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Ch.8 Proof by Induction

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Proof by induction Cheat Sheet Edexcel Core Pure 1

Proof by mathematical induction is a method used to prove statements that involve positive integers. Matrices

You need to be able to use proof by induction to prove results that involve:
Divisibility statements
▪ When proving results involving matrices, it is useful to write down what you need to prove in the
inductive step before starting.
▪ During the inductive step, it is useful to consider 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 𝑐𝑓(𝑘), where 𝑐 is a constant chosen in order to
▪ Summation of series
cancel out terms.
𝑎 𝑏 𝑘+1 𝑎 𝑏 𝑘 𝑎 𝑏
▪ Divisibility statements ▪ During the inductive step, you will need to use the fact that ( ) =( ) ( ).
𝑐 𝑑 𝑐 𝑑 𝑐 𝑑

▪ Matrices Example 2: Prove by induction that, for 𝑛 ∈ ℤ +

1 −1 𝑛 1 1 − 2𝑛
𝑓(𝑛) = 8𝑛 − 3𝑛 is divisible by 5 Example 4: Prove by induction that, for 𝑛 ∈ ℤ + ( ) =( )
We will discuss each type of question separately. 0 2 0 2𝑛
ℤ+ is used to denote the set
of all positive integers. We start with the basis step; we show For 𝑛 = 1: 𝑓(1) = 81 − 31 = 5 = 5(1) Start by making a note of what 1 −1 𝑘+1 1 − 2𝑘+1 )
The general method
the 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = 𝑅𝐻𝑆 for 𝑛 = 1: So the statement is true for 𝑛 = 1. you want to prove in the ( ) = (1
When proving a statement by induction, there are four steps you must follow: 0 2 0 2𝑘+1
Next we carry out the assumption step: Assume that the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘. inductive step.
i.e. 8𝑘 − 3𝑘 is divisible by 5. We start with the basis step; we 1 −1)1 = 𝑅𝐻𝑆 = (1 1 − 2)
1. Basis: Prove the statement is true for a starting value (usually 𝑛 = 1). Now for the inductive step. We need to 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) = 8𝑘+1 − 3𝑘+1 = 8(8𝑘 ) − 3(3𝑘 ) For 𝑛 = 1: 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = (
show the 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = 𝑅𝐻𝑆 for 𝑛 = 1: 0 2 0 2
prove that the statement is true for 𝑛 = ∴ true for 𝑛 = 1.
2. Assumption: Assume the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘, where 𝑘 is a positive integer. 𝑘 + 1. 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 3𝑓(𝑘) = 8(8𝑘 ) − 3(3𝑘 ) − 3(8𝑘 ) + 3(3𝑘 ) Next we carry out the Assume that the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘.
assumption step: 1 −1 𝑘 𝑘
3. Inductive: Use the assumption to prove that the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. We consider 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 3𝑓(𝑘), since 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 3𝑓(𝑘) = 5(8𝑘 ) i.e. ( ) = (1 1 −𝑘2 )
0 2 0 2
this causes the terms in 3𝑘 to cancel out. Now for the inductive step. We 1 −1 𝑘+1 1 −1 𝑘 1 −1
4. Conclusion: Write a conclusion that verifies the statement is true for all positive integers, 𝑛. We could also consider 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − need to prove that the statement ( ) =( ) ( )
0 2 0 2 0 2
8𝑓(𝑘) so that the terms in 8𝑘 would is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. Using the
The inductive step usually requires the most work, and therefore is where most of the marks will come from. cancel out. above bullet point:
Making 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) the subject: 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 3𝑓(𝑘) = 5(8𝑘 ) Using our assumption step and 1 −1 𝑘+1 𝑘 1 −1 1 −1 + 2(1 − 2𝑘 )
𝑓(𝑘 + 1) = 3𝑓(𝑘) + 5(8𝑘 ) multiplying the matrices out: ( ) = (1 1 −𝑘2 ) ( )=ቆ ቇ
0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2(2𝑘 )
In general, if two terms are divisible by 𝑘, 𝑓(𝑘) we assumed to be divisible by 5 and 5(8𝑘 ) is clearly
Series Simplifying the entries: 𝑘
1 1 − 2(2 ) 𝑘+1
1 1 − (2 )
then their sum will also be divisible by 𝑘. divisible by 5. So the sum of these terms will also be divisible =൬ ൰=൬ ൰ as required.
by 5. Hence the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. 0 2𝑘+1 0 2𝑘+1
▪ When proving results involving series, it is useful to write down what you need to prove in the inductive
Finish by writing the conclusion. So we have proven the statement true for 𝑛 = 1. When we Finishing by writing the So we have proven the statement true for 𝑛 = 1. When we assumed it
step before starting. assumed it to be true for 𝑛 = 𝑘, we showed that it was also conclusion. to be true for 𝑛 = 𝑘, we showed that it was also true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. ∴
true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. ∴ by mathematical induction the statement by mathematical induction the statement is true for all 𝑛 ∈ ℤ+ .
▪ During the inductive step, you will need to use the fact that ∑𝑘+1 𝑘
𝑟=1 𝑓(𝑟) = ∑𝑟=1 𝑓(𝑟) + 𝑓(𝑘 + 1). is true for all 𝑛 ∈ ℤ+ .

