HUMSS 12 Students' Lived Experiences of The Blended Learning Modality of Manuel A. Roxas High School: A Phenomenological Inquiry

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Volume: 14
Pages: 1232-1239
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1331
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10081649
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-8-11
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

HUMSS 12 Students’ Lived Experiences of the Blended Learning Modality

of Manuel A. Roxas High School: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Mark Lester C. Cuayzon*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The primary purpose of this study was to describe the lived experiences of the HUMSS 12 students
who undergone the blended modality platform of Manuel A. Roxas High School. The
phenomenological study tried to get the meaning and essential insights from the lived experiences.
The approach utilized in this study is phenomenology. It was used to reflectively analyze the
narratives of the students who are studying in Manuel A. Roxas High School. They were chosen
purposively based on the criteria of the study. They were invited to provide meaningful narratives by
in-depth interview with an interview question guide. With the narratives from their experiences, the
essentials insights revealed their blended experience in blended Learning, their struggles in the online
modality of learning, the challenges and coping mechanisms in online learning, and the effectiveness
of face-to-face modality. These essential insights led to the formation of eidetic insight that proved
that the face- to-face modality of the blended learning is more effective than the online modality
because of its impact to socialization, cognitive, and emotional dimensions of the students.

Keywords: blended learning, education, learning modality, phenomenology

Introduction The blended modality continued from school years

2020-2021, and 2021-2022 however, the Department
of Education issued DO 34 s. 2022 mandating all
The pandemic that occurred in the early 2020 has public schools to implement full face-to-face classes
brought impactful changes in the society. The global starting November 2, 2022. This is because of the
COVID-19 pandemic changed the course of all easing of restrictions of the government despite the
dimensions of human civilizations. In the education rising cases of COVID-19 and its new emerging
sector, the paradigm shifts in delivering the lesson has variants. Amendments in the said order was issued last
been crucial in the continuance of the operations of November 2022 stating that schools through their
schools specifically the private institutions. Globally, school heads can express their intention to continue the
schools who catered 168 million students have been blended modality if they have exceptional
completely closed due to COVID-19 lockdowns circumstances like classroom shortages, ongoing
(UNICEF, 2021). The Philippines is not exempted in building construction, lack of teachers, and high
this global problem. According to the Department of volume of students. In Manuel A. Roxas High School,
Education, 425 private schools for both elementary the school complied with the said order and
and high school have ceased operations since 2020 implemented the full face-to-face classes after almost
because of the pandemic (Poa, 2022). The low turn-out three years of experiencing online learning.
of enrollees for private schools and the demands for
Research Questions
distance learning were some of the reasons of their
This study sought to explore the experiences of
HUMSS students on the blended learning with three
With this, the exodus of students from private to public
days face-to-face classes and two days for online
schools seem to be a challenge in the Department of
synchronous and asynchronous classes. Specifically, it
Education. Different public schools adapted blended
tried to answer these research questions: with sacred
modalities with high emphasis to online learning to
religious beliefs. Specifically, this study sought to
cater the needs of the students while the pandemic is answer the following questions:
ongoing. Since the modalities were introduced
abruptly, the readiness and preparation of the schools’ 1. What is the perception of the students about blended
stakeholders are not totally laid down despite the learning?
learning continuity plan instituted by public schools. 2. What are the experiences of the students in blended
Thus, the students experienced problematic situations learning?
because of their lack prior online learning experience 3. What are the study habits of the students in blended
(Barbour & Reeves, 2009). learning?

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Literature Review to the new normal was certain. Schools and

