Qantas Drug and Alcohol Management Plan
Qantas Drug and Alcohol Management Plan
Qantas Drug and Alcohol Management Plan
1. Applicability
1.1 This Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) applies to all Qantas Staff.
1.3 Qantas overseas Staff are covered by this DAMP, receive training in relation to it and are required to
submit to alcohol and/or other drug testing pursuant to this DAMP.
1.4 CASA alcohol and/or other drug testing does not occur outside of Australia.
1.5 The CASA random testing program only applies to Safety Sensitive Aviation Activity (SSAA) Staff.
(a) at work, on duty or on Qantas Premises or elsewhere in Qantas Group uniform (unless
authorised by Qantas to consume alcohol or other drugs); and/or
(b) in any Aerodrome Testing Area or other area in which consumption of alcohol or drugs is
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2.3 Qantas provides a comprehensive program which includes education, rehabilitation and testing
components, along with supporting health and HR resources for Employees who have a problematic
use of alcohol or other drugs.
2.4 All Staff are encouraged to seek assistance if they believe that they are under the influence of or have
problematic use of alcohol or other drugs of any kind.
2.5 Nothing in this DAMP operates to limit or restrict Qantas' right to take disciplinary action (including
termination of employment) against an employee who engages in unacceptable behaviour,
misconduct or serious misconduct that is a breach of Qantas policies, including this DAMP.
2.6 A failure to comply with the provisions of this DAMP may constitute unacceptable behaviour,
misconduct or serious misconduct and may lead to disciplinary action being taken against an
Employee up to and including the termination of employment.
2.7 In circumstances where Qantas decides to terminate the employment of an Employee for
unacceptable behaviour, misconduct or serious misconduct, the positive test procedures set out in
section 11 will not apply.
3.2 This DAMP meets the requirements of CASR Part 99 and will be reviewed at five year intervals to
ensure ongoing compliance.
3.3 CASA may audit this DAMP. Qantas will be required to provide any relevant documentation relating to
the audit to CASA and CASA may direct changes to this DAMP if required.
3.4 Qantas may change the DAMP from time to time either in response to directions from CASA or at its
absolute discretion. Qantas will consult with the unions during this process and will communicate
changes to Staff.
3.5 Qantas companies and business units are required to monitor and report on compliance with the
requirements of the DAMP, through self-evaluation and Qantas Group Corporate Governance
(a) Each AOC holder must report to CASA the de-identified, grouped test results of SSAA
Employees on a periodic basis, and additional information on individual SSAA Employees upon
request (see clause 99.100 of CASR Part 99).
(b) Under CASR Part 99 (see clause 99.405) if an Employee has a positive test and leaves Qantas
before satisfactorily completing any rehabilitation process including any Comprehensive
Assessment, Employee Treatment Plan and/or Safe Return to Work Plan (SRWP), Qantas is
required to notify CASA and provide details of that Employee.
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(a) Not having an alcohol or other drug level at or above the Cut-off Level for Alcohol or the Cut-off
Level for Drugs while:
(i) at work, on duty or on Qantas Premises or elsewhere in Qantas Group uniform (unless
authorised by Qantas to consume alcohol or other drugs); and/or
(ii) in any Aerodrome Testing Area or other area in which consumption of alcohol or drugs is
(b) not consuming, possessing, selling, manufacturing, soliciting or distributing alcohol or other drugs
on Qantas Premises, unless authorised to do so as part of their role;
(c) undertaking alcohol and other drugs testing, assessments, rehabilitation, treatment, Safe Return
to Work Plans, Comprehensive Assessments, Treatment Plans and other programs as required;
(e) reporting to their Manager if they obtain a positive alcohol breath test result or a non-negative
drug test result;
(f) reporting to their Manager, HR representative or the MRO if the Employee is concerned that
another Staff member is affected by alcohol or other drugs; and
(g) being aware of and complying with this DAMP, all applicable DAMPs and other applicable Qantas
policies, procedures and legislation at all times.
(a) ensuring that their Staff are aware of and comply with this DAMP and all applicable DAMPs and
other applicable Qantas policies, procedures and legislation;
(b) ensuring that their Staff undertake any required training, education or instruction;
(d) initiating and organising alcohol and other drugs testing where required or necessary under this
(e) ensuring that work and employment processes and practices comply with this DAMP, other
relevant DAMPs, relevant policies, procedures and legislation;
(g) taking reasonable steps to prevent Staff engaging in conduct contrary to this DAMP; and
(h) ensuring that they comply with their responsibilities as Employees (see paragraph 4.1 above).
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(b) managing the application of the DAMP including the authorisation of alcohol and other drugs
testing where required and the approval and implementation of any SRWP;
(c) interpreting all alcohol and other drugs test results and providing a final decision in relation to
whether a test result is positive or negative;
(d) ensuring that all alcohol and other drugs test results are managed properly and in accordance
with the DAMP;
(e) overseeing any alcohol and other drugs rehabilitation program and determining when an
employee is fit to return to work following a positive result and/or rehabilitation program;
(f) resolving any issues arising from testing processes including answering any inquiries from Staff
about any aspect of the testing program and/or results;
(g) undertaking any other tasks and responsibilities as may be necessary from time to time to ensure
the effective operation of this DAMP; and
(h) making determinations based on clinical and ethical guidelines in circumstances where the DAMP
is silent or unclear on aspects of the alcohol and other drugs testing program or any other aspect
of the DAMP.
