Endarterectomia 2
Endarterectomia 2
Endarterectomia 2
Processed Multiparameter
General Anesthesia Management
Can Reduce Postoperative Delirium
Following Carotid Endarterectomy: A
Randomized Clinical Trial
Na Xu 1 , Li-Xia Li 1 , Tian-Long Wang 1*, Li-Qun Jiao 2 , Yang Hua 3 , Dong-Xu Yao 1 , Jie Wu 1 ,
Yan-Hui Ma 1 , Tian Tian 1 and Xue-Li Sun 1
Department of Anesthesiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2 Department of Neurosurgery,
Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 3 Department of Vascular Ultrasound, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital
Medical University, Beijing, China
Edited by:
Jacqueline Leung, Background: Patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for severe
University of California, San Francisco,
United States
carotid stenosis are vulnerable to postoperative delirium, a complication frequently
Reviewed by:
associated with poor outcome. This study investigated the impact of processed
Wolfgang Muhlhofer, electroencephalogram (EEG)-guided anesthesia management on the incidence of
University of Alabama at Birmingham,
postoperative delirium in patients undergoing CEA.
United States
Rochelle Zak, Methods: This single-center, prospective, randomized clinical trial on 255 patients
University of California, San Francisco,
United States
receiving CEA under general anesthesia compared the outcomes of patient state index
(PSI) monitoring [SEDLine Brain Function Monitor (Masimo, Inc, Irvine, CA)] (standard
Tian-Long Wang group, n = 128) with PSI combined with density spectral array(DSA) -guided monitoring
[email protected]
(intervention group, n = 127) to reduce the risk of intraoperative EEG burst suppression.
Specialty section:
All patients were monitored by continuous transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) and
This article was submitted to near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to avoid perioperative cerebral hypoperfusion or
Neurocritical and Neurohospitalist hyperperfusion. According to the surgical process, EEG suppression time was calculated
a section of the journal separately for three stages: S1 (from anesthesia induction to carotid artery clamping), S2
Frontiers in Neurology (from clamping to declamping), and S3 (from declamping to the end of surgery). The
Received: 16 February 2021 primary outcome was incidence of postoperative delirium according to the Confusion
Accepted: 09 June 2021
Assessment Method algorithm during the first 3 days post-surgery, and secondary
Published: 12 July 2021
outcomes were other neurologic complications and length of hospital stay.
Xu N, Li L-X, Wang T-L, Jiao L-Q, Results: There were no episodes of cerebral hypoperfusion or hyperperfusion
Hua Y, Yao D-X, Wu J, Ma Y-H, Tian T
and Sun X-L (2021) Processed
according to TCD and NIRS monitoring in either group during surgery. The incidence
Multiparameter of postoperative delirium within 3 days post-surgery was significantly lower in the
intervention group than the standard group (7.87 vs. 28.91%, P < 0.01). In the
General Anesthesia Management Can
Reduce Postoperative Delirium intervention group, the total EEG suppression time and the EEG suppression time during
Following Carotid Endarterectomy: A S2 and S3 were shorter (Total, 0 “0” vs. 0 “1.17” min, P = 0.04; S2 , 0 “0” vs. 0 “0.1”
Randomized Clinical Trial.
Front. Neurol. 12:666814.
min, P < 0.01; S3 , 0 “0” vs. 0 “0” min, P = 0.02). There were no group differences in
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.666814 incidence of neurologic complications and length of postoperative hospital stay.
