Web based Online Public Access Catalogue is provided to the users.
h. The Library website provides access to e-journals, e-Books, old question papers, etc. And link
to the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of the Library
For any information regarding the library services please send your queries and feedback to
e-mail id: [email protected] contact Telephone No. 0821-2500873 / 251995
Ext: 525/526.
C. Health Centre:
The University has established a Health Centre to attend to the urgent and immediate need of
the students‟ whenever they stay in the campus. Only OPD facility is available and regular doctor
and other staff will be on duty.
D. Hostels:
The University has provided hostel facility both for men and women separately in KSOU
Mysuru campus.
Men’s Hostel:
KSOU Boys' Hostel is located in KSOU campus. It consists of 33 rooms. Each room could
accommodate 5 students. Thus, this facility will be available to 165 students at a time. The students
who wish to avail this facility shall pay 70/- per day.

Women’s Hostel:
KSOU cottages, located in the University campus, reserved to the girls' students. Each
cottage can house 12 students. Totally University is having 09 cottages. Thus, 108 students can stay
in these cottages at a time. The student who is willing to avail this benefit, shall pay Rs.70/- per
The University is extending this facility within its limits. The accommodation will be
provided depending on the availability by following the policy of 'First Come-First Serve'. The
students of the hostel/ cottages shall maintain decency and decorum in the campus, no damage to
the properties of the University shall be caused. Any violation will attract disciplinary action and
penalty. Those who do not get the accommodation shall make their own arrangements. To avail
Hostel / cottage facility and payment of tariff, contact the Office of the University Guest House
during working hours. For details contact-9844159004

a) Well maintained cafeteria

b) State Bank of India with its ATM facility
c) Post Office
d) Wi - fi Facility
e) Well maintained playground
f) Pure drinking water facility

E. Special Concession for Women Students:

Women Candidates coming under the category of Below Poverty Line (BPL), seeking
admission to UG/PG will be given 15 % concession in the Tuition Fee. The applicant should submit
the BPL card issued by the competent authority at the time of admission. Such candidates are
required to enclose a copy of the BPL Card containing the photo and the name self-attested, along
with the application and original documents.

F. Mukta Sanjeevini Scholarship:

The Karnataka State Open University has established Mukta Sanjivini Scholarship Fund
to encourage poor students to pursue the studies. This scholarship is available to students of
economically weaker section of M.Com Programs in KSOU.

a) Annual income of students/ father/ mother/ guardian/ husband should not exceed Rupees
One Lakh.
b) Income/Caste certificate issued by concerned Tahasildar shall be submitted.
c) Scholarship is available to M.Com, students who have successfully completed their
Previous Year examination with 50% marks in the first attempt.
d) Students should be below the age of 30 years.
e) Those who apply for this scholarship should not have applied for any scholarship
anywhere else.
f) Students will be selected for scholarship based on their merit.
g) Students should submit prescribed filled in application form along with relevant documents
to the Deputy Registrar (Admissions), Karnataka State Open University,
Mukthagangothri, Mysuru -570 006 within the stipulated time,

G. Competitive Examination Training Centre:

The KSOU competitive examination training Centre offers training and guidance to various
competitive examinations. For details contact No.0821-2515944.
H. Placement cell
The university has a placement cell which provides placement assistance. Placement fairs are
conducted by the University to provide placement assistance to students. The cell is having
continuous liaison with different industry/companies. Placements are being provided to meritorious
Placement cell was started in July 2019 with the objective of providing jobs for meritorious
candidates of KSOU exclusively. In later days the placement cell retained same objectives but the
scope was extended all aspirents of Karnataka with the above objective 4 job fairs including one
mega job fair is arranged through which job were provide to 4000 students.
University has signed MoU with 2 companies for placements. Presently negotiation are going
with Board of Apprentiship training Department of Employement and Training, Government of
Karnataka. Around 50 students have been selected for apprentiship with stipend of around 10,000
per month for 2 years. State level apprentiship fair also arranged in collaboration of Government of
Karnataka. The Placement cell planning to provide apprentiship training with stipund of minimum
10,000/- per month for all Under Graduate and Post Graduate on SSLC based students. For more
details contact placement cell: 9964697521.

Karnataka State Open University has developed an App which can be downloaded from the
Google Playstore. The App provides all the relavent informations such as Courses,
Admissions, Classes, and Examinations. Soft copy of the Study material can also be
downloaded from the App along with previous question papers and assignments.

J. KSOU Connect
KSOU connect is a Web Based interactive platform developed by the University. It is used to
conduct Online classes, Counselling session and Special lectures.Students will get a link which
enables them to join the sessions.

K. Video Lectures
The Department of Studies and Research in Commerce has developed few video lectures
which would be uploaded in the YouTube Channel.

L. KSOU Radio
KSOU has setup Radio station to provide radio programmes for the benefit of the students.
Audio tapes related to various programmes shall be broadcasted at scheduled time.

KSOU is a training partner to Chief Ministers Koushalya Karnataka Yojane (CMKKY). KSOU
imparts training to all its Final year / Semester students who have enrolled for various classes. For
more details students can contact Dr. Sumati Ramakrishna Gowda Director CMKKY.
12. Information about the Admission Fee
1. BPL Women candidates get 15% concession in tuition fee only.
2. Cab/auto drivers, their spouse and two children are elegible for 30% concession in the Tution fee
for which they shall produce identity card issued by the competent authority.
3. Eligibility Fee for Sri Lanka/Bangladesh/Indonesia/ Bhutan/ Nepali/ Tibetan Candidates studied
In Karnataka for a minimum period of 5 Years is Rs 2000/- in each year.
4. Eligibility fee for NRI/Foreign Students is Rs 15000/- each year.
5. Eligibility fee for candidates residing outside Karnataka or studied outside Karnataka is Rs
6. Defence and ex-service man students get 15% concession on tution fees in particular subject.
6. University staff members, their spouse and their children (only 2 children) get 25% concession
on total admission fees in particular subject.
8. Transgender will get full fees concession.
9. Completely blind students will get full fees concession on their interested subject
10. Candidates whose parents are dimensed in covid 19 will get 100% fees concession on interested
12. Alumni association fee – 500/-.

13. Instructions to candidates relating to Examination

13.1 About the Examination Policy
 Semester ExaminationThe Examination for M.Com Programmes will be conducted by the
University at the end of each academic Semester. No supplementary examination for M.Com
 Period for Completion of the Programme
The students shall complete the programme in a period of n+2 years.

 Procedure of Examination
Candidate shall register for all subjects (whole examination) when he/she appears for the
examination for the first time (during the year of admission).

 Examination Centers
Depending upon the number of students enrolled, the University will identify the
Examination Centers. In addition to these Examination Centers, the University conducts
examination in other institutions which will also be notified in the examination circular. If
any changes are made regarding examination centers, the same will be updated in the KSOU
official Website: www.ksoumysore.karnataka.gov.in. Supplementary examinations will have
lesser number of examination centers depending on the strength of the students.

 Course Exemption
Course exemption is granted to all Under graduate and Post graduate courses as per the
ordinance of the University.
 Declaration of Results for Undergraduate Programmes
The candidates should score minimum 32 Marks in theory and aggregate of 35 percent
including IA Marks in all courses at the Term end examination. Those who score less than 35
per cent will be considered as failed in the examination, therefore such candidates have to
reappear for the respective courses in the examination.

 Declaration of Results for Postgraduate Programmes

The candidates should score minimum 32 Marks in theory and aggregate of 40 percent
including IA Marks in all courses at the Term end examination. Those who score less than 40
per cent will be considered as failed in the examination, therefore such candidates have to
reappear for the courses in the examination.
 Marks Card
The University shall issue Aadhar based digital Marks Card and Convocation Certificate through
Online, such copies will also be available in National Academic Depository (NAD).
 Grace Policy
The grace marks permissible shall be 1% of total maximum marks of all the papers or
component or group or for the whole examination of all under graduate courses.

Conversion of Percentage of Marks into Grade Points in a Paper

%Marks in a Grade Point
paper/practical (GP)
96-100 10
91-95 9.5
86-90 9.0
81-85 8.5
76-80 8.0
71-75 7.5
66-70 7.0
61-65 6.5
56-60 6.0
51-55 5.5
46-50 5.0
41-45 4.5
40 4.0
Below 40 0

Table : Final Result / Grades Description

Semester / Program Semester GPA / Alpha-Sign / Result / Class Description
% of Marks Program CGPA Letter Grade
90.0-100 9.00-10.00 O (Outstanding) Outstanding
80.0-<90.0 8.00-<9.00 A+ (Excellent) First Class Exemplary
70.0-<80.0 7.00-<8.00 A (Very Good) First Class Distinction
60.0-<70.0 6.00-<7.00 B+ (Good) First Class
55.0-<60.0 5.50-<6.00 B(Above High Second Class
50.0-<55.0 5.00-<5.50 C (Average) Second Class
40.0-<50.0 4.00-<5.00 P (Pass) Pass Class
Below 40 Below 4.00 F (Fail) Fail/Reappear
Absent 0 Ab (Absent)

 Revaluation and Photocopy of answer scripts
The students of M.Com Programme have provision to apply for re-valuation and photocopy of
answer scripts within 14 days from the date of announcement of result in the University Website
https://www.ksoumysuru.ac.in/ In this regard, application may be submitted to the Registrar
(Evaluation), Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangothri, Mysuru-6, through
registered post.

