FINAL DHSUD Branding Playbook Oct2023 1
FINAL DHSUD Branding Playbook Oct2023 1
FINAL DHSUD Branding Playbook Oct2023 1
Branding Playbook
Creating the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development’s corporate image
Foreword 1
orporate branding serves as an integral unifying the public and specific use of both internal and external
symbol that makes an organization stand out in stakeholders.
a saturated market. In the context of the govern-
ment, it helps an agency create a unique identity among However, the manner of use of these materials has yet to
the other offices in the bureaucracy, thus effectively be cascaded to the whole of DHSUD, both in the central
promoting its mandate through consistency and recall. office and regional offices.
The Department of Human Settlements and Urban With the institutionalization of public assistance and commu-
Development (DHSUD) was created on February 14, 2019 nication focal persons (PASPAS-Serbisyo Aksyon Officers), a
by virtue of Republic Act 11201, specifically titled “An Act harmonized branding scheme is expected to be widely
Creating the Department of Human Settlements and adopted by the DHSUD as a whole. A comprehensive guide-
Urban Development, Defining its Mandate, Powers and line on corporate branding should help officials and employ-
Functions, and Appropriating Funds Therefor”. ees alike to effectively communicate the key messages of
DHSUD to its stakeholders and the public in general.
The DHSUD acts as the primary government agency
responsible for the management of housing, human Hence, this DHSUD Branding Playbook, developed by the
settlements and urban development in the country. Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Service -
Communications Development and Media Relations Divi-
As an integration of two government housing agencies, sion, intends to establish a corporate branding style that
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and the will create and promote a unified image of the Depart-
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Coun- ment. It carries a set of branding protocols to guide initia-
cil, DHSUD has yet to brand itself based on its consoli- tives on public assistance, corporate communications and
dated mandate. For four years, the Department has been advocacy – including the revised branding materials/collat-
using various corporate collaterals specifically designed to erals that aptly represent the mandate of the Department.
promote its core functions, programs, services and poli-
cies. In addition, it uses different communication plat- This Playbook is a working document and will be updated,
forms that feature these materials for dissemination to when necessary.
DHSUD’s 1-2-3s
Basic information about the Department
English: Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development
Filipino: Kagawaran ng Pananahanang Pantao at Pagpapaunlad ng Kalunsuran
1. Act as the primary national government entity human settlement and urban development concerns,
responsible for the management of housing, primarily focusing on the access to and the afford-
human settlement and urban development; ability of basic human needs. For this purpose, in
2. Be the sole and main planning and policy-mak- accordance with Section 25 of the Act, the follow-
ing, regulator y, program coordination, and ing functions of HLURB are hereby transferred to the
performance monitoring entity for all housing, Department:
A strong institution and catalyst for the
provision of adequate and affordable housing,
inclusive human settlements and well-planned
communities for every Filipino family.
DHSUD’s 1-2-3s
Basic information about the Department
The Department of Human Settlements and Urban except for adjudication, which is now handled by its
Development or DHSUD is the primary government attached agency, the Human Settlements Adjudication
agency responsible for the management of housing, Commission.
human settlement and urban development. It was
created on February 14, 2019 by virtue of Republic Act The DHSUD also exercises oversight functions on its
(RA) 11201. attached agencies or key shelter agencies – (1) National
Housing Authority, which acts as the country’s primary
The Department is the sole and main planning and shelter production arm; (2) Home Development Mutual
policy-making, regulatory, program coordination, and Fund or Pag-IBIG Fund, which focuses on national
performance monitoring entity for all housing, human savings program and affordable shelter financing for Fili-
settlement and urban development concerns, primar- pino workers; (3) Social Housing Finance Corporation,
ily focusing on the access to and affordability of basic which undertakes social housing programs catering to
human needs. the formal and informal settlers belonging to the low-in-
come bracket; and (4) National Home Mortgage Finance
RA 11201 consolidated the functions of the Housing and Corporation, which ensures the availability of affordable
Land Use Regulatory Board and Housing and Urban housing loans to finance homebuyers through secondary
Development Coordinating Council to become DHSUD, market for home mortgages.
DHSUD’s 1-2-3s
Basic information about the Department
1. The basic information about the Department may be Introduction/Outro for audio-visual presentations
used for the following purposes: (AVP)
Production of stand alone corporate profile in print
Official transparency, financial and planning documents and online (e.g., brochure for walk-in clients)
such as those required by the Office of the President, Other events and materials requiring the formal
Anti-Red Tape Authority, Freedom of Information, introduction of DHSUD, whichever information are
Commission on Audit, Department of Budget and deemed necessary and appropriate
Management and other government offices, especially
those with oversight function on the Department 2. The text may be used in parts (e.g., copying or culling
out sentences or paragraphs) BUT do not alter any infor-
Back cover of information, communication and mation except on special occasions approved by the top
education (IEC) materials (e.g., handbook, booklet, management.
English: Decent shelter in well-planned communities for every Filipino family
Filipino: Disenteng tahanan sa maayos na pamayanan para sa bawat pamilyang Pilipino
1. The tagline may be used for materials and occasions 5. Use open and close quotation marks and/or italicized the
that intend to promote the DHSUD vision. text when using the Filipino version of the tagline ONLY
2. Everyone is encouraged to use the taglines, whenever for materials with English content. Otherwise, leave the
appropriate. format as written above. However, it is highly advised to
3. Do not put a period after the tagline as it is only a use the English version for English content and Filipino
phrase and not a sentence. version for Filipino content.