Xu, Date of registration: August 8, 2018). All surgeries were a 1:1 ratio. A seed was not specified, and blocks were not
conducted at Xuanwu Hospital (Beijing, China). Results are used in randomization. Randomization was conducted after
reported according to CONSORT guidelines. patient consent for research participation during the preoperative
interview. Both patients and research associates conducting
Participants preoperative testing and postoperative outcome assessments
Study candidates were screened by investigators the day before were also blinded to group assignment.
surgery (or on Friday for those scheduled for surgery the
following Monday). We recruited patients at our institution from Anesthesia and Surgery
August 2018 to December 2019. All surgeries were performed by General anesthesia was induced in all patients by intravenous
the same surgical and anesthesia team. Inclusion criteria included etomidate 0.15 mg·kg−1 , and sufentanil 0.2 mg·kg−1 , and
patients scheduled to undergo elective CEA under general maintained by continuous propofol infusion. In the standard
anesthesia, fluency in Chinese Mandarin, an anticipated length of monitoring group, propofol dosage was 50–80 mcg·kg−1 ·min−1 ,
hospital stay over 3 days after surgery, and willingness to comply while in the intervention group, dosage was adjusted according
with the research protocol. Exclusion criteria were as follows: to sedative depth as described in the next section (Intervention).
(1) declining preoperative condition (such as unstable angina, All patients received remifentanil and dexmedetomidine as well
acute myocardial infarction, and heart function NYHA III to IV) as rocuronium (0.6 mg·kg−1 ) or cisatracurium (0.15 mg·kg−1 )
within 4–6 weeks before surgery, (2) severe hepatic dysfunction injection for muscle relaxation. Patients were mechanically
(Child–Pugh grade C) or renal failure (requirement for renal ventilated with FiO2 50%, and SaO2 was maintained at more
replacement therapy), (3) history of schizophrenia, Parkinson’s than 95%. Goal-directed fluid and vasoconstrictive drug therapies
disease, or traumatic brain injury, (4) inability to perform were conducted to maintain stroke volume variability below
neurocognitive testing, (5) preoperative delirium according to 13% and regulated patients’ blood pressure within 180 mmHg
the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) algorithm (34), (6) according to transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD, China
preoperative cognitive impairment according to the Chinese Shenzhen Delica Medical Equipment, ShenZhen, China) and
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) corrected for education near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS, Cas Medical Systems, Inc,
level (illiterate ≤ 19 points, 1–6 years of primary school ≤ Branford, Connecticut, USA). Intraoperative warming devices
22 points, middle school or above ≤ 26 points) and Montreal were used to maintain nasopharyngeal temperature between
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score (illiterate ≤ 13 points, 36◦ C and 37◦ C. Perioperative care was standardized according
primary school ≤ 19 points, middle school or above ≤ 24 to institutional routines for all patients.
points) (35, 36), (7) preoperative depression according the Self- All CEA procedures were performed by the same team
rating Depression Scale (SDS, score > 41 points) or preoperative of 4 experienced neurosurgeons who have worked for more
anxiety according to the Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS, score than 15 years. As there is a correlation between intraoperative
> 41 points) (37, 38), (8) change in surgical procedure after hypotension and incidence of delirium (45, 46), all patients were
anesthesia, (9) return to the intensive care unit following surgery, monitored by TCD and NIRS during CEA to minimize the risks
(10) conditions that caused severe hemodynamic fluctuations of perioperative cerebral hypoperfusion and hyperperfusion.
(such as severe allergic reactions or major bleeding), and (11) Regional cerebral oxygenation (rSO2 ) was also monitored
accidental discharge. by NIRS and mean flow velocity of the middle cerebral
artery (MFVMCA ) by TCD. The NIRS probes were placed
Baseline Data Collection on the bilateral forehead. Cerebral ischemia was deemed to
Baseline data included demographics, co-morbidities, and have occurred if the ipsilateral MFVMCA was reduced by
relevant physical and laboratory findings. Preoperative physical >50% compared to baseline or rSO2 decreased by 20% from
condition was evaluated using the American Society of baseline during the clamping process (47–50). An increase
Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status Classification System in MFVMCA of 100% after carotid declamping compared to
(39). Activities of daily living were assessed using the Barthel baseline was considered indicative of cerebral hyperperfusion
Index (score range 0–100, with higher score indicating better (51). Anesthesiologists managed cerebral hypoperfusion or
independent function) (40). Cognitive functions were assessed hyperperfusion during CEA by regulating the patient’s blood
using the MMSE and MoCA. Anxiety and depression were pressure, which was elevated or reduced by 10% before
assessed using the SAS and SDS because several studies have and after declamping the carotid artery, respectively. Carotid
identified preoperative depression (41–43) and anxiety (44) as shunting was conducted based on TCD monitoring and the
risk factors for postoperative delirium incidence or duration. surgeon’s discretion.