 Eligibility to appear for Examination

To be eligible to appear for examination in any course, the students are required to fulfill the
following conditions;
a) They must have paid all the fees prescribed by the University.
b) They should have pursued the concerned course program.
c) They should submit the examination form in time.
The admission to the concerned the candidates should be retain as it is with modificate.

 Examination Time Table

Schedule of Examination dates indicating the date and time of examination for each program
will be sent to all the regional Centers/examination Centers within 15 days before the commencement
of examination. The students can obtain the detailed Time Table from their nearest Regional Centre or
Examination Centre. They can also log on to www.ksoumysore.karnataka.gov.in. No individual
intimation will be sent to the students regarding examination time table.
 Rank Declaration Rules
1. Repeaters are not eligible for declaration of Rank.
2. Those who have passed with grace marks for any paper or improved class (CIG) are not eligible
for Ranks.
3. The University will declare rank - 10% of total candidates appeared, subject to a maximum of 10
Ranks per programme.

13.2 Instructions to candidates relating to Examination

 The students shall read carefully the instructions contained in the Examination
 Students will appear for the examination at the Examination centre allocated to them and not
at any other centre without obtaining specific permission of the Registrar (Evaluation).
 Examination centre once opted shall not be changed. If students wish to change, they have to
obtain the prior permission of Registrar (Evaluation) and they have to pay prescribed fee by
submitting examination application form.
 An n ou n c e men t of Resu l ts : Results will be announced in the University website
 Repeaters will have to obtain the examination application form from the University website.
 Examination fee has to be paid online. Instruction for online fee payment is available on the
university website. Once the fee is paid, it will not be refunded or adjusted for any
examination even though a student is absent for a particular examination.

 Students should obtain the admission ticket for the examination from the Chief Superintendent
of the examination centre three days before the commencement of the examination and also
can be downloaded from KSOU website, Admission ticket will not be sent to the
candidates by post.
 Candidate should apply to the Registrar (Evaluation), KSOU, Mukthagangothri,
Mysuru- 570 006, in the prescribed form for Migration Certificate along will photo copy of
all marks cards by paying the prescribed fee.
 Provisional Pass Certificate will be issued by the Registrar (Evaluation) on request and on
payment of prescribed fee, after the declaration of results and issue of final year marks card by
the University.
 All circulars, examination notifications and such other correspondences will be sent by
ordinary post only. The candidate can also collect the above from Regional Center or Learner
Support Center or KSOU Headquarters. The candidates are informed to visit University
official website from time to time and get the updated information.

 In case the Internal Assessment (IA) marks of any programme is not reflected in the result,
despite of submission of the assignment, such students shall contact the concerned
coordinator along with the proof of submission within 30 days of announcement of result.
 Students can write examination either in Kannada or in English.

14. Convocation (Certificate / Degree Certificate) (Refer KSOU website for convocation details)
The University will conduct convocation after results of the respective programmes. Separate
communication will also be sent to the students at an appropriate time.


In an endeavour to step up the quality of services rendered by the university, Centre for
Internal Quality Assurance has been constituted as per the UGC (ODL Regulations 2017)
National Mission on Education through Information and Communication
Technology (NMEICT).
The National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology
(NMEICT) has been envisaged as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to leverage the potential of ICT,
in teaching and learning process for the benefit of all the learners in Higher Education Institutions
in any time anywhere mode. This was expected to be a major intervention in enhancing the Gross
Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education by 5 percentage points during the XI Five Year Plan

The three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality could be
served well by providing connectivity to all colleges and universities, providing low cost and
affordable access-cum-computing devices to students and teachers and providing high quality e-
content free of cost to all learners in the country. NMEICT encompasses all the three elements.
The Mission has two major components:
1. Providing connectivity, along with provision for access devices, to institutions and
2. Content generation.

It seeks to bridge the digital divide, i.e. the gap in the skills to use computing devices for the
purpose of teaching and learning among urban and rural teachers/learners in Higher Education
domain and empower those, who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and
have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy. It plans to focus on
appropriate pedagogy for e-learning, providing facility of performing experiments through virtual
laboratories, on-line testing and certification, on-line availability of teachers to guide and mentor
learners, utilization of available Education Satellite (EduSAT) and Direct to Home platforms,
training and empowerment of teachers to effectively use the new method of teaching learning etc.

Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) has adopted National Mission on Education
through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) a flagship initiative of Ministry
of Human Resource Development aims to leverage the potential of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning process by high quality , personalized
and interactive knowledge modules over the internet for all the learners EIs) in anytime,
anywhere mode. The Karnataka State Open University has created separate cell for the NMEICT
and Virtual Labs. Adopted ICT initiatives of are as follows:

1. SWAYAM: Massive Open Online Courses

2. SWAYAMPRABHA: View digital courses on TV
3. National Digital Library: e-content
4. e-PG Pathshala: Gateway for e-books upto PG
5. Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian Theses
6. e-ShodhSindhu: e-journals
7. e-Yantra: Engineering for better tomorrow
8. FOSSEE: Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education
9. Virtual Labs: Web-enabled experiments designed for remote – operation
10. University Enterprise Resource Planning (SAMARTH)
11. VIDWAN: Expert Database and National Research Network
12. IRINS: Indian Research Information Network System
13. Shodh Shudhhi (PDS): Plagiarism Detection Software

SWAYAM Prabha is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resources Development to
provide 32 High Quality Educational Channels through DTH (Direct to Home) across the length and
breadth of the country on 24X7 basis. It has curriculum-based course content covering diverse
disciplines. This is primarily aimed at making quality learning resources accessible to remote areas
where internet availability is still a challenge. The DTH channels are using the GSAT-15 satellite for
programme telecasts. Karnataka State Open University has provided Opportunity to access relevant
channels in the Cauvery Auditorium for the benefits of learners during their stay in the personal
Contact Programme.

Virtual Labs will provide to the students the result of an experiment by one of the following
methods (or possibly a combination). Modelling the physical phenomenon by a set of equations and
carrying out simulations to yield the result of the particular experiment. This can, at-the-best, provide
an approximate version of the ‘real-world’ experiment. Providing measured data for virtual lab
experiments corresponding to the data previously obtained by measurements on an actual system.
Remotely triggering an experiment in an actual lab and providing the student the result of the
experiment through the computer interface. This would entail carrying out the actual lab experiment
remotely. Virtual Labs will be made more effective and realistic by providing additional inputs to the
students like accompanying audio and video streaming of an actual lab experiment and equipment.
For the ‘touch and feel’ part, the students can possibly visit an actual laboratory for a short duration.
Karnataka State Open University has recognised Nodal Center for Virtual Labs under the
leadership of National Institute of Technology, Surathkal and established well equipped V Labs
Nodal Center at Science Bhavan which can cater the needs of KSOU learners of to access the
experiments developed by NITK.

The UGC e-Content scheme aims at developing high quality e-Content, as well as expertise
for generating such content over the long term. The scheme provides financial assistance and
technical support to teachers and other experts based in colleges and universities for the development
of e-Content. The e-Content development and the associated web based learning described here do
not seek to replace traditional teaching and learning, but are expected to supplement them. The
inclusion of e-Content in learning is now inevitable, and the UGC initiative is designed to meet the
new challenges, and to help India take the lead in this newly emerging field. The Karnataka State
Open University has initiated development of e content proposal under the NMEICT.

Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA):

KSOU has established the Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) as per UGC Open
& Distance Learning Regulations 2017 to maintain quality in the service provided to the
stakeholders and to assure quality standards are maintained in all its academic and administrative
activities. The committee for CIQA interacts with the stakeholders and initiates various measures
to promote quality of services at every stage i.e. from the enrolment of students till they
accomplish their goals in their academic pursuit.
Research and Development Cell
The Karnataka State Open University has established Research and Development cell in the
University to promote quality research and academic development. The cell is actively engaged in
enhancing the researches in the university. It provides academic support to the faculty member’s
research scholars and students of the university in writing articles and publishing. Further it also
encourages the departments to conduct workshops, seminars and conferences.

Guidance and Counselling

The student career is complex and sensitive. Students of the twenty first century are facing new
challenges and difficult situations. There is a dire need to guide and counsell them in different areas. It
may be academic, skill development, career oriented, life skills, Placement, Higher Studies, and others.
The University establishes full-fledged guidance and Counselling Cell to assist the students.
Interactive Platform
The University is initiating action to utilize the advantage of information and technology
development to meet the learners‟ needs. Interactive platform, virtual class room, delivery of lectures
from experts, digital library services and other supporting services will be created in future.
Grievance Redressal Cell
In an endeavor to provide better and timely services to the students, the Karnataka State Open
University has established a Grievance Redressal Cell led by coordinators as per the University Grants
Commission (Redress of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2019. The cell addresses the problems
faced by the students, with regard to academic, student support services and examinations. The
students are advised to submit their grievance in writing or by telephonic call to the committee.

The coordinators concerned will examine the grievance under the provisions of the
university and resolve it within a timeframe.
The students can submit their grievances through the link provided at KSOU website
www.ksoumysuru.ac.in the grievances will be addressed online through UGC SG Portal by the Nodal

Dr. Srikanth S
Nodal Officer, Students Grievance and Redressal Cell,
KSOU, Mysuru. Mobile: 9986019910


Relevant information on issues like programs offered by the University, admissions, study
materials, contact program, examinations, results, marks cards, certificates, hostel facility etc. will
be provided to the students who visit the University. 'Public Relation Officers' will be present in
the 'Information and Guidance Cell' situated near the main entrance of the admission block.
Students can contact them either in person or through phone and obtain required information. The
contact numbers are 98453-63573 and Admission Block 94494-89749.


