Chapter 5 Introduction To CAD
Chapter 5 Introduction To CAD
Chapter 5 Introduction To CAD
Chapter 5: Introduction to
Top view
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2. Types of CAD Software
Since its introduction in late 1960’s, CAD software has
improved. A broad classification of CAD is:
• 2D CAD
• 3D CAD
• 3D Wireframe and Surface Modelling
• Solid Modelling
Another way of classifying CAD software - in terms of their
operating parameters.
• Single-file-mode systems - This type of CAD software allows
only a single user to work on a single file at a time.
• Referenced-file-mode systems - In this type of CAD software,
users can work on their own files with the files of other users
attached as a background.
• Collaborative-mode systems - These CAD systems allow a team
of users to collaboratively work with each other's data and see the
changes other users make to the data as they go (i.e. AutoCAD)
can be used in different modes of a operation.
3D CAD can be further classified as:
• Wire-frame models – they create skeleton like models with lines
and arcs. Since they appear to be made of wires, and everything
in the background is visible, they are called wire-frame models.
• Surface models – unlike wire frames, these models are created
by joining 3D surfaces. Since nothing in the background is
visible, the surface models are quite realistic.
• Solid models – they are considered to be the most useful CAD
models. Although they appear to be the same as surface models,
they also have additional properties like weight, volume and
density, just like actual physical objects. These models are
commonly used as prototypes to study engineering designs.
AutoCAD versus other CAD software
• Modeling
• Display/visualization
• Application
3.1 Modeling
▪ Definition of objects
▪ Relation between objects
▪ Properties
▪ Orientations in suitable coordinate system
▪ Modification of existing definition (editing)
Requirements Of Modeling
• Solids are modeled by storing information of
constituent surfaces
• This help in
– Displaying surfaces(3D)
– Computing solid properties
– Modeling by storing info on bounding
curves or by storing their geometric
3.2 Display Visualization Aids
• Display of model objects
• Mapping objects onto screen coordinates
• Surface display, shading
• Projections
• Hidden line removal when multiple
surfaces are displayed
4. Introduction to AutoCAD 2022
• The default AutoCAD filename
extension is DWG.
• The DWG file format is a binary file format
created and used by AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Fundamentals
Learning objectives
❖ Create and Save AutoCAD drawing files
❖ Use the AutoCAD visual reference commands
❖ Draw, using the LINE and CIRCLE commands
❖ Use the ERASE command
❖ Define Positions using the Basic Entry methods
❖ Use the AutoCAD Pan Realtime option
Section 1: Controlling the Display in Drawings
We use the F button to connect a line segment back to the starting
point. According to Relative Coordinate system the origin point will be
continuously changed from next point to next point.
Use the escape key [ESC] on the keyboard or select another command
to cancel a command.
Snaps make it easier to connect endpoints of different
lines together
The CAD Database and the User Coordinate System
• To avoid this, you can add your own general angle view that is the best
for your model as an entry to the views list, and just click on it for a
quick view switch.
❖No Face Style
❖Realistic Face Style
❖Warm-Cool Face Style
In AutoCAD, there is an immovable reference coordinate
system called the World Coordinate System (WCS). In
addition to that, there is a User Coordinate System (UCS)
that can be moved or rotated as desired. In this section,
the tools related to manipulating the coordinate system will
be discussed starting with the options for the UCS icon
appearance, after which we will have a look at how to
manipulate the UCS.
At the end of the section, the Dynamic UCS function will be
Rotating the UCS
As discussed at the beginning of the section, during the
modeling process, you might need to draw a 2D shape
(that will be extruded or swept, for example) on a
generally inclined XY plane. Any transformation can be
broken down to rotation and translation motions, so in this
section and the next one, we will discuss how to rotate and
translate the UCS.
You can rotate the UCS around any of the three main axes
by using the UCS rotation buttons found in the Coordinates
panel. The following figure shows the location of the
Aligning the UCS with objects
In many cases, you may need to place a 2D object to be extruded on top of
another existing object. To do this, you can move and rotate the UCS as
shown in the previous sub-sections, or you can just align it with the
desired object in one step.
1. Creating Boxes
2. Creating Cylinders
3. Creating Cones
4. Creating Spheres
5. Creating Pyramids
6. Creating Wedges
7. Creating a Torus
8. Creating polysolids
❖Change workspace to 3d modelling or 3d basic
❖Click Application and select New, then click Drawing
❖Choose acad3d
Creating Boxes
Thank you