Delirium status was assessed with the CAM. Pre-surgical tests
of baseline general cognition, delirium, anxiety, and depression Intervention
were conducted by a neuropsychologist blinded to group During surgery, patients from both the groups were monitored
allocation (see below). using the SEDLine Brain Function Monitor (Masimo, Inc, Irvine
CA), which uses symmetrical bifrontal electrodes to measure
Randomization and Blinding four channels of raw EEG data with separate displays for
Patients were assigned to intervention and control arms before electromyogram (EMG), artifacts (e.g., patient motion), burst
surgery using a computerized random number generator at suppression ratio (BSR), and density spectral array (DSA). The
SEDLine monitor also estimates sedative depth from digital training process was repeated at 6-month intervals during
EEG waves using a proprietary algorithm and displays it as the study.
a dimensionless parameter called the patient state index (PSI,
ranging 0–100, with 100 indicating wakefulness and 0 isoelectric Magnetic Resonance Image Data Acquisition
EEG) (52). Even though there are some raw EEG patterns Cerebral microembolization is a significant contributor to
clearly visible on the spectrogram plots, we are nowhere close postoperative delirium (57, 58). Therefore, magnetic resonance
to being able to describe the cerebrum depending on the imaging examinations were conducted before and 24 h following
information obtained from the processed EEG. Therefore, in surgery using a Clinical 3-Tesla whole-body MR imager (Verio;
the intervention group, we visually analyzed and inspected Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). In accordance
DSA as an intervention indicator for EEG burst suppression with previous studies (59–62), new ischemic cerebral lesions were
rather than EEG suppression waveforms (53, 54). Whenever defined as hyperintense regions on post-intervention diffusion-
the DSA indicated burst suppression, propofol dosage was weighted images that were not present on pretreatment images.
reduced 5 mcg·kg−1 ·min−1 , as clinically permitted. In order Ischemic lesions (number and total volume of hyperintense
to prevent intraoperative awareness, if lowering propofol was regions) were evaluated by a radiologist and neurologist both
found to cause PSI to reach 60, but DSA still showed burst blinded to the research protocol, and disagreements were
suppression, we stopped adjusting propofol and adjusted blood resolved by consensus.
pressure according to the stage of surgery to ensure cerebral
perfusion. For instance, blood pressure was elevated by 5% Measurement of Anesthetic Doses
before declamping the carotid artery or decreased by 5% after To determine whether processed EEG-guidance resulted in
declamping. In the standard group, the monitor screen was propofol dosage reduction, we calculated the cumulative
masked, all EEG data and spectrograms were blinded, and doses of all anesthetics according to intraoperative electronic
only PSI values were displayed. Anesthesiologists performed medical records.
anesthesia by conventional methods and maintained the PSI at
25–50 in the standard group. Measurement of Vital Signs
Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), PSI, end-expiratory carbon
Outcome Assessments dioxide partial pressure (PET CO2 ), bilateral rSO2 , and bilateral
Measurement of Delirium MFVMCA were recorded at three time-points, immediately
Delirium was assessed by trained research team members after general anesthesia induction and before carotid artery
preoperatively and daily on the first three postoperative days clamping as baseline (T1 ), immediately after clamping (T2 ),
using the Chinese version of CAM algorithm, which has and after declamping and subsequent stabilization of cerebral
demonstrated good reliability and validity among the Chinese perfusion (T3 ).
population (55). Postoperative visits were conducted between
10:00 A.M. and 16:00 P.M. at the patient’s bedside. Delirium Measurement of Secondary Outcomes
was defined by acute onset with fluctuating course, inattention, Physical and neurological examinations were conducted by a
disorganized thinking, and (or) altered level of consciousness. neurologist blinded to group allocation before and for the
first 3 days after surgery. Examinations included evaluation
Measurement of EEG Suppression
of neurological deficits according to the National Institutes of
The raw EEG data, PSI, and BSR were obtained from all patients
Health Stroke Scale. From the beginning of anesthesia to 3
using the SEDLine monitor. The EEG recordings were initiated
days after surgery, we also monitored adverse events such as
from anesthesia induction, and ended at the completion of
intraoperative movement or awareness. Finally, length of hospital
surgical manipulation. All EEG data were then edited and saved.
stay was recorded.