A. Under-Graduate Courses
Sl. Name of the ODL Programmes Duration Scheme
1 B.A 3 years Annual
2 B.Com 3 years Annual
3 B.Lib.I.Sc 1 year Annual
4 B.Sc- General 3 years Semester
5 B.Sc – Information Technology 3 years Semester
6 B.Sc – Home Science 3 years Semester
7 B.B.A 3 years Semester
8 BCA – Computer applications 3 years Semester
9 B.Ed. 2 years Annual
B. Post-Graduate Course
1 M.A – Kannada 2 Years Semester
2 M.A – Englsih 2 Years Semester
3 M.A – Hindi 2 Years Semester
4 M.A – Urdu 2 Years Annual
5 M.A – Sanskrit 2 Years Annual
6 M.A – History 2 Years Semester
7 M.A – Economics 2 Years Semester
8 M.A - Political Science 2 Years Semester
9 M.A - Public Administration 2 Years Annual
10 M.A – Sociology 2 Years Semester
11 M.A - Journalism and Mass Communication 2 Years Annual
12 M.A - Ancient History & Archeology 2 Years Semester
13 M.Com 2 Years Semester
14 MBA 2 Years Semester
15 M.Sc. – Biochemistry 2 Years Semester
16 M.Sc. – Biotechnology 2 Years Semester
17 M.Sc. – Chemistry 2 Years Semester
18 M.Sc. – Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics 2 Years Semester
19 M.Sc. – Computer Science 2 Years Semester
20 M.Sc. – Environmental Science 2 Years Semester
21 M.Sc. – Geography 2 Years Semester
22 M.Sc. – Mathematics 2 Years Semester
23 M.Sc. – Microbiology 2 Years Semester
24 M.Sc. – Physics 2 Years Semester
25 M.Sc. – Psychology 2 Years Semester
26 M.Sc. – Information Technology 2 Years Semester
27 M.Lib.I.Sc 1 Year Annual
28 M.Sc - Botany 2 Years Semester
29 M.Sc - Zoology 2 Years Semester
30 M.Sc – Food & Nutrition Science 2 Years Semester
31 M.A - Education 2 Years Semester
32 M.A - Telugu 2 Years Semester
PG Certificate Courses
1 PG Certificate Courses in English (PGCDE) 1year Annual
2 PG Certificate Courses in Communicative English 1year Annual
3 PG Certificate Courses in Human Resource
Management (PGCHRM)
4 PG Certificate Courses in Financial Management 1year Annual
5 PG Certificate Courses in Business Administration 1year Annual
6 PG Certificate Courses in Marketing Management 1year Annual
7 PG Certificate Courses in Nutrition and Dietetics 1year Annual
8 PG Certificate Courses in Journalism and Mass 1year Annual
Communication (PGCJMC)
9 PG Certificate Courses in Kuvempu Sahithya (PGCKS) 1year Annual
10 PG Certificate Courses in Business Law (PGCBL) 1year Annual
11 PG Certificate Courses in Information Technology 1year Annual
12 PG Certificate Courses in Computer Application 1 year Annual
13 PG Certificate Courses in Ambetkar Studies (PGCAS) 1 year Annual
Diploma Courses
01 Diploma in Kannada (DIK) 1 year Annual
02 Diploma in Journalism (DIJ) 1 year Annual
03 Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE) 1 year Annual
04 Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) 1 year Annual
05 Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) 1 year Annual
06 Diploma in Childhood Care and Education (DCCE) 1 Year Annual
Under Graduate Certificate Courses
01 Under Graduate Certificate in Panchayath Raj (UGCPR) 6 months Half yearly
02 Under Graduate Certificate in Nutrition and Food 6 months Half yearly
03 Under Graduate Certificate Programme in Information 6 months Half yearly
Communication Technology (UGCICT)
04 Undergraduate Certificate Programme in English, 6 months Half yearly
Entreprunuership and Employment (UGCEEE)
Ph.D. Programmes
Ph.D. in Kannada, English, Hindi, History, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public
Administration, Ancient History and Archeology, Journalism and Mass Communication,
Commerce, Management, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Clinical Nutrition and
Dietetics, Environmental Science, Microbiology, Psychology, Library Science, Information
Technology, Geopgraphy


i. Change of Address
If the address given by the student at the time of admission is changed, he/she should write a
letter about the change of address to The Deputy Registrar (Admission), KSOU, Mysuru. The
student should confirm, from the concerned officer, whether the change of address has been entered
in the Admission Register or not. It is very important because the study materials, information and
application forms etc. sent to the student from time to time, can reach the student only if the address
given is correct.
ii. Change of Name
Students are required to submit the following documents to The Deputy Registrar
(General) in order to change their names while pursuing their courses:
a) Requisition letter for Change of Name.
b) Photo Copy of the Judgment (Decree) from the court, containing the declaration of change
of name.
c) Two stamp size recent photographs
d) Fee paid details fobs
e) Attested Photo copy of the SSLC Marks Card / Cumulative Record.
f) Attested Photo copy of the PUC Marks Card.
g) Attested Photo copy of the Student I.D. Card.
h) Attested photo copy of Admission fees details
i) Advertised copy of News Paper.
The changed name will come into effect after University Notification.
iii. Duplicate/ Renewal of Identity Card
If the Original Identity Card is lost, students are required to pay fee of Rs.300/ - through
SBI. The following records have to be submitted in order to obtain duplicate Identity

a) Student should write a letter to the Deputy Registrar (Admission), KSOU, Mysuru-6.
b) A Photocopy of previous Identity card (if available), Attested copy of marks card, photo
and attested photo proof of Aadhaar Card, office copy of the fee paid details should be
c) The University will issue the Identity Card to the students admitted for first year MBA.
The students admitted to Second year MBA. Degree Program shall preserve the Identity
Card and fee paid details of admission and examination and get it renewed
d) During the Examination students shall invariably produce the Identity Card along with
fee paid details of admission and examination to the invigilator. The University shall not
be held responsible if students are denied permission to write the examination due to
non-production of the above mentioned documents.

iv. Letter Correspondence

The students may contact the concerned officer/ Chairman by phone /e-mail/ letter to get
necessary clarification and information during their study period. On such occasions students
should mention their name, address, enrolment number, subject of study, medium of instruction and
Phone/ Mobile No. without fail. This will help to solve the problems quickly. It is mandatory on
the part of students to reply to the letters sent by the University on matters pertaining to admission,
non-remittance of prescribed fee, study material, written assignments, exam, exam results etc. If
students do not respond to the University letters on time in matters mentioned above, the problems
cannot be solved quickly for which the University will be not be held responsible.

a. Swayam:
The University will launch a few Programmes online as per the directives of UGC / MHRD. For
this purpose University has procured DD Free Dish and installed for accessing SWAYAM Prabha
Channels. These channels will be used by the teachers while teaching the courses to have a blended
learning process mainly to improve the quality of learning.
b. Digital Monitoring Cell
University has established “Digital Monitoring Cell” to review the current use of digital
resources and also periodical suggestions will be given to enhance their utilization further.
c. National Academic Depository Cell
National Academic Depository (NAD) is an online store house of academic awards
(degrees, diplomas, mark sheets etc.,) lodged by the boards/ academic institutions/eligibility
Assessment bodies in a digital format that has been launched on 9 July, 2017 by Hon'ble President
of India. It is a 24x7 online mode for making available academic awards and helps in validating its
authenticity, safe storage and easy retrieval. University has established NAD cell to carry out the
activities in this regard. Students shall register to the NAD.
d. National Digital Library
The National Digital library of India (NDL) is a project under Ministry of Human Resource
Development, India. The objective is to integrate several national and international digital libraries
in one single web-portal. The NDL provides free access to many books in English and the Indian
languages. Hence, students are advised to join National Digital Library at https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/to
access more than 80 lakh digital resources without any cost.

e. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

The University Grants Commission, under the ambit of MHRD, has facilitated the Open
Universities to conduct short term programme online. The candidates may visit the website of
KSOU/ UGC to avail the benefits of such MOOCs.