community learning centers are closed for physical or
face to face classes and physical distancing and other
The Global Pandemic community quarantine measures are undertaken. With
these situations, the department issued Adoption of the
COVID-19 Pandemic. COVID-19 also referred to as Basic Learning Continuity Plan for School Year
2019 novel coronavirus, is a disease caused by a new 2020-2021 considering the COVID-19 Public Health
strain of coronavirus. The world witnessed another Emergency. The order devised a Learning Continuity
disease which changed the landscape of the different Plan which contains education learning interventions
sectors of the society. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus to respond to basic education while the Philippines is
known as COVID-19 Pandemic is a new strain from battling to COVID-19 (D.O No. 12 s. 2020). With
the virus that caused respiratory illnesses. The virus is these parameters, the Department of Education also
like other viruses of SARS or severe acute respiratory instructed different Learning Delivery Modalities such
syndrome which disturbed the world last 2003. The as Face to Face, Blended Learning, Distance Learning
manifestations of the virus can be seen through fever, and Homeschooling. Also, nationwide seminar-
cough, and shortness of breath. These symptoms are workshop through Learning Action Cell had been
comparable to influenza or common colds, but the cascaded to train the teachers in these new modalities
severe effect can lead to pneumonia. The transmission in teaching-learning process.
of the virus is through direct contact to the infected
individual or even if the infected touches a surface or Blended Learning
contaminated an area (Bender, 2020).
Now that the pandemic is subsiding in different parts
There were 1.6 billion students from 190 countries of the world, some people believe that government and
globally were affected because of the pandemic. non-government properties are becoming accessible
Likewise, the current problems in the educational again due to the decrease in virus cases. Every
system worsened as well. Problems like increased institution is becoming more open to expand and
school dropouts, and unequal educational access intensify physical classes. The implemented ways of
especially for women arise because of the pandemic. teaching modality to the students in the past two years
Moreover, it continues to have serious consequences
are online distance learning and modular. But since the
outside of school, such as undermines basic services
restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic loosened,
for children and society, such as nutrition, impairs
blended learning was adopted. Blended learning is the
parents' ability to work, and increases the risk of abuse
application of both online and in-person learning
for women and children. But this has also led to
experiences in the delivery of lessons (Kintu et al.,
educational innovations such as providing educational
assistance through radio and television and distance
learning solutions (UNESCO, 2020). Last August 2022, the Department of Education
mandated all schools to use blended modality until
With the rising cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines,
November and implement 100% in-person classes
50, 000 schools were forced to adjust their academic
afterwards. In the conduct of blended learning, schools
calendar and opened the classes last October 5, 2020.
may opt to utilize combinations of any modalities:
The students were and other individuals were
restrained of mobility and allowed only to stay at
Online Distance Learning (Synchronous and
home embracing the distance learning as a modality to
Asynchronous) – usage of internet connection to
be implemented in the coming school years (Mendoza,
present or discuss lessons through an online platform
and accomplishment of learning tasks using learning
Learning Recovery Plan management system.
Modular (Print and Digital) – module-based learning
In the Philippines where the integration of technology wherein teachers and other experts craft and write
in the educational system is a work-in progress competency-based modules then the teachers distribute
especially in the public-school system, different to the students for accomplishment and collect them
trainings, seminars, and workshops through the weekly.
initiative of Department of Education and other Face-to-Face Classes – an instructional method
stakeholders had been undertaken. With the pandemic wherein learning delivery takes place in the physical
situation because of the COVID-19 last 2020, the shift classroom with students attending.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Blended learning has advantage and disadvantages. longer than face-to-face communication. This means
Due to the pandemic, having online learning and a that teachers experience a hard time preparing their
modular method allows distance between people. It lessons for online modality more than for face-to-face.
also allows students to continue their education even if This is because not all of them are educated on how to
they are separated by distant locations. In Manuel use different gadgets, apps, and software used for
Roxas High School, the school implemented a three- online classes.
day face-to-face classes and two days for both
synchronous and asynchronous online learning. These Given these challenges, at the end of the day, it still
modalities served as the platform to ensure quality varies among students and teachers. There are some
delivery of learning tasks. that prefer and learn more the traditional way and there
are also those who prefer and learn more in the new
Challenges in the Implementation of Blended normal. Thus, we must think of the best ways that are
Learning beneficial to all learners and educators.