The experienced neurophysiologists independently reviewed the
intraoperative EEG traces acquired by the SEDLine R monitoring
system for the entire duration of the operation, recorded Statistical Analysis
whether or not burst suppression was present, and calculated Postoperative Outcome Analysis
the cumulative duration of EEG suppression in minutes. The The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to check for the
neurologists recorded an epoch as having a burst suppression normality of all continuous variables. Continuous datasets
pattern if there was at least 5 s of suppression of the EEG with a normal distribution were compared by independent-
tracing present in a given 30 s epoch (56). We recorded the samples t-test, and continuous datasets with non-normal
cumulative duration of total EEG suppression and the duration distributions by independent-samples Mann–Whitney U-tests.
of EEG suppression for three surgical stages: S1 (from anesthesia Categorical data were compared by χ 2 test or Fisher exact
induction to carotid artery clamping), S2 (from clamping to test as indicated. Measurement data at each time point were
declamping), and S3 (from declamping to the end of surgery). compared between the two groups by analysis of variance
The anesthesiologists received training by neurophysiologists with repeated measures (RT-ANOVA). Normally distributed
in reading and interpreting the DSA before the study was continuous variables are reported as mean ± standard deviation
initiated to ensure that all anesthesiologists could reach 100% (s.d.) and non-normally distributed continuous variables as
consensus on the interpretation of the DSA. Additionally, the median (interquartile range, i.q.r.).
FIGURE 1 | Flow diagram depicting patient recruitment for this clinical trial. EEG, electroencephalography.
Variable Intervention group Standard group P-value Variable Intervention Standard P-values
(n = 127) (n = 128) group care group
(n = 127) (n = 128)
Age (y)†† 62.31 ± 8.02 63.16 ± 7.17 0.37
Sex ratio (F:M)§§ 18:109 15:113 0.56 Surgery duration (min)*## 135 (73.5) 139.5 (100.25) 0.50
Height (cm)†† 168.74 ± 6.98 169.55 ± 6.31 0.33 Anesthesia duration (min)*## 213 (71.5) 216 (98.75) 0.75
Body weight (kg)†† 71.61 ± 10.03 71.88 ± 10.16 0.83 Clamping duration(min)*## 38 (24.75) 35.5 (32) 0.94
BMI (kg/m2 )†† 25.11 ± 2.80 24.95 ± 2.81 0.65 Type of surgery (CEA: CEA+CAS)§§ 91:36 87:41 0.52
Preoperative co-morbidity Total fluid infusion(ml)*## 1,100 (400) 1,100 (500) 0.73
Hypertension## 92 (72.44) 86 (67.19) 0.36 Crystal liquid (ml)*## 900 (400) 1,000 (400) 0.66
Diabetes ##
42 (33.07) 42 (32.81) 0.96 Urine output(ml)*## 700 (600) 700 (600) 0.86
Coronary artery disease## 27 (21.26) 28 (21.88) 0.90 Estimated blood loss(ml)*## 20 (20) 20 (20) 0.24
Previous stroke ##
72 (56.69) 69 (53.91) 0.66 Intraoperative drugs
ASA fitness grade (III: IV)§§ 37:90 31:97 0.38 Propofol (mcg/kg/min)*## 52.13 (14.11) 52.45 (15.98) 0.58
Preoperative level of function and mood Remifentanil (mcg/kg/min)*## 0.20 (0.08) 0.21 (0.06) 0.32
Values in parentheses are percentages unless indicated otherwise; values are expressed
TABLE 3 | Postoperative outcomes and related intraoperative variables.
as mean ± standard deviation (s.d.) or median (interquartile range, i.q.r.). *Score ranges
from 0 to 100, with higher score indicating better function. Score ranges from 0 to
Variable Intervention Standard P-value
30, with higher score indicating better function. ‡ Score ranges from 20 to 80, with
group group
higher score indicating worse mood. BMI, body mass index; MMSE, Mini-Mental State
(n = 127) (n = 128)
Examination; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; SDS, Self-rating Depression Scale;
SAS, Self-rating Anxiety Scale.