Annexure - I
Recognition letter of UGC
https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/2714759_FINAL-LIST-03-10-2018.pdf :See sl.no. 21 of the list


F.No.1-5/2021 (DEB-I) 26th August, 2021
(In addition to the list on UGC website vide F.No.1-2/2021 (DEB-I) dated 10th March, 2021
Additional List of Higher Education Institution (HEIs) with recognized programmes under Open and Distance mode for the
Academic Session beginning July 2021 (revised as November 2021) to 2025-2026 (Upto Academic Session January, 2026)
based on Standing Appellate Committee Meeting (SAC) held on 30.06.2021 and 01.07.2021 is enclosed herewith.
(STATE July, 2021
UNIVERSITY) (Revised as
2021) to 2025- 5. MASTER OF ARTS (TELUGU)
January, 2026 TECHNOLOGY)

Annexure – II
Address of the Regional Centre with Telephone Numbers,
Sl.No. Place
Regional Director, Contact Number and Email ID
KSOU Regional Centre, Bengaluru
Osteen College, Sree Gowri Chambers,
No.61, 5th Main Road, Chamarajpet,
1. Bengaluru-1 Ph : (O) 080-26603664
Regional Director : Dileepa
Mob: 9844126625
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Women’s Regional Centre

Govt. PU College for Girls, 13th Cross, 4th Main,
Malleshwaram, Bengaluru-560003.
2. Bengaluru-2 Ph : (O) 080-23448811
Regional Director : J Shashikala.
Mob: 97411-97921
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

K.S.O.U. Regional Centre

Bangalore – 3 (Yalahanka)
Adithya Educational Institutions No. 12, Kogilu Main Road
Behind Annapurneswari Temple
Maruthinagar, Yalahanka BANGALORE – 560 064
3. Bengaluru-3
Mo: 9880526439, 9019526439
Regional Director : Sri H.S.Rohit
Mob: 98805-26439/90195-26439
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
K.S.O.U. Regional Centre
Bangalore – 4 (Bommanahalli)
Lorra Business Academy Building, No. 3/3, Begur Main Road,
4. Bengaluru-4 Hongasandra, Bommanahalli, Banglore – 68.
Regional Director : H.N Girish
Mob : 9448668880
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Bellary
Behind Regional Science Center,
Near District Stadium, Nellacheravu Pradesha,
5. Ballary Bellary-583 102.
Regional Director : Dr.Gopal. P
Mob: 89702-23247
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre, Chamarajanagar
K.H.B. Colony, Ramasamudhra Layout,
Near Emmanual Cristian Public School,
6. Chamarajanagar
Regional Director : Mahadeva.S
Mob: 96323-46618
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre, Chikmagalur

Sai Mandira Road, Madhuvana Layout,
Chikmagalur–577 102.
7. Chikmagalur
Regional Director : Dr.P.Harish
Mob : 89040-36090/94826-03060
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Davanagere
J.H Patel Layout, Behind Shamanur,
Naganur Road, Davanagere - 577 004
8. Davanagere
Regional Director : Dr.Vijayaprakash
Mob: 99864-58055
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre, Dharwad

Karnataka University Public School Campus,
KCD Road, Opp. LIC Office,
9. Dharwad
Ph : (O) 0836-2441199
Regional Director : Dr.H. Mallikarjuna
Mob: 90351-43912 / 7892597159
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre , Hassan
S.M.Krishna Nagar, Arasikere Road,
Doddapura (Post), Hassan–573 118.
10. Hassan
Regional Director : Dr.P.Jagadeesh
Mob: 81978-18807
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Kalburgi
Institute of Kannada Studies,
Gulbarga University Campus, Kalburgi–585106.
11. Kalburgi Ph : (O) 08472-265868
Regional Director : Dr. Sangamesh Hiremath
Mob: 99167-83555
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre , Karwar
1st Floor, Old U.S.K.V. Building,
12. Karwar Savitha Circle Main Road,
Karwar–581 301.

Incharge : Prasanna
Mob : 90353-95137
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Kolar
Behind S.P. Office,
Near R.L.Jalappa Hostpital,
Kolar–563 101.
13. Kolar
Regional Director : Dr.Manjunath S.J
Mob : 86188-21417
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre , Mandya
C.S-11 (A) ‘E’ Block,
Vivekananda Nagar Layout, Hollalu Melukote Road,
Mandya-571 401.
14. Mandya
Regional Director : Dr. M Sudhakara
Mob: 90085-40090
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre, Mangaluru

Vokkaligara Yane Gowdara Seva Sangha, 3rd Floor,
(Near Shirdi Saibaba Temple, Udupi Main Road),
Ashokanagar Post, Ladyhill,
15. Mangaluru
Ph : (O) 0824–2454697

Regional Director : Dr. Basavaraju.B

M: 99450-58950
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Ramanagara
Chamundeshwari Educational Trust (R),
Shatiniketan Group of Institutions,
B.M. Road, Vivekanandanagar,
Ramanagara–562 159.
Ph : (O) 080-27274443
16. Ramanagara
Regional Director : Dr. K. Nandakumari
Mob: 99644-95936
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre, Shivamogga

Alkola Circle, Near LIC Office,
17. Shivamogga Sagara Road, Shivamogga–577201.
Regional Director : H.L. Mohan Raj
Mob : 91644-67131
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre , Tumkuru
CA-07, Tuda Layout,
Rajivgandhinagara, Melekote, Tumkuru-572105.
18. Tumkuru
Regional Director : Dr. R Lokesh
Mob : 98445-06629
E-Mail ID : [email protected]

KSOU Regional Centre, Udupi

Old Jillapanchaith Building, 2nd Floor Banaje, Udupi-576 101.
19. Udupi Ph : (O) 0820-2522247
Regional Director : Mahalingaiah.K.P
Mob : 79755-10679
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Belgaum
Angadi College of Commerce and Science
Suresh Angadi Education Foundation, (SAEP)
20. Savagaon Road, Belagavi-590 009
Ph: (O) 0831-2438123, 0831-2438100.
Regional Director : Raghavendra Kulakarni
Mob : 9916894944
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Bidar
Government First Grade College Naubad Bidar-585402
21. Bidar Ph: (O) 08482-232020.
Regional Director :Sri.Satish B. Kulkarni (I/C)
Mob : 98454-91995
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Bagalakote
Basaveshwara Arts College, Bagalakote.
22. Bagalakote Regional Director : Smt. Milana. R
Mob : 9741990284
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
KSOU Regional Centre, Madikeri
Junior College Campus old primary school building Madikeri-
23. Madikeri 571201.
Regional Director : Smitha A.B.
Mob : 8073342310 / 7618763654/ 8762551115
E-Mail ID : [email protected]


1.Co- Ordinator
Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana P.G.Centre
1. K.R.S. Road, Metagalli, Mysore-570016,
(Only Science Programmes)
Ph: 0821-4009616 /2581226 M: 94483-82736 / 9845460047
mahajanapg.org [email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
2. Central Prison
Near St. Philomina Church, Ashoka Main Road, Mysuru-570001
Phone: 0821 249 2089, 0821-2492092, 9066828299
[email protected]

3. Mysore
3. Co- Ordinator
Basudeva Somani College.
Vishwamanava Double road, Kuvempunagar, Mysore.
Phone: 9591688536./ 0821-2541933
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
M Samruddhi Vidya Samsthe.
Y 4. Sunitha Mahila Mandali, Samruddhi Vidya Samsthe Plot No 120,
Belagola Industrial Area, Metagalli, Mysore-570016.
O Phone : 9845116090
[email protected]
E H.D Kote
5. Co- Ordinator
(HQ) 5. Sri Adichunchanagiri First Grade College
H.D. Kote, Mysore. Phone : 08228-297103/9845669983
[email protected] / [email protected]
6. Co- Ordinator
T.T.L College.
1st main road Saraswathipuram Mysore-57009
M: 9611368056/9945539603
[email protected]
7. Co- Ordinator
7. Vidyodaya Arts & Commerce First Grade College.
T.Narasipura Mysore Dist-571124. Phone No. 9620394986.
[email protected]
8. Co- Ordinator
8. D.Banumaiah's College of Commerce and Arts.
New Sayyaji Rao Road, Mysuru. Ph No: 9980325646
[email protected]
9. Co- Ordinator
Jnanadhara First Grade College.
9. #50, Coffee works premises, old Bregade road, Hunsur, Mysore.
Ph No: 0822250443 / 9448434355
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
Manasa College of Management.
10. No. 637/B Dr. Rajkumar Road 1st Block 2nd stage E-Block Rajajinagar,
Bangalore -560010
Ph: 9900004099
[email protected]
Regional Centres 2. Co- Ordinator
Lorra Business Academy
11. No. 3/3, Begur main road Hongasandra, Bommanahalli, Bangalore -68.
Ph: 8217639183
[email protected]
Bangalore[H S R Layout]
3. Co- Ordinator
S.V.R College of Commerce & Management Studies
12. No, 28/4, Samasandre Palya HSR Layout Bangalore - 560 102.
Ph: 9036590979
[email protected]
Bangalore, Yelahanka
4. Co- Ordinator
13. Sheshadripuram First Grade College,
CA Site No-26, Yelahanka New Town Banglore-560064.
Ph No: 9886564873
[email protected]
5. Co- Ordinator
Siddaganga College of Management & Science
1. No. 33, Suraj Tower, Service Road,
Banglore-1 14.
Banglore-2 Near Laggere Bus Stop, Narasimha Swamy Layout, Laggare,
Bangalore – 560058
M : 7676850950/9008081151
[email protected]
Bangalore, [Basavanagudi N R Colony]
6. Acharya Patashala College Of Commerce
15. N.R Colony, Basavanagudi, Bangalore -560019
M : 9916910855
[email protected]
Bangalore, Kothnur, [JP Nagar]
7. Co- Ordinator
Columbia College.
Jambusavari Dinne, Gottigere-Kengeri RD, Royal County,
1st Phase, J.P. Nagar, Kothnur, Bangalore -560083.
Phone No: 9845457012 [email protected]
8. Co- Ordinator
B T M First Grade College.
17. # 42, Hosapalya main road, Kudlugate, opposite fabritext Garment Hosur
main road, Bangalore- 68
Phone No: 08041162727/9449979054/9341948860
[email protected]
9. Co- Ordinator
18. Global Evening College.
No. 60/2 Bendaganahalli, Bommenahalli road Near Green field Mandur,
Phone No: 9880519296/9449847501

[email protected]

Bangalore,[Pillanna Garden]
10. Co- Ordinator
19. United Degree College.
Regional Centres 12,2nd stage Pillanna garden Nagawara Main Road,
Phone No: 9986017219
[email protected]