4. Do not capitalize the first letters of the words except for 6. If using graphics/photos with the tagline, make sure to
“Decent” and “Filipino” or “Disente” and “Pilipino”. represent the embedded keywords – shelter, commu-
nities, family.
Used for print collaterals, such as posters, banners, For collaterals on digital media such as computers,
magazines, business cards laptos, mobile devices, etc. used the following color mode:
The DHSUD logo represents the primary foundation of Specifically, the blue and red colors with the sun and
human settlements and urban development, the Phil- three stars at the center of the logo symbolizes the Phil-
ippines as a nation, DHSUD and its key shelter agencies ippine flag. Together, they form a shelter that denotes the
as prime government movers, and the home dwellers country’s housing sector. The seven figures joining hands
that make up the communities. Originally designed represent a community and the seven pillar agencies of
by graphic artist Stephen John Paquiado through a the Department – the former Housing and Urban Devel-
logo-making competition in 2019, the logo has since opment Coordinating Council and Housing and Land Use
undergone minor revisions to aptly epitomize the vision Regulatory Board, and its key shelter agencies, National
of the Department for its stakeholders and beneficia- Housing Authority, Home Development Mutual Fund or
ries. Pag-IBIG Fund, National Home Mortgage Finance Corpo-
ration, Social Housing Finance Corporation and Human
Settlements Adjudication Commission.
DHSUD’s 1-2-3s
Basic information about the Department
1. The chart below should be used as reference when sizing the logos for various purposes:
2. The logo is the official symbol of the Department, hence, 3. Printing of the logo in any form for the Department’s
its use is sacrosanct and must be properly accounted use is allowed. Procurement shall be handled by the
for. If requested for use by external partners/clients, a office requiring the material.
request must be officially logged in the office records (a
logbook, for instance) with information on the requesting 4. Always check for the correct logo. Mind the placement
party, purpose of its use and the staff who will handle the of the hands of the seven figures.
The DHSUD Hymn embodies our commitment of provid- mandate and the sacred oath of its men and women to
ing decent housing in well-planned communities for all uphold public service of highest standards in the human
Filipinos, especially the underprivileged. settlements and urban development sector.
Composed and sung by artist Noel Cabangon, the DHSUD It was launched during the third founding anniversary of
Hymn is a soulful musical rendition of the Department’s DHSUD on February 14, 2022.
DHSUD’s 1-2-3s
Basic information about the Department
(Official Lyrics)
The DHSUD organizational chart presents the Department’s approved structure in the Notice of Organi-
zation and additional positions and offices, as created.
DHSUD’s 1-2-3s
Basic information about the Department
reference material for introducing the Depart- Office of the Secretary (OSec)
ment’s organizational structure.
Office of Undersecretary, followed by the official’s
2. Depending on the need, the chart may be copied
complete name (OUS-[official’s initials])
as a whole or in parts.
Office of Assistant Secretary, followed by the official’s
3. The names of the incumbent officials may also be
complete name (OAS-[official’s initials])
placed in their positions’ corresponding boxes,
Homeowners Association and Community Develop-
when needed.
ment Bureau (HOACDB)
Housing and Real Estate Development Regulation
Bureau (HREDRB)
Environmental, Land Use and Urban Planning and
Development Bureau (ELUPDB)
Public Housing and Settlements Service (PHSS)
Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Service
Administrative Service (AS)
Finance Service (FS)
Planning Service (PS)
Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Service (KMISS)
Legal Service (LS)
Internal Audit Service (IAS)
DHSUD Regional Office, followed by region number
in numeric form (e.g., DHSUD-RO 1)
Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF or Pag-IBIG
National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC)
National Housing Authority (NHA)
Human Settlements Adjudication Commission
National Drive against Professional Squatters and
Squatting Syndicates (NDAPSSS)
Department of transportation - Resettlement Imple-
mentation Coordinator - Project Management office
Task Force Bangon Marawi(TFBM)
Pambansang Pabahay para sa Pilipino Housing (4PH)
Program - Project Management Office (4PH)
Videos developed and shown/posted online may be accessed and played during corporate events, depending on the
Presence on social media and other online platforms
The Knowledge Management
and Information Systems Service
(KMISS) maintains the DHSUD
website while the Public Assis-
tance Service manages its
Facebook, Twitter and
YouTube accounts
using the handles below.
Twitter: @dhsudgovph
YouTube: DHSUDgovph
6. Official Facebook url format should be: 2. Use of keywords, all in capital letters, as a kicker of a
dhsudelupdb (for bureaus and ser vices) post is encouraged. The keywords must represent the
dhsudro1 (for regional offices) entirety of the post.
7. Above rules shall also apply to Twitter and YouTube 3. To achieve timeliness/relevance of posting on events,
accounts. content must be posted within the following day at
Presence in social media and other online platforms
the latest of the featured activity. This will also help the focal person handling its Facebook page can
facilitate proper scheduling of social media posts. share the featured post in the official Viber group
of the PASPAS-Serbisyo Aksyon Officers for possi-
4, Based on DHSUD editorial style, the first sentence ble sharing on the Department’s Facebook page for
of the caption is in present tense to denote recency. greater reach.
