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2011 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government

Mining Investment Risk Analysis Based on Monte Carlo Simulation

Jiang Wei Zhang Jian Li Jianglan

School of Information and Safety School of Information and Safety School of Information and Safety
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Zhongnan University of Economics Zhongnan University of Economics Zhongnan University of Economics
and Law and Law and Law
Wuhan, China Wuhan, China Wuhan, China
[email protected] [email protected] Wuhan, [email protected]

Abstract—When investing mining projects, we often cannot of the engineering investment risk analysis [4], some related
make an accurate judgment of the investing project’s risk project cases have proved it [5-7].
degree because there are too many influential risk factors, with
different kinds of uncertainties at the same time. To solve this II. MONTE CARLO METHOD
problem, Monte Carlo simulation method is an effective way.
It can be accomplished by computer software with enough
Monte Carlo simulation method takes the probability
times of sampling process. The analysis of the output can help and mathematical statistics theory as a foundation. It
judge the degree of risk. In this paper, the Monte Carlo simulates the changes of factors affecting the project risks
simulation was performed in computer and applied to an iron through several random samplings, and then calculating
ore mine investment. Base on the simulating results, this how these changes influence the evaluation index. The basic
project’s investing risk was analyzed. We illustrated the way is to use a mathematical model to indicate the target
meanings of the simulation results and also provided experimenting variables [8-9].
suggestions to the investors.
y  f ( x1 , x2 , x3 , , xn ) ˄1˅
Keywords-Mining investment; Monte Carlo; Risk Among them, xi (i  1, 2, , n) is independent random
identification; Risk analysis
variables; Y is these variables’ function, also the evaluation
I. INTRODUCTION index in the effect of risk analysis.
Like any other project, mining investment has risks. The This model includes the key risk variables that influence
exploration and development of ore deposit is a complex the target function. Each risk variable has its own
project, we have to care about the risk when making an probability distribution. By using random numbers, we can
investment decision, this is because the characteristics of ore get sampling values based on the distribution of each
deposits in decision-making is completely unable to find out, variable, and then calculate the function by putting these
such as market conditions, and operating costs, mining samples into the model. After repeating the above process
policy and so on, these various environmental parameters several times, you can get a risk analysis result.
can be perfectly clear only afterwards. Mining investment The Monte Carlo simulation method puts the uncertainty
risks mainly come from three parts, the uncertainty of natural question associated with a probability model, gives us a
conditions, social environment and basic materials [1]. For a statistical estimate as an approximate solution of the original
mining investment, because of the long period of problem base on amount of random sampling tests.
construction and investment recovery, and the existing of
massive uncertain factors, whether this investment spending III. CHOOSE A RISK ASSESSMENT INDEX AND BUILD THE
can get an expected return is uncertain. In addition, such MODULE
investments always have a huge amount of spending, it’s
hard to quit and avoid the loss once the infrastructure is done. There are many kinds of index to judge the economic
Therefore, the risk analysis is not dispensable in a mining effect of a project, such as internal rate of return (IRR),
feasibility study, we should give enough attention to it [2]. financial net present value (FNPV) and return on investment
In the mining investment risk analyzing, many factors period (Pt), etc. The Net Present Value (NPV) turns the Net
involved, and every factor exists according to their own and cash flow in every year to the Present Value with a discount
different probability distribution form, so it’s a complex rate ( ic ), and then adds them together. It is the most popular
work. The Monte Carlo simulation’s advantage is to solve index in economical evaluating and commercial analyzing.
problems with many risk factors. If every factor has a The expression is like the following formula (2).
certain distribution in its value range, or you can combine n
them in any form, the simulation can give you an analyzing NPV (i )   (CI t  COt )(1  i ) t ˄2˅
result [3]. At the same time, by building calculation model t 0
and using the computer simulation, Monte Carlo simulation
technology can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency

978-0-7695-4544-8/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE 72

DOI 10.1109/ICMeCG.2011.64
In the formula above, CI t is the cash inflow of period T, year afterwards, CI t (t = 1, 2,..., n) = PRODUCThPRICE,
COt is the cash outflow of period T, n is the life of project. COt is annual spending, i means the discount rate.
We use the yield on the benchmark project to discount cash
flow. If the net present value is zero, it means this project IV. SIMULATION OF MONTE CARLO
has reached the required standard yields level; If the net
present value is greater than zero, it means except the A. Implementation
benchmark rate of return, this project can get a higher There are different ways to achieve Monte Carlo
income level; If the net present value is less than zero, it simulation. Microsoft Office Excel is a popular software to
means the yield rate has not reached required standards achieve. It provides such function like RAND ( ) and
yields. Therefore, when evaluating the risk of an investment, NORMINV ( ) to realize sampling simulation of the
the index can be judged according to the following method, uniform distribution and normal distribution. In order to get
if NPV(i) ı0, this scheme can be adopted economically, if enough random sampling data and a more accurate
NPV (i) < 0, this plan is not beneficial. simulation result, we can set a big number of simulation
In this paper we take a domestic iron ore mining project times. In this simulation we execute 1000 times.
investment as the object of study, and establish the model According to the data of similar investment projects and
information from experts in this industry, the distribution of
using the net present value method. CI 0 means the fixed
each risk factor can be estimated as the following chart,
investment at the beginning, CI t is the cash flow for every including life of mining, investment, annual production, iron
ore price and annual spending, etc.

<XDQ˅ 1RUPDO      

Among the risk factors above, each of them needs a     
random number as a parameter, except the discount rate
(10%). Because every factor is independent from each other, Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă
so we need to build 5 groups of random numbers (table II). “Life of mining˄year˅” obeys even distribution 15-25. It
Each group produces 1000 random numbers. Function is realized by using function RAND ( )*(25-15)+15.
RAND ( ) can produce a random real between 0 and 1. Because the life of mining must be integral namely type
INT, so we need to turn this number into an integer by using
"Investment", "annual output", "price" and "annual
5DQGRP 5DQGRP 5DQGRP 5DQGRP 5DQGRP spending" all obey normal distribution. It is realized by
     using function NORMINV (RAND (), μ, σ). Random
     numbers from 0 to 1 can be created by RAND (), μ is the
expectation, σ is the standard deviation.
The "Net present value" NPV=B10-PV (10%, C10, D10
     * E10) + PV (10%, C10, F10). PV () is a financial function,
     it returns a current total value of a series of investments in
the future.
Each variable executes 1000 times, so that we can get
     1000 NPV values. The simulation results are shown in table


Order Investment Life of mining Price Annual production Annual spending NPV
1 -28019.99 17.00 1267.62 30.14 28909.98 46517.87
2 -29871.09 19.00 1272.03 28.96 26396.00 57502.55
3 -28748.60 19.00 1361.11 31.20 28770.35 85849.04
4 -29993.88 24.00 1345.50 33.16 25585.82 141022.06
5 -31551.38 23.00 1227.74 29.59 27373.33 48036.25
6 -28498.43 19.00 1344.71 32.13 29178.10 88792.76
7 -26857.80 19.00 1175.33 28.93 29905.81 7439.61
8 -30086.20 17.00 1328.95 29.35 28895.30 50962.53
9 -31326.30 16.00 1357.09 30.07 26972.84 76906.61
10 -32698.17 23.00 1253.93 27.72 29994.03 9619.39
… … … … … … …

B. Simulation result analysis


Statistical Description to NPV Results Interval Frequency Accumulative %

Mean 61377.9256 -30000 0 0.00%
Standard error 926.958715 -20000 1 0.10%
Median 60904.2387 -10000 5 0.60%
Mode #N/A 0 12 1.80%
Standard deviation 29313.0084 10000 23 4.10%
Variance 859252459 20000 37 7.80%
Kurtosis 0.20251893 30000 63 14.10%
Skewness 0.16318209 40000 86 22.70%
Range 195992.503 50000 117 34.40%
Minimum -22394.865 60000 146 49.00%
Maximum 173597.637 70000 150 64.00%
Summation 61377925.6 80000 114 75.40%
Times of observation 1000 90000 90 84.40%
Max(1) 173597.637 100000 57 90.10%
Min(1) -22394.865 110000 47 94.80%

Confidence(95.0%) 1819.00948 120000 26 97.40%

130000 11 98.50%
We can get some statistics results based on the
140000 6 99.10%
simulation data. Table IV shows the statistical description
to NPV results. According to the maximum and minimum 150000 8 99.90%
value in the simulation, the whole range can be divided into 160000 0 99.90%
22 sections. Table V listed the frequency and accumulative 170000 0 99.90%
frequency that the NPV sampling results appear in each
180000 1 100.00%
Others 0 100.00%

Figure VI is a histogram generated according to table V, it experimental results.
shows intuitively the distribution of 1000 times’
TABLE VI. Histogram

160 120.00%

80 60.00%

0 0.00%



The results above explains when the observation number decision makers should also consider the risk when
is 1 000, NPV approximately obey a normal distribution. choosing a suitable distribution law for all the risk factors.
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