Bangalore, Malleshwaram
11. Co- Ordinator
20. A S C Silver Valley Degree College.
# 145, 7th Cross, Cocomut Avenue Road Sri Balagangadharanatha
Swamiji road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore -560003
Phone No: 9845399921/080-23443806
[email protected]

Bangalore, Hesaraghatta
12. Co- Ordinator
Sri Kalpavruksha degree College.
No. 25, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Govindappa Enclave, Hesaraghatta main Rd,
Near Karnataka Bank, Bangalore -560073
Phone No: 9448291813
[email protected]

Bangalore, Sunkadakatte
13. Co- Ordinator
22. Om Sai College.
Janapriya Complex, Magadi Main Road, Sunkadakatte,
Banglore-1 Phone No: 9742274872
Banglore-2 [email protected]
Banglore-4 Bangalore, [Yalahanka]
14. Co- Ordinator
Government First Grade College.
23. Near NES Office Road, Sugappa Layout, Kogilu cross Yalahanka
Bangalore: 64
Phone No: 9448688993/080-28565188
[email protected]

Bangalore[Jigani Road]
15. Co- Ordinator
Krishna Degree College,
24. Mantapa Village, Jigani Road Bangalore-560083.
Phone No: 9886634088
[email protected]

Bangalore, K G Halli
16. Co- Ordinator
25. Sophia Degree College
Shampur Road K G Halli, Bangalore
Ph No: 8197361711/9880296851
[email protected]/ www.sophiacollege.ac.in
Bangalore, Yalahanka

17. Co- Ordinator
Karnataka College of Management & Science.
Yelahanka, Bangalore.
Ph No: 8884489428/080-88898527
[email protected]
Bangalore, [Vijayapura Devanahalli]
18. Co- Ordinator
Inspire Institute of Science And Commerce
27. Shidlaghatta Cross near, Vijayapura, Devanahalli, Taluk Banglore
Ph No: 9663324495
[email protected]

19. Co- Ordinator
Regional Centres 28. GT Institute of Management Studies & Research
10/15- Sunkadakatte, Magadi main road,Vishva Needam(P)Banglore-91
Ph No: 9880331460/08023485545
[email protected]

20. Co- Ordinator
29. Vijayajyothi Group Of Institutions
Bagaluru, Marenahalli Road Banglore -562149
Ph No: 9008891539
[email protected]
21. Co- Ordinator
INIMS College.
Banglore-1 30. 123, 1st main road, Opposite Canara Bank
Banglore-2 Kengeri Sattelite Town, Banglore-560060
Banglore-3 Ph No: 9880094725
Banglore-4 sukanyahegde.yahoo.com
22. Co- Ordinator
31. Arunodaya College
Mariyappanapalya, Jnanabharathi post, Banglore-560056
Ph No: 9902800492
[email protected]
23. Co- Ordinator
Adithya Institute Of Management o Studies & Research
32. No. 12 Kogilu main road, behind Annapoorneshwari temple Maruthi
Nagar Yalahanka, Banglore
Ph No: 9513159000
[email protected]

24. Co- Ordinator
Don Bosco School Of Managment
33. 1st main road, Cholanagar, cholanahalli Hebbal, Bengaluru,
Ph No: 080-26630900/8431970561
[email protected]

34. 25. Co- Ordinator
Patel Institute Of Science & Managment

Behind Sakra World Hospital, Bellandur post, Banglore-56103
Ph No: 080-25639835 / 9986433744
[email protected]
26. Co- Ordinator
35. Oceanik College of Higher Education.
# 3, 7th cross, Ist main, Muneshwar Layout, Devinagar Banglore-560094
Regional Centres Ph No: 080-23515863 / 9880788077
[email protected]
27. Co- Ordinator
36. Don Bosco Institute Of Technology.
Kumbalogudu, Mysore road, Banglore-560074
Ph No: 080-28437028 / 9916065415
[email protected]
28. Co- Ordinator
Sri Lakshmi College of Management and Science.
Banglore-1 37. # 4&5, Sri Gandhadakaval, Magadi main road, Sunkadakatte, Banglore-
Ph No: 080-23585832 / 9611055772
[email protected]
29. Co- Ordinator
Kanaka College of Art’s, Science & Management Studies.
38. # 15, 80 feet road, Srinivasanagar, BSK 1st stage Banglore-560050.
Ph No: 080-26614767
Mob. No: 7406765469
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Veerashaiva College
39. Cantonment, Hosapete Road, Ballary-583 104
Ph: 08392-242185 / 242183
M: 99168-56125/9449510465
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
4. Regional Centres Sharabeshwar Degree College.
Guggarahatti . Ballary Dist-583101
Ballary Phone No: 9449203324/9480062375
[email protected]
3. Co- Ordinator
41. K.K. Institute of Commerce.
NH-63 Millenium Campus Gadag Road, Koppal-583231.
Phone No: 7892136292/9743164536
[email protected]
Regional Centres Gundlupet
1. Co- Ordinator
C Gowthama First Grade College.
H 42. Mahadevprasad Nagar, Kalicut Road, Gundlupet,
A Chamarajanagara-571111
5 Ph No: 9686120212
R [email protected]
A Kollegala
A 43. 2. Co- Ordinator
N Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College
A Kollegala, Chamarajanagara District

G Ph No: 8660417952
A [email protected] / [email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
44. Govt. Women’s First Grade College
NMC Circle, Mallanadur Road, Chikamagalur – 577 101
Ph: 08262-233871 M:94492-07991/9480139153
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
Regional Centres Sri Jagadguru Chandrashekara
6 45. Bharathi Memorial College,
Chikkamagalur Sringeri Chikkamagalore District-577139
Phone No: 9449759160/9448824494
[email protected]

3. Co- Ordinator
Government First Grade College.
46. Birur, Kadur Taluk Chikkamagaluru Dist.
Phone No: 08267255399/7204779549
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
47. Shri Devaraj URS First Grade College
Honnur Gollarahatti, NH4- By Pass Road. Davanagere
Ph: 9535114063
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
Bhadra Institute of Management & Information
48. Sciences Studies (BIMS)
No.4120, 10th Cross, BIET College Road, Siddaveerappa
Badavane, Davanagere – 577004
Regional Centres Ph: 9242255280/08912296305 [email protected]
7 Davanagere
Davanagere 3. Co- Ordinator
49. Dr Zakir Hussain First Grade College.
Basha Nagar, Davanagere-577001.
Ph No: 7899785819/7892548419.
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy Government First Grade College
Channagiri - 577 213, Davanagere District.
M : 9449474321/9964178043
[email protected]
5. Co- Ordinator
51. K M S First Grade College,
Nh-13, Pillekerenahally, Chitradurga
Ph No: 7349222350/9448373916
[email protected]

6. Co- Ordinator
Don Bosco Degree College.
52. Padma layout near B C M Hostel Shanimahathma Temple Road
Challakere Road Chitradurga-577501.
Ph No: 8105056318
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
53. J.S.S Arts, Commerce and Science College
(Shri Manjunatheshwara Institute of UG and PG Studies)
Vidyagiri, Dharwad– 580 004.
Ph: 0836-2460126 M: 9886375840
[email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
54. Anjuman E-islam Nehru Arts Science & Commerce College,
Hubli–580 020, Dharwad District
0836 -2153369/0836-2364095/9845571487
[email protected]

3. Co- Ordinator
55. Shri Jagadguru Tontadarya Vidyapeeth’s Basaveshwara Arts,
Commerce& Science College
Pala Badami road Gadag
M: 9916293475
[email protected] / [email protected]

8 4. Co- Ordinator
56. Shri Chatrapathi Shivaji Arts & Commerce College Dharwad.
Udyoga Bhavana, Nidvani Arcade Jublee, Circle- Dharwad.
Ph No: 9480043794,9480062375
Regional Centres [email protected]
5. Co- Ordinator
57. I.B.M.R College of Commerce & Management.
IBMR #567, Akshy Colony, Vidyanagar, Hubli-580021,Dharwad Dist.
Ph No: 8884500775/9141067905, 0836-2233355
[email protected]
6. Co- Ordinator
B.A.J.S.S Arts & Commerce Women’s Degree College.
Gayathri Campus, Halageri Road Ranebennur-581115,
Haveri District.
Ph No: 9964570601 / 9731311298
[email protected]
[email protected]

Naragund [Gadag]
7. Co- Ordinator
59. Shri Yedeyur Siddalingeshwar First Grade Arts College.
Naragund, Gadag.
Ph No: 9632362974,9739242491
[email protected]

8. Co- Ordinator
60. Global innovative College.
Akshaya Colony, Vidyanagar, Hubli
Ph No: 9538441194
[email protected]
9. Co- Ordinator
61. Shri Channabasaveshwara Education Society.
Opposite Income tax office, Navanagar, P.B Road, Hubballi.
Ph No: 083622238 / 9481281033
[email protected]
Regional Centres
Dharwad 10. Co- Ordinator
62. Kalyanasiri Foundations, Kalyanasiri Arts & Commerce College .
L.L Building, near old DC office circle, Gadag.
M: 9448821887
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
63. Smt. Belliyamma Eregowada First Grade College
Lalitha Kurpa Building, B.M. Road, Hassan-573201
Ph: 08172-235400, M: 94482-20438/08172-265400
Regional Centres [email protected]
9 Hassan
Hassan 2. Co- Ordinator
A.N Varadarajulu First Grade College.
64. A.N Varadarajulu First Grade College, Near Haralikatte Main Road
Gorur, Hassan Taluk & District.
Ph No: 9742557390
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Vishwa Hindu College,
65. No. 1-111/1A, P,D,A. Engg. College Road, behind
Maharaja Hotel Aiwan-E-Shahi, Gulbarga-5851027
M : 9341018851
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
Balaji Degree College,
66. Main Road Yadgiri-585202
Ph no: 7259342149
10 [email protected]
Regional Centres 3. Co- Ordinator
Sahyadri Arts and Commerce College, Afzalpur.
Kalaburgi 67. Near, Basaveshwar Circle, Ghattarga Road,
Afzalpur-585301. Kalburgi Dist.
Ph No: 9980415557/9482602545
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
68. Guruji Degree College.
Basaveshwar Colony, Kalaburgi-585105
Ph No: 9901165234/7204256778