Ensuing sentences/paragraphs must be in past
tense. 6. For multiple posts within the day, posting interval
must be at least two hours between posts to facil-
5. If there is a major event/activity from a regional office, itate efficient reactions/engagements of followers.
Keywords as kicker
Good day, Ma’am/Sir. We appreciate your time to reach us. We will refer
your concern to our office specifically handling this. Thank you very much.
8. Official hashtags are #DHSUD and the flagship Use of “My Day”
program’s tags. Offices may opt to add text The “My Day” feature may be used to highlight a signif-
with their name or any related keyword (e.g., icant event. Each regional office can feature a different
#DHSUDRO12, #DHSUDHOACDB, #bahayni- “My Day” post depending on the given activity. However,
han, #sambahayan). if the event is of national level, all DHSUD FB pages are
requested to use the DHSUD Central Office FB page
9. Always provide details and photos when content.
requesting for posting on the official Facebook
page of the Department. Use the Communica- Sharing of links/posts from other pages
tion Service Request Form for official documen- 1. Create a short caption, capturing the gist of the post.
tation. 2. Tag the page of the source in the caption, if possible.
3. Use the official hashtags after the caption.
Branding materials and templates
he DHSUD official branding folder compiles a set
of materials developed in consideration of the
concepts and designs representing the Depart-
ment to achieve consistency and recall. Uploaded in
various formats, the templates are editable through
Adobe software and canva online to enable modifica-
tions, when needed. Sample rendered designs are also
provided for reference.
1. The colors adopted for the Department branding are 3. If needed, changes or modifications in the designs
those seen in its logo – mainly BLUE and RED, and a may be allowed as long as the main theme of the
touch of YELLOW (see logo color guide). Thus, these material remains.
must be used as the dominant colors of the materials.
4. Simple editing of the templates shall be done by
2. Official font is Arial, 12 points, for official documents the concerned office. The designs may be edited
and Metropolis and Titillium for creative designs through licensed Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or
(also uploaded on the GDrive). It In-Design and/or Canva online.
is recommended to use up
to three font typefaces only 5. For major revisions, the PASPAS-Serbisyo Aksyon
when designing a material. Officer in the concerned office may coordinate with
the PAS-Communications Development and Media
Relations Division and fill out the Communications
Service Request Form.
Branding materials and templates
1. A social media card may be used to present informa- flagship program logo. The regional offices may opt
tion in a creative but concise manner. It is a general to put a logo/contact details of their respective offices
term usually used to depict infographics, announce- in a size proportionate to the other components in the
ments, photo stories among variety of data/informa- footer.
tion designed to attract attention of audience.
3. In developing the material, photos and other design
2. The design should always bear the DHSUD logo and elements must be used but always be reminded to
footer with vectors of contact information and the incorporate the DHSUD branding colors and styles.
1. Each office in the central and regional offices is 2. If resizing, always check for Facebook’s prescribed size
provided with a recommended cover photo for their of cover photos to avoid stretching or mangling the
official Facebook page, with a map pinning the loca- image. DO NOT disproportionately stretch or modify
tion of the office, the official name and address of the the size of the photo.
office, DHSUD tagline and the flagship program logo.
Branding materials and templates
1. For DHSUD officials, select the most impactful quote 3. Photo resolution must be at least 150 pixels for social
made by the source. Ideal length is one standard para- media cards and 200 pixels for materials for printing.
graph (35-45 words).
4. Do not use other fonts other than the prescribed font
2. For beneficiaries and other stakeholders, select a quote (Metropolis).
that most appropriately attests to the success of the
featured project and its contribution to the lives of the
1. The recommended font sizes for presentation are as 3. Make sure that the text in the tables and figures are
follows: readable. If the table is too long, highlight the most
important data and just discuss the other parts in
2. Do not abuse the use of photos and graphics. Use the presentation.
only those that will sufficiently substantiate the
presentation. 4. Always practice the 6x6 rule – no more than six lines
per slide with no more than six words per line in the
Part Size body of the presentation.
Title 46-54
Subtitle 30-36
Heading 28-32
Body 18-24
Branding materials and templates
1. Always use the prescribed zoom background and 3. Suggested name format for external meetings:
profile photo for corporate meetings. DHSUD_Full Name (e.g., DHSUD_Ma. Victoria Santos)
Branding materials and templates
7” .5”
3. Citations shall be drafted by the concerned office. 6. Production of plaque shall be done by the concerned
4. Signatures included in the plaque shall be secured by
the concerned office.
1. Photos relevant to the event may be incorporated in 2. Printing style may be A4, folded or A5 back-to-back
the design, particularly in the lower portion of the
front page.