5.2 SSAA Staff must complete mandatory alcohol and other drugs training at least once in every 30 month
5.3 Where SSAA Staff transfer to a different position covered by this DAMP within 90 days of leaving their
previous position and they have undertaken mandatory alcohol and other drugs training in their
previous position, they will not need to repeat the training but must remain current in every 30 month
5.4 Mandatory alcohol and other drugs training will deal with issues as determined by Qantas from time to
time and will include, but not be limited to, information about:
(a) the risks to aviation safety from alcohol and other drugs use;
(f) consequences of a positive test and related conduct (including disciplinary consequences); and
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(g) support and assistance services for Employees who have problematic alcohol and other drugs
5.5 Managers / Supervisor’s and/or Shift Supervisors are required to undertake mandatory alcohol and
other drugs training course DAMP Supervisor. In addition to the issues covered at 5.4 above,
Managers’ / Supervisor’s and/or Shift Supervisor training will include, but not be limited to:
(a) a DAMP supervisors’ responsibilities under the DAMP, other applicable DAMPs and Qantas
policy and procedures;
(b) procedures for managing Staff who have problematic alcohol and other drugs use;
(c) information about how to identify when a Staff member may be affected by alcohol and/or other
drugs and how to identify and assist Staff with problematic alcohol and/or other drugs use; and
(d) information about how to seek authorisation for testing from the MRO or its delegates.
6.2 The DAMP includes all circumstances of testing whereas the CASA random testing program only
involves random testing.
6.3 Qantas will use urine drug testing for pre-employment, show cause, post incident, return to work, and
follow up testing. Qantas will use oral fluid (saliva) drug testing for Qantas random testing. The CASA
random testing program will use oral fluid (saliva) drug testing.
6.4 Both the Qantas and CASA testing programs use alcohol breath testing.
6.5 An Employee who tests positive through the CASA random testing program will be managed
according to the DAMP which is designed to ensure that both Qantas’ and CASA’s standards are met.
The CASA MRO will be responsible for reviewing and deliberating on positive results detected through
the CASA program.
6.6 Circumstances in which alcohol and/or other drug tests may be conducted
(a) Pre-employment
(i) All SSAA Staff and prospective SSAA Staff must undertake a pre-employment alcohol
and other drugs test.
(ii) Pre-employment alcohol and/or other drugs testing must be authorised by an Employee’s
Manager or prospective Manager. Additional authorisation by the MRO is not required.
(iii) Pre-employment alcohol and other drugs testing must be undertaken less than 90 days
before an Employee commences an SSAA role or duties. This also applies to Employees
who transfer from a non SSAA role into an SSAA role.
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(iv) SSAA Staff who transfer to a different position covered under this DAMP and commence
in their new role within 90 days of ceasing their previous role, do not need another pre-
employment alcohol and other drugs test.
(v) SSAA Staff who leave employment with Qantas for a period of greater than 90 days and
return to an SSAA role will be required to complete another pre-employment alcohol and
other drugs test.
(i) Any Staff member that has been involved in an Accident or Safety Incident (as defined in
section 19) must undertake a post incident alcohol and other drug test.
(ii) Post incident alcohol and/or other drugs testing must be authorised by a Staff member’s
Manager. Additional authorisation by the MRO is not required.
(iii) CASR Part 99 mandates that Staff members must not perform SSAA work and must
remain in the testing area until alcohol and/or other drug testing is conducted and results
(iv) Qantas will carry out the testing as soon as is practicable. An alcohol breath test must be
done within 8 hours and a urine drug test within 32 hours of the Accident or Safety
Incident. If it is not practicable to test within these timeframes, then testing will generally
not be performed.
(v) In circumstances where clause 6.6(b)(iv) applies, a Staff member who is an SSAA Staff
member must not perform, or be available to perform, SSAA work for a period of 32 hours
or until an alcohol and/or other drugs test is performed, whichever occurs sooner.
(i) Where a DAMP supervisor suspects that a member of Staff is affected by alcohol or other
drugs in circumstances where the DAMP applies, the DAMP supervisor must confirm
their suspicions with another DAMP supervisor, Manager or Supervisor/ Shift Supervisor
and contact the MRO to seek approval to conduct a show cause alcohol and other drugs
(ii) Show cause alcohol and/or other drugs testing must be authorised by the MRO or its
(iii) If directed to participate in show cause alcohol or other drug testing the Staff member
must cease performing all work and must remain supervised at the workplace or in a
location as directed by the Manager until the testing is conducted.
(iv) CASR Part 99 mandates that once identified for show cause alcohol or other drug testing
the Staff member must cease performing SSAAs but must remain in the testing area until
the testing is conducted and the results notified.
(v) Some of the observable behaviours that may indicate that a Staff member is affected by
alcohol or other drugs include, but are not limited to:
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(i) All Staff members must undertake a return to work alcohol and other drugs test before
returning to work after a positive test. Staff members must record a negative alcohol and
other drugs test before they return to work. The return to work alcohol and other drugs
test must be arranged by the Staff member’s Manager after the completion of a
Comprehensive Assessment and determination that the Staff member is safe to return to
SSAA work as part of a SRWP.
(ii) Return to work alcohol and/or other drugs testing must be authorised by the MRO.
(e) Follow up
(i) All SRWPs must include follow up alcohol and other drug testing. An Employee will be
tested a minimum of six times over a minimum six month period on an intermittent ‘no
notice’ basis (i.e. the Employee will not be notified before testing).