[email protected]

5. Co- Ordinator
AOS Degree College.
69. Barey Hills Ring Road, Kalaburgi.
Ph No: 9972157866.
[email protected]
6. Co- Ordinator
Rudramma Basappa Degree College.
70. SSS Building Near Anjaneya Temple behind Srinivas Petrol Bunk
Julynagar, Gangavathi-583227, Koppala District.
Ph No: 9844255605
[email protected]
7. Co- Ordinator
National Womens Degree College- Lingasuru.
71. Vidyabhavana Building road, Lingasur-584122 Raichur District.
Ph No: 9480062375/8453368811
[email protected]
8. Co- Ordinator
72. Swamy Vivekananda Degree College.
@ Post Rangampet Shorapur, Yadgiri.
Ph No: 9535398567
[email protected]
9. Co- Ordinator
73. M N Desai Degree College
Behind S K Yatrik Nivas, New Jevargi Road, Kalaburgi-585102.
Ph No: 9611148555 [email protected]
10. Co- Ordinator
74. Mahatma Gandhi Degree College
Hattikuni Road Yadgiri.
Ph No: 08473227526/6363881918
Regional Centres [email protected]
Kalaburgi 11. Co- Ordinator
75. Ananya Degree College & MSW College
OLD Jewargi Road Sadshiva Nagar Kalaburgi.
Ph No: 7338207777/9071119555
[email protected]
12. Co- Ordinator
Shree Ketaki Sangameshwar Educational Social and
76. Charitable Trust(R.)
Main Road Kamalapura, Kamalapura Taluk,
Kalaburgi District-585313
Ph No: 9916799493
[email protected]
77. 13. Co- Ordinator
Dr. Sudhamurthy info Women’s Degree College.

Ph No: 9632596158/9743499882
[email protected]
14. Co- Ordinator
78. Kaleshwar Arts & Commerce Degree College.
Kalagi- Chettapura Tq, Kalaburgi Dist-585312.
Ph No: 9108847163/9739426404
[email protected]
15. Sri. S.B. Deshmukh Degree College.
Deshmukh Vidya Bhavan, Near ICICI Bank Indra Nagar, Shahapur-
585223, Yadgiri- District.
Ph No: 9448405519
[email protected]
16. Co- Ordinator
Reshmi Degree College.
80. Reshmi Vidya Bhavan Behind Gulbarga University Saraswathipur
Kusnoor Road, Kalaburgi.
Ph No: 9900916142/08472265279
[email protected]
17. Co- Ordinator
81. Sri Basaveshwara Degree College.
Sirawar, Raichur.
Ph No: 9902343129 [email protected]
18. Co- Ordinator
82. Sai Presidency Arts & Commerce College
Ramamandir Circle, High Court Road Kalaburgi.
Ph No: 9916245555
[email protected]
19. Co- Ordinator
83. North Karnataka Degree College.
Regional Centres Darga Road, Kalaburgi-505101.
Ph No: 9448204654
Kalaburgi [email protected]
20. Co- Ordinator
84. Sri Swamy Vivekananda Degree College.
Konganahatti, near BRC Office, PWD campus, Sindhanur-584128
Ph No: 9742265256
[email protected]
21. Co- Ordinator
85. TNR Art’s Degree College
Yadulla Colony roza(K) near water tank, Kalaburgi-585104.
Ph No: 08472-249251/9448749338
[email protected] / [email protected]
22. Co- Ordinator
Nagambika College of Education for Women.
86. No, 2-909/126/A/1, behind S.T.B.T, New bus stand,
S.V.P Nagar, Darga road, Kalaburgi-505101
Mob No: 9448650233
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
87. Govt. Arts & Science College
Karwar-581 301, U.K District. Ph No: 0838222632/94496 29599
Regional Centres [email protected]
11 Yellapura
Karwar 2. Co- Ordinator
88. Vishvadarshana College of Education
K.R Road Ganeshapuram Post, Balagi Mane, Yellapura, Uttara Kannada
Ph No: 9008377721/8748864756
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
89. Venkateshwara First Grade College (BABA Educational
Information Centre)
Chelur Post Bagepalli taluk Chikkaballapur Dist.
Ph No: 9972876569
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
90. Government First Grade College,
Regional Centres Rajivgandhi Extension (KUDA), Robertsonpete, KGF-563122
M : 9663125139/ 9535304838
12 [email protected]
3. Co- Ordinator
Vishwa Vivek Degree College.
91. Vadhuran Compound, North Extension, 2nd ward, Vapasandra,
Ph No: 9448512796.
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
92. Rock Vellay College of Science & Management Studies.
Sri Sai Sadana, K.N.S Post Bangarpet Road, Kolar-563102.
Ph No: 9481585587
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
93. B G S First Grade College
B G Nagara, Nagamangala Tq, Mandya Dist-571448
Ph No: 9448554225/6364502425
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
Regional Centres 94. Mandavya First Grade College
BM Road, Mandya. M : 9845868909
13 [email protected]
3. Co- Ordinator
95. Bharathi College
Bharathi Nagara (K.M. Doddi) Maddur Tq, Mandya Dist-571422
Ph No: 9448038761/9008099815/ 9480205286 08232-235034
[email protected]
96. 4. Co- Ordinator
R.K First Grade College
K.Honnalagere Maddur Tq, Mandya Dist-571433

Ph No: 08232298011 Mob No: 9844341360
[email protected]

5. Co- Ordinator
H.K Veeranna gowda Degree College.
97. H.K.V Nagar, Banglore-Mysore road, Maddur.
Ph No: 08232-298255 Mob No: 8277397991
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
Dayanand Pai, Satheesh Pai
98. Government First Grade College
Carstreet, Mangalore - 575 001, Dakshina Kannada District.
M : 0824-2494109/9448151898
[email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
99. Kukke Sri Subrahmanyeshwara College,
Subrahmanya Kadaba Tq, Dakshina Kannada- 574238
M : 7349222300
Regional Centres [email protected]
Manglore 3. Co- Ordinator
St.Philomena College
Darbe, Puttur, Dakshina Kannada-574202
M: 0825-12 30340, M : 9448858101
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
Alva’s College.
101. Sundari Ananda Alva Campus, Vidyagiri, Moodbidri,
Dhakshina Kannada, Karnataka-574227.
Ph No: 7090715010/08258-261244
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Shanthinikethana College of Science and Management Studies
102. B.M. Road, Vivekanandanagara,
Ph: 080-27272181 M: 99015-37369
Regional Centres [email protected]
Ramanagara Kanakapura
2. Co- Ordinator
M.G.Road, Kanakapura-562117
Ph No: 9845976469
[email protected]

Regional Centres Shivamogga

16 104. 1. Co- Ordinator
Shimoga D.V.S. College of Arts & Science
Sir M. V. Road, Basaveshwara Circle, Shivamogga-577 201.

M: 9448796265/9663568076
[email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
Hoysala College of Managment.
Balaraj Urs road, Shivamogga.
M: 08182229094 / 9845254197
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Vidya First Grade College.
106. Near Akka Thangi Park, Devarayapattana new extn,
Ph No: 9980597515/7337897560
[email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
S.K.T.D (Sri Kenchamma Timmadasappa FGC)
107. First Grade College.
Belagumba, Tumkur-572104
17 Regional Centres M : 9448516710/8618231793
[email protected]

3. Co- Ordinator
108. Sacred Heart First Grade College.
Upparahalli main Road Tumkuru-572102
M : 9844414893
[email protected]

1. Co- Ordinator
109. M.G.M. College
Udupi-Manipal Hwy, Kunjibettu, Udupi-576102
Ph: 0820-2524599/ 252 0359/2530410 M: 9964896955
[email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
18 Regional Centres Samvedana Science & Commerce First Grade College.
N H 66, Khambadakone, Byndoor Tq, Udupi Dist-576219.
Udupi 9449725906/7899418506.
[email protected]

3. Co- Ordinator
111. Sri Bhuvanendra College.
Karkala, Udupi Dist-574 140
Ph No: 8258 230234
[email protected]

4. Co- Ordinator
Shirdi Sai Degree College.
112. Suvarna Bhoomi near, Shirdi sai baba mandira, Pervaje road,
Karkala tq, Udupi dist.
Ph No: 08258 295576
Mob No: 9886135302
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Angadi College of Commerce and Science
113. (Suresh Angadi Education Foundation)
Savagaon Road, Belagavi-590 009.
Ph: 7022590326.
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
114. Shri Gangaram First Grade College, Harugeri
Behind K.E.B. Gokak Road, Harugeri Tq, Belagavi.
Ph No: 9986815294
[email protected]