Writing and editing style guide
The editorial style of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development follows American standard
1. Use -ize instead of -ise at the end of words Travelled not traveled
Neutralize not neutralise Fulfill not fulfil
Denuclearization not denuclearisation Enroll not enrol
Organization not organization
5. Avoid using British slang words/phrases, except when
2. Words that usually end in “tre” in British English must they are used in direct quotes.
be spelled as “ter.” Elevator not lift
Center not centre Cigarette not fag or ciggie
meter not metre Bathroom or restroom not loo or water closet
theater not theatre
6. Other commonly used American versus British English
3. Words spelled with “our” in British English must be words:
spelled with “or.” Story not storey
Flavor not flavour Program not programme
Favorite not favourite Airplane not aeroplane
License not licence
4. Be mindful of single or double Ls in spelling.
Cancelled not canceled
Writing and editing style guide
15. For times of the day, use AM and PM. Note that they
are written in capital letters, and with space after the
1. When mentioned in the caption, indicate the positions groundbreaking ceremony for a new housing proj-
of personalities in the photos relevant to the story in ect in Harmony Hills Terraces in Batasan, Quezon
photos printed, posted on DHSUD’s official website City, Sept. 22, 2022.
and shared with media partners.
FRUITFUL CELEBRATION: President Ferdinand R. 2. Captioning rules are different for social media posts
Marcos Jr. (third from left) and Housing Secretary (see Part 2, Posting and Commenting).
Jose Rizalino Acuzar (second from right) lead the
1. Use Roman numerals to establish personal sequence double quotation marks when mentioned in the body
of people. text (e.g., Atty. Angelito “Angel” Aguila) and single quota-
Usec. Avelino Tolentino III tion marks when mentioned in captions and headlines
Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV (e.g., Atty. Angelito ‘Angel’ Aguila). See Captions in Part 2.
2. Roman numerals are also used for certain legislative 9. Capitalize “secretary” when referring to a specific head
articles. of a government agency; this is usually done after the
Chapter III, Section 5, Article I of the Republic Act name of the official has already been mentioned.
11201 or the “Department of Human Settlements In his speech, the housing Secretary addressed
and Urban Development Act” both the live audience and those who tuned in
Chapter II, Section 6 of the “Magna Carta for via videoconference.
Homeowners and Homeowners’ Associations”
defines the qualifications to become a member 10. “Chief,” “chairperson,” and “head” are capitalized when
of a HOA. written as proper titles before names.
HOACDB Director Ma. Lorina Rigor
3. Use numerals when referring to regions, e.g., Regional TFBM Chairperson Jose Rizalino Acuzar
Office 4B and Region 12 office.
11. Do not capitalize formerly held titles and those that
4. Do not use hyphens when referring to Regions 4A and are about to be held.
4B. Former DHSUD undersecretary Albert Dela Cruz
Former president Rodrigo Roa Duterte
5. Abbreviate junior as “Jr.” only with full names of persons. Prospective DHSUD secretary Jose Rizalino
Do not precede with a comma, e.g., Allan Biwang Jr. not Acuzar
Allan Biwang, Jr.
12. Do not capitalize “key shelter agency” and “key shelter
6. Note that “II” does not necessarily mean “ junior,” as it agencies”; abbreviate as KSA/KSAs.
can also be used by a nephew or grandson. Therefore,
use the notation as preferred by the individual. 13. Capitalize “Central Office,” meanwhile capitalize
President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. “regional office” only when referring to a specific satel-
Gregorio Honasan II lite branch.
The Administrative Service plans to conduct a
7. The “De,” “Del,” “Dela” and “De La” in last names are capi- workshop among Regional Office 4A employees
talized. before the year ends.
The regional office launched a house painting
8. Avoid including nicknames of personalities unless essen- activity which will benefit families who lack the
tial to the story, in which case, enclose the nicknames in means to improve the facade of their homes.
Writing and editing style guide
The Environmental Land Use and Urban Planning 16. When referring to the Homeowners Association and
and Development Bureau is holding a seminar at Community Development Bureau/Division, do not put
the Central Office on Friday. an apostrophe after “Homeowners” as this is the proper
name of the bureau/division.
14. In the body text, typhoon names are enclosed in
double quotation marks and immediately followed by 17. Regarding the names of HOAs, the application of an
parenthesis indicating their international names, which apostrophe after “homeowners” will depend on their
are also enclosed in quotation marks. official registered names.
Super Typhoon “Odette” (international name: Sunshineville Homeowners’ Association
Super Typhoon “Rai”) Balai Verde Homeowners Association Incorpo-
Super Typhoon “Yolanda” (international name: rated
Typhoon “Haiyan”)
18. Meanwhile, when used as a generic noun, put an
15. Take note of the use of “typhoon” and “super typhoon” apostrophe to indicate possessive form.
as typhoon classifications might vary locally and inter- More than 24,000 homeowners’ associations are
nationally. now registered at the DHSUD.
As much as possible, enumerate items in sentence form. form to avoid a convoluted and lengthy sentence or para-
However, if there are too many items, list them in bullet graph.
1.Italicize legal cases without enclosing them in quota- The suspects are now detained at the Manila
tion marks. Do not spell out “versus.” Police District custodial facility for violating
Perfecto Velasquez Jr., petitioner, vs. Lisondra Land Republic Act 9653, other wise known as the
Incorporated, represented by Edwin L. Lisondra, “Rent Control Act of 2009.”
respondent. Republic Act 108841, or the “Balanced Housing
San Miguel Properties Incorporated vs. BF Homes Development Program Amendments Act,” was
Incorporated, G.R. No. 169343 signed to bolster the balanced housing develop-
ment program in the country.
2.Do not enclose laws, ordinances and legislative arti-
cles in quotation marks, enclose their titles instead.
