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Win Xi Eng Quarterly Model - 1

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Std: XI PART – 1 Total Marks: 90
Subject: English Time: 3 hours
Answer all the questions. 20x1=20
Choose the most appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. The greatest disadvantage for me was my loss of appetite.
a) hope b) memory c) alertness d) hunger
2. ------- we treated it like the fables of the prophets she used to tell us.
a) tales b) theories c) sayings d) experiences
3. -------- either he has memory like a sieve or is an audacious perverter of truth.
a) great b) bold c) strong d) perfect
Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences.
4. The other teams weight in which is compulsory to all players.
a) optional b) natural c) critical d) occasional
5. She had been young and pretty.
a) beautiful b) ugly c) handsome d) charming
6. The students are reluctant to study for the exam.
a)willing b) dull c) goaded d) boring
7. Choose the correct tetra-syllabic word.
a) act b) cat c) alternative d) honour
8. Choose the expanded form of “JEE”.
a) Junior Entrance Exam b) Joint Entrance Exam
c) Judge Entrance Exam d) Jovial Entrance Exam
9. Choose the word that can be placed after ‘Water’ to form a compound word.
a) pen b) piece c) proof d) pin
10. Choose the right combination of the blended word “E-mail”.
a) Electricity + mail b) Electronic + mail
c) Electric + mail d) Electro + mail
11. Choose the meaning of the foreign word “Bona fide”.
a) clever remark b) a brief summary
c) good understanding d) genuine
12. Choose the right definition for the given term “Pathology”
a) The study of birds b) The study of language
c) The study of diseases d) The study of fish
13. Replace the underlined phrasal verb in the given sentence with a single word.
Don’t put off your homework to the last minute.
a) give off b) postpone c) support d) examine
14. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word “honour”.
a) under b) out c) dis d) il
15. Add suitable question tag to the following sentence.
They rarely lose their points, _____?
a) don’t they b) do they c) does they d) are they
16. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition.
I believe --------- God.
a) at b) on c) in d) from
17. The plural form of ‘appendix’ is _____
a) appendixes b) appendexes c) appendexis d) appendisis
18. Fill in the blank with the suitable relative pronoun.

WIN COMPANION 9043732201

The books ------- are bought are often not read.
a) who b) that c) why d) whom
19. Choose the clipped form of the word “Perambulator”.
a) peram b) pram c) bulator d) peramb
20. Choose the correct sentence pattern.
We met a great writer in the library.
Answer any four of the following.
Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any four of the following. 4x2=8
21. But now they only laugh with their teeth
While their ice-block cold eyes
Search behind my shadow
a. Who are ‘they’? b. Explain: ice-block cold eyes.
22. And reassure myself anew
That you are not me and I’m not you
a. Who does the poet refer to as ‘you’? b. Who does the poet reassure?
23. Once upon a time, son
They used to laugh with their hearts
And laugh with their eyes.
a. Who is the poet addressing to? b. How did the people laugh in olden days?
24. I heard a thousand blended notes
While in a grove I sat reclined.
a. What is meant by a ‘thousand blended notes’? b. Where was the poet sitting?
25. The birds around me hopped and played
Their thoughts I cannot measure.
a. Whose thoughts cannot be measured? b. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
26. One infant grows up and becomes a jockey
Another plays basketball or hockey.
a. Who is a jockey? b. Pick out the rhyming words.

Answer any three questions. 3x2=6
27. Anu requested her brother to drop her at the airport that night. (Change into direct speech)
28. If Reema had informed me earlier, I would have returned home. (Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
29. Change into passive voice of the following sentence:
The farmers usually harvest the mango fruits only in the month of May.
30. If you work hard, you will secure good marks. (Change into a compound sentence)
Explain any two of the following with reference to the context. 2x3=6
31. “Now they shake hands without their hearts”.
32. “I am just glad as glad can be
That I am not them and they are not me.”
33. “In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind”