The education system is one of the fundamentally

important agencies affected by the coronavirus. From Methodology
the traditional face-to-face classes, we had to switch
up to an online setting amidst the pandemic. This has This study used a qualitative design utilizing a
affected many students as well as teachers in public phenomenological approach. Phenomenology is a
and private schools. Many students had to stop school study approach that aims to investigate the
for a year because they cannot afford the expenses phenomenological perception from the standpoint of
caused by the online modality. According to the the individual who has had the experience (Giorgi,
Department of Education, since 2020, up to 425 2009). The goal of phenomenology is to describe the
private elementary and secondary schools nationwide significance of an experience in the context including
have closed. 20,838 pupils were impacted by school both how and what was experienced. Clark Moustakas
closures during the past two years, according to DepEd (1990), and Max van Manen (1994) are both experts in
spokesman Michael Poa. This year, the Department of phenomenology who developed phenomenological
Education or DepEd decided to implement blended methodologies to examine lived experiences. Ramirez
learning in the Philippines. This modality is composed (2 0 1 7 ) e x p o u n d e d on the step s in do in g
of both online and face-to-face classes. phenomenology and asserted the primacy of lived
experiences in theorizing on the phenomenon in
According to Lalima and Dangwal (2017), there must
be physical attendance from both teachers and pupils
in the classroom, along with some educational
Selection of the Participants/Co-Researchers
activities and resources. Because of this change,
challenges and dilemmas arose rapidly. This is
The participants were selected based on the following
because, in the pandemic, teachers and students had to
transition from traditional face-to-face to online
modality, and now, from online modality to blended a. Current senior high school student of HUMSS
learning in a short span of time. strand at Manuel A. Roxas High School
b. Experienced blended learning modality
Although blended learning has its own benefits, for
c. Willing to narrate their lived experiences
example, it offers the advantages of face-to-face
support and instruction while allowing the student to Table 1. Profile of Participants of the Study
access the resources at any time and from any location,
the implementation of this mode of learning also has
its own flaws and loopholes. For blended learning to
work, we must assess first if students and teachers are
ready. We must ensure that we have enough resources
to suffice the need of students and teachers. The
pandemic has affected the income of the majority and
not all students, even teachers, can provide for their
needs in these trying times. Aside from these, it was
shown that the design and development of lecture or
instructional materials for the web platform take

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Fourth Step: Third Reflection

Data Gathering Tool The researchers derived several ethical concepts or
Fundamental Insights/Postulates from the first and
In the area of this research study, lived experience is second phases of contemplation, which when
defined as a person's perceptions and interpretation of synthesized produced elements of the Eidetic Insight.
their own experiences, alternatives, and possibilities,
as well as how they shape one's understanding
Results and Discussion
perspective. The data of this research were collected
through an interview. Interview is an open-ended,
discovery-oriented method to obtain detailed Blended Experience in Blended Learning
information about a topic from a stakeholder. In-depth
interviews are a qualitative research method; their goal The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted one of the least
is to explore in depth a respondent’s point of view, utilized modalities among learning delivery platforms.
experiences, feelings, and perspectives (Sahoo, 2022). Blended learning was seen as an alternative modality
to ensure the continuous process of teaching and
Data Gathering Process learning in all educational institutions in the country.
As part of the learning recovery program, schools were
The researcher used the steps of intuiting, analyzing, directed to formulate procedures and policies that will
and describing the lived experiences of the students as cater the learning needs of the students including the
postulated by Spiegelberg (1975). These steps were modality to be used while still adhering to the
narrowed down as follows: minimum health standards set by the government. In
2022, the Department of Education (DepEd) through
First Step: Gathering of Lived Experiences the leadership of Vice President Sarah Duterte
mandated that starting August to November, all public
The researcher transcribed each student's experiences, schools will no longer implement full distance learning
which they obtained from them. The researchers and shift to blended learning – face-to-face modality
assigned the interview a title that encapsulated the and online learning with synchronous and
story's major point or theme after transcribing it. They asynchronous sessions.
additionally requested that each co-researcher provide
an emblem that represented themselves in their “In my perspective, carrying out blended learning on
experience. MARHS was a very wise and considerate choice given
that not all students have the privilege to afford
Second Step: First Reflection - Textual Themes gadgets or even prepaid load to be used for online
learning. Aside from that, most of the students like me
The significant units or core concepts were established really did not learn much in the online setup.” –
at this step to characterize the narrative's qualities in Student 5
the first iteration. This was said in a single word,
phrase, or sentence. It was appropriately delimited and In line with the mandate, Manuel A. Roxas High
assigned a topic. School opted to implement three days of face-to-face
learning and two-days of online modality. As the
Third Step: Second Reflection – Structural Themes students were immersed to the modality, the
experiences they had were totally different with the
The researchers will then expand on the interpretation traditional face-to-face classes.
established by connecting and merging the textual
themes of the students based on similarities, closeness, “The phrase "blended learning" reflects combining
or common organizing principle to build a structural different learning settings. It incorporates advanced
theme. There may be times when themes intersect due technology and traditional face-to-face classroom
to their interwoven character, in which one is linked to teaching techniques.” – Student 4
the others and to the whole. As a result, themes with
Student 1 realized that the online classes were not as
comparable meanings and connections will be blended
effective as the face-to-face classes. In her experience,
into one.
she observed that most of her classmates were not
attending the synchronous class. This observation is
congruent with the experiences of Student 3 as she
struggled in the blended learning because of the abrupt
transition from the online classes to blended modality