(ii) Authorisation is not required for follow up testing as part of a SRWP. All SRWPs must be
approved by the MRO.
(f) Self-referral
(i) When an Employee self identifies and seeks assistance under the DAMP, the Employee
may be required to undertake alcohol and other drugs tests at the discretion of the MRO.
(i) Qantas may conduct random alcohol and other drug testing of Staff from time to time.
(ii) Random testing must be authorised by the Director Medical Services, the Group
Executive People and the Executive Manager Industrial Relations.
(iii) When selected for Qantas random alcohol and other drugs testing Staff members must
undertake the random alcohol and other drug testing.
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(i) CASA will conduct random alcohol and other drug testing on Australian based SSAA
Staff from time to time in accordance with CASR Part 99.
(ii) When selected for CASA random alcohol and other drugs testing Staff members must
undertake the random alcohol and other drugs testing.
(iii) CASA will determine which Staff members will be subject to CASA random alcohol and
other drugs testing in accordance with CASA’s procedures and CASR Part 99.
(iv) CASA may notify the DAMP contact before the arrival of the CASA approved testers at
Qantas Premises. The DAMP contact will nominate an appropriate Manager and Site
DAMP Contact to assist the CASA approved testers with the conduct of the CASA
random testing including access to Qantas Premises and access to a suitable location for
7. Support persons
7.1 Staff members may have a support person with them at any meetings or alcohol and other drug
testing that is conducted as part of the DAMP, subject to the following:
(a) the Staff member must ensure that their support person understands the confidential nature of
the process;
(b) the nomination of a particular support person must not cause any delay that may affect the testing
process. If the nomination of a particular support person will result in delay that may affect the
testing process, the Staff member may nominate an alternative support person; and
(c) the support person must not impede or obstruct the testing process in any way and is there only
to act as a support person (i.e. not a representative or advocate) to the Staff member.
(a) Qantas will conduct alcohol breath tests as set out in the DAMP. Staff must undertake alcohol
breath testing if required by Qantas.
(b) The Manager will arrange for the alcohol breath test to be conducted:
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(c) A Staff member may request that the Qantas Approved Tester produce identification and/ or their
Alcohol/Drug Tester’s Certificate.
(d) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility must ensure that an approved
acknowledgment and consent form is completed correctly and signed by the Staff member being
(e) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility must ensure that the specimen collection
and management procedure complies with the requirements of Qantas and/or the testing agency.
The results of testing are to be recorded and shown to the Staff member.
(f) All devices used for alcohol breath testing must meet the requirements of AS 3547 or NMI R 126
(as amended, varied or replaced from time to time) and must be used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
(a) All Qantas alcohol breath test results will be managed in accordance with the DAMP and Qantas
procedures for the management of alcohol breath test results.
(b) If the initial alcohol breath test result is below the Cut-off Level for Alcohol, the test is regarded
and recorded as negative and the test is finished.
(c) If the initial alcohol breath test result is at or above the Cut-off Level for Alcohol, the Qantas
Approved Tester or approved testing facility must record the results of the test and conduct a
second test as soon as practicable but not sooner than 15 minutes after the initial sample was
(d) If the second reading is below the Cut-off Level for Alcohol the test is regarded and recorded as
negative and is finished.
(e) If the second reading is at or above the Cut-off Level for Alcohol, the test is recorded as positive.
(f) Employees are required to notify their Manager immediately if they have a positive alcohol breath
test. Contractors and other Staff are required to notify the relevant Qantas Manager immediately
if they have a positive alcohol breath test.
(g) Where a Staff member records a positive alcohol breath test the Staff member will be stood down
or transferred to non SSAA work in accordance with section 10 of this DAMP.
(h) The MRO will determine whether the test is confirmed as a confirmed positive test.
(i) Staff members who have a confirmed positive test will be managed in accordance with the
positive test procedure in section 11 of the DAMP.
(a) CASA will conduct random alcohol breath tests of Staff in accordance with CASR Part 99. Staff
must undertake alcohol breath testing if required by CASA.
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(a) All CASA alcohol breath test results will be managed in accordance with the CASR Part 99, the
DAMP and CASA procedures for the management of alcohol breath test results.
(b) If the initial reading is below the Cut-off Level for Alcohol the CASA approved tester will notify the
Employee that the test is negative and the test is finished.
(c) If the initial reading is at or above the Cut-off Level for Alcohol, the CASA approved tester will
perform a second confirmatory test as soon as practicable but not sooner than 15 minutes after
the initial sample was taken.
(d) If the second reading is below the Cut-off Level for Alcohol the result is recorded as a negative
test and the test is finished.
(e) If the second reading is at or above the Cut-off Level for Alcohol, the test is recorded as a positive
test result and the Staff member is given written notice of the positive result.
(f) Employees are required to notify their Manager immediately if they have a positive alcohol breath
test. Contractors and other Staff are required to notify the relevant Qantas Manager immediately
if they have a positive alcohol breath test.
(g) Where a Staff member records a positive alcohol breath test the Staff member will be stood down
or transferred to non SSAA work in accordance with section 10 of this DAMP.
(h) The CASA MRO will determine whether the test is a confirmed positive test.
(i) Staff members who have a confirmed positive CASA alcohol breath test will be managed in
accordance with the positive test procedure in section 11 of the DAMP.
