Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat Openstack Exam

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RedHat Certified System Administrator in Red

Hat OpenStack exam

Study points for the course & exam

To become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat OpenStack, you will validate
your ability to perform these tasks:

 Understand and work with director-based deployments

o Use identity environment files to connect to the undercloud
o Use identity environment files to connect to the overcloud
o Use template files, environment files, and other resources to obtain information
about an OpenStack environment
o Work with containerized services

 Configure OpenStack domains

o Create projects
o Create groups
o Create users
o Manage quotas
 Create resources
o Create virtual machine flavors
o Add existing images to an overcloud
o Create security groups
o Create key pairs
 Configure networking
o Create and assign networks to projects
o Configure network routers
o Configure software-defined networks
o Work with Open Virtual Networks

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 Configure floating IP addresses
o Configure an instance to use a floating IP address
o Configure a service to be accessible via a floating IP address
 Manage block storage
o Create a block storage volume
o Attach block storage volumes to an instance
o Snapshot a storage volume
 Work with Red Hat® Ceph Storage
o Configure Ceph storage
o Monitor Ceph Storage
o Diagnose and troubleshoot Ceph Storage issues
 Work with object storage
o Create a Swift container
o Utilize a Swift container
 Work with shared storage
o Create shared file systems
o Configure instances to use shared file systems

 Manage instances
o Launch instances
o Associate instances with specified projects and networks
o Use key pairs to connect to instances
o Configure an instance during deployment
 Create a Heat stack
o Create a Heat template
o Diagnose and correct a broken Heat template
o Launch a Heat stack
 Work with images
o Modify an existing image
o Create and associate flavors to customized images
o Launch an instance from a customized image
o Launch an instance on a second compute node

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 Work with OpenStack services
o Manage Identity Service tokens
o Enable tracing in RabbitMQ
o Display statistics using Ceilometer

As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without

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