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

especially in the face-to-face classes. As both teachers our teacher is not requiring us to open our cameras, my
and student were traversing the blended learning, attention will be drawn into something or somewhere
different challenges were observed. Teachers tend to else.” – Student 1
give multiple activities both in face-to-face and online “I honestly don’t enjoy making video performance
classes that resulted for the students to had trouble in tasks, well I honestly think that all the students don't
accomplishing and completing. either. Because our house only has enough space for us
to walk through, but it doesn’t have enough space for
“Every week is like a new adjustment because there me to do extracurricular activities such as physical
are online meetings in addition to the face-to-face education videos. From my own perspective, I
classes. It can occasionally be confusing because the
honestly think that online class taught me how to be
assignments for face-to-face and online classes differ,
lazy.” – Student 2
resulting in multiple duties that they become
exhausting.” – Student 3 Moreover, the students have expressed their
“Also, some teachers tend to talk and teach fast, so I
dissatisfaction with the type and the process in which
had a hard time during their class, but I don’t give up
activities are implemented in an online modality.
that easily, so I read the modules and PowerPoints
Many disliked answering written works and
posted in our google classroom to study the lesson
performance tasks, especially with anything involving
myself. And for me, it is much more effective than
a video. Since some online activities do not have a
listening in class online.” – Student 2
given deadline, this cultivates a procrastinating and
However, the students felt different emotions as they undisciplined attitude among students, wherein some
returned to face-to-face learning. Though they were prefer to do the given tasks in later time.
worried about their health, they were also excited to
see their classmates and to be in the school again. Challenges in the Blended Learning

“It is a roller coaster of emotions. I felt happy, excited, Due to the nature of blended learning, which combines
fearful, anxious, and sad about what will happen. I was in-person and virtual class, students must face the
worried about my safety, health, and mental health burden of both modality while also simultaneously
since I was not allowed to go outside for two years.” - having to balance the two. However, most of the
Student 4 students have expressed difficulties more in an online
setting rather than in face-to-face. They face numerous
It was really a blended experience considering the challenges such as balancing their schedule, unstable
different preparations of the schools, the teachers, and internet connection, distracting and clamorous
the students in this modality. With the exposure to the environment, and lack of discipline.
modality, the advantages and disadvantages of online
learning were seen integral part of the development “I really struggle on turning my microphone on
and changes in our educational system. Moreover, it whenever I want to answer because the house where I
gives us an understanding of the different path our am currently residing does not have an area where the
education sector could explore aside from the background noises can't be heard.” – Student 1
traditional face-to-face classes. “Also, when I am at online class, I tend to get
distracted easily on social media and other platforms
Struggling in the Online Modality of Learning
knowing that my teachers won’t see me anyways.
From the way I see it, the online class is not that
The students encountered a variety of issues in an
effective for many students, especially for those slow
online modality of learning. The most prominent
learners like me.” – Student 2
complication is the loss of focus and discipline among
“Not every student has the proper tools to participate
students in online class which consequently contribute
in online learning. Those who lack stable connections,
to the inferior quality of education. In synchronous
sessions, where students and teachers meet virtually in proper environment and sufficient devices are at a
real time, opening of cameras are not always disadvantage. However, I also thought about the
necessarily required. For this reason, students struggle challenges I faced, including having poor internet,
with focusing on the discussion due to lack of slow data, focusing all day on devices, and losing
supervision. social skills with other people.” – Student 3
“My challenges in attending the blended learning of
“Also, I feel like when we only have online classes, it's MARHS are waking up too early and sleeping late
like we don't really have a class for real. Sometimes, if because of my unfinished activities.” – Student 4