3. Co- Ordinator
Dr. M.P Nadagouda Arts College Ghataprabha
S M Patil Vidya Bhavan Hukkeri main road Ghataprabha, Gokak Tq,
Belagavi Dist-591306
Ph No: 9448111131/8495052203
[email protected]

19 4. Co- Ordinator
Regional Centres 116. C L E S Degree College
Near Basava Circle, Chikodi Tq Belagavi Dist-591201.
Belagavi Ph No: 9740040608
[email protected]

5. Co- Ordinator
117. Rural Development Society’s B S W College.
Behind B.E.O Office Laxmi Nagar, Mudalgi, 591312 Belagavi Dist.
Ph No: 0833-4250386 M:8095559575
[email protected]
6. Co- Ordinator
118. M.G.C.G. Memorial(R) Women’s Arts College.
Athani, Belagavi-590009
Ph No: 7026228581
[email protected]

119. Ghataprabha
7. Co- Ordinator
Shalini Degree College.

Mallapur P.G Gokak Tq, Ghataprabha, Belagavi Dist
Ph No: 7829006694/9739391432
[email protected]

8. Co- Ordinator
CMA’s Arts & Commerce Degree College.
120. CTC No 7737/46 Ward No. 53 M.M Extension Kusro
Masjid Belagavi.
Ph No: 9448148868
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Krishna Trust, Shri Satyam College,
121. # 8-9-520/Krishna/Devi Colony Near New Bus stand Bidar-585401
Ph No: 9449066775/9449088775/08482-229095
[email protected]
2. Co- Ordinator
122. Mathoshri Gowramma Womens First Grade College, Indi.
Siddalingeshwara colony old Bolegaon road, Indi-586209.
Ph no: 9449213039/9731549997
[email protected]
3. Co- Ordinator
Pragathi Arts, Science & Commerce Degree College.
Regional Centres 123. Near Nagaragatta Shivpur Road, Basavakalyana,
20 Bidar District-585327.
Bidar Ph No: 9448651253
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
G.R.G Art’s Y.A Patil Commerce & M F Doshi
124. Science Degree College.
Sindhagi road, Indi.
Ph No: 9663502279
[email protected]
5. Co- Ordinator
Ghata Borala, Humnabad Taluk, Bidar District.
Ph No: 08483275686 / 9606750797
[email protected]
1. Co- Ordinator
Sri Rudragowda Patil Government First Grade College,
21 126. Bilagi - 587 116, Bagalkot District
Ph No: 6364073931/ 9731095278/ 7090276049
[email protected]

2. Co- Ordinator
Sri Kalidasa Degree College
Regional Centres 127. Sri Kalidasa Degree College, Guduru Ilkal taluk Bagalkot Dist.
Bagalkote Ph.No. 9448898226
[email protected]

3. Co- Ordinator
Shri S.R. Narasapur & Shri M B Shirur Commerce College.
Phone No: 9731289966/7091477366
[email protected]
4. Co- Ordinator
B. M Sankanur Arts & Commerce Degree College For Women
129. Guledgudd.
Near Bus Depo kamatagi Road Guledgudda Tq, Bagalkot Dist.
Ph No: 9741198950
[email protected]

5. Co- Ordinator
Shri Jagadamba First Grade Arts & Science College.
130. Hittanahalli L.T Devarahipparagi Taluk, Vijayapura
Ph No: 9845247791
[email protected] / [email protected]
6. Co- Ordinator
Basaveshwar Arts Science and Commerce College,
Vidyagiri, Bagalkot-587102 M : 9972355515/08354295515
[email protected]

7. Co- Ordinator
132. Sri Revanasiddeshwara Degree College.
Muddebihala, Vijayapura Dist. Ph No: 9844855158
[email protected]
8. Co- Ordinator
Vidya Vardhak Sangh Arts, Commerce & B.C.A College
133. Darbar High School Campus, Station Road, Vijayapur-
Ph No: 9448245811/9886704133/ 7829073560
[email protected]
9. Co- Ordinator
Sri Swamy Vivekananda Arts & Commerce First Grade
Nagur Campus, Ashram Road, Vijayapur Ph No: 9108182131
[email protected]

10. Co- Ordinator
Shri Sahyadri Arts, Commerce & Science College,
135. Vijayapur
B L D E Road 135 Vidyanagar, Vijayapur-586103
Ph No: 9964376718
[email protected]

1. The list of Learner Support Centres is provisional.
2. The University reserves the right to change the Learner Support Centre opted by the
candidate on unavoidable circumstances.

Annexure III
M.COM Admission fee Structure

Sl. Admission Registr Tuition Skill

No. Course Processing ation Fee and Alumini Library
Name Fee Fee Develop Fee fees Total Fee
1 I Year 550 800 7,700 650 500 250 10,450/-
II Year - - 9,350 650 - 250 10,250/-

Note :
1. Candidates seeking direct admission to II year B.A./B.Com from other Universities shall
pay Rs. 3000/- in addition to the above prescribed fee.
2. The candidates have to pay a silver jubilee special fee of Rs 300/-
3. BPL Women candidates get 15% concession in tuition fee only.
4. Eligibility Fee for Sri Lanka/Bangladesh/Indonesia/ Bhutan/ Nepali/ Tibetan Candidates
studied in Karnataka for minimum period of 5 Years is Rs 2000/- in each year.
5. Eligibility fee for NRI/Foreign Students is Rs 15000/- each year.
6. Eligibility fee for candidates residing outside Karnataka or studied outside Karnataka is Rs
7. Defence and ex-service man students get 15% concession on tution fees in particular
8. University staff members, their spouse and their children (only 2 children) get 25%
concession on total admission fees in particular subject.
9. Transgender will get full fees concession on their interested subject
10. Completely blind students will get full fees concession on their interested subject
11. Candidates whose parents are dimesed in Covid 19 will get 100% fees concession on total
admission fees in interested subject.
12. Alumini association – 500.

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List of Gold Medals and Cash Prizes for Meritorious Students
Under-Graduate students
Sl. Instituted Degree/
Name of the Endowment Year Programme
1 Sri B.S. Channabasappa & Sons, Davanagere 2000 B.A.
Endowment Cash Prize II Rank
2 ICC&CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Cash Prize 2001 B.A./B.Com.
(Highest Marks Secured by Women Candidate)
3 Corporation Bank Endowment Gold Medal 2001 B.A.
4 Corporation Bank Endowment Gold Medal 2001 B.Com.
5 Dr.N.S. Ramegowda, Former Vice Chancellor, KSOU 2003 B.A.
Endowment Gold Medal (Highest Marks
Secured by Women Candidate)
6 Late Smt. Vathsala Ramakrishna, Professor of 2004 B.Com. II Rank
Music, University of Mysore Endowment Cash Prize
7 The Institute of Charterted Accountants of India 2014 B.Com I Rank
Gold Medal
8 Alumini Association (Senior Student Association) 1999 B.Ed
Gold Medal
9 Smt. Narasamma and Sri. T. Narayana Shastri 2012 Special B.Ed
Smt. Tarabai and Sri. P. Raghavendra Rao
Two Gold Medal

Sri Sanna Rame Gowda, 2005 B.Lib.I.Sc
1 (Ex- Librarian, Mysore University) &
Smt Devammani D/o Mirle Ramegowda & Smt
Ningamma Endowment Gold Medal

Post-Graduate Students
Sl. Post
Instituted Graduate
No. Name of the Endowment Year Programme
Smt. Doddammanni Dr.Chaduranga Endowment 1998 M.A English
1 Cash Prize
2 Late Smt. Meera Bai Endowment Gold Medal 1999 M.A Hindi
Late Smt. Yallamma & Sri.Durugaiah Jajuru Late M.A Kannada
3 Smt. Ningamma & Sri.Srinivasaiah Talakadu 2000 (II Rank)
Endowment Cash Prize (I Class)
Prof.B.K.Shivaramaiah Memorial Endowment 2000 M.A Sanskrit
4 Cash Prize
5 Dr.Mumtaz Ahmed Khan Endowment Gold Medal 2000 M.A Urdu
Sri.Jayachamarajapura Shivappa Gowda
6 Parashivamurthy & Smt. Shivamma 2000 MA Kannada
Parashivamurthy Endowment Cash Prize
Smt. Kamalamma & Sri.K.Seetharama Rao 2000 M.A
7 Endowment Cash Prize Economics
Mrs.Sulthan Bi & Mr.Mustafa Alik Khan 2000 M.A
8 Memorial Endowment Gold Medal Sociology
9 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A Kannada
10 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A English
ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A Sanskrit

12 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A History
13 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A
14 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A
15 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A JMC
16 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.A
17 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Cash Prize 2001 M.A/M.Com
(Highest Marks Scored by Female Candidate)
18 Ms.Kantheti Charitable Trust, Endowment Cash 2001 M.Com
19 Mysore Paints & Varnish Ltd., Mysore 2001 M.Com
Endowment Gold Medal
20 Abdul Gaffar Sheriff Gold Medal 2001 M.A Urdu

21 Prof.M.Madaiah, Ex Vice Chancellor, University of 2001 M.A

Mysore, Abinandana Samithi Endowment Cash Economics
22 Sri.K.H.Patil Prathisthana Endowment Gold Medal 2002 M.A Pol. Sci.
23 Smt. B.A.Shantha Bai Endowment Cash Prize 2003 M.A Hindi
24 Mr Sadashiv Bhaskar Sirsat Endowment Gold 2003 M.A History
25 Sri.K.G.Ramakrishna, Rtd, Prof. of Commerce, 2004 M.Com
KSOU, Mysore Endowment Cash Prize (II Rank)
26 Late Sri.Veerabasaiah Puranik Math Freedom Fighter &
Sri Shivamma, Davangere Endowment Cash Prize 2005 M.A Pol. Sci.
(Female Candidate with Highest
27 Late. K.Hirannaiah Memorial Cash Prize 2005 M.A History