(a) Qantas will conduct urine other drugs tests as per CASR Part 99 and AS/NZ4308 testable
substances. Staff must undertake other drugs testing if required by Qantas.
(b) In addition to the testable substances as listed in the Australian Standards AS/NZ4308, Qantas
may nominate additional or alternative substances to be tested for using drug urine testing at the
discretion of the MRO. Where cut-off levels are not specified in the Australian Standard
accredited laboratory cut-off levels will be applied.
(c) The relevant Manager will contact a Qantas Approved Tester to conduct the test, or transport the
Staff member to an approved testing facility.
(d) The Staff member may request that the Qantas Approved Tester produce identification and/or
their Alcohol/Drug Tester’s Certificate.
(e) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility must ensure that an approved
acknowledgment and consent form is completed correctly and signed by the Staff member.
(f) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility must ensure that specimen collection
and management procedures comply with the requirements of AS 4308.
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(g) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility must conduct the collection test
providing privacy to the donor. An observed collection should be undertaken only if there has
been evidence of tampering or adulteration of an initial sample and must be conducted in a
discreet and appropriate manner.
(h) Where a Staff member is unable to provide a urine sample for Qantas other drug test testing after
three hours with the Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility and after appropriate
fluid intake, the test will be suspended, and the following procedure will apply:
(i) if the Staff member is a SSAA Staff member they will be stood down from SSAA duties
until clearance has been given by an MRO;
(ii) the staff member will be required to provide a medical report to the MRO within 24 hours
if there are medical reasons preventing provision of a urine sample. For the purposes of
this DAMP, anxiety or apprehension are not acceptable medical reasons for an inability to
produce a urine sample; and
(iii) unless there are legitimate medical reasons, a failure to provide a urine sample will be
regarded as a breach of the DAMP and a confirmed positive test.
(a) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility will conduct an initial test on the urine
(b) The result of the initial urine drug tests will be reported by the Qantas Approved Tester as:
(i) negative – if the result is below the Cut-off Level for Drugs; or
(ii) non-negative – if the result is at or above the Cut-off Level for Drugs.
(c) The Staff member will be informed of the result of the initial test at the site and given a written
notification of the result.
(d) The sample will then be subjected to laboratory testing. Laboratory testing is more accurate than
the initial test. When the laboratory test result is confirmed by the MRO, it will be recorded as the
final result and the initial drug test result is superseded.
(e) Where the initial urine drug test records a negative result, the Staff member will be returned to
work (unless there are other disciplinary or behavioural issues or there are other indications that
cause continuing concerns about the Staff member’s fitness to work safely).
(f) Employees are required to notify their Manager immediately if they have a drug test result of non-
negative. Contractors and other Staff are required to notify the relevant Qantas Manager
immediately if they have a drug test result of non-negative.
(g) Where an initial urine drug test records a result of non-negative, the Staff member will be stood
down or transferred to non SSAA work in accordance with section 10 of this DAMP until the
laboratory result is obtained.
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(a) Following the initial test the urine sample will be divided into two equal parts which will be sealed
in approved containers.
(b) The Qantas Approved Tester or approved testing facility will arrange for transfer of both parts of
the sample under Chain of Custody and the testing of one part by an accredited laboratory.
(c) Laboratory testing will be performed using a procedure which complies with the requirements of
AS 4308.
(d) If the result of the laboratory test is below the Cut-off Level for Drugs the result will be considered
negative. If the result of the laboratory test is at or above the Cut-off Level for Drugs, the result
will be considered positive.
(e) Laboratory test results will be provided to the MRO who will contact the Staff member and the
Manager should the results be positive or otherwise require further action.
(f) If the result of the laboratory other drug test is positive, the MRO will determine whether either a
positive or negative test has been confirmed and inform the Manager, who will advise the Staff
(g) In determining that a test result is a confirmed positive test the MRO may need to interview the
Staff member concerned and may take into account a number of factors, including but not limited
(vi) whether there is evidence that the sample has been tampered with;
(vii) the guidelines and manuals used by the Australasian Medical Review Officers
Association (AMROA);
(viii) Relevant evidence from the scientific and medical literature; and
(h) If the MRO determines that a test result is a confirmed positive test, the Staff member will be
managed in accordance with the positive test procedure in section 11 of this DAMP.
(i) If the laboratory positive result is found to be due to legitimate medical reasons the MRO will
reverse the result and notify the manager that it was a confirmed negative test. In some
instances the staff member may be informed that they are to avoid future use of this medication
without approval and subsequent positive tests will not be reversed by the MRO.
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(a) CASA will conduct random oral fluid other drugs testing of Staff in accordance with CASR Part
99. Staff must undertake other drugs testing if required by CASA.
(b) All CASA other drug tests will be managed in accordance with the CASR Part 99, the DAMP and
CASA procedures for the management of other drug tests.
(c) The MRO and CASA are responsible for ensuring that all other drugs test results are managed
properly and in accordance with the DAMP and CASR Part 99.
(d) CASA oral fluid drug testing will use thresholds outlined in the Australian Standard AS 4760,
‘Procedures for specimen collection and the detection and quantitation of drugs in oral fluid’.
(a) All initial other drugs tests will be conducted by a CASA approved tester.
(b) The CASA approved tester will require the Staff member not to eat, drink or chew for 10 minutes
before the test.
(c) Staff must remain in the presence of the CASA approved tester for the 10 minutes before the test.
(d) The CASA approved tester will then take a sample of oral fluid using an approved device and
subject the oral fluid sample to an initial test using an approved oral fluid screening device.