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Whereas with face-to-face modality, they must deal my opinion as both a person and a student, is to
with waking up early, strict schedules and deadlines, prioritize the school's learners and employees. Learn
socializing with their classmates and teachers, fear of about their perspective on blended learning, whether
contracting the virus, and self-esteem in recitations and they agree with it or not, what their experiences are,
other activities. Being under a blended learning and what would work best for them. The need to create
setting, students then must deal with both issues which a secure environment for students who feel
further adds another depth of challenge. uncomfortable studying at home is crucially
important.” – Student 3
“Unlike in face-to-face classes, our teachers can see us “Similar to how I manage my time now, I decide when
from their very own eyes, which they can see whatever to start and finish working on school projects so that I
we are doing in their class especially, they can see if can get enough sleep.” – Student 4
we are not keeping up with whatever they are saying “The kubo/s in MARHS are helpful sometimes I go
or teaching in the front of their class. Also, we can there to rest my mind or if I feel like I’m about to have
hear and listen clearly to whatever they are talking a panic attack. MARHS also has this isolation room
about because there will be no poor or unstable that once helped me when my tummy ached. I can say
internet connection for them to have an inaudible that MARHS is ready for any possible accidents.” –
voice.” – Student 2 Student 4
“And, I felt more productive throughout this face-to- “I also struggled with time management. I have
face modality, I'm interacting with others once more. I responsibilities both at home and in school. When
learned to speak up freely, and gradually built up my everything was online-based, I had no struggles in
confidence in front of a big audience.” – Student 3 fulfilling these responsibilities because I had all the
“The last thing that challenges me the most is how I time I need. I can always do my work after my chores.
will deal with my phobia of COVID-19 if I engage However, when blended learning was implemented, I
with every student inside the school, especially during had little to no time to accomplish my responsibilities
every lunch.” – Student 4 at home because I had to allot more time to my
“As I was progressing, many challenges came to light. responsibilities at school.” – Student 5
I experienced difficulties mentally and socially. One of
them was adjusting. I had to adjust in many aspects Furthermore, the students have also expressed their
and of them was my everyday routine and lifestyle. I recommendation on how the discussed issues they face
had to change the time of my sleep from 3 or 4 am to can be solved or at least be alleviated. Most of them
10 to 11 pm. I had to change my study habits. have stated that conducting a survey or research based
Compared to when everything was online-based, I on the perceptions or experiences of students and
never really cared about deadlines as long as I pass employees can be a beneficial tool to learn about their
them before the given time.” – Student 5 preferences. The result of the conducted survey or
research can then be used to apply mitigating
Coping Mechanisms measures. They have also added that through this
method, the educational institution can cultivate a
With the many challenges and adversities the students secure environment for both students and employees,
faced in a blended learning modality, they have wherein their grievances and issues are being
consequently developed different coping strategies to acknowledged.
mask their struggles and help them mitigate their
problems. This includes taking a rest, listening to “I'm aware that our school follows and does
music, socializing with friends, and implementing a regulations aimed towards protecting its students. I
structured plan or schedule. The infrastructures or hope that students and teachers will still be able to take
facilities inside the school premises have also helped a one-day break if blended learning will still be
students in coping with the challenges they encounter, applied in the upcoming academic years. This will
such as the numerous kubo scattered throughout the allow them to have a rest day for themselves. Indeed,
field and the isolation room. this is one of our school's good implementations and it
aids in balancing the usage of technology devices.” –
“Honestly, sometimes if I cannot finish the tasks, Student 3
mostly group tasks, especially if my members won't
cooperate with me, I will do it inside the bus. If I have Effectiveness of Face-to-Face Modality
nothing to do, I will just take a nap while listening to
music.” – Student 1 All students have expressed preference over face-to-
“The best way to handle the blended learning issue, in face learning modality rather than online for a variety