1.Italicize titles of publications, i.e., newspapers, maga- The film “The Flor Contemplacion Story”
zines, books, manga/manhua/comic books and jour- The poem “Florante at Laura” by Francisco
nals. Balagtas
The Shelter Magazine The video game “Animal Crossing”
Land Titles, Deeds, Liens and Dealings by Alvin 3. Write the translations of foreign or dialectical titles in
Claridades parentheses, unless a work is generally known for its
The Manila Times foreign name.
Journal of Public Health The painting “Paisaje urbano (Urban Landscape)”
by Frida Kahlo
2.Unless in a foreign language, do not italicize titles of The classic film “Maynila sa mga Kuko ng Liwanag
paintings, poems, computer games, movies, plays, (Manila in the Claws of Light)”
operas, radio and television shows, albums and songs. 4.Do not italicize and/or enclose in quotation marks the
Instead, enclose them in quotation marks. names of websites, software and mobile applications.
Writing and editing style guide
Automatic hyperlink formats, usually after a space or 5.Do not put quotation marks around the Bible and other
enter key, created by Word can be allowed as is. books that are primary catalogs of reference materials; these include encyclopedias, almanacs, directories and dictionaries.
1.Transform modality in indirect or reported speech. 2. Be conscious of the varying strengths of modal verbs in
Observe consistency of tenses, especially when using expressing logical possibility.
the modals “can,” “could,” “will” and “would.” Will and would express the strongest logical possi-
Incorrect: The Secretary said he will look into the matter. Should expresses weaker logical possibility.
Correct: The Secretary said he would look into the matter. May, might, can and could express the weakest
logical possibility.
Incorrect: The chairman hopes that the Secretary would
visit the village again.
Correct:: The chairman hopes that the Secretary will visit CONSISTENCY is the key
the village again.
1. Hyphenate dual heritages, e.g., African-American, Fili- 4. Refer to foreigners as British or Britons, Chinese and
pino-Chinese. Vietnamese (both plural and singular), and Korean (if
there is no need to specify whether South or North
2. Never use Indo or Indon when referring to Indonesians. Korean).
1. Spell out numbers one to nine, while numbers 10 and 3. Write out numbers beginning sentences, e.g., Twenty
so on must be written as numerals. When written as participants attended the training.
compound descriptors, numbers must be spelled with
hyphens, e.g., five-foot-tall concrete wall, three-inch- 4. Spell out fractions without a unit measure that are not
long nail. used in the text (use numerals in tables and paren-
2. When written with units of measurement, however,
numbers must be written as numerals, e.g., 57 kilo- 5. Do not add the letter S or a period to units of measure
grams, 8 miles, 3 points and 7 millimeters. to make them plural, e.g., 3km - not 3kms or 80cm -
not 80cms or 2ha - not 2has.
1. For proper nouns ending in s, add an apostrophe, e.g., 2. For words in plural forms that end in s, merely add
the Philippines’ representative, Paris’ roadside cafes. an apostrophe, e.g., the families’ needs, the Lopezes’
Without ellipsis: ““Today, after hours of careful thought, Avoid: The core values of social work, service, social justice,
we vetoed the bill.” integrity, competence and respect, are what constantly
With ellipsis: “ “Today…we vetoed the bill.” spurs him on.
2.Em Dash Use: The core values of social work – service, social justice,
Use an em dash (—) in place of commas, paren- integrity, competence and respect – are what constantly
theses or colons. spurs him on.
Set a single space on each side of an em dash.
Use an em dash in indicating the dateline of a Use an em dash before the name of the speaker,
story, e.g., Caloocan City – author or composer at the end of a quotation.
Writing and editing style guide
1. Use brackets for word/phrase insertions. Also use brack- 2. Avoid using parentheses, except when inserting neces-
ets for insertions in proper names. These cases mostly sary background or information.
occur in direct quotes. The village leader presented the Secretary with
“Everything must fall into place, so [at the end of a burnay (a brown claypot used by Filipinos
the day], we will achieve our objective of building before the Spanish colonial era) after he led the
housing units and [creating] housing communi- groundbreaking of a housing project for indig-
ties that would be acceptable, livable, yet afford- enous people in Vigan.
able for the beneficiaries.”
During the planning workshop, Secretary [Jose 3. Place period outside of the closing parenthesis if the
Rizalino] Acuzar reminded the officials that the material inside the parentheses is not a complete
action plans they have crafted must also inspire sentence, while an independent parenthetical
them to “light our torches and trailblaze our jour- sentence takes a period before the closing parenthesis.
ney by assessing our strengths and weaknesses
and identifying the most viable yet effective
approaches to bring our plans into action.”
Always spell out “%,” i.e., spell it out as percent, not per cent.
1.In direct quotations, place commas inside the close- 3.Use the Oxford comma only when necessary to avoid
quote mark (”). ambiguity.
“We have successfully launched a new housing The design elements included colors, font and
project,” he announced. font size, and visuals.
“The truth is,” he said, “we have launched new Sectors on agriculture, human settlements and
housing projects”. urban development, and natural resources.
1. Place periods outside the quotation marks, unless it is 5.Put a comma before “as well as”, “among others/among
a full quotation. other things” and “such as.”
He said the department had launched housing DHSUD aims to build houses, promote township
projects expected to “dignify our marginalized developments, as well as improve the lives of the
countrymen”. Filipino people.