(e) If there is not enough fluid in the initial sample to obtain a result, the CASA approved tester will
collect another sample as soon as practicable and send that sample and the initial sample to the
laboratory under the same conditions.
(f) If the initial other drug test is negative, the approved tester will discard the sample and give the
Staff member a notice outlining the result. This information will also be supplied to CASA. No
further action needs to be taken and the Staff member will be returned to work.
(g) If the initial other drug test is non-negative, the CASA approved tester will divide the initial sample
into 2 equal parts, label them and ensure both samples are transported to the approved
laboratory under Chain of Custody procedures outlined in CASR Part 99 (section 99.155 – 195).
(h) If the initial other drug test is non-negative the Employee must notify their Manager immediately.
Contractors and other Staff are required to notify the relevant Qantas Manager immediately if
they have a non-negative other drugs test.
(i) If the initial other drug test is non-negative the Staff member will be stood down or transferred to
non SSAA work in accordance with section 10 of this DAMP.
(j) The Staff member will be given a written notice outlining the result of the initial test and full details
of the confirmatory laboratory test procedure.
(a) The laboratory will perform a confirmatory test on one sample and give notice to CASA as soon
as a result is available. CASA will, as soon as practicable, verbally inform the Staff member of the
result and follow up with a notice in writing.
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(b) The second sample will be kept at the laboratory for 100 days from the date of the initial test and
then discarded. The Staff member may request to have the second sample analysed at an
independent laboratory at their own expense during that time.
(c) The management of all laboratory oral fluid results is the responsibility of the CASA MRO.
(d) If the laboratory test result is negative, CASA will inform the Staff member as soon as possible.
The Staff member must inform their Manager and/or Qantas as soon as possible after they are
told of the negative result. No further action is required.
(e) If the result of the laboratory other drug test is positive, the CASA MRO will determine whether
either a positive or negative test has been confirmed and inform the Staff member and the
Qantas DAMP contact.
(f) If the CASA MRO determines that a Staff member has a confirmed positive test , the Staff
member will be managed in accordance with the positive test procedures in section 11 of this
DAMP. This is also an offence under CASR Part 99.
(a) Where a Staff member records a positive alcohol breath test result or a non-negative other drug
test result, the Staff member will be stood down and safe transport home arranged.
(b) The stand down of a Staff member will be managed in accordance with the relevant contract,
industrial instrument and Qantas policies and procedures.
(a) Where an SSAA Staff member records a positive alcohol breath test result or a non-negative
other drug test result they may be transferred to work in non-SSAA work areas if, in the opinion of
the MRO and relevant Managers, this is considered appropriate.
11.3 Where a Staff member who is not an Employee has a positive alcohol or other drugs test, they will be
managed by their employer. Staff members will not be able to perform work for Qantas until Qantas is
satisfied that any return to work requirements in CASR Part 99 have been met and that any other
conditions required by Qantas have been met.
11.4 Where a prospective employee records a positive alcohol or other drugs test in pre-employment
testing the circumstances of the case will be examined and, where appropriate, any offer of
employment will be reviewed.
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(a) Where an Employee has a confirmed positive alcohol or other drugs test they will remain stood
down from all SSAA duties.
(b) The Manager will meet with the Employee and discuss the positive test and:
(i) give the Employee the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding the positive
(ii) give the Employee the opportunity to provide any other relevant material;
(iii) advise the Employee of the content of sub clause 11.5(c) below;
(iv) tell the Employee that their behaviour potentially increased the risk of incident and injury
to themselves, their colleagues and (if applicable) the general public;
(vi) give the Employee a formal letter stating that the employee has tested positive to alcohol
and/or other drugs. This letter will be placed on the Employee’s personal file;
(vii) advise the employee of the next steps in the positive test procedure as set out in
paragraphs (d) to (g) below.
(c) The positive test constitutes a breach of this DAMP, the Standards of Conduct Policy and CASA
Regulations, and that, in addition to any outcomes under this DAMP, the Employee may be
subject to disciplinary action up to and including the termination of their employment.
(d) The Employee will be required to complete a Comprehensive Assessment and participate in any
Treatment Plan recommended for the employee, to be coordinated by the MRO The Employee
will be required to complete a negative return to work alcohol and other drugs test following the
Comprehensive Assessment. If, in the assessment of the MRO, the return to work alcohol and
other drugs test indicates that the employee has taken drugs after the initial the positive test
result, this will be considered a further positive test result.
(e) A SRWP will be developed for the Employee in accordance with clause 12 of this DAMP.
(f) The MRO will only approve the Employee’s return to work after:
(iv) receiving confirmation that the Employee has commenced satisfactory participation in any
Treatment Plan.
(g) Once cleared as safe to return to work, the Employee will be required to undertake follow up
alcohol or other drugs testing (as relevant) of at least six tests within a minimum of a six month
period, from the time a negative return to work test result was obtained. Where an employee
records a confirmed positive test during follow up alcohol or other drugs testing, that test will be
regarded as a second positive test result under this DAMP and the second positive test
procedures in this DAMP will apply.