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1232-1239, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1331, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10081649, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of reasons. Despite all the challenges they may have to teaching through modules and the internet. Face-to-
encounter as a part of adjustment, it still outweighs the face interactions also improved my socialization
overall problems and adversities they often face in an skills.” – Student 5
online setting. Some of the students even excel
academically during the period of exclusive virtual
modality, however they are unsatisfied since it does Conclusion
not translate into learning and comprehensive
understanding. The face-to-face modality of the blended learning is
more effective than the online modality because of its
“As for me, I really prefer to attend face-to-face impact to socialization, cognitive, and emotional
classes rather than online classes. I know it's hard to dimensions of the students.
deal with it considering all the hardships and stress
that it may cause but I know in myself that I am ready With the current challenges faced by the students in
for it. I can unleash all the shackles that tries to hinder the online learning such as internet connectivity,
me from performing well and doing the best that I can familiarization with the technology, teaching delivery
do.” – Student 1 of the teachers, and other factors, it is indeed that face-
“Because for me, online class just taught me how to be to-face modality is more beneficial in the teaching-
a lazy student and dependent. Although I am on the learning process. Yet it cannot be denied that online
honor list for the whole 4 quarters, still I am not teaching is more convenient, face-to-face interaction is
satisfied with it.” – Student 2 still the key in the success of the learning in the
“The instructions are stated more simply in face-to- classroom.
face learning resulting in better understanding and
allowing me to improve my schoolwork. Students and The students’ experiences are reflections of their
teachers can now interact. With the help of teachers or desire and motivation in achieving positive academic
so-called "second parents," our school has the potential development in the new learning set up. Though
to become a much safer environment for every they’ve experienced struggles in the previous learning
student.” – Student 3 modality, their determination to improve themselves
does not hinder them to excel in their academic
One of the biggest reasons cited by the students for performance in the classroom.
their preference over in-person learning was due to
concentration. They feel that in face-to-face classes
their ability to focus is much better due to the absence
of distraction. Moreover, they can interact with their
Barbour, M. K., & Reeves, T. C. (2009). The reality of virtual
peers and teachers in real time with ease compared to schools: A review of the literature. Computers & Education, 52(2),
when online. Hence, their inquiries and grievances are 402–416.
being addressed much more efficiently and it also
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cultivates a motivating environment for students. Most
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device and internet connection will not be a problem ns-covid-19-prevention-and-control-schools
for students for the most part, which is one of the main
DO 12 s. 2020 Department of Education.
issues they encounter in an online setting.
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society. One of the reasons why I chose the face-to- psychology: A modified Husserlian approach. Pittsburgh, PA:
face modality is that it helps me to concentrate, and it Duquesne University Press

lessens the distraction from home. Face-to-face is Kintu, M.J., Zhu, C. & Kagambe, E. Blended learning effectiveness:
much more practical because students don't have to the relationship between student characteristics, design features and
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Student 4
“Aside from that, the actual presence of educators and Lalima, D., & Lata Dangwal, K. (2017). Blended Learning: An
peers motivates me and makes me concentrate more on Innovative Approach. Universal Journal of Educational Research,
5(1), 129–136.
learning. I also think that having a teacher or a
professor to teach you face-to-face is better than self- Mendoza, Ronald U., COVID-19: Navigating Inclusive Recovery

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Research Article

towards the New Normal (May 11, 2020). Available at SSRN: Phenomenology (Phaenomenologica, 63) 1975th Edition. Springer or
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Ramirez, M. (2017). A Transformative Way of Doing Research:
From an Existential Phenomenological Perspective. The Asian Mark Lester C. Cuayzon, LPT, PhD
Social Institute. Manuel A. Roxas High School - Manila, Philippines
Sahoo, R. (2022). Interview as a Tool for Data Collection in
Educational Research.

Spiegelberg, H. (1975). Doing Phenomenology: Essays on and in

Mark Lester C. Cuayzon 1239/1239

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