Disaster Managment Uttarkhand Landslides SST HHW by Anagha Shanil 9F
Disaster Managment Uttarkhand Landslides SST HHW by Anagha Shanil 9F
Disaster Managment Uttarkhand Landslides SST HHW by Anagha Shanil 9F
iv. Check drains for debris such as trash, leaves, plastic bags,
and rubble.
a. Maintain an open weep hole.
Expand the number of trees with deep roots that can hold soil,
vii. Look for signs of landslides, such as fractures in the ground,
rockfall, and building subsidence, and shift to safer regions.
Landslides upstream are evident even in muddy river waters.
viii. Take note of such indications and get in touch with the
closest Tehsil or District Head Office.
ix. Watch out for cutting the slope's toe, make sure it's
protected, and avoid uprooting trees unless re-vegetation is
x. Pay attention to odd noises, like tree sounds.
i. Try to stay away from construction sites and vulnerable neighbourhoods.
ii. Try not to lose energy by crying out of fear.
iii. Avoid touching or walking on exposed electrical wiring and poles.
iv. Avoid constructing homes close to drainage paths and steep slopes.
v. Drinking contaminated water straight from rivers, springs, or wells is not
advised, however rainwater that has been gathered directly from the sky is safe.
vi. Unless the injured person is in immediate danger, never move them without
first aiding them.
2) Preparedness & Effectiveness of methods adopted:
In the state of Uttarakhand, there are numerous ongoing and active landslides
that are harming both state and federal routes. These roadways are kept clear of
landslides by the Uttarakhand PWD and the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) of
India. These organizations' present approach is to go from being reactive (clearing
garbage, cutting in-hill slopes, etc.) to being proactive (stabilizing a slope right
away after the roadcut, as in the instance of the Zirakpur-Parwanoo highway).
5. Devising Strategies for Mitigation:
Creation or designation of a core group or
nodal agency. According to Japan's
International Sabo Network, the
organization or group should include
certain technical people as well as
representatives from the departments of
various stakeholders (such as the PWD,
Forest Department, Irrigation
Department, Revenue Department,
DMMC, and Geology and Mining Unit). A
senior officer, perhaps a chief secretary,
should be in charge of this central organization or core group. Upon its
establishment, the Landslide Mitigation body, a core group or nodal body, would
oversee the departments of all stakeholders. In order to plan and create
stabilization measures, not only for individual landslides but also for the stability
of entire communities, it will help all the stakeholders' departments to freely
interact and collaborate.
The nodal agency must have separate centers to perform the following tasks:
• Hazard and risk assessment: The DMMC, Geology and Mining Unit, and other
research institutes may work together to complete this mission.
• Slope stabilization control measures and related design: The DMMC and
Geology and Mining Unit, in conjunction with various research institutions, may
also complete this duty, and the Uttarakhand PWD may prepare an estimate of
the design's cost.
• Implementation of stabilization measures: This task could be outsourced to
private agencies.
i. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_North_India_floods#:~:text=Over%208
ii. https://www.seedsindia.org/portfolio/rebuilding-uttarakhand-after-2013-
iii. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/356141519221927817/pdf