Category People and Culture Document Type Group
Policy Owner Director Medical Services Information Classification Internal Use
Executive Sponsor Group Executive, Strategy, Last Updated (Version) 23 September 2021 (v8)
People and Technology
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Drug and Alcohol Management Plan
(a) Where an Employee has a second confirmed positive alcohol or other drugs test the procedures
outlined for a first positive test will apply except that in lieu of the letter referred to in section
11.5(b)(vi), the Employee will be given a letter indicating that the Employee has had a second
positive test. This letter will also put the Employee on notice that a third positive test may result in
the termination of employment. The letter will be placed on the Employee's personnel file.
(b) The second positive test constitutes a breach of this DAMP, the Standards of Conduct Policy and
CASA Regulations. The matter is likely, in addition to any outcomes under this DAMP, to be
managed as a disciplinary matter and the Employee is likely to be subject to disciplinary action up
to and including the termination of their employment.
Where an Employee has a third positive alcohol or other drugs test the matter will be managed only as
a disciplinary matter and formal disciplinary procedures will be commenced. In the absence of
substantial mitigating circumstances, termination of employment will result.
12. Rehabilitation
12.1 Qantas may provide appropriately qualified professionals for assessments and education and early
12.2 Information on the type of assistance available and the circumstances under which it will be provided
is available from the MRO. Decisions in relation to the provision of assistance (if any) will be made by
an Employee’s Manager in consultation with the MRO.
(a) following a confirmed positive alcohol or other drugs test or refusal of test (Qantas or CASA); or
(b) after they have been identified by their Manager and the MRO as having a problematic use of
alcohol or other drugs; or
12.4 Where an Employee requires inpatient treatment including detoxification or ongoing medical treatment
for an alcohol or other drugs problem, the provision of these services and treatment will be the
responsibility of the Employee through the public and/or private healthcare system and the
Employee’s treating doctor.
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(c) the relevant treating drug and alcohol professional (where applicable);
(a) There are two rehabilitation components to the DAMP, an external component and an internal
component. The external component focusses on the medical and psychological treatment of the
Employee Treatment Plan (TP) and the internal component focuses on the Employee’s safe
return to work plan (SRWP).
(b) Employees are required to provide consent for any external treatment provider(s) to release
information to Qantas as part of their SRWP. Qantas will ensure that this information is treated
confidentially in accordance with section 14 of the DAMP.
(c) Employees must fully participate in the TP including attending a Comprehensive Assessment and
fully participating in any rehabilitation or treatment recommended or deemed necessary or
(b) The provider will assess the Employee’s treatment needs and will develop a TP for the Employee
which must be approved by the MRO. This will occur before the SRWP is developed.
(c) The treatment options available following the Comprehensive Assessment include but are not
limited to:
(ii) Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselling (with Qantas external EAP provider) for
assessment of current personal situation and needs and appropriate management;
(d) The external alcohol and other drugs treatment provider and/or any external treating specialists
will provide a copy of the TP to the MRO and advise the MRO of any changes to the TP.
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(e) The Employee must undertake all necessary medical, psychological and other treatment and fully
participate in the TP. The Employee may choose to participate in additional treatment of their
choosing; however the cost of additional treatment will be borne by the Employee.
(a) After an Employee has undertaken the Comprehensive Assessment and commenced any TP and
is considered ready to return to work by the MRO, a SRWP will be developed. Appropriate
medical and other advice will form part of the design of the SRWP (i.e. from the MRO and the
Employee’s treating doctor/counsellor and the TP).
(c) All SRWPs must include an educational component which must, at a minimum, require the
Employee to complete the relevant mandatory alcohol and other drugs training program.
(d) All SRWPs will involve follow up alcohol and/or other drug testing (as relevant). An Employee will
be tested a minimum of six times over a minimum six month period on a ‘no notice’ basis (i.e. the
Employee will not be notified before testing).
Note: the number of follow up tests and the time frame for the follow up testing will be
determined by Qantas on a case by case basis.
(e) Where an Employee is absent from work (including Worker’s Compensation claims, sick leave,
annual or long service leave) from Qantas for 1 month or more the SRWP will be suspended until
the Employee returns to work.
(a) All SRWPs must include regular meetings between the Employee’s Manager and the Employee,
to monitor the Employee’s progress. The timing of such meetings is dependent on the nature of
the SRWP but will generally be held at least every month.
(b) The relevant treatment provider/s and the MRO will, where necessary, provide advice regarding
appropriate rehabilitation strategies for consideration at each progress meeting.
(c) Where the original SRWP requires amendment, a SRWP Amendment Form must be completed.
The relevant treatment provider/s and the MRO will be invited to provide advice regarding
amendments to the original SRWP.
At the conclusion of the SRWP, the SRWP Closure Form must be completed in the final meeting to
indicate the outcomes of the SRWP. Copies of this form must be provided to the Manager, Employee
and the MRO.
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13.2 Under this DAMP unacceptable behaviour, misconduct or serious misconduct includes, but is not
limited to:
(b) a refusal or failure to undergo any alcohol or other drug testing as required under this DAMP or
CASR Part 99 (except where a failure to provide a sample is due to a medical condition as
referred to in section 9.1(g));
(c) a refusal or failure to properly participate in any Comprehensive Assessment, TP, SRWP or other
rehabilitation or treatment;
(d) a failure to follow a direction in relation to alcohol or other drug testing from a Qantas Approved
Tester or CASA Approved Tester;
(e) a failure to report a positive and/or non-negative CASA alcohol or other drug test to a Qantas
(g) falsification, tampering or otherwise interfering with any alcohol or other drug testing process or
(i) following a positive alcohol breath test or a non-negative other drug test;
(ii) where the Staff member is notified that it is suspected that they are under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs; or
(iii) following an Accident or Safety Incident where alcohol or other drugs testing is to be
13.3 Clauses 13.2(a), 13.2(b), 13.2(d), 13.2(e), 13.2(f) and 13.2(g) are also breaches of CASR Part 99.
Breaches of CASR Part 99 may, in addition to any disciplinary action taken by Qantas, also incur a
penalty and result in a review of the Staff member's licences, certificates or permissions.