Example 1: Prove by induction that, for 𝑛 ∈ ℤ + 3 −2 𝑛 2𝑛 + 1 −2𝑛

𝑛 Example 5: Prove by induction that, for 𝑛 ∈ ℤ + ( ) =( )
Example 3: Prove by induction that, for 𝑛 ∈ ℤ + 2 −1 2𝑛 1 − 2𝑛
෍(4𝑟 3 − 3𝑟 2 + 𝑟) = 𝑛3 (𝑛 + 1)
𝑓(𝑛) = 33𝑛−2 + 23𝑛+1 is divisible by 19 Start by making a note of what you want 3 −2 𝑘+1 2(𝑘 + 1) + 1 −2(𝑘 + 1)
to prove in the inductive step. ( ) =൬ ൰
𝑘+1 2 −1 2(𝑘 + 1) 1 − 2(𝑘 + 1)
Start by making a note of what you
want to prove in the inductive step. ෍(4𝑟 3 − 3𝑟 2 + 𝑟) = (𝑘 + 1)3 (𝑘 + 2) We start with the basis step; we show For 𝑛 = 1: 𝑓(1) = 33−2 + 23+1 = 3 + 16 = 19 = 19(1)
We start with the basis step; we show 1
For 𝑛 = 1: 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = (3 −2)
𝑟=1 the 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = 𝑅𝐻𝑆 for 𝑛 = 1: So the statement is true for 𝑛 = 1.
We start with the basis step; we For 𝑛 = 1: 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = 4(1)3 − 3(1)2 + 1 = 2 Next we carry out the assumption step: Assume that the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘. the 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = 𝑅𝐻𝑆 for 𝑛 = 1: 2 −1
show the 𝐿𝐻𝑆 = 𝑅𝐻𝑆: 𝑅𝐻𝑆 = 13 (1 + 1) = 2 = 𝐿𝐻𝑆 i.e. 33k−2 + 23k+1 is divisible by 19 2(1) + 1 −2(1)
∴ the statement is true for 𝑛 = 1. Now for the inductive step. We need to 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) = 33(𝑘+1)−2 + 23(𝑘+1)+1 = 33𝑘+1 + 23𝑘+4 𝑅𝐻𝑆 = ൬ ൰ = (3 −2) = 𝐿𝐻𝑆
2(1) 1 − 2(1) 2 −1
Next we carry out the assumption Assume that the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘. prove that the statement is true for 𝑛 = ∴ true for 𝑛 = 1.
step: i.e. ∑𝑘𝑟=1(4𝑟 3 − 3𝑟 2 + 𝑟) = 𝑘 3(𝑘 + 1) 𝑘 + 1. Next we carry out the assumption step: Assume that the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘.
3𝑘−2+3 3𝑘+1+3
Now we manipulate the powers to match 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) = 3 +2 i.e.
Now for the inductive step. We 𝑘+1 𝑘 those of 𝑓(𝑘). We do this so that terms = 33 (33𝑘−2 ) + 23 (23𝑘+1 ) 3 −2 𝑘 2𝑘 + 1 −2𝑘
need to prove that the statement is ෍(4𝑟 3 − 3𝑟 2 + 𝑟) = ෍(4𝑟 3 − 3𝑟 2 + 𝑟) + (𝑘 + 1)𝑡ℎ 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚 will cancel out in the next step. = 27(33𝑘−2) + 8(23𝑘+1 ) ( ) =( )
2 −1 2𝑘 1 − 2𝑘
true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. 𝑟=1 𝑟=1 We consider 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 8𝑓(𝑘), since 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 8𝑓(𝑘) = 27(33𝑘−2 ) + 8(23𝑘+1 ) − 8(33𝑘−2 )
this causes the terms in 23𝑘+1 to cancel − 8(23𝑘+1 ) Now for the inductive step. We need to 3 −2 𝑘+1 3 −2 𝑘 3 −2