“We had launched housing projects to dignify our
marginalized countrymen.” 6. Put a comma after “thus,” “however,” “therefore” and
2. Avoid using the Oxford comma or serial comma, i.e., Hence, DHSUD is welcoming introduction of
the comma placed before the conjunction at the end latest technology, like utilization of solar and
of a list. other renewable energy, to housing projects
Incorrect: During this celebration we will showcase under the flagship “Pambansang Pabahay.”
groundbreaking events for communities where stable, We were told to use the logo for widest dissem-
high-quality, and affordable homes will be established. ination of the 4PH, thus, at DHSUD and part-
ner-agencies, we can use it for our materials
Correct: During this celebration we will showcase related to housing and urban development.
groundbreaking events for communities where stable,
high-quality and affordable homes will be established. 7. Do not put a comma before “but.”
Writing and editing style guide
1. In running quotations, if a
Incorrect: “Last year, DHSUD signed Joint Memorandum Circular No.
full paragraph of quoted
2 with the DILG, spelling out the guidelines on the formation of HOA
material is followed by a
federations and confederations.”
paragraph that continues
the quotation, do not put
“This JMC enhances the government’s drive to promote and respect
close-quote marks at the
people’s right to form organizations and initiate community-based
end of the first paragraph.
Do, however, put open-
quote marks at the start
Correct: “Last year, DHSUD signed Joint Memorandum Circular No.
of the second paragraph.
2 with the DILG, spelling out the guidelines on the formation of HOA
Continue in this fashion
federations and confederations.
for any succeeding para-
graphs, using close-quote
“This JMC enhances the government’s drive to promote and respect
marks only at the end of the
people’s right to form organizations and initiate community-based
quoted material.
1. As much as possible, always use the English translation “Truly, today’s launch of the DHSUD Anti-Corrup-
of foreign/borrowed/dialectical words unless they are tion Committee is proof that the agency has zero
essential to the story or if they are found within direct tolerance toward corruption,” Undersecretary
quotations, in which case italicize such words. Avelino Tolentino III said in Filipino.
2. The translation of words/phrases must be enclosed in “As proven by the numerous virtual seminars and
parentheses immediately afterward. fairs, workshops, exhibitions and — most nota-
The Philippine National Police on Monday said bly — community groundbreaking events by the
it would stop using the word tambay (loiterer) DHSUD and our partner agencies, this year truly
during operations after public outcry against it proved to have held one of the most exciting
and concerns over human rights violations. Philippine National Shelter Month celebrations
yet,” said Planning Service OIC-Director Baby
3. Accordingly, the translations of direct quotations must Catherine Cruz in a mix of Filipino and English.
be stylized as follows (take note that the period must
be placed after the closing parenthesis and before the 5.Avoid pluralizing a foreign/borrowed/dialectical word
close-quote mark): unless it is also used in American standard English.
“Forever ay magka-kapitbahay na kayo kaya’t Villages not barangays
mas maganda pa rin ang nagkakasundo kayo Shanties not barong-barongs
(You will forever be neighbors and so it will be for Countrymen not kababayans
the better if you can get along with each other).”
6.If there is no direct translation, use the nearest approxi-
“Forever ay magka-kapitbahay na kayo (You will mation depending on context.
forever be neighbors), so it will be for the better if “Basta ang sinabi ko ay dapat masunod (My word
you can get along with each other.” is law).”
“Basta ang sinabi ko lang (I just simply said)…”
4. The English translation of quotes may be directly used if
such will not adversely change the story. However, indi- 7.In extreme cases when there is a need to save on
cate that the words originally used were (or partially) in space (e.g., articles in newspapers), translation may be
a foreign language or dialect. dropped.
Writing and editing style guide
1. Units of measurement are spelled out on first reference. 5. Do not use a slash (/) in place of the word “per” in
Abbreviated units cannot be made plural and have no referring to units of measurement, e.g., 5 kilometers
period, unless they end a sentence. per hour not 5 kilometers/hour.
2. Do not put a space between the number and the unit of 6. Use the following for commonly used currencies:
measurement (e.g., 3km, P2,054, 12ha). P instead of PhP for Philippine peso
$ for American dollars
3. Abbreviate units of measurement as follows:
Foot/feet (ft) Kilometer/s (km) 7. When there is a need to spell out figures, any number
Inch/es (in) Mile/s (mi) between twenty-one and ninety-nine should be
Centimeter/s (cm) Square foot/feet (sqft) hyphenated if it ends in a number other than zero (e.g.,
Meter/s (m) Square centimeter/s (sqcm) forty-three thousand three hundred seventy pesos).
Millimeter/s (mm) Square meter/s (sqm)
Hectare/s (ha) 8. Date format
should be
4. Always use numerals in measurements (not including month, day,
time) and statistics. year (e.g.,
The weight allowance set for handheld baggage is 5 February 29,
kilograms 2024).