§§ The P-value is from the χ2 test, except. †† The P-value is from the independent-samples Postoperative outcome
t-test. ## The P-value is from the independent-samples Mann–Whitney U-test. Incidence of delirium within 3 days 10 (7.87) 37 (28.91) 0.000
New cerebral infarctions (symptomatic)§§ 1 (0.79) 3 (2.34) 0.32
New cerebral infarctions (MRI)§§ 33 (25.98) 43 (33.59) 0.18
Intracerebral hemorrhage (MRI) 1 (0.79) 2 (1.56) 0.57
others (Table 1), and intraoperative variables, such as surgery
Duration of hospital stay after surgery 3.99 ± 1.80 4.26 ± 2.00 0.27
duration, anesthesia duration, and clamping duration, among (days)
others, were well-matched between the groups (all P > 0.05) Intraoperative EEG Suppression
(Table 2). In addition, intraoperative anesthesia dose did not Total EEG suppression time (min)*## 0 (0) 0 (1.17) 0.04
differ between groups. Time of EEG suppression in S1 (min)*## 0 (0) 0 (0.25) 0.13
Time of EEG suppression in S2 (min)*## 0 (0) 0 (0.1) 0.000
Time of EEG suppression in S3 (min)*## 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.02
Incident Delirium
The incidence of postoperative delirium was significantly lower The values in parentheses are expressed as percentages unless indicated otherwise.
Values are expressed as *median (i.q.r.). S1 is the stage from induction of anesthesia to
among patients receiving processed EEG-guided anesthesia clamping the carotid artery, S2 from clamping to declamping, and S3 from the declamping
management compared with that in the standard care group [10 to the end of surgery.
of 127 (7.87%) vs. 37 of 128 (28.91%), P < 0.01] (Table 3). §§ The P value is from the χ 2 test, except The P value is from the independent-samples
t test and ## The P value is from the independent-samples Mann–Whitney U test.
FIGURE 2 | MAP over time. MAP, mean arterial blood pressure. The FIGURE 4 | Ipsilateral rSO2 over time. rSO2 , regional cerebral oxygenation.
measurement time interval after general anesthesia but before clamping the The measurement time interval after general anesthesia but before clamping
carotid artery was recorded as baseline reference T1, the time interval after the carotid artery was recorded as baseline reference T1, the time interval after
clamping but before declamping was recorded as T2, and the time interval clamping but before declamping was recorded as T2, and the time interval
after the declamping and stabilization of cerebral perfusion but before after the declamping and stabilization of cerebral perfusion but before
completion of surgery was recorded as T3. completion of surgery was recorded as T3.
FIGURE 3 | PET CO2 over time. PET CO2 , end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial FIGURE 5 | Contralateral rSO2 over time. rSO2 , regional cerebral oxygenation.
pressure. The measurement time interval after general anesthesia but before The measurement time interval after general anesthesia but before clamping
clamping the carotid artery was recorded as baseline reference T1, the time the carotid artery was recorded as baseline reference T1, the time interval after
interval after clamping but before declamping was recorded as T2, and the clamping but before declamping was recorded as T2, and the time interval
time interval after the declamping and stabilization of cerebral perfusion but after the declamping and stabilization of cerebral perfusion but before
before completion of surgery was recorded as T3. completion of surgery was recorded as T3.