Use the fact stated in the second ෍(4𝑟 3 − 3𝑟 2 + 𝑟) = 𝑘 3 (𝑘 + 1) + 4(𝑘 + 1)3 − 3(𝑘 + 1)2 + 𝑘 + 1 out. We could also consider 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) − 8𝑓(𝑘) = 19(33𝑘−2 ) prove that the statement is true for 𝑛 = ( ) =( ) ( )
2 −1 2 −1 2 −1
bullet point above. 𝑟=1 27𝑓(𝑘) so that the terms in 33𝑘−2 would 𝑘 + 1. Using the above bullet point:
Simplifying by factoring out (𝑘 + = (𝑘 + 1)ሾ𝑘 3 + 4(𝑘 + 1)2 − 3(𝑘 + 1) + 1ሿ cancel out.
1): = (𝑘 + 1)(𝑘 3 + 4𝑘 2 + 5𝑘 + 2)
Using our assumption step: 3 −2 𝑘+1 2𝑘 + 1 −2𝑘 3 −2
Making 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) the subject: 𝑓(𝑘 + 1) = 8𝑓(𝑘) + 19(33𝑘−2 ) ( ) =( )( )
2 −1 2𝑘 1 − 2𝑘 2 −1
Looking back at what we want to = (𝑘 + 1)(𝑘 + 1)2 (𝑘 + 2) In general, if two terms are divisible by 𝑘, 𝑓(𝑘) we assumed to be divisible by 19 and 19(33𝑘−2 ) is clearly
show, we can notice that the cubic = (𝑘 + 1)3 (𝑘 + 2) ∴ the statement is true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. Multiplying the matrices out: 2𝑘 + 1 −2𝑘 3 −2
then their sum will also be divisible by 𝑘. divisible by 19. So the sum of these terms will also be divisible ( )( )
we have factorises to (𝑘 + 2𝑘 1 − 2𝑘 2 −1
by 19. Hence the statement is true for 𝑛=𝑘+1.
1)2 (𝑘 + 2). This gives the required Finish by writing the conclusion. So we have proven the statement true for 𝑛 = 1. When we
result. 3(2𝑘 + 1) − 4𝑘 −2(2𝑘 + 1) + 2𝑘
assumed it to be true for 𝑛 = 𝑘, we showed that it was also =൬ ൰
Finish by writing the conclusion. So we have proven the statement true for 𝑛 = 1. When we assumed 3(2𝑘) + 2(1 − 2𝑘) −2(2𝑘) − 1(1 − 2𝑘)
true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. ∴ by mathematical induction the statement
it to be true for 𝑛 = 𝑘, we showed that it was also true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + is true for all 𝑛 ∈ ℤ+ . Simplifying 2𝑘 + 3 −2𝑘 − 2
=( )
1. ∴ by mathematical induction the statement is true for all 𝑛 ∈ ℤ+ . 2𝑘 + 2 −2𝑘 − 1
Rewriting to show clearly that we have 2(𝑘 + 1) + 1 −2(𝑘 + 1)
=൬ ൰
achieved the desired result with 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 2(𝑘 + 1) 1 − 2(𝑘 + 1)
1: ∴ true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1
Finishing by writing the conclusion. So we have proven the statement true for 𝑛 = 1. When we
This means that the statement is assumed it to be true for 𝑛 = 𝑘, we showed that it was also
true for all positive integers, 𝑛. true for 𝑛 = 𝑘 + 1. ∴ by mathematical induction the statement
is true for all 𝑛 ∈ ℤ+ .

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