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DS Vitamind3

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St., Davao City
Malvar St., Davao
Nursing ProgramCity
Nursing Program


Name of Patient: Patient D.B. Date of Admission: October 15, 2023 Room: Not Indicated
Age: 66 years old Sex: Male Civil Status: Married Attending Physician/s: Dr. Sabido

CLASSIFICATION:  Rickets is a  Hypercalcemia:  Nausea Before administering

Vitamin D Analogs condition that causes Vitamin D can  Vomiting, vitamin D3:
soft, weak bones in further increase  Weakness,  Medical History: Review
children. It is caused calcium levels and  Frequent the patient's medical
by a lack of vitamin worsen the urination history, particularly for
Mechanism of Action: D, which is symptoms of  Vitamin d toxicity any conditions that may
The principal biological function necessary for the hypercalcemia.  Bone pain contraindicate vitamin D3
of vitamin D is the maintenance absorption of calcium  Hypervitaminosis  Kidney supplementation.
of normal levels of serum and phosphorus. D: Symptoms of diseases, such  Current Medications:
calcium and phosphorus in the Vitamin D hypervitaminosis D as the formation Inquire about the
bloodstream by enhancing the supplements can be include of calcium patient's current
efficacy of the small intestine to effective in hypercalcemia, stones. medications to identify
BRAND NAME: absorb these minerals from the preventing and nausea, vomiting, any potential interactions
CALCIFEROL diet. treating rickets. weakness, and with vitamin D3.
 Osteomalacia is a kidney stones.  Vitamin D Status: Assess
GENERIC NAME: condition that causes  Primary the patient's vitamin D
Vitamin D3 REFERENCES: soft, weak bones in hyperparathyroidi status through blood
D3 Interactions Checker. (n.d.). adults. It is caused by sm: this disorder is tests to determine the
DOSAGE: Drugs.com. a lack of vitamin D, characterized by appropriate dosage and
1000 units capgel https://www.drugs.com/ which is necessary overproduction of monitor their response to
drug- for the absorption of parathyroid supplementation.
ROUTE: interactions/cholecalcife calcium and hormone, which Preparation:
PO rol,d3.html phosphorus. Vitamin leads to increased  Inspect the Medication:
The vitamin D and kidney D supplements can calcium levels in Inspect the vitamin D3
FREQUENCY: stones myth - be effective in the blood. supplement for any
OD GrassrootsHealth. preventing and  Corticosteroids visible defects or signs of
(n.d.). treating and some expiration.
GrassrootsHealth. osteomalacia. diuretics, and Administration:
https://www.grassroots increase the risk of
health.net/blog/vitamin-  Osteoporosis is a hypercalcemia.  During vitamin D3
d-kidney-stones-myth/ condition that makes Therefore, it is administration, nurses
Vitamin D: supplement, uses, bones weak and important to consult must closely monitor the
side effects, dosages, brittle. It is a common with a healthcare patient for any signs of
interactions, warnings. problem in older provider before adverse reactions:
(2023, April 11). RxList. adults, and it can taking vitamin D  Follow Proper
https://www.rxlist.com/v increase the risk of supplements if you Technique: Administer
itamin_d/generic- fractures. Vitamin D3 are taking any other the vitamin D3 according
drug.htm supplements may medications. to the prescribed dosage
Vitamin D3: Uses, interactions, help to slow bone  Kidney stones: and route of
mechanism of action | loss and reduce the Vitamin D may administration, using
DrugBank Online. risk of fractures in increase the risk of aseptic technique to
(n.d.). DrugBank. people with kidney stones in prevent contamination.
https://go.drugbank.co osteoporosis. individuals who After administering
m/drugs/DB00169  Certain cancers: have a history of vitamin D3:
Some studies have kidney stones or  Monitor Patient
suggested tha t are at risk of Response: Observe the
vitamin D3 may help developing them. patient for any immediate
to protect against  Infants with signs of adverse
certain cancers, such idiopathic reactions, such as
as colon cancer and hypercalcemia: allergic reactions or
breast cancer. Vitamin D is hypercalcemic
 Autoimmune contraindicated in symptoms.
diseases: Vitamin infants with  Accurately document the
D3 may also play a idiopathic date, time, dosage, and
role in the immune hypercalcemia, a route of administration in
system, and some rare condition the patient's medical
studies have characterized by record.
suggested that it may high blood calcium  Educate the patient
help to prevent or levels in infants about the importance of
treat autoimmune without any adherence to the
diseases, such as apparent cause. prescribed dosage and
rheumatoid arthritis potential side effects to
and multiple watch out for.

Kathryne May C. Jinon, SN

Name of the Student

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