Intraoperative Monitoring Values at alone. Based on previous studies on POD (11, 14, 17–19), we
suggest that not only the index from a processed EEG but also
Different Time-Points
an index with additional values (in this case, DSA) to guide
There were also no significant differences in MAP, PET CO2 ,
anesthesia management protocol may improve outcomes among
bilateral MFVMCA and rSO2 between groups at corresponding
CEA patients.
time-points (Figures 2–7), while PSI was higher in the
The SEDLine monitor provides computed quantitative
intervention group at all measurement time-points (P <
EEG indices based on retrospective analysis of a diagnostic
0.05) (Figure 8). There were differences in MAP, PET CO2 , PSI,
EEG database of sedated patients. Since regulatory approval
ipsilateral MFVMCA , and bilateral rSO2 at all time-points within
in 2002, these indices have been shown to independently
the two groups. MAP, PET CO2 and contralateral rSO2 at T2
predict deep sedation as assessed by other clinical metrics
were higher than at T1 and T3 (P < 0.05); PSI, ipsilateral rSO2
such as the Ramsay Sedation Score and Modified Observer’s
and MFVMCA at T2 were lower than at T1 and T3 (P < 0.05).
Assessment of Alertness/Sedation Scale (52, 63–65). Our
While contralateral MFVMAC was not significantly different at
findings of reduced POD incidence using processed EEG-guided
all time-points in the two groups (Table 4).
anesthesia management are in accord with previous studies
on other surgical populations (27–29, 66, 67). In contrast, the
DISCUSSION Electroencephalography Guidance of Anesthesia (ENGAGES)
trial of older adults undergoing cardiac or non-cardiac surgery
We demonstrated that in patients undergoing CEA, processed found no reduction in delirium incidence using this EEG-based
EEG-guided anesthesia management with PSI combined with intervention (68). Possible explanations for this discrepancy
DSA reduces the incidence of POD compared to using PSI include differences in baseline conditions between cohorts and
Values are expressed as mean ± s.d. or *median (i.q.r.). The measurement time interval after general anesthesia but before clamping the carotid artery was recorded as baseline
reference T1, the time interval after clamping but before declamping was recorded as T2, and the time interval after the declamping and stabilization of cerebral perfusion but before
completion of surgery was recorded as T3. MAP, mean arterial blood pressure; PSI, patient state index; PET CO2 , end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure; rSO2 , bilateral regional
cerebral oxygenation; MFVMAC , bilateral mean flow velocity of middle cerebral artery.
The P-value is from the RT-ANOVA. The P-value is from the RT-ANOVA.
aggravated hypoperfusion or led to cerebral hyperperfusion. risk factors for the development of delirium. In addition to
In our study, the combined monitoring of TCD and NIRS adjusting the anesthetic dose during the perioperative period,
may minimize the influence of the patient’s hemodynamics on we also adjusted blood pressure according to the operation
cerebral perfusion. However, the largest changes in CBF occurred stage to avoid potential cerebral perfusion problems that may
during S2 and S3 , and the duration of EEG suppression was lead to burst suppression. Moreover, we conducted multimodal
significantly lower during these stages in the intervention group. monitoring on all patients, which helped us obtain more
In the intervention group, while adjusting the anesthesia dose comprehensive information to identify the extent of individual
to reduce EEG burst suppression, we also paid close attention cerebral perfusion. We adjusted the physiological functions
to the effect on CBF. When adjusting the anesthetic dose, of patients according to anesthetics/techniques and surgical
burst suppression could not be minimized if CBF changes procedures, and strictly controlled arterial blood pressure (77)
were unfavorable. Therefore, even if the TCD and NIRS to avoid insufficient or excessive cerebral perfusion risk related
monitors did not show hypoperfusion or hyperperfusion, we still to POD. All the monitoring we used is non-invasive and has
slightly regulated blood pressure according to the surgical stage. no significant risk of injury to patient. Therefore, we conclude
Although we observed no difference in MAP at each time point that patients with carotid artery stenosis can benefit from
between groups, small adjustments may have slightly improved multimodal monitoring during surgery to reduce the onset of
CBF, reduce EEG suppression, and thereby reduce POD. EEG suppression.