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Answer any two of the following. 2x3=6
34. What was the happiest time of the day for the grandmother?
35. What did Mary Kom consider her greatest achievement? Why?
36. Who are the citizens of ‘dreamland’? Why?
Answer any three of the following. 3x3=9
37. Describe the process of planting a sapling.
38. Write a notice about the inauguration of Sports club in your school.
39. Frame a dialogue of minimum three exchanges between a conductor and a passenger.
40. Complete each of the following proverbs with the right option.
1. Waste not --------- not. ( fight, want, earn)
2.-------- water runs deep.( Still. flowing, stagnant)
3. One ----------- doesn’t make a garland. ( pearl, bead, flower)
Answer the following. 7x5=35
41. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.
a) How does Robert Lynd analyse the various reasons for forgetfulness in humans.?
b) Why was Mary Kom named the ‘Queen of Boxing’ and ‘Magnificent Mary’?
42. Answer the following in a paragraph of 150 words.
a) How does Gabriel Okara criticize the modern life in his poem “Once Upon a Time”?
b) What does Wordsworth opine about nature in his poem ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’?
43. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints.
a) A group- patients- wait- the dentist- Joe- first- patient- go- inside- nurse- brings- hammer- other-
tools- all- other patients- afraid- tools- think- dentist- use- tools- remove- tooth- some- patients-
leave- clinic- out of fear- Children- tell- their- tooth ache- drama- cut- school- Joe- comes- out –well-
He- says- tools- used- open- cabinet- Finally- misunderstanding- cleared
b) Bob-Jimmy-close friends-Bob-eighteen-Jimmy-twenty-Bob-moved-West-fortune-Jimmy-stayed-
New York-agreed-meet-after-twenty years-Bob- came –meet –Jimmy- same –place- Jimmy- cop-
identified- Bob- criminal- Chicago- Jimmy- sent another- policeman- arrest- Bob.
44. a) Make notes or summarise the following passage.
In life, you'll always come across situations where there will be someone else who's
better than you, especially there is no one quality or standard that people can be judged
on. There will always be someone who looks better, has more money or is more
intelligent than you. How you choose to approach these situations, of course, depends
on the perspective you take. People in themselves aren’t intimidating, it's the opinions
you form about them that make you feel so. Rather than judging people on a single
attribute and getting intimidated, be comfortable with who you are and approach other
people as complete individuals rather than a bundle of good or bad attributes.
The key to not letting others intimidate you is to know your own worth. Don't let your
sense of if be defined by what others think of you or how you compare yourself to
them.Know what you are, and be comfortable in your skin. Instead of feeling threatened
and letting your ego in the way, you could benefit a great deal by being around people
who might be better than you in some ways. Respect others for what they are and use
these opportunities to learn from the strengths and virtues of others.

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45. a) Write a letter to the Commissioner of the corporation complaining about the sanitary
conditions of the streets in your locality.
b) Write a paragraph on the various reasons for road accidents in Indian cities in about 150
46. a) Read the following sentences, spot the error and correct them.
i. The colour of the curtains are very bright.
ii. I saw an uniformed soldier hiding behind the wall.
iii. Every tourist has a amazing story to share.
iv. I prefer coffee than tea.
v. Though he is weak but he is active.
b) Fill in the blanks as instructed.
i) They had dates for ------------in the ------------. (desert/dessert)
ii) How ---------- you disobey my words. (Use semi-modal verb)
iii) The people of India, as a whole ------- (be) warm hearted and hospitable. (Use the correct
verb of the tense)
iv) Please, wait at the auditorium ----------- I come. (Use a suitable link word)
47. a) Read the following passage and answer the questions in your own words.
This country now needs a new equilibrium, a new spirit of national reconciliation that can be
brought about only by moving forward to the new frontiers of true equality, fuller opportunity and
greater compassion for the weaker sections of its people. Our goal is total freedom for the people that
can fully reflect their urges and aspirations for a better life. We cannot remain content by merely
reliving our past even under the condition of complete freedom, without a matching concept of the
present and the future. We can survive only by seizing every constructive opportunity that can offer a
creative alternative to the legacies of the past. It is only through such a lofty endeavour that the
country can discover itself with a new sense of adventure and faith in ourselves.
Answer the following questions:
1. What does the country need?
2. What is our goal?
3. How can we survive?
4. What is the benefit of undergoing such a lofty endeavour?
5. Suggest a suitable title to this passage.


a. Construct a dialogue between a librarian and a student in about five exchanges.


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