1 in 4 voters
An average of 5 points per game
1. As a standard, external business correspondence shall the format prescribed by the Presidential Manage-
be in letter format, with complete greetings and salu- ment Staff.
tations bearing the names of the recipient and the
sender. 5. THRU is used when the correspondence requires
concurrence of other individuals or offices before it is
2. Suggested opening greeting for correspondences/ delivered to the addressee.
letters is “Warmest greetings!”
and “Thank you very much!” for closing. 6. ATTENTION is used when the correspondence requires
copies furnished to other offices for their information
3. For complimentary closing, use “Very truly yours,”. or if there is a required action from the specific individ-
ual or office within the organization/agency other than
4. For correspondences addressed to the President, use the addressee.
1. A press release is one of DHSUD’s key tools in promot- 5. Generally, DSHUD’s press releases can be about the
ing its programs and services. Hence, it is imperative following:
that a news article on a significant activity/event mile- A housing project/program launched in a specific
stone or issuance involving the Department and its region
officials is distributed to media partners as often as Partnership endeavors with other government
possible. agencies/private stakeholders
Significant event involving department officials
2. PASPAS Aksyon Officers are responsible for inform- Awards/citations linked to DHSUD
ing the SCPAS – Communications Development and Major national-level activities
Media Relations Division on a press release from their Key quotations from DHSUD bigwigs
respective offices that they want to disseminate to the Notable department orders/measures/policies
media. Significant accomplishments/milestones
Success stories/Beneficiary testimonials
4. The submitted drafts are screened/edited before
publication by PAS-CDMRD for approval of the 6. Always apply the basic principles of clear and effective
PAS director, and the management, if necessar y. writing when crafting a press release.
Submitted press releases that will not be published
might instead be included in the quarterly issue of 7. All approved press releases (only one at any given
The Shelter or for posting on the DHSUD Facebook day) must be disseminated to media partners ideally
page. before 11 AM.
1. Speeches/Messages of the Secretary are automatically 3. For other officials, requests may be coursed through
tasked to or screened by the PAS-CDMRD. However, the Communications Service Request Form (https://
the concerned offices requiring the speech may opt or directly to the
to prepare a draft for approval of the authorized officer. PAS Director for screening/approval..
2. For speeches/messages requiring technical informa- 4. Give at least three days lead time from the date of
tion and for events attended by technical people, request for speeches with complete information, and
the concerned office must provide talk points or key an additional day for messages with video recording
messages in bullet format to guide the crafting of the and editing.
speech. If possible, the requisitioner is encouraged
to check the draft of the speech for accuracy before
submission to the Secretary.
Conduct of institutional events and other programs
Strategies on events management vary on the type and enormity of the activity. However, the conduct of any event has three
major stages: (1) pre-event preparation, (2) event production/implementation and (3) post-event evaluation.
1. Upon the directive of the official in authority, an event - Event highlights, or minutes, if necessary
committee must be formed consisting of the follow-
ing sub-committees and respective roles: • Physical Arrangement
- Decoration and cleanliness of the venue
Steering/Lead according to plan
- Overall lead in the conduct of the event - Arrangement of furniture and other require-
- Convenors and decision-makers ments in relation to the program and dining
venue, if applicable
Invitation and Registration - Checking of the sound system
- Drafting and dissemination of invitation and - Processing of procurement of the identified
approved program of activities and invitation venue requirements, including LED wall and
to identified invitees sound system, when needed
- Confirmation of guests and list of participants/
attendees, including officials and VIPs Food
- Seat plan and ushering of guests during the - Planning of food requirements, including
conduct of the event preparation of menu proposal
- Attendance log, when needed - Processing of procurement of the approved
meal plan
Program - Dining seat plan and ushering of guests to the
- Drafting and layout of program of activities for dining venue
approval of the committee
- Development of script in consultation with the Information Technology/Technical Support
steering committee - Technical assistance to ensure the quality of
- Coordination with the identified hosts performance of IT equipment to be used for
- Conduct of dry-run the program, including the sound system, LED
- Directing the program flow on the actual day/s wall, projector, microphone, mixers, etc.
of the event - Testing of all the equipment during the dry-run
with the Program Committee
Documentation - Stable internet connection in the venue
- Photo and video coverage of the event - Creation of link and management of Zoom
- Processing of materials for dissemination to streaming, when required
the public/media
Conduct of institutional events and other programs
4. Each committee shall submit their respective commit- 6. At least three meetings must be held among the
tee requirements with corresponding budget requests committee members to ensure the smooth event
for consolidation and submission to the fund manag- planning process – conceptualization, updating on
ers. progress and pre-event instructions.
5. For special events not done on a regular basis, an activ- 7. Dry-run must be done at least a day before the event. All
ity plan must be submitted for approval of the proper committee leads must be present during the dry-run.
authority, with the following content:
Activity Details (title, participants, venue, inclusive 8. If needed, details of the event shall be posted in social
dates) media for promotion.
1 2 3
1. Assigned committees must arrive at the venue at least 5. The IT/Technical Support Committee shall man and
two hours before the start of the program, especially monitor all the equipment at all times and quickly
the Invitation and Registration, IT/Technical Support, respond to technical difficulties, if any. This shall apply
Program and Physical Arrangement. even with an outsourced service provider.
2. Venue arrangement, decorations, equipment and seat 6. Below is the suggested program flow, which may be
labeling must be properly rechecked on the day itself. modified as appropriate and necessary:
3. The Program Committee shall assign a floor director National Anthem
who will manage the program flow from the start Welcome Remarks/Opening Message
until the end of the program. It must also ensure the Keynote Speech/Presentation
Intermission Number
completeness of the materials for playing during the
Closing Message
program (e.g., sound track, AVPs, powerpoint presen-
7. The message of the Secretary is usually scheduled at
4. The Registration and Invitation Committee shall the end of the program (closing message).
usher the guests to their assigned seats/areas. List of
VIPs shall also be provided to the floor director to be 8. The Food Committee shall usher the guests to the
acknowledged by hosts. dining hall or provide an instruction to the hosts for
announcement before the end of the program.
