Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
1. Introduction
1.1. Back Ground of the Study
In Ethiopia adult education is given in haphazard manner prior to 1950’s. However in 1955 the
government issued proclamation on the necessity of universal fundamental education and on the
end to eradicate illiteracy. Adult education and community development which will be
responsible for the coordination literacy works in the country Ministry of education,
According to ministry of education (MOE 2008) Ethiopia has institute to various education
programs including primary education program, the technical vocational education and training
program (TVET), for out of school youth and adults. The integrated functional adult education
program focuses part of wider campaign to make education more access to all and this is to
improve literacy level, promote development, poverty eradication and social transformation.
Adult education is a basic human right and one of the developmental activities of the stake
holders. It is an opportunity provider by an open society to its member for learning and
continuously practicing the art of discussion for all issues and problems that continually grow up
the society. It begins with literacy, numeracy and through the question of literacy and numeracy
in relatively less structure situation and through informal technique.
. According to N.Fredic: (2005) the major problems in developing countries can be summarized
all illiteracy, disease, poverty, famine and malnutrition. Of all these literacy appear to be most
serious as it largely determines how each of the other problems are approached and deal with. It
is therefore true that in trying to address each of these problems, this starting point should be
literacy. Illiteracy should be addressed through adult education in an effort to transform the rate
of serious problems such as gender based harmful traditional practice in the nation, gender
related social problems, female genital mutilation (FGM),sexual abuse of children by male and
female adults.
The major purpose of this study is to know the contribution of integrated functional adult
education in minimizing gender based harmful traditional practices in case of eastern ethiopia in
harar city..
1,To what extent does the IFAE program helps in minimizing gender based harm full traditional
practice in Maya city kebele 02?
2, How does IFAE program continue to minimize gender based harmful traditional practice in
maya city, kebele 02?
3, what efforts are being made to maximize the contribution of IFAE in minimizing gender based
harmful traditional practice in maya city, kebele 02?
1.3. Objectives
1.3.1. General objective
The general objective of this study should be to know the contribution of IFAE in minimizing
gender based harmful traditional practice in harar sub city in kebele 02.
2. Review of Related Literature
2 .1. The Concept of Adult Education
Adult education is the education of adults various definition of this concept has been given at
different times by different writers.) It is broad concept that included different forms (non-formal
education, continuing education, functional education lifelong learning, etc.).from different
scholars who have given elaboration for the term adult education as UNESCO cited in Nafukho,
(2005)described that it denotes the entire body of organized educational process whatever the
content ,level, method, whether formal and other wise whether they prolong or replace initial
education on schools colleges and university .
,,According to Rogers, education is not simply provision of elementary education
(literally, numerically and social skills, for example those part of cultural initiation which a child
often gets at schools).for adults who have never been to school yet or, who for many different
did not continuous adult education is referred or seen to be synonyms with remedial education
for adults specially adult literacy, so that other form of learning are exclude from adult learning.
,,, education is all learning process activities programs, extended to meet the needs of version
individual considered by society as adults including out of school young by circumstances to
play the roles normally played by adults (Ataman Ngaka, 2004).More over adults education is
voluntary learning program where they attitude of the adult is different from that of the child and
younger’s .It is not easy to give a comprehensive definition for adult education
2.2. Historical development of Adult Education in Ethiopia
Adult education in Ethiopia is diversified and dynamic changing with circumstance (tilahun
2011). The diversified programs and practices have had their own impact on the structure
organization and management of adult education in the country. The adult education in Ethiopia
have different historical periodically into account. Adult education (1942) education opportunity
for adult have deep but discontinuous rots in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia had indigenous non formal adult education practice long before the arrival of
organized religious and western style, modern functional adult education. Family and
community problem, conflicts and common concern have been resolved through the meeting
of elders.
Adult education (1943- 1974) there have been many achievement in this period in terms of
adult education school principle took the initiative to over evening class beginning 1943 in
Addis Ababa starting evening class (Pankhurst, 1955).
Adult education (1974- 1991) the government of this period made education amass
movement for national development within socialist frame work soon after taking power
1974 the government mobilized about six thousand senior secondary school students and
their teachers as well as students, staff of tertiary level of education institute for two years
rural series programmers to organized rural community and promote the new ideology and
manage the affairs.
Improve women and by extension, their families living standard through livelihood or vocational
skills training.Enable women to be self- reliant in order to reduce their socially vulnerability, and
Empower women to participate more actively in community development and in education of
their children.