13.4 A failure or refusal to undertake alcohol or other drugs testing or falsification, tampering or otherwise
interfering with any testing process or sample will also be regarded as a confirmed positive test, in
which case the positive test procedures in Section 11 of this DAMP may apply.
14.2 Records of testing results will be managed in accordance with CASR Part 99.105 (3).
14.3 Treatment Plan’s, Comprehensive Assessments, SRWPs and medical reports will be stored in an
Employee’s confidential medical file held by Qantas Medical Services (Medical File). Medical Files re
held as per the national regulations relating to storage of medical records.
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14.4 Letters given to employees in relation to positive test results in accordance with section 11 of this
DAMP will be kept on the employee's personnel file.
14.5 Confidentiality
(a) All information and records relating to the alcohol and other drug testing and results of Employees
will be treated as confidential, provided that:
(i) the Qantas officers who, where necessary, may access and review information and
records relating to and Employee’s alcohol and other drug testing and results include the
MRO and/or staff within the Group Medical Services unit, the Employee’s Manager, HR,
IR and Case Management.
(ii) Qantas may also disclose the information to its legal advisors or where required to do so
by an Australian law.
15. Contractors
15.1 CASR Part 99 requires Qantas to ensure that all people who undertake SSAA work will either:
(a) be employed by an organisation that has its own CASA approved DAMP; or
(b) that those people are aware that they will be subject to this DAMP.
15.2 The Manager for whom the contractors work is responsible for ensuring that SSAA contractors comply
with the above requirements.
16.2 Staff may only use medication described in 16.1 above at work or on duty in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended dosage and on the advice of a pharmacist (for non-prescription
medication) or registered medical practitioner (for prescription medication). When seeking advice from
a medical practitioner Staff must inform the medical practitioner of the nature of the work (e.g. SSAA
work) they perform.
16.3 Staff must seek advice from the MRO in relation to the use of prescription and non-prescription
medication at work or on duty if the Staff member is uncertain about the safety of their use while at
work or on duty.
16.4 Staff must not supply prescribed drugs to, or obtain them from, other Staff members under any
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16.5 Staff may bring to work and store reasonable quantities of legally obtained prescription and non-
prescription drugs which meet the requirements of this DAMP and are for personal use in accordance
with this DAMP. Staff must take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorised use of those drugs.
16.6 Staff must advise their Manager or the MRO if they have been prescribed medication that may, in any
way, affect their safety or performance at work.
16.7 Where Staff members are taking prescribed medication for legitimate medical reasons and those
prescribed medications fall within the definition of Drugs contained in this DAMP, the Staff member will
discuss the appropriate management of the issue with the MRO.
17.2 The following stakeholders within Qantas must be consulted before any update:
17.3 The Executive Sponsor must give approval before any update of this DAMP.
18.2 These policy documents are subject to change and the latest version can be accessed on the intranet
(if available to you), or can be obtained from your HR representative.
19. Definitions
Accident (CASA) means an occurrence that arises out of a person performing or being available to
perform an applicable SSAA if either or both of the following applies:
• the occurrence results in the death of, or serious harm to, a person; and/or
• the occurrence results in serious damage to an aircraft or property.
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Chain of Custody means a series of procedures to account for the integrity of each urine or saliva
specimen by tracking its handling and storage from point of specimen collection to
final disposition of the specimen.
confirmed positive means a positive alcohol or other drug test result which has been confirmed as
test positive by the relevant MRO.
Cut-off Level for means 0.02 grams of alcohol per 210 litres of breath (also expressed as 0.02%
Alcohol blood alcohol concentration, or 0.02% BAC).
Cut-off Level for means the initial and confirmatory drug thresholds (micrograms per litre) outlined
Drugs in the Australian Standard AS 4308 ‘Procedures for specimen collection and the
detection and quantitation of drugs of abuse in urine’ (as amended, varied or
replaced from time to time) and/or the thresholds outlined in the Australian
Standard AS 4760, ‘Procedures for specimen collection and the detection and
quantitation of drugs in oral fluid’ (as amended, varied or replaced from time to
DAMP Organisation means an organisation (in this case Qantas) required under CASR Part 99 to have
DAMP Supervisor means a Manager/ Supervisor or Shift Supervisor or Employee of Qantas who has
received training to enable them to form an opinion as to whether a person may be
adversely affected by a testable drug or under the influence of alcohol and is
authorised to do so. DAMP Supervisors include the Qantas MROs and their
Category People and Culture Document Type Group
Policy Owner Director Medical Services Information Classification Internal Use
Executive Sponsor Group Executive, Strategy, Last Updated (Version) 23 September 2021 (v8)
People and Technology
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Drug and Alcohol Management Plan
trained delegates.
Drug / other drugs means substances or medications capable of causing dependency, alteration of
mood or impairment of judgment, concentration or coordination, including but not
limited to:
• illegal drugs;
• prescribed psychoactive medications not approved by a Qantas Medical
• prescription medications for which no medical authorisation has been given;
• medications or ‘over-the-counter’ substances which are used contrary to the
manufacturer’s instructions or recommended dosage.