28 Late T.Venkannagudda, Former Registrar, KSOU,

Mysore, Endowment Cash Prize (Highest Marks Female 2005 M.A History
Candidate SC Community)
29 Late M.Venkatesh Endowment Cash Prize
(Physically Challenged or Senior Citizens Highest 2005 M.A Sanskrit
30 Bale Angadi N Gopal Rao & Sharada Bai
Memorial Endowment Cash Prize (Highest Marks 2009 M.A History
Scorer by Female Candidate)
31 Dr.Vishnuvardhan Memorial Endowment Gold 2010 M.A JMC
Medal (First Rank with Highest Marks)
32 Sri. S.Shivaram (Film Actor) Endowment Gold 2010 M.A Kannada
Medal (First Rank with Highest Marks)
33 Prof. K S Rangappa Former Vice-Chancellor KSOU 2013 Any Master
Endowment Gold Medal (Highest Marks secured by Degree
Master’s degrees)
34 Research Scholars of Dr. Jagadeesha Cash Prize 2019 M.Com
35 National Conference on Economic Recession and 2009 MBA
Management Strategies Cash Prize

36 International Conference on Re-Engineering of 2012 MBA
Management Education Cash Prize
37 Sri B R L Iyengar and S R Krishnaswamy Gold 2001 MEd
38 Alumini Association (Senior Student Association) 1999 MEd
Gold Medal
39 Karnataka Bank Limited Mangalore Gold Medal 2012-13 MSc Chemistry
40 Sri Bhandi Adinarayan Reddy Endowment Gold 2011 M.A
Medal (First Rank with Highest Marks) Telugu
41 Sri Bhandi Adinarayan Reddy Endowment Gold 2011 M.A
Medal (Special Poet with Highest Marks) Telugu

1 ICC & CE Silver Jubilee Endowment Gold Medal 2001 M.Lib.I.Sc
2 Prof. Lalitha Aswath Gold Medal (Only Women) 2020 M.Lib.I.Sc

Research Scholar Students

1 Sri Sringeri Kulapati Shankaranarayana Joyish Cash Prize 2012 PhD Sanskrit


Details of General Fee

Sl. Amount
No. Description
01 Change of Name 1,000/-
02 Duplicate set of printed Study Materials (each block) 50/-
03 Re-enrollment fees for M.Com., after one year break 1,000/-
04 Re-enrollment fees for M.Com., after two years break 2,000/-
05 Issue of No Due Certificate / Transfer Certificate 500/-
06 Issue of Study Certificate 500/-
07 Change of Study Centres 1,000/-
08 Change of Medium of Instruction 1,000/-
09 Duplicate Identity Card 300/-
10 Eligibility Fee for NRI / Foreign students per year 15,000/-
11 Direct Admission Fee for II year BA/B.Com., 3,000/-
12 Direct Admission Fee for III year BA/B.Com., 3,000/-
13 Study Certificate for NRI / Foreign Students / Bonafide Certificate 2,000/-
Note : NRI/Foreign students should submit student VISA or Provisional Student VISA and Passport
with registered letter from “Foreigners Registration Officer, Office of the Police Commissioner”.
All original letters with attested (by any Gazetted Officer) copies to be submitted, after the
documents verification and finalized by the Equivalence Committee.

Examination related Other Fee

Sl. Amount
No. Description
01 Change of Examination Centre 1,250/-
02 Revaluation per Paper / Course 1,500/-
03 Photo copy for each Paper / Course 1,250/-
04 Duplicate Marks Card (Additional Search Fee Rs.100/- per year) 500/-
05 Consolidated Marks Card (Additional Rs.100/- for delay per year) 500/-
06 Migration Certificate (Additional Rs.100/- Search Fee per year) 500/-
07 Provisional Degree Certificate 900/-
08 Convocation Fee (in-person – Medalists & Rank holders) + Alumni fee 1200+500
09 Convocation Fee (in Absentia – Additional Search Fee per year Rs.50/-) + 1500+500
Alumni fee
10 Genuinity Certificate 900/-
11 CBCS (Semester mode) Genuinity Certificate/ Verification Certificate for 1,000/-
I (Transcript per Semester)

Extra postal charges outside India 2,000/-
12 Non CBCS (Year mode) Genuinity Certificate/ Verification Certificate for 1,000/-
I (Transcript per Year)
Extra postal charges outside India 2,000/-
13 Name Correction of Marks Cards (per Marks Card) 250/-
14 Duplicate Degree Certificate (Search Fee Rs.50/- per year) + Alumni Fee 1500+500/-
15 Rank Certificate Fee 900/-

 Examination related other fee shall be paid only through challan. Fee paid will not be refunded or
adjusted to the next examination under any circumstances. Students should submit their filled-in
application form along with fee paid details to “The Registrar (Evaluation), KSOU,
Mukthagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006”.
 After University’s convocation notification, candidates who have passed their degree examination,
students submit their prescribed application and fee paid through challan to “The Registrar
(Evaluation), KSOU, Mysuru”. For further information browse University website.
 For obtaining Provisional Certificate, the candidate has to submit an application along with fee
paid challan and photo copy of marks cards to “The Registrar (Evaluation), KSOU, Mysuru”.
 Migration Certificate: For obtaining Migration Certificate, the candidate has to furnish No Due
Certificate from the Admission Section and Library of KSOU.

Open Elective of All Post Graduate Programmes
Department Sub Code I Semester Sub Code II Semester
1 KANNADA ELK-01 DzsÀĤPÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ ELK-02 ¥ÁæaãÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ
EwºÁ¸À EwºÁ¸À
2 ENGLISH ELE-01 Indian Literature -I ELE-02 Indian Literature -II
3 HINDI ELH-01 Vyavaharik Hindi ELH-02 Hindi Cinema
4 TELUGU ELT-01 Tilak ELT-02 Telugu Samskruthi –
5 HISTORY ELHS-01 Ancient World ELHS-02 Social Reform
Civilisations Movement in India
Mesopotamia, Greek,
Roman, Inca,
6 ECONOMICS ELEC-01 Economic Policies of ELEC-02 Institutions for
India Since 1991 International
7 POLITICAL ELP-01 Local Government in ELP-02 Indian Constitution
8 PUBLIC ELPA-01 Indian Polity-1 ELPA-02 Indian Polity-2
9 SOCIOLOGY ELS-01 Invitation to ELS-02 Study of Indian
Sociology Society
10 JOURNALISM AND ELJ-01 Aspects of ELJ-02 Aspects of Journalism
MASS Journalism and Mass and Mass
COMMUNICATION Communication - I Communication - II
11 ANCIENT HISTORY ELA-01 World heritage sites ELA-02 Cultural History of
AND ARCHEOLOGY of India Hoysalas
12 EDUCATION ELED-01 Foundations of ELED-02 Higher Education
13 COMMERCE ELMCM –01 Personal Financial ELMCM –02 Entrepreneurship
Planning Development
14 MANAGEMENT ELM –01 Disaster Management ELM –02 E-Commerce
15 BIOCHEMISTRY ELMBC –01 Basics of ELMBC –02 Basic Bioorganic
Bioinorganic and chemistry for Biology
Biophysical graduates.
chemistry for
Biology graduates.
16 BIOTECHNOLOGY ELMBT –01 Biotechnology ELMBT –02 Fundamentals of
Principles and Biotechnology
17 CHEMISTRY ELMC –01 Open Elective I ELMC –02 Open Elective II

18 CLINICAL ELMCND –01 Healthy lifestyles and ELMCND–02 Nutraceuticals and

NUTRITION AND nutrition health foods
19 COMPUTER ELMCS –01 Mobile App ELMCS –02 E-Commerce
SCIENCE Development
20 ENVIRONMENTAL ELMES –01 Basics of ELMES –02 Advances in
SCIENCE Environmental Environmental
Science Science

21 GEOGRAPHY ELMG –01 Introduction to ELMG –02 Geography of
Physical Geography Karnataka

22 MATHEMATICS ELMM –01 Fundamentals of ELMM –02 Combinatorics and

Mathematics Graph Theory
23 MICROBIOLOGY ELMMB –01 Microbial World and ELMMB –02 Microbes in
Microbial Diversity Sustainable
Agriculture and
24 PHYSICS ELMP –01 Mechanics ELMP –02 Waves and Optics
25 PSYCHOLOGY ELMPSY –01 Introduction to ELMPSY –02 Psychology in
Psychology Everyday Life
26 INFORMATION ELMIT –01 Green Computing ELMIT –02 E-Commerce
27 BOTANY (NEW) ELMBOT –01 Plant-Microbe ELMBOT – Plant Diversity and
Interactions 02 Human Welfare
28 ZOOLOGY (NEW) ELMZ –01 Vectors & ELMZ–02 Reproductive Health
29 FOOD AND ELMFNS –01 Food Psychology ELMFNS –02 Nutritional
NUTRITION Management in
SCIENCES Disaster Conditions
Candidates are required to select two preferred Open Electives (Generic Electives) in each
semester. The opted open elective will be allotted subjected to a minimum of 20 students opting
that elective.


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