2.4 The Contribution of Adult Literacy for Women Empowerment
,,,Literacy for women empowerment is immense benefit to all societies because, women bring up
future leaders of any country being the first know teachers of children at home and the best for
that matter. This is why Okpoko, (2010) believes that women education is a key to development
and that empowering women through literacy is an asset to her family, her immediate
communities, her nation and the world at large. This implies that the acquisition of literacy
education empowers an individual to think positively, take proper decision about her living and
the society and acquire other skills that can assist her economically, politically and socially. ,,,,)
Literacy programs that are effective will yield some benefits, particularly as regards self-
esteem and empowerment (EFA Global report, 2006). Literacy programs, which are effective,
should be able to contribute to broader socio- economic processes of the empowerment of
women. Co-coordinators indicated the successes of the program in this way:- we see many
changes in our learners’ lives.
Positive changes such as being able to sign their names, do bank transactions fill in forms and
their engagement in community matters. Others have managed to get drivers’ licenses and are
fulfilled. It is not only women alone who are empowered but also their families, communities
and the nation as a whole (Strom quist, 2009), stated that adult literacy available concerning
women’s literacy underscored by a great hope for the contribution of adult literacy to improving
the level of women and reducing poverty there has been a lack of solid evidence demonstrating
such positive impact.
eir children with more diligence are likely to refer wife being stricter, including physical
punishment, rather than teaching children how to read and write. Studies have evaluated the
impact of family literacy programs in relation to parents supporting children education in south
Africa (Desmond), revealed greater impacts when literacy courses are introduced to parents for
helping their children in school and the school curriculum.
,,,Literacy will help women to discover their hidden potential, to eliminate the elements that were
responsible for their powerlessness.The provision of adult education in general and literacy in
particular can empower women, mostly those in rural areas where they still hold the traditional
view to be assertive and more confident in trying to solve problems that concern them and their
2.5 Concepts of Major Gender Based Harmful Traditional Practices
According to WTLO, 1996, in every culture, important practices exist which celebrates life
cycle transition, perpetuate community consume and transmit values to subsequent generation.
These traditional reflect norms of care and behavior based on life stage, gender and unity others
erode the physical and psychological health and integrity of individuals particularly girls and
women. Factors such as limited access to education information and services allow those that
may be most harmful to persist.
Harmful traditional practices exist in many different forms, but they share origin in historically
unequal social and economic relationship between men and women. Female genital mutilation,
early marriage, child bearing and gender bias have received global attention due to their negative
impact on the health and well being of females. Effort to alter or eradicate these practices is often
met with suspicion or hostility from those communities practicing them particularly when efforts
originate from outside communities. For many members of societies ending their traditional in
unmanageable such, practices constitute on integral part of the social- culture fabric.
3. Research Design and Methodology
3.1. Research Design
The main focus of the study will be to investigate the contribution of integrated functional adult
education in minimizing gender based harmful traditional practices in eastern hararghe zone at
two adult education centers.
The researchers will use descriptive survey design method to collect the relevant data.
Descriptive survey design is important because it enable the researchers to know clearly the
contribution of IFAE in minimizing gender based harmful traditional practices and to know the
present situation and identifying some major problems in the IFAE and gender based harmful
traditional practices in detail. The researchers will use both quantitative and qualitative
approaches. But widely quantitative methodology will be use.
Table 4.1 Time Plan Table
Identification of title
Prepare Literature
Data Analysis
Proposal writing
Proposal submission
Pen No 1 120 120
Stapler No 1 85 85
4 NO 1 300 300
Note book
5 Printer Page 18 4 72
6 Transport No 7 30 210
Total 972
Aggarwal (1997) comprehensive definition of adult education
Atim and Ngaka, (2004).The Evaluation of Adult Education in
Uganda :kampala
A.S.seetramu and M.d,ushadavi (2004).Adult Education: Ashish
publishing house
FNafuko,Amitah, M and Ousting, R(2005), Foundation of Adult
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Hygien:Retrieved from countries review of policy. WO Washington.
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MOE, (2008). Education and Training: Addis Ababa.
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Ovahamt,Atoki ,2002) research of adult education program
Paulo freire(1989 publication).learning to question, continue ns: new
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Sarumi,(2005).and Anynawu,amolew sidique(1985),literacy adaptation
to global information, skill,knowledge,attitude.
Sidique, (1985) contribution of literacy program
(tillahun,2011) Historical development of Adult Education in Ethiopia.