Employee means a person who has a contract of employment with a Qantas Group
Employee means a program provided by Qantas for Employees which provides psychological
Assistance Program counselling and emotional support. EAP counsellors are able to address issues
(EAP) that have led to the use/abuse of drugs, or issues that are a consequence of such
Medical Review means a qualified medical practitioner engaged by Qantas and certified to act as
Officer (MRO) an MRO by the Australasian Medical Review Officers Association (AMROA). MRO
will have competence in the field of interpreting drug and alcohol results,
knowledge of substance abuse disorders and knowledge of the requirements of
both CASR Part 99 and the DAMP. MRO and its delegates are trained and
authorised to determine when show cause testing should be conducted.
negative means an alcohol or drug level that is below the Cut-off Level for Alcohol or the
Cut-off Level for Drugs.
non-negative means a drug test result that is at or above the Cut-off Level for Drugs and
requires confirmatory laboratory testing.
Qantas DAMP means the MRO who will liaise with CASA in relation to all aspects of Qantas’
Contact responsibilities under CASR Part 99. DAMP Contact details are in the Appendix
Qantas Approved Means an external agent or Staff member who has been trained in the alcohol and
Tester other drugs testing procedures and approved by the Qantas MRO to conduct
Qantas or Qantas means Qantas Airways Limited ABN 16 009 661 901, and its related bodies
Group corporate.
Qantas Premises means any place or thing used by any Qantas company in the course of
conducting its business, (whether or not owned by or within the exclusive control of
a Qantas company) including, but not limited to:
• aircraft;
• vehicles;
• offices;
• car parks;
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• terminals;
• hangars;
• workshops;
• warehouses;
• kitchens; and
• airports.
Safe Return to Work means an agreement between an Employee and their Manager designed to
Plan (SRWP) enable the Employee to safely return to work where an employee has returned a
positive test or where the employee self refers and requests rehabilitation
Safety Incident means any unplanned event in the workplace that causes, or has the potential to
cause, harm to people, property, aircraft operation, business or environment.
To ensure CASA compliance requirements are met, for Safety Incident relating to
operations of an aircraft only, the CASR Part 99 definition of Serious Incident and
Accident will apply for post incident testing.
Safety Sensitive means Qantas Staff who perform, or are available to perform, (regardless of where
Aviation Activity those functions are carried out) in any of the following roles:
(SSAA) Staff
• cabin crew;
• flight crew;
• freight apron operations;
• catering customer delivery;
• aircraft dispatch and load controlling;
• aircraft maintenance and repair;
• baggage handling and Ramp operations;
• airport security guard or screening officer;
• ground refuelling; and
• any other activities conducted on the Aerodrome Testing Area.
Serious Incident means an occurrence that arises out of a person performing or being available to
(CASA) perform an applicable SSAA if either or both of the following applies:
• the occurrence gives rise to a danger of death or serious harm to a person;
• the occurrence gives rise to a danger of serious damage to an aircraft or
Site DAMP Contact means a local Manager who is responsible for facilitating the arrival and setting up
of the CASA approved testers and remaining available to CASA personnel to
assist with the testing process. On receiving notification of CASA testing the IOC
will contact the site DAMP contact which in most cases will be the airport duty
Staff means Employees (within Australia and overseas) and as well as other non-
Employees and Contractors (within Australia and overseas) who perform work for
a Qantas company.
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Primary contact
Senior Medical Officer, Qantas Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
Secondary contact
Executive Manager Safety, Qantas Airlines 0402 881 737
DAMP Contacts – Sunstate Airlines (QLD) Pty Limited & Eastern Australia Airlines Pty Limited
Primary contact
Senior Medical Officer, Qantas Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645/ 0419 614 589
Secondary contact
Head of Safety, QantasLink (02) 9691 0229
Primary contact
Senior Medical Officer, Qantas Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645/ 0419 614 589
Secondary contact
Head of Safety, Jetstar (03) 8628 3433
Primary contact
Senior Medical Officer, Qantas Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645/ 0419 614 589
Secondary contact
Manager Safety, Compliance & Risk (02) 9691 4201
DAMP Contacts – Network Aviation Pty Limited & Network Turbine Solutions Pty Limited
Primary contact
Senior Medical Officer, Qantas Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
Secondary contact
General Manager Safety 0405 784 566
Primary contact
Senior Medical Officer, Qantas Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
Secondary contact
Head of Safety and Compliance 0413 285 544
Manager, Group Medical Services / Medical Director (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
Senior Medical Officer, Group Medical Services (02) 9691 7645/ 0419 614 589
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Authorised delegates
Manager, Aviation Health Programs (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
Occupational Health Nurse (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
Medical Registrar (02) 9691 7645 / 0419 614 589
DAMP Supervisors
Codeine 300
Morphine 300
6-Acetyl morphine 10
Amphetamine 150
Methylamphetamine 150
Methylenedioxyamphetamine 150
Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine 150
Benzylpiperazine* 500
Phentermine* 500
Ephedrine * 500
Pseudoephedrine * 500
Benzoylecgonine 150
Ecgonine methyl ester 150
Diazepam 200
Nordiazepam 200
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Oxazepam 200
Temazepam 200
Α-hydroxy-alprazolam 100
7-amino-clonazepam 100
7-amino-flunitrazepam 100
7-amino-nitrazepam 100
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