Anesthetic dosage can be reduced using processed EEG (27, The difference in MAP, PET CO2 , ipsilateral MFVMCA , and
74), and previous studies have shown potentially neurotoxic bilateral rSO2 at all time-points is due to differences in blood
effects of general anesthetics, including propofol (75, 76). pressure management measures taken at different surgical stages
Therefore, it is conceivable that POD risk was reduced by lower to ensure that the cerebral perfusion is within desired limits.
anesthetic levels. However, the present results do not support this Despite the difference in contralateral rSO2 , there was no
premise, at least for the anesthetic doses used and for this specific difference in MFVMCA , likely because TCD monitoring reflects
population. All patients had severe CS and were prone to vascular MFVMCA , while NIRS monitors the oxygenation of the frontal
events which had been identified as one of the postoperative cortex mainly supplied by the anterior communicating artery
(ACA). Since the contralateral MFVMCA is not affected by risk of cerebral ischemia). In turn, reducing POD incidence may
the surgery, there is no difference at all time-points. The improve outcome.
NIRS monitoring value may have been influenced by oxygen
metabolism of extracranial origin as well as by changes in blood DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
pressure and arterial oxygen saturation. The differences in PSI
within group at corresponding time-points are likely because The original contributions presented in the study are included
the largest changes in CBF during clamping and declamping in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be
of the carotid artery may also affect EEG, leading to changes directed to the corresponding author/s.
in PSI.
Potential Limitations
The study has several limitations. First, as a single-center trial, The studies involving human participants were reviewed
the generalizability of the results may be limited. Second, and approved by the Ethics Committee of Xuanwu
postoperative delirium has no objective biomarker and so may Hospital of Capital Medical University (LYS[2018]053). The
be difficult to diagnose in certain cases (78). Third, POD was patients/participants provided their written informed consent to
assessed only over 3 days, so transient and later incidences participate in this study.
could have been missed. However, the preponderance of evidence
suggests that most cases occur within the first 3 days after
anesthesia and surgery (14, 79). Fourth, the anesthesiologists
were not blinded to group assignment; therefore, when caring for NX was responsible for the implementation of the project,
patients in the intervention group, they might have been more patient recruitment, patient interviews, data collection, data
cautious in the management of the patient’s overall hemodynamic entry, statistical analyses, and article writing. L-XL, D-XY, JW,
parameters. However, the following measures were adopted Y-HM, TT, and X-LS performed patient recruitment, patient
to avoid bias. The combined monitoring of TCD and NIRS interviews, and data collection. L-QJ and YH reviewed and edited
may minimize the influence of the patient’s hemodynamics on the final manuscript. T-LW managed the project and provided
cerebral perfusion. There was no difference in MAP, bilateral funding. All authors contributed to manuscript revision, read,
MFVMCA and rSO2 at different time-points between the two and approved the submitted version.
groups. The anesthetists did not participate in postoperative
follow-up, and the investigators responsible for postoperative
follow-up and delirium assessments were blinded to group
assignment and did not participate in anesthesia or perioperative This work was supported by Beijing Municipal Administration
care. The anesthetists and investigators also did not communicate of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special
patient information. Fifth, these findings may not apply to Funding Support (ZYLX201818), Beijing Municipal Health
patients receiving inhalational anesthetics. Commission (Jing2019-2), and Xuanwu Hospital Funding
Support (XWJL-2018017) of Capital Medical University.
This randomized clinical trial suggests that
electroencephalography-guided anesthesia management The authors sincerely thank all colleagues in the Departments
with both a quantitative EEG index and DSA can reduce of Neurosurgery, Vascular Ultrasound, and Anesthesiology at
postoperative delirium incidence in patients undergoing CEA, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, for their
especially those vulnerable to disruption of cerebral perfusion cooperation. The authors wish to express special appreciation to
and EEG suppression. A slight change in anesthetic management Ying Han (Department of Neurology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital
may play a significant role in modulating postoperative delirium Medical University, Beijing) for neuropsychological consultation
risk in patients with ischemic cerebral disease (or patients at and personnel training.
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