1. A post-event evaluation is highly recommended, espe- submission to the steering committee for reference in
cially for big institutional events to assess the conduct future activities.
of the activity and identify practices that must be
adopted and improved in the future. 3. If possible, an evaluation form shall be circulated
among the participants, the results of which must be
2. A general assembly among all committee heads and integrated in the analysis.
members must be held for the purpose. Insights and
suggestions shall be collected for processing and
Handling public assistance services
The DHSUD Citizen’s Charter comprehensively outlines Request for Assistance Form (sample)
these services for internal and external clients, including For complaints against developers:
those of the regional offices. Requesting Party (Nagrereklamo):
Frontline services (housing-related concerns, techni- Contact Number:
cal assistance to LGUs, assistance on the proclamation Complete Name of the Buyer/Homeowner:
Contact Number:
of government lands for social housing, legal assistance)
Complete Name of the Project: (please include the
to the public and sector stakeholders include those
phase number, if applicable)
received through walk-in, phone call, short messaging
Location of the Project:
service, postal mail, email and social media.
Owner/Developer of the Project:
Email Address/Contact Number of the Developer:
Guide the clients on the following steps: Office Address of the Developer:
1. The clients must register with the lobby guard. Facts of the complaints:
Welcome walk-in client and conduct a short interview Resolution seeking for:
regarding purpose of visit.
For complaints against homeowners’ associations:
2. Provide client with Request for Assistance Form (RAF) Requesting Party (Nagrereklamo):
for various requests for assistance and Complaint Form Address:
(CF) for complaints and encourage the client to answer Contact Number:
A memorandum issued on March 28, 2022 prescribed the 2. For walk-in clients:
standard greetings for clients. The greetings were slightly “Magandang araw! Welcome po sa DHSUD! Ako po si
modified to fit the most recent administration’s priorities. (sate your name). Ano pong sadya natin?”
1. For telephone/mobile calls “Good day! Welcome to DHSUD! I am (state your name).
“Magandang araw! Salamat sa pagtawag sa DHSUD. Ako How may I help you?”
po si (state your name), ano po ang maipaglilingkod ko?
“Good day! Thank you for calling DHSUD. This is (state your
name), how may I help you today?”
The DHSUD has institutionalized a customer feedback I. Focal Persons (PASPAS Serbisyo Aksyon
mechanism through its Customer Satisfaction Survey Officers)
(Memorandum from the Secretary dated August 20, a. The SCPAS-Public Assistance Division shall
2020) as a measure to the effectiveness and efficiency implement the Customer Satisfaction Survey
of services the department offers to its clients and (CSS) in the central of f ice and oversee it s
b. The regional offices shall assign a Public Assistance thereafter to the drop box at the public assistance
Focal Person (now called PASPAS Serbisyo Aksyon desk.
Officers per Special Order 2022-052 s. 2022),
preferably a permanent employee, who shall be 3. Processing of Survey Results
responsible on public assistance and communica- a. Answered CSS forms shall be collected on a daily basis
tions services in their respective offices. They shall to check qualitative feedback provided by the clients
manage the implementation of the mechanism in on it, if any. These answered CSS forms will then be
c. For feedback recorded through other means, the b. Results of the CSS shall be forwarded to the Plan-
PAD/PASPAS Officers shall include in the monthly ning Service, to serve as inputs for DHSUD’s policy
submission a summary report on qualitative feed- review and development, Critical issues raised
back. shall be discussed immediately with the manage-
c. The CSS shall be included in the Office Perfor-
4. Monitoring and Evaluation mance Commitment Review of the concerned
a. The PAD shall monitor the encoding and submis-
offices and shall form part of their success indi-
sion through an online reporting mechanism.
The tabulation sheet shall be uploaded in Google
Sheets to enable online monitoring.
1. The standard email responses that the Public Assis- therein, received by the DHSUD - Public Assis-
tance Division uses are as follows: tance Division (PAD).
“Good day (Mr/Ms Last Name of Client), Please coordinate directly with the letter-sender
and may you copy-furnish us for any action taken
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email regarding the matter.
received by the DHSUD – Public Assistance Divi-
sion (PAD). An acknowledgment receipt of this email
addressed to us and the email sender will be
Please be informed that we will be forwarding highly appreciated.
your email to the specific Office/Service/Bureau,
appropriately concerned. They will directly Thank you very much.”
communicate/coordinate with you.
2. A standardized email signature or footer must also be
Thank you very much.” used with the name of the division, service/bureau/
regional office, address and contact details. The design
• Good day (Office Concerned), of which is also uploaded in the corporate branding
Google drive.
May we respectfully for ward to your Office
below email pertinent to the mentioned subject
Editorial Adviser:
Mario J. Mallari
Development Team:
Myriam G. Layaoen | Kimberly C. Malait | Glory M. Duller
Adriana T. Roncesvalles | Allan C. Biwang | Abigail B. Javier